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Registration Service of Constitutive general meeting of
Lugansk City Department of Justice the Public organization
Order of Lugansk City “International Scientific and Technological
Department of Justice Educational Public Organization
from October 14, 2013 “Social Economic Innovative Center”
Registration number 1408480
Deputy Chief of Registration
Service – Head of the Oktyabrskiy
Department of State Registration
Of Acts of Civil Status Record № 1 from 15.09.2013
Of Lugansk City Department of Justice
Of the Public Organization
"International Scientific and Technological Educational Public
Organization "Social Economic Innovation Center"
1. GENERAL PROVISIONS...............................................................................................................................3
2. THE PURPOSE AND LINES OF ACTIVITY .....................................................................................................4
OF THE PROCEDURE OF ENTERING.............................................................................................................11
OR WITHDRAWAL FROM SEIC.....................................................................................................................11
4. CLUSTER ORGANIZATIONS OF SEIC, THEIR RIGHTS AND DUTIES............................................................13
5. CONTROLS DEJALNOSTJU SEITS AND THEIR POWERS.............................................................................15
6. PERIODICITY OF SESSIONS AND PROCEDURE..........................................................................................19
OF MAKING RESOLUTIONS BY DIRECTING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION ............................................19
INCLUDING THE USE OF MEANS OF COMMUNICATION.............................................................................19
7. REPORTING PROCEDURE OF LEADING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION ..............................................20
TO ITS MEMBERS (PARTICIPANTS)..............................................................................................................20
8. THE PROCEDURE OF THE APPEAL OF DECISIONS, ACTIONS, NONFEASANCE.........................................20
OF DIRECTING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION........................................................................................20
AND INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS.......................................................................................................20
9. THE ISOLATED UNITS...............................................................................................................................21
10. SOURCES OF CASH INFLOW AND THE COURSE OF USE ........................................................................22
OF MEANS AND OTHER PROPERTY OF SEIC................................................................................................22
11. INTRODUCTION OF AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS ...........................................................................24
12. THE TERMINATION OF ACTIVITY AND LIQUIDATION OF SEIC...............................................................25
1.1. The Public organization "International Scientific and Technological
Educational Public Organization "Social Economic Innovation Center" (hereinafter
"SEIC") is a public organization that unites individuals and groups who have a
desire to participate in the implementation of the Charter goals and program tasks
of SEIC.
1.2. In its activity, SEIC is governed by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of
Ukraine "On the Public Associations", other Ukrainian legislation in force,
international legal instruments to which the Ukraine has joined, and by this
1.3. SEIC is built and it operates on the principles of voluntariness, equality of its
members, self-management, law, eligibility and accountability of the governing
bodies, transparency.
1.4. SEIC does not aim to get profits from its activities.
1.5. In accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, SEIC becomes a legal
entity immediately valid and effective as at the date and time of the state
registration, it has its own seal, stamps and letterheads with its name, accounts in
banks, including foreign currency, its own symbolism and brand marks.
1.6. SEIC activity spreads throughout the Ukraine and the countries-participants,
also members of SEIC that legalized SEIC activities according to national and
international law.
1.7. The Full name of SEIC in Ukrainian:
Gromadska organіzatsіya "Mіzhnarodna naukovo-tehnologіchna osvіtnya
Gromadska organіzatsіya" Sotsіalny ekonomіchny іnnovatsіyny Tsentr",
abbreviated " СЕІЦ" (SEIC).
The Full name of SEIC in Russian: Obshcestvennaya Organizatsiya
"Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchno-Technologicheskaya Obrazovatelnaya Organizatsiya
"Sotsialny Ekonomichesky Innovatsionny Tsentr, abbreviated "СЭИЦ" (SEIC).
The Full name of SEIC in English: Public organization "International Scientific-
and-Technological Educational Public Organization "Social Economic Innovation
Center", abbreviated «SEIC».
2.1. The main goal of SEIC is the formation of a harmonious society in which each
person has possibilities for worthy and happy life through self-realization for the
good of society and his own, assistance in improvement and development of the
social, economic situation, also in satisfaction and protection the participants’
common interests in legal, public, social, economic, creative, age, national,
cultural, sports and other aspects of life.
2.1.1. For the purpose of implementation of scientific, technological experience
concerning the formation the culture of management, development and
introduction of innovations into social, scientific, administrative, public, private
and official bodies, programs, technologies, control systems, information
interchange, cross-department integration, co-operative and corporate
communications included, within the requirements of agreements and certificates
of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and international law, and also interaction
in these processes with scientific administrative structures in national and
international bodies, SEIC and its members develop and introduce technologies
and programs in scientific and research-and-production, social and economic,
nature protection and educational spheres, civic self-management, mechanisms of
national, state, international and world support of pioneer work and innovations
which provide the further dynamic development of the society in years to come.
2.1.2. SEIC and its members conduce and operate in the following directions:
- Implementation and coordination the institutional reforms in the systems of
management and innovative development of the society that consequently
promotes self-organizing and self-management of the population and provides
formation of the grass-roots democracy.
- Triggering the process of the transfer of technologies, expansion of activity on
promoting innovations in the internal and international markets.
- Adjustment of coordination of innovative programs with the state structures and
the enforcement authorities, connected with questions of innovative development
and institutional reforms in the conditions of the world market.
- Methodological, technological support of innovative processes of business in a
complex of directions of social activity in educational, ecological and agro-food
- Exchange of experiences in the allocation of clustering centers, co-operative
associations and business incubators, and also mutual aid in adjustment of
mechanisms of an infrastructure of innovative projects and a transfer of
2.2. SEIC is built for the purpose of working out and implementation the
mechanisms that would generate a new wave of business in the spheres of high
technologies, management and control, development of the methodological and
educational institutions, science and technologies development, development of
educational and teaching processes, in the spheres of special and vocational
training, improvement of the quality of teaching and educational processes for
training high quality specialists which is gained by the introduction of new training
and technological forms and methods; opening enterprises manufacturing
knowledge-consumptive products (with students, pupils and SEIC members
involved), to further stable innovative development.
2.3. SEIC realizes all kinds and forms of activities including public, organizational,
administrative, innovative ones, in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine,
the International agreements, legislations of Ukraine and of the member countries
(participants) of SEIC in the international, state, national, regional, scientific,
social programs.
2.4. Innovative and educational structures which carry out their activity in SEIC
are governed by the national legislation on participation in public associations, and
the legislation in sphere of protection of the rights of citizens, the right to
intellectual property, information protection, by other laws, the international and
national statutory acts, including the spheres of scientific and business activity.
2.5. SEIC is focused on providing methodological, organizational and
technological services, to official bodies, educational and commercial
establishments where are its product and activity:
- Methodological working out (both together with educational, state development
institutes, public associations, and independently) and implementation of program
and technological resources into educational and investment processes, including
remote, on-campus and off-campus and distant forms of study, and also innovative
management of projects.
- Methodological researches of the market of the technical software, new
information technologies, assistance in the organization of purchase of the license
software, approbation of high-tech soft communication media including " citizen -
state", "citizen-community", "citizen-enterprise" and so forth.
- Offer and implementation of technologies, software products of educational
appointment into educational processes, as well as innovative promotion of
educational programs.
- Public monitoring and control of adhering and performance terms and conditions
stated in national programs, other works on joint international activity of the state,
also engaging donor and investment sources.
- Providing public, civil security, including the ones in information-legal field.
SEIC participates in formation of public cooperation in the international projects of
donor support, in the preparation processes for implementation of projects of
national regulatory legal acts, responding the requirements of the international
integration; and compliance with obligations according to the international
agreements, conventions and other established norms of law.
2.6. For to achieve its goals, SEIC rises to the following tasks:
2.6.1. Making the basement for the authors of inventions, businessmen, students,
post-graduate students and young scientists of high schools to realize their science
projects; providing additional options for the youth, students and post-graduate
students for participation in research and development lay-outs (научно-
исследовательских опытно-конструкторских разработок - НИОКР), aiming
the producing goods and technologies for the science-intensive business with a
view to generate a new wave of high-tech businessmen.
2.6.2. Engaging citizens (businessmen, commerce-men, students and post-graduate
students) into the process of initiating, working out and realization of knowledge
consumptive products and technologies.
2.6.3. Teaching businessmen, executive staff, students, post-graduate students and
young scientists of high schools, young people how to manage innovative
processes, enterprises, organizations, enterprises and so forth.
2.7. SEIC performs its function in:
2.7.1. Providing citizens, members of SEIC with complex consulting and
information services in the form of optional education in concern of the legislation
of Ukraine, European Economic Community, the Russian Federation, USA, China,
Japan, India and other international law systems; business, science-and-
technologies expert study, innovative activity; security of commercial and
intellectual property, copyrights and protection of a trade secret, the tax laws,
credit provision, investments.
2.7.2. Organizing competitions in placing scientific and technical projects for the
participants of SEIC.
2.7.3. Working out methods of teaching for education and studying, also for
training businessmen and authors; how to conduct teaching and training
documentation concerning innovative business and community-focused
2.7.4. Assistance in building up and development enterprises in the spheres of
science and engineering, science and technologies.
2.7.5. Assistance in organizing practical training for students and post-graduate
students at the enterprises of the science and engineering, science and technologies,
social spheres, both in Ukraine, and abroad.
2.7.6. Arranging business conferences, exhibitions, seminars on organizational,
economic and legal issues in science and technologies spheres.
2.7.7. Realization of operational coordination between the state, regional and city
administrations, funds of development and business support, other public,
commercial and international funds and programs.
2.7.8. Assistance in engaging investments, patrons of art, sponsors for
experimental workings out, projects and programs of businessmen and the
enterprises of small and medium business, students, young scientists which provide
implementation of innovations.
