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Corporate Welcome
Social Care, Health & Housing Department
Helping people to perform -
everyone has their part to play
Supervision File
Name: ____________________________________
Job title: ____________________________________
Team: ____________________________________
Division: ____________________________________
Employee Workplace Induction
Induction Programme
Probationary Period
Supervision Policy
Supervision Agreement Checklist
Supervision Agreement
Supervision Form
Stress Awareness Flow Chart
Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Helping people to perform
X Factor information
Notification letter
Guidance notes
Appraisal form
Learning and Development
Investors in People Learning and Development Plan (IIP) form
Staff Personal Development Plan – Qualification Profile
Application to attend internal training courses
Application to attend external training courses
Continuing Professional Development
Care Council for Wales Registration
Post registration training and learning record of achievement
For all staff (full and part time)
New to post in Carmarthenshire County Council
New to post through internal promotion or restructuring
Name: __________________________________
Job title: __________________________________
Department: __________________________________
Section/location: __________________________________
Line Manager: __________________________________
Post No: __________________________________
(for new employees)
Date commenced: __________________________________
Welcome to your new post in Carmarthenshire County Council. Any employee
who starts a new job (full or part-time) will require an induction into their new
workplace, whatever their grade or background. Even people who are promoted
internally need to be introduced to their new job, however familiar they are with the
council or department.
If you are a new employee, you will have already received some information with
your offer of employment plus a copy of the Employee Guide. Please read this
information – it contains useful information about your rights and benefits as an
employee of the council.
The first few months of a new job can be exciting as well as a little frightening.
There are lots of new procedures, systems and skills to learn, and you will need to
become familiar with new faces and new environmental and organisational
To make this time easier, this Induction Profile has been designed to guide you.
Your line manager will explain the process and will guide you through this
A signed copy of this Induction Profile will be kept on file in your division, to form
part of your performance management record. You will also be given a copy to
Employee Workplace Induction
The induction programme is divided into four time periods for action, with target
dates for completion:
 the first day
 the first week
 weeks 2-12
 weeks 13-24
If you are employed on a fixed term contract or secondment for less than 24
weeks, your manager will vary the Induction Programme according to this
A checklist for each of these time periods is included in this document. They cover
core information relevant to all employees. This will be supplemented during the
course of your induction programme by more information that is specific to your
department and/or your job.
The relevant checklist must be completed during the course of each period to
confirm that the information and documents have been explained and understood
by you. Each completed checklist must be signed by you and your line manager.
Corporate Welcome
If you are a new employee to Carmarthenshire County Council, you will be invited
to attend a Corporate Welcome within the first four months of your job. At this
event, you will be welcomed by the Chief Executive and you will learn about the
whole business of the council as well as the plans for the future.
If you have been taken on as a full-time permanent member of staff, a part-time
permanent member of staff (more than eight hours per week), a full-time fixed-term
or temporary member of staff, or a part-time fixed-term or temporary member of
staff you must attend Corporate Welcome as part of your induction.
If you are on a casual, seasonal or part-time contract (less then eight hours per
week) it is optional, but your manager should give you the option to attend.
Induction Programme
Most new employees joining the Council are required to serve a probationary
period. This is usually a time of 6 moths, but the period may vary up to 12 months
in certain services due to the nature of the work being carried out. Your line
manager will let you know if this is the case in your service.
The probationary condition of service applies to you, it is important that the process
is explained to you. Your Line Manager will explain exactly what is expected of you
in the probationary period and keep you informed of the criteria to be used to
assess your performance. In a 6-month probationary period, assessments are
made after 1 month, 3 months and 5 months.
At the end of the probationary period, subject to a satisfactory report by your Line
Manager, you will receive a letter from the Human Resources division confirming
your full appointment.
Probationary Period (New employees only)
Upon arrival at your workplace you will be greeted by your Line Manger, who will
welcome you to the Authority, explain the induction programme and issue you with
this document.
You will then be taken to the section where you will work and be introduced to your
immediate colleagues and, if applicable, your trade union representative.
The programme for the first day covers the information you need immediately, to
allow you to get orientated into your workplace and start your job.
Items included in this period are:
 Work area and local facilities
 Health and Safety
 Pay and conditions of employment
 The telephone system
 Other information applicable to your specific job or relevant to your
Please ensure the following checklist is completed and signed.
Induction – First Day
 Introductions to immediate supervisor, colleagues and,
if applicable, trade union representative
Responsible Date
 Departmental overview
 Divisional overview
 This week’s programme
 Work location
 Toilets
 Locker rooms/clothing areas
 Recreation facilities (e.g. restrooms)
 Refreshment facilities/canteen
 Car parking
 Local shops, banks, building societies and post offices, train/bus
 Allocation of identification cards
 How to keep people informed of your movements
 Evacuation procedures and assembly points
 Location of fire exits and extinguishers/fire marshals
and fire officers
 First Aiders and First Aid facilities
 Accident book and accident report forms
 Immediate workplace hazards
 Smoking Policy
 Alcohol Policy
 Manual handling and VDU operation guidelines
(refer also to Employee Guide)
 Code of conduct
 Working hours/work rota/shift patterns
 Flexi-time or other time recording systems
 Pay systems
 Probationary Policy and Procedure
 IT Regulations
 How to use the telephone system
 Call Handling guidelines
 Personal telephone calls
 Pension
 Leisure Saver Card Scheme
 Child Care vouchers
(Line Manager to add information specific to department / division /
Responsible Date
Note: Refer to Intranet for ongoing benefit scheme development
Induction – First Day
Allocation of identification cards (M) Probationary Policy (I)
Pension (HR) IT Regulations (I)
Employee Guide (l) Welsh Language at your fingertips (l)
Departmental Overview (I) Leisure Saver Card Scheme (l)
Smoking Policy (I) Occ Health Counselling Service (l)
Alcohol Policy (I) Call Handling (I)
First Aid Policy (I) First Aid at Work Policy (I)
M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet
List below any question/key facts that arise as
you are working through the first day that
might need some further explanation.
I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable)
and understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further
assistance if I need it.
(Line Manager)
NAME (Print): NAME (Print):
Sources of Information
(Documents/information and where to find them)
Within the first week there are a number of issues to be covered that will enable you
to become effective in your new job and be aware of your role and responsibilities.
During the week you will be made aware of your role and the working practices and
standards you will be expected to follow and achieve. How your role fits into the
divisional and overall departmental structure will also be explained.
Training on the use of specialised equipment required to do the job will be planned
and, where applicable, this will include training in the use of Information Technology.
The location and availability of the National Conditions of Service and key policies
and procedures of the authority will be made known to you. Further detail of some of
these policies will be explained at a later stage of the induction programme.
Corporate and local procedures covering absence from work and financial claims will
be explained to you. The procedure for dealing with complaints and representations
will also be covered.
Please ensure the following checklist is completed and signed.
Induction – First Week
Responsible Date
 Roles and responsibilities of the department/division
 How your role fits in
 Reminder of information sent out at recruitment
 Location and availability of National Conditions of Service if
required, relevant policies and procedures and general
explanation of contents
 Job Profile
 Explanation of accountabilities and performance expected
 Job training programme identified and planned
 Supervisor’s expectations and style
 Details of contacts outside immediate work group
 Purpose and use of any special equipment required to do job
in first 12 weeks and training arranged
(refer also to Employee Guide)
 Leave arrangements (including special leave)
 Sickness absence reporting procedures
 Lieu time
 Travel arrangements and travel & subsistence allowances
 Welsh Language Scheme
 Customer Charter
 Obtaining equipment or stationery
 How to book meeting rooms
 Freedom of Information
 ‘Green’ working
 Petty cash claims
 Overtime claims
 Complaints, compliments and representations
 Communication with Councillors
 Use of corporate logos
 Corporate Health & Safety Policy overview
 Occupational Health and Counselling
 Stress
 Mobile phones
Induction – First Week
(Line Manager to add information specific to department / division
/ job)
Responsible Date
Job Profile (HR) Freedom of Information Act (I)
Telephone Directory (I) Health Safety Policy (I)
National Conditions of Service (I) Occupational Health (I)
Sickness Absence Policy (I) Occ Health Counselling Service(I)
Travel Allowances (I)
Booking Rooms (I)
M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet
List below any question/key facts that arise as you are
working through the first week that might need some
further explanation.
I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and
understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I
need it.
(Employee) (Line
NAME (Print): NAME (Print):
Sources of Information
(Documents/information and where to find them)
If you are new to Carmarthenshire County Council you will be invited to attend a
Corporate Welcome during this period. A presentation by the Chief Executive will
provide an insight into the service delivery of the Authority, there will be activities to
inform you of some important corporate strategies, and you will have a chance to
meet a variety of new and experienced officers.
If you are new to your department, a meeting with your Line Manager or Head of
Service will provide an overview of the business of your department and cover the
functions of the various divisions/sections and any impact the departmental business
plan has on your job/role.
Significant corporate policies and procedures will be covered in detail at this stage of the
During this early part of your employment, your line manager will review your
progress at the 4 and 12-week stages. If you are subject to a probationary period
(see page 3), this will be part of your formal 1-month and 3-month probationary
assessment meetings.
By the end of week 12 the initial induction programme should be complete.
Please ensure the following checklist is completed and signed.
Induction – Weeks 2-12
Responsible Date
 Description of the function of the department, its structure
and functions of each section – refer back to departmental
overview document
 A summary of the Divisional/Unit Business Plan and its
impact on the job/role
 Information on other parts of the Authority, with which the
job requires regular contact
Policies And Procedures
 Equalities Framework
 Welsh Language
 Whistleblowing
 Dignity at Work
 Grievance
 Capability
 Counselling and Disciplinary
 Financial Regulations, inc. Procurement guidelines (if
 Recruitment & Selection (if applicable)
 Helping People to Perform (Performance Appraisal) (if
 Redeployment (if applicable)
 Project Management methodology (if applicable)
 Termination of Employment – exit interviews, etc.
Internal Communication
 Intranet/Internet
 Team meetings
 Local departmental news (newsletters, notice boards, etc.)
 Y Gair
 Use of corporate logos
 Departmental standards, e.g. ISO
 Investors in People
 Corporate Health Standard
Induction – Weeks 2-12
(Line Manager to add information specific to department / division /
Responsible Date
Department Business Plan (M) Helping People to Perform (I)
Corporate Health Standard (HR) Welsh Language Strategy (I)
Departmental Overview (I) IT Regulations (I)
Disciplinary and Capability Procedure (I) Sickness Absence Policy (I)
Dignity at Work (I) Financial Regulations (I)
Grievance (I) Y Gair (I)
Equalities and Diversity (I) Whistleblowing Policy (I)
M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet
List below any question/key facts that arise as you
are working through weeks 2-12 that might need
some further explanation.
I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and
understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I need
(Employee) (Line Manager)
NAME (Print): NAME (Print):
I also confirm that I have attended Corporate Welcome:
SIGNED (Employee): DATE:
Sources of Information
(Documents/information and where to find them)
In weeks 13-24 of the induction programme, you will receive further instruction if
necessary in areas covered in the earlier weeks. You will also be introduced to the
more detailed aspects of your job.
During this latter part of your induction period, your Line Manager will review your
progress at the end of week 24.
If you are subject to a probationary period, your final 5-month assessment meeting
will be held at this stage. Upon successful completion of your probationary
assessment, you will be sent a letter by HR confirming your appointment.
A fully signed copy of this document will be held in your personal file by your line
manager. You will also be given a copy to keep.
This will form the basis of your Helping People to Perform (Performance Appraisal)
meeting, which will be carried out by your line manager annually.
Supplementary Information
(Line Manager to add information specific to department /
division / job)
Responsible Date
Induction Weeks 13 - 14
Helping People to Perform (I)
M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet
List below any question/key facts that arise as
you are working through weeks 13-24 that might
need some further explanation.
I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and
understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I
need it.
