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Notre Damn
A Travel Quiz by Adwitiya and Utsav
1. A total of 36 questions, distributed across four rounds.
2. The four rounds are categorised as two written and two infinite bounce/infinite
3. Socrates said, “Arguments lead to wise deductions.” (not really)
4. We said, “Arguments lead to points deductions.” (really)
• 4 written questions on wonders
and famous monuments.
• Marking scheme: +10/0
• For hundreds of years, Notre Dame’s peak served as method of wayfinding in Paris, for its
natives and tourists alike. Pointing high at the sky, this jewel of medieval architecture was
completed under the reign of Philip VI in 1945.
• With the recent devastating fire which engulfed the edifice last week, Berkeley historian
Thomas Lacquer compared the loss of the monument to a similar event, “It’s been a
sweeping away of this site. In some ways, it’s like the burning of the X (in 48 BC). There isn’t
the same kind of archive, but it’s of that level of importance in terms of historical destruction.”
• Which building is he comparing Notre Dame and its destruction to, which holds a similar
historical importance?
• One of the finest pieces of Hellenistic sculptures, Winged Victory was in fact a part of
The Statue of Zeus. A giant seated figure about 13 metres tall, it was made around 435 BC
in the sanctuary of _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Greece. The statue was lost and destroyed during the 5th
century AD.
• The erection of the statue was commissioned by the Eleans (people of the ancient district
Elis in Greece), who were also the custodians of a very famous festival, or celebration in the
honour of Zeus.
• What celebration?
• According to Lonely Planet, if you have only one monument to see in Europe, then you
should go to X, Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi’s lifelong obsession. Attracting 2.8 million
tourists every year and with a capacity of 17,000 people, this is truly a massive structure
and its sheer verticality takes one aback.
• Commissioned as an atonement for the city’s sins of modernity in late 19th century and
although incomplete, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was consecrated in 2010
as a minor basilica. Comprising of incredibly striking architecture and a design hitherto
unfathomed, the monument stands a symbol of Modernism and Art Nouveau.
• Incidentally, this site was a major part of Dan Brown’s last historical fictional novel,
• Identify X.
• Identify the monument from the pictures of the interiors shown in the the next slide.
• For hundreds of years, Notre Dame’s peak served as method of wayfinding in Paris, for its
natives and tourists alike. Pointing high at the sky, this jewel of medieval architecture was
completed under the reign of Philip VI in 1645.
• With the recent devastating fire which engulfed the edifice last week, Berkeley historian
Thomas Lacquer compared the loss of the monument to a similar event, “It’s been a sweeping
away of this site. In some ways, it’s like the burning of the X (in 48 BC). There isn’t the same
kind of archive, but it’s of that level of importance in terms of historical destruction.”
• Which building is he comparing Notre Dame and its destruction to, which holds a similar
historical importance?
The Library of Alexandria, Egypt
• One of the finest pieces of Hellenistic sculptures, Winged Victory was in fact a part of
The Statue of Zeus. A giant seated figure about 13 metres tall, it was made around 435 BC
in the sanctuary of _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Greece. The statue was lost and destroyed during the 5th
century AD.
• The erection of the statue was commissioned by the Eleans (people of the ancient district
Elis in Greece), who were also the custodians of a very famous festival, or celebration in the
honour of Zeus.
• What celebration?
The Olympic Games
• According to Lonely Planet, if you have only one monument to see in Europe, then you
should go to X, Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi’s lifelong obsession. Attracting 2.8 million
tourists every year and with a capacity of 17,000 people, this is truly a massive structure
and its sheer verticality takes one aback.
• Commissioned as an atonement for the city’s sins of modernity in late 19th century and
although incomplete, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was consecrated in 2010
as a minor basilica. Comprising of incredibly striking architecture and a design hitherto
unfathomed, the monument stands a symbol of Modernism and Art Nouveau.
• Incidentally, this site was a major part of Dan Brown’s last historical fictional novel,
• Identify X.
La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
• Identify the monument from the pictures of the interiors shown in the the next slide.
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia was a church initially but after being occupied by Ottomans it
was converted into church. But they were so impressed by the Christian
artworks inside that they left it as it was.
SEAN got straight AAAs
• 14 IB/IP questions
• Consisting of 2 questions from each
continent, split between two cycles
in a uniform order.
• Bounce: +10/0
• Pounce: +10/-5
• The Inca empire was one of the most prosperous in history. Yet, there was no usage of the
vast amount of gold and silver buried in their lands underneath, for there was no system
of money, currency or barter in the Inca Empire. Instead, the gold and silver was merely
used for worship.
• People couldn’t trade their produce. There wasn’t a single shop or market in the Inca
Empire for people to purchase their requirements. Yet, the most impressive roads and
palaces built during the Inca Empire survive to this day because of dedicated
workmanship and quality skilled labour.
• What was the system of the people’s sustenance?
People used to provide labour to the state
in return for daily necessities
• The Battle of Vienna took place at Kahlenberg Mountain near Vienna in 1683 between a
militant cooperation of the Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire versus the
Ottomans. The Ottoman Empire lost in the ensuing war that followed and to
commemorate the win of Austria over Turkey, the Austrians came up with a delicacy. It
would mean the Austrians would regularly “eat up the Turks”, as it was inspired by the
Ottoman banner, and can still be seen today in Turkey’s flag.
• However, the dish, originally called kipfel is now most notably seen as a French novelty.
So much so, that Alan Davidson, wrote a short piece in Observer regarding the item’s
origin stating, “It’s Viennese, not French!”
• What is the delicacy we’re talking about?
• The “Whanganui River” rises near Mount Tongariro in New Zealand, the country’s third
largest and longest navigable river. This river is of utmost importance to the native Maori
tribe of New Zealand. After 140 years of negotiation, the Maoris of Whanganui have finally
won, their wishes been fulfilled in 2017.
• Guardian journalist Peter Carty on a canoe trip along the river, became intimately
acquainted with the tribe. One of the campaigners for the tribe, Gerrard Albert told him,
“The river has always been a living entity to us. Everyone has to be conscious that the river has the
right to be in a healthy state.”
• What did the Maori tribe succeed in their campaign against the New Zealand government,
marking the first time such a thing has happened?
Bonus points for guessing the headline of the article (same as the name of a 2003 movie).
The Whanganui river has been granted the
same legal rights as a human being;
Mystic River (2003)
• X’s highest point, the 1,974 metre summit of Pico Turquino is located in the south east part
of the island in the Sierra Maestra mountain range. It is a common hiking spot for travellers
and locals alike, with major attractions being horse-drawn buggies, campesino farmers and
the clapboard houses.
• One such clapboard house or comandancia, located on one of the more dangerous slopes of
the mountain and hidden beneath the thick foliage of the Montane forest, however holds a
significant historical importance and a symbol of encouragement for all the rebels out
there, going all the way back 61 years.
• Identify X. What importance are we talking about?
