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10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 1
Major points from the past lesson
Types of management
Managerial functions
Roles of Managers
Management skills
10/26/2022 2
Dr. Bogale A.
• After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Discuss why knowledge of the evolution of
management theories is important to managers
2. Explain the contributions of the following:
a. Classical schools of management thought
b. Behavioral school of management thought
c. Quantitative school of management thought
d. Systems school of management thought
e. Contingency school of management thought
f. Quality school of management thought
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 3
How Traditional Organizations Work at ancient
time ?
• Management is as old as human civilization.
• The practice of management existed since the
beginning of organized human activity
- That is since the day when people first attempted
to accomplish goals by working together in a
- Management thought has been shaped over a
period of centuries by three major factors;
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 4
i. Social-
• refers to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence
relationship among people.
ii. Economical-
• pertain to the availability, production and distribution of
resources in a society.
iii. Political
• refers to the influence of legal and political institution on
people and organization.
• From the examples that show management was effectively
used in ancient time;
– The first government organization (Sumerians 3000BC)
– Egyptian Pyramid built around 2800 BC by 100000 men working for
over 20 years
– The Roman Empire (200 BC- 400 AD)
– Obelisk of Axum built around 2BC
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 5
Early Management Pioneers (Contributors)
• Even though the management practice go back
several thousand years, development of
management as field of knowledge is recent.
• Management theories began to flourish since
1800 C; (it starts with the industrial revolution)
1. Robert Owen (1771-1858)
• He was a British industrialist and owner-manager
of cotton mills in Scotland.
• At that time working and living conditions for
employees were very poor.
• Workers were treated as tools and machine.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 6
• From the changes that he made
 Reduced working hrs from 13 to 10 and
half day.
 Set minimum hiring age 10 years.
 Provided meal, housing, and shopping
facilities for employees.
 Improved working condition in the factory
• For his contribution Robert Owen called
“father of modern personnel”.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 7
2. Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
• He built the first practical mechanical
calculator and a prototype of modern
• Because of this he is called “The father of
modern computing”.
• Some of his contributions are discussed
as follows.
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• From the contributions of Babbage to
The use of mathematics to efficiently use
facilities and materials.
Profit sharing system (bonus for suggestion and
part of wage that depends on the company
Division of labor (improve the skill of workers
and reduce training costs)
Importance of good relationship between
management and workers.
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3. Adam Smith
• He contributed to the development of
management by writing about division of labor
in his book “The Wealth of Nation”.
Adam Smith (1776) developed the first theory of organizational
 based on division of labor and
 work specialization
• He indicated that specialization could increase efficiency by
- Minimizing the loss of time
- Increasing speed
- helping invention of machinery
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 10
Development of Management Theories
1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Classical Perspectives
Human Perspectives
Mgmt. science P.
System theory P
Contingency View
Bureaucratic and
Dr. Bogale A.
A. Classical Management Theory
• The first study of management called the
classical approach.
• Classical management theory emerged during
the industrial revolution.
• The classical viewpoint is a perspective on
management that emphasize finding ways to
manage work and organizations more
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• It is made up of three different
1. Scientific Management
2. Administrative Management (classical
organization theory) and
3. Bureaucratic Management.
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1. Scientific Management Theory
• Scientific management thoroughly studying and
testing different work methods to identify the
best, most efficient way to complete a job.
• This theory emphasize on the scientific study of
work methods in order to improve worker
• The major contributor of scientific management is
Fredric W. Taylor: father of scientific
• Additional contributors:
- Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
- Henry Gantt
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 14
Frederick W.Taylor (1856-1915)
• Taylor is also known as “the father of scientific
• Taylor was a foreman in Midvale steel company.
• He studied the companies problem and found out that;
 Management had no clear concept of worker-
management responsibility.
 No effective work standards were applied
 No incentive was used to improve labor’s performance
 Managerial decisions were made based on intuition,
rule of thumb.
 High level of soldiering (delay in performance) fearing
turnoff and wrong pay system.
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• To solve the above mentioned problems
Taylor put as a solution
1. Timed each element of the work and
standardized how much each worker has to
produce given the required resource per day
or per month.
