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                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,
Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,

                                                                 Line      Understanding the relationship
                                                                           between therapy and coaching
                                                                           By Patrick Williams, EdD, MCC

                                                                                                                                                                         on the future and assumes the client
                                                                                           s the profession of life coaching evolves, it becomes
                                                                                                                                                                         is whole and has the innate wisdom
                                                                                          more uniquely defined and described. Over the past                             and tools to have a wonderful life.
                                                                                          decade, many coaches and psychologists have clarified                             2. Fix vs. create: Why clients come
                                                                                 its definition and role (Ellis, 2005; Williams and Davis, 2000;                         to see you. Clients generally seek a
                                                                                 Stober and Grant, 2006; Williams and Menendez, 2007), and                               therapist as a resource to fix or elimi-
                                                                                 these distinctions continue to emerge. Increasingly, life coach-                        nate their problem; clients seek a
                                                                                                                                                                         coach to assist them in getting more
                                                                                 ing seems to be revealing itself as an evolutionary step beyond
                                                                                                                                                                         out of their lives or creating new possi-
                                                                                 traditional therapy. Traditional ther-   regarding which helping professional is        bilities in their lives.
                                                                                 apy will not become extinct, but         the best fit for a client’s current concern.      3. Professional vs. collegial: Char-
                                                                                 rather it will increasingly serve only     The distinctions between tradi-              acteristics of the helper-client rela-
                                                                                 those clients who need clinical ser-     tional therapy and coaching can be             tionship. Therapy clients generally
                                                                                 vices. On a continuum, the distinc-      considered in four broad categories.           see the therapist as an expert who
                                                                                 tions between the two fields might         1. Past vs. future: Perspectives on          holds the answers and techniques to
                                                                                 be represented as in the chart on the    the process. Therapy frequently                fix their problems; coaching clients
                                                                                 opposite page                            focuses on the past and generally              see the coach as a partner to support
                                                                                   As the helping professions continue    assumes the client has a problem               their growth and efforts to create an
                                                                                 to evolve, more clarity will emerge      that needs solving; coaching focuses           even better life than they have now.

                                                                           22             VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3
                                                                                                                                                                                              vs. Therapy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,
                                                                                                                              It’s important
Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,

                                                                              4. Limited vs. open: How you gen-
                                                                                                                              to keep miles                        ing strategies:
                                                                           erate new clients. Therapists are limited          between                                 • Talk with the client about her
                                                                           in the ways they can generate clients              your coaching                        personal and medical histories and
                                                                           and how readily they can approach oth-                                                  previous mental health treatment.
                                                                           ers about their services; coaches can be           and therapy                             • Explore the history and duration
                                                                           free and open about seeking clients and            practices if                         of the problem.
                                                                           discussing their services.                                                                 • Discuss why the client believes
                                                                              Let’s take a deeper look at each of             you choose to                        she might have this problem at this
                                                                           these distinctions.                                have both.                           time in her life and continue to gath-
                                                                                                                                                                   er pertinent current and historical
                                                                           1. Past versus Future:                                                                  information.
                                                                           Perspectives on the process                  companies. There are definitely               • Consult the most recent DSM
                                                                           In general, therapy has historically         some coach-like therapists — in            (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
                                                                           dealt with the client’s past and some        fact, they are usually the individuals     of Mental Disorders) or the ICD
                                                                           pain or dysfunction. Traditional psy-        most comfortable with the thera-           (International Classifications of
                                                                           chotherapy focuses on the root of the        pist-to-coach transition.                  Diseases), give the client a diagno-
                                                                           problem, the history, the family of                                                     sis, and develop a treatment plan.
                                                                           origin, and other causal issues. The         2. Fix versus Create:                         If the client has insurance, the diag-
                                                                           helper’s role is to bring the client to an   Why clients come to see you                nosis hopefully is one that the insur-
                                                                           adequate present or reasonable level         In most clinical practices, clients come   ance company will accept. If not, the
                                                                           of functioning (taking the dysfunc-          with a presenting problem that they        therapist faces the common dilemma
                                                                           tion into consideration).                    either want the therapist to solve or      of deciding whether to assign a DSM
                                                                              Coaching, by contrast, works with         because someone else has sent them to      diagnosis that will enable the client to
                                                                           an individual who is already ade-            get ‘fixed.’ Psychotherapists see many     get insurance reimbursement. Many
                                                                           quately functioning and moves him            of the latter in marital therapy and       therapists will do this simply to
                                                                           to a higher level of functioning. From       child therapy.                             enable the client to get reimburse-
                                                                           a theoretical perspective, coaching             Applying the traditional medical        ment — not because the diagnosis is
                                                                           focuses on the future, barrier identi-       model of therapy, the therapist            in any way helpful (with the exception
                                                                           fication, goal setting, planning, and        would likely undertake the follow-         of training in a clinical program
                                                                           creative action. Coaching works
                                                                           actively with the conscious mind to            THERAPY/COACHING CONTINUUM
                                                                           facilitate the client to step into a
                                                                           preferred future while also living a          TRADITIONAL THERAPY          TRANSITIONAL MODELS             COACHING
                                                                           fulfiling life in the present.                (Old style)                  (Gray areas)                    (A new option)
                                                                              Now, some of you are reading this          Psychoanalytic               Solution-focused brief          Whole-life coaching
                                                                           and thinking, “But I work in the              Paradigm of pathology        Paradigm of solutions           Paradigm of possibility
                                                                           future when I do therapy!” This may           Orientation                                                  Orientation
                                                                           well be the case, particularly if you         Process                                                      Outcome
                                                                           are trained and practice from a solu-         Feelings                                                     Action
                                                                           tion-focused perspective. However,            Inner world                                                  Inner to outer worlds
                                                                           if you are helping adequately func-           History                      Language is primary tool        Vision of future
                                                                           tioning individuals move to higher            Asking “Why?”                                                Asking “How?”
                                                                           levels of functioning by using coach-         Therapist as expert          Move away from pathology        Coach as co-creator
                                                                           ing techniques, you probably aren’t           Client as patient                                            Partnership of equals
                                                                           doing therapy, or at least not therapy        Medical model                                                Freedom from managed care
                                                                           as defined by most insurance

