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Case Study
business case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
For this LDCS Submission 2 assignment, you will write a fully developed real-life story
based on your own experience, as you proposed in the LDCS Submission 1. The setting of a
case study is the story— and should be drawn from your real-life experiences. However,
remember names and places need to be changed. Credible Case Studies do not include real
names of people, places, or organizations. Make sure your LDCS story is academically well-
written. Follow the case study criteria (Davis, 1993) and best practices listed below.
Your story will be the “set up” for your Leadership Development Case Study, and therefore
should describe a situation and stop at the most interesting moment (cliffhanger) to allow
for your readers to analyze for learning.
Write 600-800 words for your LDCS Story.
DAVIS 1993):
tells a "real" and engaging story,
raises a thought-provoking issue,
has elements of conflict,
promotes empathy with the central characters,
lacks an obvious or clear-cut right answer,
encourages students to think and take a position,
portrays actors in a moment of decision,
provides plenty of data about character, location, context, and actions, and
is relatively concise.
Although based on facts, a valuable case study story:
must be written in an engaging way,
have a conflict, or a dilemma, about which the reader will have to make a decision,
include some "facts" that may be carefully invented to make the story align with the lesson
to learn, and
begin with a sentence or paragraph that immediately attracts the reader's attention.
Some writers call this a "hook" or a "grabber" that tells of a dramatic event, issue, or
statement that engages the reader, through surprise or shock.
In this part of the LDCS Submission 2, you will provide answers to your five analysis
questions. This is the most substantial part of the work. You will write the answers in a way
that demonstrates your knowledge of course content and how you connect the course's
content and materials to the story.
➤You must cite resources from the course (Coursera lectures, required readings, and Live
Session content can all be used).
➤Your answers should follow these requirements for each of the five analysis questions:
You will write the answers in a way that demonstrates your knowledge of course content
and how you connect it to the story.
Write 300-500 words for the answer to EACH of your five analysis questions.
You will cite at minimum of one unique and different reference for each answer to the five
analysis questions.
As a result, you will include at least five distinct and different references (cited sources in
correct APA or MLA format, your choice) from the BADM 508 course (both Canvas, Coursera
MOOC 1, and Coursera MOOC 2) across all answers to each of your five analysis questions.
REMEMBER: Cite one or more references from the course content for EACH answer to EACH
Use correctly formatted in-text citations (APA or MLA, your choice) to demonstrate how the
references cited are used in your answers.
Example of in-text citation: Evidence suggests that self-awareness is a key skill for effective
leaders (Eurich, 2018).
You will include all cited sources in each of your five answers in your full reference list that
you will place at the end of the case study on a separate page(s). Again, remember to follow
correct APA or MLA formatting for your reference page(s).
Where applicable, consider multiple ways of answering a question. Not all analysis
questions will lend themselves to this but consider competing or complementary
perspectives where it makes sense to do so. This analytical practice demonstrates your
ability to wrestle with complex material and ideas.
This part of your LDCS Submission 2 is what you provide the readers of your Leadership
Development Case Study.
Write 3–5 lessons you have learned from writing about your real-life experience and
analyzing it through the content in MOOC 1 and MOOC 2.
In other words, what are the lessons learned you might share with others in future
leadership situations?
Identify 2 skills you will commit to practicing in your growth in this area as a leader to close
this leadership gap.
Include what success of your practice will look like.
Requirements: 800-1000
Leadership Development Case Study Proposal
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code & Name
Due Date
Leadership Development Case Study Proposal
Part A Step 1: Leadership Gap for Growth
I aim to become a confident and effective leader who can resolve conflicts efficiently and
build positive relationships. However, currently, I have inadequate conflict resolution skills.
My inadequate conflict resolution skills are shown by my tendency to react emotionally and
escalate conflicts rather than calmly and respectfully finding mutually beneficial solutions.
Therefore, I need to improve my conflict mitigation skills to become a more effective leader.
Part A Step 2: Leadership Description Story
I was recently involved in a situation where my conflict resolution skills were under test. In
the organization I work for, I was the team leader of a group working on a project to help
the company, Alpha Paradise (not the organization's actual name), transition some of its
roles, including mine, to fully remote working. With a tight deadline, the team faced a major
setback due to increased pressure from top management. Amid the stress, team members
John and Jane (not their real names) were not meeting expectations, creating tension
between themselves as they blamed each other for their performance issues. As the group
leader, I had an opportunity to grow my conflict resolution skills and address John and
Jane's issues in a way that maintained the team's morale and productivity and promoted a
positive relationship between Jane and John. Both parties approached me with their version
of the conflict's source. I felt that each one of them was right in their perspective. However, I
was in a quandary as I did not know how to resolve the conflict.
Part B Step 1: 3-5 Concepts Linked to Leadership Gap for Growth
Emotional Intelligence
Building Relationships in Negotiation
Biases and heuristics
Part B Step 2: Five Analysis Questions
How could my approach to conflict resolution have been improved from how I handled the
Jane and John situation?