(Employee) (Line
NAME (Print): NAME (Print):
Sources of Information
(Documents/information and where to find them)
Social Care, Health & Housing Department
Supervision Policy
Departmental Values
Departmental Mission
By working together we will deliver modern,
excellent services that will improve the health and
well-being of the people in Carmarthenshire.
Supervision is the right of every employee within
Social Care, Health and Housing department
Social Care, Health & Housing’s
Philosophy and Principle
“Supervision” in the context
of the policy enhances the
management function of the
department and the
professional and personal
development and support of
individual members of staff.
 To promote and maintain a quality service to
people in Carmarthenshire.
 To ensure staff are clear about their roles and
 To ensure that workers meet County Council and
Departmental objectives including statutory and
legal requirements.
 To promote a suitable climate for good practice
and development.
 To assist in professional/personal development.
 To help prevent stress.
 To facilitate staff to access their personal
resources to undertake their role.
 To support staff to do their jobs.
Purpose of Supervision
1 Introduction
Supervision is the right of every employee within the Social Care,
Health and Housing Department.
“Supervision” in the context of this policy document enhances the
management function of the department and the professional and personal
development of individual members of staff. Supervision describes a
process which is formally structured to enable staff within the department to
perform as effectively as their capabilities permit within the function of their
role. Supervision describes a two way process which is formally structured.
2 Purpose of the Supervision Policy
Supervision when operated effectively, benefits service users, the public, the
organisation and staff.
The purpose of supervision is to help staff provide the most appropriate form
of services to service users and the public, by ensuring that the worker has
the knowledge, skills, information, time and developmental opportunities to
carry out the necessary tasks effectively. Supervision provides a framework
of support offering guidance to staff with regard to their role, workload and
development, as well as expected standards of practice.
2.1 Scope
This policy will apply to all staff employed in the Social Care, Health and
Housing Department. It is recognised however, that the frequency of
supervision meetings will vary depending on the needs of the service in
accordance with timetables to be established by Heads of Services for each
group of staff and agreed by the Director. It is expected however, that all
staff will have supervision meetings at a minimum of three monthly intervals.
Responsibility for undertaking supervision will normally rest with the day-to-
day line manager who will often be in the same location. It is recognised that
for some groups, e.g. administrative staff and specialist staff such as Social
Workers and Occupational Therapists, integrated teams, professional
supervision may also be received from other sources. Over the next few
years, the department is reshaping to reflect a more integrated approach
with Health and Education. We are therefore mindful that the supervision
arrangements for Integrated Services will need to be agreed locally to
enable staff to have access to the full range of supervision they require.
Supervision Policy
2.2 Links with Management Development
The County Council as a whole is committed to improving and developing
management arrangements through helping people to perform to their
potential, and this document is a part of the Social Care, Health and Housing
Department’s commitment to that process. This policy has been prepared in
line with National Management Standards and the Corporate ‘Helping
People to Perform’ Framework.
Outcomes of Supervision
It is envisaged that the overall outcome will be service improvement and the
continuing development of services.
2.3 Benefits for the Department are:
 Staff are clear about their role and function in achieving the overall
objectives of the organisation;
 Staff are enabled to develop their competencies and therefore
perform their duties effectively;
 Staff are motivated and committed to the objectives of the
2.4 Benefits for the Line Manager are:
 Line Managers can satisfy themselves that the member of staff has
the necessary skills and competence to successfully complete the
objectives set;
 Issues influencing performance can be identified so that they may
either be enhanced or addressed as areas for improvement;
 A formal dialogue between supervisor and supervisee is established
thus developing a two way communication on performance.
2.5 Benefits for the Individual are:
 Supervision provides clarity about the role of the individual within the
organisation and makes explicit the expectations made of him/her;
 The individual has, or is enabled to develop, the competencies (ie.
skills or attributes) necessary to undertake the required tasks,
efficiently and effectively;
 The individual receives support and regular feedback on their
 The individual is helped to manage their workload and in doing this
will reduce any anxiety or stress.
3 The provision of supervision
3.1 All staff will receive day-to-day supervision and support as necessary from
their Line Manager in relation to the tasks they perform.
3.2 Supervision will cover the following areas:-
3.2.1 For the Supervisor
 Work is planned and consistent with Team and departmental
objectives, business plans, policies and procedures and legal
 Work is systematically and formally reviewed against objectives;
 Objectives are reviewed and updated taking into account individual,
team and organisational needs;
 Good work is acknowledged and positive feedback provided;
 Where under performance has been consistently highlighted and
recorded and sustained attempts have not achieved a successful
outcome, appropriate performance capability issues will be
3.2.2 For the Supervisee
 Current performance and areas for development are identified
against relevant standards;
 Individual development plans are based on assessment of current
competence and potential future learning needs that are in line with
individual, team and organisational requirements;
 Where under performance has been identified it is the responsibility
of the supervisee to fully engage in this discussion to ensure that any
issues that have contributed, have been highlighted and they will
need to participate in identifying and completing any remedial action
to enable a successful outcome.
3.2.3 Individual Development (Personal Development Plans)
 Individuals are encouraged and assisted to evaluate their own
learning and development needs and to contribute to the discussion,
planning and review of development;
 Development plans contain clear, relevant and realistic development
objectives and details of supporting development activities eg.
training, joint working etc.
 Development plans are reviewed and updated at regular intervals
after discussion and agreement with the appropriate people.
3.2.4 Information Provision
Supervision will provide an opportunity for Managers to ensure that staff are
provided with the information they need to allow them to become more
involved and enable them to do their jobs more effectively, ask questions
and be provided with clarification.
3.2.5 Personal Issues
Staff will be expected to keep managers informed of any issues that will
affect their performance at work. Similarly, the supervision forum will
provide an opportunity for staff to raise issues or concerns with their line
manager. This will enable the personal needs of workers to be identified and
support arrangements agreed in order to assist the employee.
4 Supervision and Performance Review Appraisal Agreements
(This includes arrangements for one Supervision session to be
devoted to the Annual Performance Review/Appraisal)
Each member of staff will have a written Supervision Agreement within the
framework. In each case the Supervisor will be responsible for drawing up
the agreement in consultation with the Supervisee. Also included is a list of
practice issues that will be addressed as part of the Supervision process
4.1 Confidentiality
There will be an expectation that supervision sessions will be confidential
unless information comes forward which needs to be passed on. This would
be within the context of ‘limits of confidentiality’.
4.2 Equal Opportunities
Supervision will take full account of Equal Opportunities and areas of
discussion during supervision could include:
 Information about legislation, violence and harassment policies and
any equal opportunities policy, and how these are used to protect and
support staff.
 How staff are informed of anti-discriminatory policies of the agency,
and what sanctions the agency will use (see HR Manual).
 Agency procedures and practices for dealing with situations such as:
 where a service user is discriminatory;
 where staff from within the agency or from another agency are
 where a worker no longer wishes to be responsible for a
certain area of work because of discrimination;
 where a service user refuses a worker for discriminatory
 The importance of not placing the onus on staff who are subjected to
discrimination for combating that discrimination and of respecting the
contribution those staff may or may not wish to make.
 The support networks which exist for staff who have traditionally
experienced discrimination e.g. black workers and women groups.
 How anti-discriminatory policies are reviewed and how staff who belong to
the oppressed groups contribute to this.
Who provides supervision?
In most cases this is straight forward and will be your direct line manager. With
regard to certain posts in the authority, particularly in integrated teams, your line
manager may not be the most appropriate person to supervise you. To clarify, the
following two definitions may help.
Management Supervision
This is usually between the line manager and employee. It focuses mainly on
tasks and general performance, organisation of workload and learning and
development requirements. Performance review, ‘fitness to practice’ and appraisal
are pertinent issues within this relationship and must be regularly raised and
reviewed. Many managers may also be able to support the specialist needs of
their staff and cover their ‘professional supervision’ requirement. An example may
be that a Social Worker has a Health Team Manager responsible for all areas
described above but needs to have regular access to a Social Work specialist to
cover specific case management or practice supervision. The Health Manager has
a social care background from a previous job and is therefore able to provide both
management and professional supervision because of their knowledge and
Professional Supervision
In some situations, for example, when a line manager is of a different discipline to
the practitioner, it may be necessary to obtain specific professional supervision.
This supervision may address issues about practice or professional identity, the
development of specific skills or training. This policy recognises the need to clearly
define the differences between these two concepts of supervision, but in reality
accepts that what may result is a combination of them both. If in doubt the Head of
Service will need to agree the approach they feel is best adopted for specific
4.3 Cross Referencing
Individual divisions can develop local procedures for cross-referencing to a
range of documentation that meet legislative requirements or an integrated
protocol. These need to be clearly identified as such within the supervision
file. This will include cross-referencing relevant information about specific
cases to individual case files and other appropriate material. All supervisors
will need to adhere to their division’s practice guidelines.
5 “Disagreement” Guidelines
5.1 When a disagreement exists between supervisor and supervisee the
following action shall be taken:
 In the first instance both parties should attempt to resolve any
disagreement as it arises.
 If not resolved through above measures the Line Manager of
Supervisor shall mediate in a 3 way Supervision meeting.
 As in all policies, at all times individual employees will have access to
their relevant senior managers.
6.1 This policy should be considered in relation to all existing or future
departmental and corporate policies.
The following policies/plans/procedures, some of which are in the process of
development, provide relevant background material and all staff should be
aware of their existence and have free access to such as necessary.
 Induction Policy and Probationary period requirements
 Link with counselling, capability and disciplinary policies
 Helping People to Perform Performance Review/Appraisal Policy
 Health & Safety:
 Management of Violence and Aggression
 Lone Working
 Grievance Procedures
 Harassment and Bullying Policy
 Case Recording & File Management Policy
 Sickness Absence Management Policy
 Equal Opportunities Policy
 Data Protection
 Whistle Blowing Policy
 Capability Policy
 Welsh Language Policy
 Dignity at Work
 Care Council for Wales Code of Practice for Social Care staff
 Carmarthenshire County Council Code of Conduct for staff
 Business Plan for section/division/department
 Corporate Strategy
 Health and Well being Strategy
 Community Plan
 Workforce Development Policy
 Social Care Workforce Development Programme
 Caldicot guidelines
 Confidentiality
 Induction
 Expectations - of worker - of supervisor
 How often & when
 How long
 Where
 Content
 Structure and supervisory styles
 Attendance of additional personnel e.g. Co worker
 Preparation
 Recording of supervision
 Issues & limits of confidentiality
 Anti-discriminatory issues
 A ‘no interruption’ policy
 Cover of absence
 Arrangements for supervision in the case of cancellation including timescale
Practice issues that will be considered and addressed as
part of the Supervision Process
 Values, attitudes
 Standards, polices and procedures
 Agency systems
 Planning, recording and monitoring cases
 Workload, prioritisation and allocation of work
 Setting personal objectives linked to Business Plan
 Competency and Career Development
 Personal Issues
 Stress Management
 Team/Agency issues
 Training needs/profile
 Evaluation/Appraisals
 Dealing with dissatisfaction/grievance
Social Care, Health and Housing Department
Supervision Agreement – Checklist
Completed during discussion and negotiation between Supervisor and
Name of Supervisor:
Annual Performance
All staff will be required to attend an annual
meeting to review their previous year’s personal
Social Care, Health and Housing Department
Supervision Agreement
Cover for Absence/
Anti-Discriminatory Practice:
Expectations of Supervisee:
Expectations of Supervisor:
(Supervisor) (Supervisee)
Supervision Form For: Supervisor:
Location: Date:
Supervision should include:
Work objectives; Training & Development; Information Provision; Personal Needs.
If the Supervise disagrees etc
No. Agenda Item(s)
No. Notes on agenda issues raised ACTION
(Supervisor) (Supervisee)
Date & Time of next meeting: or attach list for group
Social Care, Health and Housing Department
Supervision form
Continuation Sheet
No. Notes on agenda issues raised cont/d… ACTION
Note of positive feedback, or any particular issues
or concerns relating to performance.