Pico Turquino peak
In 1958, Fidel Castro, Che Guevera and the
rebels took refuge here
• Most villages in Ladakh face acute water shortage particularly during the two crucial months
of April and May when there is little water in the streams and all the villagers compete to
water their newly planted crops. However by mid-June there is an excess of water and even
flash flooding due to the fast melting of the snow and glaciers in the mountains. The problem
is getting worse with time as Himalayan glaciers are disappearing due to global warming and
local pollution.
• To combat this problem, in the winter of last year the Pheyang Monastery oversaw this
project, which consisted of building something from artificial glaciers which store winter water
in the form of ice mountains that melt and feed the farms when water is most needed by the
• What was this project called, or tell us what they built. (Both answers are the same)
Ice Stupas
• Soweto is a township of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality in
Gauteng, South Africa, bordering the city's mining belt in the south. Some of the tourist
attractions of this region include multiple museums, 2 soccer stadiums and Orlando
Towers (image in following slide).
• But it is the peaceful “Vilakazi Street” inhabited by common people that makes this
township quite unique and attract many tourists.
• What makes Vilakazi street so unique?
Orlando Towers, Soweto
Houses of 2 Nobel Peace laureates are
present here.
(Nelson Mandela & Desmond Tutu)
• When on a flight from Sydney to Johannesburg in 2016, Eric Dubay looked outside his
window and saw a huge landmass of ice, which he at the time thought to be Antarctica. He
wondered why was the plane flying all over Antarctica when the route should have been direct
from Sydney to Johannesburg. With a classic case of Dunning Kruger Effect, he realised an
age-old scheme could actually be true.
• However upon further scrutinisation, it was found that the ice landmass was nothing but sea
ice which was breaking up during the respective spring, which can extend upto hundreds of
miles from the original landmass of Antarctica. Nonetheless, this soon kicked off a cult
• What famous theory did Dubay fan the flames to?
Flat Earth Theory
•The Chilean flag consists of two equal horizontal bands of white and red, with a blue square
the same height as the white band in the canton, which bears a white five-pointed star in the
centre. Also, known as La Estrella Solitaria, it was adopted on 18 October 1817.
•The three colours in the flag, each hold their own significance: red symbolising the blood shed
in the struggle for independence, the blue canton symbolising the sky and the white for
something Chile holds huge pride in. In fact, you could say it’s impossible to miss its towering
presence over the country.
•Tell us what does it represent.
Andes mountain range (or its snow)
• In 1971, two hipster American kids on an elongated vacation in London and craving a
hamburger opened up a diner, not much different from the ones found in the States. With
some live music and retail, the place took off and was particularly a favourite of Eric
• A regular at the restaurant and a friend to the owners, he requested them to reserve his
table. As a gesture of goodwill he sent them his guitar, a Fender Lead II which they hung
up on the wall beside his spot.
• A week later, Peter Townshend of The Who sent his guitar as well and since then, this has
become a collectible paradise for rock memorabilia. Guitars and rock music has featured
heavily in the restaurant’s advertisements over the globe as well.
• Give the name of the joint.
Hard Rock Cafe
• Edward Hargreaves was born in Hampshire, England in 1816. After trying his luck in a
specific part of the United States and failing, he travelled to Australia. There, working
in a gravelly path near a creek along his mates, he bent down and exclaimed “There it is!
I shall be a baronet, I will be knighted and my old horse will be stuffed and put into a
glass case and sent to the British Museum”.
• What was the cause of this excitement? What did it lead to?
He found specks of gold in the creek;
Australian Gold Rush
• X is a replica of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ located near the city of Alliance, Nebraska, in the High
Plains region of the United States. Instead of being built with large stones, as is the case with
the original _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, X is formed from American _ _ _ _.
• X consists of 38 _ _ _ _ arranged in a circle measuring about 96 feet in diameter. Three _ _ _ _
were buried at X with a sign stating: "Here lie three bones of foreign _ _ _ _. They served our
purpose while Detroit slept. Now Detroit is awake and America's great!”
• X also features on the cover of Steely Dan’s compilation album ‘The Best of Steely Dan: Then
and Now’ (if it helps).
• Give X (modify the word in the first blank with the given clues to get to the answer).
• Southeast Asia is home to many jaw dropping skyscrapers. Most of them are built keeping in
mind the looks and architectural stability and are very contrasting when looked against the
traditional chinese buildings.
• But X is an exception to this because of its references to the traditional Chinese architecture
design. The building’s green colored windows and shape make it look like a bamboo stalk a
architecture style that can be seen in many traditional Chinese monuments.
• X have 8 segments of 8 floors each this is a nod to Chinese belief of 8 being a lucky number.
• Identify the skyscraper which was tallest building of the world few years back .
Taipei 101
• Although Chadwick Boseman and Michael B Jordan earned high praise for their roles in the
2018 Marvel film Black Panther, another standout from the movie was the portrayal of the
fictional all-female tribal army, called Dora Milaje.
• It is interesting to note that the inspiration for this special unit was rooted in reality. The
Dora Milaje first appeared in Black Panther #1 (November 1998) and the writers based them
on the fierce Dahomey _ _ _ _ _ _ _, the all female military regiment of Kingdom of
Dahomey, which is now the Republic of Benin.
• Another thing to note is the European colonists, inspired by their ruthlessness and
resistance against the colonial men, gave them this name.
• What?
Dahomey Amazons
• In 2013, Metallica achieved a new Guinness World Record title after becoming the “first
musical act to do something” when they did a show for 120 lucky scientists and contest
winners inside a transparent dome at the Carlini Station in Antarctica.
• The show wasn’t like any regular concert. It lasted for one hour and the band's amplifiers had
to be encased in isolation cabinets because Antarctica's environment was too fragile to
withstand all the vibrations without the threat of an avalanche. The sound was transmitted to
the audience via headphones, similar to "silent discos”.
• Interestingly the gig was given an apt name, a wordplay on one of their own albums.
• Tell us what they did to achieve the World Record and the name of the act.
Became the first band to play on all seven
“Freeze ‘Em All”
• 4 written questions on famous
travellers and their expeditions
• Bounce: +10/0
• Pounce: +10/-5
• X Mall is the world's largest themed shopping mall with more than 400 outlets,a 21-screen
cinema and over 4,500 parking spaces on a total of 521,000 m2 area.
• It consists of six courts, each of whose designs are inspired by some of the countries visited by
the explorer. Courts are China Court, Andalusia Court, Egypt Court, India Court, Persia Court,
and Tunisia Court.
• Y court was the last chapter in X’s odyssey, It was a land of art, poetry, architecture, science and
learning. Influences of that great time and civilization shine through in every corner of the court.
The star-shaped ceiling and Fountain of Lions are inspired by the Z (one of the most visited
tourist spot in the world).
• ID X ,Y and Z.
