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Baylis and Sam Smith citizenship as the "status of having the right to participate in and
to be represented in politics(Baylis & Smith,2001)" . It is the citizenship, in general, will
defined the entitlement of individual with regards to legal and political rights. In the
philippine national elections, right to own land and property in the country , right to
engage in business or profession as a Filipino, to be a Philippine Passport Holder. I
called it as a "identifier borderline" where it will define who is within the circle of
community and who is not .United Nations further describes it as one of the most
powerful instruments of exclusion, where every states identifies particular set of
persons as its citizens and define all others as non-citizens or aliens (UNESCO, 2017)T.H
Marshall, further elaborate the definition of citizenship as "a status bestowed on those
who are full members of a community. Every country have laws in ways they defined
their citizens. Whatever their laws are, civilization honors the long time citizenship
categorization principle Jus Sangunis and Jus Solis.
A country who adapted this principle ,regardless of the nationality of their parents will
adopt their child as their own new citizens, thus, accorded this newly born child alrights
and privileges of a citizens .Known countries who adopted Jus Solis are United States,
Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico ,Peru, Jamaica, and Pakistan (Apsan,2015).Latin term
Jus Sanguinis on the other hand means "right by blood". A country who acceded to this
long time honored principle will tell us, regardless of where the child was born, that child
will follow the citizenship of their parents. Aside from Philippines ,most of the countries
not mentioned above subscribed with Jus Sanguinis. The Philippines has also a valid
right to claim the child as Filipino citizen by virtue of Jus Sanguinis. This will make a child
dual citizen. Although in General ,dual citizenship and did not recognize it. When one
stipulates the restriction of dual citizenship and did not recognize it. Countries like
Singapore, Austria, India, and Saudi Arabia were among those who do not allowed dual
citizenship "upon certain special conditions under exceptional cases like celebrities (D'
Alessio Law Grou,2017)
A liberal theory of citizenship emphasises the equality of rights which citizens holds,
and how these rights enable the individual to pursue their aim goals (Lister & Pia, 2008).
The central theme of liberal approach is the presumption that individual citizens act
'rationally to advance his/her own interest and the role of the state is to protect the
citizens in case their is an abuse or excessive exercise of rights. For Jones and Gaventa,
"Granting each individual the same formal rights is understood to promote equality
through making a persons political and economic power irrelevant to right claims.
Exercising rights is seen as the choice of citizens, on the assumption that the have
necessary resources and opportunities,(Jones ,2002)
Communiication believes that the community exist first prior to individuals.
Contrasting Liberal Approach, it argues that such approach "fails" to consider duty or
loyalty to the community, ignores social nature of individuals and emphasizing rights to
ignore responsibilities and duties owned to community "Lister & Pia,2008". It directly
rejected the concepts of "self interested" and "independent". The central theme for this
school of though is the notion of socially-embedded citizen and community belonging
where common good is more important over the pursuit of individual
Also known as a Civic Republican Approach. This view describes that participation in
government is he foundation of civic good. It is critical of both liberal perspective,
which it sees as too fragmentary and also the communitarian view as it vary of local
identities being placed above wider civic goals 'Lister & Pia, 2008). It is similar to
communitarianism where it looks forward to what binds citizens together into a
community. The main idea is the role of individual obligations to participate
Under the the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article IV enumerates who is considered as
Filipino Citizens. Reading the whole provision, there are two types Filipino citizens
?Natural born citizens and Naturalized Citizens.
A.Natural born Citizen Art IV, Sec. 2 of 1978. Constitution specifically defined natural
born citizens and "they are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. They are
those following circumstances;
1.) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this (1987)
2.) Those whose fathers or mothers sre citizens of the philippines;
3.) Those born before January 17, 1973, of a Filipino mother, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age og majority.
B. Naturalized Citizens. Art, Sec. 1, Par. 4 defined naturalized citizens are those who
acquire citizenship and naturalized in accordance with law. There are only three
circumstances where an individual can be consider as natural born citizen. Outside of
three circumstances ,they will be considered as naturalized.
