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 3 Rounds Final
 Not all questions are workout-able.
 Enjoy the quiz!
All the Best! 
 Infinite Pounce, No Bounce
 +10/-10 on Pounce
 +10 on direct and pass
 8 questions clockwise
 Identify the film
And the Answer Is.....
 Imagine you're X.You've come to a halt in life.The vessel which
transports you through life, your thoughts and actions, have left you
at a full stop.There's a hole in your _____ - you were defeated by an
obstacle.Then you see something - a dream of yours, a goal, or
simply a feeling- and it was so close you could almost touch it. And
you want to touch it, feel it, have it.
 It's a tough ride - not only are you trying to manoeuvre a broken
vessel, but you're yet again faced with the obstacle of not seeing
your path clearly. All you can do is have your eyes on that dream and
hope that along the way you won't end up losing it.The people that
matter in your life, your children, are right there, helping you,
supporting you. And for some reason you know that everything will
be okay.
 Then comes the cliff, and you stop - there's no more going forward.
But that's okay because right before you is your dream.You could
have failed and fallen off the cliff, but you chose to trust yourself.
You didn't fail this time. Time to get out of the car and enjoy your
And the Answer Is.....
 Born as Dunni Ram on July 21, 1960 in the village of Dugri near Ludhiana
Punjab, he was born into a poor family and was from the Chamar caste. His
aspirations of becoming an electrician were unfulfilled and he found work at a
Ludhiana cloth mill.With a natural aptitude for music, he learned to play the
harmonium and dholi. Punjabi folk musician Surinder Shinda has said that in
1978, X approached him for the first time on a bicycle.When Shinda heard the
18-year-old X sing, he had finally found the protégé that he had been looking
for.Adopting the stage name Amar Singh X – X in Punjabi means one that
glitters - he was the king of Punjabi music & the cunningly worded lyrics,
which he had written himself, became hits across Punjab and paved the way
for the unique lyrical mastery his fans would come to expect.
 Having arrived to perform in Mehsampur, Punjab, both X and his second wife
Amarjot were gunned down as they exited their vehicle on 8 March 1988 at
approximately 2 o'clock. A gang of motorcyclists fired several rounds fatally
wounding the couple and other members of the entourage. However, no
arrests were ever made with connection to the shooting and the case was
never solved. AmitTrivedi once called X as "a legend, the Elvis of Punjab."
And the Answer Is.....
And the Answer Is.....
 The Zabt revenue system, devised by Akbar’s brilliant Rajput finance
minister,Todar Mal made Mughal officers responsible for both the
assessment and collection of revenue.The Zabt system proved to be
the end of the road for local power centres in the Punjab. One of those
local power centres was Dullah Bhatti’s family, a Rajput landowning
clan made powerless by the financial scheme. As a result, the Bhattis
rebelled against Akabr – and lost. Both Dullah’s father and grandfather
were executed – at the time, Dullah’s mother was pregnant with him.
 Legend now has it that Akbar’s son Jahangir and Dullah were born on
the same day.To make Jahangir brave, Akbar was advised to have his
son breastfed by a Rajput wet nurse who – in an incredibly filmy twist –
happened to be Dullah Bhatti’s mother, in one version of the legend. A
more prosaic explanation for this myth is that the Mughals initiated a
policy of reconciliation with the Bhattis. By providing Dullah and his
mother with royal patronage, the Mughal state hoped to assuage their
hurt, win them over and – most importantly – prevent future rebellions.
 Things, however, didn’t go according to plan. Bhatti grew up to
swear revenge on the Mughals who had executed his father and
grandfather. So fierce was this local resistance that Akbar had to
shift his capital to Lahore from Delhi for two decades to try and get
things under control. Ultimately, though, Akbar prevailed, the
Mughals capturing and beheading Dullah publicly in the main bazar
area of Lahore.Till the last, though, Bhatti remained defiant and his
final words were, “No honourable son of Punjab will ever sell the soil
of Punjab”. His grave still exists in Lahore, although interestingly,
there is no official recognition of the spot.
 How are Dullah Bhatti's heroics remembered today?
And the Answer Is.....
 Sunder mundriye ho!
Tera kaun vicaharaa ho!
Dullah bhatti walla ho!
Dullhe di dhee vyayae ho!