• Describing how he took a particular photograph Korda would recall “At the foot of a podium decorated
in mourning, I had my eye to the viewfinder of my old Leica camera. I was focusing on _ _ _ _ and the
people around him. Suddenly, through the 90mm lens, X emerged above me. I was surprised by his
gaze. By sheer reflex I shot twice, horizontal and vertical. I didn’t have time to take a third photo, as X
stepped back discreetly into the second row…. It all happened in half a minute.”
• Back home, Korda cropped the horizontal shot into a vertical portrait, because in the full frame
another man was emerging near X’s right shoulder and some palm branches hung over him on the left.
• Unfortunately, the newspaper Korda was working for declined this image and Korda hung it in his
drawing room. He described X in the image as ‘pissed off and pained’.
• This picture was literally unknown to everyone until an Italian businessman Fertenelli knocked Korda’s
door in 1965 requesting a good picture of X. Korda handed him the aforesaid picture and back Italy
Fertenelli reproduced thousands of copy of it.
• A certain event in 1965 made this image more popular and soon this image became one of the most
iconic and reproduced images in the human history. Which iconic image I am talking about ?
• The journeys of Odysseus, albeit not by choice were so truly epic that it gets really difficult to
fathom if his legend is real or not. He played a major role in overthrowing the city of Troy in the
Trojan War.
• When returning home to Greece, legend goes that he was caught up in a storm and eventually
captured by Polyphemus, the Cyclops. He escaped by blinding Polyphemus but this angered
Poseidon, father of Polyphemus and god of the seas. However, he was offered shelter and
protection by a Greek deity, a longtime foe of Poseidon and admirer of Odysseus’ battle skills.
• Loosely based on his story as told in Homer’s The Odyssey, a widely acclaimed satirical motion
picture was released in 2000.
• Which deity?
• Bonus +10 for giving the movie as well.
• The seal of the Philippine National Police (on next slide) has a figure of a certain person
named Lapu-Lapu. He is considered to be the first Filipino hero and was a ruler of the
island of Mactan. The reason why his status in Philippines is similar to that of Birsa Munda
in Jharkhand is because he was the first native to stand up against Spanish colonization.
• What exactly did he do?
• X Mall is the world's largest themed shopping mall with more than 400 outlets,a 21-screen
cinema and over 4,500 parking spaces on a total of 521,000 m2 area.
• It consists of six courts, each of whose designs are inspired by some of the countries visited by
the explorer. Courts are China Court, Andalusia Court, Egypt Court, India Court, Persia Court,
and Tunisia Court.
• Y court was the last chapter in X’s odyssey, It was a land of art, poetry, architecture, science and
learning. Influences of that great time and civilization shine through in every corner of the court.
The star-shaped ceiling and Fountain of Lions are inspired by the Z (one of the most visited
tourist spot in the world).
• ID X ,Y and Z.
Ibn Battuta, Andalusia, Alhambra
• Describing how he took a particular photograph Korda would recall “At the foot of a podium decorated
in mourning, I had my eye to the viewfinder of my old Leica camera. I was focusing on _ _ _ _ and the
people around him. Suddenly, through the 90mm lens, X emerged above me. I was surprised by his
gaze. By sheer reflex I shot twice, horizontal and vertical. I didn’t have time to take a third photo, as X
stepped back discreetly into the second row…. It all happened in half a minute.”
• Back home, Korda cropped the horizontal shot into a vertical portrait, because in the full frame
another man was emerging near X’s right shoulder and some palm branches hung over him on the left.
• Unfortunately, the newspaper Korda was working for declined this image and Korda hung it in his
drawing room. He described X in the image as ‘pissed off and pained’.
• This picture was literally unknown to everyone until an Italian businessman Fertenelli knocked Korda’s
door in 1965 requesting a good picture of X. Korda handed him the aforesaid picture and back Italy
Fertenelli reproduced thousands of copy of it.
• A certain event in 1965 made this image more popular and soon this image became one of the most
iconic and reproduced images in the human history. Which iconic image I am talking about ?
Che Guevara’s iconic photograph
• The journeys of Odysseus, albeit not by choice were so truly epic that it gets really difficult to
fathom if his legend is real or not. He played a major role in overthrowing the city of Troy in the
Trojan War.
• When returning home to Greece, legend goes that he was caught up in a storm and eventually
captured by Polyphemus, the Cyclops. He escaped by blinding Polyphemus but this angered
Poseidon, father of Polyphemus and god of the seas. However, he was offered shelter and
protection by a Greek deity, a longtime foe of Poseidon and admirer of Odysseus’ battle skills.
• Loosely based on his story as told in Homer’s The Odyssey, a widely acclaimed satirical motion
picture was released in 2000.
• Which deity? Name the movie as well.
(10 +10)
Athena; O Brother, Where Art Thou?
• The seal of the Philippine National Police (on next slide) has a figure of a certain person
named Lapu-Lapu. He is considered to be the first Filipino hero and was a ruler of the
island of Mactan. The reason why his status in Philippines is similar to that of Birsa Munda
in Jharkhand is because he was the first native to stand up against Spanish colonization.
• What exactly did he do?
Killed Ferdinand Magellan
• 14 IB/IP questions, of general
travel-based fundaes.
• Bounce: +10/0
• Pounce: +10/-5
• This Asian capital city features many landmarks representing different periods of its history.
From ______ style relics to modern high rises, the city now has many attractions for different
tastes and interests.
• However, since 2000s city's been facing the chronic problem of air pollution. In 2018 it was
named as 'World's most polluted capital city' by TIME.
• This problem only worsens in the Winter and the city's geography and burning activities in
and nearby are cited as the main reasons for the pollution.
• Which city? What burning activities?
Ulan Bator/ Ulanbaatar and burning of coal
• For nearly 140 years, from 1772 to 1911, Kolkata was the capital of British India – a bustling
commercial city on the bank of the Hugli River in the heart of West Bengal. Its strategic position
not only brought foreign trade, but also enticed several foreign communities. One of those
Community was X.
• Trade of diamonds, silk, opium, indigo and cotton grew and so did this community’s population in
Kolkata, and by the early 1900s thousands of them were living in harmoniously. However today, what
was once home to as many as 5000 men and women have dwindled to fewer than 24 people. One of
the main reason for their migration from India is a (arguably a world changing) event that took place
in 1948.
• When there numbers were strong, people of this community built and maintained 5 establishment of
this kind. But currently due to their less amount, number of these establishments is now reduced to
only 3 and are looked after by people of another community.
• X? 1948 event that led to migration? What establishments?
Jews; Formation of Israel;
• Furnished with old sofas and salvaged fireplace surroundings, this artsy take on the brew-
tap has emerged as an affable, community hub for local beer geeks in Manchester.
• Owner Steve Dunkley is fascinated by historic and unusual brewing recipes and in his own
words, tried to take inspiration in the decor and instil finer details of his brewery from the
new wave art movement, Art Nouveau, a style of decorative art, architecture and design
most popular between 1890 and 1910.
