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Post Cardiac Surgery
Directed by
DR.Karar .A.Ali
department of cardiothoracic surgery
Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
Supraventricular tachycardias are recognized as the most common
arrhythmia to occur after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with the
reported incidence of 20–40% after CABG surgery (Creswell et al. 1993) and
even higher following valvular surgery (Asher et al. 1998).
AF (Fig. 14.1) and atrial flutter (AFL) (Fig. 14.2) are the most prevalent
supraventricular arrhythmias; however, atrial tachycardias (AT) occurred as
Most cases of AF occur between the second and fourth postoperative days
(Almassi et al. 1997). Although this arrhythmia is usually benign and self-
limiting, it may result in hemodynamic instability, thromboembolic events, a
longer hospital stay, and increased healthcare costs (Hakala et al. 2002;
Lahtinen et al. 2004).
 .The mechanism of postoperative AF is not well described and
is probably multifactorial. It is suggested that endogenous
adenosine, inflammation, and oxidative injury may play a
mechanistic role in this arrhythmia
 .The perioperative period is also characterized by acute
ischemic reperfusion injury and delayed inflammatory
response that together result in a net depletion at plasma
 . patients undergoing cardiac surgery often have underlying atrial
enlargement or increased atrial pressures that may predispose to
 Age-related structural or electrophysiological changes also appear
to lower the threshold for postoperative AF in elderly patients
 Other reported predisposing conditions for
development of the postoperative AF included left main
or proximal right coronary artery stenoses, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, beta-blocker withdrawal,
history of AF or heart failure, and preoperative
electrocardiographic findings of PR interval of 185 ms or
longer, P-wave duration of 110 ms or longer in lead V1,
and left atrial abnormality
Considering the peak incidence of AF in the first
2–3 days after surgery, inflammatory mechanisms
have been suggested. The idea has also been
supported by the efficacy of anti-inflammatory
agents in decreasing the incidence of
postoperative AF
 However, there are other electrophysiological explanations
for the higher incidence of AF in this period. Nonuniform atrial
conduction is greatest on postoperative days 2 and 3, and longest atrial
conduction is on day 3 (Ishii et al. 2005).
 Perioperative hypokalemia has been shown to be associated with
postoperative AF partly via changes in atrial conduction and refractoriness
 There are recent evidences indicating that minimally invasive cardiac surgery
or surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass has been associated with lower
incidenceof postoperative AF. In a prospective randomized study, 200
patients were randomly assigned into on-pump CABG and off-pump CABG.
The results of this study clearly indicated that postoperative AF occurs with
lower frequency in patients who underwent off-pump beating heart surgery
compared to those with on-pump CABG(Ascione et al. 2000).
Several pharmacological and non-pharmacological
strategies have been employed to prevent
postoperative AF after cardiac surgery. Efficacy of
beta-blockers, amiodarone, sotalol, magnesium,
and atrial pacing has been assessed in several
randomized and nonrandomized clinical trials.
 Because patients recovering from cardiac surgery often have enhanced sympathetic tone,
the risk of postoperative AF is increased. Beta-blockers antagonize the
effects of catecholamines on the myocardium and are, thus, expected to prevent AF
after cardiac surgery. Multiple clinical trials and three landmark meta-analyses have
shown a significant reduction in postoperative AF by beta-blocker prophylaxis in cardiac
surgery patients (Crystal et al. 2002). Following these remarkable results, updated
American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation (AHA/
ACCF) 2006/2011 and recent European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2010 guidelines
recommended beta-blocker prophylaxis to prevent AF in cardiac
surgery patients in the absence of contraindications (Fuster et al. 2011;
Camm et al. 2010).
Oral carvedilol, with its unique antioxidant and
antiapoptotic properties, appears to be the most
effective beta-blocker in the prevention of
postoperative AF (Haghjoo et al. 2007).
both prophylactic oral and intravenous amiodarone
are effective and safe agents in reducing the incidence
of AF and its related cerebrovascular accident and
postoperative ventricular tachyarrhythmia (Bagshaw
et al. 2006). Currently, preoperative administration of
amiodarone is deemed class IIa indication
for prophylactic therapy in patients at high risk for
postoperative AF in the latest AHA/ACCF and ESC
guidelines for AF management (Fuster et al. 2011;
Camm et al.
Sotalol is a class III antiarrhythmic agent with
potent beta-blocking activity. As
a result, it would be a suitable drug for AF
prevention after cardiac surgeries. Sotalol
has been proven to be an effective agent across all
the clinical trials using this drug
(Pfisterer et al. 1997; Weber et al. 1998). Only
issue is related to its safety profile
 Hypomagnesemia
 has been suggested as a cause of both supraventricular and
ventricular tachycardias, and it is an independent risk factor
for the development of AF in cardiac surgery patients.
Therefore, it has been hypothesized that magnesium
supplementation may reduce the incidence of AF after heart
surgery. Several clinical trials have examined the use of
intravenous magnesium sulfate for the prevention of AF
after CABG (Fanning et al. 1991; Kaplan et al. 2003). A meta-
analysis of eight identified randomized controlled trials
revealed that the use of intravenous magnesium
supplementation was associated with a significant reduction
in the AF incidence after CABG (Alghamdi et al. 2005).
• Hypomagnesemia is common in the cardiac surgical population and
correlates with higher incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and major adverse
cardiac events. However, the role of Mg in preventing postoperative
arrhythmias – especially atrial fibrillation – is controversial. There is
moderate evidence that intravenous Mg therapy, particularly low doses
administered before cardiac surgery, will reduce the postoperative
incidence of atrial fibrillation.
• Hypomagnesemia is also common in hospitalized patients. It is especially
prevalent in the critically ill and correlates with worse clinical outcomes.
Mg has proven effective for treating eclampsia, preeclampsia, and
torsades de pointes. Other therapeutic applications such as adjunctive
therapy in acute asthma exacerbations, acute coronary syndromes, acute
cerebral ischemia, and postoperative pain control are under discussion.
Mg has a low adverse effects profile and multiple theoretical advantages,
including its low cost.
Considering the self-limited course of the
postoperative AF or AFL, treatment begins with
pharmacological control of the heart rate
should be first-line agents for the rate control
because of rapid onset of action and 50%
likelihood of conversion to sinus rhythm. Both
metoprolol and esmolol areavailable in
intravenous (IV) formulation
Calcium-channel antagonists are less
effective than beta-blockers and considered as
second-line agents. Calcium-channel
antagonists result in rate control of AF more
rapidly than does digoxin. These latter
agents may be useful when beta-blockers are
contraindicated (i.e., bronchospasm).
