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Centralized Test Automation
    using Hybrid Model

           Bharathi Easw aran

              IBM Confidential

    Automation Decision Making
    Challenges of Automation
    Benefits of automation
    Components of Automation testing
    Reasons for Automation failure
    Successful Automation Testing
    Automation Decision making Process
    Automation Guidelines for Testers
    Identify Test Cases to automate
    Hybrid Framework Approach
    Elements of a Framework

Factors Decides Automation Testing

                Test Automation

Challenges in Test Automation

Benefits of Automation

                 AS ALPS | Mar 15, 2012 | IBM
                 Confidential                   5
Components of Automation Testing

Automation Frame Work :
Automation Framework is a process of Structuring and
Organizing Scripts to increase the level of reusability
and readability of scripts.
Tool :
Is a mechanism used to simplify and speed the effort
required for testing.
Regression Suite :
A collection of Regression scenarios in the form of
automated build

Reasons Why Automation Testing Might Fail ?

While Talking about automation decision making, we have to list
out the reasons for automation failure. This activity will help you
to create a quality in automation testing.

Automation Failure Leads to..

•   Effective Test Execution can’t be continued
•   Unable to achieve the defined ROI
•   Decrease the defect finding Rate
•   Dissatisfaction with Client

Successful Automation Testing

Test Automation at Project

   Requirement                             Framework          Automation Suite
                    Tool Compatibility                           creation           Delivery
    Analysis                               Compatibility

• Products                                Select
  Functionality   • Record a Script       Framework           • Setup the        • Automation
  Study             with the available                          Automation         framework
                    tool for core                               Environment      • Regression
                    functional flow      • Project duration   • Create             Suites
                    as per business      • Project Size         automation       • User Manual
                  • Run the recorded     • Test data            suites           • Documents
                    scripts multiple       Management         • Debug the          for Process
                    times with           • Business             suites
                    different test                            • Validate the
                    base                                        suites
                                         • Automation
                  • Validate the
                    between tool and
                    the application
                  • 80% - 90% of the
                    test objects
                    should be able to    Create a POC
                    identified by the
                    tool                   Select

Automation Guidelines for Testers

          Modularize test scripts for multiple execution combinations.
         Identify and abstract common functions used across multiple
          test scripts.
         Structure scripts with minimal dependencies to ensure scripts
          can run unattended even when multiple failures occur.

          Decouple complex business function testing from navigation,
         limit-testing, and other simple verification and validation
         Abstract and decouple test data from the test scripts.

          follow the consistency in Process.
         Maintain Logs and Documents.
         Analyze and evaluate the Failures.

Guidelines to Identify Test Cases to automated

Each regression test case/scenario should be validated based on the Checklist.

       Validation                                               Yes/No
       Accurate Expected Results

       Clear Functional Requirement

       Consistent Functional Behavior

       Dependence on other systems

       Core functional component

       Test Data Availability and Connectivity

Centralized Test Automation using
          Hybrid Model

                  IBM Confidential

Hybrid-Automation Framework
Automation Framework :
A framework can be a wrapper around complex internal architecture which makes end user to interact with
system easily. It also define guidelines and set standards for all phases of ADLC(automation development life

Hybrid-Framework :
The hybrid Test automation framework is what most frameworks evolve into over time and multiple projects.
The most successful automation frameworks generally accommodate both Keyword driven as well as Data
driven This allows data driven scripts to take advantage of the powerful libraries and utilities that usually
accompany a keyword driven architecture. The framework utilities can make the data driven scripts more
compact and less prone to failure than they otherwise would have been.

                                   Driver Script

                Test                  Test                   Test
              Scripts 1             Scripts 2              Scripts 3

                                    Function Library                                   Data

                     Hybrid Automation Framework - Diagram
Centralized Automation Framework
Au to m atio n S crip t e ncap su latio n :
Fu nctio n Lib rarie s, S crip ts all are e ncap su late d co m p o ne nts,
U se rs w ill b e ab le to acce ss o nly th e S crip ts re late d to the ir
te sting u se r g e t p re ve nte d fro m acce ssing th e e ntire fram e w o rk
scrip ts.