• Influenced by this movement, he decided on a name that would suit his brewery, being a
two-worded portmanteau. Think of the name of his avant-garde brewery.
Beer Nouveau
• One can find the Virgin Tree at Hindu College, Delhi which has been a synonym of romance,
love and unique puja that takes place on a certain day of the year. This day marks the puja of
Damdami Mata, which is daft misnomer for a different actress selected by the hostel students
every year. For instance, it was Disha Patani in 2017, the most searched actress of the previous
• No one can pinpoint when the tradition of worshipping Damdami Mata at the Virgin Tree in
Hindu College started, but it has existed since the 70s.
• For the puja, the auspicious tree is decorated with posters of Damdami Mai and another bizarre
thing, which would have been considered a grave misconduct few years ago, but has lately been
advocated and championed as a favourable gesture among the youth.
• Give the day of the celebration and the bizarre ritual.
Valentine’s Day;
Hanging water filled condoms from the tree
• Introduced in 1920 X are now synonymous with London and are one of the most
instagrammed ‘things’ in the city. But in recent years these have deteriorated to a poor
state because of lack of care and the fact that they are used rarely.
• Emily runs a volunteer group that cleans, renovate or put these ‘things’ to a different use
like a bookstore, mobile repair shop etc.
• She says, “If you think about all the conversations these _____ have overheard, declarations
of love, cries of emergency, or the whispers of espionage, these _____ have heard them all.
And I think its sad to see them now in this state”
• What ‘thing’?
Telephone booths in London
• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a small wine-making town and commune in far south-eastern
Luxembourg, on the western bank of the river Moselle. The commune border includes
the tripoint where the borders of Germany, France, and Luxembourg meet.
• In 1985, a landmark utopian event took place in this city which arguably changed the
tourism in Europe. Consequences of this now impact everyone who plan a Europe trip,
especially to these particular areas.
• What event?
Schengen Visas for border free travel in the
• Aokigahara, also known as the Sea of Trees, is a forest on the northwestern flank of Japan's
Mount Fuji thriving on 30 square kilometres (12 sq mi) of hardened lava laid down by the last
major eruption of Mount Fuji in 864 CE.
• It is sometimes referred to as the most popular site for X in Japan and its been said that if you
visit this forest you are very likely to see a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
• Give X. For what infamous reasons this place was in International News in 2017?
Logan Paul vlogging in the Forest
• In the early 19th Century, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tin miners were known around the world for their state-of-
the-art mining equipment and, consequently, their expertise in operating it.
• Due to their skills and advanced machinery they were called to Mexico by the Company of
Gentleman Adventurers in the Mines of “Real del Monte” to help mine silver.
• As these miners established their enclaves, they also began to cement their legacy in these towns,
introducing their architecture style and cuisine (images in following slides).
• There’s one more enduring obsession for which Mexicans can thank these miners: X. And many
first of its kind establishments (functioning till date) were started and represented by this mining
people community.
• FITB and What obsession ?
Football obsession
• One of the best selling artist of all time Frank Sinatra died on May 14, 1998 at 10:50 pm at the
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, after suffering a heart attack.
• The ambulance arrived on the scene in mere minutes as the streets were reportedly empty
between 8 PM and 10 PM. But unfortunately Sinatra still died in the hospital later that day.
• Frank’s daughter Nancy who lived only 5 blocks away was also not with him at the time and only
came to know about this after her father had passed away.
• Why were the streets empty and Nancy not with her father on his deathbed? (same answer)
Airing of Seinfeld’s finale episode.
• Apparently Chinese people have a weird (at least for us) fascination with numbers which affect
their lives both online and offline.
• For example is China Rail’s official website, and are email services and and are the websites of China’s telecom companies.
• Chinese people say that numbers are far easier to type for purposes like websites’ names, as
compared to pinyin, the Romanised system for Chinese characters. A string of numbers is easier
to commit to memory than words in a foreign language.
• Many companies have used this number obsession quite creatively and have named their websites
in a way that makes it very easy for public to remember. For example Alibaba is, is a job posting website, is a streaming service, is McDonald’s
delivery site. (How it is creative?)
• What feature of chinese language makes it easy for people to remember these obscure addresses?
Monosyllabic digits in Chinese language - yao-lio-ba-ba- Alibaba - sounds like “I want a job” - “517” wo yao chuh - I
want to eat (McDonald’s)
• The coastal city of Durban in South Africa is home to one of the largest Indian communities
outside India. It’s also home to a delicacy named bunny chow which is unique to South Africa (not
made in India). It consists of a hollowed-out loaf of white bread filled with curry.
• Bunny chows are commonly filled with curries made using traditional recipes from Durban:
mutton or lamb, chicken, trotters & beans, bean and chips and with curry gravy are popular
fillings now, although the original bunny chow was vegetarian.
• The original recipe was vegetarian and rabbits were never the the ingredients of this dish
throughout its history.
• Give funda for the name ‘Bunny Chow’.
Dish was originally introduced by the
“bania” community.
• A certain periodic event is very significant to the state of Kerala as it affects a variety of people be
it tribes or the ones who are dependent on tourism for their livelihood.
• Paliyan tribe use it as a reference to calculate their age and this event attracts a lot of tourists
from all over the world (1 million- a rough estimate).
• Event took place again in 2018 but this time tourist turnout was drastically low and people
dependent on tourism were impacted a lot.
• What periodic event? Why Tourist turnout was low the previous year? (If you don’t know the
proper noun in the first part then give frequency of this periodic event if you are pouncing)
Blooming of Neerakurinji every 12 years;
Kerala floods in 2018
• India’s Parvati Valley is well known among travellers for its psychedelic parties and free-flowing _
_ _ _ _ _ _ that originates from the ancient village of _ _ _ _ _ _ in North India’s Himachal
Pradesh region.
• Apart from being famous for ‘_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _’, there is a big claim that people in _ _ _ _ _ _
are direct descendents from X.
• In support to this claim these people cite their distinct physical features, unique language
‘Kanashi’ which is not spoken anywhere else in the whole world.
• These people are known to restrict contact with outsiders, particularly in terms of direct physical
contact. Their language is not taught to any outsiders and they are not allowed to marry an
outsider in order to maintain their purity.
• X ? Second blank ?
Alexander the Great;
• Opened in 1906 The Livraria Lello bookstore in Porto is one of the world's oldest bookstores,
frequently ranked as one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, and is a top place to
visit in Portugal.
• X lived in the city for 2 years when this person was working as a teacher here. X was a loyal
customer at this book store.
