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CCMH 535 Week 1 Individual Assignment
Personal Thoughts about Tests
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Write paper discussing your perceptions, beliefs, and questions about
the assessment process
What thoughts come to mind when you think about testing and
assessment in the counseling profession?
Do you expect to use assessment procedures in your career as a
Have you ever taken a personality test, aptitude test (such as the
SAT), intelligence test, or vocational test? Describe your experience.
Were the results useful to you?
What questions do you have about the use of assessment procedures
in the counseling profession?
What would you most like to learn in this course?
CCMH 535 Week 2 Individual Assignment
Finding Information about Tests
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Locate reviews of two different tests
Summarize the psychometric properties of the instruments
Provide the following information for each test:
name of the test
description of the test format (how the test is administered and scored)
the norm group
the population that the test should be used with
the purpose of the test
the reliability of the test
the validity of the test
Discusse comfort level of using each test. Provides explanation.
CCMH 535 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment
The Case of Marisol Paper
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Interpret the standard scores on the Reading Total, Written Language
Total, and Math Total.
Interpret the percentile ranks on the Reading Total, Written Language
Total, and Math Total.
Interpret the stanine scores on the Reading Total, Written Language
Total, and Math Total
Interpret the grade equivalent scores on the Vocabulary and Math
Computation subtests.
Interpret the age equivalent score on the Reading comprehension test
and the Math Application subtests.
Explain the meaning of the confidence intervals for Reading Total,
Written Language Total, and Math Total.
Based on these scores, how would you describe Marisol’s strengths
and weaknesses regarding achievement?.
CCMH 535 Week 2 Quiz
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1) Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your
readings for this week.
A test was administered to a group of students the morning after
homecoming. Several of the students appeared tired and some were
coughing and sneezing. These factors may result in what type of error
2) If the reliability coefficient of a test is determined to be .27,
what percentage is attributed to random chance or error?27%
3) A researcher wants to measure content sampling error and has
two versions of an achievement test available. What measure of
estimating reliability would be
4) You are reading about reliability of a test in the test manual and
notice that the researchers report using a Spearman-Brown
coefficient. You can infer that internal consistency reliability was
measured using:
5) A researcher wants to measure internal consistency in a test
that measures two different constructs (self-esteem and depression)
without subdividing the items into the two construct groupings.
Which of the following would be the best method to use in measuring
internal consistency
6) The SEM for an achievement test is 2.45. Jonny scores 100 and
we assume that 68% of the time his true score falls between + 1 SEM.
This means the confidence interval would be between:
7) When the researcher interprets the reliability coefficient, the
closer the score is to 0,:
8) ___________________________ is a threat to validity that
implies that a test is too narrow and fails to include important
dimensions or aspects of the identified construct.
9) When discussing the relationship between reliability and
validity, which of the following is true?
10) Validity coefficients greater than _________ are considered in
the very high range.
11) _________________ is calculated by correlating test scores
with the scores of tests or measures that assess the same construct.
12) The ______________ is characterized by assessing both
convergent and discriminant validity evidence and displaying data on
a table of correlations.
multitrait-multimethod matrix
13) The goal of factor analysis is to
14) According to Messick (1989), consequential validity includes
15) The best source of information and critical reviews about
commercial tests is the:
16) To purchase a(n) ____________ instrument, a practitioner must
have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, human services, education,
or related disciplines; training or certification relevant to assessment;
or practical experience in the use of assessment instruments.
17) Typical errors in scoring assessment instruments include:
18) The most cost-effective method of administering assessment
instruments is ______________.
19) _________________________________ must occur prior to
administering an assessment instrument.Informed consent from
20) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is considered
CCMH 535 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Definition of Intelligence
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Locate at least four different definitions from four different time
periods and/or cultures.
Compare and contrasts the different definitions.
What do they have in common? How are they different? What is
concluded about the nature of constructs such as intelligence?
CCMH 535 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment
Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory Paper
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Describe and evaluate the norm group. Is it representative? Is the
norm group current? Is the size of the norm group was large enough?
Is the sample related to the population you intend to use the test with?
Describe and evaluate each method used to estimate reliability. Does
the reliability evidence support a decision to use the instrument?
Describe and evaluate each type of validity evidence. Does the
validity evidence support a decision to use the instrument?
