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Essay about Employment Termination
Moral and Ethical Issues Involving Employment Terminations
University of Phoenix
Moral and Ethical Issues Involving Employment Terminations
When the decision is made to terminate an employee–employer relationship, the employer faces a far more daunting challenge than simply being able
to terminate the employee, with or without due cause. Difficult steps must be taken to ensure that all precautions, legal and ethical, have been
scrutinized and actuated prior to the final decision to terminate the relationship. Present ethical guidelines stipulate that employers, especially those
involved in management, are responsible for ensuring that ethics for both the company and more content...
4). The decision to terminate an employee is difficult enough, considering the unavoidable legal and emotional factors involved during this process, but
the additional and possible consequences that affect current employees and morale within the organization will evidently linger for some time. The
decision to eliminate a fellow employee can either have positive or negative repercussions from his or her peers. Again, their reaction to this decision
may be justified, depending on the organization's true intent for the termination. If all possible alternatives have been exhausted, thus absolving any
doubt of undue cause by the employer to rectify the employee's behavior, then the impact to morale among current employees of the organization will
be minimal and short–lived.
John Sample (fictitious name is used to protect against legal liabilities) has been working for his company as a call center support rep for about two
years. During the first year and a half of his employment, John has performed above par and received several and various recognitions for his work
performance by sales reps, who personally deal with clients and from clients themselves calling in their appraisal of John's attentive care toward their
individual problems. However, around the time of his second year anniversary John went through several personal issues relating
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Essay on Employment Law
Employment law encompasses remedies that address employee grievances and discrimination that occur in the workplace environment. The foundation
of this system is the United States Constitution, which provides two sources of laws and regulations. These two sources are individual state
constitutions and the national constitution. Under this system of federalism, there is also the Bill of Rights, which provides the origins of the majority
of employment law. The most widely known document is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000e et.seq.) The judicial,
executive, and legislative branches of the government of the United States create and enforce rules and regulations as promulgated by the constitution. more content...
Organizations or agencies may file a charge of discrimination on behalf of another person to protect that individual's identity. The charges may come by
mail or presented in person to the most accessible EEOC office. United States citizens that work for U.S. firms outside the country and its territories
fall under the protection of anti–discrimination laws and may file charges at any EEOC office if uncertain about which office to contact. Advance
notice is standard procedure if accommodations such as a sign language interpreter or print materials in an accessible format are necessary. At the time
of filing, employers receive notice of the complaint submission and as the investigation progresses the employer receives the final determination, as
does the complainant.
Discrimination complaints are subject to strict time limits and must be within 180 days of the offense unless the offense is also under coverage by
state or local anti–discrimination laws. However, only state laws have the capacity to extend the time of filing limit to 300 days. If the charges fall
within the scope of the Equal Pay Act (EPA), the time limitations do not apply, but because claims also fall under Title VII sex discrimination, most
claimants are under advisement to file charges under both laws with observance to the strict time limits of each. Mediation is another step in the
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Essay on Employment Law
Employment Law The purpose of this paper is to analyze a specific, hypothetical employment situation encountered and to include the information
regarding employment conflicts, questions, grievances, lawsuits, etc., in terms of how the situation was handled or resolved. Employment conflicts are
a constant issue everyday in any organization; it is how you handle them both legally and professionally that counts. Employment Law Situation In this
situation an employee, new to office politics was continuously making slanderous or racial remarks. Not that they were blatantly slanderous or racial
he did them ignorantly. The employee would make remarks such as "old people should not drive. Anyone more content...
This is not just employers but employees as well. When the employee was confronted about the situation, he said that the person he said these things
to was agreeing with him; however, it was brought to the employee's attention that it was not that particular employee that complained, rather a
group of people who overheard this. Of course, this upset the employee stating that the other employees were eavesdropping and should not have
been listening to his conversations. The manager had to remind the employee of the laws pertaining to harassment and that it did not matter if he
had said it directly or indirectly to the offended employees. Effectiveness of the Law The employee had received training in diversity and had
completed a required tutorial on workplace harassment. The law is very clear in respect to workplace harassment and the employee was reprimanded
appropriately. As he questioned his actions and what exactly he had done, the law provided very specific answers. When reminded of his tutorials, he
abdicated that he had done wrong and accepted the consequences. Actions Required by Law Appropriate action is required by law. Once information is
gathered, it must be concluded as to whether or not some form of discrimination or harassment occurred. Then it is up to the organization to figure
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Essay On Employment
Despite the fact that there are several Federal, State, and Local laws regarding hiring or firing somebody from a business, I truly believe that without
the required interference from the government in this matter, business owners would not only take advantage from their employees, but they will also
be able to incur in many violations of their employees' rights.