S yste m atic Ap p ro ach : D e fine s a stand ard p ro ce d u re s,
p ro ce sse s, b e st p ractice s and g u id e line s fo r te st au to m atio n
im p le m e ntatio n. A te ste r can’t cre ate a scrip t o n th is o w n style
o r way fo r th e p ro je ct te st au to m atio n.

Quality of automation :
The Framework will be evaluated in different levels to object
quality in automation.

Framework Design: Hybrid model has been used to design
the centralized automation framework.

Example diagram – Extendable to New technology using Centralized Framework

                                                  Start Up

                  Project 1                                                      Project 2
              Technology -Web                                                Technology Web

             Framework ready to                                             Framework ready to
             implement test                                                 implement test
             automation                                                     automation


                                                                               Java Function Library
                                                                                VB Function Library
                  New Project 3
                                                                               Web Function Library
                                                                                 Recovery System
                 New Technology
                     (SAP)                                                    General Function Library

                                   Framework need to be                            Environment
                                   upgraded to the New SAP

  Note: Assume that web technology is implemented in framework and “sap” is a new technology that’s need to be
  implemented. So Project 1 and project2 can be implemented immediately and project 3 needs an up-gradation in the
Features of Centralized Automation Framework

   Design of the Framework is independent of “Functionality & Technology”

   Minimum level of maintenance and framework change requirement

   Framework should provide user friendly Regression Suite

   Systematic Approach in automation implementation

   On the shelf Product – Ready for the current market requirement.

Framework Benefits Comparison
  Benefits                 Customized        Automation   Centralized
                        Automation Scripts   Framework    Automation
                                              (Generic)   Framework

  Cost of                      Low             Medium        High
  Extendable to New            No                No           Yes
  Functional                   No               Yes           Yes
  Technology                   No                No           Yes
  Script Maintenance           High            Medium        Low
  User Friendly                No               Yes           Yes

  Encapsulated                 No               Yes           Yes
  Reliable and Stable          No               Yes           Yes

  ROI                          Low             Medium        High

  Reusability                  Low             Limited       High

Architecture of Centralized Automation Framework
                       Automation Framework                Start

          Driver Script                                Driver Sheet


                                                                                Regression Suite


            Main Script                                                                  Main DataSheet
                                                                                         Main DataSheet

                                                        Sub Script
                                                        Sub Script

                Y/N                                                        No
                                                             IF                         Sub Suite Folder
                   Yes                                      Flag

               Sub                                                 Yes
                                                      Perform Validation
                                                      Perform Validation

          Perform Validation                                                               ResultSheet

Framework - Work Flow Design
   App Type
                                                              Framework design will be independent of
                                                              functionality and technology
          Web                                                 Framework need to be upgraded for new
                                                              technology and Automation Suites to be
              Object Class
                                                              upgraded for new functionally, but design
                                                              remains constant
                Web Button
                                                              Application type, Object Class, Object
                    Operation                                 Name, Operation and Operation Type are
                                                              the deciding factor of the automation flow
                      Checkpoint                              of execution
                                                              Your Data     Drives   the   Flow   not   the
                       Operation Type

                             Std.CheckPoint                   Framework will process the inputs and
                                                              perform the operation in the application,
                                 User Defined Function Call   update the result back to the suite,
                                                              If your data is incorrect then the suite will


                Web Edit Box


High Level Framework Design

                                                           Driver Sheet :
           Driver Script             Driver Sheet           Th e Starting Po int o f Fram e wo rk and will co ntain all th e
                                                            info rm atio n ab o ut Re g re ssio n Suite ( like (Path , Suite N am e ,
                           n                                M o d ule N am e and Flag , e tc )
                                                           Driver Script :

            Main Script            Main Data Sheet           W ill ch e ck th e Flag status o f All th e Re g re ssio n Suite in th e
                                                            D rive r sh e e t

                           n                                Flag = Ye s ( Suite ne e d to b e e x e cute d )

                                                            Flag = N o ( Suite ne e d no t to e x e cute )