Ser shakkar payee ho!
Kudi da laal pathaka ho!
Kudi da saalu paatta ho!
Salu kaun samete!
Chache choori kutti! zamidara lutti!
Zamindaar sudhaye!
bade bhole aaye!
Ek bhola reh gaya!
Sipahee far ke lai gaya!
Sipahee ne mari eet!
Sanoo de de lohri te teri jeeve jodi!
Bhaanvey ro te bhaanvey pit!
 Oh Sunder and munder
Who will think about you
He is Dulla Bhatti
Dulla's daughter got married
He gave 1 kg sugar!
The girl is wearing a red suit!
But her shawl is torn!
Who will stitch her shawl?!
The uncle made choori!The landlords
looted it!
Landlords are beaten up then!
Lots of innocent guys came to save
One innocent boy got left behind
The police arrested him!
The policeman hit him with a brick!
Give us lohri ..long live your couple!
Whether you cry, or bang your head later!
 Dullah’s revolt passed into popular Punjabi
legend and his feats as a Robin Hood are still
celebrated today in the popular song Sundar
munderiye, which talks of how he protected
Punjabi girls from being abducted by the Mughal
zamindar.The custom of giving money and
sweets to children, who go from door to door
singing the song, is said to honour Bhatti’s acts
of generosity, of looting the tributes and taxes
sent to the emperor and redistributing them
among the poor.
 The first feature of Ur-Fascism is the cult of tradition.
 Traditionalism implies the rejection of modernism.
 Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake.
 The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism.
 Besides, disagreement is a sign of diversity.
 Ur-Fascism derives from individual or social frustration.
 To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity, Ur-Fascism says that their
only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country.
 The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their
 For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.
 Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is
fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly
implies contempt for the weak.
 In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero.
 Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist
transfers his will to power to sexual matters.
 Ur-Fascism is based upon a selective populism, a qualitative populism, one might
 Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.
And the Answer Is.....
 “Eternal
of Looking at a
 Researchers in Scotland, England and Colombia have created the
first mathematical model, adapted from epidemic models, to
study the nature of ________ ________.
 “Mathematical models proposed in the past typically neglected
the synergistic effects of acquaintances and were unable to
explain explosive contagion, but we show that these effects are
ultimately responsible for whether something _____ __ ______.
In very basic terms our model shows that people's opposition to
accept a new idea acts as a barrier to large contagion, until the
transmission of the phenomenon becomes strong enough to
overcome that reluctance -- at this point, explosive contagion
happens. [Our model] could lead to better strategies to minimise
the risk of sudden and often unexpected epidemics of undesired
social behaviour, similarly, it will suggest methods to engineer
explosive diffusion of innovative products and ideas."
And the Answer Is.....
 The AtlanticTelegraph Cable stands as one of the greatest technological
achievements of the 19th century, often equated with the 20th century’s first
moon landing. X believed in the cable project from the outset. He was drawn into
the theoretical problems facing this project since October, 1854 analysing the
data rate that could be achieved, and explaining the feasibility and economic
consequences of completing a trans-Atlantic cable. In December 1856, X was
appointed as an unpaid scientific advisor to the Board of Directors of the Atlantic
Telegraph Company.Though unpaid, his enthusiasm, willingness to work and
practical problem solving skills often placed him in a position to offer solutions for
many of the challenges facing the project. Over the next nine years, he personally
participated in each of the major cable expeditions: one in 1857, two in 1858, one
in 1865, and the round trip in 1866 where the 1866 cable was laid and the 1865
cable was completed. For his work on the transatlantic telegraph project he was
knighted by QueenVictoria on 10 November 1866.Always active in industrial
research and development, he was also recruited around 1899 by George
Eastman to serve as vice-chairman of the board of the British company Kodak
Limited, affiliated with Eastman Kodak.
 He published 661 papers, obtained 75 patents and, according to one source, had
more initials after his name than any other man in the British Commonwealth.
And the Answer Is.....
