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 No. 1 / Vol. 2 2012                                           Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow                                  FREE

            Chris & Ruth

           California Property Flipping Experts
               Share their Secrets on how to rehab and flip properties
                   for Big Profits in this great Foreclosure Market
                           in the Southern California Area.

                              BEFORE                               AFTER

Rehab Tips by the Southern Find Money
California ‘Property Flip Pros’ for Deals...
                                                                                                    By Ginger Macias
By Linda Pliagas                          nars and bootcamps together since
                                                                                                         2005). They also acknowledge their

                                          team consisting of personal and vir-

                                                                                              ow would you like create
    t’s not easy to be a flipper in       tual assistants, private investors, hard
                                                                                              your own “Money List”? I
    Southern California. The prices       money lenders, and other real estate
                                                                                              have one, and every success-
    are steep, the competition fierce,    brokers.
                                                                                     ful real estate entrepreneur I know
and the deals are few and far between.      “We have a lot of real estate agents     has one. Your money list is simply
Yet, professional rehabbers Christian     and brokers who bring the deals to         your list of customers who will do
Yepez and Ruth Ortiz not only find a      us because they know we are serious        business with you on a consistent
way to make it work, but they profit      all-cash buyers,” Ortiz says. “We also     and profitable basis. This list is your
handsomely month after month.		           have personal and virtual assistants       most valuable asset in your real estate
	 Known as the “Property Flip Pros,”      who are looking for deals and submit-      business. Without it, your business
Yepez and Ortiz credit their success on   ting offer after offer.”                   will not flourish; with it your busi-
their many years of real estate educa-    	 So many offers are made, that they
tion (they have been attending semi-                           Continued on pg. 9
                                                                                                         Continued on pg. 4

       INSIDE: How to Turbo-Charge Your Portfolio • PLUS: What Type of Investor are You?
Funding Available                                                                                                                                                                                                          What Type
          for real estate investors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Investor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ARE YOU?
   Pacific Private Money makes lending easy. We fund loans on non-owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   By Deborah Gordon is a Real Estate             Investor. An active investor isn’t intimi-
   occupied single family, multifamily, mixed-use residences, and challenged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Investment Specialist at Invest Arizona        dated by much. What the average person
   townhome or condo projects.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  might see as a dilapidated money-pit, the
   We’re fast. We’re friendly. And, we’re ready to help you get the funding you                                                                                                                                           o you are looking for investment        active investor sees an opportunity to turn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          real estate? If you haven’t already     a little cash and some elbow-grease into a
   need right now.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          discovered, you are about to find       mini “Taj Mahal”.

   Let us fill you in on all the details                                                                                                                                                                           out that there is no shortage of ways to in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   vest in real estate. There is no shortage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The active investor sees something sexy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in turning that fixer-upper into a quick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   methods to use. Should I go about invest-      10%, 20% or even 30 % return. But the
  (415) 883-2150                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing this way? Should I use this person’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   system, or should I hire someone to do the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  truth is, being an active investor isn’t easy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On top of the money it takes to buy the                                                                                                          PRIVATE MONEY LOANS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   work for me?                                   right property, it takes a great deal of time,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The laundry list of factors                         energy and expertise to be success-
  1604 Grant Ave., Novato, CA 94945                                                            California Department of Real Estate Brokers #1897444
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to consider when invest-                                  ful. Knowing what to buy, when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing in real estate seems                                    to buy, and how much to pay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   endless. But one of the                                       is only the beginning. You

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ways you can cut this list                                     still have to choose what and
                                                                                                                                                EXPRESS                                                            down to size is to iden-                                       how to rehab. How much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tify the type of investor                                              you will do on your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   you are. Each of                                                           own. What con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   us have a                                                                     tractors will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   different                                                                        hired to do
                                                                          Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow                                                                          FREE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tempera-                                                                          what you
          No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012

     cont n s
          Learn How to Create Stock
          Market Wealth Today
                                                                                                            5 Jump Start Success
                                                                                                 Investors Manifest a
                                                                                                 “Cashflow” Mindset
                                                                                                   6 Cash Versus Cashflow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a style

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of decision                                                                This takes an aw-
    1 Create Stock Market Wealth                                                                            7 Calculate Your ROI
                                                                                                 By Doug Carver
                                                                                                 Organizer Pasadena and Burbank
                                                                                                                                                     estate investing, trading stocks, building
                                                                                                                                                     a strong MLM business, etc. You will not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   making. Often times this is the                         ful lot of effort. The streets to

                                                                                                 Cashflow Meetup Groups                               succeed. It’s like trying to grow corn in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  prosperity are littered with the remains
                                                                                                                                                     a field of sand. The seeds will not germi-

    1 Have a Cashflow Mindset                                                                               8 The Nested Action Cycle
                                                                                                          can remember my first time play-
                                                                                                          ing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow
                                                                                                                                                     nate and you’ll end up with next to noth-
                                                                                                                                                     ing to harvest in the fall.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   difference between a successful invest-
                                                                                                          board game about eight years
                                                                                                          ago and how it
                                                                                                                                                        How, you ask, does this relate to the
                                                                                                                                                                             Cashflow game?                         ment and a complete disaster.                  of those who bit off more than they could
    2 Will Big Money Run Away?
                                                                                                          started a chain                                                    Well, after playing

                                                                                                 of events that continues
                                                                                                 to this day. What stuck  Investor Spotlight                                 the game a bunch
                                                                                                                                                                             of times, I learned                      One of the first things you should iden-    chew. If you don’t believe me, just take a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tify about yourself and your personality is    look at how many books, videos or educa-
                                                                                                 with me most was not the                                                    the “how to” of
                                                                                                                                                                             getting out of the

    3 Six Tips for Faster Wealth
                                                                                                 “how to” of playing the

                                                                                                            10 Resource Directory
                                                                                                 game but the people that
                                                                                                 I met at the event. These
                                                                                                 were not like the normal
                                                                                                                                                                             rat race, but I still
                                                                                                                                                                             was not able to
                                                                                                                                                                             take what I learned                   whether or not you are a “passive” or an       tional products you can buy all designed
                                                                                                                                                                             from the game and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to teach you how to flip houses, perform
                                                                                                 people in my life that

    4 Focus VS. Diversification
                              By Tyrone Jackson
                                                     companies and products with which
                                                     you are familiar.                                      11 Inside Our Expos
                                                                                                 would tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashflow gameChris Hanson dis-
                                                                                                 for trying to start my own
                                                                                                                                      Carver (left) and
                                                                                                                                                         to group members.
                                                                                                                                                                             apply it to my real-
                                                                                                                                                                             life financial situ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “active” investor. Knowing the answer to

          Yes!                                                                                                                                                                                                     this will help you sort out the opportuni-     renovations or market your property.
                                                         If you’ve ever opened a can of          real estate business or                                                     ation. However, I
                                       You can be    Coca Cola on a hot summer day and           that financial freedom was impossible                realized that the time I was spending with
                                                                                                 without a steady well-paying job. The               my new Cashflow friends was changing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Being an active investor is definitely a
                                       rich from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ties best suited for you.
                                                     felt refreshed and invigorated, why
                                       owning real   not own the stock? It’s a product you       people I met were excited about learn-              the way I thought about money and my
          estate and trading stocks.                 know with a story you understand.           ing and expanding their knowledge on                financial future. I no longer viewed the

  Our Goal is to Educate, Motivate & Inspire New Investors                                                                                                                                                            I’ve provided a little quiz to help you     worthwhile pursuit if you have the time,
              We’ve all heard the story of the       When I say “a story you understand,”        how to achieve financial freedom. They               stock market as a giant rigged system for
          little old lady who lived modestly         I mean to say that you understand           were active investors in real estate and            losing money. I began to see the tremen-
          and worked as a school teach-                                  how the Coca Cola       the stock market. They were small busi-             dous opportunities in the sinking real es-
          er for 40 years. She never
          earned more than $35,000 per
                                                                         Corporation makes
                                                                         money, or to ex-
                                                                                                 ness owners with a passion and vision
                                                                                                 for creating more financial success in
                                                                                                                                                     tate market even as many people I knew
                                                                                                                                                     were losing money on deals that had gone                      identify the type of investor you are and      energy and resources to develop the prop-
                                                                                                 their lives. Overall, they had a mindset            bad. Overall, I saw for the first time op-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   what type of investment opportunities          er expertise.
          year, owned a modest home,                                     press it in Wall
          and shared her life with two                                   Street terms, you       for prosperity that I like to call a “Cash-         portunities all around me to create wealth

          cats. Once she died, her rela-                                 understand
                                                                                      PUBLISHED BY
                                                                                         how     flow” mindset.                                       even as the newspapers talked constantly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   you should be looking for.                        Back to our quiz. If you consistently
          tives discovered a $150,000                                    the company earns          A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki           of the “Great Recession.”