2.7.9. The organizing and engaging experts into carrying out independent, science
and-methodological examination of projects and production, including the ones
created by the youth, students, young scientists in SEIC, also by demand of
citizens, public associations, international, national, state, administrative agencies
and institutes.
2.7.10. Marketing and expertise-and-research activity (processing the commercial
information on the subject of commodity and other markets condition, their
conjuncture, forecasting of tendencies of their development); preparation of
economic reviews and working out of recommendations; granting the
methodological help to managers of projects, including the ones created with SEIC
2.7.11. Providing the technological and methodological assistance for both public
and civil self-managing infrastructure to function properly; legal groundwork for
civic and public control (realization of the purposes) over national, social, nature
protection, organizational programs.
2.7.12. Training businessmen in science-and-technologies (methodological)
2.7.13. Working-outs and approbations for further SEIC and businessmen
interaction in project management methodology within the social-oriented
2.8. SEIC is the methodological center to work out and implement recent
educational technologies, such as "group project study" (групповая проектная
учеба - ГПУ), "finance system ", "rating system of training", "distant study" which
are realized at interaction with chairs, departments of high schools, with enterprises
of science-and-technologies sphere.
2.9. Scientific and educational activity of SEIC is aiming to organize and conduct
information, social and legal researches of SEIC and to conduct:
2.9.1. Methodological working-out of scientific and guidance tools for scientific
researches and implementation socially useful discoveries.
2.9.2. Initialization of projects and software products for the public, state structures
of the authorities and the non-governmental organizations (неправительственные
организации - НПО).
2.9.3. Information-and-methodological support of experts who carry out the
methodological analysis of scientific and guidance materials, social programs,
innovative directions for the development and implementation of new
2.9.4. Assistance in upgrading qualifications and further training of teachers and
social workers in educational branch, using IT-technologies in the educational
branch, management and other kinds of activity.
2.9.5. Participation in realization and supporting the program of information
system development of the institutes, state and non-state institutions by granting on
public principles information-educational and technical programs of activity
concerning the development of methodology in the sphere of social rights for top-
quality education, public health services, food products for different levels of
population, protection of the social rights, including the right for natural resources
and agro-ecological safety under the conditions of global climate changes and
updating the national markets.
2.9.6. Working out and realization of basic principles of the public institutional
reorganization of the industrial sector, according to the current international
obligations including WTO, by means of engaging the corresponding scientific
committees and experts.
2.9.7. Working out and implementation of the basic principles of the program of
adjusting to integrated eco-networks of development of natural resources of
territories, depressive areas, rural areas, formation of national analysis-and-expert
groups based on the economic and ecological estimation of legislative activity,
social and administrative spheres, regeneration of natural resources, with the help
of high technologies, ІТ-technologies responding the global level problems,
financing models at building up scientific parks and scientific and technological
platforms of national importance following the European models.
2.9.8. Methodological analysis of socially important problems having resulted after
ecological or man-caused emergencies, disaster-preventive action.
2.9.9. Engaging the staff of enterprises, organizations and establishments of all
forms of ownership as well as the public at large, into the socially-focused
2.9.10. Assistance in stimulation and implementation of new ideas, initiatives and
projects on the improvement of the constitutional security of citizens, realization of
actions which provide improvement of ecological conditions, reconstructions of
natural resources, assistance in protection of resources.
2.9.11. Assistance in research activity.
2.9.12. Involving highly skilled experts into the processes on maintenance of
effective influence on the performance of SEIC Charter Programs.
2.9.13. Assistance in formation of the top-priority attitude to the wildlife
management, increasing the level of ecological education, culture and thinking of
citizens of Ukraine.
2.9.14. Assistance in the state structures (studying the situations, tendencies,
discussing the projects, examination of the possible decision and so forth) on the
most important questions on the preventive steps and liquidation of ecological,
social and economic, man-caused emergencies and according to the current
legislation, arranging the events of common interest with official bodies.
2.9.15. Participation and assistance in public research and analytical activity on the
assumption of the estimation of efficiency and possible consequences of
organizational and administrative decisions, initiatives and projects.
2.9.16. Participation and assistance in formation of conditions and possibilities
(forms, instruments) for displaying the civil activity in processes of public
territorial self-management.
2.9.17. Participation in educational activity, including the public television, radio
and other means, according to the national and international legislation.
2.9.18. Assistance in the development of the market of intellectual services.
2.9.19. Conducting the public informational and analytical activity.
2.9.20. Exercising and participation in remedial nature protection actions in in
accordance with the procedure established by law.
2.9.21. The cooperation with the national and international ecological
organizations and associations.
2.9.22. Assisting in harmonization of the national ecological policy and the global
ecological processes.
2.9.23. Participation in the working out and implementation the concept of civil
safety, improvement and control of actions of the national safety doctrine, in
accordance with the Charter articles.
2.10. SEIC, in accordance with the procedure established by law:
- organizes and provides interaction of experts, experts of methodological,
technological, special, information, ecological and other directions, using for this
purpose possibilities of the Internet, mass media and print media.
- For the purpose of the solving the most important problems of the society and
government, SEIC arranges seminars and conferences, other actions of
organizational-and-administrative social work.
- SEIC participates in research-and-practice conferences, seminars, symposiums
and other actions that other organizations arrange, including the governmental
- For the purpose of realization of social projects on the key problems in the sphere
of environmental safety, SEIC cooperates with governments, enterprises,
establishments and companies.
- SEIC establishes working committees, the small commissions, that operate
according to stated procedure, approved by the Presidium.
- Through the self-supporting establishments and organizations, founded by SEIC,
the founded enterprises, SEIC conducts its economic and other commercial
activities, exclusively for the performance of the Charter purposes and tasks of
2.11. For the realization of the purposes and tasks defined by the present Charter,
according to the legal status, SEIC has the rights:
- To represent it as a member of civil-law relations, to get the property and non-
property rights.
- To represent and protect the legitimate interests and legitimate interests of the
members in public authorities and public organizations.
- To support other associations of citizens, ideologically, in institutional behavior
and financially, to give the help in their creation.
To form establishments and enterprises affiliated by SEIC.
- To receive from enforcement authorities and local governments the necessary
information for realization of the SEIC purposes and tasks.
- To make offers to public authorities and local governments concerning activity of
- To extend the information and to propagandize its ideas and targets.
- To create mass media and communication networks.
For to inform citizens about its activity, SEIC publishes materials, highlights its
activity on the Internet, mass-media and the print media.
3.1. The founders of SEIC receive the status of SEIC members after the state
registration of the organization.
3.2. Membership in SEIC should be on the voluntary basis only.
3.3. The Admission to SEIC membership is carried out by the Presidium of SEIC
or by the President of SEIC if this right was delegated to him; at regional and local
level – by the head of regional unit at the coordination with the Presidium.
3.4. The admission of new members to SEIC is conducted in by virtue of the
application written on the established standard form.
3.5. The admission to membership, withdrawal or excluding from SEIC, is decided
by the majority of votes of SEIC Presidium members. For the periods between the
sessions of the Presidium, the right of admission to or withdrawal SEIC
membership can be delegated to the President of SEIC.
3.6. The rights of a SEIC member:
- To elect and be elected to the leading organs of SEIC, to participate in all actions
of SEIC.
- To participate in the work of the constant and temporary commissions founded on
the decision of authorized bodies of SEIC.
- Freely to criticize any unit of SEIC, to file the objections and complaints against
the decisions of Presidium and to request investigation of complaints at a General
- To appeal to leading organs of SEIC with inquiries and offers on the questions
connected with the activity of SEIC, and to receive answers.
- To ask the bodies of the Organization for help in protection of the rights and
legitimate interests.
3.7. SEIC members are obliged:
- To keep the provisions of the SEIC Charter.
- To obey the decisions of the leading bodies of SEIC.
- To pay the entrance and membership fees punctually and in amounts and terms
established by the Presidium of SEIC.
- To promote the tasks of SEIC.
- To participate in the actions arranged by SEIC.
3.8. Membership in SEIC is stopped on the decision of the Presidium of SEITS in
the following cases:
3.8.1. On one’s own free will, in by virtue of application.
3.8.2. Infringement or default of requirements of the Charter of SEIC by a SEIC
3.8.3. Default or inadequate performance of program or project resolutions,
regulations of SEIC and the tasks of the leading bodies of SEIC or its officials.
3.8.4. Behavior or actions directed on damnification to interests and targets of
SEIC, or discrediting it.
3.8.5. Reorganization or liquidations of SEIC.
3.9. In case of the voluntary withdrawal or excluding, the means and other property
of the SEIC member, invested into the program activity of SEIC, do not retrieve.
4.1. The cluster organizations consist of members of SEIC and are the basis and
the functionality carrier inside SEIC.
4.2. The cluster organization in its activity is guided by the present Charter,
Provisions and other documents regulating the activity of SEIC.
4.3. The cluster organizations are formed at the meeting and should incorporate no
less than 3 members.
The decision on creation of cluster organizations, isolated units, goes to the
Presidium of SEIC in 2-week-term, for registration that has notifying character.
4.4. The cluster organization independently defines the structure and character of
its activity within the limits of the present Charter, and disposes the property of
SEIC fixed to it, on the right of operative and functional co-ordination.
4.5. The supreme body of the cluster organizations is the meeting which gathers as
required, but at least once in a quarter.
4.6. The meeting is competent to discuss any questions and take decisions on them
under the condition that no less than 3/5 members of the cluster organizations
(members of SEIC) are present at the meeting.
The decision is taken by just the majority of votes of the registered delegates.
The questions being discussed at the meeting of the cluster organizations take their
final formulation at the Congress.
