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Case Study in Social Work Practice
This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be
identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse
problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these
actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations
as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of more
Anytime an assessment was done with A, whether it was done in a group or during my mentoring session, this was the primary focus in ensuring he is
receiving the right service and intervention.
'Working Together to Safeguard Children' 2010, (WTtSC 2010) instructs organisations and individuals working with children on how actions such as
assessments should be done in accordance with the CA1989 and ensures that professionals understand what their responsibilities and duties are. This
specific documentation assisted my understanding of the format in which assessments should be conducted as well as my understanding of
multi–professional work surrounding A and his needs. Following guidelines from the Assessment Framework (WTtSC p.44), I was able to establish
what A's specific developmental needs were so they can be addressed during my mentoring sessions. Areas such as his education, family and social
relationships and stimulation as well a look at the wider family unit and his environment. This multi–professional meeting was in fact my initial
I was first introduced to A after a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting with his parents and other professionals from children's services and the
school. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 'Child in Need' plan and establish how this child would be supported now that he is back in the
care of this mother. A had been living with his godmother whilst his mother was being treated
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handout sets out the basic paradigm, or organizational structure, of predictive legal analysis, referred to throughout this course as "IRAC."1 IRAC
is a general analytical paradigm; as you gain experience in your legal writing, you will be able to modify this paradigm to fit a particular legal issue.
Once you understand the IRAC structure and are able to use it fluently, you can decide when it might be appropriate to modify the IRAC paradigm in
a particular situation. Understand that an IRAC is not a stand alone legal document. The IRAC analysis is part of the discussion section of an office
memorandum. You will learn how more content...
This option may, in fact, be more helpful to your reader. The following are examples of topic sentences identifying the issue under analysis in the
form of a conclusion: Green had neither actual nor constructive notice of Brown's problem because Brown never spoke with Green or an agent of
Green but merely left a message on Green's answering machine. The second factor, which examines family and business ties to a jurisdiction,
probably undercuts Doe's claim to being domiciled in Arkansas, because Doe's family, friends, and job prospects remain in Mississippi. Note that,
even in the form of a conclusion, the topic sentence still clearly alerts the reader to the issue under discussion and advances the facts relevant to the
determination of that issue. B. RULE (Rule Statement and Rule Explanation) Next, you must discuss the law that defines or governs the issue. A
complete discussion of the rule requires a statement of the rule of law on the particular issue under discussion and a detailed explanation of the rule
from precedent cases. Statement of the Rule The statement of the rule governing the issue places the rest of the analysis in context for the reader. You
will rely on this statement of the rule to reach your conclusion. In many instances, you will need to synthesize a rule of law from two or more cases.
Often rules are not explicitly stated in any one of the relevant cases. The writer must formulate a general principle
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Effects Of Contract Law On Society
Effects of Contract Law on Society As defined by The Law Dictionary, a contract is "an agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do
a particular thing." (1) Basically, contracts are promises that are enforceable by law. And, if one party does not keep his promise, the law provides
a remedy by the breaching party. In order for a contract to be enforceable by law, the contract must include a valid offer, an acceptance of the offer,
and adequate consideration. Contacts are primarily governed by statutory and common law. Uniform Commercial Code The Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC), according to the website, "is a set of laws that provide legal rules and regulations governing commercial or business
dealings and transactions." (2) The Uniform Commercial Code was published in 1952 but has seen several revisions since that time. The UCC has
been adopted by all states though it may not be exact among all states. The UCC provides regulations for the sale of personal property and helps
bring standardization to business laws so there can be some standard of "uniformity amongst the states." (3) The UCC is broken into nine articles that
each addresses a different area of commercial law. Elements of a Contract The three main elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, and
consideration. Each element must be present in order to have a legally binding contract. First, one party, the offeror, makes a valid offer to another
party, the offeree.
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Paralegals: The Legal And Ethical Dilemmas
1.What are the legal and ethical issues involved for the paralegal when the potential client says he or she just wants a quick answer to the question,
"Do I have a case?" Explain fully, including references to your state statue. The legal and ethical issues to the question "Do I have a case?" First the
client must be aware that the paralegal is not a lawyer and cannot answer that question. The question can only be answered by an attorney after the case
information has been reviewed. The paralegal is not bound by the attorney – client privilege which must also be made known to the client. The Arizona
state statute states
All individuals and businesses preparing legal documents without the supervision of an attorney
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Legal Methods, Research And Writing Essay
To be successful in law whether studying or practicing the profession Legal methods, research and writing is a major necessity for those in the
legal field. It is nearly impossible to study or practice law without the basic knowledge of legal methods, research and writing. This essay examines
the importance of Legal methods, research and whether in school or outside in the legal profession. The first reason we need legal methods,
research and writing is that it will help us to write essays well and helps students to answer questions efficiently and assist to work toward their
careers. Second, Law students and lawyer/paralegals need to know how do proper legal research which is very vital. Third, it prepares us for our
career in law in general out in the real world. It is highly impossible to continue a law program without legal methods, research and writing. To
answer questions efficiently and effectively we need to follow methods of how to answer our questions. Whether it be basic essay format or the
IRAC method in law which are just creative writing techniques to clarify our point to get across. The research helped us to find cases that will assist
in our essay writings for essays and problem questions and the writing is gone over in the course so that the students know how to write better than
high school level and providing a decent response to the professor. There's many reasons why legal methods, research and writing is important though
the first reason as a law
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Speech On Marijuana Legalization
EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION I don't use any illegal drugs, but I am opposed to the fact that marijuana is illegal.
