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University of Southern Indiana
CIS 477
Fall 2015
Dr. Bačić
Project Documentation for:
Kyle Niemeier
Kurt Wasson
Geoffrey Beaven
Christopher Kimberlain
Lindsey Howes
Lindsey Witty
Wyatt Rondot
Table of Contents
PART I: PLANNING..................................................................................................................5
SYSTEM REQUEST ............................................................................................................................ 6
FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 7
PROJECTED BUDGET PLAN............................................................................................................... 10
PROJECT PLAN .............................................................................................................................. 11
PART II: ANALYSIS................................................................................................................13
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 14
USE CASES.................................................................................................................................... 15
LOGICAL DFD ............................................................................................................................... 20
LOGICAL ERD................................................................................................................................ 21
PART III: DESIGN ..................................................................................................................23
ALTERNATIVE MATRIX .................................................................................................................... 24
ARCHITECTURE DESIGN................................................................................................................... 25
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECS .................................................................................................. 26
USE SCENARIOS............................................................................................................................. 27
INTERFACE DESIGN......................................................................................................................... 28
PROGRAM DESIGN......................................................................................................................... 31
PHYSICAL DFD.............................................................................................................................. 32
PHYSICAL ERD .............................................................................................................................. 33
DATA DICTIONARY ......................................................................................................................... 34
CRUD MATRIX ............................................................................................................................. 35
PART IV: IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................................37
USER DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................. 38
PART V: TEAM INFORMATION..............................................................................................43
TEAM CONTRACT........................................................................................................................... 46
PROJECT CHARTER ......................................................................................................................... 47
TEAM PICTURES ............................................................................................................................ 48
TEAM RESUMES ............................................................................................................................ 51
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Part I: Planning
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System Request
Business Need:
Provide USI with a web based portal to allow students and interested problem solvers the
resource to submit ideas, learn about the process of innovative problem solving, as well
as present “Sponsored Problems” that give incentives to solve.
This will be a sub-site the university can use to include on its main website. We will
provide the functionality and programming though HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as any
other resource we see beneficial; this could range from Microsoft Excel to MySQL.
Expected Value:
USI does not have this type of web portal currently on its website. There is no outlet or
database for students to express and host their ideas, solutions, or problems. This portal
will allow the USI community to get involved in innovation concerning multiple areas.
Potential ideas can lead to development in USI as well as the Evansville area. Business
ideas, solutions, as well as current problems can be expressed and given attention. The
idea of an innovation portal also transcends one specific community; this idea could grow
into a regional development. Government interties as well as other funding prospects
can be shown the innovation and creation happening at the University of Southern
Special Issues or Constraints:
This project has limited human resources as well as limited time. The project window is
projected to be 3 months; budget is also nonexistent. Dr. Khayum is open to ideas and
direction; the project itself is very open ended. Dr. Khayum wants this project to be the
foundation to a possible website that can be functional outside of USI.
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Feasibility Analysis
Project Summary:
Our client has requested an imagination portal in which users will go to a webpage and
submit ideas or solutions on a specific topic. Possible topics could include school, local,
and personal issues. In addition to idea submissions, we want users to also be able to
submit solutions for previous ideas as well. Because this tool may eventually be opened
up to a wider audience, scalability is going to be a very important factor in this project.
Economic Feasibility:
If we are to use USI’s resources, there should not be any costs in order to complete this
project. However, assuming we are unable to use the resources as expected, and
assuming this portal will go beyond the boundaries of USI, some costs may be incurred.
If we were to host our own web page, a business class web-hosting license with Arvixe
would cost approximately $22-35 a month. This service also provides a website builder
which would make development quite easy and efficient. However, due to the cost for
Arvixe to host our site, we are forced to turn to where a free webpage hosting
option is offered with a few limitations that will not affect the outcome of the project.
If we can use the already existing USI database then there will not be any additional
database costs. However, if in the future the project goes beyond the USI domain, a
separate database would need to be implemented. MySQL Enterprise Edition would cost
approximately $5,000 and has many enterprise monitoring tools that would be included
with it.
Development Costs:
Project Length in Weeks: 16
Hours Per Week: 8
Team Members: 7
Expected Total Cost: $12,120
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Because of the resources being used for the project being primarily free to use (Weebly
and the USI form submission), economic risk is low for the project. There is a low chance
of changes to the costs of the project over the development timeframe.
Financially, this project will be very inexpensive to accomplish. There will be little to no
direct operating costs. Many of the tools that we need for the immediate project should
all be accessible through USI’s current infrastructure. Only when this application is scaled
to a higher level and begins to serve more users will a higher cost be necessary.
Organizational Feasibility:
Project Champion:
Our project champion is Dr. Mohammed Khayum, the Dean of the Romain College of
Business at the University of Southern Indiana. Dr. Khayum is the client for which meets
will be held and he will be able to shape the project throughout the SDLC.
Project Team:
Our project will require a structured deadline of tasks that will need to be completed by
each responsible project member. The members consist of three developers, one web
designer, one business analyst, one client liaison, and one documentation manager. Tasks
will be assigned and maintained in Microsoft Project throughout the course of the project.
Given the scope of this project we think that we have aligned the roles so that each team
member will be a critical asset to the overall success of the group and the project as a
The portal will be very attractive, modern, and easy to navigate. The process for
submitting a new idea/innovation will be very elaborate as well as thought-provoking.
This will help attract students who may have an innovative idea, to the portal. Word of
mouth and, hopefully, University advertising will be the primary ways to get the attention
of the student body, and after surveying friends and acquaintances of our project
members, a significant number of submissions are predicted.
