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Causes And Effects Of Culture Shock
The term culture shock means the event which has faced by a people when they move to a new country. Feel become inundated even though ahead of
time they did too much preparation. Oberg noted that culture shock is simply how international students and people who worked abroad feel
difficulties and "losing all familiar signs and symbol of intercourse" (Oberg, 1954) and helpless about their study and work in different culture.
Purpose of Report
This report is written for The Australian Association of International Students as well as for internationalstudent who want to study abroad or already
studying abroad. The main purpose of this report is to give information about situation of international students to AAIS and to international student. more content...
Fearfulness about new culture is the main cause of culture shock due to which we forgot all about our home culture. causes of Culture shock includes
environment changes, living standard of different cultured people, lack of knowledge about how to talk with other people and how to behave with
other people, dining system , dressing sens, behavioural attitude, body gestures ,working environment, routine scheduled of new cultured people, feel
alone (Oberg,1954).
Figure 1 (bar graph) provides that how much different types of external factors play a role to feel the culture shock.
It can seem from the graph that (40%) international students felt that food played a vital role in culture shock. (30%) felt that different weather
contribute more for culture shock. (20%) & (10%) felt that language and life style is the main causes of culture shock consequently. So from the graph
data research conclude that food were extremely strong factor for international student to felt culture
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Culture Shock Essay
Culture shock is a psychological reaction people feel when they live for an extended period of time in another country or culture that is different than
they are accustomed to. Many college students who study abroad and military families experience culture shock. It is a normal process, and most
people go through it, to some degree, when they enter a new and different culture. The five stages of culture shock are: honeymoon, crisis, recovery,
adjustment, and reverse culture shock. We have family friends who lived inGreece for three years from June of 2014 and returned in June of 2017.
Prior to their threeā€“year stay, they annually spent several weeks each summer in Athens. Their daughter, Maggie, experienced the five stages of culture
The first few weeks were very busy for the family. Getting moved and settled in. During this time, the honeymoon stage, the move was a new and
exciting. Maggie was fascinated with the country and was excited and happy to return for a longer period of time. Since it was summer, she was not
in school yet, she could swim in their pool and several times a week she could visit the dig site where her parents work every summer. In Greece, she
also could eat her favorite dessert, Baklava (which is a pastry with nuts).
In September of 2014, she started school at the International School in Greece. This also was when she encountered the second stage of culture shock,
the crisis. The school was almost sixty minutes from their home, and they had to
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Culture Shock Essay
Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from their own. It is also the personal
disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social
environments, or simply transition to another way of life. One of the most common causes of culture shock involves individuals in a foreign
environment. Culture shock can be described as having 4 different phases. The first one is the honeymoon stage. The second is the negotiation stage.
Third is the adjustment stage and last is the adaptation stage. Common problems with culture shock include information overload, language barrier,
generational gap, technology gap, skill interdependence, formulation dependency, homesickness, infinite regress, boredom, response ability. There are
3 different outcomes to culture shock and there really is no true way to entirely prevent culture shock, as individuals in any society are personally
affected by cultural contrasts differently. During the honeymoon period, the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light.
For example, in moving to a new country, an individual might love the new foods, the pace of life, and the locals' habits. During the first few weeks,
most people are fascinated by the new culture. They associate with nationals who speak their language, and who are polite to the foreigners. Like most
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Culture Shock Essay
This paper explains my opinions on culture shock, what culture shock is, the importance of culture shock, and how educational assistance can provide
support for ESL learners.
Culture Shock is what several people identify as a tremendous change to a person who has moved from their country to another, their native language is
not spoken, and the surroundings are unfamiliar, resulting in mixed emotions (Haynes, 2005). Therefore, educational assistants (EA's) must
acknowledge and understand the impact of culture shock on students. Furthermore, EA's must be patient and anticipate moving to a new country can
be frightening, overwhelming, and also exciting.
According to Haynes (2005), some children will lash out or withdraw from studies due to the excessive amount of new information they must consume.
Moreover, several children may not gain the support from home, as their parents could also be experiencing culture shock, and are additionally ESL
learners. It is significantly helpful knowing how to handle such situations by providing proper resources to the students and families. Understanding the
effects of culture shock is an important attribute to a child's learning outcome. Having an empathetic attitude towards their situation will help make the
transition easier. Stages of Culture Shock
There are many different stressors ESL learners will endure during the arrival in a new country. Many, but not all ESL learners will have
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Culture Shock Essay
The term culture stock was first presented by anthropologist Kalervo Oberg in the late 1950s. Oberg characterized it as a disease endured by
people living in another social condition. Oberg also say's, culture stock came about because of the loss of surely understood cultural signs and
symbols, making people encounter tension, disappointment, and weakness.(Citation 1) culture shock also has impacted the on values we have from
our native culture we lived so long, by coming to Canada we are exposed to another culture that we have not been touched by. Communication skills
are different as we in can have to look in the eyes of the elder we talk to, as in back home in pakistan, where i'm from we cannot look in the eye of
elder as it is disrespectful. As for our beliefs are transmitted from generation to generation through of being taught or observed. Loss of identity is an
problem for international student as it can loss due to adaptation to a new place to live in or they have to adopted the new identity. The financial crisis
for international students is very related to culture shock because we need to get a job in new culture requires to same communication skills, values
and adaptation of identity.
How can one be facing challenges that they never faced in their country when they come to Canada, in which involves seeking help? Can international
students have the same lifestyle as they were in their native country? the socio psychological approach they demonstrate that culture
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Culture Shock Analysis
Culture Shock
According to Changā€“Rae Lee, "I don't believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step,
every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world. This is the
case for everyone." This quote means that acquiring the social and psychological characteristics of another culture is nearly impossible if you have an
energetic and dynamic mind. Additionally, it portrays that if you are trying to achieve a new beginning in life, every step can show a newfound outlook
of viewing yourself in the world. Therefore, immigrants from other countries should share their life experiences that have a connection with their
cultural origins, but keep an open mind, familiarize themselves with American culture, and use their sense of humor as strength, while doing this, and
force themselves to integrate into society. These various acts can help a person from a different country adjust to living in theUnited States of America
without having it be nearly unachievable.
For starters, immigrants from other countries should share their life experiences that have a connection with their cultural origins, but keep an open
mind. The experience of cultural change will be drastic in comparison to your old home, but try to see the glass halfā€“full. If you choose to have a
oneā€“sided opinion about everything, this will hinder you from developing a better multicultural understanding of America. In most instances, thoughts
and concepts that you have discovered about America, are as true as you saying, " No officer, I had no idea how fast I was going", so try to adopt the
ways of the American culture, but don't lose your cultural roots. Additionally, you should try to leave behind bad characteristics that you obtained from
your home country because being an immigrant in the U.S. means that you are representing your home country. If you immigrate to another country at
the least you can bring optimistic views with you during this experience, and keep a strong connection to your culture.