• It is said that this bookstore inspired X to start the project Y and the aesthetics of this
bookstore can be seen throughout X’s project Y
• X? Y? (Images in next slides)
X - J.K. Rowling
Y - Harry Potter

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Notre Damn: Travel Quiz '19

  • 1. Notre Damn A Travel Quiz by Adwitiya and Utsav
  • 2. OVERVIEW: 1. A total of 36 questions, distributed across four rounds. 2. The four rounds are categorised as two written and two infinite bounce/infinite pounce. 3. Socrates said, “Arguments lead to wise deductions.” (not really) 4. We said, “Arguments lead to points deductions.” (really)
  • 3. ROUND I AMAZING FANTASY • 4 written questions on wonders and famous monuments. • Marking scheme: +10/0
  • 4. • For hundreds of years, Notre Dame’s peak served as method of wayfinding in Paris, for its natives and tourists alike. Pointing high at the sky, this jewel of medieval architecture was completed under the reign of Philip VI in 1945. • With the recent devastating fire which engulfed the edifice last week, Berkeley historian Thomas Lacquer compared the loss of the monument to a similar event, “It’s been a sweeping away of this site. In some ways, it’s like the burning of the X (in 48 BC). There isn’t the same kind of archive, but it’s of that level of importance in terms of historical destruction.” • Which building is he comparing Notre Dame and its destruction to, which holds a similar historical importance? I.
  • 5. • One of the finest pieces of Hellenistic sculptures, Winged Victory was in fact a part of The Statue of Zeus. A giant seated figure about 13 metres tall, it was made around 435 BC in the sanctuary of _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Greece. The statue was lost and destroyed during the 5th century AD. • The erection of the statue was commissioned by the Eleans (people of the ancient district Elis in Greece), who were also the custodians of a very famous festival, or celebration in the honour of Zeus. • What celebration? II.
  • 6. • According to Lonely Planet, if you have only one monument to see in Europe, then you should go to X, Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi’s lifelong obsession. Attracting 2.8 million tourists every year and with a capacity of 17,000 people, this is truly a massive structure and its sheer verticality takes one aback. • Commissioned as an atonement for the city’s sins of modernity in late 19th century and although incomplete, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was consecrated in 2010 as a minor basilica. Comprising of incredibly striking architecture and a design hitherto unfathomed, the monument stands a symbol of Modernism and Art Nouveau. • Incidentally, this site was a major part of Dan Brown’s last historical fictional novel, Origin. • Identify X. III.
  • 7. • Identify the monument from the pictures of the interiors shown in the the next slide. IV.
  • 8.
  • 10. • For hundreds of years, Notre Dame’s peak served as method of wayfinding in Paris, for its natives and tourists alike. Pointing high at the sky, this jewel of medieval architecture was completed under the reign of Philip VI in 1645. • With the recent devastating fire which engulfed the edifice last week, Berkeley historian Thomas Lacquer compared the loss of the monument to a similar event, “It’s been a sweeping away of this site. In some ways, it’s like the burning of the X (in 48 BC). There isn’t the same kind of archive, but it’s of that level of importance in terms of historical destruction.” • Which building is he comparing Notre Dame and its destruction to, which holds a similar historical importance? I.
  • 11. The Library of Alexandria, Egypt
  • 12. • One of the finest pieces of Hellenistic sculptures, Winged Victory was in fact a part of The Statue of Zeus. A giant seated figure about 13 metres tall, it was made around 435 BC in the sanctuary of _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Greece. The statue was lost and destroyed during the 5th century AD. • The erection of the statue was commissioned by the Eleans (people of the ancient district Elis in Greece), who were also the custodians of a very famous festival, or celebration in the honour of Zeus. • What celebration? II.
  • 14. • According to Lonely Planet, if you have only one monument to see in Europe, then you should go to X, Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi’s lifelong obsession. Attracting 2.8 million tourists every year and with a capacity of 17,000 people, this is truly a massive structure and its sheer verticality takes one aback. • Commissioned as an atonement for the city’s sins of modernity in late 19th century and although incomplete, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was consecrated in 2010 as a minor basilica. Comprising of incredibly striking architecture and a design hitherto unfathomed, the monument stands a symbol of Modernism and Art Nouveau. • Incidentally, this site was a major part of Dan Brown’s last historical fictional novel, Origin. • Identify X. III.
  • 15. La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
  • 16. • Identify the monument from the pictures of the interiors shown in the the next slide. IV.
  • 17.
  • 18. Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia was a church initially but after being occupied by Ottomans it was converted into church. But they were so impressed by the Christian artworks inside that they left it as it was.
  • 19. ROUND II SEAN got straight AAAs • 14 IB/IP questions • Consisting of 2 questions from each continent, split between two cycles in a uniform order. • Bounce: +10/0 • Pounce: +10/-5
  • 20. • The Inca empire was one of the most prosperous in history. Yet, there was no usage of the vast amount of gold and silver buried in their lands underneath, for there was no system of money, currency or barter in the Inca Empire. Instead, the gold and silver was merely used for worship. • People couldn’t trade their produce. There wasn’t a single shop or market in the Inca Empire for people to purchase their requirements. Yet, the most impressive roads and palaces built during the Inca Empire survive to this day because of dedicated workmanship and quality skilled labour. • What was the system of the people’s sustenance? I.
  • 21.
  • 22. People used to provide labour to the state in return for daily necessities
  • 23. II. • The Battle of Vienna took place at Kahlenberg Mountain near Vienna in 1683 between a militant cooperation of the Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire versus the Ottomans. The Ottoman Empire lost in the ensuing war that followed and to commemorate the win of Austria over Turkey, the Austrians came up with a delicacy. It would mean the Austrians would regularly “eat up the Turks”, as it was inspired by the Ottoman banner, and can still be seen today in Turkey’s flag. • However, the dish, originally called kipfel is now most notably seen as a French novelty. So much so, that Alan Davidson, wrote a short piece in Observer regarding the item’s origin stating, “It’s Viennese, not French!” • What is the delicacy we’re talking about?
  • 24.
  • 26. III. • The “Whanganui River” rises near Mount Tongariro in New Zealand, the country’s third largest and longest navigable river. This river is of utmost importance to the native Maori tribe of New Zealand. After 140 years of negotiation, the Maoris of Whanganui have finally won, their wishes been fulfilled in 2017. • Guardian journalist Peter Carty on a canoe trip along the river, became intimately acquainted with the tribe. One of the campaigners for the tribe, Gerrard Albert told him, “The river has always been a living entity to us. Everyone has to be conscious that the river has the right to be in a healthy state.” • What did the Maori tribe succeed in their campaign against the New Zealand government, marking the first time such a thing has happened? Bonus points for guessing the headline of the article (same as the name of a 2003 movie).
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. The Whanganui river has been granted the same legal rights as a human being; Mystic River (2003)
  • 30. IV. • X’s highest point, the 1,974 metre summit of Pico Turquino is located in the south east part of the island in the Sierra Maestra mountain range. It is a common hiking spot for travellers and locals alike, with major attractions being horse-drawn buggies, campesino farmers and the clapboard houses. • One such clapboard house or comandancia, located on one of the more dangerous slopes of the mountain and hidden beneath the thick foliage of the Montane forest, however holds a significant historical importance and a symbol of encouragement for all the rebels out there, going all the way back 61 years. • Identify X. What importance are we talking about?