What role does emotional intelligence play in handling conflicts in teams, and how could I
have used it to improve the situation with John and Jane?
In what ways could I have used my self-awareness to approach the situation with John and
Jane differently and more effectively?
How could my skills in building relationships and negotiation have helped me resolve the
conflict between John and Jane in a more positive manner?
What is the importance of mentoring in improving a leader's conflict resolution skills?
Part C: Question Responses according to Cited BADM 508 Course Concepts and Materials
Question 1: How could my approach to conflict resolution have been improved from how I
handled the Jane and John situation?
Through accommodating both parties (Brooks & John, 2018).
Through fostering collaboration in conflict resolution (Dillon & Bourke, 2016).
Reference list Citations
Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press.
Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review.
Question 2: What role does emotional intelligence play in handling conflicts in teams, and
how could I have used it to improve the situation with John and Jane?
Emotional intelligence is critical in conflict resolution since it allows individuals to
understand and manage their own emotions and recognize and respond to the emotions of
others (Chen et al., 2019).
Emotional intelligence could have been helpful in this situation by improving my ability to
recognize and understand Jane and John's own emotions, promoting empathy and rapport
during conflict resolution.
Reference list Citation
Chen, H. X., Xu, X., & Phillips, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and conflict management
styles. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 458-470.
Question 3: In what ways could I have used my self-awareness to approach the situation
with John and Jane differently and more effectively?
Self-awareness is essential for effective leadership (Bracht et al., 2021).
Self-awareness enables leaders to understand their strengths, weaknesses, values, and
biases and how they impact their decision-making and behavior.
Reference list Citations
Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). .
Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a "Selfie":
examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and self-
efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635085.
Question 4: How could my skills in building relationships and negotiation have helped me
resolve the conflict between John and Jane in a more positive manner?
Building relationships in negotiation can help in this situation by promoting open
communication and mutual respect between team members, reducing the likelihood of
conflict (Nunkoo et al., 2021).
The leader can use active listening and persuasive communication skills to find common
ground and come to an agreement that satisfies both parties.
By understanding the interests and needs of both John and Jane, I can identify the root cause
of the conflict and find a solution that addresses their concerns while also maintaining the
team's productivity and morale.
Reference list Citation
Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team conflict dynamics & conflict management:
derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and
software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 545-552.
Question 5: What is the importance of mentoring in improving a leader's conflict resolution
Mentorship is regarded as a pivotal element in leadership improvement (Lee et al., 2020)
Mentors can provide constructive feedback on a leader's conflict resolution approach,
helping them to improve and avoid repeating past mistakes.
Through regular discussions and observations, mentors can help leaders develop and refine
key conflict resolution skills such as active listening, empathy, communication, and
negotiation. This leads to more effective resolution of conflicts in the future.
Reference list Citation
Lee, J., Sunerman, H., & Hastings, L. (2020). The Influence of Being a Mentor on Leadership
Development: Recommendations for Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences. Journal of
Leadership Education, 19(3).
Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a "Selfie":
examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and self-
efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635085.
Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review.
Chen, H. X., Xu, X., & Phillips, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and conflict management
styles. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 458-470.
Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press.
Lee, J., Sunerman, H., & Hastings, L. (2020). The Influence of Being a Mentor on Leadership
Development: Recommendations for Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences. Journal of
Leadership Education, 19(3).
Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). .
Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team conflict dynamics & conflict management:
derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and
software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 545-552.
Module 1: Defining Leadership
Leadership is a journey, not an end state. In this module, you will begin to explore the
concept of leadership to set the stage for your own growth as a leader. We will provide a
definition of leadership that will give you areas of growth to pay attention to over the
remainder of the course. In addition to defining leadership, we will explore a brief history of
leadership as a field of study and highlight the key competencies and roles that leaders can
develop to succeed in today's business environment.
Goals and Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Articulate a shared definition of leadership
Define the key leadership theories that have dominated business leadership research
Identify leadership competencies that are foundational to developing as a leader
Explore different roles that leaders can play
Reflect on the kind of leader you want to be
Key Phrases/Concepts
Theories of leadership (trait, behaviorist, contingency, relational)
Coach, Mentor, Sponsor
Module 2: Strategic Self-Leadership
Effective leadership starts with the self. Leading others is a relationship, and therefore we
have to own our role in the process of leadership. In this module, we will explore the idea of
leader identity –do you see yourself as a leader? -and how this affects our ability to lead
effectively. We will look at the science of self-awareness, helping to articulate what self-
awareness means and how to cultivate it. We will dive deeply into human decision making –
identifying what helps us make both effective and ethical decisions. Finally, we wrap this
module with the idea of psychological well-being, which is arguably one of the most topical
issues for leaders today.
Goals and Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Articulate your leader identity
Describe the concept of self-awareness
Identify the barriers to effective and ethical decision-making
Develop a practice for improving psychological well-being as a leader
Key Phrases/Concepts
Keep your eyes open for the following key terms or phrases as you interact with the
lectures and complete the activities.
