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This is Your Chance to Learn to Be the Bank!
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 h              MEET OUR
ed                                                         What is private lending?
                    TEAM                                   A private lender is somebody (who is
                                                           not necessarily licensed) that under-
-                   GARY BOMERSHINE                        stands the secrets of private lending,
                    Gary’s strong domain ex-               and how to use OPM (Other People’s
                    pertise in creative real estate        Money) to make a ‘spread.’
de                  transactions, sales & mar-
                    Gary Boomershine
                                                           Private lenders borrow money at a
de                  Gary’s strong him a unique in
                    keting, give domain expertise
                                                           lower rate and lend it out at a higher
                    ability to work with entre-
                    creative real estate to grow
                    preneurs looking transactions,         rate, making a nice profit or spread,
ide                 sales & marketing, give him a unique
                    their business.                        just like the bank!
                    ability to work with entrepreneurs
                    looking to grow their business.
                                                           Success in life comes with having
                    GEORGE ANTONE
                    Over the past five years, Mr.           the knowledge to make the right
                    George Antone his
                    Antone has established
                                                            decisions. WealthClasses offers
                    reputation as an expert in
                    Over the past five years, George
                    has fields of private money as an
                    the established his reputation           you that knowledge. Let us help
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                    investing, and has private a
                    lending and trust deed investing and     you build the wealth and the life
                    national speaker and teacher
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                    on become a national sepaker and              you’ve always wanted!
                    teacher on the subjects.
         Banks borrow money at a lower rate and lend it out at a higher rate.
      Wealth Classes, LLC. ‘spread’ game. Banks make money, and so as private
        They’re playing the
      1255 Treat Blvd
ys           lenders we learn to be the BANK, for the same amazing benefits!
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                                                     Real Estate

                FOUNDER                                        ADVERTISING
                Linda Pliagas                                Kelly Global Marketing
           EDITORIAL TEAM                                   EVENTS & EXPOS
                Lori Peebles                                    Lawrence Ruano
                Anita Cooper                           NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION
               Andre Sanchez                                KJ Banks: 805.377.6328
              Brianna Bertrand                        CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTION
              COPY EDITOR                              Professional Distribution Solutions
                Anita Cooper                                     1.877.418.6500
          PHOTOGRAPHERS                                       PUBLISHED BY
                 Sam Green                                  Manifest Media Partners
               John DeCindis                             Nikolaos K. Pliagas, Chairman
                 Sam Sadat                               SUBSCRIPTIONS/INFO:
                Dave Lindahl                                    310.499.9545
                  Bill Gatten                       
              Charles Salisbury                     
                 Emma Krull                              Join Our VIP Social Network:
              Augusto Meneses              

      To Educate, Motivate & Inspire Real Estate Investors
 Published in Los Angeles by Manifest Media Partners (temporary mailing address: HRS, Inc., c/o
 Realty411, 490 First St., Ste. C, Solvang, CA 93463). ©Copyright 2007-2011. All Rights Reserved.
 Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed by writers and col-
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 please seek the advisement of a trusted financial adviser, attorney or tax consultant. Real estate
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           YOU CHOOSE THE HOUSE...

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               888-289-0221                                                                               PAGE 7 • 2011                    
The Business of Investing
 Turn the Hobby into Full-Time Profit
  Ready to Exit Out of Your Day Job? Chris Clothier Shares Some Tips to Do Just That

            any investors begin their real     dealing with vacancies. In this respect,           verage to help build your portfolio.”
            estate career part time with the   Chris has learned tough lessons about keep-          Now, more than ever, leverage is im-
            hope of one day turning their      ing rentals fully occupied. “The first loss is     portant given today’s lending climate and
hobby into a full-fledged business. Their      the best loss,” he says and explains: “Inves-      rates. “Rates will not always remain this
goal is to be financially independent so                                                          low and banks are very open to helping
they no longer have to work at their corpo-                                                       investors with good credit acquire loans at
rate job.                                                                                         good rates. Get them while you can.”
   To help readers who are yearning for                                                             If you dream of leaving your job for suc-
a way out of the rat race, we asked Chris                                                         cess in the real estate industry, then Chris
Clothier, co-owner of,                                                          recommends you surround yourself with
to share his secrets on how he was able to                                                        the most successful real estate investors
turn his pastime into serious profit.                                                             you can. “Listen to their advice,” he rec-
  The Clothiers (Chris and his brothers,                                                          ommends, “it’s one of the wisest moves
Kent and Brett, led by their father, Kent      Left to right: Brett Clothier, Chris Clothier,     you can make.”
Sr.), have been real estate investors col-     Kent Clothier, Than Merrill & Kent Clothier, Sr.     Chris does exactly that both in his per-
lectively for 51 years. About 10 years ago,                                                       sonal and professional life as a coach with
their real estate investments went from be-    tors have to understand that the first offer       Fortune Builders, one of the fastest-grow-
ing a hobby into a full-fledged business.      from a qualified tenant might be the best          ing educational companies (not to mention
  In a short amount of time, their portfo-     offer if they are in a tough rental market.”       #37 on the Inc. 500 list). He thinks hiring
lio has grown to include over 120 rental         He adds that many investors make the             a mentor makes a lot sense from a point of
properties. (Additionally, they have sold      mistake of holding out for higher rent even        reducing the learning curve and holding
193 properties to investors worldwide in
2010; and have closed 102 properties so         Maximizing monthly cash flow can be an investor’s ticket
far in 2011.)
  So how were they able to expedite their       out of a corporate job, so keep a close eye on all costs.
success in a short amount of time? The first
step may sound simple, but its importance      after a qualified tenant may request a rent yourself accountable to your goals.
cannot be stressed enough. From their ex-      reduction. Before saying, “No way,” Chris              For the Clothier family, they rely on
perience as investors and property man-        advises investors to think carefully.               valuable friends (some of their business
agers, the Clothiers realize that organiza-      “One vacant month                                                          mentors, who have
tion is crucial for success. Chris explains:   can be the difference Meet helped their real es-
“Only after tracking and keeping clear re-     between a good year          Would you like to learn more about investing    tate investing com-
cords can investors evaluate their business    and a bad year,” he          in the Memphis market? Be sure to meet the      pany, go back to the
and take it from the status of hobby into a    warns. “So if they are       Clothiers in person when they visit your city.  late 1960s). They
real wealth-building machine.”                 quality tenants, work                DATE              CITY                  also spend a lot of
                                                                                    May 26            Dallas
  Next, it’s important to keep tabs on         with them and get them               June 1            San Francisco
                                                                                                                            time participating in
property expenses. Maximizing monthly          in your property.”                   June 2            San Jose              mastermind sessions
cash flow can be an investor’s ticket out        For the security of                June 15           Los Angeles           with other entrepre-
                                                                                    June 16           Santa Ana
of a corporate job, so keep close tabs on      your properties, it’s im-            June 17           San Diego             neurs and business
all costs. “Keep an eye on such items as       portant to reduce risk               July 28           Atlanta               owners. One thing to
                                                                                    Aug 16            Houston
tax appraisals, which affect tax rates, and    as much as possible;                 Aug 18            Dallas
                                                                                                                            note is that the road
insurance quotes,” Chris advises. “Each of     just keep in mind that               Sept 16 & 17      Memphis               to success may not
these factors come right off the top each      a certain amount of risk For more information, contact: 901.751.7191 always be easy, but
month. Keep track of them and periodi-         is good and needed for                                                       if one stays diligent,
cally make sure you have the best rates to     growth. In business, as in real estate, a fine the path will eventually lead them in the
drive up cash flow.”                           line exists between expansion and risk.             right direction.
  Investors also need to be proactive when       Chris always advises investors to “use le-                        — Interview by Andre Sanchez                                              PAGE 8 • 2011                                            
A safe, lucrative and scalable blueprint for financial security

             The Banker’s Code
                               by Anita Cooper

                                                                        to deal with taxes, tenants, repairs...all the             For example, using arbitrage alone, sup-
                               ccording to the Bureau of                headaches. And they get paid last. Always. pose you borrowed $100,000 at 8 percent
                               Statistics and the Department               Compare what you do now to what the and loaned it all out at 15 percent. The
                               of Social Security, if you fol- banker does. The banker has to learn secret spread would net you $7,000 at years’ end
                               lowed 100 people throughout strategies of banking; how to shift risk to after paying back your funding source. Not
              their lives and observed their financial sta- real estate investors. All they have to do is too impressive, perhaps, but when you add
              tus at retirement, you would discover that tell the world that they have money to lend leveraging into the mix, that’s when you
              only five percent were financially set and and the leads flow in. They don’t have to really get to see private lending magic in
on and Success of
              ready to retire. Another five percent                                   WealthClasses offers both
                                                                               deal with tenants, look for deals, or action.
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              would have to continue                                                  introductory & advanced Let’s say you leveraged the original
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  l literacy get                                                        tion of OPM (Other People’s breakthrough     Gary Boomershine and George Antone ber of individu-
                                                                                                                                        GEORGE ANTONE
              seeking ways to improve their passive in- Nationwide Mastery Classes, Work-
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                                                                                             PAGE 10 • 2011         
Affordable Legal Protection for Investors