What is the benefit difference between natural born and naturalized citizens? National
Positions like President, Vice President, Senator, District or Party list Representatives,
Supreme Court Justices, constitutional Commissions Ombudsman and Commission on
human rights are reserved positions for natural born citizens.
Former Dean Andy Bautista narrated on this article the evolution of distinct between
natural and naturalized citizens. According to her, as early as 1899 Constitution, no
distinction was made in holding public position.
Once in philippine history, Filipino people had a glamorous celebration known
as'Occupation Day'. This is a commemoration day in celebrating the fortieth
anniversary of U.S occupation in Manila. It was led by no less than President Manuel
Quezon on August 13, 1938 at Luneta , together with the high ranked Filipino Officials
marched before U.S High Commissioner to express " the nations gratitude to America
for the blessing of liberty and democracy, the peace ad prosperity it had obtained, and
a irrevicable relationship bound together not by alliance, nor a declaration, nor a treaty
but rather eternal, spiritual kinship and relationship that extra ordinary, indefinable
longing for the same sort of things".
For Mojares, this carnival celebration is very symbolic moment. It is benevolent
assimilation of American style political system, the country's subordination to
US Economy, the phenomenal expansion of public education base on English
language, and the spread of a modernity mediated by the United States
(Mojares, 2006).
Up to the modern day, we bring this 'occupation day' with us. In our daily living, our
mindset is occupied by the western culture. This is depicted in the essay wrote by Nick
Joaquin, A Heritage of Smallness. Highlights of his description are as follows: 'Society
for the Filipino is a small rowboat: the barangay. Geography for the Filipino is small
locality: the barrio. History for the Filipino is small vague saying: matanda pa kat
Mahoma. Enterprise for Filipino is a small stall: the sari-sari store. The industry and
production for Filipino are the small immediate scratching of each day: Isang Kahig,
Isang Tuka. And commerce for the Filipino is the very smallest degree of retail: the
tingi." We have to move Forward. We are a world class citizens.
We as Filipino Citizens must participate in political and social process of the country.
Misgovernance of government resources adversely affect the citizentry. Thanks to the
rising numbers of civil society who act in behalf of the Filipinos. They show to us that in
occasion of misgovernance, someone must speak up and take actions. In a speech of
then Anti-Graft Commissioner Teresita Baltazar, she believes that the citizens are the
'moral force' for good governance. We must not settle for less.
Citizens' pressure will gradually give us what type of governance we want
(Baltazar, 2010). She even lay out what we can do like being:
1. Watchdog and monitors of public procurement, election & campaign
spending, public expenditure (national budget, Internal Revenue Allotment,
PDAF), project implementation (schools, roads, bridges, etc), public service
delivery, and performance of public officials.
2. Advocate for system and process reform, anti-corruption legislation,
electoral and political reforms, and transparency in the appointment process.
3. Providing Support through technical assistance, trainings, providing
informations and evidence in Lifestyle checks and corruption cases.
With the advent of technology, Filipinos are starting to get involved in the
political process thru social media. In an informal report of Rappler, Filipino
Facebook users were considered as most engaged voters in Asia Pacific, where
there are estimated 22 Million Filipinos got engaged in 2016 elections. Elizabeth
Hernandez, the head of APAC Public Policy at Facebook, "this has been the
number one most engaged elections in Asia Pacific". There are 47 Million active
Facebook account in the Philippines, and 100 Million population that makes us
the fastest growing app market in South East Asia (Dela Paz, Rappler, 2016).
With the advent of technology, Filipinos are starting to get involved in the
political process thru social media. In an informal report of Rappler, Filipino
Facebook users were considered as most engaged voters in Asia Pacific, where
there are estimated 22 Million Filipinos got engaged in 2016 elections. Elizabeth
Hernandez, the head of APAC Public Policy at Facebook, "this has been the
number one most engaged elections in Asia Pacific". There are 47 Million active
Facebook account in the Philippines, and 100 Million population that makes us
the fastest growing app market in South East Asia (Dela Paz, Rappler, 2016).