4.7. During the periods between the meetings the activity of the cluster
organization is coordinated by the secretary who is elected by the meeting of the
cluster organization.
4.8. In his work, the secretary is accountable to the meeting of the cluster
organization and the Presidium.
4.9. Admission to SEIC is conducted in an individual order, after the personal
application to the Presidium of SEIC, in a free form.
The application form should have the following:
- A surname, a name, a patronymic of the applicant.
- Year of birth (at the age of 18 years - additionally day and month of birth);
- The address of residence.
- The passport data or the document which substitutes it;
- Contact information.
- The personal purpose and the general goal of admission.
The application to SEIC membership can also be submitted in electronic form.
The decision on admission to SEIC membership is taken out by the Presidium of
SEIC, Presidiums of regional or national cells.
4.10. Membership in SEIC can be stopped by the own will of a member of SEIC in
virtue by of his application.
4.11. A SEIC member can be excluded under the decision of the cluster
organization for the actions that block SEIC, or its bodies, in the realization their
functions or the social programs.
The excluded member is informed by the secretary about the initiation of the
disciplinary procedure, about time and place of the session at which the question
on his excluding, by sending him notification, no later than fifteen days before the
beginning of the session.
The information about the initiating the disciplinary procedure, time and place of
the session is announced no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the
session. Documents that confirm placing the notification, the mentioned
information, including date of their placing on the official internet site of SEIC, are
attached to the materials of the disciplinary procedure.
On having received the message about initiating of the disciplinary procedure,
persons that are excluded, make efforts on their own, in order to receive the
information about the progressing of their matter, using any sources of information
or communication facilities.
4.12. To members (both individual, and collective) that infringe the provisions of
the Charter, for non-payment of membership fees, drawing the loss of property to
SEIC and/or to its members, regularly (i.e. more than twice) default or inadequate
performance of the duties defined by the Charter, for actions discrediting
(harming) SEIC, can be applied the following measures:
4.12.1. Notification.
4.12.2. Excluding from SEIC membership.
4.13. The decision on the excluding from SEIC membership is taken by the
Chairman of the isolated unit or by the Presidium of SEIC in cases when there are
no isolated units.
4.14. In case of the membership termination from SEIC entrance and membership
fees are not refunded.
5.1. Authorized bodies of SEIC are:
Top Management,
Audit Commission.
5.2. The supreme body of management of SEIC is a Conference.
A SEIC Conference has the right to make decisions on all questions of activity of
5.3. The exclusive competence of a Conference concern:
- The confirmation of changes and additions to the Charter.
- Electing the Presidium.
- listening to the reports of the Chairman of Presidium, Co-chairmen of Presidium
on methodology and SEIC managements, the director of the SEIC Top
Management, members of Presidium.
- Election of the Chairman and members of the Revision committee.
- Listening to the Revision committee reports.
- Listening to the decisions of the Presidium on admission (excluding) members of
- Realization of the property right to the property of SEIC (some functions of the
management of property and means can be delegated to the Presidium and/or to the
President of SEIC).
- Making resolutions on the termination of activity of SEIC.
5.4. Conference is convoked by the Presidium as often as required, but at least
annually. On demand of the Revision committee or 1/7 members of SEIC
members, an extraordinary Conference can be called.
Place and time as well as agenda of the Conference, the Presidium notifies
members of SEIC and its isolated units no later than 30 days before the term
appointed. A Member of SEIC or three delegates from each isolated union take
part in the Conference. Conference has the right to make resolutions under the
condition if no less than 3/4 members of SEIC or delegates are present at the
Conference decisions are accepted by the majority of votes (the simple or qualified
majority, under the Presidium offer) of members of SEIC or present delegates,
except the cases specially stipulated in the present Charter.
5.5. The management and control of the SEIC activity during the period between
conferences is carried out by the Presidium and Top Management.
5.6. The Presidium competence concerns:
- Carrying out the decisions of the Conference.
- The confirmation of Provisions of SEIC, including: Provision about Top
Management of SEIC, Provisions about delegating the representatives at the
Conference, Provisions about the centers of competence, Provisions about internal
structure of SEIC, Provisions about regulations of SEIC, programs and projects of
- Appointment of the Chief accountant.
- The confirmation of Heads of the isolated units elected by the meeting.
- Definition of lines of the activity ща SEIC, fulfilment and carrying out SEIC
target programs.
- Adoption of internal standard documents.
- Adoption of symbolism of SEIC.
- решение других вопросов, кроме относящихся к исключительной
компетенции Конференции.
- The approval of annual budget of SEIC.
- Making decision on foundation of self-supporting establishments, organizations,
establishments, enterprises which are necessary for performance of authorized
tasks and purposes of SEIC.
- Solving other questions, except those within the exclusive competence of the
5.7. The presidium is elected by the Conference for a period of five years. The
quantitative structure of Presidium should be odd and make no less than three
5.8. On the Presidium are: the Chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the
Presidium on methodology and management, the director of the Top Management
of SEIC, the coordinator of the SEIC cooperation with state authorities, the
coordinator of the SEIC cooperation with commercial, sponsor, donor,
international establishments, and others, approved and confirmed by the
Conference in accordance with project and specific programs.
5.9. The Presidium sessions are held as required, but no less than once in three
months. The presidium is considered to be competent if at its session more than
half of its members are present. The resolutions of the Presidium are taken by the
common majority of votes of those present at the session.
5.10. The Presidium of SEIC is headed by the Chairman of Presidium who is
elected by the Presidium for the term of 5 years, according to the task of SEIC and
the term of its execution. The subsequent re-election of the Chairman, the Co-
chairman and terms take place on the decision of the Presidium or Conference of
5.11. The chairman of Presidium is an official of SEIC and he carries out the
programs confirmed by the Conference or Presidium of programs, provisions, lines
of activity of SEIC, solves all the questions on SEIC activity, except those within
the exclusive competence of the Conference and the Presidium of SEIC.
5.12. The chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the Presidium on
methodology and management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC, carry
out their powers on behalf of SEIC, without the power of attorney and signs all
documents which are approved by directing bodies of SEIC.
5.13. The chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the Presidium on
methodology and the management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC,
members of the Presidium are accountable to the Conference of SEIC and provide
the performance of all adopted decisions.
5.14. The chairman of Presidium, the Co-chairman of Presidium on methodology
and management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC, operate within the
limits of the legislation, the present Charter, Provisions about the Presidium, the
Provision about the Top Management of SEIC, and regulations of SEIC, adopted
and confirmed by the current conferences of SEIC.
5.15. Powers of the Chairman of Presidium:
- Convokes and presides at the Presidium sessions.
- Signs internal certificates of SEIC adopted by directing bodies.
- Represents the interests of SEIC in public authorities, local government, the
enterprises, establishments, the organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership,
public organizations, mass media, other associations, with physical persons.
- Submits nominees of deputy directors for the confirmation by the Presidium of
- Within his competence he issues the orders, instructions, charges, powers of
attorney on the questions connected with authorized activity, obligatory to
- Executes the dispose of property and means of SEIC within the powers given by
the Conference.
- Signs financial documents, concludes contracts on behalf of SEIC according to its
purposes and tasks. In coordination with the Presidium, forms the official position
of SEIC on the questions, concerning interests of its members.
- Submits to the Presidium questions on forms and volumes of material and
financial maintenance of projects and programs, carries out, supports or finances
- Defines conditions of labor and social relations, employs and dismisses workers;
- Co-ordinates work of structural units of SEIC, enterprises, unions, funds and
other legal bodies formed by SEIC or at its participation.
- At the Conference, reports the state of affairs and lines of activity of SEIC,
prepares reports of the Presidium and the Revision committee of SEIC.
- Carries out other powers that provide authorized activity of SEIC that do not
contradict the current legislation of Ukraine.
5.16. In case of absence of the Chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the
Presidium carries out his duties.
5.17. In case of the preschedule termination of powers of the Chairman of the
Presidium, the new Chairman of the Presidium is elected at the session of
Presidium or at the extraordinary Conference of SEIC.
5.18. For to maintain the current activity of SEIC, the Presidium forms the
executive office of SEIC – Top Management of SEIC which is headed by the
Director. Top Management of SEIC carries out its activity according to the
Provision about Top Management of SEIC, approved by the Presidium.
5.19. Top Management of SEIC has the staff, formed out of SEIC members.
5.20. For the purpose of supervision and control over activity of SEIC, the
Revision committee is formed by the Conference, and its staff is elected for a
period of 5 years.
5.21. The purpose of supervision is to maintain the performance of the Charter
tasks and targeted use of means, consideration and the offer of the solution of
internal conflicts of SEIC, by the members of SEIC, its directing bodies, the
regional and national organizations and their officials.
5.22. The Major tasks of the Revision committee are the preliminary analysis and
an estimation of plans, projects and programs in which SEIC participates, granting
the recommendations concerning the order, forms and methods of activity.
5.23. The revision committee reports at the Conference about the work done.
5.24. The Revision committee structure includes no less than three persons with a
term of appointment of five years.
5.25. The revision committee holds its sessions according to the plan, but no less
than once a year.
5.26. The Revision committee session is quorate, if no less than half of its
members are present. The resolution is considered to be adopted if the majority of
the present members have cast an affirmative vote for it.
5.27. The Revision committee’s competence concerns:
- Supervising the activity of directing bodies of SEIC, officials, members of SEIC.
- Supervision of the performance of the Charter tasks and targeted use of means.
- Supervision of the performance of the resolutions of the Conference, other
directing bodies and internal documents adopted by them.
- In case of need, initiation of extraordinary convocation of the Conference or the
Presidium of SEIC.
6.1. The following periodicity of Conferences, meetings of bodies of SEIC is
- Conferences of SEIC take place at least annually.
