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campus life
social                                                   We believe buildings and
                                                             spaces are essential
                                                             tools for achieving a
    living +                                                 vision for the future.

    learning                                                 We believe in honoring
                                                             the past and engaging
    student                                                  the present to create
    engagement                                               memorable environments
                                                             for current and future

    University of California, San Diego, Price Center East

2                 campus life: student unions
    Dialogue, discussion, communication and collaboration are the
    hallmarks of Cannon Design’s approach to design for student
    life. Our process is visual and engaging, going beyond plans and
    diagrams with three-dimensional models, sketches and other
    illustration so that all project constituents can clearly understand
    and contribute to the conversation. By inviting participation and
    building consensus, we create student-focused environments
    that meet the goals and aspirations of the campus community.

2   campus life: student unions
the heart of student life
    A student union has the ability to be a destination and traffic                        development guidelines to see where the opportunities are
    generator, but it is also a facility that should respond to the                        for entrance, connection, interior and exterior spaces that will
    patterns of student life and embrace campus and students—                              create an environment unique to each campus.
    creating a place to be, to meet, to see and be seen.
                                                                                           We also understand the importance of the economic viability
    We study existing circulation patterns, current and planned                            of today’s student union and have the analytic tools to help
    use of existing campus buildings and proposed campus                                   balance revenue generation with social mission.

    p8                                     p10                                             p12                                       p14
    university of california, san diego,   texas christian university,                     nova southeastern university,             california state university, dominguez hills,
    price center east                      brown lupton university union                   university center                         loker student union expansion

    p16                                    p18                                             p20                                       p22
    university of connecticut,             university of california, berkeley,             northern arizona university,              tidewater community college, norfolk campus,
    student union                          student services building and dining facility   student union and dining hall expansion   student center

4   campus life: student unions
“the brown lupton university union has
                                                                                                               created an environment for rich personal
        “Well-detailed                                                                                         interactions through a variety of spaces;
                                                                                                               where intellectual vitality and social
         inside and out.                                                                                       conversations intersect. central to
                                                                                                               enriching the texas christian university
         a very impactful                                                                                      experience is a building that is a
                                                                                                               destination for activities that promote
         renovation and                                                                                        out-of-classroom-learning as well as a
                                                                                                               physical setting to promote student life.”
         addition.”                                                                                             dr. don mills, vice chancellor for student affairs,
                                                                                                                texas christian university

            american school and university, design jury commentary
            california state university, dominguez hills, loker student union expansion

    “it had to be a building that engaged                                                 “We are beginning to build a sense of belonging
     users in a way that was productive and                                                and an affinity for nova southeastern university
     thoughtful, and presented a design that                                               which we have long lacked. While i continue to
     was both notable and timeless. i believe                                              be impressed how cannon design made the
     the price center does this in full.”                                                  university center fit into the existing space, i
    boone hellman, associate vice chancellor of facilities design and construction,
    and campus architect, university of california, san diego                              believe it is the growth of our students which
                                                                                           will be cannon design’s lasting legacy at nsu.”
                                                                                          dr. brad a. williams, dean of student affairs,
                                                                                          nova southeastern university

6           campus life: student unions
university of california, san diego
    price center expansion

    66,000 sf (renovation)
    172,000 sf (expansion)

    price center east fosters important                       of the campus. the expansion, which succeeded
    changes in the campus eXperience.                         without resulting in a decline in the use of the original
                                                              price center, incorporates numerous sustainable
    the value of the price center east can be measured by
                                                              design strategies to achieve leed gold certification.
    the intensity of use and the transformation of adjacent
    campus areas, contributing to the continued maturation

8              campus life: student unions
bluu is the student-life
                                   anchor of a neW campus
                                   commons at teXas
                                   christian university.
                                   the union bridges a campus
                                   rooted in rich architectural tradition
                                   and a culture that embraces the
                                   future, while creating a niche for
                                   student participation and social
                                   interaction. bluu is the culmination
                                   of extensive student-initiated
                                   program explorations and design
                                   charettes focused on creating an
                                   environment for students to live,
                                   work and play.