1. FOLLOW TRAFFIC RULES. FOLLOW THE LAW - Let us do our share and be a
good driver and pedestrian. Traffic is one the problem of Philippines.
According to Numbeo, research body who released a study based on Time
Index, Manila ranked 10th on a list of cities with the worst traffic in the world.
This cause Philippine economy loose P2.4 Billion daily and will blow to P6
Billion by 2030 if not address according to the separate study conducted by
Japan International Cooperation Agency or JICA. All of this is attributed to
poor traffic laws and driving attitudes (The Philippine Star, 2016).
Typical consumer will not ask for receipt especially if the product they bought
is for personal consumption. Employees and customers ask receipt if there
company required them to reimburse or liquidate budget. Filipino mindset on
asking receipt is poor. We do not see its value and instead we treat this small
piece of paper as a trash. This is the price we miss everytime we failed to ask
for official receipt. Consider you are filling up a gas for your motorcycle for
P100.00. At 12% VAT rate, the petrol company must remit P12.00 as VAT. Since
you do not ask for receipt, the company can just declare they have not receive
your P12.00 as VAT since no receipt was issued. Can you just imagine how
many P12.00 VAT is not remitted? When accumulated, your receipt can build
classrooms, bridges, roads, and other social services.
fellow Filipino. Let us support government by paying correct taxes. Smuggled
goods do not pay correct taxes, Smuggled goods kill our small time Filipino who
work harder and want to be fair. In 2016, government loses P200B a year in tax
revenues due to smuggled goods. P37B of it were agricultural products that
freely entered the market, 'depriving local farmers of their much need revenue'
(Testa, 2016). Aside from avoidance in buying smuggled goods, the item also
suggest buy local. Lacson understand that not all imported goods have local
counterparts. In this, he proposes 50-50 share in buying imported and local
ABOUT US AND OUR COUNTRY - In a recent travel to Japan, there is a 70-year
old guy (take note of the age) who serves us as our tourist guide together with
other foreigner with other countries. Upon knowing that we are Filipinos, he
shared his experience of visit to the Philippines. When the coaster was filled up
with foreign passengers, he delightly welcome all on board and to break the ice,
he asked some trivia questions. Most of them are pensioner. Is there any
country here who gives free movies to senior citizens? There was silenced. "You
know what" the tour guide said "only in the Philippines, who give free movies".
I saw the amazement of my fellow passengers. He throwed another question in
the floor: What country gives 20% discount to Senior Citizens? No one dares to
raise their hands. "Only in the Philippines, they give such discount", the tour
guide remarks, and he introduce us to the rest of tourist in the bus. Other
countries were astonished to how we treat our senior citizens, while in their
country they do not enjoy such privilege, no matter how rich their economy
was. This made me realized that it takes another citizens of another country to
appreciate what we got. The benefits of senior citizen is only one of the many
things we should be proud of.
drivers respect a traffic officer? Motorists look down on them and belittle
them. Arrogance of some executives both in private and public have their own
share of abuses. Saturnino Fabros, traffic enforcer for 27 years, received
shameless physical attack from an executive of a firm as reported by Philippine
Daily Inquirer (Calleja, 2012). There are still undocumented corruption with an
enforcer when private motorist caught for traffic violation. Simple respect for
traffic officer and traffic rules can make a difference.
CONSERVE - Simple and doable but not everyone's practice. You can see in the
road, from their car they simply dump away their garbages. They want to be
clean inside the car, at the expense of throwing them in the road. We can
change our country. We can lessen the flood situation in the country by doing
our share.
7. SUPPORT YOUR CHURCH - Church is one of the social pillars of the society.
It plays a major role in influencing morality. Usually, church workers depend
only on the provision of God's grace through love offering. They nourished us
spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. "The elders who are good leaders
should be considered worthy of an ample honorarium (of respect and
remuneration, lit of double honor), especially those who work hard at
preaching and teaching" (1 Timothy 5:17, HCSB).
