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T H E U LT I M AT E M A G A Z I N E F O R C A M P E R S , PA R E N T S & FA M I L I E SVol. 5, Issue 1
Choosing the right
camp for your young
marine biologist
The Future
Diabetes Camp
Showed Me
Our Wild World at
Zoo Camp
Why High School Students
Should Participate in E-STEM
Related Academic Camps
Learn Through Play! Top Four Benefits
of Sending Your Child to Camp at the
Children’s Museum of Phoenix.
Expectations of Camp
Health Services: What
Should I Know?
Why Choose a Teen Summer
Camp (like Stone Mountain
Why You Shouldn’t
Worry About
Homesickness Vol. 5, Issue 12 Vol. 5, Issue 1 3
It’s hard to believe but spring is right around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about Camp again. Start asking
ourselves some questions. Are you considering enrolling your child in a Spring or Summer Camp? Have you already
secured your child’s spot for Camp?  For those of you who have kids that are interested in spring & summer camp
programs, now is the perfect time to start your search. Take a moment out of your busy day to sit down with your
children and discuss the upcoming camp season, sessions, and activities that are most appealing to them. Create a
search list, do some research, and contact your shortlisted camps. Have some fun with it and take advantage of early
registration pricing in the process.   
In this issue we feature an amazing summer camp that is dedicated to promoting life-long learning through the
Performing Arts. We  showcase a terrific Zoo Camp that provides an educational program with activities and
experiences to appeal to many different learning styles. We feature a wonderful Parks and Recreation Summer
Camp that includes features and amenities that are normally only found in an overnight camp setting. We showcase
a truly wonderful Children’s Museum that offers more than 500 learning activities annually. We highlight a world
class Diabetes Summer Camp where campers have enjoyed the games, fun, and friendships they’ve made for over
35 years! We share some fantastic camp pictures, virtual tour links, and amazing camp videos, and provide much
more information about camp.  
At CampNavigator, we  give parents accurate, insightful  and valuable  information,  empowering them  to make
informed decisions about summer camp. CampNavigator  Magazine shares knowledge to enrich the lives of children,
youth and adults through the camp experience. Make your 2016 Summer Camp experience the best yet. 
…And we hope you enjoy this issue of CampNavigator Magazine!
Your CampNavigator Team.
Jeffery Nadeau
EDITOR’S LETTER Vol. 5, Issue 14
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Special thanks to our contributors,
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Jeffery Nadeau
Wishesh Digital Media
Kerry Dineen, Kate Seeger and Dean Spencer,
Michael D. Ohl, Rebecca Hiatt, Matthew
Casparius, Tracey Gaslin, Will Dunmire, Laura
Marrocco, Elizabeth Leavens, Jodi Snyder, Tara
Rogness, Patricia Brown, Terran McGinnis
Jeffery Nadeau
Jeffery Nadeau
Wishesh Digital Media
Venosft Inc
A Division of
T H E U LT I M AT E M A G A Z I N E F O R C A M P E R S , PA R E N T S & FA M I L I E SVol. 4, Issue 2
Summer Camp reinforces
essential life skills
Nature is the ultimate
TheatreCampthis Summer ( in no
particular order...)
Eleven “Top 10”
Reasons Why Your
Teen Should Attend
Summer Camp
Why You Should Consider
an Academic Camp this Summer
Why send your kid to music camp?
Summer is
best for
experiencing bullying
Helping your child if your Child is
The Most Contagious
Camp Bug—
Homesickness Vol. 5, Issue 1 5
April 2016Contents
KILLOOLEET CAMP 08 Vol. 5, Issue 16
by Kerry Dineen Vol. 5, Issue 1 7 Vol. 5, Issue 18
As much an issue for adults as
for kids!
Parents need to recognize their own feelings.
Adults miss their children for the same reason
they will miss you: they love you. Adults
also sense in camp a preview of the future
when children will move away for college,
or marriage, or a career. Children are often
ready for camp before their parents are ready
to let them go. They will also experience the
summer as adventure and excitement, where
your experience can feel like it is all about
loss. What are your long term goals for
your child? Do you want them to be able to
cope with the world as an independent adult
Parents often think their child isn’t ready to
stay at an overnight camp for more than a few
days. In practice, children regularly surprise
their parents. When camps and parents work
together, even shy, anxious campers can stay
at camp for several weeks, returning home
more mature, independent and resilient, proud
of their achievements. Campers discover
new interests and skills, practice making
decisions, and form life-long friendships.
Growth in social and emotional intelligence
can be equal to a year’s worth of change in
school. Knowing the benefits helps parents
give their child one of the best and hardest
gifts they can give, the freedom to try their
wings in a new community.
Why You Shouldn’t Worry
About Homesickness
Kate Seeger and Dean Spencer,
Killooleet Camp
Camp Killooleet Vol. 5, Issue 1 9
It’s hard to say goodbye. Expect some
anxiousness the night before camp and the
morning camp begins. Your child may or may
not eat much. Expect some tears, perhaps
both theirs and yours.
What you can do: Be loving, proud, and
firm. Pack your child with food for trip! It’s
best if you have a specific plan for where
and how to say goodbye. If your child is
boarding a bus,
who will know themselves and pursue their
interests—but still keep in touch? Camp is
the perfect rehearsal. Base your decision on
their needs, but also address your own.
What you can do: Be honest with
yourself, acknowledge your emotions, and
sort out which of your concerns are based on
your needs and which on your child’s. Work
with camp directors to help both parent and
child be excited about the summer. Show
children the camp website, brochure, and
other materials. See if camp can help arrange
a visit with camp staff or other campers in the
spring, when questions resurface for many
prospective campers. Phone calls and skype
can work for this. If you can, arrange to visit
camp while it is in session before your child
attends so he/she can see the physical
spaces, and more importantly other
happy children.
Talk about homesickness:
Almost everyone at camp will
get homesick sometimes, and
there is nothing wrong with that.
Homesickness isn’t a sign of
immaturity or weakness. Nor is it
permanent. Being homesick is like
hitting the funny bone in your elbow:
while it is happening, it is real. But you
stretch and grow. We all learn that we
don’t need to be with our loved ones all
the time to love them. Talk with your child
about your confidence in him or her, and your
appreciation for his or her maturity. Talk about
the excitement of meeting new people and
doing new things.
Please don’t: Verbalize your fears and
doubts to your child: “I’m not sure you’re
ready.” “I don’t know how you’ll get to sleep.”
“You know you have trouble with new foods.” 
Instead, share these concerns with camp staff
so they can help.
 The moment of truth:
Be honest with yourself,
acknowledge your emotions, and
sort out which of your concerns
are based on your needs and
which on your childs. Vol. 5, Issue 110
great! Departure is easy, clear, quickly over
with. If you are dropping your child at camp,
make sure you understand ahead of time what
the expectations are for your time there. Be
efficient and upbeat. Remark about how
good it looks, what looks interesting. Remind
them you love them, tell them you’re proud,
leave them with a counselor, and get out.
 Staying in touch
Camps have expectations for communication
based on what is good for children in their
community and what is fair. Work with
them. Most camps restrict phones and other
electronic media because they want campers
to focus on building live human relationships.
Balance is important: you love your child, but
you also want him/ her to be making friends at
camp, so don’t overdo. If you need to find out
how your child is doing, call the camp staff,
not your child. If the camp posts pictures,
view them as snapshots of that day. No one
smiles 100% of the time. An apparent frown
could be concentration or sun in their eyes;
don’t worry about it unless you see a pattern.
What you can do: Write often. Short,
cheery letters and postcards, perhaps with
clippings from favorite magazines, are best.
You can even write before your child arrives
at camp. Be upbeat; talk briefly about how
things are going. Say you love them and are
proud of them. If the camp allows packages,
send a couple.
Please don’t: Call every day, or subvert
camp rules for electronics. Don’t talk or
write about how much you miss your child
or how hard it is for you. This can cause
your child to worry about you and feel guilty
for having a great time without you. If you
get homesick letters or calls, breathe, don’t
over react. Recognize how child dynamics
work. Children often feel that just by sharing
a concern with you, they have dealt with it.
The same child who is in tears on the phone
may hang up and go skipping off to their next
activity, leaving you wondering how to help.
If you have concerns, contact the camp for a
more complete picture.
Don’t fear homesickness. It is an occasion
for growth if understood and managed.
Communication is key. Surviving
homesickness is good for both you and
your child as you rehearse for future
separations.  You will welcome home a
child who has grown in confidence and
independence, and you might even glimpse
those new wings.
by Michael D. Ohl Vol. 5, Issue 1 11
What Parents and Children say about Killooleet
Kate Seeger and Dean Spencer, Directors
See our video “Welcome to Killooleet”:
“Our five hour drive home from Vermont was filled with stories
about his time at camp, from hiking to horseback riding to
being on the stage in front of friends – endless activities and
adventures. Camp Killooleet was everything we had hoped. My child’s confidence and maturity have
reached new heights with a little smile that hasn’t left his face.”
After camp, new parents wrote, “When I asked if he made any
close friends he said, ‘Dad, I made over 100 new close friends.
Now I understand what you mean by ‘community’’. Besides
his cabin counselors, who were outstanding, all the other
counselors had a very positive influence on my son. You do a
fabulous job selecting the right young men and women to
guide our children.”
“… what an important part of my children’s childhood and
personal development Killooleet has been! It has provided them
with strength, confidence, friendship and countless abilities
for which I am profoundly grateful. Those eight weeks each summer are really difficult for me, but I see the
value for the girls and wouldn’t trade it for
anything. So here’s to a really great summer for
“Thanks for the two best summers of my life. I
learned so much and grew so much as a person.… I
would be a very different person today if I had not
found Killooleet. I learned about kindness, respect
for others and human nature, not to mention
many other things. More importantly I learned
about confidence and believing in myself. The
values that Killooleet has taught me will stay with
me for the rest of my life, no matter where I go or
what I do. Killooleet is truly a special place.”
“... Killooleet is an amazingly awesome,
warm, loving, welcoming summer camp,
with smiling faces everywhere I go, eager to
know and befriend me. I feel as if I've grown
up in Hancock 05748 as my second home.” Vol. 5, Issue 112 Vol. 5, Issue 1 13
The YMCA has a great history of youth and
family development that stretches back to
1844 in London, England. Camping programs
started in 1885 in New York, and we have
been building character and confidence in
the outdoors successfully ever since.z
Here are just 10 reasons for the YMCA’s success
in camping, even though there are hundreds of
reasons to choose YMCA camps.
1. Over 125 years of tradition: YMCA
camping is the cornerstone of most communities
across the country. We are very proud of our
traditions, but also know that to keep today’s
children engaged we must be innovators in the
camping industry.
2. Stringent screening of staff: All YMCA staff
is background checked and interviewed in a manner
that helps us hire smart. In addition, we look for
staff that has additional certifications to help run a
safe program. Archery, riflery, and other specialized
programs need to be high quality and certifications
in Lifeguarding, CPR/First Aid, etc., help us achieve
or exceed requirements for safety.