Furthermore, according to the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Discriminatory treatment based on: race, color, sex, religion, national
origin, age, disability, genetic information, or the employee's opposition job discrimination or participation in an investigation or complaint proceeding,
violates federal laws and has become an increasingly problematic source more content...
Therefore, the real question in this matter is how could the government enhance its interference with business in order to ensure the image of our
society? Rather than asking why should we let the government interfere with the decisions taken by an employer since it is more than clear that
without letting the government stands in the business owner's decisions, this country would definitely not be what it is or stands for nowadays.
Additionally, if we take a look at some of the third world countries, which are still in the process of an economic development, we find that due to the
lack of proper government interference, there are still having several impediments that could help them substantially in order to achieve greater
employment opportunities for each and every of their citizens such as, for example; the lack of women's economic opportunities in the Middle East, as
well as the barriers and restrictions that women encounter on gender–based job in Asia, in which are frequently confining them to low–paying
activities, more often than not in the informal sector (Gonzalez, 2015). As a result, due to the improper interference of their governments in the subject
matter, certainly, a nation's success is left behind and will eventually lack proper growth.
Nonetheless, in the process of firing employees, I absolutely agree that thanks to the government's regulations and its intervention, a business
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Employee Selection
Individual Research Essay
(2) Describe the different employee selection methods and specify which work best for different jobs.
Employees form the basis of a successful organisation and the abilities and behavior of employees can vary the performance of an organisation
significantly. Due to the fact that respective jobs require specific sets of skills or attributes, selections are essential in ensuring that the most suitable
candidates are hired. Selection refers to the process of assessing candidates by various means and making a choice followed by an offer of
employment (Graham, 1998, p.206). It is often thought of as an integral part of human resource management within an organization, which allows
firms to gain a more content...
From an economic perspective, the subsequent costs of occupational fraud include a reduction of stock prices and loss of employment. These
economic costs are exemplified by the 5% of revenue lost per annum from every average Canadian organisation as a result of employment fraud
(Koletar, 2003). According to Herman, a positive correlation exists between the degree to which a candidate could be in a position to cause harm to
others, colleagues, or the organisation and that of a reference check (Herman, 1993). For example, public servants and jobs that necessitate the handling
of inordinate amounts of money would warrant a background check, as the risk of financial losses or damage to government organization reputations
are higher.
Interviews remain a widely used selection technique in contemporary industries despite the relative unreliability of this method. Dipboye reports that
approximately 70% of organizations in the United States utilize interviews as the main selection strategy in both promotion and recruitment ( Dipboye,
1992). A selectioninterview can be broadly delineated as "a dialogue initiated by one or persons to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of
an applicant for employment (Dipboye, 1992)." The exclusion of other specific qualifications such as interpersonal skills, personal motivations and
career objectives is apparent in this definition,
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Employment Law Essay
In order to discuss and analyse the above statement, in depth reference will be made to various documents which can in some circumstances relate to
contracts of employment and whether those particular documents which are not contractual can be incorporated into a contract, creating legal
enforceability for employers and employees. Firstly it must be established what exactly is a contract of employment.
A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and employee, forming the basis of an employment relationship; enforceable by law.
Contracts of employment may be given orally or in writing: Employment Rights Act 1996 s 230(2) and commence immediately. Actual written
contracts require an employee's signature and the signature more content...
The case of Gascol Conversions v Mercer demonstrates an instance whereby the statutory particulars were held to be the contract, as the statement of
the written terms had been sent to the employee who had signed them and a receipt. In other words he was agreeing that the document accurately
represented the terms of the employment, he had signed what he acknowledged to be a written contract. Clearly demonstrating that a document that is
not itself contractual can be incorporated into a contract, it is thus possible for what would normally be a section 1 statement to be transformed into a
formal written contract by the parties signing it . Later cases showed a somewhat opposing view
System Floors (U.K.) Ltd. v. Daniel
[1982] I.C.R. 54, noted (1982) I.L.J. 118. Employment Appeal Tribunal.