8. DURING ELECTION, DO YOUR SOLEMN DUTY - This is one of the entitlement
as citizens. It is the people, through voting, who gives the mandate for any
person in power. Let us exercise our duty to vote even when we believe that
our favorite party or candidate has no serious chance of winning. This line of
thinking is supported by our moral obligation. It is our duty to protect oneself,
a duty to help others, a duty to produce good government (Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016). It may have a little value for you as an
individual, but the outcome of election has a direct impact, especially to
marginalized sector of the society. We vote for the underprivileged who used
public hospitals and health centers, for students who take public school to
alleviate their poverty, for those who have nothing in life.
9. PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES WELL - Pay system is one key factors affecting
motivation and relationships at work. Let us help fellow Filipino to uplift their
standard of living by paying them well. After all, we are not in the place where
we are right now if it's not because of them. Paying well the employee will not
only support the employee himself but also the entire family. This is not only
applicable in the workplace. This is also applicable in the market place. As
much as possible, if you can, avoid asking too much discount especially in the
market. The seller in the market has only a slim profit for every item, then here
we are, we will rob them their slim profit by asking too much discount.
10. PAY YOUR TAXES - In financial or political principle, tax is considered as the
life blood of the government. This fund is use to cover the expenses for public
services, including the infrastructure and salaries of government employees.
They are vital to economic growth and improvement of poverty incidence. With
the alleged corruptions, the issue of pork barrel where there is an estimated
P10B were allegedly pocketed by lawmakers. Taxpayers are now thinking if they
should pay tax.
11. ADOPT A SCHOLAR OR A POOR CHILD - I believe in this principle. I finished
my college degree with the help of scholarship. I am not intelligent or the
brightest in my batch. I am simple, average, grammatically horor (its not
honor)student that time when s one foundation, Starr Foundation, a U.S Based
Foundation, who give me a chance to study and support me. The grant is
almost unconditional. They bless me. With this experience, today, I set up my
own scholarship program. One criteria in my scholarship is this: NO
THEIR CLASS IS ALLOWED! Those gifted students have hundreds of
opportunities to apply for scholarship.
My scholarship is for the average student like me. Like what Starr Foundation
did, I did it unconditionally. The subsidy we give is little amount. But for those
who wants to finish college, our graduates affirmed that it is a big help. How do
our beneficiaries avail our scholarship? Simple thru facebook. They simply
liked my page and wait for the
announcement. Then they comply and submit their requirements. There you
are. Why do I did this? Am I a philanthropist? Am I wealthy? No. I am not. I do it
because someone did it to me also. My motto, I want to Share - Act - and Make
a Difference.
OUR COUNTRY - Be a good parent. Be with your child during their development
years. Find an opportunity in the country. According to United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) report, as of 2012, an estimated 9M Filipino children
lose one or both parents to migration. It is 10% of the Philippine population.
The family may have financial needs, but the parent/s forget to compute the
social cost of migrating. In the study, the following are problems face by
'feeling abandoned' children (Dioquino, 2012):
-The difficulty adjusting to the absence of a mother after establishing
-affection for her child; Poor social adjustment;
-Impeded psychological development;
-Lack of motivation among children, resulting in poor performance or
-dropping out of schools; and
-Increased vulnerability to drugs and substance.

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  • 2. Baylis and Sam Smith citizenship as the "status of having the right to participate in and to be represented in politics(Baylis & Smith,2001)" . It is the citizenship, in general, will defined the entitlement of individual with regards to legal and political rights. In the philippine national elections, right to own land and property in the country , right to engage in business or profession as a Filipino, to be a Philippine Passport Holder. I called it as a "identifier borderline" where it will define who is within the circle of community and who is not .United Nations further describes it as one of the most powerful instruments of exclusion, where every states identifies particular set of persons as its citizens and define all others as non-citizens or aliens (UNESCO, 2017)T.H Marshall, further elaborate the definition of citizenship as "a status bestowed on those who are full members of a community. Every country have laws in ways they defined their citizens. Whatever their laws are, civilization honors the long time citizenship categorization principle Jus Sangunis and Jus Solis.
