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Central and Eastern European
  IT Outsourcing Landscape       IT Sourcing Europe Limited

         Report 2011
                               Nearshore IT Outsourcing
                                  Market Research

                                  Coventry, West Midlands
                                    The United Kingdom
2|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

                                                                                                  Table of Content

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
European ITO: 2011 Expectations, Trends & Challenges .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Most Promising ITO Destinations in the CEE Region ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
           Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Czech Republic Compared ............................................................................................................... 8
           Total Cost of Ownership: Nearshore versus In-House Development Team .................................................................................................................. 11
Ukraine’s ITO Profile 2011 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Belarus ITO Profile 2011 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
3|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

                                                                                             For close analysis within this Report six CEE countries were
                       Executive Summary
                                                                                             shortlisted based on the biggest IT outsourcing market share
IT Sourcing Europe’s 2011 Central and Eastern European (CEE)                                 reached in 2010: Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus
IT Outsourcing (ITO) Landscape Report aims to analyze the                                    and Czech Republic.
most prospective countries in Central and Eastern Europe in
                                                                                             This analytical Report proves Ukraine and Belarus to be
terms of their factual capability to supply Western European
                                                                                             holding the almost equal leading positions with regards to
and Nordic clients with appropriate low-cost IT resources and
                                                                                             qualified IT workforce available on the job market, innovation
skills missing/too expensive within own country, innovative
                                                                                             readiness, access to the newest technologies, R&D and tech
solutions and long-term value.
                                                                                             education excellence, favorable service rates and innovative
This Report’s key objective is to help Western European and                                  business models offered to Western European outsourcing
Nordic corporate / IT decision makers benchmark current                                      services buyers to help reach sustainability, flexibility and
trends and challenges of ITO and be aware of the factual                                     strategic long-term IT / development cost savings.
capabilities of the most popular/ leading nearshore
                                                                                             Regarding the European Union (EU) member states analyzed
outsourcing destinations in the CEE region to deliver the state-
                                                                                             in the course of this study in terms of their IT outsourcing
of-the-art yet cost effective solutions able to meet the most
                                                                                             potential, Romania appears to be the best country for
critical challenges of the rapidly changing business
                                                                                             nearshore outsourcing in terms of low costs and IT resource
                                                                                             pool, while Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary are not yet
The Report is based on the following industry studies and                                    ready to offer enough IT resources to be involved in
researches: Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing                                      sophisticated projects requiring access to innovative
Review by Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing                                        technologies and skills that are in short supply in Western and
Association, Gartner’s Research, Top 100 Global Outsourcing                                  Northern Europe. However, all of these countries demonstrate
Locations List by Global Services, countries’ reviews by                                     high levels of readiness to host and manage numerous
SourcingLine.Com, countries’ studies by World Economic                                       complex IT functions. But since they have to fully comply with
Forum, Global Occupancy Costs - Offices 2010 Report by DTZ,                                  the EU legislation, pay EU standard taxes etc, they are unable
industry publications in Business Week, Morrison & Foerster LLP,                             to offer reasonable cost arbitrage to the EU clients.
CFO Magazine, Computer World etc.

Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
4|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

                                                                                             o       Cloud became a new business model in outsourcing,
                                                                                             although it was not easy for every company to adopt it. For
In 2009 the verdict for the global outsourcing was “it could have
                                                                                             instance, financial companies and banks were slow to turn to the
been much worse”. In 2010 outsourcing proved to be one efficient
                                                                                             cloud, as they were dependent on financial regulators having to
way for organizations to position themselves to capitalize on the
                                                                                             approve of cloud-based deals or provide appropriate guidance on
recovery and show that their overall strategy is about creating
                                                                                             how to avoid Cloud outsourcing risks2.
value, not merely preserving costs. In 2009 outsourcing rates
dropped significantly and this trend continued in 2010, however
                                                                                             o        Quality of products and services delivered became the main
with much slower decline rates. In 2010 the global market activity
                                                                                             goal in the European outsourcing. Bigger service providers acquired
was busier, the deal cycles became shorter, a trend of Do-It-Yourself
                                                                                             slower achieving niche providers, while well-structures niche
(DIY) sourcing by internal teams with less reliance on the external
                                                                                             providers with good and timely market offerings survived the
help evolved and favored incumbent suppliers allowing them to win
                                                                                             competition and won a lot of long-term contracts from the
contract renewals of projects frozen / suspended in 2009 and
                                                                                             companies in the SME sector, so European outsourcing remained
boosting revenues even in spite of slim margins.
                                                                                             non-monopolized in 2010. The typical outsourcing transactions
                                                                                             became smaller in scale and did not involve any large
Overall, in 2010 the global outsourcing market in general and the
                                                                                             transformations. Project management and governance on vendor’s
European one in particular observed the following trends:
                                                                                             side became a key measurement of outsourcing success3.
o      The worldwide IT spending totaled $3.4 trillion, up 5.4%
from 2009 levels1                                                                                European ITO: 2011 Expectations, Trends &
o       Renewed emphasis on shared services across the entire
sector, which led to increased competitors’ collaboration and
                                                                                             Gartner predicts that enterprise IT spending in Europe, the Middle
cooperation in terms of cost reduction in the shared costs areas.
                                                                                             East and Africa (EMEA) will recover in 2011, after two years of
                                                                                             decline4. However, government cutbacks mean that Western
o       Financial services companies were back to the market after
                                                                                             Europe is not expected to return to stronger enterprise IT spending
having closed / putting on hold most of their outsourcing
transactions in 2009. With many insurance companies and banks
feeling more confident towards outsourcing, there was a significant                            Skinner, D., Chris Ford & Nigel Stamp, “Global Sourcing Trends in 2010”,
increase in the financial sector deals in 2010. Such companies                               Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2010
managed to rationalize their outsourcing contracts from numerous                             < >
mergers resulting from the financial meltdown.                                                 Ibid.
                                                                                               Nguyen, A. “Gartner Predicts 2011 IT Spending Rebound in Europe,”
                                                                                             Computer World, 2011 <
    Gartner, Inc., 2010                                                                      business/3247742/gartner-predicts-2011-it-spending-rebound-in-europe >