This was not really a contractual term at all, but a factual statement, probably inappropriate for inclusion in a contract.
When starting employment, employees will often be provided with a substantial amount of documents, these may be in the form of works rules,
company/employment handbooks and policies. Documents like these could if proven, have some contractual effect by way of express or implied
incorporation or custom
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Essay On Employment
employee to attend a meeting again with myself and this time my colleague, we provided her with a rape alarm which she could use in the case of
anyone getting too close to her or if she was to feel in any kind of danger. We also told her that we will ensure she is roterd on to work with a care
worker on a two care worker visit if she agreed. She was pleased to hear this although we now had the views of other care workers to consider. After a
week of the new employee working with other care workers we had reports of her still not working as a team and now reports of her using fowl
language and watching television when she was meant to be supporting individuals. At this time I also had a relative of a service call me and report
that he more content...
8. Performance indicators help to outline and gage progress towards targets set out by a company, this can include quality of staff, continuity of
care, and the effectiveness and quality of our service. On a regular basis we send out questionnaires to all service users which cover the topics of the
CQC key lines of enquiry. These being are we safe? Are we effective? Are we caring? Ae we responsive? And are we well
–led? This enables us to
monitor the quality of the service provision and we can use the data from the questionnaires to constantly find ways of improving the service we
provide. We also have similar questionnaires for staff members to complete again covering the CQC key lines of enquiry, these are retained and
then can be used again to improve our service provision and will be used when carrying out appraisals and supervisions. After each of our training
sessions we also ask all staff members to complete a short questionnaire relating to the training and if they found it beneficial and informative to the
services they will be providing. We ask all staff members to complete the forms as honestly as possible. We will then use these to amend our training in
order to constantly improve our company. When staff members leave
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Employee Relations Essay
Employee Relations
Dr. Harold Griffin
HSA 530: Health Services Human Resource Management
February 23, 2012
Introduction Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer–employee relationships that contribute to
satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale (Hopkins & Hampton, 1995). Essentially, employee relations is concerned with preventing and
resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations. This paper will develop a strategy specific to my organization for
integrating job performance & training, discuss the most significant performance management challenges the organization I have researched has
faced, outline basics of a performance more content...
A further challenge is to ensure feedback flows in both directions. Managers require timely feedback to monitor organizational results. Employees
require feedback to validate, or to improve individual performance. Leadership training could be one of the major challenges in a performance
management. Leadership training objectives include topics such as how to be fair and objective, what types of employee behavioral issues can be
addressed effectively during a performance appraisal and how to help employees establish realistic and attainable goals for the next evaluation period.
Outline The Basics Of A Performance Management Initiative That Would Significantly Improve Employee Performance Across The Organization As
Well As Encourage Employee Retention According to Flynn, Mathis, & Jackson (2007), retention of employees have becoming a growing
concern of many healthcare providers. "Every healthcare worker who is retained means one less worker to have to recruit, select, and train" (Flynn,
Mathis, & Jackson, 2007, pg.140). The fundamental goal of performance management is to promote and improve employee effectiveness. It is a
continuous process where managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee's work objectives or goals and his or her
overall contribution to the organization. The establishment of an effective performance management system requires time and resources and therefore,
the support of the
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Job Experience Essay
Nearly seven years ago, when I started working for the local DirecTV installation company, it wasn't exactly a dream come true. I had the aptitude for
it, having worked previously as a home theatre installer back in Kansas City, but this job was much easier by comparison. What made this job less
than desirable were the hot attics, damp crawlspaces where I wasn't always the only thing crawling around and the loose eaves near ideal dish mounting
locations that were often home to swarms of hornets.
Less than a week into the job I was offered a promotion of sorts. They needed inspectors to verify that things were done correctly at several installation
locations each week and they wanted someone who hadn't been around long enough to more content...