  • 3. A country who adapted this principle ,regardless of the nationality of their parents will adopt their child as their own new citizens, thus, accorded this newly born child alrights and privileges of a citizens .Known countries who adopted Jus Solis are United States, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico ,Peru, Jamaica, and Pakistan (Apsan,2015).Latin term Jus Sanguinis on the other hand means "right by blood". A country who acceded to this long time honored principle will tell us, regardless of where the child was born, that child will follow the citizenship of their parents. Aside from Philippines ,most of the countries not mentioned above subscribed with Jus Sanguinis. The Philippines has also a valid right to claim the child as Filipino citizen by virtue of Jus Sanguinis. This will make a child dual citizen. Although in General ,dual citizenship and did not recognize it. When one stipulates the restriction of dual citizenship and did not recognize it. Countries like Singapore, Austria, India, and Saudi Arabia were among those who do not allowed dual citizenship "upon certain special conditions under exceptional cases like celebrities (D' Alessio Law Grou,2017)
  • 4. APPROACHES IN CITIZENSHIP • LIBERAL APPROACH A liberal theory of citizenship emphasises the equality of rights which citizens holds, and how these rights enable the individual to pursue their aim goals (Lister & Pia, 2008). The central theme of liberal approach is the presumption that individual citizens act 'rationally to advance his/her own interest and the role of the state is to protect the citizens in case their is an abuse or excessive exercise of rights. For Jones and Gaventa, "Granting each individual the same formal rights is understood to promote equality through making a persons political and economic power irrelevant to right claims. Exercising rights is seen as the choice of citizens, on the assumption that the have necessary resources and opportunities,(Jones ,2002)
  • 5. 2. COMMUNITARIAN APPROACH Communiication believes that the community exist first prior to individuals. Contrasting Liberal Approach, it argues that such approach "fails" to consider duty or loyalty to the community, ignores social nature of individuals and emphasizing rights to ignore responsibilities and duties owned to community "Lister & Pia,2008". It directly rejected the concepts of "self interested" and "independent". The central theme for this school of though is the notion of socially-embedded citizen and community belonging where common good is more important over the pursuit of individual interes.(Jones,2002).
  • 6. 3. REPUBLICAN APPROACH Also known as a Civic Republican Approach. This view describes that participation in government is he foundation of civic good. It is critical of both liberal perspective, which it sees as too fragmentary and also the communitarian view as it vary of local identities being placed above wider civic goals 'Lister & Pia, 2008). It is similar to communitarianism where it looks forward to what binds citizens together into a community. The main idea is the role of individual obligations to participate affairs.(Jones,2002).
  • 7. FILIPINO CITIZENSHIP Under the the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article IV enumerates who is considered as Filipino Citizens. Reading the whole provision, there are two types Filipino citizens ?Natural born citizens and Naturalized Citizens. A.Natural born Citizen Art IV, Sec. 2 of 1978. Constitution specifically defined natural born citizens and "they are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. They are those following circumstances; 1.) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this (1987) Constitution; 2.) Those whose fathers or mothers sre citizens of the philippines; 3.) Those born before January 17, 1973, of a Filipino mother, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age og majority.
  • 8. B. Naturalized Citizens. Art, Sec. 1, Par. 4 defined naturalized citizens are those who acquire citizenship and naturalized in accordance with law. There are only three circumstances where an individual can be consider as natural born citizen. Outside of three circumstances ,they will be considered as naturalized. What is the benefit difference between natural born and naturalized citizens? National Positions like President, Vice President, Senator, District or Party list Representatives, Supreme Court Justices, constitutional Commissions Ombudsman and Commission on human rights are reserved positions for natural born citizens. Former Dean Andy Bautista narrated on this article the evolution of distinct between natural and naturalized citizens. According to her, as early as 1899 Constitution, no distinction was made in holding public position.