            Sub Script             Sub Data Sheet          Main Script :

                                                            It will lo cate th e re g re ssio n suite and g e t d ata fro m th e M ain
                                                            d atash e e t

                                                            It will re ad all th e ro ws in th e d atash e e t, 1 to n ro ws,

                                                            b e fo re p ro ce ss a ro w, it will ch e ck th e Flag Status( Ye s/N o )
      Frame work                   Automation Suite        Main Datasheet :

 1.   Driver Sheet             •    Main Data Sheet         Each Ro w will co ntain te ch nical d ata, te st d ata and a flag
 2.   Driver Script                                          O ne line o f Scrip t will b e co nve rte d into o ne ro w in
 3.   Main Script              •    Object Repository
                                                            D atash e e t
 4.   Sub Script
 5.   Function Library         •    Reusable Suite         Sub Script and Sub Data Sheet :
 6.   Recovery
      scenarios                •    Result Sheet            W e can call Re usab le Suite s insid e yo ur Re g . Suite s
                                                            Function Library : Se t o f Re u sab le Functio ns
                                                            ResultSheet : C usto m iz e d re sults fo r use r s b e tte r
                                                            und e rstand ing                                                      20
Steps to Create the Automation suite
                                                                      Create a Folder for
                                                                       Regression Suite
Step 1: Create a Folder for your Automation Suite (Ex.
                                                                   Record the scenarios and
Step 2: Record the Flow which you need to automate and Save the             Save
         Flow Script
                                                                      Save as the Object
Step 3: Save the Local Object Repository as Shared Obj.           Repository as “ObjRep.tsr”
         Repository in the Folder (Automation Suite Folder)       in Regression Suite Folder

Step 4: Use the “Data Generator” to Convert your Flow into
          Datasheet and save the same In the automation Folder      Use “Data Generator” to
                                                                     Convert the Recorded
                                                                  scripts into Datasheet. Save
Step 5: Save a Result Sheet Template                                  as the Datasheet as
                                                                        “DataSheet.xls” in
                                                                    Regression Suite Folder

                                                                  Insert a Result template in
                                                                      Regression Folder

                                                                          Ready for
Driver Sheet
  Application    ModuleName       Path                                        Dependencies   Flag
  CRM            Login            C:Shell AutomationCRMLogin                           Yes
  CRM            Transactio       C:Shell AutomationCRMTransaction                     Yes
  CRM            Opportunity      C:Shell AutomationCRMOpportunity                     NO
  SAP            SupportRequest   C:Shell AutomationSAPSupportRequest                  Yes

       Driver sheet is a Starting point of the framework architecture
       Driver Sheet is an repository to store all the automation suite informations
       Path and Flag are mandatory fields
       We can free to add more fields for user reference. ( Like tester name,
        comments )

Flow Script
     Flow Script is the script which you recorded to automate
     Later Data Generator will covert your flow script into data in a form which the framework can

Main Data Sheet
  Main Data Sheet will have a huge amount of data, they are Flow Data,
   technical and test data, Test case information's

  Flow data : Windows Name, Object Name and Object Class etc.,

  Test Data : Account Id, Customer Id, Login Details and URL etc.,

  Technical Data : Operation, Operation Type, Parameters, Flag & Comments

  Test case Info(Optional ) : Test case Id, Test Description etc.,

  Your Flow Scripts will be converted into Main Data and the Same will be saved in Excel

  Single Line of Flow Script will be converted into data structure in Main Data Sheet

  Main Data Sheet is in a table form, so easy for the end user to understand the flow and
   execute/ maintain the same,

  Main Data Sheet is like a “keyword view” of your flow script

Main Data Sheet

Elements of a Framework

          IBM Confidential

Common Components
Below are the components of the
Automation Framework:                   Data Tables                Environment

   Data Tables
   Environment                                                       Tools

   Libraries
   Object repository
                                                                                 • Runtime
   Results                                  Scripts               Framework
                                                                                 • Documents

   Runtime
   Scripts                       Recovery
   Recovery scenario             scenario