                                                                                                                                                                               VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3               23
                                                                             vs. Therapy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,
Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,

                                                                           DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THERAPY AND COACHING

                                                                                 THERAPY                         MENTORING                          CONSULTING                          COACHING
                                                                           Deals mostly with a           Deals mostly with succession       Deals mostly with problems and      Deals mostly with a person’s
                                                                           person’s past and trau-       training and seeks to help         seeks to provide information        present and seeks to guide
                                                                           ma, and seeks healing         someone do what you do             (expertise, strategy, structures,   them into a more desirable
                                                                                                                                            methodologies) to solve them        future
                                                                           Doctor-patient                Older/Wiser — Younger/Less Expert-Person with Problem                  Co-creative equal partnership
                                                                           relationship (Therapist       Experienced relationship   relationship (Consultant has                (Coach helps client discover
                                                                           has the answers)              (Mentor has the answers)   the answers)                                their own answers)
                                                                           Assumes emotions are          Is limited to emotional            Does not normally address or        Assumes emotions are
                                                                           a symptom of some-            response of the mentoring          deal with emotions (informa-        natural and normalizes them
                                                                           thing wrong                   parameters (succession, etc.)      tional only)
                                                                           The Therapist diag-           The Mentor allows you to           The Consultant stands back,         The Coach stands with you,
                                                                           noses, and then pro-          observe his/her behavior,          evaluates a situation, and          and helps YOU identify the
                                                                           vides professional            expertise, answers ques-           then tells you the problem          challenges, then works with
                                                                           expertise and guide-          tions, provides guidance           and how to fix it                   you to turn challenges into
                                                                           lines to give you a path      and wisdom for the stated                                              victories and holds you
                                                                           to healing                    purpose of the mentoring                                               accountable to reach your
                                                                                                                                                                                desired goals