1st Baron
Lord Kelvin
 X was an organized movement in both art and literature finding its
impetus in "The _________Manifesto", published by poet and art
critic André Breton in 1924.The purpose of this art was an approach
to find methods of uniting the conscious and subconscious realms of
experience. By contrast, theY tends to view the world in terms of
universals, rather than through introspection and self-analysis. The
inherent nature ofY art presents a major challenge for its
practitioners as it requires that the imagery be fresh and
inventive. The main differences between X andY lay in the content
itself.The objective of theY is to bring us fresh presentation of the
everyday world we live in.The artist may choose unusual points of
view, mysterious juxtapositions or common objects presented in
uncanny ways. However, everything we see is within the realm of
the possible, although sometimes unlikely. X takes us to another
world, one which is unreal and exists only in our mind. It presents
the impossible, using both traditional and experimental artistic
techniques, often shocking us.
And the Answer Is.....
 5 written questions
 Differential scoring
 If 1-2 teams get it right, +15 to each
 If 3-4 teams get it right, +10 to each
 If 5-6 teams get it right, +5 to each
 In January 2015, campaign group Stonewall
named X as Britain’s most advanced and
inclusive employer when it comes to ensuring
the nurturing and development of its lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender employees,
according to a workplace equality index.
Identify this organisation/company.
(Image next slide)
 Owned byTrump Entertainment Resorts, X isTrump’s third
property in Atlantic City.The casino was officially inaugurated
in 1990, with Michael Jackson performing at the ceremonies,
and was built at a total cost of nearly one billion dollars.The
casino is also the scene for a notorious baccarat (a gambling
card game in which players hold two- or three-card hands, the
winning hand being that giving the highest remainder when its
face value is divided by ten) session in May 1990, in which the
Japanese high roller Akio Kashiwagi lost $10 million.The
incident was later fictionalised in Martin Scorsese's film Casino.
 (Image next slide)
 Exchange the sheets!
 AndThe Answers Are......
 In January 2015, campaign group Stonewall
named X as Britain’s most advanced and
inclusive employer when it comes to ensuring
the nurturing and development of its lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender employees,
according to a workplace equality index.
Identify this organisation/company.
(Image next slide)
 Owned byTrump Entertainment Resorts, X isTrump’s third
property in Atlantic City.The casino was officially inaugurated
in 1990, with Michael Jackson performing at the ceremonies,
and was built at a total cost of nearly one billion dollars.The
casino is also the scene for a notorious baccarat (a gambling
card game in which players hold two- or three-card hands, the
winning hand being that giving the highest remainder when its
face value is divided by ten) session in May 1990, in which the
Japanese high roller Akio Kashiwagi lost $10 million.The
incident was later fictionalised in Martin Scorsese's film Casino.
 (Image next slide)
 Infinite Pounce, No Bounce
 +10/-10 on Pounce
 +10 on direct and pass
 8 questions anti-clockwise
 X vocally opposedAdolf Hitler and the Nazi Party prior to the SecondWorldWar,
and was known to especially despise Nazi racist and anti-Semitic ideology. In
1938, the Rütten & LoeningVerlag was preparing to release _________ in Nazi
Germany.To X's outrage, he was asked beforehand whether he was of Aryan
origin. In his reply, X made a point that "Aryan" is a linguistic term, denoting
speakers of Indo-Iranian languages continuing:
“But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I
can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted
people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the 18th century from
Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an
English subject—which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed,
nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so
throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English
army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant
inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of _______, then the time is
not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.”
And the Answer Is.....
 In 1898 a man named Morgan Robertson penned a book titled "Wreck of the
Titan" about a luxury liner deemed unsinkable that was going too fast in the North
Atlantic in April and hit and iceberg killing most everyone on board due to lack of
lifeboats. 14 years later this fictional book would play out in real life exactly down
to the name, with the wreck of theTitanic; but this time it would have major
political implications. Several ofTitanic's passengers including John JacobAstor,
Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, and George DuntonWidener were among
the richest men in America. Some conspiracy theorists claim that these wealthy
individuals were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and X saw
the opportunity to eliminate them by convincing them to sail with him on the
maiden voyage of the newTitanic which was really the badly damaged Olympic
that he planned to sink in an insurance scam. As victims of a maritime disaster
nobody would suspect that they had really been murdered to prevent them from
opposing the Federal Reserve Act. Some of the evidences to this theory :The
author of the book was poisoned to death a couple years after theTitanic sank.
The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.
 As per this theory, who got the idea to kill off the opposition to the Federal
Reserve from a book written 14 years prior and thus played out one of the biggest
conspiracy theories in the world history?
