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                            Wyvern Club – November 19, 2008

                                    Shaun B. Rafferty

1.   Introduction. The Wyvern Club believed an archive of its papers would have historical
     interest, so it established one. Our papers have recorded what some sensible professional
     New Orleans men have thought and thought important over fifty years, as we just
     celebrated. In many cases, members have provided firsthand accounts of their own
     experiences as players in the evolution of the City. Inevitably, as the fifty years have
     coincided with the City’s loss of economic prominence, some accounts have painted a
     sad picture of local political and economic malfunction. Why then do we live here?
     Every one of us could have pursued a lucrative trade in areas of growth rather than
     decline. Obviously we all have other considerations, including our roots, our families
     and force of habit. Then also there is the ever-present sense among our citizens that
     maybe, just maybe, our time may soon arrive.

2.   New York Times Article. Many of you read the August 17 edition of the New York
     Times Magazine. It had an interesting article that presaged the current economic
     meltdown, upon which we need not dwell. But it also had an article that amazingly
     discussed education, reform, experimentation, excellence and New Orleans as compatible
     concepts. For as long as I can remember, the only national discussions of New Orleans
     public education focused on statistical rankings at or near the bottom. Remarkably, this
     article surveyed our current educational landscape and boldly suggested we have a
     chance not just to reach the median but to leap clear all the way to excellence. The
     themes of the article were as follows:

     (a)    Pre-K. Obviously it started with a discussion of the truly abysmal pre-Katrina
            public educational system, characterized by rock-bottom performance, desperate
            zero-sum politics, criminality, violence and hopelessness. The mention of
            stationing FBI agents at the Orleans Parish School Board headquarters is enough
            to bring back profoundly painful memories for all of us.

     (b)    Society. The article certainly discussed New Orleans daunting social problems
            that contribute to our educational performance. Families in our city have gone for
            generations without meaningful public educational opportunities. Parents and
            grandparents who can’t read by definition can’t read to their children. Katrina
            then scattered families hither and yon. I heard Tim Ryan speak one night on the
            subject of UNO’s charter schools. He said money was not the problem, each of
            them were running a surplus. But he said his people were shocked to see the
            abject neediness of the kids. Many of them, he said, had returned to town without
            parents (who stayed behind in Houston, etc.) and were living virtually without
            supervision. Aunts or grandparents are trying, he said, but are overwhelmed by
            housefuls of distantly related kids. He said UNO’s schools not only had to
            provide free lunch, but also free breakfast and dinner.

(c)   National Effort. The article reviewed the nascence, even before Katrina, of a
      national movement to address and reform urban education. In 2000, Paul T. Hill
      wrote a book called “It Takes a City.” He advocated a total structural
      decentralization of our national system of public education. Top-down central
      planning and administration, he said, should be replaced by a bottom-up
      approach. Schools would receive individual charters from local or state school
      boards and would operate as much as possible as independent schools. They
      would have their own internal governance and great autonomy. They would have
      the freedom to innovate and respond to the needs of their communities,
      unburdened by the dictates of the central office. However, they would also have
      almost total responsibility for their success. And a school’s success or failure
      would be measured by a competitive marketplace. Parents would have the free
      choice to send their children to any number of schools in a community and
      schools would receive their funding on the sole basis of enrollment. Such per
      student stipends would not quite be the individual vouchers that some have
      advocated. They would not apply to private schools, for example. But they
      would serve to focus schools on the value of each individual child. In a
      traditional public school, each additional child is a burden. In a Paul Hill school,
      each additional child would bring a benefit. Schools that attract more students –
      at least convincing parents that they provide a quality product – would get
      proportionately greater funding than schools that don’t. With parents free to
      comparison-shop, schools would immediately quickly draw the connection
      between production and reward and would strive vigorously to improve their

(d)   Theoretical Issues. The article discussed several theoretical issues which a
      charter school system presents:

      (1)    Selectivity. One is the ever present tension inherent in seeking to have
             excellent but non-selective schools. Charter schools might tend toward
             selectivity. Serving a demographical group inclined to high-performance
             makes achieving high performance easier. Moreover, charter schools
             might find selectivity to be a way of filling classrooms. Colleges for
             example find that a perception of exclusivity in the marketplace actually
             generates more applications. However, clearly a system that ignores the
             most difficult-to-teach children does not promote the value of universal
             education. More to the point, selectivity in schools has tremendous
             political baggage. For years, pre-Katrina, we witnessed periodic flare-ups
             of agitation over the continuation of Ben Franklin and its admissions
             criteria. If a system leaves out more than it lets in, politicians will side
             with the left-outs. A charter school system perceived as undemocratic
             cannot survive long.

      (2)    Potential for Abuse. Nor will a system perceived as crooked, and that is
             another potential Achilles heel of charter schools. When money in large
             amounts flows through small charter school boards, some of it might fall
             into the wrong hands. The whole charter school movement lives in fear

that a defalcation at one charter school would mortally tarnish the whole

      (3)    Actually Closing Schools. Finally, one still might have the problem of
             dealing with failing schools. Even if one can fire bad teachers who no
             longer operate under the protection of a union contract, even if parents
             have the ability to move from a bad school to a good one, even if school
             boards can revoke charters, will human beings meaningfully exercise
             those freedoms? Or will they settle for comfortable mediocrity?

(e)   Making a Difference. The article recounted how Katrina focused such attention
      on New Orleans. It seems like the only ones not glued to their TVs in September
      2005 were New Orleanians. While we were scrambling for businesses, houses
      and schools in distant, gumboless locales, the nation was transfixed. Many fine
      Americans resolved that New Orleans would rebuild and that they would actively
      and personally make it happen. Many of the aforementioned urban education
      reformers joined the movement and came down here to make a difference.