The main reason for that is that smoking marijuana is no more dangerous to the user than smoking cigarettes and no more dangerous to society than
alcohol consumption. Yes, there are necessary limits to individual freedoms. Yes, marijuana should be regulated by the government and restricted from
consumption by children. Yes, marijuana may be somewhat harmful to the user. But there is no logical justification for criminalizing marijuana while
the use of other drugs with virtually identical risks is entirely permissible. Government has a legitimate concern to exercise its authority to protect
society and the general public from behavior of individuals and government also has a limited right to exercise paternalistic authority to limit and
regulate the types of risks to which individuals can expose themselves. For that reason, laws that criminalize drunk driving, for just one example, are
completely justified. Otherwise, irresponsible personal behavior could put innocent people at great risk. Government also has the justifiable right to
impose certain reasonable restriction on individuals for the general benefit of society and because certain types of personal risks can have significant
costs to society. For example, the government can require car manufacturers to install seatbelts and require drivers to wear them because vehicular
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The main reason why I wanted to study Law was the importance it takes in the world. Law builds civilization, protect fundamental rights and protect
ideas and inventions through patenting. Anyone can defend his or her right through the legal system. Law can bind an agreement to allow an aircraft
to fly from country A to country B. Law is continuously relevant in many context including banking, construction, sports, land, media, commerical,
human rights etc. And this excites me more, as it is very broad and in my perspective not going to be repetitive or dull. Law is of fundamental
importance to our country, as well as shaping our modern evolving society. I felt that doing a Law degree can be both satisfying and help society in the
future more content...
This subject enhanced my organizational and presentation skills. Study skills project provide extensive knowledge in techniques for addressing
academic task as well as handle large amount of research information. Sociology develops understanding of society as a whole and it also revaluate
common assumptions that may not be true. I have acquired analytical, qualitative, evaluative and argumentative writing techniques from Sociology.
Humanities define human culture and enquiries the purpose of humanity. This has developed my evaluation skills to examine varies source materials.
English for academic purpose can enhance my writing and reading skills to an academic matter. In my leisure time, I like to play chess as it is
mentally challenging. I am a proactive sportsman and I have been playing first team rugby; which made me understand team–working skills and team
spirit. I have been to over 40 countries around the world. It is adventurous and brings a completely different aspect to life. I have also led a charity
football tournament this enhanced my time management. I have participated in debating club in which I learnt how to generative an argument
effectively. I was in the Student Union which I had tackle and solve problems. I regularly read the law section in the Telegraph and the Guardian. This
can allow me to get updated current affairs related to Law. I
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Why Study Law Essay
Why study law? I think law is a course where you can practice practical skills and gain other skills too. Law is human rights; it is solving people's
problems and getting to know what people go through. Firstly I want to study law because of the injustices that still exist in the world we are in and
it bothers me a lot. I want to be the one that can change it. I want to be the one that will help people and get them justice. I want to the society to be
equal and I want to fight for some human rights. I want to be a lawyer or an investigator in crime scenes because I love solving problems which are
between two people and think about which option is the best to set and go for. I am a good listener and I like taking risks. I want to more
I think studying abroad makes you gain some self confidence and know how to handle responsibilities by yourself. I will be able to rebuild my life
from scratch. I will get to meet different people who lead to different cultures and I will meet an entirely new culture. I will get to ask the friends I will
make about how is law back in their countries. How does their law differ from ours? I will be able to explore the world, the world that I yet didn't
see. I will get to see how education is in different countries and get to experience it. Being an international student will help meet other international
students and I will get to ask and see how cultures differ and what are their traditions are like. The steps I take are my future; I am the one who
move my feet towards the goal I want. It is what I want to be and what I will hopefully be. There isn't anyone who could stop me from being what or
who I want to become. Yes I will be alone and I will get lost a lot of times but that is part of rebuilding who I am. That'll teach me loads of things I
never knew and I will learn more about
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Justice Is A Just Society
To live in a place, where equality, peace, security and dignity are guaranteed is a good fortune to those who found a just society. Though it is not an
easy task to establish a just society, but it is not an impossible idea. A just society requires a society of law abiding citizens who work together for the
betterment of the society, where laws are human rights informed and social policies are effective.
The word just means fair and lawful. A just society means a society where everything is fair. In a just society, justice is ensured by the state. John
Rawls has given the following arguments for the concept of justice. He argues that justice is fairness which is an essential component of a democratic
society (Rawls, 1999, p. 11). His more content...
Citizens are an important component of a society. In a just society the equal rights of the citizens are ensured. In a society where citizens do not
participate in the political process to promote the public good and hold political authorities accountable, just society is not possible there.