Furthermore, newcomers from other countries should familiarize themselves with American culture, and use their sense
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Culture Shock
Stage 1 is characterized by a high level of excitement, discovery and anticipation and perhaps some anxiety. In this stage of initial euphoria, everything
is new and you are busy with the initial tasks of settling into the culture. At this point, you are most likely to notice similarities and to assume that
people everywhere are basically alike. This stage can last from a few weeks to several months, but it inevitably ends.
The novelty is wearing off. Soon after arrival, it becomes apparent that many aspects of living in the United States differ from your own culture. The
differences in aspects such as the educational system, food, dress, language, friendships, values, customs, transportation and climate start to become
noticeable, and people react to the situation in different ways. These reactions are referred to as culture shock. Culture shock can be characterized by
feelings of frustration, irritation, exhaustion, and disappointment at the difficulty in learning so many new things all at once.
Since the new environment is the cause of the discomfort, some hostility toward
Americans, the university, and the U.S. may be expressed at this time. It is common for international students to turn to each other in this stage in order
to express negative feelings. However, as you develop a deeper understanding of the culture, then you will gradually adjust.
STAGE 1: "The Honeymoon"
STAGE 2: "Culture Shock"
STAGE 3: "Adjustment/Acclimation"
The gradual adjustment stage is characterized by a sense of greater comfort in the new culture. You will adapt to the educational system, make a few
friends, become involved in areas of interest, and establish a routine that allows you to function fairly well in the
U.S. There will always be aspects of the culture that you do not like or choose not to adopt, but there are other aspects you will enjoy and integrate
into your lives. When you begin to make adjustments, you will likely stay at this stage until it is time to return to your own culture.
STAGE 4: "Reentry Shock"
As you near the completion of your studies, you feel excited and anxious about returning home. Readjustment may seem like a strange concept to you,
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Stages Of Culture Shock
Culture Shock is what many would identify as a tremendous change to a person who moved from their country to another, their native language is not
spoken, and the surroundings are unfamiliar, resulting in mixed emotions (Haynes, 2005). Educational Assistant (EA) must acknowledge and
understand the impact of culture shock on students. EA's must be patient and perceive this move to a new country can be frightening, overwhelming,
and also exciting.
According to (Hayne, 2005) some children can lash out or withdrawal from studies because it is an excessive amount to consume. Moreover, some
children do not gain the support from home as their parents could also be experiencing culture shock as well and are additionally, ESL learners. It is
significant knowing how to handles such situations, so we can provide proper resources to the students and families. Understanding the effects of
culture shock can be an important attribute to a child's learning outcome. With having an empathetic attitude towards their situation could help make
the transition easier. Stages of Culture Shock
There are many different stressors ESL learners will endure during the arrival to a new country. Most, but not all ESL learners will have different
ways of learning and coping with culture shock. According to (Haynes, 2015) there are four stages experienced by new immigrants and some take
longer than others to progress through these stages which include;
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Culture Shock Essay
Everyone has had a culture shock in their lifetime. Culture shock does not only occur overseas when traveling to another country to visit or to live,
but it could also be in a new state or a new city, at a new school or workplace, among new extended family members, or being in any new
environment. According to Condon and Yousef (2017), "Culture Shock is a multifaceted experience resulting from the stress associated with entering
a new culture" (Condon & Yousef, 2017, pg. 403). Everyone adapts in a different way to a new life and a new beginning, and it could be hard at first
before anyone can get use to it. I will explain the circumstances surrounding the new culture and the reason for my trip/experience, the stages of culture
shock present in my experience of the new culture, how I coped with the culture shock, and how I might cope with the culture shock in a healthier way
in the future.
When I decided to move to Northern California; I was so excited because I have been to California many times to visit my cousin before. I fell in love
with the weather and the fact that there was so much to see and do in California. I had a lot of great experience in California in meeting new people
from different countries, and I made friends when attending different functions with many of my cousins that lived in the bay. I loved being in
California and when I wanted to go to the beach it didn't take long to drive there. The little short trips that I took to California to visit my cousin
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Cultural Shock Essay
Cultural shock is the reaction to cultural differences after moving to a foreign country. It can be triggered by differences in food, social customs, and
language. The four phases of cultural shock are the honeymoon, rejection, regression, and adjustment phases (Levine). The honeymoon phase is
characterized by an excitement for new surroundings. During the rejection phase, frustration replaces the excitement; inconvenient cultural differences
become more noticeable, and adjustment is difficult. The regression phase, a period of isolation from the new culture, follows the rejection phase. This
isolation ends during the adjustment phase, when acclimation is finally reached.
Some argue that cultural shock is inevitable. They believe more content...
Being aware of these differences beforehand creates the sense of expectation, and as a result, significantly reduces the shock from a crossā€“cultural
experience. As Andy Molinsky says, "Learning this [cultural] code is key because it's the first step in helping you devise a way to feel authentic and
be effective at the same time. It provides you with insight into the particular set of challenges you face when adapting your behavior in a particular
situation and how you might be able to adjust your behavior in order to respond to these challenges." For example, knowing about a foreign country's
customary formal greeting enables one to anticipate situations where this greeting must be used. One can then prepare for these situations: when a
formal greeting is necessary, they will known the appropriate behavior.
Alongside mental preparation is mental mindset. Cultural shock is characterized by the stark differences between two cultures. Keeping an openā€“mind
during the process of adaptation is crucial to successful adjustment. Studies have shown that "most people immersed in a foreign culture will
experience a negative evaluation of their differences..." (Winkelman). Here, Winkelman is describing aspects of the rejection phase: where differences
become viewed as inconveniences, and adjustment is a challenge. It is difficult, but important, to practice nonā€“judgement and what Winkelman calls
"cultural relativism" ā€“ understanding how certain behaviors are reasonable
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Culture Shock Essay examples
Culture Shock
1 Definition of Culture
Culture as the most complex terms has countless different definitions ranging from complicated phrases to the simple statement describing culture as
"the way we do things around here". The widely used definition of culture is that of Meads (1951), "A body of learned behaviour, a collection of
beliefs, habits and traditions, shared by a group of people and successively learned by people who enter the society"(Joynt and Warner, 1996, P. 33).
Hofstede(1980) created the very illustrative definition of culture as "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one
group or category of people from another". Again to Hofstede' more content...