                            Linda Pliagas
                                                                                                                                                        Today as a result of my ongoing in-
          life insurance policy and $1.5
          million in stocks that she left                                       Manifest Media Partners
                                                                         revenue. The more       does not provide the specific details on
                                                                                                 how people should implement his strat-              volvement playing and organizing local

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  chose the letter A, you are probably what
                                                                         bottles and cans of
          to the elementary school’s
          scholarship fund.
                                                                         Coke that Coca
                                                                         Cola sells around
                                                                                                 egies to create financial freedom in his
                                                                                                 books and programs. Truth is he never
                                                                                                                                                     Cashflow events in Southern California,
                                                                                                                                                     I have a thriving real estate investing                          How do you change the oil in your car?
                                                                                                                                                     business. It was after speaking with one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Do you A) do it yourself, or B) take it to     we would call a passive investor. A pas-
                                                                                                 spells out a step-by-step “how to” for
                    EDITORIAL STAFF
              The national media loves
          to air these stories. It seems                                        Manifest Media Partners
                                                                         the world each day,
                                                                         the larger the com-     building long-term financial freedom.                of my Cashflow friends who was a real
                                                                                                 What he does teach is far more impor-               estate investor that I was encouraged to
                             Lori Peebles
          there are several old ladies
                                                                         pany’s profit. Over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sive investor is motivated by a completely
          who fit this seemly unique
          profile year after year. How could
                                                     the past ten years Coke stock (symbol       tant, and that is how to create a “Cash-
                                                                                                 flow” mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in
                                                                                                                                                     start wholesaling distressed properties. It
                                                                                                                                                     turned out to be a great decision. More                       a shop?
                       Isaac Newkirk III                                            EVENTS & EXPOS
                                                     KO) has risen from around $40 per
                                                                                                 his book Cashflow Quadrant moving                    recently, I’ve begun to learn how to suc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you were to play the stock market        different set of values. The passive inves-
          that be?                                   share to a high of $71 — $1000 in-
              Investing in stocks is not the         vested in Coca Cola stock ten years         your mindset from the E (employee) and              cessfully trade in the stock market using
                      Stephanie Mojica
          world’s most challenging task. In          ago would be worth $4,100 today; Lawrence Ruano
                                                                                                 S (self-employed) side of his Cashflow               options. As a self-proclaimed real estate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   would you A) look for a strong mutual          tor may see the opportunities in real es-
          fact, at its core, it’s very simple. The   $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock         quadrant to the B (business owner) and              “zealot”, I never would have dreamed of
                         COPY EDITOR
          truth is that the stock market creates     would be worth $41,000 today.      Wendy Pineda
                                                                                                 I (investor) side of the quadrant. In lay-
                                                                                                 man’s terms, it’s the mental shift from
                                                                                                                                                     investing in the equity markets. Howev-
                                                                                                                                                     er, after playing Cashflow 202 with my
          millionaires every year. Investing in         If you spend more than $100 per

          than you think.
                            Anita Cooper
          stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier     year eating fast food, why not own          someone who seeks financial security at
                                                                                   TO REACH US, CALL:
                                                     the stock? Over the past ten years          all costs to someone who can confidently
                                                                                                                                                     Cashflow friend ,who is an active trader,
                                                                                                                                                     and learning about his trading system, I                      fund, or B) look for and individual stock      tate, but prefers to leverage the time, ex-
                   PHOTOGRAPHERS                                                                 and knowledgeably take measured risks.              was able to see the opportunity before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  pertise, and resources of a professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that you think has the potential to sky-
                                                     McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has

              Invest In What You Know                risen from a low of $15 per share to a      This is a simplistic definition but a very           me. I now fully expect that investing in

                             Sam Green               high of $95 per share.                      important one to understand. Without the            the markets will be a huge part of my fu-
            Wanna be a good stock market in-
                          John DeCindis
          vestor? Keep it simple and start with     Continued on pg. 12
                                                                                                 correct mindset, it really doesn’t matter
                                                                                                 how much you learn the “how to” of real
                                                                                                             Continued on pg. 2
                                                                                                                                                     ture financial success in addition to my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rocket?                                        team/organization.
                         PRODUCTION                                                    DISTRIBUTION                                                                                                                   What are your investment goals? Do             It isn’t that the passive investor is not
                      Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine -
                             Lori Peebles                                 Professional Distribution Solutions                                                                                                      you want to A) slowly build a strong           capable of flipping houses, or hiring con-
                      Augusto Meneses                                        and KJ Banks: 805.377.6328
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   long-term investment, or are looking to        tractors or marketing properties.
CashFlow Express is published in Santa Barbara County by Manifest Media Partners. ©Copyright 2012. All                                                                                                             B) maximize your return as soon as pos-           Let me be clear. It’s not my intention
Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed by writers and                                                                                                     sible?                                         to paint one type of investor as more ideal
columnists are not endorsed by the publishers and/or editorial staff. Before investing in stocks, bonds, mutual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Do you A) enjoy learning and becom-         than the other. Rather, the passive inves-
funds, gold, other securities and commodities and/or real estate, seek the advisement of a trusted financial ad-
viser, attorney or tax consultant. Investing in any asset and market sector is risky business and may result in loss                                                                                               ing an expert, or do you B) prefer to find     tor has a different perception of the value
of capital. Please invest responsibly. PRINTED IN THE USA ~ GOD BLESS AMERICA                                                                                                                                      professionals and rely on their advice?        of their time. He or she may not have the
                                       Connect to our virtual network ~ Search for us here:                                                                                                                           What type of property are you looking       time to devote to the process. Or, they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for? A) One that needs a lot of work, or       may have the time, but feel that being a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   B) one with that needs little attention at     decision maker about the investment is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   all?                                           much more valuable use of their time than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you consistently chose the letter B,     actually participating in the process.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   you might be what we consider an Active                                   Continued on pg. 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                     CashFlow Express • Page 2
Decrease Your Tax Liability
       Tips from Robert Hall & Associates                                                                                                       By Stephen Hall, E.A.

          veryone needs to file a tax return. However,     however we are not attorneys and recommend advis-           tors who do rent-
          are you maximizing your deductions while         ing a reputable attorney to plan a strategy unique to       als, management,
          limiting your tax liability? Throughout the      your situation.                                             rehabbing, whole-
          year, we find that some of the same ques-        Question 3: What are the most audited deduc-                saling,      retailing,
tions get asked over and over, especially by those in      tions?                                                      foreclosures, short
the real estate industry.                                  A: For landlords, the most audited deductions are           sales, commercial,
                                                           repairs on a property. The IRS verifies the expenses        brokerage and many
Question 1: What can I do with an investment that          that are deducted under repairs that fall within the cat-   other types of real
went bad?                                                  egory of “wear and tear” on the property, not capital       estate activities. In
A: In the current economical climate, many investors       improvements. Capital improvements are deductible           order to qualify as
are facing this issue. It is important to plan strategi-   over a period of 27 ½ years for residential rental prop-    a real estate pro-
cally to deduct the losses from your current tax re-       erties.                                                     fessional there are
turn on either future income or from previous years.       Question 4: Am I a real estate professional?                many activities that
This is called a Net Operating Loss (NOL) carry back.      A: The requirements are as follows:                         fulfill the IRS hour-
This strategy can generate additional refunds to get       1. More than 50% of the individual’s personal servic-       ly  requirements and can be easily documented.
you back on your feet quickly. For example, if you         es during the tax year are performed in real property
lost $500,000 on investments, the IRS may create a         trade or businesses in which the taxpayer materially        Some examples of these activities are:
Net Operating Loss of $350,000.                            participates.
   The taxpayer has the right to carry the losses for-     2. The individual spends more than 750 hours of ser-        Finding Property:
ward or elect to carry the losses back two or three        vice during the year in real property trades or busi-       1. Check and review sources for finding investment
years. By tax planning, the taxpayer can get refunds       nesses in which the taxpayer materially participates.       properties
from prior year taxes or offset future income. With        3. Real estate has to be over 50% of your time and          2. Develop a list of bird dogs as sources of good buys
proper planning, taxpayers can turn a bad investment       income.                                                     and motivated sellers
into an opportunity to increase cash flow or reduce          One tax benefit is the ability to deduct 100% of your     3. Meet with bird dogs as sources of good buys and
future income.                                             rental property losses against other sources of income.     motivated sellers.
Question 2: Should I have my rentals in an LLC?            The real estate professional classification can be used
A: From a tax standpoint, Limited Liability Compa-         as a power tool to offset income and minimize your          Due Diligence:
nies (LLC) is a versatile tax entity with many tax ben-    tax liability.                                              4. Do a market/location analysis including emerging
efits. Based on the tax scenario of the taxpayer, the      Question 5: What activities count towards my                or reemerging locations
LLC can be a single member, multi-member, or even          hours to be classified as a real estate professional?       5. Checkout specific neighborhoods performing a
elect to be taxed as a Corporation.                        A: Well, a real property business is defined as a real      neighborhood analysis
   Each option provides a unique set of advantages         property development, redevelopment, construction,          6. Physically go out and search for investment proper-
and disadvantages. Furthermore, LLCs are statisti-         reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, op-        ties
cally less audited than a Schedule E on an individual      eration, management, leasing or brokerage trade or
return. LLCs also provide a layer of asset protection;     business IRS 469(c). This includes real estate inves-                                            Continued on pg. 5

