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Changes of chick-flicks
through the eras
Ellie Foster
‘Why change your wife?’
Gloria Swanson as Beth
Bebe Daniels as Sally
Thomas Meighan as Robert
Theodore Kosloff as Radiniof
Slyvia Ashton as Aunt Kate

Date: 1920.
Certification: None as they did not have certification in this era.
Plot: A love affair which results in a divorce, however they end up getting remarried in the
end. This will appeal to a female target audience as they may be able to identify with the
situation that occurs in the narrative (uses and gratification theory). The narrative will
offer escapism (uses and gratification theory) to the audience because of the romantic
genre which is stereotypically popular among females.
Themes: Love and marriage.
Genre: Comedy
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and white
Sound: Silent
Production company: Famous Players-Lasky Corporation
‘The Flapper’
Olive Thomas as Genevieve
Theodore Westman Jr. as Bill
William P. Carleton as Richard
Warren Cook as Sen. King
Katherine Johnston as Hortense
Date: 1920
Certification: None
Plot: Dame Ginger is a teenager who loves to have fun, her dad sends her to a boarding school where upper-class girls
learn to behave. She has many adventures and end up falling in love with a mysterious man, gaining her dream of
being a true flapper. This will appeal to a female audience as the main thing in the majority of female’s lives is finding
their true love. Due to the fact that the main character is rebelling and sets her heart on a mysterious man creates an
enigma code as the audience would like to know how her father reacts and if this mysterious man ends up to be good
to her. The audience of women can identify with the female character as they are likely to have been in relationships
(uses and gratification theory.)
Themes: Romance
Genre: Comedy
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and White
Sound: Silent
Production company: Selznick Pictures Corporation.
Gary Cooper as Legoinnaire
Marlene Dietrich as Mademoiselle Amy
Adolphe Menjou as Monsieur La Bessiere
Ullrich Haupt as Adjutant

Date: 1930
Certification: None
Plot: A Legionnaire and cabaret singer fall in love. However, their relationship is complicated because of his womanizing. This
plot is found relatable by most grown women as men are stereotypically known for cheating and having many women on
their arm. This creates the audience of females to identify with the character and empathise with her as they feel sorry for
her due to the complicated relationship in which the main character is in.
Themes: Love and relationships.
Genre: Romance and Drama
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and white
Sound: Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Production company: Paramount Pictures
The Divorcee
Norma Shearer as Jerry
Chester Morris as Ted
Conrad Nagel as Paul
Robert Montgomery as Don
Florence Eldridge as Helen
Date: 1930
Certification: None
Plot: Jerry and Ted fall in love, however on their third year anniversary Jerry finds out that Ted had an
affair. They end up divorcing and Jerry becomes a free and single woman. This is a stereotypical chickflick where the male commits adultery and the audience empathise with the main character. This
creates an enigma code due to the audience being desperate to know how the main character goes
about her single life and single women can relate to this.
Themes: Romance
Genre: Romance and drama
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and white
Sound: Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Production company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Cary Grant as Devlin
Ingrid Bergman as Alicia
Claude Rains as Alexander
Louis Calhern as Paul
Leopoldine Kostantin as Mme Sebastian
Date: 1946
Certification: U/A
Plot: Asked to spy on a group of Nazi friends in south america, this women goes to great lengths to
prove herself to them. This film is more historical and not as easily relatable as the previous ones.
However, an enigma code is created throughout due to its thriller aspects and film noir mystery.
Themes: Historical

Genre: Drama, Film Noir, Romance and Thriller.
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and white
Sound: Mono (RCA Sound System)
Production company: Vanguard Films and RKO Radio Pictures
‘The Philadelphia Story’
Cary Grant as C.K Dexter
Katherine Hepburn as Tracy
James Stewart as Macaulay
Ruth Hussey as Elizabeth
John Howard as George

Date: 1940
Certification: No rating.
Plot: A women is about to marry her second husband, just as her ex-husband and a
reporter turn up to the wedding, she soon learns the truth about herself. This film has a
more complicated story line than the earlier chick-flicks which mostly consisted of a
cheating husband. This film seems entertaining due to it’s humorous storyline, however
easily identified with.
Themes: Divorce and marriage
Genre: Comedy and Romance
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and white
Sound: Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Production company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
‘How To Marry A Millionaire’
Betty Grable as Loco
Marilyn Monroe as Pola
Lauren Bacall as Schatze
David Wayne as Freddie
Rory Calhoun as Eben