  • 32.
  • 33. In 1958, Fidel Castro, Che Guevera and the rebels took refuge here
  • 34. V. • Most villages in Ladakh face acute water shortage particularly during the two crucial months of April and May when there is little water in the streams and all the villagers compete to water their newly planted crops. However by mid-June there is an excess of water and even flash flooding due to the fast melting of the snow and glaciers in the mountains. The problem is getting worse with time as Himalayan glaciers are disappearing due to global warming and local pollution. • To combat this problem, in the winter of last year the Pheyang Monastery oversaw this project, which consisted of building something from artificial glaciers which store winter water in the form of ice mountains that melt and feed the farms when water is most needed by the farmers. • What was this project called, or tell us what they built. (Both answers are the same)
  • 35.
  • 37. VI. • Soweto is a township of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng, South Africa, bordering the city's mining belt in the south. Some of the tourist attractions of this region include multiple museums, 2 soccer stadiums and Orlando Towers (image in following slide). • But it is the peaceful “Vilakazi Street” inhabited by common people that makes this township quite unique and attract many tourists. • What makes Vilakazi street so unique?
  • 39.
  • 40. Houses of 2 Nobel Peace laureates are present here. (Nelson Mandela & Desmond Tutu)
  • 41. VII. • When on a flight from Sydney to Johannesburg in 2016, Eric Dubay looked outside his window and saw a huge landmass of ice, which he at the time thought to be Antarctica. He wondered why was the plane flying all over Antarctica when the route should have been direct from Sydney to Johannesburg. With a classic case of Dunning Kruger Effect, he realised an age-old scheme could actually be true. • However upon further scrutinisation, it was found that the ice landmass was nothing but sea ice which was breaking up during the respective spring, which can extend upto hundreds of miles from the original landmass of Antarctica. Nonetheless, this soon kicked off a cult following. • What famous theory did Dubay fan the flames to?
  • 42.
  • 44. VIII. •The Chilean flag consists of two equal horizontal bands of white and red, with a blue square the same height as the white band in the canton, which bears a white five-pointed star in the centre. Also, known as La Estrella Solitaria, it was adopted on 18 October 1817. •The three colours in the flag, each hold their own significance: red symbolising the blood shed in the struggle for independence, the blue canton symbolising the sky and the white for something Chile holds huge pride in. In fact, you could say it’s impossible to miss its towering presence over the country. •Tell us what does it represent.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. Andes mountain range (or its snow)
  • 48. IX. • In 1971, two hipster American kids on an elongated vacation in London and craving a hamburger opened up a diner, not much different from the ones found in the States. With some live music and retail, the place took off and was particularly a favourite of Eric Clapton. • A regular at the restaurant and a friend to the owners, he requested them to reserve his table. As a gesture of goodwill he sent them his guitar, a Fender Lead II which they hung up on the wall beside his spot. • A week later, Peter Townshend of The Who sent his guitar as well and since then, this has become a collectible paradise for rock memorabilia. Guitars and rock music has featured heavily in the restaurant’s advertisements over the globe as well. • Give the name of the joint.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 52. X. • Edward Hargreaves was born in Hampshire, England in 1816. After trying his luck in a specific part of the United States and failing, he travelled to Australia. There, working in a gravelly path near a creek along his mates, he bent down and exclaimed “There it is! I shall be a baronet, I will be knighted and my old horse will be stuffed and put into a glass case and sent to the British Museum”. • What was the cause of this excitement? What did it lead to?
  • 53.
  • 54. He found specks of gold in the creek; Australian Gold Rush
  • 55. XI. • X is a replica of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ located near the city of Alliance, Nebraska, in the High Plains region of the United States. Instead of being built with large stones, as is the case with the original _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, X is formed from American _ _ _ _. • X consists of 38 _ _ _ _ arranged in a circle measuring about 96 feet in diameter. Three _ _ _ _ were buried at X with a sign stating: "Here lie three bones of foreign _ _ _ _. They served our purpose while Detroit slept. Now Detroit is awake and America's great!” • X also features on the cover of Steely Dan’s compilation album ‘The Best of Steely Dan: Then and Now’ (if it helps). • Give X (modify the word in the first blank with the given clues to get to the answer).
  • 56.
  • 58. XII. • Southeast Asia is home to many jaw dropping skyscrapers. Most of them are built keeping in mind the looks and architectural stability and are very contrasting when looked against the traditional chinese buildings. • But X is an exception to this because of its references to the traditional Chinese architecture design. The building’s green colored windows and shape make it look like a bamboo stalk a architecture style that can be seen in many traditional Chinese monuments. • X have 8 segments of 8 floors each this is a nod to Chinese belief of 8 being a lucky number. • Identify the skyscraper which was tallest building of the world few years back .
  • 59.
  • 61. XIII. • Although Chadwick Boseman and Michael B Jordan earned high praise for their roles in the 2018 Marvel film Black Panther, another standout from the movie was the portrayal of the fictional all-female tribal army, called Dora Milaje. • It is interesting to note that the inspiration for this special unit was rooted in reality. The Dora Milaje first appeared in Black Panther #1 (November 1998) and the writers based them on the fierce Dahomey _ _ _ _ _ _ _, the all female military regiment of Kingdom of Dahomey, which is now the Republic of Benin. • Another thing to note is the European colonists, inspired by their ruthlessness and resistance against the colonial men, gave them this name. • What?
  • 62.
  • 64. XIV. • In 2013, Metallica achieved a new Guinness World Record title after becoming the “first musical act to do something” when they did a show for 120 lucky scientists and contest winners inside a transparent dome at the Carlini Station in Antarctica. • The show wasn’t like any regular concert. It lasted for one hour and the band's amplifiers had to be encased in isolation cabinets because Antarctica's environment was too fragile to withstand all the vibrations without the threat of an avalanche. The sound was transmitted to the audience via headphones, similar to "silent discos”. • Interestingly the gig was given an apt name, a wordplay on one of their own albums. • Tell us what they did to achieve the World Record and the name of the act.
  • 65.
  • 66. Became the first band to play on all seven continents. “Freeze ‘Em All”
  • 67. ROUND III THE TRAVELLERS • 4 written questions on famous travellers and their expeditions • Bounce: +10/0 • Pounce: +10/-5
  • 68. I. • X Mall is the world's largest themed shopping mall with more than 400 outlets,a 21-screen cinema and over 4,500 parking spaces on a total of 521,000 m2 area. • It consists of six courts, each of whose designs are inspired by some of the countries visited by the explorer. Courts are China Court, Andalusia Court, Egypt Court, India Court, Persia Court, and Tunisia Court. • Y court was the last chapter in X’s odyssey, It was a land of art, poetry, architecture, science and learning. Influences of that great time and civilization shine through in every corner of the court. The star-shaped ceiling and Fountain of Lions are inspired by the Z (one of the most visited tourist spot in the world). • ID X ,Y and Z.