                                                                            CashFlow Express • Page 3
Find More Money for Deals, cover story

ness will grow by leaps and bounds.
   Let’s go over a quick scenario you may
be familiar with: You’ve spent hundreds,
maybe thousands, of dollars on marketing
to find sellers, you find that perfect sell-
er who is begging you to help them get
out of their real estate woes, you get the
property under contract and are ready to
assign that contract for a nice fee—that’s
when you realize you can’t find anyone
to sell the contract to, you don’t have the
money to close on it yourself, and you end
up telling the seller you can’t help them.
Sound familiar?
   Now let’s change that scenario: You get
that property under contract and you have
hundreds of hungry cash buyers ready to
buy that property from you!
   Nice, right?
   I always tell my students that if they
want a successful and thriving business
they absolutely must have a cash buyer’s
list. By having cash buyers who are ac-
tively purchasing property in your area,
you will be able to sell your properties       It’s called Find Cash Buy-                                                                                      and stream-                                                                                                                      are also included: They have a template of
quickly and you will not have to worry if      ers Now created by Kent                                                                                         l i n e  e f f i -                                                                                                               a variety of letters you can send to these
they (or the property) will need to qualify    Clothier of the well-known                                                                                      c i e n c y  s o                                                                                                                 buyers — they’ll even mail merge it with
for a loan. These cash buyers can close and                                                                                           t h a t  y o u                                                                                                                   the list you just created. Or if you don’t
easily, which means more money in your         1-800-SELL-NOW compa-                                                                                           can extract                                                                                                                      like mailing it out yourself you can have
pocket!                                        nies. (The website is: www.                                                                                     yourself                                                                                                                         them do that for you! Talk about automat-
   So how can you find these cash buyers?                                                                                          from daily                                                                                                                       ing your business.
You can go the traditional route by attend-       I had a chance to ask Kent                                                                                   tasks  that                                                                                                                         What I really liked about the Find Cash
ing investment club meetings, network-         some questions about his                                                                                        no longer                                                                                                                        Buyers Now system is that it’s easy to use
ing, maybe even blogging and drawing a         business and his Find Cash                                                                                      require your                                                                                                                     and investors can easily start finding cash
following of cash buyers. I’ve done this       Buyers Now system. Now                                                                                          time.”                                                                                                                           buyers in any area. Kent and his partners
and I know many others who have been           for those of you who do not                                                                                         H e  h a s                                                                                                                   created these systems in their own busi-
successful at doing this. It’s taken years     know Kent, you’re in for a                                                                                      certainly                                                                                                                        ness and have now started teaching oth-
to grow my list — and I’m happy that I         treat.                                                                                                          d o n e  t h a t                                                                                                                 ers how to use this automated system too.
have a great list of buyers!                      After leaving the grocery                                                                                    w i t h  t h e                                                                                                                   Currently there are over 3,000 weekly us-
   Now what if, instead of taking years,       industry, he turned to real                                                                                     Find Cash                                                                                                                        ers benefitting from this system! 		
you can build your cash buyer’s list in a      estate because of its low bar-                                                                                  Buyers Now                                                                                                                          So if you’re just starting your real estate
couple of minutes? Well I had a chance         rier of entry and ability to generate cash                                       system I tried. My experience with the                                                                                                                          business or you want to grow it quickly
to check out a great system that not only      quickly.                                                                         system was great. I simply chose the ar-                                                                                                                        and effortlessly, be sure to explore the
finds these cash buyers in literally a few        From there he and his family started                                          eas I wanted and the dates when the prop-                                                                                                                       Find Cash Buyers Now system online:
minutes anywhere in the country but also       creating systems in their business. I asked                                      erties in the area were purchased with cash                                                                                                           
gives investors the tools to contact them      him what’s the one piece of advice he could                                      and I had a list of 4,000 buyers in a couple                                                                                                                       It’s time to automate your business just
and build a business the right way.            give readers, and he said, “Design your                                          of minutes! They even break it down by                                                                                                                          as Kent does: “Focus on your passion and
   A couple of weeks ago I had the plea-       real estate business to be a ‘business’, not                                     commercial and residential properties.                                                                                                                          build a business that will allow you to
sure of testing out this system for myself.    a hobby or a ‘job’ …automate processes                                             Now let’s talk about the great tools that                                                                                                                     spend quality time pursing that passion.”

                                                                                                                                   Be a Guest at Our
                                                                                                                                  Next Expo for FREE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Learn From the Top
      For Real Estate Investors, Home Buyers & Homeowners

                                                                                           No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012                                             Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow                                                                        FREE

                                                                                                                                                                                Investors Manifest a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Experts in the Nation!
                                                                                           Learn How to Create Stock
                                          •Credit Repair & Business                        Market Wealth Today                                                                  “Cashflow” Mindset
                                                                                                                                                                                By Doug Carver
                                                                                                                                                                                Organizer Pasadena and Burbank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    estate investing, trading stocks, building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a strong MLM business, etc. You will not

                                                                                                                                                                                Cashflow Meetup Groups                               succeed. It’s like trying to grow corn in

                                           Lines of Credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a field of sand. The seeds will not germi-
                                                                                                                                                                                         can remember my first time play-            nate and you’ll end up with next to noth-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow              ing to harvest in the fall.
                                                                                                                                                                                         board game about eight years                  How, you ask, does this relate to the
                                                                                                                                                                                         ago and how it                                                     Cashflow game?
                                                                                                                                                                                         started a chain                                                    Well, after playing
                                                                                                                                                                                of events that continues                                                    the game a bunch
                                                                                                                                                                                to this day. What stuck                                                     of times, I learned

                                          •Wealth Building Education
                                                                                                                                                                                with me most was not the                                                    the “how to” of
                                                                                                                                                                                “how to” of playing the                                                     getting out of the
                                                                                                                                                                                game but the people that                                                    rat race, but I still
                                                                                                                                                                                I met at the event. These                                                   was not able to
                                                                                                                                                                                were not like the normal                                                    take what I learned
                                                                                                                                                                                people in my life that                                                      from the game and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sign up online at:
                                                                                                               By Tyrone Jackson      companies and products with which         would tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashflow gameChris Hanson dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Carver (left) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to group members.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            apply it to my real-
                                                                                                                                      you are familiar.                         for trying to start my own                                                  life financial situ-

                                                                                                                                                                                real estate business or                                                     ation. However, I

                                          •Access to Property Deals
                                                                                                                                          If you’ve ever opened a can of
                                                                                                                        You can be    Coca Cola on a hot summer day and         that financial freedom was impossible                realized that the time I was spending with
                                                                                                                        rich from     felt refreshed and invigorated, why       without a steady well-paying job. The               my new Cashflow friends was changing
                                                                                                                        owning real   not own the stock? It’s a product you     people I met were excited about learn-              the way I thought about money and my
                                                                                           estate and trading stocks.                 know with a story you understand.         ing and expanding their knowledge on                financial future. I no longer viewed the
                                                                                               We’ve all heard the story of the       When I say “a story you understand,”      how to achieve financial freedom. They               stock market as a giant rigged system for
                                                                                           little old lady who lived modestly         I mean to say that you understand         were active investors in real estate and            losing money. I began to see the tremen-
                                                                                           and worked as a school teach-                                  how the Coca Cola     the stock market. They were small busi-             dous opportunities in the sinking real es-
                                                                                           er for 40 years. She never                                     Corporation makes     ness owners with a passion and vision               tate market even as many people I knew

                                          Self Directed IRAs/401K
                                                                                           earned more than $35,000 per                                   money, or to ex-      for creating more financial success in               were losing money on deals that had gone
                                                                                           year, owned a modest home,                                     press it in Wall      their lives. Overall, they had a mindset            bad. Overall, I saw for the first time op-
                                                                                           and shared her life with two                                   Street terms, you     for prosperity that I like to call a “Cash-         portunities all around me to create wealth
                                                                                           cats. Once she died, her rela-                                 understand      how   flow” mindset.                                       even as the newspapers talked constantly
                                                                                                                                                                                   A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki           of the “Great Recession.”