Date: 1953
Certification: Approved
Plot: Three New York models seek to find rich husbands through the use of their skills, however it is harder than
they thought to discover the millionaires from the fakes. This also has an audience of women, perhaps younger
women as the characters in the film are not looking for a serious relationship and are young themselves meaning
young women can identify with their characters (uses and gratification theory)
Themes: Friendships and money.
Genre: Comedy, drama and romance.
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: 4- Track Stereo (Western Electric Recording)
Production company: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
‘All About Eve’
Bette Davis as Margo
Anne Baxter as Eve
George Sanders as Addison
Celeste Hom as Karen
Gary Merrill as Bill
Date: 1951
Certification: U
Plot: A women puts herself in the company of an established but elderly stage actress and
her theatrical friends. This film does not seem to involve romance and therefore differs
from the majority of chick-flicks. However the friendship side of it is important to many
women and therefore the audience of women may be able to relate to some aspects of the
film due to friendship.
Themes: Friendship
Genre: Drama
Place of production: USA
Colour: Black and white
Sound: Mono (Western Electric Recording)
Production company: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
‘Breakfast at Tiffany's’
Audrey Hepburn as Holly
Geore Peppard as Paul
Patricia Neal as 2-E
Buddy Ebsen as Doc Golightly
Martin Balsam as O.J
Date: 1961
Certification: PG
Plot: A socialite in Yew York, is attracted to a man who has recently moved into her flat.
This is a chick-flick including romance in the stereotypical setting of New York. This may
appeal to the audience of females due to Audrey Hepburn being the main character,
endorsing the film. Furthermore, love and romance always attracts women due to them
wanting a fairy tale ending as Disney films promise.
Themes: Romance
Genre: Comedy, drama and Romance
Place of production: Jurow-Shepherd
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: Mono
Production company: Jurow-Shepherd
‘The Graduate’
Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson
Dustin Hoffman as Ben
Katharine Ross as Elaine
William Daniels as Mr. Braddock
Murray Hamilton as Mr. Robinson
Date: 1967
Certification: Approved
Plot: College graduate Benjamin begins an affair with Mrs.Robinson, the wife of his father’s
business partner as he drives her home. The affair ends and he moves onto her daughter,
Elaine. This is a more complicated film, and it portrays men as the stereotypical people who
over sexualise women. This film is from a man’s perspective so may attract a male audience
rather than a female as they may relate to the themes in the film.
Themes: Love and friendship.
Genre: Comedy, drama and romance
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: 4-Track Stereo (Westrex Recording System) and Mono (35 mm optical prints)
Production company: Lawrence Turman and Embassy Pictures
‘Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore’
Mia Bendixsen as Alice aged 8
Ellen Burstyn as older Alice
Alfred Lutter III as Tommy
Billy Green Bush as Donald
Lelia Goldoni as Bea
Date: 1974
Certification: 15
Plot: A widow is determined to start a new life for herself and her son on the road as a singer after her husband
passes away. However, her plans don’t end up as she hoped. This film is aimed at an older female audience who
perhaps have a family of their own so they can empathise with the character (uses and gratification theory.)
Themes: Death and family.
Genre: Drama and romance.
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: Mono
Production company: Warner Bros.
‘Love Story’

Ali Macgraw as Jenny
Ryan O’Neal as Oliver
John Marley as Phil
Ray Milland as Oliver III
Russell Nype as Dean

Date: 1970
Certification: PG
Plot: Music student Jennifer and Harvard Law student Oliver and despite their
different upbringings, they both admit to loving each other. They later marry
and Oliver’s father disowns him, the couple’s relationship does not end up as
truthful as begun. This is aimed at an audience of younger females due to the
idea of young love. This will appeal to females as it seems like a fairy tale,
however it does not end up like one so it is more realistic and relatable.
Themes: Love and heartbreak
Genre: Drama and romance
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour
Sound: Mono
Production company: Paramount Pictures and Love Story Company
‘Smooth Talk’
Treat Williams as Arnold
Laura Dern as Connie
Mary Kay Place as Katherine
Margaret Wels as Laura
Sara Inglis as Jill
Date: 1985
Certification: 15
Plot: 15-year-old girl dangerously flirts with a stranger in the North California. She must prepare herself
for the traumatic consequences. This will appeal to a teenage female audience as the idea of rebelling
comes into mind. Teenagers usually rebel and find a man who is no good for them, therefore the
audience will be able to identify with the narrative.
Themes: Romance
Genre: Drama, romance and thriller
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: Mono
Production company: American Playhouse, Goldcrest Films International, Nepenthe Productions and
Palmyra Films.
‘When Harry Met Sally’
Bill Crystal as Harry Burns
Meg Ryan as Sally
Carrie Fisher as Marie
Bruno Kirby as Jess
Steven Joe