  • 69. II. • Describing how he took a particular photograph Korda would recall “At the foot of a podium decorated in mourning, I had my eye to the viewfinder of my old Leica camera. I was focusing on _ _ _ _ and the people around him. Suddenly, through the 90mm lens, X emerged above me. I was surprised by his gaze. By sheer reflex I shot twice, horizontal and vertical. I didn’t have time to take a third photo, as X stepped back discreetly into the second row…. It all happened in half a minute.” • Back home, Korda cropped the horizontal shot into a vertical portrait, because in the full frame another man was emerging near X’s right shoulder and some palm branches hung over him on the left. • Unfortunately, the newspaper Korda was working for declined this image and Korda hung it in his drawing room. He described X in the image as ‘pissed off and pained’. • This picture was literally unknown to everyone until an Italian businessman Fertenelli knocked Korda’s door in 1965 requesting a good picture of X. Korda handed him the aforesaid picture and back Italy Fertenelli reproduced thousands of copy of it. • A certain event in 1965 made this image more popular and soon this image became one of the most iconic and reproduced images in the human history. Which iconic image I am talking about ?
  • 70. III. • The journeys of Odysseus, albeit not by choice were so truly epic that it gets really difficult to fathom if his legend is real or not. He played a major role in overthrowing the city of Troy in the Trojan War. • When returning home to Greece, legend goes that he was caught up in a storm and eventually captured by Polyphemus, the Cyclops. He escaped by blinding Polyphemus but this angered Poseidon, father of Polyphemus and god of the seas. However, he was offered shelter and protection by a Greek deity, a longtime foe of Poseidon and admirer of Odysseus’ battle skills. • Loosely based on his story as told in Homer’s The Odyssey, a widely acclaimed satirical motion picture was released in 2000. • Which deity? • Bonus +10 for giving the movie as well.
  • 71. IV. • The seal of the Philippine National Police (on next slide) has a figure of a certain person named Lapu-Lapu. He is considered to be the first Filipino hero and was a ruler of the island of Mactan. The reason why his status in Philippines is similar to that of Birsa Munda in Jharkhand is because he was the first native to stand up against Spanish colonization. • What exactly did he do?
  • 72.
  • 74. I. • X Mall is the world's largest themed shopping mall with more than 400 outlets,a 21-screen cinema and over 4,500 parking spaces on a total of 521,000 m2 area. • It consists of six courts, each of whose designs are inspired by some of the countries visited by the explorer. Courts are China Court, Andalusia Court, Egypt Court, India Court, Persia Court, and Tunisia Court. • Y court was the last chapter in X’s odyssey, It was a land of art, poetry, architecture, science and learning. Influences of that great time and civilization shine through in every corner of the court. The star-shaped ceiling and Fountain of Lions are inspired by the Z (one of the most visited tourist spot in the world). • ID X ,Y and Z.
  • 75.
  • 77. II. • Describing how he took a particular photograph Korda would recall “At the foot of a podium decorated in mourning, I had my eye to the viewfinder of my old Leica camera. I was focusing on _ _ _ _ and the people around him. Suddenly, through the 90mm lens, X emerged above me. I was surprised by his gaze. By sheer reflex I shot twice, horizontal and vertical. I didn’t have time to take a third photo, as X stepped back discreetly into the second row…. It all happened in half a minute.” • Back home, Korda cropped the horizontal shot into a vertical portrait, because in the full frame another man was emerging near X’s right shoulder and some palm branches hung over him on the left. • Unfortunately, the newspaper Korda was working for declined this image and Korda hung it in his drawing room. He described X in the image as ‘pissed off and pained’. • This picture was literally unknown to everyone until an Italian businessman Fertenelli knocked Korda’s door in 1965 requesting a good picture of X. Korda handed him the aforesaid picture and back Italy Fertenelli reproduced thousands of copy of it. • A certain event in 1965 made this image more popular and soon this image became one of the most iconic and reproduced images in the human history. Which iconic image I am talking about ?
  • 79. III. • The journeys of Odysseus, albeit not by choice were so truly epic that it gets really difficult to fathom if his legend is real or not. He played a major role in overthrowing the city of Troy in the Trojan War. • When returning home to Greece, legend goes that he was caught up in a storm and eventually captured by Polyphemus, the Cyclops. He escaped by blinding Polyphemus but this angered Poseidon, father of Polyphemus and god of the seas. However, he was offered shelter and protection by a Greek deity, a longtime foe of Poseidon and admirer of Odysseus’ battle skills. • Loosely based on his story as told in Homer’s The Odyssey, a widely acclaimed satirical motion picture was released in 2000. • Which deity? Name the movie as well. (10 +10)
  • 80. Athena; O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  • 81. IV. • The seal of the Philippine National Police (on next slide) has a figure of a certain person named Lapu-Lapu. He is considered to be the first Filipino hero and was a ruler of the island of Mactan. The reason why his status in Philippines is similar to that of Birsa Munda in Jharkhand is because he was the first native to stand up against Spanish colonization. • What exactly did he do?
  • 82.
  • 84. ROUND IV THEMELESS = TIMELESS • 14 IB/IP questions, of general travel-based fundaes. • Bounce: +10/0 • Pounce: +10/-5
  • 85. I. • This Asian capital city features many landmarks representing different periods of its history. From ______ style relics to modern high rises, the city now has many attractions for different tastes and interests. • However, since 2000s city's been facing the chronic problem of air pollution. In 2018 it was named as 'World's most polluted capital city' by TIME. • This problem only worsens in the Winter and the city's geography and burning activities in and nearby are cited as the main reasons for the pollution. • Which city? What burning activities?
  • 86.
  • 87. Ulan Bator/ Ulanbaatar and burning of coal
  • 88. II. • For nearly 140 years, from 1772 to 1911, Kolkata was the capital of British India – a bustling commercial city on the bank of the Hugli River in the heart of West Bengal. Its strategic position not only brought foreign trade, but also enticed several foreign communities. One of those Community was X. • Trade of diamonds, silk, opium, indigo and cotton grew and so did this community’s population in Kolkata, and by the early 1900s thousands of them were living in harmoniously. However today, what was once home to as many as 5000 men and women have dwindled to fewer than 24 people. One of the main reason for their migration from India is a (arguably a world changing) event that took place in 1948. • When there numbers were strong, people of this community built and maintained 5 establishment of this kind. But currently due to their less amount, number of these establishments is now reduced to only 3 and are looked after by people of another community. • X? 1948 event that led to migration? What establishments?
  • 89.
  • 90. Jews; Formation of Israel; Synagogues
  • 91. III. • Furnished with old sofas and salvaged fireplace surroundings, this artsy take on the brew- tap has emerged as an affable, community hub for local beer geeks in Manchester. • Owner Steve Dunkley is fascinated by historic and unusual brewing recipes and in his own words, tried to take inspiration in the decor and instil finer details of his brewery from the new wave art movement, Art Nouveau, a style of decorative art, architecture and design most popular between 1890 and 1910. • Influenced by this movement, he decided on a name that would suit his brewery, being a two-worded portmanteau. Think of the name of his avant-garde brewery.