Conversion of postoperative AF is not needed in the
majority of patients after cardiac surgery because of
high recurrence rate and self-limited nature. However
this approach may be useful in high-risk patients who
are refractory to or intolerant of atrioventricular (AV)
nodal blocking agents.
Conversion of AF, AFL, and AT can be accomplished
using electrical cardioversion, pharmacological
cardioversion, and overdrive pacing (if AFL or AT
Pharmacological cardioversion should be
considered in the setting of unstable respiratory
status or other contraindication for anesthesia.
Drugs proven to be useful for cardioversion
include procainamide, amiodarone, propafenone,
ibutilide (VanderLugt et al. 1999), and dofetilide.
Latter two agents carry a risk of torsades de
pointes about 2–4%. This risk is higher in the
setting of bradycardia, female gender,
hypokalemia, and hypomagnesemia.
Rapid atrial pacing using epicardial wires
implanted during surgery was proved to be safe
and effective in the conversion of postoperative
AFL and AT. Rapid atrial pacing is highly desirable
in the patients unsuitable for electrical
cardioversion such as patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.
 Gloves always should be worn when handling pacemaker
electrodes to prevent microshock because even small
amounts of electrical current can cause serious
dysrhythmias if they are transmitted to the heart.
 • Supraventricular dysrhythmias (e.g., atrial flutter, reentrant
atrial tachycardia, atrioventricular [AV] nodal reentry
tachycardia, reentrant tachycardias that use an accessory
pathway, such as Wolff-Parkinson-White [WPW] syndrome)
sometimes can be terminated by overdrive atrial pacing
• Atrial fibrillation occasionally terminates with overdrive atrial
pacing, but this is not a reliable therapy for atrial fibrillation.
• • Overdrive atrial pacing is performed most commonly with
epicardial atrial pacing wires placed during cardiac surgery. A
transvenous atrial pacing lead with an active fixation tip to help
keep the lead in the atrium also can be used.
• • Overdrive atrial pacing involves the delivery of short bursts of
rapid pacing stimuli through an epicardial atrial pacing wire or a
transvenous lead in the atrium. The physician or advanced
practice nurse determines the duration and rate of the burst.
• One approach to overdrive pacing is to atrial pace the heart
with 20 milliampere (mA) at a rate 20% to 30% faster than
the intrinsic atrial rate for 30 seconds, then stop pacing. An
alternate approach is to initiate atrial pacing at a rate 20
beats/min faster than the intrinsic atrial rate; if 1:1 capture
does not occur after 30 seconds, the paced rate can be
increased by 20 beats/min; repeat every 30 seconds until
1:1 capture is achieved. Continue pacing until the heart rate
decreases from AV block (e.g., 2:1, 3:1) or 1 to 2 minutes of
1:1 pacing have occurred, then stop pacing.6
• Successive bursts usually are performed at gradually
increasing rates (maximal capability of the pulse generator
for overdrive atrial pacing is 800 pulses/min) and may be
delivered for up to 2 minutes
• • The atrial pacing wire or atrial pacing lead needs to be accurately identified
with initiation of overdrive pacing because pacing the ventricle at rapid rates may
result in ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation.
• • Rapid atrial pacing may result in degeneration of the atrial rhythm to atrial
fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. This pacemaker-induced atrial
fibrillation usually does not sustain itself for more than a few minutes before it
converts to normal sinus rhythm.6
• • If an accessory pathway is present, rapid atrial pacing can result in conduction
to the ventricles over the accessory pathway, leading to ventricular fibrillation.
• • Overdrive suppression of the sinus node may result in periods of bradycardia,
asystole, junctional or ventricular escape rhythms, or polymorphic ventricular
tachycardia on termination of the atrial overdrive pacing and the atrial
• • Conversion of an atrial tachydysrhythmia can result in dislodgment of atrial
thrombus and embolization of clots to the pulmonary or systemic circulation.
Electrical cardioversion is reserved for patients
exhibiting acute hemodynamic instability. For
elective cardioversion, anterior-posterior paddles
are preferred with the posterior paddle placed at
the lower tip of the scapula.
• Technique External cardioversion
• The patient should be adequately sedated with a short-acting agent such as
midazolam or propofol. In addition, an opioid analgesic, such as fentanyl, is
commonly used. Reversal agents, such as flumazenil and naloxone, should be
• The defibrillator should be placed in the synchronized mode, which permits a
search for a large R or S wave. The delivered energy is selected. Most
monophasic and biphasic models can deliver up to 360 joules. Manual button
depression by the operator causes the defibrillator to discharge an electric
current that lasts less than 4 milliseconds and avoids the vulnerable period of
cardiac repolarization when ventricular fibrillation (VF, vfib) can be induced. The
operator should be aware of this brief delay as the cardioverter searches for a
large positive or negative deflection. If the deflections are too small for the
defibrillator to synchronize, the clinician can change the leads or place them
closer to the patient's chest or heart. If the patient develops ventricular
fibrillation, always turn off synchronization to avoid delay in energy delivery.
 Energy requirements for atrial fibrillation (AF, afib) are 100-
200 joules initially and 360 joules for subsequent shocks. A
study showed good response to higher energy shocks of 720
joules for the treatment of refractory atrial fibrillation. [11]
Biphasic shocks require a typical energy level of 75 joules for
the correction of atrial fibrillation. Cardioversion of atrial
fibrillation secondary to hyperthyroidism is 90% successful.
[12] Only 25% of patients with atrial fibrillation caused by
severe mitral regurgitation are successfully treated, and half
revert in the first 6 months. Atrial flutter and paroxysmal
supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) require less energy: 50
joules initially, then 100 joules if needed. Cardioversion of
ventricular tachycardia (VT, vtach) involves shocks of 50-100
joules initially, and then 200 joules if unsuccessful.
 Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-
defibrillators (ICDs) should be at least 10 cm away
from direct contact with the paddles, and these
devices should eventually be interrogated for any
postcardioversion malfunction. The
anteroposterior approach is preferred in patients
with implantable devices to avoid shunting the
current to the implantable device and damaging
the system
• Special conditions
• In pediatric patients with PSVT or ventricular
tachycardia who are not hemodynamically stable,
an initial synchronized shock of 0.5 J/kg is
recommended. In subsequent attempts, the
energy is increased.
• During pregnancy, recommendations as for other
adults are applicable.