And the Answer Is.....
 In 1977, the year X went public,Y applied for a licence to manufacture di-
methyl terephthalate (DMT), a vital raw material for _____________.
It obtained the licence only in December 1981 - four years after the
original application was made.The company imported a second-hand
plant from an American company, Hercofina. Immediately press reports
appeared that the plant was "junk" and would only produce inferior DMT.
TheY camp believed the reports were planted by X. X was riding high then.
It was the sole manufacturer of _______________, and had persuaded the
Government to slap an "anti-dumping duty" on imports, and was therefore
in a position to dictate domestic prices.
 X used to meet its DMT requirements partly by importing it and partly by
buying it locally from the state-owned IPCL. In 1984,Y's Rs 70-crore DMT
plant went into production. But on December 31, 1984,V.P. Singh took
over as Union finance minister. And in March 1985, the Government hiked
duties on DMT and PTA from 140 per cent to 190 per cent. In May 1985,
the Government went a step further - it placed imports of DMT on the
restricted list.To contain costs, X would have been forced to buy DMT
from domestic suppliers - includingY.
 There are conflicting versions of what happened next, but
what is clear is that X pulled off a coup. Days before DMT was
moved to the restricted list, X, working on a tip-off, placed
letters of credit worth Rs 114 crore for importing DMT. In
September 1985, the Government slapped an additional duty
of Rs 3 per kg on DMT imports. By then, X had all the DMT it
needed and did not have to buy from the domestic market.
Starved of orders, theY DMT plant closed down in 1986 and
thus, began the most celebrated battle in Indian corporate
 Identify X andY
And the Answer Is.....
 Fanciful stories of how the X — was created are
widespread and persistent culinary legends exist going
back to the 19th century. However, there are no
contemporary sources for any of these stories.
 The legends include tales that it was invented in Europe to
celebrate the defeat of the Umayyad forces at the Battle
ofTours by the Franks in 1732, with the shape representing
the Islamic ________; or, according to other sources
inVienna, in 1683 to celebrate the defeat of
the Ottomans by Christian forces in the siege of the city,
as a reference to the _______ on the Ottoman flags, when
bakers staying up all night heard the tunnelling operation
and gave the alarm.This has led to Xs being banned by
some Islamic fundamentalists.
And the Answer Is.....
 This song written by Cole Porter for the
1956 film High Society, where it was
introduced by Frank Sinatra and Celeste
Holm, inspired the title of something
whose numerous versions have come
out across the globe.What?
(Video next slide)
AndThe Answer Is......
 "Our football club is founded by disaffected and disenfranchised
X supporters. Our aim is to create a sustainable club for the long
term which is owned and democratically run by its members,
which is accessible to all the communities of _________ and one
in which they can participate fully.We intend to address the
concerns which many X fans have had over the last decade or
more with how the club and football have developed, culminating
in ______________ (a specific event is blanked out).We will
follow the best traditions of X's past by developing policies which
encourage youth participation in terms of both playing and
supporting. We have ambitious and long term plans. Above all we
want to be seen as a good example of how a club can be run in
the interests of its members and be of benefit to its local
communities. However, we are a new club and will require
patience in order to reach our goals. With the help of all our
members and supporters we are confident we can achieve them."
AndThe Answer Is......
AndThe Answer Is......
 CONNAISSANCE 2016 – 8th March 2016
 Two Main Quizzes: Business & Movies
Two Fillers: Sports & AVF
 Teams of 3
 >20k Cash prizes on the spot
Hope you all enjoyed the quiz today! 
 David Nutter, X's director said, "We needed somebody who could
do ___ _____ __ _____ physically, somebody who could matchY's
integrity, intensity, and sensibility.We found a tremendous
actress in RebeccaVan Cleave; she was a godsend.The courage
of this girl, who's never done anything like this in her life, who
understood what was important about this...once I had her I felt
like I could accomplish anything."
 Van Cleave herself described the scene as "one of the
scariest, most wonderful, most gratifying experiences I could
have imagined ... I never in a million years would have thought I
would be in _________ surrounded by hundreds of extras and
crew members throwing food at me, but it was amazing" and "I
hope the next thing I do will have my head in it." She also praised
Y's willingness to help her, describing the two of them as a "tag-
team":Y would walk behindVan Cleave during the shoot,
coaching her on the character's responses.
