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Short Stories,
Long Country
                      Issue 4

         A collection of experiences from 2011
            WorldTeach volunteers in Chile
Table of Contents
3        Message from our Field Director
4         In the Classroom
10       Host Families                                ―You are the
                                                      storyteller of
13        Travel                                    your own life and
                                                     you can create
                                                    your own legend
18        Comida Chilena                                 or not.‖

22       Grafiti Chileno                              -Isabel Allende

24       Reflections

Letter from the Editors
Here it is! The fourth edition of Short Stories, Long Country—
WorldTeach Chile‘s biannual newsletter! It has been bittersweet
creating this edition, but we hope that the end product is
something representative of all the WorldTeach Chile volunteers.
We have high expectations! If your world is not rocked to the core
by this newsletter, you‘re reading it wrong.
In all seriousness though, we would like to thank several people for
making this newsletter (and more importantly this experience)
possible: our friends and family, for their continued support; our
fellow volunteers, for helping us assemble this newsletter; and last
but not least, the WorldTeach support staff, especially our awesome
field director, Heather Tang! This experience has been one of a
kind, and of course, we would be remiss to not note the one thing
tying all us gringos together: Chile. This is a country that is never
short of interesting stories—from the unique culture, to the
stunning geography, to the all the wonderfully warm and welcoming
people. We have been incredibly lucky to have spent even a
moment here, let alone lived and worked here for months.
Viva Chile!
Please enjoy this issue of SSLC, y lectura feliz!

Your SSLC editors,
Chika & Eva
Message from our
Field Director
Another Chilean school year is coming to a close and once
again, our valiant WorldTeach volunteers have danced more
Cha Cha Slides, slapped more high fives, and clucked like
chickens more than they could have ever imagined. Their
students have enjoyed the benefits of learning English from
a gringo as well as sharing culture, laughter, and perhaps
just a little gossip about Justin Bieber. With the
omnipresent student movement for a change in the public
education system in progress since June, 2011 was
definitely an interesting year to be a part of the Chilean
school community. July bid farewell to half of our first
WorldTeach familia arrivals but also welcomed seven new
faces, ready to take on the their roles as teachers in their
schools, members in their host families, and cultural
ambassadors in Chile. From Valparaíso to Bio Bío, these
volunteers have made the most of their experiences in this
amazing country and formed memories and relationships
that they will cherish for a lifetime. With our partnership
with English Opens Doors coming to an end this year, this
is the final issue of Short Stories, Long Country with
WorldTeach functioning in this capacity in Chile. In the
following pages, you will relive the past year through the
eyes of our truly wonderful group of dedicated volunteer
teachers. We hope that one day we can return to Chile and
continue our exchange, as to become a part of this culture
and people is an experience well worth it. Disfruten!

Heather Tang

WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based at the
Center for International Development at Harvard University that
provides opportunities for individuals to make
a meaningful contribution to international
education by living and working as volunteer
teachers in developing countries.
In the Classroom

Revolución de
En Toma
by Ryan Mosser
   Imagine yourself back in high school. What       failed system. A recent poll showed that 89       At the high school where I teach, over 100
were your priorities- fleeting romances, sports,    percent of Chileans support student              students directly participated in a takeover of
parties, fitting in? Maybe grades and college?      demands for educational reform. Hundreds         the school that lasted for a month. The
Maybe you chafed under the authoritarian            of schools, both secondary and universities,
and arbitrary rule of adults a bit, especially      have been en toma (physically taken over
after getting suspended for wearing a               and occupied by students in protest), and           “Essentially, it‟s a system that
backpack during school hours (guilty)? How          every week there are massive marches all             brutally affects the poor and,
about organizing on a national level to fight a     over the country. They are protesting a                on a broader scale, stifles
deeply stratified and broken educational            system where the privileged attend private               national growth and
system that punishes the poor and working           schools, those who can scrape together the                   development.”
class? What‘s that, you were looking for an         money send their children to semi-private
older sibling to buy Mike‘s Hard Lemonade for       schools, and the rest attend dramatically
Friday night?                                       under funded public schools. This last           students had a focused list of local
   The ongoing student protests for improved        group, the majority, has little hope of          demands, and are still in the process of
public education in Chile have received             obtaining the minimum score on the SAT-          negotiating with the mayor. As deadlines for
relatively little attention in the United States.   equivalent to go to college. Of those who do     small physical improvements pass, the
With events such as the riots in London, fall of    then go college, students‘ families are          students initiate small two-hour strikes
Gaddhafi in Libya, collapse of the Greek            obliged to pay 85% of tuition to even state-     that disrupt the school day in order to state
economy, and ―upcoming‖ presidential                supported universities regardless of             clearly that they will not accept inaction.
election in the US, perhaps it is to be             economic means, leading to crushing                At my school, the students support the
expected.                                           amounts of debt for years. Essentially, it‘s a   national cause of better public education,
  However, I see in Chile a distinctly positive     system that brutally affects the poor and, on    but also have a list of basic improvements
force in the movement, as thousands of              a broader scale, stifles national growth and     that are fundamental to safety and
students demand greater results from a
health. Many of these could be solved by $1,000 and a Sodimac (think Lowe‘s or
Home Depot), but have not been addressed even with a grant to the school at the
beginning of the year. The students want to know where the money went, and I
cannot say that I blame them. Their behavior during the takeover was absolutely
impeccable, with no destruction whatsoever to the school. I have no conclusion to
the story, as this struggle continues on a week-to-week basis.
                                                       I think the fundamental
                                                     question for a country,
   “For Chile, a developing country with
                                                     whether Chile or the United
      significantly less resources and               States, is how to make a
  people, this investment is all the more            better future. As millions of
      important to its future success.”              people all over the world have
                                                     answered in the past, the
students here in Chile see equitable education as the answer. The United
States, regardless of the economic downturn, is the richest country in the world
and can choose quite easily to invest in education in a meaningful way. In fact,
over the past 50 years we have built an enviable system of public education
(albeit with deep racial and socioeconomic flaws that we should continue to
improve). I truly hope that we continue to make education for all a priority, and
not a budget scapegoat. For Chile, a developing country with significantly less
resources and people, this investment is all the more important to its future
success. As thousands upon thousands upon thousands of students and
citizens are in the streets here to make that message loud and clear, one can‘t
help but be inspired to think that we can always do better in Chile, the United
States, or anywhere else in the world.

    “We are guilty of many errors and many faults but
       our worst crime is abandoning the children,
   neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we
     need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the
    time his bones are being formed, his blood is being
   made, and his senses are being developed. To him we
     cannot answer 'Tomorrow.' His name is 'Today.'”

                            -Gabriela Mistral
Classroom Stories
Besos for Books
by Crystal Chandy
   Books in Chile are very expensive and thus not readily available as they are in   Overheard in the Classroom
the United States. There are several reasons for this, like book-taxes and high       ―Do you know the Jonas Brothers?‖           How old are you?‖ Student‘s
publishing costs. In a country working towards the creation of a better                                                             response: ―I am fine.‖
educational system, the lack of reading materials puts students at a                  ―Why do you say you're welcome
disadvantage. A used paperback (which wouldn‘t go for more than a dollar in the        after thanks, when welcome means            Student‘s reply to everything,
United States) can easily be priced at five to eight dollars in Chile. Now imagine     bienvenidos?‖                                including, ―Stop it and sit down!‖:
                                                                                                                                    ―What‘s up, man?‖
the price of brand new, Spanish textbooks (which are oftentimes more expensive
                                                                                      ―Hi. I‘m angri!‖ Intercepted note
than English counterparts, having translation royalties incorporated into the          from a student, who was asked to            After teaching students a series of
price): schools simply don‘t have enough books to foster reading among kids.           move desks after repeatedly talking          quips for Slang of the Day at the
   In one of my classes, the students took part in an activity where they listed       out of turn in class (angry was a            beginning of the semester, hearing
reading books as one of the most expensive leisure activities. As someone who          vocabulary word).                            them tacked on to the end of every
loves to read, this is a great tragedy! Therefore another Ministry volunteer and I                                                  conversation in English.
started a program called ―Besos for Books‖. We ask people who have books they         ―I live sleeping. I do not live school.‖
                                                                                                                                    ―How are you? Boo yah!‖
want to recycle or throw away, to instead send them to Chile. Any and all types        - Student, meaning to say like.
                                                                                                                                    ―What time is it? Burn!‖
of books are needed: teacher resources, novels, history books, art books, music                                                     ―Where are you from? Oh snap!‖
                                                                                      Students butchering the theme
books, etc. Teachers and students alike lack materials! It costs $50 to ship a
                                                                                       song to ―Happy Days.‖ They quickly
package filled with books at 20 pounds off to Chile. We plan to distribute these                                           Several of students struggle to
                                                                                       got better though.
books amongst the EFL teachers in order to help furnish libraries in public and                                             remember the word ―skateboard,‖
semi-private schools.                                                                                                       but all can produce ―Bart Simpson.‖
                                                                                      ―You‘re not the boss of me now!
   In return for books, students and teachers that ―Besos for Books‖ works with        You‘re not the boss of me now and
will send a big BESO (KISS) to you as a thank you. (A beso is the traditional          you‘re nosobiiii…‖ –Student taking
Chilean greeting and good-bye).                                                        it upon himself to learn the theme
                                                                                       song from ―Malcolm in the Middle‖
Please spread the word about our program.
The students here would really appreciate your help!                                  ―Miss, cuando voy a conocer mis
                                                                                       suegros?‖ (Miss, when am I going to
 Please ship all books to the following address:                                       meet my in-laws?). Student before
English Department c/o Suzuki Koda                                                     meeting a volunteer‘s American
EOD Volunteer: Colleen Hall                                                            parents.                                                                           7
323 Yerbas Buenas Street
Valdivia, Chile
Winter Camps
The Warmth of Winter
by Trey Thompson