3. Community driven: Each YMCA has
offerings that benefit the community in which it is
housed. Camps are the same way, and depending
on its location, every YMCA camp offers programs
that speak to the community needs. We also strive
to be part of the greater community by volunteering
with local organizations to give back to our
10 Reasons to Choose
YMCA Camps Vol. 5, Issue 114
4. Diversity: YMCA’s are ‘for all.’ We take
great pride in welcoming different religions,
non-traditional families, all socio-economic
classes, and everything in between.
5. Scholarships: To some, scholarship
opportunities may only seem appropriate
for education, but we disagree. What better
education than learning to work together,
building confidence and independence,
learning to “fail forward”, and connect with
nature. These building blocks help children
build resilience for their life paths.
6. Core Values: Caring, Honesty,
Respect, Responsibility, and Faith. These
values transcend all religions and give us
the opportunity to build a child’s character to
help them understand their role in the world.
Each YMCA is a little different in how they
present these values, but you will find them
intentionally placed for learning opportunities
across all Y’s.
7. Variety: YMCA camps across the nation
offer many different things; some are co-ed
while others are gender specific, water sports,
equestrian programs, traditional camps,
camps for children with special needs, and
many more options. A quick web search in
your area will turn up one of close to 300 Y
camps in the nation.
8. Unplugged: Technology is playing
a bigger role in today’s camping program,
but your child will not spend the day
watching screens. We work hard to ensure
a reconnection to nature, and help children
make personal contacts that help them build
friendships that will last over a lifetime.
9. Leadership programs: A lot of
YMCA camps offer teen programs that build
leadership skills in our youth. These teens
can then continue in the camp movement and
grow to be counselors and be hired to do the
great work we do, sharing their own camp
experience with a next generation of campers.
Most camping programs offer something for
teens up to 17 years of age, which means
there is no gap for programming appropriate
for them.
10. Don’t forget the family: Many
YMCA camps offer family camp experiences
so the whole family can spend time together
in nature. This helps build bonds across
generations and allows for play together.
We typically see children become more open
in our safe environments, letting their true
self come forward. The YMCA is proud to be
able to offer camping programs to our families
and communities across the country. If you
have specific questions about a YMCA in
your community, reach out to the Director for
a personal tour of the facility and talk about
the program philosophies to make sure they
match yours.
YMCA Camp Directors are here to better the
children in our community. Camp is one of
those programs that will give you a return on
your family.
YMCA Camp Directors are here
to better the children in our
community. Camp is one of those
programs that will give you a
return on your family. Vol. 5, Issue 1 15
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Scan and Connect to Vol. 5, Issue 116 Vol. 5, Issue 1 17
zoo may be the only place they can see other
creatures that share the earth. Learning about
what animals need to survive helps open
children’s minds to the world and encourages
them to develop empathy for others, both
human and animal.
A Safari in Your
Families in urban areas may not have access
to a safe area for their kids to play outside.
Many zoos are situated in urban parks, a
natural oasis within the city. Studies show that
exposure to nature, even “planned nature” like
you would find in a park or zoo, lowers stress
and even improves creative problem-solving
abilities. Zoo animal habitats are designed
with the animal’s natural habitat in mind,
so visiting zoo animals is like taking a walk
through the rainforest, desert, wetland, or
even a dive into the ocean.
Envision a summer camp where kids can
spend the day observing wildlife from all
around the world and still sleep in their own
beds at night. If you’re interested in a day
camp for your animal adventurer, look no
further than your local zoo. Many zoos across
the country offer summer camp programs
and they vary from zoo to zoo. Some camps
include behind-the-scenes tours and “junior
keeper” programs in which kids can see what
zookeepers really do all day, while others
offer the chance to spend a night at the zoo.
All include a team of caring, animal-geek
counselors to satisfy the inquiring minds of the
campers, along with games, crafts, songs and
zootastic fun. Need more reasons to try zoo
Life Lessons of Compassion
Children and animals go together like, well,
like children and animals. The animal world is
fascinating, and for many children, the local
Our Wild World
	 at Zoo Camp
- By Eve Cooney
Saint Louis Zoo, Camp KangaZoo Director Vol. 5, Issue 118
Friends & Teamwork
You know that feeling when you meet
someone and discover you both have an
amazingly quirky trait in common? That
happens every day at zoo camp. Kids are
introduced to other kids who love animals, and
they have opportunities to make new friends
they likely would not have met otherwise.
Zoos work together in their mission to save
animals from extinction, and kids learn the
value of teamwork through this example. Zoo
camp instills in campers the importance of
collaboration, as well as the challenges and
joys of working together.
The Circle of Life
How can children in a Midwest city help coral
reefs in the Caribbean? Zoo camp shows
children how all animals, plants, people
and things are connected around the world
in a glorious, tangled web of life, and how
tugging one strand can cause consequences
elsewhere. Seeing the animals at the zoo can
make those abstract concepts more concrete,
whether learning about the life of a cinereous
vulture in Africa, or the grey squirrels that beg
for your fries. Realizing we can change the
world is empowering, but learning to love and
appreciate the diversity of life around us is the
first lesson of zoo camp.
Finding a Zoo Camp
Ready for zoo camp? First, find your nearest
zoo or aquarium by visiting the Association of
Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) website at aza.
org. This nonprofit association is dedicated
to the advancement of zoos and aquariums
in the areas of conservation, education,
science and recreation. Look for the AZA
logo whenever you visit a zoo or aquarium;
you’ll know you are supporting an institution
dedicated to providing excellent care for
animals, a great experience for you and a
better future for all living things.
Ready for zoo camp? First, find
your nearest zoo or aquarium by
visiting the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (AZA) website at aza.
by Rebeccas Hiatt Vol. 5, Issue 1 19
Register today for Camp KangaZoo!
When children attend Camp KangaZoo at the Saint Louis Zoo, they’llexplore over 90 acresofnaturalhabitats,
learning all about wildlife through hands-on contact with real animals and the guidance of our experienced
counselors. Campers sing songs, study what animals do and join in the fun at Sea Lion Sound. Their week
wraps up with an exciting outdoor, overnight adventure under the stars.
To learn more about Camp KangaZoo, visit or call (314) 646-4544.
Financial assistance is available; call (314) 646-4544 for details. Vol. 5, Issue 120
When it comes to choosing the right Summer
Day Camp for your child, the variety of options
to choose from can often be overwhelming.
From the Private For-Profit Camps to Non-
Profits such as YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs and
your local Parks & Recreation Departments,
there are every type of Day Camp specialty
options on the local level. Among these
options, parents should consider the benefits
of sending your child to a Summer Camp
offered by your local Parks & Recreation
The mission of the local Parks & Recreation
Department is to focus on providing high
quality but affordable Summer Camp
programs to its constituents. It provides
a place for a child to experience all of the
benefits of Camp without having to travel
far from home and is offered in a familiar
environment. Parks & Recreation Summer
Camps are generally held in one of the
Communities Parks & Recreation Facilities or
in the local elementary schools.
For first-time Campers, traditional Day Camps
or playground programs give Campers the
opportunity to try out a variety of activities
that they may never have tried before without
having to commit to a specialty Camp for
that opportunity. This gives the Camper the
opportunity to find out what they truly enjoy
before seeking out specialty activities. For
Campers who have experienced Summer
Camp on the local level, Parks & Recreation
Departments also run a variety specialty
Camps or sports clinics to meet the needs
of those participants who are looking for that
specialty experience. From science camps
to sports camps and everything in between,
contact your local Parks & Recreation
Department to review their options for your
Summer Camps offered through the local
Parks & Recreation Departments routinely
provide the best “bang for your buck” among
organizations that provide a Summer Camp
experience and are generally more affordable
than other non-profit agencies.
One of the secondary benefits of choosing
a local Parks & Recreation Summer Camp
is that the Camp primarily consists of other
Campers from the local School District.
For first-time Campers, they will get the
opportunity to make new, lasting friendships
with other children their own age, which
they will be going to school with in the Fall.
For returning Campers, the local Parks &
Recreation Summer Camp provides the
opportunity to spend the summers with their
Finding the
right Summer
Day Camp
-Think Local!
By: Matthew Casparius, CPRE
Naticook Summer Day Camp
Director of Parks & Recreation, Town of
Merrimack, NH Vol. 5, Issue 1 21
friends from school. Oftentimes parents will
call their local Parks & Recreation Department
asking if their child’s friends have already
registered and if so for what sessions so that
they can be grouped together at Camp.
The Camp Staff are also generally from your
local Community. In most Summer Camps
run by Parks & Recreation Departments, the
Camp Counselors themselves were once
Campers at their local Parks & Recreation
Summer Camp. The Camp Directors are
oftentimes teachers or local sports coaches
who are already an integral part of the
Community. The Camp Staff know the “ins
and outs” of the Camp and the Community at
large and can relate their
experiences to each of
the Campers to ensure
that Camp is a fun and
positive experience for
If your child has a
physical, developmental
or social disability and
requires extra assistance
during the school year,
Parks & Recreation
Departments are often
one of the best places to
provide a Summer Camp
experience specialized
for your child. Most
Parks & Recreation
Departments have close
working relationships
with their local School
Districts and often employ
teachers to work as 1:1
Aides in the Camp so that
the Camp can support the
School District’s goals of
your child’s Individualized
Education Program
(IEP). This is a benefit
that often distinguishes
local Parks & Recreation
Departments from other
Day Camp providers who do not offer that
For Parents, the local Parks & Recreation
Department Summer Camp provides an
option for affordable child care in a safe and
well maintained environment surrounding by
numerous playing fields and wooded areas
where their child will learn new skills, make
new friends and create lasting memories.
When thinking about your options for Day
Camp this Summer, we encourage you to
think local! Vol. 5, Issue 122 Vol. 4, Issue 222
Sam, your 8 year old, eagerly jumps on
the bus to experience the many new
challenges that camp has to offer. He
is excited about swimming, archery, and
meeting new friends. You are excited
for him, but concerned that he will not be
under your care. For the first years of his
life, you did everything – fed him, gave
him medication, and treated his injuries.
What does that look like at camp? What
are the camp health services that are
in place for your child’s safety? What
questions should you be asking about
camp health services and what is
available to your child should the need
Camp health services is a broad term
that highlights the physical, mental, and
emotional services available to your
camper. These services vary greatly
depending on the camp itself. Camps
can be overnight (residential) or day;
have different emphasis (i.e. art, sports,
culture, academics); and serve different
Camp Health Services
What Should I Know?
Tracey Gaslin PhD, CRNI, CPNP, FNP-BC
Lisa Cranwell-Bruce DNP, APRN
Susan Baird RNL, MPH, MA Vol. 5, Issue 1 Vol. 4, Issue 2 23
populations (i.e. all girls, all boys, healthy,
special needs). Depending on the mix of
these elements, camps make decisions about
health services that will be provided.
As the parent, it is important (and helpful) for
you to know what is offered at a camp you
are choosing for your child. Consider asking
some of the following questions to know that
your camper will receive safe and timely care.