                                                                                           tives discovered a $150,000                                    the company earns
                                                                                           life insurance policy and $1.5                                 revenue. The more     does not provide the specific details on                Today as a result of my ongoing in-
                                                                                           million in stocks that she left                                bottles and cans of   how people should implement his strat-              volvement playing and organizing local
                                                                                           to the elementary school’s                                     Coke that Coca        egies to create financial freedom in his             Cashflow events in Southern California,
                                                                                           scholarship fund.                                              Cola sells around     books and programs. Truth is he never               I have a thriving real estate investing

                                          •Private Money Lending
                                                                                               The national media loves                                   the world each day,   spells out a step-by-step “how to” for              business. It was after speaking with one
                                                                                           to air these stories. It seems                                 the larger the com-   building long-term financial freedom.                of my Cashflow friends who was a real
                                                                                           there are several old ladies                                   pany’s profit. Over    What he does teach is far more impor-               estate investor that I was encouraged to
                                                                                           who fit this seemly unique                  the past ten years Coke stock (symbol     tant, and that is how to create a “Cash-            start wholesaling distressed properties. It
                                                                                           profile year after year. How could          KO) has risen from around $40 per         flow” mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in              turned out to be a great decision. More
                                                                                           that be?                                   share to a high of $71 — $1000 in-        his book Cashflow Quadrant moving                    recently, I’ve begun to learn how to suc-
                                                                                               Investing in stocks is not the         vested in Coca Cola stock ten years       your mindset from the E (employee) and              cessfully trade in the stock market using
                                                                                           world’s most challenging task. In          ago would be worth $4,100 today;          S (self-employed) side of his Cashflow               options. As a self-proclaimed real estate
                                                                                                                                                                                quadrant to the B (business owner) and              “zealot”, I never would have dreamed of

                                          •Mortgage Refinancing
                                                                                           fact, at its core, it’s very simple. The   $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock
                                                                                           truth is that the stock market creates     would be worth $41,000 today.             I (investor) side of the quadrant. In lay-          investing in the equity markets. Howev-
                                                                                           millionaires every year. Investing in         If you spend more than $100 per        man’s terms, it’s the mental shift from             er, after playing Cashflow 202 with my
                                                                                           stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier     year eating fast food, why not own        someone who seeks financial security at              Cashflow friend ,who is an active trader,
                                                                                           than you think.                            the stock? Over the past ten years        all costs to someone who can confidently             and learning about his trading system, I
                                                                                                                                      McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has          and knowledgeably take measured risks.              was able to see the opportunity before
                                                                                                Invest In What You Know               risen from a low of $15 per share to a    This is a simplistic definition but a very           me. I now fully expect that investing in
                                                                                                                                      high of $95 per share.                    important one to understand. Without the            the markets will be a huge part of my fu-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or simply call 310.499.9545
                                                                                             Wanna be a good stock market in-                                                   correct mindset, it really doesn’t matter           ture financial success in addition to my

                                          •Apartments Investing
                                                                                           vestor? Keep it simple and start with                          Continued on pg. 12   how much you learn the “how to” of real
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Continued on pg. 2

                                                                                                         Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine -

                                          •Tax Liens & Tax Deeds
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                                                                              CashFlow Express • Page 4
Decrease Your Tax Liability, pg. 3

7. Contact prospective prop-            27. Do a pre-closing inspec-
erty owners                             tion of the property
8. Do a preliminary quanti-             28. Attend the closing of the
tative analysis on properties           purchase of the property
(such as the cap rate)                  29. Take care of any post-
9. Do a preliminary “drive-             closing matters
by” property inspection
10. Make and negotiate pur-             Follow-up:
chase offers on property                30. Follow-up to see if any
11. Verify the income, ex-              prior prospective sellers are
penses, vacancies on the                more prone to renegotiating
property’s operating state-             31. Renegotiate the transac-
ment                                    tion to finalize the purchase
12. Review leases, utility              as per the above list
bills, maintenance contracts,
other pertinent documents               There are many more activi-
13. Do a thorough physical              ties that qualify you as a real
property inspection analy-              estate professional such as
sis                                     operations,              management,
14. Obtain Estoppel State-              rehabbing, selling, exchang-
ments from the seller and               ing, seminars, webinars,
tenants.                                and many others. Do this
15. Forecast projected in-              and fully deduct your rental
come and expenses for a to-             losses without limit.
tal projected annual yield                 Real          estate         investors
                                        should not be afraid of the
Offers and Contracts:                   IRS. As long as you docu-
16. Make final offers                   ment your time and expens-
                                        es, YOU, the taxpayer, will
17. Prepare contract for pur-
chase of property                       win.                                           "Price is What You Pay, Value is What you get”
18. Review seller’s contract               The bottom line is the fol-                 - Warren Buffett, American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist
for purchase of their prop-             lowing: It is important to
erty                                    have a solid strategy in place
                                        when embarking on any real
                                        e s t a t e   v e n t u r e .  T h r o u g h
Financing Property:
                                        proper planning your taxes
19. Check out sources of fi-            will be minimized.
nancing for acquiring prop-
                                           Remember what Supreme
                                        Court Justice, Learned Hand
20. Review member credit                said, "Any one may so ar-
reports; repair or correct ac-          range his affairs that his tax-
cordingly.                              es shall be as low as possible;
21. Prepare a credibility and           he is not bound to choose
profile package                         that pattern which will best
22. Meet and develop rap-               pay the Treasury; there is
port with lending sources               not even a patriotic duty to
23. Prepare a loan package              increase one's taxes.”
for a property acquisition
24. Arrange for financing               Stephen Hall is President of
for acquiring property                  Robert Hall & Associates,
25. Negotiate the seller to             an accounting firm that spe-
hold financing                          cializes in real tax planning,
                                        including incorporating.
Closing Property:                       For over 40 years, they have
26. Prepare for closing of              assisted landlords and real
the prop. purchase, such as             estate industry profession-
arranging inspections, cer-             als on strategies to minimize
tificates, etc                          their taxes.

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                                                                                         CashFlow Express • Page 5
Commercial Property News
    Craig Lieberman, CCIM, discusses Realty Trends