(Supervisor) (Supervisee)
Date & Time of next meeting: or attach list for group
If the Supervisee disagrees with what is being recorded this should be recorded
in the Supervision Record. Any other disagreements relating to Supervision
need to follow the “Disagreements” Guidelines (point 5) in the policy.
One signed copy to be retained in the supervisee’s supervision folder and
one signed copy to be kept by the supervisor.
Stress Awareness
Understanding Stress
Stress can happen to anyone at dramatic impact and these occasions will need more
time and support to work through.
Definition of Work-Related Stress
‘The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand
placed on them.’
NB: The above definition makes an important distinction between pressure, which
can be a positive state if managed correctly and stress which can be detrimental to
(Health and Safety Executive)
Why Tackle Stress?
 Work related stress accounts for over a third of all new incidences of ill health.
 Carmarthenshire County Council places great value on every member of staff
employed by them. The council has a duty of care to ensure that the Health,
Safety and Well-being of every employee is managed by supervisors at
every level in the organisation.
How does Stress Awareness link to supervision?
 Supervision provides a framework for supervisors to monitor the health, safety
and well-being of their staff.
 Regular supervision provides supervisors with an ideal opportunity to monitor
the risk of stress.
 Supervisors will be able to use supervision to discuss sickness/absence and
reassure staff that any period of ill health will be managed accordingly and
appropriate support will be provided.
Stress Risk Assessment
A stress risk assessment questionnaire can be completed with a supervisee at any
point. The process flow chart on the following page provides guidance at which
point this will apply. The questionnaire will enable a supervisor to evaluate stress
across the six key areas required by Health and Safety legislation:
 Demands
 Control
 Support
 Relationships
 Role
 Change
As a supervisor you may be unsure of your experience or ability to recognise stress
in an employee. Your line manager should be able to advise you as well as the
Corporate Safety Adviser. For further information contact Corporate Safety Adviser
Jackie Bergiers Tel: 01267-246102/Internal 6102.
Stress Awareness
Supervisor aware that Supervisee is
experiencing stress
Supervisor offers immediate support
and/or adjustments to working
 Provide plenty of time to
listen to supervisee
 Increase the direct day to
day support provided
 Increase the frequency of
supervision meetings
 If appropriate suggest that
supervisee visits GP
 If appropriate refer to
Occupational Health with
supervisees consent
 Reduce workload
 Offer flexible working
 Offer homeworking if
Supervisor completes Stress Risk
Assessment Questionnaire with
Completion of Questionnaire
identifies nature of stress and
opportunity to develop Action Plan
with supervisee
Completion of Questionnaire
highlights levels of stress that
would cause concern e.g. long
term sickness absence
Eg: Referral for Counselling
service or permanent change to
working patterns
Supervisor records all
preventative actions in supervision
notes, signed and agreed by
Refer to ‘Stress
warning signs and
symptoms’ chart
 Monitor in future
supervision sessions
* To access Carmarthenshire’s Counselling Service, a referral to Occupational Health using the
appropriate form will need to be completed. These forms can be located on the intranet People
Management and Performance website.
Stress Awareness Process Flowchart for Supervisors
Cognitive Symptoms Emotional Symptoms
 Memory problems
 Indecisiveness
 Inability to concentrate
 Trouble thinking clearly
 Poor judgement
 Seeing only the negative
 Anxious or racing thoughts
 Constant worrying
 Loss of objectivity
 Fearful anticipation
 Moodiness
 Agitation
 Restlessness
 Short temper
 Irritability, impatience
 Inability to relax
 Feeling tense and ‘on edge’
 Feeling overwhelmed
 Sense of loneliness and isolation
 Depression or general unhappiness
Physical Symptoms Behavioural Symptoms
 Headaches or backaches
 Muscle tension and stiffness
 Diarrhea or constipation
 Nausea, dizziness
 Insomnia
 Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
 Weight gain or loss
 Skin breakouts (hives, eczema)
 Loss of sex drive
 Frequent colds
 Eating more of less
 Sleeping too much or little
 Isolating yourself from others
 Procrastination, neglecting
 Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to
 Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
 Overdoing activities (e.g. exercising,
 Overreacting to unexpected problems
 Picking fights with others
Keep in mind that the signs and symptoms of stress can also be caused by other
psychological and medical problems. If you’re experiencing any of the warning
signs of stress, it’s important to see a doctor for a full evaluation. Your doctor can
help you determine whether or not your symptoms are stress-related.
Source: Understanding Stress – hhtp://
Top Ten Stressful Life Events
1. Spouse’s death
2. Divorce
3. Marriage separation
4. Jail term
5. Death of a close relative
6. Injury or illness
7. Marriage
8. Fired from job
9. Marriage reconciliation
10. Retirement
Source: Holmes-Rahe Life Stresses Inventory
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
Important information:
Stress risk assessment is an ongoing process and must be used appropriately, as
often as is necessary in determining levels of stress, i.e. whenever a situation
arises to warrant its use, for example reactively, following a sickness absence,
when presenting signs of, or having perceived increase in stress level, and
proactively, at supervision/appraisal sessions, etc.
It is the responsibility of Carmarthenshire County Council to regularly carry
out a risk assessment on stress levels of the staff employed. Individual
employees also have a responsibility to report any perceived stress they are
experiencing in the workplace.
Many people confuse pressure with stress. Whereas stress can be bad for
us pressure is not necessarily so. Many individuals respond positively to
This questionnaire MUST be completed by every member of staff and
submitted to his/her line manager two weeks prior to the staff member’s
appraisal. In situations where an employee has difficulty in completing the
form the line manager or other person may assist the employee in the form’s
If for any reason you do not wish your line manager to assess your
questionnaire the questionnaire may be given to the next tier manager for
It is the policy of Carmarthenshire County Council to:
 Ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable that no employee is subject
to an unreasonable level of work related stress which could be detrimental
to their health;
 Create an environment where the risk of workplace stress is minimised and
preventative action is taken to reduce the likelihood of ill-health.
This short questionnaire has been devised to assist managers to effectively assess
your work-place stress levels and to enable your manager to take supportive action
in order to meet policy requirements. It is important to note that the Authority does
NOT view stress as a sign of weakness.
The questionnaire examines six potential areas of stress in the workplace:
Demands, Control, Support, Relationships, Role and Change
Some questions ask if you have sufficient “resources” to deal with situations. We
mean “resources” to include:
 Personal attributes unique to the individual (we all react to situations in a
unique way dependant on individual personality and characteristics)
 Support from the organisation
 Support from friends and colleagues
Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire
 Support from family
 Other coping strategies
Some questions ask if you have experienced any adverse effects and some
examples of adverse effects are given. These examples are not exhaustive. If you
are experiencing any adverse effects in addition to those given as examples, still
answer the question as Yes.
Department/Division/Section: Job Title: Name of Assessor/Manager:
Employee Name:
Employee Number:
Date of Assessment: Date of Review:
Reason for assessment (please tick) Initial Significant Change Incident/Accident Periodic Review Annual Review
(Please tick YES or NO box)
(Please tick boxes)
Warning Stress
This section is about: 1. Demands
Includes issues like workload, work patterns, and the work environment.
Question A.
Does the amount of work you have put EXCESSIVE demands on your
ability to cope with your work?
Do you feel you have sufficient resources to cope with these demands?
Have these demands caused you to notice any detrimental effects on you
personally, either physically or emotionally, such as lack of sleep,
irritability, increase in colds, digestion problems?
Question B.
Does your work environment (including work patterns) put EXCESSIVE
demands on your ability to cope with your work?
Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to cope with these
Have these demands cause you to notice any detrimental effects on you
personally, either physically or emotionally, such as lack of sleep,
irritability, increase in colds, digestion problems?
Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Please tick YES or NO Box
(Please tick boxes)
Warning Stress
This section is about: 2. Control
Includes how much say/influence that the employee has in the way they
do their work.
Question A
Do you have a say in how you carry out your work and on your general
work conditions?
Do you feel you have sufficient resources to deal with the situation of
having little or no say?
Has this lack of contributing your opinion on work and/or work conditions
caused you any adverse effects such as anxiety, impatience, frustration?
This section is about: 3. Support
Includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the
organisation, line management and colleagues
Question A.
Do you believe that your managers and/or the Authority generally provide
you with sufficient information for you to perform adequately in your role?
If No
Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to perform your job
adequately without having this information?
If No
Has this lack of information caused you any personal adverse effects
anxiety, frustration, impatience, sleeplessness etc?
Question B
Do you feel your managers/colleagues provide sufficient support to you for
you to adequately carry out your duties?
If No
Do you feel you have sufficient resources to carry out your duties without
this support?
If No
Does this lack of support cause you any emotional or physical adverse
effects such as anxiety, frustration, impatience, digestive problems etc?
Warning Stress
This section is about: 4. Relationships
Includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with
unacceptable behaviour
Are you being subjected to unacceptable behaviours in the workplace
such as bullying, segregation, sexual harassment, unfairness etc?
If Yes
Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to deal with this un
acceptable behaviour?
If No
Is this unacceptable behaviour causing you any emotional or physical
adverse effects such as anxiety, frustration, anger, chest tightness etc?
This section is about 5. Role
Whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether
the organisation ensures that the person does not have conflicting roles
Question A
Is your role within the Authority clearly defined?
If No
Do you feel you have sufficient resources to carry out your role even
though it is not clearly defined?
If No
Does this lack of role definition cause you any adverse physical or
emotional effects such as anxiety, frustration, sleep pattern problems etc?
Question B
Have you been made fully aware of your expected responsibilities?
If No
Do you feel you have sufficient resources to carry out your job even
though you have not been made fully aware of your expected
If No
Does this lack of known responsibilities cause you any adverse physical or
emotional effects such as anxiety, frustrations, sleep pattern problems,
excessive sweating Etc?
Warning Stress
This section is about: 6. change
How ‘change’ is managed and communicated within the Authority
Question A
Are you kept adequately informed of changes that will affect you and your
position within the organisation?
If No
Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to deal with this lack of
information about changes and to continue doing your work effectively?
If No
Does this lack of information about change cause you to have any
adverse physical or emotional effects such as anxiety, frustration, anger,
high blood pressure etc?
Question B.
When change occurs do you feel that there are sufficient systems in
place for you to respond with your individual concerns?
If No
Do you feel that you have the resources to deal with this lack of systems
to deal with your concerns about change that has taken place?
If No
Does this lack of available systems to respond to change that has taken
place cause you to have any adverse physical or emotional effects such
as frustration, anger, excessive sweating, lethargy etc?
This section is about any other issues not covered by the above 7.
Are there any other concerns that you wish to discuss?
On completion of the Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire will the
individual need to be referred to the Occupational Health Unit?
(Complete Occupational Health Unit
referral form)
Manager’s Signature:
Employee’s Signature:
Part 1 Information required by Occupational Health
COST CODE FOR REFERRAL: ……………………………………………………………………………...
LINE MANAGER’S NAME: ………........................
ADDRESS: ………………………………………….
CONTACT NO: ……………………………………..
DEPARTMENT: ……………………………….……
DIRECTORATE: ……………………………………
HR OFFICER’S NAME:.....................................
CONTACT NO: …………………………………..
DEPARTMENT: ………………………..………..
FULL NAME: ……………………………………….
HOME ADDRESS: ……………............................
POST CODE: ……………………………………....
HOME PHONE NO: ……………………………….
DATE OF BIRTH: ………………………………..
EMPLOYEE NO:………………………………....
JOB TITLE: ..…………………………………..…
DEPARTMENT: ………………………………….
DIRECTORATE: ………………………………...
WORK BASE:…………………………………….
Absence record (for the previous 12 months – continue on separate sheet if necessary)
DATE: ………………… DURATION: ………………………….. REASON: …………………………….
DATE: ………………… DURATION: ………………………….. REASON: …………………………….