Describe the practical aspects of the instrument.
Summarize the strengths and weakness of the inventory.
Based on your review of the SII, would you adopt this instrument?
CCMH 535 Week 3 Quiz
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1. Spearman defined intelligence as comprised of:
2. How did Vernon’s model come to be viewed as a way to reconcile
Spearman’s and Thurston’s theories?
3. According to Cattell, a test of verbal comprehension would draw on
_____________, whereas a test involving memory span and spatial
thinking would reflect ____________.
4. A teacher who tailors his or her educational practices in a way that
assesses multiple types of intelligence, such as bodily/kinesthetic
intelligence, or interpersonal intelligence, is likely to be influenced by
the theory of
5. According to Stern, a child with a mental age of 10 and a
chronological age of 10 would have a mental quotient of
6. Overall intelligence test scores are usually converted to standard
scores with a mean of _______ and a standard deviation of
7. Using the WJ III NU COG and the WJ III NU ACH together would
allow a professional to
8. Achievement tests are useful in measuring an individuals:
9. The California Achievement Test is an example of a (an):
10. The Wide Range Achievement Test, Fourth Edition (WRAT4)
11. This individual achievement test is developed to measure
achievement in individuals as young as two (2) years old:
12. Individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds or those
experiencing language or communicative difficulties may be assessed
13. Individuals future performance may be predicted using :
14. The primary issue with high-stakes testing is that they are used to:
15. Which of the following best defines aptitude?
16. The ASVAB assesses students occupational interests based on six
interest types rooted in which of the following theories?
17. The Purdue Pegboard Test assesses:
18. The main criticism of tests assessing musical ability is that all
tests have:
19. According to a study sanctioned by the College Board, college
student success in the first year can best be predicted by examining:
20. According to the text, a major concern in testing young children
before allowing entry into school is that:
CCMH 535 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Projective Drawings
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Using Table 12.6 in your textbook, what components are present in
the human figure drawing? According to Table12.6, what do these
components mean? Are the interpretations accurate? Explain.
How did you feel while administering this test? Were you
comfortable? Did the participant appear to be comfortable? Explain.
What are the main advantages of projective drawings?
What are the main limitations of projective drawings?
If you wanted to learn more about the personality style of your
participant, what other tests and/or procedures would you like to
administer and why?
CCMH 535 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment
Case of Maria Paper
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Describe and interpret each of Maria’s subtest standard scores,
percentile ranks, and stanines.
What does the confidence interval for the Word Reading subtest score
Overall, what does Maria’s WRAT4 results tell you about her
academic ability?
Are Maria’s WRAT4 subtest scores consistent with her grades?
What additional information would you like to have about Maria?
CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz
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Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your
readings for this week.
1. Suzie is a nurse who truly enjoys helping others. She is often
described by her coworkers as engaging and caring both with patients
and friends. Which of the following is most likely to be her primary
code based on Holland’s theory? a. realistic
2. Nancy completed the Self-Directed search and found that her
summary code was EAS. Which career is most compatible with her
interest areas?
3. Which of the following describes a strength of interest inventories?
4. Meghan is using the Career Maturity Inventory with one of her
high school students. What is she most likely assessing for?
5. Which of the following statements about employment interviews is
6. Which of the following questions is recommended for interviewers
to ask in career assessment?
7. Government agencies often use tests to assess potential employees’
8. Which of the following personality inventories is NOT typically
used in career assessment?
9. An agency director assesses how applicants would perform on tasks
that are very specific to the position to which they are applying.
Which of the following assessment tools would be most helpful?
10. Which of the following people is most likely to participate in an
assessment center evaluation?
11. An enduring, generally stable personality characteristic that
influences behavior is a
12. The study of personality traits was first conducted by
13. Structured personality inventories are also referred to as
__________ personality tests.
14. An example of a projective test is the
15. The following are generally true of selected response objective
personality inventories EXCEPT:
16. Which validity scale on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-2 detects unintentional underreporting?
17. Which clinical scale on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-2 is characterized by elevated mood, irritability, flight of
ideas, grandiose, and excitability?
18. The California Psychological Inventory (CPI), the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI), the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R),
the Sixteen Personality Factor, Fifth Edition (16PF), and the Eysenck
Personality Inventory are all examples of
19. The Edwards Personal Preference Inventory (EPPI) tries to limit
the ____________ by using forced-choice item matching.