(f)   Old Barriers. The article showed how Katrina removed many of the institutional
      barriers that impeded educational reform and innovation in New Orleans for
      years. The strength of the teachers union dissipated as its members left town.
      Politics changed dramatically as the electorate changed and/or saw what prior
      system wrought. The school age population reduced by more than half, making
      the problem far more manageable. Most importantly, the community-wide
      cynicism and despair that had infected our discussion of public education since
      the 1980’s gave way to a determination to renew our efforts.

(g)   Quick Movement. The article then focused on our City’s and State’s immediate
      embrace of a paradigm shifting charter-school approach to public education.
      More than any other jurisdiction, we have dramatically shifted to a charter school-
      based system. As quoted in the Times, Paul Vallas, the nationally-prominent
      superintendent of the Recovery School District, and Paul Pastorek, the State
      Superintendent of Education, strongly believe in a charter school system. A
      recent newspaper article reported that fully 60% of public school children in
      Orleans Parish attend charter schools.

(h)   An Attainable Goal. The article briefly discussed the attainability of good
      schools, but Armando Almendarez does a better job. He is a wonderful fellow,
      retired for several years from a lifetime of posts with the Chicago Public Schools.
      Katie and I have gotten to know him recently. He believes in the Vallas approach
      and has worked as a consultant with the Recovery School District. He says
      successful schools have five key but quite attainable elements:

      (1)    Strong School Leadership. Leadership is primary. The leader of a school
             has a greater influence on the performance of his or her institution than the
             leader of a bank has.

(2)    Class Size. Small class size is important. Classes having fewer than 20
                   students simply work better. Kids can’t hide in small classes and teachers
                   can’t ignore kids who try.

            (3)    Flexible Curricula. The curriculum must accommodate different learning
                   styles. We learn things differently and so do kids. Curricula that adapt to
                   those differences serve the kids best.

            (4)    Professional Development. Teachers need training. Many teachers are
                   young and inexperienced.         Those flexible curricula require great
                   teamwork. And teaching is just plain hard to master. All of these factors
                   require schools to have strong internal programs to develop their teachers.

            (5)    Fidelity. Finally, a good school will rigorously adhere to its program, both
                   school-wide and over time. Educators use the word “fidelity” to describe
                   this. They also constantly talk of “metrics,” in other words consistent,
                   accurate, objective measurement of performance as a means to insure

     (i)    High Goals. The final remarkable theme of the article is just how high we in New
            Orleans and Louisiana have set our goals. In the words of one promotional
            brochure: “Imagine a city that expects academic excellence from all of its schools.
            In every neighborhood, for every child. What would this mean to the rest of the
            nation? . . . If you are ready to make an impact . . . To impact the future of not
            only one student, not only one classroom, not only one school. . . To impact the
            future of national education reform. If you are ready to make an impact, then join
            us.” Clearly we not only want to stop defining the bottom, we want to reach the

3.   My Experience. Here’s another quote: “At CATS we will not water down our curriculum
     or have low expectations of our students. We will train our students to demand the best
     of themselves and challenge them to high academic achievement. The curriculum and
     learning environment will stimulate intellectual growth, demand their best performance
     and have high expectations that challenge their scholastic abilities.” “[We will] produce
     world-class learners by providing the highest quality of teaching and learning, so all
     students can achieve academic success.” Grisela Alejandro Jackson helped write those
     words and is one of many heroes in this narrative.

     (a)    Chronology. Grisela and her husband Pastor Robert Jackson grew up in New
            Orleans. They went to Vassar around the same time as John Lawrence, Brooke
            Duncan and I went. However, I had very little contact with them either at Vassar
            or since. But Katie got to know them at a Vassar function. The next day she
            realized that their house is next to her studio and they all got to be friends. Before
            Katrina we attended a service at their church, Historic Second Baptist, on
            Marengo and Freret Streets. After Katrina, Grisela asked Katie if she, as an artist,
            would like to serve on the board of an arts-focused charter school Grisela was
            trying to organize. Katie said “no” (she does not do meetings), but volunteered

me. Boards always need free lawyers and I, like probably everyone in this room,
had the experience of having served on the board of my children’s private school.

The church and its neighborhood flooded in Katrina. Grisela has always been
interested in education and worked on a number of educational outreach programs
for kids in the neighborhood. After the storm, she and fellow members of the
church decided that reopening a particular school in the neighborhood, Lawrence
D. Crocker Elementary, as a charter school could help bring the neighborhood
back. One of the parishioners, Val Williams, had served as assistant principal at
Crocker. During her tenure, Crocker had climbed out of the “failing school”
category. When she was transferred out, Crocker’s performance immediately
reverted to failing form.

Grisela formed a board that included Val and several other parishioners with
educational backgrounds. She also contacted her old Fortier history teacher, John
A. Jones, Jr., now retired and living in Baton Rouge. He brought in his old friend,
Steve Boyard, another retired teacher and principal. She also brought in Olga
Smoak, our local long-time Vassar recruiter who simply cannot process the word
“no” when she hears it. Grisela has the same condition.

Over the summer of 2006, the group – mostly Grisela, Val and Charmaine
Robertson, another educator – prepared its application for a charter in hopes of
opening Crocker in 2007. The application was very ambitious in that it called for
Crocker to start off as a full Pre-K through 6th grade elementary school. In
December, 2006, we joined a number of other applicants at the Marriott Hotel for
interviews. Our panel, provided by the National Association of Charter School
Authorizers, made it clear that one does not get a charter simply by asking. They
asked penetrating questions and determined we were not ready. Their written
comments focused on what they saw as our naïveté.

