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CREATOR: "Reifsnyder, Dan A"l <>       C    "Reifsnyder, Dan A" <Reifsnyd

CREATION DATE/TIME:     4-JUN-2002   13:52:14.00

SUBJECT::    White House Warns on Climate Change.htm

TO: "'''     <>       ( "'

CC:Kameran L. Bailey ( CN=Kameran L. Bailey/OU=CEQ/O=EOP@EOP              E CEQ

CC:"' trigqtalley~ya~hoo.com11     <>   ( "triggtal~ley~yahoo.coml          <tr

CC:"Hobgood, Teresa D     COES) (F0)" <>       C   "Hobgood, Teresa D    COBS) CFO

CC:Phil Cooney     C CN=Phil   Cooney/OU=CEQ/O=EONgEOP   [ CEQI

CC:"Fendley, Edward J" <>        ( "Fendley, Edward J"1 <FendleyEJ~state.

CC: "Koenig, Steven F COES) (FO/PO)" <>          ( "Koenig, Steven F COES) CEO

 «<White House Warns on Climate Change.htm»> Just saw this on the NYT
website.  Dan
 - White House Warns on Climate Change.htm   ==========ATTACHMENT
                                               --                                          1
ATT CREATION TIME/DATE:   0 00:00:00.00


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<FYTKTCKER></NYT_KICKER><NYTHEADLINE           version="l.0" type="       "1><h2>White House
Warns on Climate Change</h2></NYTHEADLINE><NYTBYLINE version="1.0" type="                  "1>

<font size=`-l"1><strong>By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS</strong></font><br><br></NYT BY
<I --plsfield:TEXT-->


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<p><b>Filed at 12:58 p.m. ET</b></p><p></p><p>WASHTNGTON (AP) -- President Bush
  dismissed on Tuesday a report put out by his administration warning that human
  activities are behind climate change that is having significant effects on the
  environment.</p><p>The report to the United Nations, written by the Environmen
tal Protection Agency, puts most of the blame for recent global warming on the
burning of fossil fuels that release darbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gas
es into the environment.</p><p>But it suggests nothing beyond voluntary action
by industry for dealing with the so-called- ''greenhouse' ' gases, the program Bu
sh advocated in rejecting a treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 calling
for mandatory reduction of those gases by industrial nations.</p><p>''I read th
e report put out by the bureaucracy, '' Bush said dismissively Tuesday when aske
d about the EPA report, adding that he still opposes the Kyoto treaty.</p><p>Ja
pan ratified the international accord Tuesday and urged the United States and o
ther countries to join efforts to fight global warming by cutting emissions of
heat-trapping gases. Prime minister Junichiro Koizumi's Cabinet gave final appr
oval to the Kyoto Protocol, which passed the upper and lower houses of Parliame
nt last month.</p><p>The report submitted to the United Nations was the first b
y the Bush administration to mostly blame human activity for global warming.</p
            changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due
to human   activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these
  changes is also a reflection of natural variability, '' the report says.</p><p>
''Human-induced warming and associated sea level rises are expected to continue
  through the 21st century,'' it says. ''Secondary effects ... include increases
  in rainfall rates and increased susceptibility of semiarid regions to drought.
 * '</p><p>The report also says that despite some lingering scientific uncertaint
ies, ''There is general agreement that the observed warming is real and has bee
n particularly strong within the past 20 years.' '</p><p>Tn the United States, c
hanges over the next few decades are expected to put Southeastern coastal commu
nities at greater risk of storm surges, prompt more uncomfortable heat waves in
  cities and reduce snowpack and water supplies in the West</p><cp>The extents of
  aspen, eastern birch and sugar maple probably will contract dramatically in th
e United States, shift into Canada and cause loss of maple syrup production in
northern New York and New England. Great Lakes water levels are expected to dro
p, which would affect navigation, water supplies and aquatic species. Productio
n of U.S. hardwood and softwood products is projected to increase, mostly in th
e South. Fewer cold days and reduced snowpack do not bode well for the southern
most ski areas, where costs of snowmaking would rise.</p><p>Kalee Kreider, glob
al warming campaign director for the National Environmental Trust, an advocacy
group, said environmentalists want from the administration a climate change pla
n that joins with other nations in requiring carbon dioxide emission reductions
  and increased fuel efficiency requirements for vehicles.</p><p>- It's good the
y've done a 180-degree turn on the science. Given the audience, they pretty muc
h had to, '' Kreider said. ''But we're still waiting for a plan that mandates po
llution cuts.' '</p><p>Last year, the White House described climate change as a
serious issue but was undecided about how much of the problem should be blamed
on human activities. President Bush favors a climate plan with voluntary measur
es to slow the rate of growth in gas emissions but allow them to continue to ri
se.</p><p>White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the administration remains
  convinced that the president's plan is the best path, for two reasons. He poin
ted to language in the report acknowledging ''considerable uncertainty in curre
nt understanding of how climate varies naturally.-'<'/p><p>And, he said, Bush's
plan will ''significantly reduce the growth of greenhouse gas emissions, '' whil
e investing in new science and technology to curb them. Bush has proposed spend
ing $4.5 billion on climate change science and technology.</p><p>European Union
  countries formally signed the Kyoto Protocol on Friday. It was negotiated in 1
997 to stem pollution and global warming; President Bush has rejected it. The r
atification by Japan and the 15 EU countries at the headquarters of the United
Nations represented a major step toward putting the treaty into force.</p><p>A-
 --    </p><p>On the Net:</p><p>Climate Action Report 2002:
obalwarming/publications/car</p><p>U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change:

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White House Warns on Climate Change                                                               Page 2 of 6

Environmen tal Protection Agency, puts most of the blame for recent global warming on the burning of
fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gas es into the environment.

But it suggests nothing beyond voluntary action by industry for dealing with the so-called "greenhouse"
gases, the program Bu sh advocated in rejecting a treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 calling for
mandatory reduction of those gases by industrial nations.

"I read th e report put out by the bureaucracy," Bush said dismissively Tuesday when aske d about the
EPA report, adding that he still opposes the Kyoto treaty.

Ja pan ratified the international accord Tuesday and urged the United States and o ther countries to join
efforts to fight global warming by cutting emissions of heat-trapping gases. Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi's Cabinet gave final appr oval to the Kyoto Protocol, which passed the upper and lower houses
of Parliamne nt last month.

The report submitted to the United Nations was the first b y the Bush administration to mostly blame
human activity for global warming.

"The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we
cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability," the
report says.

"Human-induced warming and associated sea level rises are expected to continue through the 21st
century," it says. "Secondary effects ... include increases in rainfall rates and increased susceptibility of
semiarid regions to drought. "

The report also says that despite some lingering scientific uncertaint ies, "There is general agreement
that the observed warming is real and has bee n particularly strong within the past 20 years."

In the United States, c hanges over the next few decades are expected to put Southeastern coastal
commu. nities at greater risk of storm surges, prompt more uncomfortable heat waves in cities and
reduce snowpack and water supplies in the West

The extents of aspen, eastern birch and sugar maple probably will contract dramatically in th e United

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White House Warns on Climate Change                                                           Page 3of 6

States, shift into Canada and cause loss of maple syrup production in northern New York and New
England. Great Lakes water levels are expected to dro p, which would affect navigation, water supplies
and aquatic species. Productio n of U.S. hardwood and softwood products is projected to increase,
mostly in th e South. Fewer cold days and reduced snowpack do not bode well for the southern most ski
areas, where costs of snowmaking would rise.

Kalee Kreider, glob al warming campaign director for the National Environmental Trust, an advocacy
group, said environmentalists want from the administration a climate change pla n that joins with other
nations in requiring carbon dioxide emission reductions and increased fuel efficiency requirements for

"It's good the y've done a 180-degree turn on the science. Given the audience, they pretty muce h had to,"
Kreider said. "But we're still waiting for a plan that mandates po llution cuts."

Last year, the White House described climate change as a serious issue but was undecided about how
much of the problem should be blamed on human activities. President Bush favors a climate plan with
voluntary measur es to slow the rate of growth in gas emissions but allow them to continue to ri se.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the administration remains convinced that the president's
plan is the best path, for two reasons. He poin ted to language in the report acknowledging
" considerable uncertainty in curre nt understanding of how climate varies naturally."

And, he said, Bush's plan will "significantly reduce the growth of greenhouse gas emissions," whil e
investing in new science and technology to curb them. Bush has proposed spend ing $4.5 billion on
climate change science and technology.

European Union countries formally signed the Kyoto Protocol on Friday. It was negotiated in 1 997 to
stem pollution and global warming; President Bush has rejected it. The r atification by Japan and the 15
EU countries at the headquarters of the United Nations represented a major step toward putting the
treaty into force.
A .   . .