                                                                           setting). This situation is the sad reality    the worried well. They don’t need, or        true as well, but a therapist may do
                                                                           of managed care and the rigid applica-         usually even desire, a diagnostic label.     coaching with a former therapy client
                                                                           tion of the medical model to the helping       They don’t have something broken that        as long as there is a ritual ending of the
                                                                           professions, which is mostly the case in       needs an expert to fix. They just want       therapy relationship and the new
                                                                           the United States.                             more out of some aspect of their life        coaching relationship is begun formally
                                                                              Beyond this dilemma, the therapist          and assume that by working with a            and clearly. Therapists who have added
                                                                           must consider the client’s perspective         coach, they will achieve greater success     a coaching niche to their business also
                                                                           throughout this relationship. Clients          in planning, setting goals, and creating     maintain a list of qualified therapists for
                                                                           assume that they will be fixed and will        the life of their dreams.                    referrals. Likewise, therapists some-
                                                                           achieve emotional healing as a result of          If a client with a major psychological    times refer clients to life coaches when
                                                                           their relationship with a therapist; that is   problem comes to see a life coach, the       they have resolved their therapeutic
                                                                           why they sought therapy in the first place.    appropriate action is to refer that client   issues and are ready to move forward
                                                                              Coaching clients, on the other hand,        to a qualified therapist. Coaches need       with their life design and plans.
                                                                           seek a coach for a myriad of reasons,          to be proficient at recognizing appro-
                                                                           most of which relate to their future.          priate and inappropriate coaching            3. Professional versus Collegial:
                                                                           New clients usually do not come                clients, as well as the ethical guidelines   Characteristics of the helper-client
                                                                           because they have a major problem —            of maintaining both a therapy and a          relationship
                                                                           certainly not a major psychological            coaching practice. As a general rule, it’s   The coaching relationship is egalitarian,
                                                                           one. They are not coming with a dys-           important to keep miles between your         collegial, and balanced, and has the
                                                                           function and typically are not coming          coaching and therapy practices if you        flavor of an active partnership. Life
                                                                           in pain. They might have a little general      choose to have both. Additionally, once      coaches assume that clients hold the
                                                                           malaise because they want more out of          a person has been your coaching client,      necessary knowledge and the solutions;
                                                                           life and don’t know how to get it.             it’s unwise to take him or her into your     the coach simply helps unlock their wis-
                                                                           Economists call this category of people        therapy practice. The reverse is mostly      dom. Consider this dialogic difference

                                                                           24                 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3
                                                                                                                                              vs. Therapy

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,
Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,

                                                                           between therapy and coaching clients.           makes it harder to create marketing
                                                                              Therapy client: “I just don’t know           efforts that are visible and relational.
                                                                           what’s the matter with me — I’m so              Identifying yourself as a professional
                                                                           depressed.”                                     coach in a social situation is much easi-     CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF
                                                                              Coaching client: “I’m not sure where         er than stating you are a therapist. In        COACHING LEADERSHIP.
                                                                           to go next; I want to have more time            contrast, it is much easier to build visi-
                                                                           with my family, but I’m just not sure           ble and supportive relationships with
                                                                           how to make it work and keep this job.”
                                                                              Coaching clients often know where
                                                                                                                           other professionals for referral to your
                                                                                                                           coaching business, and it is also much
                                                                                                                                                                         CONTACT US
                                                                           they want to go; coaches help them clarify      easier to speak publicly and without         NOW TO LEARN
                                                                           goals and see their way more clearly. There     stigma about what you do.
                                                                           is not a power differential per se in coach-                                                 HOW YOU CAN
                                                                           ing. Good coaches make a conscious              Transitioning from
                                                                           effort to keep the relationship balanced.       therapist to coach
                                                                              If you were to observe a coaching ses-       Now that we’ve covered the major dif-
                                                                           sion, you would see that it is typically very   ferences between therapy and coach-            ENHANCE your clients’ results –
                                                                           open — often friendly, casual, and light.       ing, let’s examine some of the many           and your own coaching business –
                                                                           Life coaches laugh with their clients and,      transferable skills good therapists (and     through advanced coach skills training
                                                                           when appropriate, may even joke or gent-        other trained helpers) bring to the life
                                                                           ly tease. With caution, life coaches may        coaching relationship.                       FURTHER your mastery of the art of
                                                                           feel comfortable sharing personal experi-          If you have been trained as a thera-      transformative coaching, and change
                                                                           ences that are pertinent to what the            pist or counselor, much of what you              the lives of those around you
                                                                           client is experiencing. Clients and coach-      have learned will serve you well as a life
                                                                           es feel as though they know each other on       coach. Listening skills, reframing, posi-    INCREASE the effectiveness of your
                                                                           a deeper level than may be the case in          tive regard for the client, note taking,        company’s leaders by applying
                                                                           many other professional relationships,          and process skills are just a few of the     coaching principles in your workplace
                                                                           and many coaching clients report that           transferable skills. Additionally, you
                                                                           they appreciate that openness.                  know how to conduct intake interviews        LEARN about certification programs
                                                                              At the same time, coaches are profes-        and discuss difficult issues with clients,     coming soon to Boston, Chicago,
                                                                           sionals and should act accordingly. The         and have probably heard such a variety         Washington DC and Portland OR
                                                                           International Coach Federation’s Code           of stories in therapy that you won’t be
                                                                           of Ethics delineates the high standards         surprised by the issues that clients         BECOME a confident and successful
                                                                           of professional behavior appropriate to         bring to coaching. If you are trained in         Certified Professional Coach
                                                                           the practice of life coaching. The colle-       solution-focused therapy, which uses a
                                                                           gial nature of the relationship between         group of questions to focus the client’s
                                                                           coach and client in no way lessens the          attention and awareness on what works        LEARNING. LEADING. LIVING.
                                                                           importance of abiding by ethical and            rather than what is broken, you already              ESTABLISHED IN 1997
                                                                           professional guidelines.                        have a valuable set of tools you can
                                                                                                                           transfer to life coaching.                   WWW.COACHTRAINING.COM
                                                                           4. Limited versus Open:                            When Deb Davis, a colleague, teaches
                                                                           How you generate new clients                    workshops, she describes changing thera-         TOLL FREE 1.877.228.2622
                                                                           Therapists who add coaching to their            peutic assumptions to the coaching per-
                                                                           business quickly notice the lack of stig-       spective as analogous to resetting the
                                                                           ma attached to attracting new coaching          default buttons on a computer. Therapists
                                                                           clients. Most people don’t talk openly          have been trained to function from a cer-
                                                                           about the need to see a therapist, which        tain operating system. As you transition
                                                                             vs. Therapy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,
Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine,