              by Lori Ellen Fouts                    not a financial issue but a simple step as a    concerning questions. When was the last
                                                     prudent business-person to get the advice       time your health insurance company called
       f you are a real estate investor,             and help that you need to make the best de-     you to ask you to please use your policy?
       agent, broker, homeowner or renter,           cisions? Just think of the things you could     In fact, you may utilize your plan for most
       you have often been presented with            speak to an attorney about: asset protection,   things the same day that you sign up and
       a contract to sign. How many times            loan modifications, short sales, landlord-      some pre-existing issues are also covered.
       have you had that contract reviewed           tenant issues in multiple states and identity   For last ten years, my family and I have
by your attorney before signing? Need-               theft, just to name a few topics. What if you   been using the Pre-Paid Legal Life Events
less to say, that contract was written by            could access a top-rated attorney in any        Legal Plan. This has helped us with the
                              someone else’s         area of law, whenever you wanted, AND           day-to-day issues that come up for every-
                              a t t o r n e y, a n   attorneys in ALL fifty states? This is where    one: The speeding ticket, getting a rental
                              attorney with          Pre-Paid Legal (PPL) comes in. PPL is built     deposit returned for our college-aged son,
                              their interests        on the insurance model where you pay a          resolution to the credit card company dis-
                              in mind, not           monthly fee and then have a menu of avail-      crepancy.
                              yours.                 able services that are covered under your          As for helping me as a real estate inves-
                                  Most of us         plan. But unlike a very costly health and       tor, I could not even begin to say how many
                 do not call an attorney to          auto insurance, Pre-Paid Legal has built a      times that I have used the service, or could
                 review our documents,               successful and affordable service. And un-      even begin to calculate how much money I
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                 hourly costs. Often we                 To encourage the Pre-Paid Legal mem-         $200 to $500 per hour every time I needed
                        don’t know whom              ber to use their plans right away, they offer   advice on a landlord-tenant issue or have
                        to call. What if call-       a comprehensive will at no charge, and en-
                        ing an attorney was          courage you to call an attorney to ask any                               Continued on pg. 54
Market Spotlight: JACKSON
               Jackson, Miss.
               COMPANIES:                                                                   company and other investors in our com-
               HomeStar, LLC                                                                munity are having great success. Jackson,
               Premier Equity                                                               Miss., was not a bubble town, we were
               Group, LLC                                                                   never inflated like other high-appreciation
               CONTACT:                                                                     and over valued areas. We are still retail-
               Julie Harrison                                                               ing houses, therefore we still have great
               (601) 291-0689                                                               comps and a good mix of home owner-
               Justin Harrison                                                              ship in the areas where we are providing
               (205) 616-3761                                                               investment properties. The banks are the
                                                                                            one’s taking the bath. We continue to pick
Q: What kind of opportunities are                                                           up their discounted inventory, get the prop-
you seeing in your market?                                                                  erty rehabbed and get it performing again.
Julie Harrison: Simply put, great                                                           We’re not sure how long its going to last,
cash flow. Our investment team has           ing. Our bread and butter cash houses can      but we are going to take full advantage of
established relationships in our community   be acquired for $48,500, with an average       this slump.
that allow our company to acquire qual-      rent of $750. It’s really hard to beat! Mis-   Q: What is the best part of being an in-
ity single family houses in stable                               sissippi property taxes    vestor in your city?
neighborhoods, complete with                                     are among the nation’s     Julie: The demand for Jackson and our
renovations, leased and set up                                   lowest, also contribut-    houses has been awesome, we stay sold
with property management.Our                                     ing to the great cash      out. Investors from across the country are
price points are hard to believe                                 flow equation.             coming in weekly. We have met investors
sometimes. For example, our                                      Q: How is your mar-        from California to Australia, investors from
investors are able to pick up a 4                                ket handling the eco-      almost every state have contacted our com-
bedroom, 2 bath full brick newly                                 nomic slump?               pany at some point. I have built high-end
renovated house for $67,000, with                                Justin Harrison: It re-    new construction houses for 30 years, mil-
an average rent of $875, which are                               ally depends on who        lion dollar homes. Now I’m buying middle
great for 20 percent down financ-                                you’re talking to. Our     income houses and have become a more
                                               Julie Harrison
Join Us for
 buy-and-hold                                                              Q: Are there any
 investor. I wish                                                          special      financing
 I would have                                                              or programs avail-
 started 20 years

                                                                                                           Special VIP
                                                                           able that inves-
 ago, in the last                                                          tors should know
 three years I’ve                                                          about?
 compiled 25
                                                                                                           Property Tours
                                                                           Justin: It’s becoming
 free-and-clear                                                            more of a cash game
 rentals. I’ve never          Nice rental home in Jackson, Miss.         everyday. With that be-
 had so much fun with real estate.                 ing said, we still have 20% down financing
 Q: Why should investors buy rentals in available. We keep our transactions clean,                         Educational Investing Tours
 your area?                                                             no creative financing,
 Julie: You have two key                                                it just doesn’t work
                                                                                                            in TOP Cash Flow Markets
 components, the MARKET                                                 long term. A 20% down
                                                                                                           Wealth Wealth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Real Estate


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                                                                                                                                                                                                        Vol. 1 • No. 1 • 2010                                                                                                      Vol. 1 • No. 1 • 2010

 invaluable. I would say we                                             $17,000 out of pocket
 are bit seasoned, we’ve seen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Shares His Secrets!
                                                                        and includes closing                                                            Shares His Secrets!

 it all at this point. We’ve                                            costs. Most investors
 drilled down to the best                                               can get up to four mort-
 areas that yield the best re-                                          gages. We do have fi-
 turns. We really believe in                                            nancing available for               Serving the Needs of Accredited Investors - INSIDE: Information to Grow and Maintain Your Wealth                      Serving the Needs of Accredited Investors - INSIDE: Information to Grow and Maintain Your Wealth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16                              19                                35
 buying a rental property in
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 a home ownership area, ver-
                                     Janelle Harrison, baby Willow
                                                                        you have to have strong            We’ve Been Investing
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    It all starts with picking a good house Julie: As always, due diligence is key in any
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     A 20% down purchase runs about $17,000                                                                 in Cash Flowing Cities,
      out of pocket and includes closing costs.                                                             such as:
                                                                                                            • Houston, TX Lansy rda is
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 the best. We handle the transaction from         hold what you can within your means. With
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 vestment from day one.                           come visit us and see all the upside to Jack-
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                                                                                                                                                    PAGE 13 • 2011                                                                                                                                                                         
Dorfman Delivers Success
        Outstanding property management is essential for success and with over 35 years experience,
  Dorfman Property Management is the industry leader in Indianapolis. The family-run company has owned
   investment properties since 1960. Jeff Ader, a Dorfman executive, tells us why the company is so special.

Q: Tell us a bit about Dorfman Property      common mistakes are purchasing in a high        Ader: First of all, it’s always important to
Management, how did the company come         crime or undesirable neighborhood and           diversify your investment portfolio. Hav-
about?                                       not doing a thorough rehab.                     ing different asset classifications, such as
Jeff Ader: Dorfman Property Manage-                                                          real estate, stocks, bonds and precious met-
ment was founded 35 years ago by Martin      Q: Do you have many clients from out of         als, helps reduce risk in your overall invest-
Dorfman and his daughter Miriam Ader         state and other countries?                      ment portfolio.
to manage family                                                      A d e r : Ye s , w e      Secondly, people can build wealth and
owned properties                                                      service many cli-      accumulate a high net worth by buying
as well as provide                                                    ents from Cali-        and holding rental properties over a period
fee based property                                                    fornia as well as      of time. Here is a simple example of why
management ser-                                                       Arizona, Florida,      rental properties can be such a powerful
vices for Indianap-                                                   Hawaii, Illinois,      wealth generating investment:
olis investors.                                                       New York, Ohio,
                                                                      Georgia and many       Exhibit A: $20,000 lump sum @ 5% inter-
Q: From an inves-                                                     more. In addition,     est at the end of ten years equals $32,578
tor and managers                                                      we have clients
point of view, what                                                   in Italy, Austra-      Exhibit B: $20,000 cash outlay on a
are some common                                                       lia, France and        $100,000 rental property, which leaves
mistakes that in-                                                     Japan.                 $80,000 financed with 5% appreciation per
vestors make?                                                                                year at the end of ten years equals $82,889
Ader: Overpaying for a property and not      Q: Why do you think people should have
doing research about rental amounts. Other   rental properties in their portfolio?                                    Continued on pg. 16

                            Rent your property FAST
                       HIRE Dorfman Property Management
                                                                                        Our Available Services:
Northern California Based Real
     Estate Investment Club Expands
    South to Meet a Surge in Business
     Kathy Fettke relocates to                           prices in Sydney or Singapore.
    Malibu & opens new branch                            We hope to continue to educate
                                                         people locally and internation-
                      by Linda Pliagas
                                                         ally about the opportunities
                                                         that exist for real estate inves-
Malibu, Calif. — Real Wealth Network, the                tors today.”
internationally-known real estate invest-                   Fettke, along with her hus-
ment club headquartered in Walnut Creek,                 band Rich, director of busi-
Calif., has expanded its offices to South-               ness development, and their
ern California. For the past six years, Real             11-year-old daughter, Krista,
Wealth Network has assisted its members                  moved to Malibu in Decem-
in increasing their wealth through quality               ber and have been busy setting
education, resources and finding turn-key,               up a new home and business
high cash-flowing investment properties                  branch. Director of operations,
nationwide.                                              Ron Manabat, remains at the Walnut Creek        markets puts $8,000 more per month in our
    “We need to have a presence in North-                office to oversee the Northern California       pocket.” Fettke is a prime example of how
ern and Southern California to be able to                home base.                                      savvy investors can reside in their dream
accommodate our investors,” says Kathy                      The Real Wealth Network team plans to        city and fund a lavish California lifestyle
Fettke, CEO of Real Wealth Network.                      host monthly live events in both Northern       with out-of-state rentals.