All human rights laws will fail if the citizens are not willing to obey those laws. Moreover, enforcement of the social policies also depends on the
voluntary cooperation of the citizens. The state will be unable to provide health care services if the citizens are not willing to maintain a healthy diet
with respect to their own health (Kymlicka, 2002, p.285 ). Consequently, social policies to meet the need of the child, disable, women and elderly
cannot be effective if the citizens are not willing to share this responsibility by providing some care for their relatives.
In Bangladesh there are more than two hundred environmental laws and several policies for the protection of the environment. But environmental
destruction is increasing day by day. The state cannot protect the environment by legal rules and policies as long as the citizens do not practice reduce,
reuse and recycle in their own consumer
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Every day millions of people log onto social media platforms. There has been much discussion on whether or not individuals should be prosecuted for
statements made on social media platforms. Individuals should be prosecuted for statements made on social media. Although cyberbullying is just a
small crime, people should still be punished for harsh or hateful remarks on social media. Having freedom of speech is a privilege not a right, we should
focus on the bigger stories on cyberbullying, and individuals affected by cyberbullying are affected in all aspects of their life.
First of all, freedom of speech is a privilege not a right. People who want to abuse their freedom of speech there should be a punishment. According to
the article "Sacrificing the first Amendment to catch 'Cyberbullies'", "..., a handful of democratic New York State Senators think that the First
Amendment should Although there are already limits on American's freedom of speech, we still have some freedoms that allow us to say and do
hurtful things to others. Clearly, the first amendment should not be treated as a right it should be treated as a more content...
According the article "The Dangers of Cyberbullying", "... ,in order for a behavior to be defined as cyberbullying, it must be repeated, hostile, and
severe with the intent to embarrass, threaten, or harass." Although all cyberbullying cases are bad, we can't punish someone for saying one harsh word
to another person. Indeed, we should focus our punishments on bigger cases of
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The Justice System Essay
The Justice System
Looking into criminal justice procedure, many administrations are at work. Starting with the police, to the courts and concluding in corrections.
Though all these sectors have different tasks, their combined focus is processing the law. Regardless what the process is called criminal justice will
continue to serve with discretion, conviction, and correction. When first presented with the question whether criminal justice is a system, non–system,
and network I leaned toward a network. Throughout our discussions, lectures, and readings I felt the process presented itself as a network. Intertwined
divisions working for a common goal. Further into my research and help from Webster, I decided that the criminal more content...
These departments involve everyone throughout the sequence of events in the criminal justice system including lawyers, judges, police, criminals,
victims, and the society in which this occurs. Every action and repercussion is seen and felt by all involved in a particular case. This is why all of
these players in the game of law depend on the actions and results of one another.
This dependency arises from numerous situations and circumstances. The police depend on convictions from the court to see results for their job. Each
sector must rely on the outcome of trial cases to proceed. Plea–bargaining is a great example. Three or more parties are involved, the prosecutor and
defense attorneys must present the best and most reasonable deal, from their perspective, and the defendant must agree to the terms. In some cases a
judge can be a contributing factor. Society is the most dependent and most critical, always keeping the department on its toes. Dependency in this case
does have its benefits. It provides the system with a check and balance system.
Considering again Cohn's arguments that the criminal justice process should not be defined as a system he makes some strong points, that have strong
counter points. In short he states this process is a continuum through which each offender passes, from the police, to the courts, into prison and then
back onto the streets. He quotes
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What Is Discretion?
Discretion is the way a person move without being notice. When it comes to this specific aspect we must take it serious because the principle of
discretion is not a game or something someone should take lightly, definitely when it is a part of your daily life. One must adopt the actions of being
discreet without making any mistakes. It is stated that someone who practice being discreet has the quality of showing good judgement or able to
observe wisdom in silence. In addition, with the ability of discretion comes with the aptitude of unrestricted decisions. Discretion is meant to aid the
individual not to damage one whose involved. Living a life that nobody can understand or figure out when it comes to your daily lifestyle. Discretion
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Evaluate the impact of legal requirements and guidance on own role
All Early years' settings have policies and procedures that staff need to work with and follow they need to be up to date and be in line with the
current framework of current legislation. Every policy has a procedure to follow and how to respond if you have any concerns about your key child or
any other child that attends to the setting. The following procedures must be completed to ensure that the correct method is actioned.
To know and understand the settings policies and procedures
When and how to respond
Knowing who to share information with.
Appreciating the guidance of the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Board LSCB
Supervising children within the set ratios
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Best Writer On A Cheap Essay Writing Service
Advantages of Hiring the Best Writer on a Cheap Essay Writing Service
Academic writing is an integral part of practically all college courses in the UK and the US and is crucial in determining how successful a student's
performance will be during his studies. Yet many students are poor writers and feel stressed and overwhelmed when facing dauntingwriting challenges.
They often find it hard to cope with extremely tight deadlines for numerous college essays, term papers, literature reviews, business plans, research
proposals, etc. that they are usually assigned to write in different classes simultaneously.
That's why many of them take advantage of using modern technologies and look for affordable professional help online. It's so easy to do with
Google search. Just type: 'do my assignment' and you will be able to choose from many hundreds of essay writing companies on different ghostwriting
sites. For example, you can buy a quality paper on a reputable cheap essay writing service – Writing, or hire a writer on any other good
Is It Worth Dealing with Affordable Paper Writing Service if You Want to Get a Qualified Academic Assistance?