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There is moderate organizational risk when implementing any website or portal. Will
people want to use it? What will compel users to visit and submit ideas to the portal?
These questions will be addressed throughout the project. The appeal design and word-
of-mouth promotion of the website is hoped to mitigate some of this risk.
Technical Feasibility:
Our website will be created and managed using as the domain provider as
well as the framework. Since it will only apply to students at the University, when a user
gets far enough into the idea submission process, our weebly page will automatically
redirect the user to another web page with a submission field from within the USI domain.
Using USI’s internal domain will make signing-on and navigating a simple and intuitive
process rather than using an outside service to do so. There will not be a need for user’s
to create new accounts/passwords to access the portal. All of this will be taken care of
by USI’s internal IT department. In addition, since our form webpage will be hosted
internally, all hardware limitations and future capacity limits will be determined by the
Information Technology department on campus. Our webpage will simply rely on
resources that are already present within the USI domain.
A database may need to be implemented in order to store ideas, solutions, categories,
and even future Evansville user accounts. If we are able to use a USI database as well this
would be provided at no additional cost to the project.
Because the size of the team is quite small, risk is moderate. We don’t predict any
problems throughout developing the portal, but, as with all technical projects, something
can always change or negatively affect the direction of a project. Our technical
background due to attending the college of business is hoped to mitigate this risk.
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Projected Budget Plan
Architecture Design 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Interface Design 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Program Design 36.0 $1,440.00 $1,440.00
Project Specifications - Design 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Physical DFD 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Data Dictionary 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
CRUD Matrix 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Physical ERD 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Subtotal 108.0 $4,320.00 $4,320.00
Logical DFD and ERD 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Hardware/Software Specs 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Complete Project/Testing 48.0 $1,920.00 $1,920.00
Subtotal 68.0 $2,720.00 $2,720.00
Project Proposal - First Draft 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Project Proposal - Second Draft 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Post Implementation Plan 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Client Training Documentation 16.0 $640.00 $640.00
Subtotal 48.0 $1,920.00 $1,920.00
Kickoff Meeting 7.0 $280.00 $287.00
Project Charter/System Request 4.0 $160.00 $160.00
Feasibility Analysis 16.0 $640.00 $640.00
Project Plan 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Project Budget 4.0 $160.00 $160.00
System Requirements 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Use Cases 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Use Scenarios 8.0 $320.00 $320.00
Executive Summary 12.0 $480.00 $480.00
Subtotal 79.0 $3,160.00 $3,160.00
Arvixe Web Hosting
0.0 $35.00 $35.00
MySQL Enterprise Edition
0.0 $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Subtotal 0.0 $5,035.00 $5,035.00
Immediate Project (Expected) 303.0 $12,120.00 $12,120.00
Future (Expected) 303.0 $5,035.00 $5,035.00
Total (Expected) 303.0 $17,155.00 $17,155.00
Monthly Recurring Cost 0.0 $35.00
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Project Plan
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Part II: Analysis
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System Requirements
1. Functional Requirements
1.1 The System should have the capability for users to submit ideas and solutions
1.1.1 The system should step you through submissions
1.1.2 The system should provide content on how to develop ideas and
1.1.3 The system should give examples of former quality ideas and
1.1.4 The system should only accept submission from specific users
1.1.5 The system should have some way of recording submissions
1.2 The system should present the sponsored challenge
1.2.1 The system should give brief information on the sponsor
1.2.2 The system should explain what the sponsor is looing for
1.2.3 The system should explain the incentives the sponsor is giving for
1.3 The system should provide more information about the portal
1.3.1 The system should have an section explaining Dr. Khayum’s idea
1.3.2 The system should give information about the purpose of the website
1.3.3 The system should give information about the Portal Surfers
1.4 The system should be a showcase for the team for future resumes and jobs
1.4.1 The system should be efficient and designed well
1.4.2 The system should use implement practice development techniques
2. Nonfunctional Requirements
2.1 Culture
2.1.1 The system will be written in English
2.1.2 The system will be targeted at the USI community specifically
2.2 Other
2.2.1 The system will have aspects of USI throughout the website
2.2.2 The system will be targeted to college students
2.2.3 The system should stimulate student involvement with local
businesses and the Evansville community in general
2.3 Performance
2.3.1 The system should be efficient and intuitive to use
2.4 The system will be written in HTML with CSS and JavaScript
2.5 The system should meet the need for mobile use
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Use Cases
Use Case 1
Use Case Name: View Idea Submission
UC ID: 1
Actor: Student Priority: Very High
Description: This step in the process allows a student to navigate to the idea submission page
Trigger: Student desires to view
idea submission web
Trigger Type: External
Preconditions: Student web browser open
Normal Course: Information for Steps:
1.) Student navigates to Imagination
Portal Home web page
2.) Student clicks on “Featured
Challenges” button
3.) Student clicks on “Featured
Challenges” banner
Imagination Portal URL
Alternative Course: Information for Steps:
1b.) Student backs out of website
2b.) Student clicks on a circle representing
another topic within “Categories”
3b.) Student navigates to page through
“Portal” within the menu button
Alternative Challenges
Post-conditions: Idea Submission Page is displayed
Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination:
-Submission page -User web browser
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Use Case 2
Use Case Name: View Idea Generation
UC ID: 2
Actor: Student Priority: Very High
Description: This step in the process allows a student to navigate to and view the Idea
Generation Steps.