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5|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

growth until 2012. The analyst house forecasts that IT spending will                         o         Flexibility in processes and relationships
reach €579 billion in EMEA in 2011, up 1.3 percent from 20105.
                                                                                             Flexibility will be a key word in outsourcing deals over the next 12
According to Gartner, the UK’s public sector cuts, which aimed to                            months. Companies will be seeking to adopt much more flexible
reduce the nation’s debt, were a significant contributor to the                              commercial arrangements with their ITO service providers to reflect
declined outsourcing activity in Europe6.                                                    the different stages of the economic cycle. Outsourcing was used to
                                                                                             recapture innovation and provide flexibility in 2010, compared to
In 2011, the European IT outsourcing (ITO) industry will observe the                         simply saving money that was the top trend of 20097.
following trends:
                                                                                             Service flexibility is not just the ability to meet the client’s IT needs,
o           Shorter deals cycles and DIY approach                                            but the ability to flex the services to precisely cover the client’s
                                                                                             business outsourcing needs and make their outsourcing decision
In 2010, Europe saw a continuation of the trend for shorter deals,                           count. Although in the past years many European vendors labeled
shorter procurement processes, and an emphasis on making things                              their services as a “flexible offer” to ensure they get more
work actually rather than engaging in complex strategies. The DIY                            customers, they were not flexible at all in reality. In 2011, service
approach will be used even more intensively by the outsourcing                               providers are expected to understand the importance of change
prospects from Western and Northern Europe and this will result in                           acceptance in the process of setting up long-term relationships with
short-term transactional cost savings and less focus on establishing                         their clients. Therefore, they will tend to switch from a process-
long-term strategies. Overestimating their internal resources and                            packaged and bureaucratic approach to differentiation, quality and
abilities to do a high quality IT needs’ assessment, inexperienced                           innovation. In Central and Eastern Europe, more vendors are
purchasers of outsourcing services will suffer from longer-term                              beginning to change their business thinking and realize the
losses due to their inability to identify many of the key components                         importance of providing the clients with the right combination of
for the long-term outsourcing success. With the increased focus on                           services, while still bringing ease and effectiveness to their business
costs, Western European ITO buyers will save on governance costs                             objectives. So, in 2011 a hallmark of a true outsourcing professional
and overlook necessary governance functions. It will be especially                           will consist in the vendor’s ability to “get under the client’s skin” and
characteristic of customers engaging in multi-sourcing (i.e.                                 suggest the services that can bring its ultimate business goal to life8.
distribution of tasks among several ITO providers in different
geographic locations).                                                                       o         Innovative business models
                                                                                             In 2011, an increased number of Western European ITO buyers will
                                                                                             be looking for opportunities to sell their captive operations to

5                                                                                            7
    Ibid.                                                                                        Ibid.
6                                                                                            8
    Ibid.                                                                                        PowerHomeBiz.Com <>

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6|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

traditional service providers and to release cash to their core                              Other innovative business models that will continue to evolve and
business. The captive centers proved to be cost inefficient in the                           catch on the European ITO market are those based on the Cloud
past years due to their complicated exit strategy and contracts’                             Computing capabilities. Cloud abilities to distribute services to
inflexibility.                                                                               multiple customers over local WANs and Intranet, avoiding
                                                                                             mainframes and/or midrange servers, will have the largest effects
Striving to evolve strategic long-term outsourcing relationships,                            on outsourcing since the very rise of this economic phenomenon.
Western clients express readiness to move from project-based                                 And most of these tremendous effects will plug in in 2011. Cloud
services and staff augmentation to more effective business models,                           providers will deal with the key issues of data security, privacy
able to handle core software development.                                                    compliance and service level guarantees, but the market potential is
                                                                                             expected to be too great for solutions to these problems not to be
Although Offshore/Nearshore Development Centers (ODC/NDC)
                                                                                             forthcoming in 2011. In 2010, the European outsourcing industry
with their strict project management hierarchy continue to expand
                                                                                             began to seriously address many of these issues and will continue to
in the CEE region, the innovative engagement models emerge as a
                                                                                             do so in 2011 until cloud solutions become not just economically
response to tougher competition in the IT market, requiring more
                                                                                             tantalizing, but within the bounds of acceptable risk for customers.
transparent and value-added relationships between the clients and
                                                                                             If nothing else, the dramatically lower costs on offer from cloud
executors supplied by ITO vendors. One example of such innovative
                                                                                             providers will push customers to question charges by traditional
partnerships is a Managed/Client Own Team model, in which the                                sourcing providers, and the cloud will be used as a lever in
local supplier locates the client’s project team in its office and solves                    negotiations9.
all of the clients’ administrative and HR issues, while the client has
100% management of its vendor-supplied development team(s), its                              Gartner anticipates that the global services market for cloud
members’ salaries and career growth opportunities. This model has                            computing will reach an approximate revenue of €110 billion within
a better potential to maintain/increase employee retention and                               the next four years. Consequently IT service providers are busily
achieve better quality of delivery, compared to traditional ODC or                           upgrading their service offerings to match the cloud needs of their
project-based models, in which the client communicates with IT                               existing customer base and to enable the access to an entirely new
staff through vendor’s project management and incurs losses in                               customer segment - the SME market.
case of project staff turnover.