Recently, novel oral anticoagulants
such as dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban are
shown to be safe and effective in the prevention
of thromboembolic events after cardiac surgery
(Anderson et al. 2015). Duration of
anticoagulation must be based on individual
clinical situation
Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias
• Causes of Left Bundle Branch Block
• It is unusual for LBBB to exist in the absence of organic disease. Causes are varied
and include:
• Aortic stenosis
• Ischaemic heart disease
• Hypertension
• Dilated cardiomyopathy
• Anterior MI
• Lenègre-Lev disease: primary degenerative disease (fibrosis) of the conducting
• Hyperkalaemia
• Digoxin toxicity
• New LBBB in the context of chest pain was once considered a “STEMI-
equivalent” and part of the criteria for thrombolysis. However, more up-to-date
data suggests that chest pain patients with new LBBB have little increased risk of
acute myocardial infarction at the time of presentation.
Patients with asymptomatic and hemodynamically
stable PVC and even short runs
of nonsustained VT usually do not require any
specific treatment. All reversible
underlying causes should be corrected.
In case of the symptomatic or hemodynamically
significant PVC or nonsustained VT, lidocaine and
overdrive pacing are recommended.
 lidocaine (Rx)
• Ventricular Arrhythmias or Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (after
defibrillation, attempts, CPR, and vasopressor administration)
• 1-1.5 mg/kg slow IV bolus over 2-3 minutes
• May repeat doses of 0.5-0.75 mg/kg in 5-10 minutes up to 3 mg/kg total
if refractory VF or pulseless VT
• Continuous infusion: 1-4 mg/min IV after return of perfusion
• Administer 0.5 mg/kg bolus and reassess infusion if arrhythmia reappears
during constant infusion
• If IV not feasible may use IO/ET
• Endotracheal (loading dose): 2-3.75 mg/kg (2 to 2.5 recommended IV
dose); dilute in 5-10 mL 0.9% saline or sterile water
• Monitor: ECG
• Hemodynamically Stable Monomorphic
Ventricular Tachycardia
• 1-1.5 mg/kg; repeat doses of 0.5-0.75 mg/kg in 5-
10 minutes up to 3 mg/kg total; follow with 1-4
mg/min continuous infusion
 For hemodynamically stable sustained VT, IV antiarrhythmic
medication is the first-line treatment approach (Fogel and
Prystowsky 2000). Dosages of common antiarrhythmic
medications are listed in Table 14.3.
 Lidocaine is usually the first-choice drug and can be tried in
dosage recommended in the nonsurgical setting.
 Procainamide is often the second choice. This drug should
be used with caution or not at all in patients with renal
 In patients with left ventricular dysfunction, amiodarone is a
better choice than other antiarrhythmics.
In this group of the patients, overdrive ventricular
pacing using epicardial wires placed at the time of
surgery may be attempted.
In patients with hemodynamically unstable
or drug-refractory VT, electrical cardioversion or
defibrillation with energy level of 200–360 J is
Incidence and Prognosis
Bradyarrhythmias are a common complication
following cardiac surgery. Permanent pacemaker is
required for sinus node dysfunction (SND) or
atrioventricular block (AVB) in 0.6–4.6% of patients
after CABG (Goldman et al. 1984). Varying degrees of
AVB (Figs. 14.4 and 14.5) are more common after
valve replacement (up to 24%) than other types of
cardiovascular surgery (Jaeger et al. 1994; Brodell et
al. 1991).
Bradyarrhythmia due to SND and to lesser extent
AVB is relatively common after orthotopic heart
transplantation and leads to permanent
pacemaker implantation in up to 21% of patients
with SND and 4.5% of patients with AVB (Grant et
al. 1995). Improvement in postoperative
bradyarrhythmia may occur in significant number
of patients. Rate of recovery is less common after
complete AVB than SND (Merin et al. 2009).
• Box 26-1 Causes of Bradycardia
• Noncardiac Causes
• Drugs
• β-blockers
• Calcium channel blockers
• Antiarrhythmic drugs (e.g., amiodarone, ibutilide, flecainide,
• Digoxin
• Adenosine
• Opiate overdose
• Lithium
• Ivabradine
• Clonidine
• Neurogenic
• Reflex-mediated syncope
• Raised intracranial pressure
• Increased ocular pressure (e.g., during eye surgery)
• Neuromuscular disorders (e.g., myotonic dystrophy, Friedreich’s ataxia)
• Guillain-Barré syndrome
• Dysautonomia (e.g., Shy-Drager syndrome)
• Endocrine and Metabolic
• Hypothyroidism
• Acidosis
• Electrolyte abnormalities
• Anorexia nervosa
• Porphyria
• Environmental and Infection-related
• Hypothermia
• Lyme disease
• Chagas disease
• Envenomation (e.g., snakebite)
• Diphtheria
• Acute rheumatic fever
• Organophosphate insecticides
• Others
• Physiologic
• Iatrogenic (e.g., following aortic valve replacement or supraventricular
tachycardia ablation)
• Collagen vascular disease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus
erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis)
• Congenital
• Cardiac Causes
• Sinus node dysfunction
• Atrioventricular node dysfunction
• Hisian and infra-Hisian block
• Myocardial infarction (especially inferior)
• Myocarditis
• Myocardial infiltration: cardiac sarcoidosis,
hemochromatosis, cardiac amyloidosis, Wegener’s
Postoperative bradyarrhythmias can be caused by
incomplete washout of cardioplegia solution,
antiarrhythmic drugs, or their toxicity. In addition,
it may caused by trauma or surgical manipulation
in the area of the AV node or bundle of His.
In order to reduce the incidence of postoperative
conduction disorder, special attention to the
anatomy of the conduction system, careful
administration of sinus or AV nodal blocking
agents, and complete washout of cardioplegia
solution are warranted
According to American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines
“permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for
third-degree and advanced second-degree AVB at
any anatomic level associated with postoperative
AVB that is not expected to resolve after cardiac
surgery” (Tracy et al. 2013).
Generally, it is recommended to implant a permanent
pacemaker if symptomatic complete AVB or SND
persists longer than 5–7 days after cardiac surgery
(Merin et al. 2009).
Any decision regarding timing of implantation of a
permanent pacemaker will be impacted by the
stability of the temporary pacing system. Therefore, in
patients with no intrinsic underlying rhythm or those
with failure of temporary pacing leads, permanent
pacing may be performed even sooner. In patients
with resolved or resolving bradyarrhythmias,
electrophysiological study or exercise stress testing is
useful to determine the need for permanent
pacemaker implantation
Pacing Wires and
 General comments
1. The use of cold cardioplegic arrest is commonly
associated with temporary sinus node or AV node
dysfunction. Placement of two temporary right atrial and
two right ventricular epicardial pacing wire electrodes is
beneficial in these situations to optimize hemodynamics at
the conclusion of bypass and for several hours in the ICU.