What type of healthcare provider(s)
will be available? There is a
difference in scope of practice and
skill level among different healthcare
providers – Wilderness first aid, Emergency
Medical Technicians (EMTs), therapists,
nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and
others. An EMT might be a great asset in
emergency situations. The registered nurse
would be a good choice if campers need
physical assessment of injuries or if there are
multiple medications. Nurse practitioners or
physicians are especially helpful for those
camps caring for individuals with special
healthcare needs (i.e. diabetes, cancer, heart
disease). Camps will staff their health center
with a variety of these individuals and it will
be helpful to know who will be caring for your
child in your absence.
What medications do you need
to bring to camp? What over the
counter medications will be available
or provided if needed? Most camps
will ask that campers bring all prescription
medications (in the labeled bottle) with them.
The label on the original bottle serves as
the prescription allowing the health staff to
administer the medication. Camps usually
have access to medications such as Tylenol,
ibuprofen, and Benadryl which can be helpful
for minor events and can help the child have a
more positive experience if treated effectively.
In what health situations will the
camp call me? Most camps do
not call for every health event (i.e.
headache, scraped knee). Knowing
what events elicit a call (i.e. questions about
medications, keeping the child in the health
center overnight, emotional issues) will
provide you a comfort level in “not hearing”
from the camp health staff.
Where is the closet hospital or
emergency room? Camps may rely
on outside health services to care
for their campers when injuries or
accidents occur. Knowing the proximity of Vol. 5, Issue 124
the hospital or emergency room will help you
understand access to timely care.
How are routine events, like
homesickness or bed wetting,
managed at camp? Camps have
a variety of procedures for working
through routine events such as these.
Sometimes these events are handled by
trained counseling staff and other times the
health team assists with these situations. Let
the camp staff know about any challenges
your child might be experiencing even if you
consider it insignificant.
What information should I share with
the health care providers? Talk with
camp health services if you child
has: medications, special needs,
food or other allergies, a recent life event (i.e.
death, divorce), or mental, emotional, or social
challenges. Camp is a new environment and
we can best help a camper by effectively
preparing for unanticipated as well as
anticipated events.
The parent or guardian releases a valuable
possession, their child, to the care of others
when they go to camp. Knowing who will
be providing health care will help alleviate
your apprehension and gain insight about
how the health team will interact with your
child and with you. Camp can be a life-
changing experience not only for the camper,
but also the parent – growth, learning, and
independence are gained through this
valuable opportunity. Let’s make it the best!
RCamp can be a life-changing
experience not only for the camper, but
also the parent – growth, learning, and
independence are gained through this
valuable opportunity. Vol. 5, Issue 1 25
Association of Camp Nurses (ACN) ….working for healthier camp communities by supporting the
practice of camp nursing.
ACN is the only professional organization specifically dedicated to addressing health and wellness in all
camp settings. Over 10 million children are served each summer at camp and ACN functions to educate
camp leadership, staff, healthcare personnel, parents, and campers to promote an environment of
wellness for all.
If you are interested in camp health, feel free to visit us at Services offered:
 Educational material for camp leadership and health staff
 Nursing forum as a support network for ACN members
 Quarterly CompassPoint publication
 Access to camp nurse professionals
Become a member – join a professional organization of individuals interested in excellence in camp
health. Vol. 5, Issue 126
A guide to choosing the
for your child
Watch Video Vol. 5, Issue 1 27
Yet with so many camps to choose from,
how do you even begin to narrow down your
options? Here are some tips that will give your
child lifelong friends and memories.
How many weeks? Early on in your search,
you will need to determine what length of
stay is right for your child. There are many
week-long camps that provide outstanding
introductory experiences that allow kids to
become comfortable with being away from
home in the camp environment. By the age
of 9 or 10, however, many kids are ready for
an experience that will challenge them and
provide growth opportunities by being away
from home for an even longer time (4, 7, or 8
weeks). Believe it or not, it’s often harder for
parents to part ways for this long, whereas
kids are so busy at camp having fun, being
active, and making new friends that the time
flies by. The personal growth that is achieved
at longer overnight camps is unparalleled – by
living and playing day in and day out within
a close-knit community, your child will grow
in their independence and self-confidence
through their achievements at camp and the
relationships they will build.
What area of the country? Even as recently
as 15 years ago, the geographical locations
of camps often provided an obstacle for
parents and camps to overcome.  Now with
unaccompanied minor programs and close
communication between airlines, camps, and
parents, distance does not need to be the
biggest factor in your decision. Every region
of the United States offers unique perks –
whether it is the northern Midwest that allows
kids to canoe through the Boundary Waters
and hike across Isle Royale National Park, or
the northeast with the beautiful views of the
Berkshires, or the West Coast with surfing
and sea kayaking – the options are endless.
By widening your options to include camps in
other areas of the country, you give your child
a chance to experience a new region, and
also provide them with an opportunity to make
friends from all over the country and world.
What activities are offered? With the intense
With such a strong history of summer
camps across the United States, we are
lucky enough to have hundreds of camps
where kids can trade in their iPhones for
nature, take a break from the stress of
school, and gain an incredible amount of
independence. Vol. 5, Issue 128
scheduling of children’s lives during the
school year, an important aspect of camp is to
provide opportunities for kids to explore new
interests and push themselves out of their
comfort zone. Specialized camps can provide
an extension of training that kids already
receive at home, whereas general overnight
camps can offer a breadth of activities, and
give your child a chance to participate in a
variety of sports, wilderness trips, and arts.
Ideally your child will return to a camp for
many years, so consider the ability for your
son or daughter to branch out and try new
things over the years.
Is the camp safe? Don’t hesitate to get on the
phone with the directors of the camp; these
are the people that will be taking care of your
child this summer, and high-quality camps will
be eager to answer any questions you have.
What are their policies for lifeguarding while
water activities are going on? Are there safety
procedures in place for when kids go out of
camp on trips? What sort of screening do staff
go through prior to working at camp? Is there
a nurse on site, and a medical facility close
by? What is the average age of staff? Talk
through these questions with the directors,
plus any others you may have, until you
feel confident about the camp’s approach to
Last but not least, think about the intangible
benefits of the camp experience, and ask
yourself if the camp will provide those for your
child. The sense of accomplishment after a
long day of hiking; the pride your child will feel
when realizing they aren’t homesick anymore;
the feeling of uninterrupted happiness when
your child gets up on skis for the first time;
and finally the tearful hugs at the end of the
summer when your child says goodbye to
those lifelong friends they made – it is these
moments that camp has the potential of
providing for your child.  Now it’s your job to
start that search for where it can happen!
- by By Will Dunmire Vol. 5, Issue 1 29
Campers choose eight different activities to participate in on an every-other
day basis. There is a new sign-up every two weeks at which times boys may
make changes in their schedule. They may continue with their favorite activities
throughout the entire summer or try something new. The unique size of Red
Arrow, coupled with our excellent facilities and equipment, ensure that each boy
will have access to the activities he chooses. Excellent instruction by very skilled
and mature staff in each activity ensures major skill development during our
seven-week program, all while having a lot of fun. In addition to a wide variety of
land sports, Red Arrow also boasts a waterfront with over 10 different activities
including water skiing, sailing, canoeing and SCUBA where boys aged 11 and over
can earn their PADI certification.
In addition to the top-notch activities that Red Arrow offers at camp, the boys
are also able to take advantage of all of the wonderful adventures that the North
Woods has to offer. Throughout the summer, campers embark on trips to Isle
Royale, the Superior Hiking Trail, Pictured Rocks National Park and even the
Quetico in Canada.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact Will, Laura & Dave:
Telephone (year round): (715) 575-9722
Address (Winter)
PO Box 26384
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Address (Summer)
3980 Day Lake Road,
Woodruff, WI 54568, Vol. 5, Issue 130 Vol. 5, Issue 1 31
Camp is a vital part of childhood. Like many
camps, camp at the Children’s Museum
of Phoenix offers unique opportunities
for children to take risks, grow outside of
their comfort zone, improve confidence,
independence and self-esteem, and practice
social skills. In addition, here are four
elements that make a camp experience at the
Children’s Museum of Phoenix a special and
unique opportunity:
1. We are experts on play (Playologists
actually!): Our neighbor Fred Rogers once
said, “Play is serious learning.” At the
Children’s Museum of Phoenix, we encourage
every guest, both large and small, to
challenge themselves to learn through play.
Our camp experience includes ample time
for campers to PLAY within three floors of
imaginative, hands-on exhibits. Our exhibits
don’t come with instructions because kids
inherently know how to play. Through play,
campers gain concrete experience that builds
the path to abstract learning. Our exhibits are
full of educational potential. Campers utilize
mathematical concepts such as estimation,
and weight in our Market and hone their
problem solving abilities as they navigate
through our Climber. With three floors of
educational opportunities and exhibits, the
possibilities for learning are limitless!
2. Our themes are educational AND fun!:
Each week of camp is themed and includes
structured opportunities for learning. A
sampling of our upcoming themes for 2016
“Springs & Bolts”: “Springs and Bolts” camp is
packed with activities that will excite the future
artist, engineer, mathematician, and scientist!
Campers will have the opportunity to gain
skills in developing and following a plan to its
completion; they will learn to problem solve
and work on a team, use spatial relations, and
experience some of the fundamental elements
of physics. Campers will build, innovate, and
test predictions, receive exclusive access
to our “In the Pipeline” exhibit, discover the
science of simple machines and will work in
teams to put together their very own Rube
Goldberg creation!
Through Play!Top Four Benefits of Sending Your
Child to Camp at the Children’s
Museum of Phoenix. Vol. 5, Issue 132
“Summertime Sleuths”: Campers will spend a
week with the CMoP Detective Unit learning
the science of investigation. Campers will
study fingerprints, analyze handwriting,
learn the science of chromatography, test
observation skills, exercise deductive
reasoning, examine mysterious powders and
more! Our camp teams will practice teamwork
and cooperation as they work together to
gather evidence and solve mysteries!
“Green Ambassadors”: At the Children’s
Museum of Phoenix, we truly value the
idea that art can be made from just about
anything. At our Green Ambassadors Camp,
campers will have the opportunity to create
art from a number of recycled products.
Campers will make recycled paper, decorate
flower pots, and more! Campers will also
gain environmental awareness through a
number of earth-friendly activities including
the examination of their individual carbon
“Little Authors Camp”: Campers will explore
the museum through fairy tales, have the
opportunity to create their own stories and
dioramas and also utilize critical thinking and
scientific reasoning skills, as well as, problem
solving and teamwork to help their fairytale
friends solve a number of dilemmas. Create
a parachute to help Jack escape the giant,
construct a raft for the Billy Goats, and more!