Leader identity
Biases and heuristics
TRAGEDIES (a framework for ethical decision-making)
Burnout and well-being
Guiding Questions
Develop your answers to the following guiding questions while watching lectures and
working on assignments throughout the module.
How can I cultivate internal and external self-awareness?
What are some of the most significant barriers to my decision-making as a leader?
Where might I get off track and make ineffective or unethical decisions?
How can I cultivate my own well-being to optimize my leadership capacity?
Module 3: Leading Others
To lead effectively, we have to understand our relationships with others. In this module, we
will explore key concepts that help us build trusting relationships and understand the
people who look to us as leaders. We start with arguably one of the most important
concepts of the past couple of decades – Emotional Intelligence. From here, we define the
importance of trust and how to build trusting relationships. We look at the way power –
both formal power and psychological feelings of power – can affect our ability to build those
trusting relationships. Finally, we consider how to navigate differences of opinion – by
discussing negotiation and conflict management strategies as leaders.
Goals and Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Define Emotional Intelligence and its relevance for leaders
Articulate the reason trust is so foundational to effective leadership
Cultivate practices in relationships that build trust
Identify the ways in which power can inhibit effective leadership
Use the concepts of negotiation and conflict management to have better disagreements and
to manage differences of opinion more effectively
Key Phrases/Concepts
Keep your eyes open for the following key terms or phrases as you interact with the
lectures and complete the activities.
Emotional Intelligence
Oxytocin and Cortisol
Five bases of power
Creating value, Claiming Value, Building Relationships in Negotiation
Guiding Questions
Develop your answers to the following guiding questions while watching lectures and
working on assignments throughout the module.
How can I develop my Emotional Intelligence as a leader?
Why is trust so foundational to effective leadership?
What practices can I start to use to develop trust?
How might my feelings of power influence my ability to connect with others at work?
What if I frame negotiation and conflict as an opportunity, instead of something to avoid?
Module 4: Growing as a Leader
Leadership growth requires constant attention in practice. In this module, we introduce you
to the three C’s - three key practices to cultivate as you continue to develop as a leader. We
explore why Curiosity, Courage, and Commitment matter and how you can practice them
Goals and Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Articulate why leadership requires practice
Define curiosity and why it is helpful for effective leadership growth
Identify the value of courage and how it connects to vulnerability for leadership growth
Describe the fundamental ideas behind commitment, developing a specific and tailored
practice for continued leadership growth
Key Phrases/Concepts
Keep your eyes open for the following key terms or phrases as you interact with the
lectures and complete the activities.
Framework for developing as a leader
Guiding Questions
Develop your answers to the following guiding questions while watching lectures and
working on assignments throughout the module.
How can I play with the three C’s in my own leadership development?
How can I create a practice for myself to test out new ideas and to reflect on them for
Where do I struggle the most? Do I find it difficult to be curious? To show courage? To
commit to a practice for growth?
Benmira, S., Agboola, M. (2021) . BMJ Leader, 5(1), 3–5
Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). .
Leading Effectively Staff. (2022, April 18). . Center for Creative Leadership.
Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review.
Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press.
A Case Study on Conflict Resolution Skills in Leadership
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Part A: LDCS Story
Martin is preparing to lead the project team of the Company. The Company is
working on a complex project that embarks on changing its role to remote operations.
Martin's role as the team leader is to ensure that the team arrives at effective decisions
without conflict while providing positive relationships between members. However,
pressure is mounting on Martin and the entire team as the deadlines are fixed while the top
management is under pressure to perform. This places Martin's skills in conflict mitigation
under the test.
Issues are piling up among team members as they need help managing the stressful
conditions imposed by pressure. Two team members, John and Jane, always blame each
other for their poor performances. All the time, John blames Jane for not contributing
efficiently to group activities, which has affected their relationships. The blame on each
other has forced them to resolve frequent fights and rough exchanges of words. Time
passes, and John and Jane stop talking to each other. John and Jane's situation is escalating
and dragging down the project's timeline.
The situation is worsening every day between John and Jane. Their relationship is
deteriorating, as they need to cooperate and engage in daily activities. Their conflicts
anchors on the pressure mounted by the short deadlines and from the management on
performance. The conflict between John and Jane translates to affect the Company's
performance. The Company's situation is devastating and requires strong leadership skills
to assess change and success in the project's objectives. Both resolved to report their cases
to the team leader. Each party presents its grievances to the team leader. The team leader
listens to both sides of the story to assess their point of view. The team leader feels each
perspective is correct. However, the team leader responds without rapport while
addressing their issues. The team leader's response does not impress John and Jane. Martin
further does not listen to both parties but instead listens to Jane, which discourages John.