AndThe Answer Is......
ThankYou &
Congratulations to

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Chanakya 2016: General Quiz Finals

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.  3 Rounds Final  Not all questions are workout-able.  Enjoy the quiz! All the Best! 
  • 4.  Infinite Pounce, No Bounce  +10/-10 on Pounce  +10 on direct and pass  8 questions clockwise
  • 7.  Imagine you're X.You've come to a halt in life.The vessel which transports you through life, your thoughts and actions, have left you at a full stop.There's a hole in your _____ - you were defeated by an obstacle.Then you see something - a dream of yours, a goal, or simply a feeling- and it was so close you could almost touch it. And you want to touch it, feel it, have it.  It's a tough ride - not only are you trying to manoeuvre a broken vessel, but you're yet again faced with the obstacle of not seeing your path clearly. All you can do is have your eyes on that dream and hope that along the way you won't end up losing it.The people that matter in your life, your children, are right there, helping you, supporting you. And for some reason you know that everything will be okay.  Then comes the cliff, and you stop - there's no more going forward. But that's okay because right before you is your dream.You could have failed and fallen off the cliff, but you chose to trust yourself. You didn't fail this time. Time to get out of the car and enjoy your victory.
  • 9.
  • 10.  Born as Dunni Ram on July 21, 1960 in the village of Dugri near Ludhiana Punjab, he was born into a poor family and was from the Chamar caste. His aspirations of becoming an electrician were unfulfilled and he found work at a Ludhiana cloth mill.With a natural aptitude for music, he learned to play the harmonium and dholi. Punjabi folk musician Surinder Shinda has said that in 1978, X approached him for the first time on a bicycle.When Shinda heard the 18-year-old X sing, he had finally found the protégé that he had been looking for.Adopting the stage name Amar Singh X – X in Punjabi means one that glitters - he was the king of Punjabi music & the cunningly worded lyrics, which he had written himself, became hits across Punjab and paved the way for the unique lyrical mastery his fans would come to expect.  Having arrived to perform in Mehsampur, Punjab, both X and his second wife Amarjot were gunned down as they exited their vehicle on 8 March 1988 at approximately 2 o'clock. A gang of motorcyclists fired several rounds fatally wounding the couple and other members of the entourage. However, no arrests were ever made with connection to the shooting and the case was never solved. AmitTrivedi once called X as "a legend, the Elvis of Punjab."
  • 11. And the Answer Is.....
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. And the Answer Is.....
  • 15.
  • 16.  The Zabt revenue system, devised by Akbar’s brilliant Rajput finance minister,Todar Mal made Mughal officers responsible for both the assessment and collection of revenue.The Zabt system proved to be the end of the road for local power centres in the Punjab. One of those local power centres was Dullah Bhatti’s family, a Rajput landowning clan made powerless by the financial scheme. As a result, the Bhattis rebelled against Akabr – and lost. Both Dullah’s father and grandfather were executed – at the time, Dullah’s mother was pregnant with him.  Legend now has it that Akbar’s son Jahangir and Dullah were born on the same day.To make Jahangir brave, Akbar was advised to have his son breastfed by a Rajput wet nurse who – in an incredibly filmy twist – happened to be Dullah Bhatti’s mother, in one version of the legend. A more prosaic explanation for this myth is that the Mughals initiated a policy of reconciliation with the Bhattis. By providing Dullah and his mother with royal patronage, the Mughal state hoped to assuage their hurt, win them over and – most importantly – prevent future rebellions.
  • 17.  Things, however, didn’t go according to plan. Bhatti grew up to swear revenge on the Mughals who had executed his father and grandfather. So fierce was this local resistance that Akbar had to shift his capital to Lahore from Delhi for two decades to try and get things under control. Ultimately, though, Akbar prevailed, the Mughals capturing and beheading Dullah publicly in the main bazar area of Lahore.Till the last, though, Bhatti remained defiant and his final words were, “No honourable son of Punjab will ever sell the soil of Punjab”. His grave still exists in Lahore, although interestingly, there is no official recognition of the spot.  How are Dullah Bhatti's heroics remembered today?
  • 18. And the Answer Is.....