  • 9. FILIPINO AS CITIZEN Once in philippine history, Filipino people had a glamorous celebration known as'Occupation Day'. This is a commemoration day in celebrating the fortieth anniversary of U.S occupation in Manila. It was led by no less than President Manuel Quezon on August 13, 1938 at Luneta , together with the high ranked Filipino Officials marched before U.S High Commissioner to express " the nations gratitude to America for the blessing of liberty and democracy, the peace ad prosperity it had obtained, and a irrevicable relationship bound together not by alliance, nor a declaration, nor a treaty but rather eternal, spiritual kinship and relationship that extra ordinary, indefinable longing for the same sort of things".
  • 10. For Mojares, this carnival celebration is very symbolic moment. It is benevolent assimilation of American style political system, the country's subordination to US Economy, the phenomenal expansion of public education base on English language, and the spread of a modernity mediated by the United States (Mojares, 2006).
  • 11. Up to the modern day, we bring this 'occupation day' with us. In our daily living, our mindset is occupied by the western culture. This is depicted in the essay wrote by Nick Joaquin, A Heritage of Smallness. Highlights of his description are as follows: 'Society for the Filipino is a small rowboat: the barangay. Geography for the Filipino is small locality: the barrio. History for the Filipino is small vague saying: matanda pa kat Mahoma. Enterprise for Filipino is a small stall: the sari-sari store. The industry and production for Filipino are the small immediate scratching of each day: Isang Kahig, Isang Tuka. And commerce for the Filipino is the very smallest degree of retail: the tingi." We have to move Forward. We are a world class citizens.
  • 12. We as Filipino Citizens must participate in political and social process of the country. Misgovernance of government resources adversely affect the citizentry. Thanks to the rising numbers of civil society who act in behalf of the Filipinos. They show to us that in occasion of misgovernance, someone must speak up and take actions. In a speech of then Anti-Graft Commissioner Teresita Baltazar, she believes that the citizens are the 'moral force' for good governance. We must not settle for less. CITIZENSHIP PARTICIPATION
  • 13. Citizens' pressure will gradually give us what type of governance we want (Baltazar, 2010). She even lay out what we can do like being: 1. Watchdog and monitors of public procurement, election & campaign spending, public expenditure (national budget, Internal Revenue Allotment, PDAF), project implementation (schools, roads, bridges, etc), public service delivery, and performance of public officials. 2. Advocate for system and process reform, anti-corruption legislation, electoral and political reforms, and transparency in the appointment process. 3. Providing Support through technical assistance, trainings, providing informations and evidence in Lifestyle checks and corruption cases.
  • 14. With the advent of technology, Filipinos are starting to get involved in the political process thru social media. In an informal report of Rappler, Filipino Facebook users were considered as most engaged voters in Asia Pacific, where there are estimated 22 Million Filipinos got engaged in 2016 elections. Elizabeth Hernandez, the head of APAC Public Policy at Facebook, "this has been the number one most engaged elections in Asia Pacific". There are 47 Million active Facebook account in the Philippines, and 100 Million population that makes us the fastest growing app market in South East Asia (Dela Paz, Rappler, 2016).
  • 15. With the advent of technology, Filipinos are starting to get involved in the political process thru social media. In an informal report of Rappler, Filipino Facebook users were considered as most engaged voters in Asia Pacific, where there are estimated 22 Million Filipinos got engaged in 2016 elections. Elizabeth Hernandez, the head of APAC Public Policy at Facebook, "this has been the number one most engaged elections in Asia Pacific". There are 47 Million active Facebook account in the Philippines, and 100 Million population that makes us the fastest growing app market in South East Asia (Dela Paz, Rappler, 2016).