On the Net:

 Climate Action Report 2002: obalwarming/publications/car

U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change:

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CAR Email 6.4.02 (b)

  • 1. AU S IS1 Page 1 ofl17 RECORD TYPE: FEDERAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: "Reifsnyder, Dan A"l <> C "Reifsnyder, Dan A" <Reifsnyd CREATION DATE/TIME: 4-JUN-2002 13:52:14.00 SUBJECT:: White House Warns on Climate Change.htm TO: "''' <> ( "' READ :UNKNOWN CC:Kameran L. Bailey ( CN=Kameran L. Bailey/OU=CEQ/O=EOP@EOP E CEQ READ :UNKNOWN CC:"' trigqtalley~ya~hoo.com11 <> ( "triggtal~ley~yahoo.coml <tr READ :UNKNOWN CC:"Hobgood, Teresa D COES) (F0)" <> C "Hobgood, Teresa D COBS) CFO READ:UNKNOWN CC:Phil Cooney C CN=Phil Cooney/OU=CEQ/O=EONgEOP [ CEQI READ:UNKNOWN CC:"Fendley, Edward J" <> ( "Fendley, Edward J"1 <FendleyEJ~state. READ :UNKNOWN CC: "Koenig, Steven F COES) (FO/PO)" <> ( "Koenig, Steven F COES) CEO READ :UNKNOWN TEXT: «<White House Warns on Climate Change.htm»> Just saw this on the NYT website. Dan - White House Warns on Climate Change.htm ==========ATTACHMENT -- 1 ATT CREATION TIME/DATE: 0 00:00:00.00 TEXT: <BASE HREF=""> <IDOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-I/W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"!> <html><head> <!--PLS_META--> <!--Knews2 Document -- > <script src="/js/csssniff. is"><z/script> <script language="JavaScript"> function namelto) = 'nytimesmain'; if Cnavigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") "visible"; function pop-me up~pURL, features)f new-window =, "popup window", features); new-window.focus() file:/D:SEARCH_7_28_03_CEQ151_f hl2t7003 ceq.txt 6/16/2006
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  • 13. Page 13 ofl17 <p><b>Filed at 12:58 p.m. ET</b></p><p></p><p>WASHTNGTON (AP) -- President Bush dismissed on Tuesday a report put out by his administration warning that human activities are behind climate change that is having significant effects on the environment.</p><p>The report to the United Nations, written by the Environmen tal Protection Agency, puts most of the blame for recent global warming on the burning of fossil fuels that release darbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gas es into the environment.</p><p>But it suggests nothing beyond voluntary action by industry for dealing with the so-called- ''greenhouse' ' gases, the program Bu sh advocated in rejecting a treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 calling for mandatory reduction of those gases by industrial nations.</p><p>''I read th e report put out by the bureaucracy, '' Bush said dismissively Tuesday when aske d about the EPA report, adding that he still opposes the Kyoto treaty.</p><p>Ja pan ratified the international accord Tuesday and urged the United States and o ther countries to join efforts to fight global warming by cutting emissions of heat-trapping gases. Prime minister Junichiro Koizumi's Cabinet gave final appr oval to the Kyoto Protocol, which passed the upper and lower houses of Parliame nt last month.</p><p>The report submitted to the United Nations was the first b y the Bush administration to mostly blame human activity for global warming.</p changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due '<>The to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability, '' the report says.</p><p> ''Human-induced warming and associated sea level rises are expected to continue through the 21st century,'' it says. ''Secondary effects ... include increases in rainfall rates and increased susceptibility of semiarid regions to drought. * '</p><p>The report also says that despite some lingering scientific uncertaint ies, ''There is general agreement that the observed warming is real and has bee n particularly strong within the past 20 years.' '</p><p>Tn the United States, c hanges over the next few decades are expected to put Southeastern coastal commu nities at greater risk of storm surges, prompt more uncomfortable heat waves in cities and reduce snowpack and water supplies in the West</p><cp>The extents of aspen, eastern birch and sugar maple probably will contract dramatically in th e United States, shift into Canada and cause loss of maple syrup production in northern New York and New England. Great Lakes water levels are expected to dro p, which would affect navigation, water supplies and aquatic species. Productio n of U.S. hardwood and softwood products is projected to increase, mostly in th e South. Fewer cold days and reduced snowpack do not bode well for the southern most ski areas, where costs of snowmaking would rise.</p><p>Kalee Kreider, glob al warming campaign director for the National Environmental Trust, an advocacy group, said environmentalists want from the administration a climate change pla n that joins with other nations in requiring carbon dioxide emission reductions and increased fuel efficiency requirements for vehicles.</p><p>- It's good the y've done a 180-degree turn on the science. Given the audience, they pretty muc h had to, '' Kreider said. ''But we're still waiting for a plan that mandates po llution cuts.' '</p><p>Last year, the White House described climate change as a serious issue but was undecided about how much of the problem should be blamed on human activities. President Bush favors a climate plan with voluntary measur es to slow the rate of growth in gas emissions but allow them to continue to ri se.</p><p>White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the administration remains convinced that the president's plan is the best path, for two reasons. He poin ted to language in the report acknowledging ''considerable uncertainty in curre nt understanding of how climate varies naturally.