                                                                                  difficult exchange, Lieberman      sure and been forced into rentership status. Even the
       t’s easy to sell real estate when it has                                   is proud of the fact he was able   retirees are seeking rentership in larger
       transformed your life. Craig Lieber-                                       to save his exchange client well   flecting their growing preference for travel in lieu of
       man, broker and founding managing                                          over a half-million dollars in     being encumbered with the cost and responsibilities
       director at the Apartment Investment                                       capital gains tax. The exchange    of homeownership, especially in light of the equity
Specialists, located in Santa Barbara, Ca-                                        accommodator involved hails        lost and unavailable to be tapped by these retirees as
lif., knows firsthand the benefits of prop-                                       Lieberman’s creative expertise     a consequence of the recent housing bust. All this
erty investing. He traces his real estate                                         as exemplary of why Lieber-        increasing demand for rental units in our economy
roots back to 1978, when he worked on the                                         man has been such a successful     means increased occupancy rates, which ultimately
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline project. Lieberman                                         apartment property broker – as     translates to increased rents and revenues to the apart-
says he was making too much money as a                                            part of her compliment of the      ment property owners.
laborer on this behemoth project, accord-                                         company’s brokerage efforts,          Although apartment developers are realizing this
ing to his accountant, not to be involved                                        she said “they came to bat for an   commercial sector offers strong demand potential
in tax-sheltered real estate investments. That was the    exchange client with extremely difficult replacement       increasing feasibility potential, the number of units
impetus for his investment in his first apartment prop-   property parameters, and it was like watching a magi-      coming on line is being held in check by the lack of
erty – a five-plex located in Costa Mesa, California.     cian pull a rabbit out of a hat”.                          infill development opportunities, at least, along the
   As a consequence of seeing cash flow and profit           Lieberman’s involvement in the ownership and            coastal areas. Moreover, the cost of construction and
from his first investment venture, he has been in-        brokerage of apartment properties has grown into a         the difficulty in securing construction financing is
vested in apartment properties in some fashion ever       strong     passion                                                              putting a damper on new construc-
since. This very niched experience, along with his        for this particular                                                             tion activity that would otherwise
concentrated education – earning both master’s and        commercial real                                                                 become a competitive threat to the
bachelor’s degrees in Real Estate Appraisal and In-       estate sector. He                                                               existing rental housing stock and
vestment Analysis from one of the premier universi-       argues apartment                                                                place a ceiling on occupancy and
ties in the nation, as well as achieving the premier      properties are cur-                                                             rental rates.
C.C.I.M. (Certified Commercial Investment Manag-          rently the stron-                                                                  	   Also adding significantly to
er) designation, the highest designation available to     gest real estate investment vehicle available because      the bottom line of apartment owners is the historically
commercial real estate professionals – makes him par-     of the combination of the unusually strong demand          low cost of borrowing. Because this expense dispro-
ticularly well suited to give his clients valuable real   for rental units by apartment dwellers in addition to      portionately affects the total cost of ownership, this
estate investment advice to optimize their particular     the availability of the “cheapest” money for apart-        “cheap” money is helping owners achieve rates of re-
investment goals. This very concentrated background       ment financing in history, the combination of which        turn not normally seen in apartment property owner-
in apartment property investment has evolved into         is swelling the bottom line and returns of apartment       ship. Currently, with treasury rates at all time lows,
Lieberman founding and developing a very success-         property owners. Lieberman contends the “stars are         the index in which most apartment mortgages are tied,
ful and respected apartment brokerage and property        aligned perfectly for apartment property investors” to     some five-year and ten-year mortgages are at or about
management company, the names of which are the            earn generous rates of return – apartments are current-    3% and 4%, respectively, making these mortgage rates
“Apartment Investment Specialists” and “A.I.S. Prop-      ly hailed as the “darling real estate investment type”.    competitive with house mortgage rates.
erty Management Services”, respectively.                     The unusual demand for rental units by the “X” and         So, why does Lieberman think apartment properties
   His company doesn’t handle residential properties      “Y” generations (the largest consuming age cohort of       are the preferred real estate investment vehicle? He
and prides itself in filling a much need void.In fact,    rental units) as well as “baby-boomers” and retirees,      concluded our interview by noting that there is really
his commercial brokerage and property management          stems from several significant demographic, psy-           nothing negative about apartment investing from an
company transacts with apartment properties exclu-        chographic and life-style paradigm shifts. The more        economic perspective – demand is very strong and
sively along the central coast of California, from San    youthful generations would rather rent than own, so        will continue to be so, while new supply is held in
Luis Obispo County down to the San Fernando Val-          they can be free to take jobs anywhere in this job-        check, the disequilibrium of which will continue, at
ley.                                                      less economy without the concern of selling a house        least for the foreseeable future exert upward pres-
   Lieberman is a person who admits to taking his         in a tough housing market, the economic conditions of      sure on occupancy and rental rates and, ultimately,
work very seriously but likes to have a good time and     which is also leading to deferred marriages and par-       on property revenue; at the same time, mortgages,
enjoy life. In his own words, “I work hard and play       enting and consequential increased rentership rates;       normally the largest cost component of ownership,
hard.”                                                    and, with the dismal housing trends of recent past, the    are the lowest seen in history. These conditions are
   His subscribing to a strong work ethic, which in-      allure of homeownership has been challenged, also          providing apartment investors generous returns and
cludes working hard for the best interests of his cli-    making renting seen as a preferred alternative by most     increased values.
ents, has manifested, for example, into the company       of the constituents of this population group. 		              Consequently, Lieberman sees no downside to
receiving the prestigious 2011 Jack Kelly Exchange of         The “baby boomers” have also increased demand          apartment property ownership; in fact he says its po-
the Year Award awarded by the Santa Barbara Associ-       for rentals – a significant number of individuals in       tential will be bolstered because, “everyone needs a
ation of Realtors. In this particularly complicated and   this age generation have lost their houses to foreclo-     roof over their head”.

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CashFlow Express - Your Guide to Wealth TODAY
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CashFlow Express - Your Guide to Wealth TODAY