  • 16. 1. FOLLOW TRAFFIC RULES. FOLLOW THE LAW - Let us do our share and be a good driver and pedestrian. Traffic is one the problem of Philippines. According to Numbeo, research body who released a study based on Time Index, Manila ranked 10th on a list of cities with the worst traffic in the world. This cause Philippine economy loose P2.4 Billion daily and will blow to P6 Billion by 2030 if not address according to the separate study conducted by Japan International Cooperation Agency or JICA. All of this is attributed to poor traffic laws and driving attitudes (The Philippine Star, 2016).
  • 17. 2. WHENEVER YOU BUY OR PAY ANYTHING, ASK FOR OFFICIAL RECIEPT - Typical consumer will not ask for receipt especially if the product they bought is for personal consumption. Employees and customers ask receipt if there company required them to reimburse or liquidate budget. Filipino mindset on asking receipt is poor. We do not see its value and instead we treat this small piece of paper as a trash. This is the price we miss everytime we failed to ask for official receipt. Consider you are filling up a gas for your motorcycle for P100.00. At 12% VAT rate, the petrol company must remit P12.00 as VAT. Since you do not ask for receipt, the company can just declare they have not receive your P12.00 as VAT since no receipt was issued. Can you just imagine how many P12.00 VAT is not remitted? When accumulated, your receipt can build classrooms, bridges, roads, and other social services.
  • 18. 3. DON'T BUY SMUGGLED GOODS. BUY LOCAL. BUY FILIPINO - Let us help our fellow Filipino. Let us support government by paying correct taxes. Smuggled goods do not pay correct taxes, Smuggled goods kill our small time Filipino who work harder and want to be fair. In 2016, government loses P200B a year in tax revenues due to smuggled goods. P37B of it were agricultural products that freely entered the market, 'depriving local farmers of their much need revenue' (Testa, 2016). Aside from avoidance in buying smuggled goods, the item also suggest buy local. Lacson understand that not all imported goods have local counterparts. In this, he proposes 50-50 share in buying imported and local goods.
  • 19. 4. WHEN YOU TALK TO OTHERS, ESPECIALLY FOREIGNERS SPEAK POSITIVELY ABOUT US AND OUR COUNTRY - In a recent travel to Japan, there is a 70-year old guy (take note of the age) who serves us as our tourist guide together with other foreigner with other countries. Upon knowing that we are Filipinos, he shared his experience of visit to the Philippines. When the coaster was filled up with foreign passengers, he delightly welcome all on board and to break the ice, he asked some trivia questions. Most of them are pensioner. Is there any country here who gives free movies to senior citizens? There was silenced. "You know what" the tour guide said "only in the Philippines, who give free movies".
  • 20. I saw the amazement of my fellow passengers. He throwed another question in the floor: What country gives 20% discount to Senior Citizens? No one dares to raise their hands. "Only in the Philippines, they give such discount", the tour guide remarks, and he introduce us to the rest of tourist in the bus. Other countries were astonished to how we treat our senior citizens, while in their country they do not enjoy such privilege, no matter how rich their economy was. This made me realized that it takes another citizens of another country to appreciate what we got. The benefits of senior citizen is only one of the many things we should be proud of.
  • 21. 5. RESPECT YOUR TRAFFIC OFFICER, POLICEMEN AND SOLDIER - How many drivers respect a traffic officer? Motorists look down on them and belittle them. Arrogance of some executives both in private and public have their own share of abuses. Saturnino Fabros, traffic enforcer for 27 years, received shameless physical attack from an executive of a firm as reported by Philippine Daily Inquirer (Calleja, 2012). There are still undocumented corruption with an enforcer when private motorist caught for traffic violation. Simple respect for traffic officer and traffic rules can make a difference.
  • 22. 6. DO NOT LITTER. DISPOSE YOUR GARBAGE PROPERLY. SEGREGATE. RECYLE. CONSERVE - Simple and doable but not everyone's practice. You can see in the road, from their car they simply dump away their garbages. They want to be clean inside the car, at the expense of throwing them in the road. We can change our country. We can lessen the flood situation in the country by doing our share.