                                   teXas christian university
                                   brown lupton university union

                                   135,000 sf

10   campus life: student unions
the university cements campus’ unity,
     linKing residential and academic Zones,
     and an eXisting dining facility.
     to unite the diverse functions of this fusion facility
     under one roof, a three-story, skylit atrium/galleria
     space serves as the facility spine, offering access to
     program components and informal social spaces.
     generous use of glazing maximizes daylighting and
     affords engaging views of athletic, recreational and
     social activities from both inside and outside.

     nova southeastern university
     university center

     322,000 sf

12                campus life: student unions
this facility fosters a
                                   sense of community,
                                   supports lifelong
                                   learning, enhances the
                                   educational environment
                                   and creates a desirable
                                   public face for csudh.
                                   the loker student union’s facilities,
                                   programs and services enrich
                                   university life and contribute to out-
                                   of-classroom learning experiences.
                                   sitting at the campus’ pedestrian
                                   crossroads, the facility is now the
                                   hub of campus life. the building, an
                                   iconic meeting point, is highly-visible
                                   and transparent, advertising the
                                   activities inside and fostering a
                                   vibrant campus environment.

                                   california state university, domingueZ hills
                                   loker student union

                                   66,000 sf (renovation)
                                   72,000 sf (expansion)

14   campus life: student unions
eXpansion preserves
     and revitaliZes a
     cherished facility
     for a neW future.
     as a revitalized and expanded
     hub of campus life at the
     university of connecticut,
     the union establishes a
     connection between central
     campus activity and the
     university’s athletics zone.
     the renovated 1950s-era
     building is integrated within
     new construction to create an
     interior street or four-story
     pedestrian spine that
     preserves portions of the
     original façade in an
     environment that promotes
     social collisions.

     university of connecticut
     student union

     56,000 sf (renovation)
     152,000 sf (expansion)

16              campus life: student unions
architecural scale linKs the campus
                                   to the surrounding neighborhood.
                                   the building is developed as a series of pavilions
                                   accommodating the multiple program elements
                                   creating an appropriate pedestrian scale for the
                                   building that is responsive to the surrounding
                                   berkeley neighborhood.

                                   university of california, berKeley
                                   student services building and dining facility

                                   105,000 sf

18   campus life: student unions
northern ariZona university
     student union and dining hall expansion

     27,000 sf

     neW addition dematerialiZes the border                         dining options, offers extended hours to 18,000 students
     betWeen inside and outside, energiZing the                     and provides the campus community with flexible areas
                                                                    for individual or group study or socializing.  a two-story
     campus eXperience.
                                                                    glass façade creates a seamless connection between the
     this dining hall addition, adjacent to the student union and   dining hall interior and the surrounding student quad,
     campus field house, creates a new central student service      making the building the place to see and be seen in the
     hub and focal point for the campus. the facility expands       heart of the campus.

20               campus life: student unions
on the boards
     work in progress

     center responds to                            the student center
     the urban fabric of                           innovatively develops
                                                   a constricted urban site
     norfolK’s commercial
                                                   while preserving an
     and historic district,
                                                   existing pedestrian plaza
     becoming an icon for                          and gardens. the facility’s
     the campus.                                   collegiate atmosphere
                                                   is reflected in the
     tideWater community college, norfolK campus
                                                   comfortable and flexible
     student center

     57,000 sf
                                                   nature of the outdoor
                                                   areas with a plaza that
                                                   belongs to the students,
                                                   accommodates their
                                                   needs and celebrates
                                                   their accomplishments.

22               campus life: student unions
leed platinum in the center                                                this highly visible and
                                                                                accessible building creates
                                                                                                               in the last decade, cannon design has
     of Washington, d.c.

     university of the district of columbia
                                                                                a new gateway and public
                                                                                face for the university. the
                                                                                                               been responsible for programming,
     student union                                                              new union will engage and
                                                                                support students               planning and designing student unions
     90,000 sf                                  academically and socially, improve student recruitment
                                                and retention, and integrate the campus with the
                                                surrounding neighborhood, creating a new urban
                                                community. a winter garden utilizing rainwater collection      occupying 2.8 million
                                                tanks is a key feature of the three-story atrium.