DATE: ………………… DURATION: ………………………….. REASON: …………………………….
FIRST DATE OF CURRENT SICKNESS ABSENCE (If applicable): ………………………………………...
Referral of Employee to Occupational Health
I confirm that I have discussed this referral with the employee concerned and have attached the
following information (referrals cannot be accepted unless the employee has been made
aware of the referral).
 Current Job Description
 Copies of any relevant risk assessments or accident forms (if applicable)
 Copies of any information relating to potential adjustments (such as redeployment job descriptions)
 Information on the work situation that may be relevant to the employee’s absence, such as
outstanding disciplinary or grievance issues
The employee has / has not received a copy of this referral form.
Part 2 Information required from Occupational Health
What is the diagnosis?
Is this diagnosis permanent or temporary?
Is the medical condition defined under the Disability Discrimination Act?
(Where disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term
effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities).
Is the employee’s medical condition caused or made worse by work?
If recovery is anticipated, what is the likelihood of recurrence in the foreseeable future, what nature
might this take and what impact may it have on attendance and performance? Are there any steps
that the Authority can take to reduce the risk?
What is the likely timescale for the employee to return to work / recover from their condition?
Is there any additional support that the authority could provide to the employee?
Would a phased return to work be appropriate? If so, over what period and what measures should
be put in place (e.g. reduce hours, change of duties etc.)?
Are there any adjustments, changes to duties or other aids that may achieve an earlier return to
Please provide details of potentially suitable areas of work and whether this is a permanent or
temporary change.
If the employee is unable to return to their current job, should medical redeployment be pursued?
Should the employee be referred to the independent Occupational Health Physician for Ill Health
Other (Please detail)
The Occupational Health Service staff will at all times maintain strict confidentiality
in compliance with their professional ethics, the Access to Medical Reports Act
1988 and the Access to Health Records Act 1990.
A health/medical record consists of information relating to the physical or mental
health of an individual who can be identified from that information or from that and
other information in the possession of the holder of the record and has been made
by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care of that
Unrestricted access to the records will be confined to the Occupational Health
Physician and Adviser, Nurses, Occupational Health Co-ordinator, the Medical
Secretary and the Occupational Health administrator within the department. The
O.H.A. will make administrative staff aware of their responsibility to keep all
information confidential, this will be explained orally and confirmed in writing and a
signed undertaking given by each individual concerned.
The informed written consent of the employee is required before access to clinical
data may be granted to others, whoever they may be and whether professionally
qualified or not e.g. managers, trade union representatives, solicitors, insurance
companies etc. When giving informed consent the individual should understand
what information will be released, to whom and for what reason.
The only occasions when medical records will be disclosed are:-
 with the consent of the individual;
 if the disclosure is clearly in the individual’s interest but it is not possible or is
not relevant to seek consent;
 if it is required by law;
 if it is unequivocally in the public interest;
 if it is necessary to safeguard national security or to prevent a serious crime;
 if it will prevent a serious risk to public health.
If an employee wishes access to their medical records they must apply in writing to
Occupational Health. They must state who the records are to be released to and
their address, which part of records they wish to be released if they do not want the
whole record to be accessed and they must sign and date the request. Access will
be given within 40 days of the request being received. If an employee requests
copies of their records they must arrange to collect it in person from O.H. and show
proof of identity. In no circumstances will any records be faxed to an individual.
There will be a fee of £5.00 for each report. Copies of documents not originating in
Occupational Health should be sought from the author, however, if an employee
insists, they have the right to obtain copies of their whole record recorded after
November 1991 from the Occupational Health Department.
Please contact the Occupational Health Co-ordinator if you require any further
information regarding confidentiality information.
Occupational Health Confidentiality
An effective performance management framework provides management systems
and a culture that focuses on continuous improvement through knowing where we
are, what we need to achieve, how to measure our progress, detecting
performance problems and providing options to remedy them.
A comprehensive guide to performance management is available to download at
Performance Management Policy
Performance Management – Making sure we achieve what
we set out to do
Manager’s Guide
Staff Guide
Staff Brief
Managers Brief
Social Care, Health & Housing Department
Annual Appraisal/Performance Review
Notification letter
Name of
Name of employee………………………………………………………
Job Title…………………………………………………………………...
I can confirm that, as agreed with you, the annual performance
review will take place on …………………. (date, venue and time).
Please ensure that you have read the guidance notes fully and
understand the purpose of the meeting. Please give thought to the
previous year and what you have achieved.
Yours sincerely
Name of supervisor
Example of a letter that could be sent out informing staff
about their annual meeting
What will happen at the meeting?
Your discussion with your Supervisor may cover the following:
 In general, how the previous year has gone.
 Specifically, to focus on your personal objectives for the year
and whether these have been met.
 When discussing whether your personal objectives have been
met, highlight areas that you were particularly pleased with and
ask your line manager for their opinion on areas of good practice
undertaken by you. If personal objectives have not been met,
ensure that you give detailed information for this is e.g. it could
be because of staff shortages or training you needed that didn’t
take place.
 In some circumstances, barriers to performance may need to be
addressed. This should come as no surprise to you if this has
already been discussed in supervision. If this is the case, you
must use this meeting to formalise what has been recorded and
consider solutions with your line manager for a way forward.
 Consider your future development needs and the requirements
of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Discuss
any qualifying training you may need and how you hope to meet
your CPD for the coming year.
 You need to view this annual performance review as an
opportunity for you to have recorded in detail what you have
achieved in the previous year. This review should be seen as a
positive way forward.
Guidance notes for Supervises attending an
appraisal/performance review meeting
Name/Post ___________________________________________________
Date of Appraisal ___________________________
Personal Objectives 20__/20__ How did it go?
Key personal objectives 20__/20__ Annual Performance Review
(to be completed between March – May)
Social Care, Health and Housing
Annual Review
Key personal objectives 20__/20__ Annual Performance Review
(to be completed between March and May 20_)
Overall review
Training received (since 1st April 20__ and effectiveness
Support required/development plans for 20__/20__
(please refer to Department Learning and Development Plan and transfer priority areas here)
Job holder’s comments
Signed (employee) ………………………………………………
Signed (line manager) ……………………………………………….
Signed (Head of Service) ………………………………………………..
For all 3rd & 4th Tier Managers
One signed copy to be retained in the supervisee’s supervision folder and one signed copy to be
kept by the supervisor.
Learning and Development
Date: Provided by
Training Section
Provided by
Training Section
Learning required How will learning be
How will impact be
measured? (method)
Health & Safety
Welsh Language
Basic Skills
Departmental Learning and Development Plan
Social Care, Health and Housing Department (including Children & Families Services)
To be completed with supervisee
Date: Provided by
Training Section
Provided by
Training Section
Learning required How will learning be
How will impact be
Policies &
Change of role
Communication &
Other departmental
Departmental Learning and Development Plan
Social Care, Health and Housing Department (including Children & Families Services)
To be completed with supervisee
For Year 20__ / 20__
(to be linked to Appraisal)
Employee No:
Establishment / Workplace:
Name (Line Manager):
Name of Supervision Supervisor:
Qualifications (eg GCSE’s, A Levels, HNC/HND, Degree (type and class), Post Graduate
Qualifications, NVQ’s, other)
Qualification Date
Target Qualification
Yes / No
Compliance with Care Standards Act 2000: YES / NO
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Care Council for Wales
Target Qualification (e.g. DipSW, PQ, ASW, NVQ Level 2, 3, 4, 5, other)
Name of Qualification:
Date Commenced:
Date Achieved:
Date Form Completed:
Signed Supervisee:
Signed Supervisor:
Social Care, Health and Housing Department
Staff personal development plan –
Qualifaction profile
(Social Care)
A.1. (Yellow) November V1.1
Please note that all parts of the form must be fully completed
in order to register for a course
PART ‘A’ (for completion by course applicant)
Describe how this course will help you in your day-to-day work:
PART ‘B’ (for completion by line manager)
i) Is this course of relevance to the work the applicant undertakes? Yes
ii) How will you ensure that the member of staff will apply what they have learned
on the course to their day-to-day work?
Approved Not Approved
Following application and acceptance for a course, subsequent withdrawal
can only be made in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of
a Senior Manager.
A.2.1. (Violet) November V1.1
Please note that all parts of the form must be fully completed in order to
register for a course. Details of the course (eg booking form) must be
PART ‘A’ (for completion by course applicant)
Course £ Travel £ Accommodation £
Subsistence £
Describe how this course will help you in your day-to-day work:
PART ‘B’ (for completion by line manager)
i) Is this course of relevance to the work the applicant undertakes? Yes
ii) How will you ensure that the member of staff will apply what they have learned
on the course to their day-to-day work?
Approved Not Approved
Following application and acceptance for a course, subsequent withdrawal
can only be made in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of
a Senior Manager.
A.3. (Blue) November V1.1
(Subsidiary forms may be required in addition by the course / programme provider)
* Applicants wishing to apply for the Degree in Social Work under the
Departments Secondment Scheme need to complete form A5 only.
Please note that all parts of the form must be fully completed in order to be
considered for Qualifying Training
PART ‘A’ (for completion by applicant)
PART ‘B’ (for completion by applicant)
1. State educational qualifications:
2. State previous posts held:
3. State role and responsibilities of current post:
4. Describe why you would like to study for the
qualification, including how you will apply
the learning in you day to day work
PART ‘C’ (for completion by line manager)
1a) Is this a recommended qualification for the applicant’s work? Yes
1b) Do you support this candidate’s application?
Please give reasons for your decision
Yes No
2 How will the qualification be of value to the Team/Individual?
3 Describe the support you will give to the member of staff during the period of
For NVQ only:
As the applicant’s Line Manager, do you:
4a) Agree to provide witness testimonies, when
necessary, to confirm the applicant’s competence?
Yes No
4b) Agree that the applicant will be able to gather
genuine evidence in the workplace?
Yes No
For NVQ Level 3 and 4 only:
5 Does the applicant currently carry sufficient
responsibility in their role to enable him / her to
gather genuine evidence easily for this level of
Please provide details
Yes No
PART ‘D’ (comments by senior manager)
Approved Not Approved
This application can only be considered if all parts (A-D) are
completed in full
Care Council for Wales Registration

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Carmarthenshire County Council - Social Care, Health & Housing Department Supervision Folder

  • 1. Corporate Welcome Social Care, Health & Housing Department Helping people to perform - everyone has their part to play Supervision File
  • 2.