With the rapid process of globalization, the individual's ability to adapt to new cultures is one of the most important elements of a successful
assignment. Hence, anyone working on an international assignment has to be knowledge about the cultural aspects of the environment they are
moving to.
2 Definition of Culture Shock
Nowadays there are many definitions for culture shock. The term Culture Shock was first mentioned in literature by Kalvero Oberg in 1960. In his
article he defined Culture Shock as follows' the distress experienced by the sojourner as a result of losing all the familiar signs and symbols of social
interaction' (Selmar, 1999, P.517). And these signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which people orient themselves to the situations of
daily life. Oberg mentioned at least six aspects of culture shock:
(1) Strain due to the effort required to make necessary psychological adjustments.
(2) A sense of loss and feelings of deprivation in regard to friends, status, profession and possessions.
(3) Being rejected by and/or rejecting members of the new culture.
(4) Confusion in role, role expectations, values, feelings and selfā€“identity.
(5) Surprise, anxiety, even disgust and indignation after becoming aware of cultural differences.
(6) Feelings of
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Shock Culture Shock Essay
The Comparison of Culture Shock and
Reverse Culture Shock
Name: Cai Miaosen Instructor: Li Binbin
1. Introduction
In recent years, the people who pursue their overseas studying have doubled in number. The overseas returnees also increase at a fast rate. Many
people who have already got the foreign passport or the right of residence of other country gradually return to motherland to work and settle down. But
unfortunately many of these people are suffering the varying degrees of culture shock or reverse culture shock. They are playing an indispensable role
to China's social and economic development. Therefore, the research of culture shock and reverse culture shock are of great necessity and realistic
Many more content...
The reverse culture shock the phenomenon when people returning to their home culture after they are accustomed to a new one can produce the same
effects as described above. This results from the psychosomatic and psychological consequences of the readjustment process to the primary culture. The
affected person often finds this more surprising and difficult to deal with than the original culture shock.
In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the high pace of globalization, more and more Chinese want to pursue their
overseas study. Some of Chinese and overseas Chinese who have already got the passport or green card of foreign countries or the right of residence in
the foreign countries return to China working or settling. The number of returnee is increasing with the development of China's economy and they are
playing an important role in the development of social economy.
3. The manifestation of culture shock and reverse culture shock The manifestation of culture shock includes light levels of mild discomfort to deep
psychological panic and psychological crisis. The manifestation of reverse culture shock is more complicated than the manifestation of culture shock.
3.1 The manifestation of culture shock
According to Oberg, culture shock mainly includes the following manifestations.
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Essay about Culture Shock
Positive Effects of Culture Shock
Positive Effects of Culture Shock
Thesis Statement: There are many positive effects of culture shock, such as meeting new people, knowing about personality and increasing the
1. Meeting new people a. Public places b. Help to know about new country and culture 2. Knowing about personality a. Be independent b. Own abilities
3. Increasing the knowledge a. New culture, history b. Second language
When I moved to United State, I missed my family and my friends, living in Iran. While not had any friends hare, I felt so sad and depressed.
Everything was new for me. I always asked myself why I came here. I spend my awful days in more content...
Ford said she had been traversing Europe solo and was responsible for her own basic survival and safety" (P.1). Moreover, foreigners become more
self reliant because they don't have their parents to support and take care of them. They have to be responsible for their own choices and behaviors.
The point of being independent is learning about personality, potential and how people can improve their behaviors. It also helps them to modify
themselves to new environment. Furthermore, when people decide to go abroad, it helps them to learn about new culture and history. They
discover innovative lifestyle, and behaviors. Also, if language is different and foreigners don't know how they can speak, then they have a
superior reason for learning a new linguistic communication. As Seltzer (2009) said, when she moved to another state, she found out how life
style and culture can be different. Gabi didn't make herself ready for this big change but at the end she learned a lot of things about other people
and how they live. One thing that can be useful is Reading a book which is help to access all of the accumulated knowledge from the past and the
present and also to enhance vocabulary. Beside negative effects of culture shock, it can be helpful for people. When people go abroad for living or
saying there for long time, they can learn a lot about new place which is excellent. In addition, foreigners meet new
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Culture Shock Of International Students
Culture Shock in International Students
Culture shock is an issue that has been discussed widely in a variety of fields. It is an issue that spans all cultures and groups and can affect anyone
who transitions from one culture to another. Although it might be typically thought of as something that only happens when an individual travels to a
new country, it can easily be experienced with a move or visit to a new region of a country. In light of the globalization that we as a society are
currently experiencing, it seems to be becoming more and more important to learn how to communicate with, and learn from, other cultures. With this
in mind, many students choose to leave the familiarity of their own culture, and travel to a new country for their education. When they do this many, if
not all, will experience some degree of culture shock. Therefore, it is important to consider the common elements of culture shock in international
students, as well as the responsibility of the schools they attended when it comes to helping them through this process.
The Concept of Culture Shock In order to apply the idea of culture shock to international students specifically, we must first address what culture shock
actually is in general. As Winkelman (1994) explains, "cultural (or culture) shock is a multifaceted experience resulting from numerous stressors
occurring in contact with a different culture" (p. 121). Culture shock can be exhibited in many different ways. The experience itself
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Cause and Effect of Cultural Shock Essay
Kasie Sepeda
Professor Scherf
Outline I. What is Cultural Shock a. serious phenomenon and a longā€“winded process b. Real culture shock can happen in places you expect to be
similar II. Effects of cultural shock a. Happen when you take a culture for granted. b. Can affect your job, family, etc. III. Causes of cultural shock a.
Can cause mild uneasiness or temporary homesickness to acute unhappiness or even, in extreme cases, psychological panic. b. Could cause a serious
reality check when put into cultural shock. IV. Cultural the same as race? a. Hundreds of cultures in the world, while we have only a handful of races.
b. Race is more content...
That is, corporateā€“culture shock. "Culture Shock can occur in reverse, when you return from someplace quite foreign, to what should be home, but
isn't. You have changed over the course of your stay in the other culture, and now your home culture seems out of place. It is much harder to adjust to,
and can have greater impact on relationships and life outlook."(Culture, 2012).
The effects of culture shock may also range from mild uneasiness or temporary homesickness to acute unhappiness or even, in extreme cases,
psychological panic. Irritability, hyperā€“sensitivity and loss of perspective are common symptoms. Often the victim doesn't know what's wrong with
"The effect of culture shock is an impaired ability to adapt or function in the target culture. Culture shock is a barrier to socializing, learning, and
generally functioning in the target culture." (SlideShare, 2012) The effects of culture shock can be a feeling of disorientation, not knowing what is
going on, behaviors and attitudes which were necessary for obtaining goals in the culture we learned are no longer useful, and so many adjustments to
be made that one's becomes overwhelmed, frustrated, and angry.