The best part of this situation for me was the pay. I was making $12.50 per inspection. That's over $1500 per week! Despite the great pay, I had been
unemployed for nearly a month before starting this job and because of tool costs to get started hadn't taken home much during my first week as an
installer. The first paycheck I received had an error in it. I was told by my Manager at the PaducahOffice to call the corporate office and talk to payroll
directly and they would handle it. I regularly heard new employees being told, "Call payroll and ask for an advance", not just due to pay errors, but
also to cover the startup costs of tools and ladders. This advice would soon lead to disaster.
For the first time in several months I was going to Atlanta, Georgia to visit my daughter for the weekend. I had received one puny paycheck and one
nice one, but had spent everything to get caught up on bills that had accumulated during my unemployment. So, I did what experience and
observation had taught me to do, I called payroll and asked for a relatively small advance to cover my weekend trip. Without incident a check
showed up at the office the next day and my wife and I were off for a fun weekend with my daughter. It wasn't until late the next week that all hell
began to break loose.
I was on the road somewhere in Southern Illinois when I received an angry call from the district manager inquiring why I had "bypassed" him and gone
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Essay on Employee Engagement
Wiley (2012:2) identifies employee engagement as: 'The extent to which employees are motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are
willing to apply discretionary effort to accomplishing tasks important to the achievement of organisational goals'. In contrast to this Swarnalatha and
Prasanna (2013:52) claim that: 'Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job,
colleagues and organisation that profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform is at work'. This description opposes that engagement is
distinctively diverse from employee motivation, organisational culture and more content...
Findings from the Chartered Management Institute in 2007 shows that 59% of engaged employees admit that being engaged can bring out an
employee's creative ideas for the company. Consequently the interest for engagement arises for the employers as, fostering new innovation cannot be
done without engaging employees.
Thirdly there is an interest in employee engagement as employers want to retain their staff. Therefore adopting engagement is important to a company,
especially as engagement can have an affect on a employees absence, turnover and attitudes. Baumruk (2006) found that companies that have a higher
engagement in the organisation are more likely to have lower employee turnover, better financial performance and higher productivity. Additionally
highly engaging organisational culture can have a good appearance on employer brand, particularly when there is competitive pressure in the
increasing global market, it is vital to attract and retain employees with the best talent to the organisation (Martin and Hetrick, 2006). In contrast to
this Pech and Slade (2006) claim that 20% of employees are disengaged at work in the UK and these employees have mentally quit, however still
continue working for the same company. Even though there are still so many disengaged employees at work, only 52% of employers actually take
action to prevent
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Essay About Employment Termination

  • 1. Essay about Employment Termination Running head: MORAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES OF TERMINATION Moral and Ethical Issues Involving Employment Terminations University of Phoenix MGT216 Moral and Ethical Issues Involving Employment Terminations When the decision is made to terminate an employee–employer relationship, the employer faces a far more daunting challenge than simply being able to terminate the employee, with or without due cause. Difficult steps must be taken to ensure that all precautions, legal and ethical, have been scrutinized and actuated prior to the final decision to terminate the relationship. Present ethical guidelines stipulate that employers, especially those involved in management, are responsible for ensuring that ethics for both the company and more content... 4). The decision to terminate an employee is difficult enough, considering the unavoidable legal and emotional factors involved during this process, but the additional and possible consequences that affect current employees and morale within the organization will evidently linger for some time. The decision to eliminate a fellow employee can either have positive or negative repercussions from his or her peers. Again, their reaction to this decision may be justified, depending on the organization's true intent for the termination. If all possible alternatives have been exhausted, thus absolving any doubt of undue cause by the employer to rectify the employee's behavior, then the impact to morale among current employees of the organization will be minimal and short–lived. EXAMPLE OF ETHICAL DILEMMA RELATING TO TERMINATION John Sample (fictitious name is used to protect against legal liabilities) has been working for his company as a call center support rep for about two years. During the first year and a half of his employment, John has performed above par and received several and various recognitions for his work performance by sales reps, who personally deal with clients and from clients themselves calling in their appraisal of John's attentive care toward their individual problems. However, around the time of his second year anniversary John went through several personal issues relating Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Employment Law Employment law encompasses remedies that address employee grievances and discrimination that occur in the workplace environment. The foundation of this system is the United States Constitution, which provides two sources of laws and regulations. These two sources are individual state constitutions and the national constitution. Under this system of federalism, there