Snug and secure in Hosteling International,                With rousing karaoke and a raucous talent show
Warm rooms and bad food, both came with camaraderie.       We bid students farewell; again we would go.
Over orientation we learned about MINEDUC and Chile        This time to Monte Patria, high in the hills.
Welcoming us to begin our journey                          We glimpsed snow-capped peaks from our lonely
But we weren't meant to stay.                                    cabanas
For just five nights we rested our heads,                  And planned out a week for just forty new learners
Then re-packed out bags, pulled sheets from our beds       Ringed by mountains in this tiny town
And were off to Viña.                                      Young voices were teaching not to bully, not to clown.
                                                           Nights lit by the Southern Cross and Milky Way.
Others would travel far and wide, while we
Needed but 90 minutes to first view the South Pacific.     Two very different settings, and quite different weeks
In orderly Viña, Liceo Columbia had seen better days       But the sameness was most stark.
One hall abandoned to last year's quake;                   Minnows and sharks, ninjas and robots,
Tired classrooms, worn concrete, cracked but not broken.   Singing songs, making posters, and scavenger hunts,
But with 110 students, all eager to speak                  Lunches together, which were far-from-inspired,
And 12 volunteers would would take on the week,            Field trips to cerros, either crowded or green,
It blossomed with wild oranges, yellow submarines, and     And remolinos galore, to spread our message of esteem.
      optimus purple.                                      Blue shirts swimming through seas of orange.
Some students spoke with great ease
While others would struggle;
But all built friendships with the vols, with each other.
And all through the weeks, as we taught and played games,
We built skills to teach our new students
Between the games, the chats, the bromas.
Ready to teach, despite miles, despite paros, despite tomas;
We again joined new schools, spreading confidence, excitement,
     and knowledge.

  About Winter Camps:

  Created by the Chilean Ministry of Education, total
  immersion English Winter camps occur every
  summer and winter vacation. Camps are designed
  to give motivated Chilean high school students the
  chance to practice English in a more hands on way,
  as well as to provide opportunities for students to
  work with volunteers/native speakers. This is done
  through interactive activities including role-playing
  exercises, field trips, group projects, and
  competitive games.

  Camps take place over the course of one week in
  locations all over Chile. Volunteers were given the
  opportunity to get to know other parts of Chile
  beyond their placements. For many members of the
  WorldTeach familia, this was their first hands on
  experience with Chilean students.

Host Families

En la Casa
 Sonrisa Ancha
 by Alexander Lokey
                                                shoulders, saying loudly, ―Cilantro!‖ We         Petite as a button and dignified as running
  I would like to begin with my father, Raul    then walked into the kitchen and (in           water, Senora Cartes works very hard. I
―Chico‖ Flores. When I first met Senor Little   Spanish) he said, ―This was not                imagine her afterlife to be a well-deserved
Flowers, he told me that a man from our         kitchen.‖                                      eternal foot massage de los dios sus
podunky, rustic mountain town of Quirihue         He pointed at his right eyeball, then to     mismos. They will do her five loads of laundry
had once fought against Napoleon.               the ceiling and proceeded to rigidly           and insist—Insist, dammit!— that they do no
  In my broken Spanish, I told him I play       convulse his body—was this supposed to be      need help with any of it, nor the huge mid-day
guitar and I don‘t like yogurt.                 the Earthquake Dance? He cackled at my         lunches between work shifts. They will
  So we played guitars, and we didn‘t eat       slight pause, and yelled, ―My son!‖            send her on adventures outside the Above
any yogurt. With his eyes shut, he wrapped        We totally hit it off.                       World while they sweep the dust off the cloud
his arms around his encumbering
                                                                                               tops. Their only alone time will be at midnight
instrument like a koala to an over-girthed
                                                   “He put his guitar facedown on              with ―Quien Quiere Ser Un Millonario?,‖
eucalyptus. Singing ―Te Recuerdo Amanda‖
                                                  the couch, raised his fists in the           nursing sad cups of tea. Every day, every
in perfect baritone, I watched his Adam‘s
                                                    air and yelled, „Alexander!‟ ”             single eensy-weensy trans-dimensional
apple dance playfully under the baby pudge
                                                                                               microsecond, they will appreciate her.
of his clean-shaven face. He smiled the
                                                                                                 Her patience stretches for miles—eh-hem,
whole time he sang, as if in on a secret to a     It always happens in that meandering         excuse me, kilometers. Her patience stretches
very simple truth. He smiled as if his belly    order, an unpredictable Mad-Lib setting        further than wormholes. My success rate in
was bursting with tickly butterflies,           where any scenario seems like a fill-in-the-   understanding everyday Spanish is
metamorphing into hummingbirds, or              blank. Example: ―Dinner tonight was tasty      approaching 49 percent. Even so, if she sees
technicolor baby pterodactyls.                  and [adjective].‖ Dinner tonight was tasty     that I do not understand what she is saying to
He put his guitar facedown on the couch,        and… adjective… Let‘s think, hmm…              me, she will continue speaking with her
raised his fists in the air and yelled,         Musical! Yes, ―Dinner tonight was tasty        arsenal of synonyms and tenses. She won‘t
―Alexander!‖ He walked me over to the           and musical,‖ because my father danced         even blink. Then she will give me more food.
dinner table and pointed at a green garnish     around the kitchen playing a flute, and I      Her ear-to-ear-and-back-again smile never     11
dish next to a packet of mayo. He stood on      ate a hot dog covered in avocado and           ceases. Enamel sunshine.
his tippy-toes and put his arm around my        mayonnaise.
Activities to Entertain Your                       on the floor and flop their legs occasionally.
One time I bought a stupid little hand towel,                                                        Also an excellent opportunity to expose them
thinking that it was a regular bath towel (my     Hermanos: A List
                                                                                                     to angry hip-hop music.
limited Spanish often leads me to unwanted        By Emily Wauford
knick-knacks). It dried just fine, but it made                                                       • Take a break from hermano time to read a
loin cloths seem like monk robes. My                                                                 book outside. Watch as they come up with
predicament was simple: After drying, I                                                              their own activities to keep you from reading
would change into my clothes in the                                                                  your book at all costs. These activities could
bathroom. Peachy as two peaches.                                                                     include: hiding and then continually calling
Regardless, it was my stupid little contingent                                                       your name until you try to come find them,
towel for when my ―man-towel‖ was being                                                              crawling underneath the entire house to pop
washed, so I hardly needed it. When she                                                              up beneath the staircase you're sitting on,
discovered my stupid little towel, she was                                                           and throwing miscellaneous items out of the
perplexed. I didn‘t know how to explain to                                                           second story window at you claiming that it is
her that I could not really afford another one,                                                      raining stuff.
nor reveal my shame.                                                                                 •Spend an hour throwing all the "stuff" it
I now have four big contingent towels.                                                               "rained" back to the hermanos in the second
                   ***                                                                               story window before the dog can get a hold of
 When my father mentioned that our kitchen                                                           it and eat it.
was never a kitchen, he meant that the back
                                                                                                   • Make food. When there isn't much in the
half of the house collapsed in the earthquake
                                                                                                   fridge, you of course will go for scrambled
of 2010. Improvising, they turned a
                                                                                                   eggs. You throw in some of the pepper that
remaining room into a kitchen, and moved
                                                                                                   your mom mailed you from home, which
the debris to the furthest part of their
                                                  •Play every card game known to man, though       causes the hermanos to have a conniption fit
backyard. They masked the destruction with
a makeshift black tarp fence, but the             ones that involve slapping cards are preferable. since pepper is "way too spicy." This will lead
                                                  Three person spit is a favorite as you get to    to a pepper-eating contest.
remnants of old memories still peek out over
in piles.                                         hear a lot of ESPEET!                            •Learn how to dance cueca. The plus side is
  Last Sunday morning, I watched my father        • Play fetch with the dog with a plastic bottle.   that the hermanos have to demonstrate on
plant my mother purple and yellow                                                                    each other, and will spend at least twenty
tulips. She was sleeping. Not knowing really      • Spend an hour and a half trying to retrieve      minutes arguing over who has to be the girl
how to, he had made me bacon (I finally           the plastic bottle your hermano accidentally       before one of them caves and prances about
found some in Chile!). When she woke he           threw over the fence into the neighbors yard       with a scarf tied around his head.
was waiting by the door to the backyard to        with a 6-foot long pole, a nail, and a plastic
                                                  bag.                                               • Mess with the family cat. And by "mess with"
show her.
                                                                                                     I mean throw it up into the air and see if it
   I nibbled on little scraps of bacon char       • Learn how to dance ballet while listening to     can land on its feet every time.
while they embraced next to the flower            Lady Gaga, inevitably devolving into ice-skating
garden.                                           on the wood floors in your socks.                 • Arts and crafts: make gravestones for the
                                                                                                    deceased family cat. You have to use pink and
                                                  • Kick a shoe at the fence. The shoe is a make green paper since those are the only colors
                                                  shift soccer ball. The fence is a makeshift goal. that are left. Appropriate since the cat's name
                                                  Every time you can kick the shoe all the way to was Pinki, but that is lost on your brothers,
                                                  the fence, the US loses to Chile in the World     who have no idea what the word "pink"
                                                  Cup final. Again.                                 means.                                        12
                                                  • Try to lead an abs workout class. This will     • Chop firewood. Straight up. These boys
                                                  lead to you doing abs while your hermanos lie have to learn how to become men somehow.