We define our own culture in moral terms: Natural, rational, civilized, and polite. Most everyone who is different: country, race, gender, age, religion,
and occupation. Culture shock is a typical reaction to difference. To get beyond the reactions of culture shock requires a selfā€“
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Culture Shock
Daniel Dhanaraj
Descriptive Essay
Culture Shock: An Integration in a New Country
LIBS ā€“ 7001
February 21, 2011
The word 'CULTURE' has been derived from the Latin word 'CULTURA' which means to cultivate, to grow (Harper 2010). Anthropologist Edward B.
Taylor, definesculture as "That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits."
(O'Neil 2006). This is the basic premise that beliefs, morals, and customs are all based on one's culture. In the essay, "No Place Like Home" by Neil
Bissoondath, the author describes how multiculturalism creates uneasiness on different levels to immigrants in Canada. The author points that
Canada's Multicultural Act, focuses on more content...
Living in Bangalore, the food culture that I was exposed too was something I had never quite experienced before. The combinations of highly
aromatic seasonings and flavours along with a mixture of hot, sour, sweet and salty dishes from different parts of India, were all available within
walking distance from my house. Every alternative day, I would have either breakfast, lunch, or dinner from the nearly dozen restaurants, cafes, and
food stalls that had opened for business within three months since I arrived. This became sort of a hobby, sampling the variety of dishes available, one
that I cherished the most. The booming economy and burgeoning development has made India more accessible to the world inā€“terms of tourism,
business growth and quality of life for its citizens. Influences from North America and Europe and funding by the government has provided cities and
towns all over the country with supermarkets, Walmart, that contain products from all over the world, mega shopping malls with the latest designer
clothing such as Tommy Hilfiger, Louis Vuitton and many others, modern restaurants, bars, and clubs such as KFC, Subway, McDonald's etc... In
addition, people have more money to spend, especially the growing middle class as the economy has grow rapidly since the late 90's. I was surprised
to witness, people of every ethnicity purchasing automobiles, high end
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Culture Shock Essay
One of the biggest hindrances to people living in a new culture is the initial cultureā€“shock that people experience, as well as the cultureā€“stress that
occurs as time progresses. When a person enters a new culture, there are many noticeable differences from his/her own culture. These differences have
been labelled cultureā€“shock and cultureā€“stress. It is the initial differences, which is called cultureā€“shock, that often cause worry, fear, and sometimes
withdrawl. However, these can be easily overcome through preparation and changes in attitude. As time progresses, there will be other issues that will
start to appear that can become even more troublesome; these are called cultureā€“stresses. The problem with cultureā€“stress is that it is a more
These initial cultural differences that a person sees and experiences have been labelled Cultureā€“shock. The dictionary defines cultureā€“shock as "a sense
of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate
preparation ". What this means is that the person will feel out of place due to the differences in culture. Cultureā€“shock normally starts in earnest at
about six months after arrival , however its effects can be felt right away. Cultureā€“shock is an issue that occurs individually, can last longer, and can
reoccur or the situations change . After the issue of culture shock has been overcome, a person will still come up against form of cultureā€“shock called
cultureā€“stress. Cultureā€“stress is a feeling of anxiety or annoyance at the small cultural differences in the local culture; these differences are often
because a person does not understand the smaller nuances and how they differ from the home culture. The dictionary has no formal definition of
cultureā€“stress, however it does define stress as "one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium, " which
is simply to say that stress is a tension that will knock you off balance.
The dangers that cultureā€“shock and cultureā€“stress cause are mostly related to the attitude of the person trying to adapt to the new local culture .
However, the fear or anger that cultureā€“shock
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My culture shock story First time I came America was about 2 years ago, I went with my friends. That was a memorable trip, I strongly felt how a
big different culture between America and China. Then after that trip, my parents decided me to go to America to study. I still remember my first
night when I went to my America high school. I didn't sleep well, I missed my home and my family. i cried, I must admit I have long time no
crying, but that day made me so upset. I started my study abroad in America. The teacher teach was more different in China. During the first
month, I'm getting used to life in America. But there was something happened really makes me embarrassed. I remembered that day I came to
school and the first course is math. I sat down with an American. He has been sneezing looks a little uncomfortable. He looked pale and coughed,
and now and then he covered his head, and I handed him a tissue. At this moment, I thought that if I went to visit him, I might be able to make
friends with him and improve my oral English. I said to him "You look pale. What's the matter?" he said" I'm ok, I'm just feeling sick. A cold,
maybe." I responded to him with the most enthusiastic care of the Chinese people" Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills?
Put on more clothes. Have a good rest. "he looked at me and said you are not my mother, are you?" In that moment, I feel the air is quiet. I blushed
and looked very embarrassed. I wonder why this American
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Essay on Culture Shock
It is through the events in the journey of life that shapes and molds who we are as people. As for me, immigrating to America was one of those
milestones that have shaped who I am. Those who have had the opportunity of moving from a different country to America know what a privilege it is.
I felt the same honor to know that I would be journeying to the land of opportunity. Without hesitance, I spent the last two months packing and making
the final preparations before moving to a new continent. Although it was a bittersweet time, leaving my beloved family behind, I knew that I couldn't
resist the treasure that waited for me in the new land. Coming from a developing nation the high level of sophistication that greeted me on arrival to more content...
After dinner that night I immediately went to sleep, I had so much fatigue after the long flight. Around midnight I lost sleep I was finding hard to
go back to sleep again, thanks to jet lag. It was only a matter of days before I came to the realization that I was in a total different country. For the
first few weeks I did not experience any interaction with the citizens so my perspective was still not tainted. However, all this changed when I first
attempted to interact with the people. Born and raised in Kenya, I was familiar with the Kenyan accents. It did not take more than a dialogue to
realize that certainly. Every time I tried to have a conversation with other people, I noted a language barrier. Although some were kind when I
showed difficulties in communicating according to their standards, others proved to be far less friendly. I had to result to gestures at times or note
writing however; often I noticed a disinterest in what I had to say or perhaps a friendly nod followed by a "I need to get going" attitude in some
people. I knew it would require some adjusting, but as days and dialogues went by, I began to ache for the comfort Kenya had to offer me. I often
found myself regretting the move I made, but I knew with every opportunity, there must be hardships harboring around the corner.