Trigger: Student desires to view
idea generation steps
Trigger Type: External
Preconditions: Student web browser open
Normal Course: Information for Steps:
1.) Student navigates to Imagination
Portal Home web page
2.) Student navigates to “Imagination
Steps” using menu button at top of
3.) Student navigates to the bottom of the
page and clicks button for next step
Imagination Portal URL
Alternative Course: Information for Steps:
1b.) Student backs out of website
Post-conditions: Idea generation video and other step information is displayed
Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination:
-Idea generation
video and other
-User web browser
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Use Case 3
Use Case Name: Submit Idea UC ID: 3
Actor: Student Priority: Very High
Description: This step in the process allows a student to submit an idea through use of the
Trigger: Student desires to
submit idea
Trigger Type: External
Preconditions: Submission web page is open
Normal Course: Information for Steps:
1.) Student enters their Student ID
information into field on page
2.) Student clicks “login”
3.) Student enters their Idea for the
featured challenge
4.) Student submits the idea
USI Student ID
Student Idea Information
Alternative Course: Information for Steps:
1b.) Student backs out of submission page
Post-conditions: Student has submitted their idea to the database
Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination:
-User idea
-Student ID
-User web browser -Completion dialog
-Database entry
-User web browser
-Idea database
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Use Case 4
Use Case Name: View “FAQ” Web Page UC ID: 4
Actor: Student Priority: Very High
Description: This step in the process allows a student to see frequently asked questions about
the website or featured challenge.
Trigger: Student has questions
about the website or
Trigger Type: External
Preconditions: Student web browser open
Normal Course: Information for Steps:
1.) Student navigates to Imagination
Portal Home web page
2.) Student navigates to page through
“FAQ” within the menu button
Imagination Portal URL
Alternative Course: Information for Steps:
1b.) Student backs out of website
Post-conditions: Frequently asked questions about the website or featured challenge are displayed
Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination:
-Frequently asked
-User web browser
Use Case 5
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Use Case Name: View “About” Web Page UC ID: 5
Actor: Student Priority: Very High
Description: This step in the process allows a student to see who the creators of the site are and
where the idea for the website and its contents came from.
Trigger: Student desires
information on the origin
of the website
Trigger Type: External
Preconditions: Student web browser open
Normal Course: Information for Steps:
1.) Student navigates to Imagination
Portal Home web page
2.) Student navigates to page through
“About” within the menu button
Imagination Portal URL
Alternative Course: Information for Steps:
1b.) Student backs out of website
Post-conditions: Information on the creators and the origin of the website is displayed
Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination:
about the website
-User Web Browser
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Logical DFD
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Logical ERD
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Part III: Design
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Alternative Matrix
An alternative matrix has been created to help determine the appropriate back-end for the
Imagination Portal. To determine the appropriate back-end we compared the original idea of
using USI's internal email service to a purchased MySQL database service. There are strong
positives and negatives for both services.
USI email, although would require manual intervention of all submitted ideas, would be free of
charge, is already developed, and will be supported by USI’s IT department. Because cost is a
huge factor in this project, the price along with the other benefits is superior to the database
Although not immediately selected, the database method would be absolutely necessary when
this site begins to scale to a greater audience as expected in the future. There will be an initial
$5,000 flat cost with no additional cost for a business class license. After a database is
implemented it would allow for application integration to automatically store submissions on our
website and would be able to support a larger amount of user submissions.
Evaluation Criteria
Importance USI E-mail Score (1 - 5)
Score MySQL Database Score (1 - 5)
Technical Issues:
Maintenance 10
IT Department
at USI 5 50
Will require
person 2 20
Development 20
developed 5 100
creation 3 60
Economic Issues:
Cost 30 $0 5 150 $5,000 1 30
Ongoing support 20
IT Department
at USI 5 100
Will require
ongoing support
person 3 60
Feature 20
monitor each
submission 1 20
Allows for
integration to
submissions on
our website 5 100
Total 100 420 270
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Architecture Design
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Hardware and Software Specs
For this project we will need a domain name and a server to host. We will also be using
an outside forms provider. The site will also have a dedicated email to hold the
Web server Client Device
Domain name Internet browser
Forms submission Email for submission
Dedicated Email
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Use Scenarios
User Wishes to Contact Us or Current Sponsor
1. User will login using their USI credentials in order to submit
contact information
User Submits Content
1. User will login using their USI credentials in order to submit
2. User will choose the category that best fits the idea they
wish to submit.
3. User presses submit and the idea is emailed to site
administrators for approval.
2. User fills out the appropriate contact information and it is
submitted to either the Imagination Portal Site Administrators
or it can be sent to the current site sponsor.
3. Imagination Portal Site Administrator or Sponsor reviews
contact information and responds as necessary.
Site Administrator Approves or Denies Content
1. Site Administrator receives an idea from the Imagination
Portal in the form of an email.
2. Site Administrator can choose to ignore and do nothing
with spam and/or offensive idea submissions.
3. If idea fits the websites goals and is categorized correctly,
the Site Administrator can choose to post the idea for all users
to see.
User visits Imagination Portal
1. User will click Imagination Portal link/icon on MyUSI
2. User will type in Imagination Portal URL.
User Browses Site Content
1. User will be greeted with a home page that explains what
the site is about. There will also be a video and information
for sponsor challenges.
2. User will be able to click on various links to either submit
ideas, view previous best ideas, contact the site
administrator, and see sponsor information
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Interface Design
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Program Design
Imagination Portal was written with CSS and HTML with the help of
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Physical DFD
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Physical ERD
Page 34 of 60
Data Dictionary
Field Name Data
Data Description
Unique idea for email of student.
Student submission number.
Unique identifier for page.
Name of the page.
Description of the page.
Unique identifier for form.
Name of the form.
