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PROMEBIO strengthens and integrates the
 region’s ability to generate, analyze, and
make available accurate information on the
     status of biodiversity throughout
              Central America
“Biodiversity is Life! How well we use and manage it determines the
quality of our lives. . . . If we are to succeed at conservation and sus-
tainable use of our biological diversity, we must start looking beyond
single protected areas or conservation blocks and start considering
entire landscapes. And we must unify efforts within our region. We
must understand that the question is not about conservation VERSUS
development but instead conservation AND development.” Opening
remarks of Dr. Paul Flowers, representative for the Belizean Minister
of Natural Resources and the Environment, Gaspar Vega, Workshop

                                               ity is
on Biodiversity Protocols for PROMEBIO, August 5, 2010, in Belize City.


Central America is deeply committed to protec-              Implicit in the creation and design of PROMEBIO
ting its rich biodiversity and natural resources for        is the understanding that to effectively conserve
the long term, and recognizes that successful con-          and sustainably manage environmental resour-
servation and management will allow the region to           ces and systems they must first be understood.
“restore the environment, adapt to climate change,          Created thru a consensus of and by the seven Cen-
reduce poverty, and, above all, develop a process for       tral American countries, PROMEBIO has five in-
sustainable human development.” Words of Arturo             terrelated goals to be implemented region-wide:
Harding, President Protempore, CCAD, October 2005
                                                            1. The creation and adoption of a scientifically-
in the presentation of the document of PROMEBIO.
                                                               based methodology to monitor and evaluate bio-
All seven Central American nations signed the Con-             diversity.
vention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that came out
                                                            2. The construction of an information system as a
of the Rio “Earth Summit” of June 1992, and have
                                                               central repository and linkage for biodiversity
individual conservation plans in place. The region’s
                                                               and ecosystem data.
governments however, also recognize that nature
and ecological systems know no political or cultural        3. The establishment of mechanisms for easy acce-
boundaries, and sustainable management and pro-                ssibility to this repository and to analysis of the
tection will require a collaborative and consistent            data.
                                                            4. To strengthen the technical capabilities and pro-
Thus via the Integration System for Central America            vide tools, such as the Global Methodology for
(SICA), the institutional framework for collaboration          Mapping Human Impacts on the Biodiversity
among the Central American governments, and more               (GLOBIO), and to supply the means to assess
specifically through the Central American Commi-               the past and present impacts of human activi-
ssion on Environment and Development (CCAD), the               ties on biodiversity, and to predict future ones.
SICA´s secretariat responsible for the region’s envi-
ronmental agenda, the seven nations have been ad-           5. To promote the use of this data to inform natio-
vancing a unified and active management strategy.              nal and regional environmental management and
CCAD has now begun implementing this plan which                conservation policy makers.
will respond to the CBD goals laid out and agreed           The Inter-American Development Bank toge-
to for the conservation and sustainable use of bio-         ther with the governments of seven countries and
logical diversity. It is called a Strategic Regional Pro-   Zamorano University have provided the financial,
gram for Monitoring and Evaluating Biodiversity, or         human and technical resources to implement the
PROMEBIO.                                                   first phase of PROMEBIO between 2009 and 2011.

Construction of a Scientifically–based methodology for
         evaluation and monitoring of biodiversity
Nine indicators agreed upon and implementing the standardized protocols

“As a region, we need to be unified, and our positions and policies as consensual as possible – about protec-
ted areas, climate change, coastal and marine resources -- so our management decisions are more effective.
PROMEBIO is one means towards this end,” observes Lesbia Sevilla, the PROMEBIO Biodiversity commi-
ttee member from Costa Rica. “Integrated data and decisions will also mean we are better listened to and
heard on the global stage, such as at the Convention on Global Biological Diversity. We are small countries
and our cooperation as one voice will help us safeguard our biological diversity, and gain needed support.”

The protocols development team formed by Wilfredo Matamoros, Ph.D specialist in Community Eco-
logy, Biogeography, and Conservation Biology, Samuel Rivera Ph.D. specialist in Geographical Informa-
tion Systems and Remote Sensing, Hector Portillo Reyes, M.Sc. specialist on Protected Areas Management
and Biological Monitoring and Juan Carlos Carrasco M.Sc. specialist on Restoration of River Ecology and
Management of Coastal and Marine Resources, after a participative process with the involvement of focal
points from the CCAD technical committees for Biodiversity and Environmental Information representing
the seven countries, is currently in the last phase of preparation of the protocols for the nine indicators.

