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An Ericsson Consumer Insight Summary Report 
May 2012
Nowadays, more and more people are opting 
to live in cities. There are many reasons for this, 
often stemming from the desire to seek out more 
varied opportunities for work, social time and 
personal development. 
A lot of research exists on why people choose to 
move to the city, but far less is known about how 
people feel once they live there. This report is 
designed to provide some insight into what makes 
a city a desirable place to live, how contented 
people are when living there, and what factors 
are primarily responsible for causing stress 
and unhappiness. 
The purpose of this is to provide Ericsson and 
other players in Information and Communications 
Technology (ICT) with the insight necessary to 
develop solutions which will improve life in 
cities globally. 
Ericsson consumerlab 
the voice of the consumer 
Ericsson ConsumerLab is a knowledge-based organization 
that collects and supplies consumer insights to influence and 
improve strategy, marketing and product management within 
the Ericsson Group. Ericsson ConsumerLab has more than 
15 years’ experience in consumer values and behavioral 
research, including the way consumers think and act about 
ICT products and services. This insight helps operators to 
develop attractive revenue-boosting services. 
Knowledge is gathered through a global research program 
which interviews 100,000 individuals in more than 40 countries 
and 10 megacities annually – statistically representing the 
views of 1.1 billion people. This is based on both quantitative 
and qualitative research, and hundreds of hours of in-depth 
interviews and focus groups with consumers from different 
cultures. This research includes general market and consumer 
trends, as well as in-depth insights into specific areas. 
To be close to the market and consumers, Ericsson 
ConsumerLab has team members working in almost all of 
Ericsson’s market regions. Being part of the Ericsson Group 
gives the organization a more thorough understanding of the 
ICT market and business models. This broad knowledge is 
what forms the basis of Ericsson’s credibility and integrity. 
Ericsson ConsumerLab is able to share the big picture, with 
an understanding of where the individual fits in and what this 
means for future trends and services.
It may sound weird but it builds character. 
It may be annoying sometimes, but I think you 
need that. You need to be surrounded by people.” 
Male, 25, Los Angeles 
Ericsson ConsumerLab has interviewed people living in 13 major cities around the 
world. Our unique methods have enabled us to create a more accurate picture of 
people’s satisfaction with their lives in the city on a global scale. 
City dwellers in general believe that living in a city provides them with opportunities 
that they would not have elsewhere, particularly when it comes to careers, 
self-fulfillment, entertainment and social interaction. 
of people feel 
satisfied with 
their lives in 
the city 
is the biggest 
cause of tension 
for city dwellers 
THE Key findings 
40 percent of people living in cities 
own a smartphone. They rely on 
their devices to take advantage 
of the opportunities available to 
them and to ease the challenges 
of everyday life. 
People living in big city centers 
spend much more time socializing 
around town than people who 
live elsewhere. They also have 
many more online friends than the 
suburbanites. City dwellers access 
online social networks as much as 
3-5 times a day on average. 
Commuting is the biggest source 
of stress and frustration. 
City dwellers are prone to feeling 
claustrophobic, especially when 
they do not have enough time to 
relax and enjoy themselves. 
Access to clean, green public 
spaces is an important driver 
of happiness for city dwellers. 
It is the key differentiator when 
comparing satisfaction levels 
between cities. 
48 percent of people from 
13 big cities around the world 
feel satisfied with their lives in 
the city. In Stockholm and 
Mumbai, approximately 70 
percent claim to be satisfied.
Our study compares results from 13 large cities around the 
world. 48 percent of city dwellers claim to be satisfied with their 
lives in the city, compared to 25 percent who claim not to be. 
Those who show the highest satisfaction levels are people 
living in Stockholm, Mumbai, Johannesburg, New York, Tokyo, 
London and Los Angeles. Those who show the lowest overall 
satisfaction are found in Hong Kong and Seoul. 
We see that people who live in cities are most satisfied with 
the abundance of restaurants, cafés, pubs, shopping malls, 
supermarkets and entertainment facilities. Other factors rated 
highly include the mobile network and water distribution. The 
areas people are least satisfied with are traffic and parking, air 
quality, overall cleanliness and the manner of communication 
used by authorities. 