is also the Bill of Rights, which provides the origins of the majority of employment law. The most widely known document is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000e et.seq.) The judicial, executive, and legislative branches of the government of the United States create and enforce rules and regulations as promulgated by the constitution. more content... Organizations or agencies may file a charge of discrimination on behalf of another person to protect that individual's identity. The charges may come by mail or presented in person to the most accessible EEOC office. United States citizens that work for U.S. firms outside the country and its territories fall under the protection of anti–discrimination laws and may file charges at any EEOC office if uncertain about which office to contact. Advance notice is standard procedure if accommodations such as a sign language interpreter or print materials in an accessible format are necessary. At the time of filing, employers receive notice of the complaint submission and as the investigation progresses the employer receives the final determination, as does the complainant. Discrimination complaints are subject to strict time limits and must be within 180 days of the offense unless the offense is also under coverage by state or local anti–discrimination laws. However, only state laws have the capacity to extend the time of filing limit to 300 days. If the charges fall within the scope of the Equal Pay Act (EPA), the time limitations do not apply, but because claims also fall under Title VII sex discrimination, most claimants are under advisement to file charges under both laws with observance to the strict time limits of each. Mediation is another step in the complaint Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Employment Law Employment Law The purpose of this paper is to analyze a specific, hypothetical employment situation encountered and to include the information regarding employment conflicts, questions, grievances, lawsuits, etc., in terms of how the situation was handled or resolved. Employment conflicts are a constant issue everyday in any organization; it is how you handle them both legally and professionally that counts. Employment Law Situation In this situation an employee, new to office politics was continuously making slanderous or racial remarks. Not that they were blatantly slanderous or racial he did them ignorantly. The employee would make remarks such as "old people should not drive. Anyone more content... This is not just employers but employees as well. When the employee was confronted about the situation, he said that the person he said these things to was agreeing with him; however, it was brought to the employee's attention that it was not that particular employee that complained, rather a group of people who overheard this. Of course, this upset the employee stating that the other employees were eavesdropping and should not have been listening to his conversations. The manager had to remind the employee of the laws pertaining to harassment and that it did not matter if he had said it directly or indirectly to the offended employees. Effectiveness of the Law The employee had received training in diversity and had completed a required tutorial on workplace harassment. The law is very clear in respect to workplace harassment and the employee was reprimanded appropriately. As he questioned his actions and what exactly he had done, the law provided very specific answers. When reminded of his tutorials, he abdicated that he had done wrong and accepted the consequences. Actions Required by Law Appropriate action is required by law. Once information is gathered, it must be concluded as to whether or not some form of discrimination or harassment occurred. Then it is up to the organization to figure Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Employment Despite the fact that there are several Federal, State, and Local laws regarding hiring or firing somebody from a business, I truly believe that without the required interference from the government in this matter, business owners would not only take advantage from their employees, but they will also be able to incur in many violations of their employees' rights. Furthermore, according to the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Discriminatory treatment based on: race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or the employee's opposition job discrimination or participation in an investigation or complaint proceeding, violates federal laws and has become an increasingly problematic source more content... Therefore, the real question in this matter is how could the government enhance its interference with business in order to ensure the image of our society? Rather than asking why should we let the government interfere with the decisions taken by an employer since it is more than clear that without letting the government stands in the business owner's decisions, this country would definitely not be what it is or stands for nowadays. Additionally, if we take a look at some of the third world countries, which are still in the process of an economic development, we find that due to the lack of proper government interference, there are still having several impediments that could help them substantially in order to achieve greater employment opportunities for each and every of their citizens such as, for example; the lack of women's economic opportunities in the Middle East, as well as the barriers and restrictions that women encounter on gender–based job in Asia, in which are frequently confining them to low–paying activities, more often than not in the informal sector (Gonzalez, 2015). As a result, due to the improper interference of their governments in the subject matter, certainly, a nation's success is left behind and will eventually lack proper growth. Nonetheless, in the process of firing employees, I absolutely agree that thanks to the government's regulations and its intervention, a business Get more content on