What site should I choose? Is it possible to order a good model paper on the cheapest custom paper writing service? How much will more
But being a strong writer is a must if you want to succeed in practically all fields and jobs. When you pay for professional assistance, you actually get
useful practical guides to improve your self–expression and analytical skills and become a more effective communicator. You will better understand
your topic and master the complexities of the academic style. The talented authors will show you how a strong college level essay should be written.
You will learn to write well and make a great investment in your college career and increase your chances to land on a well–paid
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Technology has changed the way we live our lives in pretty much every way imaginable. In the past, the common belief was that only manual
work would be greatly affected by the rise of technology. However, service professions such as the legal profession have certainly seen a change as
well. There are discussions what this will mean in the future and whether it will go beyond the current aiding role. If that is so, it could potentially
change the current legal framework and question the role of lawyers themselves. There are also issues in relation to the protection of clients through
data protection, confidentiality and accountability to look out for. This essay will focus on four main points. Firstly, it will discuss the overall
impact of technology on the legal profession, while discussing the potential and feared threat of this. Secondly, exploring the lawyer's responsibility
to offer quality and proper service while relating this to accountability of technology. Thirdly, it will discuss issues relating to confidentiality and the
overall role of the lawyer to ensure confidentiality is kept a priority while balancing out the cost reducing and more efficient technologies. Lastly, it
will discuss the educational position in relation to technology and the changes that need to happen to prepare future lawyers for their careers. The
legal profession has been around for a long time, as it is one of the oldest information professions . The service it provides is essential, as it
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Anti Discriminatory Practice In Counselling
1 Anti–Discriminatory Practice in Counselling identifies the ease with which individuals can be disadvantaged merely on the basis of their gender,
race, culture, age, sexuality or ability. As a case worker you have to consider your own thoughts, prejudices and judgements and treat everyone the
same way you wish to be treated. 2 The Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) is the law that explains the professional, ethical obligations related to
privacy and confidentiality, In the relationship between counsellor and client the need for confidentiality is vital as it is not only the bases that the
relationship is built on and it is a legal obligation. 3 The mandatory reporting considerations are that if there is a sign of child abuse, domestic violence,
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Legal Writing Project 1
TerriResse Jones 208 Southwind Dr. #14, Athens, AL 35611 #22026522, Legal Writing 1, #008033 Law Offices of Eliza Smith & Associates
5678 Barrister Row Clark, Pennsylvania 18112 (771) 333–4444 Fax (771) 333–4445 April 21, 2014 Jane P. Smith 123 Rock Road Clark, PA 18118 Re:
File No. Smith–3–04 Dear Ms. Smith, This letter is to inform you, that your tax appeal hearing has been scheduled for March 6, 2005, at 10:30 a.m.
The hearing will be held at the County Office building located at 211 Race Road. The court room is located on the 5th floor. Ms. Smith, would like
for you to meet her in the lobby ten minutes before the hearing begins. She asked, that you bring the pictures of all the more
Containing approximately 86,000 square feet of land, more or less, and being the Southerly one–half of Lot numbered 198. Subject to all restrictions,
reservations conditions and exceptions as set forth in deeds forming the chain of title. BEING the same premises conveyed to the Grantors herein by
deed of Mo Wells, et al., dated May 3, 1964, and recorded in the Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds in Deed Book 810 Page 233. Tax Map No.
19–19–050–019–8 And the said Grantors do hereby generally warrant the property hereby conveyed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantors have
hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and DeliveredGrantor: In the Presence of: Susan
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Litigation
The litigation is the formal and conventional way in dispute resolution over the centuries of time. Courts are traditional, recognizable forums in which
litigation is adjudicated (Kennedy and Richards, 2004). Even though there are number of methods available outside the court system litigation is still
act a major role in dispute resolution as the conventional method.
But with the time people identified limitations of the system which created uncomfortable situations to users due to certain drawbacks hold with the
litigation system. Through litigation successive governments has ensured that people are delivered with justice and adjudicated on their disputes. Even
though disputes are resolved through litigation people come across so many difficulties, such as stress, expenditure, delay and bitter arguments that
pave the way for further disputes.
A major issue on using litigation for labour disputes is frequent postponements awarded in hearing a case in the courts. According to Sivananthiran and
Ratnam (2003) the most prominent cause responsible for delay in adjudication is frequent adjournment granted by the Labour Courts. Both workmen
and employer seek adjournment after adjournment at each of the above stage and this contributes to the delay in dispute resolution process.
2.5.3 Labour tribunals
It is the most more content...