  Savvy investors can reside in their dream city and fund
   a lavish California lifestyle with out-of-state rentals.
“Eventually we will include New York and                 and Southern California.
Chicago as well, but this is a good start.”                 The Real Wealth Show, a Top 10 weekly
  The expansion came shortly after Fettke                podcast on iTunes where Fettke shares her
returned from Sydney, Australia where                    veteran real estate investing advice, is con-
she met with over 300 prospective inves-                 tinuing to build an international audience
tors who have since purchased hundreds of                in over 25 countries.
units in the United States through her net-                 As an investor, Fettke is practicing what
work.                                                    she preaches. Malibu is a high-priced mar-
   While in Sydney, Fettke appeared on                   ket so she chose to rent a residence and buy
CNBC’s Squawk Box and was inter-                         additional rental properties instead.
viewed about the U.S. housing market.                       Explaining her logic, “The mortgage on
“The show hosts                                                      our $1.2 million Malibu beach
                                                                     home would be twice what we          Kathy Fettke talks U.S. real estate in Australia.
were amazed that
properties could                                                     pay in rent. Instead, we are us-       To sign up for a free membership, visit
be purchased for                                                     ing that $1.2 million to buy in- Be sure to
less than $50,000                                                    vestment properties outside of      download the free report, “7 Steps for New
and be rented for                                                    California, which bring us three    Real Estate Investors.”
$750,” Fettke re-                                                    times what we pay here in rent!       To hear the CNBC interview, please visit:
calls.                                                               It’s all about cash flow. Renting
   “They’re not                                                      our primary residence and buy-      =1678724672&play=1
used to those                                                        ing rentals in more affordable
                               The Fettke Family in Malibu, Calif.                                                       PAGE 15 • 2011
                                                                        PAGE 13 • 2011                                             
Dorfman Delivers, pg. 14

                            As you can see, you are utilizing ordinates rehabbing vacancies
                            the power of leverage and appre- and maintenance of occupied
                            ciation of real estate, which can properties. In addition, she
                            turn $20,000 into $83,000 at the communicates with owners to
                            end of 10 years, as opposed to provide guidance about their
                            a savings account that will leave investments and with tenants to
                            you $33,000. This doesn’t even solve problems on a daily basis.
                            take into account a positive cash Q: What makes your property
                            flow of $200 per month, which management unique and why
                            would add an additional
                            $24,000 of income over the
                            10 year period. This clearly
                            shows how powerful rental
                            property can be as a long-
                            term investment.
                            Q: Tell us about Invest
                  , when did you
                            decide to branch out and
                            start the property sales di-       The Dorfman team: Jeff Ader and
                            vision of the company?          Rhonda Steele attend a real estate event.
                            Ader: After managing hun-
                            dreds of properties over the do you think your company has
                            years for many individual inves- grown so much?

                                 Having different asset classifications,
                                such as real estate, stocks, bonds and
                                 precious metals helps reduce risk in
                                   your overall investment portfolio.
                            tors through Dorfman Property         Ader: Our company has exten-
                            Management, it became appar-          sive knowledge of Indianapolis
                            ent that investors needed guid-       investment properties both ur-
                            ance in selecting, rehabbing and      ban and suburban, resulting in
                            managing their rental properties      the ability to advise investors
                            for maximum returns. The con-         as to the best areas to maximize
                            cept of a turn-key real estate in-    rental income and reduce ex-
                            vestment company that locates,        penses.
                            rehabs and positions the prop-           We also have the capability of
                            erty for positive cash flow in        managing a large volume of in-
                            the Indianapolis area was born.       vestment properties yet are able
                   was formed to          to provide personalized services
                            help clients locate quality prop-     to individual owners. Our leas-
                            erties, at great locations with the   ing and operations manager,
                            best cash flow returns and with       Rhonda, personally reviews
                            ABSOLUTELY NO EFFORT                  every tenant application along
                            on their part.                        with overseeing the details of
                            Q: How long have you been in-         the rental process.
                            vesting in real estate?                  Rhonda’s attention to detail
                            Ader: I personally began invest-      and expert knowledge of the
                            ing in 1976.                          marketplace has resulted in re-
                            Q: Tell me about Rhonda and           altor referrals from all over the
                            her role in the company?              country. Our philosophy is that
                            Ader: Rhonda Steele is the head       by being responsive to prospec-
                            of company operations and leas-       tive tenants seven days a week,
                            ing. She is responsible for all       and being readily available to
                            aspects of the leasing process        set leasing appointments, maxi-
                            as well as supervising leasing        mizes the ability to quickly
                            agents and office staff. She co-      lease rentals.   PAGE 16 • 2011                                         
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Dave Lindahl’s
Syndication Secrets

                       Learn How to Grow Your Portfolio FASTER

           nown as the “Apartment King”       modest three-unit rental in a depressed        people’s annual salary!
           and the leading authority on       area of Boston. He soon made a goal to            How did Lindahl acquire so many
           commercial real estate invest-     acquire 1,000 units as quickly as pos-         properties and accrue an abundance
           ing, Dave Lindahl currently        sible, so he transformed himself from          of cash flow in such little time? Using a
           owns more than 7,500 multi-        “a dead broke landscaper” into a savvy         sophisticated technique that investors
family units in some of the nation’s best     syndicator.                                    call OPM (Other People’s Money).
emerging markets. His private acquisition        Within a short time frame, he was              By offering accredited investors an
firm, the Bostonian Investment Group,         managing millions of dollars worth of          opportunity to join him on deals, Lindahl
also owns interests in retail centers, self   assets on a national scale. In fact, it only   was able to reach the destination to real
storage facilities and office buildings       took him 3 1/2 years from the time he          estate riches much faster. He estimates
   Like most investors, Lindahl started       started investing to be able to retire and     he’s raised more than $30 million in
out small. His first purchase was a           enjoy a monthly income larger than most        capital from investors around the world.                                           PAGE 21 • 2011                                     
His success came so quickly and              Investors can also control much larger     Tell us how your bootcamps and self-
profoundly that soon others began to re-      real estate deals than they would have,       study courses help investors learn to
quest his knowledge, which led Lindahl        had they not participated in the syndica-     package it all together?
to become a top educator in the industry.     tion.                                         Lindahl: They basically take you step by
He has shared the stage with such lumi-                                                     step throughout the whole process. First
naries as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki       Q: Dave, we know you come from a              of all, I show you where the money is so
and Donald Trump. In fact, Trump asked        very close-knit family. Were your sib-        you know where to find it. A lot of people
Lindahl to write a book on commercial         lings and extended family some of             don’t know anybody with money because
real estate, “Trump University Commer-
cial Real Estate 101: How Small Inves-
tors Can Get Started and Make It Big.”
    Lindahl has also authored numerous
other books and courses including such
best sellers as Emerging Real Estate
Markets, Apartment House Riches, and
The Real Estate Marketers’ Tool Kit.
    What’s most surprising is that Lindahl
was at first reluctant to accept responsi-
bility for other people’s money, but he re-
alized it was the only way he could reach
his goal of amassing 10,000 units. So, he
set out to formulate a program to stream-
line the process and ensure maximum
    We recently caught up with Dave in be-
tween his travels to discuss syndications
and their importance in growing a well-
balanced real estate portfolio.

  “The Real Estate Business is
 Really a MARKETING Business”
                                              your early investors?                         they are hanging around in the wrong
Question: When did you discover the           Lindahl: When I started investing, I be-      places. So I show my students where to
power of real estate syndication?             came partners with my brother and sis-        locate people with money.
Dave Lindahl: I started syndicating more      ter, but they weren’t my investors. When         Secondly, I prepare my students on
than seven years ago, when I realized         I started out, my siblings were all broke,    what to say when they attend events or
that it was easier to buy bigger properties   so they did not have any money to put         locations where there are people with
than smaller properties.                      into my deals. That’s why I had to go after   money. I teach them the initial introduc-
   I was self-funding my own deals before     investors. My father, who told me to stay     tion and how to offer an opportunity. We
that and I realized I was going to need       away from real estate when I first started,   never ask for money, we always offer op-
a lot more money to reach my goal. By         actually became a very large investor in      portunities.
then, my objective had changed from           many of my deals and still is.                   Next, we teach how to close for the
[owning] 1,000 units to 10,000 units. I re-                                                 second presentation, which is usually a
alized the more I could get other people      Q: Is it a good idea to start with friends    lunch or dinner presentation. There you
to partner up with me, the more deals I       and families when raising capital for         lay out exactly who you are and what you
could buy.                                    syndications?                                 do. Of course, my students also learn
                                              Lindahl: Doing business with family mem-      how to structure deals properly.
Q: From an investor’s point of view,          bers can be a great way to start, but when       One important thing to note is that if
what are some positive aspects to ac-         family and friends are involved there can     you’re going to be pulling in money in a
quiring properties through a syndica-         be more emotional involvement in the          deal, you have to consider the Securi-
tion?                                         deal. I do see a lot of my students start     ties and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Lindahl: Joining a syndication is great for   with family and friends then graduate to      A good part of the training is how to stay
busy investors because they don’t have        larger investors.                             within the boundaries of SEC regulations.
to deal with management, they can have                                                      People always ask me: “How do I avoid
passive income and participate in the ap-     Q: Organizing syndications takes a lot        the Securities Exchange Commission
preciation of a deal.                         of skill, expertise and marketing flair.      rules.” I always say, “You don’t, you just                                           PAGE 22 • 2011                                    
follow their rules, which are easy               Upcoming Events                                style, are you buying and holding or
rules to follow but you have to know                                                            are you doing short-term deals by re-
what they are.”                                   by Dave Lindahl                               positioning ?
   The most important part of my                                                                Lindahl: It depends on the market and the
syndication training is how to man-             PRIVATE MONEY SYNDICATION                       type of property. We typically like to hold
age the deal and how to manage                    San Diego, CA ... May 20-22                   and maximize the appreciation since the
the investors. Now, I’m not speak-                                                              deals we acquire have strong cashflow.
ing about how to be a landlord, I’m              FORECLOSURE BOOT CAMP
talking about how to be an asset                    Chicago, IL ... June 3-5                    Q: Donald Trump asked you to write
manager. Because as a syndicator,                                                               the book on commercial real estate for
you have to manage your investors,                MANAGING THE MANAGER                          his educational series, how was it to
which can be more difficult than                                                                work with him?
                                                   Boston, MA ... June 10-12
managing properties.                                                                            Lindahl: Donald is a true delegator. If
                                                                                                you’ve ever seen “The Apprentice”, he is
Q: Really, that’s interesting, why          COMMERCIAL TRAINING ACADEMY                         just like the way he is in on the show. He’s
is that, Dave?                                  Boston, MA ... July 15-17                       tough, but fair and down deep he’s actu-
Lindahl: Because of the emotions,                                                               ally a very caring person.
because of the personalities. And               APARTMENT HOUSE RICHES
it’s always the person who puts in              Boston, MA ... September 13-16                  Q: Besides Trump who are some other
the least amount of money who is                                                                real estate leaders that you admire?
always the biggest pain in the butt!                                                            Lindahl: My first mentor was a guy by the
                                                 ey will come,” but it’s always a good idea     name of Mark Shavell from Cape Cod,
Q: It must be such an awesome feeling            to be marketing for both at all times.         Mass. He really introduced me to con-
to know that people place such trust                                                            servative investing and commercial real
and high regard in you and your deals            Question: Your private acquisition             estate.
for them to invest with you.                     company the Bostonian Investment                  I also look up to Sam Zell out of Chi-
Lindahl: It is. But when I first started, I      Group is known for acquiring large             cago. He is known as “the grave dancer,”
didn’t really want to be responsible for         multifamily complexes and I know you           because he made his billions buying in
other people’s money. It took me a while         also invest in self-storage facilities.        markets just like these, markets that are
to start offering opportuni-                                                                                down.
ties so that others could                                                                                          Q: Besides commer-
come into my deals. But a                                                                                   cial real estate, your ex-
lot of people wanted to be                                                                                  pertise is also in locating
involved and I realized it                                                                                  emerging markets. Can you
would give us the ability to                                                                                give readers a tip on how to
do more deals. However,                                                                                     locate a booming area?
a lot of responsibility goes                                                                                Lindahl: It’s all about job
along with having other                                                                                     growth and an increase in
people’s money, and it                                                                                      population. We follow and
takes time and special-                                                                                     read the business periodicals
ized knowledge to be able                                                                                   on a regular basis and also re-
to do that properly.                                                                                        search demographic trends.