2. Introduced “piece rate pay system”
(differential rate system)
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• From the studies, Taylor conducted
1. Time and Motion Study
- The objective of this study was to standardize
activities (to determine full days work)
The steps - divide the task in to motions
- eliminate unnecessary motion
- select the best way to do the job
- timing each motion (with out allowance
for delay)
- understand how many unit to produce
per day.
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2. Uniform method for routine task
Objective: to adjust work with worker
- Intended to make uniform the conditions
under which the standards could be set and
3. Functional Foremanship study
Objective: To scientifically select the best
worker for a given job based on his skill and
potential for learning.
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4. Individual Incentive
Objective: to determine the appropriate wage
or salary
• This study helped him to find a solution for
the problem of soldiering.
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• After conducting the above study he wrote a
book called “ principle of scientific
management”. The four principles included are
1. Study each element of work to determine the
“one best way” to do it
2. Scientifically select, train, teach, and develop
workers to reach their full potential
3. Cooperate with employees to ensure
implementation of the scientific principles
4. Divide the work and the responsibility equally
between management and workers.
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Weaknesses of scientific management
1. He misread the human element
He equated people with machine
He saw no other motivator other than money
He fail to understand the complex nature of
human behavior
2.It was relevant to solve only the problem of
lower level managers.
3.Its application was not smooth
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Frank and Lilian Gilbreths
• Frank Gilbreth (father of motion study)
• Lilian Gilbreths (first lady of management)
• They are contemporaries of Taylor and part of the
original scientific management pioneers
• They work on the elimination of waste and the
discovery of ‘one best way’ of doing work.
• Identified 18 on the job motions and called them
• He decreases the movements from 18 to 5 at the
same time he decrease the production time by 2
and half.
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Henry L. Gantt
• Gantt is best known for the Gantt chart (a bar chart for
planning and controlling work).
• But he also made significant contributions to
management with respect to;
pay-for-performance plans and
the training and development of workers.
• Develop a system called ‘task and bonus wage
• Workers who produced more received a daily
bonus, but those who didn’t simply received their
standard daily pay.
• Here no penalty for not meeting standards.
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2. administrative management (Classical organization ) theory
• This theory focused on the management of the entire organization unlike the
scientific management theory which focuses on production (shop level efficiency).
• Henri Fayol was the first to develop this theory.
• He is the one who identify ;
1. All activities that occur in the industry or business organizations could be divided
into six main groups.
• Technical (production, manufacturing);
• Commercial (buying, selling, exchange);
• Financial (obtaining and using capital);
• Security (protection of property and persons);
• Accounting (balance sheet, stocktaking, statistics, costing);
• Managerial (planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling).
2. Management as a separate field of study
3. General management principles
4. Basic functions of management
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Fayol’s 14 principles of management
1. Division of labor : work must be subdivided to facilitate
2. Authority and responsibility : Authority creates
responsibility and, hence authority and responsibility
should go hand in hand;
3. Discipline: Clearly defined rules and procedures are
needed at all organizational levels to ensure order and
proper behavior.
4. Unity of command ----one employee from one boss
5. Unity of direction : all operations with the same objective
must have one manager and one plan;
6. Subordination of individual interest to the general
interest:Employees must put the organization’s interests
and goals before their own.
7. Centralization: Strike a balance depending on the
circumstances and employees involved.
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8. Remuneration of staff/personnel ---compensation should
benefit both parties
9. Scalar chain/chain of command---- a clear line of authority
or chain of command should extend from the highest to the
lowest level of an enterprise. So that clear flow of
information and communication will exist.
10. Order ---- there is a place for everything and everything in
its place. Proper scheduling of work and timetables to
complete work is important
11. Equity-Kind, fair, and just treatment for all will develop
devotion and loyalty.
12. Stability of tenure of personnel ---- low turnover
13. Initiative : workers should feel like an active part of the
14. Esprit de corps : harmony and union help to build the
strength of an enterprise
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 26
Contributions of classical organization
• The position Fayol took in distinguishing
management as a discipline is worth studying
• The 14 basic management principles are
• The five element of administration, which with
minor modification today are called functions
of management.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 27
Limitations of classical organization theory
• Some of the principles are rigid.