The nine indicators to monitor biodiversity en Central America are the following:

A Workshop on Biodiversity Protocols for
Approximately thirty people, including Central American government representatives, biodiversity experts,
staff and special guests attended the most recent meeting of the PROMEBIO during August 5-7, 2010 in Belize
City. The event was hosted by Marcelo Windsor and Edgar Ek, representatives of Belize, and the Presidency
pro tempore of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD). The meeting
provided the opportunity for presentations, discussion, and planning for the final development phase of the
monitoring and evaluation tool, and also for the upcoming United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010.

During the two day meeting in Belize, developing the protocols for the indicators to be used to standar-
dize PROMEBIO data gathering to monitor and evaluate biodiversity was discussed. Three biologists
presented their work on a methodology to evaluate river health. An expert on satellite mapping tech-
nologies and global positioning systems (GPS) spoke about the advantages and challenges in effectively
mapping biodiversity trends and the use of the latest tools and software to be implemented by PROMEBIO.

                        Participants at the PROMEBIO meeting in Belize City, August 2010
A training and      Technicians from Central American government offices and from NGO partner
validation course   institutions participated in this course held in Zamorano, Honduras, 11-13 of October
on protocols was    2010. The course objectives were to provide a practical approach to implementing the
held in Honduras    protocols for the nine biodiversity indicators and get feedback from the participants.

The protocols       The protocols proposals for the indicators at the species level are of inclusive format,
                    which means they can be used for sampling or monitoring of several species or popu-
                    lations at the same site. For example, sampling in the rivers will serve for the monitor-
                    ing of fish, macro-invertebrates, or other specimens collected, this with the intention of
                    not focusing on a particular species and protocols may have a wider range of use. For
                    camera traps, the technicians will take pictures of all kinds of animals, as well as the
                    specifically targeted groups.

Infrared trap       The technicians were presented with infrared cameras for assisting in field observation of
camera proto-       mammals and data collection. The cameras are easy to use and are a non-invasive option
cols for mam-       to monitoring mammal populations.
mals                The infrared cameras are secured to trees using cables at knee level above the ground. This
                    provides a wide angle view to observe other small and medium-sized species captured in
                    the photos.

Avian monito-       The technicians were also presented with a protocol for the monitoring and eva-
ring Protocols      luation of bird populations. This protocol will be part of the manual to be published
                    in 2011. The protocol describes the steps required to establish a monitoring program
                    for birds. It includes methods to calculate the population size, indexes of producti-
                    vity and survival, age and sex distribution, relationships with habitat and other para-
                    meters. It describes in detail four methods for the determination of the size of the po-
                    pulation, two methods for the measurement of demographic factors and two habitat
                    assessment systems. It also provides information on basic requirements for equipment,
                    personnel, resources and techniques necessary to implement the program. Depen-
                    ding on available financial and human resources, various combinations of the
                    methods described in the protocol can be adapted to virtually any situation and budget.

The protocols proposed for the river biomonitoring is the concept of river conti-
nuum. The River Continuum Concept indicates changes in the composition of
species that are related to variations along an altitudinal gradient in ri-
verine systems, from the lower basin of the river upwards. Un-
der this concept, taxa will be identified that allow us to track
changes in biota and enable us to assess ecological integ-
rity, also measure the displacement of exotic species
that compete with native species by presenting a
risk to the integrity of the species and its envi-
ronment. This concept was first developed by
Robin L. Vannote in 1980 with researchers at
Stroud Water Research Center. This metho-
dology is used in some rivers of North
and South America, but little research
has been done in Central America. The
use of this protocol presents a good
opportunity to better understand the
ecology of the region’s rivers and de-
velop an experience on the topic.

It is important to emphasize that
without basic information on bio-
diversity, distribution, biology and
ecology of the fish communities
that inhabit the region’s rivers, the
task of developing management
measures for the conservation
of our river systems is even more
difficult for both governmental
natural resource management
agencies and private agencies.
This protocol is designed with
the purpose of providing a
common understandable sampling
tool to be adopted and used by differ-
ent agencies of natural resource man-
agement in the region, aiming to gene-
rate significant and useful information
about our river systems and its biodiversity.

The Central American rivers are being radi-
cally changed due to hydroelectric development
in the region, the introduction of exotic species,
and contamination with both inorganic and organic
chemicals. These interventions, that may negatively affect
our river systems, can be at least prevented or mitigated pro-
perly only when you have the knowledge of the biological and ecologi-
cal functions that are being affected by the interventions in these systems.