Grisela immediately set out to prove them wrong. Through the summer of 2007,
she and the others revised the application, primarily reducing the initial size of the
school to four grade levels, Pre-K through second grade. Last November we
traveled to Baton Rouge for another interview. A side note: the Louisiana
Department of Education is housed in a gleaming post-modern building called the
Claiborne Building, near the Capitol. Far from the bureaucratic fogbottom one
expects from state government, every experience we have had up there, and every
contact with state officials, has been positive, clear and professional. This time,
things clicked. We again had a review panel composed of accomplished master
educators from around the country. They again asked penetrating questions. We
won points for revising our approach in response to the criticism we received.
We had made efforts demonstrate neighborhood support for the effort and won
points there. But the moment we really connected occurred when Val
demonstrated we knew the importance of the “F-word,” fidelity. She did so with
a focused stare that clearly meant business. We won our charter, one of seven
awarded for the 2008-09 year statewide and the only one in New Orleans to have
started as a neighborhood-specific community effort. The day Paul Pastorek

presented the seven charters to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
for formal approval, he singled us out on that score. Crocker Arts and
Technology School – CATS – was born.

Since last December, we hired Anna Charmaine Robertson as our principal, she
hired teachers and staff and they opened the school in August. We have 94
students and seven teachers. Charmaine and her assistant principal Shauntel
Butler worked tirelessly and entrepreneurially to get them. We operate in a large,
comfortable modular building on the Press Street campus of the Gregory Junior
High School. Our students come from all over the city. We have a 2008-09
school year budget of approximately $1.1 million which, if you do the math,
works out to about $11,700 per student. Our money comes primarily from the
state and city in the form of our “MFP,” (Minimum Foundation Program) the
basic $8,000 per-student payment. However, we have also received a generous
start-up grant from the Walton Family Foundation and several other State and
Federal programs for start-up charter schools. Our start-up remains a work in
progress and we have had our share of challenges.

(1)    We did not meet our budgeted enrollment and this substantially reduced
       our state MFP income. Indeed, we operate right next to Akili Academy,
       another charter serving largely the same age group of children. That we
       compete with each other is clear to all involved.

(2)    Our transportation costs soared by four times over our initial expectations.
       We are required to supply bus service to our children. We run three routes
       a day, each way. Gas prices obviously contributed to the cost, but mainly
       the problem arises from having to serve a city-wide clientele. As of the
       moment, we have a splash of red ink in our budget because of this factor
       and have to spend next weekend figuring out how to raise money to deal
       with it.

(3)    Our building situation is vexing. We initially heard that Crocker School
       would be renovated by Thanksgiving or Christmas at the latest. While it
       flooded, it is a 1960’s vintage concrete block building. It does not need
       structural repair; new electrical and plumbing systems should substantially
       put it back in service. However, we now hear that the RSD wants FEMA
       to replace it entirely. We can’t say they’re wrong as the building probably
       is reaching the end of its useful life. And we’d certainly love to end up
       with a nice modern building. But we also want to get into our permanent
       home in the neighborhood soon. For the moment, we expect to stay in the
       mods for the rest of the school year and have no idea where we’ll go next

(4)    Our start up has not been free of personality issues. Already we have let
       two teachers go, one for insubordination.

(b)   Other Players. At every step along the way, my respect for Grisela has increased.
      She has a Tulane MBA and runs a small supply firm that sells to the Navy.
      Governmental financial reporting requirements don’t daunt her. Otherwise, she is
      just plain committed, about as much as I have ever seen anyone committed to a
      non-profit project. She is tenacious, tireless and smart. Just when one thinks
      about how nice it would be to bottle that energy and spirit, one realizes that
      indeed we have done so in this community as the following review of the players
      in the local charter school movement will demonstrate:

      (1)    Government. The first and most startling point to be made is that our
             governmental educational institutions are working quite effectively:

             (A)    BESE. One visit to a BESE board meeting will show you that Paul
                    Pastorek has firm control of the Department. The board obviously
                    has its share of adherents to the old system, including teacher
                    unionization. They clearly are on the outside looking in. Paul’s
                    deputy in charge of the state charter school office is Ken Campbell.
                    When dealing with him, one cannot help but wonder whether this
                    really is the Louisiana state government or whether one is
                    dreaming. He’s personable, accessible, responsive, smart and
                    supportive. We were most gratified when he visited CATS and,
                    after his tour, expressed confidence that we would make it.
                    Likewise we have had nothing but positive experience with
                    everyone we have dealt with in his office, from the attorneys who
                    prepared our charter contract to the people who have guided us
                    through the maze of financial reporting requirements and funds

             (B)    RSD. CATS is a so-called “RSD charter;” because for reporting
                    purposes, and building and operational issues, we are under the
                    RSD umbrella. While our charter authorizer is BESE and our
                    funds come directly from the state to the school, we nevertheless
                    have dealings with RSD. We have encountered consistent support
                    and a refreshing level of competence.

             (C)    Orleans Parish School Board. Even the Orleans Parish Public
                    School system deserves praise. They have run a number of
                    meetings and presentations on school facilities and have done a
                    good job at the ones I have attended.

      (2)    Non-Profit Sector. Katrina made many New Orleanians realize that
             government alone cannot solve our problems. It led an incredible number
             of people to jump into projects involving politics, housing, levees, crime
             and economic development. It also drew people into projects in support of
             public education. After three years, we have developed quite a non-profit
             infrastructure in support of charter schools.

(A)   Boards. Mary Zervigon, Jennifer Fallon, Diana Lewis, Sybil
      Morial, Holly Sharp, Ronnie Evans, Robbie Evans, Sarah Hunter,
      Mary Lee Murphy, Luis Zervigon, Ken Ducote, Jimmy Reiss,
      Steve Rosenthal, Alvin Meister, Tim Ryan, Carolyn Chandler,
      Clifford Favrot, Jim Huger, Carol Asher, Mickey Allweis, Doug
      Thornton, Robbie Vitrano, George Freeman, Jim Nelson, Mary
      Kay Parker, Pat Talley, Mike Bagot, Benton Smallpage, Hal
      Brown, Ruth Kullman, Poco Sloss, Martin de Laureal, Bob
      Burvant, Annie Balart, Alice Parkerson, Arthur Hardy, Rene
      Coman. On an incomplete list of charter school board members, I
      counted 178 names; the ones listed were the ones I recognized.
      Talk to any one of them and I dare say they find serving on their
      charter board is the most challenging non-profit they have ever
      taken on. Note also that, to serve, they each must submit to
      fingerprinting and a criminal background check, obviously for
      each of them more of a pain in the neck than a burden. Boards
      must follow the open meetings law and are subject to the Code of
      Governmental Ethics.