                                                                                                               square feet of space
     reinforcing campus conteXt                                                the new student union

                                                                                                               totalling $700 million of
                                                                               will serve as the icon and
     With a leed platinum facility.
                                                                               gateway to the campus, a
     san diego state university                                                hub for student activities,
     student union

     200,000 sf
                                                                               gatherings and campus
                                                                               life at sdsu. the building
                                                reflects the california mission architectural vernacular
                                                                                                               construction cost value
                                                of the original core campus and will be open, inviting

                                                                                                               throughout 14 states and
                                                and permeable, celebrating the student experience to
                                                attract students to this new campus living room.

     revitaliZed landmarK aids                                                 Well-located but neglected,
                                                                               this student union no longer
     student recruitment.
                                                                               met expectations for
     north carolina a&t university                                             function, amenities or
     student union                                                             aesthetics. to renew its
                                                                               stature as a student
     130,000 sf (renovation and expansion)      destination, the university undertook a major renovation
                                                and expansion project. programming included planning
                                                driven by client data, benchmarking against peer
                                                institutions and operational and financial mapping to
                                                ensure economic viability and longevity.

24                campus life: student unions
about cannon design                                              services
     Cannon Design is recognized internationally for the
     design of higher education facilities that manifest              Campus Master Planning
     design excellence, technological innovation and
     sustainable solutions.
     Our Ideas Based Practice functions on the principle that
     interdisciplinary interaction among planners, architects,
                                                                      Interior Design
     engineers, interior designers and cost estimators results in
     the highest-quality planning and design strategies.              Facilities Optimization

     We develop strategic ideas and conceptual alternatives in        Sustainable Design
     collaboration with our clients, resulting in environments that
     are innovative, functionally sound and cost effective to
     operate and maintain. Our award-winning projects reflect
     each institution’s spirit and character, while enlivening the
     campus environment.

     1,000-person firm

     Established in 1945

     400 LEED-accredited professionals

     Internationally recognized for
     the performance of our projects

26              campus life: student unions
among our clients Adelphi University • Arizona State University • Asia-Pacific Institute of Management                                                          •

                                                                              Ave Maria University • Boston University • Brandeis University • Brown University • California Institute of

                                                                              Technology • California State University, Bakersfield • California State University, Channel Islands • California

                                                                              State University, Dominguez Hills • California State University, Fresno • California State University, Fullerton                                        •

                                                                              California State University, Long Beach • California State University, Northridge • Camosun College • Canisius

                                                                              College • Carleton University • Chapman University • Colgate University • Columbia University • Coppin State

                                                                              University • Cornell University • DePaul University • Flagler College • Fordham University • George Mason

                                                                              University • George Mason University • George Washington University • Georgia College & State University                                                •

                                                                              Gettysburg College • Hofstra University • Illinois Institute of Technology • Indian Institute of Technology • Johns

                                                                              Hopkins University • Kean University • Kyonggi University • Loma Linda University • Massachusetts Institute

                                                                              of Technology • McMaster University • Minnesota State University • Missouri State University • New York

                                                                              University • Northern Arizona University • Northwestern University • Nova Southeastern University • Oklahoma

                                                                              State University • Pepperdine University • Plymouth State University • Principia College • Rochester Institute of

                                                                              Technology • Sabanci University • Saint Louis University • Saint Paul University • San Diego State University                                           •

                                                                              Seneca College • Simmons College St. Bonaventure University • State University of New York at Albany • State

                                                                              University of New York at Buffalo • State University of New York at Oswego • State University of New York,

                                                                              College at Buffalo • State University of New York, College at Fredonia • State University of New York, College

                                                                              at Geneseo • State University of New York, College of Optometry • State University of New York, College of

                                                                              Technology at Alfred • State University of New York, Upstate Medical University • Texas Christian University                                                •

                                                                              Touro College • Tufts University • U.S. Air Force Academy • U.S. Military Academy, West Point • U.S. Naval

                                                                              Academy • University of Alabama • University of Alberta • University of Arizona • University of British Columbia                                                    •

