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Careerlinked Education Council
(An apex organisation established under section 8 of MCA, Govt. of
Some interestingly uninteresting facts and figures
• Career Destination- Only 3% people strategise destination (career) before starting their academics
(education) journey. Rest 97% decides their career after finishing their academics.
• Underdog Employment- Job holders are either undervalued or are not in right place and that
surprisingly figures to 94%.
• Lethargic Students- There is uncaring reply from school students about their career choice and they
carry with the attitude of “let‟s see what happens”. 92% of them let their career hang on destiny and
are having impractical career goal or are impersonating the messed up crowd.
• Untrained- Training had been mater of unnecessary affair for the Jobseekers as they see the easy and
shortcut to get to work immediately so they never wish to get proper training. Almost 88% of the
professionals are reluctant to do the job training and choose to be unemployed or do some fictitious
job training which leads to piling of huge unskilled workforce.
• Masters‟ without Aptitude- 82% Masters' or Post graduate degree holders are the victim of
erroneous academic degrees where they find No Return on Investment against their unemployable
• Unnatural Life - Fresh Engineers and Management graduates are densely found in Call
Centre/BPOs‟ where they are compelled to do jobs in odd shifts. Almost 76% of B.Tech and MBA
degree holders are awaking in night and sleeping during day time, sharing seats with their twelfth
pass colleagues; trapped in a quagmire without any career or future prospects.
• No Studies- There are 74% of the Schooled and 88% of the College students doing many things
except their studies.
Career Management
Bridging Gap Between Education & Career Competencies
Change is your air, and I help you understand that you have a choice, how to make
that choice, and how to prepare for when it happens again.
I am your career coach. Let‟s choose together.
 Let‟s carve the students career at the earliest
 Let‟s explore your potential with a right job search
 Let‟s create the intellectual capital of the nation with diligent human resource.
Career by “Choice” not “By Chance”
• Chance is when others make decisions for you, like your job being terminated,
transferred, or changed beyond the original scope of the role. Chance is also when
circumstances align to create a condition beyond your control such as not being
hired because you may not fit in with the team in place, change in management that
creates a change in operations, or even something greater like significant changes in
the economy or storms of the century demolishing companies and leaving jobs in its
• Career change by choice is when you have control, such as accepting or declining a
position, moving companies, or even moving cities. These can seem like
momentous choices at the time you‟re confronted with them. In the end, you are
ultimately faced with the choice of staying where you are or moving on. There
is actually a risk no matter what you choose, because staying where you are does
not guarantee your circumstances, job, or place of employment will stay the same,
only that you think you know what to expect for the foreseeable future.
Collision of Chance and Choice
Here to make you understand clearly the fact of these two world‟s collision am putting
my example
When these two worlds collide, chance and choice, you must decide how you
respond. Do you choose to embrace the change or do you choose to resist? The
secret is, whatever you decide, you can also choose to change your mind. Another
secret is that change is always happening. Change is a basic element of life, like
air. You cannot see it, but you can witness the effects. Change can happen in
small whispers or it can happen in big gusts.
I am a career coach because I am fascinated by how we express and share
ourselves through our work. It can be a deeply personal act, which is why
change can be both exciting and offending. I can help you find that excitement
and deal with that offense. I work with those of you who are gasping for
change, and those who are gasping trying not to let it in. I work with those of
you who are gulping change in with a glint in your eye and smile on your lips;
and those who are taking it in, eyes wide with fear.
What is a Career and Career Satisfaction?
Career Development Theories- Career Maturity
6 theories to mature career-
1) Awareness of the need to plan ahead
2) Having decision making skills
3) Having knowledge and use of information resources
4) Having general career information
5) Having general information about the world of work
6) Having detailed information about the occupations of preferences
All the above followed by the “Job Search”
• It‟s no wonder! You likely needed a job yesterday and if you‟re engaged in the
„spray and pray approach,‟ you‟re applying to every single job you can think of
with little to no feedback or positive results!
• The average job search takes 15 weeks which is 3-4 months. That means this is a
marathon and not a sprint so it‟s important to pace yourself. You don‟t have to wait
for the race to be over before you identify and fix what may be wrong. The key to
debugging your job search is to know what to check so you can identify the
potential issue and fix it.