(B)   New Schools for New Orleans. Clearly the leader of the movement
      is New Schools for New Orleans. Sarah Usdin, its chairman,
      founded it right after the storm and it is a superb organization.
      Matt Candler is CEO. Ian Arnoff, Steve Rosenthal, Cathy Pierson
      and Steve Hales serve on the board. Right now NSNO has a
      budget of approximately $5 million per year and a staff of 12.
      They raised $7-8 million locally, which then enabled them to ask
      for mega gifts from the Gates Foundations and similar national
      contributors. At NSNO, they do everything they can to support
      charter schools. Ask a question, need a resource, having trouble,
      NSNO will likely have the answer. They “incubate” schools and
      boards. They train school leaders, putting candidates through a
      rigorous paid one-year internship during which they learn best
      practices from schools around the country. They also recruit and
      train teachers in coordination with the Teach for America program.

(C)   Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools. Remember
      when Buddy Roemer campaigned on the platform of bricking up
      the top two floors of the Department of Education in Baton Rouge?
      His daughter Caroline Roemer Shirley has his same bantam
      intensity. In her first year as the executive director of the
      Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools, a trade
      association, she beat back several efforts to clip charter schools in
      the state legislature. The movement senses that, as it gains success
      it will also attract predators. Huge governmental relations needs
      lie ahead, so this organization will have to perform. Last weekend,
      Caroline and her staff put together an interesting conference on

issues affecting charter schools and it attracted over 175 people for
                          a full day.

                   (D)    The Walton Family Foundation. I cannot say enough about the
                          Walton Family Foundation, run by the daughter of Sam Walton.
                          She met with our board personally and the Foundation gave us a
                          grant of $250,000. It was critical: much of our funding comes as
                          reimbursement for expenditures already made. Try walking into a
                          bank and asking for a loan for a charter school. Explain to them
                          that the school has no fixed assets, no track record, a business
                          manager who has been on board for three weeks and that they
                          money the bank lends will only get paid back if the school fills out
                          voluminous forms (with which it has no experience) correctly. We
                          desperately needed that $250K.

                   (E)    Cowen Institute. Tulane sponsors Lusher charter and formed The
                          Scott S. Cowen Institute for Public Education Initiatives to serve as
                          a think tank for the movement.

                   (F)    The Capital One-University of New Orleans Charter School
                          Network. UNO runs 6 New Orleans charter schools.

                   (G)    Algiers Charter Schools Association. The Algiers Charter Schools
                          Association runs nine charter schools in Algiers. One day they
                          assembled their entire senior staff to give us free advice on
                          everything from running a bus service to picking vendors for the
                          lunch program. Having been at this since Katrina, they knew their
                          numbers. Theoretically we compete with them, but Brian
                          Reidlinger makes it clear that they view themselves as part of a
                          movement and want the movement as a whole to succeed.

                   (H)    KIPP. The KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) organization
                          runs six schools, all open enrollment. In KIPP schools, the
                          principal’s office lies right in the front hallway, giving the
                          principal the utmost visibility and ability to be vigilant. As a first
                          step, KIPP students receive intensive training in those little aspects
                          of behavior - manners and such - that serve one so well in life. In a
                          KIPP classroom, when a kid gets the answer right, the teacher is
                          apt to pull out a cell phone and call the kid’s parents to tell them
                          about it right then.

4.   Observations. Educators tend to expound at length on educational subjects and my role
     as a foot soldier in the movement entitles me to keep you here much longer than I will.
     To close, I’d like to make just a few additional observations:

     (a)    Test Scores. The Department of Education releases what it calls “School
            Performance Scores” annually for schools. The SPS is a composite of various

statistics and apparently mere mortals can never understand how they derive it.
              But in 1999, 32.7% of Louisiana schools received an SPS below the minimally
              acceptable level of 60. Today, that number has been reduced to 7.1%. In New
              Orleans, 24 of our 53 reporting schools remain below the level. Of the 24, 8 are
              charter schools. Of the 29 above the level, 23 are charters.

       (b)    Schools Campuses. Every charter school campus I have visited has been clean
              and presentable. American public schools historically have had the mission of
              turning students into citizens. How can we expect young people to honor the
              social contract when we fail at the one thing they ask their government to provide,
              a decent place to learn? Those Pre-Katrina public schools were just awful but
              now charter schools have to compete for students. The first thing they do is
              present a nice appearance.

       (c)    Teachers Union. Last night’s Orleans Parish School Board meeting clearly
              indicated that the United Teachers of New Orleans stands ready to bring back the
              bad old days. Thank goodness Phyllis Landrieu, the swing vote, voted against the

       (d)    Vouchers. Orleans Parish now has a limited voucher system and, as noted, many
              have pushed for voucher systems around the country. Vouchers hurt CATS. We
              lost at least three students when vouchers became available to them.

       (e)    Balkanized Structure. We currently have RSD schools, RSD charters, Orleans
              Parish schools, Orleans Parish charters, school buildings owned OPSB but run, in
              many cases, by RSD, two superintendents, two boards, coupled with the OPSB’s
              massive pre-Katrina debt. Many of the charters expire in 5 years and live in fear
              that they will revert to being traditional Orleans Parish public schools. We
              obviously have to move to a saner public school organizational structure and the
              sanest structure would again put the Orleans Parish School Board generally in
              charge. But we don’t want to rush. It is not certain the OPSB, even with its
              incoming board, will embrace charter schools. We need to follow the charter
              program with fidelity, allowing it time to gain traction. There will be time to
              figure out the best structure to oversee it.