While trying to solve their issues, the team leader needs to engage other project staff, thus
settling on individual decision-making. The problem is disturbing John as Jane is favored all
the time. With a few days remaining before the project deadline, the team must resolve the
conflicts by collaborating and actively accommodating both parties. Although John and Jane
have lost confidence in Martin, there is still a chance to change and create a positive
relationship. Martin needs to value each team member to impact the best decision and
outcomes for the project.
Part B: Five LDCS Analysis and their Answers
Question 1: How could my approach to conflict resolution have been improved from how I
handled the Jane and John situation?
Considering Martin's minimal knowledge of resolving conflicts, he was unprepared to
solve the conflicts among project team members. However, his approach to conflict
resolution could have improved by listening and valuing John’s and Jane’s perspectives.
According to Brooks and John (2018), an effective conflict resolution strategy involves
evaluating both sides of the evidence or parties to arrive at the best solution while
maximizing the member relationship. Besides, Martin's approach to conflict mitigation may
be improved by fostering collaboration with the resolution procedures. By collaborating
with other project officials, Martin could have resolved the conflict between John and Jane.
Collaboration in conflict resolution is paramount as it incorporates marching perspectives,
integrating solutions, learning about the conflict and other parties, and acquiring
commitments (Dillon & Burke, 2016). If Martin accommodated both parties and ensured
collaboration, there conflicts between John and Jane could be resolved.
Question 2: What role does emotional intelligence play in handling conflicts in teams, and
could I have used it to improve the situation with John and Jane?
Emotional intelligence is a crucial strength for a team leader. The tool equips leaders with
the ability to listen, ask questions, make clear statements, understand others' points of view,
and explain outcomes (Chen et al., 2019). However, Martin could have utilized Emotional
intelligence by accommodating John and Jane's emotions, thus responding with empathy
and rapport. The team leader, Martin could have clamed down both John and Jane, thus
anchoring the conflict resolution process without irrelevant emotions.
Question 3: In what ways could I have used my self-awareness to approach the situation
John and Jane differently and more effectively?
The roles and responsibilities of organizational leaders require the outcomes of self-
awareness. During conflicts, emotions are in full play, and opinions differ broadly; thus,
awareness of oneself may cause a change in escalation (Neuhaus, 2020). Self-awareness
intervenes deeply in leadership, enabling leaders to recognize their strengths and
weaknesses (Bracht et al., 2021). Instead of responding with temper, Martin could have
used self-awareness to understand his values and their contribution to the decision-making
process. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, Martin could have become more
confident in solving the conflict. Altogether, self-awareness helps in setting goals for a
Question 4: How could my skills in building relationships and negotiation have helped me
resolve the conflict between John and Jane more positively?
Positive relationship among team members creates a growth environment. Practical skills
in building relations promote mutual respect and communication, eliminating the
probability of conflicts (Nunkoo et al., 2021). Practical skills in building negotiation
relationships promote active listening and persuasive communication, thus finding common
ground in the conflict. Skills in building relationships could have helped me to explain the
importance of each team member, thus eliminating false perception against each other.
Additionally, relationships are crucial in conflict management as they force leaders to
understand the needs and interests of team members. By understanding each other, team
productivity and morale are attained.
Question 5: What is the importance of mentoring in improving a leader's conflict resolution
Mentorship emerges as a crucial skill in leadership improvement programs. Lee et al.
(2020) support mentorship stating that it relies on the ideas of an experienced entity.
Mentorship is pertinent across team leaders as it relays constructive feedback that
eliminates repetitive mistakes. That is, frequent coaching embarks on frequent discussions
and observations, which develops empathy, active listening, and communication. Generally,
mentoring incorporates experience and expertise in conflict resolution.
Part C
Lessons Learnt
The analysis of the current case study delves deeply into the roles of conflict resolution in
leadership development. I learned the skills of self-awareness, emotional intelligence,
building relationships, and mentoring.
Firstly, I have learnt how to react emotionally in times of conflict by listening actively,
accommodating both parties, and responding with clear statements.
I have learnt the importance of mentoring and building relationships, which creates a
growth environment.
I have on how to maintain self-awareness by recognizing my strengths and weaknesses.
Skills for Practice
I will embark on practicing self-awareness. I will respond to peers' feedback after
understanding their strengths and weaknesses. I will regulate my emotions to avoid
I will practice more on building positive relationships. I will address each member's needs
and interests in the decision-making process.
Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a "Selfie":
examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and self-
efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635085.
Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review.
Chen, H. X., Xu, X., & Phillips, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and conflict management
styles. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 458-470.
Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press.
Lee, J., Sunerman, H., & Hastings, L. (2020). The Influence of Being a Mentor on Leadership
Development: Recommendations for Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences. Journal of
Leadership Education, 19(3).
Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). .
Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team conflict dynamics & conflict management:
derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and
software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 545-552.