Q: What comes first: The                                                                                     Q: Do you have any other
deal or the investor?                                                                                        tips or suggestions for our
Lindahl: Both. The real                                                                                      readers?
estate business is really a                                                                                  Lindahl: Putting together a
marketing business. You                                                                                      syndication allows investors
need to be marketing all                                                                                     to use leverage and acquire
the time. You should be                                                                                      larger deals using other peo-
marketing for deals and                                                                                      ple’s money as equity. It also
you should be marketing                                                                                     gives investors confidence to
for money.                                       What other type of properties do you           get into larger deals knowing they always
   If you don’t have [monetary] commit-          like to acquire?                               have the resources behind them.
ments for any deals that may come up,            Lindahl: We also buy triple net lease                        — Interview by Linda Pliagas
when you go to negotiate for one, sub-           (NNN) properties, office buildings and
consciously you will negotiate from weak-        retail centers. Actually, retail centers are
ness because you know you don’t have             our favorite type of property acquisition at   Receive Dave Lindahl’s “Insider Secrets
the money. A lot of people actually self-        the moment.                                    to Creating Wealth” for FREE, simply call
sabotage themselves by doing this.                                                              1-800-559-8590 or visit:
   I’ve heard, “If it’s a good deal, the mon-    Q: What is your current investing                                                  PAGE 23 • 2011                                       
Where Do You Buy Now?
       The Search for a 10% growth Market
            by Charles Salisbury, MBA

                                                                                                                      loan and property taxes
             ll successful investments begin     kets that I seek. You can                                            paid. Additional expens-
             with a plan of action and steps     find these markets through                                           es such as repairs and
             designed to support your ob-        various ways, including                                              the 10% property man-
             jective. The more time you put      reading national publica-                                            agement fee is also a tax
into finding the right investment, the more      tions like Forbes and For-                                           benefit.
experience you’ll get. And, like all other       tune, which identify growth                                             I’ve had people attend
things in life, you will get better at find-     trends and publish must-                                             my $39 seminar and tell
ing great investment opportunities. Mak-         read information like “The                                           me that they were of-
ing mistakes is part of the process because      10 Hottest Urban Growth                                              fered real estate courses
there is no perfect process or perfect in-       Markets” or “The Best                                                for $5,000, which will
vestment. People are different and invest-       Places To Retire.”                               teach them how to make a “fortune rehab-
ments are different. Results vary over time         Many other publications will also identi-     bing foreclosures.” There are TV programs
because markets shift. What worked yes-          fy growth areas. I occasionally receive tips     glamorizing the role of “simple folk” who
terday might not work the same next time.        from residents of a local area who tell me       can “flip” properties and get rich. It’s good
So, being adaptive and flexible is important     about all the activity going on in their com-    entertainment, but it’s only for the pro-
when searching for the right place to invest     munity. When you live in a growth area,          fessionals. If you’re not in the real estate
your money.                                      you can’t help but know it. You can see and      business full time and able to do most of
   Looking for a growth area in real estate      experience the growth.                           the work yourself, then it’s not for you.
is no different. I will share with you the          If you don’t live in a growth area, but       The risk is too great and the profits are too
way I look for undervalued markets so that       want to locate them, you can find out where      small. You don’t need to spend money to
you can mimic me or use my experience as         Wal Mart and Kmart are building their new        learn how to loose money under the false
a resource to add value to whatever you’re       super centers or find out where those new        impression that you will “make a fortune.”
doing.                                           building supply houses are locating new             Real estate is the number one investment
   My initial goals are to locate areas in the   stores. Lowe’s doesn’t build large stores to     in America and you can ensure your future
U.S. where growth is almost predictable          sell building supplies unless there is a need.   by building a secure investment real estate
because certain infrastructure investments       Using common sense and knowing what to           business. You can also lose money by mak-
have already been made. Growth areas are         look for will be important in your search        ing bad decisions and in real estate you own
identified by new roads or the widening          for growth markets.                              the mistake when you own the property.
existing ones to handle increased traffic.          The final test for me is an actual visit to      The program that I outline in my book,
Usually the growth areas are suburban as         the area. Go there, rent a car and travel the    “The Incredible Investment Book: The
an established and aging community finds         area. Talk to local residents and businesses     #1 Way to Invest in the #1 Investment in
its citizens looking for better schools, bet-    and ask about plans for the future. The lo-      America,” is conservative and very disci-
ter shopping and newer recreation facili-        cal residents know what is being planned         plined. It is designed to avoid common mis-
ties. Corporate America also searches for        by reading their local newspaper. It costs       takes and protect your investment. Faith in
urban flight and growth to determine where       money to do research, but the reward will        yourself begins with having faith in some-
they are going to expand and build those         be a pay back for many years to come.            thing or someone that has stood the test of
new superstores. County governments usu-            Because the demographics change over          time. The advice in my book was inspired
ally lead the way by identifying urban ar-       time, it is always advisable to return to the    by every mistake I made in real estate for
eas that are primed for growth. They fund website to locate the         the past 30 years. I wrote it to save you the
newly created redevelopment areas, which         new areas of interest and see a selection of     headaches and heartaches I’ve endured in
include new roads, freeways, industrial          homes in the 10% growth areas. Also, the         the quest for real estate success.
parks and schools. That attracts major re-       tax benefits may change over time. Despite
tailers and businesses.                          the fact that you are only putting 20% down      Register online at www.TenPercentDown.
   In looking for growth that will support       payment and using 80% of other people’s          com for complimentary reports on any
my 10% property appreciation objective,          money (OPM), you’ll enjoy 100% of the            areas the company is buying in and/or
I am a follower, not a leader. Corporate         tax benefits. For example, you can depre-        researching. For more information about
America and local governments determine          ciate your investment property over 27.5         Charles Salisbury, please contact him
where it will be and create the growth mar-      years, deduct the interest on your mortgage      directly at: 949-910-6028                                               PAGE 24 • 2011                                         