20. A deviant response style refers to selecting responses that
CCMH 535 Week 5 Individual Assignment
Assessing Special Populations
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CCMH 535 Week 5 Individual Assignment Assessing Special
Assessing individuals with mental disorders and/or disabilities
requires specific knowledge and skills.
Select a population of interest to you (for example, individuals with
depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders,
Alzheimer’s disorder, individuals with visual impairments,
individuals with hearing impairments, individuals with cognitive
impairments, individuals with autism-spectrum disorders, etc.)
Write a 700-to 1,050-word paper including the following information:
A description of the population
A discussion of at least two instruments used to assess the condition
A discussion of at least three issues that examiners should remember
when testing such individuals
Include information not only from the textbook but also from one or
more outside sources (professional books or peer-reviewed journal
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
CCMH 535 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment
Case of Nicholas
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Assessment using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
Interpret the scores on each validity scale. Use the answers provided
on the first two validity scales as a format for your answers.
Based on the validity scale scores, do you believe Nicholas’ MMPI-2
results are valid? Explain.
Identify the clinical scale score(s) that are in the “clinical range” and
interpret the scores.
How would you respond to the psychiatrist’s question (is Nicholas is
doing as well as he claims he is doing)?
What would you recommend to Nicholas and his psychiatrist?.
CCMH 535 Week 5 Quiz
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1. The key function of clinical assessment is to _________________.
2. More than one mental disorder may be listed on Axis I. Which of
the following combinations of diagnoses are appropriate for Axis I?
3. Tom is a counselor conducting an interview as part of his client’s,
Henry, clinical assessment. Tom asks a list of standardized,
predetermined questions about Henry’s family background
information about parents, siblings, divorces, grandparents, etc. When
Henry answers “yes” to a question regarding a family history of
mental disorders, counselor Tom decides to ask Henry additional
questions, and they talk about this matter for around 5 minutes. What
type of interview strategy is Tom most likely using?
4. The following is an excerpt from Tom’s written MSE of a new
client: “The client presented as somewhat disheveled and unkempt,
but was cooperative and friendly. The client was aware of date, time,
and place, and reported no hallucinations or delusions.” All of the
following MSE categories were noted in this excerpt EXCEPT:
5. Rachel presents with the following symptoms: excessive worry,
constantly feeing “tense,” and sleep disturbances. She further reports
smoking marijuana occasionally to help her relax. Which combination
of tests would probably be most appropriate as part of Rachel’s initial
clinical assessment? .
6. Why is it crucial for mental health professionals to be skilled in
Suicide Risk Assessment?
7. Jim is considered a high-suicide-risk client. He is single, suffers
from depression and alcoholism, is giving away prized possessions, is
lonely and isolated, and has a family history of suicide. Which of
these factors is considered a warning sign for suicide?
8. A ______________________is a neurological disorder that
severely impairs children’s ability to learn or to demonstrate skills in
several academic areas
9. The ___________________________identifies students as learning
disabled when there is a significant difference between their scores on
an ability test and their scores on an achievement test.
10. The __________________is a comprehensive, multistep method
of identifying students with SLDs in which services and interventions
are provided to at-risk students at increasing levels of intensity based
on progress monitoring and data analysis.
11. The ___________________ is a written document created by a
team of teachers, parents, and other school personnel that contains a
statement of a student’s present level of educational performance, a
list of annual goals and objectives, and a description of the special
education and related services to be provided to the student.
12. ____________________ refers to an individual’s ability to utilize
the characteristics and formats of a test to receive a high score.
13. Assessment that involves appraising such factors as physical
space, organization and supervision of space, materials, and safety is
14. Passed in 2001, the ___________________________ requires
school districts in all 50 states to administer tests that measure student
progress toward state educational standards.
15. Mr. Holloway is both an avid baseball fan and a middle school
math teacher. He enjoys using baseball examples when testing
students on percentages. Students in Mr. Holloway’s class who have
little interest in baseball may have difficulty answering his test
questions due to which kind of bias?