• Chain of command
• Unity of command
• The 14 principles are applicable in a relatively
stable and predictable environment hence
they have less applicability in the today’s
turbulent environment.
• The principles are too general for today's
complex organization.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 28
1. What are the similarities and differences
between scientific and classical organization
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3. Bureaucratic theory
• Max Weber (1864–1920) introduces most of the
concepts in this theory.
• Taylor and Fayol: concerned for solving practical
managerial problems.
• Max Weber: concerned for the more fundamental issues
of how organizations are designed and structured.
• Bureaucracy comes from the French word bureaucratie.
• Since bureau means desk or office and cratie or cracy
means to rule, bureaucracy literally means to rule from a
desk or office.
• According to Weber, however, bureaucracy is “the
exercise of control on the basis of knowledge.
• A bureaucratic system of administration is based on six
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10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 31
Benefits of bureaucracy
• Specialization
• Overlapping duties can easily be avoided
• Hiring and promotion are based on merits and
• Organization continues despite the manager
• Consistent employee behavior
• Involvement with personalities is avoided.
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Weakness of bureaucracy
• There is too much paper work and red tapes.
• Employees do not care about the organization
due to impersonality
• It inhibits initiative and growth of workers
• Resistance to new ideas and change
• Disregards the informal organization or the social
• Over-rigidity / inflexibility
• Don’t easily adopt to change environment
• Top down communication
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B. Behavioral management theory
• It is a study of observable and verifiable human
behavior in organizations by using scientific
• Abraham Maslow, Douglas Macgregor & Elton
Mayo were the well known contributors of this
• Of these, Elton Mayo was the most prominent
• Focus on human dimensions of organization.
• Objective: to identify factors that affect
productivity of employees.
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Hawthorne study
• The study had four phases:
Phase one: Illumination experiment
To study the effect of illumination on out put
Finding: no strong relationship b/n output and
Phase two: the relay assembly test room experiment
To study the effect of physical change on
Finding: Productivity is not affected by physical
Conditions such as rest breaks and workday
length, physical health, amount of sleep, and
diet have no effect on productivity
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 35
Phase three: the massive interview program
 To identify factors that affect employees
 Over 20,000 employees were involved
 Finding: informal groups in an organization remained
significant factor that affected the workers
Phase four: the Bank wiring observation room study
 To study the effect of piece work
incentives(economic incentives) on performance
 The workers' actions were affected by factors like-
individuals with whom they were given job or to
whom they offered assistance.
 Finding: incentives are less important in determining
out put.
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Findings of Hawthorne experiment
• Physical working condition did not affect
• There are other factors that affect productivity. thus
are social and psychological nature
• Informal groups were important in organizational
work environment.
• Leadership that can understand individual and
group behavior were necessary.
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Contributions of Behavioral
management theory
Change the management thinking: managers
realize the importance of people and
workers as valuable resources.
Found out that the satisfaction of social and
psychological needs could result in more
performance of workers.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 38
Limitations of behavioral
management theory
• The complexity of individual behavior makes
the predication of that behavior difficult.
• There style was unethical as they used human
being as experimental units in laboratory.
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3. Modern Approach
This approach is the last approach and it consists:
A. The systems approach
B. The contingency approach
C. The management science approach
A. Systems Theory
• The systems theory approach is based on the notion
that organizations can be visualized as systems.
• A System is a set of interrelated parts that operate as
a whole to pursuit of common goals.
• The systems approach to management views
organizations and the environment as sets of
interrelated parts to be managed as a whole in order to
achieve a common goal.
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• According to the systems approach, organization
system has four major components.
a. Inputs- are the various human, financial, equipment
and informational resources required to produce goods
and services.
b. Transformation process - are the organization's
managerial and technological abilities that are applied
to convert inputs in to outputs.
c. Outputs - are the products, services and other
outcomes produced by the organization
d. Feedback- is information about results and
organizational status relative to the environment, it is a
key to system control.
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System Theory…
10/26/2022 42
Dr. Bogale A.