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  • 7. Realty411 Wealth Real Estate FOUNDER ADVERTISING Linda Pliagas Kelly Global Marketing 310.439.1145 EDITORIAL TEAM EVENTS & EXPOS Lori Peebles Lawrence Ruano Anita Cooper NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Andre Sanchez KJ Banks: 805.377.6328 Brianna Bertrand CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTION COPY EDITOR Professional Distribution Solutions Anita Cooper 1.877.418.6500 PHOTOGRAPHERS PUBLISHED BY Sam Green Manifest Media Partners John DeCindis Nikolaos K. Pliagas, Chairman COLUMNISTS Sam Sadat SUBSCRIPTIONS/INFO: Dave Lindahl 310.499.9545 Bill Gatten Charles Salisbury PRODUCTION Emma Krull Join Our VIP Social Network: Augusto Meneses To Educate, Motivate & Inspire Real Estate Investors Published in Los Angeles by Manifest Media Partners (temporary mailing address: HRS, Inc., c/o Realty411, 490 First St., Ste. C, Solvang, CA 93463). ©Copyright 2007-2011. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed by writers and col- umnists are not endorsed by the publishers and/or editorial staff. Before investing in real estate, please seek the advisement of a trusted financial adviser, attorney or tax consultant. Real estate investing can be risky and may result in loss of capital. Please invest responsibly. PRINTED IN THE USA. GOD BLESS AMERICA Connect to our virtual network on many websites, including: YOU CHOOSE THE HOUSE... WE DO YOUR BIDDING                 N ATIONAL R EAL E STATE       I NSURANCE G ROUP , LLC                                  Visit us on the web: BIDFORECLOSURESAZ.COM hablamos espanol 888-289-0221 PAGE 7 • 2011
  • 8. The Business of Investing Turn the Hobby into Full-Time Profit Ready to Exit Out of Your Day Job? Chris Clothier Shares Some Tips to Do Just That M any investors begin their real dealing with vacancies. In this respect, verage to help build your portfolio.” estate career part time with the Chris has learned tough lessons about keep- Now, more than ever, leverage is im- hope of one day turning their ing rentals fully occupied. “The first loss is portant given today’s lending climate and hobby into a full-fledged business. Their the best loss,” he says and explains: “Inves- rates. “Rates will not always remain this goal is to be financially independent so low and banks are very open to helping they no longer have to work at their corpo- investors with good credit acquire loans at rate job. good rates. Get them while you can.” To help readers who are yearning for If you dream of leaving your job for suc- a way out of the rat race, we asked Chris cess in the real estate industry, then Chris Clothier, co-owner of, recommends you surround yourself with to share his secrets on how he was able to the most successful real estate investors turn his pastime into serious profit. you can. “Listen to their advice,” he rec- The Clothiers (Chris and his brothers, ommends, “it’s one of the wisest moves Kent and Brett, led by their father, Kent Left to right: Brett Clothier, Chris Clothier, you can make.” Sr.), have been real estate investors col- Kent Clothier, Than Merrill & Kent Clothier, Sr. Chris does exactly that both in his per- lectively for 51 years. About 10 years ago, sonal and professional life as a coach with their real estate investments went from be- tors have to understand that the first offer Fortune Builders, one of the fastest-grow- ing a hobby into a full-fledged business. from a qualified tenant might be the best ing educational companies (not to mention In a short amount of time, their portfo- offer if they are in a tough rental market.” #37 on the Inc. 500 list). He thinks hiring lio has grown to include over 120 rental He adds that many investors make the a mentor makes a lot sense from a point of properties. (Additionally, they have sold mistake of holding out for higher rent even reducing the learning curve and holding 193 properties to investors worldwide in 2010; and have closed 102 properties so Maximizing monthly cash flow can be an investor’s ticket far in 2011.) So how were they able to expedite their out of a corporate job, so keep a close eye on all costs. success in a short amount of time? The first step may sound simple, but its importance after a qualified tenant may request a rent yourself accountable to your goals. cannot be stressed enough. From their ex- reduction. Before saying, “No way,” Chris For the Clothier family, they rely on perience as investors and property man- advises investors to think carefully. valuable friends (some of their business agers, the Clothiers realize that organiza- “One vacant month mentors, who have tion is crucial for success. Chris explains: can be the difference Meet helped their real es- “Only after tracking and keeping clear re- between a good year Would you like to learn more about investing tate investing com- cords can investors evaluate their business and a bad year,” he in the Memphis market? Be sure to meet the pany, go back to the and take it from the status of hobby into a warns. “So if they are Clothiers in person when they visit your city. late 1960s). They real wealth-building machine.” quality tenants, work DATE CITY also spend a lot of May 26 Dallas Next, it’s important to keep tabs on with them and get them June 1 San Francisco time participating in property expenses. Maximizing monthly in your property.” June 2 San Jose mastermind sessions cash flow can be an investor’s ticket out For the security of June 15 Los Angeles with other entrepre- June 16 Santa Ana of a corporate job, so keep close tabs on your properties, it’s im- June 17 San Diego neurs and business all costs. “Keep an eye on such items as portant to reduce risk July 28 Atlanta owners. One thing to Aug 16 Houston tax appraisals, which affect tax rates, and as much as possible; Aug 18 Dallas note is that the road insurance quotes,” Chris advises. “Each of just keep in mind that Sept 16 & 17 Memphis to success may not these factors come right off the top each a certain amount of risk For more information, contact: 901.751.7191 always be easy, but month. Keep track of them and periodi- is good and needed for if one stays diligent, cally make sure you have the best rates to growth. In business, as in real estate, a fine the path will eventually lead them in the drive up cash flow.” line exists between expansion and risk. right direction. Investors also need to be proactive when Chris always advises investors to “use le- — Interview by Andre Sanchez PAGE 8 • 2011
  • 9.
  • 10. A safe, lucrative and scalable blueprint for financial security The Banker’s Code by Anita Cooper A to deal with taxes, tenants, repairs...all the For example, using arbitrage alone, sup- ccording to the Bureau of headaches. And they get paid last. Always. pose you borrowed $100,000 at 8 percent Statistics and the Department Compare what you do now to what the and loaned it all out at 15 percent. The of Social Security, if you fol- banker does. The banker has to learn secret spread would net you $7,000 at years’ end lowed 100 people throughout strategies of banking; how to shift risk to after paying back your funding source. Not their lives and observed their financial sta- real estate investors. All they have to do is too impressive, perhaps, but when you add tus at retirement, you would discover that tell the world that they have money to lend leveraging into the mix, that’s when you only five percent were financially set and and the leads flow in. They don’t have to really get to see private lending magic in on and Success of ready to retire. Another five percent WealthClasses offers both deal with tenants, look for deals, or action. anything else but simply create mon- MEET OUR would have to continue introductory & advanced Let’s say you leveraged the original Classes working to make ends meet, 36 percent would ey out of thin air. Best of all, they $100,000, which you borrowed at 8 per- classes: get paid first! But you couldn’t be cent, four to one at the same rate, which TEAM an be summarizedthe re- one be deceased and with a banker, Paced Classes money out ofna- increased the financingGARY BOMERSHINE • Self banks lend available online to $500,000 total. maining 54 percent would : Financial Freedom for Everyone the deposits that theyday tionwide 24 hours a receive...or Lending out the half Gary’s strong 15 per- million at domain ex- pertise in creative real estate be dead broke. do•they? cent interest would pay out $35,000 at WebClasses available online nationwide transactions, sales & mar- Sobering statistics aside, Gary and George teach their years’ end, even after keting, give him ayour paying back unique students lending strategiesnationwidesource(s). • TeleClasses available online they ability to work with entre- d Success of there is a way to increase your wealth without be- WealthClassesTheCoursesboth online nationwide Throughout their time spent teach- offers available call Live Banker’s Code. Through • MEET OUR preneurs looking to grow introductory &compelling program, in- ing more than 250 students how to become their advanced their business. s ing chained to your desk all of your life: passive income. classes: • Videos and Audios available online dividuals learn howWealthClasses TV 24 hours a day through to use the TEAM private lenders, banker’s secrets to generate pas- Gary and George marized with one otherwise known as Self Paced Classes available online na- Classes, Work- Passive income, • GARY BOMERSHINE ANTONEGEORGE “mailbox money,” offers a stress-free way tionwide sive 24 hours asafely and Mastery • Nationwide without income day Gary’s strong domainhave past five years, Mr. ex- devised a Freedom for Everyone shops, and Seminars offered live on Over the of life, one that many seek but few find. working as hard as they did as weekends pertise in creative realblueprint for suc- his estate Antone has established • WebClasses available online nationwide transactions, sales & mar- that they are in Once you’ve tapped into the power of pas- investors. Their students have reputation as an expert cess keting, give him a unique the fields of private money • Testimonials sive income, you won’t look at money or TeleClasses available online nationwide of achieved an incredible rate ability to work with lending and with deed sharing trust oth- entre- ing the investing addition toway ever again. you•can success; available online nationwide away with In the same gaining knowledge Live Courses theywas completely blown “I have learned how grow They are of- ers. preneurs looking to investing, and has become a their business. national speaker and teacher decision. Boomershine start making Antone, to become the quality, the amount you learn, the Garyalso learn how to and George passive the bank. fering an exclu- on the subjects. income through our affiliate program. real estate investors and lenders, • Videos and Audios available information...” Jay Biggs amount online Private lendingofmagic hap- sive opportunity through WealthClasses TV 24 hours a day ho embrace work with average individuals who are pens when “... we use a combina- be MEGA Mil- you were mentored to to a limited num- l literacy get tion of OPM (Other People’s breakthrough Gary Boomershine and George Antone ber of individu- GEORGE ANTONE seeking ways to improve their passive in- Nationwide Mastery Classes, Work- Promote Wealth Classes and • lionaires through George’s CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE: at work. Over the past five years, Mr. come stream. Teaching their students how shops, and Seminars offered liveYou can Start earning Money Today! weekends and leverage. Money) system...” Dakota Lim on als through a free Antone has established his Wealth Classes, LLC. to set up and replicate the most effective increase your it’s a fantastic seminar on really under- on reputation as an expert inIn this session, wealth by doing exactly what one one strategy session. Freedom, “... 