16. Differential Item Functioning (DIF) is a method used to:
17. If examiners study behavior from within a culture, using criteria
relative to the internal characteristics of that culture they are using
a(n) ________________ perspective:
18. The Vineland-II is used with individuals with intellectual
disabilities to measure ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬:
19. According to the text, what percentage of children are receiving
special education for Communication Disorders?
20. When assessing children between the ages 3-6 for learning
disabilities which of the following assessments should be used?
CCMH 535 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment
Case of Gayle
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How would you describe Gayle’s overall level of intelligence based
on the CogAT scores?
How would you describe her overall level of achievement based on
her scores on the WJ III ACH?
How would you interpret the comparison of Gayle’s CogAT scores to
her WJ III ACH scores?
How would you interpret Gayle’s scores SRBCSS on the Creativity
and Musical subtests?
Based on Gayle’s scores, she is not accepted into the gifted and
talented program. Why was she not accepted?
Write a letter to the Gifted Program Administrator appealing this
decision. In your letter, make sure you reference all the relevant
assessment about Gayle, including her academic grades, scores on the
assessment instruments (e.g., WJ III ACH, CogAT, and the relevant
SRBCSS subtest scores) as well as any other evidence related to
evidence related to creative, artistic, or music ability.?
CCMH 535 Week 6 Quiz
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Week 6
1. Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your
readings for this week.
2. Which of the following statements about feedback sessions
with parents is TRUE:
3. Sally’s parents are upset about her performance on a battery of
tests. The examiner explains to the parents that tests measure only a
sample of behavior at a particular time, that scores are not fixed–they
can go up or down from year to year, and that Sally’s score may be
low because she is simply not skilled in the area measured by the
particular tests. What important area of understanding does this
particular discussion address?
4. The objective(s) of the written assessment report is to?
5. Within the context of writing assessment reports, the use of
“understandable language” refers to?
6. What is the critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of test
d. The examinee’s previous experiences with the process of
testing & assessment
7. Which statement is NOT included in the American Counseling
Associations ethical emphasis on assessment:
8. Although the American Psychological Association no longer
uses a system for test user qualification, some publishers still do.
According to the classifications, a test user who has earned a
bachelors degree in education may be classified as:
9. As a test administrator, one advantage to using internet-based
assessments is:
10. Which of these statements is NOT a modification for
individuals with disabilities developed by the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990?

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Ccmh 535 Education Organization /

  • 1. CCMH 535 Week 1 Individual Assignment Personal Thoughts about Tests For more classes visit Write paper discussing your perceptions, beliefs, and questions about the assessment process What thoughts come to mind when you think about testing and assessment in the counseling profession? Do you expect to use assessment procedures in your career as a counselor? Have you ever taken a personality test, aptitude test (such as the SAT), intelligence test, or vocational test? Describe your experience. Were the results useful to you? What questions do you have about the use of assessment procedures in the counseling profession? What would you most like to learn in this course? ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 2 Individual Assignment Finding Information about Tests For more classes visit
  • 2. Locate reviews of two different tests Summarize the psychometric properties of the instruments Provide the following information for each test: name of the test description of the test format (how the test is administered and scored) the norm group the population that the test should be used with the purpose of the test the reliability of the test the validity of the test Discusse comfort level of using each test. Provides explanation. ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment The Case of Marisol Paper For more classes visit Interpret the standard scores on the Reading Total, Written Language Total, and Math Total. Interpret the percentile ranks on the Reading Total, Written Language Total, and Math Total. Interpret the stanine scores on the Reading Total, Written Language Total, and Math Total Interpret the grade equivalent scores on the Vocabulary and Math Computation subtests. Interpret the age equivalent score on the Reading comprehension test and the Math Application subtests. Explain the meaning of the confidence intervals for Reading Total, Written Language Total, and Math Total.