“Time Travelers”: Campers will exhibit
teamwork, innovation, and resourceful
problem-solving as they create self-designed
time machines that will help them journey
across a variety of eras and places. Campers
will examine an invention throughout time and
devise the innovative ideas that will power our
3. There is something for everyone: We aren’t
a sports camp, or a dance camp, or an arts
camp, or even a math or science camp. We
are a camp for kids of all backgrounds and
interests. Camps at the Children’s Museum
of Phoenix focus on child development. Days
are filled with engaging projects and activities
that incorporate the fundamentals of learning
and growth. In any given camp day, campers
have the opportunity to practice positive social
interactions, explore educational topics of
all kinds, and celebrate their creativity and
4. We take safety seriously: Providing a safe
physical and emotional space for our campers
is our top priority. We keep our camp ratios
small (8:1), and train all camp counselors in
topics such as Risk Management, Emergency
Procedures, Communication, Behavior
Management Techniques, and Appropriate
Staff and Camper Behaviors. Additionally,
every counselor undergoes a criminal
background check, interviews and reference
checks prior to employment. Other safety
precautions include, brightly colored camper
t-shirts, walkie-talkies assigned to every camp
group, and thorough food allergy policies. All
camp staff are trained to administer Epi-Pens
if needed.
-By Laura Marrocco,
Camp Coordinator
At our Green Ambassadors Camp, campers
will have the opportunity to create art from
a number of recycled products. Campers will
make recycled paper, decorate flower pots,
and more! Vol. 5, Issue 1 33
Join us for Spring Break Camp at the Children's Museum of Phoenix! March 14th-18th
Springs and Bolts!
The week will be packed with activities that will excite your future artist, engineer, mathematician, or
scientist! Campers will learn to develop and follow a plan, problem solve, work as a team, use spatial
relations, and experience fundamental elements of physics. They'll also have ample time to explore the
Museum's imaginative exhibits!
Camp is geared toward 5-8 year-olds.
Enrollment is $235 for Museum members and $280 for non-members.
The camp program runs from 9am to 4pm daily with early care and after care options available for an
additional charge of $20 per day or $80 per week.
Registration is required by Monday, March 7th.
Parent Quotes:
 The kids had a blast! They came home happy, bursting with stories and singing songs!
 My child quoted" Best Camp Ever!!"
 It has been a great experience for kids to learn a variety of things before school. It has definitely
worn him out!
 He loves all the songs, asks to go to the children's museum on the weekends and definitely feels
at home!
 My daughter liked the camp and staff so much that I cancelled other camps and enrolled her in
additional week at the Children's Museum. Camp was the best and all the staff were warm and
welcoming. Great summer experience!
 My daughter loved both weeks of the camp that she attended. After her first day, she told me
she could not wait for the next day so that she could go back. She was that excited and happy
every day. We will definitely be back for another season!
 The camp went beyond my expectations for many reasons; but most importantly, the kind and
friendly nature of the counselors.
 100% of parents surveyed said they would recommend Camps at the Children's Museum of
Phoenix to family members, friends, and colleagues.
 100% of parents surveyed said they would consider joining us again for another camp.
For more information and to register, visit
or call 602.648.2777
Children's Museum of Phoenix | 215 N. 7th Street | Phoenix, AZ 85034 Vol. 5, Issue 134
The Future
Diabetes Camp
Showed Me
By: Elizabeth Leavens Vol. 5, Issue 1 35
As a diabetic, it never seemed like an option,
until my parents learned there was a place
staffed by doctors and diabetics for kids just
like me.
If you want to know what your child might
learn at diabetes camp, you should first know
your child might relearn to be a kid. Every
action in our lives is calculated. Wake up at
specific times to test a number and adjust
accordingly. Google or estimate every gram
of carbohydrate that enters our bodies. I was
using simple algebraic formulas and long
division by the age of five, and I didn’t even
realize it. Then we dose, whether through a
fresh needle or pump site. It’s a lot of pressure
on anyone, but especially a child, resulting
in guilt and anxiety when a meter might read
an out of range number. Even though our
endocrinologists may not try to use scare
tactics, the threat of complications looms
overhead from the day of diagnosis. But at
camp, it all becomes so normal.
While you might be familiar with “normal”
camps, we’re involved in all of the same
things. Camp wide games of manhunt,
pool time, rock walls, dances, crushes and
adventures are all part of our days. While
most kids learn how to canoe a boat at camp,
yours can simultaneously learn how to change
his own pump site or calculate her correction
without an insulin pump’s programming. After
they learn how to calculate their own insulin,
they sit down and learn how and why it works.
Suddenly, instead of peers who might ask
why you take a shot because Grandma only
takes a pill for her “diabeetus”, there are
kids who are drawing from their own vials.
Summer camp tends to lead to enduring
friendships, but these are different. The
people your child will meet and grow up
with will become a second family. None of
them are going to try to convince anyone
cinnamon pills or witch doctors can cure
them. There’s not a lot more calming than
talking to a camp friend when I can’t get my
number down at three in the morning after
trying all the regular troubleshoots. These
are the people that know. They know in the
way your doctor doesn’t. They know how
running high for a day or week makes you
feel on an emotional level, not just by physical
measures. They know better than parents,
who might see every forgotten bolus and low
as complications and risk.
Summer camp has always been, in my
mind, a staple of childhood. Spend a week
away from mom and dad, make friends,
play pranks, and find a first love. Vol. 5, Issue 136
I want to stress the takeaway here: proof is
the most important thing your child will see
at camp. I had parents who fought to get me
an incredible team of doctors who told me
I could do anything I wanted, eat anything I
wanted, and be whoever I dreamt to be as
long as I remembered to bolus. I thought I
believed them, until I came to camp. There
was something really life changing, at the age
of ten, to be surrounded not only by diabetic
peers, but diabetic leaders. Healthy, pretty,
funny, unendingly kind diabetic young women
enrolled in college, studying for careers, in
relationships, and leading a cabin full of ten
year olds around in ninety degree heat. I could
touch my own future.
Even then I knew to some degree how
much impact my counselors had on me.
Immediately, I wanted to be a “CIT” (counselor
in training) the moment I was old enough.
Once I entered the program, I was always
asked to raise the bar on my own behavior,
analyze myself, and learn from my mistakes.
I don’t believe I would be half the person I
am now without the leadership exemplified
and coached by the amazing people there. I
have witnessed many of my old campers grow
into CITs and then responsible counselors
themselves. It makes me feel like a part-time
Eighteen years after diagnosis, thirteen
years after coming to camp, I hope to be a
counselor who can inspire the next generation
of campers to come back year after year
because we are all type one until type none.
Eighteen years after diagnosis, thirteen years
after coming to camp, I hope to be a counselor who
can inspire the next generation of campers to come
back year after year because we are all type one
until type none. Vol. 5, Issue 1 37
Camp Allows Children To:
-Meet other campers with Type 1 Diabetes
-Cope with the daily struggles of
managing diabetes
-Stay safe at camp with 24/7 on-site
medical staff. Partners have included:
*The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
*Geisinger Health System Pediatric Endocrinology
*The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
*Lancaster General Health Family Practice Program
*Marywood University Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
*Neumann University Nurse Practitioner Program
*PennState Hershey Children’s Hospital Pediatric Endocrinology
*The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
& most importantly...have fun!
Diabetes Is A Tough Enemy,
But With Camp It Can
Be Conquered!
Please Call 1-866-SETEBAID Or Visit
To Join Us For The Best Week Of The Summer!
2016 Schedule:
The Harrisburg Diabetic Youth Camp (HDYC)
July 17-23 in Bethel, PA
Ages 8-12
Camp Setebaid® at Swatara
July 17-23 in Bethel, PA
Ages 13-18
Camp Setebaid® at Mount Luther
July 31-August 6 in Mifflinburg, PA
Ages 8-14
One Week of Type 1 Diabetes Camp: $1,200
Financial Aid Available
Setebaid Services,® Inc.
P.O. Box 196
Winfield, PA 17889 Vol. 5, Issue 138
Parent’s Guide for Choosing the
Ultimate Summer Camp
for Your Child Vol. 5, Issue 1 39
Kids can digress academically and in
other ways if not encouraged to learn over
the summer months. Camp is a growth
experience in many ways, that shapes
one’s character in a fun, controlled and
safe environment. Camp is a place that is
designed to create happy memories, boost
self-confidence, and encourage kids to try
new things that they can’t do in everyday
life. Summer camp is a great place for
your children to make new friends and be
immersed with campers from other countries,
cultures and socioeconomic levels, or
campers who live just blocks away. How do
you choose the ultimate summer camp for
your child?
To ensure the best camp experience possible,
you will want to determine if a fully elective
camp or a specialty camp is the right fit for
your child. Fully elective camps offer multiple
activities for their campers to choose from.
These types of camps create a fun and
exciting atmosphere where your child may
find a passion that they never even knew
they had. Campers who attend fully elective
camps have the opportunity to play a sport,
sing, dance, learn or expand their talents
with musical instruments, participate in water
sports or extreme sports, horseback ride,
and more - all in the same day. Because the
campers choose how they spend their day,
they feel more empowered and independent.
Specialty camps focus on a single sport or
activity. They may rotate everyone through
the same activity at different times. If your
child is one that is only interested in one
sport or passion and wants intense training
in that particular area, specialty camps may
be a great fit for your child. Whether or
not you attend a fully elective camp or a
specialty camp, determining what type of staff
is instructing your child is advisable. Some
summer camps hire counselors based solely
on their availability to work during the summer
and do not require specific skill training.
The ultimate summer camps will hand pick
counselors from around the world based on
their expertise, skill level, and past experience
as a coach or instructor. This provides the
chance for campers to be trained by the best
to be the best.
Because summer camp is truly a magical
experience which builds friendships and
memories for a lifetime, it is important to
find a summer camp that puts an emphasis
on making sure each camper has the best
experience possible. Does the camp show
importance of being a bully free zone? Are
Summer Camp is a great opportunity for children
to develop their passions, learn new skills and
make new friends. Summer break can be pretty
long for kids if they have nothing to do but wait
for school to start again. Vol. 5, Issue 140
throughout the
day and into the evening, ensuring that
campers are engaged and entertained? Are
social activities planned which help build
friendships with other campers? All of these
are extremely important aspects of camp
which will determine your child’s happiness
while away from home. A good program will
make it easy for kids to make friends fast and
will provide avenues to connect with other
campers in positive ways.
Summer camp should be a great experience
for your children and worry-free for you.
The ultimate summer camp should require
background checks for all personnel on site.
Counselors and staff should be good role
models and be expected to provide a safe
environment for all campers. They should be
trained to provide emotional support to those
campers who may become a bit homesick or
need any other type of emotional support. It
would be adviseable to ask the camp you
are considering if they hold counselor
training sessions on how to handle
homesickness, etc.
Finding the ultimate summer
camp may involve engaging
your children to be a part
of the decision making
process. Have them with
you as you look through
brochures and camp
websites. This creates
excitement and
anticipation for
your child,
them to
be instrumental
in deciding where they attend
summer camp. Camp is a gift that each child
will benefit from and remember for a lifetime.
Camp offers children a chance to be
productive, independent and goal-oriented
in a fun, nurturing and safe environment.