   Documents
   Tools                                                            Results

Data Tables

   Data table leads to Parameterization
                                                       Username   Password
  Repository for Test Data
 Designed for User Interaction                        User1      pwd1

    Data table can be an Excel Document, Ms-Access,   User2      pwd2
Database                                               User3      pwd3
 Framework will Design the Data table Structure

   and mapping


    Function library
    Collection of Reusable operations in the form of Predefined Structure

                                   Function                      Driver
                                    Library                      Scripts

   Time and resource can be saved using reusable functions.
   Decomposing the scripts into functions, will increate the level of script Understandably.
   Creating functions will reduce the dependencies within the scripts.
   Scripts maintenance cost will considerably will come down.
   Support Future requirements.

Object Repositories / Object Maps
                                                                     Structure of Object Repository

    The Storage band for Application Objects
     It Provides the interaction between scripts and      Object Repository

      The object repository is shared and module-                   Object1

    While Execution the Object repository will help the                  Property               Property
                                                                           Name                    Value
script to Identify the Objects in the application
                                                                          Property               Property
      Repository will have list of objects along with                     Name                   Value

configured properties and their values
   Object Repository will have enough no.of properties
to uniquely identify an Object                                       Object2

     Shared object repository should have the extn :
                                                                          Property               Property
                                                                           Name                    Value
ABC.tsr (Test Shared Repository)
     Module-specific repository should have a extn :                     Property               Property
                                                                           Name                   Value (Module Test Repository)

Tools, Scripts, Recovery scenario & Results
Tools : This folder contains macro files. Using these files will reduce time for writing scripts, converting files,
and shortcut to generate code.
Scripts : This folder contains local test scripts; this folder will be used while development and maintenance
stage. Once script gets delivered it will upload to centralize location Test Director or Quality Centre.
Recovery scenario : This folder can be used as recovery scenario function library file. Also, through QTP
particular scenario, converted file is kept under this folder and associates the test script.
Results : The current execution status will be updated after every run. All the Script failures, test status,
recovery actions will be logged in Result.

               QTP             Open              Run             Script
               Settings        Script            Script          Failure


                   ion                                                                Resume
                                Test Script       Test Script      Test Script        Executio
                Environme                                                                n
                Recovery                                                             Completed

                                                                                                     Close QTP

Thank You

            AS ALPS | Mar 15, 2012 | IBM
            Confidential                   33

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Centralized test automation framework implementation