Characteristics of systems
• A system has several distinguishing features
– A system can be open or closed
– System has boundary
– System has subsystems
– Failure in one subsystem can be considered as
failure of the entire system
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• In organization context, by this theory,
organizational elements will be more productive
if they work together (synergy) rather than
working separately (or individually).
• According to system theory, Responsibility of
management is to keep a balanced relationship
between different parts of relationship and
make its organization have smooth relationship
with the environment.
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B. Contingency theory
• In the mid-1960s, the contingency view of
management or situational approach emerged.
• This view emphasizes the fit between
organization processes and the characteristics of
the situation.
• The contingency approach assumes that
managerial behavior is dependent on a wide
variety of elements. Thus, it provides a
framework for integrating the knowledge of
management thought.
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• According to contingency theory, since organization is
an open system, it interacts with several external
environment factors.
• Since these factors in environment changes rapidly, it
is not right to insist on only one way of managing an
• Therefore it rejected the idea of one best way of
managing. Instead, it supported situational
management style.
• Generally, it is more flexible, and needs
management to identify different techniques to be
applied in different circumstances, at different time.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 46
C. Management Science
• It uses quantitative techniques to maximize
• Quantitative management: utilizes linear
programming, modeling, simulation systems
to solve managerial problems.
• Operations management: techniques to
analyze all aspects of the production system.
• Total Quality Management (TQM): focuses on
improving quality.
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4. The Learning Organization (LO)
LO can be defined as one in which everyone is
engaged in identifying and solving problems,
enabling the organization to continuously
experiment, change, and improve
The essential idea is problem solving, in contrast
to the traditional organization designed for
efficiency; in LO all employees look for
problems, such as understanding special
customer needs to meet the purpose
10/26/2022 48
Dr. Bogale A.
The Learning Organization (LO)…
To develop a learning organization, managers
make changes in all the subsystems of the
To promote continuous learning make a shift
team-based structure,
empowering employees
sharing information
10/26/2022 49
Team based
Dr. Bogale A.
The Learning Organization (LO)…
Team-based structure
An important value in a LO is collaboration
and communication across departmental and
hierarchical boundaries.
Self-directed teams are the basic building
block of the structure.
10/26/2022 50
Dr. Bogale A.
The Learning Organization (LO)…
Team-based structure
These teams are made up of employees with different
skills who share or rotate jobs to produce an entire
product or service
People on the team are given the skills, information,
tools, motivation, and authority to make decisions
central to the team’s performance and to respond
creatively and flexibly to new challenges or
opportunities that arise.
10/26/2022 51
Dr. Bogale A.
The Learning Organization (LO)…
Employee Empowerment
Empowerment means unleashing the power
and creativity of employees by giving them
the freedom, resources, information, and
skills to make decisions and perform
In LOs, people are a manager’s primary source
of strength, not a cost to be minimized.
10/26/2022 52
Dr. Bogale A.
The Learning Organization (LO)…
• Employee Empowerment
• Companies that adopt this perspective believe
in treating employees well by providing
competitive wages and good working
conditions, as well as by investing time and
money in training programs and opportunities
for personal and professional development
10/26/2022 53
Dr. Bogale A.
The Learning Organization (LO)…
Open Information
People have to be aware of what’s going on
They must understand the whole organization as
well as their part in it
Formal data about budgets, profits, and
departmental expenses are available to
Managers encourage people throughout the
organization to share information
10/26/2022 54
Dr. Bogale A.
5. The Technology Driven Workplace
The shift to e-Business
10/26/2022 55
Dr. Bogale A.
The Technology Driven Workplace
Ideas, information, and relationships are
becoming more important than production
machinery, physical products and structured
TDWP shifted to e-business
Managers and employees focus on
opportunities rather than efficiency
10/26/2022 56
Dr. Bogale A.
• A college professor told her students, “The
purpose of a management course is to teach
students about management, not to teach them
to be managers.” Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Discuss.
• As organizations become more technology-
driven, which do you think will become more
important—the management of the human
element of the organization or the management
of technology? Discuss
10/26/2022 57
Dr. Bogale A.