- Conference of the isolated unit takes place at least annually.
- General meeting of a cluster unit is held no less than once in a quarter.
6.2. Members of SEIC, members of directing bodies of the isolated units have the
right to take part in general meetings, sessions of Presidiums with the help of
technical communication, as it should be defined by the present Charter and the
Conference. They can vote for the resolutions made by directing bodies of public
association, using technical communication, within the limits of national
legislations, if a person that takes part in voting is verified and identified.
6.3. Procedure of taking decisions and Regulations is established by corresponding
Provisions, in accordance with items 5.3, 5.6.
7.1. Reports of decision-making bodies of public association to its members
(participants) are carried out in mass media according to the decision of
Conference and to requirements of the national legislation.
7.2. The information on activity of decision-making bodies of SEIC extends
monthly in mass media, goes to members of SEIC via mail or technical means.
8.1. Actions or nonfeasance of directing bodies of SEIC are appealed by members
of SEIC on representation of the complaint, offer etc. to the Revision committee,
general meeting of a cluster organization, presidiums and conference (the isolated
unit, SEIC), and are discussed in the agenda or solved at the extraordinary meeting
of corresponding bodies according to item 5.27.
8.2. Actions or nonfeasance of supervising structural bodies of SEIC can be
appealed in the general order within the national legislation, in jurisdiction of
which these actions (or inactivity) have been made.
9.1. Activity of isolated units of SEIC is carried out on the basis of the present
Charter, and also the charters and provisions which are worked out on the basis of
this Charter, that have got the status of the legal person in the order established by
the law.
9.2. The supreme body of management of isolated units of SEIC is a Conference of
9.3. Development of SEIC and its growing into the international structure is due to
SEIC isolated units which are formed on the decision of the Presidium of SEIC,
according to the Charter of SEIC. The isolated units are formed and legalized
according to the national legislation.
9.4. The isolated units carry out their activity on the basis of the Charter and
Provisions of SEIC which are taken and approved by the Presidium of SEIC.
9.5. The isolated units with the status of the legal person are subject to the state
registration according to the national legislation. The isolated units without the
status of the legal person legalize their activity on the basis of the national
legislation, the Charter and Provisions of SEIC.
9.6. Isolated units of SEIC are accountable and are under control to the Conference
and the Presidium of SEIC.
9.7. The isolated units represent SEIC in relations with state governing bodies,
local government, the enterprises, establishments, the organizations, associations
of citizens etc., irrespective of the form of ownership.
9.8. Isolated units of SEIC assist in fulfilment of the Charter tasks of SEIC,
decisions of the Conference and Presidium, administrative documents of the
Presidium of SEIC.
9.9. Isolated units of SEIC independently solve questions of internal activity, with
the exception of those referred to the competence of supreme bodies of SEIC.
9.10. Isolated units of SEIC are headed by its Chairman who is elected by the
supreme leading body of isolated unit of SEIC.
9.11. The Chairman of the Presidium of the isolated unit provides the management
of the organization, maintenance of current activity and bears responsibility for
inactivity or neglecting his duties before the higher supervising body of the
isolated unit and the Presidium of SEIC.
10.1. Means of SEIC come from:
- Admission and membership fees.
- Additional payments on the statutory goals.
- Income from results of economic activities of the organizations and the
enterprises formed by SEIC.
- Charity payments for social and targeted programs.
- Donations of the foreign and international organizations.
- Grants.
Co-ordination of use of these means is carried out by the cluster organizations
10.2. The amounts of admission and membership fees are defined by the Provision
of SEIC according to the programs of cluster organizations and isolated units of
10.3. Means generated by admission and membership fees, are used t form the
- Fund of SEIC Development.
- Reserve fund.
10.4. The means that come from other than membership fees payments are spent
for the purposes specified as financing the target programs.
10.5. Part of property is fixed to cluster organizations, in proportion to their
participation part. Cluster organizations of SEIC have the right of the operating and
administering this property.
10.6. The Organization does not bear responsibility under obligations of its
members and organizations, and they, in turn, do not bear responsibility for the
obligations of the Organization.
10.7. The accounting of cash inflow and expenses of financial assets is carried out
by accounts department which is appointed by the corresponding bodies and are
supervised by the Revision committee.
10.8. SEIC can own movable and real property, material and non-material assets,
means, intellectual property, other goods gained legally that are necessary for the
realization of its authorized activity.
10.9. Property and means of SEIC are formed in the following ways:
- Means or properties which arrive gratuitously or in the form of the irrevocable
financial help, donations or the humanitarian supplies.
- Residual incomes.
- Means or property, as well as intellectual property and non-property rights which
arrive from the main activity, taking into consideration the features of the national
- Subventions or the grants-in-aid received from the state or local budgets, the state
trust funds or as a charitable, humanitarian or the technical help, provided within
international contracts according to the stated terms, defined by the higher national
legislature, except grants for price control on payable services which are given to
the non-profitable organizations or through them to their addressees according to
the national legislation, for the purpose of decreasing such prices.
- SEIC can receive property which belongs to its members, for to own and use, and
members of SEIC can receive the property belonging to SEIC for to own and use it
on conditions and terms, established by the occasional agreements.
10.10. Functioning of SEIC is maintained with the help of the following sources:
- The means given by members of SEIC in the form of entrance, membership and
target payments.
- Charity payments and donations of physical and legal bodies of Ukraine and
other states in the form of cash inflows, material assets and other property.
- The means earned in the course of economic activities, legal bodies founded by
SEIC, and also from shares, equities, stock belonging to SEIC. These means are
used for achievement of the major purposes and tasks of SEIC.
- The humanitarian supplies, target grants and the charity help of the international
organizations, other incomes not forbidden by the legislation of Ukraine.
10.11. For the purpose of assisting major purposes and tasks, SEIC has the right to
make any transactions concerning property and the means which are in its property
that does not contradict its main activity and the current legislation of Ukraine.
10.12. Property and means of SEIC go on maintenance of its main activity,
- Payment of full-time staff of SEIC, and also persons who are employed on the
terms of labor or civil-law contracts in the limits not contradicting the legislation;
- Doing the current activity, and development of material, technical and
technological basis.
- Expenses on renting movable and immovable property, its operation, repair, etc;
- Expenses on media, printing and publishing, editing information, educative
activities etc.
10.13. SEIC can have on the right of ownership buildings, constructions, ground
areas in the order established by the legislation, available housing, office premises,
the equipment and stock, vehicles, property of cultural and educational, health-
improving facilities, money resources, securities, as well as other properties
necessary for SEIC to realize its major goals and conduct its activities.
10.14. SEIC itself, establishments and organizations which it founds, conduct
operative and book-keeper accounting.
10.15. In relations with state, commercial, public, scientific, educational
institutions and citizens, irrespectively of their origin, SEIC undertake to adhere to
laws, traditions, norms and rules concerning keeping state, commercial, business or
other kinds of office secrets and not to hand over to the third parties the
information, that can have signs of commercial, state, personal secret or know-
how, which parties can receive in the course of cooperation. The afore-said also
concerns any information of interest for both parties in order not to share it with
the third parties. Thus, each party informs its worker, and also obliges them to
follow all the mentioned above.
10.16. Some functions in the facilities administration can be outsourced by the
Presidium to the affiliated enterprises, other bodies of structural management of
SEIC, or given to the unions or associations of citizens, to members or member of
11.1. Introduction of amendments and additions to the present Charter is the
competence of the Conference of SEIC.
11.2. The decision on introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter is
taken by 3/4 voices of members of SEIC or 3/4 delegates of the Conference of
11.3. Amendments and additions to the Charter of SEIC are subject to the
obligatory registration; the registering body is informed about approved
amendments or additions within in 5-day term from the day of adoption of changes
or additions.
12.1. The termination of activity of SEIC occurs by self-dissolution
(reorganization, liquidation, merge, joining, division, allocation, transformation or
compulsory dissolution).
12.2. Reorganization is executed upon the recommendation of the Presidium of
SEIC at decision-making Conference, under the condition if at least 4/5 members
of SEIC or 4/5 present delegates of SEIC cast an affirmative vote for this decision.
12.3. While reorganizing SEIC, all the rights, duties, financial and material assets
of SEIC go to its legal successors.
12.4. SEIC cannot be reorganized into the legal body with profit-purposed
12.5. Liquidation of SEIC takes place in the following cases:
- On the decision of the Conference if 6/7 of present members or delegates of SEIC
cast an affirmative vote for this decision.
- On the court decision;
12.6. At liquidation of SEIC, the Conference or the body, that made the decision
on liquidation, forms the liquidating commission which operates according to the
current legislation of Ukraine. Powers of the liquidating commission can be
assigned to members of the Presidium of SEIC (consensual).
12.7. From the moment of appointment of the liquidating commission, it gains the
competence of administering SEIC.
12.8. In case of liquidation, the property and means of SEIC cannot be distributed
between members of SEIC but go to other non-profitable organization similar to
SEIC, or go to the state budget.
12.9. SEIC is considered to be liquidated and terminated from the moment of
entering the record into the Uniform state register about the termination of its
12.10. The procedure of making the decision about self-dissolution or
reorganization of SEIC, as well as those concerning the use of its money resources
and other property remained after self-dissolution; legal successors of SEIC are
defined by the Provision and confirmed by the Presidium of SEIC.