 Pacing wires are also useful in the event that medications
used to control atrial fibrillation precipitate advanced AV
block. They can also be used for overdrive pacing and have
diagnostic utility in delineating unusual
rhythm problems
To assess whether pacing wire placement should be
performed routinely, one study found that 15% of
patients needed pacing to terminate bypass, but less
than 10% of patients required temporary pacing
postoperatively.283 However, it is not always
predictable which patients may require subsequent
pacing, and it is recommended that at least one
ventricular pacing wire (with a skin ground) should be
placed; the risk:benefit ratio of atrial pacing wires
suggests that they should be placed routinely as well.
Atrial pacing wires can be used to record atrial
activity in both unipolar and bipolar modes. With
suitably equipped monitors, these recordings can
be obtained simultaneously with standard limb
leads to distinguish among atrial and junctional
arrhythmias and differentiate them from more
life‐threatening ventricular arrhythmias
 Therapeutic uses
1. Optimal hemodynamics are achieved at a heart rate of
around 90 bpm in the immediate postoperative period. Use
of temporary pacing wires attached to an
external pulse generator (Figure 11.18) to increase the heart
rate is preferable to the use of positive chronotropic
agents that have other effects on myocardial function.
 Atrial pacing with normal conduction will nearly always
demonstrate superior hemodynamics to AV pacing, which in
turn is superior to ventricular pacing. Since AV delay is often
prolonged after bypass, shortening it artificially using AV
pacing can improve hemodynamics, especially in patients
with impaired ventricular function
biventricular pacing with leads placed
during surgery will improve LV systolic and diastolic
function compared with RA
or RA–RV pacing in patients with AV block who have
LV dysfunction. Benefit is greatest in patients who
also have a wide QRS complex.
Reentrant rhythms can be terminated by rapid pacing.
Rapid atrial pacing can terminate type I atrial flutter
(flutter rate of less than 350/min) and other
paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias. Rapid
ventricular pacing can terminate VT
Normal sitting in
Position dial at MOST sensitive setting (1mV)
Adjust pacer rate to 10 less than pt intrinsic rate
Reduce mA to minimum
(to prevent pacer from competing with intrinsic rhythm
Turn the sensitivity dial counterclockwise
(higher mV) until:
VENT. SENSE (orange light) stops flashing and
VENT. PACE (green light) starts flashing
(This is sensitivity threshold)
Adjust the sensitivity indicator to half threshold value
Can be used when conduction system of the
heart beyond the SA node is normal.
USES: [the pacer is only stimulating a p wave: the QRS must follow from the
Sinus Bradycardia symptomatic
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus Arrythmia
Sinus Rhythm: Higher heart rate to increase
cardiac output (better perfusion)
Junctional Rhythm may work
Current external pacemakers, such as the Medtronic
5392 model, can pace in a variety of modes. The DDD
mode senses atrial activity, following which the ventricle
contracts at a preset time interval after the atrial
contraction. This mode reduces the risk of triggering
atrial, junctional, and pacemaker‐induced arrhythmias.
Careful monitoring is necessary in the event that the
pacemaker tracks the atrial signal in atrial
fibrillation/flutter, resulting in a very fast ventricular
However, setting an appropriate upper rate limit on
these pacemakers usually prevents this complication.
Occasionally, a pacemaker‐mediated tachycardia can
develop from repetitive retrograde conduction from
premature ventricular complexes, producing atrial
deflections that are sensed and tracked
If atrial activity is absent, either the DDD or DVI mode
can be used. The DVI mode senses only the ventricle, so
if a ventricular beat does not occur, both chambers are
paced. This may lead to competitive atrial activity if the
atrium is beating at a faster rate.
4. Indications
a. Complete heart block
b. Second‐degree heart block to achieve 1:1
c. First‐degree heart block if 1:1 conduction cannot
be achieved at a faster rate because of a long PR
Indications for permanent pacemakers
1. Although the temporary use of epicardial pacing is
not uncommon after surgery, most patients with
preoperative sinus rhythm will achieve a satisfactory
sinus rate within a few days and can receive β‐blockers
for AF prophylaxis.
Conduction abnormalities such as first‐degree block
and bundle branch blocks are the most common
abnormalities noted after CABG, but they have not been
shown to affect long‐term outcome
2. About 1–2% of patients require placement of a
PPM after cardiac surgery. This is more likely in older
patients, those with pulmonary hypertension or a
preexisting left bundle branch block (LBBB), surgery
that involves valve replacements (tricuspid > aortic >
mitral), complex operations requiring a long
cross‐clamp time, and reoperations
Tricuspid valve replacement involves suturing in close proximity to the AV
node, and evidence of complete heart block should prompt placement of permanent
epicardial pacing leads
3. The risk of requiring a PPM after TAVR is greater with
self‐expanding valves than balloon‐expandable valves, but
newer designs and higher positioning have reduced the risk to
less than 5%.
Baseline conduction disturbances, especially a right bundle
branch block (RBBB) with first‐degree block, increase the risk
of complete heart block and the need for a PPM.
In fact, a baseline RBBB also increases the risk of high‐grade
AV block and sudden cardiac death after hospital discharge.
A new LBBB leads to deterioration in LV function, increases
the risk of requiring a PPM, and in most studies compromises
intermediate‐term survival
4. If a PPM is being considered in the postoperative
patient, oral anticoagulation with warfarin should be
withheld or given in low doses, with use of IV heparin
for AF or valve thromboprophylaxis, when indicated. If
the patient’s INR is already in therapeutic range, the
dose should be reduced to achieve an INR at the low
therapeutic range if the patient is at high
thromboembolic risk, at which point PPM implantation
can be safely performed. It is preferable to avoid a
heparin bridge, which is associated with more
periprocedural bleeding
PPM placement is indicated postoperatively for the following
a. Complete heart block
b. Symptomatic or significant sinus node dysfunction
c. Slow ventricular response to AF (usually at rates of less than
50 bpm) that persists despite cessation of potentially
contributory medications, including
β‐blockers, sotalol, amiodarone, CCBs, and digoxin.
d. Tachycardia‐bradycardia syndrome: when medications used
to control a fast response to AF produce a very slow sinus
mechanism upon conversion
e. Advanced second‐degree heart block with a slow
ventricular response
The optimal timing for placement of a PPM has not been
determined. In some patients, the indication may be a
transient phenomenon, and waiting a few extra days may
obviate its need. However, it often seems more cost‐effective
to implant a pacemaker after 3–4 days to expedite the
patient’s discharge from the hospital.