This service delivery model is equivalent to the client’s in-house                           Furthermore, the rise of smart phones and 4G technology will open
development team, but for a considerably lower cost. While clients                           up new business areas for these service providers, who have the
focus on production and core business lines, the supplier takes care
of HR management as well as legal, administrative and
infrastructure issues that the client company would have to deal
with if it chose to start its own operations in a low-cost                                   9
                                                                                              Skinner, D., Chris Ford & Nigel Stamp, “Global Sourcing Trends in 2010”,
neighborhood.                                                                                Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2010
                                                                                             < >

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7|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

expertise with the technologies and will be able to handle profitably                             Most promising ITO destinations in the CEE
millions of transactions at very low revenues per transaction10.
o        Mergers and acquisitions will hit the
                                                                                             This year IT Sourcing Europe shortlisted 6 CEE countries for
         outsourcing mainstream in 2011
                                                                                             comparison and analysis based on the 2010 forecast on the ITO
In Central and Eastern Europe, ITO service providers will be looking                         market volume13, as this indicator reflects well each certain
to more opportunities to raise capital and to buy niche ITO players.                         country’s progress towards innovation, flexibility, IT resource pool
Tier 1 providers will focus on enhancing their creditworthiness and                          enlargement and improvement of global delivery. So, based on the
seek ways to leverage costs by pointing to lower counter-party risk,                         assessment by the CEE Outsourcing Association, in 2011 the
sustainability, financial stability and dedication to market. Smaller                        following 6 countries will lead the region’s ITO competition:
Tier 2 providers will thus be challenged to overcome counter-party
                                                                                             Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Belarus and Czech Republic.
risk and provide greater cost saving options in order to persuade
prospects to partner with them. Overall, in 2011 the Tier 1 providers                        Fig. 1: ITO Market Volume: 2009 vs. 2010

are expected to tale a considerable ITO market share11.

However, smaller niche providers, focused on long-term benefits
and relationships with the clients, will be able to lead the market for                                  Ukraine                                      508
small outsourcing contracts. In 2010, the average size of ITO                                                                                          536
                                                                                                        Romania                                 429
projects fell from multi-billion dollar deals, as the companies started
to look at niche services rather than global delivery, so in 2011 small                                                                           461
                                                                                                        Hungary                          346
niche providers will have a good chance to win contracts that fall
below the size at which Tier 1 providers are able to compete                                             Poland                          328
successfully12.                                                                                                                           348
                                                                                                         Belarus                      279
                                                                                                  Czech Republic                      270

                                                                                                                   0        200          400            600         800
10                                                                                                                     2010 (Mln €)     2009 (Mln €)
   Prieler, C. in “Central and Eastern European ITO Review 2010” by the CEE
ITO Association, 2010
   Skinner, D., Chris Ford & Nigel Stamp, “Global Sourcing Trends in 2010”,
Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2010
< >                               CEE ITO Review 2010 by the CEE ITO Association
12                                                                                           14
   Ibid.                                                                                          Ibid.

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8|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

Note: The forecast of market volumes for 2010 was calculated based on the                    Fig. 3: Capacity for innovation (2011)
final values of market volumes in 2009, and weighted with the average
assessment of revenue growth for 2010 as reported by CEE companies.

Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus and
Czech Republic Compared
Fig. 2: Growth of ITO service export market (2009-2010)





 15,00%                                                             2009 (%)

 10,00%                                                             2010 (%)



15                                                                                           16
     CEE ITO Review 2010 by the CEE ITO Association                                               World Economic Forum 2011

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9|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

                                         17                                                                               18
Fig. 4: Labor Market Efficiency (2011)                                                       Fig. 5: Flexibility (2011)

17                                                                                           18
     World Economic Forum 2011                                                                    World Economic Forum 2011

Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
10 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

                                              19                                                                                                                20
Fig.6: Companies’ Spending on R&D (2011)                                                     Fig. 7: Number of IT Specialists Employed in ITO (2009-2011)




                                                                                                  5000                                                                 2010

                                                                                             Fig. 8: Minimum vs. Maximum IT Rates by Country (in $ per man hour)

                                                                                                          Ukraine                                       40,1
                                                                                                          Romania                                              46
                                                                                                          Hungary                                                     54,5
                                                                                                           Poland                                                    54
                                                                                                           Belarus                                 37,7
                                                                                                   Czech Republic                                                    53,1
Note: Belarus is excluded from analyses shown on Figures 3 through 6 due
to the lack of industry data                                                                                         0   10      20      30        40          50      60

                                                                                                                          Max Rate      Min Rate

19                                                                                           20
     World Economic Forum 2011                                                                    CEE ITO Review 2010 by the CEE ITO Association

Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
11 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

                             Total Cost of Ownership: Nearshore versus In-House Development Team

This is a rough calculation of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for running a 2-person software development team in the developed
European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany (representing Western Europe) and Denmark (representing Scandinavia) versus TCO
of the same team located in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic.

                              United         Germany          Denmark          Ukraine       Belarus   Poland       Romania        Hungary        Czech
                             Kingdom                                                                                                             Republic
Senior software
developer’s average            3,500           4,500            4,077           1,700        1,600     1,800          1,700         1,900         1,875
salary + bonuses (€ /
IT Project Manager’s
average salary +               5,300           5,000            4,750           1,900        1,850     2,100          1,950         2,200         2,100
bonuses (€ / month)
Office occupancy
cost (in € per 2               1886             1194            1150             798          774       780            852           800           820
primary rent +
                 Total        10,686          10,694            9,977           4,398        4,224     4,680          4,502         4,900         4,795

This is a simplified and rough calculation of TCO21. Normally, TCO is comprised of a greater number of indicators such as, for instance, long-term
expenses (employee replacement, scalability), risk/change management expenses, travel costs etc, but they should be estimated individually for
every project and team size, and do not differ significantly amongst the analyzed countries.

Of the six CEE countries surveyed, two appear to be the most attractive and promising ones for Western European ITO buyers who look out to
achieve significant cost arbitrage and gain access to vast IT resources – they are Ukraine and Belarus. Both weigh equally in terms of readiness to
provide state-of-the-art and cost effective innovative solutions and bring factual value to Western European and US clients in the long-term

     Sources used: PayScale.Com, ITjobswatch.Co.Uk, Developers.Org.Ua, Diz-By.Biz, DTZ's 13th annual Global Office Occupancy Costs Survey 2010

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12 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

According to the 2010 Global Services 100 list22, Ukraine is 11th and                            o Western-oriented government policies encourage
Belarus is 13th among 20 leading countries in the area of ITO and                              partnership and close business ties with the US and EU
high tech services. They are ahead of Poland, the fourth CEE country                           companies25
including Russia (12th position), that took the 20th position. Other
CEE countries surveyed in this study did not enter the global list of                             o Ukraine has one of the most comprehensive laws on
Top Outsourcing Locations. Based on this evaluation, the top                                   Intellectual property and copyright protection in the world26
leading locations that IT Sourcing Europe would recommend for
primary consideration by Western European companies looking out                                   o The ITO Industry is rapidly transforming: new business /
to outsource their IT function / software development are Ukraine                              service delivery models and approaches come to the scene, i.e
and Belarus.                                                                                   Cloud Computing, Managed/Own Team etc