Today, around 50 percent of city dwellers use their mobile 
phones every day to connect to the internet, and around 
40 percent own a smartphone. They depend on the mobile 
network for both business and personal use. An efficient 
network is important not just for smartphone usage, but 
because it has the potential to make life easier for people. 
Moving about in the city can be unpredictable, even hazardous. 
By having access to online information and services, people 
are not only better able to take advantage of what the city 
has to offer; they are also better equipped to 
deal with unexpected eventualities. 
Figure 1: Overall satisfaction 
Figure 2: What city dwellers 
are most/least satisfied with 
of people living in 
cities around the world 
own a smartphone 40% 
New York 
Los Angeles 
SÃo Paulo 
Hong kong 
The possibility 
of finding parking 
The overall 
public cleanliness 
of the city 
Road traffic 
The city authorities' 
Air quality 
Availability of 
Availability of 
cafés, pubs, etc. 
Availability of 
shopping malls, 
food markets, etc. 
TOP 5 
Understandably, not 
everyone feels the same 
way about where they 
live. Demographics play a 
major role in determining 
what aspects of city life 
people are most/least 
satisfied with. 
Our results show that 
in general, women are 
slightly happier living in 
cities than men. This is 
especially true of Mumbai 
and Tokyo. Additionally, 
students and well-educated 
white collar 
workers tend to be the 
happiest demographic 
group in cities, whereas 
unemployed people are 
the least satisfied of all. 
This indicates that those 
who feel the most fulfilled 
are likely to be the most 
satisfied – a trend which 
is particularly prevalent 
in cities compared 
to elsewhere. 
Age can also play a role 
in satisfaction levels, 
depending on where you 
are. According to this 
study, young people are 
happier than older people 
in Cairo and Seoul, in 
contrast to Mumbai, 
Stockholm and Tokyo 
where older people are 
largely the most content.
is important 
Hong Kong 
Figure 4: Title 
São Paulo 
Los Angeles 
New York 
% share who often or rather often 
have the particular feeling 
Taken as a whole, among the measured factors, the 
one showing highest correlation to happiness with life 
in the city is the perceived abundance of clean, green 
parks and public spaces. 
One of the main differences of opinion can be found in 
the area of traffic congestion and parking. Here we can 
observe a clear connection between dissatisfaction 
and usage: those who regularly use transport systems 
are the ones who are most dissatisfied with them. 
Interestingly, when it comes to education and health 
care, we can see a very different attitude. Compared 
to other demographics, students are the most satisfied 
with education. Similarly, elderly people appear to be 
more satisfied with non-emergency health care than 
most. However, when it comes to matters of safety, 
parents tend to be the hardest to please. 
We know that living in the city can be emotionally 
challenging. Feeling trapped, monitored or stressed are 
all common side-effects, largely due to overcrowding. 
As a result, many feel that they would be better off 
living elsewhere. 
This kind of claustrophobia is most prevalent in 
Mumbai, Cairo, Beijing, Hong Kong and Seoul. 
Cities with the lowest levels of claustrophobia 
include Stockholm, Moscow, Tokyo and New York. 
Figure 3: Negative feelings 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Feel monitored 
Feel that you would be better off living 
in another city or in the countryside 
Feel trapped 
Feel stressed due to a crowded city
Inner city travel is an inescapable 
part of everyday life for many people 
in cities, and one that often results 
in being late for work and other 
appointments – inevitably causing 
high levels of stress and frustration. 
City dwellers spend an average of 
2 hours and 20 minutes each day 
traveling the city. For people in 
Moscow the average amount of time 
spent traveling per day is 3 hours and 
30 minutes, whereas for people in 
Stockholm the average is just 2 hours. 
In most big cities, the traffic and 
parking situation is the one which 
causes the most stress in daily life. 
Isn’t there a system you can use to 
predict when there are likely to be 
delays due to weather which would 
allow you to add additional buses?” 