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Case study.pdf

  • 1. Case Study business case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. TITLE PAGE AND PART A: FULLY WRITTEN CASESTUDY STORY, 2) PART B: FIVE ANALYSIS QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS TO EACH OF YOUR FIVE QUESTIONS WITH CORRECTLY FORMATTED APA OR MLA (YOUR CHOICE) IN-TEXT CITATIONS, 3) PART C: LESSONS LEARNED AND NEXT STEPS, PART A: LDCS STORY For this LDCS Submission 2 assignment, you will write a fully developed real-life story based on your own experience, as you proposed in the LDCS Submission 1. The setting of a case study is the story— and should be drawn from your real-life experiences. However, remember names and places need to be changed. Credible Case Studies do not include real names of people, places, or organizations. Make sure your LDCS story is academically well- written. Follow the case study criteria (Davis, 1993) and best practices listed below. Your story will be the “set up” for your Leadership Development Case Study, and therefore should describe a situation and stop at the most interesting moment (cliffhanger) to allow for your readers to analyze for learning. Write 600-800 words for your LDCS Story. A GOOD STORY AS A BASIS FOR A CASE STUDY DOES THE FOLLOWING (ACCORDING TO DAVIS 1993): tells a "real" and engaging story, raises a thought-provoking issue, has elements of conflict, promotes empathy with the central characters, lacks an obvious or clear-cut right answer, encourages students to think and take a position, portrays actors in a moment of decision, provides plenty of data about character, location, context, and actions, and is relatively concise. CASE STUDY STORY BEST PRACTICES: Although based on facts, a valuable case study story: must be written in an engaging way, have a conflict, or a dilemma, about which the reader will have to make a decision,
  • 2. include some "facts" that may be carefully invented to make the story align with the lesson to learn, and begin with a sentence or paragraph that immediately attracts the reader's attention. Some writers call this a "hook" or a "grabber" that tells of a dramatic event, issue, or statement that engages the reader, through surprise or shock. PART B: LDCS ANALYSIS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS In this part of the LDCS Submission 2, you will provide answers to your five analysis questions. This is the most substantial part of the work. You will write the answers in a way that demonstrates your knowledge of course content and how you connect the course's content and materials to the story. ➤You must cite resources from the course (Coursera lectures, required readings, and Live Session content can all be used). ➤Your answers should follow these requirements for each of the five analysis questions: You will write the answers in a way that demonstrates your knowledge of course content and how you connect it to the story. Write 300-500 words for the answer to EACH of your five analysis questions. You will cite at minimum of one unique and different reference for each answer to the five analysis questions. As a result, you will include at least five distinct and different references (cited sources in correct APA or MLA format, your choice) from the BADM 508 course (both Canvas, Coursera MOOC 1, and Coursera MOOC 2) across all answers to each of your five analysis questions. REMEMBER: Cite one or more references from the course content for EACH answer to EACH question. Use correctly formatted in-text citations (APA or MLA, your choice) to demonstrate how the references cited are used in your answers. Example of in-text citation: Evidence suggests that self-awareness is a key skill for effective leaders (Eurich, 2018). You will include all cited sources in each of your five answers in your full reference list that you will place at the end of the case study on a separate page(s). Again, remember to follow correct APA or MLA formatting for your reference page(s). Where applicable, consider multiple ways of answering a question. Not all analysis questions will lend themselves to this but consider competing or complementary perspectives where it makes sense to do so. This analytical practice demonstrates your ability to wrestle with complex material and ideas. PART C: LESSONS LEARNED AND NEXT STEPS This part of your LDCS Submission 2 is what you provide the readers of your Leadership Development Case Study. Write 3–5 lessons you have learned from writing about your real-life experience and analyzing it through the content in MOOC 1 and MOOC 2. In other words, what are the lessons learned you might share with others in future leadership situations? Identify 2 skills you will commit to practicing in your growth in this area as a leader to close this leadership gap.
  • 3. Include what success of your practice will look like. Requirements: 800-1000 Leadership Development Case Study Proposal Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code & Name Lecturer Due Date Leadership Development Case Study Proposal Part A Step 1: Leadership Gap for Growth I aim to become a confident and effective leader who can resolve conflicts efficiently and build positive relationships. However, currently, I have inadequate conflict resolution skills. My inadequate conflict resolution skills are shown by my tendency to react emotionally and escalate conflicts rather than calmly and respectfully finding mutually beneficial solutions. Therefore, I need to improve my conflict mitigation skills to become a more effective leader. Part A Step 2: Leadership Description Story I was recently involved in a situation where my conflict resolution skills were under test. In the organization I work for, I was the team leader of a group working on a project to help the company, Alpha Paradise (not the organization's actual name), transition some of its roles, including mine, to fully remote working. With a tight deadline, the team faced a major setback due to increased pressure from top management. Amid the stress, team members John and Jane (not their real names) were not meeting expectations, creating tension between themselves as they blamed each other for their performance issues. As the group leader, I had an opportunity to grow my conflict resolution skills and address John and Jane's issues in a way that maintained the team's morale and productivity and promoted a positive relationship between Jane and John. Both parties approached me with their version of the conflict's source. I felt that each one of them was right in their perspective. However, I was in a quandary as I did not know how to resolve the conflict. Part B Step 1: 3-5 Concepts Linked to Leadership Gap for Growth Emotional Intelligence Building Relationships in Negotiation Self-awareness Biases and heuristics Coach/Mentor Part B Step 2: Five Analysis Questions How could my approach to conflict resolution have been improved from how I handled the Jane and John situation? What role does emotional intelligence play in handling conflicts in teams, and how could I have used it to improve the situation with John and Jane? In what ways could I have used my self-awareness to approach the situation with John and Jane differently and more effectively? How could my skills in building relationships and negotiation have helped me resolve the conflict between John and Jane in a more positive manner?