  • 3. Based on these scores, how would you describe Marisol’s strengths and weaknesses regarding achievement?. ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 2 Quiz For more classes visit 1) Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your readings for this week. A test was administered to a group of students the morning after homecoming. Several of the students appeared tired and some were coughing and sneezing. These factors may result in what type of error 2) If the reliability coefficient of a test is determined to be .27, what percentage is attributed to random chance or error?27% 3) A researcher wants to measure content sampling error and has two versions of an achievement test available. What measure of estimating reliability would be 4) You are reading about reliability of a test in the test manual and notice that the researchers report using a Spearman-Brown coefficient. You can infer that internal consistency reliability was measured using: 5) A researcher wants to measure internal consistency in a test that measures two different constructs (self-esteem and depression) without subdividing the items into the two construct groupings. Which of the following would be the best method to use in measuring internal consistency
  • 4. 6) The SEM for an achievement test is 2.45. Jonny scores 100 and we assume that 68% of the time his true score falls between + 1 SEM. This means the confidence interval would be between: 7) When the researcher interprets the reliability coefficient, the closer the score is to 0,: 8) ___________________________ is a threat to validity that implies that a test is too narrow and fails to include important dimensions or aspects of the identified construct. 9) When discussing the relationship between reliability and validity, which of the following is true? 10) Validity coefficients greater than _________ are considered in the very high range. 11) _________________ is calculated by correlating test scores with the scores of tests or measures that assess the same construct. 12) The ______________ is characterized by assessing both convergent and discriminant validity evidence and displaying data on a table of correlations. multitrait-multimethod matrix 13) The goal of factor analysis is to 14) According to Messick (1989), consequential validity includes 15) The best source of information and critical reviews about commercial tests is the: 16) To purchase a(n) ____________ instrument, a practitioner must have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, human services, education,
  • 5. or related disciplines; training or certification relevant to assessment; or practical experience in the use of assessment instruments. 17) Typical errors in scoring assessment instruments include: 18) The most cost-effective method of administering assessment instruments is ______________. 19) _________________________________ must occur prior to administering an assessment instrument.Informed consent from clients 20) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is considered a(n): ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 3 Individual Assignment Definition of Intelligence For more classes visit Locate at least four different definitions from four different time periods and/or cultures. Compare and contrasts the different definitions. What do they have in common? How are they different? What is concluded about the nature of constructs such as intelligence? ******************************************************** **
  • 6. CCMH 535 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory Paper For more classes visit Describe and evaluate the norm group. Is it representative? Is the norm group current? Is the size of the norm group was large enough? Is the sample related to the population you intend to use the test with? Describe and evaluate each method used to estimate reliability. Does the reliability evidence support a decision to use the instrument? Explain. Describe and evaluate each type of validity evidence. Does the validity evidence support a decision to use the instrument? Describe the practical aspects of the instrument. Summarize the strengths and weakness of the inventory. Based on your review of the SII, would you adopt this instrument? ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 3 Quiz For more classes visit 1. Spearman defined intelligence as comprised of:
  • 7. 2. How did Vernon’s model come to be viewed as a way to reconcile Spearman’s and Thurston’s theories? 3. According to Cattell, a test of verbal comprehension would draw on _____________, whereas a test involving memory span and spatial thinking would reflect ____________. 4. A teacher who tailors his or her educational practices in a way that assesses multiple types of intelligence, such as bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, or interpersonal intelligence, is likely to be influenced by the theory of 5. According to Stern, a child with a mental age of 10 and a chronological age of 10 would have a mental quotient of 6. Overall intelligence test scores are usually converted to standard scores with a mean of _______ and a standard deviation of __________. 7. Using the WJ III NU COG and the WJ III NU ACH together would allow a professional to 8. Achievement tests are useful in measuring an individuals: 9. The California Achievement Test is an example of a (an): 10. The Wide Range Achievement Test, Fourth Edition (WRAT4) includes: 11. This individual achievement test is developed to measure achievement in individuals as young as two (2) years old: 12. Individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds or those experiencing language or communicative difficulties may be assessed using: 13. Individuals future performance may be predicted using : 14. The primary issue with high-stakes testing is that they are used to: 15. Which of the following best defines aptitude? 16. The ASVAB assesses students occupational interests based on six interest types rooted in which of the following theories? 17. The Purdue Pegboard Test assesses: 18. The main criticism of tests assessing musical ability is that all tests have: 19. According to a study sanctioned by the College Board, college student success in the first year can best be predicted by examining: 20. According to the text, a major concern in testing young children before allowing entry into school is that:
  • 8. ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 4 Individual Assignment Projective Drawings For more classes visit Using Table 12.6 in your textbook, what components are present in the human figure drawing? According to Table12.6, what do these components mean? Are the interpretations accurate? Explain. How did you feel while administering this test? Were you comfortable? Did the participant appear to be comfortable? Explain. What are the main advantages of projective drawings? What are the main limitations of projective drawings? If you wanted to learn more about the personality style of your participant, what other tests and/or procedures would you like to administer and why? ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Case of Maria Paper For more classes visit
  • 9. Describe and interpret each of Maria’s subtest standard scores, percentile ranks, and stanines. What does the confidence interval for the Word Reading subtest score mean? Overall, what does Maria’s WRAT4 results tell you about her academic ability? Are Maria’s WRAT4 subtest scores consistent with her grades? Explain. What additional information would you like to have about Maria? ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 4 Quiz For more classes visit Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your readings for this week. 1. Suzie is a nurse who truly enjoys helping others. She is often described by her coworkers as engaging and caring both with patients and friends. Which of the following is most likely to be her primary code based on Holland’s theory? a. realistic 2. Nancy completed the Self-Directed search and found that her summary code was EAS. Which career is most compatible with her interest areas? 3. Which of the following describes a strength of interest inventories? 4. Meghan is using the Career Maturity Inventory with one of her high school students. What is she most likely assessing for?