Date: 1989
Certification: 15
Plot: Having known each other for years, Harry and Sally are both good friends but fear
sex will ruin that. This film would appeal to older females due to perhaps having a friend
of their own who they like more than just friends. The humour of this film creates it to
be more light hearted and therefore a stereotypical chick-flick appealing to females.
Themes: Sex and friendship.
Genre: Comedy, drama and romance.
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour
Sound: Dolby
Production company: Castle Rock Entertainment and Nelson Entertainment.
‘Little Women’
Winona Ryder as Jo
Gabriel Byrne as Friedrich Bhaer
Trini Alvarado as Meg
Samantha Mathis as Older Amy
Kristen Dunst as Younger Amy
Date: 1994
Certification: U
Plot: Sisters living and growing in America post-Civil War. This would appeal to an audience of females
who have a sister or sisters as they will be able to identify with the relationships in the film creating a
better understanding of the narrative.
Themes: Romance
Genre: Drama and romance.
Place of production: USA.
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: Dolby SR, SDDS and Dolby Digital
Production company: Columbia Pictures Corporation and DiNovi Pictures
‘Never Been Kissed’

Drew Barrymore as Josie
David Arquette as Rob
Michael Vartan as Sam
Molly Shannon as Anita
John C. Reilly as Gus

Date: 1999
Certification: 12
Plot: Josie, aged 25, enrols as an undercover journalist at her old high school, finding
research for her story. The chance of blowing her cover and losing her career is high.
This may be found relatable by writers as they go to such lengths to get the story they
need. Also drawing in females who would like to go back to high school and perhaps
miss their childhood as this film helps the main character achieve this in some ways.
Themes: Love
Genre: Comedy, drama and romance.
Place of production: USA.
Colour: Colour.
Sound: Dolby.
Production company: Fox 2000 Pictures, Bushwood Pictures, Flower Films II and Never
Been Kissed Productions.
‘Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood’
Sandra Bullock as Siddalee
Ellen Burstyn as Vivianne Joan
Fionnula as ‘Teensy’ Melissa
James Garner as Shepard James
Cherry Jones as Grandma ‘Buggy’
Date: 2002
Certification: 12A
Plot: Years of conflict between mother and daughter has led to Siddalee receiving a scrapbook including the
adventures of the "Ya-Yas", her mother's childhood friends. This would attract to older women who had a
friendship group when they were younger. They would be able to relate to the narrative and the
relationships in the film, creating a more realistic feeling.
Themes: Friendship
Genre: Drama and romance
Place of production: USA
Colour: Colour
Sound: DTS, Dolby Digital and SDDS
Production company: All Girl Productions and Gaylord Films
‘Miss Congeniality’

Sandra Bullock as Gracie
Michael Caine as Victor
Benjamin Bratt as Eric
Candice Bergen as Kathy
William Shatner as Stan

Date: 2000
Certification: 12
Plot: FBI agent Gracie goes undercover in the Miss United States beauty pageant to
prevent another contestant from bombing the pageant. This may attract teenage girls
due to the idea of beauty pageants as teenagers are usually health conscious and care
about the way they look, idolising models. Also, this character is a feisty individual
which would attract the female audience as they find this enlightening.
Themes: Beauty and action.
Genre: Action, comedy and crime.
Place of production: USA and Australia.
Colour: Colour (Technicolor)
Sound: DTS, Dolby Digital and SDDS
Production company: Castle Rocks Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, NPV
Entertainment and Fortis Films.
• Overall the main changes include going from a simple
narrative to a more complicated one.
• Women now seen as more independent and powerful
rather than having to rely on a man.
• The advance of colour and sound in films.
• The advance from no certification to specific ratings.
• The brighter use of colour in the DVD covers.
• Female audience.
• Same themes of romance and friendship.
• The same stereotypical characters, for example love