Title of the organization the form is for.
Unique identifier for email of host.
Name of host.
Client CLNT_ID
Unique identifier for client.
Name of client.
Amount of time he/she has been a client.
Page 35 of 60
CRUD Matrix
The CRUD Matrix is used to determine who has access to certain portions of the website. In
addition, this matrix will also help determine the level of access that each user has.
C - Create
R - Read
U - Update
D - Delete
CRUD Matrix
User Administrator
Sponsor Challenge Form CR CRUD
Contact Us Form C CRUD
Client Contact Form C CRUD
Sponsor Contact C CRUD
Category for regular submissions CR CRUD
Submission Form CR CRUD
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Part IV: Implementation
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User Documentation
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Imagination Step 4 Page
Goes to the next
step of the
Page 43 of 60
Imagination Step 5 Page
information to be
sent to a USI email
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Part V: Team Information
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Team Contract
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Project Charter
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Team Pictures
Page 49 of 60
Kyle Niemeier Geoff Beaven
Project Manager Documentation Manager
Kurt Wasson Wyatt Rondot
Documentation Manager Client Liaison
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Lindsey Witty Lindsey Howes
Graphic Designer Programmer
Christopher Kimberlain
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Team Resumes
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Lindsey Howes
6304 N Blackburn Rd, Petersburg, IN 47567 | 812-789-6837 |
· Major: Computer Information Systems
· Emphasis: IS Management
· Database Design
· Experienced in SQL
· Website and portal monitoring
· Proficient in Microsoft Office
· C# programming knowledge
· Write clearly and concisely
· Organized
· Meet deadlines
· Excellent communication skills
· Work well with others
· Problem-solving skills
· Java experience
· Work on analytics projects as instructed by the analytics manager.
· Use Google Earth in daily projects.
· Assist in finding areas to install fiber optic cables.
· Assist the Head Instructor with instructing basketball players in the rules, regulations, equipment, and techniques.
· Organize and direct individual and small practice activities/exercises.
· Assist the Head Instructor with supervising athletes during practices and competition.
· Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through excellent sales service.
· Remain knowledgeable of products offered and discuss available options.
· Assess customers’ needs and provides assistance and information on products.
· Travel to widen customer base.
· August 2014 to Current
· Competed in the 2015 AITP National Conference for USI: Security, database, and Microsoft Office competitions.
· September 2013 to May 2014
· Helped upkeep website/Facebook/Twitter.
· September 2013 to June 2014
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Wyatt Rondot
8140 B O’Daniel South
Evansville, IN 47712
To obtain a position that will enable me to utilize my strong communication skills,
technological background, and ability to work effectively alone or as part of a group.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Information Science
August 2012- Expected Graduate May 2016
University of Southern Indiana
Evansville, IN
AACSB Accredited Romain College of Business
Work Experience
IT Paid Internship April 2014 - Present
Solve faculty email and web-page problems
Screen phone calls for IT Department
Learn to translate English-based problems into computer solutions
Volunteer Service
Senior Community Project Sep 2011 - Jan 2012
Technology Recycle Day - Organized community recycling drive which collected
7000 pounds of electronics for recycling
Extracurricular Activities
Boy Scouts Feb 2000 - Jul 2011
Order of the Arrow - Star Boy Scout Rank - Patrol Leader - Quartermaster -
Historian – Fire Crafter - Monthly and Annual Service Projects
SDLC, Data Analytics, Business Strategies, Effective, Efficient, Leadership,
Communication, Group-Think, Big Data, Decision support, Application Driven,
Data warehouse, Agile programing, Computer software solutions, Powerful
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CIS 477 - Senior Project - Imagination Portal

  • 1. University of Southern Indiana CIS 477 Fall 2015 Dr. Bačić Project Documentation for: Team: Kyle Niemeier Kurt Wasson Geoffrey Beaven Christopher Kimberlain Lindsey Howes Lindsey Witty Wyatt Rondot
  • 2.
  • 3. Table of Contents PART I: PLANNING..................................................................................................................5 SYSTEM REQUEST ............................................................................................................................ 6 FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 7 PROJECTED BUDGET PLAN............................................................................................................... 10 PROJECT PLAN .............................................................................................................................. 11 PART II: ANALYSIS................................................................................................................13 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 14 USE CASES.................................................................................................................................... 15 LOGICAL DFD ............................................................................................................................... 20 LOGICAL ERD................................................................................................................................ 21 PART III: DESIGN ..................................................................................................................23 ALTERNATIVE MATRIX .................................................................................................................... 24 ARCHITECTURE DESIGN................................................................................................................... 25 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECS .................................................................................................. 26 USE SCENARIOS............................................................................................................................. 27 INTERFACE DESIGN......................................................................................................................... 28 PROGRAM DESIGN......................................................................................................................... 31 PHYSICAL DFD.............................................................................................................................. 32 PHYSICAL ERD .............................................................................................................................. 33 DATA DICTIONARY ......................................................................................................................... 34 CRUD MATRIX ............................................................................................................................. 35 PART IV: IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................................37 USER DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................. 38 PART V: TEAM INFORMATION..............................................................................................43 TEAM CONTRACT........................................................................................................................... 46 PROJECT CHARTER ......................................................................................................................... 47 TEAM PICTURES ............................................................................................................................ 48 TEAM RESUMES ............................................................................................................................ 51
  • 4.