Here is an idea of what to look for and when:
The Hiring Process and Steps
The career development bottom line is final hiring and it‟s luckily a process where
steps are followed through to move you forward. The process looks like this:
Your application is meant to get you a phone interview, which consists primarily of
behavioral questions to gauge your true experience, see how you communicate, and if
you would fit in the culture of the company. If you do well, you will move on to the
technical interview which is meant to dig deeper into your ability to learn, handle
difficult situations, and gauge the depth of your technical prowess.
Should that go well, you get to meet the team! Whether you do a ½ day succession of
in-person onsite interviews, one long panel interview with multiple people or you‟re
sent to lunch with the team, the entire engagement is a way to get to know you and be
sure you‟re worth the emotional and financial investment the company is preparing to
make. It is not unusual for there to be an offer given during the onsite interview or
shortly after, depending on the size of the company and their motivation to fill the role.
How Do You Know You Are Stuck?
• If you are not getting to the first interview, especially within a month of applying to
the role, either the job you are applying to is not a match for your skill set or your
applications materials aren‟t making it clear that you‟re an ideal candidate. If you‟re
not making it to the technical round, then prepare and practice your answer to
behavioral interview questions.
• Not getting past the technical questions? Then there is something you‟re not
showing your interviewer, whether it‟s your work or your thought process. If you‟re
getting to the onsite interview but not receiving an offer, then there is a something
to evaluate in that exchange as well.
How To Get Unstuck?
• Now, to try and reproduce the problem, it‟s recommend picking trusted counselor to
review your work including putting you through a mock interview. He/she will tell
you what you need to hear and not just what you want to hear. He/she should be
able to look at your cover letter and resume and determine if it‟s worthy for the
roles you are applying to, ask you relevant interview questions and provide
constructive feedback as to how you deliver your answers and the content you
• While sometimes the delay in responses to your application or interview falls at the
feet of the hiring team, by taking this approach to debugging your job search you
empower yourself to keep the momentum rather than constantly refreshing your
email hoping someone will write you back.
Recognition of the Attitude
Generalized questions to signify the missing Attitude!
• Are you acquainted with your own hidden talent or the potential?
• Do you have any idea that which work exactly you wish to do?
• Are you aware of the right way to reach the goal or any right direction you are
• Do you wish to follow the community or imitate them like a novice for your life long
• How much data‟s of the opportunities in the world you are collecting?
Answer to the above Questions follows with a big ‘NO’!!
Khalil Gibran’s words, “Your living is determined not so
much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring
to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way
your mind looks at what happens,” still hold true today.
Recognition of the Attitude
• History abounds with tales of successful people who cultivated a „winning attitude‟
which helped them overcome all obstacles and ensure their success. They believed in
their ideas and believed with conviction even when everyone around dismissed them. We
do have lot of examples to go through where one of living example is of bollywood actor
Sajay Dutt‟s life story. During 80‟s and late till 90‟s has been the style icon in the film
industry, tormented himself with addiction of drugs and later on jailed in TADA for
almost a decade in due course of time, turbulence in married life. The infamous Mr. Dutt
aka Sanju baba now has crossed those nightmares of his life and is again back on track
with lot of film projects in hand. Also has better married life with twin children. Even a
biography has been made on his life to be screened soon in the current year starring
Ranvir Kapoor.
• Intelligence, Competence or Experiences are most sought after for the success. But these
attributes are mere points to read in books. The real taste of success begins with the
• What holds most people back and prevents them from succeeding in life is their bad
attitude. A person whose attitude has negative overtones is always cynical and jittery.
She/he sees the bad in a situation and expects the final outcome as being negative.
• The positive attitude is must for any of the toughest task you are going to finish with. It
helps you in handling competition, challenges, preparation of steps, building niche
social networking. And henceforth one develops the „winning attitude‟ for the lifetime.