10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 58

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Ch 2 Emergence and Development of Management Thought

  • 2. Major points from the past lesson Types of management Managerial functions Roles of Managers Management skills 10/26/2022 2 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 3. LEARNING OBJECTIVES • After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Discuss why knowledge of the evolution of management theories is important to managers 2. Explain the contributions of the following: a. Classical schools of management thought b. Behavioral school of management thought c. Quantitative school of management thought d. Systems school of management thought e. Contingency school of management thought f. Quality school of management thought 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 3
  • 4. Overview How Traditional Organizations Work at ancient time ? • Management is as old as human civilization. • The practice of management existed since the beginning of organized human activity - That is since the day when people first attempted to accomplish goals by working together in a group. - Management thought has been shaped over a period of centuries by three major factors; 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 4
  • 5. Cont’d i. Social- • refers to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationship among people. ii. Economical- • pertain to the availability, production and distribution of resources in a society. iii. Political • refers to the influence of legal and political institution on people and organization. • From the examples that show management was effectively used in ancient time; – The first government organization (Sumerians 3000BC) – Egyptian Pyramid built around 2800 BC by 100000 men working for over 20 years – The Roman Empire (200 BC- 400 AD) – Obelisk of Axum built around 2BC 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 5
  • 6. Early Management Pioneers (Contributors) • Even though the management practice go back several thousand years, development of management as field of knowledge is recent. • Management theories began to flourish since 1800 C; (it starts with the industrial revolution) PRE-CLASICAL CONTRIBUTORS 1. Robert Owen (1771-1858) • He was a British industrialist and owner-manager of cotton mills in Scotland. • At that time working and living conditions for employees were very poor. • Workers were treated as tools and machine. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 6
  • 7. Cont… • From the changes that he made  Reduced working hrs from 13 to 10 and half day.  Set minimum hiring age 10 years.  Provided meal, housing, and shopping facilities for employees.  Improved working condition in the factory • For his contribution Robert Owen called “father of modern personnel”. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 7
  • 8. Cont’d… 2. Charles Babbage (1792-1871) • He built the first practical mechanical calculator and a prototype of modern computers. • Because of this he is called “The father of modern computing”. • Some of his contributions are discussed as follows. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 8
  • 9. Cont’d… • From the contributions of Babbage to management; The use of mathematics to efficiently use facilities and materials. Profit sharing system (bonus for suggestion and part of wage that depends on the company profit) Division of labor (improve the skill of workers and reduce training costs) Importance of good relationship between management and workers. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 9
  • 10. Cont’d… 3. Adam Smith • He contributed to the development of management by writing about division of labor in his book “The Wealth of Nation”. Adam Smith (1776) developed the first theory of organizational management  based on division of labor and  work specialization • He indicated that specialization could increase efficiency by - Minimizing the loss of time - Increasing speed - helping invention of machinery 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 10
  • 11. Development of Management Theories 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 10/26/2022 11 Classical Perspectives Human Perspectives Mgmt. science P. System theory P Contingency View TQM Learning org. TDWP Scientific, Bureaucratic and Administrative Dr. Bogale A.