  • 5. Page 5 of 60 Part I: Planning
  • 6. Page 6 of 60 System Request Business Need: Provide USI with a web based portal to allow students and interested problem solvers the resource to submit ideas, learn about the process of innovative problem solving, as well as present “Sponsored Problems” that give incentives to solve. Functionality: This will be a sub-site the university can use to include on its main website. We will provide the functionality and programming though HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as any other resource we see beneficial; this could range from Microsoft Excel to MySQL. Expected Value: USI does not have this type of web portal currently on its website. There is no outlet or database for students to express and host their ideas, solutions, or problems. This portal will allow the USI community to get involved in innovation concerning multiple areas. Potential ideas can lead to development in USI as well as the Evansville area. Business ideas, solutions, as well as current problems can be expressed and given attention. The idea of an innovation portal also transcends one specific community; this idea could grow into a regional development. Government interties as well as other funding prospects can be shown the innovation and creation happening at the University of Southern Indiana. Special Issues or Constraints: This project has limited human resources as well as limited time. The project window is projected to be 3 months; budget is also nonexistent. Dr. Khayum is open to ideas and direction; the project itself is very open ended. Dr. Khayum wants this project to be the foundation to a possible website that can be functional outside of USI.
  • 7. Page 7 of 60 Feasibility Analysis Project Summary: Our client has requested an imagination portal in which users will go to a webpage and submit ideas or solutions on a specific topic. Possible topics could include school, local, and personal issues. In addition to idea submissions, we want users to also be able to submit solutions for previous ideas as well. Because this tool may eventually be opened up to a wider audience, scalability is going to be a very important factor in this project. Economic Feasibility: If we are to use USI’s resources, there should not be any costs in order to complete this project. However, assuming we are unable to use the resources as expected, and assuming this portal will go beyond the boundaries of USI, some costs may be incurred. If we were to host our own web page, a business class web-hosting license with Arvixe would cost approximately $22-35 a month. This service also provides a website builder which would make development quite easy and efficient. However, due to the cost for Arvixe to host our site, we are forced to turn to where a free webpage hosting option is offered with a few limitations that will not affect the outcome of the project. If we can use the already existing USI database then there will not be any additional database costs. However, if in the future the project goes beyond the USI domain, a separate database would need to be implemented. MySQL Enterprise Edition would cost approximately $5,000 and has many enterprise monitoring tools that would be included with it. Development Costs: Project Length in Weeks: 16 Hours Per Week: 8 Team Members: 7 Expected Total Cost: $12,120
  • 8. Page 8 of 60 Risk: Because of the resources being used for the project being primarily free to use (Weebly and the USI form submission), economic risk is low for the project. There is a low chance of changes to the costs of the project over the development timeframe. Overall: Financially, this project will be very inexpensive to accomplish. There will be little to no direct operating costs. Many of the tools that we need for the immediate project should all be accessible through USI’s current infrastructure. Only when this application is scaled to a higher level and begins to serve more users will a higher cost be necessary. Organizational Feasibility: Project Champion: Our project champion is Dr. Mohammed Khayum, the Dean of the Romain College of Business at the University of Southern Indiana. Dr. Khayum is the client for which meets will be held and he will be able to shape the project throughout the SDLC. Project Team: Our project will require a structured deadline of tasks that will need to be completed by each responsible project member. The members consist of three developers, one web designer, one business analyst, one client liaison, and one documentation manager. Tasks will be assigned and maintained in Microsoft Project throughout the course of the project. Given the scope of this project we think that we have aligned the roles so that each team member will be a critical asset to the overall success of the group and the project as a whole. Users: The portal will be very attractive, modern, and easy to navigate. The process for submitting a new idea/innovation will be very elaborate as well as thought-provoking. This will help attract students who may have an innovative idea, to the portal. Word of mouth and, hopefully, University advertising will be the primary ways to get the attention of the student body, and after surveying friends and acquaintances of our project members, a significant number of submissions are predicted.
  • 9. Page 9 of 60 Risk: There is moderate organizational risk when implementing any website or portal. Will people want to use it? What will compel users to visit and submit ideas to the portal? These questions will be addressed throughout the project. The appeal design and word- of-mouth promotion of the website is hoped to mitigate some of this risk. Technical Feasibility: Our website will be created and managed using as the domain provider as well as the framework. Since it will only apply to students at the University, when a user gets far enough into the idea submission process, our weebly page will automatically redirect the user to another web page with a submission field from within the USI domain. Using USI’s internal domain will make signing-on and navigating a simple and intuitive process rather than using an outside service to do so. There will not be a need for user’s to create new accounts/passwords to access the portal. All of this will be taken care of by USI’s internal IT department. In addition, since our form webpage will be hosted internally, all hardware limitations and future capacity limits will be determined by the Information Technology department on campus. Our webpage will simply rely on resources that are already present within the USI domain. A database may need to be implemented in order to store ideas, solutions, categories, and even future Evansville user accounts. If we are able to use a USI database as well this would be provided at no additional cost to the project. Risk: Because the size of the team is quite small, risk is moderate. We don’t predict any problems throughout developing the portal, but, as with all technical projects, something can always change or negatively affect the direction of a project. Our technical background due to attending the college of business is hoped to mitigate this risk.