  • 4. What is the importance of mentoring in improving a leader's conflict resolution skills? Part C: Question Responses according to Cited BADM 508 Course Concepts and Materials Question 1: How could my approach to conflict resolution have been improved from how I handled the Jane and John situation? Responses: Through accommodating both parties (Brooks & John, 2018). Through fostering collaboration in conflict resolution (Dillon & Bourke, 2016). Reference list Citations Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press. Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review. Question 2: What role does emotional intelligence play in handling conflicts in teams, and how could I have used it to improve the situation with John and Jane? Responses: Emotional intelligence is critical in conflict resolution since it allows individuals to understand and manage their own emotions and recognize and respond to the emotions of others (Chen et al., 2019). Emotional intelligence could have been helpful in this situation by improving my ability to recognize and understand Jane and John's own emotions, promoting empathy and rapport during conflict resolution. Reference list Citation Chen, H. X., Xu, X., & Phillips, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and conflict management styles. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 458-470. Question 3: In what ways could I have used my self-awareness to approach the situation with John and Jane differently and more effectively? Responses Self-awareness is essential for effective leadership (Bracht et al., 2021). Self-awareness enables leaders to understand their strengths, weaknesses, values, and biases and how they impact their decision-making and behavior. Reference list Citations Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). . Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a "Selfie": examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and self- efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635085. Question 4: How could my skills in building relationships and negotiation have helped me resolve the conflict between John and Jane in a more positive manner? Responses Building relationships in negotiation can help in this situation by promoting open communication and mutual respect between team members, reducing the likelihood of conflict (Nunkoo et al., 2021). The leader can use active listening and persuasive communication skills to find common ground and come to an agreement that satisfies both parties. By understanding the interests and needs of both John and Jane, I can identify the root cause of the conflict and find a solution that addresses their concerns while also maintaining the
  • 5. team's productivity and morale. Reference list Citation Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team conflict dynamics & conflict management: derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 545-552. Question 5: What is the importance of mentoring in improving a leader's conflict resolution skills? Responses Mentorship is regarded as a pivotal element in leadership improvement (Lee et al., 2020) Mentors can provide constructive feedback on a leader's conflict resolution approach, helping them to improve and avoid repeating past mistakes. Through regular discussions and observations, mentors can help leaders develop and refine key conflict resolution skills such as active listening, empathy, communication, and negotiation. This leads to more effective resolution of conflicts in the future. Reference list Citation Lee, J., Sunerman, H., & Hastings, L. (2020). The Influence of Being a Mentor on Leadership Development: Recommendations for Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3). References Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a "Selfie": examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and self- efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635085. Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review. Chen, H. X., Xu, X., & Phillips, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and conflict management styles. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 458-470. Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press. Lee, J., Sunerman, H., & Hastings, L. (2020). The Influence of Being a Mentor on Leadership Development: Recommendations for Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3). Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). . Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team conflict dynamics & conflict management: derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 545-552. Module 1: Defining Leadership Overview Leadership is a journey, not an end state. In this module, you will begin to explore the concept of leadership to set the stage for your own growth as a leader. We will provide a definition of leadership that will give you areas of growth to pay attention to over the remainder of the course. In addition to defining leadership, we will explore a brief history of leadership as a field of study and highlight the key competencies and roles that leaders can develop to succeed in today's business environment. Goals and Objectives Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
  • 6. Articulate a shared definition of leadership Define the key leadership theories that have dominated business leadership research Identify leadership competencies that are foundational to developing as a leader Explore different roles that leaders can play Reflect on the kind of leader you want to be Key Phrases/Concepts Leadership Social-constructionism Theories of leadership (trait, behaviorist, contingency, relational) Values Coach, Mentor, Sponsor Module 2: Strategic Self-Leadership Overview Effective leadership starts with the self. Leading others is a relationship, and therefore we have to own our role in the process of leadership. In this module, we will explore the idea of leader identity –do you see yourself as a leader? -and how this affects our ability to lead effectively. We will look at the science of self-awareness, helping to articulate what self- awareness means and how to cultivate it. We will dive deeply into human decision making – identifying what helps us make both effective and ethical decisions. Finally, we wrap this module with the idea of psychological well-being, which is arguably one of the most topical issues for leaders today. Goals and Objectives Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Articulate your leader identity Describe the concept of self-awareness Identify the barriers to effective and ethical decision-making Develop a practice for improving psychological well-being as a leader Key Phrases/Concepts Keep your eyes open for the following key terms or phrases as you interact with the lectures and complete the activities. Leader identity Self-awareness Biases and heuristics TRAGEDIES (a framework for ethical decision-making) Burnout and well-being Guiding Questions Develop your answers to the following guiding questions while watching lectures and working on assignments throughout the module. How can I cultivate internal and external self-awareness? What are some of the most significant barriers to my decision-making as a leader? Where might I get off track and make ineffective or unethical decisions? How can I cultivate my own well-being to optimize my leadership capacity? Module 3: Leading Others