                                                                              University of California, Berkeley • University of California, Davis • University of California, Irvine • University of

                                                                              California, Los Angeles • University of California, Riverside • University of California, San Diego • University of

                                                                              California, Santa Barbara • University of Chicago • University of Connecticut • University of Florida • University

                                                                              of Georgia • University of Guelph • University of Illinois • University of Kansas • University of Maine • University

                                                                              of Maryland • University of Massachusetts • University of Minnesota • University of Missouri • University of

                                                                              New Mexico • University of San Diego • University of Saskatchewan • University of South Carolina • University

                                                                              of Southern California • University of Tennessee • University of Toronto • University of Victoria • University

                                                                              of Wisconsin • Vanderbilt University • Virginia State University • Washington State University • Washington
                                   PrintED on 50% PoSt ConSUmEr waStE PaPEr
                                                                              University • Williams College • Worcester Polytechnic Institute • Yale University • Zhejiang University

                                                                              ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Texas Christian University, Brown Lupton University Union: In association with Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford | University of Connecticut,
                                                                              Student Union: In association with WTW Architects | University of the District of Columbia, Student Union: In association with Marshall Moya Design

28   campus life: student unions





los angeles


new york


san francisco


st. louis




washington, dc


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Campus Life - Student Unions

  • 2. social We believe buildings and spaces are essential connections tools for achieving a living + vision for the future. learning We believe in honoring the past and engaging student the present to create engagement memorable environments for current and future generations. cover University of California, San Diego, Price Center East 2 campus life: student unions
  • 3. process Dialogue, discussion, communication and collaboration are the hallmarks of Cannon Design’s approach to design for student life. Our process is visual and engaging, going beyond plans and diagrams with three-dimensional models, sketches and other illustration so that all project constituents can clearly understand and contribute to the conversation. By inviting participation and building consensus, we create student-focused environments that meet the goals and aspirations of the campus community. 2 campus life: student unions
  • 4. the heart of student life A student union has the ability to be a destination and traffic development guidelines to see where the opportunities are generator, but it is also a facility that should respond to the for entrance, connection, interior and exterior spaces that will patterns of student life and embrace campus and students— create an environment unique to each campus. creating a place to be, to meet, to see and be seen. We also understand the importance of the economic viability We study existing circulation patterns, current and planned of today’s student union and have the analytic tools to help use of existing campus buildings and proposed campus balance revenue generation with social mission. p8 p10 p12 p14 university of california, san diego, texas christian university, nova southeastern university, california state university, dominguez hills, price center east brown lupton university union university center loker student union expansion p16 p18 p20 p22 university of connecticut, university of california, berkeley, northern arizona university, tidewater community college, norfolk campus, student union student services building and dining facility student union and dining hall expansion student center 4 campus life: student unions
  • 5. “the brown lupton university union has created an environment for rich personal “Well-detailed interactions through a variety of spaces; where intellectual vitality and social inside and out. conversations intersect. central to enriching the texas christian university a very impactful experience is a building that is a destination for activities that promote renovation and out-of-classroom-learning as well as a physical setting to promote student life.” addition.” dr. don mills, vice chancellor for student affairs, texas christian university american school and university, design jury commentary california state university, dominguez hills, loker student union expansion “it had to be a building that engaged “We are beginning to build a sense of belonging users in a way that was productive and and an affinity for nova southeastern university thoughtful, and presented a design that which we have long lacked. While i continue to was both notable and timeless. i believe be impressed how cannon design made the the price center does this in full.” university center fit into the existing space, i boone hellman, associate vice chancellor of facilities design and construction, and campus architect, university of california, san diego believe it is the growth of our students which will be cannon design’s lasting legacy at nsu.” dr. brad a. williams, dean of student affairs, nova southeastern university 6 campus life: student unions