  • 1. Centralized Test Automation using Hybrid Model Bharathi Easw aran IBM Confidential 1
  • 2. Agenda Automation Decision Making Challenges of Automation Benefits of automation Components of Automation testing Reasons for Automation failure Successful Automation Testing Automation Decision making Process Automation Guidelines for Testers Identify Test Cases to automate Hybrid Framework Approach Elements of a Framework 2
  • 3. Factors Decides Automation Testing Test Automation 3
  • 4. Challenges in Test Automation 4
  • 5. Benefits of Automation AS ALPS | Mar 15, 2012 | IBM Confidential 5
  • 6. Components of Automation Testing Automation Frame Work : Automation Framework is a process of Structuring and Organizing Scripts to increase the level of reusability and readability of scripts. Tool : Is a mechanism used to simplify and speed the effort required for testing. Regression Suite : A collection of Regression scenarios in the form of automated build 6
  • 7. Reasons Why Automation Testing Might Fail ? While Talking about automation decision making, we have to list out the reasons for automation failure. This activity will help you to create a quality in automation testing. Automation Failure Leads to.. • Effective Test Execution can’t be continued • Unable to achieve the defined ROI • Decrease the defect finding Rate • Dissatisfaction with Client 7
  • 9. Test Automation at Project Requirement Framework Automation Suite Tool Compatibility creation Delivery Analysis Compatibility • Products Select Functionality • Record a Script Framework • Setup the • Automation Study with the available Automation framework tool for core Environment • Regression functional flow • Project duration • Create Suites as per business • Project Size automation • User Manual • Run the recorded • Test data suites • Documents scripts multiple Management • Debug the for Process times with • Business suites different test • Validate the requirement base suites • Automation • Validate the Budget compatibility between tool and the application • 80% - 90% of the test objects should be able to Create a POC identified by the tool Select Framework 9
  • 10. Automation Guidelines for Testers Modularize test scripts for multiple execution combinations. Identify and abstract common functions used across multiple test scripts. Structure scripts with minimal dependencies to ensure scripts can run unattended even when multiple failures occur. Decouple complex business function testing from navigation, limit-testing, and other simple verification and validation activities. Abstract and decouple test data from the test scripts. follow the consistency in Process. Maintain Logs and Documents. Analyze and evaluate the Failures. 10
  • 11. Guidelines to Identify Test Cases to automated Each regression test case/scenario should be validated based on the Checklist. Validation Yes/No Accurate Expected Results Clear Functional Requirement Consistent Functional Behavior Dependence on other systems Core functional component Test Data Availability and Connectivity 11
  • 12. Centralized Test Automation using Hybrid Model IBM Confidential 12
  • 13. Hybrid-Automation Framework Automation Framework : A framework can be a wrapper around complex internal architecture which makes end user to interact with system easily. It also define guidelines and set standards for all phases of ADLC(automation development life cycle). Hybrid-Framework : The hybrid Test automation framework is what most frameworks evolve into over time and multiple projects. The most successful automation frameworks generally accommodate both Keyword driven as well as Data driven This allows data driven scripts to take advantage of the powerful libraries and utilities that usually accompany a keyword driven architecture. The framework utilities can make the data driven scripts more compact and less prone to failure than they otherwise would have been. Driver Script Test Test Test Scripts 1 Scripts 2 Scripts 3 Function Library Data Hybrid Automation Framework - Diagram 13
  • 14. Centralized Automation Framework Au to m atio n S crip t e ncap su latio n : Fu nctio n Lib rarie s, S crip ts all are e ncap su late d co m p o ne nts, U se rs w ill b e ab le to acce ss o nly th e S crip ts re late d to the ir te sting u se r g e t p re ve nte d fro m acce ssing th e e ntire fram e w o rk scrip ts. S yste m atic Ap p ro ach : D e fine s a stand ard p ro ce d u re s, p ro ce sse s, b e st p ractice s and g u id e line s fo r te st au to m atio n im p le m e ntatio n. A te ste r can’t cre ate a scrip t o n th is o w n style o r way fo r th e p ro je ct te st au to m atio n. Quality of automation : The Framework will be evaluated in different levels to object quality in automation. Framework Design: Hybrid model has been used to design the centralized automation framework. 14