The ultimate summer camp will provide your
children with a lifetime of memories, new
friends, and new skill sets. Take the time to
research the living quarters, activities offered,
and safety precautions taken at each camp
you are considering. Your children will benefit
greatly from this experience that will stay with
by Jodie Snyder Vol. 5, Issue 1 41
Five, 2 WEEK sleepaway sessions begin June 12th to August 21st.
Camp Pillsbury offers :
Campers choose their daily activities,
making each day special. Campers stay in
temperature controlled dormitories, not
tents or cabins. The on-site dining hall,
theater, flying trapeze, indoor gym, soccer
field and many other amenities make this
camp a hit with campers.
Camp Pillsbury’s staff consists of highly
skilled counselors who are experts in
their individual fields. This provides
campers with a unique opportunity to
learn or perfect their own personal skills
in the activities of their choosing.
Give them a summer they
will never forget!
Over 100Activities!
2, 4, 6, 8, 102, 4, 6, 8, 10
Week SessionsWeek SessionsPremier
Fine Arts and Crafts
Team Sports
Individual Sports
Water Sports
Extreme Sports
Horseback Riding
Vocal Ensembles
Role Playing
Technology/Digital Arts &
and much more
Ages 6-17 Vol. 5, Issue 142
5 Benefits of
Sending your Child
to Nature Camp
Those of us who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s
spent plenty of time building forts outside, imagining
we were pirates or fairies, independently playing
until the sun went down. That’s how we played, but
according to recent studies, Vol. 5, Issue 1 43
We were really doing much more. In fact,
experts say that we were becoming more
creative, dealing with stress and anxiety,
reducing blood pressure, practicing conflict
management and resolution skills, and
developing a conservation ethic. Phew!
There was great freedom in exploring the
world with friends, the only interruption was
being called home for dinner. Way back then,
there were far fewer electronic distractions
pulling at us – no email, no iTechnology, and
no streaming services, and because of that,
no fear of missing out on anything else.
Now that we have fantastic new technology,
more connectivity through devices, and
advances in realistic experiences in a digital
world, perhaps a suggestion of “go spend a
week at nature camp” can seem simplistic to
today’s kids. But research suggests that it
can be a powerful and beneficial thing. The
list of benefits of sending your child to summer
camp is a long one, so let’s narrow the field
some, and look at just 5.
1. Unstructured Time :
Many children today are ruled by schedules,
guidelines, policies, and timetables. Your child
may thrive being busy, but allowing them some
unstructured time during summer camp can also be
liberating. Children are innately creative, and in the
absence of an activity with specified outcome, kids will
come up with interesting scenarios to play out.
2. Unplugged Experiences:
Nature camp is the perfect place to unplug from
electronic devices and plug into the world around
us, reaching for new experiences in nature. Life
plugged in is virtual, but life unplugged at nature
camp, that’s reality. Your camper will come
home being able to communicate face to face,
explain to you how to play random games, tell
you potentially lame nature jokes, and do so while
making eye contact. Vol. 5, Issue 144
3. Increased Activity:
Children attending summer camp will be non-stop
busy with exploring the world around them. They
may be hiking, swimming, canoeing, tree climbing,
foraging, shooting archery, playing games, and more.
But, in addition to staying active physically, they will
also keep their brains active with arts and crafts, puzzle
solving, scientific experimentation and more.
5. Imagination:
5. Campers at nature camp are often given the opportunity
to learn about bugs, trees, birds, mammals, snakes, water
and other natural topics. This in itself is fun, but when
campers are taught about some of these same topics while
immersed in a created environment, it becomes even more
engaging and memorable. It’s easy to learn about how to
survive in the woods, but wouldn’t it be more fun to pretend
that we are now living during a zombie apocalypse, and the
only way to survive is to learn to make a shelter that is hidden
from the rest of the world. It’s one thing to learn how to shoot a bow
and arrow at the archery range, but it’s all the more exciting if you get to
dress up like Robin Hood, or the Arrow.
4. Less Stress and More Happiness:
Studies have shown that people who spend time in
nature are better able to focus, heal faster, and
are more generous. A study out of the University
of Rochester found that people who spent time
in nature behaved better towards one another.
What a great thing to experience in summer
Summer camp is an invaluable experience for campers, teen volunteers, Camp Staff
and parents on many levels. Come for the fun, experience the nature, and reap the
many benefits of nature camp the whole rest of the year.
by Tara Rogness Vol. 5, Issue 1 45 Vol. 5, Issue 146
TNI Discovery Day Camp
Experiential Education
along the River
The Nature Institute is an organization tasked
with the restoration, preservation and restoration
of over 400 acres of bluff top property along the
Mississippi River. Vol. 5, Issue 1 47
TNI has been in existence since 1980 when
a group of concerned citizens saved the
property from being sold and subdivided.
Since that time, more land has been added,
education programs have flourished and
we have become a regional hotspot for
restoration information. There was camp here
bore TNI was created. In 1928, the YWCA
ran a camp for women in these woods and
prairies. The camp was run out of Talahi
Lodge, the same exact building we use today,
and offered lots of activities such as hiking,
swimming, and horseback riding. We still run
camp today but it is a bit different that it was in
the 20s.
Summer Camp is our largest and oldest
education program at The Nature Institute.
It has existed since 1982 and has run every
summer season. We currently host over 400
children, ages 3 to 18, during the summer.
Our property consists of forest, prairie and
wetland, in the form of streams and ponds.
Our education programs focus on these
three habitats and we are always looking
for ways to immerse students and campers
more deeply into nature. Our education
programs focus on the environment and
genuine experience. Experiential education is
a relatively new concept in which “educators
purposefully engage with learners in direct
experience and focused reflection in order
to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify
values, and develop people’s capacity to
contribute to their communities.” (Association
for Experiential Education)
Our Discovery Day Camp is a unique program
in that we see the kids up to five days in a
row and they are able to have a prolonged Vol. 5, Issue 148
exposure to nature in its purest form. Some
favorite activities at TNI include Mississippi
River watershed monitoring, geology
explorations and vertical tree climbing. All
of these activities allow campers to get their
hands dirty and create a memory that lasts
a lifetime. That is what summer camp is all
The Mississippi River watershed monitoring
is a beloved activity because it allows
children to understand what makes a stream
clean. They look for and identify benthic
macroinvertebrates living in the water, test
the water with chemicals and look for signs
of erosion along the stream bed. This is a
very important citizen science effort and our
campers are able to make a difference by
collecting data and learning what they can do
to keep streams and rivers cleans
Geology explorations make a topic that is so
difficult to understand a little more attainable.
Our camp is located on top of 100 foot tall
limestone bluffs, but for this program we are
able to hike to the bottom of this bluff and
see all the layers. You can actually see the
limestone time line. Limestone is formed layer
by layer and when you are standing on top it
is hard to understand that the top layer is the
youngest, but when you are at the bottom you
can actually see it. In addition to experiencing
the magnitude to the bluffs, campers are
able to become archaeologists looking for
fossils. We mostly find fossils from around the
Ordovician period.
The Mississippi River
watershed monitoring is a
beloved activity because
it allows children to
understand what makes a
stream clean.
“ Vol. 5, Issue 1 49
A new program we introduced last summer
that was a huge hit was vertical tree climbing.
We invited some professionals out to assess
our trees and they chose an old, and very tall
oak tree to prepare for campers. Campers
were then allowed the opportunity to climb
into the canopy of this oak tree. They were
able to see the world from a squirrel’s point of
view, all while being safely tied into a harness.
Only the older campers had this opportunity
and it will certainly come back in the future.
Summer camp is about experience. Most
summer camps offer adventure courses,
swimming, horseback riding and many other
things. The Nature Institute offers a simple
camp that focuses on nature to create that
experience. As an organization we want to
teach sustainability and conservation, as a
camp we are able to do that by offering fun
experiences that make campers want to do
better by composting, recycling and making
sustainable decisions. The only way we can
have nature for the future is to get kids outside
Ramona Puskar,
Education Assistant
The Nature Institute
by Patricia Brown Vol. 5, Issue 150
Choosing the
right camp
for your young
marine biologist
Does your child love the ocean and all the
mysteries that lie within? Does a stroll on
the beach take hours because you pause
to explore every tide pool, every shell, and
every suspicious shadow in the waves?
If so, it’s time to send your kiddo to a
marine science camp! Vol. 5, Issue 1 51
In order to choose the right one, you’ll want
to determine what your child’s goals are
and which program can meet those goals.
For instance, does your little camper like
to be outdoors in the sun, in the dirt, in the
sand, in the water? Does your camper want
the opportunity to be able to see and even
touch animals? Maybe your camper is more
academic and wants time in a laboratory,
learning from real scientists in their own work
environment. Does your child love this planet
so much that protecting it is his or her life’s
dream? By asking the right questions of each
program’s camp directors, you should be able
to figure out what program can promise your
son or daughter the summer of their dreams.
Most summer camp programs that begin in
June will have a fairly complete idea of their
daily agenda by early spring, and they should
be more than happy to share it with you.
As the parent, you may have your own
personal goals for the camp and these are
important to take into consideration as well.
Are you able to drop off and pick up your
child at any time or do you need a program
that offers extended care or even overnight
options? Are you able to pack your child’s Vol. 5, Issue 152
lunch every day, or do you prefer a camp
that provides meals? Are you aiming for
your kiddo to have a super fun and carefree
summer or does the academic content matter
most? These are all important things for
you to ask yourself when choosing a camp
for your young marine scientist. Another
subject that is absolutely crucial is safety.
Does your child have any food allergies or
any other medical needs? It’s important to
be completely honest with your camp staff to
ensure your child’s well-being, especially at
these physically active, outdoorsy programs
that frequently take place around plants
or animals to which your child might have
allergies. Behavioral conditions for which your
child may or may not be medicated are also
very important details for your counselors to
be aware of. While some parents may have
concerns that disclosed conditions will alter
their child’s camp experience, the truth is that
informing the counselors in advance ensure
that everyone is prepared and that their time
at camp will be smooth sailing!
For so many children, animals are the most
powerful source of inspiration. Camps that
give children the opportunity to thrive in
an environment where the love of animals
is encouraged, are priceless. A child who
participates in a marine science camp may
grow into an adult who protects our oceans,
teaches future generations, or dedicates
their life to caring for animals. In fact, so
many marine scientists can point to specific
experiences in their childhoods when the
course of their life was changed forever, and
very frequently this point is a camp or a class
when they had the chance to study what they
loved. Providing this opportunity to your child
may ultimately be so much more than just the
answer to the question, “What will I do with my
kid this summer?”
By Terran McGinnis
Camps that give children the
opportunity to thrive in an
environment where the love
of animals is encouraged, are
priceless. Vol. 5, Issue 1 53
Summer is coming and so is S.E.A.
Camp! Children are invited to join the
crew at Marineland Dolphin Adventure
for a fun-filled week of science,
activities, exploration, beach combing
and of course… DOLPHINS! S.E.A.
Camp is split into two age groups.
S.E.A. Camp I: 7-9 years old.
S.E.A. Camp II: 10-12 years old.