I always knew culture shock was inevitable, but I was not prepared for the rude awakening. Because I was raised with the Kenyan customs, when I
arrived in
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Causes And Effects Of Culture Shock

  • 1. Causes And Effects Of Culture Shock The term culture shock means the event which has faced by a people when they move to a new country. Feel become inundated even though ahead of time they did too much preparation. Oberg noted that culture shock is simply how international students and people who worked abroad feel difficulties and "losing all familiar signs and symbol of intercourse" (Oberg, 1954) and helpless about their study and work in different culture. Purpose of Report This report is written for The Australian Association of International Students as well as for internationalstudent who want to study abroad or already studying abroad. The main purpose of this report is to give information about situation of international students to AAIS and to international student. more content... Fearfulness about new culture is the main cause of culture shock due to which we forgot all about our home culture. causes of Culture shock includes environment changes, living standard of different cultured people, lack of knowledge about how to talk with other people and how to behave with other people, dining system , dressing sens, behavioural attitude, body gestures ,working environment, routine scheduled of new cultured people, feel alone (Oberg,1954). Figure 1 (bar graph) provides that how much different types of external factors play a role to feel the culture shock. It can seem from the graph that (40%) international students felt that food played a vital role in culture shock. (30%) felt that different weather contribute more for culture shock. (20%) & (10%) felt that language and life style is the main causes of culture shock consequently. So from the graph data research conclude that food were extremely strong factor for international student to felt culture Get more content on
  • 2. Culture Shock Essay Culture shock is a psychological reaction people feel when they live for an extended period of time in another country or culture that is different than they are accustomed to. Many college students who study abroad and military families experience culture shock. It is a normal process, and most people go through it, to some degree, when they enter a new and different culture. The five stages of culture shock are: honeymoon, crisis, recovery, adjustment, and reverse culture shock. We have family friends who lived inGreece for three years from June of 2014 and returned in June of 2017. Prior to their threeā€“year stay, they annually spent several weeks each summer in Athens. Their daughter, Maggie, experienced the five stages of culture shock. The first few weeks were very busy for the family. Getting moved and settled in. During this time, the honeymoon stage, the move was a new and exciting. Maggie was fascinated with the country and was excited and happy to return for a longer period of time. Since it was summer, she was not in school yet, she could swim in their pool and several times a week she could visit the dig site where her parents work every summer. In Greece, she also could eat her favorite dessert, Baklava (which is a pastry with nuts). In September of 2014, she started school at the International School in Greece. This also was when she encountered the second stage of culture shock, the crisis. The school was almost sixty minutes from their home, and they had to Get more content on
  • 3. Culture Shock Essay Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from their own. It is also the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply transition to another way of life. One of the most common causes of culture shock involves individuals in a foreign environment. Culture shock can be described as having 4 different phases. The first one is the honeymoon stage. The second is the negotiation stage. Third is the adjustment stage and last is the adaptation stage. Common problems with culture shock include information overload, language barrier, generational gap, technology gap, skill interdependence, formulation dependency, homesickness, infinite regress, boredom, response ability. There are 3 different outcomes to culture shock and there really is no true way to entirely prevent culture shock, as individuals in any society are personally affected by cultural contrasts differently. During the honeymoon period, the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light. For example, in moving to a new country, an individual might love the new foods, the pace of life, and the locals' habits. During the first few weeks, most people are fascinated by the new culture. They associate with nationals who speak their language, and who are polite to the foreigners. Like most Get more content on
  • 4. Culture Shock Essay Introduction This paper explains my opinions on culture shock, what culture shock is, the importance of culture shock, and how educational assistance can provide support for ESL learners. Culture Shock is what several people identify as a tremendous change to a person who has moved from their country to another, their native language is not spoken, and the surroundings are unfamiliar, resulting in mixed emotions (Haynes, 2005). Therefore, educational assistants (EA's) must acknowledge and understand the impact of culture shock on students. Furthermore, EA's must be patient and anticipate moving to a new country can be frightening, overwhelming, and also exciting. According to Haynes (2005), some children will lash out or withdraw from studies due to the excessive amount of new information they must consume. Moreover, several children may not gain the support from home, as their parents could also be experiencing culture shock, and are additionally ESL learners. It is significantly helpful knowing how to handle such situations by providing proper resources to the students and families. Understanding the effects of culture shock is an important attribute to a child's learning outcome. Having an empathetic attitude towards their situation will help make the transition easier. Stages of Culture Shock There are many different stressors ESL learners will endure during the arrival in a new country. Many, but not all ESL learners will have Get more content on
  • 5. Culture Shock Essay The term culture stock was first presented by anthropologist Kalervo Oberg in the late 1950s. Oberg characterized it as a disease endured by people living in another social condition. Oberg also say's, culture stock came about because of the loss of surely understood cultural signs and symbols, making people encounter tension, disappointment, and weakness.(Citation 1) culture shock also has impacted the on values we have from our native culture we lived so long, by coming to Canada we are exposed to another culture that we have not been touched by. Communication skills are different as we in can have to look in the eyes of the elder we talk to, as in back home in pakistan, where i'm from we cannot look in the eye of elder as it is disrespectful. As for our beliefs are transmitted from generation to generation through of being taught or observed. Loss of identity is an problem for international student as it can loss due to adaptation to a new place to live in or they have to adopted the new identity. The financial crisis for international students is very related to culture shock because we need to get a job in new culture requires to same communication skills, values and adaptation of identity. How can one be facing challenges that they never faced in their country when they come to Canada, in which involves seeking help? Can international students have the same lifestyle as they were in their native country? the socio psychological approach they demonstrate that culture Get more content on
  • 6. Culture Shock Analysis Culture Shock According to Changā€“Rae Lee, "I don't believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step, every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world. This is the case for everyone." This quote means that acquiring the social and psychological characteristics of another culture is nearly impossible if you have an energetic and dynamic mind. Additionally, it portrays that if you are trying to achieve a new beginning in life, every step can show a newfound outlook of viewing yourself in the world. Therefore, immigrants from other countries should share their life experiences that have a connection with their cultural origins, but keep an open mind, familiarize themselves with American culture, and use their sense of humor as strength, while doing this, and force themselves to integrate into society. These various acts can help a person from a different country adjust to living in theUnited States of America without having it be nearly unachievable. For starters, immigrants from other countries should share their life experiences that have a connection with their cultural origins, but keep an open mind. The experience of cultural change will be drastic in comparison to your old home, but try to see the glass halfā€“full. If you choose to have a oneā€“sided opinion about everything, this will hinder you from developing a better multicultural understanding of America. In most instances, thoughts and concepts that you have discovered about America, are as true as you saying, " No officer, I had no idea how fast I was going", so try to adopt the ways of the American culture, but don't lose your cultural roots. Additionally, you should try to leave behind bad characteristics that you obtained from your home country because being an immigrant in the U.S. means that you are representing your home country. If you immigrate to another country at the least you can bring optimistic views with you during this experience, and keep a strong connection to your culture. Furthermore, newcomers from other countries should familiarize themselves with American culture, and use their sense Get more content on