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Charter of seic

  • 1. 1 REGISTERED BY: APPROVED BY: Registration Service of Constitutive general meeting of Lugansk City Department of Justice the Public organization Order of Lugansk City “International Scientific and Technological Department of Justice Educational Public Organization from October 14, 2013 “Social Economic Innovative Center” Registration number 1408480 Deputy Chief of Registration Service – Head of the Oktyabrskiy Department of State Registration Of Acts of Civil Status Record № 1 from 15.09.2013 Of Lugansk City Department of Justice L.V.Horolskaya CHARTER Of the Public Organization "International Scientific and Technological Educational Public Organization "Social Economic Innovation Center" Lugansk 2013
  • 2. 2 CONTENT 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS...............................................................................................................................3 2. THE PURPOSE AND LINES OF ACTIVITY .....................................................................................................4 3. MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION, THEIR RIGHTS AND DUTIES, THE CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE OF ENTERING.............................................................................................................11 OR WITHDRAWAL FROM SEIC.....................................................................................................................11 4. CLUSTER ORGANIZATIONS OF SEIC, THEIR RIGHTS AND DUTIES............................................................13 5. CONTROLS DEJALNOSTJU SEITS AND THEIR POWERS.............................................................................15 6. PERIODICITY OF SESSIONS AND PROCEDURE..........................................................................................19 OF MAKING RESOLUTIONS BY DIRECTING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION ............................................19 INCLUDING THE USE OF MEANS OF COMMUNICATION.............................................................................19 7. REPORTING PROCEDURE OF LEADING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION ..............................................20 TO ITS MEMBERS (PARTICIPANTS)..............................................................................................................20 8. THE PROCEDURE OF THE APPEAL OF DECISIONS, ACTIONS, NONFEASANCE.........................................20 OF DIRECTING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION........................................................................................20 AND INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS.......................................................................................................20 9. THE ISOLATED UNITS...............................................................................................................................21 10. SOURCES OF CASH INFLOW AND THE COURSE OF USE ........................................................................22 OF MEANS AND OTHER PROPERTY OF SEIC................................................................................................22 11. INTRODUCTION OF AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS ...........................................................................24 12. THE TERMINATION OF ACTIVITY AND LIQUIDATION OF SEIC...............................................................25
  • 3. 3 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The Public organization "International Scientific and Technological Educational Public Organization "Social Economic Innovation Center" (hereinafter "SEIC") is a public organization that unites individuals and groups who have a desire to participate in the implementation of the Charter goals and program tasks of SEIC. 1.2. In its activity, SEIC is governed by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On the Public Associations", other Ukrainian legislation in force, international legal instruments to which the Ukraine has joined, and by this Charter. 1.3. SEIC is built and it operates on the principles of voluntariness, equality of its members, self-management, law, eligibility and accountability of the governing bodies, transparency. 1.4. SEIC does not aim to get profits from its activities. 1.5. In accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, SEIC becomes a legal entity immediately valid and effective as at the date and time of the state registration, it has its own seal, stamps and letterheads with its name, accounts in banks, including foreign currency, its own symbolism and brand marks. 1.6. SEIC activity spreads throughout the Ukraine and the countries-participants, also members of SEIC that legalized SEIC activities according to national and international law. 1.7. The Full name of SEIC in Ukrainian: Gromadska organіzatsіya "Mіzhnarodna naukovo-tehnologіchna osvіtnya Gromadska organіzatsіya" Sotsіalny ekonomіchny іnnovatsіyny Tsentr", abbreviated " СЕІЦ" (SEIC). The Full name of SEIC in Russian: Obshcestvennaya Organizatsiya "Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchno-Technologicheskaya Obrazovatelnaya Organizatsiya "Sotsialny Ekonomichesky Innovatsionny Tsentr, abbreviated "СЭИЦ" (SEIC). The Full name of SEIC in English: Public organization "International Scientific- and-Technological Educational Public Organization "Social Economic Innovation Center", abbreviated «SEIC».
  • 4. 4 2. THE PURPOSE AND LINES OF ACTIVITY 2.1. The main goal of SEIC is the formation of a harmonious society in which each person has possibilities for worthy and happy life through self-realization for the good of society and his own, assistance in improvement and development of the social, economic situation, also in satisfaction and protection the participants’ common interests in legal, public, social, economic, creative, age, national, cultural, sports and other aspects of life. 2.1.1. For the purpose of implementation of scientific, technological experience concerning the formation the culture of management, development and introduction of innovations into social, scientific, administrative, public, private and official bodies, programs, technologies, control systems, information interchange, cross-department integration, co-operative and corporate communications included, within the requirements of agreements and certificates of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and international law, and also interaction in these processes with scientific administrative structures in national and international bodies, SEIC and its members develop and introduce technologies and programs in scientific and research-and-production, social and economic, nature protection and educational spheres, civic self-management, mechanisms of national, state, international and world support of pioneer work and innovations which provide the further dynamic development of the society in years to come. 2.1.2. SEIC and its members conduce and operate in the following directions: - Implementation and coordination the institutional reforms in the systems of management and innovative development of the society that consequently promotes self-organizing and self-management of the population and provides formation of the grass-roots democracy. - Triggering the process of the transfer of technologies, expansion of activity on promoting innovations in the internal and international markets. - Adjustment of coordination of innovative programs with the state structures and the enforcement authorities, connected with questions of innovative development and institutional reforms in the conditions of the world market. - Methodological, technological support of innovative processes of business in a complex of directions of social activity in educational, ecological and agro-food spheres. - Exchange of experiences in the allocation of clustering centers, co-operative associations and business incubators, and also mutual aid in adjustment of mechanisms of an infrastructure of innovative projects and a transfer of technologies. 2.2. SEIC is built for the purpose of working out and implementation the mechanisms that would generate a new wave of business in the spheres of high
  • 5. 5 technologies, management and control, development of the methodological and educational institutions, science and technologies development, development of educational and teaching processes, in the spheres of special and vocational training, improvement of the quality of teaching and educational processes for training high quality specialists which is gained by the introduction of new training and technological forms and methods; opening enterprises manufacturing knowledge-consumptive products (with students, pupils and SEIC members involved), to further stable innovative development. 2.3. SEIC realizes all kinds and forms of activities including public, organizational, administrative, innovative ones, in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the International agreements, legislations of Ukraine and of the member countries (participants) of SEIC in the international, state, national, regional, scientific, social programs. 2.4. Innovative and educational structures which carry out their activity in SEIC are governed by the national legislation on participation in public associations, and the legislation in sphere of protection of the rights of citizens, the right to intellectual property, information protection, by other laws, the international and national statutory acts, including the spheres of scientific and business activity. 2.5. SEIC is focused on providing methodological, organizational and technological services, to official bodies, educational and commercial establishments where are its product and activity: - Methodological working out (both together with educational, state development institutes, public associations, and independently) and implementation of program and technological resources into educational and investment processes, including remote, on-campus and off-campus and distant forms of study, and also innovative management of projects. - Methodological researches of the market of the technical software, new information technologies, assistance in the organization of purchase of the license software, approbation of high-tech soft communication media including " citizen - state", "citizen-community", "citizen-enterprise" and so forth. - Offer and implementation of technologies, software products of educational appointment into educational processes, as well as innovative promotion of educational programs. - Public monitoring and control of adhering and performance terms and conditions stated in national programs, other works on joint international activity of the state, also engaging donor and investment sources. - Providing public, civil security, including the ones in information-legal field. SEIC participates in formation of public cooperation in the international projects of donor support, in the preparation processes for implementation of projects of
  • 6. 6 national regulatory legal acts, responding the requirements of the international integration; and compliance with obligations according to the international agreements, conventions and other established norms of law. 2.6. For to achieve its goals, SEIC rises to the following tasks: 2.6.1. Making the basement for the authors of inventions, businessmen, students, post-graduate students and young scientists of high schools to realize their science projects; providing additional options for the youth, students and post-graduate students for participation in research and development lay-outs (научно- исследовательских опытно-конструкторских разработок - НИОКР), aiming the producing goods and technologies for the science-intensive business with a view to generate a new wave of high-tech businessmen. 2.6.2. Engaging citizens (businessmen, commerce-men, students and post-graduate students) into the process of initiating, working out and realization of knowledge consumptive products and technologies. 2.6.3. Teaching businessmen, executive staff, students, post-graduate students and young scientists of high schools, young people how to manage innovative processes, enterprises, organizations, enterprises and so forth. 2.7. SEIC performs its function in: 2.7.1. Providing citizens, members of SEIC with complex consulting and information services in the form of optional education in concern of the legislation of Ukraine, European Economic Community, the Russian Federation, USA, China, Japan, India and other international law systems; business, science-and- technologies expert study, innovative activity; security of commercial and intellectual property, copyrights and protection of a trade secret, the tax laws, credit provision, investments. 2.7.2. Organizing competitions in placing scientific and technical projects for the participants of SEIC. 2.7.3. Working out methods of teaching for education and studying, also for training businessmen and authors; how to conduct teaching and training documentation concerning innovative business and community-focused technologies. 2.7.4. Assistance in building up and development enterprises in the spheres of science and engineering, science and technologies.