Teenagers! T.E.E.N. Camp is
exclusively JUST FOR YOU! Interested
in the marine science field? This
exceptional opportunity is jam packed
with field studies and lab experiments.
Complete with a kayaking trip by our
partners at Ripple Effect, this
opportunity is a must! Of course this
experience would not be complete without
9600 Oceanshore Blvd. · St. Augustine, FL 32080
904-471-1111 x 103 ·
From June 8th—August 13th, Monday—Thursday
Why High School Students
Should Participate in E-STEM
Related Academic Camps
While summer is a time for many high school students to
relax or work, it shouldn’t be a time to stop learning. There
are many things high school students can do to ensure they
are successful when they return to school and summer camps
play a critical role in promoting readiness. Vol. 5, Issue 1 55
They can be key in helping students
achieve success, especially in the E-STEM
(environmental education, science,
technology, engineering and math) fields.
According to ACA, E-STEM related summer
camps have been among the most popular
additions over the past five years and for good
reason. But, what are the benefits of these
programs for high school students?
Research Says…
Traditionally, summer has been a time for
students to take a break from learning.
Unfortunately, this results in a significant
drop in student knowledge, especially
in the fields of environmental education,
science, technology, engineering and
math (E-STEM). The National Summer
Learning Association reports that all students
experience learning losses when they do
not engage in educational activities during
the summer. Students typically score lower
on standardized tests at the end of summer
vacation than they do on the same tests at
the beginning of the summer.1 Also, most
students lose an average of about two months
of grade level equivalency in math skills and
low-income students lose more than two
months in reading skills.1
A Taste of Things to Come
An E-STEM related academic camp is a
great way to get high school students ready
for the challenges of college and future
professions. The transition from high school
to college is often overwhelming for students
and often leaves them with a wealth of
questions; whether or not to go to college,
where to go, what to major in and what to
do after graduation. Often these kinds of
E-STEM related academic camps offer high
school students the opportunity to get a feel
for college and a profession in a way that
is challenging, but also rewarding and fun.
Courses can offer access to material students
wouldn’t normally receive, opening them up to
a world of career and personal opportunities.
E-STEM related academic camps are not only
designed to nurture an interest in a specific
subject area but they can offer students either
high school and/or college credits allowing
them to have a head start over their peers
when they enter college full-time. Another
great aspect of E-STEM related academic
camps is although participation in these
programs is by no means a guarantee, taking
part in a summer program of this kind can
also prove beneficial when completing college
Specialized Environment
Many camps have specialized programs,
which are particularly useful if a high school
student already has firm ideas about their
future career plans. These help students
focus, and build on, areas in which they
excel. For example, students who have a
high interest in renewable energies or water
conservation can find programs that will
allow them to mix with like-minded peers,
and learn in an age-appropriate, high-paced
environment with a hands-on approach.
Individualized Attention
According to the National Center for
Educational Statistics in 2011, the average US
high school class sizes for specialize subjects,
which include STEM subjects, ranged from
16 to 31 students. E-STEM related academic
camps such as ecology, wildlife research,
renewable energies and environmental
conservation are often capped at fewer than
a twelve campers per group. The advantages
of these small group sizes can be seen in how
a student perceives themselves as well as
how they present themselves to others. These
programs encourage one-on-one attention
and ensure all students have the opportunity
to excel in an environment that can be tailored
to their needs. Thus, leading to students Vol. 5, Issue 156
feeling higher levels of self-esteem, self-worth
and morale.
Outdoor and Field-based Learning
Traditional classrooms are replaced with
outdoor classrooms or facilities designed
exclusively for individual programs. An
outdoor classroom provides access to ways
of learning that may not be possible in a
traditional classroom. It provides opportunities
for students to interpret, predict and analyze
information derived from and connected to
real life situations.2
Supportive Relationships
For many students, high school is filled
with changes, challenges and excitement.
Educators and parents want students to
be prepared both from an educational
perspective but also from an emotional and
social perspective. ACA has done extensive
research to determine that summer camps
play a critical role in helping students
develop supportive relationships. ACA
determined that by developing supportive
mentoring relationships, students experience
enhanced school performance, and improved
relationships with parents, reduced drug and
alcohol use and decreased incidents of youth
Overall, summer camps breaks down barriers
and teach students how to work within their
current community to accomplish a goal or
project. Life long relationships are made at
camp and these supportive networks continue
throughout life to help students prepare for
college and future careers.
Mix of Activities
E-STEM related academic camps have a
diverse mix of activities, unlike a school
setting in which students move subjects
throughout the day, frequently in lecture
style settings. More than half of the day at
summer camp is spent outside and campers
participate in a wide variety of activities. Even
though E-STEM related academic camps
are educational in nature, they are mixed
with healthy doses of physical activity and
relaxation. This allows campers proper time
and space to both process the activities in
which they take part in and to approach future
activities with an open and alert mind.
The whole point of summer camp is for
campers to have fun. So it goes without
saying that camp activities are designed to
emphasize fun, even those related to subject
areas in which students are traditionally less
than enthusiastic during the school year. In
that regard, E-STEM related summer camp
programs aren’t intended to compete with or
replace the learning that takes place during
the school year, but to enhance it to ensure
our students’ success.
Whatever high school students are searching
for from an E-STEM related summer camp, all
of them offer a whole host of benefits, many of
them life-long.
by Jenny Bushmaker
Director of Camp and Family Programs
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
1. “The Achievement Gap: What Happens to
Children During the Summer?” Retrieved from
2. Winters, J., Ring, T., Burriss, K. (2010).
Cultivating math and science in a school
garden. Childhood Education, 86,248G –
3. Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed. (2013
November). Ready, Set, Go: How Camp
Prepares Children for Lives of Success.
Retrieved from
success. Vol. 5, Issue 1 57 Vol. 5, Issue 158
Q. Howlonghasyourcampbeenoperational?
A. The Environmental Nature Center (ENC) was
founded in 1972 and camps have been offered
here since 1977. Today, there are a greater number
of camps throughout the year due to an increase
in demand and because of the unique nature of
the experiences offered. Many campers return year
after year until they become too old to attend camp,
wherein they become junior naturalists so they
can instill the love for nature and camp in the next
Q. Where are you located?
A. The Environmental Nature Center is located in
Newport Beach, California. The center is a short
walk from from the beach, so it is usually nice and
cool here, even in the Summer. We are located just
off of Pacific Coast Highway. The address is 1601 E
16th St, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Despite the fact
the center is located in Newport Beach, it stretches
across 3.5 acres and contains 14 different plant
Q. What is your camp’s philosophy?
A. The philosophy here at the ENC, for school
programs, scout groups, camps, and all of our
programs, is to provide quality education through
hands-on experience with nature. The camps offer
the children a chance to become engaged with
the current theme provided by the camp, but
more importantly to grow and interact with their
environment and fellow campers. The goal is to
nurture a child’s natural curiosity and foster the
development of his or her knowledge through
authentic experiences. The camp teachers integrate
activities, play, art, crafts, hiking, experiments, music,
group interaction, individualized instruction, and so
much more to benefit each camper the most.
Q. What does your camp specialize in?
A. The camps at the Environmental Nature Center
always keep a keen eye toward environmental issues,
though the camp themes themselves vary greatly
from “Mad Science” and “Ingenious Inventions”
Camp Director for Environmental Education
Lori Whalen
Interview With
Ph:	 (949) 645-8489
1601 16TH STREET
WWW.ENCENTER.ORG Vol. 4, Issue 258 Vol. 5, Issue 1 59
to “Under the Sea” and “Planet Protectors.” Camp
teachers write their curriculum specifically for the
camp, so the children are provided with different
content and activities each session. The materials
taught are dynamic and fresh to accommodate
returning campers as well as those attending for the
first time.
Q. What activities do you offer?
A. The camp activities are chosen and designed by
the camp teachers specifically for the theme and age
groups of the given session. During “Mad Science,”
younger campers may be experimenting with a plant’s
ability to absorb colors and water while the older
campers may be exploring non-Newtonian fluids. A
camp occurring during “Under the Sea” could find
younger campers designing their own sea creatures
as older students grapple with the ramifications of
habitat destruction through a game. There are always
a new variety of activities being offered from one
camp to the next.
Q. What are the typical session lengths and
approximate pricing for your camp?
A. Camps occur during the summer as well as during
the winter and spring breaks from school. This
includes seven to eight one-week sessions during the
summer, two one-week sessions during the winter
break, a one-week session for President’s Week and
a one-week session for spring break. The camps run
from Monday to Thursday, 9 AM until 1 PM (unless
otherwise noted), with the option of extending your
camper’s day until 3 PM by enrolling them in after
camp. The price for camp is $175 per session and for
after camp is $80, with members to the nature center
getting a 10% discount.
Q. How much staff do you have and how do
you select your staff?
A. The staff at the ENC that teach the camps are
the same wonderful staff that also teach school
programs, scout programs, community enrichment
events, traveling naturalist programs (where we come
to you), and summer, fall, winter, and spring camps
at the ENC! The staff is comprised of 15 naturalists/
teachers as well as a camp director and numerous
junior naturalists so each camper gets the attention
he or she needs. The staff is knowledgeable about
teaching techniques, which activities are beneficial
for the growth of children... they know about plants
and animals from a multitude of ecosystems... They
are also first aid and CPR certified. The staff is hired
because of their ability to teach, but more importantly
for their desire to work with children.
Q. Why should parents send their kids to your
A. Because the kids love it! And the parents love it! The
camps allow children a chance to supplement what
they’re learning in school with real-life experiences.
Campers become so engaged in what they’re doing
they often don’t realize how much they’re learning.
The ENC provides a safe, nurturing, educational
setting in which the children can enrich their lives.
Attending the ENC’s nature camp is an easy way to
make both children and parents happy.
Q. When does your camp enrollment start and
A. Teaching outdoors or “going back to the basics” of
using nature to learn and grow is becoming more and
more popular. The ENC has been excelling in outdoor
education through camps for almost forty years, and
the camps continue to improve.
Q. Is there anything else that would be helpful
for parents to know about your camp?
A. All of the information about the camps can be
found on our website at we can be
reached at (949) 645-8489. Vol. 5, Issue 160
Q. Howlonghasyourcampbeenoperational?
A. Dinosaur Ridge has offered Summer Camps for
9 years. After an initial run from 1996 to 2003,
we re-opened the camp in 2012 to focus on the
paleontologic and geologic wonders that we have
to offer.
Q. Where are you located?
A. We are located north of Morrison, Colorado off of
C-470 and Alameda Parkway. We’re just east of Red
Rocks Park.
Q. What is your camp’s philosophy?
A. Dinosaur Ridge Summer Day Camp Program
provides campers with opportunities to actively
participate in scientific exploration of the geology
and paleontology at Dinosaur Ridge and the
surrounding areas. Using nationally recognized
fossil sites, we teach through several hands-on
educational activities that inspire campers to be
enthusiastic about science.