  • 5. Employee Selection Individual Research Essay (2) Describe the different employee selection methods and specify which work best for different jobs. Employees form the basis of a successful organisation and the abilities and behavior of employees can vary the performance of an organisation significantly. Due to the fact that respective jobs require specific sets of skills or attributes, selections are essential in ensuring that the most suitable candidates are hired. Selection refers to the process of assessing candidates by various means and making a choice followed by an offer of employment (Graham, 1998, p.206). It is often thought of as an integral part of human resource management within an organization, which allows firms to gain a more content... From an economic perspective, the subsequent costs of occupational fraud include a reduction of stock prices and loss of employment. These economic costs are exemplified by the 5% of revenue lost per annum from every average Canadian organisation as a result of employment fraud (Koletar, 2003). According to Herman, a positive correlation exists between the degree to which a candidate could be in a position to cause harm to others, colleagues, or the organisation and that of a reference check (Herman, 1993). For example, public servants and jobs that necessitate the handling of inordinate amounts of money would warrant a background check, as the risk of financial losses or damage to government organization reputations are higher. Interviews remain a widely used selection technique in contemporary industries despite the relative unreliability of this method. Dipboye reports that approximately 70% of organizations in the United States utilize interviews as the main selection strategy in both promotion and recruitment ( Dipboye, 1992). A selectioninterview can be broadly delineated as "a dialogue initiated by one or persons to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for employment (Dipboye, 1992)." The exclusion of other specific qualifications such as interpersonal skills, personal motivations and career objectives is apparent in this definition, Get more content on
  • 6. Employment Law Essay In order to discuss and analyse the above statement, in depth reference will be made to various documents which can in some circumstances relate to contracts of employment and whether those particular documents which are not contractual can be incorporated into a contract, creating legal enforceability for employers and employees. Firstly it must be established what exactly is a contract of employment. A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and employee, forming the basis of an employment relationship; enforceable by law. Contracts of employment may be given orally or in writing: Employment Rights Act 1996 s 230(2) and commence immediately. Actual written contracts require an employee's signature and the signature more content... The case of Gascol Conversions v Mercer demonstrates an instance whereby the statutory particulars were held to be the contract, as the statement of the written terms had been sent to the employee who had signed them and a receipt. In other words he was agreeing that the document accurately represented the terms of the employment, he had signed what he acknowledged to be a written contract. Clearly demonstrating that a document that is not itself contractual can be incorporated into a contract, it is thus possible for what would normally be a section 1 statement to be transformed into a formal written contract by the parties signing it . Later cases showed a somewhat opposing view System Floors (U.K.) Ltd. v. Daniel [1982] I.C.R. 54, noted (1982) I.L.J. 118. Employment Appeal Tribunal. This was not really a contractual term at all, but a factual statement, probably inappropriate for inclusion in a contract. When starting employment, employees will often be provided with a substantial amount of documents, these may be in the form of works rules, company/employment handbooks and policies. Documents like these could if proven, have some contractual effect by way of express or implied incorporation or custom Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Employment employee to attend a meeting again with myself and this time my colleague, we provided her with a rape alarm which she could use in the case of anyone getting too close to her or if she was to feel in any kind of danger. We also told her that we will ensure she is roterd on to work with a care worker on a two care worker visit if she agreed. She was pleased to hear this although we now had the views of other care workers to consider. After a week of the new employee working with other care workers we had reports of her still not working as a team and now reports of her using fowl language and watching television when she was meant to be supporting individuals. At this time I also had a relative of a service call me and report that he more content... 8. Performance indicators help to outline and gage progress towards targets set out by a company, this can include quality of staff, continuity of care, and the effectiveness and quality of our service. On a regular basis we send out questionnaires to all service users which cover the topics of the CQC key lines of enquiry. These being are we safe? Are we effective? Are we caring? Ae we responsive? And are we well –led? This enables us to monitor the quality of the service provision and we can use the data from the questionnaires to constantly find ways of improving the service we provide. We also have similar questionnaires for staff members to complete again covering the CQC key lines of enquiry, these are retained and then can be used again to improve our service provision and will be used when carrying out appraisals and supervisions. After each of our training sessions we also ask all staff members to complete a short questionnaire relating to the training and if they found it beneficial and informative to the services they will be providing. We ask all staff members to complete the forms as honestly as possible. We will then use these to amend our training in order to constantly improve our company. When staff members leave Get more content on