-'<'/p><p>And, he said, Bush's plan will ''significantly reduce the growth of greenhouse gas emissions, '' whil e investing in new science and technology to curb them. Bush has proposed spend ing $4.5 billion on climate change science and technology.</p><p>European Union countries formally signed the Kyoto Protocol on Friday. It was negotiated in 1 997 to stem pollution and global warming; President Bush has rejected it. The r atification by Japan and the 15 EU countries at the headquarters of the United Nations represented a major step toward putting the treaty into force.</p><p>A- -- </p><p>On the Net:</p><p>Climate Action Report 2002: - obalwarming/publications/car</p><p>U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change: file://D:SEARCH_7_28_03_CEQ151_f hl2t7003_ceq.txt 6/16/2006
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  • 19. White House Warns on Climate Change Page 2 of 6 Environmen tal Protection Agency, puts most of the blame for recent global warming on the burning of fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gas es into the environment. But it suggests nothing beyond voluntary action by industry for dealing with the so-called "greenhouse" gases, the program Bu sh advocated in rejecting a treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 calling for mandatory reduction of those gases by industrial nations. "I read th e report put out by the bureaucracy," Bush said dismissively Tuesday when aske d about the EPA report, adding that he still opposes the Kyoto treaty. Ja pan ratified the international accord Tuesday and urged the United States and o ther countries to join efforts to fight global warming by cutting emissions of heat-trapping gases. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Cabinet gave final appr oval to the Kyoto Protocol, which passed the upper and lower houses of Parliamne nt last month. The report submitted to the United Nations was the first b y the Bush administration to mostly blame human activity for global warming. "The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability," the report says. "Human-induced warming and associated sea level rises are expected to continue through the 21st century," it says. "Secondary effects ... include increases in rainfall rates and increased susceptibility of semiarid regions to drought. " The report also says that despite some lingering scientific uncertaint ies, "There is general agreement that the observed warming is real and has bee n particularly strong within the past 20 years." In the United States, c hanges over the next few decades are expected to put Southeastern coastal commu. nities at greater risk of storm surges, prompt more uncomfortable heat waves in cities and reduce snowpack and water supplies in the West The extents of aspen, eastern birch and sugar maple probably will contract dramatically in th e United file://D:SEARCH_7_28_O3_CEQl51_f hl2t7003_ceq OOOI.html 6/16/2006
  • 20. White House Warns on Climate Change Page 3of 6 States, shift into Canada and cause loss of maple syrup production in northern New York and New England. Great Lakes water levels are expected to dro p, which would affect navigation, water supplies and aquatic species. Productio n of U.S. hardwood and softwood products is projected to increase, mostly in th e South. Fewer cold days and reduced snowpack do not bode well for the southern most ski areas, where costs of snowmaking would rise. Kalee Kreider, glob al warming campaign director for the National Environmental Trust, an advocacy group, said environmentalists want from the administration a climate change pla n that joins with other nations in requiring carbon dioxide emission reductions and increased fuel efficiency requirements for vehicles. "It's good the y've done a 180-degree turn on the science. Given the audience, they pretty muce h had to," Kreider said. "But we're still waiting for a plan that mandates po llution cuts." Last year, the White House described climate change as a serious issue but was undecided about how much of the problem should be blamed on human activities. President Bush favors a climate plan with voluntary measur es to slow the rate of growth in gas emissions but allow them to continue to ri se. White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the administration remains convinced that the president's plan is the best path, for two reasons. He poin ted to language in the report acknowledging " considerable uncertainty in curre nt understanding of how climate varies naturally." And, he said, Bush's plan will "significantly reduce the growth of greenhouse gas emissions," whil e investing in new science and technology to curb them. Bush has proposed spend ing $4.5 billion on climate change science and technology. European Union countries formally signed the Kyoto Protocol on Friday. It was negotiated in 1 997 to stem pollution and global warming; President Bush has rejected it. The r atification by Japan and the 15 EU countries at the headquarters of the United Nations represented a major step toward putting the treaty into force. A . . . On the Net: Climate Action Report 2002: obalwarming/publications/car U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change: <td width="2 10" align="center"> rti Wake up to the world with home deli very of The New York Times newspaper. Click Here for 50% off. FCOE-MaiI ThisArticle file://D:SEARCH-I7_28_03_CEQl151_f h12t7003_ceq_0001l.html 6/16/2006
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