Letter from a 42-year-old female commuter to the 
New Jersey transport authority 
Many commuters worldwide believe that the only way 
to improve the commuting experience is through access 
to more flexible information on their mobile phones. In 
some cities, authorities are already working to improve 
the availability of real-time traffic data and public 
information to mobile devices. The information can then 
be incorporated into applications which help people to 
navigate the cities during busy periods. 
This system is already being implemented 
in Boston, New York, London and Stockholm. 
For further information on open data and its 
potential to make life easier for city dwellers, 
Figure 4: Comparative means of transport 
Travel/commute by car – as the driver Travel/commute by car – as a passenger Travel/commute on public transportation 
City average Moscow São Paulo Mumbai Hong Kong Cairo Johannesburg Seoul London Beijing Los Angeles New York Stockholm 
Average number of hours per day 
Ride a motorcycle/motorbike or a moped/scooter Ride a bicycle or walk 
traveling the city each day 
Smartphones are most heavily used during rush hour. 
In general, public transport is seen to be less stressful 
than driving, particularly in Tokyo and Seoul. However, 
as the number of people living in cities grows, more 
and more people will be using roads and public 
transport, making the system even more crowded 
than before. Our research demonstrates that this is 
an area in which ICT could be used to make life easier 
for commuters, by providing real-time traffic and 
transport schedule updates. 
People are more relaxed when they know how long 
their commute will take, as this enables them to utilize 
their time more efficiently. Smartphones can be an 
invaluable tool on the daily commute, allowing people 
Activity per location/main activity 
When driving a car As a passenger in a car When traveling by public transport 
using a 
(news, TV, 
(other than 
Use online 
on mobile 
Browse Sleep 
Read a 
phone calls 
to music 
to send and receive emails, organize leisure time, 
and keep up to date with the news. For those who 
drive, they generally use their mobile devices to listen 
to music. All of this helps people to feel that their time 
has not been wasted. 
Knowing the ways in which people choose to commute 
helps us to determine what services they would find 
the most beneficial. 
For example, people who commute by bike would 
benefit from knowing where they can use cycle lanes. 
Those who use public transport would benefit from 
real-time updated timetables and travel planners. 
Or, for those who drive, a GPS travel planner 
with access to real-time traffic data would save 
considerable time and stress. 
In Los Angeles most people tend to commute by car, 
whereas in Hong Kong most travel by public transport. 
In Moscow, many people choose to travel on foot 
or by bike. 
Figure 5: Common activities while traveling 
Figure 6: How where you live affects social interaction 
City center 
In a city 
(not center) 
In a small city or suburban 
area part of large city 
In a small city or suburban 
area not part of large city 
Average number of hours a week 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Average minutes per day spent on activity on a weekday 
São Paulo 
Hong Kong 
New York 
Los Angeles 
Socializing with friends and family/relatives in your or their home 
Socializing with friends and family/relatives somewhere else 
Online socializing with friends and family/relatives 
It’s a fact: those who live 
in big city centers spend 
much more time socializing 
with friends around town 
than those who live in 
rural or suburban areas. 
Big cities are hotbeds for 
creativity, bringing together 
people from all walks of 
life. The sheer number of 
social opportunities is part 
of what makes life in a big 
city so alluring. 
However, people living in 
city centers also spend 
less time with their 
spouses and partners. 
This could be linked to the 
fact that people tend to 
move out of city centers 
when they have children: 
people with children 
probably spend more time 
with their families, and 
therefore their spouses. 
The average city dweller 
spends 2 hours and 
30 minutes socializing 
on an average weekday, 
45 minutes of which are 
spent socializing online. 
The cities where people 
spend the most time 
socializing are São Paulo, 
Moscow and Cairo. 
Comparatively, people 
in Seoul spend less time 
socializing and more 
time at work. Those we 
interviewed in Cairo spent 
the largest amount of 
time socializing online, 
with the average time 
totaling approximately 
1 hour and 10 minutes per 
day. However, it should 
be noted that those 
interviewed in Cairo were 
generally more familiar 
with technology than the 
average Egyptian person. 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 
Rural area 
Socializing with friends around town 
Spending time with spouse 
Figure 7: Time spent socializing in different ways 
of socializing 
of socializing online 
Cities are hubs for socially 
networked creativity. 