  • 1. Ca$hFlow EXPRESS No. 1 / Vol. 2 2012 Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow FREE Chris & Ruth California Property Flipping Experts Share their Secrets on how to rehab and flip properties for Big Profits in this great Foreclosure Market in the Southern California Area. BEFORE AFTER Rehab Tips by the Southern Find Money California ‘Property Flip Pros’ for Deals... By Ginger Macias By Linda Pliagas nars and bootcamps together since 2005). They also acknowledge their H team consisting of personal and vir- I ow would you like create t’s not easy to be a flipper in tual assistants, private investors, hard your own “Money List”? I Southern California. The prices money lenders, and other real estate have one, and every success- are steep, the competition fierce, brokers. ful real estate entrepreneur I know and the deals are few and far between. “We have a lot of real estate agents has one. Your money list is simply Yet, professional rehabbers Christian and brokers who bring the deals to your list of customers who will do Yepez and Ruth Ortiz not only find a us because they know we are serious business with you on a consistent way to make it work, but they profit all-cash buyers,” Ortiz says. “We also and profitable basis. This list is your handsomely month after month. have personal and virtual assistants most valuable asset in your real estate Known as the “Property Flip Pros,” who are looking for deals and submit- business. Without it, your business Yepez and Ortiz credit their success on ting offer after offer.” will not flourish; with it your busi- their many years of real estate educa- So many offers are made, that they tion (they have been attending semi- Continued on pg. 9 Continued on pg. 4 INSIDE: How to Turbo-Charge Your Portfolio • PLUS: What Type of Investor are You?
  • 2. Funding Available What Type for real estate investors of Investor ARE YOU? Pacific Private Money makes lending easy. We fund loans on non-owner By Deborah Gordon is a Real Estate Investor. An active investor isn’t intimi- occupied single family, multifamily, mixed-use residences, and challenged Investment Specialist at Invest Arizona dated by much. What the average person townhome or condo projects. S might see as a dilapidated money-pit, the We’re fast. We’re friendly. And, we’re ready to help you get the funding you o you are looking for investment active investor sees an opportunity to turn real estate? If you haven’t already a little cash and some elbow-grease into a need right now. discovered, you are about to find mini “Taj Mahal”. Let us fill you in on all the details out that there is no shortage of ways to in- vest in real estate. There is no shortage of The active investor sees something sexy in turning that fixer-upper into a quick methods to use. Should I go about invest- 10%, 20% or even 30 % return. But the (415) 883-2150 ing this way? Should I use this person’s system, or should I hire someone to do the truth is, being an active investor isn’t easy. On top of the money it takes to buy the PRIVATE MONEY LOANS work for me? right property, it takes a great deal of time, The laundry list of factors energy and expertise to be success- 1604 Grant Ave., Novato, CA 94945 California Department of Real Estate Brokers #1897444 to consider when invest- ful. Knowing what to buy, when ing in real estate seems to buy, and how much to pay endless. But one of the is only the beginning. You Cae$thFlow ways you can cut this list still have to choose what and EXPRESS down to size is to iden- how to rehab. How much tify the type of investor you will do on your you are. Each of own. What con- us have a tractors will be different hired to do Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow FREE tempera- what you No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012 cont n s Learn How to Create Stock Market Wealth Today 5 Jump Start Success Investors Manifest a “Cashflow” Mindset 6 Cash Versus Cashflow ment and a style won’t can’t. or of decision This takes an aw- 1 Create Stock Market Wealth 7 Calculate Your ROI By Doug Carver Organizer Pasadena and Burbank estate investing, trading stocks, building a strong MLM business, etc. You will not making. Often times this is the ful lot of effort. The streets to I Cashflow Meetup Groups succeed. It’s like trying to grow corn in prosperity are littered with the remains a field of sand. The seeds will not germi- 1 Have a Cashflow Mindset 8 The Nested Action Cycle can remember my first time play- ing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow nate and you’ll end up with next to noth- ing to harvest in the fall. difference between a successful invest- board game about eight years ago and how it How, you ask, does this relate to the Cashflow game? ment and a complete disaster. of those who bit off more than they could 2 Will Big Money Run Away? started a chain Well, after playing 9 of events that continues to this day. What stuck Investor Spotlight the game a bunch of times, I learned One of the first things you should iden- chew. If you don’t believe me, just take a tify about yourself and your personality is look at how many books, videos or educa- with me most was not the the “how to” of getting out of the 3 Six Tips for Faster Wealth “how to” of playing the 10 Resource Directory game but the people that I met at the event. These were not like the normal rat race, but I still was not able to take what I learned whether or not you are a “passive” or an tional products you can buy all designed from the game and to teach you how to flip houses, perform people in my life that 4 Focus VS. Diversification By Tyrone Jackson companies and products with which you are familiar. 11 Inside Our Expos would tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashflow gameChris Hanson dis- for trying to start my own play Carver (left) and to group members. apply it to my real- life financial situ- “active” investor. Knowing the answer to Yes! this will help you sort out the opportuni- renovations or market your property. If you’ve ever opened a can of real estate business or ation. However, I You can be Coca Cola on a hot summer day and that financial freedom was impossible realized that the time I was spending with without a steady well-paying job. The my new Cashflow friends was changing Being an active investor is definitely a rich from ties best suited for you. felt refreshed and invigorated, why owning real not own the stock? It’s a product you people I met were excited about learn- the way I thought about money and my estate and trading stocks. know with a story you understand. ing and expanding their knowledge on financial future. I no longer viewed the Our Goal is to Educate, Motivate & Inspire New Investors I’ve provided a little quiz to help you worthwhile pursuit if you have the time, We’ve all heard the story of the When I say “a story you understand,” how to achieve financial freedom. They stock market as a giant rigged system for little old lady who lived modestly I mean to say that you understand were active investors in real estate and losing money. I began to see the tremen- and worked as a school teach- how the Coca Cola the stock market. They were small busi- dous opportunities in the sinking real es- er for 40 years. She never earned more than $35,000 per Corporation makes money, or to ex- ness owners with a passion and vision for creating more financial success in tate market even as many people I knew were losing money on deals that had gone identify the type of investor you are and energy and resources to develop the prop- their lives. Overall, they had a mindset bad. Overall, I saw for the first time op- what type of investment opportunities er expertise. year, owned a modest home, press it in Wall and shared her life with two Street terms, you for prosperity that I like to call a “Cash- portunities all around me to create wealth FOUNDER cats. Once she died, her rela- understand PUBLISHED BY how flow” mindset. even as the newspapers talked constantly you should be looking for. Back to our quiz. If you consistently tives discovered a $150,000 the company earns A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki of the “Great Recession.” Linda Pliagas Today as a result of my ongoing in- life insurance policy and $1.5 million in stocks that she left Manifest Media Partners revenue. The more does not provide the specific details on how people should implement his strat- volvement playing and organizing local chose the letter A, you are probably what bottles and cans of to the elementary school’s scholarship fund. Coke that Coca ADVERTISING Cola sells around egies to create financial freedom in his books and programs. Truth is he never Cashflow events in Southern California, I have a thriving real estate investing How do you change the oil in your car? business. It was after speaking with one Do you A) do it yourself, or B) take it to we would call a passive investor. A pas- spells out a step-by-step “how to” for EDITORIAL STAFF The national media loves to air these stories. It seems Manifest Media Partners the world each day, the larger the com- building long-term financial freedom. of my Cashflow friends who was a real What he does teach is far more impor- estate investor that I was encouraged to Lori Peebles there are several old ladies 310.994.1962 pany’s profit. Over sive investor is motivated by a completely who fit this seemly unique profile year after year. How could the past ten years Coke stock (symbol tant, and that is how to create a “Cash- flow” mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in start wholesaling distressed properties. It turned out to be a great decision. More a shop? Isaac Newkirk III EVENTS & EXPOS KO) has risen from around $40 per his book Cashflow Quadrant moving recently, I’ve begun to learn how to suc- If you were to play the stock market different set of values. The passive inves- that be? share to a high of $71 — $1000 in- Investing in stocks is not the vested in Coca Cola stock ten years your mindset from the E (employee) and cessfully trade in the stock market using Stephanie Mojica world’s most challenging task. In ago would be worth $4,100 today; Lawrence Ruano S (self-employed) side of his Cashflow options. As a self-proclaimed real estate would you A) look for a strong mutual tor may see the opportunities in real es- fact, at its core, it’s very simple. The $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock quadrant to the B (business owner) and “zealot”, I never would have dreamed of COPY EDITOR truth is that the stock market creates would be worth $41,000 today. Wendy Pineda I (investor) side of the quadrant. In lay- man’s terms, it’s the mental shift from investing in the equity markets. Howev- er, after playing Cashflow 202 with my millionaires every year. Investing in If you spend more than $100 per than you think. Anita Cooper stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier year eating fast food, why not own someone who seeks financial security at TO REACH US, CALL: the stock? Over the past ten years all costs to someone who can confidently Cashflow friend ,who is an active trader, and learning about his trading system, I fund, or B) look for and individual stock tate, but prefers to leverage the time, ex- PHOTOGRAPHERS and knowledgeably take measured risks. was able to see the opportunity before pertise, and resources of a professional that you think has the potential to sky- McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has 310.499.9545 Invest In What You Know risen from a low of $15 per share to a This is a simplistic definition but a very me. I now fully expect that investing in Sam Green high of $95 per share. important one to understand. Without the the markets will be a huge part of my fu- Wanna be a good stock market in- John DeCindis vestor? Keep it simple and start with Continued on pg. 12 correct mindset, it really doesn’t matter how much you learn the “how to” of real Continued on pg. 2 ture financial success in addition to my rocket? team/organization. PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION What are your investment goals? Do It isn’t that the passive investor is not Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine - Lori Peebles Professional Distribution Solutions you want to A) slowly build a strong capable of flipping houses, or hiring con- Augusto Meneses and KJ Banks: 805.377.6328 long-term investment, or are looking to tractors or marketing properties. CashFlow Express is published in Santa Barbara County by Manifest Media Partners. ©Copyright 2012. All B) maximize your return as soon as pos- Let me be clear. It’s not my intention Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed by writers and sible? to paint one type of investor as more ideal columnists are not endorsed by the publishers and/or editorial staff. Before investing in stocks, bonds, mutual Do you A) enjoy learning and becom- than the other. Rather, the passive inves- funds, gold, other securities and commodities and/or real estate, seek the advisement of a trusted financial ad- viser, attorney or tax consultant. Investing in any asset and market sector is risky business and may result in loss ing an expert, or do you B) prefer to find tor has a different perception of the value of capital. Please invest responsibly. PRINTED IN THE USA ~ GOD BLESS AMERICA professionals and rely on their advice? of their time. He or she may not have the Connect to our virtual network ~ Search for us here: What type of property are you looking time to devote to the process. Or, they for? A) One that needs a lot of work, or may have the time, but feel that being a B) one with that needs little attention at decision maker about the investment is a all? much more valuable use of their time than If you consistently chose the letter B, actually participating in the process. you might be what we consider an Active Continued on pg. 5 CashFlow Express • Page 2