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Changes through the eras

  • 1. Changes of chick-flicks through the eras Ellie Foster
  • 2. 1920s ‘Why change your wife?’ Cast Gloria Swanson as Beth Bebe Daniels as Sally Thomas Meighan as Robert Theodore Kosloff as Radiniof Slyvia Ashton as Aunt Kate Date: 1920. Certification: None as they did not have certification in this era. Plot: A love affair which results in a divorce, however they end up getting remarried in the end. This will appeal to a female target audience as they may be able to identify with the situation that occurs in the narrative (uses and gratification theory). The narrative will offer escapism (uses and gratification theory) to the audience because of the romantic genre which is stereotypically popular among females. Themes: Love and marriage. Genre: Comedy Place of production: USA Colour: Black and white Sound: Silent Production company: Famous Players-Lasky Corporation
  • 3. 1920s ‘The Flapper’ Cast: Olive Thomas as Genevieve Theodore Westman Jr. as Bill William P. Carleton as Richard Warren Cook as Sen. King Katherine Johnston as Hortense Date: 1920 Certification: None Plot: Dame Ginger is a teenager who loves to have fun, her dad sends her to a boarding school where upper-class girls learn to behave. She has many adventures and end up falling in love with a mysterious man, gaining her dream of being a true flapper. This will appeal to a female audience as the main thing in the majority of female’s lives is finding their true love. Due to the fact that the main character is rebelling and sets her heart on a mysterious man creates an enigma code as the audience would like to know how her father reacts and if this mysterious man ends up to be good to her. The audience of women can identify with the female character as they are likely to have been in relationships (uses and gratification theory.) Themes: Romance Genre: Comedy Place of production: USA Colour: Black and White Sound: Silent Production company: Selznick Pictures Corporation.
  • 4. 1930s ‘Morocco’ Cast Gary Cooper as Legoinnaire Marlene Dietrich as Mademoiselle Amy Adolphe Menjou as Monsieur La Bessiere Ullrich Haupt as Adjutant Date: 1930 Certification: None Plot: A Legionnaire and cabaret singer fall in love. However, their relationship is complicated because of his womanizing. This plot is found relatable by most grown women as men are stereotypically known for cheating and having many women on their arm. This creates the audience of females to identify with the character and empathise with her as they feel sorry for her due to the complicated relationship in which the main character is in. Themes: Love and relationships. Genre: Romance and Drama Place of production: USA Colour: Black and white Sound: Mono (Western Electric Sound System) Production company: Paramount Pictures
  • 5. 1930s The Divorcee Cast Norma Shearer as Jerry Chester Morris as Ted Conrad Nagel as Paul Robert Montgomery as Don Florence Eldridge as Helen Date: 1930 Certification: None Plot: Jerry and Ted fall in love, however on their third year anniversary Jerry finds out that Ted had an affair. They end up divorcing and Jerry becomes a free and single woman. This is a stereotypical chickflick where the male commits adultery and the audience empathise with the main character. This creates an enigma code due to the audience being desperate to know how the main character goes about her single life and single women can relate to this. Themes: Romance Genre: Romance and drama Place of production: USA Colour: Black and white Sound: Mono (Western Electric Sound System) Production company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
  • 6. 1940s ‘Notorious’ Cast Cary Grant as Devlin Ingrid Bergman as Alicia Claude Rains as Alexander Louis Calhern as Paul Leopoldine Kostantin as Mme Sebastian Date: 1946 Certification: U/A Plot: Asked to spy on a group of Nazi friends in south america, this women goes to great lengths to prove herself to them. This film is more historical and not as easily relatable as the previous ones. However, an enigma code is created throughout due to its thriller aspects and film noir mystery. Themes: Historical Genre: Drama, Film Noir, Romance and Thriller. Place of production: USA Colour: Black and white Sound: Mono (RCA Sound System) Production company: Vanguard Films and RKO Radio Pictures
  • 7. 1940s ‘The Philadelphia Story’ Cast Cary Grant as C.K Dexter Katherine Hepburn as Tracy James Stewart as Macaulay Ruth Hussey as Elizabeth John Howard as George Date: 1940 Certification: No rating. Plot: A women is about to marry her second husband, just as her ex-husband and a reporter turn up to the wedding, she soon learns the truth about herself. This film has a more complicated story line than the earlier chick-flicks which mostly consisted of a cheating husband. This film seems entertaining due to it’s humorous storyline, however easily identified with. Themes: Divorce and marriage Genre: Comedy and Romance Place of production: USA Colour: Black and white Sound: Mono (Western Electric Sound System) Production company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