by Crystal Chandy                                  After a long trek, I finally reached a turn in   Chilean Bucket List
                                                 the road. There was a house on the corner
   A long weekend came up and I felt restless.                                                      • Visit the Atacama Desert
                                                 with livestock outside and clothes hanging on
I wanted to make the most of my time here in                                                        • Subrir a mountain and/or volcano
                                                 the line. An old man came out and greeted
Chile and the idea of staying at home was not                                                       • See the fjords of the south
one I wanted to entertain. Somehow I                                                                • Attend a premier-league soccer game
                                                  “I hopped on a bus and it dropped
stumbled upon Pucón. My host family                                                                 • Find a way to see the sunset in Quintay
                                                  me on the side of the highway near
warned me about the cold weather there                                                              (the collectivos stop running at 7:15pm)
since it is further south, but I had made up          a bunch of grazing sheep.
                                                                                                    • Travel to Chiloé
my mind to go. Good thing I did!                            Only in Chile!”                         • Stargaze in the north
   A short 6-hour bus ride south of Cabrero is                                                      • Hike in Patagonia
Pucón—a westernized tourist town amidst the      me. He had no teeth and his clothes were           • Visit the host springs in Pucón
mountains, volcanoes, and lakes. It‘s            disheveled. He approached me and told me I         • Dance the cueca successfully
absolutely beautiful! I walked around the city   had to pay him 500 pesos to continue on my         • Watch a rodeo
alone for many hours that first day falling in   journey. I was very confused but after             • Visit Torres del Paine
love with everything there was to do and see     debating my options for a minute—make a            • Visit Tierra del Fuego
there: the black sand beaches along the lake,    run for it or pay the man— I decided to give
the artisan vendors set up in the Plaza, the     him the money. There didn‘t seem to be an
handicraft stores along Avenida Fresia, and      easy way to get around him and 500 pesos
the most impressive, the active Volcan           wasn‘t going to buy him a new dental plan.
Villarrica, where you can see smoke piping         Every peso of the 500 pesos was worth it,
from the top of it on a clear day.               as the Ojos del Caburgua simply exuded
  I spent the next day hiking and exploring      tranquility.
the area. My family had suggested I find the       When I returned to Pucón, I walked around
waterfalls known as the Ojos del Caburgua.       the town a little more. I browsed stores with                                                  14
I hopped on a bus and it dropped me on the       hand-knit ponchos, popular Chilean games,
side of the highway near a bunch of grazing      and native Mapuche carvings. I eventually
sheep. Only in Chile!
found myself in the most artistic store.        overnight, figure out what buses to take
Everything in the store was made of nails,      and when, and order at restaurants.
screws, and other hardware manipulated to       Now, I was talking to a shop owner about
form people and things. There were              things he sold in his store… in Spanish!
motorcycles, cueca dancers, rock climbers,
soccer players, snowboarders, dentists,
teachers, and even Michael Jackson! My           “I was conversing in Spanish with
favorite was a display known as borrachos,       much less effort than ever before!
where nails had been sculpted into people        I‟m telling you, there is something
who were obviously inebriated. There were        magical about Pucón!”
about 15 different types of drunken
situations. I was impressed with the            I was conversing in Spanish with much
creativeness and spoke at length with the       less effort than ever before!
storeowner about how he sculpted every
                                                  I‘m telling you, there is something
single piece. It was incredible! This was the
                                                magical about Pucón! I can see myself
first time I realized my Spanish was
                                                starting a business there - a place where
improving. All weekend, I had been able to
                                                people can dance cueca on a porch lit up
ask for directions, find a place to stay
                                                at night and people can eat churrascos
                                                and drink vino near a roaring fireplace.
                                                Oye! It was difficult saying good-bye!

San Pedro de

One Week in the North                         town are not Chilean, or even native Spanish         so I told him I was looking for something for
by Eva Cappuccilli                            speakers. San Pedro specializes in adventure         my host mom. ―Your host mom?‖ he asked.
   Northern Chile is home to the Atacama,     tourism, hence all the people. All that said,        I briefly explained what I doing in Chile, and
the driest desert in the world. Having one    what impressed me the most about San Pedro           maybe it broke up the mediocrity of normal
week of vacation (a rare and wondrous         wasn‘t really all the things I could do there (and   conversation, but the idea of me teaching,
thing for me), I decided to brave a 24-hour   there were many), or all the tourists I could talk   and not just studying, interested him.
bus ride to San Pedro, a small pueblo         to, but rather the sense of buena onda all              ―So why did you choose Chile?‖ The usual
located smack dab in the wettest part of      around. Buena onda means good vibes, and is          reasons come to mind: wanting to teach,
said desert. San Pedro is known for many      just as hippie as it sounds. Everyone I met from     travel and learn Spanish. He laughed at the
things, such as the lagunas formed from       San Pedro was very relaxed, friendly and             last one and remarked on how bad Chilean
run-off from the mountains, hot springs,      interested in conversation.                          Spanish generally is. It‘s true, Chileans
geysers, salt flats, and monstrous               One afternoon, I walked around the center         have definitely earned their bad reputation
volcanoes all around the outskirts of town.   looking for souvenirs, when I wandered into a        for speaking, by mumbling, dropping the
There are no neighboring cities for nearly    shop, and started poking through the shelves.        letter ‗s‘, shortening words and using an
a hundred kilometers however. It feels        The shop owner came up to ask if I wanted help,      inordinate amount of slang. All that said
like complete isolation…                                                                           though, I can relate. I am from Tennessee.
   Well, ok, except for all the gringo                                                             Every time I meet someone from a state
tourists. Valle de la Luna and Valle de la                                                         further north than Kentucky or further west
Muerte are particularly popular places to                                                          than Texas, there is a really good chance
visit, having really stunning rock                                                                 he/she will make a dumb comment like,
formations and pricey tours, there is no                                                           ―But you don‘t sound like you‘re from the
other place in the world that offers better                                                        South.‖ Explaining this to him, and I
stargazing, as evidenced by sheer amount                                                           shrugged and said, ―So what? I‘ll just have
of astronomers that flock to the                                                                   two bad accents.‖ He found that to be
observatories there; and the majority of                                                           very funny, and something as insignificant
the people walking around the center of
as bad accents became common ground.
   I stayed and hung out with him a few times over the week, talking about religion,   Things I Wish
astronomy, and all sorts of topics only hippies really care about. He was one of a
few examples of people in San Pedro being very open and friendly—more so than the      I Left at Home
average Chilean. That‘s the main reason I would recommend the Atacama to people
looking to get really badly sunburned on vacation—at least you‘ll be surrounded by     •Some of my tank tops/t-shirts. It‘s freezing
buena onda while you fry, trying to climb a salt formation!                            here, and I hardly ever take off my jacket

                                                                                       •Dresses & skirts

                                                                                       •My hair clippers. I forgot to check the voltage
                                                                                       requirements on them, and now I can't use them
                                                                                       without buying a converter that costs more than
                                                                                       a new pair of clippers.

                                                                                       •My old pocket watch. I had a vague sense that
                                                                                       this could be used to help teach students about
                                                                                       telling time, but it was quickly supplanted by a
                                                                                       foam clock from the 350-peso store.

                                                                                       •I brought too many sweaters and too many
                                                                                       bathing suits.

                                                                                       •Less casual clothes, more professional/nicer

                                                                                       •I wish I had brought a 5-month supply of Sour
                                                                                       Patch Kids watermelon! It is my feel good snack
                                                                                       and nothing here compares to it!

                                                                                       •I wish I had brought more books to read. I was
                                                                                       definitely not prepared for life without internet.

                                                                                       •Supplies I thought I‘d need for teaching. I didn‘t
                                                                                       end up using half of them, and the ones I did
                                                                                       bring, I could have bought here.

                                                                                       •Half of my shoes… How am I going to get             17
                                                                                       them back?
Comida Chilena