                                                                           into the coaching perspective and operate
                                                                                                                               Listening skills                      coach to recognize and modify or elimi-
                                                                           from coaching assumptions, you’ll need              and reframing…                        nate the assumptions and practices that
                                                                           to reset the default buttons on your inter-         are just [two]                        may stand in the way of success for your
                                                                           nal operating system so you can think                                                     coaching clients.
                                                                           and act like a coach rather than as a ther-         of the transfer-                        In summary, it is critical that thera-
                                                                           apist. If you’ve ever traveled to a foreign         able skills.                          pists who transition to life coaching
                                                                           country and had to adapt to driving on                                                    understand the distinctions between the
                                                                           the other side of the road, you under-                                                    two professions. It is equally important
                                                                           stand the necessary period of adjust-         they have many transferable skills and      for people enrolled in coach-specific
                                                                           ment. Y have all the basic skills but
                                                                                     ou                                  appropriate preparation that serve          training to learn about these distinctions
                                                                           need to adjust the context in which you       them well as they transition from help-     so they can stay in the coach role and not
                                                                           use them. With time, you acclimate to         ing professionals to life coaches.          delve into therapy territory. Your previ-
                                                                           the new paradigm, and eventually it           However, the two relationships are also     ous training and experiences will dictate
                                                                           becomes second nature.                        distinct in key ways, and some of the       the extent to which you’ll need to alter
                                                                             The coaching profession is evolving,        foundational assumptions that profes-       your professional mindset in order to
                                                                           and we are continually developing             sionals have made as therapists are not     acquire the coaching perspective.       •
                                                                           increasing awareness of the distinctions      appropriate in the life-coaching rela-
                                                                           and similarities between therapy and          tionship. It is your obligation as a pro-   Patrick Williams, EdD, MCC, is Chief Energizing
                                                                           coaching. Therapists are learning that        fessional wanting to be a great life        Officer of the Institute for Life Coach Training.