  • 7. 7 2.7.5. Assistance in organizing practical training for students and post-graduate students at the enterprises of the science and engineering, science and technologies, social spheres, both in Ukraine, and abroad. 2.7.6. Arranging business conferences, exhibitions, seminars on organizational, economic and legal issues in science and technologies spheres. 2.7.7. Realization of operational coordination between the state, regional and city administrations, funds of development and business support, other public, commercial and international funds and programs. 2.7.8. Assistance in engaging investments, patrons of art, sponsors for experimental workings out, projects and programs of businessmen and the enterprises of small and medium business, students, young scientists which provide implementation of innovations. 2.7.9. The organizing and engaging experts into carrying out independent, science and-methodological examination of projects and production, including the ones created by the youth, students, young scientists in SEIC, also by demand of citizens, public associations, international, national, state, administrative agencies and institutes. 2.7.10. Marketing and expertise-and-research activity (processing the commercial information on the subject of commodity and other markets condition, their conjuncture, forecasting of tendencies of their development); preparation of economic reviews and working out of recommendations; granting the methodological help to managers of projects, including the ones created with SEIC support. 2.7.11. Providing the technological and methodological assistance for both public and civil self-managing infrastructure to function properly; legal groundwork for civic and public control (realization of the purposes) over national, social, nature protection, organizational programs. 2.7.12. Training businessmen in science-and-technologies (methodological) sphere. 2.7.13. Working-outs and approbations for further SEIC and businessmen interaction in project management methodology within the social-oriented programs. 2.8. SEIC is the methodological center to work out and implement recent educational technologies, such as "group project study" (групповая проектная
  • 8. 8 учеба - ГПУ), "finance system ", "rating system of training", "distant study" which are realized at interaction with chairs, departments of high schools, with enterprises of science-and-technologies sphere. 2.9. Scientific and educational activity of SEIC is aiming to organize and conduct information, social and legal researches of SEIC and to conduct: 2.9.1. Methodological working-out of scientific and guidance tools for scientific researches and implementation socially useful discoveries. 2.9.2. Initialization of projects and software products for the public, state structures of the authorities and the non-governmental organizations (неправительственные организации - НПО). 2.9.3. Information-and-methodological support of experts who carry out the methodological analysis of scientific and guidance materials, social programs, innovative directions for the development and implementation of new technologies; 2.9.4. Assistance in upgrading qualifications and further training of teachers and social workers in educational branch, using IT-technologies in the educational branch, management and other kinds of activity. 2.9.5. Participation in realization and supporting the program of information system development of the institutes, state and non-state institutions by granting on public principles information-educational and technical programs of activity concerning the development of methodology in the sphere of social rights for top- quality education, public health services, food products for different levels of population, protection of the social rights, including the right for natural resources and agro-ecological safety under the conditions of global climate changes and updating the national markets. 2.9.6. Working out and realization of basic principles of the public institutional reorganization of the industrial sector, according to the current international obligations including WTO, by means of engaging the corresponding scientific committees and experts. 2.9.7. Working out and implementation of the basic principles of the program of adjusting to integrated eco-networks of development of natural resources of territories, depressive areas, rural areas, formation of national analysis-and-expert groups based on the economic and ecological estimation of legislative activity, social and administrative spheres, regeneration of natural resources, with the help of high technologies, ІТ-technologies responding the global level problems,
  • 9. 9 financing models at building up scientific parks and scientific and technological platforms of national importance following the European models. 2.9.8. Methodological analysis of socially important problems having resulted after ecological or man-caused emergencies, disaster-preventive action. 2.9.9. Engaging the staff of enterprises, organizations and establishments of all forms of ownership as well as the public at large, into the socially-focused activities. 2.9.10. Assistance in stimulation and implementation of new ideas, initiatives and projects on the improvement of the constitutional security of citizens, realization of actions which provide improvement of ecological conditions, reconstructions of natural resources, assistance in protection of resources. 2.9.11. Assistance in research activity. 2.9.12. Involving highly skilled experts into the processes on maintenance of effective influence on the performance of SEIC Charter Programs. 2.9.13. Assistance in formation of the top-priority attitude to the wildlife management, increasing the level of ecological education, culture and thinking of citizens of Ukraine. 2.9.14. Assistance in the state structures (studying the situations, tendencies, discussing the projects, examination of the possible decision and so forth) on the most important questions on the preventive steps and liquidation of ecological, social and economic, man-caused emergencies and according to the current legislation, arranging the events of common interest with official bodies. 2.9.15. Participation and assistance in public research and analytical activity on the assumption of the estimation of efficiency and possible consequences of organizational and administrative decisions, initiatives and projects. 2.9.16. Participation and assistance in formation of conditions and possibilities (forms, instruments) for displaying the civil activity in processes of public territorial self-management. 2.9.17. Participation in educational activity, including the public television, radio and other means, according to the national and international legislation. 2.9.18. Assistance in the development of the market of intellectual services. 2.9.19. Conducting the public informational and analytical activity.
  • 10. 10 2.9.20. Exercising and participation in remedial nature protection actions in in accordance with the procedure established by law. 2.9.21. The cooperation with the national and international ecological organizations and associations. 2.9.22. Assisting in harmonization of the national ecological policy and the global ecological processes. 2.9.23. Participation in the working out and implementation the concept of civil safety, improvement and control of actions of the national safety doctrine, in accordance with the Charter articles. 2.10. SEIC, in accordance with the procedure established by law: - organizes and provides interaction of experts, experts of methodological, technological, special, information, ecological and other directions, using for this purpose possibilities of the Internet, mass media and print media. - For the purpose of the solving the most important problems of the society and government, SEIC arranges seminars and conferences, other actions of organizational-and-administrative social work. - SEIC participates in research-and-practice conferences, seminars, symposiums and other actions that other organizations arrange, including the governmental ones. - For the purpose of realization of social projects on the key problems in the sphere of environmental safety, SEIC cooperates with governments, enterprises, establishments and companies. - SEIC establishes working committees, the small commissions, that operate according to stated procedure, approved by the Presidium. - Through the self-supporting establishments and organizations, founded by SEIC, the founded enterprises, SEIC conducts its economic and other commercial activities, exclusively for the performance of the Charter purposes and tasks of SEIC. 2.11. For the realization of the purposes and tasks defined by the present Charter, according to the legal status, SEIC has the rights: - To represent it as a member of civil-law relations, to get the property and non- property rights. - To represent and protect the legitimate interests and legitimate interests of the members in public authorities and public organizations. - To support other associations of citizens, ideologically, in institutional behavior and financially, to give the help in their creation. To form establishments and enterprises affiliated by SEIC.
  • 11. 11 - To receive from enforcement authorities and local governments the necessary information for realization of the SEIC purposes and tasks. - To make offers to public authorities and local governments concerning activity of SEIC. - To extend the information and to propagandize its ideas and targets. - To create mass media and communication networks. For to inform citizens about its activity, SEIC publishes materials, highlights its activity on the Internet, mass-media and the print media. 3. MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION, THEIR RIGHTS AND DUTIES, THE CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE OF ENTERING OR WITHDRAWAL FROM SEIC 3.1. The founders of SEIC receive the status of SEIC members after the state registration of the organization. 3.2. Membership in SEIC should be on the voluntary basis only. 3.3. The Admission to SEIC membership is carried out by the Presidium of SEIC or by the President of SEIC if this right was delegated to him; at regional and local level – by the head of regional unit at the coordination with the Presidium. 3.4. The admission of new members to SEIC is conducted in by virtue of the application written on the established standard form. 3.5. The admission to membership, withdrawal or excluding from SEIC, is decided by the majority of votes of SEIC Presidium members. For the periods between the sessions of the Presidium, the right of admission to or withdrawal SEIC membership can be delegated to the President of SEIC. 3.6. The rights of a SEIC member: - To elect and be elected to the leading organs of SEIC, to participate in all actions of SEIC. - To participate in the work of the constant and temporary commissions founded on the decision of authorized bodies of SEIC. - Freely to criticize any unit of SEIC, to file the objections and complaints against the decisions of Presidium and to request investigation of complaints at a General meeting. - To appeal to leading organs of SEIC with inquiries and offers on the questions connected with the activity of SEIC, and to receive answers. - To ask the bodies of the Organization for help in protection of the rights and legitimate interests.
  • 12. 12 3.7. SEIC members are obliged: - To keep the provisions of the SEIC Charter. - To obey the decisions of the leading bodies of SEIC. - To pay the entrance and membership fees punctually and in amounts and terms established by the Presidium of SEIC. - To promote the tasks of SEIC. - To participate in the actions arranged by SEIC. 3.8. Membership in SEIC is stopped on the decision of the Presidium of SEITS in the following cases: 3.8.1. On one’s own free will, in by virtue of application. 3.8.2. Infringement or default of requirements of the Charter of SEIC by a SEIC member. 3.8.3. Default or inadequate performance of program or project resolutions, regulations of SEIC and the tasks of the leading bodies of SEIC or its officials. 3.8.4. Behavior or actions directed on damnification to interests and targets of SEIC, or discrediting it. 3.8.5. Reorganization or liquidations of SEIC. 3.9. In case of the voluntary withdrawal or excluding, the means and other property of the SEIC member, invested into the program activity of SEIC, do not retrieve.