Online social networking sites are 
regularly used by people in cities, 
with the average person using 2 social 
networks. However, many in Beijing, 
Mumbai, Moscow, São Paulo and Cairo 
claim to be active on 3 or more. These 
social networks are usually accessed 
3-5 times a day, with young people 
accessing them more often at roughly 
6 times a day. 
Where you live can affect the number of 
friends you have on your social network. 
Our study shows that people living in city 
centers have more online friends than 
those in suburban areas, and that people 
living in São Paulo, Johannesburg and 
Cairo have the most online friends. 
Staying up-to-date with friends and 
family – and keeping them up-to-date 
– are still the most common activities. 
However, the world of online social 
networking is growing. The third most 
common activity is to connect and 
exchange ideas with others, in effect 
turning cities into hubs for socially 
networked creativity. 
Los Angeles 
New York 
This is particularly pronounced in Tokyo, 
where we carried out a deep dive on 
the socio-cultural effects of the Tōhoku 
earthquake in March 2011. The results 
pointed to a significantly increased need 
for crowd-sourced information solutions. 
Around 30 percent also use social 
networks as a primary source of 
information about what is going on in 
their city or around the world. This is 
most prominent in Beijing and Cairo. 
Figure 8: Number of friends on online social networks 
Average all cities 
Average all cities – center 
Average all cities – suburb 
São Paulo 
Los Angeles 
New York 
Hong kong 
Facebook strengthens 
the relationship with 
family, friends, people 
I went to high school 
with. It connects me 
with a huge community.” 
Female, 36, New York 
Stockh olm 
São Cairo Tokyo 
Mum- Beijing 
Mos- Seoul 
New London 
Other reasons 
To inform myself on what is 
going on in the city 
For business networking; 
whether for opportunities for my 
business or my career 
To update myself on what is 
happening around the world 
To connect with and exchange ideas 
with other users who share similar 
interests and hobbies 
To keep my friends, family and other 
contacts up-to-date on my life 
To stay up-to-date with what my friends, 
family and other contacts are doing 
Figure 10: Prime driver for using social networks 
Beiji ng 
Toky o 
Hong Kong 
Figure 9: Cities used in this survey 
About thi s report 
The data for this report was taken from the following sources: 
Ericsson ConsumerLab City Study 2011 
A 30-minute online survey with 1,500 participants per city, carried out in 
Cairo, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Stockholm, Beijing, Moscow, São Paulo, 
Tokyo, Seoul, London, Los Angeles, New York and Hong Kong. 
Note: in less advanced markets (Cairo, Mumbai, Moscow, São Paulo 
and Beijing) the interviewees selected were on average more affluent 
and technologically advanced than the population as a whole. 
Ericsson ConsumerLab Mobilize Everyday Activities 2011 
A 25-minute online survey with 400 participants per city, carried out in 
Paris, London, Shanghai and New York. A qualitative deep dive carried 
out via focus groups in New York. 
Ericsson ConsumerLab Vertical Study 2011 
A qualitative study with an ethnographical approach, carried 
out in Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Delhi and Mumbai.
SE-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden 
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© Ericsson AB 2012 
Ericsson is the world’s leading provider of communications 
technology and services. We are enabling the Networked Society 
with efficient real-time solutions that allow us all to study, work and 
live our lives more freely, in sustainable societies around the world. 
Our offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within 
Information and Communications Technology for telecom operators 
and other industries. Today more than 40 percent of the world’s 
mobile traffic goes through Ericsson networks and we support 
customers’ networks servicing more than 2 billion subscribers. 
We operate in 180 countries and employ more than 100,000 people. 
Founded in 1876, Ericsson is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. 
In 2011 the company had revenues of SEK 226,9 billion (USD 
35,0 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm and 
NASDAQ, New York stock exchanges. 
The content of this document is subject to revision without 
notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and 
manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or 
damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.

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City life: How satisfied are you?