She’s a Vegetarian
                                            a mile radius (including people at the       gesture. The first barbecue, she         Felipe: Why is she eating
Empanadas de Soya                                                                        made me two. They were really            something else?
                                            hospital where she where she
by Eva Cappuccilli                                                                       delicious, as in heavenly choirs
                                            volunteers). So, when I say she goes                                                  Cristina: She‘s a vegetarian.
  Vegetarianism is not some passing         out of her way to make sure I have           sang, and I made sure to tell her as
fancy for me; I‘ve been one for half of     something special for every meal,            much. Well, taking note of this, she     Felipe: So, she doesn‘t eat
                                                                                         made me three the second day.            meat?
my life. Unfortunately for me, not          maybe I should say, that despite being
many countries are really conducive to      well-meaning, she even goes a bit too        Obviously they were still really good,   Cristina: No. No red meat,
this lifestyle, Chile included. Not that    far out of her way…                          possibly earth-shattering, but I was     no chicken, no turkey, no
                                                                                         more than a little stuffed               fish...
Chileans eat more meat than other              Case, the first: Independence Day.
people or anything, but they don‘t          It‘s practically akin to heresy not to eat   afterwards—two was plenty the first      Felipe: No fish?
particularly understand what being          traditional Chilean foods on Dieciocho.      day. I still told her how good they
vegetarian means. No, I won’t drink         Empanadas de pino are the national           were, especially since she went out      Cristina: No po.
chicken broth for my sore throat... No,     favorite, being made with onions,            of her way to make them just for me.     Felipe: Eva, do you even
I’m not being difficult; some vegetarians   olives, eggs, raisins, and… ground           Well, if you were guessing (and          like carne de soya?
don’t eat fish, and I also hate fish…       beef. Understandably, I have never           kudos to you), by this point you
                                                                                         know, on the third day, I got four. I    Me: Yeah, it‘s okay.
No, I won’t just try one chorripan,         tried one, but Cristina is determined
because it’s a sausage…                     that I never settle for empanadas de         had to explain, as politely as           Felipe: Do you like tofu
  Luckily, my host mom has been             queso, rather that I never settle at all,    possible I cannot actually eat that      better?
pretty good about understanding what        when I could be eating something she         many empanadas in one sitting, as
                                                                                                                                  Me: Um, tofu‘s a good
I will and will not eat, and being the      thinks I may like better.                    much as I would like to… ―Ja,            substitute in dishes. I
sweetest lady in all of Quilpué, she           Over the course of the holiday            mijita, no te preocupes!‖                wouldn‘t say I like it better.
goes out of her way to make sure I          weekend, we had three family                   Case, the second. The first time I
                                                                                         met my host uncle, Felipe, was at a      Felipe: Well, why don‘t you
always have something special for           barbecues, and on top of single-                                                      make tofu, mi hermana?
every meal.                                 handedly making an enormous array            family dinner. Cristina made roast
  Cristina is about an inch short of five   of side dishes and grilled goods, she        chicken for every extended family        Cristina: And where am I
                                                                                         member currently living in Region V,     going to buy tofu, Felipe?
feet, and has very grandmotherly vibe,      made empanadas for everyone in the
having twenty different stories to share    family. As well as special ones for me.      but for me, soy patties and extra        Felipe: The rastafarians!
about her grandkids at all times. She‘s     Not that I asked; I am completely            avocado. Being ever-so-shrewd,           There is a house in           19
also an amazing cook, and takes it          content being a side dish vulture. All       Felipe looked at my plate, then at his   Peñablanca that sells all
                                                                                                                                  sorts of vegan stuff. Why
upon herself to feed everyone within        the same, I was very grateful for the        plate, then at my host mom and           don‘t you just go there?
While I found this conversation to be                Cuisine… With a Chilean Twist
incredibly flattering, given that that both of
them were so concerned that I was                                                             •Pizza - Includes a slice of ham, corn
                                                   •French fries/potato chips with mayo
adequately fed, the idea of my little host                                                    and a slab of cheese on top. No sauce
                                                   •Beer with lemon, salt and merkén (red
mom driving thirty minutes to Peñablanca to                                                   and with extremely thick, non-pizza
convene with rastafarians about the                                                           crust crust. Definitely not my favorite.
                                                   •Pizza. What happens every day at
possibility of buying tofu brings a hysterical                                                •Completos. Hot dogs with tomato,
mental image to mind. I could very clearly         Telepizza should be labeled for what it
                                                                                              avocado, and mayonnaise.
see her walking into a dark, shady, little         is: a crime.
                                                                                              •Hamburger patties served with rice or
living room, surrounded by turbaned and/or         •Choripan. Not a gringo food, but
                                                                                              spaghetti instead of with a bun and a
dreadlocked men, selling questionably              people take the centers out of the bread
                                                                                              side of fries!
packaged foods, just to ask what texture of        and throw them away. That's the best
                                                                                              •Guacamole. I know it‘s Mexican and
tofu is best for casseroles. I could also          part! It took all my self-control not to
picture the way her face scrunches up while                                                   gringos alter it too, but there is
                                                   ask for the refuse pile and just chow
she listens to new information, trying to                                                     something wrong with a 2 to 1 ratio of
                                                   down on them in a corner.
process, and, well, at the time this whole                                                    avocado and canola oil in the mixture.
                                                   •Pancakes - thin, flavorless, and
conversation went down, I had the                                                             •Anything that can viably pass for
                                                   covered in manjar (dulce de leche). No
misfortune of drinking a Coke Light, and                                                      desert has an inane amount of manjar
                                                   me gusta
consequentially snorted the whole thing                                                       added to it.
down my front. My host dad thought I was
having a fit.

      “How will your parents know                       Anatomy of an Empanada
       you had a good host family,
        if you don‟t gain weight?”

   Patting my shirt with a napkin, I tried to
explain, it was incredibly considerate, but
really unnecessary. No matter what, she will
still find a way of trying to make sure I am
stuffed to bursting at all times. After all, the
first day I met her she told me, ―How will
your parents know you had a good host
family, if you don‘t gain weight?‖

Chelsea’s Chilean Chow
Recipes Courtesy of Chelsea Snell
                Pollo al Jugo con Arroz Chileno                                          Ingredients:
                                                                                         1 Carrot
Chicken Ingredients:                            Chilean Rice Ingredients:                4-5 Garlic Cloves
1 Piece of Chicken                              1-2 Pieces of Celery (tops included)     3 Tablespoons of Oil
  for each person                                                                        ½ Red Bell Pepper
3-4 Garlic Cloves                               2 Cups of Rice                           2 Celery tops
1-2 Pieces of Celery                            ½ Red Bell Pepper
2 Carrots                                       1 Carrot                                 Per Person:
2 White Onion                                   3-4 Garlic Cloves                        1 chicken part, 1 peeled potato, ½ corn on the cob, 1 slice
1 Red Bell Pepper                               Salt and Oil                             of Zapallo (Chilean squash, that can probably be replaced
2/3 Cup of Peas                                                                          with any orange pumpkin or squash)
                                                Put oil in the pot and fry chopped
Put a little oil in the                         celery, thin strips of bell pepper,      Finely grate the carrot into the pot with the oil, add thin
pot and cook the chicken                        chopped garlic, and finely shredded      strips of bell pepper, finely chopped celery tops and garlic.
for 2-5 minutes. Add all veggies except the     carrot. While veggies are cooking,       Fry for 4-5 minutes. Then add the chicken and fry for
onion. Cut the bell pepper into thin slices     heat up 4 cups of water until it         about 2 minutes. While waiting for the vegetables and
and the carrots in round pieces. Add salt,      boils. Add rice and fry with veggies     meat to fry, boil water (quantity depends on how much
Chilean style. Let veggies and chicken cook     for 2-4 minutes. Add boiling water,      soup you are making) and add to the pot 2 minutes after
with the top on until carrots are soft, about   2-3 tablespoons of oil and 2             the chicken. Then add the peeled potato and corn. Add salt
15 minutes. Add onions, which are cut into      tablespoons of salt. Bring rice to a     to taste, Chileans use quite a bit of salt, but it sure is
long medium/small sized strips. Let simmer      boil, then turn to lowest heat setting   tasty! Boil for about 20-30 (until potato is close to done)
until chicken and onions are completely         and simmer until finished.               then add the squash. Cook until you can easily slide a 21
cooks. Stir occasionally.                                                                knife into the squash and potatoes. Finally, serve and

 Feeling at Home
  By Chelsea Snell                                  family no matter where I am. While it will be     closest friends; we have been through
   It‘s weird to think back to my first day         so difficult to say goodbye, I am so fortunate    everything together. We immediately bonded
arriving in Quillota, Chile. Everything was so      to have been placed with such amazing, kind       and formed relationships and memories
foreign, and I felt so out of place. I knew no      people.                                           that will last a lifetime.
one, I barely spoke or understood Chilean
Spanish, and now, almost nine months later, I         “My time here has been one of
am leaving a new family, friends, community
                                                      most rewarding and challenging
and students whom I have grown of know so
well and love so much. While I can‘t wait to go
                                                      experiences of my life.”
home to see my family and friends, eat Mexican
food and drink real coffee, I can‘t imagine my        My students who absolutely drove me
life outside of Chile.                              crazy, constantly made me laugh and never
    My time here has been one of most               ceased to surprise me, will forever be in my
rewarding and challenging experiences of my         heart and thoughts. Some of them have
life. I had to learn to adapt to another culture,   unthinkably difficult lives, yet they are still
language and lifestyle, but it has helped me to     so loving, as well as being some of the most
grow as a person and view the world from a          special people I know. I wouldn‘t have traded
completely different perspective. The people I      my time with them for anything and I
have met and the places I have visited will         respect and love each one of them.                  I want to thank everyone who has
forever remind me that there is remarkable            And last but not least, the friends I have      contributed to this unforgettable
beauty in this world and that we must               made in Chile have made my experience             experience. There aren‘t words to explain
aprovechar la vida! My host family, who took        unforgettable. My Chilean friends who took        how much I will miss everything Chile, but
me in as their daughter, fed me until my pants      me under their wings, helped me with my           I know that at some point in my life I will
didn‘t fit, welcomed my American parents into       mediocre Spanish and showed me the real           return to this incredible country.
their home and loved me as a member of their        Chilean experience. And my WorldTeach                                                      24
family, will always be a part of me and my          family, whom I consider to be some of my          VIVA CHILE!
Facing Challenges with a Smile
by Max Shapiro
   ¿Cuanto tiempo falta en Chile? ―How          friends and passing a yerba mate, walking
much time do you have left in Chile?‖           alone in a field, or sitting in tranquility below
is a question that I seem to be                 the southern starry sky are some of the many
answering quite frequently lately, and          beauties I have found in Pinto chiquitito.
every time I answer the number has                 Admittedly not everything came easily or
shrunk from the last. As my                     proceeded to be wonderful during my time in
remaining time dwindles away, I find            Chile. Unfortunately, teaching was not as
myself trying to put everything in              painless a task as I had hoped. I spent many
perspective. An easy task by no                 classes simply dealing with behavior issues,
means. This year has flown by in the            and nearly six months after I began teaching a
flash of a moment. It feels as though           student asked ―¿Que significa I am?‖ But
only yesterday I was anxiously                         even amongst these various setbacks I
boarding the plane for Santiago                             can look back at the countless more
having just met my fellow          “Simply sitting we            joyful moments I spent in the
WorldTeach volunteers.                                            classroom. My students
                                  friends and passing
I remember vividly the                                              were inexplicably
nervous but excited
                                      a yerba mate,
                                   walking alone in a                  talented at bringing a
looks on the faces the                                                  smile to my face
people who would                   field, or sitting in
                                                                         regardless of my mood.
soon become some                 tranquility below the
                                                                            Even if it was poking
of my best friends,               southern starry sky                     fun at my often Tarzan-
and I can only                       are some of the                     like butchery of Spanish,
imagine the look on              many beauties I have                  the times spent with
mine.                                found in Pinto                  some of my classes will
    Yet, when I think back             chiquitito.”              remain cherished memories.
to the months preceding                                           Living in a foreign
this emotional day it feels so                              country immersed in a foreign
long ago. Another world, a different            language certainly brought about its many
era of my life. When I left the States I        times of doubt and frustration. I now like to tell
was accustomed to having New York               people that I am so often confused that it's
City in my backyard. Big City life was          when I am totally clear on what is happening,
the only life for me. Even my college           that I am concerned something must be wrong.
town, Schenectady NY, was too small             But I will leave Chile comfortably clear on a few
to quench my thirst for excitement.             things. Working for WorldTeach over this past
Before arriving in Pinto, my new home,          year has brought me some of the happiest
I could never have imagined that this           moments and some of the best friends of my
tiny pueblito of 4,000 people could             life. And for that I wish only to thank all of you
fulfill my desires to such a degree.            who helped make this such a fantastic
Pinto has taught me life does not have          experience.
to be in the fast lane, often things move
to quickly for us to even see what we                                                             25
are passing by. Simply sitting with
Saludos de Chile
Alexander Lokey                    Crystal Chandy                    Melinda Lee
From: Baltimore, MD                From: Seattle, WA                 From: Newberg, OR
Location: Quirihue                 Location: Cabrero                 Location: Cañete
School: Towson University          School: New York University       School: Linfield University
Major: English                     Major: Finance & Marketing        Major: English