  • 92.
  • 94. IV. • One can find the Virgin Tree at Hindu College, Delhi which has been a synonym of romance, love and unique puja that takes place on a certain day of the year. This day marks the puja of Damdami Mata, which is daft misnomer for a different actress selected by the hostel students every year. For instance, it was Disha Patani in 2017, the most searched actress of the previous year. • No one can pinpoint when the tradition of worshipping Damdami Mata at the Virgin Tree in Hindu College started, but it has existed since the 70s. • For the puja, the auspicious tree is decorated with posters of Damdami Mai and another bizarre thing, which would have been considered a grave misconduct few years ago, but has lately been advocated and championed as a favourable gesture among the youth. • Give the day of the celebration and the bizarre ritual.
  • 95.
  • 96. Valentine’s Day; Hanging water filled condoms from the tree
  • 97. V. • Introduced in 1920 X are now synonymous with London and are one of the most instagrammed ‘things’ in the city. But in recent years these have deteriorated to a poor state because of lack of care and the fact that they are used rarely. • Emily runs a volunteer group that cleans, renovate or put these ‘things’ to a different use like a bookstore, mobile repair shop etc. • She says, “If you think about all the conversations these _____ have overheard, declarations of love, cries of emergency, or the whispers of espionage, these _____ have heard them all. And I think its sad to see them now in this state” • What ‘thing’?
  • 98.
  • 100. VI. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a small wine-making town and commune in far south-eastern Luxembourg, on the western bank of the river Moselle. The commune border includes the tripoint where the borders of Germany, France, and Luxembourg meet. • In 1985, a landmark utopian event took place in this city which arguably changed the tourism in Europe. Consequences of this now impact everyone who plan a Europe trip, especially to these particular areas. • What event?
  • 101.
  • 102. Schengen Visas for border free travel in the Europe
  • 103. VII. • Aokigahara, also known as the Sea of Trees, is a forest on the northwestern flank of Japan's Mount Fuji thriving on 30 square kilometres (12 sq mi) of hardened lava laid down by the last major eruption of Mount Fuji in 864 CE. • It is sometimes referred to as the most popular site for X in Japan and its been said that if you visit this forest you are very likely to see a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. • Give X. For what infamous reasons this place was in International News in 2017?
  • 104.
  • 106. VIII. • In the early 19th Century, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tin miners were known around the world for their state-of- the-art mining equipment and, consequently, their expertise in operating it. • Due to their skills and advanced machinery they were called to Mexico by the Company of Gentleman Adventurers in the Mines of “Real del Monte” to help mine silver. • As these miners established their enclaves, they also began to cement their legacy in these towns, introducing their architecture style and cuisine (images in following slides). • There’s one more enduring obsession for which Mexicans can thank these miners: X. And many first of its kind establishments (functioning till date) were started and represented by this mining people community. • FITB and What obsession ?
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 109.
  • 111. IX. • One of the best selling artist of all time Frank Sinatra died on May 14, 1998 at 10:50 pm at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, after suffering a heart attack. • The ambulance arrived on the scene in mere minutes as the streets were reportedly empty between 8 PM and 10 PM. But unfortunately Sinatra still died in the hospital later that day. • Frank’s daughter Nancy who lived only 5 blocks away was also not with him at the time and only came to know about this after her father had passed away. • Why were the streets empty and Nancy not with her father on his deathbed? (same answer)
  • 112.
  • 113. Airing of Seinfeld’s finale episode.
  • 114. X. • Apparently Chinese people have a weird (at least for us) fascination with numbers which affect their lives both online and offline. • For example is China Rail’s official website, and are email services and and are the websites of China’s telecom companies. • Chinese people say that numbers are far easier to type for purposes like websites’ names, as compared to pinyin, the Romanised system for Chinese characters. A string of numbers is easier to commit to memory than words in a foreign language. • Many companies have used this number obsession quite creatively and have named their websites in a way that makes it very easy for public to remember. For example Alibaba is, is a job posting website, is a streaming service, is McDonald’s delivery site. (How it is creative?) • What feature of chinese language makes it easy for people to remember these obscure addresses?
  • 115.
  • 116. Monosyllabic digits in Chinese language - yao-lio-ba-ba- Alibaba - sounds like “I want a job” - “517” wo yao chuh - I want to eat (McDonald’s)
  • 117. XI. • The coastal city of Durban in South Africa is home to one of the largest Indian communities outside India. It’s also home to a delicacy named bunny chow which is unique to South Africa (not made in India). It consists of a hollowed-out loaf of white bread filled with curry. • Bunny chows are commonly filled with curries made using traditional recipes from Durban: mutton or lamb, chicken, trotters & beans, bean and chips and with curry gravy are popular fillings now, although the original bunny chow was vegetarian. • The original recipe was vegetarian and rabbits were never the the ingredients of this dish throughout its history. • Give funda for the name ‘Bunny Chow’.
  • 118.
  • 119. Dish was originally introduced by the “bania” community.
  • 120. XII. • A certain periodic event is very significant to the state of Kerala as it affects a variety of people be it tribes or the ones who are dependent on tourism for their livelihood. • Paliyan tribe use it as a reference to calculate their age and this event attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world (1 million- a rough estimate). • Event took place again in 2018 but this time tourist turnout was drastically low and people dependent on tourism were impacted a lot. • What periodic event? Why Tourist turnout was low the previous year? (If you don’t know the proper noun in the first part then give frequency of this periodic event if you are pouncing)
  • 121.
  • 122. Blooming of Neerakurinji every 12 years; Kerala floods in 2018
  • 123. XIII. • India’s Parvati Valley is well known among travellers for its psychedelic parties and free-flowing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that originates from the ancient village of _ _ _ _ _ _ in North India’s Himachal Pradesh region. • Apart from being famous for ‘_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _’, there is a big claim that people in _ _ _ _ _ _ are direct descendents from X. • In support to this claim these people cite their distinct physical features, unique language ‘Kanashi’ which is not spoken anywhere else in the whole world. • These people are known to restrict contact with outsiders, particularly in terms of direct physical contact. Their language is not taught to any outsiders and they are not allowed to marry an outsider in order to maintain their purity. • X ? Second blank ?
  • 124.
  • 126. XIV. • Opened in 1906 The Livraria Lello bookstore in Porto is one of the world's oldest bookstores, frequently ranked as one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, and is a top place to visit in Portugal. • X lived in the city for 2 years when this person was working as a teacher here. X was a loyal customer at this book store. • It is said that this bookstore inspired X to start the project Y and the aesthetics of this bookstore can be seen throughout X’s project Y • X? Y? (Images in next slides)
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129. X - J.K. Rowling Y - Harry Potter