Protocols for Ecosystem, Ecoregion and Fragmentation
                                                                             Eco-regions are “natural pro-
                                                                             vinces” where the main ecologi-
                                                                             cal processes that maintain di-
                                                                             versity occur. Therefore the ad-
                                                                             ministration of any eco-region
                                                                             resources should be coordinated
                                                                             beyond geopolitical boundaries
                                                                             (TNC, 2007). Monitoring eco-
                                                                             regionally allows us to envision
                                                                             landscape linkages and gives us a
                                                                             picture of conservation by coun-
                                                                             try but in an integrated manner.

                                                                             For this reason, monitoring is
                                                                             extremely important to high-
                                                                             lighting those ecosystems of
                                                                             large tracts of continuously, and
                                                                             also those small ecosystems
                                                                             and unique remnants found for
                                                                             some reason near to disappear.
                      Ecosystem map for Central America

For the indicators at the ecosystem, eco-region level and fragmentation, the protocols will use different infor-
mation system technologies and data bases, which are available to the countries and provided by the regional
and global databases.

                                                                   Remote sensing has become an important
                                                                   tool for the analysis of the dynamics of the
                                                                   vegetative cover. Its use combined with GIS
                                                                   technology has allowed better of retrieval of
                                                                   information from landscapes and regions in
                                                                   a comprehensive way optimizing natural re-
                                                                   source planning. The proposed protocol will
                                                                   explain step by step the methodology for
                                                                   the calculation of the different indicators.

      An example of technology to be used for selecting images.

The PROMEBIO team is planning to implement
                                                         (in 2011) six pilot projects in the field to test and
                                                         refine the system and demonstrate the feasibi-
                                                         lity of its usefulness. The pilot projects are loca-
                                                         ted in natural habitats and protected areas that
                                                         exist within two or more regional nation’s borders.

                                                         These areas include 1) the Mayan jungle shared by
                                                         Belize and Guatemala, 2) the Plan Trifinio, a tri-na-
                                                         tional conservation area in the Montecristo Trina-
                                                         tional Protected Area located within contiguous areas
                                                         of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, 3) the Gulf
                                                         of Fonseca within borders with El Salvador, Hondu-
                                                         ras and Nicaragua, 4) the Heart of the Mesoamerican
                                                         Biological Corridor shared by Honduras and Nica-
                                                         ragua, 5) the Rio San Juan watershed located along
                                                         both sides of the border between Nicaragua and
                                                         Costa Rica and 6) the Rio Sixaola conservation area
                                                         located along the Costa Rican and Panamian border.

The project is now creating web portals and other tools to ensure the information is readily accessible and
easy to understand. “When trying to find out about a species or habitat, you often don’t know where to
go,” explains Gilberto Lara, the PROMEBIO In-
formation System for the Environment (SIAM)
committee member from El Salvador. “You end
up contacting scientists, universities, local and fe-
deral governments, and even international con-
servation organizations trying to find what you
need and this takes significant time without a gua-
rantee of success. PROMEBIO fixes this problem.”

The objective of the conceptual model is to deve-
lop a preliminary design for all the aspects of the
system, including sub-systems, databases to be
integrated, and how to carry out the exchange of
information with other networks.

PROMEBIO is planned as a system whose main ob-
jective would be to “generate and provide harmo-
nized and systematized information, of regional interest about the state of biodiversity, that would allow us to
evaluate the changes in its prioritized components and that would contribute to the decision making process”
(PROMEBIO operational plan).

The information systems specialist Boris Ramirez explain that “ in order to reach this objective, the in-
formation system of PROMEBIO must be a union of several sub-systems, which would be integrated
into a central system. The biodiversity thematic node is based on the concept of distributed informa-
tion networks. A distributed network is one in which the information is not stored exclusively in just
one place, but it is stored in a distributed manner in several places at the same time. In this way the to-
tal of the information in the network is the sum of each of its parts. The system should permit easy inte-
gration with existing national and regional information networks such as IABIN, GBIF and CBD-CHM”.

The Coordinator of the project, Suyapa Triminio Meyer, also announced the launch of the PROMEBIO website
( where reports on biodiversity modeling results, manuals and other infor-
mation related to the region´s biodiversity can now be accessed.

Capacity Building
GLOBIO: a modeling tool for drivers of presure on Biodiversity

The last step to effectively integrating PROMEBIO
into regional planning and management is to pro-
vide training and capacity building for key gov-
ernment officials to facilitate the incorporation
of this valuable data into environmental man-
agement and conservation projects and policies.
Towards this end GLOBIO specialists supplied
by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment
Agency (PBL) have provided technical assistance
and training to two information coordinators
from each regional country. The project experts

                                                    also plan to provide additional workshops in the
                                                    future to explain PROMEBIO’s uses and applica-
                                                    tions to the staff of SICA’s environmental minis-
                                                    tries and other interested parties.