       (f)    Your Contribution. Meantime, you can contribute to the cause by talking it up.
              We’re making progress. We may even be making history. It’s exciting.

Post-script as of September 14, 2009: CATS has started its second year in a new (old) building
with more than twice the students and a new third grade. Over the summer, the RSD moved us
to the old New Orleans Free School building on Foucher and Camp Streets. We had a brief
hiccup when the Orleans Parish Public School made an end-run to BESE to try to get the
building back for its purposes. But RSD and the LAPSCA came through for us big time. We
were able to beat OPSB at BESE. The school itself was in deplorable shape, so friends, parents,
teachers, administrators and board members pitched in to clean it up. We received a glowing
review from BESE after its evaluation last April. We had a successful fund-raiser in June. Most
importantly, and thanks almost entirely to our tireless Treasure, Michael Neyrey, we have a
balanced budget for the current school year.


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  • 1. CATS Wyvern Club – November 19, 2008 Shaun B. Rafferty 1. Introduction. The Wyvern Club believed an archive of its papers would have historical interest, so it established one. Our papers have recorded what some sensible professional New Orleans men have thought and thought important over fifty years, as we just celebrated. In many cases, members have provided firsthand accounts of their own experiences as players in the evolution of the City. Inevitably, as the fifty years have coincided with the City’s loss of economic prominence, some accounts have painted a sad picture of local political and economic malfunction. Why then do we live here? Every one of us could have pursued a lucrative trade in areas of growth rather than decline. Obviously we all have other considerations, including our roots, our families and force of habit. Then also there is the ever-present sense among our citizens that maybe, just maybe, our time may soon arrive. 2. New York Times Article. Many of you read the August 17 edition of the New York Times Magazine. It had an interesting article that presaged the current economic meltdown, upon which we need not dwell. But it also had an article that amazingly discussed education, reform, experimentation, excellence and New Orleans as compatible concepts. For as long as I can remember, the only national discussions of New Orleans public education focused on statistical rankings at or near the bottom. Remarkably, this article surveyed our current educational landscape and boldly suggested we have a chance not just to reach the median but to leap clear all the way to excellence. The themes of the article were as follows: (a) Pre-K. Obviously it started with a discussion of the truly abysmal pre-Katrina public educational system, characterized by rock-bottom performance, desperate zero-sum politics, criminality, violence and hopelessness. The mention of stationing FBI agents at the Orleans Parish School Board headquarters is enough to bring back profoundly painful memories for all of us. (b) Society. The article certainly discussed New Orleans daunting social problems that contribute to our educational performance. Families in our city have gone for generations without meaningful public educational opportunities. Parents and grandparents who can’t read by definition can’t read to their children. Katrina then scattered families hither and yon. I heard Tim Ryan speak one night on the subject of UNO’s charter schools. He said money was not the problem, each of them were running a surplus. But he said his people were shocked to see the abject neediness of the kids. Many of them, he said, had returned to town without parents (who stayed behind in Houston, etc.) and were living virtually without supervision. Aunts or grandparents are trying, he said, but are overwhelmed by housefuls of distantly related kids. He said UNO’s schools not only had to provide free lunch, but also free breakfast and dinner. 1
  • 2. (c) National Effort. The article reviewed the nascence, even before Katrina, of a national movement to address and reform urban education. In 2000, Paul T. Hill wrote a book called “It Takes a City.” He advocated a total structural decentralization of our national system of public education. Top-down central planning and administration, he said, should be replaced by a bottom-up approach. Schools would receive individual charters from local or state school boards and would operate as much as possible as independent schools. They would have their own internal governance and great autonomy. They would have the freedom to innovate and respond to the needs of their communities, unburdened by the dictates of the central office. However, they would also have almost total responsibility for their success. And a school’s success or failure would be measured by a competitive marketplace. Parents would have the free choice to send their children to any number of schools in a community and schools would receive their funding on the sole basis of enrollment. Such per student stipends would not quite be the individual vouchers that some have advocated. They would not apply to private schools, for example. But they would serve to focus schools on the value of each individual child. In a traditional public school, each additional child is a burden. In a Paul Hill school, each additional child would bring a benefit. Schools that attract more students – at least convincing parents that they provide a quality product – would get proportionately greater funding than schools that don’t. With parents free to comparison-shop, schools would immediately quickly draw the connection between production and reward and would strive vigorously to improve their performance. (d) Theoretical Issues. The article discussed several theoretical issues which a charter school system presents: (1) Selectivity. One is the ever present tension inherent in seeking to have excellent but non-selective schools. Charter schools might tend toward selectivity. Serving a demographical group inclined to high-performance makes achieving high performance easier. Moreover, charter schools might find selectivity to be a way of filling classrooms. Colleges for example find that a perception of exclusivity in the marketplace actually generates more applications. However, clearly a system that ignores the most difficult-to-teach children does not promote the value of universal education. More to the point, selectivity in schools has tremendous political baggage. For years, pre-Katrina, we witnessed periodic flare-ups of agitation over the continuation of Ben Franklin and its admissions criteria. If a system leaves out more than it lets in, politicians will side with the left-outs. A charter school system perceived as undemocratic cannot survive long. (2) Potential for Abuse. Nor will a system perceived as crooked, and that is another potential Achilles heel of charter schools. When money in large amounts flows through small charter school boards, some of it might fall into the wrong hands. The whole charter school movement lives in fear 2