  • 1. consumerlab CITy life An Ericsson Consumer Insight Summary Report May 2012
  • 2. Nowadays, more and more people are opting to live in cities. There are many reasons for this, often stemming from the desire to seek out more varied opportunities for work, social time and personal development. A lot of research exists on why people choose to move to the city, but far less is known about how people feel once they live there. This report is designed to provide some insight into what makes a city a desirable place to live, how contented people are when living there, and what factors are primarily responsible for causing stress and unhappiness. The purpose of this is to provide Ericsson and other players in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with the insight necessary to develop solutions which will improve life in cities globally. Ericsson consumerlab the voice of the consumer 2 ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE contents THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY 3 THE PATH TO SATISFACTION 4 A QUESTION OF WHO YOU ARE 5 CLEAN & GREEN IS IMPORTANT 6 THE COMMUTE CAUSES STRESS 7 TRAFFIC CREATES TRAFFIC 8 WE LOVE SOCIAL NETWORKS 9 CREATIVE COLLECTIVE HUBS 10 Ericsson ConsumerLab is a knowledge-based organization that collects and supplies consumer insights to influence and improve strategy, marketing and product management within the Ericsson Group. Ericsson ConsumerLab has more than 15 years’ experience in consumer values and behavioral research, including the way consumers think and act about ICT products and services. This insight helps operators to develop attractive revenue-boosting services. Knowledge is gathered through a global research program which interviews 100,000 individuals in more than 40 countries and 10 megacities annually – statistically representing the views of 1.1 billion people. This is based on both quantitative and qualitative research, and hundreds of hours of in-depth interviews and focus groups with consumers from different cultures. This research includes general market and consumer trends, as well as in-depth insights into specific areas. To be close to the market and consumers, Ericsson ConsumerLab has team members working in almost all of Ericsson’s market regions. Being part of the Ericsson Group gives the organization a more thorough understanding of the ICT market and business models. This broad knowledge is what forms the basis of Ericsson’s credibility and integrity. Ericsson ConsumerLab is able to share the big picture, with an understanding of where the individual fits in and what this means for future trends and services.
  • 3. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY It may sound weird but it builds character. It may be annoying sometimes, but I think you need that. You need to be surrounded by people.” Male, 25, Los Angeles Ericsson ConsumerLab has interviewed people living in 13 major cities around the world. Our unique methods have enabled us to create a more accurate picture of people’s satisfaction with their lives in the city on a global scale. City dwellers in general believe that living in a city provides them with opportunities that they would not have elsewhere, particularly when it comes to careers, self-fulfillment, entertainment and social interaction. 48% TRAVEL ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE 3 “ of people feel satisfied with their lives in the city is the biggest cause of tension for city dwellers THE Key findings > OVERCOM ING CHALLEN GES 40 percent of people living in cities own a smartphone. They rely on their devices to take advantage of the opportunities available to them and to ease the challenges of everyday life. > EXTREMEL Y SOC IAL People living in big city centers spend much more time socializing around town than people who live elsewhere. They also have many more online friends than the suburbanites. City dwellers access online social networks as much as 3-5 times a day on average. > STUC K IN TRA FFIC Commuting is the biggest source of stress and frustration. > FEEL ING TRA PPED City dwellers are prone to feeling claustrophobic, especially when they do not have enough time to relax and enjoy themselves. > CLEAN + GREEN = HAPPY Access to clean, green public spaces is an important driver of happiness for city dwellers. It is the key differentiator when comparing satisfaction levels between cities. > LE VELS OF SATISFACTION 48 percent of people from 13 big cities around the world feel satisfied with their lives in the city. In Stockholm and Mumbai, approximately 70 percent claim to be satisfied.