                                                                                                   o The Ukrainian hi-tech sector which began to form itself
                 Ukraine’s ITO Profile 2011                                                    since Ukraine gained independence (first ITO contract signed in
                                                                                               1991) just for several decades developed in the strong and
                                                                                               dynamic industry, which value by skeptical analysts exceeded 1
                                                                                               billion in 201027
     o  Ukraine is a triple holder of the first position among CEE
countries in terms of market value, number of IT outsourcing
                                                                                                   o The year 2010 ended with a huge confrontation between
companies and number of professionals involved in IT outsourcing
                                                                                               the Ukrainian small and mid-sized entrepreneurs and the
                                                                                               government with regards to unfair modifications to the new Tax
                                                                                               Code. Many local IT companies and ITO services providers united
    o According to the 2010 Global Services 100 list, Ukraine
                                                                                               in an attempt to persuade the government of the seriousness of
ranks 1st among all CEE countries and 11th among the world’s Top
                                                                                               consequences of the new Tax Code for the future of the most
20 leading countries in the area of ITO and high tech services (by the
                                                                                               dynamic industry [IT]. Fortunately to the industry, the government
number of qualified IT resources available)24
                                                                                               came to hear the appeal and harmoniously upgraded and adopted
                                                                                               the new Tax Code28.
     o Ukrainian software /ITO vendors through their professional
alliances including the Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative are working
together to introduce a brand new, favorable position for the IT
industry, with provisions in the new Tax Code aimed to assist IT
companies sustain and move ahead of the competition.                                         25”
                                                                                                Outsourcing To CEE. Country Overview: Ukraine,” a webinar by the
                                                                                             Ukrainian High-Tech Initiative, 2010
22                                                                                           26
   Global Services 100 Outsourcing Locations List 2010                                          Ibid.
23                                                                                           27
   CEE ITO Review 2010 by CEE ITO Association                                                   Levi9 Global Sourcing <>
24                                                                                           28
   Global Services 100 Outsourcing Locations List 2010                                          Ibid.

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13 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

As a result of close cooperation between government and IT sector                                           Belarus ITO Profile 2011
representatives, the Ukrainian IT Association is currently preparing a
proposal for government to establish an economical experiment for
4 years to facilitate the development and growth of the IT industry.
                                                                                         o In recent years the Lukashenko government was opening the
                                                                                      door to investment as never before. Since 2007 it has enacted
                                                                                      regulatory reforms and tax relief measures that have vaulted Belarus
Fig. 9: Modern ITO trends in Ukraine
                                                                                      from 129th place to 58th on the World Bank's ranking of the "ease of
                                                                                      doing business" in 183 countries29

                                                                                         o In H1 2010 foreign investment in the Belarusian economy
                                                                         84%          reached $4.4 billion, up 4.4% over the same period last year30
     growth of IT services export
                                                                                        o According to Dataquest, the Belarusian ICT market is ranked
      increase in IT infrastructure                                66%
                support                                                               among the ten largest in Eastern Europe, Belarus' share being about
                                                                                      2%, Ukraine's - 4% and Russia's - 26%31
    increase in skilled specialists'                             55%
                                                                                          o Belarus has one of the best developed High-Tech Parks in
  increase in ITO consumption in                             49%                      Europe. It is government-supported and, unlike similar parks in Europe
        the internal market                                                           and Asia, is virtual. It means that the laws and rules of the Park are
  increse in market consolidation                                                     valid all over Belarus regardless of the Park member’s current location
             processes                                                                (whether it is a province or a capital city). It allows to fully utilize R&D,
                                                                                      educational, professional and infrastructural potential of the whole
              increase of in-house                    25%                             country. 95% of software products developed within the High-Tech
                  development                                                         Park are exported: 45% are exported to the United States and Canada,
      improvement of IT industry
                                                                                      30% to Western Europe and 20% - to Russia and CIS countries32.
                                                     19%                              Residents of Hi-Tech Park are exempt from many dues and taxes
        support by government
                                                                                      including: non-budgetary funds, income tax, VAT, customs dues for
                                                9%                                    imported products etc.
          market decentralization

                                       0%   20% 40% 60% 80% 100%                             29
                                                                                                Business Week
                                            %                                                85.htm>
                                                                                                Export.By 2010
                                                                                                Development.By 2011
                                                                                                Park.By 2011

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14 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

Fig. 10: Modern ITO trends in Belarus
                                                                                             This CEE ITO Landscape Report 2011 compiled the most credible
                                                                                             data obtained in the course of numerous industry studies and
                                                                                             surveys including those by Gartner, IT Sourcing Europe, Global
     growth of IT services export                                         91%                Services, Business Week, Sourcing Line etc. For this study six CEE
                                                                                             countries with the biggest ITO market volumes were selected and
      increase in IT infrastructure                           56%                            analyzed in terms of their factual capability to deliver innovative
                support                                                                      and cost effective solutions and long-term value to Western and
                                                                                             Northern European companies looking out to outsource their IT /
    increase in skilled specialists'                                70%                      software development and gain access to the global IT resources.

  increase in ITO consumption in                        37%                                  Within this Report all six selected countries were compared and
        the internal market                                                                  contrasted in terms of growth of ITO service export market, capacity
                                                                                             for innovation, labor market efficiency, operational flexibility,
  increse in market consolidation                        45%
             processes                                                                       spending on R&D, number of IT specialists employed in ITO industry,
                                                                                             Total Cost of Ownership and IT rates for the outsourced software
              increase of in-house                21%                                        development. Although CEE EU member states such as Poland,
                  development                                                                Hungary, Romania and Czech Republic demonstrated better IT
      improvement of IT industry                                                             infrastructure and outsourcing flexibility options, the non-EU states
        support by government                                                                such as Ukraine and Belarus came to be two leading countries in
                                                                                             terms of low service rates / IT salaries and office occupancy costs,
          market decentralization            6%                                              vast IT resource pool and transparent and flexible service delivery
                                                                                             models tailored to excellent R&D and project management
                                       0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

                                                                                             According to our final assessment, Ukraine is the most attractive
                                         %                                                   outsourcing location in terms of R&D potential, innovative business
                                                                                             models offered by local ITO providers and IT workforce / people
                                                                                             with high-tech education able to solve the most challenging IT tasks.
                                                                                             Belarus is the leading ITO location in CEE in terms of low service
                                                                                             rates / IT salaries and low workstation costs.