  • 3. that a defalcation at one charter school would mortally tarnish the whole movement. (3) Actually Closing Schools. Finally, one still might have the problem of dealing with failing schools. Even if one can fire bad teachers who no longer operate under the protection of a union contract, even if parents have the ability to move from a bad school to a good one, even if school boards can revoke charters, will human beings meaningfully exercise those freedoms? Or will they settle for comfortable mediocrity? (e) Making a Difference. The article recounted how Katrina focused such attention on New Orleans. It seems like the only ones not glued to their TVs in September 2005 were New Orleanians. While we were scrambling for businesses, houses and schools in distant, gumboless locales, the nation was transfixed. Many fine Americans resolved that New Orleans would rebuild and that they would actively and personally make it happen. Many of the aforementioned urban education reformers joined the movement and came down here to make a difference. (f) Old Barriers. The article showed how Katrina removed many of the institutional barriers that impeded educational reform and innovation in New Orleans for years. The strength of the teachers union dissipated as its members left town. Politics changed dramatically as the electorate changed and/or saw what prior system wrought. The school age population reduced by more than half, making the problem far more manageable. Most importantly, the community-wide cynicism and despair that had infected our discussion of public education since the 1980’s gave way to a determination to renew our efforts. (g) Quick Movement. The article then focused on our City’s and State’s immediate embrace of a paradigm shifting charter-school approach to public education. More than any other jurisdiction, we have dramatically shifted to a charter school- based system. As quoted in the Times, Paul Vallas, the nationally-prominent superintendent of the Recovery School District, and Paul Pastorek, the State Superintendent of Education, strongly believe in a charter school system. A recent newspaper article reported that fully 60% of public school children in Orleans Parish attend charter schools. (h) An Attainable Goal. The article briefly discussed the attainability of good schools, but Armando Almendarez does a better job. He is a wonderful fellow, retired for several years from a lifetime of posts with the Chicago Public Schools. Katie and I have gotten to know him recently. He believes in the Vallas approach and has worked as a consultant with the Recovery School District. He says successful schools have five key but quite attainable elements: (1) Strong School Leadership. Leadership is primary. The leader of a school has a greater influence on the performance of his or her institution than the leader of a bank has. 3
  • 4. (2) Class Size. Small class size is important. Classes having fewer than 20 students simply work better. Kids can’t hide in small classes and teachers can’t ignore kids who try. (3) Flexible Curricula. The curriculum must accommodate different learning styles. We learn things differently and so do kids. Curricula that adapt to those differences serve the kids best. (4) Professional Development. Teachers need training. Many teachers are young and inexperienced. Those flexible curricula require great teamwork. And teaching is just plain hard to master. All of these factors require schools to have strong internal programs to develop their teachers. (5) Fidelity. Finally, a good school will rigorously adhere to its program, both school-wide and over time. Educators use the word “fidelity” to describe this. They also constantly talk of “metrics,” in other words consistent, accurate, objective measurement of performance as a means to insure fidelity. (i) High Goals. The final remarkable theme of the article is just how high we in New Orleans and Louisiana have set our goals. In the words of one promotional brochure: “Imagine a city that expects academic excellence from all of its schools. In every neighborhood, for every child. What would this mean to the rest of the nation? . . . If you are ready to make an impact . . . To impact the future of not only one student, not only one classroom, not only one school. . . To impact the future of national education reform. If you are ready to make an impact, then join us.” Clearly we not only want to stop defining the bottom, we want to reach the top. 3. My Experience. Here’s another quote: “At CATS we will not water down our curriculum or have low expectations of our students. We will train our students to demand the best of themselves and challenge them to high academic achievement. The curriculum and learning environment will stimulate intellectual growth, demand their best performance and have high expectations that challenge their scholastic abilities.” “[We will] produce world-class learners by providing the highest quality of teaching and learning, so all students can achieve academic success.” Grisela Alejandro Jackson helped write those words and is one of many heroes in this narrative. (a) Chronology. Grisela and her husband Pastor Robert Jackson grew up in New Orleans. They went to Vassar around the same time as John Lawrence, Brooke Duncan and I went. However, I had very little contact with them either at Vassar or since. But Katie got to know them at a Vassar function. The next day she realized that their house is next to her studio and they all got to be friends. Before Katrina we attended a service at their church, Historic Second Baptist, on Marengo and Freret Streets. After Katrina, Grisela asked Katie if she, as an artist, would like to serve on the board of an arts-focused charter school Grisela was trying to organize. Katie said “no” (she does not do meetings), but volunteered 4
  • 5. me. Boards always need free lawyers and I, like probably everyone in this room, had the experience of having served on the board of my children’s private school. The church and its neighborhood flooded in Katrina. Grisela has always been interested in education and worked on a number of educational outreach programs for kids in the neighborhood. After the storm, she and fellow members of the church decided that reopening a particular school in the neighborhood, Lawrence D. Crocker Elementary, as a charter school could help bring the neighborhood back. One of the parishioners, Val Williams, had served as assistant principal at Crocker. During her tenure, Crocker had climbed out of the “failing school” category. When she was transferred out, Crocker’s performance immediately reverted to failing form. Grisela formed a board that included Val and several other parishioners with educational backgrounds. She also contacted her old Fortier history teacher, John A. Jones, Jr., now retired and living in Baton Rouge. He brought in his old friend, Steve Boyard, another retired teacher and principal. She also brought in Olga Smoak, our local long-time Vassar recruiter who simply cannot process the word “no” when she hears it. Grisela has the same condition. Over the summer of 2006, the group – mostly Grisela, Val and Charmaine Robertson, another educator – prepared its application for a charter in hopes of opening Crocker in 2007. The application was very ambitious in that it called for Crocker to start off as a full Pre-K through 6th grade elementary school. In December, 2006, we joined a number of other applicants at the Marriott Hotel for interviews. Our panel, provided by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, made it clear that one does not get a charter simply by asking. They asked penetrating questions and determined we were not ready. Their written comments focused on what they saw as our naïveté. Grisela immediately set out to prove them wrong. Through the summer of 2007, she