It defines the objectives and scope of the Act, as "an Act to provide for the prevention, investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, and for
matters connected therewith or incidental thereto". By analyzing the definition, it is focused on providing methods in minimizing the disputes and
identifying and settling them efficiently as early as possible to protect the harmony of employment relations. As stated by Egalahewa (2009) the act is
enacted to bringing in new machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes in Sri
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Case Study In Social Work Practice

  • 1. Case Study in Social Work Practice This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of more content... Anytime an assessment was done with A, whether it was done in a group or during my mentoring session, this was the primary focus in ensuring he is receiving the right service and intervention. 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' 2010, (WTtSC 2010) instructs organisations and individuals working with children on how actions such as assessments should be done in accordance with the CA1989 and ensures that professionals understand what their responsibilities and duties are. This specific documentation assisted my understanding of the format in which assessments should be conducted as well as my understanding of multi–professional work surrounding A and his needs. Following guidelines from the Assessment Framework (WTtSC p.44), I was able to establish what A's specific developmental needs were so they can be addressed during my mentoring sessions. Areas such as his education, family and social relationships and stimulation as well a look at the wider family unit and his environment. This multi–professional meeting was in fact my initial assessment. DESRIPTION OF ACIVITIES UNDERTAKEN I was first introduced to A after a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting with his parents and other professionals from children's services and the school. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 'Child in Need' plan and establish how this child would be supported now that he is back in the care of this mother. A had been living with his godmother whilst his mother was being treated Get more content on
  • 2. Research, Writing & Advocacy 2006–07 THE PARADIGM FOR PREDICTIVE LEGAL WRITING: Using "IRAC" I. INTRODUCTION This handout sets out the basic paradigm, or organizational structure, of predictive legal analysis, referred to throughout this course as "IRAC."1 IRAC is a general analytical paradigm; as you gain experience in your legal writing, you will be able to modify this paradigm to fit a particular legal issue. Once you understand the IRAC structure and are able to use it fluently, you can decide when it might be appropriate to modify the IRAC paradigm in a particular situation. Understand that an IRAC is not a stand alone legal document. The IRAC analysis is part of the discussion section of an office memorandum. You will learn how more content... This option may, in fact, be more helpful to your reader. The following are examples of topic sentences identifying the issue under analysis in the form of a conclusion: Green had neither actual nor constructive notice of Brown's problem because Brown never spoke with Green or an agent of Green but merely left a message on Green's answering machine. The second factor, which examines family and business ties to a jurisdiction, probably undercuts Doe's claim to being domiciled in Arkansas, because Doe's family, friends, and job prospects remain in Mississippi. Note that, even in the form of a conclusion, the topic sentence still clearly alerts the reader to the issue under discussion and advances the facts relevant to the determination of that issue. B. RULE (Rule Statement and Rule Explanation) Next, you must discuss the law that defines or governs the issue. A complete discussion of the rule requires a statement of the rule of law on the particular issue under discussion and a detailed explanation of the rule from precedent cases. Statement of the Rule The statement of the rule governing the issue places the rest of the analysis in context for the reader. You will rely on this statement of the rule to reach your conclusion. In many instances, you will need to synthesize a rule of law from two or more cases. Often rules are not explicitly stated in any one of the relevant cases. The writer must formulate a general principle Get more content on
  • 3. Effects Of Contract Law On Society Effects of Contract Law on Society As defined by The Law Dictionary, a contract is "an agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular thing." (1) Basically, contracts are promises that are enforceable by law. And, if one party does not keep his promise, the law provides a remedy by the breaching party. In order for a contract to be enforceable by law, the contract must include a valid offer, an acceptance of the offer, and adequate consideration. Contacts are primarily governed by statutory and common law. Uniform Commercial Code The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), according to the website, "is a set of laws that provide legal rules and regulations governing commercial or business dealings and transactions." (2) The Uniform Commercial Code was published in 1952 but has seen several revisions since that time. The UCC has been adopted by all states though it may not be exact among all states. The UCC provides regulations for the sale of personal property and helps bring standardization to business laws so there can be some standard of "uniformity amongst the states." (3) The UCC is broken into nine articles that each addresses a different area of commercial law. Elements of a Contract The three main elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, and consideration. Each element must be present in order to have a legally binding contract. First, one party, the offeror, makes a valid offer to another party, the offeree. Get more content on
  • 4. Paralegals: The Legal And Ethical Dilemmas 1.What are the legal and ethical issues involved for the paralegal when the potential client says he or she just wants a quick answer to the question, "Do I have a case?" Explain fully, including references to your state statue. The legal and ethical issues to the question "Do I have a case?" First the client must be aware that the paralegal is not a lawyer and cannot answer that question. The question can only be answered by an attorney after the case information has been reviewed. The paralegal is not bound by the attorney – client privilege which must also be made known to the client. The Arizona state statute states All individuals and businesses preparing legal documents without the supervision of an attorney Get more content on