                                                “GLOBIO provides information easy to under-
                                                stand displayed in maps and reports that show
                                                the relationships between human activities and
                                                biodivesity,” observes Suyapa Triminio Meyer,
                                                Coordinator of the PROMEBIO and GLOBIO Cen-
                                                tral American Projects. “As such it is a valuable
First GLOBIO workshop, held in February of 2009 tool for Central America to use to find ways we
on Geographic Information System Center, De- can change our behaviors to better protect our
partment of Socioeconomic Development and the valuable natural systems and resources.”
Environment, Zamorano University, Honduras.

Report cover for the Technical Report
for the modeling of the drivers for bio-
diversity loss in Central America. The
maps present the actual status of the
biodiversity for 2008 (right) and pro-
jected for 2030 (left).
Complete information on the subject
and this report are available at the
PROMEBIO web site.

PROMEBIO       Life Web Initiative

                In the global scenario, during the Belize Workshop, Jason
                Spensley, Program Officer for the Life Web Initiative, Managed
                by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) presented the

  with other
                Life Web’s initiative “partnership platform,” which is a means
                to connect financial and technical assistance from developed
                nations to developing countries.

regional and
                The platform acts as a clearinghouse for information on pro-
                posals and lines of investments from cooperating nations and
                the priorities and specific conservation projects of recipient’s

                countries. It gives developing nations assistance in communi-
                cating with multiple potential financing entities and by conve-
                ning roundtable meetings to pursue development cooperation.

                Life Web is currently assisting CCAD with the organization of a
                donor roundtable.
                Road to Nagoya 2010
                The country representatives agreed on a strategy for fleshing
                out their positions and coming to a consensus before the CBD
                meeting. They resolved to have a unified proposal drawn up
                that Belize, as president pro tem of CCAD, would have to re-
                ference in representing the interests of Central America. As
                Marcelo Windsor the Belizean representative observed “Our
                Central American forests and marine sanctuaries secure biodi-
                versity, combat climate change and help reduce poverty when
                they are managed sustainably”.
                “At the Convention on Biological Diversity we want to find
                alliances with funding nations that will help us move forward
                as a region. Belize intends to see to it that the interests of all
                Central Americans are respected. Because really, protecting the
                Central American environment and our biodiversity is in the
                best interest of the whole world.”
                Regional partner
                In the regional scenario PROMEBIO has invited the Biodiversity
                Partnership of Mesoamerica (BPM), a platform for public-pri-
                vate alliances to promote sustainable development.
                BPM was originally created in 2008 as a cooperative effort
                between three private corporations: REWE, a European su-
                permarket chain, Chiquita Brands International, Corbana the
                National Banana Corporation of Costa Rica and the German In-
                ternational Development Agency (GTZ).
                Protected Areas Commission
                Dr. Eduard Müller of the International Union for the Conserva-
                tion of Nature’s World Commission on Protected Areas (PAs)
                expressed “If we don’t have information about what’s happen-
                ing with biodiversity we can’t make decisions. We know from
                anecdotal evidence that there are massive changes in the cloud
                forest. We see that climate change is starting to hit hard. But
                many world bodies can’t adequately address these problems,
                because there is not enough evidence. With data collected
                by tools like PROMEBIO we can better examine and prove the
                efficacy of Protected Areas and other conservation methods,
                and harness our resources more effectively.”

In Nagoya
CCAD presented PROMEBIO at a special event on Central America, held du-
ring the 10th meeting of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
in October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. The PROMEBIO committee members see the
system as an important way to integrate not only their environmental policies
on a regional level, but also their ability to affect decisions on a global scale.

PROMEBIO partners (PBL, Universidad Zamorano, CBD in the environmental
department) held a meeting during the Conference of the parties COPX in Na-
goya to analyze the results of the modeling of biological diversity, the collabora-
tion that they had for three years and its future. Their eloquent words on the
results of this collaboration were expressive and confirmed the desire to con-
tinue this collaboration, expanding to other subjects and tools that have been
developed to be used in Central America.