  • 10. Page 10 of 60 Projected Budget Plan PROJECT TASKS LABOR HOURS LABOR COST ($) TOTAL PER TASK Architecture Design 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Interface Design 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Program Design 36.0 $1,440.00 $1,440.00 Project Specifications - Design 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Physical DFD 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Data Dictionary 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 CRUD Matrix 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Physical ERD 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Subtotal 108.0 $4,320.00 $4,320.00 Logical DFD and ERD 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Hardware/Software Specs 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Complete Project/Testing 48.0 $1,920.00 $1,920.00 Subtotal 68.0 $2,720.00 $2,720.00 Project Proposal - First Draft 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Project Proposal - Second Draft 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Post Implementation Plan 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Client Training Documentation 16.0 $640.00 $640.00 Subtotal 48.0 $1,920.00 $1,920.00 Kickoff Meeting 7.0 $280.00 $287.00 Project Charter/System Request 4.0 $160.00 $160.00 Feasibility Analysis 16.0 $640.00 $640.00 Project Plan 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Project Budget 4.0 $160.00 $160.00 System Requirements 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Use Cases 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Use Scenarios 8.0 $320.00 $320.00 Executive Summary 12.0 $480.00 $480.00 Subtotal 79.0 $3,160.00 $3,160.00 Arvixe Web Hosting (Monthly) 0.0 $35.00 $35.00 MySQL Enterprise Edition Database 0.0 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Subtotal 0.0 $5,035.00 $5,035.00 Immediate Project (Expected) 303.0 $12,120.00 $12,120.00 Future (Expected) 303.0 $5,035.00 $5,035.00 Total (Expected) 303.0 $17,155.00 $17,155.00 Monthly Recurring Cost 0.0 $35.00 FUTURE COST PROJECT DELIVERY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROJECT DESIGN PROJECT DEVELOPMENT
  • 11. Page 11 of 60 Project Plan PeriodHighlight:1PlanActual%CompleteActual(beyondplan)%Complete(beyondplan) ProjectPlan PLANPLANACTUALACTUALPERCENTPERIODS(WEEKS) ACTIVITYSTARTDURATIONSTARTDURATIONCOMPLETECompletedBy#################################################################################################################################### 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 Planning/Requirements KickoffMeeting3131100%Team ProjectCharter4141100%KN SystemRequest4141100%KN FeasibilityAnalysis3443100%GB ProjectPlan6262100%GB ProjectBudget-Planned9191100%GB ProjectProposal-FirstDraft8383100%KW ProjectProposal-SecondDraft123122100%KW ExecutiveSummary8300100%GB Subtotal1914 Analysis UseCases8282100%KW LogicalDFD8282100%WR SystemRequirements6362100%KW LogicalERD8282100%WR Subtotal98 Design AlternativeMatrix112111100%GB ArchitectureDesign9391100%KW Hardware/SoftwareSpecs102111100%KW UseScenarios112121100%GB InterfaceDesign103101100%CK PhysicalDFD113114100%WR DataDictionary122122100%LH CRUDMatrix122122100%GB PhysicalERD113114100%WR ProjectSpecifications-Design132132100%KW Subtotal2419 Implementation CompleteProject15120050% Subtotal120 Testing Testing152000% ClientPresentation(TBD)271000% ITAlliancePresentation321000% Subtotal40 Maintenance ClientTrainingdocument284000% PostImplementationPlan302000% Subtotal60 AdditionalRequirements ProgramDesign-NotRequired86000% LastDaytoSubmitFinalProject331000% Subtotal70 GrandTotal8141 EstimatedProjectLaborCost$3,240.00 ActualProjectLaborCost$1,640.00 LaborCost: $40.00 ImaginationPortal
  • 13. Page 13 of 60 Part II: Analysis
  • 14. Page 14 of 60 System Requirements 1. Functional Requirements 1.1 The System should have the capability for users to submit ideas and solutions 1.1.1 The system should step you through submissions 1.1.2 The system should provide content on how to develop ideas and solutions 1.1.3 The system should give examples of former quality ideas and solutions 1.1.4 The system should only accept submission from specific users 1.1.5 The system should have some way of recording submissions 1.2 The system should present the sponsored challenge 1.2.1 The system should give brief information on the sponsor 1.2.2 The system should explain what the sponsor is looing for 1.2.3 The system should explain the incentives the sponsor is giving for submissions 1.3 The system should provide more information about the portal 1.3.1 The system should have an section explaining Dr. Khayum’s idea 1.3.2 The system should give information about the purpose of the website 1.3.3 The system should give information about the Portal Surfers 1.4 The system should be a showcase for the team for future resumes and jobs 1.4.1 The system should be efficient and designed well 1.4.2 The system should use implement practice development techniques 2. Nonfunctional Requirements 2.1 Culture 2.1.1 The system will be written in English 2.1.2 The system will be targeted at the USI community specifically students 2.2 Other 2.2.1 The system will have aspects of USI throughout the website 2.2.2 The system will be targeted to college students 2.2.3 The system should stimulate student involvement with local businesses and the Evansville community in general 2.3 Performance 2.3.1 The system should be efficient and intuitive to use 2.4 The system will be written in HTML with CSS and JavaScript 2.5 The system should meet the need for mobile use
  • 15. Page 15 of 60 Use Cases Use Case 1 Use Case Name: View Idea Submission Page UC ID: 1 Actor: Student Priority: Very High Description: This step in the process allows a student to navigate to the idea submission page Trigger: Student desires to view idea submission web page Trigger Type: External Preconditions: Student web browser open Normal Course: Information for Steps: 1.) Student navigates to Imagination Portal Home web page 2.) Student clicks on “Featured Challenges” button 3.) Student clicks on “Featured Challenges” banner Imagination Portal URL Alternative Course: Information for Steps: 1b.) Student backs out of website 2b.) Student clicks on a circle representing another topic within “Categories” 3b.) Student navigates to page through “Portal” within the menu button Alternative Challenges Post-conditions: Idea Submission Page is displayed Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination: -Submission page -User web browser
  • 16. Page 16 of 60 Use Case 2 Use Case Name: View Idea Generation Steps UC ID: 2 Actor: Student Priority: Very High Description: This step in the process allows a student to navigate to and view the Idea Generation Steps. Trigger: Student desires to view idea generation steps Trigger Type: External Preconditions: Student web browser open Normal Course: Information for Steps: 1.) Student navigates to Imagination Portal Home web page 2.) Student navigates to “Imagination Steps” using menu button at top of page 3.) Student navigates to the bottom of the page and clicks button for next step Imagination Portal URL Alternative Course: Information for Steps: 1b.) Student backs out of website Post-conditions: Idea generation video and other step information is displayed Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination: -Idea generation video and other information displayed -User web browser