  • 7. Overview To lead effectively, we have to understand our relationships with others. In this module, we will explore key concepts that help us build trusting relationships and understand the people who look to us as leaders. We start with arguably one of the most important concepts of the past couple of decades – Emotional Intelligence. From here, we define the importance of trust and how to build trusting relationships. We look at the way power – both formal power and psychological feelings of power – can affect our ability to build those trusting relationships. Finally, we consider how to navigate differences of opinion – by discussing negotiation and conflict management strategies as leaders. Goals and Objectives Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Define Emotional Intelligence and its relevance for leaders Articulate the reason trust is so foundational to effective leadership Cultivate practices in relationships that build trust Identify the ways in which power can inhibit effective leadership Use the concepts of negotiation and conflict management to have better disagreements and to manage differences of opinion more effectively Key Phrases/Concepts Keep your eyes open for the following key terms or phrases as you interact with the lectures and complete the activities. Emotional Intelligence Trust Oxytocin and Cortisol Five bases of power Creating value, Claiming Value, Building Relationships in Negotiation Guiding Questions Develop your answers to the following guiding questions while watching lectures and working on assignments throughout the module. How can I develop my Emotional Intelligence as a leader? Why is trust so foundational to effective leadership? What practices can I start to use to develop trust? How might my feelings of power influence my ability to connect with others at work? What if I frame negotiation and conflict as an opportunity, instead of something to avoid? Module 4: Growing as a Leader Overview Leadership growth requires constant attention in practice. In this module, we introduce you to the three C’s - three key practices to cultivate as you continue to develop as a leader. We explore why Curiosity, Courage, and Commitment matter and how you can practice them yourself. Goals and Objectives Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Articulate why leadership requires practice Define curiosity and why it is helpful for effective leadership growth
  • 8. Identify the value of courage and how it connects to vulnerability for leadership growth Describe the fundamental ideas behind commitment, developing a specific and tailored practice for continued leadership growth Key Phrases/Concepts Keep your eyes open for the following key terms or phrases as you interact with the lectures and complete the activities. Framework for developing as a leader Curiosity Courage Commitment Guiding Questions Develop your answers to the following guiding questions while watching lectures and working on assignments throughout the module. How can I play with the three C’s in my own leadership development? How can I create a practice for myself to test out new ideas and to reflect on them for learning? Where do I struggle the most? Do I find it difficult to be curious? To show courage? To commit to a practice for growth? Readings: Benmira, S., Agboola, M. (2021) . BMJ Leader, 5(1), 3–5 2020-000296 Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). . Leading Effectively Staff. (2022, April 18). . Center for Creative Leadership. Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review. Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press. A Case Study on Conflict Resolution Skills in Leadership Student Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Course Date Part A: LDCS Story Martin is preparing to lead the project team of the Company. The Company is working on a complex project that embarks on changing its role to remote operations. Martin's role as the team leader is to ensure that the team arrives at effective decisions without conflict while providing positive relationships between members. However, pressure is mounting on Martin and the entire team as the deadlines are fixed while the top management is under pressure to perform. This places Martin's skills in conflict mitigation under the test. Issues are piling up among team members as they need help managing the stressful conditions imposed by pressure. Two team members, John and Jane, always blame each other for their poor performances. All the time, John blames Jane for not contributing efficiently to group activities, which has affected their relationships. The blame on each
  • 9. other has forced them to resolve frequent fights and rough exchanges of words. Time passes, and John and Jane stop talking to each other. John and Jane's situation is escalating and dragging down the project's timeline. The situation is worsening every day between John and Jane. Their relationship is deteriorating, as they need to cooperate and engage in daily activities. Their conflicts anchors on the pressure mounted by the short deadlines and from the management on performance. The conflict between John and Jane translates to affect the Company's performance. The Company's situation is devastating and requires strong leadership skills to assess change and success in the project's objectives. Both resolved to report their cases to the team leader. Each party presents its grievances to the team leader. The team leader listens to both sides of the story to assess their point of view. The team leader feels each perspective is correct. However, the team leader responds without rapport while addressing their issues. The team leader's response does not impress John and Jane. Martin further does not listen to both parties but instead listens to Jane, which discourages John. While trying to solve their issues, the team leader needs to