                                                                                         Poster presented at Nagoya
                                                                                         2010 on its English version and
                                                                                         presented at the Mesoameri-
                                                                                         can Congress of the Biology and
                                                                                         Conservation Society in Costa
                                                                                         Rica 2010 in the Spanish version


Officers of PBL Holanda, Zamorano University and PROMEBIO in Nagoya, japan

 Contact information                             Credits
 Suyapa Triminio Meyer                           Edition: Suyapa Triminio Meyer
 Coordinator                                     Reporter: Lee Shane
 Proyecto PROMEBIO-BID-CCAD-Zamorano             Design: Mildred Lagos Vivas
 504-27766140 ext 2428                             Expert partners:
                                                 Boris Ramírez
 Arie Sanders                                    Wilfredo Matamoros
 Socioeconomic Development Faculty               Juan Carlos Carrasco
 Zamorano University                             Samuel Rivera                           Hector Portillo
 Margarita Salazar                               Suyapa Triminio Meyer
 CCAD-SICA                                       Lee Shane (Belize group metting)                               Pictures page 5: Juan Carlos Carrasco

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Organismal Biology
Convention on Biodiversity
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Convention on Biodiversity
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Carta Informativa (Versión Inglés)

  • 1. PROMEBIO strengthens and integrates the region’s ability to generate, analyze, and make available accurate information on the status of biodiversity throughout Central America
  • 2. “Biodiversity is Life! How well we use and manage it determines the quality of our lives. . . . If we are to succeed at conservation and sus- tainable use of our biological diversity, we must start looking beyond single protected areas or conservation blocks and start considering entire landscapes. And we must unify efforts within our region. We must understand that the question is not about conservation VERSUS development but instead conservation AND development.” Opening remarks of Dr. Paul Flowers, representative for the Belizean Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Gaspar Vega, Workshop Life! ity is on Biodiversity Protocols for PROMEBIO, August 5, 2010, in Belize City. s iver Biod 1
  • 3. Central America is deeply committed to protec- Implicit in the creation and design of PROMEBIO ting its rich biodiversity and natural resources for is the understanding that to effectively conserve the long term, and recognizes that successful con- and sustainably manage environmental resour- servation and management will allow the region to ces and systems they must first be understood. “restore the environment, adapt to climate change, Created thru a consensus of and by the seven Cen- reduce poverty, and, above all, develop a process for tral American countries, PROMEBIO has five in- sustainable human development.” Words of Arturo terrelated goals to be implemented region-wide: Harding, President Protempore, CCAD, October 2005 1. The creation and adoption of a scientifically- in the presentation of the document of PROMEBIO. based methodology to monitor and evaluate bio- All seven Central American nations signed the Con- diversity. vention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that came out 2. The construction of an information system as a of the Rio “Earth Summit” of June 1992, and have central repository and linkage for biodiversity individual conservation plans in place. The region’s and ecosystem data. governments however, also recognize that nature and ecological systems know no political or cultural 3. The establishment of mechanisms for easy acce- boundaries, and sustainable management and pro- ssibility to this repository and to analysis of the tection will require a collaborative and consistent data. effort. 4. To strengthen the technical capabilities and pro- Thus via the Integration System for Central America vide tools, such as the Global Methodology for (SICA), the institutional framework for collaboration Mapping Human Impacts on the Biodiversity among the Central American governments, and more (GLOBIO), and to supply the means to assess specifically through the Central American Commi- the past and present impacts of human activi- ssion on Environment and Development (CCAD), the ties on biodiversity, and to predict future ones. SICA´s secretariat responsible for the region’s envi- ronmental agenda, the seven nations have been ad- 5. To promote the use of this data to inform natio- vancing a unified and active management strategy. nal and regional environmental management and CCAD has now begun implementing this plan which conservation policy makers. will respond to the CBD goals laid out and agreed The Inter-American Development Bank toge- to for the conservation and sustainable use of bio- ther with the governments of seven countries and logical diversity. It is called a Strategic Regional Pro- Zamorano University have provided the financial, gram for Monitoring and Evaluating Biodiversity, or human and technical resources to implement the PROMEBIO. first phase of PROMEBIO between 2009 and 2011. 2