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15 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1

About IT Sourcing Europe
                                                                                             Contact Us:
IT Sourcing Europe Limited is a UK-based company specializing in
nearshore IT outsourcing market analysis and consultancy. Our
                                                                                             IT Sourcing Europe Ltd
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                                                                                             The Meridian, 4 Copthall House, Station Square, Coventry,
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    •    Independent surveys of Western European outsourcers and                             CV1 2FL United Kingdom
         their IT outsourcing demand
    •    Independent surveys of Central and Eastern Europe's IT
         Outsourcing services providers and their factual capability
                                                                                             Tel.: +44(0)2476992505
         to deliver top quality products and services on time and on                         Web:
         budget                                                                              Blog:
    •    Consultancy and recommendations to companies planning
         to change their current outsourcing strategies
    •    Consultancy and recommendations to companies planning
         to outsource their IT function nearshore                                            © 2010 IT Sourcing Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved
    •    Custom market and competition research and surveys

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Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011

  • 1. Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape IT Sourcing Europe Limited Report 2011 Nearshore IT Outsourcing Market Research Coventry, West Midlands The United Kingdom 2011
  • 2. 2|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 Table of Content Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 European ITO: 2011 Expectations, Trends & Challenges .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Most Promising ITO Destinations in the CEE Region ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Czech Republic Compared ............................................................................................................... 8 Total Cost of Ownership: Nearshore versus In-House Development Team .................................................................................................................. 11 Ukraine’s ITO Profile 2011 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Belarus ITO Profile 2011 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. 3|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 For close analysis within this Report six CEE countries were Executive Summary shortlisted based on the biggest IT outsourcing market share IT Sourcing Europe’s 2011 Central and Eastern European (CEE) reached in 2010: Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus IT Outsourcing (ITO) Landscape Report aims to analyze the and Czech Republic. most prospective countries in Central and Eastern Europe in This analytical Report proves Ukraine and Belarus to be terms of their factual capability to supply Western European holding the almost equal leading positions with regards to and Nordic clients with appropriate low-cost IT resources and qualified IT workforce available on the job market, innovation skills missing/too expensive within own country, innovative readiness, access to the newest technologies, R&D and tech solutions and long-term value. education excellence, favorable service rates and innovative This Report’s key objective is to help Western European and business models offered to Western European outsourcing Nordic corporate / IT decision makers benchmark current services buyers to help reach sustainability, flexibility and trends and challenges of ITO and be aware of the factual strategic long-term IT / development cost savings. capabilities of the most popular/ leading nearshore Regarding the European Union (EU) member states analyzed outsourcing destinations in the CEE region to deliver the state- in the course of this study in terms of their IT outsourcing of-the-art yet cost effective solutions able to meet the most potential, Romania appears to be the best country for critical challenges of the rapidly changing business nearshore outsourcing in terms of low costs and IT resource environments. pool, while Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary are not yet The Report is based on the following industry studies and ready to offer enough IT resources to be involved in researches: Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing sophisticated projects requiring access to innovative Review by Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing technologies and skills that are in short supply in Western and Association, Gartner’s Research, Top 100 Global Outsourcing Northern Europe. However, all of these countries demonstrate Locations List by Global Services, countries’ reviews by high levels of readiness to host and manage numerous SourcingLine.Com, countries’ studies by World Economic complex IT functions. But since they have to fully comply with Forum, Global Occupancy Costs - Offices 2010 Report by DTZ, the EU legislation, pay EU standard taxes etc, they are unable industry publications in Business Week, Morrison & Foerster LLP, to offer reasonable cost arbitrage to the EU clients. CFO Magazine, Computer World etc. Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 4. 4|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 Introduction o Cloud became a new business model in outsourcing, although it was not easy for every company to adopt it. For In 2009 the verdict for the global outsourcing was “it could have instance, financial companies and banks were slow to turn to the been much worse”. In 2010 outsourcing proved to be one efficient cloud, as they were dependent on financial regulators having to way for organizations to position themselves to capitalize on the approve of cloud-based deals or provide appropriate guidance on recovery and show that their overall strategy is about creating how to avoid Cloud outsourcing risks2. value, not merely preserving costs. In 2009 outsourcing rates dropped significantly and this trend continued in 2010, however o Quality of products and services delivered became the main with much slower decline rates. In 2010 the global market activity goal in the European outsourcing. Bigger service providers acquired was busier, the deal cycles became shorter, a trend of Do-It-Yourself slower achieving niche providers, while well-structures niche (DIY) sourcing by internal teams with less reliance on the external providers with good and timely market offerings survived the help evolved and favored incumbent suppliers allowing them to win competition and won a lot of long-term contracts from the contract renewals of projects frozen / suspended in 2009 and companies in the SME sector, so European outsourcing remained boosting revenues even in spite of slim margins. non-monopolized in 2010. The typical outsourcing transactions became smaller in scale and did not involve any large Overall, in 2010 the global outsourcing market in general and the transformations. Project management and governance on vendor’s European one in particular observed the following trends: side became a key measurement of outsourcing success3. o The worldwide IT spending totaled $3.4 trillion, up 