Ashley Marie Johnston             Emily Wauford
                                  From: Richmond, VA
                                                                     Ryan Mosser
From: Heyworth, IL                                                   From: York, PA
                                  Location: Tome
Location: Hualañé                                                    Location: Cartegena
                                  School: Notre Dame University
School: University of Illinois,                                      School: Vassar College
                                  Major: Romance Languages &
Champaign-Urbana                                                     Major: History
                                  Political Science
Major: Communications & Spanish

Chelsea Snell                     Eva Cappuccilli                    Simeon Garon-Wolf
From: Nevada City, CA             From: Nashville, TN                From: Denver, CO
Location: Quillota                Location: Quilpué                  Location: Laja
School: UC Santa Cruz             School: Jacobs University Bremen   School: University of Denver
Major: Environmental Studies      Major: History                     Major: International Studies
& Sociology

Chika Mba                          Max Shapiro                       Trey Thompson
From: Los Angeles, CA              From: Teaneck, NJ                 From: State College, PA
Location: Quilpué                  Location: Pinto                   Location: Quilpué
School: Boston College             School: Union College             School: University of Virginia
Major: Marketing & Psychology      Major: Philosophy & Political     Major: Math & Psychology
                                   Science                                                          26

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Chile sslc november 2011

  • 1. Short Stories, Long Country Issue 4 A collection of experiences from 2011 WorldTeach volunteers in Chile
  • 2. Table of Contents 3 Message from our Field Director 4 In the Classroom 10 Host Families ―You are the storyteller of 13 Travel your own life and you can create your own legend 18 Comida Chilena or not.‖ 22 Grafiti Chileno -Isabel Allende 24 Reflections Letter from the Editors Here it is! The fourth edition of Short Stories, Long Country— WorldTeach Chile‘s biannual newsletter! It has been bittersweet creating this edition, but we hope that the end product is something representative of all the WorldTeach Chile volunteers. We have high expectations! If your world is not rocked to the core by this newsletter, you‘re reading it wrong. In all seriousness though, we would like to thank several people for making this newsletter (and more importantly this experience) possible: our friends and family, for their continued support; our fellow volunteers, for helping us assemble this newsletter; and last but not least, the WorldTeach support staff, especially our awesome field director, Heather Tang! This experience has been one of a kind, and of course, we would be remiss to not note the one thing tying all us gringos together: Chile. This is a country that is never short of interesting stories—from the unique culture, to the stunning geography, to the all the wonderfully warm and welcoming people. We have been incredibly lucky to have spent even a moment here, let alone lived and worked here for months. Viva Chile! Please enjoy this issue of SSLC, y lectura feliz! Your SSLC editors, Chika & Eva
  • 3. Message from our Field Director Another Chilean school year is coming to a close and once again, our valiant WorldTeach volunteers have danced more Cha Cha Slides, slapped more high fives, and clucked like chickens more than they could have ever imagined. Their students have enjoyed the benefits of learning English from a gringo as well as sharing culture, laughter, and perhaps just a little gossip about Justin Bieber. With the omnipresent student movement for a change in the public education system in progress since June, 2011 was definitely an interesting year to be a part of the Chilean school community. July bid farewell to half of our first WorldTeach familia arrivals but also welcomed seven new faces, ready to take on the their roles as teachers in their schools, members in their host families, and cultural ambassadors in Chile. From Valparaíso to Bio Bío, these volunteers have made the most of their experiences in this amazing country and formed memories and relationships that they will cherish for a lifetime. With our partnership with English Opens Doors coming to an end this year, this is the final issue of Short Stories, Long Country with WorldTeach functioning in this capacity in Chile. In the following pages, you will relive the past year through the eyes of our truly wonderful group of dedicated volunteer teachers. We hope that one day we can return to Chile and continue our exchange, as to become a part of this culture and people is an experience well worth it. Disfruten! Heather Tang WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based at the Center for International Development at Harvard University that provides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to international education by living and working as volunteer 3 teachers in developing countries.
  • 5. Revolución de Educación En Toma by Ryan Mosser Imagine yourself back in high school. What failed system. A recent poll showed that 89 At the high school where I teach, over 100 were your priorities- fleeting romances, sports, percent of Chileans support student students directly participated in a takeover of parties, fitting in? Maybe grades and college? demands for educational reform. Hundreds the school that lasted for a month. The Maybe you chafed under the authoritarian of schools, both secondary and universities, and arbitrary rule of adults a bit, especially have been en toma (physically taken over after getting suspended for wearing a and occupied by students in protest), and “Essentially, it‟s a system that backpack during school hours (guilty)? How every week there are massive marches all brutally affects the poor and, about organizing on a national level to fight a over the country. They are protesting a on a broader scale, stifles deeply stratified and broken educational system where the privileged attend private national growth and system that punishes the poor and working schools, those who can scrape together the development.” class? What‘s that, you were looking for an money send their children to semi-private older sibling to buy Mike‘s Hard Lemonade for schools, and the rest attend dramatically Friday night? under funded public schools. This last students had a focused list of local The ongoing student protests for improved group, the majority, has little hope of demands, and are still in the process of public education in Chile have received obtaining the minimum score on the SAT- negotiating with the mayor. As deadlines for relatively little attention in the United States. equivalent to go to college. Of those who do small physical improvements pass, the With events such as the riots in London, fall of then go college, students‘ families are students initiate small two-hour strikes Gaddhafi in Libya, collapse of the Greek obliged to pay 85% of tuition to even state- that disrupt the school day in order to state economy, and ―upcoming‖ presidential supported universities regardless of clearly that they will not accept inaction. election in the US, perhaps it is to be economic means, leading to crushing At my school, the students support the expected. amounts of debt for years. Essentially, it‘s a national cause of better public education, However, I see in Chile a distinctly positive system that brutally affects the poor and, on but also have a list of basic improvements force in the movement, as thousands of a broader scale, stifles national growth and that are fundamental to safety and students demand greater results from a 5 development.
  • 6. health. Many of these could be solved by $1,000 and a Sodimac (think Lowe‘s or Home Depot), but have not been addressed even with a grant to the school at the beginning of the year. The students want to know where the money went, and I cannot say that I blame them. Their behavior during the takeover was absolutely impeccable, with no destruction whatsoever to the school. I have no conclusion to the story, as this struggle continues on a week-to-week basis. I think the fundamental question for a country, “For Chile, a developing country with whether Chile or the United significantly less resources and States, is how to make a people, this investment is all the more better future. As millions of important to its future success.” people all over the world have answered in the past, the students here in Chile see equitable education as the answer. The United States, regardless of the economic downturn, is the richest country in the world and can choose quite easily to invest in education in a meaningful way. In fact, over the past 50 years we have built an enviable system of public education (albeit with deep racial and socioeconomic flaws that we should continue to improve). I truly hope that we continue to make education for all a priority, and not a budget scapegoat. For Chile, a developing country with significantly less resources and people, this investment is all the more important to its future success. As thousands upon thousands upon thousands of students and citizens are in the streets here to make that message loud and clear, one can‘t help but be inspired to think that we can always do better in Chile, the United States, or anywhere else in the world. “We are guilty of many errors and many faults but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, and his senses are being developed. To him we cannot answer 'Tomorrow.' His name is 'Today.'” -Gabriela Mistral 6