A study from the Mayo Clinic showed that 40% of patients
were not pacer‐ dependent at follow‐up, although about 85%
of patients who required implantation for complete heart
block had become pacer‐dependent.300 A follow‐up study
of patients receiving PPMs after TAVR found that only 40% of
patients receiving a PPM within 10 days were
pacer‐dependent at one year
Cardiac Rhythm Disturbance and Temporary Pacemakers.pdf

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Cardiac Rhythm Disturbance and Temporary Pacemakers.pdf

  • 2. Directed by DR.Karar .A.Ali department of cardiothoracic surgery
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  • 4. Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias Supraventricular tachycardias are recognized as the most common arrhythmia to occur after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with the reported incidence of 20–40% after CABG surgery (Creswell et al. 1993) and even higher following valvular surgery (Asher et al. 1998). AF (Fig. 14.1) and atrial flutter (AFL) (Fig. 14.2) are the most prevalent supraventricular arrhythmias; however, atrial tachycardias (AT) occurred as well. Most cases of AF occur between the second and fourth postoperative days (Almassi et al. 1997). Although this arrhythmia is usually benign and self- limiting, it may result in hemodynamic instability, thromboembolic events, a longer hospital stay, and increased healthcare costs (Hakala et al. 2002; Lahtinen et al. 2004).
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  • 11.  .The mechanism of postoperative AF is not well described and is probably multifactorial. It is suggested that endogenous adenosine, inflammation, and oxidative injury may play a mechanistic role in this arrhythmia  .The perioperative period is also characterized by acute ischemic reperfusion injury and delayed inflammatory response that together result in a net depletion at plasma antioxidants  . patients undergoing cardiac surgery often have underlying atrial enlargement or increased atrial pressures that may predispose to AF.  Age-related structural or electrophysiological changes also appear to lower the threshold for postoperative AF in elderly patients
  • 12.  Other reported predisposing conditions for development of the postoperative AF included left main or proximal right coronary artery stenoses, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, beta-blocker withdrawal, history of AF or heart failure, and preoperative electrocardiographic findings of PR interval of 185 ms or longer, P-wave duration of 110 ms or longer in lead V1, and left atrial abnormality
  • 13. Considering the peak incidence of AF in the first 2–3 days after surgery, inflammatory mechanisms have been suggested. The idea has also been supported by the efficacy of anti-inflammatory agents in decreasing the incidence of postoperative AF
  • 14.  However, there are other electrophysiological explanations for the higher incidence of AF in this period. Nonuniform atrial conduction is greatest on postoperative days 2 and 3, and longest atrial conduction is on day 3 (Ishii et al. 2005).  Perioperative hypokalemia has been shown to be associated with postoperative AF partly via changes in atrial conduction and refractoriness  There are recent evidences indicating that minimally invasive cardiac surgery or surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass has been associated with lower incidenceof postoperative AF. In a prospective randomized study, 200 patients were randomly assigned into on-pump CABG and off-pump CABG. The results of this study clearly indicated that postoperative AF occurs with lower frequency in patients who underwent off-pump beating heart surgery compared to those with on-pump CABG(Ascione et al. 2000).
  • 15. Prophylaxis Several pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies have been employed to prevent postoperative AF after cardiac surgery. Efficacy of beta-blockers, amiodarone, sotalol, magnesium, and atrial pacing has been assessed in several randomized and nonrandomized clinical trials.
  • 16.  Because patients recovering from cardiac surgery often have enhanced sympathetic tone, the risk of postoperative AF is increased. Beta-blockers antagonize the effects of catecholamines on the myocardium and are, thus, expected to prevent AF after cardiac surgery. Multiple clinical trials and three landmark meta-analyses have shown a significant reduction in postoperative AF by beta-blocker prophylaxis in cardiac surgery patients (Crystal et al. 2002). Following these remarkable results, updated American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation (AHA/ ACCF) 2006/2011 and recent European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2010 guidelines recommended beta-blocker prophylaxis to prevent AF in cardiac surgery patients in the absence of contraindications (Fuster et al. 2011; Camm et al. 2010).
  • 17. Oral carvedilol, with its unique antioxidant and antiapoptotic properties, appears to be the most effective beta-blocker in the prevention of postoperative AF (Haghjoo et al. 2007).
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  • 19. both prophylactic oral and intravenous amiodarone are effective and safe agents in reducing the incidence of AF and its related cerebrovascular accident and postoperative ventricular tachyarrhythmia (Bagshaw et al. 2006). Currently, preoperative administration of amiodarone is deemed class IIa indication for prophylactic therapy in patients at high risk for postoperative AF in the latest AHA/ACCF and ESC guidelines for AF management (Fuster et al. 2011; Camm et al. 2010)
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  • 28. Sotalol is a class III antiarrhythmic agent with potent beta-blocking activity. As a result, it would be a suitable drug for AF prevention after cardiac surgeries. Sotalol has been proven to be an effective agent across all the clinical trials using this drug (Pfisterer et al. 1997; Weber et al. 1998). Only issue is related to its safety profile
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  • 31.  Hypomagnesemia  has been suggested as a cause of both supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias, and it is an independent risk factor for the development of AF in cardiac surgery patients. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that magnesium supplementation may reduce the incidence of AF after heart surgery. Several clinical trials have examined the use of intravenous magnesium sulfate for the prevention of AF after CABG (Fanning et al. 1991; Kaplan et al. 2003). A meta- analysis of eight identified randomized controlled trials revealed that the use of intravenous magnesium supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in the AF incidence after CABG (Alghamdi et al. 2005).
  • 32. • Hypomagnesemia is common in the cardiac surgical population and correlates with higher incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and major adverse cardiac events. However, the role of Mg in preventing postoperative arrhythmias – especially atrial fibrillation – is controversial. There is moderate evidence that intravenous Mg therapy, particularly low doses administered before cardiac surgery, will reduce the postoperative incidence of atrial fibrillation. • Hypomagnesemia is also common in hospitalized patients. It is especially prevalent in the critically ill and correlates with worse clinical outcomes. Mg has proven effective for treating eclampsia, preeclampsia, and torsades de pointes. Other therapeutic applications such as adjunctive therapy in acute asthma exacerbations, acute coronary syndromes, acute cerebral ischemia, and postoperative pain control are under discussion. Mg has a low adverse effects profile and multiple theoretical advantages, including its low cost.
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  • 39. Management Considering the self-limited course of the postoperative AF or AFL, treatment begins with pharmacological control of the heart rate Beta-blockers should be first-line agents for the rate control because of rapid onset of action and 50% likelihood of conversion to sinus rhythm. Both metoprolol and esmolol areavailable in intravenous (IV) formulation
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  • 41. Calcium-channel antagonists are less effective than beta-blockers and considered as second-line agents. Calcium-channel antagonists result in rate control of AF more rapidly than does digoxin. These latter agents may be useful when beta-blockers are contraindicated (i.e., bronchospasm).