  • 23. 7. SUPPORT YOUR CHURCH - Church is one of the social pillars of the society. It plays a major role in influencing morality. Usually, church workers depend only on the provision of God's grace through love offering. They nourished us spiritually, psychologically and emotionally. "The elders who are good leaders should be considered worthy of an ample honorarium (of respect and remuneration, lit of double honor), especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching" (1 Timothy 5:17, HCSB).
  • 24. 8. DURING ELECTION, DO YOUR SOLEMN DUTY - This is one of the entitlement as citizens. It is the people, through voting, who gives the mandate for any person in power. Let us exercise our duty to vote even when we believe that our favorite party or candidate has no serious chance of winning. This line of thinking is supported by our moral obligation. It is our duty to protect oneself, a duty to help others, a duty to produce good government (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016). It may have a little value for you as an individual, but the outcome of election has a direct impact, especially to marginalized sector of the society. We vote for the underprivileged who used public hospitals and health centers, for students who take public school to alleviate their poverty, for those who have nothing in life.
  • 25. 9. PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES WELL - Pay system is one key factors affecting motivation and relationships at work. Let us help fellow Filipino to uplift their standard of living by paying them well. After all, we are not in the place where we are right now if it's not because of them. Paying well the employee will not only support the employee himself but also the entire family. This is not only applicable in the workplace. This is also applicable in the market place. As much as possible, if you can, avoid asking too much discount especially in the market. The seller in the market has only a slim profit for every item, then here we are, we will rob them their slim profit by asking too much discount.
  • 26. 10. PAY YOUR TAXES - In financial or political principle, tax is considered as the life blood of the government. This fund is use to cover the expenses for public services, including the infrastructure and salaries of government employees. They are vital to economic growth and improvement of poverty incidence. With the alleged corruptions, the issue of pork barrel where there is an estimated P10B were allegedly pocketed by lawmakers. Taxpayers are now thinking if they should pay tax.
  • 27. 11. ADOPT A SCHOLAR OR A POOR CHILD - I believe in this principle. I finished my college degree with the help of scholarship. I am not intelligent or the brightest in my batch. I am simple, average, grammatically horor (its not honor)student that time when s one foundation, Starr Foundation, a U.S Based Foundation, who give me a chance to study and support me. The grant is almost unconditional. They bless me. With this experience, today, I set up my own scholarship program. One criteria in my scholarship is this: NO VALEDICTORIAN O SALUTATORIAN OR THOSE WHO BELONG TO TOP TEN OF THEIR CLASS IS ALLOWED! Those gifted students have hundreds of opportunities to apply for scholarship.
  • 28. My scholarship is for the average student like me. Like what Starr Foundation did, I did it unconditionally. The subsidy we give is little amount. But for those who wants to finish college, our graduates affirmed that it is a big help. How do our beneficiaries avail our scholarship? Simple thru facebook. They simply liked my page and wait for the announcement. Then they comply and submit their requirements. There you are. Why do I did this? Am I a philanthropist? Am I wealthy? No. I am not. I do it because someone did it to me also. My motto, I want to Share - Act - and Make a Difference.
  • 29. 12. BE A GOOD PARENT. TEACH YOUR KIDS TO FOLLOW THE LAW AND LOVE OUR COUNTRY - Be a good parent. Be with your child during their development years. Find an opportunity in the country. According to United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) report, as of 2012, an estimated 9M Filipino children lose one or both parents to migration. It is 10% of the Philippine population. The family may have financial needs, but the parent/s forget to compute the social cost of migrating. In the study, the following are problems face by 'feeling abandoned' children (Dioquino, 2012):
  • 30. -The difficulty adjusting to the absence of a mother after establishing an -affection for her child; Poor social adjustment; -Impeded psychological development; -Lack of motivation among children, resulting in poor performance or -dropping out of schools; and -Increased vulnerability to drugs and substance.