  • 12. A. Classical Management Theory • The first study of management called the classical approach. • Classical management theory emerged during the industrial revolution. • The classical viewpoint is a perspective on management that emphasize finding ways to manage work and organizations more efficiently. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 12
  • 13. • It is made up of three different approaches: 1. Scientific Management 2. Administrative Management (classical organization theory) and 3. Bureaucratic Management. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 13 Cont’d…
  • 14. 1. Scientific Management Theory • Scientific management thoroughly studying and testing different work methods to identify the best, most efficient way to complete a job. • This theory emphasize on the scientific study of work methods in order to improve worker efficiency. • The major contributor of scientific management is Fredric W. Taylor: father of scientific management. • Additional contributors: - Frank and Lillian Gilbreth - Henry Gantt 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 14
  • 15. Frederick W.Taylor (1856-1915) • Taylor is also known as “the father of scientific management” • Taylor was a foreman in Midvale steel company. • He studied the companies problem and found out that;  Management had no clear concept of worker- management responsibility.  No effective work standards were applied  No incentive was used to improve labor’s performance  Managerial decisions were made based on intuition, rule of thumb.  High level of soldiering (delay in performance) fearing turnoff and wrong pay system. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 15
  • 16. Cont’d… • To solve the above mentioned problems Taylor put as a solution 1. Timed each element of the work and standardized how much each worker has to produce given the required resource per day or per month. 2. Introduced “piece rate pay system” (differential rate system) 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 16
  • 17. Cont’d… • From the studies, Taylor conducted 1. Time and Motion Study - The objective of this study was to standardize activities (to determine full days work) The steps - divide the task in to motions - eliminate unnecessary motion - select the best way to do the job - timing each motion (with out allowance for delay) - understand how many unit to produce per day. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 17
  • 18. 2. Uniform method for routine task Objective: to adjust work with worker - Intended to make uniform the conditions under which the standards could be set and met. 3. Functional Foremanship study Objective: To scientifically select the best worker for a given job based on his skill and potential for learning. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 18
  • 19. 4. Individual Incentive Objective: to determine the appropriate wage or salary • This study helped him to find a solution for the problem of soldiering. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 19
  • 20. Cont… • After conducting the above study he wrote a book called “ principle of scientific management”. The four principles included are 1. Study each element of work to determine the “one best way” to do it 2. Scientifically select, train, teach, and develop workers to reach their full potential 3. Cooperate with employees to ensure implementation of the scientific principles 4. Divide the work and the responsibility equally between management and workers. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 20
  • 21. Weaknesses of scientific management 1. He misread the human element He equated people with machine He saw no other motivator other than money He fail to understand the complex nature of human behavior 2.It was relevant to solve only the problem of lower level managers. 3.Its application was not smooth 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 21
  • 22. Frank and Lilian Gilbreths • Frank Gilbreth (father of motion study) • Lilian Gilbreths (first lady of management) • They are contemporaries of Taylor and part of the original scientific management pioneers • They work on the elimination of waste and the discovery of ‘one best way’ of doing work. • Identified 18 on the job motions and called them therbligs. • He decreases the movements from 18 to 5 at the same time he decrease the production time by 2 and half. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 22
  • 23. Henry L. Gantt • Gantt is best known for the Gantt chart (a bar chart for planning and controlling work). • But he also made significant contributions to management with respect to; pay-for-performance plans and the training and development of workers. • Develop a system called ‘task and bonus wage plan’. • Workers who produced more received a daily bonus, but those who didn’t simply received their standard daily pay. • Here no penalty for not meeting standards. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 23
  • 24. 2. administrative management (Classical organization ) theory • This theory focused on the management of the entire organization unlike the scientific management theory which focuses on production (shop level efficiency). • Henri Fayol was the first to develop this theory. • He is the one who identify ; 1. All activities that occur in the industry or business organizations could be divided into six main groups. • Technical (production, manufacturing); • Commercial (buying, selling, exchange); • Financial (obtaining and using capital); • Security (protection of property and persons); • Accounting (balance sheet, stocktaking, statistics, costing); • Managerial (planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling). 2. Management as a separate field of study 3. General management principles 4. Basic functions of management 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 24
  • 25. Fayol’s 14 principles of management 1. Division of labor : work must be subdivided to facilitate specialization 2. Authority and responsibility : Authority creates responsibility and, hence authority and responsibility should go hand in hand; 3. Discipline: Clearly defined rules and procedures are needed at all organizational levels to ensure order and proper behavior. 4. Unity of command ----one employee from one boss 5. Unity of direction : all operations with the same objective must have one manager and one plan; 6. Subordination of individual interest to the general interest:Employees must put the organization’s interests and goals before their own. 7. Centralization: Strike a balance depending on the circumstances and employees involved. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 25