  • 5. Legal Methods, Research And Writing Essay To be successful in law whether studying or practicing the profession Legal methods, research and writing is a major necessity for those in the legal field. It is nearly impossible to study or practice law without the basic knowledge of legal methods, research and writing. This essay examines the importance of Legal methods, research and whether in school or outside in the legal profession. The first reason we need legal methods, research and writing is that it will help us to write essays well and helps students to answer questions efficiently and assist to work toward their careers. Second, Law students and lawyer/paralegals need to know how do proper legal research which is very vital. Third, it prepares us for our career in law in general out in the real world. It is highly impossible to continue a law program without legal methods, research and writing. To answer questions efficiently and effectively we need to follow methods of how to answer our questions. Whether it be basic essay format or the IRAC method in law which are just creative writing techniques to clarify our point to get across. The research helped us to find cases that will assist in our essay writings for essays and problem questions and the writing is gone over in the course so that the students know how to write better than high school level and providing a decent response to the professor. There's many reasons why legal methods, research and writing is important though the first reason as a law Get more content on
  • 6. Speech On Marijuana Legalization EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION I don't use any illegal drugs, but I am opposed to the fact that marijuana is illegal. The main reason for that is that smoking marijuana is no more dangerous to the user than smoking cigarettes and no more dangerous to society than alcohol consumption. Yes, there are necessary limits to individual freedoms. Yes, marijuana should be regulated by the government and restricted from consumption by children. Yes, marijuana may be somewhat harmful to the user. But there is no logical justification for criminalizing marijuana while the use of other drugs with virtually identical risks is entirely permissible. Government has a legitimate concern to exercise its authority to protect society and the general public from behavior of individuals and government also has a limited right to exercise paternalistic authority to limit and regulate the types of risks to which individuals can expose themselves. For that reason, laws that criminalize drunk driving, for just one example, are completely justified. Otherwise, irresponsible personal behavior could put innocent people at great risk. Government also has the justifiable right to impose certain reasonable restriction on individuals for the general benefit of society and because certain types of personal risks can have significant costs to society. For example, the government can require car manufacturers to install seatbelts and require drivers to wear them because vehicular Get more content on
  • 7. The main reason why I wanted to study Law was the importance it takes in the world. Law builds civilization, protect fundamental rights and protect ideas and inventions through patenting. Anyone can defend his or her right through the legal system. Law can bind an agreement to allow an aircraft to fly from country A to country B. Law is continuously relevant in many context including banking, construction, sports, land, media, commerical, human rights etc. And this excites me more, as it is very broad and in my perspective not going to be repetitive or dull. Law is of fundamental importance to our country, as well as shaping our modern evolving society. I felt that doing a Law degree can be both satisfying and help society in the future more content... This subject enhanced my organizational and presentation skills. Study skills project provide extensive knowledge in techniques for addressing academic task as well as handle large amount of research information. Sociology develops understanding of society as a whole and it also revaluate common assumptions that may not be true. I have acquired analytical, qualitative, evaluative and argumentative writing techniques from Sociology. Humanities define human culture and enquiries the purpose of humanity. This has developed my evaluation skills to examine varies source materials. English for academic purpose can enhance my writing and reading skills to an academic matter. In my leisure time, I like to play chess as it is mentally challenging. I am a proactive sportsman and I have been playing first team rugby; which made me understand team–working skills and team spirit. I have been to over 40 countries around the world. It is adventurous and brings a completely different aspect to life. I have also led a charity football tournament this enhanced my time management. I have participated in debating club in which I learnt how to generative an argument effectively. I was in the Student Union which I had tackle and solve problems. I regularly read the law section in the Telegraph and the Guardian. This can allow me to get updated current affairs related to Law. I Get more content on
  • 8. Why Study Law Essay Why study law? I think law is a course where you can practice practical skills and gain other skills too. Law is human rights; it is solving people's problems and getting to know what people go through. Firstly I want to study law because of the injustices that still exist in the world we are in and it bothers me a lot. I want to be the one that can change it. I want to be the one that will help people and get them justice. I want to the society to be equal and I want to fight for some human rights. I want to be a lawyer or an investigator in crime scenes because I love solving problems which are between two people and think about which option is the best to set and go for. I am a good listener and I like taking risks. I want to more content... I think studying abroad makes you gain some self confidence and know how to handle responsibilities by yourself. I will be able to rebuild my life from scratch. I will get to meet different people who lead to different cultures and I will meet an entirely new culture. I will get to ask the friends I will make about how is law back in their countries. How does their law differ from ours? I will be able to explore the world, the world that I yet didn't see. I will get to see how education is in different countries and get to experience it. Being an international student will help meet other international students and I will get to ask and see how cultures differ and what are their traditions are like. The steps I take are my future; I am the one who move my feet towards the goal I want. It is what I want to be and what I will hopefully be. There isn't anyone who could stop me from being what or who I want to become. Yes I will be alone and I will get lost a lot of times but that is part of rebuilding who I am. That'll teach me loads of things I never knew and I will learn more about Get more content on