Success Story
What You
Passion Vocation
Career Charity
What the World
Pay for you
You Do
Comfort Bliss
Personality Development Factors Model
Self -Worth Levels
• Self Concept: What you think of
• Self Perception
• Identity
• Self Esteem: The way you feel about
• Acceptance of Self
• Prospect for Self
Biophysical Influences
• Genetics, gender, body type birth
• Biochemical Imbalances,
• Health Concerns: Allergies, Aging
• Physical and mental disabilities
Environmental Systems
• Schools
• Workplaces
• Military Service
• Society
• Culture
• Nature (Climate, Geography)
Social Teachers
• Parents and older family
• Teachers, Coaches, Friends,
Peers, Neighbors
• Media Personalities: Actors,
Authors, Rockstars, Artists,
Other Famous People
Personal Style
• Behavioral ACTION
• Cognitive
• Interpersonal
• Affective
• Negative Examples:
Divorce, Phys/Verbal
Abuse, Death of loved
ones, Job/Business Loss,
Failures etc..
• Positive Examples:
Being a Hero, Winning a
lottery, Big Promotion
Why a Career Counselor at School level?
To highlight, the urgent requirement for career counselors
recent stats show a whopping 92% of students who don‟t
get any career-related guidance from their schools.
To find the right career, there needs to be an
understanding of what course to take and if capabilities
match interests.
A student might want to get into architecture thinking he‟s
good at math and that drawing a building isn‟t too
difficult. In reality, there is much more to architecture than
that and there is a high possibility of him wanting to
pursue another career at the end of the first year itself.
Career counseling in schools ensures the right kind of help
to overcome such thinking and stop students from making
such mistakes.
Career Counselor Role
• Many students take a psychometric test in order to avoid making mistakes and their
efforts are commendable, although the results of the test might leave them more
confused than before. Why? The psychometric test basically outlines the strengths
and weaknesses of students and highlights their aptitudes and interests. The catch
is, their aptitudes and interests don‟t necessary have to match. Meaning, they can be
good at Math but have an interest in Arts. So which career option do they pick?
• At High School level where a student is perplexed in choosing subject of his
interest and is carrying unnecessary burden wasting invaluable time. So then and
there an established career counselor will firstly, be able to explain the entire report,
tell them the perks and disadvantages of pursuing both their interests and aptitudes,
and give them the clarity and understanding to make the right decisions. This is
much needed, especially, when students are prone to taking advice from
inexperienced sources.
Aptitude Assessment: Know Yourself Best :
Choose Your Career By Your Desire
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test
• Dermatoglyphics analysis is a quantitative analysis by the combination of computer
technology and science using Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
software. The development of fingerprints of a person is directly associated with the
Brain development, and intelligence is closely associated with the development of
brain. So, by scanning and comparing the fingerprint patterns, nowadays, we are
able to find the inborn advantages or innate learning style and can give suggestions
according to each person‟s own characteristics with no bias.
• Multiple Intelligence theory defines the various kinds of mental intelligence like
linguistic, musical, logical (mathematical), visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, and the naturalist of which child may stand out.
Organize Students Almanac
Study Organizer with Progress Meter
The Study Organizer is a boon for such students who are not paying
proper attention towards studies and not getting consistent good
marks in all the subjects.
Study Organizer creates personalized subject wise schedule for the
individual student as per its difficulty level by calculating appropriate
study time required to finish and revise each subject.
Since subject difficulty level is different for each student so the pace
(time) to study and complete that subject also vary from student to
student – study organizer works on this principle.
Study Organizer includes much acclaimed "Progress Meter" to show
real time preparation of the exam in three colors:
student has to work hard
student is lagging behind and
student is doing well
Organize Exam/Assignment/Assessment
• How to foresee the issue- Most students, the odds are that they have been up the
night before an exam cramming into the early hours. This even happens when we
have the best of intentions to be prepared early. Why does this happen? The answer
is that most of the time students simply aim to “study” before an exam. They don‟t
know what they need to get done, or when to do it, and as such, end up chasing
their tails. The same normally goes for assignments as well. Generally, most
students end up working furiously on their assignment the night before, because
time just got away from them.
• The solution to this is to use our most innovative tool Study Organizer for exam or
the assignment planner. The tool planner helps you to identify exactly what you
need to do in order to be prepared for an exam or assignment, and more
importantly, when you will need to have this work done by. By using planner tool
you avoid cramming everything in at the last minute, and instead work in smaller
chunks across a longer period of time, decreasing your stress and improving the
quality of your work or exam performance.