  • 13. 13 4. CLUSTER ORGANIZATIONS OF SEIC, THEIR RIGHTS AND DUTIES 4.1. The cluster organizations consist of members of SEIC and are the basis and the functionality carrier inside SEIC. 4.2. The cluster organization in its activity is guided by the present Charter, Provisions and other documents regulating the activity of SEIC. 4.3. The cluster organizations are formed at the meeting and should incorporate no less than 3 members. The decision on creation of cluster organizations, isolated units, goes to the Presidium of SEIC in 2-week-term, for registration that has notifying character. 4.4. The cluster organization independently defines the structure and character of its activity within the limits of the present Charter, and disposes the property of SEIC fixed to it, on the right of operative and functional co-ordination. 4.5. The supreme body of the cluster organizations is the meeting which gathers as required, but at least once in a quarter. 4.6. The meeting is competent to discuss any questions and take decisions on them under the condition that no less than 3/5 members of the cluster organizations (members of SEIC) are present at the meeting. The decision is taken by just the majority of votes of the registered delegates. The questions being discussed at the meeting of the cluster organizations take their final formulation at the Congress. 4.7. During the periods between the meetings the activity of the cluster organization is coordinated by the secretary who is elected by the meeting of the cluster organization. 4.8. In his work, the secretary is accountable to the meeting of the cluster organization and the Presidium. 4.9. Admission to SEIC is conducted in an individual order, after the personal application to the Presidium of SEIC, in a free form. The application form should have the following: - A surname, a name, a patronymic of the applicant. - Year of birth (at the age of 18 years - additionally day and month of birth); - The address of residence. - The passport data or the document which substitutes it;
  • 14. 14 - Contact information. - The personal purpose and the general goal of admission. The application to SEIC membership can also be submitted in electronic form. The decision on admission to SEIC membership is taken out by the Presidium of SEIC, Presidiums of regional or national cells. 4.10. Membership in SEIC can be stopped by the own will of a member of SEIC in virtue by of his application. 4.11. A SEIC member can be excluded under the decision of the cluster organization for the actions that block SEIC, or its bodies, in the realization their functions or the social programs. The excluded member is informed by the secretary about the initiation of the disciplinary procedure, about time and place of the session at which the question on his excluding, by sending him notification, no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the session. The information about the initiating the disciplinary procedure, time and place of the session is announced no later than fifteen days before the beginning of the session. Documents that confirm placing the notification, the mentioned information, including date of their placing on the official internet site of SEIC, are attached to the materials of the disciplinary procedure. On having received the message about initiating of the disciplinary procedure, persons that are excluded, make efforts on their own, in order to receive the information about the progressing of their matter, using any sources of information or communication facilities. 4.12. To members (both individual, and collective) that infringe the provisions of the Charter, for non-payment of membership fees, drawing the loss of property to SEIC and/or to its members, regularly (i.e. more than twice) default or inadequate performance of the duties defined by the Charter, for actions discrediting (harming) SEIC, can be applied the following measures: 4.12.1. Notification. 4.12.2. Excluding from SEIC membership. 4.13. The decision on the excluding from SEIC membership is taken by the Chairman of the isolated unit or by the Presidium of SEIC in cases when there are no isolated units. 4.14. In case of the membership termination from SEIC entrance and membership fees are not refunded.
  • 15. 15 5. CONTROLS DEJALNOSTJU SEITS AND THEIR POWERS 5.1. Authorized bodies of SEIC are: Conference, Presidium, Top Management, Audit Commission. 5.2. The supreme body of management of SEIC is a Conference. A SEIC Conference has the right to make decisions on all questions of activity of SEIC. 5.3. The exclusive competence of a Conference concern: - The confirmation of changes and additions to the Charter. - Electing the Presidium. - listening to the reports of the Chairman of Presidium, Co-chairmen of Presidium on methodology and SEIC managements, the director of the SEIC Top Management, members of Presidium. - Election of the Chairman and members of the Revision committee. - Listening to the Revision committee reports. - Listening to the decisions of the Presidium on admission (excluding) members of SEIC. - Realization of the property right to the property of SEIC (some functions of the management of property and means can be delegated to the Presidium and/or to the President of SEIC). - Making resolutions on the termination of activity of SEIC. 5.4. Conference is convoked by the Presidium as often as required, but at least annually. On demand of the Revision committee or 1/7 members of SEIC members, an extraordinary Conference can be called. Place and time as well as agenda of the Conference, the Presidium notifies members of SEIC and its isolated units no later than 30 days before the term appointed. A Member of SEIC or three delegates from each isolated union take part in the Conference. Conference has the right to make resolutions under the condition if no less than 3/4 members of SEIC or delegates are present at the session. Conference decisions are accepted by the majority of votes (the simple or qualified majority, under the Presidium offer) of members of SEIC or present delegates, except the cases specially stipulated in the present Charter.
  • 16. 16 5.5. The management and control of the SEIC activity during the period between conferences is carried out by the Presidium and Top Management. 5.6. The Presidium competence concerns: - Carrying out the decisions of the Conference. - The confirmation of Provisions of SEIC, including: Provision about Top Management of SEIC, Provisions about delegating the representatives at the Conference, Provisions about the centers of competence, Provisions about internal structure of SEIC, Provisions about regulations of SEIC, programs and projects of SEIC. - Appointment of the Chief accountant. - The confirmation of Heads of the isolated units elected by the meeting. - Definition of lines of the activity ща SEIC, fulfilment and carrying out SEIC target programs. - Adoption of internal standard documents. - Adoption of symbolism of SEIC. - решение других вопросов, кроме относящихся к исключительной компетенции Конференции. - The approval of annual budget of SEIC. - Making decision on foundation of self-supporting establishments, organizations, establishments, enterprises which are necessary for performance of authorized tasks and purposes of SEIC. - Solving other questions, except those within the exclusive competence of the Conference. 5.7. The presidium is elected by the Conference for a period of five years. The quantitative structure of Presidium should be odd and make no less than three persons. 5.8. On the Presidium are: the Chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the Presidium on methodology and management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC, the coordinator of the SEIC cooperation with state authorities, the coordinator of the SEIC cooperation with commercial, sponsor, donor, international establishments, and others, approved and confirmed by the Conference in accordance with project and specific programs. 5.9. The Presidium sessions are held as required, but no less than once in three months. The presidium is considered to be competent if at its session more than half of its members are present. The resolutions of the Presidium are taken by the common majority of votes of those present at the session. 5.10. The Presidium of SEIC is headed by the Chairman of Presidium who is elected by the Presidium for the term of 5 years, according to the task of SEIC and
  • 17. 17 the term of its execution. The subsequent re-election of the Chairman, the Co- chairman and terms take place on the decision of the Presidium or Conference of SEIC. 5.11. The chairman of Presidium is an official of SEIC and he carries out the programs confirmed by the Conference or Presidium of programs, provisions, lines of activity of SEIC, solves all the questions on SEIC activity, except those within the exclusive competence of the Conference and the Presidium of SEIC. 5.12. The chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the Presidium on methodology and management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC, carry out their powers on behalf of SEIC, without the power of attorney and signs all documents which are approved by directing bodies of SEIC. 5.13. The chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the Presidium on methodology and the management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC, members of the Presidium are accountable to the Conference of SEIC and provide the performance of all adopted decisions. 5.14. The chairman of Presidium, the Co-chairman of Presidium on methodology and management, the director of the Top Management of SEIC, operate within the limits of the legislation, the present Charter, Provisions about the Presidium, the Provision about the Top Management of SEIC, and regulations of SEIC, adopted and confirmed by the current conferences of SEIC. 5.15. Powers of the Chairman of Presidium: - Convokes and presides at the Presidium sessions. - Signs internal certificates of SEIC adopted by directing bodies. - Represents the interests of SEIC in public authorities, local government, the enterprises, establishments, the organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership, public organizations, mass media, other associations, with physical persons. - Submits nominees of deputy directors for the confirmation by the Presidium of SEIC. - Within his competence he issues the orders, instructions, charges, powers of attorney on the questions connected with authorized activity, obligatory to execution. - Executes the dispose of property and means of SEIC within the powers given by the Conference. - Signs financial documents, concludes contracts on behalf of SEIC according to its purposes and tasks. In coordination with the Presidium, forms the official position of SEIC on the questions, concerning interests of its members.
  • 18. 18 - Submits to the Presidium questions on forms and volumes of material and financial maintenance of projects and programs, carries out, supports or finances SEIC. - Defines conditions of labor and social relations, employs and dismisses workers; - Co-ordinates work of structural units of SEIC, enterprises, unions, funds and other legal bodies formed by SEIC or at its participation. - At the Conference, reports the state of affairs and lines of activity of SEIC, prepares reports of the Presidium and the Revision committee of SEIC. - Carries out other powers that provide authorized activity of SEIC that do not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine. 5.16. In case of absence of the Chairman of the Presidium, the Co-chairman of the Presidium carries out his duties. 5.17. In case of the preschedule termination of powers of the Chairman of the Presidium, the new Chairman of the Presidium is elected at the session of Presidium or at the extraordinary Conference of SEIC. 5.18. For to maintain the current activity of SEIC, the Presidium forms the executive office of SEIC – Top Management of SEIC which is headed by the Director. Top Management of SEIC carries out its activity according to the Provision about Top Management of SEIC, approved by the Presidium. 5.19. Top Management of SEIC has the staff, formed out of SEIC members. 5.20. For the purpose of supervision and control over activity of SEIC, the Revision committee is formed by the Conference, and its staff is elected for a period of 5 years. 5.21. The purpose of supervision is to maintain the performance of the Charter tasks and targeted use of means, consideration and the offer of the solution of internal conflicts of SEIC, by the members of SEIC, its directing bodies, the regional and national organizations and their officials. 5.22. The Major tasks of the Revision committee are the preliminary analysis and an estimation of plans, projects and programs in which SEIC participates, granting the recommendations concerning the order, forms and methods of activity. 5.23. The revision committee reports at the Conference about the work done. 5.24. The Revision committee structure includes no less than three persons with a term of appointment of five years.
  • 19. 19 5.25. The revision committee holds its sessions according to the plan, but no less than once a year. 5.26. The Revision committee session is quorate, if no less than half of its members are present. The resolution is considered to be adopted if the majority of the present members have cast an affirmative vote for it. 5.27. The Revision committee’s competence concerns: - Supervising the activity of directing bodies of SEIC, officials, members of SEIC. - Supervision of the performance of the Charter tasks and targeted use of means. - Supervision of the performance of the resolutions of the Conference, other directing bodies and internal documents adopted by them. - In case of need, initiation of extraordinary convocation of the Conference or the Presidium of SEIC. 6. PERIODICITY OF SESSIONS AND PROCEDURE OF MAKING RESOLUTIONS BY DIRECTING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION INCLUDING THE USE OF MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 6.1. The following periodicity of Conferences, meetings of bodies of SEIC is established: - Conferences of SEIC take place at least annually. - Conference of the isolated unit takes place at least annually. - General meeting of a cluster unit is held no less than once in a quarter. 6.2. Members of SEIC, members of directing bodies of the isolated units have the right to take part in general meetings, sessions of Presidiums with the help of technical communication, as it should be defined by the present Charter and the Conference. They can vote for the resolutions made by directing bodies of public association, using technical communication, within the limits of national legislations, if a person that takes part in voting is verified and identified. 6.3. Procedure of taking decisions and Regulations is established by corresponding Provisions, in accordance with items 5.3, 5.6.