  • 17. Page 17 of 60 Use Case 3 Use Case Name: Submit Idea UC ID: 3 Actor: Student Priority: Very High Description: This step in the process allows a student to submit an idea through use of the portal. Trigger: Student desires to submit idea Trigger Type: External Preconditions: Submission web page is open Normal Course: Information for Steps: 1.) Student enters their Student ID information into field on page 2.) Student clicks “login” 3.) Student enters their Idea for the featured challenge 4.) Student submits the idea USI Student ID Student Idea Information Alternative Course: Information for Steps: 1b.) Student backs out of submission page Post-conditions: Student has submitted their idea to the database Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination: -User idea Information -Student ID -User web browser -Completion dialog -Database entry -User web browser -Idea database
  • 18. Page 18 of 60 Use Case 4 Use Case Name: View “FAQ” Web Page UC ID: 4 Actor: Student Priority: Very High Description: This step in the process allows a student to see frequently asked questions about the website or featured challenge. Trigger: Student has questions about the website or challenge Trigger Type: External Preconditions: Student web browser open Normal Course: Information for Steps: 1.) Student navigates to Imagination Portal Home web page 2.) Student navigates to page through “FAQ” within the menu button Imagination Portal URL Alternative Course: Information for Steps: 1b.) Student backs out of website Post-conditions: Frequently asked questions about the website or featured challenge are displayed Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination: -Frequently asked questions -User web browser Use Case 5
  • 19. Page 19 of 60 Use Case Name: View “About” Web Page UC ID: 5 Actor: Student Priority: Very High Description: This step in the process allows a student to see who the creators of the site are and where the idea for the website and its contents came from. Trigger: Student desires information on the origin of the website Trigger Type: External Preconditions: Student web browser open Normal Course: Information for Steps: 1.) Student navigates to Imagination Portal Home web page 2.) Student navigates to page through “About” within the menu button Imagination Portal URL Alternative Course: Information for Steps: 1b.) Student backs out of website Post-conditions: Information on the creators and the origin of the website is displayed Summary Inputs: Source: Summary Outputs: Destination: -Information about the website -User Web Browser
  • 20. Page 20 of 60 Logical DFD
  • 21. Page 21 of 60 Logical ERD
  • 23. Page 23 of 60 Part III: Design
  • 24. Page 24 of 60 Alternative Matrix An alternative matrix has been created to help determine the appropriate back-end for the Imagination Portal. To determine the appropriate back-end we compared the original idea of using USI's internal email service to a purchased MySQL database service. There are strong positives and negatives for both services. USI email, although would require manual intervention of all submitted ideas, would be free of charge, is already developed, and will be supported by USI’s IT department. Because cost is a huge factor in this project, the price along with the other benefits is superior to the database method. Although not immediately selected, the database method would be absolutely necessary when this site begins to scale to a greater audience as expected in the future. There will be an initial $5,000 flat cost with no additional cost for a business class license. After a database is implemented it would allow for application integration to automatically store submissions on our website and would be able to support a larger amount of user submissions. Evaluation Criteria Relative Importance USI E-mail Score (1 - 5) Weighted Score MySQL Database Score (1 - 5) Weighted Score Technical Issues: Maintenance 10 IT Department at USI 5 50 Will require ongoing maintenance person 2 20 Development 20 Already developed 5 100 Requires creation 3 60 Economic Issues: Cost 30 $0 5 150 $5,000 1 30 Organizational Issues: Ongoing support 20 IT Department at USI 5 100 Will require ongoing support person 3 60 Features: Feature 20 Manually monitor each submission 1 20 Allows for application integration to automatically store submissions on our website 5 100 Total 100 420 270 Back-end
  • 25. Page 25 of 60 Architecture Design
  • 26. Page 26 of 60 Hardware and Software Specs For this project we will need a domain name and a server to host. We will also be using an outside forms provider. The site will also have a dedicated email to hold the submissions. Web server Client Device Domain name Internet browser Forms submission Email for submission Dedicated Email
  • 27. Page 27 of 60 Use Scenarios User Wishes to Contact Us or Current Sponsor 1. User will login using their USI credentials in order to submit contact information User Submits Content 1. User will login using their USI credentials in order to submit ideas. 2. User will choose the category that best fits the idea they wish to submit. 3. User presses submit and the idea is emailed to site administrators for approval. 2. User fills out the appropriate contact information and it is submitted to either the Imagination Portal Site Administrators or it can be sent to the current site sponsor. 3. Imagination Portal Site Administrator or Sponsor reviews contact information and responds as necessary. Site Administrator Approves or Denies Content 1. Site Administrator receives an idea from the Imagination Portal in the form of an email. 2. Site Administrator can choose to ignore and do nothing with spam and/or offensive idea submissions. 3. If idea fits the websites goals and is categorized correctly, the Site Administrator can choose to post the idea for all users to see. User visits Imagination Portal 1. User will click Imagination Portal link/icon on MyUSI OR 2. User will type in Imagination Portal URL. User Browses Site Content 1. User will be greeted with a home page that explains what the site is about. There will also be a video and information for sponsor challenges. 2. User will be able to click on various links to either submit ideas, view previous best ideas, contact the site administrator, and see sponsor information
  • 28. Page 28 of 60 Interface Design
  • 31. Page 31 of 60 Program Design Imagination Portal was written with CSS and HTML with the help of
  • 32. Page 32 of 60 Physical DFD
  • 33. Page 33 of 60 Physical ERD
  • 34. Page 34 of 60 Data Dictionary Module Name Field Name Data Type Data Description Student STU_EMAIL STU_SUBNUM string integer Unique idea for email of student. Student submission number. Page PAGE_ID PAGE_NAME PAGE_DESC integer string string Unique identifier for page. Name of the page. Description of the page. Form FORM_ID FORM_NAME ORG_TITLE integer string string Unique identifier for form. Name of the form. Title of the organization the form is for. Host HOST_EMAIL HOST_NAME string string Unique identifier for email of host. Name of host. Client CLNT_ID CLNT_NAME CLNT_SINCE integer string integer Unique identifier for client. Name of client. Amount of time he/she has been a client.