How does it work?
Step 1: Work out what work needs to be done. Remember the following exam
preparation timeline: 1 week to finish your notes, 1 week to focus on memorizing
your notes and 1 week to spend on practice exams.
Organize Exam/Assignment/Assessment
(i) Identification of the adding notes is important: Hopefully, if student has been using
his/her Note-making Planner then it should be completed by now. Any of the missing
topics has to be added into the planner.
(ii) Memorizing notes time has to be set-aside: Each topic name should be mentioned to
memorize. Note: There is stipulated time to be spend in this section as answering
questions in practice exams will help memorize content and test which areas student
need to go back to.
(iii) Block in time for practice exams. Remember, the number of practice exams that student
does will directly impact the results. Student goal should be to do 5 practice exams
before an exam. But, needn‟t just write in “Do Practice Exams”. Instead, must write
down the exact practice exam that student are going to do.
(iv) Student should must fix past mistakes. Need to go through any
tests/assignments/quizzes that she/he has had previously and work where marks is lost.
For example in a Math test did student loose most of her/his marks in Algebra?
Trigonometry? Geometry? Need to focus study in each subject on the weakest area. If
student lost lots of marks in Trigonometry then he/she might schedule in a review of
his/her textbook on that subject, student might make an appointment to go over the
concepts with the concerned teacher or might do more practice questions that relate to
this area.
Students‟ Skill Evaluator
• Today‟s corporate world is severely suffering from the unskilled labor force. Here
just to calculate the severity we can begin with the upbringing of the employee
from home to school. There we see the urgency of Report card evaluation with
parents, teachers and so the community. This ceases the opportunity of holistic
approach of the thought process of a student. This kind of conservativeness
consequences in underemployment, underperformer, all through life in disguise.
When these aspirants become adult they remain the novice and more likely to be
bookworm. They can‟t add to excellence in their life ahead and this also drives in
corporate world‟s sufferings.
• A student should not be considered as machine who is confined to get 90 or centum
on school teacher and parents desire rather should be exposed to the different
horizons of real life challenges. Foundation build will lead to be analytical thinker,
able to set goals, employable, socially skilled, develop co-operative learning, self
developed learning environment, good communicator, ability to lead and work in a
team, and grasp the world as it is. These learning cycles are life long.
Students‟ Skill Evaluator
Skills necessary for successful adaptation to changing circumstances are continuously
acquired over the life cycle. Students cannot learn in school everything they will need to
know in adult life. What they must acquire is the prerequisites for successful learning in
future life. These prerequisites are of both a cognitive and a motivational nature. Students
must become able to organize and regulate their own learning, to learn independently and in
groups, and to overcome difficulties in the learning process.
Work Attitude
Being positive 24/7 is difficult for all of us, but that doesn‟t mean we shouldn‟t try
harder to maintain an optimistic attitude.
 Student- Teachers and parents inculcating the reward system to encourage
positivity at all times. This can promote students in dealing with failure and sense
of defeat.
 Employees- Optimism is contagious. Positive thinking tends to breed positive
results and if the team sees positive results from the team leader or manager from
his/her attitude he or she is more likely to want to experience the same positive
 Fresher- Recruitment group Reed polled over 1,000 business owners to see what
key traits employers look for in job seekers. Two thirds of employers said they if
had to reduce their workforce they would fire someone with a perfect skills set over
someone with deficient skills but sporting the right attitude.
 Employers- The employers ranked the top six “essential” attitude qualities as
“commitment, honesty, trustworthiness, adaptability, accountability, and loyalty.”