1255 Treat Blvd way to create a passive income, students the banks do. As a private and uncoventional waysGary and fields of private teach you the most Testimonialslookingcreative lender,whichhave efficientSuite 230trustproviding passive in- you standing the George will money lending and learn, step by step, a process of wealth cre- three different lending options,”Anand Ayyar at at cashflow... can method of deed investing, and has become a uild wealthation that many onlyyou can of. n addition to gaining knowledge dream “I was be combined with other strategies to in- completely blown away with Walnut Creek, CA 94597 come available: private lending. national speaker and teacher d of; by help-As an investor, you work hard to create quality, the amount you learn, the exponentially: also learn how to start making passive the crease your passive income If you’re subjects. charge” type of indi- on the a “take amount of information...” Jay Biggs Support: 1 ncome through our affiliate program. ks for you to a passive income for your family. When Debt financing - This simply means that vidual who is willing to strike when you (888) 888-3612 how to get “... we were mentored to be MEGAa percentage and ney, increase you first started, you had to attend semi- you lend money out at Mil- find the right opportunity, now is the best lionaires through George’s breakthrough Promote Wealth Classes and everything you collect repayment of principal plus interest time toFax: advantage of this fabulous CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE: nars, take classes, and learn system...” Dakota Lim take Start earning Money Today! a successful real on a monthly basis. could about how to be for education and Wealth Classes,as the 287-1653 (925) offer, LLC. current market is a highly 2 e introduc- Share your passion estate investor. You had to learn theWe “... it’s a fantastic seminar on reallyYou charge a1255 Treat Blvd one for private lenders. Private y your path to knowledge for creating wealth! tech- Equity financing - under- per- profitable lending VISIT OUR WEBSITE@ because standing creative and uncoventional ways y to Success, provide you with all of the tools youat looking at cashflow... the investor’s profits. Suite 230 niques that work with different markets. centage of ”Anand Ayyar has existed for decades 3 iness! Life as an as an Affiliate. means search- need investor now Combination of both - You collect both Creek, CAit’s lucrative and it’s scalable. If Walnut it’s safe, 94597 ing high and low for suitable properties, a percentage on a monthly basis and a you’ve been looking for the missing key to spending time and money marketing, talk- percentage of the profits as well. Support:generating passive income without all of ing with a lot of people to discuss the deals, When you combine these lending strate- 888-3612 (888) the headaches, you’ve found it! submitting a lot of offers, and dealing with gies with arbitrage (spread) and leverage, Fax: a lot of headaches. your profits are greatly increased; all (925) 287-1653out and with- Check Share your passion for education and And then finally, locating a funding out signing a loan, spending your own mon- start enjoying the freedom today that a knowledge for creating wealth! We passive income stream offers. fast as possible. Investors get ey or even getting your credit checked. provide you with all of the tools you VISIT OUR WEBSITE@ need as an Affiliate. PAGE 10 • 2011
  • 11. Affordable Legal Protection for Investors I by Lori Ellen Fouts not a financial issue but a simple step as a concerning questions. When was the last prudent business-person to get the advice time your health insurance company called f you are a real estate investor, and help that you need to make the best de- you to ask you to please use your policy? agent, broker, homeowner or renter, cisions? Just think of the things you could In fact, you may utilize your plan for most you have often been presented with speak to an attorney about: asset protection, things the same day that you sign up and a contract to sign. How many times loan modifications, short sales, landlord- some pre-existing issues are also covered. have you had that contract reviewed tenant issues in multiple states and identity For last ten years, my family and I have by your attorney before signing? Need- theft, just to name a few topics. What if you been using the Pre-Paid Legal Life Events less to say, that contract was written by could access a top-rated attorney in any Legal Plan. This has helped us with the someone else’s area of law, whenever you wanted, AND day-to-day issues that come up for every- a t t o r n e y, a n attorneys in ALL fifty states? This is where one: The speeding ticket, getting a rental attorney with Pre-Paid Legal (PPL) comes in. PPL is built deposit returned for our college-aged son, their interests on the insurance model where you pay a resolution to the credit card company dis- in mind, not monthly fee and then have a menu of avail- crepancy. yours. able services that are covered under your As for helping me as a real estate inves- Most of us plan. But unlike a very costly health and tor, I could not even begin to say how many do not call an attorney to auto insurance, Pre-Paid Legal has built a times that I have used the service, or could review our documents, successful and affordable service. And un- even begin to calculate how much money I much less to simply ask a like other types of insurance, members are have saved by doing so. Actually, it would question or to find out our encouraged to use their memberships, and be difficult to calculate the savings because rights because of the high use them often! I can’t say I would have used an attorney at hourly costs. Often we To encourage the Pre-Paid Legal mem- $200 to $500 per hour every time I needed don’t know whom ber to use their plans right away, they offer advice on a landlord-tenant issue or have to call. What if call- a comprehensive will at no charge, and en- ing an attorney was courage you to call an attorney to ask any Continued on pg. 54
  • 12. Market Spotlight: JACKSON LOCATION: Jackson, Miss. COMPANIES: company and other investors in our com- HomeStar, LLC munity are having great success. Jackson, Premier Equity Miss., was not a bubble town, we were Group, LLC never inflated like other high-appreciation CONTACT: and over valued areas. We are still retail- Julie Harrison ing houses, therefore we still have great (601) 291-0689 comps and a good mix of home owner- Justin Harrison ship in the areas where we are providing (205) 616-3761 investment properties. The banks are the one’s taking the bath. We continue to pick Q: What kind of opportunities are up their discounted inventory, get the prop- you seeing in your market? erty rehabbed and get it performing again. Julie Harrison: Simply put, great We’re not sure how long its going to last, cash flow. Our investment team has ing. Our bread and butter cash houses can but we are going to take full advantage of established relationships in our community be acquired for $48,500, with an average this slump. that allow our company to acquire qual- rent of $750. It’s really hard to beat! Mis- Q: What is the best part of being an in- ity single family houses in stable sissippi property taxes vestor in your city? neighborhoods, complete with are among the nation’s Julie: The demand for Jackson and our renovations, leased and set up lowest, also contribut- houses has been awesome, we stay sold with property management.Our ing to the great cash out. Investors from across the country are price points are hard to believe flow equation. coming in weekly. We have met investors sometimes. For example, our Q: How is your mar- from California to Australia, investors from investors are able to pick up a 4 ket handling the eco- almost every state have contacted our com- bedroom, 2 bath full brick newly nomic slump? pany at some point. I have built high-end renovated house for $67,000, with Justin Harrison: It re- new construction houses for 30 years, mil- an average rent of $875, which are ally depends on who lion dollar homes. Now I’m buying middle great for 20 percent down financ- you’re talking to. Our income houses and have become a more Julie Harrison
  • 13. Join Us for buy-and-hold Q: Are there any investor. I wish special financing I would have or programs avail- started 20 years Special VIP able that inves- ago, in the last tors should know three years I’ve about? compiled 25 Property Tours Justin: It’s becoming free-and-clear more of a cash game rentals. I’ve never Nice rental home in Jackson, Miss. everyday. With that be- had so much fun with real estate. ing said, we still have 20% down financing Q: Why should investors buy rentals in available. We keep our transactions clean, Educational Investing Tours your area? no creative financing, Julie: You have two key it just doesn’t work in TOP Cash Flow Markets components, the MARKET long term. A 20% down Wealth Wealth Real Estate th A th A e Pu Sp blish e Pu Sp blish ec ec ia ia l Ed s of l Ed s of er er iti Real iti Real on ty on ty fro 41 and the TEAM, the team is fro 41 purchase runs about m 1 m 1 Vol. 1 • No. 1 • 2010 Vol. 1 • No. 1 • 2010 invaluable. I would say we $17,000 out of pocket are bit seasoned, we’ve seen Shares His Secrets! and includes closing Shares His Secrets! it all at this point. We’ve costs. Most investors drilled down to the best can get up to four mort- areas that yield the best re- gages. We do have fi- turns. We really believe in nancing available for Serving the Needs of Accredited Investors - INSIDE: Information to Grow and Maintain Your Wealth Serving the Needs of Accredited Investors - INSIDE: Information to Grow and Maintain Your Wealth 16 19 35 buying a rental property in Words of Wisdom from Maverick Investor Group Bruce Norris Prepares for Annual properties over four, but Masters of Real Estate Reveals the Next BIG Thing “I Survived Real Estate” Charity a home ownership area, ver- Janelle Harrison, baby Willow you have to have strong We’ve Been Investing sus buying a rental property cash reserves. in a rental area. We like to & Justin Harrison in Jackson, Miss. Q: What tips or ad- Out of State for YEARS, have neighborhood pride. vice do you have for our readers? Come Learn & Profit! It all starts with picking a good house Julie: As always, due diligence is key in any and ending with strong property manage- venture and the understanding that we are Meet Our Affiliates, ment. Our turn-key approach tends to work in a long term investment period. Buy and Property Managers & On-the-Ground Teams A 20% down purchase runs about $17,000 in Cash Flowing Cities, out of pocket and includes closing costs. such as: Being • Houston, TX Lansy rda is dlo Ea with the best. We handle the transaction from hold what you can within your means. With start to finish. You have a performing in- our company, we love for our investors to • Phoenix, AZ the RIGHT team! vestment from day one. come visit us and see all the upside to Jack- Q: What makes your company unique? son. We want to meet you and see you face • Cleveland, OH Julie: Experience, thirty years of building has helped establish our in-town relation- to face. We want you to see what • Indianapolis, IN ships from bankers to contractors. Over- you’re investing • Birmingham, AL coming obstacles and backing up our work in. Remember this separates our company from our competi- is a long-term rela- • Kansas City, MO tors. To back that up, we offer a one-year tionship. We want warranty on repairs. Yes, we are that con- you to be comfort- • Butler County, OH fident in our houses. Going back to the TEAM concept, when you buy from us able with our team and we want to be • and Many Other Areas! you join our team. You become an investor with us, it’s a long-term relationship comfortable with Premier Equity Group Team: the investor. Chris Donaldon and Justin PRIVATE & GROUP TOURS Harrison at the Masters. AVAILABLE Contact Us for Details and Tour Schedule — Log On to Our Private Network Featuring Both Long-Term FREE to Join * LIVE Chat Available Hold & Flip Opportunities! We design & deploy eMails or eFaxes to any demographic, industry or city Find Events, Deals, Friends & MORE Instant & Trackable - Special 10% Discount! 310.439.1145 | Call 310.499.9545 or Questions? PAGE 13 • 2011