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                                                                           26                VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3

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Choice Border Line

  • 1. Border Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, Line Understanding the relationship between therapy and coaching By Patrick Williams, EdD, MCC A on the future and assumes the client s the profession of life coaching evolves, it becomes is whole and has the innate wisdom more uniquely defined and described. Over the past and tools to have a wonderful life. decade, many coaches and psychologists have clarified 2. Fix vs. create: Why clients come its definition and role (Ellis, 2005; Williams and Davis, 2000; to see you. Clients generally seek a Stober and Grant, 2006; Williams and Menendez, 2007), and therapist as a resource to fix or elimi- these distinctions continue to emerge. Increasingly, life coach- nate their problem; clients seek a coach to assist them in getting more ing seems to be revealing itself as an evolutionary step beyond out of their lives or creating new possi- traditional therapy. Traditional ther- regarding which helping professional is bilities in their lives. apy will not become extinct, but the best fit for a client’s current concern. 3. Professional vs. collegial: Char- rather it will increasingly serve only The distinctions between tradi- acteristics of the helper-client rela- those clients who need clinical ser- tional therapy and coaching can be tionship. Therapy clients generally vices. On a continuum, the distinc- considered in four broad categories. see the therapist as an expert who tions between the two fields might 1. Past vs. future: Perspectives on holds the answers and techniques to be represented as in the chart on the the process. Therapy frequently fix their problems; coaching clients opposite page focuses on the past and generally see the coach as a partner to support As the helping professions continue assumes the client has a problem their growth and efforts to create an to evolve, more clarity will emerge that needs solving; coaching focuses even better life than they have now. 22 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3
  • 2. Coaching vs. Therapy Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, It’s important Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, 4. Limited vs. open: How you gen- to keep miles ing strategies: erate new clients. Therapists are limited between • Talk with the client about her in the ways they can generate clients your coaching personal and medical histories and and how readily they can approach oth- previous mental health treatment. ers about their services; coaches can be and therapy • Explore the history and duration free and open about seeking clients and practices if of the problem. discussing their services. • Discuss why the client believes Let’s take a deeper look at each of you choose to she might have this problem at this these distinctions. have both. time in her life and continue to gath- er pertinent current and historical 1. Past versus Future: information. Perspectives on the process companies. There are definitely • Consult the most recent DSM In general, therapy has historically some coach-like therapists — in (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual dealt with the client’s past and some fact, they are usually the individuals of Mental Disorders) or the ICD pain or dysfunction. Traditional psy- most comfortable with the thera- (International Classifications of chotherapy focuses on the root of the pist-to-coach transition. Diseases), give the client a diagno- problem, the history, the family of sis, and develop a treatment plan. origin, and other causal issues. The 2. Fix versus Create: If the client has insurance, the diag- helper’s role is to bring the client to an Why clients come to see you nosis hopefully is one that the insur- adequate present or reasonable level In most clinical practices, clients come ance company will accept. If not, the of functioning (taking the dysfunc- with a presenting problem that they therapist faces the common dilemma tion into consideration). either want the therapist to solve or of deciding whether to assign a DSM Coaching, by contrast, works with because someone else has sent them to diagnosis that will enable the client to an individual who is already ade- get ‘fixed.’ Psychotherapists see many get insurance reimbursement. Many quately functioning and moves him of the latter in marital therapy and therapists will do this simply to to a higher level of functioning. From child therapy. enable the client to get reimburse- a theoretical perspective, coaching Applying the traditional medical ment — not because the diagnosis is focuses on the future, barrier identi- model of therapy, the therapist in any way helpful (with the exception fication, goal setting, planning, and would likely undertake the follow- of training in a clinical program creative action. Coaching works actively with the conscious mind to THERAPY/COACHING CONTINUUM facilitate the client to step into a preferred future while also living a TRADITIONAL THERAPY TRANSITIONAL MODELS COACHING fulfiling life in the present. (Old style) (Gray areas) (A new option) Now, some of you are reading this Psychoanalytic Solution-focused brief Whole-life coaching and thinking, “But I work in the Paradigm of pathology Paradigm of solutions Paradigm of possibility future when I do therapy!” This may Orientation Orientation well be the case, particularly if you Process Outcome are trained and practice from a solu- Feelings Action tion-focused perspective. However, Inner world Inner to outer worlds if you are helping adequately func- History Language is primary tool Vision of future tioning individuals move to higher Asking “Why?” Asking “How?” levels of functioning by using coach- Therapist as expert Move away from pathology Coach as co-creator ing techniques, you probably aren’t Client as patient Partnership of equals doing therapy, or at least not therapy Medical model Freedom from managed care as defined by most insurance VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3 23