“ You can‟t tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the
attitudes to fit those situations” – Zig Ziglar
Work Attitude
Score Obtained
(out of 5)
15 2 2.4Culture Fitment
Maturity 25 3 6
Leading from
front in words, in
15 2 2.4
Team Spirit
Group, Work
25 3 6
Personal and
Work Attitude
20 3 4.8
Sectional Score 2.7
Feel free to contact
Will be more than happy to help you in re-engineering your
Contact- 91-9953946694
E-mail Id-
Web links :,
Thank You

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Career by choice not by chance

  • 1. Careerlinked Education Council (An apex organisation established under section 8 of MCA, Govt. of India)
  • 2. Some interestingly uninteresting facts and figures • Career Destination- Only 3% people strategise destination (career) before starting their academics (education) journey. Rest 97% decides their career after finishing their academics. • Underdog Employment- Job holders are either undervalued or are not in right place and that surprisingly figures to 94%. • Lethargic Students- There is uncaring reply from school students about their career choice and they carry with the attitude of “let‟s see what happens”. 92% of them let their career hang on destiny and are having impractical career goal or are impersonating the messed up crowd. • Untrained- Training had been mater of unnecessary affair for the Jobseekers as they see the easy and shortcut to get to work immediately so they never wish to get proper training. Almost 88% of the professionals are reluctant to do the job training and choose to be unemployed or do some fictitious job training which leads to piling of huge unskilled workforce. • Masters‟ without Aptitude- 82% Masters' or Post graduate degree holders are the victim of erroneous academic degrees where they find No Return on Investment against their unemployable degrees. • Unnatural Life - Fresh Engineers and Management graduates are densely found in Call Centre/BPOs‟ where they are compelled to do jobs in odd shifts. Almost 76% of B.Tech and MBA degree holders are awaking in night and sleeping during day time, sharing seats with their twelfth pass colleagues; trapped in a quagmire without any career or future prospects. • No Studies- There are 74% of the Schooled and 88% of the College students doing many things except their studies.
  • 3. Career Management Professional Bridging Gap Between Education & Career Competencies Change is your air, and I help you understand that you have a choice, how to make that choice, and how to prepare for when it happens again. I am your career coach. Let‟s choose together.  Let‟s carve the students career at the earliest  Let‟s explore your potential with a right job search  Let‟s create the intellectual capital of the nation with diligent human resource.
  • 4. Career by “Choice” not “By Chance” • Chance is when others make decisions for you, like your job being terminated, transferred, or changed beyond the original scope of the role. Chance is also when circumstances align to create a condition beyond your control such as not being hired because you may not fit in with the team in place, change in management that creates a change in operations, or even something greater like significant changes in the economy or storms of the century demolishing companies and leaving jobs in its wake. • Career change by choice is when you have control, such as accepting or declining a position, moving companies, or even moving cities. These can seem like momentous choices at the time you‟re confronted with them. In the end, you are ultimately faced with the choice of staying where you are or moving on. There is actually a risk no matter what you choose, because staying where you are does not guarantee your circumstances, job, or place of employment will stay the same, only that you think you know what to expect for the foreseeable future.
  • 5. Collision of Chance and Choice Here to make you understand clearly the fact of these two world‟s collision am putting my example When these two worlds collide, chance and choice, you must decide how you respond. Do you choose to embrace the change or do you choose to resist? The secret is, whatever you decide, you can also choose to change your mind. Another secret is that change is always happening. Change is a basic element of life, like air. You cannot see it, but you can witness the effects. Change can happen in small whispers or it can happen in big gusts. I am a career coach because I am fascinated by how we express and share ourselves through our work. It can be a deeply personal act, which is why change can be both exciting and offending. I can help you find that excitement and deal with that offense. I work with those of you who are gasping for change, and those who are gasping trying not to let it in. I work with those of you who are gulping change in with a glint in your eye and smile on your lips; and those who are taking it in, eyes wide with fear.
  • 6. What is a Career and Career Satisfaction?
  • 7. Career Development Theories- Career Maturity 6 theories to mature career- 1) Awareness of the need to plan ahead 2) Having decision making skills 3) Having knowledge and use of information resources 4) Having general career information 5) Having general information about the world of work 6) Having detailed information about the occupations of preferences All the above followed by the “Job Search” • It‟s no wonder! You likely needed a job yesterday and if you‟re engaged in the „spray and pray approach,‟ you‟re applying to every single job you can think of with little to no feedback or positive results! • The average job search takes 15 weeks which is 3-4 months. That means this is a marathon and not a sprint so it‟s important to pace yourself. You don‟t have to wait for the race to be over before you identify and fix what may be wrong. The key to debugging your job search is to know what to check so you can identify the potential issue and fix it.