  • 7. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Culture Shock Stage 1 is characterized by a high level of excitement, discovery and anticipation and perhaps some anxiety. In this stage of initial euphoria, everything is new and you are busy with the initial tasks of settling into the culture. At this point, you are most likely to notice similarities and to assume that people everywhere are basically alike. This stage can last from a few weeks to several months, but it inevitably ends. The novelty is wearing off. Soon after arrival, it becomes apparent that many aspects of living in the United States differ from your own culture. The differences in aspects such as the educational system, food, dress, language, friendships, values, customs, transportation and climate start to become noticeable, and people react to the situation in different ways. These reactions are referred to as culture shock. Culture shock can be characterized by feelings of frustration, irritation, exhaustion, and disappointment at the difficulty in learning so many new things all at once. Since the new environment is the cause of the discomfort, some hostility toward Americans, the university, and the U.S. may be expressed at this time. It is common for international students to turn to each other in this stage in order to express negative feelings. However, as you develop a deeper understanding of the culture, then you will gradually adjust. STAGE 1: "The Honeymoon" STAGE 2: "Culture Shock" UNDERSTANDING CULTURE SHOCK: S TAGES OF CULTURE SHOCK STAGE 3: "Adjustment/Acclimation" The gradual adjustment stage is characterized by a sense of greater comfort in the new culture. You will adapt to the educational system, make a few friends, become involved in areas of interest, and establish a routine that allows you to function fairly well in the U.S. There will always be aspects of the culture that you do not like or choose not to adopt, but there are other aspects you will enjoy and integrate into your lives. When you begin to make adjustments, you will likely stay at this stage until it is time to return to your own culture. STAGE 4: "Reentry Shock" As you near the completion of your studies, you feel excited and anxious about returning home. Readjustment may seem like a strange concept to you, because, Get more content on
  • 8. Stages Of Culture Shock Introduction Culture Shock is what many would identify as a tremendous change to a person who moved from their country to another, their native language is not spoken, and the surroundings are unfamiliar, resulting in mixed emotions (Haynes, 2005). Educational Assistant (EA) must acknowledge and understand the impact of culture shock on students. EA's must be patient and perceive this move to a new country can be frightening, overwhelming, and also exciting. According to (Hayne, 2005) some children can lash out or withdrawal from studies because it is an excessive amount to consume. Moreover, some children do not gain the support from home as their parents could also be experiencing culture shock as well and are additionally, ESL learners. It is significant knowing how to handles such situations, so we can provide proper resources to the students and families. Understanding the effects of culture shock can be an important attribute to a child's learning outcome. With having an empathetic attitude towards their situation could help make the transition easier. Stages of Culture Shock There are many different stressors ESL learners will endure during the arrival to a new country. Most, but not all ESL learners will have different ways of learning and coping with culture shock. According to (Haynes, 2015) there are four stages experienced by new immigrants and some take longer than others to progress through these stages which include; Get more content on
  • 9. Culture Shock Essay Everyone has had a culture shock in their lifetime. Culture shock does not only occur overseas when traveling to another country to visit or to live, but it could also be in a new state or a new city, at a new school or workplace, among new extended family members, or being in any new environment. According to Condon and Yousef (2017), "Culture Shock is a multifaceted experience resulting from the stress associated with entering a new culture" (Condon & Yousef, 2017, pg. 403). Everyone adapts in a different way to a new life and a new beginning, and it could be hard at first before anyone can get use to it. I will explain the circumstances surrounding the new culture and the reason for my trip/experience, the stages of culture shock present in my experience of the new culture, how I coped with the culture shock, and how I might cope with the culture shock in a healthier way in the future. When I decided to move to Northern California; I was so excited because I have been to California many times to visit my cousin before. I fell in love with the weather and the fact that there was so much to see and do in California. I had a lot of great experience in California in meeting new people from different countries, and I made friends when attending different functions with many of my cousins that lived in the bay. I loved being in California and when I wanted to go to the beach it didn't take long to drive there. The little short trips that I took to California to visit my cousin Get more content on
  • 10. Cultural Shock Essay Cultural shock is the reaction to cultural differences after moving to a foreign country. It can be triggered by differences in food, social customs, and language. The four phases of cultural shock are the honeymoon, rejection, regression, and adjustment phases (Levine). The honeymoon phase is characterized by an excitement for new surroundings. During the rejection phase, frustration replaces the excitement; inconvenient cultural differences become more noticeable, and adjustment is difficult. The regression phase, a period of isolation from the new culture, follows the rejection phase. This isolation ends during the adjustment phase, when acclimation is finally reached. Some argue that cultural shock is inevitable. They believe more content... Being aware of these differences beforehand creates the sense of expectation, and as a result, significantly reduces the shock from a crossā€“cultural experience. As Andy Molinsky says, "Learning this [cultural] code is key because it's the first step in helping you devise a way to feel authentic and be effective at the same time. It provides you with insight into the particular set of challenges you face when adapting your behavior in a particular situation and how you might be able to adjust your behavior in order to respond to these challenges." For example, knowing about a foreign country's customary formal greeting enables one to anticipate situations where this greeting must be used. One can then prepare for these situations: when a formal greeting is necessary, they will known the appropriate behavior. Alongside mental preparation is mental mindset. Cultural shock is characterized by the stark differences between two cultures. Keeping an openā€“mind during the process of adaptation is crucial to successful adjustment. Studies have shown that "most people immersed in a foreign culture will experience a negative evaluation of their differences..." (Winkelman). Here, Winkelman is describing aspects of the rejection phase: where differences become viewed as inconveniences, and adjustment is a challenge. It is difficult, but important, to practice nonā€“judgement and what Winkelman calls "cultural relativism" ā€“ understanding how certain behaviors are reasonable Get more content on
  • 11. Culture Shock Essay examples Culture Shock 1 Definition of Culture Culture as the most complex terms has countless different definitions ranging from complicated phrases to the simple statement describing culture as "the way we do things around here". The widely used definition of culture is that of Meads (1951), "A body of learned behaviour, a collection of beliefs, habits and traditions, shared by a group of people and successively learned by people who enter the society"(Joynt and Warner, 1996, P. 33). Hofstede(1980) created the very illustrative definition of culture as "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another". Again to Hofstede' more content... With the rapid process of globalization, the individual's ability to adapt to new cultures is one of the most important elements of a successful assignment. Hence, anyone working on an international assignment has to be knowledge about the cultural aspects of the environment they are moving to. 2 Definition of Culture Shock Nowadays there are many definitions for culture shock. The term Culture Shock was first mentioned in literature by Kalvero Oberg in 1960. In his article he defined Culture Shock as follows' the distress experienced by the sojourner as a result of losing all the familiar signs and symbols of social interaction' (Selmar, 1999, P.517). And these signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which people orient themselves to the situations of daily life. Oberg mentioned at least six aspects of culture shock: (1) Strain due to the effort required to make necessary psychological adjustments. (2) A sense of loss and feelings of deprivation in regard to friends, status, profession and possessions. (3) Being rejected by and/or rejecting members of the new culture.