  • 3. 3 Name: ____________________________________ Job title: ____________________________________ Team: ____________________________________ Division: ____________________________________
  • 4. 4 Contents Induction Employee Workplace Induction Induction Programme Probationary Period Induction Supervision Supervision Policy Supervision Agreement Checklist Supervision Agreement Supervision Form Stress Awareness Flow Chart Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire Appraisal Helping people to perform X Factor information Notification letter Guidance notes Appraisal form Learning and Development Investors in People Learning and Development Plan (IIP) form Staff Personal Development Plan – Qualification Profile Application to attend internal training courses Application to attend external training courses Continuing Professional Development Care Council for Wales Registration Post registration training and learning record of achievement Notes
  • 5. 5 Induction For all staff (full and part time) New to post in Carmarthenshire County Council New to post through internal promotion or restructuring
  • 6. 6 Name: __________________________________ Job title: __________________________________ Department: __________________________________ Section/location: __________________________________ Line Manager: __________________________________ Post No: __________________________________ (for new employees) Date commenced: __________________________________ Welcome to your new post in Carmarthenshire County Council. Any employee who starts a new job (full or part-time) will require an induction into their new workplace, whatever their grade or background. Even people who are promoted internally need to be introduced to their new job, however familiar they are with the council or department. If you are a new employee, you will have already received some information with your offer of employment plus a copy of the Employee Guide. Please read this information – it contains useful information about your rights and benefits as an employee of the council. The first few months of a new job can be exciting as well as a little frightening. There are lots of new procedures, systems and skills to learn, and you will need to become familiar with new faces and new environmental and organisational cultures. To make this time easier, this Induction Profile has been designed to guide you. Your line manager will explain the process and will guide you through this document. A signed copy of this Induction Profile will be kept on file in your division, to form part of your performance management record. You will also be given a copy to keep. Employee Workplace Induction
  • 7. 7 The induction programme is divided into four time periods for action, with target dates for completion:  the first day  the first week  weeks 2-12  weeks 13-24 If you are employed on a fixed term contract or secondment for less than 24 weeks, your manager will vary the Induction Programme according to this timescale. A checklist for each of these time periods is included in this document. They cover core information relevant to all employees. This will be supplemented during the course of your induction programme by more information that is specific to your department and/or your job. The relevant checklist must be completed during the course of each period to confirm that the information and documents have been explained and understood by you. Each completed checklist must be signed by you and your line manager. Corporate Welcome If you are a new employee to Carmarthenshire County Council, you will be invited to attend a Corporate Welcome within the first four months of your job. At this event, you will be welcomed by the Chief Executive and you will learn about the whole business of the council as well as the plans for the future. If you have been taken on as a full-time permanent member of staff, a part-time permanent member of staff (more than eight hours per week), a full-time fixed-term or temporary member of staff, or a part-time fixed-term or temporary member of staff you must attend Corporate Welcome as part of your induction. If you are on a casual, seasonal or part-time contract (less then eight hours per week) it is optional, but your manager should give you the option to attend. Induction Programme
  • 8. 8 Most new employees joining the Council are required to serve a probationary period. This is usually a time of 6 moths, but the period may vary up to 12 months in certain services due to the nature of the work being carried out. Your line manager will let you know if this is the case in your service. The probationary condition of service applies to you, it is important that the process is explained to you. Your Line Manager will explain exactly what is expected of you in the probationary period and keep you informed of the criteria to be used to assess your performance. In a 6-month probationary period, assessments are made after 1 month, 3 months and 5 months. At the end of the probationary period, subject to a satisfactory report by your Line Manager, you will receive a letter from the Human Resources division confirming your full appointment. Probationary Period (New employees only)
  • 9. 9 Upon arrival at your workplace you will be greeted by your Line Manger, who will welcome you to the Authority, explain the induction programme and issue you with this document. You will then be taken to the section where you will work and be introduced to your immediate colleagues and, if applicable, your trade union representative. The programme for the first day covers the information you need immediately, to allow you to get orientated into your workplace and start your job. Items included in this period are:  Work area and local facilities  Health and Safety  Pay and conditions of employment  The telephone system  Other information applicable to your specific job or relevant to your workplace. Please ensure the following checklist is completed and signed. Induction – First Day
  • 10. 10 INTRODUCTIONS  Introductions to immediate supervisor, colleagues and, if applicable, trade union representative Person Responsible Date  Departmental overview  Divisional overview  This week’s programme WORK AREA AND LOCAL FACILITIES  Work location  Toilets  Locker rooms/clothing areas  Recreation facilities (e.g. restrooms)  Refreshment facilities/canteen  Car parking  Local shops, banks, building societies and post offices, train/bus stations HEALTH AND SAFETY  Allocation of identification cards  How to keep people informed of your movements  Evacuation procedures and assembly points  Location of fire exits and extinguishers/fire marshals and fire officers  First Aiders and First Aid facilities  Accident book and accident report forms  Immediate workplace hazards  Smoking Policy  Alcohol Policy  Manual handling and VDU operation guidelines CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT (refer also to Employee Guide)  Code of conduct  Working hours/work rota/shift patterns  Flexi-time or other time recording systems  Pay systems  Probationary Policy and Procedure  IT Regulations TELEPHONE SYSTEM  How to use the telephone system  Call Handling guidelines  Personal telephone calls EMPLOYEE BENEFITS  Pension  Leisure Saver Card Scheme  Child Care vouchers
  • 11. 11 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Line Manager to add information specific to department / division / job) Person Responsible Date Note: Refer to Intranet for ongoing benefit scheme development Induction – First Day
  • 12. 12 Allocation of identification cards (M) Probationary Policy (I) Pension (HR) IT Regulations (I) Employee Guide (l) Welsh Language at your fingertips (l) Departmental Overview (I) Leisure Saver Card Scheme (l) Smoking Policy (I) Occ Health Counselling Service (l) Alcohol Policy (I) Call Handling (I) First Aid Policy (I) First Aid at Work Policy (I) M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet Notes List below any question/key facts that arise as you are working through the first day that might need some further explanation. Explanation Received Date I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I need it. SIGNED: (Employee) SIGNED: (Line Manager) NAME (Print): NAME (Print): DATE: DATE: Sources of Information (Documents/information and where to find them)
  • 13. 13 Within the first week there are a number of issues to be covered that will enable you to become effective in your new job and be aware of your role and responsibilities. During the week you will be made aware of your role and the working practices and standards you will be expected to follow and achieve. How your role fits into the divisional and overall departmental structure will also be explained. Training on the use of specialised equipment required to do the job will be planned and, where applicable, this will include training in the use of Information Technology. The location and availability of the National Conditions of Service and key policies and procedures of the authority will be made known to you. Further detail of some of these policies will be explained at a later stage of the induction programme. Corporate and local procedures covering absence from work and financial claims will be explained to you. The procedure for dealing with complaints and representations will also be covered. Please ensure the following checklist is completed and signed. Induction – First Week
  • 14. 14 DEPARTMENTAL/DIVISIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Person Responsible Date  Roles and responsibilities of the department/division  How your role fits in TERMS AND CONDITIONS  Reminder of information sent out at recruitment  Location and availability of National Conditions of Service if required, relevant policies and procedures and general explanation of contents JOB  Job Profile  Explanation of accountabilities and performance expected  Job training programme identified and planned  Supervisor’s expectations and style  Details of contacts outside immediate work group EQUIPMENT  Purpose and use of any special equipment required to do job in first 12 weeks and training arranged PROCEDURES (refer also to Employee Guide)  Leave arrangements (including special leave)  Sickness absence reporting procedures  Lieu time  Travel arrangements and travel & subsistence allowances  Welsh Language Scheme  Customer Charter  Obtaining equipment or stationery  How to book meeting rooms  Freedom of Information  ‘Green’ working  Petty cash claims  Overtime claims EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION  Complaints, compliments and representations  Communication with Councillors  Use of corporate logos HEALTH AND SAFETY  Corporate Health & Safety Policy overview  Occupational Health and Counselling  Stress  Mobile phones Induction – First Week
  • 15. 15 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Line Manager to add information specific to department / division / job) Person Responsible Date
  • 16. 16 Job Profile (HR) Freedom of Information Act (I) Telephone Directory (I) Health Safety Policy (I) National Conditions of Service (I) Occupational Health (I) Sickness Absence Policy (I) Occ Health Counselling Service(I) Travel Allowances (I) Booking Rooms (I) M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet Notes List below any question/key facts that arise as you are working through the first week that might need some further explanation. Explanation received Date I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I need it. SIGNED: SIGNED: (Employee) (Line Manager) NAME (Print): NAME (Print): DATE: DATE: Sources of Information (Documents/information and where to find them)
  • 17. 17 If you are new to Carmarthenshire County Council you will be invited to attend a Corporate Welcome during this period. A presentation by the Chief Executive will provide an insight into the service delivery of the Authority, there will be activities to inform you of some important corporate strategies, and you will have a chance to meet a variety of new and experienced officers. If you are new to your department, a meeting with your Line Manager or Head of Service will provide an overview of the business of your department and cover the functions of the various divisions/sections and any impact the departmental business plan has on your job/role. Significant corporate policies and procedures will be covered in detail at this stage of the programme. During this early part of your employment, your line manager will review your progress at the 4 and 12-week stages. If you are subject to a probationary period (see page 3), this will be part of your formal 1-month and 3-month probationary assessment meetings. By the end of week 12 the initial induction programme should be complete. Please ensure the following checklist is completed and signed. Induction – Weeks 2-12
  • 18. 18 DEPARTMENTAL/DIVISIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Person Responsible Date  Description of the function of the department, its structure and functions of each section – refer back to departmental overview document  A summary of the Divisional/Unit Business Plan and its impact on the job/role  Information on other parts of the Authority, with which the job requires regular contact Policies And Procedures  Equalities Framework  Welsh Language  Whistleblowing  Dignity at Work  Grievance  Capability  Counselling and Disciplinary  Financial Regulations, inc. Procurement guidelines (if applicable)  Recruitment & Selection (if applicable)  Helping People to Perform (Performance Appraisal) (if applicable)  Redeployment (if applicable)  Project Management methodology (if applicable)  Termination of Employment – exit interviews, etc. Internal Communication  Intranet/Internet  Team meetings  Local departmental news (newsletters, notice boards, etc.)  Y Gair  Use of corporate logos Standards  Departmental standards, e.g. ISO  Investors in People  Corporate Health Standard Induction – Weeks 2-12
  • 19. 19 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Line Manager to add information specific to department / division / job) Person Responsible Date
  • 20. 20 Department Business Plan (M) Helping People to Perform (I) Corporate Health Standard (HR) Welsh Language Strategy (I) Departmental Overview (I) IT Regulations (I) Disciplinary and Capability Procedure (I) Sickness Absence Policy (I) Dignity at Work (I) Financial Regulations (I) Grievance (I) Y Gair (I) Equalities and Diversity (I) Whistleblowing Policy (I) M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet Notes List below any question/key facts that arise as you are working through weeks 2-12 that might need some further explanation. Explanation received Date I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I need it. SIGNED: SIGNED: (Employee) (Line Manager) NAME (Print): NAME (Print): DATE: DATE: I also confirm that I have attended Corporate Welcome: SIGNED (Employee): DATE: Sources of Information (Documents/information and where to find them)
  • 21. 21 In weeks 13-24 of the induction programme, you will receive further instruction if necessary in areas covered in the earlier weeks. You will also be introduced to the more detailed aspects of your job. During this latter part of your induction period, your Line Manager will review your progress at the end of week 24. If you are subject to a probationary period, your final 5-month assessment meeting will be held at this stage. Upon successful completion of your probationary assessment, you will be sent a letter by HR confirming your appointment. A fully signed copy of this document will be held in your personal file by your line manager. You will also be given a copy to keep. This will form the basis of your Helping People to Perform (Performance Appraisal) meeting, which will be carried out by your line manager annually. Supplementary Information (Line Manager to add information specific to department / division / job) Person Responsible Date Induction Weeks 13 - 14
  • 22. 22 Helping People to Perform (I) M = Manager, HR = Human Resources, I = Intranet Notes List below any question/key facts that arise as you are working through weeks 13-24 that might need some further explanation. Explanation received Date I confirm that the above have been explained to me, I have seen (if applicable) and understood the relevant documentation, and know who to ask for further assistance if I need it. SIGNED: SIGNED: (Employee) (Line Manager) NAME (Print): NAME (Print): DATE: DATE: Sources of Information (Documents/information and where to find them)
  • 23. 23
  • 25. 25 Social Care, Health & Housing Department Supervision Policy
  • 26. 26
  • 27. 27 Departmental Values Departmental Mission By working together we will deliver modern, excellent services that will improve the health and well-being of the people in Carmarthenshire. Supervision is the right of every employee within the Social Care, Health and Housing department Social Care, Health & Housing’s Philosophy and Principle
  • 28. 28 “Supervision” in the context of the policy enhances the management function of the department and the professional and personal development and support of individual members of staff.