  • 7. Classroom Stories Besos for Books by Crystal Chandy Books in Chile are very expensive and thus not readily available as they are in Overheard in the Classroom the United States. There are several reasons for this, like book-taxes and high  ―Do you know the Jonas Brothers?‖  How old are you?‖ Student‘s publishing costs. In a country working towards the creation of a better response: ―I am fine.‖ educational system, the lack of reading materials puts students at a  ―Why do you say you're welcome disadvantage. A used paperback (which wouldn‘t go for more than a dollar in the after thanks, when welcome means  Student‘s reply to everything, United States) can easily be priced at five to eight dollars in Chile. Now imagine bienvenidos?‖ including, ―Stop it and sit down!‖: ―What‘s up, man?‖ the price of brand new, Spanish textbooks (which are oftentimes more expensive  ―Hi. I‘m angri!‖ Intercepted note than English counterparts, having translation royalties incorporated into the from a student, who was asked to  After teaching students a series of price): schools simply don‘t have enough books to foster reading among kids. move desks after repeatedly talking quips for Slang of the Day at the In one of my classes, the students took part in an activity where they listed out of turn in class (angry was a beginning of the semester, hearing reading books as one of the most expensive leisure activities. As someone who vocabulary word). them tacked on to the end of every loves to read, this is a great tragedy! Therefore another Ministry volunteer and I conversation in English. started a program called ―Besos for Books‖. We ask people who have books they  ―I live sleeping. I do not live school.‖ ―How are you? Boo yah!‖ want to recycle or throw away, to instead send them to Chile. Any and all types - Student, meaning to say like. ―What time is it? Burn!‖ of books are needed: teacher resources, novels, history books, art books, music ―Where are you from? Oh snap!‖  Students butchering the theme books, etc. Teachers and students alike lack materials! It costs $50 to ship a song to ―Happy Days.‖ They quickly package filled with books at 20 pounds off to Chile. We plan to distribute these  Several of students struggle to got better though. books amongst the EFL teachers in order to help furnish libraries in public and remember the word ―skateboard,‖ semi-private schools. but all can produce ―Bart Simpson.‖  ―You‘re not the boss of me now! In return for books, students and teachers that ―Besos for Books‖ works with You‘re not the boss of me now and will send a big BESO (KISS) to you as a thank you. (A beso is the traditional you‘re nosobiiii…‖ –Student taking Chilean greeting and good-bye). it upon himself to learn the theme song from ―Malcolm in the Middle‖ Please spread the word about our program. The students here would really appreciate your help!  ―Miss, cuando voy a conocer mis suegros?‖ (Miss, when am I going to Please ship all books to the following address: meet my in-laws?). Student before English Department c/o Suzuki Koda meeting a volunteer‘s American EOD Volunteer: Colleen Hall parents. 7 323 Yerbas Buenas Street Valdivia, Chile
  • 8. Winter Camps The Warmth of Winter by Trey Thompson Snug and secure in Hosteling International, With rousing karaoke and a raucous talent show Warm rooms and bad food, both came with camaraderie. We bid students farewell; again we would go. Over orientation we learned about MINEDUC and Chile This time to Monte Patria, high in the hills. Welcoming us to begin our journey We glimpsed snow-capped peaks from our lonely But we weren't meant to stay. cabanas For just five nights we rested our heads, And planned out a week for just forty new learners Then re-packed out bags, pulled sheets from our beds Ringed by mountains in this tiny town And were off to Viña. Young voices were teaching not to bully, not to clown. Nights lit by the Southern Cross and Milky Way. Others would travel far and wide, while we Needed but 90 minutes to first view the South Pacific. Two very different settings, and quite different weeks In orderly Viña, Liceo Columbia had seen better days But the sameness was most stark. One hall abandoned to last year's quake; Minnows and sharks, ninjas and robots, Tired classrooms, worn concrete, cracked but not broken. Singing songs, making posters, and scavenger hunts, But with 110 students, all eager to speak Lunches together, which were far-from-inspired, And 12 volunteers would would take on the week, Field trips to cerros, either crowded or green, It blossomed with wild oranges, yellow submarines, and And remolinos galore, to spread our message of esteem. optimus purple. Blue shirts swimming through seas of orange. 8
  • 9. Some students spoke with great ease While others would struggle; But all built friendships with the vols, with each other. And all through the weeks, as we taught and played games, We built skills to teach our new students Between the games, the chats, the bromas. Ready to teach, despite miles, despite paros, despite tomas; We again joined new schools, spreading confidence, excitement, and knowledge. About Winter Camps: Created by the Chilean Ministry of Education, total immersion English Winter camps occur every summer and winter vacation. Camps are designed to give motivated Chilean high school students the chance to practice English in a more hands on way, as well as to provide opportunities for students to work with volunteers/native speakers. This is done through interactive activities including role-playing exercises, field trips, group projects, and competitive games. Camps take place over the course of one week in locations all over Chile. Volunteers were given the opportunity to get to know other parts of Chile beyond their placements. For many members of the WorldTeach familia, this was their first hands on experience with Chilean students. 9
  • 11. En la Casa Sonrisa Ancha by Alexander Lokey shoulders, saying loudly, ―Cilantro!‖ We Petite as a button and dignified as running I would like to begin with my father, Raul then walked into the kitchen and (in water, Senora Cartes works very hard. I ―Chico‖ Flores. When I first met Senor Little Spanish) he said, ―This was not imagine her afterlife to be a well-deserved Flowers, he told me that a man from our kitchen.‖ eternal foot massage de los dios sus podunky, rustic mountain town of Quirihue He pointed at his right eyeball, then to mismos. They will do her five loads of laundry had once fought against Napoleon. the ceiling and proceeded to rigidly and insist—Insist, dammit!— that they do no In my broken Spanish, I told him I play convulse his body—was this supposed to be need help with any of it, nor the huge mid-day guitar and I don‘t like yogurt. the Earthquake Dance? He cackled at my lunches between work shifts. They will So we played guitars, and we didn‘t eat slight pause, and yelled, ―My son!‖ send her on adventures outside the Above any yogurt. With his eyes shut, he wrapped We totally hit it off. World while they sweep the dust off the cloud his arms around his encumbering tops. Their only alone time will be at midnight instrument like a koala to an over-girthed “He put his guitar facedown on with ―Quien Quiere Ser Un Millonario?,‖ eucalyptus. Singing ―Te Recuerdo Amanda‖ the couch, raised his fists in the nursing sad cups of tea. Every day, every in perfect baritone, I watched his Adam‘s air and yelled, „Alexander!‟ ” single eensy-weensy trans-dimensional apple dance playfully under the baby pudge microsecond, they will appreciate her. of his clean-shaven face. He smiled the Her patience stretches for miles—eh-hem, whole time he sang, as if in on a secret to a It always happens in that meandering excuse me, kilometers. Her patience stretches very simple truth. He smiled as if his belly order, an unpredictable Mad-Lib setting further than wormholes. My success rate in was bursting with tickly butterflies, where any scenario seems like a fill-in-the- understanding everyday Spanish is metamorphing into hummingbirds, or blank. Example: ―Dinner tonight was tasty approaching 49 percent. Even so, if she sees technicolor baby pterodactyls. and [adjective].‖ Dinner tonight was tasty that I do not understand what she is saying to He put his guitar facedown on the couch, and… adjective… Let‘s think, hmm… me, she will continue speaking with her raised his fists in the air and yelled, Musical! Yes, ―Dinner tonight was tasty arsenal of synonyms and tenses. She won‘t ―Alexander!‖ He walked me over to the and musical,‖ because my father danced even blink. Then she will give me more food. dinner table and pointed at a green garnish around the kitchen playing a flute, and I Her ear-to-ear-and-back-again smile never 11 dish next to a packet of mayo. He stood on ate a hot dog covered in avocado and ceases. Enamel sunshine. his tippy-toes and put his arm around my mayonnaise. ***
  • 12. Activities to Entertain Your on the floor and flop their legs occasionally. One time I bought a stupid little hand towel, Also an excellent opportunity to expose them thinking that it was a regular bath towel (my Hermanos: A List to angry hip-hop music. limited Spanish often leads me to unwanted By Emily Wauford knick-knacks). It dried just fine, but it made • Take a break from hermano time to read a loin cloths seem like monk robes. My book outside. Watch as they come up with predicament was simple: After drying, I their own activities to keep you from reading would change into my clothes in the your book at all costs. These activities could bathroom. Peachy as two peaches. include: hiding and then continually calling Regardless, it was my stupid little contingent your name until you try to come find them, towel for when my ―man-towel‖ was being crawling underneath the entire house to pop washed, so I hardly needed it. When she up beneath the staircase you're sitting on, discovered my stupid little towel, she was and throwing miscellaneous items out of the perplexed. I didn‘t know how to explain to second story window at you claiming that it is her that I could not really afford another one, raining stuff. nor reveal my shame. •Spend an hour throwing all the "stuff" it I now have four big contingent towels. "rained" back to the hermanos in the second *** story window before the dog can get a hold of When my father mentioned that our kitchen it and eat it. was never a kitchen, he meant that the back • Make food. When there isn't much in the half of the house collapsed in the earthquake fridge, you of course will go for scrambled of 2010. Improvising, they turned a eggs. You throw in some of the pepper that remaining room into a kitchen, and moved your mom mailed you from home, which the debris to the furthest part of their •Play every card game known to man, though causes the hermanos to have a conniption fit backyard. They masked the destruction with a makeshift black tarp fence, but the ones that involve slapping cards are preferable. since pepper is "way too spicy." This will lead Three person spit is a favorite as you get to to a pepper-eating contest. remnants of old memories still peek out over in piles. hear a lot of ESPEET! •Learn how to dance cueca. The plus side is Last Sunday morning, I watched my father • Play fetch with the dog with a plastic bottle. that the hermanos have to demonstrate on plant my mother purple and yellow each other, and will spend at least twenty tulips. She was sleeping. Not knowing really • Spend an hour and a half trying to retrieve minutes arguing over who has to be the girl how to, he had made me bacon (I finally the plastic bottle your hermano accidentally before one of them caves and prances about found some in Chile!). When she woke he threw over the fence into the neighbors yard with a scarf tied around his head. was waiting by the door to the backyard to with a 6-foot long pole, a nail, and a plastic bag. • Mess with the family cat. And by "mess with" show her. I mean throw it up into the air and see if it I nibbled on little scraps of bacon char • Learn how to dance ballet while listening to can land on its feet every time. while they embraced next to the flower Lady Gaga, inevitably devolving into ice-skating garden. on the wood floors in your socks. • Arts and crafts: make gravestones for the deceased family cat. You have to use pink and • Kick a shoe at the fence. The shoe is a make green paper since those are the only colors shift soccer ball. The fence is a makeshift goal. that are left. Appropriate since the cat's name Every time you can kick the shoe all the way to was Pinki, but that is lost on your brothers, the fence, the US loses to Chile in the World who have no idea what the word "pink" Cup final. Again. means. 12 • Try to lead an abs workout class. This will • Chop firewood. Straight up. These boys lead to you doing abs while your hermanos lie have to learn how to become men somehow.
  • 13. Travel 13