  • 12. (4) Confusion in role, role expectations, values, feelings and selfā€“identity. (5) Surprise, anxiety, even disgust and indignation after becoming aware of cultural differences. (6) Feelings of Get more content on
  • 13. Shock Culture Shock Essay The Comparison of Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock Name: Cai Miaosen Instructor: Li Binbin 1. Introduction In recent years, the people who pursue their overseas studying have doubled in number. The overseas returnees also increase at a fast rate. Many people who have already got the foreign passport or the right of residence of other country gradually return to motherland to work and settle down. But unfortunately many of these people are suffering the varying degrees of culture shock or reverse culture shock. They are playing an indispensable role to China's social and economic development. Therefore, the research of culture shock and reverse culture shock are of great necessity and realistic significance. Many more content... The reverse culture shock the phenomenon when people returning to their home culture after they are accustomed to a new one can produce the same effects as described above. This results from the psychosomatic and psychological consequences of the readjustment process to the primary culture. The affected person often finds this more surprising and difficult to deal with than the original culture shock. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the high pace of globalization, more and more Chinese want to pursue their overseas study. Some of Chinese and overseas Chinese who have already got the passport or green card of foreign countries or the right of residence in the foreign countries return to China working or settling. The number of returnee is increasing with the development of China's economy and they are playing an important role in the development of social economy. 3. The manifestation of culture shock and reverse culture shock The manifestation of culture shock includes light levels of mild discomfort to deep psychological panic and psychological crisis. The manifestation of reverse culture shock is more complicated than the manifestation of culture shock. 3.1 The manifestation of culture shock According to Oberg, culture shock mainly includes the following manifestations. Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Culture Shock Positive Effects of Culture Shock Positive Effects of Culture Shock Thesis Statement: There are many positive effects of culture shock, such as meeting new people, knowing about personality and increasing the knowledge. Body: 1. Meeting new people a. Public places b. Help to know about new country and culture 2. Knowing about personality a. Be independent b. Own abilities 3. Increasing the knowledge a. New culture, history b. Second language When I moved to United State, I missed my family and my friends, living in Iran. While not had any friends hare, I felt so sad and depressed. Everything was new for me. I always asked myself why I came here. I spend my awful days in more content... Ford said she had been traversing Europe solo and was responsible for her own basic survival and safety" (P.1). Moreover, foreigners become more self reliant because they don't have their parents to support and take care of them. They have to be responsible for their own choices and behaviors. The point of being independent is learning about personality, potential and how people can improve their behaviors. It also helps them to modify themselves to new environment. Furthermore, when people decide to go abroad, it helps them to learn about new culture and history. They discover innovative lifestyle, and behaviors. Also, if language is different and foreigners don't know how they can speak, then they have a superior reason for learning a new linguistic communication. As Seltzer (2009) said, when she moved to another state, she found out how life style and culture can be different. Gabi didn't make herself ready for this big change but at the end she learned a lot of things about other people and how they live. One thing that can be useful is Reading a book which is help to access all of the accumulated knowledge from the past and the present and also to enhance vocabulary. Beside negative effects of culture shock, it can be helpful for people. When people go abroad for living or saying there for long time, they can learn a lot about new place which is excellent. In addition, foreigners meet new Get more content on
  • 15. Culture Shock Of International Students Culture Shock in International Students Culture shock is an issue that has been discussed widely in a variety of fields. It is an issue that spans all cultures and groups and can affect anyone who transitions from one culture to another. Although it might be typically thought of as something that only happens when an individual travels to a new country, it can easily be experienced with a move or visit to a new region of a country. In light of the globalization that we as a society are currently experiencing, it seems to be becoming more and more important to learn how to communicate with, and learn from, other cultures. With this in mind, many students choose to leave the familiarity of their own culture, and travel to a new country for their education. When they do this many, if not all, will experience some degree of culture shock. Therefore, it is important to consider the common elements of culture shock in international students, as well as the responsibility of the schools they attended when it comes to helping them through this process. The Concept of Culture Shock In order to apply the idea of culture shock to international students specifically, we must first address what culture shock actually is in general. As Winkelman (1994) explains, "cultural (or culture) shock is a multifaceted experience resulting from numerous stressors occurring in contact with a different culture" (p. 121). Culture shock can be exhibited in many different ways. The experience itself Get more content on
  • 16. Cause and Effect of Cultural Shock Essay CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CULTURAL SHOCK Kasie Sepeda Professor Scherf 11/19/2012 Outline I. What is Cultural Shock a. serious phenomenon and a longā€“winded process b. Real culture shock can happen in places you expect to be similar II. Effects of cultural shock a. Happen when you take a culture for granted. b. Can affect your job, family, etc. III. Causes of cultural shock a. Can cause mild uneasiness or temporary homesickness to acute unhappiness or even, in extreme cases, psychological panic. b. Could cause a serious reality check when put into cultural shock. IV. Cultural the same as race? a. Hundreds of cultures in the world, while we have only a handful of races. b. Race is more content... That is, corporateā€“culture shock. "Culture Shock can occur in reverse, when you return from someplace quite foreign, to what should be home, but isn't. You have changed over the course of your stay in the other culture, and now your home culture seems out of place. It is much harder to adjust to, and can have greater impact on relationships and life outlook."(Culture, 2012). The effects of culture shock may also range from mild uneasiness or temporary homesickness to acute unhappiness or even, in extreme cases, psychological panic. Irritability, hyperā€“sensitivity and loss of perspective are common symptoms. Often the victim doesn't know what's wrong with them. "The effect of culture shock is an impaired ability to adapt or function in the target culture. Culture shock is a barrier to socializing, learning, and generally functioning in the target culture." (SlideShare, 2012) The effects of culture shock can be a feeling of disorientation, not knowing what is going on, behaviors and attitudes which were necessary for obtaining goals in the culture we learned are no longer useful, and so many adjustments to be made that one's becomes overwhelmed, frustrated, and angry. We define our own culture in moral terms: Natural, rational, civilized, and polite. Most everyone who is different: country, race, gender, age, religion, and occupation. Culture shock is a typical reaction to difference. To get beyond the reactions of culture shock requires a selfā€“ Get more content on