  • 15. Example diagram – Extendable to New technology using Centralized Framework Start Up Scripts Project 1 Project 2 Technology -Web Technology Web Framework ready to Framework ready to implement test implement test automation automation Centralized Framework Java Function Library VB Function Library New Project 3 Web Function Library with Recovery System New Technology (SAP) General Function Library Framework need to be Environment upgraded to the New SAP Technology. Note: Assume that web technology is implemented in framework and “sap” is a new technology that’s need to be implemented. So Project 1 and project2 can be implemented immediately and project 3 needs an up-gradation in the framework. 15
  • 16. Features of Centralized Automation Framework  Design of the Framework is independent of “Functionality & Technology”  Minimum level of maintenance and framework change requirement  Framework should provide user friendly Regression Suite  Systematic Approach in automation implementation  On the shelf Product – Ready for the current market requirement. 16
  • 17. Framework Benefits Comparison Benefits Customized Automation Centralized Automation Scripts Framework Automation (Generic) Framework Cost of Low Medium High Implementation Extendable to New No No Yes technology Functional No Yes Yes Independence Technology No No Yes independence Script Maintenance High Medium Low Required User Friendly No Yes Yes Encapsulated No Yes Yes Scripts Reliable and Stable No Yes Yes ROI Low Medium High Reusability Low Limited High 17
  • 18. Architecture of Centralized Automation Framework Automation Framework Start Driver Script Driver Sheet No IF Flag Y/N Regression Suite Yes Main Script Main DataSheet Main DataSheet Sub Script Sub Script No IF Flag Y/N No IF Sub Suite Folder Yes Flag Y/N Sub Yes Suite Suite Yes Perform Validation Perform Validation No Perform Validation ResultSheet Application Application 18
  • 19. Framework - Work Flow Design App Type Framework design will be independent of functionality and technology Web Framework need to be upgraded for new technology and Automation Suites to be Object Class upgraded for new functionally, but design remains constant Web Button Application type, Object Class, Object Operation Name, Operation and Operation Type are the deciding factor of the automation flow Checkpoint of execution Your Data Drives the Flow not the Operation Type framework Std.CheckPoint Framework will process the inputs and perform the operation in the application, User Defined Function Call update the result back to the suite, If your data is incorrect then the suite will TxtCheckPoint fail Function Web Edit Box SAP 19 19
  • 20. High Level Framework Design  Driver Sheet : Driver Script Driver Sheet Th e Starting Po int o f Fram e wo rk and will co ntain all th e info rm atio n ab o ut Re g re ssio n Suite ( like (Path , Suite N am e , n M o d ule N am e and Flag , e tc )  Driver Script : Main Script Main Data Sheet W ill ch e ck th e Flag status o f All th e Re g re ssio n Suite in th e D rive r sh e e t n Flag = Ye s ( Suite ne e d to b e e x e cute d ) Flag = N o ( Suite ne e d no t to e x e cute ) Sub Script Sub Data Sheet  Main Script : It will lo cate th e re g re ssio n suite and g e t d ata fro m th e M ain d atash e e t It will re ad all th e ro ws in th e d atash e e t, 1 to n ro ws, b e fo re p ro ce ss a ro w, it will ch e ck th e Flag Status( Ye s/N o ) Frame work Automation Suite  Main Datasheet : 1. Driver Sheet • Main Data Sheet Each Ro w will co ntain te ch nical d ata, te st d ata and a flag 2. Driver Script O ne line o f Scrip t will b e co nve rte d into o ne ro w in 3. Main Script • Object Repository D atash e e t 4. Sub Script 5. Function Library • Reusable Suite  Sub Script and Sub Data Sheet : 6. Recovery scenarios • Result Sheet W e can call Re usab le Suite s insid e yo ur Re g . Suite s  Function Library : Se t o f Re u sab le Functio ns  ResultSheet : C usto m iz e d re sults fo r use r s b e tte r und e rstand ing 20
  • 21. Steps to Create the Automation suite Create a Folder for Regression Suite Step 1: Create a Folder for your Automation Suite (Ex. “SupportRequest”) Record the scenarios and Step 2: Record the Flow which you need to automate and Save the Save Flow Script Save as the Object Step 3: Save the Local Object Repository as Shared Obj. Repository as “ObjRep.tsr” Repository in the Folder (Automation Suite Folder) in Regression Suite Folder Step 4: Use the “Data Generator” to Convert your Flow into Datasheet and save the same In the automation Folder Use “Data Generator” to Convert the Recorded scripts into Datasheet. Save Step 5: Save a Result Sheet Template as the Datasheet as “DataSheet.xls” in Regression Suite Folder Insert a Result template in Regression Folder “Results.xls” Ready for Execution 21
  • 22. Driver Sheet Application ModuleName Path Dependencies Flag CRM Login C:Shell AutomationCRMLogin Yes CRM Transactio C:Shell AutomationCRMTransaction Yes CRM Opportunity C:Shell AutomationCRMOpportunity NO SAP SupportRequest C:Shell AutomationSAPSupportRequest Yes  Driver sheet is a Starting point of the framework architecture  Driver Sheet is an repository to store all the automation suite informations  Path and Flag are mandatory fields  We can free to add more fields for user reference. ( Like tester name, comments ) 22
  • 23. Flow Script  Flow Script is the script which you recorded to automate  Later Data Generator will covert your flow script into data in a form which the framework can understand. 23 23