  • 3. Coaching vs. Therapy Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THERAPY AND COACHING THERAPY MENTORING CONSULTING COACHING Deals mostly with a Deals mostly with succession Deals mostly with problems and Deals mostly with a person’s person’s past and trau- training and seeks to help seeks to provide information present and seeks to guide ma, and seeks healing someone do what you do (expertise, strategy, structures, them into a more desirable methodologies) to solve them future Doctor-patient Older/Wiser — Younger/Less Expert-Person with Problem Co-creative equal partnership relationship (Therapist Experienced relationship relationship (Consultant has (Coach helps client discover has the answers) (Mentor has the answers) the answers) their own answers) Assumes emotions are Is limited to emotional Does not normally address or Assumes emotions are a symptom of some- response of the mentoring deal with emotions (informa- natural and normalizes them thing wrong parameters (succession, etc.) tional only) The Therapist diag- The Mentor allows you to The Consultant stands back, The Coach stands with you, noses, and then pro- observe his/her behavior, evaluates a situation, and and helps YOU identify the vides professional expertise, answers ques- then tells you the problem challenges, then works with expertise and guide- tions, provides guidance and how to fix it you to turn challenges into lines to give you a path and wisdom for the stated victories and holds you to healing purpose of the mentoring accountable to reach your desired goals setting). This situation is the sad reality the worried well. They don’t need, or true as well, but a therapist may do of managed care and the rigid applica- usually even desire, a diagnostic label. coaching with a former therapy client tion of the medical model to the helping They don’t have something broken that as long as there is a ritual ending of the professions, which is mostly the case in needs an expert to fix. They just want therapy relationship and the new the United States. more out of some aspect of their life coaching relationship is begun formally Beyond this dilemma, the therapist and assume that by working with a and clearly. Therapists who have added must consider the client’s perspective coach, they will achieve greater success a coaching niche to their business also throughout this relationship. Clients in planning, setting goals, and creating maintain a list of qualified therapists for assume that they will be fixed and will the life of their dreams. referrals. Likewise, therapists some- achieve emotional healing as a result of If a client with a major psychological times refer clients to life coaches when their relationship with a therapist; that is problem comes to see a life coach, the they have resolved their therapeutic why they sought therapy in the first place. appropriate action is to refer that client issues and are ready to move forward Coaching clients, on the other hand, to a qualified therapist. Coaches need with their life design and plans. seek a coach for a myriad of reasons, to be proficient at recognizing appro- most of which relate to their future. priate and inappropriate coaching 3. Professional versus Collegial: New clients usually do not come clients, as well as the ethical guidelines Characteristics of the helper-client because they have a major problem — of maintaining both a therapy and a relationship certainly not a major psychological coaching practice. As a general rule, it’s The coaching relationship is egalitarian, one. They are not coming with a dys- important to keep miles between your collegial, and balanced, and has the function and typically are not coming coaching and therapy practices if you flavor of an active partnership. Life in pain. They might have a little general choose to have both. Additionally, once coaches assume that clients hold the malaise because they want more out of a person has been your coaching client, necessary knowledge and the solutions; life and don’t know how to get it. it’s unwise to take him or her into your the coach simply helps unlock their wis- Economists call this category of people therapy practice. The reverse is mostly dom. Consider this dialogic difference 24 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3