  • 14. Dorfman Delivers Success Outstanding property management is essential for success and with over 35 years experience, Dorfman Property Management is the industry leader in Indianapolis. The family-run company has owned investment properties since 1960. Jeff Ader, a Dorfman executive, tells us why the company is so special. Q: Tell us a bit about Dorfman Property common mistakes are purchasing in a high Ader: First of all, it’s always important to Management, how did the company come crime or undesirable neighborhood and diversify your investment portfolio. Hav- about? not doing a thorough rehab. ing different asset classifications, such as Jeff Ader: Dorfman Property Manage- real estate, stocks, bonds and precious met- ment was founded 35 years ago by Martin Q: Do you have many clients from out of als, helps reduce risk in your overall invest- Dorfman and his daughter Miriam Ader state and other countries? ment portfolio. to manage family A d e r : Ye s , w e Secondly, people can build wealth and owned properties service many cli- accumulate a high net worth by buying as well as provide ents from Cali- and holding rental properties over a period fee based property fornia as well as of time. Here is a simple example of why management ser- Arizona, Florida, rental properties can be such a powerful vices for Indianap- Hawaii, Illinois, wealth generating investment: olis investors. New York, Ohio, Georgia and many Exhibit A: $20,000 lump sum @ 5% inter- Q: From an inves- more. In addition, est at the end of ten years equals $32,578 tor and managers we have clients point of view, what in Italy, Austra- Exhibit B: $20,000 cash outlay on a are some common lia, France and $100,000 rental property, which leaves mistakes that in- Japan. $80,000 financed with 5% appreciation per vestors make? year at the end of ten years equals $82,889 Ader: Overpaying for a property and not Q: Why do you think people should have doing research about rental amounts. Other rental properties in their portfolio? Continued on pg. 16 Rent your property FAST HIRE Dorfman Property Management Our Available Services:
  • 15. Northern California Based Real Estate Investment Club Expands South to Meet a Surge in Business Kathy Fettke relocates to prices in Sydney or Singapore. Malibu & opens new branch We hope to continue to educate people locally and internation- by Linda Pliagas ally about the opportunities that exist for real estate inves- Malibu, Calif. — Real Wealth Network, the tors today.” internationally-known real estate invest- Fettke, along with her hus- ment club headquartered in Walnut Creek, band Rich, director of busi- Calif., has expanded its offices to South- ness development, and their ern California. For the past six years, Real 11-year-old daughter, Krista, Wealth Network has assisted its members moved to Malibu in Decem- in increasing their wealth through quality ber and have been busy setting education, resources and finding turn-key, up a new home and business high cash-flowing investment properties branch. Director of operations, nationwide. Ron Manabat, remains at the Walnut Creek markets puts $8,000 more per month in our “We need to have a presence in North- office to oversee the Northern California pocket.” Fettke is a prime example of how ern and Southern California to be able to home base. savvy investors can reside in their dream accommodate our investors,” says Kathy The Real Wealth Network team plans to city and fund a lavish California lifestyle Fettke, CEO of Real Wealth Network. host monthly live events in both Northern with out-of-state rentals. Savvy investors can reside in their dream city and fund a lavish California lifestyle with out-of-state rentals. “Eventually we will include New York and and Southern California. Chicago as well, but this is a good start.” The Real Wealth Show, a Top 10 weekly The expansion came shortly after Fettke podcast on iTunes where Fettke shares her returned from Sydney, Australia where veteran real estate investing advice, is con- she met with over 300 prospective inves- tinuing to build an international audience tors who have since purchased hundreds of in over 25 countries. units in the United States through her net- As an investor, Fettke is practicing what work. she preaches. Malibu is a high-priced mar- While in Sydney, Fettke appeared on ket so she chose to rent a residence and buy CNBC’s Squawk Box and was inter- additional rental properties instead. viewed about the U.S. housing market. Explaining her logic, “The mortgage on “The show hosts our $1.2 million Malibu beach home would be twice what we Kathy Fettke talks U.S. real estate in Australia. were amazed that properties could pay in rent. Instead, we are us- To sign up for a free membership, visit be purchased for ing that $1.2 million to buy in- Be sure to less than $50,000 vestment properties outside of download the free report, “7 Steps for New and be rented for California, which bring us three Real Estate Investors.” $750,” Fettke re- times what we pay here in rent! To hear the CNBC interview, please visit: calls. It’s all about cash flow. Renting “They’re not our primary residence and buy- =1678724672&play=1 used to those ing rentals in more affordable The Fettke Family in Malibu, Calif. PAGE 15 • 2011 PAGE 13 • 2011
  • 16. Dorfman Delivers, pg. 14 As you can see, you are utilizing ordinates rehabbing vacancies the power of leverage and appre- and maintenance of occupied ciation of real estate, which can properties. In addition, she turn $20,000 into $83,000 at the communicates with owners to end of 10 years, as opposed to provide guidance about their a savings account that will leave investments and with tenants to you $33,000. This doesn’t even solve problems on a daily basis. take into account a positive cash Q: What makes your property flow of $200 per month, which management unique and why would add an additional $24,000 of income over the 10 year period. This clearly shows how powerful rental property can be as a long- term investment. Q: Tell us about Invest, when did you decide to branch out and start the property sales di- The Dorfman team: Jeff Ader and vision of the company? Rhonda Steele attend a real estate event. Ader: After managing hun- dreds of properties over the do you think your company has years for many individual inves- grown so much? Having different asset classifications, such as real estate, stocks, bonds and precious metals helps reduce risk in your overall investment portfolio. tors through Dorfman Property Ader: Our company has exten- Management, it became appar- sive knowledge of Indianapolis ent that investors needed guid- investment properties both ur- ance in selecting, rehabbing and ban and suburban, resulting in managing their rental properties the ability to advise investors for maximum returns. The con- as to the best areas to maximize cept of a turn-key real estate in- rental income and reduce ex- vestment company that locates, penses. rehabs and positions the prop- We also have the capability of erty for positive cash flow in managing a large volume of in- the Indianapolis area was born. vestment properties yet are able was formed to to provide personalized services help clients locate quality prop- to individual owners. Our leas- erties, at great locations with the ing and operations manager, best cash flow returns and with Rhonda, personally reviews ABSOLUTELY NO EFFORT every tenant application along on their part. with overseeing the details of Q: How long have you been in- the rental process. vesting in real estate? Rhonda’s attention to detail Ader: I personally began invest- and expert knowledge of the ing in 1976. marketplace has resulted in re- Q: Tell me about Rhonda and altor referrals from all over the her role in the company? country. Our philosophy is that Ader: Rhonda Steele is the head by being responsive to prospec- of company operations and leas- tive tenants seven days a week, ing. She is responsible for all and being readily available to aspects of the leasing process set leasing appointments, maxi- as well as supervising leasing mizes the ability to quickly agents and office staff. She co- lease rentals. PAGE 16 • 2011
  • 17.
  • 18. There are many ways to acquire real estate investments with zero money down. 360 Investments® shares their secret recipe on how their clients are adding mul- tiple real estate investments that generate positive cash flow and have built-in equity, without having to put any money down. 360 Investments® provides their clients the entire ingredients, including all the funds necessary to purchase and renovate. Then, they walk each client through the entire direction and process to hold their investments long-term for excellent monthly cash flow while their built- in equity continues to grow. For information, visit
  • 19.
  • 20. The SJREI Association provides the education and networking necessary to enable individuals to make wise, profitable investments. Whether you have yet to purchase your first investment property, or are working on your hun- dredth deal, you’ve found the Bay Area’s most dynamic investors association. At our monthly meetings we host guest speakers who are experts in their fields, providing insightful and current information for real estate investors. In addition, the SJREI Association meetings are an essential tool to assist with building a compre- hensive real estate team. With three chapters spanning the bay, SJREI Association offers excellent programs and network- ing opportunities at a location close to you. Our Mid-Peninsula Chapter meets in Foster City, the South Bay Chapter meets in San Jose, and the East Bay Chapter meets in Pleasanton. The SJREI Association strives to provide its member with the latest, up-to-date information on real estate investing. We are a one-stop-shop of re- sourceful information for the novice and the experi- enced real estate investor. Want to Learn More? Subscribe Today! Receive REI Voice™ Magazine for You found REI Voice™: the Voice of the Profitable Real Estate $19.95 — that’s 35% off the news- Investor and the most recent endeavor of SJREI Association™ For questions or to contact online, visit:. stand price! For information, visit: or SJREI Association | (408) 264-3198 Website:
  • 21. Dave Lindahl’s Syndication Secrets Learn How to Grow Your Portfolio FASTER K nown as the “Apartment King” modest three-unit rental in a depressed people’s annual salary! and the leading authority on area of Boston. He soon made a goal to How did Lindahl acquire so many commercial real estate invest- acquire 1,000 units as quickly as pos- properties and accrue an abundance ing, Dave Lindahl currently sible, so he transformed himself from of cash flow in such little time? Using a owns more than 7,500 multi- “a dead broke landscaper” into a savvy sophisticated technique that investors family units in some of the nation’s best syndicator. call OPM (Other People’s Money). emerging markets. His private acquisition Within a short time frame, he was By offering accredited investors an firm, the Bostonian Investment Group, managing millions of dollars worth of opportunity to join him on deals, Lindahl also owns interests in retail centers, self assets on a national scale. In fact, it only was able to reach the destination to real storage facilities and office buildings took him 3 1/2 years from the time he estate riches much faster. He estimates Like most investors, Lindahl started started investing to be able to retire and he’s raised more than $30 million in out small. His first purchase was a enjoy a monthly income larger than most capital from investors around the world. PAGE 21 • 2011