  • 4. Construction of a Scientifically–based methodology for evaluation and monitoring of biodiversity Nine indicators agreed upon and implementing the standardized protocols “As a region, we need to be unified, and our positions and policies as consensual as possible – about protec- ted areas, climate change, coastal and marine resources -- so our management decisions are more effective. PROMEBIO is one means towards this end,” observes Lesbia Sevilla, the PROMEBIO Biodiversity commi- ttee member from Costa Rica. “Integrated data and decisions will also mean we are better listened to and heard on the global stage, such as at the Convention on Global Biological Diversity. We are small countries and our cooperation as one voice will help us safeguard our biological diversity, and gain needed support.” The protocols development team formed by Wilfredo Matamoros, Ph.D specialist in Community Eco- logy, Biogeography, and Conservation Biology, Samuel Rivera Ph.D. specialist in Geographical Informa- tion Systems and Remote Sensing, Hector Portillo Reyes, M.Sc. specialist on Protected Areas Management and Biological Monitoring and Juan Carlos Carrasco M.Sc. specialist on Restoration of River Ecology and Management of Coastal and Marine Resources, after a participative process with the involvement of focal points from the CCAD technical committees for Biodiversity and Environmental Information representing the seven countries, is currently in the last phase of preparation of the protocols for the nine indicators. The nine indicators to monitor biodiversity en Central America are the following: 3
  • 5. A Workshop on Biodiversity Protocols for PROMEBIO Approximately thirty people, including Central American government representatives, biodiversity experts, staff and special guests attended the most recent meeting of the PROMEBIO during August 5-7, 2010 in Belize City. The event was hosted by Marcelo Windsor and Edgar Ek, representatives of Belize, and the Presidency pro tempore of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD). The meeting provided the opportunity for presentations, discussion, and planning for the final development phase of the monitoring and evaluation tool, and also for the upcoming United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010. During the two day meeting in Belize, developing the protocols for the indicators to be used to standar- dize PROMEBIO data gathering to monitor and evaluate biodiversity was discussed. Three biologists presented their work on a methodology to evaluate river health. An expert on satellite mapping tech- nologies and global positioning systems (GPS) spoke about the advantages and challenges in effectively mapping biodiversity trends and the use of the latest tools and software to be implemented by PROMEBIO. Participants at the PROMEBIO meeting in Belize City, August 2010 4
  • 6. A training and Technicians from Central American government offices and from NGO partner validation course institutions participated in this course held in Zamorano, Honduras, 11-13 of October on protocols was 2010. The course objectives were to provide a practical approach to implementing the held in Honduras protocols for the nine biodiversity indicators and get feedback from the participants. The protocols The protocols proposals for the indicators at the species level are of inclusive format, which means they can be used for sampling or monitoring of several species or popu- lations at the same site. For example, sampling in the rivers will serve for the monitor- ing of fish, macro-invertebrates, or other specimens collected, this with the intention of not focusing on a particular species and protocols may have a wider range of use. For camera traps, the technicians will take pictures of all kinds of animals, as well as the specifically targeted groups. Infrared trap The technicians were presented with infrared cameras for assisting in field observation of camera proto- mammals and data collection. The cameras are easy to use and are a non-invasive option cols for mam- to monitoring mammal populations. mals The infrared cameras are secured to trees using cables at knee level above the ground. This provides a wide angle view to observe other small and medium-sized species captured in the photos. Avian monito- The technicians were also presented with a protocol for the monitoring and eva- ring Protocols luation of bird populations. This protocol will be part of the manual to be published in 2011. The protocol describes the steps required to establish a monitoring program for birds. It includes methods to calculate the population size, indexes of producti- vity and survival, age and sex distribution, relationships with habitat and other para- meters. It describes in detail four methods for the determination of the size of the po- pulation, two methods for the measurement of demographic factors and two habitat assessment systems. It also provides information on basic requirements for equipment, personnel, resources and techniques necessary to implement the program. Depen- ding on available financial and human resources, various combinations of the methods described in the protocol can be adapted to virtually any situation and budget. 5
  • 7. The protocols proposed for the river biomonitoring is the concept of river conti- nuum. The River Continuum Concept indicates changes in the composition of species that are related to variations along an altitudinal gradient in ri- verine systems, from the lower basin of the river upwards. Un- der this concept, taxa will be identified that allow us to track changes in biota and enable us to assess ecological integ- rity, also measure the displacement of exotic species that compete with native species by presenting a risk to the integrity of the species and its envi- ronment. This concept was first developed by Robin L. Vannote in 1980 with researchers at Stroud Water Research Center. This metho- dology is used in some rivers of North and South America, but little research has been done in Central America. The use of this protocol presents a good opportunity to better understand the ecology of the region’s rivers