  • 8. Here is an idea of what to look for and when:
  • 9. The Hiring Process and Steps The career development bottom line is final hiring and it‟s luckily a process where steps are followed through to move you forward. The process looks like this: Your application is meant to get you a phone interview, which consists primarily of behavioral questions to gauge your true experience, see how you communicate, and if you would fit in the culture of the company. If you do well, you will move on to the technical interview which is meant to dig deeper into your ability to learn, handle difficult situations, and gauge the depth of your technical prowess. Should that go well, you get to meet the team! Whether you do a ½ day succession of in-person onsite interviews, one long panel interview with multiple people or you‟re sent to lunch with the team, the entire engagement is a way to get to know you and be sure you‟re worth the emotional and financial investment the company is preparing to make. It is not unusual for there to be an offer given during the onsite interview or shortly after, depending on the size of the company and their motivation to fill the role. Application Phone Screen Tech Interview Onsite Interview Offer
  • 10. How Do You Know You Are Stuck? • If you are not getting to the first interview, especially within a month of applying to the role, either the job you are applying to is not a match for your skill set or your applications materials aren‟t making it clear that you‟re an ideal candidate. If you‟re not making it to the technical round, then prepare and practice your answer to behavioral interview questions. • Not getting past the technical questions? Then there is something you‟re not showing your interviewer, whether it‟s your work or your thought process. If you‟re getting to the onsite interview but not receiving an offer, then there is a something to evaluate in that exchange as well. How To Get Unstuck? • Now, to try and reproduce the problem, it‟s recommend picking trusted counselor to review your work including putting you through a mock interview. He/she will tell you what you need to hear and not just what you want to hear. He/she should be able to look at your cover letter and resume and determine if it‟s worthy for the roles you are applying to, ask you relevant interview questions and provide constructive feedback as to how you deliver your answers and the content you provide. • While sometimes the delay in responses to your application or interview falls at the feet of the hiring team, by taking this approach to debugging your job search you empower yourself to keep the momentum rather than constantly refreshing your email hoping someone will write you back.
  • 11. Recognition of the Attitude Generalized questions to signify the missing Attitude! • Are you acquainted with your own hidden talent or the potential? • Do you have any idea that which work exactly you wish to do? • Are you aware of the right way to reach the goal or any right direction you are following? • Do you wish to follow the community or imitate them like a novice for your life long career? • How much data‟s of the opportunities in the world you are collecting? Answer to the above Questions follows with a big ‘NO’!! Khalil Gibran’s words, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens,” still hold true today.
  • 12. Recognition of the Attitude • History abounds with tales of successful people who cultivated a „winning attitude‟ which helped them overcome all obstacles and ensure their success. They believed in their ideas and believed with conviction even when everyone around dismissed them. We do have lot of examples to go through where one of living example is of bollywood actor Sajay Dutt‟s life story. During 80‟s and late till 90‟s has been the style icon in the film industry, tormented himself with addiction of drugs and later on jailed in TADA for almost a decade in due course of time, turbulence in married life. The infamous Mr. Dutt aka Sanju baba now has crossed those nightmares of his life and is again back on track with lot of film projects in hand. Also has better married life with twin children. Even a biography has been made on his life to be screened soon in the current year starring Ranvir Kapoor. • Intelligence, Competence or Experiences are most sought after for the success. But these attributes are mere points to read in books. The real taste of success begins with the RIGHT/POSITIVE ATTITUDE. • What holds most people back and prevents them from succeeding in life is their bad attitude. A person whose attitude has negative overtones is always cynical and jittery. She/he sees the bad in a situation and expects the final outcome as being negative. • The positive attitude is must for any of the toughest task you are going to finish with. It helps you in handling competition, challenges, preparation of steps, building niche social networking. And henceforth one develops the „winning attitude‟ for the lifetime.