  • 9. Justice Is A Just Society To live in a place, where equality, peace, security and dignity are guaranteed is a good fortune to those who found a just society. Though it is not an easy task to establish a just society, but it is not an impossible idea. A just society requires a society of law abiding citizens who work together for the betterment of the society, where laws are human rights informed and social policies are effective. The word just means fair and lawful. A just society means a society where everything is fair. In a just society, justice is ensured by the state. John Rawls has given the following arguments for the concept of justice. He argues that justice is fairness which is an essential component of a democratic society (Rawls, 1999, p. 11). His more content... Citizens are an important component of a society. In a just society the equal rights of the citizens are ensured. In a society where citizens do not participate in the political process to promote the public good and hold political authorities accountable, just society is not possible there. All human rights laws will fail if the citizens are not willing to obey those laws. Moreover, enforcement of the social policies also depends on the voluntary cooperation of the citizens. The state will be unable to provide health care services if the citizens are not willing to maintain a healthy diet with respect to their own health (Kymlicka, 2002, p.285 ). Consequently, social policies to meet the need of the child, disable, women and elderly cannot be effective if the citizens are not willing to share this responsibility by providing some care for their relatives. In Bangladesh there are more than two hundred environmental laws and several policies for the protection of the environment. But environmental destruction is increasing day by day. The state cannot protect the environment by legal rules and policies as long as the citizens do not practice reduce, reuse and recycle in their own consumer Get more content on
  • 10. Every day millions of people log onto social media platforms. There has been much discussion on whether or not individuals should be prosecuted for statements made on social media platforms. Individuals should be prosecuted for statements made on social media. Although cyberbullying is just a small crime, people should still be punished for harsh or hateful remarks on social media. Having freedom of speech is a privilege not a right, we should focus on the bigger stories on cyberbullying, and individuals affected by cyberbullying are affected in all aspects of their life. First of all, freedom of speech is a privilege not a right. People who want to abuse their freedom of speech there should be a punishment. According to the article "Sacrificing the first Amendment to catch 'Cyberbullies'", "..., a handful of democratic New York State Senators think that the First Amendment should Although there are already limits on American's freedom of speech, we still have some freedoms that allow us to say and do hurtful things to others. Clearly, the first amendment should not be treated as a right it should be treated as a more content... According the article "The Dangers of Cyberbullying", "... ,in order for a behavior to be defined as cyberbullying, it must be repeated, hostile, and severe with the intent to embarrass, threaten, or harass." Although all cyberbullying cases are bad, we can't punish someone for saying one harsh word to another person. Indeed, we should focus our punishments on bigger cases of Get more content on
  • 11. The Justice System Essay The Justice System Looking into criminal justice procedure, many administrations are at work. Starting with the police, to the courts and concluding in corrections. Though all these sectors have different tasks, their combined focus is processing the law. Regardless what the process is called criminal justice will continue to serve with discretion, conviction, and correction. When first presented with the question whether criminal justice is a system, non–system, and network I leaned toward a network. Throughout our discussions, lectures, and readings I felt the process presented itself as a network. Intertwined divisions working for a common goal. Further into my research and help from Webster, I decided that the criminal more content... These departments involve everyone throughout the sequence of events in the criminal justice system including lawyers, judges, police, criminals, victims, and the society in which this occurs. Every action and repercussion is seen and felt by all involved in a particular case. This is why all of these players in the game of law depend on the actions and results of one another. This dependency arises from numerous situations and circumstances. The police depend on convictions from the court to see results for their job. Each sector must rely on the outcome of trial cases to proceed. Plea–bargaining is a great example. Three or more parties are involved, the prosecutor and defense attorneys must present the best and most reasonable deal, from their perspective, and the defendant must agree to the terms. In some cases a judge can be a contributing factor. Society is the most dependent and most critical, always keeping the department on its toes. Dependency in this case does have its benefits. It provides the system with a check and balance system. Considering again Cohn's arguments that the criminal justice process should not be defined as a system he makes some strong points, that have strong counter points. In short he states this process is a continuum through which each offender passes, from the police, to the courts, into prison and then back onto the streets. He quotes Get more content on
  • 12. What Is Discretion? Discretion is the way a person move without being notice. When it comes to this specific aspect we must take it serious because the principle of discretion is not a game or something someone should take lightly, definitely when it is a part of your daily life. One must adopt the actions of being discreet without making any mistakes. It is stated that someone who practice being discreet has the quality of showing good judgement or able to observe wisdom in silence. In addition, with the ability of discretion comes with the aptitude of unrestricted decisions. Discretion is meant to aid the individual not to damage one whose involved. Living a life that nobody can understand or figure out when it comes to your daily lifestyle. Discretion can Get more content on
  • 13. Evaluate the impact of legal requirements and guidance on own role All Early years' settings have policies and procedures that staff need to work with and follow they need to be up to date and be in line with the current framework of current legislation. Every policy has a procedure to follow and how to respond if you have any concerns about your key child or any other child that attends to the setting. The following procedures must be completed to ensure that the correct method is actioned. To know and understand the settings policies and procedures When and how to respond Knowing who to share information with. Appreciating the guidance of the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Board LSCB Supervising children within the set ratios Get more content on