  • 10. 5. Which of the following statements about employment interviews is true? 6. Which of the following questions is recommended for interviewers to ask in career assessment? 7. Government agencies often use tests to assess potential employees’ ___________________. 8. Which of the following personality inventories is NOT typically used in career assessment? 9. An agency director assesses how applicants would perform on tasks that are very specific to the position to which they are applying. Which of the following assessment tools would be most helpful? 10. Which of the following people is most likely to participate in an assessment center evaluation? 11. An enduring, generally stable personality characteristic that influences behavior is a 12. The study of personality traits was first conducted by 13. Structured personality inventories are also referred to as __________ personality tests. 14. An example of a projective test is the 15. The following are generally true of selected response objective personality inventories EXCEPT: 16. Which validity scale on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 detects unintentional underreporting?
  • 11. 17. Which clinical scale on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 is characterized by elevated mood, irritability, flight of ideas, grandiose, and excitability? 18. The California Psychological Inventory (CPI), the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), the Sixteen Personality Factor, Fifth Edition (16PF), and the Eysenck Personality Inventory are all examples of 19. The Edwards Personal Preference Inventory (EPPI) tries to limit the ____________ by using forced-choice item matching. 20. A deviant response style refers to selecting responses that ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 5 Individual Assignment Assessing Special Populations For more classes visit CCMH 535 Week 5 Individual Assignment Assessing Special Populations Assessing individuals with mental disorders and/or disabilities requires specific knowledge and skills. Select a population of interest to you (for example, individuals with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, Alzheimer’s disorder, individuals with visual impairments,
  • 12. individuals with hearing impairments, individuals with cognitive impairments, individuals with autism-spectrum disorders, etc.) Write a 700-to 1,050-word paper including the following information: A description of the population A discussion of at least two instruments used to assess the condition A discussion of at least three issues that examiners should remember when testing such individuals Include information not only from the textbook but also from one or more outside sources (professional books or peer-reviewed journal articles). Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Case of Nicholas For more classes visit Assessment using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Interpret the scores on each validity scale. Use the answers provided on the first two validity scales as a format for your answers. Based on the validity scale scores, do you believe Nicholas’ MMPI-2 results are valid? Explain. Identify the clinical scale score(s) that are in the “clinical range” and interpret the scores. How would you respond to the psychiatrist’s question (is Nicholas is doing as well as he claims he is doing)? What would you recommend to Nicholas and his psychiatrist?.
  • 13. ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 5 Quiz For more classes visit 1. The key function of clinical assessment is to _________________. 2. More than one mental disorder may be listed on Axis I. Which of the following combinations of diagnoses are appropriate for Axis I? 3. Tom is a counselor conducting an interview as part of his client’s, Henry, clinical assessment. Tom asks a list of standardized, predetermined questions about Henry’s family background information about parents, siblings, divorces, grandparents, etc. When Henry answers “yes” to a question regarding a family history of mental disorders, counselor Tom decides to ask Henry additional questions, and they talk about this matter for around 5 minutes. What type of interview strategy is Tom most likely using? 4. The following is an excerpt from Tom’s written MSE of a new client: “The client presented as somewhat disheveled and unkempt, but was cooperative and friendly. The client was aware of date, time, and place, and reported no hallucinations or delusions.” All of the following MSE categories were noted in this excerpt EXCEPT: 5. Rachel presents with the following symptoms: excessive worry, constantly feeing “tense,” and sleep disturbances. She further reports smoking marijuana occasionally to help her relax. Which combination of tests would probably be most appropriate as part of Rachel’s initial clinical assessment? .