Q. What does your camp specialize in?
Q. What activities do you offer?
A. We offer the unique experience of allowing your
campers to explore Colorado’s Age of Dinosaurs
through hands-on activities with over 300 dinosaur
footprints that are 100 million years old and dozens
of dinosaur bones that are 150 million years old.
We’re one of the only camps that offers hands-on
exploration of actual fossil sites.
Q. What are the typical session lengths and
approximate pricing for your camp?
A. Each session lasts 1 week, Monday through Friday,
9am-3pm and costs $250 per session.
Camp Director for Dinosaur Discovery Camp
Amber Cain
Interview With
Ph:	 (303)697-3466
WWW.DINORIDGE.ORG Vol. 4, Issue 260 Vol. 5, Issue 1 61
Q. How much staff do you have and how do
you select your staff?
A. Two Dinosaur Ridge staff members, who run the
educational programs at Dinosaur Ridge, also run the
Summer Camps. College students who are majoring
in education and science will assist.
Q. Why should parents send their kids to your
A. We are an outdoor camp which offers the unique
exposures of fossil dinosaur footprints and an inactive
quarry with exposed dinosaur bones. We focus on
outdoor environmental education by encouraging
kids to study, question, and interpret the information
we can learn from the rocks and fossils located here.
Q. When does your camp enrollment start and
A. Camp enrollment begins February 1st and ends
Friday, May 24th. If there is space, late enrollment is
allowed up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the camp
session for an additional late fee.
Q. Is there anything else that would be helpful
for parents to know about your camp?
A. Fossils and Fun Camp: Explore fossils at Dinosaur
Ridge. Measure dinosaur footprints and trackways.
Learn about fossilization through hands-on
experiments and activities. Explore local geology and
create a rock collection from local rock formations.
Conduct experiments to visualize and understand
ancient environments. Study and measure dinosaur
bones. Excavate replica dinosaur bones. Field Trips
to Dinosaur Ridge, Red Rocks Park, the Hogback
Geology Trail and Morrison Natural History Museum.
Junior Geologists Camp: Learn about rocks and
minerals with 5 fun-filled days of activities. Make
rock and mineral collections. Observe erosion and
weathering processes through experimentation.
Learn how different formations are formed. Conduct
experiments that illustrate basic geological principles
and processes. Learn to identify rocks and minerals
with techniques that geologist use. Field Trips to
Dinosaur Ridge,Triceratops Trail, School of Mines
Geology Museum, Red Rocks Park, and the Hogback
Geology Trail. Junior Paleontologist Camp: Study and
measure dinosaur bones. Make your own dinosaur.
Excavate a replica dinosaur skeleton. Measure and
explore dinosaur tracks. Make skeletal models,
trackway models, and ancient environment models.
Interpret fossils and ancient environments. Take field
trips to Dinosaur Ridge, Triceratops Trail, and Morrison
Natural History Museum.
Q. What is the best way for parents to reach
you to register for Camp?
A. We work Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm
if you want to call us at 303-697-3466 x 101 or x 107,
but the best way to contact us would be via email at: Vol. 5, Issue 162
Summer Camps
STUDY ABROAD CAMPS Vol. 5, Issue 164
Picking the perfect retreat for your little campers doesn’t have to be a
daunting task. Help your kids gear up for a great camp experience with our
detailed Camp Directory.
Cedar Mountain, NC 28718
Ph: (828) 698-8828
Fullerton, CA 92831
Ph: (714) 870-9190
Montgomery, TX 77356
Ph: (936) 597-8225
Boulder, CO 80309
Ph: (303) 492-1973
Redwood City, CA 94062
Ph: (650) 260-2280
Houston, TX 77030
Ph: (713) 533-6500
Lotus, CA 95651
Ph: (800) 738-0555
Golden, CO 80401
Ph: (720) 851-7700
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Ph: (800) 944-7112 Vol. 5, Issue 1 65
Susanville, CA 96130
Ph: (530) 257-4419
Dallas, TX 75080
Ph: (214) 697-2673
Austin, TX 78751
Ph: (512) 808-4044
New York, NY 10010
Ph: (212) 575-2929
Zumbro Falls, MN 55991
Ph: (507) 843-2329
Cypress, TX 77429
Ph: (281) 320-1885
Rock Hill, NY 12775
Ph: (631) 462-2550
Willsboro, NY 12996
Ph: (800) 982-3538
Woolwich, ME 04579
Ph: (207) 443-5860
ARMONK, NY 10504
Ph: (914) 273-8500
Mayer, AZ 86333
Ph: (602)286-0313
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Ph: (848) 932-5241
Huntsville, AL 35899
Ph: (800) 622-2946
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Ph: (481) 481-8123
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Ph: (800) 494-6238
New York, NY 10001
Ph: (212) 252-1619
Trinity, TX 75862
Ph: (936) 594-2541
Alton, NH 03809
Ph: (603) 389-8802
West Chester, PA 19382
Ph: (843) 270-0596
Cumming, GA 30189
Ph: (404) 932-2552
Eugene, OR 97402
Ph: (541) 687-2202
Lebanon, NH 03766
Ph: (603)448-5121
Boulder, CO 80303
Ph: (303) 443-8877
Eagle Point, OR 97524
Ph: (916)660-1962
ParkwaySarasota, FL 34236
Ph: (941) 504-4236
Sisters, OR 97759
Ph: (541) 595-6663
KELLER, TX 76248
Ph: (817)473-4308
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Ph: (818) 889-2224
Hancock, NY 13783
Ph: (845) 887-5600
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Ph: (650) 387-4427
Houston, TX 77098
Ph: (713) 292-0300
Lake Hubert, MN 56459
Ph: (800) 242-1909
Wallingford, CT 06492
Ph: (800) 944-7112
Northbrook, IL 60062
Ph: (847) 229-9959
Tucson, AZ 85711
Ph: (520)327-2288
Concord, NC 28025
Ph: (704) 935-5501 Vol. 5, Issue 1 67
Wilmington, NC 28411
Ph: (910) 686-4611
Deerwood, MN 56444
Ph: (218) 820-1604
Oscoda, MI 48750
Ph: (989) 739-3571
Chicago, IL 60640
Ph: (312) 732-4564
Dallas, PA 18612
Ph: (570) 333-4098
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: (770) 667-2800
Roswell, GA 30076
Ph: (770) 594-5290
Richardson, TX 75080
Ph: (972) 231-4890
Amarillo, TX 79124
Ph: (806) 553-3173
Abington, PA 19001
Ph: (215) 884-9622
Duluth, GA 30096
Ph: (905) 678-7272
Tualatin, OR 97062
Ph: (503) 218-2580
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
Ph: (404) 843-1121
Ruckersville, VA 22968
Ph: (434) 985-4309
Tempe, AZ 85282
Ph: (480) 965-3973
Amherst, MA 01002
Ph: (415) 924-6442
Durham, NH 03824
Ph: (603) 659-8210
Gresham, OR 97030
Ph: (503) 674-2880 Vol. 5, Issue 168

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Campnavigator March 2016 Magazine

  • 1. Vol. 5, Issue 1 1 T H E U LT I M AT E M A G A Z I N E F O R C A M P E R S , PA R E N T S & FA M I L I E SVol. 5, Issue 1 WWW.CAMPNAVIGATOR.COM Choosing the right camp for your young marine biologist The Future Diabetes Camp Showed Me FINDING THE RIGHT SUMMER DAY CAMP THINK LOCAL! Discovering Our Wild World at Zoo Camp Why High School Students Should Participate in E-STEM Related Academic Camps Learn Through Play! Top Four Benefits of Sending Your Child to Camp at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. Expectations of Camp Health Services: What Should I Know? Why Choose a Teen Summer Camp (like Stone Mountain Adventures!)? Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Homesickness
  • 3. Vol. 5, Issue 1 3 It’s hard to believe but spring is right around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about Camp again. Start asking ourselves some questions. Are you considering enrolling your child in a Spring or Summer Camp? Have you already secured your child’s spot for Camp?  For those of you who have kids that are interested in spring & summer camp programs, now is the perfect time to start your search. Take a moment out of your busy day to sit down with your children and discuss the upcoming camp season, sessions, and activities that are most appealing to them. Create a search list, do some research, and contact your shortlisted camps. Have some fun with it and take advantage of early registration pricing in the process.    In this issue we feature an amazing summer camp that is dedicated to promoting life-long learning through the Performing Arts. We  showcase a terrific Zoo Camp that provides an educational program with activities and experiences to appeal to many different learning styles. We feature a wonderful Parks and Recreation Summer Camp that includes features and amenities that are normally only found in an overnight camp setting. We showcase a truly wonderful Children’s Museum that offers more than 500 learning activities annually. We highlight a world class Diabetes Summer Camp where campers have enjoyed the games, fun, and friendships they’ve made for over 35 years! We share some fantastic camp pictures, virtual tour links, and amazing camp videos, and provide much more information about camp.   At CampNavigator, we  give parents accurate, insightful  and valuable  information,  empowering them  to make informed decisions about summer camp. CampNavigator  Magazine shares knowledge to enrich the lives of children, youth and adults through the camp experience. Make your 2016 Summer Camp experience the best yet.  …And we hope you enjoy this issue of CampNavigator Magazine! Your CampNavigator Team. Jeffery Nadeau WELCOME! EDITOR’S LETTER
  • 4. Vol. 5, Issue 14 Your rants and raves..MAILBAG Thank you for the email today. I like your site. The set-up is much easier than the pay sites I am on, the layout is also as good if not better than the other pay sites. Thanks so much. I deeply appreciate your offer of a listing and am sure it will provide us with exposure. Have a great day. I just checked out the listing that you did for our camp and it looks great! Thank you, you made the listing process very easy! I appreciate it. Thanks so much for all your help and I look forward to seeing how successful CampNavigator becomes. Wow, your website looks excellent. Great work developing everything.The entire contents of CampNavigator are copyright 2012 by CampNavigator. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or part, or use without written permission of the publisher, of editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval system is prohibited in the United States & foreign countries. The trademark and tradename CampNavigator is owned by CampNavigator. The publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. All submissions to CampNavigator are made on the basis of a license to publish the submission in CampNavigator. While every care is taken, neither CampNavigator nor its agents accept any liability for loss or damage. Our contributors offer a diversity of views; their opinions are their own and not necessarily shared by Wishesh Info Media. About us: Headquartered and incorporated in Phoenix, AZ in 1996.Vensoft provides comprehensive,high quality,world class IT services to its clients. Our core portfolio comprises information technology, applications and business process services, as well as information technology transformation services. Special thanks to our contributors, advertisers, and readers for making this magazine possible. EDITOR IN CHIEF Jeffery Nadeau ART EDITOR Wishesh Digital Media CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kerry Dineen, Kate Seeger and Dean Spencer, Michael D. Ohl, Rebecca Hiatt, Matthew Casparius, Tracey Gaslin, Will Dunmire, Laura Marrocco, Elizabeth Leavens, Jodi Snyder, Tara Rogness, Patricia Brown, Terran McGinnis TO CONTRIBUTE / ADVERTISE Jeffery Nadeau BACK ISSUES & ENQUIRIES Jeffery Nadeau ISSUE PUBLISHED BY Wishesh Digital Media DISTRIBUTED AND POWERED BY Venosft Inc A Division of R CampNavigator R Keith Elsa Erica Matthew Chris Chelsea WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! EMAIL Vol. 4, Issue 2 1WWW.CAMPNAVIGATOR.COM T H E U LT I M AT E M A G A Z I N E F O R C A M P E R S , PA R E N T S & FA M I L I E SVol. 4, Issue 2 Summer Camp reinforces essential life skills Nature is the ultimate playground 10TOP Reasonsyourchildshouldattend TheatreCampthis Summer ( in no particular order...) Timetoleavethecity Whattolookforinacommuterdaycamp Eleven “Top 10” Reasons Why Your Teen Should Attend Summer Camp Why You Should Consider an Academic Camp this Summer Why send your kid to music camp? What Summer is best for experiencing bullying Helping your child if your Child is The Most Contagious Camp Bug— Homesickness
  • 6. Vol. 5, Issue 16 by Kerry Dineen