  • 4. Coaching vs. Therapy Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, between therapy and coaching clients. makes it harder to create marketing Therapy client: “I just don’t know efforts that are visible and relational. what’s the matter with me — I’m so Identifying yourself as a professional depressed.” coach in a social situation is much easi- CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF Coaching client: “I’m not sure where er than stating you are a therapist. In COACHING LEADERSHIP. to go next; I want to have more time contrast, it is much easier to build visi- with my family, but I’m just not sure ble and supportive relationships with how to make it work and keep this job.” Coaching clients often know where other professionals for referral to your coaching business, and it is also much CONTACT US they want to go; coaches help them clarify easier to speak publicly and without NOW TO LEARN goals and see their way more clearly. There stigma about what you do. is not a power differential per se in coach- HOW YOU CAN ing. Good coaches make a conscious Transitioning from effort to keep the relationship balanced. therapist to coach If you were to observe a coaching ses- Now that we’ve covered the major dif- sion, you would see that it is typically very ferences between therapy and coach- ENHANCE your clients’ results – open — often friendly, casual, and light. ing, let’s examine some of the many and your own coaching business – Life coaches laugh with their clients and, transferable skills good therapists (and through advanced coach skills training when appropriate, may even joke or gent- other trained helpers) bring to the life ly tease. With caution, life coaches may coaching relationship. FURTHER your mastery of the art of feel comfortable sharing personal experi- If you have been trained as a thera- transformative coaching, and change ences that are pertinent to what the pist or counselor, much of what you the lives of those around you client is experiencing. Clients and coach- have learned will serve you well as a life es feel as though they know each other on coach. Listening skills, reframing, posi- INCREASE the effectiveness of your a deeper level than may be the case in tive regard for the client, note taking, company’s leaders by applying many other professional relationships, and process skills are just a few of the coaching principles in your workplace and many coaching clients report that transferable skills. Additionally, you they appreciate that openness. know how to conduct intake interviews LEARN about certification programs At the same time, coaches are profes- and discuss difficult issues with clients, coming soon to Boston, Chicago, sionals and should act accordingly. The and have probably heard such a variety Washington DC and Portland OR International Coach Federation’s Code of stories in therapy that you won’t be of Ethics delineates the high standards surprised by the issues that clients BECOME a confident and successful of professional behavior appropriate to bring to coaching. If you are trained in Certified Professional Coach the practice of life coaching. The colle- solution-focused therapy, which uses a gial nature of the relationship between group of questions to focus the client’s coach and client in no way lessens the attention and awareness on what works LEARNING. LEADING. LIVING. importance of abiding by ethical and rather than what is broken, you already ESTABLISHED IN 1997 professional guidelines. have a valuable set of tools you can transfer to life coaching. WWW.COACHTRAINING.COM 4. Limited versus Open: When Deb Davis, a colleague, teaches How you generate new clients workshops, she describes changing thera- TOLL FREE 1.877.228.2622 LEARN@COACHTRAINING.COM Therapists who add coaching to their peutic assumptions to the coaching per- business quickly notice the lack of stig- spective as analogous to resetting the ma attached to attracting new coaching default buttons on a computer. Therapists clients. Most people don’t talk openly have been trained to function from a cer- about the need to see a therapist, which tain operating system. As you transition
  • 5. Coaching vs. Therapy Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, Reproduced with the permission of choice Magazine, into the coaching perspective and operate Listening skills coach to recognize and modify or elimi- from coaching assumptions, you’ll need and reframing… nate the assumptions and practices that to reset the default buttons on your inter- are just [two] may stand in the way of success for your nal operating system so you can think coaching clients. and act like a coach rather than as a ther- of the transfer- In summary, it is critical that thera- apist. If you’ve ever traveled to a foreign able skills. pists who transition to life coaching country and had to adapt to driving on understand the distinctions between the the other side of the road, you under- two professions. It is equally important stand the necessary period of adjust- they have many transferable skills and for people enrolled in coach-specific ment. Y have all the basic skills but ou appropriate preparation that serve training to learn about these distinctions need to adjust the context in which you them well as they transition from help- so they can stay in the coach role and not use them. With time, you acclimate to ing professionals to life coaches. delve into therapy territory. Your previ- the new paradigm, and eventually it However, the two relationships are also ous training and experiences will dictate becomes second nature. distinct in key ways, and some of the the extent to which you’ll need to alter The coaching profession is evolving, foundational assumptions that profes- your professional mindset in order to and we are continually developing sionals have made as therapists are not acquire the coaching perspective. • increasing awareness of the distinctions appropriate in the life-coaching rela- and similarities between therapy and tionship. It is your obligation as a pro- Patrick Williams, EdD, MCC, is Chief Energizing coaching. Therapists are learning that fessional wanting to be a great life Officer of the Institute for Life Coach Training. conflictmastery ™ Enhance your own conflict management foundation 8 hour teleclass or workshop ICF CEUs – 8 hours Mention this ad when you register and get 10% off Contact: conflictmastery™ a division of CINERGY® Coaching 1-866-335-6466 26 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3