5.4% from 2009 levels1 European ITO: 2011 Expectations, Trends & Challenges o Renewed emphasis on shared services across the entire sector, which led to increased competitors’ collaboration and Gartner predicts that enterprise IT spending in Europe, the Middle cooperation in terms of cost reduction in the shared costs areas. East and Africa (EMEA) will recover in 2011, after two years of decline4. However, government cutbacks mean that Western o Financial services companies were back to the market after Europe is not expected to return to stronger enterprise IT spending having closed / putting on hold most of their outsourcing transactions in 2009. With many insurance companies and banks 2 feeling more confident towards outsourcing, there was a significant Skinner, D., Chris Ford & Nigel Stamp, “Global Sourcing Trends in 2010”, increase in the financial sector deals in 2010. Such companies Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2010 managed to rationalize their outsourcing contracts from numerous < > 3 mergers resulting from the financial meltdown. Ibid. 4 Nguyen, A. “Gartner Predicts 2011 IT Spending Rebound in Europe,” Computer World, 2011 < 1 Gartner, Inc., 2010 business/3247742/gartner-predicts-2011-it-spending-rebound-in-europe > Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. 5|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 growth until 2012. The analyst house forecasts that IT spending will o Flexibility in processes and relationships reach €579 billion in EMEA in 2011, up 1.3 percent from 20105. Flexibility will be a key word in outsourcing deals over the next 12 According to Gartner, the UK’s public sector cuts, which aimed to months. Companies will be seeking to adopt much more flexible reduce the nation’s debt, were a significant contributor to the commercial arrangements with their ITO service providers to reflect declined outsourcing activity in Europe6. the different stages of the economic cycle. Outsourcing was used to recapture innovation and provide flexibility in 2010, compared to In 2011, the European IT outsourcing (ITO) industry will observe the simply saving money that was the top trend of 20097. following trends: Service flexibility is not just the ability to meet the client’s IT needs, o Shorter deals cycles and DIY approach but the ability to flex the services to precisely cover the client’s business outsourcing needs and make their outsourcing decision In 2010, Europe saw a continuation of the trend for shorter deals, count. Although in the past years many European vendors labeled shorter procurement processes, and an emphasis on making things their services as a “flexible offer” to ensure they get more work actually rather than engaging in complex strategies. The DIY customers, they were not flexible at all in reality. In 2011, service approach will be used even more intensively by the outsourcing providers are expected to understand the importance of change prospects from Western and Northern Europe and this will result in acceptance in the process of setting up long-term relationships with short-term transactional cost savings and less focus on establishing their clients. Therefore, they will tend to switch from a process- long-term strategies. Overestimating their internal resources and packaged and bureaucratic approach to differentiation, quality and abilities to do a high quality IT needs’ assessment, inexperienced innovation. In Central and Eastern Europe, more vendors are purchasers of outsourcing services will suffer from longer-term beginning to change their business thinking and realize the losses due to their inability to identify many of the key components importance of providing the clients with the right combination of for the long-term outsourcing success. With the increased focus on services, while still bringing ease and effectiveness to their business costs, Western European ITO buyers will save on governance costs objectives. So, in 2011 a hallmark of a true outsourcing professional and overlook necessary governance functions. It will be especially will consist in the vendor’s ability to “get under the client’s skin” and characteristic of customers engaging in multi-sourcing (i.e. suggest the services that can bring its ultimate business goal to life8. distribution of tasks among several ITO providers in different geographic locations). o Innovative business models In 2011, an increased number of Western European ITO buyers will be looking for opportunities to sell their captive operations to 5 7 Ibid. Ibid. 6 8 Ibid. PowerHomeBiz.Com <> Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 6. 6|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 traditional service providers and to release cash to their core Other innovative business models that will continue to evolve and business. The captive centers proved to be cost inefficient in the catch on the European ITO market are those based on the Cloud past years due to their complicated exit strategy and contracts’ Computing capabilities. Cloud abilities to distribute services to inflexibility. multiple customers over local WANs and Intranet, avoiding mainframes and/or midrange servers, will have the largest effects Striving to evolve strategic long-term outsourcing relationships, on outsourcing since the very rise of this economic phenomenon. Western clients express readiness to move from project-based And most of these tremendous effects will plug in in 2011. Cloud services and staff augmentation to more effective business models, providers will deal with the key issues of data security, privacy able to handle core software development. compliance and service level guarantees, but the market potential is expected to be too great for solutions to these problems not to be Although Offshore/Nearshore Development Centers (ODC/NDC) forthcoming in 2011. In 2010, the European outsourcing industry with their strict project management hierarchy continue to expand began to seriously address many of these issues and will continue to in the CEE region, the innovative engagement models emerge as a do so in 2011 until cloud solutions become not just economically response to tougher competition in the IT market, requiring more tantalizing, but within the bounds of acceptable risk for customers. transparent and value-added relationships between the clients and If nothing else, the dramatically lower costs on offer from cloud executors supplied by ITO vendors. One example of such innovative providers will push customers to question charges by traditional partnerships is a Managed/Client Own Team model, in which the sourcing providers, and the cloud will be used as a lever in local supplier locates the client’s project team in its office and solves negotiations9. all of the clients’ administrative and HR issues, while the client has 100% management of its vendor-supplied development team(s), its Gartner anticipates that the global services market for cloud members’ salaries and career growth opportunities. This model has computing will reach an approximate revenue of €110 billion within a better potential to maintain/increase employee retention and the next four years. Consequently IT service providers are busily achieve better quality of delivery, compared to traditional ODC or upgrading their service offerings to match the cloud needs of their project-based models, in which the client communicates with IT existing customer base and to enable the access to an entirely new staff through vendor’s project management and incurs losses in customer segment - the SME market. case of project staff turnover. This service delivery model is equivalent to the client’s in-house Furthermore, the rise of smart phones and 4G technology will open development team, but for a considerably lower cost. While clients up new business areas for these service providers, who have the focus on production and core business lines, the supplier takes care of HR management as well as legal, administrative and infrastructure issues that the client company would have to deal with if it chose to start its own operations in a low-cost 9 Skinner, D., Chris Ford & Nigel Stamp, “Global Sourcing Trends in 2010”, neighborhood. Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2010 < > Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 7. 7|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 expertise with the technologies and will be able to handle profitably Most promising ITO destinations in the CEE millions of transactions at very low revenues per transaction10. region o Mergers and acquisitions will hit the This year IT Sourcing Europe shortlisted 6 CEE countries for outsourcing mainstream in 2011 comparison and analysis based on the 2010 forecast on the ITO In Central and Eastern Europe, ITO service providers will be looking market volume13, as this indicator reflects well each certain to more opportunities to raise capital and to buy niche ITO players. country’s progress towards innovation, flexibility, IT resource pool Tier 1 providers will focus on enhancing their creditworthiness and enlargement and improvement of global delivery. So, based on the seek ways to leverage costs by pointing to lower counter-party risk, assessment by the CEE Outsourcing Association, in 2011 the sustainability, financial stability and dedication to market. Smaller following 6 countries will lead the region’s ITO competition: Tier 2 providers will thus be challenged to overcome counter-party Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Belarus and Czech Republic. risk and provide greater cost saving options in order to persuade prospects to partner with them. Overall, in 2011 the Tier 1 providers Fig. 1: ITO Market Volume: 2009 vs. 2010 14 are expected to tale a considerable ITO market share11. However, smaller niche providers, focused on long-term benefits 637 and relationships with the clients, will be able to lead the market for Ukraine 508 small outsourcing contracts. In 2010, the average size of ITO 536 Romania 429 projects fell from multi-billion dollar deals, as the companies started to look at niche services rather than global delivery, so in 2011 small 461 Hungary 346 niche providers will have a good chance to win contracts that fall 434 below the size at which Tier 1 providers are able to compete Poland 328 successfully12. 348 Belarus 279 308 Czech Republic 270 0 200 400 600 800 10 2010 (Mln €) 2009 (Mln €) Prieler, C. in “Central and Eastern European ITO Review 2010” by the CEE ITO Association, 2010 11 Skinner, D., Chris Ford & Nigel Stamp, “Global Sourcing Trends in 2010”, Morrison & Foerster LLP, 2010 13 < > CEE ITO Review 2010 by the CEE ITO Association 12 14 Ibid. Ibid. Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 8. 8|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 16 Note: The forecast of market volumes for 2010 was calculated based on the Fig. 3: Capacity for innovation (2011) final values of market volumes in 2009, and weighted with the average assessment of revenue growth for 2010 as reported by CEE companies. Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Czech Republic Compared 15 Fig. 2: Growth of ITO service export market (2009-2010) 35,00% 30,00% 25,00% 20,00% 15,00% 2009 (%) 10,00% 2010 (%) 5,00% 0,00% 15 16 CEE ITO Review 2010 by the CEE ITO Association World Economic Forum 2011 Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 9. 9|Central and Eastern European IT Outsourcing Landscape Report 2011 17 18 Fig. 4: Labor Market Efficiency (2011) Fig. 5: Flexibility (2011) 17 18 World Economic Forum 2011 World Economic Forum 2011 Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 10. 10 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1 19 20 Fig.6: Companies’ Spending on R&D (2011) Fig. 7: Number of IT Specialists Employed in ITO (2009-2011) 25000 20000 15000 10000 2009 5000 2010 0 Fig. 8: Minimum vs. Maximum IT Rates by Country (in $ per man hour) Ukraine 40,1 12,8 Romania 46 14 Hungary 54,5 16,3 Poland 54 16,7 Belarus 37,7 12,2 Czech Republic 53,1 16 Note: Belarus is excluded from analyses shown on Figures 3 through 6 due to the lack of industry data 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Max Rate Min Rate 19 20 World Economic Forum 2011 CEE ITO Review 2010 by the CEE ITO Association Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 11. 11 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1 Total Cost of Ownership: Nearshore versus In-House Development Team This is a rough calculation of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for running a 2-person software development team in the developed European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany (representing Western Europe) and Denmark (representing Scandinavia) versus TCO of the same team located in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic. United Germany Denmark Ukraine Belarus Poland Romania Hungary Czech Kingdom Republic Senior software developer’s average 3,500 4,500 4,077 1,700 1,600 1,800 1,700 1,900 1,875 salary + bonuses (€ / month) IT Project Manager’s average salary + 5,300 5,000 4,750 1,900 1,850 2,100 1,950 2,200 2,100 bonuses (€ / month) Office occupancy cost (in € per 2 1886 1194 1150 798 774 780 852 800 820 workstations/month, primary rent + outgoings) Total 10,686 10,694 9,977 4,398 4,224 4,680 4,502 4,900 4,795 This is a simplified and rough calculation of TCO21. Normally, TCO is comprised of a greater number of indicators such as, for instance, long-term expenses (employee replacement, scalability), risk/change management expenses, travel costs etc, but they should be estimated individually for every project and team size, and do not differ significantly amongst the analyzed countries. Of the six CEE countries surveyed, two appear to be the most attractive and promising ones for Western European ITO buyers who look out to achieve significant cost arbitrage and gain access to vast IT resources – they are Ukraine and Belarus. Both weigh equally in terms of readiness to provide state-of-the-art and cost effective innovative solutions and bring factual value to Western European and US clients in the long-term perspective. 21 Sources used: PayScale.Com, ITjobswatch.Co.Uk, Developers.Org.Ua, Diz-By.Biz, DTZ's 13th annual Global Office Occupancy Costs Survey 2010 Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 12. 