  • 29. 29  To promote and maintain a quality service to people in Carmarthenshire.  To ensure staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities.  To ensure that workers meet County Council and Departmental objectives including statutory and legal requirements.  To promote a suitable climate for good practice and development.  To assist in professional/personal development.  To help prevent stress.  To facilitate staff to access their personal resources to undertake their role.  To support staff to do their jobs. Purpose of Supervision
  • 30. 30 1 Introduction Supervision is the right of every employee within the Social Care, Health and Housing Department. “Supervision” in the context of this policy document enhances the management function of the department and the professional and personal development of individual members of staff. Supervision describes a process which is formally structured to enable staff within the department to perform as effectively as their capabilities permit within the function of their role. Supervision describes a two way process which is formally structured. 2 Purpose of the Supervision Policy Supervision when operated effectively, benefits service users, the public, the organisation and staff. The purpose of supervision is to help staff provide the most appropriate form of services to service users and the public, by ensuring that the worker has the knowledge, skills, information, time and developmental opportunities to carry out the necessary tasks effectively. Supervision provides a framework of support offering guidance to staff with regard to their role, workload and development, as well as expected standards of practice. 2.1 Scope This policy will apply to all staff employed in the Social Care, Health and Housing Department. It is recognised however, that the frequency of supervision meetings will vary depending on the needs of the service in accordance with timetables to be established by Heads of Services for each group of staff and agreed by the Director. It is expected however, that all staff will have supervision meetings at a minimum of three monthly intervals. Responsibility for undertaking supervision will normally rest with the day-to- day line manager who will often be in the same location. It is recognised that for some groups, e.g. administrative staff and specialist staff such as Social Workers and Occupational Therapists, integrated teams, professional supervision may also be received from other sources. Over the next few years, the department is reshaping to reflect a more integrated approach with Health and Education. We are therefore mindful that the supervision arrangements for Integrated Services will need to be agreed locally to enable staff to have access to the full range of supervision they require. Supervision Policy
  • 31. 31 2.2 Links with Management Development The County Council as a whole is committed to improving and developing management arrangements through helping people to perform to their potential, and this document is a part of the Social Care, Health and Housing Department’s commitment to that process. This policy has been prepared in line with National Management Standards and the Corporate ‘Helping People to Perform’ Framework. Outcomes of Supervision It is envisaged that the overall outcome will be service improvement and the continuing development of services. 2.3 Benefits for the Department are:  Staff are clear about their role and function in achieving the overall objectives of the organisation;  Staff are enabled to develop their competencies and therefore perform their duties effectively;  Staff are motivated and committed to the objectives of the organisation. 2.4 Benefits for the Line Manager are:  Line Managers can satisfy themselves that the member of staff has the necessary skills and competence to successfully complete the objectives set;  Issues influencing performance can be identified so that they may either be enhanced or addressed as areas for improvement;  A formal dialogue between supervisor and supervisee is established thus developing a two way communication on performance. 2.5 Benefits for the Individual are:  Supervision provides clarity about the role of the individual within the organisation and makes explicit the expectations made of him/her;  The individual has, or is enabled to develop, the competencies (ie. skills or attributes) necessary to undertake the required tasks, efficiently and effectively;  The individual receives support and regular feedback on their progress
  • 32. 32  The individual is helped to manage their workload and in doing this will reduce any anxiety or stress. 3 The provision of supervision 3.1 All staff will receive day-to-day supervision and support as necessary from their Line Manager in relation to the tasks they perform. 3.2 Supervision will cover the following areas:- 3.2.1 For the Supervisor  Work is planned and consistent with Team and departmental objectives, business plans, policies and procedures and legal requirements;  Work is systematically and formally reviewed against objectives;  Objectives are reviewed and updated taking into account individual, team and organisational needs;  Good work is acknowledged and positive feedback provided;  Where under performance has been consistently highlighted and recorded and sustained attempts have not achieved a successful outcome, appropriate performance capability issues will be discussed. 3.2.2 For the Supervisee  Current performance and areas for development are identified against relevant standards;   Individual development plans are based on assessment of current competence and potential future learning needs that are in line with individual, team and organisational requirements;  Where under performance has been identified it is the responsibility of the supervisee to fully engage in this discussion to ensure that any issues that have contributed, have been highlighted and they will need to participate in identifying and completing any remedial action to enable a successful outcome.
  • 33. 33 3.2.3 Individual Development (Personal Development Plans)  Individuals are encouraged and assisted to evaluate their own learning and development needs and to contribute to the discussion, planning and review of development;  Development plans contain clear, relevant and realistic development objectives and details of supporting development activities eg. training, joint working etc.  Development plans are reviewed and updated at regular intervals after discussion and agreement with the appropriate people. 3.2.4 Information Provision Supervision will provide an opportunity for Managers to ensure that staff are provided with the information they need to allow them to become more involved and enable them to do their jobs more effectively, ask questions and be provided with clarification. 3.2.5 Personal Issues Staff will be expected to keep managers informed of any issues that will affect their performance at work. Similarly, the supervision forum will provide an opportunity for staff to raise issues or concerns with their line manager. This will enable the personal needs of workers to be identified and support arrangements agreed in order to assist the employee. 4 Supervision and Performance Review Appraisal Agreements (This includes arrangements for one Supervision session to be devoted to the Annual Performance Review/Appraisal) Each member of staff will have a written Supervision Agreement within the framework. In each case the Supervisor will be responsible for drawing up the agreement in consultation with the Supervisee. Also included is a list of practice issues that will be addressed as part of the Supervision process 4.1 Confidentiality There will be an expectation that supervision sessions will be confidential unless information comes forward which needs to be passed on. This would be within the context of ‘limits of confidentiality’. 4.2 Equal Opportunities Supervision will take full account of Equal Opportunities and areas of discussion during supervision could include:
  • 34. 34  Information about legislation, violence and harassment policies and any equal opportunities policy, and how these are used to protect and support staff.  How staff are informed of anti-discriminatory policies of the agency, and what sanctions the agency will use (see HR Manual).  Agency procedures and practices for dealing with situations such as:  where a service user is discriminatory;  where staff from within the agency or from another agency are discriminatory;  where a worker no longer wishes to be responsible for a certain area of work because of discrimination;  where a service user refuses a worker for discriminatory reasons.  The importance of not placing the onus on staff who are subjected to discrimination for combating that discrimination and of respecting the contribution those staff may or may not wish to make.  The support networks which exist for staff who have traditionally experienced discrimination e.g. black workers and women groups.  How anti-discriminatory policies are reviewed and how staff who belong to the oppressed groups contribute to this. Who provides supervision? In most cases this is straight forward and will be your direct line manager. With regard to certain posts in the authority, particularly in integrated teams, your line manager may not be the most appropriate person to supervise you. To clarify, the following two definitions may help. Management Supervision This is usually between the line manager and employee. It focuses mainly on tasks and general performance, organisation of workload and learning and development requirements. Performance review, ‘fitness to practice’ and appraisal are pertinent issues within this relationship and must be regularly raised and reviewed. Many managers may also be able to support the specialist needs of their staff and cover their ‘professional supervision’ requirement. An example may be that a Social Worker has a Health Team Manager responsible for all areas described above but needs to have regular access to a Social Work specialist to cover specific case management or practice supervision. The Health Manager has a social care background from a previous job and is therefore able to provide both
  • 35. 35 management and professional supervision because of their knowledge and experience. Professional Supervision In some situations, for example, when a line manager is of a different discipline to the practitioner, it may be necessary to obtain specific professional supervision. This supervision may address issues about practice or professional identity, the development of specific skills or training. This policy recognises the need to clearly define the differences between these two concepts of supervision, but in reality accepts that what may result is a combination of them both. If in doubt the Head of Service will need to agree the approach they feel is best adopted for specific cases. 4.3 Cross Referencing Individual divisions can develop local procedures for cross-referencing to a range of documentation that meet legislative requirements or an integrated protocol. These need to be clearly identified as such within the supervision file. This will include cross-referencing relevant information about specific cases to individual case files and other appropriate material. All supervisors will need to adhere to their division’s practice guidelines. 5 “Disagreement” Guidelines 5.1 When a disagreement exists between supervisor and supervisee the following action shall be taken:  In the first instance both parties should attempt to resolve any disagreement as it arises.  If not resolved through above measures the Line Manager of Supervisor shall mediate in a 3 way Supervision meeting.  As in all policies, at all times individual employees will have access to their relevant senior managers. 6 OTHER RELEVANT RELATED POLICIES 6.1 This policy should be considered in relation to all existing or future departmental and corporate policies. The following policies/plans/procedures, some of which are in the process of development, provide relevant background material and all staff should be aware of their existence and have free access to such as necessary.  Induction Policy and Probationary period requirements  Link with counselling, capability and disciplinary policies
  • 36. 36  Helping People to Perform Performance Review/Appraisal Policy  Health & Safety:  Management of Violence and Aggression  Lone Working  Grievance Procedures  Harassment and Bullying Policy  Case Recording & File Management Policy  Sickness Absence Management Policy  Equal Opportunities Policy  Data Protection  Whistle Blowing Policy  Capability Policy  Welsh Language Policy  Dignity at Work  Care Council for Wales Code of Practice for Social Care staff  Carmarthenshire County Council Code of Conduct for staff  Business Plan for section/division/department  Corporate Strategy  Health and Well being Strategy  Community Plan  Workforce Development Policy  Social Care Workforce Development Programme  Caldicot guidelines  Confidentiality
  • 37. 37  Induction  Expectations - of worker - of supervisor  How often & when  How long  Where  Content  Structure and supervisory styles  Attendance of additional personnel e.g. Co worker  Preparation  Recording of supervision  Issues & limits of confidentiality  Anti-discriminatory issues  A ‘no interruption’ policy  Cover of absence  Arrangements for supervision in the case of cancellation including timescale Practice issues that will be considered and addressed as part of the Supervision Process  Values, attitudes  Standards, polices and procedures  Agency systems  Planning, recording and monitoring cases  Workload, prioritisation and allocation of work  Setting personal objectives linked to Business Plan  Competency and Career Development  Personal Issues  Stress Management  Team/Agency issues  Training needs/profile  Evaluation/Appraisals  Dealing with dissatisfaction/grievance Social Care, Health and Housing Department Supervision Agreement – Checklist
  • 38. 38 Completed during discussion and negotiation between Supervisor and Supervisee. Name: Name of Supervisor: Annual Performance Review/Appraisal All staff will be required to attend an annual meeting to review their previous year’s personal objectives. Induction: Frequency: Duration: Venue: Social Care, Health and Housing Department Supervision Agreement
  • 39. 39 Interruptions: Replacement/ Cover for Absence/ Cancellation: Confidentiality: Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Expectations of Supervisee: Expectations of Supervisor: Signed: (Supervisor) (Supervisee) Date:
  • 40. 40 Supervision Form For: Supervisor: Location: Date: Supervision should include: Work objectives; Training & Development; Information Provision; Personal Needs. If the Supervise disagrees etc No. Agenda Item(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RECORD OF SUPERVISION No. Notes on agenda issues raised ACTION Time Scale By Whom Signed: (Supervisor) (Supervisee) Date & Time of next meeting: or attach list for group sessions CONTINUATION SHEETS TO BE USED AS REQUIRED Social Care, Health and Housing Department Confidential Supervision form
  • 41. 41 Continuation Sheet No. Notes on agenda issues raised cont/d… ACTION Time Scale By Whom Note of positive feedback, or any particular issues or concerns relating to performance. Signed: (Supervisor) (Supervisee) Date & Time of next meeting: or attach list for group sessions If the Supervisee disagrees with what is being recorded this should be recorded in the Supervision Record. Any other disagreements relating to Supervision need to follow the “Disagreements” Guidelines (point 5) in the policy. One signed copy to be retained in the supervisee’s supervision folder and one signed copy to be kept by the supervisor.