  • 4. THE PATH TO SATISFACTION Our study compares results from 13 large cities around the world. 48 percent of city dwellers claim to be satisfied with their lives in the city, compared to 25 percent who claim not to be. Those who show the highest satisfaction levels are people living in Stockholm, Mumbai, Johannesburg, New York, Tokyo, London and Los Angeles. Those who show the lowest overall satisfaction are found in Hong Kong and Seoul. We see that people who live in cities are most satisfied with the abundance of restaurants, cafés, pubs, shopping malls, supermarkets and entertainment facilities. Other factors rated highly include the mobile network and water distribution. The areas people are least satisfied with are traffic and parking, air quality, overall cleanliness and the manner of communication used by authorities. Today, around 50 percent of city dwellers use their mobile phones every day to connect to the internet, and around 40 percent own a smartphone. They depend on the mobile network for both business and personal use. An efficient network is important not just for smartphone usage, but because it has the potential to make life easier for people. Moving about in the city can be unpredictable, even hazardous. By having access to online information and services, people are not only better able to take advantage of what the city has to offer; they are also better equipped to deal with unexpected eventualities. 4 ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE Figure 1: Overall satisfaction Figure 2: What city dwellers are most/least satisfied with of people living in cities around the world own a smartphone 40% Stockholm Mumbai Johannesburg New York Tokyo London Los Angeles Cairo Moscow SÃo Paulo Beijing Hong kong Seoul 10% 68% 57% 56% 53% 53% 52% 48% 44% 41% 39% 28% 24% 73% The possibility of finding parking The overall public cleanliness of the city Road traffic situation/street system The city authorities' communication Air quality Water distribution Mobile network coverage Availability of entertainment facilities Availability of restaurants, cafés, pubs, etc. Availability of shopping malls, food markets, etc. TOP 5 BOTTOM 5
  • 5. ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE 5 A QUESTION OF WHO YOU ARE Understandably, not everyone feels the same way about where they live. Demographics play a major role in determining what aspects of city life people are most/least satisfied with. Our results show that in general, women are slightly happier living in cities than men. This is especially true of Mumbai and Tokyo. Additionally, students and well-educated white collar workers tend to be the happiest demographic group in cities, whereas unemployed people are the least satisfied of all. This indicates that those who feel the most fulfilled are likely to be the most satisfied – a trend which is particularly prevalent in cities compared to elsewhere. Age can also play a role in satisfaction levels, depending on where you are. According to this study, young people are happier than older people in Cairo and Seoul, in contrast to Mumbai, Stockholm and Tokyo where older people are largely the most content.
  • 6. CLEAN & GREEN is important Mumbai Cairo Beijing Hong Kong Figure 4: Title Seoul São Paulo London Johannesburg Los Angeles New York Tokyo Moscow Stockholm % share who often or rather often have the particular feeling 6 ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE Taken as a whole, among the measured factors, the one showing highest correlation to happiness with life in the city is the perceived abundance of clean, green parks and public spaces. One of the main differences of opinion can be found in the area of traffic congestion and parking. Here we can observe a clear connection between dissatisfaction and usage: those who regularly use transport systems are the ones who are most dissatisfied with them. Interestingly, when it comes to education and health care, we can see a very different attitude. Compared to other demographics, students are the most satisfied with education. Similarly, elderly people appear to be more satisfied with non-emergency health care than most. However, when it comes to matters of safety, parents tend to be the hardest to please. We know that living in the city can be emotionally challenging. Feeling trapped, monitored or stressed are all common side-effects, largely due to overcrowding. As a result, many feel that they would be better off living elsewhere. This kind of claustrophobia is most prevalent in Mumbai, Cairo, Beijing, Hong Kong and Seoul. Cities with the lowest levels of claustrophobia include Stockholm, Moscow, Tokyo and New York. Figure 3: Negative feelings 0 50 100 150 200 250 Feel monitored Feel that you would be better off living in another city or in the countryside Feel trapped Feel stressed due to a crowded city