12 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1 According to the 2010 Global Services 100 list22, Ukraine is 11th and o Western-oriented government policies encourage Belarus is 13th among 20 leading countries in the area of ITO and partnership and close business ties with the US and EU high tech services. They are ahead of Poland, the fourth CEE country companies25 including Russia (12th position), that took the 20th position. Other CEE countries surveyed in this study did not enter the global list of o Ukraine has one of the most comprehensive laws on Top Outsourcing Locations. Based on this evaluation, the top Intellectual property and copyright protection in the world26 leading locations that IT Sourcing Europe would recommend for primary consideration by Western European companies looking out o The ITO Industry is rapidly transforming: new business / to outsource their IT function / software development are Ukraine service delivery models and approaches come to the scene, i.e and Belarus. Cloud Computing, Managed/Own Team etc o The Ukrainian hi-tech sector which began to form itself Ukraine’s ITO Profile 2011 since Ukraine gained independence (first ITO contract signed in 1991) just for several decades developed in the strong and dynamic industry, which value by skeptical analysts exceeded 1 billion in 201027 o Ukraine is a triple holder of the first position among CEE countries in terms of market value, number of IT outsourcing o The year 2010 ended with a huge confrontation between companies and number of professionals involved in IT outsourcing the Ukrainian small and mid-sized entrepreneurs and the services23 government with regards to unfair modifications to the new Tax Code. Many local IT companies and ITO services providers united o According to the 2010 Global Services 100 list, Ukraine in an attempt to persuade the government of the seriousness of ranks 1st among all CEE countries and 11th among the world’s Top consequences of the new Tax Code for the future of the most 20 leading countries in the area of ITO and high tech services (by the dynamic industry [IT]. Fortunately to the industry, the government number of qualified IT resources available)24 came to hear the appeal and harmoniously upgraded and adopted the new Tax Code28. o Ukrainian software /ITO vendors through their professional alliances including the Ukrainian Hi-Tech Initiative are working together to introduce a brand new, favorable position for the IT industry, with provisions in the new Tax Code aimed to assist IT companies sustain and move ahead of the competition. 25” Outsourcing To CEE. Country Overview: Ukraine,” a webinar by the Ukrainian High-Tech Initiative, 2010 22 26 Global Services 100 Outsourcing Locations List 2010 Ibid. 23 27 CEE ITO Review 2010 by CEE ITO Association Levi9 Global Sourcing <> 24 28 Global Services 100 Outsourcing Locations List 2010 Ibid. Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 13. 13 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1 As a result of close cooperation between government and IT sector Belarus ITO Profile 2011 representatives, the Ukrainian IT Association is currently preparing a proposal for government to establish an economical experiment for 4 years to facilitate the development and growth of the IT industry. o In recent years the Lukashenko government was opening the door to investment as never before. Since 2007 it has enacted regulatory reforms and tax relief measures that have vaulted Belarus Fig. 9: Modern ITO trends in Ukraine from 129th place to 58th on the World Bank's ranking of the "ease of doing business" in 183 countries29 o In H1 2010 foreign investment in the Belarusian economy 84% reached $4.4 billion, up 4.4% over the same period last year30 growth of IT services export o According to Dataquest, the Belarusian ICT market is ranked increase in IT infrastructure 66% support among the ten largest in Eastern Europe, Belarus' share being about 2%, Ukraine's - 4% and Russia's - 26%31 increase in skilled specialists' 55% shortage o Belarus has one of the best developed High-Tech Parks in increase in ITO consumption in 49% Europe. It is government-supported and, unlike similar parks in Europe the internal market and Asia, is virtual. It means that the laws and rules of the Park are increse in market consolidation valid all over Belarus regardless of the Park member’s current location 38% processes (whether it is a province or a capital city). It allows to fully utilize R&D, educational, professional and infrastructural potential of the whole increase of in-house 25% country. 95% of software products developed within the High-Tech development Park are exported: 45% are exported to the United States and Canada, improvement of IT industry 30% to Western Europe and 20% - to Russia and CIS countries32. 19% Residents of Hi-Tech Park are exempt from many dues and taxes support by government including: non-budgetary funds, income tax, VAT, customs dues for 9% imported products etc. market decentralization 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 29 Business Week < % 85.htm> 30 Export.By 2010 31 Development.By 2011 32 Park.By 2011 Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 14. 14 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1 Fig. 10: Modern ITO trends in Belarus Conclusion This CEE ITO Landscape Report 2011 compiled the most credible data obtained in the course of numerous industry studies and surveys including those by Gartner, IT Sourcing Europe, Global growth of IT services export 91% Services, Business Week, Sourcing Line etc. For this study six CEE countries with the biggest ITO market volumes were selected and increase in IT infrastructure 56% analyzed in terms of their factual capability to deliver innovative support and cost effective solutions and long-term value to Western and Northern European companies looking out to outsource their IT / increase in skilled specialists' 70% software development and gain access to the global IT resources. shortage increase in ITO consumption in 37% Within this Report all six selected countries were compared and the internal market contrasted in terms of growth of ITO service export market, capacity for innovation, labor market efficiency, operational flexibility, increse in market consolidation 45% processes spending on R&D, number of IT specialists employed in ITO industry, Total Cost of Ownership and IT rates for the outsourced software increase of in-house 21% development. Although CEE EU member states such as Poland, development Hungary, Romania and Czech Republic demonstrated better IT improvement of IT industry infrastructure and outsourcing flexibility options, the non-EU states 76% support by government such as Ukraine and Belarus came to be two leading countries in terms of low service rates / IT salaries and office occupancy costs, market decentralization 6% vast IT resource pool and transparent and flexible service delivery models tailored to excellent R&D and project management 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% capabilities. According to our final assessment, Ukraine is the most attractive % outsourcing location in terms of R&D potential, innovative business models offered by local ITO providers and IT workforce / people with high-tech education able to solve the most challenging IT tasks. Belarus is the leading ITO location in CEE in terms of low service rates / IT salaries and low workstation costs. Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.
  • 15. 15 | C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n I T O u t s o u r c i n g L a n d s c a p e R e p o r t 2 0 1 1 About IT Sourcing Europe Contact Us: IT Sourcing Europe Limited is a UK-based company specializing in nearshore IT outsourcing market analysis and consultancy. Our IT Sourcing Europe Ltd services include: The Meridian, 4 Copthall House, Station Square, Coventry, • Independent IT Outsourcing market research and analysis West Midlands, • Independent surveys of Western European outsourcers and CV1 2FL United Kingdom their IT outsourcing demand Email: • Independent surveys of Central and Eastern Europe's IT Outsourcing services providers and their factual capability Tel.: +44(0)2476992505 to deliver top quality products and services on time and on Web: budget Blog: • Consultancy and recommendations to companies planning to change their current outsourcing strategies • Consultancy and recommendations to companies planning to outsource their IT function nearshore © 2010 IT Sourcing Europe Limited, All Rights Reserved • Custom market and competition research and surveys We have access to more than 100 CEE ITO providers. To link to them, fill out our FindVendor Form available on IT Sourcing Europe’s website. Copyright IT Sourcing Europe Limited. 2011. All Rights Reserved.