  • 13. Success Story What You Love Passion Vocation What the World Needs Career Charity What the World Pay for you What You Do Well Satisfaction Comfort Bliss Contentment Fulfillment
  • 14. Personality Development Factors Model Self -Worth Levels • Self Concept: What you think of yourself • Self Perception • Identity • Self Esteem: The way you feel about yourself • Acceptance of Self • Prospect for Self Biophysical Influences • Genetics, gender, body type birth defects • Biochemical Imbalances, addiction • Health Concerns: Allergies, Aging • Physical and mental disabilities Environmental Systems • Schools • Workplaces • Military Service • Society • Culture • Nature (Climate, Geography) Social Teachers • Parents and older family members • Teachers, Coaches, Friends, Peers, Neighbors • Media Personalities: Actors, Authors, Rockstars, Artists, Other Famous People INTERNAL FACTOR EXTERNAL FACTOR Personal Style Preference • Behavioral ACTION • Cognitive ANALYSIS • Interpersonal HARMONY • Affective EXPRESSION Emotional Anchors • Negative Examples: Divorce, Phys/Verbal Abuse, Death of loved ones, Job/Business Loss, Failures etc.. • Positive Examples: Being a Hero, Winning a lottery, Big Promotion etc.
  • 15. Why a Career Counselor at School level? To highlight, the urgent requirement for career counselors recent stats show a whopping 92% of students who don‟t get any career-related guidance from their schools. To find the right career, there needs to be an understanding of what course to take and if capabilities match interests. A student might want to get into architecture thinking he‟s good at math and that drawing a building isn‟t too difficult. In reality, there is much more to architecture than that and there is a high possibility of him wanting to pursue another career at the end of the first year itself. Career counseling in schools ensures the right kind of help to overcome such thinking and stop students from making such mistakes.
  • 16. Career Counselor Role • Many students take a psychometric test in order to avoid making mistakes and their efforts are commendable, although the results of the test might leave them more confused than before. Why? The psychometric test basically outlines the strengths and weaknesses of students and highlights their aptitudes and interests. The catch is, their aptitudes and interests don‟t necessary have to match. Meaning, they can be good at Math but have an interest in Arts. So which career option do they pick? • At High School level where a student is perplexed in choosing subject of his interest and is carrying unnecessary burden wasting invaluable time. So then and there an established career counselor will firstly, be able to explain the entire report, tell them the perks and disadvantages of pursuing both their interests and aptitudes, and give them the clarity and understanding to make the right decisions. This is much needed, especially, when students are prone to taking advice from inexperienced sources.
  • 17. Aptitude Assessment: Know Yourself Best : Choose Your Career By Your Desire
  • 18. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test • Dermatoglyphics analysis is a quantitative analysis by the combination of computer technology and science using Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) software. The development of fingerprints of a person is directly associated with the Brain development, and intelligence is closely associated with the development of brain. So, by scanning and comparing the fingerprint patterns, nowadays, we are able to find the inborn advantages or innate learning style and can give suggestions according to each person‟s own characteristics with no bias. • Multiple Intelligence theory defines the various kinds of mental intelligence like linguistic, musical, logical (mathematical), visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and the naturalist of which child may stand out.
  • 19. Organize Students Almanac Study Organizer with Progress Meter The Study Organizer is a boon for such students who are not paying proper attention towards studies and not getting consistent good marks in all the subjects. Study Organizer creates personalized subject wise schedule for the individual student as per its difficulty level by calculating appropriate study time required to finish and revise each subject. Since subject difficulty level is different for each student so the pace (time) to study and complete that subject also vary from student to student – study organizer works on this principle. Study Organizer includes much acclaimed "Progress Meter" to show real time preparation of the exam in three colors: Green Red Yellow student has to work hard student is lagging behind and student is doing well
  • 20. Organize Exam/Assignment/Assessment • How to foresee the issue- Most students, the odds are that they have been up the night before an exam cramming into the early hours. This even happens when we have the best of intentions to be prepared early. Why does this happen? The answer is that most of the time students simply aim to “study” before an exam. They don‟t know what they need to get done, or when to do it, and as such, end up chasing their tails. The same normally goes for assignments as well. Generally, most students end up working furiously on their assignment the night before, because time just got away from them. • The solution to this is to use our most innovative tool Study Organizer for exam or the assignment planner. The tool planner helps you to identify exactly what you need to do in order to be prepared for an exam or assignment, and more importantly, when you will need to have this work done by. By using planner tool you avoid cramming everything in at the last minute, and instead work in smaller chunks across a longer period of time, decreasing your stress and improving the quality of your work or exam performance. How does it work? Step 1: Work out what work needs to be done. Remember the following exam preparation timeline: 1 week to finish your notes, 1 week to focus on memorizing your notes and 1 week to spend on practice exams.