  • 26. Cont’d… 8. Remuneration of staff/personnel ---compensation should benefit both parties 9. Scalar chain/chain of command---- a clear line of authority or chain of command should extend from the highest to the lowest level of an enterprise. So that clear flow of information and communication will exist. 10. Order ---- there is a place for everything and everything in its place. Proper scheduling of work and timetables to complete work is important 11. Equity-Kind, fair, and just treatment for all will develop devotion and loyalty. 12. Stability of tenure of personnel ---- low turnover 13. Initiative : workers should feel like an active part of the organization 14. Esprit de corps : harmony and union help to build the strength of an enterprise 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 26
  • 27. Contributions of classical organization theory • The position Fayol took in distinguishing management as a discipline is worth studying • The 14 basic management principles are developed • The five element of administration, which with minor modification today are called functions of management. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 27
  • 28. Limitations of classical organization theory • Some of the principles are rigid. Example • Chain of command • Unity of command • The 14 principles are applicable in a relatively stable and predictable environment hence they have less applicability in the today’s turbulent environment. • The principles are too general for today's complex organization. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 28
  • 29. Discussion 1. What are the similarities and differences between scientific and classical organization theory? 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 29
  • 30. 3. Bureaucratic theory • Max Weber (1864–1920) introduces most of the concepts in this theory. • Taylor and Fayol: concerned for solving practical managerial problems. • Max Weber: concerned for the more fundamental issues of how organizations are designed and structured. • Bureaucracy comes from the French word bureaucratie. • Since bureau means desk or office and cratie or cracy means to rule, bureaucracy literally means to rule from a desk or office. • According to Weber, however, bureaucracy is “the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge. • A bureaucratic system of administration is based on six principles. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 30
  • 32. Benefits of bureaucracy • Specialization • Overlapping duties can easily be avoided • Hiring and promotion are based on merits and excellence • Organization continues despite the manager • Consistent employee behavior • Involvement with personalities is avoided. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 32
  • 33. Weakness of bureaucracy • There is too much paper work and red tapes. • Employees do not care about the organization due to impersonality • It inhibits initiative and growth of workers • Resistance to new ideas and change • Disregards the informal organization or the social environment • Over-rigidity / inflexibility • Don’t easily adopt to change environment • Top down communication 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 33
  • 34. B. Behavioral management theory • It is a study of observable and verifiable human behavior in organizations by using scientific methods. • Abraham Maslow, Douglas Macgregor & Elton Mayo were the well known contributors of this theory. • Of these, Elton Mayo was the most prominent one. • Focus on human dimensions of organization. • Objective: to identify factors that affect productivity of employees. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 34
  • 35. Hawthorne study • The study had four phases: Phase one: Illumination experiment To study the effect of illumination on out put Finding: no strong relationship b/n output and light Phase two: the relay assembly test room experiment To study the effect of physical change on productivity Finding: Productivity is not affected by physical change. Conditions such as rest breaks and workday length, physical health, amount of sleep, and diet have no effect on productivity 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 35
  • 36. Cont’d Phase three: the massive interview program  To identify factors that affect employees productivity.  Over 20,000 employees were involved  Finding: informal groups in an organization remained significant factor that affected the workers Phase four: the Bank wiring observation room study  To study the effect of piece work incentives(economic incentives) on performance  The workers' actions were affected by factors like- individuals with whom they were given job or to whom they offered assistance.  Finding: incentives are less important in determining out put. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 36
  • 37. Findings of Hawthorne experiment • Physical working condition did not affect productivity • There are other factors that affect productivity. thus are social and psychological nature • Informal groups were important in organizational work environment. • Leadership that can understand individual and group behavior were necessary. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 37
  • 38. Contributions of Behavioral management theory Change the management thinking: managers realize the importance of people and workers as valuable resources. Found out that the satisfaction of social and psychological needs could result in more performance of workers. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 38
  • 39. Limitations of behavioral management theory • The complexity of individual behavior makes the predication of that behavior difficult. • There style was unethical as they used human being as experimental units in laboratory. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 39
  • 40. 3. Modern Approach This approach is the last approach and it consists: A. The systems approach B. The contingency approach C. The management science approach A. Systems Theory • The systems theory approach is based on the notion that organizations can be visualized as systems. • A System is a set of interrelated parts that operate as a whole to pursuit of common goals. • The systems approach to management views organizations and the environment as sets of interrelated parts to be managed as a whole in order to achieve a common goal. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 40