  • 3. Decrease Your Tax Liability Tips from Robert Hall & Associates By Stephen Hall, E.A. E veryone needs to file a tax return. However, however we are not attorneys and recommend advis- tors who do rent- are you maximizing your deductions while ing a reputable attorney to plan a strategy unique to als, management, limiting your tax liability? Throughout the your situation. rehabbing, whole- year, we find that some of the same ques- Question 3: What are the most audited deduc- saling, retailing, tions get asked over and over, especially by those in tions? foreclosures, short the real estate industry. A: For landlords, the most audited deductions are sales, commercial, repairs on a property. The IRS verifies the expenses brokerage and many Question 1: What can I do with an investment that that are deducted under repairs that fall within the cat- other types of real went bad? egory of “wear and tear” on the property, not capital estate activities. In A: In the current economical climate, many investors improvements. Capital improvements are deductible order to qualify as are facing this issue. It is important to plan strategi- over a period of 27 ½ years for residential rental prop- a real estate pro- cally to deduct the losses from your current tax re- erties. fessional there are turn on either future income or from previous years. Question 4: Am I a real estate professional? many activities that This is called a Net Operating Loss (NOL) carry back. A: The requirements are as follows: fulfill the IRS hour- This strategy can generate additional refunds to get 1. More than 50% of the individual’s personal servic- ly  requirements and can be easily documented. you back on your feet quickly. For example, if you es during the tax year are performed in real property lost $500,000 on investments, the IRS may create a trade or businesses in which the taxpayer materially Some examples of these activities are: Net Operating Loss of $350,000. participates. The taxpayer has the right to carry the losses for- 2. The individual spends more than 750 hours of ser- Finding Property: ward or elect to carry the losses back two or three vice during the year in real property trades or busi- 1. Check and review sources for finding investment years. By tax planning, the taxpayer can get refunds nesses in which the taxpayer materially participates. properties from prior year taxes or offset future income. With 3. Real estate has to be over 50% of your time and 2. Develop a list of bird dogs as sources of good buys proper planning, taxpayers can turn a bad investment income. and motivated sellers into an opportunity to increase cash flow or reduce One tax benefit is the ability to deduct 100% of your 3. Meet with bird dogs as sources of good buys and future income. rental property losses against other sources of income. motivated sellers. Question 2: Should I have my rentals in an LLC? The real estate professional classification can be used A: From a tax standpoint, Limited Liability Compa- as a power tool to offset income and minimize your Due Diligence: nies (LLC) is a versatile tax entity with many tax ben- tax liability. 4. Do a market/location analysis including emerging efits. Based on the tax scenario of the taxpayer, the Question 5: What activities count towards my or reemerging locations LLC can be a single member, multi-member, or even hours to be classified as a real estate professional? 5. Checkout specific neighborhoods performing a elect to be taxed as a Corporation. A: Well, a real property business is defined as a real neighborhood analysis Each option provides a unique set of advantages property development, redevelopment, construction, 6. Physically go out and search for investment proper- and disadvantages. Furthermore, LLCs are statisti- reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, op- ties cally less audited than a Schedule E on an individual eration, management, leasing or brokerage trade or return. LLCs also provide a layer of asset protection; business IRS 469(c). This includes real estate inves- Continued on pg. 5 CashFlow Express • Page 3
  • 4. Find More Money for Deals, cover story ness will grow by leaps and bounds. Let’s go over a quick scenario you may be familiar with: You’ve spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars on marketing to find sellers, you find that perfect sell- er who is begging you to help them get out of their real estate woes, you get the property under contract and are ready to assign that contract for a nice fee—that’s when you realize you can’t find anyone to sell the contract to, you don’t have the money to close on it yourself, and you end up telling the seller you can’t help them. Sound familiar? Now let’s change that scenario: You get that property under contract and you have hundreds of hungry cash buyers ready to buy that property from you! Nice, right? I always tell my students that if they want a successful and thriving business they absolutely must have a cash buyer’s list. By having cash buyers who are ac- tively purchasing property in your area, you will be able to sell your properties It’s called Find Cash Buy- and stream- are also included: They have a template of quickly and you will not have to worry if ers Now created by Kent l i n e  e f f i - a variety of letters you can send to these they (or the property) will need to qualify Clothier of the well-known c i e n c y  s o buyers — they’ll even mail merge it with for a loan. These cash buyers can close and t h a t  y o u the list you just created. Or if you don’t easily, which means more money in your 1-800-SELL-NOW compa- can extract like mailing it out yourself you can have pocket! nies. (The website is: www. yourself them do that for you! Talk about automat- So how can you find these cash buyers? from daily ing your business. You can go the traditional route by attend- I had a chance to ask Kent tasks  that What I really liked about the Find Cash ing investment club meetings, network- some questions about his no longer Buyers Now system is that it’s easy to use ing, maybe even blogging and drawing a business and his Find Cash require your and investors can easily start finding cash following of cash buyers. I’ve done this Buyers Now system. Now time.” buyers in any area. Kent and his partners and I know many others who have been for those of you who do not H e  h a s created these systems in their own busi- successful at doing this. It’s taken years know Kent, you’re in for a certainly ness and have now started teaching oth- to grow my list — and I’m happy that I treat. d o n e  t h a t ers how to use this automated system too. have a great list of buyers! After leaving the grocery w i t h  t h e Currently there are over 3,000 weekly us- Now what if, instead of taking years, industry, he turned to real Find Cash ers benefitting from this system! you can build your cash buyer’s list in a estate because of its low bar- Buyers Now So if you’re just starting your real estate couple of minutes? Well I had a chance rier of entry and ability to generate cash system I tried. My experience with the business or you want to grow it quickly to check out a great system that not only quickly. system was great. I simply chose the ar- and effortlessly, be sure to explore the finds these cash buyers in literally a few From there he and his family started eas I wanted and the dates when the prop- Find Cash Buyers Now system online: minutes anywhere in the country but also creating systems in their business. I asked erties in the area were purchased with cash gives investors the tools to contact them him what’s the one piece of advice he could and I had a list of 4,000 buyers in a couple It’s time to automate your business just and build a business the right way. give readers, and he said, “Design your of minutes! They even break it down by as Kent does: “Focus on your passion and A couple of weeks ago I had the plea- real estate business to be a ‘business’, not commercial and residential properties. build a business that will allow you to sure of testing out this system for myself. a hobby or a ‘job’ …automate processes Now let’s talk about the great tools that spend quality time pursing that passion.” Be a Guest at Our Next Expo for FREE Learn From the Top For Real Estate Investors, Home Buyers & Homeowners Ca$hFlow EXPRESS No. 1 / Vol. 1 2012 Passive Income for Today & Tomorrow FREE Investors Manifest a Experts in the Nation! Learn How to Create Stock •Credit Repair & Business Market Wealth Today “Cashflow” Mindset By Doug Carver Organizer Pasadena and Burbank estate investing, trading stocks, building a strong MLM business, etc. You will not I Cashflow Meetup Groups succeed. It’s like trying to grow corn in Lines of Credit a field of sand. The seeds will not germi- can remember my first time play- nate and you’ll end up with next to noth- ing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow ing to harvest in the fall. board game about eight years How, you ask, does this relate to the ago and how it Cashflow game? started a chain Well, after playing of events that continues the game a bunch to this day. What stuck of times, I learned •Wealth Building Education with me most was not the the “how to” of “how to” of playing the getting out of the game but the people that rat race, but I still I met at the event. These was not able to were not like the normal take what I learned people in my life that from the game and sign up online at: By Tyrone Jackson companies and products with which would tell me I was crazy Dougthe Cashflow gameChris Hanson dis- play Carver (left) and to group members. apply it to my real- you are familiar. for trying to start my own life financial situ- Yes! real estate business or ation. However, I •Access to Property Deals If you’ve ever opened a can of You can be Coca Cola on a hot summer day and that financial freedom was impossible realized that the time I was spending with rich from felt refreshed and invigorated, why without a steady well-paying job. The my new Cashflow friends was changing owning real not own the stock? It’s a product you people I met were excited about learn- the way I thought about money and my estate and trading stocks. know with a story you understand. ing and expanding their knowledge on financial future. I no longer viewed the We’ve all heard the story of the When I say “a story you understand,” how to achieve financial freedom. They stock market as a giant rigged system for little old lady who lived modestly I mean to say that you understand were active investors in real estate and losing money. I began to see the tremen- and worked as a school teach- how the Coca Cola the stock market. They were small busi- dous opportunities in the sinking real es- er for 40 years. She never Corporation makes ness owners with a passion and vision tate market even as many people I knew Self Directed IRAs/401K earned more than $35,000 per money, or to ex- for creating more financial success in were losing money on deals that had gone year, owned a modest home, press it in Wall their lives. Overall, they had a mindset bad. Overall, I saw for the first time op- and shared her life with two Street terms, you for prosperity that I like to call a “Cash- portunities all around me to create wealth cats. Once she died, her rela- understand how flow” mindset. even as the newspapers talked constantly A lot of people complain that Kiyosaki of the “Great Recession.” tives discovered a $150,000 the company earns life insurance policy and $1.5 revenue. The more does not provide the specific details on Today as a result of my ongoing in- million in stocks that she left bottles and cans of how people should implement his strat- volvement playing and organizing local to the elementary school’s Coke that Coca egies to create financial freedom in his Cashflow events in Southern California, scholarship fund. Cola sells around books and programs. Truth is he never I have a thriving real estate investing •Private Money Lending The national media loves the world each day, spells out a step-by-step “how to” for business. It was after speaking with one to air these stories. It seems the larger the com- building long-term financial freedom. of my Cashflow friends who was a real there are several old ladies pany’s profit. Over What he does teach is far more impor- estate investor that I was encouraged to who fit this seemly unique the past ten years Coke stock (symbol tant, and that is how to create a “Cash- start wholesaling distressed properties. It profile year after