  • 21. Organize Exam/Assignment/Assessment (i) Identification of the adding notes is important: Hopefully, if student has been using his/her Note-making Planner then it should be completed by now. Any of the missing topics has to be added into the planner. (ii) Memorizing notes time has to be set-aside: Each topic name should be mentioned to memorize. Note: There is stipulated time to be spend in this section as answering questions in practice exams will help memorize content and test which areas student need to go back to. (iii) Block in time for practice exams. Remember, the number of practice exams that student does will directly impact the results. Student goal should be to do 5 practice exams before an exam. But, needn‟t just write in “Do Practice Exams”. Instead, must write down the exact practice exam that student are going to do. (iv) Student should must fix past mistakes. Need to go through any tests/assignments/quizzes that she/he has had previously and work where marks is lost. For example in a Math test did student loose most of her/his marks in Algebra? Trigonometry? Geometry? Need to focus study in each subject on the weakest area. If student lost lots of marks in Trigonometry then he/she might schedule in a review of his/her textbook on that subject, student might make an appointment to go over the concepts with the concerned teacher or might do more practice questions that relate to this area.
  • 22. Students‟ Skill Evaluator • Today‟s corporate world is severely suffering from the unskilled labor force. Here just to calculate the severity we can begin with the upbringing of the employee from home to school. There we see the urgency of Report card evaluation with parents, teachers and so the community. This ceases the opportunity of holistic approach of the thought process of a student. This kind of conservativeness consequences in underemployment, underperformer, all through life in disguise. When these aspirants become adult they remain the novice and more likely to be bookworm. They can‟t add to excellence in their life ahead and this also drives in corporate world‟s sufferings. • A student should not be considered as machine who is confined to get 90 or centum on school teacher and parents desire rather should be exposed to the different horizons of real life challenges. Foundation build will lead to be analytical thinker, able to set goals, employable, socially skilled, develop co-operative learning, self developed learning environment, good communicator, ability to lead and work in a team, and grasp the world as it is. These learning cycles are life long.
  • 23. Students‟ Skill Evaluator Skills necessary for successful adaptation to changing circumstances are continuously acquired over the life cycle. Students cannot learn in school everything they will need to know in adult life. What they must acquire is the prerequisites for successful learning in future life. These prerequisites are of both a cognitive and a motivational nature. Students must become able to organize and regulate their own learning, to learn independently and in groups, and to overcome difficulties in the learning process.
  • 24. Work Attitude Being positive 24/7 is difficult for all of us, but that doesn‟t mean we shouldn‟t try harder to maintain an optimistic attitude.  Student- Teachers and parents inculcating the reward system to encourage positivity at all times. This can promote students in dealing with failure and sense of defeat.  Employees- Optimism is contagious. Positive thinking tends to breed positive results and if the team sees positive results from the team leader or manager from his/her attitude he or she is more likely to want to experience the same positive results.  Fresher- Recruitment group Reed polled over 1,000 business owners to see what key traits employers look for in job seekers. Two thirds of employers said they if had to reduce their workforce they would fire someone with a perfect skills set over someone with deficient skills but sporting the right attitude.  Employers- The employers ranked the top six “essential” attitude qualities as “commitment, honesty, trustworthiness, adaptability, accountability, and loyalty.” “ You can‟t tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations” – Zig Ziglar
  • 25. Work Attitude Weight Score Obtained (out of 5) Weighted Average Behavior 15 2 2.4Culture Fitment Maturity 25 3 6 Leading from front in words, in action 15 2 2.4 Team Spirit Group, Work 25 3 6 Personal and Work Attitude 20 3 4.8 Sectional Score 2.7 40
  • 26. Feel free to contact Premanand Will be more than happy to help you in re-engineering your career. Contact- 91-9953946694 E-mail Id- Web links :, Thank You