  • 41. • According to the systems approach, organization system has four major components. a. Inputs- are the various human, financial, equipment and informational resources required to produce goods and services. b. Transformation process - are the organization's managerial and technological abilities that are applied to convert inputs in to outputs. c. Outputs - are the products, services and other outcomes produced by the organization d. Feedback- is information about results and organizational status relative to the environment, it is a key to system control. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 41
  • 43. Characteristics of systems • A system has several distinguishing features – A system can be open or closed – System has boundary – System has subsystems – Failure in one subsystem can be considered as failure of the entire system 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 43
  • 44. • In organization context, by this theory, organizational elements will be more productive if they work together (synergy) rather than working separately (or individually). • According to system theory, Responsibility of management is to keep a balanced relationship between different parts of relationship and make its organization have smooth relationship with the environment. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 44
  • 45. B. Contingency theory • In the mid-1960s, the contingency view of management or situational approach emerged. • This view emphasizes the fit between organization processes and the characteristics of the situation. • The contingency approach assumes that managerial behavior is dependent on a wide variety of elements. Thus, it provides a framework for integrating the knowledge of management thought. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 45
  • 46. • According to contingency theory, since organization is an open system, it interacts with several external environment factors. • Since these factors in environment changes rapidly, it is not right to insist on only one way of managing an organization. • Therefore it rejected the idea of one best way of managing. Instead, it supported situational management style. • Generally, it is more flexible, and needs management to identify different techniques to be applied in different circumstances, at different time. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 46
  • 47. C. Management Science • It uses quantitative techniques to maximize resources. • Quantitative management: utilizes linear programming, modeling, simulation systems to solve managerial problems. • Operations management: techniques to analyze all aspects of the production system. • Total Quality Management (TQM): focuses on improving quality. 10/26/2022 Dr. Bogale A. 47
  • 48. 4. The Learning Organization (LO) LO can be defined as one in which everyone is engaged in identifying and solving problems, enabling the organization to continuously experiment, change, and improve The essential idea is problem solving, in contrast to the traditional organization designed for efficiency; in LO all employees look for problems, such as understanding special customer needs to meet the purpose 10/26/2022 48 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 49. The Learning Organization (LO)… To develop a learning organization, managers make changes in all the subsystems of the organization. To promote continuous learning make a shift to team-based structure, empowering employees sharing information 10/26/2022 49 Team based structure Empowered employee Open information Dr. Bogale A.
  • 50. The Learning Organization (LO)… Team-based structure An important value in a LO is collaboration and communication across departmental and hierarchical boundaries. Self-directed teams are the basic building block of the structure. 10/26/2022 50 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 51. The Learning Organization (LO)… Team-based structure These teams are made up of employees with different skills who share or rotate jobs to produce an entire product or service People on the team are given the skills, information, tools, motivation, and authority to make decisions central to the team’s performance and to respond creatively and flexibly to new challenges or opportunities that arise. 10/26/2022 51 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 52. The Learning Organization (LO)… Employee Empowerment Empowerment means unleashing the power and creativity of employees by giving them the freedom, resources, information, and skills to make decisions and perform effectively. In LOs, people are a manager’s primary source of strength, not a cost to be minimized. 10/26/2022 52 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 53. The Learning Organization (LO)… • Employee Empowerment • Companies that adopt this perspective believe in treating employees well by providing competitive wages and good working conditions, as well as by investing time and money in training programs and opportunities for personal and professional development 10/26/2022 53 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 54. The Learning Organization (LO)… Open Information People have to be aware of what’s going on They must understand the whole organization as well as their part in it Formal data about budgets, profits, and departmental expenses are available to everyone Managers encourage people throughout the organization to share information 10/26/2022 54 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 55. 5. The Technology Driven Workplace The shift to e-Business 10/26/2022 55 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 56. The Technology Driven Workplace Ideas, information, and relationships are becoming more important than production machinery, physical products and structured jobs TDWP shifted to e-business Managers and employees focus on opportunities rather than efficiency 10/26/2022 56 Dr. Bogale A.
  • 57. Questions • A college professor told her students, “The purpose of a management course is to teach students about management, not to teach them to be managers.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Discuss. • As organizations become more technology- driven, which do you think will become more important—the management of the human element of the organization or the management of technology? Discuss 10/26/2022 57 Dr. Bogale A.