and de- velop an experience on the topic. It is important to emphasize that without basic information on bio- diversity, distribution, biology and ecology of the fish communities that inhabit the region’s rivers, the task of developing management measures for the conservation of our river systems is even more difficult for both governmental natural resource management agencies and private agencies. This protocol is designed with the purpose of providing a common understandable sampling tool to be adopted and used by differ- ent agencies of natural resource man- agement in the region, aiming to gene- rate significant and useful information about our river systems and its biodiversity. The Central American rivers are being radi- cally changed due to hydroelectric development in the region, the introduction of exotic species, and contamination with both inorganic and organic chemicals. These interventions, that may negatively affect our river systems, can be at least prevented or mitigated pro- perly only when you have the knowledge of the biological and ecologi- cal functions that are being affected by the interventions in these systems. 6
  • 8. Protocols for Ecosystem, Ecoregion and Fragmentation Indicators Eco-regions are “natural pro- vinces” where the main ecologi- cal processes that maintain di- versity occur. Therefore the ad- ministration of any eco-region resources should be coordinated beyond geopolitical boundaries (TNC, 2007). Monitoring eco- regionally allows us to envision landscape linkages and gives us a picture of conservation by coun- try but in an integrated manner. For this reason, monitoring is extremely important to high- lighting those ecosystems of large tracts of continuously, and also those small ecosystems and unique remnants found for some reason near to disappear. Ecosystem map for Central America For the indicators at the ecosystem, eco-region level and fragmentation, the protocols will use different infor- mation system technologies and data bases, which are available to the countries and provided by the regional and global databases. Remote sensing has become an important tool for the analysis of the dynamics of the vegetative cover. Its use combined with GIS technology has allowed better of retrieval of information from landscapes and regions in a comprehensive way optimizing natural re- source planning. The proposed protocol will explain step by step the methodology for the calculation of the different indicators. An example of technology to be used for selecting images. 7
  • 9. The PROMEBIO team is planning to implement (in 2011) six pilot projects in the field to test and refine the system and demonstrate the feasibi- lity of its usefulness. The pilot projects are loca- ted in natural habitats and protected areas that exist within two or more regional nation’s borders. These areas include 1) the Mayan jungle shared by Belize and Guatemala, 2) the Plan Trifinio, a tri-na- tional conservation area in the Montecristo Trina- tional Protected Area located within contiguous areas of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, 3) the Gulf of Fonseca within borders with El Salvador, Hondu- ras and Nicaragua, 4) the Heart of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor shared by Honduras and Nica- ragua, 5) the Rio San Juan watershed located along both sides of the border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica and 6) the Rio Sixaola conservation area located along the Costa Rican and Panamian border. The project is now creating web portals and other tools to ensure the information is readily accessible and easy to understand. “When trying to find out about a species or habitat, you often don’t know where to go,” explains Gilberto Lara, the PROMEBIO In- formation System for the Environment (SIAM) committee member from El Salvador. “You end up contacting scientists, universities, local and fe- deral governments, and even international con- servation organizations trying to find what you need and this takes significant time without a gua- rantee of success. PROMEBIO fixes this problem.” The objective of the conceptual model is to deve- lop a preliminary design for all the aspects of the system, including sub-systems, databases to be integrated, and how to carry out the exchange of information with other networks. PROMEBIO is planned as a system whose main ob- jective would be to “generate and provide harmo- nized and systematized information, of regional interest about the state of biodiversity, that would allow us to evaluate the changes in its prioritized components and that would contribute to the decision making process” (PROMEBIO operational plan). The information systems specialist Boris Ramirez explain that “ in order to reach this objective, the in- formation system of PROMEBIO must be a union of several sub-systems, which would be integrated into a central system. The biodiversity thematic node is based on the concept of distributed informa- tion networks. A distributed network is one in which the information is not stored exclusively in just one place, but it is stored in a distributed manner in several places at the same time. In this way the to- tal of the information in the network is the sum of each of its parts. The system should permit easy inte- gration with existing national and regional information networks such as IABIN, GBIF and CBD-CHM”. The Coordinator of the project, Suyapa Triminio Meyer, also announced the launch of the PROMEBIO website ( where reports on biodiversity modeling results, manuals and other infor- mation related to the region´s biodiversity can now be accessed. 8