engage other project staff, thus settling on individual decision-making. The problem is disturbing John as Jane is favored all the time. With a few days remaining before the project deadline, the team must resolve the conflicts by collaborating and actively accommodating both parties. Although John and Jane have lost confidence in Martin, there is still a chance to change and create a positive relationship. Martin needs to value each team member to impact the best decision and outcomes for the project. Part B: Five LDCS Analysis and their Answers Question 1: How could my approach to conflict resolution have been improved from how I handled the Jane and John situation? Considering Martin's minimal knowledge of resolving conflicts, he was unprepared to solve the conflicts among project team members. However, his approach to conflict resolution could have improved by listening and valuing John’s and Jane’s perspectives. According to Brooks and John (2018), an effective conflict resolution strategy involves evaluating both sides of the evidence or parties to arrive at the best solution while maximizing the member relationship. Besides, Martin's approach to conflict mitigation may be improved by fostering collaboration with the resolution procedures. By collaborating with other project officials, Martin could have resolved the conflict between John and Jane. Collaboration in conflict resolution is paramount as it incorporates marching perspectives, integrating solutions, learning about the conflict and other parties, and acquiring commitments (Dillon & Burke, 2016). If Martin accommodated both parties and ensured collaboration, there conflicts between John and Jane could be resolved. Question 2: What role does emotional intelligence play in handling conflicts in teams, and how could I have used it to improve the situation with John and Jane? Emotional intelligence is a crucial strength for a team leader. The tool equips leaders with the ability to listen, ask questions, make clear statements, understand others' points of view, and explain outcomes (Chen et al., 2019). However, Martin could have utilized Emotional intelligence by accommodating John and Jane's emotions, thus responding with empathy
  • 10. and rapport. The team leader, Martin could have clamed down both John and Jane, thus anchoring the conflict resolution process without irrelevant emotions. Question 3: In what ways could I have used my self-awareness to approach the situation with John and Jane differently and more effectively? The roles and responsibilities of organizational leaders require the outcomes of self- awareness. During conflicts, emotions are in full play, and opinions differ broadly; thus, awareness of oneself may cause a change in escalation (Neuhaus, 2020). Self-awareness intervenes deeply in leadership, enabling leaders to recognize their strengths and weaknesses (Bracht et al., 2021). Instead of responding with temper, Martin could have used self-awareness to understand his values and their contribution to the decision-making process. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, Martin could have become more confident in solving the conflict. Altogether, self-awareness helps in setting goals for a leader. Question 4: How could my skills in building relationships and negotiation have helped me resolve the conflict between John and Jane more positively? Positive relationship among team members creates a growth environment. Practical skills in building relations promote mutual respect and communication, eliminating the probability of conflicts (Nunkoo et al., 2021). Practical skills in building negotiation relationships promote active listening and persuasive communication, thus finding common ground in the conflict. Skills in building relationships could have helped me to explain the importance of each team member, thus eliminating false perception against each other. Additionally, relationships are crucial in conflict management as they force leaders to understand the needs and interests of team members. By understanding each other, team productivity and morale are attained. Question 5: What is the importance of mentoring in improving a leader's conflict resolution skills? Mentorship emerges as a crucial skill in leadership improvement programs. Lee et al. (2020) support mentorship stating that it relies on the ideas of an experienced entity. Mentorship is pertinent across team leaders as it relays constructive feedback that eliminates repetitive mistakes. That is, frequent coaching embarks on frequent discussions and observations, which develops empathy, active listening, and communication. Generally, mentoring incorporates experience and expertise in conflict resolution. Part C Lessons Learnt The analysis of the current case study delves deeply into the roles of conflict resolution in leadership development. I learned the skills of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, building relationships, and mentoring. Firstly, I have learnt how to react emotionally in times of conflict by listening actively, accommodating both parties, and responding with clear statements. I have learnt the importance of mentoring and building relationships, which creates a growth environment. I have on how to maintain self-awareness by recognizing my strengths and weaknesses.
  • 11. Skills for Practice I will embark on practicing self-awareness. I will respond to peers' feedback after understanding their strengths and weaknesses. I will regulate my emotions to avoid confrontation. I will practice more on building positive relationships. I will address each member's needs and interests in the decision-making process. References Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a "Selfie": examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and self- efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 635085. Brooks, A. W., & John, L. K. (2018). . Harvard Business Review. Chen, H. X., Xu, X., & Phillips, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence and conflict management styles. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 458-470. Dillon, B., & Bourke, J. (2016). . Deloitte University Press. Lee, J., Sunerman, H., & Hastings, L. (2020). The Influence of Being a Mentor on Leadership Development: Recommendations for Curricular and Co-Curricular Experiences. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3). Neuhaus, M. (2020, November 17). . Nunkoo, D. K., & Sungkur, R. K. (2021). Team conflict dynamics & conflict management: derivation of a model for software organizations to enhance team performance and software quality. Global Transitions Proceedings, 2(2), 545-552.