  • 6. university of california, san diego price center expansion 66,000 sf (renovation) 172,000 sf (expansion) price center east fosters important of the campus. the expansion, which succeeded changes in the campus eXperience. without resulting in a decline in the use of the original price center, incorporates numerous sustainable the value of the price center east can be measured by design strategies to achieve leed gold certification. the intensity of use and the transformation of adjacent campus areas, contributing to the continued maturation 8 campus life: student unions
  • 7. bluu is the student-life anchor of a neW campus commons at teXas christian university. the union bridges a campus rooted in rich architectural tradition and a culture that embraces the future, while creating a niche for student participation and social interaction. bluu is the culmination of extensive student-initiated program explorations and design charettes focused on creating an environment for students to live, work and play. teXas christian university brown lupton university union 135,000 sf 10 campus life: student unions
  • 8. the university cements campus’ unity, linKing residential and academic Zones, and an eXisting dining facility. to unite the diverse functions of this fusion facility under one roof, a three-story, skylit atrium/galleria space serves as the facility spine, offering access to program components and informal social spaces. generous use of glazing maximizes daylighting and affords engaging views of athletic, recreational and social activities from both inside and outside. nova southeastern university university center 322,000 sf 12 campus life: student unions
  • 9. this facility fosters a sense of community, supports lifelong learning, enhances the educational environment and creates a desirable public face for csudh. the loker student union’s facilities, programs and services enrich university life and contribute to out- of-classroom learning experiences. sitting at the campus’ pedestrian crossroads, the facility is now the hub of campus life. the building, an iconic meeting point, is highly-visible and transparent, advertising the activities inside and fostering a vibrant campus environment. california state university, domingueZ hills loker student union 66,000 sf (renovation) 72,000 sf (expansion) 14 campus life: student unions
  • 10. eXpansion preserves and revitaliZes a cherished facility for a neW future. as a revitalized and expanded hub of campus life at the university of connecticut, the union establishes a connection between central campus activity and the university’s athletics zone. the renovated 1950s-era building is integrated within new construction to create an interior street or four-story pedestrian spine that preserves portions of the original façade in an environment that promotes social collisions. university of connecticut student union 56,000 sf (renovation) 152,000 sf (expansion) 16 campus life: student unions
  • 11. architecural scale linKs the campus to the surrounding neighborhood. the building is developed as a series of pavilions accommodating the multiple program elements creating an appropriate pedestrian scale for the building that is responsive to the surrounding berkeley neighborhood. university of california, berKeley student services building and dining facility 105,000 sf 18 campus life: student unions
  • 12. northern ariZona university student union and dining hall expansion 27,000 sf neW addition dematerialiZes the border dining options, offers extended hours to 18,000 students betWeen inside and outside, energiZing the and provides the campus community with flexible areas for individual or group study or socializing.  a two-story campus eXperience. glass façade creates a seamless connection between the this dining hall addition, adjacent to the student union and dining hall interior and the surrounding student quad, campus field house, creates a new central student service making the building the place to see and be seen in the hub and focal point for the campus. the facility expands heart of the campus. 20 campus life: student unions
  • 13. on the boards work in progress center responds to the student center the urban fabric of innovatively develops a constricted urban site norfolK’s commercial while preserving an and historic district, existing pedestrian plaza becoming an icon for and gardens. the facility’s the campus. collegiate atmosphere is reflected in the tideWater community college, norfolK campus comfortable and flexible student center 57,000 sf nature of the outdoor areas with a plaza that belongs to the students, accommodates their needs and celebrates their accomplishments. 22 campus life: student unions