  • 42. 42
  • 44. 44
  • 45. 45 Understanding Stress Stress can happen to anyone at dramatic impact and these occasions will need more time and support to work through. Definition of Work-Related Stress ‘The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them.’ NB: The above definition makes an important distinction between pressure, which can be a positive state if managed correctly and stress which can be detrimental to health. (Health and Safety Executive) Why Tackle Stress?  Work related stress accounts for over a third of all new incidences of ill health.  Carmarthenshire County Council places great value on every member of staff employed by them. The council has a duty of care to ensure that the Health, Safety and Well-being of every employee is managed by supervisors at every level in the organisation. How does Stress Awareness link to supervision?  Supervision provides a framework for supervisors to monitor the health, safety and well-being of their staff.  Regular supervision provides supervisors with an ideal opportunity to monitor the risk of stress.  Supervisors will be able to use supervision to discuss sickness/absence and reassure staff that any period of ill health will be managed accordingly and appropriate support will be provided. Stress Risk Assessment A stress risk assessment questionnaire can be completed with a supervisee at any point. The process flow chart on the following page provides guidance at which point this will apply. The questionnaire will enable a supervisor to evaluate stress across the six key areas required by Health and Safety legislation:  Demands  Control  Support  Relationships  Role  Change As a supervisor you may be unsure of your experience or ability to recognise stress in an employee. Your line manager should be able to advise you as well as the Corporate Safety Adviser. For further information contact Corporate Safety Adviser Jackie Bergiers Tel: 01267-246102/Internal 6102. Stress Awareness
  • 46. 46 IDENTIFICATION Supervisor aware that Supervisee is experiencing stress PREVENTATIVE ACTION Supervisor offers immediate support and/or adjustments to working arrangements RANGE OF SUPPORT  Provide plenty of time to listen to supervisee  Increase the direct day to day support provided  Increase the frequency of supervision meetings  If appropriate suggest that supervisee visits GP  If appropriate refer to Occupational Health with supervisees consent WORK/LIFE BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS  Reduce workload  Offer flexible working arrangements  Offer homeworking if appropriate PREVENTATIVE ACTION RESULTS IN LIMITED REDUCTION OF STRESS REMEDIAL ACTION Supervisor completes Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire with Supervisee Completion of Questionnaire identifies nature of stress and opportunity to develop Action Plan with supervisee Completion of Questionnaire highlights levels of stress that would cause concern e.g. long term sickness absence IMPLEMENT ACTION PLAN Eg: Referral for Counselling service or permanent change to working patterns REFERRAL TO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Supervisor records all preventative actions in supervision notes, signed and agreed by Supervisee Refer to ‘Stress warning signs and symptoms’ chart PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS SUCCESSFUL  Monitor in future supervision sessions * To access Carmarthenshire’s Counselling Service, a referral to Occupational Health using the appropriate form will need to be completed. These forms can be located on the intranet People Management and Performance website. Stress Awareness Process Flowchart for Supervisors
  • 47. 47 Cognitive Symptoms Emotional Symptoms  Memory problems  Indecisiveness  Inability to concentrate  Trouble thinking clearly  Poor judgement  Seeing only the negative  Anxious or racing thoughts  Constant worrying  Loss of objectivity  Fearful anticipation  Moodiness  Agitation  Restlessness  Short temper  Irritability, impatience  Inability to relax  Feeling tense and ‘on edge’  Feeling overwhelmed  Sense of loneliness and isolation  Depression or general unhappiness Physical Symptoms Behavioural Symptoms  Headaches or backaches  Muscle tension and stiffness  Diarrhea or constipation  Nausea, dizziness  Insomnia  Chest pain, rapid heartbeat  Weight gain or loss  Skin breakouts (hives, eczema)  Loss of sex drive  Frequent colds  Eating more of less  Sleeping too much or little  Isolating yourself from others  Procrastination, neglecting responsibilities  Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax  Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)  Overdoing activities (e.g. exercising, shopping)  Overreacting to unexpected problems  Picking fights with others Keep in mind that the signs and symptoms of stress can also be caused by other psychological and medical problems. If you’re experiencing any of the warning signs of stress, it’s important to see a doctor for a full evaluation. Your doctor can help you determine whether or not your symptoms are stress-related. Source: Understanding Stress – hhtp:// Top Ten Stressful Life Events 1. Spouse’s death 2. Divorce 3. Marriage separation 4. Jail term 5. Death of a close relative 6. Injury or illness 7. Marriage 8. Fired from job 9. Marriage reconciliation 10. Retirement Source: Holmes-Rahe Life Stresses Inventory Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
  • 48. 48 Important information: Stress risk assessment is an ongoing process and must be used appropriately, as often as is necessary in determining levels of stress, i.e. whenever a situation arises to warrant its use, for example reactively, following a sickness absence, when presenting signs of, or having perceived increase in stress level, and proactively, at supervision/appraisal sessions, etc. It is the responsibility of Carmarthenshire County Council to regularly carry out a risk assessment on stress levels of the staff employed. Individual employees also have a responsibility to report any perceived stress they are experiencing in the workplace. Many people confuse pressure with stress. Whereas stress can be bad for us pressure is not necessarily so. Many individuals respond positively to pressure. This questionnaire MUST be completed by every member of staff and submitted to his/her line manager two weeks prior to the staff member’s appraisal. In situations where an employee has difficulty in completing the form the line manager or other person may assist the employee in the form’s completion. If for any reason you do not wish your line manager to assess your questionnaire the questionnaire may be given to the next tier manager for assessment. It is the policy of Carmarthenshire County Council to:  Ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable that no employee is subject to an unreasonable level of work related stress which could be detrimental to their health;  Create an environment where the risk of workplace stress is minimised and preventative action is taken to reduce the likelihood of ill-health. This short questionnaire has been devised to assist managers to effectively assess your work-place stress levels and to enable your manager to take supportive action in order to meet policy requirements. It is important to note that the Authority does NOT view stress as a sign of weakness. The questionnaire examines six potential areas of stress in the workplace: Demands, Control, Support, Relationships, Role and Change Some questions ask if you have sufficient “resources” to deal with situations. We mean “resources” to include:  Personal attributes unique to the individual (we all react to situations in a unique way dependant on individual personality and characteristics)  Support from the organisation  Support from friends and colleagues Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire
  • 49. 49  Support from family  Other coping strategies Some questions ask if you have experienced any adverse effects and some examples of adverse effects are given. These examples are not exhaustive. If you are experiencing any adverse effects in addition to those given as examples, still answer the question as Yes.
  • 50. 50 Department/Division/Section: Job Title: Name of Assessor/Manager: Employee Name: Employee Number: Date of Assessment: Date of Review: Reason for assessment (please tick) Initial Significant Change Incident/Accident Periodic Review Annual Review PART A EMPLOYEE TO COMPLETE PART B MANAGER TO COMPLETE (Please tick YES or NO box) YES NO STRESS RATING (Please tick boxes) ACTIONS REQUIRED TO REDUCE STRESS DATE FOR COMPLETION No stress Warning Stress This section is about: 1. Demands Includes issues like workload, work patterns, and the work environment. Question A. Does the amount of work you have put EXCESSIVE demands on your ability to cope with your work? If YES Do you feel you have sufficient resources to cope with these demands? Have these demands caused you to notice any detrimental effects on you personally, either physically or emotionally, such as lack of sleep, irritability, increase in colds, digestion problems? Question B. Does your work environment (including work patterns) put EXCESSIVE demands on your ability to cope with your work? If YES Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to cope with these demands? If NO Have these demands cause you to notice any detrimental effects on you personally, either physically or emotionally, such as lack of sleep, irritability, increase in colds, digestion problems? Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire
  • 51. 51 Please tick YES or NO Box YES NO STRESS RATING (Please tick boxes) ACTIONS REQUIRED TO REDUCE STRESS DATE FOR COMPLETION No stress Warning Stress This section is about: 2. Control Includes how much say/influence that the employee has in the way they do their work. Question A Do you have a say in how you carry out your work and on your general work conditions? If NO Do you feel you have sufficient resources to deal with the situation of having little or no say? If NO Has this lack of contributing your opinion on work and/or work conditions caused you any adverse effects such as anxiety, impatience, frustration? This section is about: 3. Support Includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues Question A. Do you believe that your managers and/or the Authority generally provide you with sufficient information for you to perform adequately in your role? If No Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to perform your job adequately without having this information? If No Has this lack of information caused you any personal adverse effects anxiety, frustration, impatience, sleeplessness etc? Question B Do you feel your managers/colleagues provide sufficient support to you for you to adequately carry out your duties? If No Do you feel you have sufficient resources to carry out your duties without this support? If No Does this lack of support cause you any emotional or physical adverse effects such as anxiety, frustration, impatience, digestive problems etc?
  • 52. 52 (Please tick YES or NO box) YES NO STRESS RATING ACTIONS REQUIRED TO REDUCE STRESS DATE FOR COMPLETIO N No stress Warning Stress This section is about: 4. Relationships Includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour Are you being subjected to unacceptable behaviours in the workplace such as bullying, segregation, sexual harassment, unfairness etc? If Yes Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to deal with this un acceptable behaviour? If No Is this unacceptable behaviour causing you any emotional or physical adverse effects such as anxiety, frustration, anger, chest tightness etc? This section is about 5. Role Whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that the person does not have conflicting roles Question A Is your role within the Authority clearly defined? If No Do you feel you have sufficient resources to carry out your role even though it is not clearly defined? If No Does this lack of role definition cause you any adverse physical or emotional effects such as anxiety, frustration, sleep pattern problems etc? Question B Have you been made fully aware of your expected responsibilities? If No Do you feel you have sufficient resources to carry out your job even though you have not been made fully aware of your expected responsibilities? If No Does this lack of known responsibilities cause you any adverse physical or emotional effects such as anxiety, frustrations, sleep pattern problems, excessive sweating Etc?