  • 8. Employee Relations Essay Employee Relations Dr. Harold Griffin HSA 530: Health Services Human Resource Management February 23, 2012 Introduction Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer–employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale (Hopkins & Hampton, 1995). Essentially, employee relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations. This paper will develop a strategy specific to my organization for integrating job performance & training, discuss the most significant performance management challenges the organization I have researched has faced, outline basics of a performance more content... A further challenge is to ensure feedback flows in both directions. Managers require timely feedback to monitor organizational results. Employees require feedback to validate, or to improve individual performance. Leadership training could be one of the major challenges in a performance management. Leadership training objectives include topics such as how to be fair and objective, what types of employee behavioral issues can be addressed effectively during a performance appraisal and how to help employees establish realistic and attainable goals for the next evaluation period. Outline The Basics Of A Performance Management Initiative That Would Significantly Improve Employee Performance Across The Organization As Well As Encourage Employee Retention According to Flynn, Mathis, & Jackson (2007), retention of employees have becoming a growing concern of many healthcare providers. "Every healthcare worker who is retained means one less worker to have to recruit, select, and train" (Flynn, Mathis, & Jackson, 2007, pg.140). The fundamental goal of performance management is to promote and improve employee effectiveness. It is a continuous process where managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee's work objectives or goals and his or her overall contribution to the organization. The establishment of an effective performance management system requires time and resources and therefore, the support of the Get more content on
  • 9. Job Experience Essay Nearly seven years ago, when I started working for the local DirecTV installation company, it wasn't exactly a dream come true. I had the aptitude for it, having worked previously as a home theatre installer back in Kansas City, but this job was much easier by comparison. What made this job less than desirable were the hot attics, damp crawlspaces where I wasn't always the only thing crawling around and the loose eaves near ideal dish mounting locations that were often home to swarms of hornets. Less than a week into the job I was offered a promotion of sorts. They needed inspectors to verify that things were done correctly at several installation locations each week and they wanted someone who hadn't been around long enough to more content... The best part of this situation for me was the pay. I was making $12.50 per inspection. That's over $1500 per week! Despite the great pay, I had been unemployed for nearly a month before starting this job and because of tool costs to get started hadn't taken home much during my first week as an installer. The first paycheck I received had an error in it. I was told by my Manager at the PaducahOffice to call the corporate office and talk to payroll directly and they would handle it. I regularly heard new employees being told, "Call payroll and ask for an advance", not just due to pay errors, but also to cover the startup costs of tools and ladders. This advice would soon lead to disaster. For the first time in several months I was going to Atlanta, Georgia to visit my daughter for the weekend. I had received one puny paycheck and one nice one, but had spent everything to get caught up on bills that had accumulated during my unemployment. So, I did what experience and observation had taught me to do, I called payroll and asked for a relatively small advance to cover my weekend trip. Without incident a check showed up at the office the next day and my wife and I were off for a fun weekend with my daughter. It wasn't until late the next week that all hell began to break loose. I was on the road somewhere in Southern Illinois when I received an angry call from the district manager inquiring why I had "bypassed" him and gone Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Employee Engagement ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Wiley (2012:2) identifies employee engagement as: 'The extent to which employees are motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are willing to apply discretionary effort to accomplishing tasks important to the achievement of organisational goals'. In contrast to this Swarnalatha and Prasanna (2013:52) claim that: 'Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organisation that profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform is at work'. This description opposes that engagement is distinctively diverse from employee motivation, organisational culture and more content... Findings from the Chartered Management Institute in 2007 shows that 59% of engaged employees admit that being engaged can bring out an employee's creative ideas for the company. Consequently the interest for engagement arises for the employers as, fostering new innovation cannot be done without engaging employees. Thirdly there is an interest in employee engagement as employers want to retain their staff. Therefore adopting engagement is important to a company, especially as engagement can have an affect on a employees absence, turnover and attitudes. Baumruk (2006) found that companies that have a higher engagement in the organisation are more likely to have lower employee turnover, better financial performance and higher productivity. Additionally highly engaging organisational culture can have a good appearance on employer brand, particularly when there is competitive pressure in the increasing global market, it is vital to attract and retain employees with the best talent to the organisation (Martin and Hetrick, 2006). In contrast to this Pech and Slade (2006) claim that 20% of employees are disengaged at work in the UK and these employees have mentally quit, however still continue working for the same company. Even though there are still so many disengaged employees at work, only 52% of employers actually take action to prevent Get more content on