  • 10. Capacity Building GLOBIO: a modeling tool for drivers of presure on Biodiversity The last step to effectively integrating PROMEBIO into regional planning and management is to pro- vide training and capacity building for key gov- ernment officials to facilitate the incorporation of this valuable data into environmental man- agement and conservation projects and policies. Towards this end GLOBIO specialists supplied by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) have provided technical assistance and training to two information coordinators from each regional country. The project experts also plan to provide additional workshops in the future to explain PROMEBIO’s uses and applica- tions to the staff of SICA’s environmental minis- tries and other interested parties. “GLOBIO provides information easy to under- stand displayed in maps and reports that show the relationships between human activities and biodivesity,” observes Suyapa Triminio Meyer, Coordinator of the PROMEBIO and GLOBIO Cen- tral American Projects. “As such it is a valuable First GLOBIO workshop, held in February of 2009 tool for Central America to use to find ways we on Geographic Information System Center, De- can change our behaviors to better protect our partment of Socioeconomic Development and the valuable natural systems and resources.” Environment, Zamorano University, Honduras. Report cover for the Technical Report for the modeling of the drivers for bio- diversity loss in Central America. The maps present the actual status of the biodiversity for 2008 (right) and pro- jected for 2030 (left). Complete information on the subject and this report are available at the PROMEBIO web site. 9
  • 11. PROMEBIO Life Web Initiative integration In the global scenario, during the Belize Workshop, Jason Spensley, Program Officer for the Life Web Initiative, Managed by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) presented the with other Life Web’s initiative “partnership platform,” which is a means to connect financial and technical assistance from developed nations to developing countries. regional and The platform acts as a clearinghouse for information on pro- posals and lines of investments from cooperating nations and the priorities and specific conservation projects of recipient’s global countries. It gives developing nations assistance in communi- cating with multiple potential financing entities and by conve- ning roundtable meetings to pursue development cooperation. initiatives Life Web is currently assisting CCAD with the organization of a donor roundtable. Road to Nagoya 2010 The country representatives agreed on a strategy for fleshing out their positions and coming to a consensus before the CBD meeting. They resolved to have a unified proposal drawn up that Belize, as president pro tem of CCAD, would have to re- ference in representing the interests of Central America. As Marcelo Windsor the Belizean representative observed “Our Central American forests and marine sanctuaries secure biodi- versity, combat climate change and help reduce poverty when they are managed sustainably”. “At the Convention on Biological Diversity we want to find alliances with funding nations that will help us move forward as a region. Belize intends to see to it that the interests of all Central Americans are respected. Because really, protecting the Central American environment and our biodiversity is in the best interest of the whole world.” Regional partner In the regional scenario PROMEBIO has invited the Biodiversity Partnership of Mesoamerica (BPM), a platform for public-pri- vate alliances to promote sustainable development. BPM was originally created in 2008 as a cooperative effort between three private corporations: REWE, a European su- permarket chain, Chiquita Brands International, Corbana the National Banana Corporation of Costa Rica and the German In- ternational Development Agency (GTZ). Protected Areas Commission Dr. Eduard Müller of the International Union for the Conserva- tion of Nature’s World Commission on Protected Areas (PAs) expressed “If we don’t have information about what’s happen- ing with biodiversity we can’t make decisions. We know from anecdotal evidence that there are massive changes in the cloud forest. We see that climate change is starting to hit hard. But many world bodies can’t adequately address these problems, because there is not enough evidence. With data collected by tools like PROMEBIO we can better examine and prove the efficacy of Protected Areas and other conservation methods, and harness our resources more effectively.” 10
  • 12. In Nagoya CCAD presented PROMEBIO at a special event on Central America, held du- ring the 10th meeting of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. The PROMEBIO committee members see the system as an important way to integrate not only their environmental policies on a regional level, but also their ability to affect decisions on a global scale. PROMEBIO partners (PBL, Universidad Zamorano, CBD in the environmental department) held a meeting during the Conference of the parties COPX in Na- goya to analyze the results of the modeling of biological diversity, the collabora- tion that they had for three years and its future. Their eloquent words on the results of this collaboration were expressive and confirmed the desire to con- tinue this collaboration, expanding to other subjects and tools that have been developed to be used in Central America. Poster presented at Nagoya 2010 on its English version and presented at the Mesoameri- can Congress of the Biology and Conservation Society in Costa Rica 2010 in the Spanish version Officers of PBL Holanda, Zamorano University and PROMEBIO in Nagoya, japan Contact information Credits Suyapa Triminio Meyer Edition: Suyapa Triminio Meyer Coordinator Reporter: Lee Shane Proyecto PROMEBIO-BID-CCAD-Zamorano Design: Mildred Lagos Vivas 504-27766140 ext 2428 Expert partners: Boris Ramírez Arie Sanders Wilfredo Matamoros Socioeconomic Development Faculty Juan Carlos Carrasco Zamorano University Samuel Rivera Hector Portillo Pictures: Margarita Salazar Suyapa Triminio Meyer CCAD-SICA Lee Shane (Belize group metting) Pictures page 5: Juan Carlos Carrasco