  • 14. Best Writer On A Cheap Essay Writing Service Advantages of Hiring the Best Writer on a Cheap Essay Writing Service Academic writing is an integral part of practically all college courses in the UK and the US and is crucial in determining how successful a student's performance will be during his studies. Yet many students are poor writers and feel stressed and overwhelmed when facing dauntingwriting challenges. They often find it hard to cope with extremely tight deadlines for numerous college essays, term papers, literature reviews, business plans, research proposals, etc. that they are usually assigned to write in different classes simultaneously. That's why many of them take advantage of using modern technologies and look for affordable professional help online. It's so easy to do with Google search. Just type: 'do my assignment' and you will be able to choose from many hundreds of essay writing companies on different ghostwriting sites. For example, you can buy a quality paper on a reputable cheap essay writing service – Writing, or hire a writer on any other good website. Is It Worth Dealing with Affordable Paper Writing Service if You Want to Get a Qualified Academic Assistance? What site should I choose? Is it possible to order a good model paper on the cheapest custom paper writing service? How much will more content... But being a strong writer is a must if you want to succeed in practically all fields and jobs. When you pay for professional assistance, you actually get useful practical guides to improve your self–expression and analytical skills and become a more effective communicator. You will better understand your topic and master the complexities of the academic style. The talented authors will show you how a strong college level essay should be written. You will learn to write well and make a great investment in your college career and increase your chances to land on a well–paid Get more content on
  • 15. Technology has changed the way we live our lives in pretty much every way imaginable. In the past, the common belief was that only manual work would be greatly affected by the rise of technology. However, service professions such as the legal profession have certainly seen a change as well. There are discussions what this will mean in the future and whether it will go beyond the current aiding role. If that is so, it could potentially change the current legal framework and question the role of lawyers themselves. There are also issues in relation to the protection of clients through data protection, confidentiality and accountability to look out for. This essay will focus on four main points. Firstly, it will discuss the overall impact of technology on the legal profession, while discussing the potential and feared threat of this. Secondly, exploring the lawyer's responsibility to offer quality and proper service while relating this to accountability of technology. Thirdly, it will discuss issues relating to confidentiality and the overall role of the lawyer to ensure confidentiality is kept a priority while balancing out the cost reducing and more efficient technologies. Lastly, it will discuss the educational position in relation to technology and the changes that need to happen to prepare future lawyers for their careers. The legal profession has been around for a long time, as it is one of the oldest information professions . The service it provides is essential, as it Get more content on
  • 16. Anti Discriminatory Practice In Counselling 1 Anti–Discriminatory Practice in Counselling identifies the ease with which individuals can be disadvantaged merely on the basis of their gender, race, culture, age, sexuality or ability. As a case worker you have to consider your own thoughts, prejudices and judgements and treat everyone the same way you wish to be treated. 2 The Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) is the law that explains the professional, ethical obligations related to privacy and confidentiality, In the relationship between counsellor and client the need for confidentiality is vital as it is not only the bases that the relationship is built on and it is a legal obligation. 3 The mandatory reporting considerations are that if there is a sign of child abuse, domestic violence, Get more content on
  • 17. Legal Writing Project 1 TerriResse Jones 208 Southwind Dr. #14, Athens, AL 35611 #22026522, Legal Writing 1, #008033 Law Offices of Eliza Smith & Associates 5678 Barrister Row Clark, Pennsylvania 18112 (771) 333–4444 Fax (771) 333–4445 April 21, 2014 Jane P. Smith 123 Rock Road Clark, PA 18118 Re: File No. Smith–3–04 Dear Ms. Smith, This letter is to inform you, that your tax appeal hearing has been scheduled for March 6, 2005, at 10:30 a.m. The hearing will be held at the County Office building located at 211 Race Road. The court room is located on the 5th floor. Ms. Smith, would like for you to meet her in the lobby ten minutes before the hearing begins. She asked, that you bring the pictures of all the more content... Containing approximately 86,000 square feet of land, more or less, and being the Southerly one–half of Lot numbered 198. Subject to all restrictions, reservations conditions and exceptions as set forth in deeds forming the chain of title. BEING the same premises conveyed to the Grantors herein by deed of Mo Wells, et al., dated May 3, 1964, and recorded in the Lackawanna County Recorder of Deeds in Deed Book 810 Page 233. Tax Map No. 19–19–050–019–8 And the said Grantors do hereby generally warrant the property hereby conveyed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantors have hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and DeliveredGrantor: In the Presence of: Susan Get more content on
  • 18. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Litigation The litigation is the formal and conventional way in dispute resolution over the centuries of time. Courts are traditional, recognizable forums in which litigation is adjudicated (Kennedy and Richards, 2004). Even though there are number of methods available outside the court system litigation is still act a major role in dispute resolution as the conventional method. But with the time people identified limitations of the system which created uncomfortable situations to users due to certain drawbacks hold with the litigation system. Through litigation successive governments has ensured that people are delivered with justice and adjudicated on their disputes. Even though disputes are resolved through litigation people come across so many difficulties, such as stress, expenditure, delay and bitter arguments that pave the way for further disputes. A major issue on using litigation for labour disputes is frequent postponements awarded in hearing a case in the courts. According to Sivananthiran and Ratnam (2003) the most prominent cause responsible for delay in adjudication is frequent adjournment granted by the Labour Courts. Both workmen and employer seek adjournment after adjournment at each of the above stage and this contributes to the delay in dispute resolution process. 2.5.3 Labour tribunals It is the most more content... It defines the objectives and scope of the Act, as "an Act to provide for the prevention, investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto". By analyzing the definition, it is focused on providing methods in minimizing the disputes and identifying and settling them efficiently as early as possible to protect the harmony of employment relations. As stated by Egalahewa (2009) the act is enacted to bringing in new machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes in Sri Get more content on