  • 19.  Sunder mundriye ho! Tera kaun vicaharaa ho! Dullah bhatti walla ho! Dullhe di dhee vyayae ho! Ser shakkar payee ho! Kudi da laal pathaka ho! Kudi da saalu paatta ho! Salu kaun samete! Chache choori kutti! zamidara lutti! Zamindaar sudhaye! bade bhole aaye! Ek bhola reh gaya! Sipahee far ke lai gaya! Sipahee ne mari eet! Sanoo de de lohri te teri jeeve jodi! Bhaanvey ro te bhaanvey pit!  Oh Sunder and munder Who will think about you He is Dulla Bhatti Dulla's daughter got married He gave 1 kg sugar! The girl is wearing a red suit! But her shawl is torn! Who will stitch her shawl?! The uncle made choori!The landlords looted it! Landlords are beaten up then! Lots of innocent guys came to save One innocent boy got left behind The police arrested him! The policeman hit him with a brick! Give us lohri ..long live your couple! Whether you cry, or bang your head later!
  • 20.  Dullah’s revolt passed into popular Punjabi legend and his feats as a Robin Hood are still celebrated today in the popular song Sundar munderiye, which talks of how he protected Punjabi girls from being abducted by the Mughal zamindar.The custom of giving money and sweets to children, who go from door to door singing the song, is said to honour Bhatti’s acts of generosity, of looting the tributes and taxes sent to the emperor and redistributing them among the poor.
  • 21.  The first feature of Ur-Fascism is the cult of tradition.  Traditionalism implies the rejection of modernism.  Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake.  The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism.  Besides, disagreement is a sign of diversity.  Ur-Fascism derives from individual or social frustration.  To people who feel deprived of a clear social identity, Ur-Fascism says that their only privilege is the most common one, to be born in the same country.  The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies.  For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.  Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak.  In such a perspective everybody is educated to become a hero.  Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters.  Ur-Fascism is based upon a selective populism, a qualitative populism, one might say.  Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.
  • 22. And the Answer Is.....
  • 24.  Researchers in Scotland, England and Colombia have created the first mathematical model, adapted from epidemic models, to study the nature of ________ ________.  “Mathematical models proposed in the past typically neglected the synergistic effects of acquaintances and were unable to explain explosive contagion, but we show that these effects are ultimately responsible for whether something _____ __ ______. In very basic terms our model shows that people's opposition to accept a new idea acts as a barrier to large contagion, until the transmission of the phenomenon becomes strong enough to overcome that reluctance -- at this point, explosive contagion happens. [Our model] could lead to better strategies to minimise the risk of sudden and often unexpected epidemics of undesired social behaviour, similarly, it will suggest methods to engineer explosive diffusion of innovative products and ideas."
  • 25. And the Answer Is.....
  • 26.
  • 27.  The AtlanticTelegraph Cable stands as one of the greatest technological achievements of the 19th century, often equated with the 20th century’s first moon landing. X believed in the cable project from the outset. He was drawn into the theoretical problems facing this project since October, 1854 analysing the data rate that could be achieved, and explaining the feasibility and economic consequences of completing a trans-Atlantic cable. In December 1856, X was appointed as an unpaid scientific advisor to the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company.Though unpaid, his enthusiasm, willingness to work and practical problem solving skills often placed him in a position to offer solutions for many of the challenges facing the project. Over the next nine years, he personally participated in each of the major cable expeditions: one in 1857, two in 1858, one in 1865, and the round trip in 1866 where the 1866 cable was laid and the 1865 cable was completed. For his work on the transatlantic telegraph project he was knighted by QueenVictoria on 10 November 1866.Always active in industrial research and development, he was also recruited around 1899 by George Eastman to serve as vice-chairman of the board of the British company Kodak Limited, affiliated with Eastman Kodak.  He published 661 papers, obtained 75 patents and, according to one source, had more initials after his name than any other man in the British Commonwealth.
  • 28. And the Answer Is.....