  • 42. Conversion of postoperative AF is not needed in the majority of patients after cardiac surgery because of high recurrence rate and self-limited nature. However this approach may be useful in high-risk patients who are refractory to or intolerant of atrioventricular (AV) nodal blocking agents. Conversion of AF, AFL, and AT can be accomplished using electrical cardioversion, pharmacological cardioversion, and overdrive pacing (if AFL or AT present).
  • 43. Pharmacological cardioversion should be considered in the setting of unstable respiratory status or other contraindication for anesthesia. Drugs proven to be useful for cardioversion include procainamide, amiodarone, propafenone, ibutilide (VanderLugt et al. 1999), and dofetilide. Latter two agents carry a risk of torsades de pointes about 2–4%. This risk is higher in the setting of bradycardia, female gender, hypokalemia, and hypomagnesemia.
  • 44. Rapid atrial pacing using epicardial wires implanted during surgery was proved to be safe and effective in the conversion of postoperative AFL and AT. Rapid atrial pacing is highly desirable in the patients unsuitable for electrical cardioversion such as patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • 45.  Gloves always should be worn when handling pacemaker electrodes to prevent microshock because even small amounts of electrical current can cause serious dysrhythmias if they are transmitted to the heart.
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  • 47.  • Supraventricular dysrhythmias (e.g., atrial flutter, reentrant atrial tachycardia, atrioventricular [AV] nodal reentry tachycardia, reentrant tachycardias that use an accessory pathway, such as Wolff-Parkinson-White [WPW] syndrome) sometimes can be terminated by overdrive atrial pacing • Atrial fibrillation occasionally terminates with overdrive atrial pacing, but this is not a reliable therapy for atrial fibrillation. • • Overdrive atrial pacing is performed most commonly with epicardial atrial pacing wires placed during cardiac surgery. A transvenous atrial pacing lead with an active fixation tip to help keep the lead in the atrium also can be used. • • Overdrive atrial pacing involves the delivery of short bursts of rapid pacing stimuli through an epicardial atrial pacing wire or a transvenous lead in the atrium. The physician or advanced practice nurse determines the duration and rate of the burst.
  • 48. • One approach to overdrive pacing is to atrial pace the heart with 20 milliampere (mA) at a rate 20% to 30% faster than the intrinsic atrial rate for 30 seconds, then stop pacing. An alternate approach is to initiate atrial pacing at a rate 20 beats/min faster than the intrinsic atrial rate; if 1:1 capture does not occur after 30 seconds, the paced rate can be increased by 20 beats/min; repeat every 30 seconds until 1:1 capture is achieved. Continue pacing until the heart rate decreases from AV block (e.g., 2:1, 3:1) or 1 to 2 minutes of 1:1 pacing have occurred, then stop pacing.6 • Successive bursts usually are performed at gradually increasing rates (maximal capability of the pulse generator for overdrive atrial pacing is 800 pulses/min) and may be delivered for up to 2 minutes
  • 49. • • The atrial pacing wire or atrial pacing lead needs to be accurately identified with initiation of overdrive pacing because pacing the ventricle at rapid rates may result in ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. • • Rapid atrial pacing may result in degeneration of the atrial rhythm to atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. This pacemaker-induced atrial fibrillation usually does not sustain itself for more than a few minutes before it converts to normal sinus rhythm.6 • • If an accessory pathway is present, rapid atrial pacing can result in conduction to the ventricles over the accessory pathway, leading to ventricular fibrillation. • • Overdrive suppression of the sinus node may result in periods of bradycardia, asystole, junctional or ventricular escape rhythms, or polymorphic ventricular tachycardia on termination of the atrial overdrive pacing and the atrial tachydysrhythmia. • • Conversion of an atrial tachydysrhythmia can result in dislodgment of atrial thrombus and embolization of clots to the pulmonary or systemic circulation.
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  • 57. Electrical cardioversion is reserved for patients exhibiting acute hemodynamic instability. For elective cardioversion, anterior-posterior paddles are preferred with the posterior paddle placed at the lower tip of the scapula.
  • 58. • Technique External cardioversion • The patient should be adequately sedated with a short-acting agent such as midazolam or propofol. In addition, an opioid analgesic, such as fentanyl, is commonly used. Reversal agents, such as flumazenil and naloxone, should be available. • The defibrillator should be placed in the synchronized mode, which permits a search for a large R or S wave. The delivered energy is selected. Most monophasic and biphasic models can deliver up to 360 joules. Manual button depression by the operator causes the defibrillator to discharge an electric current that lasts less than 4 milliseconds and avoids the vulnerable period of cardiac repolarization when ventricular fibrillation (VF, vfib) can be induced. The operator should be aware of this brief delay as the cardioverter searches for a large positive or negative deflection. If the deflections are too small for the defibrillator to synchronize, the clinician can change the leads or place them closer to the patient's chest or heart. If the patient develops ventricular fibrillation, always turn off synchronization to avoid delay in energy delivery.
  • 59.  Energy requirements for atrial fibrillation (AF, afib) are 100- 200 joules initially and 360 joules for subsequent shocks. A study showed good response to higher energy shocks of 720 joules for the treatment of refractory atrial fibrillation. [11] Biphasic shocks require a typical energy level of 75 joules for the correction of atrial fibrillation. Cardioversion of atrial fibrillation secondary to hyperthyroidism is 90% successful. [12] Only 25% of patients with atrial fibrillation caused by severe mitral regurgitation are successfully treated, and half revert in the first 6 months. Atrial flutter and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) require less energy: 50 joules initially, then 100 joules if needed. Cardioversion of ventricular tachycardia (VT, vtach) involves shocks of 50-100 joules initially, and then 200 joules if unsuccessful.
  • 60.  Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter- defibrillators (ICDs) should be at least 10 cm away from direct contact with the paddles, and these devices should eventually be interrogated for any postcardioversion malfunction. The anteroposterior approach is preferred in patients with implantable devices to avoid shunting the current to the implantable device and damaging the system
  • 61. • Special conditions • In pediatric patients with PSVT or ventricular tachycardia who are not hemodynamically stable, an initial synchronized shock of 0.5 J/kg is recommended. In subsequent attempts, the energy is increased. • During pregnancy, recommendations as for other adults are applicable.