  • 22. His success came so quickly and Investors can also control much larger Tell us how your bootcamps and self- profoundly that soon others began to re- real estate deals than they would have, study courses help investors learn to quest his knowledge, which led Lindahl had they not participated in the syndica- package it all together? to become a top educator in the industry. tion. Lindahl: They basically take you step by He has shared the stage with such lumi- step throughout the whole process. First naries as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki Q: Dave, we know you come from a of all, I show you where the money is so and Donald Trump. In fact, Trump asked very close-knit family. Were your sib- you know where to find it. A lot of people Lindahl to write a book on commercial lings and extended family some of don’t know anybody with money because real estate, “Trump University Commer- cial Real Estate 101: How Small Inves- tors Can Get Started and Make It Big.” Lindahl has also authored numerous other books and courses including such best sellers as Emerging Real Estate Markets, Apartment House Riches, and The Real Estate Marketers’ Tool Kit. What’s most surprising is that Lindahl was at first reluctant to accept responsi- bility for other people’s money, but he re- alized it was the only way he could reach his goal of amassing 10,000 units. So, he set out to formulate a program to stream- line the process and ensure maximum success. We recently caught up with Dave in be- tween his travels to discuss syndications and their importance in growing a well- balanced real estate portfolio. “The Real Estate Business is Really a MARKETING Business” your early investors? they are hanging around in the wrong Question: When did you discover the Lindahl: When I started investing, I be- places. So I show my students where to power of real estate syndication? came partners with my brother and sis- locate people with money. Dave Lindahl: I started syndicating more ter, but they weren’t my investors. When Secondly, I prepare my students on than seven years ago, when I realized I started out, my siblings were all broke, what to say when they attend events or that it was easier to buy bigger properties so they did not have any money to put locations where there are people with than smaller properties. into my deals. That’s why I had to go after money. I teach them the initial introduc- I was self-funding my own deals before investors. My father, who told me to stay tion and how to offer an opportunity. We that and I realized I was going to need away from real estate when I first started, never ask for money, we always offer op- a lot more money to reach my goal. By actually became a very large investor in portunities. then, my objective had changed from many of my deals and still is. Next, we teach how to close for the [owning] 1,000 units to 10,000 units. I re- second presentation, which is usually a alized the more I could get other people Q: Is it a good idea to start with friends lunch or dinner presentation. There you to partner up with me, the more deals I and families when raising capital for lay out exactly who you are and what you could buy. syndications? do. Of course, my students also learn Lindahl: Doing business with family mem- how to structure deals properly. Q: From an investor’s point of view, bers can be a great way to start, but when One important thing to note is that if what are some positive aspects to ac- family and friends are involved there can you’re going to be pulling in money in a quiring properties through a syndica- be more emotional involvement in the deal, you have to consider the Securi- tion? deal. I do see a lot of my students start ties and Exchange Commission (SEC). Lindahl: Joining a syndication is great for with family and friends then graduate to A good part of the training is how to stay busy investors because they don’t have larger investors. within the boundaries of SEC regulations. to deal with management, they can have People always ask me: “How do I avoid passive income and participate in the ap- Q: Organizing syndications takes a lot the Securities Exchange Commission preciation of a deal. of skill, expertise and marketing flair. rules.” I always say, “You don’t, you just PAGE 22 • 2011
  • 23. follow their rules, which are easy Upcoming Events style, are you buying and holding or rules to follow but you have to know are you doing short-term deals by re- what they are.” by Dave Lindahl positioning ? The most important part of my Lindahl: It depends on the market and the syndication training is how to man- PRIVATE MONEY SYNDICATION type of property. We typically like to hold age the deal and how to manage San Diego, CA ... May 20-22 and maximize the appreciation since the the investors. Now, I’m not speak- deals we acquire have strong cashflow. ing about how to be a landlord, I’m FORECLOSURE BOOT CAMP talking about how to be an asset Chicago, IL ... June 3-5 Q: Donald Trump asked you to write manager. Because as a syndicator, the book on commercial real estate for you have to manage your investors, MANAGING THE MANAGER his educational series, how was it to which can be more difficult than work with him? Boston, MA ... June 10-12 managing properties. Lindahl: Donald is a true delegator. If you’ve ever seen “The Apprentice”, he is Q: Really, that’s interesting, why COMMERCIAL TRAINING ACADEMY just like the way he is in on the show. He’s is that, Dave? Boston, MA ... July 15-17 tough, but fair and down deep he’s actu- Lindahl: Because of the emotions, ally a very caring person. because of the personalities. And APARTMENT HOUSE RICHES it’s always the person who puts in Boston, MA ... September 13-16 Q: Besides Trump who are some other the least amount of money who is real estate leaders that you admire? always the biggest pain in the butt! Lindahl: My first mentor was a guy by the ey will come,” but it’s always a good idea name of Mark Shavell from Cape Cod, Q: It must be such an awesome feeling to be marketing for both at all times. Mass. He really introduced me to con- to know that people place such trust servative investing and commercial real and high regard in you and your deals Question: Your private acquisition estate. for them to invest with you. company the Bostonian Investment I also look up to Sam Zell out of Chi- Lindahl: It is. But when I first started, I Group is known for acquiring large cago. He is known as “the grave dancer,” didn’t really want to be responsible for multifamily complexes and I know you because he made his billions buying in other people’s money. It took me a while also invest in self-storage facilities. markets just like these, markets that are to start offering opportuni- down. ties so that others could Q: Besides commer- come into my deals. But a cial real estate, your ex- lot of people wanted to be pertise is also in locating involved and I realized it emerging markets. Can you would give us the ability to give readers a tip on how to do more deals. However, locate a booming area? a lot of responsibility goes Lindahl: It’s all about job along with having other growth and an increase in people’s money, and it population. We follow and takes time and special- read the business periodicals ized knowledge to be able on a regular basis and also re- to do that properly. search demographic trends. Q: What comes first: The Q: Do you have any other deal or the investor? tips or suggestions for our Lindahl: Both. The real readers? estate business is really a Lindahl: Putting together a marketing business. You syndication allows investors need to be marketing all to use leverage and acquire the time. You should be larger deals using other peo- marketing for deals and ple’s money as equity. It also you should be marketing gives investors confidence to for money. What other type of properties do you get into larger deals knowing they always If you don’t have [monetary] commit- like to acquire? have the resources behind them. ments for any deals that may come up, Lindahl: We also buy triple net lease — Interview by Linda Pliagas when you go to negotiate for one, sub- (NNN) properties, office buildings and consciously you will negotiate from weak- retail centers. Actually, retail centers are ness because you know you don’t have our favorite type of property acquisition at Receive Dave Lindahl’s “Insider Secrets the money. A lot of people actually self- the moment. to Creating Wealth” for FREE, simply call sabotage themselves by doing this. 1-800-559-8590 or visit: I’ve heard, “If it’s a good deal, the mon- Q: What is your current investing PAGE 23 • 2011
  • 24. Where Do You Buy Now? The Search for a 10% growth Market by Charles Salisbury, MBA A loan and property taxes ll successful investments begin kets that I seek. You can paid. Additional expens- with a plan of action and steps find these markets through es such as repairs and designed to support your ob- various ways, including the 10% property man- jective. The more time you put reading national publica- agement fee is also a tax into finding the right investment, the more tions like Forbes and For- benefit. experience you’ll get. And, like all other tune, which identify growth I’ve had people attend things in life, you will get better at find- trends and publish must- my $39 seminar and tell ing great investment opportunities. Mak- read information like “The me that they were of- ing mistakes is part of the process because 10 Hottest Urban Growth fered real estate courses there is no perfect process or perfect in- Markets” or “The Best for $5,000, which will vestment. People are different and invest- Places To Retire.” teach them how to make a “fortune rehab- ments are different. Results vary over time Many other publications will also identi- bing foreclosures.” There are TV programs because markets shift. What worked yes- fy growth areas. I occasionally receive tips glamorizing the role of “simple folk” who terday might not work the same next time. from residents of a local area who tell me can “flip” properties and get rich. It’s good So, being adaptive and flexible is important about all the activity going on in their com- entertainment, but it’s only for the pro- when searching for the right place to invest munity. When you live in a growth area, fessionals. If you’re not in the real estate your money. you can’t help but know it. You can see and business full time and able to do most of Looking for a growth area in real estate experience the growth. the work yourself, then it’s not for you. is no different. I will share with you the If you don’t live in a growth area, but The risk is too great and the profits are too way I look for undervalued markets so that want to locate them, you can find out where small. You don’t need to spend money to you can mimic me or use my experience as Wal Mart and Kmart are building their new learn how to loose money under the false a resource to add value to whatever you’re super centers or find out where those new impression that you will “make a fortune.” doing. building supply houses are locating new Real estate is the number one investment My initial goals are to locate areas in the stores. Lowe’s doesn’t build large stores to in America and you can ensure your future U.S. where growth is almost predictable sell building supplies unless there is a need. by building a secure investment real estate because certain infrastructure investments Using common sense and knowing what to business. You can also lose money by mak- have already been made. Growth areas are look for will be important in your search ing bad decisions and in real estate you own identified by new roads or the widening for growth markets. the mistake when you own the property. existing ones to handle increased traffic. The final test for me is an actual visit to The program that I outline in my book, Usually the growth areas are suburban as the area. Go there, rent a car and travel the “The Incredible Investment Book: The an established and aging community finds area. Talk to local residents and businesses #1 Way to Invest in the #1 Investment in its citizens looking for better schools, bet- and ask about plans for the future. The lo- America,” is conservative and very disci- ter shopping and newer recreation facili- cal residents know what is being planned plined. It is designed to avoid common mis- ties. Corporate America also searches for by reading their local newspaper. It costs takes and protect your investment. Faith in urban flight and growth to determine where money to do research, but the reward will yourself begins with having faith in some- they are going to expand and build those be a pay back for many years to come. thing or someone that has stood the test of new superstores. County governments usu- Because the demographics change over time. The advice in my book was inspired ally lead the way by identifying urban ar- time, it is always advisable to return to the by every mistake I made in real estate for eas that are primed for growth. They fund website to locate the the past 30 years. I wrote it to save you the newly created redevelopment areas, which new areas of interest and see a selection of headaches and heartaches I’ve endured in include new roads, freeways, industrial homes in the 10% growth areas. Also, the the quest for real estate success. parks and schools. That attracts major re- tax benefits may change over time. Despite tailers and businesses. the fact that you are only putting 20% down Register online at www.TenPercentDown. In looking for growth that will support payment and using 80% of other people’s com for complimentary reports on any my 10% property appreciation objective, money (OPM), you’ll enjoy 100% of the areas the company is buying in and/or I am a follower, not a leader. Corporate tax benefits. For example, you can depre- researching. For more information about America and local governments determine ciate your investment property over 27.5 Charles Salisbury, please contact him where it will be and create the growth mar- years, deduct the interest on your mortgage directly at: 949-910-6028 PAGE 24 • 2011