and the others revised the application, primarily reducing the initial size of the school to four grade levels, Pre-K through second grade. Last November we traveled to Baton Rouge for another interview. A side note: the Louisiana Department of Education is housed in a gleaming post-modern building called the Claiborne Building, near the Capitol. Far from the bureaucratic fogbottom one expects from state government, every experience we have had up there, and every contact with state officials, has been positive, clear and professional. This time, things clicked. We again had a review panel composed of accomplished master educators from around the country. They again asked penetrating questions. We won points for revising our approach in response to the criticism we received. We had made efforts demonstrate neighborhood support for the effort and won points there. But the moment we really connected occurred when Val demonstrated we knew the importance of the “F-word,” fidelity. She did so with a focused stare that clearly meant business. We won our charter, one of seven awarded for the 2008-09 year statewide and the only one in New Orleans to have started as a neighborhood-specific community effort. The day Paul Pastorek 5
  • 6. presented the seven charters to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for formal approval, he singled us out on that score. Crocker Arts and Technology School – CATS – was born. Since last December, we hired Anna Charmaine Robertson as our principal, she hired teachers and staff and they opened the school in August. We have 94 students and seven teachers. Charmaine and her assistant principal Shauntel Butler worked tirelessly and entrepreneurially to get them. We operate in a large, comfortable modular building on the Press Street campus of the Gregory Junior High School. Our students come from all over the city. We have a 2008-09 school year budget of approximately $1.1 million which, if you do the math, works out to about $11,700 per student. Our money comes primarily from the state and city in the form of our “MFP,” (Minimum Foundation Program) the basic $8,000 per-student payment. However, we have also received a generous start-up grant from the Walton Family Foundation and several other State and Federal programs for start-up charter schools. Our start-up remains a work in progress and we have had our share of challenges. (1) We did not meet our budgeted enrollment and this substantially reduced our state MFP income. Indeed, we operate right next to Akili Academy, another charter serving largely the same age group of children. That we compete with each other is clear to all involved. (2) Our transportation costs soared by four times over our initial expectations. We are required to supply bus service to our children. We run three routes a day, each way. Gas prices obviously contributed to the cost, but mainly the problem arises from having to serve a city-wide clientele. As of the moment, we have a splash of red ink in our budget because of this factor and have to spend next weekend figuring out how to raise money to deal with it. (3) Our building situation is vexing. We initially heard that Crocker School would be renovated by Thanksgiving or Christmas at the latest. While it flooded, it is a 1960’s vintage concrete block building. It does not need structural repair; new electrical and plumbing systems should substantially put it back in service. However, we now hear that the RSD wants FEMA to replace it entirely. We can’t say they’re wrong as the building probably is reaching the end of its useful life. And we’d certainly love to end up with a nice modern building. But we also want to get into our permanent home in the neighborhood soon. For the moment, we expect to stay in the mods for the rest of the school year and have no idea where we’ll go next year. (4) Our start up has not been free of personality issues. Already we have let two teachers go, one for insubordination. 6
  • 7. (b) Other Players. At every step along the way, my respect for Grisela has increased. She has a Tulane MBA and runs a small supply firm that sells to the Navy. Governmental financial reporting requirements don’t daunt her. Otherwise, she is just plain committed, about as much as I have ever seen anyone committed to a non-profit project. She is tenacious, tireless and smart. Just when one thinks about how nice it would be to bottle that energy and spirit, one realizes that indeed we have done so in this community as the following review of the players in the local charter school movement will demonstrate: (1) Government. The first and most startling point to be made is that our governmental educational institutions are working quite effectively: (A) BESE. One visit to a BESE board meeting will show you that Paul Pastorek has firm control of the Department. The board obviously has its share of adherents to the old system, including teacher unionization. They clearly are on the outside looking in. Paul’s deputy in charge of the state charter school office is Ken Campbell. When dealing with him, one cannot help but wonder whether this really is the Louisiana state government or whether one is dreaming. He’s personable, accessible, responsive, smart and supportive. We were most gratified when he visited CATS and, after his tour, expressed confidence that we would make it. Likewise we have had nothing but positive experience with everyone we have dealt with in his office, from the attorneys who prepared our charter contract to the people who have guided us through the maze of financial reporting requirements and funds restrictions. (B) RSD. CATS is a so-called “RSD charter;” because for reporting purposes, and building and operational issues, we are under the RSD umbrella. While our charter authorizer is BESE and our funds come directly from the state to the school, we nevertheless have dealings with RSD. We have encountered consistent support and a refreshing level of competence. (C) Orleans Parish School Board. Even the Orleans Parish Public School system deserves praise. They have run a number of meetings and presentations on school facilities and have done a good job at the ones I have attended. (2) Non-Profit Sector. Katrina made many New Orleanians realize that government alone cannot solve our problems. It led an incredible number of people to jump into projects involving politics, housing, levees, crime and economic development. It also drew people into projects in support of public education. After three years, we have developed quite a non-profit infrastructure in support of charter schools. 7