  • 62. Recently, novel oral anticoagulants such as dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban are shown to be safe and effective in the prevention of thromboembolic events after cardiac surgery (Anderson et al. 2015). Duration of anticoagulation must be based on individual clinical situation
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  • 82. • Causes of Left Bundle Branch Block • It is unusual for LBBB to exist in the absence of organic disease. Causes are varied and include: • Aortic stenosis • Ischaemic heart disease • Hypertension • Dilated cardiomyopathy • Anterior MI • Lenègre-Lev disease: primary degenerative disease (fibrosis) of the conducting system • Hyperkalaemia • Digoxin toxicity • New LBBB in the context of chest pain was once considered a “STEMI- equivalent” and part of the criteria for thrombolysis. However, more up-to-date data suggests that chest pain patients with new LBBB have little increased risk of acute myocardial infarction at the time of presentation.
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  • 88. Management Patients with asymptomatic and hemodynamically stable PVC and even short runs of nonsustained VT usually do not require any specific treatment. All reversible underlying causes should be corrected. In case of the symptomatic or hemodynamically significant PVC or nonsustained VT, lidocaine and overdrive pacing are recommended.
  • 89.  lidocaine (Rx) • Ventricular Arrhythmias or Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (after defibrillation, attempts, CPR, and vasopressor administration) • 1-1.5 mg/kg slow IV bolus over 2-3 minutes • May repeat doses of 0.5-0.75 mg/kg in 5-10 minutes up to 3 mg/kg total if refractory VF or pulseless VT • Continuous infusion: 1-4 mg/min IV after return of perfusion • Administer 0.5 mg/kg bolus and reassess infusion if arrhythmia reappears during constant infusion • If IV not feasible may use IO/ET • Endotracheal (loading dose): 2-3.75 mg/kg (2 to 2.5 recommended IV dose); dilute in 5-10 mL 0.9% saline or sterile water • Monitor: ECG
  • 90. • Hemodynamically Stable Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia • 1-1.5 mg/kg; repeat doses of 0.5-0.75 mg/kg in 5- 10 minutes up to 3 mg/kg total; follow with 1-4 mg/min continuous infusion
  • 91.  For hemodynamically stable sustained VT, IV antiarrhythmic medication is the first-line treatment approach (Fogel and Prystowsky 2000). Dosages of common antiarrhythmic medications are listed in Table 14.3.  Lidocaine is usually the first-choice drug and can be tried in dosage recommended in the nonsurgical setting.  Procainamide is often the second choice. This drug should be used with caution or not at all in patients with renal dysfunction.  In patients with left ventricular dysfunction, amiodarone is a better choice than other antiarrhythmics.
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  • 94. In this group of the patients, overdrive ventricular pacing using epicardial wires placed at the time of surgery may be attempted. In patients with hemodynamically unstable or drug-refractory VT, electrical cardioversion or defibrillation with energy level of 200–360 J is recommended.
  • 96. Incidence and Prognosis Bradyarrhythmias are a common complication following cardiac surgery. Permanent pacemaker is required for sinus node dysfunction (SND) or atrioventricular block (AVB) in 0.6–4.6% of patients after CABG (Goldman et al. 1984). Varying degrees of AVB (Figs. 14.4 and 14.5) are more common after valve replacement (up to 24%) than other types of cardiovascular surgery (Jaeger et al. 1994; Brodell et al. 1991).
  • 97. Bradyarrhythmia due to SND and to lesser extent AVB is relatively common after orthotopic heart transplantation and leads to permanent pacemaker implantation in up to 21% of patients with SND and 4.5% of patients with AVB (Grant et al. 1995). Improvement in postoperative bradyarrhythmia may occur in significant number of patients. Rate of recovery is less common after complete AVB than SND (Merin et al. 2009).
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  • 102. • Box 26-1 Causes of Bradycardia • Noncardiac Causes • Drugs • β-blockers • Calcium channel blockers • Antiarrhythmic drugs (e.g., amiodarone, ibutilide, flecainide, lidocaine) • Digoxin • Adenosine • Opiate overdose • Lithium • Ivabradine • Clonidine
  • 103. • Neurogenic • Reflex-mediated syncope • Raised intracranial pressure • Increased ocular pressure (e.g., during eye surgery) • Neuromuscular disorders (e.g., myotonic dystrophy, Friedreich’s ataxia) • Guillain-Barré syndrome • Dysautonomia (e.g., Shy-Drager syndrome) • Endocrine and Metabolic • Hypothyroidism • Acidosis • Electrolyte abnormalities • Anorexia nervosa • Porphyria
  • 104. • Environmental and Infection-related • Hypothermia • Lyme disease • Chagas disease • Envenomation (e.g., snakebite) • Diphtheria • Acute rheumatic fever • Organophosphate insecticides • Others • Physiologic • Iatrogenic (e.g., following aortic valve replacement or supraventricular tachycardia ablation) • Collagen vascular disease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis) • Congenital
  • 105. • Cardiac Causes • Sinus node dysfunction • Atrioventricular node dysfunction • Hisian and infra-Hisian block • Myocardial infarction (especially inferior) • Myocarditis • Myocardial infiltration: cardiac sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, cardiac amyloidosis, Wegener’s granulomatosis
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  • 110. Pathogenesis Postoperative bradyarrhythmias can be caused by incomplete washout of cardioplegia solution, antiarrhythmic drugs, or their toxicity. In addition, it may caused by trauma or surgical manipulation in the area of the AV node or bundle of His.
  • 111. Prophylaxis In order to reduce the incidence of postoperative conduction disorder, special attention to the anatomy of the conduction system, careful administration of sinus or AV nodal blocking agents, and complete washout of cardioplegia solution are warranted
  • 112. Management According to American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines “permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for third-degree and advanced second-degree AVB at any anatomic level associated with postoperative AVB that is not expected to resolve after cardiac surgery” (Tracy et al. 2013). Generally, it is recommended to implant a permanent pacemaker if symptomatic complete AVB or SND persists longer than 5–7 days after cardiac surgery (Merin et al. 2009).
  • 113. Any decision regarding timing of implantation of a permanent pacemaker will be impacted by the stability of the temporary pacing system. Therefore, in patients with no intrinsic underlying rhythm or those with failure of temporary pacing leads, permanent pacing may be performed even sooner. In patients with resolved or resolving bradyarrhythmias, electrophysiological study or exercise stress testing is useful to determine the need for permanent pacemaker implantation
  • 115.  General comments 1. The use of cold cardioplegic arrest is commonly associated with temporary sinus node or AV node dysfunction. Placement of two temporary right atrial and two right ventricular epicardial pacing wire electrodes is beneficial in these situations to optimize hemodynamics at the conclusion of bypass and for several hours in the ICU.  Pacing wires are also useful in the event that medications used to control atrial fibrillation precipitate advanced AV block. They can also be used for overdrive pacing and have diagnostic utility in delineating unusual rhythm problems
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  • 117. To assess whether pacing wire placement should be performed routinely, one study found that 15% of patients needed pacing to terminate bypass, but less than 10% of patients required temporary pacing postoperatively.283 However, it is not always predictable which patients may require subsequent pacing, and it is recommended that at least one ventricular pacing wire (with a skin ground) should be placed; the risk:benefit ratio of atrial pacing wires suggests that they should be placed routinely as well.