  • 35. Page 35 of 60 CRUD Matrix The CRUD Matrix is used to determine who has access to certain portions of the website. In addition, this matrix will also help determine the level of access that each user has. C - Create R - Read U - Update D - Delete CRUD Matrix User Administrator Sponsor: Sponsor Challenge Form CR CRUD Contact: Contact Us Form C CRUD Client Contact Form C CRUD Sponsor Contact C CRUD Submissions: Category for regular submissions CR CRUD Submission Form CR CRUD
  • 37. Page 37 of 60 Part IV: Implementation
  • 38. Page 38 of 60 User Documentation
  • 42. Page 42 of 60 Imagination Step 4 Page Goes to the next step of the process
  • 43. Page 43 of 60 Imagination Step 5 Page Submits information to be sent to a USI email address
  • 45. Page 45 of 60 Part V: Team Information
  • 46. Page 46 of 60 Team Contract
  • 47. Page 47 of 60 Project Charter
  • 48. Page 48 of 60 Team Pictures
  • 49. Page 49 of 60 Kyle Niemeier Geoff Beaven Project Manager Documentation Manager Kurt Wasson Wyatt Rondot Documentation Manager Client Liaison
  • 50. Page 50 of 60 Lindsey Witty Lindsey Howes Graphic Designer Programmer Christopher Kimberlain Programmer
  • 51. Page 51 of 60 Team Resumes
  • 55. Page 55 of 60 Lindsey Howes 6304 N Blackburn Rd, Petersburg, IN 47567 | 812-789-6837 | EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE | DECEMBER 2015 | UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN INDIANA, EVANSVILLE, IN · Major: Computer Information Systems · Emphasis: IS Management SKILLS · Database Design · Experienced in SQL · Website and portal monitoring · Proficient in Microsoft Office · C# programming knowledge · Write clearly and concisely · Organized · Meet deadlines · Excellent communication skills · Work well with others · Problem-solving skills · Java experience EXPERIENCE INTERN IN ANALYTICS | METRONET, EVANSVILLE, IN | NOVMEBER 2015 TO CURRENT · Work on analytics projects as instructed by the analytics manager. · Use Google Earth in daily projects. · Assist in finding areas to install fiber optic cables. BASKETBALL INSTRUCTOR | YMCA, EVANSVILLE, IN | SEPTEMBER 2015 TO CURRENT · Assist the Head Instructor with instructing basketball players in the rules, regulations, equipment, and techniques. · Organize and direct individual and small practice activities/exercises. · Assist the Head Instructor with supervising athletes during practices and competition. SALES ASSOCIATE | SWEET-D-LICIOUS KETTLE KORN, LLC, WINSLOW, IN | AUGUST 2014 TO CURRENT · Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through excellent sales service. · Remain knowledgeable of products offered and discuss available options. · Assess customers’ needs and provides assistance and information on products. · Travel to widen customer base. VOLUNTEER COMPUTER & PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES · ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS, USI CHAPTER · August 2014 to Current · Competed in the 2015 AITP National Conference for USI: Security, database, and Microsoft Office competitions. · USI SPRINGFEST COMMITTEE · September 2013 to May 2014 · Helped upkeep website/Facebook/Twitter. · EVANSVILLE ICEMEN ICICLES PROMOTIONAL TEAM · September 2013 to June 2014
  • 58. Page 58 of 60 Wyatt Rondot 8140 B O’Daniel South Evansville, IN 47712 317-503-2073 Objective To obtain a position that will enable me to utilize my strong communication skills, technological background, and ability to work effectively alone or as part of a group. Education Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Information Science August 2012- Expected Graduate May 2016 University of Southern Indiana Evansville, IN AACSB Accredited Romain College of Business Work Experience IT Paid Internship April 2014 - Present Solve faculty email and web-page problems Screen phone calls for IT Department Learn to translate English-based problems into computer solutions Volunteer Service Senior Community Project Sep 2011 - Jan 2012 Technology Recycle Day - Organized community recycling drive which collected 7000 pounds of electronics for recycling Extracurricular Activities Boy Scouts Feb 2000 - Jul 2011 Order of the Arrow - Star Boy Scout Rank - Patrol Leader - Quartermaster - Historian – Fire Crafter - Monthly and Annual Service Projects Keywords SDLC, Data Analytics, Business Strategies, Effective, Efficient, Leadership, Communication, Group-Think, Big Data, Decision support, Application Driven, Data warehouse, Agile programing, Computer software solutions, Powerful