  • 14. 6. Why is it crucial for mental health professionals to be skilled in Suicide Risk Assessment? 7. Jim is considered a high-suicide-risk client. He is single, suffers from depression and alcoholism, is giving away prized possessions, is lonely and isolated, and has a family history of suicide. Which of these factors is considered a warning sign for suicide? 8. A ______________________is a neurological disorder that severely impairs children’s ability to learn or to demonstrate skills in several academic areas 9. The ___________________________identifies students as learning disabled when there is a significant difference between their scores on an ability test and their scores on an achievement test. 10. The __________________is a comprehensive, multistep method of identifying students with SLDs in which services and interventions are provided to at-risk students at increasing levels of intensity based on progress monitoring and data analysis. 11. The ___________________ is a written document created by a team of teachers, parents, and other school personnel that contains a statement of a student’s present level of educational performance, a list of annual goals and objectives, and a description of the special education and related services to be provided to the student. 12. ____________________ refers to an individual’s ability to utilize the characteristics and formats of a test to receive a high score. 13. Assessment that involves appraising such factors as physical space, organization and supervision of space, materials, and safety is called:
  • 15. 14. Passed in 2001, the ___________________________ requires school districts in all 50 states to administer tests that measure student progress toward state educational standards. 15. Mr. Holloway is both an avid baseball fan and a middle school math teacher. He enjoys using baseball examples when testing students on percentages. Students in Mr. Holloway’s class who have little interest in baseball may have difficulty answering his test questions due to which kind of bias? 16. Differential Item Functioning (DIF) is a method used to: 17. If examiners study behavior from within a culture, using criteria relative to the internal characteristics of that culture they are using a(n) ________________ perspective: 18. The Vineland-II is used with individuals with intellectual disabilities to measure ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬: 19. According to the text, what percentage of children are receiving special education for Communication Disorders? 20. When assessing children between the ages 3-6 for learning disabilities which of the following assessments should be used? ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Case of Gayle For more classes visit
  • 16. How would you describe Gayle’s overall level of intelligence based on the CogAT scores? How would you describe her overall level of achievement based on her scores on the WJ III ACH? How would you interpret the comparison of Gayle’s CogAT scores to her WJ III ACH scores? How would you interpret Gayle’s scores SRBCSS on the Creativity and Musical subtests? Based on Gayle’s scores, she is not accepted into the gifted and talented program. Why was she not accepted? Write a letter to the Gifted Program Administrator appealing this decision. In your letter, make sure you reference all the relevant assessment about Gayle, including her academic grades, scores on the assessment instruments (e.g., WJ III ACH, CogAT, and the relevant SRBCSS subtest scores) as well as any other evidence related to evidence related to creative, artistic, or music ability.? ******************************************************** ** CCMH 535 Week 6 Quiz For more classes visit Week 6 1. Answer the following multiple-choice questions based on your readings for this week. 2. Which of the following statements about feedback sessions with parents is TRUE: 3. Sally’s parents are upset about her performance on a battery of tests. The examiner explains to the parents that tests measure only a
  • 17. sample of behavior at a particular time, that scores are not fixed–they can go up or down from year to year, and that Sally’s score may be low because she is simply not skilled in the area measured by the particular tests. What important area of understanding does this particular discussion address? 4. The objective(s) of the written assessment report is to? 5. Within the context of writing assessment reports, the use of “understandable language” refers to? 6. What is the critical factor in the examinee’s acceptance of test results? d. The examinee’s previous experiences with the process of testing & assessment 7. Which statement is NOT included in the American Counseling Associations ethical emphasis on assessment: 8. Although the American Psychological Association no longer uses a system for test user qualification, some publishers still do. According to the classifications, a test user who has earned a bachelors degree in education may be classified as: 9. As a test administrator, one advantage to using internet-based assessments is: 10. Which of these statements is NOT a modification for individuals with disabilities developed by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990? **********************************************************