  • 8. 1950s ‘How To Marry A Millionaire’ Cast Betty Grable as Loco Marilyn Monroe as Pola Lauren Bacall as Schatze David Wayne as Freddie Rory Calhoun as Eben Date: 1953 Certification: Approved Plot: Three New York models seek to find rich husbands through the use of their skills, however it is harder than they thought to discover the millionaires from the fakes. This also has an audience of women, perhaps younger women as the characters in the film are not looking for a serious relationship and are young themselves meaning young women can identify with their characters (uses and gratification theory) Themes: Friendships and money. Genre: Comedy, drama and romance. Place of production: USA Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: 4- Track Stereo (Western Electric Recording) Production company: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
  • 9. 1950s ‘All About Eve’ Cast Bette Davis as Margo Anne Baxter as Eve George Sanders as Addison Celeste Hom as Karen Gary Merrill as Bill Date: 1951 Certification: U Plot: A women puts herself in the company of an established but elderly stage actress and her theatrical friends. This film does not seem to involve romance and therefore differs from the majority of chick-flicks. However the friendship side of it is important to many women and therefore the audience of women may be able to relate to some aspects of the film due to friendship. Themes: Friendship Genre: Drama Place of production: USA Colour: Black and white Sound: Mono (Western Electric Recording) Production company: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
  • 10. 1960s ‘Breakfast at Tiffany's’ Cast Audrey Hepburn as Holly Geore Peppard as Paul Patricia Neal as 2-E Buddy Ebsen as Doc Golightly Martin Balsam as O.J Date: 1961 Certification: PG Plot: A socialite in Yew York, is attracted to a man who has recently moved into her flat. This is a chick-flick including romance in the stereotypical setting of New York. This may appeal to the audience of females due to Audrey Hepburn being the main character, endorsing the film. Furthermore, love and romance always attracts women due to them wanting a fairy tale ending as Disney films promise. Themes: Romance Genre: Comedy, drama and Romance Place of production: Jurow-Shepherd Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: Mono Production company: Jurow-Shepherd
  • 11. 1960s ‘The Graduate’ Cast: Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson Dustin Hoffman as Ben Katharine Ross as Elaine William Daniels as Mr. Braddock Murray Hamilton as Mr. Robinson Date: 1967 Certification: Approved Plot: College graduate Benjamin begins an affair with Mrs.Robinson, the wife of his father’s business partner as he drives her home. The affair ends and he moves onto her daughter, Elaine. This is a more complicated film, and it portrays men as the stereotypical people who over sexualise women. This film is from a man’s perspective so may attract a male audience rather than a female as they may relate to the themes in the film. Themes: Love and friendship. Genre: Comedy, drama and romance Place of production: USA Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: 4-Track Stereo (Westrex Recording System) and Mono (35 mm optical prints) Production company: Lawrence Turman and Embassy Pictures
  • 12. 1970s ‘Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore’ Cast Mia Bendixsen as Alice aged 8 Ellen Burstyn as older Alice Alfred Lutter III as Tommy Billy Green Bush as Donald Lelia Goldoni as Bea Date: 1974 Certification: 15 Plot: A widow is determined to start a new life for herself and her son on the road as a singer after her husband passes away. However, her plans don’t end up as she hoped. This film is aimed at an older female audience who perhaps have a family of their own so they can empathise with the character (uses and gratification theory.) Themes: Death and family. Genre: Drama and romance. Place of production: USA Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: Mono Production company: Warner Bros.
  • 13. 1970s ‘Love Story’ Cast Ali Macgraw as Jenny Ryan O’Neal as Oliver John Marley as Phil Ray Milland as Oliver III Russell Nype as Dean Date: 1970 Certification: PG Plot: Music student Jennifer and Harvard Law student Oliver and despite their different upbringings, they both admit to loving each other. They later marry and Oliver’s father disowns him, the couple’s relationship does not end up as truthful as begun. This is aimed at an audience of younger females due to the idea of young love. This will appeal to females as it seems like a fairy tale, however it does not end up like one so it is more realistic and relatable. Themes: Love and heartbreak Genre: Drama and romance Place of production: USA Colour: Colour Sound: Mono Production company: Paramount Pictures and Love Story Company