  • 20. 20 7. REPORTING PROCEDURE OF LEADING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION TO ITS MEMBERS (PARTICIPANTS) 7.1. Reports of decision-making bodies of public association to its members (participants) are carried out in mass media according to the decision of Conference and to requirements of the national legislation. 7.2. The information on activity of decision-making bodies of SEIC extends monthly in mass media, goes to members of SEIC via mail or technical means. 8. THE PROCEDURE OF THE APPEAL OF DECISIONS, ACTIONS, NONFEASANCE OF DIRECTING BODIES OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATION AND INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS 8.1. Actions or nonfeasance of directing bodies of SEIC are appealed by members of SEIC on representation of the complaint, offer etc. to the Revision committee, general meeting of a cluster organization, presidiums and conference (the isolated unit, SEIC), and are discussed in the agenda or solved at the extraordinary meeting of corresponding bodies according to item 5.27. 8.2. Actions or nonfeasance of supervising structural bodies of SEIC can be appealed in the general order within the national legislation, in jurisdiction of which these actions (or inactivity) have been made.
  • 21. 21 9. THE ISOLATED UNITS 9.1. Activity of isolated units of SEIC is carried out on the basis of the present Charter, and also the charters and provisions which are worked out on the basis of this Charter, that have got the status of the legal person in the order established by the law. 9.2. The supreme body of management of isolated units of SEIC is a Conference of SEIC. 9.3. Development of SEIC and its growing into the international structure is due to SEIC isolated units which are formed on the decision of the Presidium of SEIC, according to the Charter of SEIC. The isolated units are formed and legalized according to the national legislation. 9.4. The isolated units carry out their activity on the basis of the Charter and Provisions of SEIC which are taken and approved by the Presidium of SEIC. 9.5. The isolated units with the status of the legal person are subject to the state registration according to the national legislation. The isolated units without the status of the legal person legalize their activity on the basis of the national legislation, the Charter and Provisions of SEIC. 9.6. Isolated units of SEIC are accountable and are under control to the Conference and the Presidium of SEIC. 9.7. The isolated units represent SEIC in relations with state governing bodies, local government, the enterprises, establishments, the organizations, associations of citizens etc., irrespective of the form of ownership. 9.8. Isolated units of SEIC assist in fulfilment of the Charter tasks of SEIC, decisions of the Conference and Presidium, administrative documents of the Presidium of SEIC. 9.9. Isolated units of SEIC independently solve questions of internal activity, with the exception of those referred to the competence of supreme bodies of SEIC. 9.10. Isolated units of SEIC are headed by its Chairman who is elected by the supreme leading body of isolated unit of SEIC. 9.11. The Chairman of the Presidium of the isolated unit provides the management of the organization, maintenance of current activity and bears responsibility for
  • 22. 22 inactivity or neglecting his duties before the higher supervising body of the isolated unit and the Presidium of SEIC. 10. SOURCES OF CASH INFLOW AND THE COURSE OF USE OF MEANS AND OTHER PROPERTY OF SEIC 10.1. Means of SEIC come from: - Admission and membership fees. - Additional payments on the statutory goals. - Income from results of economic activities of the organizations and the enterprises formed by SEIC. - Charity payments for social and targeted programs. - Donations of the foreign and international organizations. - Grants. Co-ordination of use of these means is carried out by the cluster organizations independently. 10.2. The amounts of admission and membership fees are defined by the Provision of SEIC according to the programs of cluster organizations and isolated units of SEIC. 10.3. Means generated by admission and membership fees, are used t form the funds: - Fund of SEIC Development. - Reserve fund. 10.4. The means that come from other than membership fees payments are spent for the purposes specified as financing the target programs. 10.5. Part of property is fixed to cluster organizations, in proportion to their participation part. Cluster organizations of SEIC have the right of the operating and administering this property. 10.6. The Organization does not bear responsibility under obligations of its members and organizations, and they, in turn, do not bear responsibility for the obligations of the Organization. 10.7. The accounting of cash inflow and expenses of financial assets is carried out by accounts department which is appointed by the corresponding bodies and are supervised by the Revision committee.
  • 23. 23 10.8. SEIC can own movable and real property, material and non-material assets, means, intellectual property, other goods gained legally that are necessary for the realization of its authorized activity. 10.9. Property and means of SEIC are formed in the following ways: - Means or properties which arrive gratuitously or in the form of the irrevocable financial help, donations or the humanitarian supplies. - Residual incomes. - Means or property, as well as intellectual property and non-property rights which arrive from the main activity, taking into consideration the features of the national legislation. - Subventions or the grants-in-aid received from the state or local budgets, the state trust funds or as a charitable, humanitarian or the technical help, provided within international contracts according to the stated terms, defined by the higher national legislature, except grants for price control on payable services which are given to the non-profitable organizations or through them to their addressees according to the national legislation, for the purpose of decreasing such prices. - SEIC can receive property which belongs to its members, for to own and use, and members of SEIC can receive the property belonging to SEIC for to own and use it on conditions and terms, established by the occasional agreements. 10.10. Functioning of SEIC is maintained with the help of the following sources: - The means given by members of SEIC in the form of entrance, membership and target payments. - Charity payments and donations of physical and legal bodies of Ukraine and other states in the form of cash inflows, material assets and other property. - The means earned in the course of economic activities, legal bodies founded by SEIC, and also from shares, equities, stock belonging to SEIC. These means are used for achievement of the major purposes and tasks of SEIC. - The humanitarian supplies, target grants and the charity help of the international organizations, other incomes not forbidden by the legislation of Ukraine. 10.11. For the purpose of assisting major purposes and tasks, SEIC has the right to make any transactions concerning property and the means which are in its property that does not contradict its main activity and the current legislation of Ukraine. 10.12. Property and means of SEIC go on maintenance of its main activity, including: - Payment of full-time staff of SEIC, and also persons who are employed on the terms of labor or civil-law contracts in the limits not contradicting the legislation; - Doing the current activity, and development of material, technical and technological basis.
  • 24. 24 - Expenses on renting movable and immovable property, its operation, repair, etc; - Expenses on media, printing and publishing, editing information, educative activities etc. 10.13. SEIC can have on the right of ownership buildings, constructions, ground areas in the order established by the legislation, available housing, office premises, the equipment and stock, vehicles, property of cultural and educational, health- improving facilities, money resources, securities, as well as other properties necessary for SEIC to realize its major goals and conduct its activities. 10.14. SEIC itself, establishments and organizations which it founds, conduct operative and book-keeper accounting. 10.15. In relations with state, commercial, public, scientific, educational institutions and citizens, irrespectively of their origin, SEIC undertake to adhere to laws, traditions, norms and rules concerning keeping state, commercial, business or other kinds of office secrets and not to hand over to the third parties the information, that can have signs of commercial, state, personal secret or know- how, which parties can receive in the course of cooperation. The afore-said also concerns any information of interest for both parties in order not to share it with the third parties. Thus, each party informs its worker, and also obliges them to follow all the mentioned above. 10.16. Some functions in the facilities administration can be outsourced by the Presidium to the affiliated enterprises, other bodies of structural management of SEIC, or given to the unions or associations of citizens, to members or member of SEIC. 11. INTRODUCTION OF AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS 11.1. Introduction of amendments and additions to the present Charter is the competence of the Conference of SEIC. 11.2. The decision on introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter is taken by 3/4 voices of members of SEIC or 3/4 delegates of the Conference of SEIC. 11.3. Amendments and additions to the Charter of SEIC are subject to the obligatory registration; the registering body is informed about approved amendments or additions within in 5-day term from the day of adoption of changes or additions.
  • 25. 25 12. THE TERMINATION OF ACTIVITY AND LIQUIDATION OF SEIC 12.1. The termination of activity of SEIC occurs by self-dissolution (reorganization, liquidation, merge, joining, division, allocation, transformation or compulsory dissolution). 12.2. Reorganization is executed upon the recommendation of the Presidium of SEIC at decision-making Conference, under the condition if at least 4/5 members of SEIC or 4/5 present delegates of SEIC cast an affirmative vote for this decision. 12.3. While reorganizing SEIC, all the rights, duties, financial and material assets of SEIC go to its legal successors. 12.4. SEIC cannot be reorganized into the legal body with profit-purposed activities. 12.5. Liquidation of SEIC takes place in the following cases: - On the decision of the Conference if 6/7 of present members or delegates of SEIC cast an affirmative vote for this decision. - On the court decision; 12.6. At liquidation of SEIC, the Conference or the body, that made the decision on liquidation, forms the liquidating commission which operates according to the current legislation of Ukraine. Powers of the liquidating commission can be assigned to members of the Presidium of SEIC (consensual). 12.7. From the moment of appointment of the liquidating commission, it gains the competence of administering SEIC. 12.8. In case of liquidation, the property and means of SEIC cannot be distributed between members of SEIC but go to other non-profitable organization similar to SEIC, or go to the state budget. 12.9. SEIC is considered to be liquidated and terminated from the moment of entering the record into the Uniform state register about the termination of its activity. 12.10. The procedure of making the decision about self-dissolution or reorganization of SEIC, as well as those concerning the use of its money resources and other property remained after self-dissolution; legal successors of SEIC are defined by the Provision and confirmed by the Presidium of SEIC.