  • 14. Pucón Pucón by Crystal Chandy After a long trek, I finally reached a turn in Chilean Bucket List the road. There was a house on the corner A long weekend came up and I felt restless. • Visit the Atacama Desert with livestock outside and clothes hanging on I wanted to make the most of my time here in • Subrir a mountain and/or volcano the line. An old man came out and greeted Chile and the idea of staying at home was not • See the fjords of the south one I wanted to entertain. Somehow I • Attend a premier-league soccer game “I hopped on a bus and it dropped stumbled upon Pucón. My host family • Find a way to see the sunset in Quintay me on the side of the highway near warned me about the cold weather there (the collectivos stop running at 7:15pm) since it is further south, but I had made up a bunch of grazing sheep. • Travel to Chiloé my mind to go. Good thing I did! Only in Chile!” • Stargaze in the north A short 6-hour bus ride south of Cabrero is • Hike in Patagonia Pucón—a westernized tourist town amidst the me. He had no teeth and his clothes were • Visit the host springs in Pucón mountains, volcanoes, and lakes. It‘s disheveled. He approached me and told me I • Dance the cueca successfully absolutely beautiful! I walked around the city had to pay him 500 pesos to continue on my • Watch a rodeo alone for many hours that first day falling in journey. I was very confused but after • Visit Torres del Paine love with everything there was to do and see debating my options for a minute—make a • Visit Tierra del Fuego there: the black sand beaches along the lake, run for it or pay the man— I decided to give the artisan vendors set up in the Plaza, the him the money. There didn‘t seem to be an handicraft stores along Avenida Fresia, and easy way to get around him and 500 pesos the most impressive, the active Volcan wasn‘t going to buy him a new dental plan. Villarrica, where you can see smoke piping Every peso of the 500 pesos was worth it, from the top of it on a clear day. as the Ojos del Caburgua simply exuded I spent the next day hiking and exploring tranquility. the area. My family had suggested I find the When I returned to Pucón, I walked around waterfalls known as the Ojos del Caburgua. the town a little more. I browsed stores with 14 I hopped on a bus and it dropped me on the hand-knit ponchos, popular Chilean games, side of the highway near a bunch of grazing and native Mapuche carvings. I eventually sheep. Only in Chile!
  • 15. found myself in the most artistic store. overnight, figure out what buses to take Everything in the store was made of nails, and when, and order at restaurants. screws, and other hardware manipulated to Now, I was talking to a shop owner about form people and things. There were things he sold in his store… in Spanish! motorcycles, cueca dancers, rock climbers, soccer players, snowboarders, dentists, teachers, and even Michael Jackson! My “I was conversing in Spanish with favorite was a display known as borrachos, much less effort than ever before! where nails had been sculpted into people I‟m telling you, there is something who were obviously inebriated. There were magical about Pucón!” about 15 different types of drunken situations. I was impressed with the I was conversing in Spanish with much creativeness and spoke at length with the less effort than ever before! storeowner about how he sculpted every I‘m telling you, there is something single piece. It was incredible! This was the magical about Pucón! I can see myself first time I realized my Spanish was starting a business there - a place where improving. All weekend, I had been able to people can dance cueca on a porch lit up ask for directions, find a place to stay at night and people can eat churrascos and drink vino near a roaring fireplace. Oye! It was difficult saying good-bye! 15
  • 16. San Pedro de Atacama One Week in the North town are not Chilean, or even native Spanish so I told him I was looking for something for by Eva Cappuccilli speakers. San Pedro specializes in adventure my host mom. ―Your host mom?‖ he asked. Northern Chile is home to the Atacama, tourism, hence all the people. All that said, I briefly explained what I doing in Chile, and the driest desert in the world. Having one what impressed me the most about San Pedro maybe it broke up the mediocrity of normal week of vacation (a rare and wondrous wasn‘t really all the things I could do there (and conversation, but the idea of me teaching, thing for me), I decided to brave a 24-hour there were many), or all the tourists I could talk and not just studying, interested him. bus ride to San Pedro, a small pueblo to, but rather the sense of buena onda all ―So why did you choose Chile?‖ The usual located smack dab in the wettest part of around. Buena onda means good vibes, and is reasons come to mind: wanting to teach, said desert. San Pedro is known for many just as hippie as it sounds. Everyone I met from travel and learn Spanish. He laughed at the things, such as the lagunas formed from San Pedro was very relaxed, friendly and last one and remarked on how bad Chilean run-off from the mountains, hot springs, interested in conversation. Spanish generally is. It‘s true, Chileans geysers, salt flats, and monstrous One afternoon, I walked around the center have definitely earned their bad reputation volcanoes all around the outskirts of town. looking for souvenirs, when I wandered into a for speaking, by mumbling, dropping the There are no neighboring cities for nearly shop, and started poking through the shelves. letter ‗s‘, shortening words and using an a hundred kilometers however. It feels The shop owner came up to ask if I wanted help, inordinate amount of slang. All that said like complete isolation… though, I can relate. I am from Tennessee. Well, ok, except for all the gringo Every time I meet someone from a state tourists. Valle de la Luna and Valle de la further north than Kentucky or further west Muerte are particularly popular places to than Texas, there is a really good chance visit, having really stunning rock he/she will make a dumb comment like, formations and pricey tours, there is no ―But you don‘t sound like you‘re from the other place in the world that offers better South.‖ Explaining this to him, and I stargazing, as evidenced by sheer amount shrugged and said, ―So what? I‘ll just have of astronomers that flock to the two bad accents.‖ He found that to be 16 observatories there; and the majority of very funny, and something as insignificant the people walking around the center of
  • 17. as bad accents became common ground. I stayed and hung out with him a few times over the week, talking about religion, Things I Wish astronomy, and all sorts of topics only hippies really care about. He was one of a few examples of people in San Pedro being very open and friendly—more so than the I Left at Home average Chilean. That‘s the main reason I would recommend the Atacama to people looking to get really badly sunburned on vacation—at least you‘ll be surrounded by •Some of my tank tops/t-shirts. It‘s freezing buena onda while you fry, trying to climb a salt formation! here, and I hardly ever take off my jacket •Dresses & skirts •My hair clippers. I forgot to check the voltage requirements on them, and now I can't use them without buying a converter that costs more than a new pair of clippers. •My old pocket watch. I had a vague sense that this could be used to help teach students about telling time, but it was quickly supplanted by a foam clock from the 350-peso store. •I brought too many sweaters and too many bathing suits. •Less casual clothes, more professional/nicer clothes. •I wish I had brought a 5-month supply of Sour Patch Kids watermelon! It is my feel good snack and nothing here compares to it! •I wish I had brought more books to read. I was definitely not prepared for life without internet. •Supplies I thought I‘d need for teaching. I didn‘t end up using half of them, and the ones I did bring, I could have bought here. •Half of my shoes… How am I going to get 17 them back?
  • 19. She’s a Vegetarian a mile radius (including people at the gesture. The first barbecue, she Felipe: Why is she eating Empanadas de Soya made me two. They were really something else? hospital where she where she by Eva Cappuccilli delicious, as in heavenly choirs volunteers). So, when I say she goes Cristina: She‘s a vegetarian. Vegetarianism is not some passing out of her way to make sure I have sang, and I made sure to tell her as fancy for me; I‘ve been one for half of something special for every meal, much. Well, taking note of this, she Felipe: So, she doesn‘t eat made me three the second day. meat? my life. Unfortunately for me, not maybe I should say, that despite being many countries are really conducive to well-meaning, she even goes a bit too Obviously they were still really good, Cristina: No. No red meat, this lifestyle, Chile included. Not that far out of her way… possibly earth-shattering, but I was no chicken, no turkey, no more than a little stuffed fish... Chileans eat more meat than other Case, the first: Independence Day. people or anything, but they don‘t It‘s practically akin to heresy not to eat afterwards—two was plenty the first Felipe: No fish? particularly understand what being traditional Chilean foods on Dieciocho. day. I still told her how good they vegetarian means. No, I won’t drink Empanadas de pino are the national were, especially since she went out Cristina: No po. chicken broth for my sore throat... No, favorite, being made with onions, of her way to make them just for me. Felipe: Eva, do you even I’m not being difficult; some vegetarians olives, eggs, raisins, and… ground Well, if you were guessing (and like carne de soya? don’t eat fish, and I also hate fish… beef. Understandably, I have never kudos to you), by this point you know, on the third day, I got four. I Me: Yeah, it‘s okay. No, I won’t just try one chorripan, tried one, but Cristina is determined because it’s a sausage… that I never settle for empanadas de had to explain, as politely as Felipe: Do you like tofu Luckily, my host mom has been queso, rather that I never settle at all, possible I cannot actually eat that better? pretty good about understanding what when I could be eating something she many empanadas in one sitting, as Me: Um, tofu‘s a good I will and will not eat, and being the thinks I may like better. much as I would like to… ―Ja, substitute in dishes. I sweetest lady in all of Quilpué, she Over the course of the holiday mijita, no te preocupes!‖ wouldn‘t say I like it better. goes out of her way to make sure I weekend, we had three family Case, the second. The first time I met my host uncle, Felipe, was at a Felipe: Well, why don‘t you always have something special for barbecues, and on top of single- make tofu, mi hermana? every meal. handedly making an enormous array family dinner. Cristina made roast Cristina is about an inch short of five of side dishes and grilled goods, she chicken for every extended family Cristina: And where am I member currently living in Region V, going to buy tofu, Felipe? feet, and has very grandmotherly vibe, made empanadas for everyone in the having twenty different stories to share family. As well as special ones for me. but for me, soy patties and extra Felipe: The rastafarians! about her grandkids at all times. She‘s Not that I asked; I am completely avocado. Being ever-so-shrewd, There is a house in 19 also an amazing cook, and takes it content being a side dish vulture. All Felipe looked at my plate, then at his Peñablanca that sells all sorts of vegan stuff. Why upon herself to feed everyone within the same, I was very grateful for the plate, then at my host mom and don‘t you just go there? asked:
  • 20. While I found this conversation to be Cuisine… With a Chilean Twist incredibly flattering, given that that both of them were so concerned that I was •Pizza - Includes a slice of ham, corn •French fries/potato chips with mayo adequately fed, the idea of my little host and a slab of cheese on top. No sauce •Beer with lemon, salt and merkén (red mom driving thirty minutes to Peñablanca to and with extremely thick, non-pizza pepper) convene with rastafarians about the crust crust. Definitely not my favorite. •Pizza. What happens every day at possibility of buying tofu brings a hysterical •Completos. Hot dogs with tomato, mental image to mind. I could very clearly Telepizza should be labeled for what it avocado, and mayonnaise. see her walking into a dark, shady, little is: a crime. •Hamburger patties served with rice or living room, surrounded by turbaned and/or •Choripan. Not a gringo food, but spaghetti instead of with a bun and a dreadlocked men, selling questionably people take the centers out of the bread side of fries! packaged foods, just to ask what texture of and throw them away. That's the best •Guacamole. I know it‘s Mexican and tofu is best for casseroles. I could also part! It took all my self-control not to picture the way her face scrunches up while gringos alter it too, but there is ask for the refuse pile and just chow she listens to new information, trying to something wrong with a 2 to 1 ratio of down on them in a corner. process, and, well, at the time this whole avocado and canola oil in the mixture. •Pancakes - thin, flavorless, and conversation went down, I had the •Anything that can viably pass for covered in manjar (dulce de leche). No misfortune of drinking a Coke Light, and desert has an inane amount of manjar me gusta consequentially snorted the whole thing added to it. down my front. My host dad thought I was having a fit. “How will your parents know Anatomy of an Empanada you had a good host family, if you don‟t gain weight?” Patting my shirt with a napkin, I tried to explain, it was incredibly considerate, but really unnecessary. No matter what, she will still find a way of trying to make sure I am stuffed to bursting at all times. After all, the first day I met her she told me, ―How will your parents know you had a good host family, if you don‘t gain weight?‖ 20
  • 21. Chelsea’s Chilean Chow Recipes Courtesy of Chelsea Snell Cazuela Pollo al Jugo con Arroz Chileno Ingredients: 1 Carrot Chicken Ingredients: Chilean Rice Ingredients: 4-5 Garlic Cloves 1 Piece of Chicken 1-2 Pieces of Celery (tops included) 3 Tablespoons of Oil for each person ½ Red Bell Pepper 3-4 Garlic Cloves 2 Cups of Rice 2 Celery tops 1-2 Pieces of Celery ½ Red Bell Pepper 2 Carrots 1 Carrot Per Person: 2 White Onion 3-4 Garlic Cloves 1 chicken part, 1 peeled potato, ½ corn on the cob, 1 slice 1 Red Bell Pepper Salt and Oil of Zapallo (Chilean squash, that can probably be replaced 2/3 Cup of Peas with any orange pumpkin or squash) Put oil in the pot and fry chopped Put a little oil in the celery, thin strips of bell pepper, Finely grate the carrot into the pot with the oil, add thin pot and cook the chicken chopped garlic, and finely shredded strips of bell pepper, finely chopped celery tops and garlic. for 2-5 minutes. Add all veggies except the carrot. While veggies are cooking, Fry for 4-5 minutes. Then add the chicken and fry for onion. Cut the bell pepper into thin slices heat up 4 cups of water until it about 2 minutes. While waiting for the vegetables and and the carrots in round pieces. Add salt, boils. Add rice and fry with veggies meat to fry, boil water (quantity depends on how much Chilean style. Let veggies and chicken cook for 2-4 minutes. Add boiling water, soup you are making) and add to the pot 2 minutes after with the top on until carrots are soft, about 2-3 tablespoons of oil and 2 the chicken. Then add the peeled potato and corn. Add salt 15 minutes. Add onions, which are cut into tablespoons of salt. Bring rice to a to taste, Chileans use quite a bit of salt, but it sure is long medium/small sized strips. Let simmer boil, then turn to lowest heat setting tasty! Boil for about 20-30 (until potato is close to done) until chicken and onions are completely and simmer until finished. then add the squash. Cook until you can easily slide a 21 cooks. Stir occasionally. knife into the squash and potatoes. Finally, serve and enjoy!!
  • 23. 23
  • 24. Reflections Feeling at Home By Chelsea Snell family no matter where I am. While it will be closest friends; we have been through It‘s weird to think back to my first day so difficult to say goodbye, I am so fortunate everything together. We immediately bonded arriving in Quillota, Chile. Everything was so to have been placed with such amazing, kind and formed relationships and memories foreign, and I felt so out of place. I knew no people. that will last a lifetime. one, I barely spoke or understood Chilean Spanish, and now, almost nine months later, I “My time here has been one of am leaving a new family, friends, community most rewarding and challenging and students whom I have grown of know so well and love so much. While I can‘t wait to go experiences of my life.” home to see my family and friends, eat Mexican food and drink real coffee, I can‘t imagine my My students who absolutely drove me life outside of Chile. crazy, constantly made me laugh and never My time here has been one of most ceased to surprise me, will forever be in my rewarding and challenging experiences of my heart and thoughts. Some of them have life. I had to learn to adapt to another culture, unthinkably difficult lives, yet they are still language and lifestyle, but it has helped me to so loving, as well as being some of the most grow as a person and view the world from a special people I know. I wouldn‘t have traded completely different perspective. The people I my time with them for anything and I have met and the places I have visited will respect and love each one of them. I want to thank everyone who has forever remind me that there is remarkable And last but not least, the friends I have contributed to this unforgettable beauty in this world and that we must made in Chile have made my experience experience. There aren‘t words to explain aprovechar la vida! My host family, who took unforgettable. My Chilean friends who took how much I will miss everything Chile, but me in as their daughter, fed me until my pants me under their wings, helped me with my I know that at some point in my life I will didn‘t fit, welcomed my American parents into mediocre Spanish and showed me the real return to this incredible country. their home and loved me as a member of their Chilean experience. And my WorldTeach 24 family, will always be a part of me and my family, whom I consider to be some of my VIVA CHILE!
  • 25. Facing Challenges with a Smile by Max Shapiro ¿Cuanto tiempo falta en Chile? ―How friends and passing a yerba mate, walking much time do you have left in Chile?‖ alone in a field, or sitting in tranquility below is a question that I seem to be the southern starry sky are some of the many answering quite frequently lately, and beauties I have found in Pinto chiquitito. every time I answer the number has Admittedly not everything came easily or shrunk from the last. As my proceeded to be wonderful during my time in remaining time dwindles away, I find Chile. Unfortunately, teaching was not as myself trying to put everything in painless a task as I had hoped. I spent many perspective. An easy task by no classes simply dealing with behavior issues, means. This year has flown by in the and nearly six months after I began teaching a flash of a moment. It feels as though student asked ―¿Que significa I am?‖ But only yesterday I was anxiously even amongst these various setbacks I boarding the plane for Santiago can look back at the countless more having just met my fellow “Simply sitting we joyful moments I spent in the WorldTeach volunteers. classroom. My students friends and passing I remember vividly the were inexplicably nervous but excited a yerba mate, walking alone in a talented at bringing a looks on the faces the smile to my face people who would field, or sitting in regardless of my mood. soon become some tranquility below the Even if it was poking of my best friends, southern starry sky fun at my often Tarzan- and I can only are some of the like butchery of Spanish, imagine the look on many beauties I have the times spent with mine. found in Pinto some of my classes will Yet, when I think back chiquitito.” remain cherished memories. to the months preceding Living in a foreign this emotional day it feels so country immersed in a foreign long ago. Another world, a different language certainly brought about its many era of my life. When I left the States I times of doubt and frustration. I now like to tell was accustomed to having New York people that I am so often confused that it's City in my backyard. Big City life was when I am totally clear on what is happening, the only life for me. Even my college that I am concerned something must be wrong. town, Schenectady NY, was too small But I will leave Chile comfortably clear on a few to quench my thirst for excitement. things. Working for WorldTeach over this past Before arriving in Pinto, my new home, year has brought me some of the happiest I could never have imagined that this moments and some of the best friends of my tiny pueblito of 4,000 people could life. And for that I wish only to thank all of you fulfill my desires to such a degree. who helped make this such a fantastic Pinto has taught me life does not have experience. to be in the fast lane, often things move to quickly for us to even see what we 25 are passing by. Simply sitting with
  • 26. Saludos de Chile Alexander Lokey Crystal Chandy Melinda Lee From: Baltimore, MD From: Seattle, WA From: Newberg, OR Location: Quirihue Location: Cabrero Location: Cañete School: Towson University School: New York University School: Linfield University Major: English Major: Finance & Marketing Major: English Ashley Marie Johnston Emily Wauford From: Richmond, VA Ryan Mosser From: Heyworth, IL From: York, PA Location: Tome Location: Hualañé Location: Cartegena School: Notre Dame University School: University of Illinois, School: Vassar College Major: Romance Languages & Champaign-Urbana Major: History Political Science Major: Communications & Spanish Chelsea Snell Eva Cappuccilli Simeon Garon-Wolf From: Nevada City, CA From: Nashville, TN From: Denver, CO Location: Quillota Location: Quilpué Location: Laja School: UC Santa Cruz School: Jacobs University Bremen School: University of Denver Major: Environmental Studies Major: History Major: International Studies & Sociology Chika Mba Max Shapiro Trey Thompson From: Los Angeles, CA From: Teaneck, NJ From: State College, PA Location: Quilpué Location: Pinto Location: Quilpué School: Boston College School: Union College School: University of Virginia Major: Marketing & Psychology Major: Philosophy & Political Major: Math & Psychology Science 26