  • 30.  X was an organized movement in both art and literature finding its impetus in "The _________Manifesto", published by poet and art critic André Breton in 1924.The purpose of this art was an approach to find methods of uniting the conscious and subconscious realms of experience. By contrast, theY tends to view the world in terms of universals, rather than through introspection and self-analysis. The inherent nature ofY art presents a major challenge for its practitioners as it requires that the imagery be fresh and inventive. The main differences between X andY lay in the content itself.The objective of theY is to bring us fresh presentation of the everyday world we live in.The artist may choose unusual points of view, mysterious juxtapositions or common objects presented in uncanny ways. However, everything we see is within the realm of the possible, although sometimes unlikely. X takes us to another world, one which is unreal and exists only in our mind. It presents the impossible, using both traditional and experimental artistic techniques, often shocking us.
  • 31. And the Answer Is.....
  • 32.
  • 33.  5 written questions  Differential scoring  If 1-2 teams get it right, +15 to each  If 3-4 teams get it right, +10 to each  If 5-6 teams get it right, +5 to each
  • 34.  In January 2015, campaign group Stonewall named X as Britain’s most advanced and inclusive employer when it comes to ensuring the nurturing and development of its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees, according to a workplace equality index. Identify this organisation/company. (Image next slide)
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.  Owned byTrump Entertainment Resorts, X isTrump’s third property in Atlantic City.The casino was officially inaugurated in 1990, with Michael Jackson performing at the ceremonies, and was built at a total cost of nearly one billion dollars.The casino is also the scene for a notorious baccarat (a gambling card game in which players hold two- or three-card hands, the winning hand being that giving the highest remainder when its face value is divided by ten) session in May 1990, in which the Japanese high roller Akio Kashiwagi lost $10 million.The incident was later fictionalised in Martin Scorsese's film Casino.  (Image next slide)
  • 38.
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  • 40.
  • 41.  Exchange the sheets!  AndThe Answers Are......
  • 42.  In January 2015, campaign group Stonewall named X as Britain’s most advanced and inclusive employer when it comes to ensuring the nurturing and development of its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees, according to a workplace equality index. Identify this organisation/company. (Image next slide)
  • 43.
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  • 46.
  • 47.  Owned byTrump Entertainment Resorts, X isTrump’s third property in Atlantic City.The casino was officially inaugurated in 1990, with Michael Jackson performing at the ceremonies, and was built at a total cost of nearly one billion dollars.The casino is also the scene for a notorious baccarat (a gambling card game in which players hold two- or three-card hands, the winning hand being that giving the highest remainder when its face value is divided by ten) session in May 1990, in which the Japanese high roller Akio Kashiwagi lost $10 million.The incident was later fictionalised in Martin Scorsese's film Casino.  (Image next slide)
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  • 53.
  • 54.  Infinite Pounce, No Bounce  +10/-10 on Pounce  +10 on direct and pass  8 questions anti-clockwise
  • 55.  X vocally opposedAdolf Hitler and the Nazi Party prior to the SecondWorldWar, and was known to especially despise Nazi racist and anti-Semitic ideology. In 1938, the Rütten & LoeningVerlag was preparing to release _________ in Nazi Germany.To X's outrage, he was asked beforehand whether he was of Aryan origin. In his reply, X made a point that "Aryan" is a linguistic term, denoting speakers of Indo-Iranian languages continuing: “But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the 18th century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of _______, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.”
  • 56. And the Answer Is.....
  • 57.
  • 58.  In 1898 a man named Morgan Robertson penned a book titled "Wreck of the Titan" about a luxury liner deemed unsinkable that was going too fast in the North Atlantic in April and hit and iceberg killing most everyone on board due to lack of lifeboats. 14 years later this fictional book would play out in real life exactly down to the name, with the wreck of theTitanic; but this time it would have major political implications. Several ofTitanic's passengers including John JacobAstor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, and George DuntonWidener were among the richest men in America. Some conspiracy theorists claim that these wealthy individuals were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and X saw the opportunity to eliminate them by convincing them to sail with him on the maiden voyage of the newTitanic which was really the badly damaged Olympic that he planned to sink in an insurance scam. As victims of a maritime disaster nobody would suspect that they had really been murdered to prevent them from opposing the Federal Reserve Act. Some of the evidences to this theory :The author of the book was poisoned to death a couple years after theTitanic sank. The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.  As per this theory, who got the idea to kill off the opposition to the Federal Reserve from a book written 14 years prior and thus played out one of the biggest conspiracy theories in the world history?
  • 59. And the Answer Is.....
  • 60.