  • 7. 2 HOURS 20 MINUTES Inner city travel is an inescapable part of everyday life for many people in cities, and one that often results in being late for work and other appointments – inevitably causing high levels of stress and frustration. City dwellers spend an average of 2 hours and 20 minutes each day traveling the city. For people in Moscow the average amount of time spent traveling per day is 3 hours and 30 minutes, whereas for people in Stockholm the average is just 2 hours. In most big cities, the traffic and parking situation is the one which causes the most stress in daily life. THE COMMUTE CAUSES STRESS ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE 7 Isn’t there a system you can use to predict when there are likely to be delays due to weather which would allow you to add additional buses?” Letter from a 42-year-old female commuter to the New Jersey transport authority 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Many commuters worldwide believe that the only way to improve the commuting experience is through access to more flexible information on their mobile phones. In some cities, authorities are already working to improve the availability of real-time traffic data and public information to mobile devices. The information can then be incorporated into applications which help people to navigate the cities during busy periods. This system is already being implemented in Boston, New York, London and Stockholm. For further information on open data and its potential to make life easier for city dwellers, visit Figure 4: Comparative means of transport Travel/commute by car – as the driver Travel/commute by car – as a passenger Travel/commute on public transportation 0.0 City average Moscow São Paulo Mumbai Hong Kong Cairo Johannesburg Seoul London Beijing Los Angeles New York Stockholm Average number of hours per day Ride a motorcycle/motorbike or a moped/scooter Ride a bicycle or walk traveling the city each day “
  • 8. TRAFFIC CREATES TRAFFIC Smartphones are most heavily used during rush hour. In general, public transport is seen to be less stressful than driving, particularly in Tokyo and Seoul. However, as the number of people living in cities grows, more and more people will be using roads and public transport, making the system even more crowded than before. Our research demonstrates that this is an area in which ICT could be used to make life easier for commuters, by providing real-time traffic and transport schedule updates. EMAIL NEWS LEISURE MUSIC People are more relaxed when they know how long their commute will take, as this enables them to utilize their time more efficiently. Smartphones can be an invaluable tool on the daily commute, allowing people Activity per location/main activity When driving a car As a passenger in a car When traveling by public transport 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 8 ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE Organize family activities using a mobile device Watch video clips (news, TV, movies) Work activities (other than calls) Check work emails Use online social networks Play games on mobile Browse Sleep the internet Check personal emails Read a newspaper /book /magazine Make work calls Send SMS Make personal phone calls Listen to music to send and receive emails, organize leisure time, and keep up to date with the news. For those who drive, they generally use their mobile devices to listen to music. All of this helps people to feel that their time has not been wasted. Knowing the ways in which people choose to commute helps us to determine what services they would find the most beneficial. For example, people who commute by bike would benefit from knowing where they can use cycle lanes. Those who use public transport would benefit from real-time updated timetables and travel planners. Or, for those who drive, a GPS travel planner with access to real-time traffic data would save considerable time and stress. In Los Angeles most people tend to commute by car, whereas in Hong Kong most travel by public transport. In Moscow, many people choose to travel on foot or by bike. Figure 5: Common activities while traveling UTILIZE TRAVEL TIME
  • 9. WE LOVE SOCIAL NETWORKS Figure 6: How where you live affects social interaction City center In a city (not center) In a small city or suburban area part of large city In a small city or suburban area not part of large city Average number of hours a week 0 50 100 150 200 250 Average minutes per day spent on activity on a weekday ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE 9 Moscow São Paulo Cairo Johannesburg Hong Kong London New York Los Angeles Mumbai Stockholm Beijing Seoul Socializing with friends and family/relatives in your or their home Socializing with friends and family/relatives somewhere else Online socializing with friends and family/relatives It’s a fact: those who live in big city centers spend much more time socializing with friends around town than those who live in rural or suburban areas. Big cities are hotbeds for creativity, bringing together people from all walks of life. The sheer number of social opportunities is part of what makes life in a big city so alluring. However, people living in city centers also spend less time with their spouses and partners. This could be linked to the fact that people tend to move out of city centers when they have children: people with children probably spend more time with their families, and therefore their spouses. The average city dweller spends 2 hours and 30 minutes socializing on an average weekday, 45 minutes of which are spent socializing online. The cities where people spend the most time socializing are São Paulo, Moscow and Cairo. Comparatively, people in Seoul spend less time socializing and more time at work. Those we interviewed in Cairo spent the largest amount of time socializing online, with the average time totaling approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes per day. However, it should be noted that those interviewed in Cairo were generally more familiar with technology than the average Egyptian person. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Rural area Socializing with friends around town Spending time with spouse Figure 7: Time spent socializing in different ways 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES of socializing 45 MINUTES of socializing online SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES
  • 10. CREATIVE COLLECTIVE HUBS Cities are hubs for socially networked creativity. Online social networking sites are regularly used by people in cities, with the average person using 2 social networks. However, many in Beijing, Mumbai, Moscow, São Paulo and Cairo claim to be active on 3 or more. These social networks are usually accessed 3-5 times a day, with young people accessing them more often at roughly 6 times a day. Where you live can affect the number of friends you have on your social network. Our study shows that people living in city centers have more online friends than those in suburban areas, and that people living in São Paulo, Johannesburg and Cairo have the most online friends. Staying up-to-date with friends and family – and keeping them up-to-date – are still the most common activities. However, the world of online social networking is growing. The third most common activity is to connect and exchange ideas with others, in effect turning cities into hubs for socially networked creativity. 10 ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE Los Angeles New York This is particularly pronounced in Tokyo, where we carried out a deep dive on the socio-cultural effects of the Tōhoku earthquake in March 2011. The results pointed to a significantly increased need for crowd-sourced information solutions. Around 30 percent also use social networks as a primary source of information about what is going on in their city or around the world. This is most prominent in Beijing and Cairo. São Paulo Figure 8: Number of friends on online social networks Average all cities Average all cities – center Average all cities – suburb São Paulo Johannesburg Cairo Los Angeles New York Stockholm London Hong kong Mumbai Moscow Beijing Seoul Tokyo 247 260 234 565 307 285 284 275 243 227 196 185 172 154 93 73 Facebook strengthens the relationship with family, friends, people I went to high school with. It connects me with a huge community.” Female, 36, New York “
  • 11. ERICSSON CONSUMERLAB CITY LIFE 11 Stockh olm LON DON Moscow Mumbai Johannesburg 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% São Cairo Tokyo Paulo Mum- Beijing bai Mos- Seoul cow Hong Kong Cairo Johan-nesburg New London York Los Angeles Stock-holm City average Other reasons To inform myself on what is going on in the city For business networking; whether for opportunities for my business or my career To update myself on what is happening around the world To connect with and exchange ideas with other users who share similar interests and hobbies To keep my friends, family and other contacts up-to-date on my life To stay up-to-date with what my friends, family and other contacts are doing Figure 10: Prime driver for using social networks Beiji ng Toky o Seoul Hong Kong Figure 9: Cities used in this survey About thi s report The data for this report was taken from the following sources: Ericsson ConsumerLab City Study 2011 A 30-minute online survey with 1,500 participants per city, carried out in Cairo, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Stockholm, Beijing, Moscow, São Paulo, Tokyo, Seoul, London, Los Angeles, New York and Hong Kong. Note: in less advanced markets (Cairo, Mumbai, Moscow, São Paulo and Beijing) the interviewees selected were on average more affluent and technologically advanced than the population as a whole. Ericsson ConsumerLab Mobilize Everyday Activities 2011 A 25-minute online survey with 400 participants per city, carried out in Paris, London, Shanghai and New York. A qualitative deep dive carried out via focus groups in New York. Ericsson ConsumerLab Vertical Study 2011 A qualitative study with an ethnographical approach, carried out in Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Delhi and Mumbai.
  • 12. Ericsson SE-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone +46 10 719 00 00 Fax +46 8 18 40 85 EN/LZT 138 0885 R1A © Ericsson AB 2012 Ericsson is the world’s leading provider of communications technology and services. We are enabling the Networked Society with efficient real-time solutions that allow us all to study, work and live our lives more freely, in sustainable societies around the world. Our offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within Information and Communications Technology for telecom operators and other industries. Today more than 40 percent of the world’s mobile traffic goes through Ericsson networks and we support customers’ networks servicing more than 2 billion subscribers. We operate in 180 countries and employ more than 100,000 people. Founded in 1876, Ericsson is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2011 the company had revenues of SEK 226,9 billion (USD 35,0 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm and NASDAQ, New York stock exchanges. The content of this document is subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.