  • 14. 1980s ‘Smooth Talk’ Cast Treat Williams as Arnold Laura Dern as Connie Mary Kay Place as Katherine Margaret Wels as Laura Sara Inglis as Jill Date: 1985 Certification: 15 Plot: 15-year-old girl dangerously flirts with a stranger in the North California. She must prepare herself for the traumatic consequences. This will appeal to a teenage female audience as the idea of rebelling comes into mind. Teenagers usually rebel and find a man who is no good for them, therefore the audience will be able to identify with the narrative. Themes: Romance Genre: Drama, romance and thriller Place of production: USA Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: Mono Production company: American Playhouse, Goldcrest Films International, Nepenthe Productions and Palmyra Films.
  • 15. 1980s ‘When Harry Met Sally’ Cast Bill Crystal as Harry Burns Meg Ryan as Sally Carrie Fisher as Marie Bruno Kirby as Jess Steven Joe Date: 1989 Certification: 15 Plot: Having known each other for years, Harry and Sally are both good friends but fear sex will ruin that. This film would appeal to older females due to perhaps having a friend of their own who they like more than just friends. The humour of this film creates it to be more light hearted and therefore a stereotypical chick-flick appealing to females. Themes: Sex and friendship. Genre: Comedy, drama and romance. Place of production: USA Colour: Colour Sound: Dolby Production company: Castle Rock Entertainment and Nelson Entertainment.
  • 16. 1990s ‘Little Women’ Cast Winona Ryder as Jo Gabriel Byrne as Friedrich Bhaer Trini Alvarado as Meg Samantha Mathis as Older Amy Kristen Dunst as Younger Amy Date: 1994 Certification: U Plot: Sisters living and growing in America post-Civil War. This would appeal to an audience of females who have a sister or sisters as they will be able to identify with the relationships in the film creating a better understanding of the narrative. Themes: Romance Genre: Drama and romance. Place of production: USA. Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: Dolby SR, SDDS and Dolby Digital Production company: Columbia Pictures Corporation and DiNovi Pictures
  • 17. 1990s ‘Never Been Kissed’ Cast Drew Barrymore as Josie David Arquette as Rob Michael Vartan as Sam Molly Shannon as Anita John C. Reilly as Gus Date: 1999 Certification: 12 Plot: Josie, aged 25, enrols as an undercover journalist at her old high school, finding research for her story. The chance of blowing her cover and losing her career is high. This may be found relatable by writers as they go to such lengths to get the story they need. Also drawing in females who would like to go back to high school and perhaps miss their childhood as this film helps the main character achieve this in some ways. Themes: Love Genre: Comedy, drama and romance. Place of production: USA. Colour: Colour. Sound: Dolby. Production company: Fox 2000 Pictures, Bushwood Pictures, Flower Films II and Never Been Kissed Productions.
  • 18. 2000s ‘Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood’ Cast Sandra Bullock as Siddalee Ellen Burstyn as Vivianne Joan Fionnula as ‘Teensy’ Melissa James Garner as Shepard James Cherry Jones as Grandma ‘Buggy’ Date: 2002 Certification: 12A Plot: Years of conflict between mother and daughter has led to Siddalee receiving a scrapbook including the adventures of the "Ya-Yas", her mother's childhood friends. This would attract to older women who had a friendship group when they were younger. They would be able to relate to the narrative and the relationships in the film, creating a more realistic feeling. Themes: Friendship Genre: Drama and romance Place of production: USA Colour: Colour Sound: DTS, Dolby Digital and SDDS Production company: All Girl Productions and Gaylord Films
  • 19. 2000s ‘Miss Congeniality’ Cast Sandra Bullock as Gracie Michael Caine as Victor Benjamin Bratt as Eric Candice Bergen as Kathy William Shatner as Stan Date: 2000 Certification: 12 Plot: FBI agent Gracie goes undercover in the Miss United States beauty pageant to prevent another contestant from bombing the pageant. This may attract teenage girls due to the idea of beauty pageants as teenagers are usually health conscious and care about the way they look, idolising models. Also, this character is a feisty individual which would attract the female audience as they find this enlightening. Themes: Beauty and action. Genre: Action, comedy and crime. Place of production: USA and Australia. Colour: Colour (Technicolor) Sound: DTS, Dolby Digital and SDDS Production company: Castle Rocks Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, NPV Entertainment and Fortis Films.
  • 20. • Overall the main changes include going from a simple narrative to a more complicated one. • Women now seen as more independent and powerful rather than having to rely on a man. • The advance of colour and sound in films. • The advance from no certification to specific ratings. • The brighter use of colour in the DVD covers. • Female audience. • Same themes of romance and friendship. • The same stereotypical characters, for example love interests.