  • 24. Main Data Sheet  Main Data Sheet will have a huge amount of data, they are Flow Data, technical and test data, Test case information's  Flow data : Windows Name, Object Name and Object Class etc.,  Test Data : Account Id, Customer Id, Login Details and URL etc.,  Technical Data : Operation, Operation Type, Parameters, Flag & Comments  Test case Info(Optional ) : Test case Id, Test Description etc.,  Your Flow Scripts will be converted into Main Data and the Same will be saved in Excel  Single Line of Flow Script will be converted into data structure in Main Data Sheet  Main Data Sheet is in a table form, so easy for the end user to understand the flow and execute/ maintain the same,  Main Data Sheet is like a “keyword view” of your flow script 24
  • 26. Elements of a Framework IBM Confidential 26
  • 27. Common Components Below are the components of the Object Automation Framework: Data Tables Environment Repository  Data Tables  Environment Tools  Libraries  Object repository • Runtime  Results Scripts Framework • Documents  Runtime  Scripts Recovery Libraries  Recovery scenario scenario  Documents  Tools Results 27
  • 28. Data Tables  Data table leads to Parameterization Username Password  Repository for Test Data  Designed for User Interaction User1 pwd1  Data table can be an Excel Document, Ms-Access, User2 pwd2 Database User3 pwd3  Framework will Design the Data table Structure and mapping 28
  • 30. Libraries Function library Collection of Reusable operations in the form of Predefined Structure Application Function Driver Library Scripts  Time and resource can be saved using reusable functions.  Decomposing the scripts into functions, will increate the level of script Understandably.  Creating functions will reduce the dependencies within the scripts.  Scripts maintenance cost will considerably will come down.  Support Future requirements. . 30
  • 31. Object Repositories / Object Maps Structure of Object Repository  The Storage band for Application Objects  It Provides the interaction between scripts and Object Repository application  The object repository is shared and module- Object1 specific.  While Execution the Object repository will help the Property Property Name Value script to Identify the Objects in the application Property Property  Repository will have list of objects along with Name Value configured properties and their values  Object Repository will have enough no.of properties to uniquely identify an Object Object2  Shared object repository should have the extn : Property Property Name Value ABC.tsr (Test Shared Repository)  Module-specific repository should have a extn : Property Property Name Value (Module Test Repository) 31
  • 32. Tools, Scripts, Recovery scenario & Results Tools : This folder contains macro files. Using these files will reduce time for writing scripts, converting files, and shortcut to generate code. Scripts : This folder contains local test scripts; this folder will be used while development and maintenance stage. Once script gets delivered it will upload to centralize location Test Director or Quality Centre. Recovery scenario : This folder can be used as recovery scenario function library file. Also, through QTP particular scenario, converted file is kept under this folder and associates the test script. Results : The current execution status will be updated after every run. All the Script failures, test status, recovery actions will be logged in Result. QTP Open Run Script Settings Script Script Failure Library Files Object Configurat ion Resume Test Script Test Script Test Script Executio Environme n nt Update Result Execution Recovery Completed Scenarios Close QTP 32
  • 33. Thank You AS ALPS | Mar 15, 2012 | IBM Confidential 33

Editor's Notes

  1. Instructor notes: Automating tests by using only a capture tool such Quick Test Professional to record and play back test cases has its drawbacks. When you use only a capture tool, it is very time consuming and expensive when running complex and powerful tests. These tests are created ad hoc and hence any changes in the functionality or UI can be difficult to track and reproduce, and therefore can be costly to maintain. A better choice for an Automated Testing Team that is just getting started might be to use a Test Automation Framework. This abstract gives a brief description about a modular framework, which helps in designing scripts independent of the application.
  2. Instructor notes: Automating tests by using only a capture tool such Quick Test Professional to record and play back test cases has its drawbacks. When you use only a capture tool, it is very time consuming and expensive when running complex and powerful tests. These tests are created ad hoc and hence any changes in the functionality or UI can be difficult to track and reproduce, and therefore can be costly to maintain. A better choice for an Automated Testing Team that is just getting started might be to use a Test Automation Framework. This abstract gives a brief description about a modular framework, which helps in designing scripts independent of the application.