  • 118. Atrial pacing wires can be used to record atrial activity in both unipolar and bipolar modes. With suitably equipped monitors, these recordings can be obtained simultaneously with standard limb leads to distinguish among atrial and junctional arrhythmias and differentiate them from more life‐threatening ventricular arrhythmias
  • 119.  Therapeutic uses 1. Optimal hemodynamics are achieved at a heart rate of around 90 bpm in the immediate postoperative period. Use of temporary pacing wires attached to an external pulse generator (Figure 11.18) to increase the heart rate is preferable to the use of positive chronotropic agents that have other effects on myocardial function.  Atrial pacing with normal conduction will nearly always demonstrate superior hemodynamics to AV pacing, which in turn is superior to ventricular pacing. Since AV delay is often prolonged after bypass, shortening it artificially using AV pacing can improve hemodynamics, especially in patients with impaired ventricular function
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  • 122. biventricular pacing with leads placed during surgery will improve LV systolic and diastolic function compared with RA or RA–RV pacing in patients with AV block who have LV dysfunction. Benefit is greatest in patients who also have a wide QRS complex. Reentrant rhythms can be terminated by rapid pacing. Rapid atrial pacing can terminate type I atrial flutter (flutter rate of less than 350/min) and other paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias. Rapid ventricular pacing can terminate VT
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  • 202. TO SET SENSITIVITY (PHYSICIAN ONLY ) Position dial at MOST sensitive setting (1mV) Adjust pacer rate to 10 less than pt intrinsic rate Reduce mA to minimum (to prevent pacer from competing with intrinsic rhythm Turn the sensitivity dial counterclockwise (higher mV) until: VENT. SENSE (orange light) stops flashing and VENT. PACE (green light) starts flashing (This is sensitivity threshold) Adjust the sensitivity indicator to half threshold value RESET THE mA and RATE TO THEIR ORIGINAL SETTINGS!
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  • 204. ATRIAL PACING: [AAI mode] Can be used when conduction system of the heart beyond the SA node is normal. USES: [the pacer is only stimulating a p wave: the QRS must follow from the heart!] Sinus Bradycardia symptomatic Sick Sinus Syndrome Sinus Arrythmia Sinus Rhythm: Higher heart rate to increase cardiac output (better perfusion) Junctional Rhythm may work
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  • 228. Current external pacemakers, such as the Medtronic 5392 model, can pace in a variety of modes. The DDD mode senses atrial activity, following which the ventricle contracts at a preset time interval after the atrial contraction. This mode reduces the risk of triggering atrial, junctional, and pacemaker‐induced arrhythmias. Careful monitoring is necessary in the event that the pacemaker tracks the atrial signal in atrial fibrillation/flutter, resulting in a very fast ventricular response.
  • 229. However, setting an appropriate upper rate limit on these pacemakers usually prevents this complication. Occasionally, a pacemaker‐mediated tachycardia can develop from repetitive retrograde conduction from premature ventricular complexes, producing atrial deflections that are sensed and tracked If atrial activity is absent, either the DDD or DVI mode can be used. The DVI mode senses only the ventricle, so if a ventricular beat does not occur, both chambers are paced. This may lead to competitive atrial activity if the atrium is beating at a faster rate.
  • 230. 4. Indications a. Complete heart block b. Second‐degree heart block to achieve 1:1 conduction c. First‐degree heart block if 1:1 conduction cannot be achieved at a faster rate because of a long PR interval
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  • 243. Indications for permanent pacemakers 1. Although the temporary use of epicardial pacing is not uncommon after surgery, most patients with preoperative sinus rhythm will achieve a satisfactory sinus rate within a few days and can receive β‐blockers for AF prophylaxis. Conduction abnormalities such as first‐degree block and bundle branch blocks are the most common abnormalities noted after CABG, but they have not been shown to affect long‐term outcome
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  • 246. 2. About 1–2% of patients require placement of a PPM after cardiac surgery. This is more likely in older patients, those with pulmonary hypertension or a preexisting left bundle branch block (LBBB), surgery that involves valve replacements (tricuspid > aortic > mitral), complex operations requiring a long cross‐clamp time, and reoperations
  • 247. Tricuspid valve replacement involves suturing in close proximity to the AV node, and evidence of complete heart block should prompt placement of permanent epicardial pacing leads
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  • 255. 3. The risk of requiring a PPM after TAVR is greater with self‐expanding valves than balloon‐expandable valves, but newer designs and higher positioning have reduced the risk to less than 5%. Baseline conduction disturbances, especially a right bundle branch block (RBBB) with first‐degree block, increase the risk of complete heart block and the need for a PPM. In fact, a baseline RBBB also increases the risk of high‐grade AV block and sudden cardiac death after hospital discharge. A new LBBB leads to deterioration in LV function, increases the risk of requiring a PPM, and in most studies compromises intermediate‐term survival
  • 256. 4. If a PPM is being considered in the postoperative patient, oral anticoagulation with warfarin should be withheld or given in low doses, with use of IV heparin for AF or valve thromboprophylaxis, when indicated. If the patient’s INR is already in therapeutic range, the dose should be reduced to achieve an INR at the low therapeutic range if the patient is at high thromboembolic risk, at which point PPM implantation can be safely performed. It is preferable to avoid a heparin bridge, which is associated with more periprocedural bleeding
  • 257. PPM placement is indicated postoperatively for the following conditions: a. Complete heart block b. Symptomatic or significant sinus node dysfunction c. Slow ventricular response to AF (usually at rates of less than 50 bpm) that persists despite cessation of potentially contributory medications, including β‐blockers, sotalol, amiodarone, CCBs, and digoxin. d. Tachycardia‐bradycardia syndrome: when medications used to control a fast response to AF produce a very slow sinus mechanism upon conversion e. Advanced second‐degree heart block with a slow ventricular response
  • 258. The optimal timing for placement of a PPM has not been determined. In some patients, the indication may be a transient phenomenon, and waiting a few extra days may obviate its need. However, it often seems more cost‐effective to implant a pacemaker after 3–4 days to expedite the patient’s discharge from the hospital. A study from the Mayo Clinic showed that 40% of patients were not pacer‐ dependent at follow‐up, although about 85% of patients who required implantation for complete heart block had become pacer‐dependent.300 A follow‐up study of patients receiving PPMs after TAVR found that only 40% of patients receiving a PPM within 10 days were pacer‐dependent at one year