year. How could KO) has risen from around $40 per flow” mindset. Kiyosaki describes it in turned out to be a great decision. More that be? share to a high of $71 — $1000 in- his book Cashflow Quadrant moving recently, I’ve begun to learn how to suc- Investing in stocks is not the vested in Coca Cola stock ten years your mindset from the E (employee) and cessfully trade in the stock market using world’s most challenging task. In ago would be worth $4,100 today; S (self-employed) side of his Cashflow options. As a self-proclaimed real estate quadrant to the B (business owner) and “zealot”, I never would have dreamed of •Mortgage Refinancing fact, at its core, it’s very simple. The $10,000 invested in Coca Cola stock truth is that the stock market creates would be worth $41,000 today. I (investor) side of the quadrant. In lay- investing in the equity markets. Howev- millionaires every year. Investing in If you spend more than $100 per man’s terms, it’s the mental shift from er, after playing Cashflow 202 with my stocks, with wealth in mind, is easier year eating fast food, why not own someone who seeks financial security at Cashflow friend ,who is an active trader, than you think. the stock? Over the past ten years all costs to someone who can confidently and learning about his trading system, I McDonalds stock (symbol MCD) has and knowledgeably take measured risks. was able to see the opportunity before Invest In What You Know risen from a low of $15 per share to a This is a simplistic definition but a very me. I now fully expect that investing in high of $95 per share. important one to understand. Without the the markets will be a huge part of my fu- or simply call 310.499.9545 Wanna be a good stock market in- correct mindset, it really doesn’t matter ture financial success in addition to my •Apartments Investing vestor? Keep it simple and start with Continued on pg. 12 how much you learn the “how to” of real Continued on pg. 2 Personal Finance News from the Publishers of Realty411 Magazine - •Tax Liens & Tax Deeds •Property Rehab Wealth Real Estate •Lease Option Vol. 1 • No. 4 • 2011 •Short Sale •Probate INSIDE: Get Out of the Rat Race with Sam Sadat The Master of Passive Income Motivation Speaks Discover Why Now is the Time to Buy! Learn from the RE Divas To get your free Credit Repair Book, visit Call: 510.491.4161 • Email: Welcome to Sam’s RE Club at the Beverly Hills Country Club CashFlow Express • Page 4
  • 5. Decrease Your Tax Liability, pg. 3 7. Contact prospective prop- 27. Do a pre-closing inspec- erty owners tion of the property 8. Do a preliminary quanti- 28. Attend the closing of the tative analysis on properties purchase of the property (such as the cap rate) 29. Take care of any post- 9. Do a preliminary “drive- closing matters by” property inspection 10. Make and negotiate pur- Follow-up: chase offers on property 30. Follow-up to see if any 11. Verify the income, ex- prior prospective sellers are penses, vacancies on the more prone to renegotiating property’s operating state- 31. Renegotiate the transac- ment tion to finalize the purchase 12. Review leases, utility as per the above list bills, maintenance contracts, other pertinent documents There are many more activi- 13. Do a thorough physical ties that qualify you as a real property inspection analy- estate professional such as sis operations, management, 14. Obtain Estoppel State- rehabbing, selling, exchang- ments from the seller and ing, seminars, webinars, tenants. and many others. Do this 15. Forecast projected in- and fully deduct your rental come and expenses for a to- losses without limit. tal projected annual yield Real estate investors should not be afraid of the Offers and Contracts: IRS. As long as you docu- 16. Make final offers ment your time and expens- es, YOU, the taxpayer, will 17. Prepare contract for pur- chase of property win. "Price is What You Pay, Value is What you get” 18. Review seller’s contract The bottom line is the fol- - Warren Buffett, American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist for purchase of their prop- lowing: It is important to erty have a solid strategy in place when embarking on any real e s t a t e   v e n t u r e .  T h r o u g h Financing Property: proper planning your taxes 19. Check out sources of fi- will be minimized. nancing for acquiring prop- Remember what Supreme erty Court Justice, Learned Hand 20. Review member credit said, "Any one may so ar- reports; repair or correct ac- range his affairs that his tax- cordingly. es shall be as low as possible; 21. Prepare a credibility and he is not bound to choose profile package that pattern which will best 22. Meet and develop rap- pay the Treasury; there is port with lending sources not even a patriotic duty to 23. Prepare a loan package increase one's taxes.” for a property acquisition 24. Arrange for financing Stephen Hall is President of for acquiring property Robert Hall & Associates, 25. Negotiate the seller to an accounting firm that spe- hold financing cializes in real tax planning, including incorporating. Closing Property: For over 40 years, they have 26. Prepare for closing of assisted landlords and real the prop. purchase, such as estate industry profession- arranging inspections, cer- als on strategies to minimize tificates, etc their taxes. Need Assistance Getting Started? We Are in the Business to Help YOU. Investing Success can be Yours! Work with our Team Members. Meet Our Affiliates, Property Managers & Network Members. We are in TOP MARKETS around the country and we can refer you to reputable people in the industry. Want More Information? Need Help? Don’t Know Who Being a Landlord is to Call? Contact us anytime for Easy with information, referrals or help. the RIGHT team! Call 310.499.9545 or CashFlow Express • Page 5
  • 6. Commercial Property News Craig Lieberman, CCIM, discusses Realty Trends I difficult exchange, Lieberman sure and been forced into rentership status. Even the t’s easy to sell real estate when it has is proud of the fact he was able retirees are seeking rentership in larger transformed your life. Craig Lieber- to save his exchange client well flecting their growing preference for travel in lieu of man, broker and founding managing over a half-million dollars in being encumbered with the cost and responsibilities director at the Apartment Investment capital gains tax. The exchange of homeownership, especially in light of the equity Specialists, located in Santa Barbara, Ca- accommodator involved hails lost and unavailable to be tapped by these retirees as lif., knows firsthand the benefits of prop- Lieberman’s creative expertise a consequence of the recent housing bust. All this erty investing. He traces his real estate as exemplary of why Lieber- increasing demand for rental units in our economy roots back to 1978, when he worked on the man has been such a successful means increased occupancy rates, which ultimately Trans-Alaskan Pipeline project. Lieberman apartment property broker – as translates to increased rents and revenues to the apart- says he was making too much money as a part of her compliment of the ment property owners. laborer on this behemoth project, accord- company’s brokerage efforts, Although apartment developers are realizing this ing to his accountant, not to be involved she said “they came to bat for an commercial sector offers strong demand potential in tax-sheltered real estate investments. That was the exchange client with extremely difficult replacement increasing feasibility potential, the number of units impetus for his investment in his first apartment prop- property parameters, and it was like watching a magi- coming on line is being held in check by the lack of erty – a five-plex located in Costa Mesa, California. cian pull a rabbit out of a hat”. infill development opportunities, at least, along the As a consequence of seeing cash flow and profit Lieberman’s involvement in the ownership and coastal areas. Moreover, the cost of construction and from his first investment venture, he has been in- brokerage of apartment properties has grown into a the difficulty in securing construction financing is vested in apartment properties in some fashion ever strong passion putting a damper on new construc- since. This very niched experience, along with his for this particular tion activity that would otherwise concentrated education – earning both master’s and commercial real become a competitive threat to the bachelor’s degrees in Real Estate Appraisal and In- estate sector. He existing rental housing stock and vestment Analysis from one of the premier universi- argues apartment place a ceiling on occupancy and ties in the nation, as well as achieving the premier properties are cur- rental rates. C.C.I.M. (Certified Commercial Investment Manag- rently the stron- Also adding significantly to er) designation, the highest designation available to gest real estate investment vehicle available because the bottom line of apartment owners is the historically commercial real estate professionals – makes him par- of the combination of the unusually strong demand low cost of borrowing. Because this expense dispro- ticularly well suited to give his clients valuable real for rental units by apartment dwellers in addition to portionately affects the total cost of ownership, this estate investment advice to optimize their particular the availability of the “cheapest” money for apart- “cheap” money is helping owners achieve rates of re- investment goals. This very concentrated background ment financing in history, the combination of which turn not normally seen in apartment property owner- in apartment property investment has evolved into is swelling the bottom line and returns of apartment ship. Currently, with treasury rates at all time lows, Lieberman founding and developing a very success- property owners. Lieberman contends the “stars are the index in which most apartment mortgages are tied, ful and respected apartment brokerage and property aligned perfectly for apartment property investors” to some five-year and ten-year mortgages are at or about management company, the names of which are the earn generous rates of return – apartments are current- 3% and 4%, respectively, making these mortgage rates “Apartment Investment Specialists” and “A.I.S. Prop- ly hailed as the “darling real estate investment type”. competitive with house mortgage rates. erty Management Services”, respectively. The unusual demand for rental units by the “X” and So, why does Lieberman think apartment properties His company doesn’t handle residential properties “Y” generations (the largest consuming age cohort of are the preferred real estate investment vehicle? He and prides itself in filling a much need void.In fact, rental units) as well as “baby-boomers” and retirees, concluded our interview by noting that there is really his commercial brokerage and property management stems from several significant demographic, psy- nothing negative about apartment investing from an company transacts with apartment properties exclu- chographic and life-style paradigm shifts. The more economic perspective – demand is very strong and sively along the central coast of California, from San youthful generations would rather rent than own, so will continue to be so, while new supply is held in Luis Obispo County down to the San Fernando Val- they can be free to take jobs anywhere in this job- check, the disequilibrium of which will continue, at ley. less economy without the concern of selling a house least for the foreseeable future exert upward pres- Lieberman is a person who admits to taking his in a tough housing market, the economic conditions of sure on occupancy and rental rates and, ultimately, work very seriously but likes to have a good time and which is also leading to deferred marriages and par- on property revenue; at the same time, mortgages, enjoy life. In his own words, “I work hard and play enting and consequential increased rentership rates; normally the largest cost component of ownership, hard.” and, with the dismal housing trends of recent past, the are the lowest seen in history. These conditions are His subscribing to a strong work ethic, which in- allure of homeownership has been challenged, also providing apartment investors generous returns and cludes working hard for the best interests of his cli- making renting seen as a preferred alternative by most increased values. ents, has manifested, for example, into the company of the constituents of this population group. Consequently, Lieberman sees no downside to receiving the prestigious 2011 Jack Kelly Exchange of The “baby boomers” have also increased demand apartment property ownership; in fact he says its po- the Year Award awarded by the Santa Barbara Associ- for rentals – a significant number of individuals in tential will be bolstered because, “everyone needs a ation of Realtors. In this particularly complicated and this age generation have lost their houses to foreclo- roof over their head”. NEED A WEBSITE YOU CAN MANAGE YOURSELF? CUSTOM WEBSITES BUILT ON WORDPRESS COMPLETE DESIGN SERVICE SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Official Webmaster for Realty411 Magazine .com 805.241.7828 CashFlow Express • Page 6