  • 53. 53 (Please tick boxes) YES NO STRESS RATING ACTIONS REQUIRED TO REDUCE STRESS DATE FOR COMPLETION No stress Warning Stress This section is about: 6. change How ‘change’ is managed and communicated within the Authority Question A Are you kept adequately informed of changes that will affect you and your position within the organisation? If No Do you feel that you have sufficient resources to deal with this lack of information about changes and to continue doing your work effectively? If No Does this lack of information about change cause you to have any adverse physical or emotional effects such as anxiety, frustration, anger, high blood pressure etc? Question B. When change occurs do you feel that there are sufficient systems in place for you to respond with your individual concerns? If No Do you feel that you have the resources to deal with this lack of systems to deal with your concerns about change that has taken place? If No Does this lack of available systems to respond to change that has taken place cause you to have any adverse physical or emotional effects such as frustration, anger, excessive sweating, lethargy etc? This section is about any other issues not covered by the above 7. Are there any other concerns that you wish to discuss? On completion of the Stress Risk Assessment Questionnaire will the individual need to be referred to the Occupational Health Unit? Yes/No (Complete Occupational Health Unit referral form) Manager’s Signature: Employee’s Signature:
  • 54. 54 Part 1 Information required by Occupational Health COST CODE FOR REFERRAL: ……………………………………………………………………………... IF THIS IS NOT COMPLETED THE FORM WILL BE RETURNED TO THE PERSON MAKING THE REFERRAL A. DETAILS OF PERSON MAKING REFERRAL LINE MANAGER’S NAME: ………........................ ADDRESS: …………………………………………. ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... CONTACT NO: …………………………………….. DEPARTMENT: ……………………………….…… DIRECTORATE: …………………………………… HR OFFICER’S NAME:..................................... ADDRESS:……………………………………….. ……………………………………………………... …………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………….. CONTACT NO: ………………………………….. DEPARTMENT: ………………………..……….. DIRECTORATE:…………………………………. B. EMPLOYEE DETAILS MR/MRS/MISS/MS FULL NAME: ………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….. HOME ADDRESS: ……………............................ ………………………………………………………..… ……………………............................................. POST CODE: …………………………………….... HOME PHONE NO: ………………………………. . DATE OF BIRTH: ……………………………….. EMPLOYEE NO:……………………………….... JOB TITLE: ..…………………………………..… DEPARTMENT: …………………………………. DIRECTORATE: ………………………………... WORK BASE:……………………………………. C. DETAILS OF ILLNESS / MEDICAL CONDITIONS Absence record (for the previous 12 months – continue on separate sheet if necessary) DATE: ………………… DURATION: ………………………….. REASON: ……………………………. DATE: ………………… DURATION: ………………………….. REASON: ……………………………. DATE: ………………… DURATION: ………………………….. REASON: ……………………………. FIRST DATE OF CURRENT SICKNESS ABSENCE (If applicable): ………………………………………... STATED ILLNESS : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………............................ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Referral of Employee to Occupational Health
  • 55. 55 I confirm that I have discussed this referral with the employee concerned and have attached the following information (referrals cannot be accepted unless the employee has been made aware of the referral).  Current Job Description  Copies of any relevant risk assessments or accident forms (if applicable)  Copies of any information relating to potential adjustments (such as redeployment job descriptions)  Information on the work situation that may be relevant to the employee’s absence, such as outstanding disciplinary or grievance issues The employee has / has not received a copy of this referral form. Part 2 Information required from Occupational Health PLEASE TICK THOSE FOR WHICH INFORMATION IS REQUIRED – IF THESE ARE NOT COMPLETED THE FORM WILL BE RETURNED TO THE PERSON MAKING THE REFERRAL What is the diagnosis? Is this diagnosis permanent or temporary? Is the medical condition defined under the Disability Discrimination Act? (Where disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities). Is the employee’s medical condition caused or made worse by work? If recovery is anticipated, what is the likelihood of recurrence in the foreseeable future, what nature might this take and what impact may it have on attendance and performance? Are there any steps that the Authority can take to reduce the risk? What is the likely timescale for the employee to return to work / recover from their condition? Is there any additional support that the authority could provide to the employee? Would a phased return to work be appropriate? If so, over what period and what measures should be put in place (e.g. reduce hours, change of duties etc.)? Are there any adjustments, changes to duties or other aids that may achieve an earlier return to work? Please provide details of potentially suitable areas of work and whether this is a permanent or temporary change. If the employee is unable to return to their current job, should medical redeployment be pursued? Should the employee be referred to the independent Occupational Health Physician for Ill Health Retirement? Other (Please detail)
  • 56. 56 The Occupational Health Service staff will at all times maintain strict confidentiality in compliance with their professional ethics, the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 and the Access to Health Records Act 1990. A health/medical record consists of information relating to the physical or mental health of an individual who can be identified from that information or from that and other information in the possession of the holder of the record and has been made by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care of that individual. Unrestricted access to the records will be confined to the Occupational Health Physician and Adviser, Nurses, Occupational Health Co-ordinator, the Medical Secretary and the Occupational Health administrator within the department. The O.H.A. will make administrative staff aware of their responsibility to keep all information confidential, this will be explained orally and confirmed in writing and a signed undertaking given by each individual concerned. The informed written consent of the employee is required before access to clinical data may be granted to others, whoever they may be and whether professionally qualified or not e.g. managers, trade union representatives, solicitors, insurance companies etc. When giving informed consent the individual should understand what information will be released, to whom and for what reason. The only occasions when medical records will be disclosed are:-  with the consent of the individual;  if the disclosure is clearly in the individual’s interest but it is not possible or is not relevant to seek consent;  if it is required by law;  if it is unequivocally in the public interest;  if it is necessary to safeguard national security or to prevent a serious crime;  if it will prevent a serious risk to public health. If an employee wishes access to their medical records they must apply in writing to Occupational Health. They must state who the records are to be released to and their address, which part of records they wish to be released if they do not want the whole record to be accessed and they must sign and date the request. Access will be given within 40 days of the request being received. If an employee requests copies of their records they must arrange to collect it in person from O.H. and show proof of identity. In no circumstances will any records be faxed to an individual. There will be a fee of £5.00 for each report. Copies of documents not originating in Occupational Health should be sought from the author, however, if an employee insists, they have the right to obtain copies of their whole record recorded after November 1991 from the Occupational Health Department. Please contact the Occupational Health Co-ordinator if you require any further information regarding confidentiality information. Occupational Health Confidentiality
  • 58. 58
  • 59. 59 An effective performance management framework provides management systems and a culture that focuses on continuous improvement through knowing where we are, what we need to achieve, how to measure our progress, detecting performance problems and providing options to remedy them. A comprehensive guide to performance management is available to download at http://intranet/index.asp?locID=2343&docID=-1 Performance Management Policy Performance Management – Making sure we achieve what we set out to do Manager’s Guide
  • 61. 61 Social Care, Health & Housing Department Annual Appraisal/Performance Review Notification letter Name of establishment/section………………………………………………....... Date………………………………………………………………………. Name of employee……………………………………………………… Job Title…………………………………………………………………... Dear I can confirm that, as agreed with you, the annual performance review will take place on …………………. (date, venue and time). Please ensure that you have read the guidance notes fully and understand the purpose of the meeting. Please give thought to the previous year and what you have achieved. Yours sincerely Name of supervisor Example of a letter that could be sent out informing staff about their annual meeting
  • 62. 62 What will happen at the meeting? Your discussion with your Supervisor may cover the following:  In general, how the previous year has gone.  Specifically, to focus on your personal objectives for the year and whether these have been met.  When discussing whether your personal objectives have been met, highlight areas that you were particularly pleased with and ask your line manager for their opinion on areas of good practice undertaken by you. If personal objectives have not been met, ensure that you give detailed information for this is e.g. it could be because of staff shortages or training you needed that didn’t take place.  In some circumstances, barriers to performance may need to be addressed. This should come as no surprise to you if this has already been discussed in supervision. If this is the case, you must use this meeting to formalise what has been recorded and consider solutions with your line manager for a way forward.  Consider your future development needs and the requirements of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Discuss any qualifying training you may need and how you hope to meet your CPD for the coming year.  You need to view this annual performance review as an opportunity for you to have recorded in detail what you have achieved in the previous year. This review should be seen as a positive way forward. Guidance notes for Supervises attending an appraisal/performance review meeting
  • 63. 63 Name/Post ___________________________________________________ Date of Appraisal ___________________________ Personal Objectives 20__/20__ How did it go? Key personal objectives 20__/20__ Annual Performance Review (to be completed between March – May) Social Care, Health and Housing Annual Review
  • 64. 64 Key personal objectives 20__/20__ Annual Performance Review (to be completed between March and May 20_) Overall review Training received (since 1st April 20__ and effectiveness
  • 65. 65 Support required/development plans for 20__/20__ (please refer to Department Learning and Development Plan and transfer priority areas here) Job holder’s comments Signed (employee) ……………………………………………… Signed (line manager) ………………………………………………. Signed (Head of Service) ……………………………………………….. For all 3rd & 4th Tier Managers One signed copy to be retained in the supervisee’s supervision folder and one signed copy to be kept by the supervisor.
  • 66. 66
  • 68. 68 Date: Provided by Corporate Training Section Provided by Departmental Training Section Learning required How will learning be developed? How will impact be measured? (method) Statutory Health & Safety IT Welsh Language Basic Skills Management Development Equalities Departmental Learning and Development Plan Social Care, Health and Housing Department (including Children & Families Services) To be completed with supervisee super
  • 69. 69 Date: Provided by Corporate Training Section Provided by Departmental Training Section Learning required How will learning be developed? How will impact be measured? (method) Qualifications Policies & Procedures Induction Change of role induction Communication & Interpersonal Skills Other departmental needs Miscellaneous Departmental Learning and Development Plan Social Care, Health and Housing Department (including Children & Families Services) To be completed with supervisee super
  • 70. 70 For Year 20__ / 20__ (to be linked to Appraisal) Name: Employee No: Post: Establishment / Workplace: Name (Line Manager): Name of Supervision Supervisor: Qualifications (eg GCSE’s, A Levels, HNC/HND, Degree (type and class), Post Graduate Qualifications, NVQ’s, other) Qualification Date Awarded Target Qualification Yes / No Compliance with Care Standards Act 2000: YES / NO Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Post: Registration: Care Council for Wales Target Qualification (e.g. DipSW, PQ, ASW, NVQ Level 2, 3, 4, 5, other) Name of Qualification: Date Commenced: Date Achieved: Date Form Completed: Signed Supervisee: Signed Supervisor: Social Care, Health and Housing Department Staff personal development plan – Qualifaction profile (Social Care)
  • 71. 71 A.1. (Yellow) November V1.1 CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL CARE AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT TRAINING SECTION APPLICATION TO ATTEND AN INTERNAL TRAINING COURSE Please note that all parts of the form must be fully completed in order to register for a course PART ‘A’ (for completion by course applicant) SURNAME: FORENAME(S): EMPLOYEE NO: JOB TITLE: WORK LOCATION: COURSE TITLE: DATE(S): SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS: ACCESS REQUIREMENTS: Describe how this course will help you in your day-to-day work: SIGNATURE: DATE: PART ‘B’ (for completion by line manager) i) Is this course of relevance to the work the applicant undertakes? Yes No ii) How will you ensure that the member of staff will apply what they have learned on the course to their day-to-day work? Approved Not Approved SIGNATURE: DATE: DESIGNATION: NOTE: Following application and acceptance for a course, subsequent withdrawal can only be made in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of a Senior Manager.
  • 72. 72 A.2.1. (Violet) November V1.1 CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL CARE AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT TRAINING SECTION APPLICATION TO ATTEND AN EXTERNAL TRAINING COURSE Please note that all parts of the form must be fully completed in order to register for a course. Details of the course (eg booking form) must be appended PART ‘A’ (for completion by course applicant) SURNAME: FORENAME(S): EMPLOYEE NO: JOB TITLE: WORK LOCATION: COURSE TITLE: DATE(S): SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS: ACCESS REQUIREMENTS: Course £ Travel £ Accommodation £ Subsistence £ Describe how this course will help you in your day-to-day work: SIGNATURE: DATE: PART ‘B’ (for completion by line manager) i) Is this course of relevance to the work the applicant undertakes? Yes No ii) How will you ensure that the member of staff will apply what they have learned on the course to their day-to-day work? Approved Not Approved SIGNATURE: DATE: DESIGNATION: NOTE: Following application and acceptance for a course, subsequent withdrawal can only be made in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of a Senior Manager.
  • 73. 73 A.3. (Blue) November V1.1 CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL SOCIAL CARE AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT TRAINING SECTION APPLICATION FORM FOR QUALIFYING TRAINING * (Subsidiary forms may be required in addition by the course / programme provider) * Applicants wishing to apply for the Degree in Social Work under the Departments Secondment Scheme need to complete form A5 only. Please note that all parts of the form must be fully completed in order to be considered for Qualifying Training PART ‘A’ (for completion by applicant) SURNAME: FORENAME(S): EMPLOYEE NO: JOB TITLE: WORK LOCATION: AWARD TITLE: START DATE: PART ‘B’ (for completion by applicant) 1. State educational qualifications: 2. State previous posts held: 3. State role and responsibilities of current post:
  • 74. 74 4. Describe why you would like to study for the qualification, including how you will apply the learning in you day to day work PART ‘C’ (for completion by line manager) 1a) Is this a recommended qualification for the applicant’s work? Yes No 1b) Do you support this candidate’s application? Please give reasons for your decision Yes No 2 How will the qualification be of value to the Team/Individual? 3 Describe the support you will give to the member of staff during the period of study For NVQ only: As the applicant’s Line Manager, do you: 4a) Agree to provide witness testimonies, when necessary, to confirm the applicant’s competence? Yes No 4b) Agree that the applicant will be able to gather genuine evidence in the workplace? Yes No For NVQ Level 3 and 4 only: 5 Does the applicant currently carry sufficient responsibility in their role to enable him / her to gather genuine evidence easily for this level of award? Please provide details Yes No SIGNATURE: DATE: DESIGNATION: PART ‘D’ (comments by senior manager) Approved Not Approved SIGNATURE: DATE: DESIGNATION: NOTE: This application can only be considered if all parts (A-D) are completed in full
  • 75. 75 Care Council for Wales Registration