  • 8. (A) Boards. Mary Zervigon, Jennifer Fallon, Diana Lewis, Sybil Morial, Holly Sharp, Ronnie Evans, Robbie Evans, Sarah Hunter, Mary Lee Murphy, Luis Zervigon, Ken Ducote, Jimmy Reiss, Steve Rosenthal, Alvin Meister, Tim Ryan, Carolyn Chandler, Clifford Favrot, Jim Huger, Carol Asher, Mickey Allweis, Doug Thornton, Robbie Vitrano, George Freeman, Jim Nelson, Mary Kay Parker, Pat Talley, Mike Bagot, Benton Smallpage, Hal Brown, Ruth Kullman, Poco Sloss, Martin de Laureal, Bob Burvant, Annie Balart, Alice Parkerson, Arthur Hardy, Rene Coman. On an incomplete list of charter school board members, I counted 178 names; the ones listed were the ones I recognized. Talk to any one of them and I dare say they find serving on their charter board is the most challenging non-profit they have ever taken on. Note also that, to serve, they each must submit to fingerprinting and a criminal background check, obviously for each of them more of a pain in the neck than a burden. Boards must follow the open meetings law and are subject to the Code of Governmental Ethics. (B) New Schools for New Orleans. Clearly the leader of the movement is New Schools for New Orleans. Sarah Usdin, its chairman, founded it right after the storm and it is a superb organization. Matt Candler is CEO. Ian Arnoff, Steve Rosenthal, Cathy Pierson and Steve Hales serve on the board. Right now NSNO has a budget of approximately $5 million per year and a staff of 12. They raised $7-8 million locally, which then enabled them to ask for mega gifts from the Gates Foundations and similar national contributors. At NSNO, they do everything they can to support charter schools. Ask a question, need a resource, having trouble, NSNO will likely have the answer. They “incubate” schools and boards. They train school leaders, putting candidates through a rigorous paid one-year internship during which they learn best practices from schools around the country. They also recruit and train teachers in coordination with the Teach for America program. (C) Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools. Remember when Buddy Roemer campaigned on the platform of bricking up the top two floors of the Department of Education in Baton Rouge? His daughter Caroline Roemer Shirley has his same bantam intensity. In her first year as the executive director of the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools, a trade association, she beat back several efforts to clip charter schools in the state legislature. The movement senses that, as it gains success it will also attract predators. Huge governmental relations needs lie ahead, so this organization will have to perform. Last weekend, Caroline and her staff put together an interesting conference on 8
  • 9. issues affecting charter schools and it attracted over 175 people for a full day. (D) The Walton Family Foundation. I cannot say enough about the Walton Family Foundation, run by the daughter of Sam Walton. She met with our board personally and the Foundation gave us a grant of $250,000. It was critical: much of our funding comes as reimbursement for expenditures already made. Try walking into a bank and asking for a loan for a charter school. Explain to them that the school has no fixed assets, no track record, a business manager who has been on board for three weeks and that they money the bank lends will only get paid back if the school fills out voluminous forms (with which it has no experience) correctly. We desperately needed that $250K. (E) Cowen Institute. Tulane sponsors Lusher charter and formed The Scott S. Cowen Institute for Public Education Initiatives to serve as a think tank for the movement. (F) The Capital One-University of New Orleans Charter School Network. UNO runs 6 New Orleans charter schools. (G) Algiers Charter Schools Association. The Algiers Charter Schools Association runs nine charter schools in Algiers. One day they assembled their entire senior staff to give us free advice on everything from running a bus service to picking vendors for the lunch program. Having been at this since Katrina, they knew their numbers. Theoretically we compete with them, but Brian Reidlinger makes it clear that they view themselves as part of a movement and want the movement as a whole to succeed. (H) KIPP. The KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) organization runs six schools, all open enrollment. In KIPP schools, the principal’s office lies right in the front hallway, giving the principal the utmost visibility and ability to be vigilant. As a first step, KIPP students receive intensive training in those little aspects of behavior - manners and such - that serve one so well in life. In a KIPP classroom, when a kid gets the answer right, the teacher is apt to pull out a cell phone and call the kid’s parents to tell them about it right then. 4. Observations. Educators tend to expound at length on educational subjects and my role as a foot soldier in the movement entitles me to keep you here much longer than I will. To close, I’d like to make just a few additional observations: (a) Test Scores. The Department of Education releases what it calls “School Performance Scores” annually for schools. The SPS is a composite of various 9
  • 10. statistics and apparently mere mortals can never understand how they derive it. But in 1999, 32.7% of Louisiana schools received an SPS below the minimally acceptable level of 60. Today, that number has been reduced to 7.1%. In New Orleans, 24 of our 53 reporting schools remain below the level. Of the 24, 8 are charter schools. Of the 29 above the level, 23 are charters. (b) Schools Campuses. Every charter school campus I have visited has been clean and presentable. American public schools historically have had the mission of turning students into citizens. How can we expect young people to honor the social contract when we fail at the one thing they ask their government to provide, a decent place to learn? Those Pre-Katrina public schools were just awful but now charter schools have to compete for students. The first thing they do is present a nice appearance. (c) Teachers Union. Last night’s Orleans Parish School Board meeting clearly indicated that the United Teachers of New Orleans stands ready to bring back the bad old days. Thank goodness Phyllis Landrieu, the swing vote, voted against the contract. (d) Vouchers. Orleans Parish now has a limited voucher system and, as noted, many have pushed for voucher systems around the country. Vouchers hurt CATS. We lost at least three students when vouchers became available to them. (e) Balkanized Structure. We currently have RSD schools, RSD charters, Orleans Parish schools, Orleans Parish charters, school buildings owned OPSB but run, in many cases, by RSD, two superintendents, two boards, coupled with the OPSB’s massive pre-Katrina debt. Many of the charters expire in 5 years and live in fear that they will revert to being traditional Orleans Parish public schools. We obviously have to move to a saner public school organizational structure and the sanest structure would again put the Orleans Parish School Board generally in charge. But we don’t want to rush. It is not certain the OPSB, even with its incoming board, will embrace charter schools. We need to follow the charter program with fidelity, allowing it time to gain traction. There will be time to figure out the best structure to oversee it. (f) Your Contribution. Meantime, you can contribute to the cause by talking it up. We’re making progress. We may even be making history. It’s exciting. Post-script as of September 14, 2009: CATS has started its second year in a new (old) building with more than twice the students and a new third grade. Over the summer, the RSD moved us to the old New Orleans Free School building on Foucher and Camp Streets. We had a brief hiccup when the Orleans Parish Public School made an end-run to BESE to try to get the building back for its purposes. But RSD and the LAPSCA came through for us big time. We were able to beat OPSB at BESE. The school itself was in deplorable shape, so friends, parents, 10
  • 11. teachers, administrators and board members pitched in to clean it up. We received a glowing review from BESE after its evaluation last April. We had a successful fund-raiser in June. Most importantly, and thanks almost entirely to our tireless Treasure, Michael Neyrey, we have a balanced budget for the current school year. 11