  • 17. Culture Shock Daniel Dhanaraj Descriptive Essay Culture Shock: An Integration in a New Country LIBS ā€“ 7001 February 21, 2011 The word 'CULTURE' has been derived from the Latin word 'CULTURA' which means to cultivate, to grow (Harper 2010). Anthropologist Edward B. Taylor, definesculture as "That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits." (O'Neil 2006). This is the basic premise that beliefs, morals, and customs are all based on one's culture. In the essay, "No Place Like Home" by Neil Bissoondath, the author describes how multiculturalism creates uneasiness on different levels to immigrants in Canada. The author points that Canada's Multicultural Act, focuses on more content... Living in Bangalore, the food culture that I was exposed too was something I had never quite experienced before. The combinations of highly aromatic seasonings and flavours along with a mixture of hot, sour, sweet and salty dishes from different parts of India, were all available within walking distance from my house. Every alternative day, I would have either breakfast, lunch, or dinner from the nearly dozen restaurants, cafes, and food stalls that had opened for business within three months since I arrived. This became sort of a hobby, sampling the variety of dishes available, one that I cherished the most. The booming economy and burgeoning development has made India more accessible to the world inā€“terms of tourism, business growth and quality of life for its citizens. Influences from North America and Europe and funding by the government has provided cities and towns all over the country with supermarkets, Walmart, that contain products from all over the world, mega shopping malls with the latest designer clothing such as Tommy Hilfiger, Louis Vuitton and many others, modern restaurants, bars, and clubs such as KFC, Subway, McDonald's etc... In addition, people have more money to spend, especially the growing middle class as the economy has grow rapidly since the late 90's. I was surprised to witness, people of every ethnicity purchasing automobiles, high end
  • 18. Get more content on
  • 19. Culture Shock Essay One of the biggest hindrances to people living in a new culture is the initial cultureā€“shock that people experience, as well as the cultureā€“stress that occurs as time progresses. When a person enters a new culture, there are many noticeable differences from his/her own culture. These differences have been labelled cultureā€“shock and cultureā€“stress. It is the initial differences, which is called cultureā€“shock, that often cause worry, fear, and sometimes withdrawl. However, these can be easily overcome through preparation and changes in attitude. As time progresses, there will be other issues that will start to appear that can become even more troublesome; these are called cultureā€“stresses. The problem with cultureā€“stress is that it is a more content... These initial cultural differences that a person sees and experiences have been labelled Cultureā€“shock. The dictionary defines cultureā€“shock as "a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation ". What this means is that the person will feel out of place due to the differences in culture. Cultureā€“shock normally starts in earnest at about six months after arrival , however its effects can be felt right away. Cultureā€“shock is an issue that occurs individually, can last longer, and can reoccur or the situations change . After the issue of culture shock has been overcome, a person will still come up against form of cultureā€“shock called cultureā€“stress. Cultureā€“stress is a feeling of anxiety or annoyance at the small cultural differences in the local culture; these differences are often because a person does not understand the smaller nuances and how they differ from the home culture. The dictionary has no formal definition of cultureā€“stress, however it does define stress as "one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium, " which is simply to say that stress is a tension that will knock you off balance. The dangers that cultureā€“shock and cultureā€“stress cause are mostly related to the attitude of the person trying to adapt to the new local culture . However, the fear or anger that cultureā€“shock Get more content on
  • 20. My culture shock story First time I came America was about 2 years ago, I went with my friends. That was a memorable trip, I strongly felt how a big different culture between America and China. Then after that trip, my parents decided me to go to America to study. I still remember my first night when I went to my America high school. I didn't sleep well, I missed my home and my family. i cried, I must admit I have long time no crying, but that day made me so upset. I started my study abroad in America. The teacher teach was more different in China. During the first month, I'm getting used to life in America. But there was something happened really makes me embarrassed. I remembered that day I came to school and the first course is math. I sat down with an American. He has been sneezing looks a little uncomfortable. He looked pale and coughed, and now and then he covered his head, and I handed him a tissue. At this moment, I thought that if I went to visit him, I might be able to make friends with him and improve my oral English. I said to him "You look pale. What's the matter?" he said" I'm ok, I'm just feeling sick. A cold, maybe." I responded to him with the most enthusiastic care of the Chinese people" Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills? Put on more clothes. Have a good rest. "he looked at me and said you are not my mother, are you?" In that moment, I feel the air is quiet. I blushed and looked very embarrassed. I wonder why this American Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Culture Shock It is through the events in the journey of life that shapes and molds who we are as people. As for me, immigrating to America was one of those milestones that have shaped who I am. Those who have had the opportunity of moving from a different country to America know what a privilege it is. I felt the same honor to know that I would be journeying to the land of opportunity. Without hesitance, I spent the last two months packing and making the final preparations before moving to a new continent. Although it was a bittersweet time, leaving my beloved family behind, I knew that I couldn't resist the treasure that waited for me in the new land. Coming from a developing nation the high level of sophistication that greeted me on arrival to more content... After dinner that night I immediately went to sleep, I had so much fatigue after the long flight. Around midnight I lost sleep I was finding hard to go back to sleep again, thanks to jet lag. It was only a matter of days before I came to the realization that I was in a total different country. For the first few weeks I did not experience any interaction with the citizens so my perspective was still not tainted. However, all this changed when I first attempted to interact with the people. Born and raised in Kenya, I was familiar with the Kenyan accents. It did not take more than a dialogue to realize that certainly. Every time I tried to have a conversation with other people, I noted a language barrier. Although some were kind when I showed difficulties in communicating according to their standards, others proved to be far less friendly. I had to result to gestures at times or note writing however; often I noticed a disinterest in what I had to say or perhaps a friendly nod followed by a "I need to get going" attitude in some people. I knew it would require some adjusting, but as days and dialogues went by, I began to ache for the comfort Kenya had to offer me. I often found myself regretting the move I made, but I knew with every opportunity, there must be hardships harboring around the corner. I always knew culture shock was inevitable, but I was not prepared for the rude awakening. Because I was raised with the Kenyan customs, when I arrived in Get more content on