  • 14. leed platinum in the center this highly visible and accessible building creates in the last decade, cannon design has of Washington, d.c. university of the district of columbia a new gateway and public face for the university. the been responsible for programming, student union new union will engage and support students planning and designing student unions 90,000 sf academically and socially, improve student recruitment and retention, and integrate the campus with the surrounding neighborhood, creating a new urban community. a winter garden utilizing rainwater collection occupying 2.8 million tanks is a key feature of the three-story atrium. square feet of space reinforcing campus conteXt the new student union totalling $700 million of will serve as the icon and With a leed platinum facility. gateway to the campus, a san diego state university hub for student activities, student union 200,000 sf gatherings and campus life at sdsu. the building reflects the california mission architectural vernacular construction cost value of the original core campus and will be open, inviting throughout 14 states and and permeable, celebrating the student experience to attract students to this new campus living room. provinces revitaliZed landmarK aids Well-located but neglected, this student union no longer student recruitment. met expectations for north carolina a&t university function, amenities or student union aesthetics. to renew its stature as a student 130,000 sf (renovation and expansion) destination, the university undertook a major renovation and expansion project. programming included planning driven by client data, benchmarking against peer institutions and operational and financial mapping to ensure economic viability and longevity. 24 campus life: student unions
  • 15. about cannon design services Cannon Design is recognized internationally for the design of higher education facilities that manifest Campus Master Planning design excellence, technological innovation and Architecture sustainable solutions. Engineering Our Ideas Based Practice functions on the principle that interdisciplinary interaction among planners, architects, Interior Design engineers, interior designers and cost estimators results in the highest-quality planning and design strategies. Facilities Optimization We develop strategic ideas and conceptual alternatives in Sustainable Design collaboration with our clients, resulting in environments that are innovative, functionally sound and cost effective to operate and maintain. Our award-winning projects reflect each institution’s spirit and character, while enlivening the campus environment. 1,000-person firm Established in 1945 400 LEED-accredited professionals Internationally recognized for the performance of our projects 26 campus life: student unions
  • 16. among our clients Adelphi University • Arizona State University • Asia-Pacific Institute of Management • Ave Maria University • Boston University • Brandeis University • Brown University • California Institute of Technology • California State University, Bakersfield • California State University, Channel Islands • California State University, Dominguez Hills • California State University, Fresno • California State University, Fullerton • California State University, Long Beach • California State University, Northridge • Camosun College • Canisius College • Carleton University • Chapman University • Colgate University • Columbia University • Coppin State University • Cornell University • DePaul University • Flagler College • Fordham University • George Mason University • George Mason University • George Washington University • Georgia College & State University • Gettysburg College • Hofstra University • Illinois Institute of Technology • Indian Institute of Technology • Johns Hopkins University • Kean University • Kyonggi University • Loma Linda University • Massachusetts Institute of Technology • McMaster University • Minnesota State University • Missouri State University • New York University • Northern Arizona University • Northwestern University • Nova Southeastern University • Oklahoma State University • Pepperdine University • Plymouth State University • Principia College • Rochester Institute of Technology • Sabanci University • Saint Louis University • Saint Paul University • San Diego State University • Seneca College • Simmons College St. Bonaventure University • State University of New York at Albany • State University of New York at Buffalo • State University of New York at Oswego • State University of New York, College at Buffalo • State University of New York, College at Fredonia • State University of New York, College at Geneseo • State University of New York, College of Optometry • State University of New York, College of Technology at Alfred • State University of New York, Upstate Medical University • Texas Christian University • Touro College • Tufts University • U.S. Air Force Academy • U.S. Military Academy, West Point • U.S. Naval Academy • University of Alabama • University of Alberta • University of Arizona • University of British Columbia • University of California, Berkeley • University of California, Davis • University of California, Irvine • University of California, Los Angeles • University of California, Riverside • University of California, San Diego • University of California, Santa Barbara • University of Chicago • University of Connecticut • University of Florida • University of Georgia • University of Guelph • University of Illinois • University of Kansas • University of Maine • University of Maryland • University of Massachusetts • University of Minnesota • University of Missouri • University of New Mexico • University of San Diego • University of Saskatchewan • University of South Carolina • University of Southern California • University of Tennessee • University of Toronto • University of Victoria • University of Wisconsin • Vanderbilt University • Virginia State University • Washington State University • Washington PrintED on 50% PoSt ConSUmEr waStE PaPEr University • Williams College • Worcester Polytechnic Institute • Yale University • Zhejiang University ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Texas Christian University, Brown Lupton University Union: In association with Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford | University of Connecticut, Student Union: In association with WTW Architects | University of the District of Columbia, Student Union: In association with Marshall Moya Design 28 campus life: student unions
  • 17. baltimore boston buffalo chicago houston los angeles mumbai new york phoenix san francisco shanghai st. louis toronto vancouver victoria washington, dc 50%