  • 61.  In 1977, the year X went public,Y applied for a licence to manufacture di- methyl terephthalate (DMT), a vital raw material for _____________. It obtained the licence only in December 1981 - four years after the original application was made.The company imported a second-hand plant from an American company, Hercofina. Immediately press reports appeared that the plant was "junk" and would only produce inferior DMT. TheY camp believed the reports were planted by X. X was riding high then. It was the sole manufacturer of _______________, and had persuaded the Government to slap an "anti-dumping duty" on imports, and was therefore in a position to dictate domestic prices.  X used to meet its DMT requirements partly by importing it and partly by buying it locally from the state-owned IPCL. In 1984,Y's Rs 70-crore DMT plant went into production. But on December 31, 1984,V.P. Singh took over as Union finance minister. And in March 1985, the Government hiked duties on DMT and PTA from 140 per cent to 190 per cent. In May 1985, the Government went a step further - it placed imports of DMT on the restricted list.To contain costs, X would have been forced to buy DMT from domestic suppliers - includingY.
  • 62.  There are conflicting versions of what happened next, but what is clear is that X pulled off a coup. Days before DMT was moved to the restricted list, X, working on a tip-off, placed letters of credit worth Rs 114 crore for importing DMT. In September 1985, the Government slapped an additional duty of Rs 3 per kg on DMT imports. By then, X had all the DMT it needed and did not have to buy from the domestic market. Starved of orders, theY DMT plant closed down in 1986 and thus, began the most celebrated battle in Indian corporate history.  Identify X andY
  • 63. And the Answer Is.....
  • 64.
  • 65.  Fanciful stories of how the X — was created are widespread and persistent culinary legends exist going back to the 19th century. However, there are no contemporary sources for any of these stories.  The legends include tales that it was invented in Europe to celebrate the defeat of the Umayyad forces at the Battle ofTours by the Franks in 1732, with the shape representing the Islamic ________; or, according to other sources inVienna, in 1683 to celebrate the defeat of the Ottomans by Christian forces in the siege of the city, as a reference to the _______ on the Ottoman flags, when bakers staying up all night heard the tunnelling operation and gave the alarm.This has led to Xs being banned by some Islamic fundamentalists.
  • 66. And the Answer Is.....
  • 67.
  • 68.  This song written by Cole Porter for the 1956 film High Society, where it was introduced by Frank Sinatra and Celeste Holm, inspired the title of something whose numerous versions have come out across the globe.What? (Video next slide)
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  • 72.  "Our football club is founded by disaffected and disenfranchised X supporters. Our aim is to create a sustainable club for the long term which is owned and democratically run by its members, which is accessible to all the communities of _________ and one in which they can participate fully.We intend to address the concerns which many X fans have had over the last decade or more with how the club and football have developed, culminating in ______________ (a specific event is blanked out).We will follow the best traditions of X's past by developing policies which encourage youth participation in terms of both playing and supporting. We have ambitious and long term plans. Above all we want to be seen as a good example of how a club can be run in the interests of its members and be of benefit to its local communities. However, we are a new club and will require patience in order to reach our goals. With the help of all our members and supporters we are confident we can achieve them."
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  • 78.
  • 79.  CONNAISSANCE 2016 – 8th March 2016  Two Main Quizzes: Business & Movies Two Fillers: Sports & AVF  Teams of 3  >20k Cash prizes on the spot Hope you all enjoyed the quiz today! 
  • 80.  David Nutter, X's director said, "We needed somebody who could do ___ _____ __ _____ physically, somebody who could matchY's integrity, intensity, and sensibility.We found a tremendous actress in RebeccaVan Cleave; she was a godsend.The courage of this girl, who's never done anything like this in her life, who understood what was important about this...once I had her I felt like I could accomplish anything."  Van Cleave herself described the scene as "one of the scariest, most wonderful, most gratifying experiences I could have imagined ... I never in a million years would have thought I would be in _________ surrounded by hundreds of extras and crew members throwing food at me, but it was amazing" and "I hope the next thing I do will have my head in it." She also praised Y's willingness to help her, describing the two of them as a "tag- team":Y would walk behindVan Cleave during the shoot, coaching her on the character's responses.
  • 82.

Editor's Notes

  1. In his 1995 essay "Eternal Fascism", Umberto Eco lists 14 general properties of fascist ideology.