  • 8. Vol. 5, Issue 18 As much an issue for adults as for kids! Parents need to recognize their own feelings. Adults miss their children for the same reason they will miss you: they love you. Adults also sense in camp a preview of the future when children will move away for college, or marriage, or a career. Children are often ready for camp before their parents are ready to let them go. They will also experience the summer as adventure and excitement, where your experience can feel like it is all about loss. What are your long term goals for your child? Do you want them to be able to cope with the world as an independent adult Parents often think their child isn’t ready to stay at an overnight camp for more than a few days. In practice, children regularly surprise their parents. When camps and parents work together, even shy, anxious campers can stay at camp for several weeks, returning home more mature, independent and resilient, proud of their achievements. Campers discover new interests and skills, practice making decisions, and form life-long friendships. Growth in social and emotional intelligence can be equal to a year’s worth of change in school. Knowing the benefits helps parents give their child one of the best and hardest gifts they can give, the freedom to try their wings in a new community. Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Homesickness Kate Seeger and Dean Spencer, Killooleet Camp Camp Killooleet
  • 9. Vol. 5, Issue 1 9 departure It’s hard to say goodbye. Expect some anxiousness the night before camp and the morning camp begins. Your child may or may not eat much. Expect some tears, perhaps both theirs and yours.   What you can do: Be loving, proud, and firm. Pack your child with food for trip! It’s best if you have a specific plan for where and how to say goodbye. If your child is boarding a bus, who will know themselves and pursue their interests—but still keep in touch? Camp is the perfect rehearsal. Base your decision on their needs, but also address your own.   What you can do: Be honest with yourself, acknowledge your emotions, and sort out which of your concerns are based on your needs and which on your child’s. Work with camp directors to help both parent and child be excited about the summer. Show children the camp website, brochure, and other materials. See if camp can help arrange a visit with camp staff or other campers in the spring, when questions resurface for many prospective campers. Phone calls and skype can work for this. If you can, arrange to visit camp while it is in session before your child attends so he/she can see the physical spaces, and more importantly other happy children.   Talk about homesickness: Almost everyone at camp will get homesick sometimes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Homesickness isn’t a sign of immaturity or weakness. Nor is it permanent. Being homesick is like hitting the funny bone in your elbow: while it is happening, it is real. But you stretch and grow. We all learn that we don’t need to be with our loved ones all the time to love them. Talk with your child about your confidence in him or her, and your appreciation for his or her maturity. Talk about the excitement of meeting new people and doing new things. Please don’t: Verbalize your fears and doubts to your child: “I’m not sure you’re ready.” “I don’t know how you’ll get to sleep.” “You know you have trouble with new foods.”  Instead, share these concerns with camp staff so they can help.    The moment of truth: Be honest with yourself, acknowledge your emotions, and sort out which of your concerns are based on your needs and which on your childs.
  • 10. Vol. 5, Issue 110 great! Departure is easy, clear, quickly over with. If you are dropping your child at camp, make sure you understand ahead of time what the expectations are for your time there. Be efficient and upbeat. Remark about how good it looks, what looks interesting. Remind them you love them, tell them you’re proud, leave them with a counselor, and get out.  Staying in touch Camps have expectations for communication based on what is good for children in their community and what is fair. Work with them. Most camps restrict phones and other electronic media because they want campers to focus on building live human relationships. Balance is important: you love your child, but you also want him/ her to be making friends at camp, so don’t overdo. If you need to find out how your child is doing, call the camp staff, not your child. If the camp posts pictures, view them as snapshots of that day. No one smiles 100% of the time. An apparent frown could be concentration or sun in their eyes; don’t worry about it unless you see a pattern.   What you can do: Write often. Short, cheery letters and postcards, perhaps with clippings from favorite magazines, are best. You can even write before your child arrives at camp. Be upbeat; talk briefly about how things are going. Say you love them and are proud of them. If the camp allows packages, send a couple.   Please don’t: Call every day, or subvert camp rules for electronics. Don’t talk or write about how much you miss your child or how hard it is for you. This can cause your child to worry about you and feel guilty for having a great time without you. If you get homesick letters or calls, breathe, don’t over react. Recognize how child dynamics work. Children often feel that just by sharing a concern with you, they have dealt with it. The same child who is in tears on the phone may hang up and go skipping off to their next activity, leaving you wondering how to help. If you have concerns, contact the camp for a more complete picture. Don’t fear homesickness. It is an occasion for growth if understood and managed. Communication is key. Surviving homesickness is good for both you and your child as you rehearse for future separations.  You will welcome home a child who has grown in confidence and independence, and you might even glimpse those new wings. by Michael D. Ohl
  • 11. Vol. 5, Issue 1 11 What Parents and Children say about Killooleet Kate Seeger and Dean Spencer, Directors 617-666-1484 See our video “Welcome to Killooleet”: “Our five hour drive home from Vermont was filled with stories about his time at camp, from hiking to horseback riding to being on the stage in front of friends – endless activities and adventures. Camp Killooleet was everything we had hoped. My child’s confidence and maturity have reached new heights with a little smile that hasn’t left his face.” After camp, new parents wrote, “When I asked if he made any close friends he said, ‘Dad, I made over 100 new close friends. Now I understand what you mean by ‘community’’. Besides his cabin counselors, who were outstanding, all the other counselors had a very positive influence on my son. You do a fabulous job selecting the right young men and women to guide our children.” “… what an important part of my children’s childhood and personal development Killooleet has been! It has provided them with strength, confidence, friendship and countless abilities for which I am profoundly grateful. Those eight weeks each summer are really difficult for me, but I see the value for the girls and wouldn’t trade it for anything. So here’s to a really great summer for everyone!” “Thanks for the two best summers of my life. I learned so much and grew so much as a person.… I would be a very different person today if I had not found Killooleet. I learned about kindness, respect for others and human nature, not to mention many other things. More importantly I learned about confidence and believing in myself. The values that Killooleet has taught me will stay with me for the rest of my life, no matter where I go or what I do. Killooleet is truly a special place.” “... Killooleet is an amazingly awesome, warm, loving, welcoming summer camp, with smiling faces everywhere I go, eager to know and befriend me. I feel as if I've grown up in Hancock 05748 as my second home.”
  • 13. Vol. 5, Issue 1 13 The YMCA has a great history of youth and family development that stretches back to 1844 in London, England. Camping programs started in 1885 in New York, and we have been building character and confidence in the outdoors successfully ever since.z Here are just 10 reasons for the YMCA’s success in camping, even though there are hundreds of reasons to choose YMCA camps. 1. Over 125 years of tradition: YMCA camping is the cornerstone of most communities across the country. We are very proud of our traditions, but also know that to keep today’s children engaged we must be innovators in the camping industry. 2. Stringent screening of staff: All YMCA staff is background checked and interviewed in a manner that helps us hire smart. In addition, we look for staff that has additional certifications to help run a safe program. Archery, riflery, and other specialized programs need to be high quality and certifications in Lifeguarding, CPR/First Aid, etc., help us achieve or exceed requirements for safety. 3. Community driven: Each YMCA has offerings that benefit the community in which it is housed. Camps are the same way, and depending on its location, every YMCA camp offers programs that speak to the community needs. We also strive to be part of the greater community by volunteering with local organizations to give back to our neighbors. 10 Reasons to Choose YMCA Camps
  • 14. Vol. 5, Issue 114 4. Diversity: YMCA’s are ‘for all.’ We take great pride in welcoming different religions, non-traditional families, all socio-economic classes, and everything in between. 5. Scholarships: To some, scholarship opportunities may only seem appropriate for education, but we disagree. What better education than learning to work together, building confidence and independence, learning to “fail forward”, and connect with nature. These building blocks help children build resilience for their life paths. 6. Core Values: Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Faith. These values transcend all religions and give us the opportunity to build a child’s character to help them understand their role in the world. Each YMCA is a little different in how they present these values, but you will find them intentionally placed for learning opportunities across all Y’s. 7. Variety: YMCA camps across the nation offer many different things; some are co-ed while others are gender specific, water sports, equestrian programs, traditional camps, camps for children with special needs, and many more options. A quick web search in your area will turn up one of close to 300 Y camps in the nation. 8. Unplugged: Technology is playing a bigger role in today’s camping program, but your child will not spend the day watching screens. We work hard to ensure a reconnection to nature, and help children make personal contacts that help them build friendships that will last over a lifetime. 9. Leadership programs: A lot of YMCA camps offer teen programs that build leadership skills in our youth. These teens can then continue in the camp movement and grow to be counselors and be hired to do the great work we do, sharing their own camp experience with a next generation of campers. Most camping programs offer something for teens up to 17 years of age, which means there is no gap for programming appropriate for them. 10. Don’t forget the family: Many YMCA camps offer family camp experiences so the whole family can spend time together in nature. This helps build bonds across generations and allows for play together. We typically see children become more open in our safe environments, letting their true self come forward. The YMCA is proud to be able to offer camping programs to our families and communities across the country. If you have specific questions about a YMCA in your community, reach out to the Director for a personal tour of the facility and talk about the program philosophies to make sure they match yours. YMCA Camp Directors are here to better the children in our community. Camp is one of those programs that will give you a return on your family. YMCA Camp Directors are here to better the children in our community. Camp is one of those programs that will give you a return on your family.
  • 15. Vol. 5, Issue 1 15 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS* All RGB, Pantone, Index, Lab, Grayscale, Bitmap, spot colors and images should be converted to CMYK. PDF, EPS, TIF, and JPG files are all accepted. TIF and JPG ads must be submitted at 300 dpi. PDF file with all graphics, photos and fonts embedded. Preflight file prior to creating PDF. . *Note: We cannot guarantee the results of files not sent as specified. An CampNavigator PDF job option is available upon request for Adobe software. Files may be uploaded to our FTP site. Information available upon request. Full page bleed Full page w/out bleed 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/4 1/4 2/3 w/out bleed 1/2 bleed 1/2 w/out bleed 2/3 bleed 1/2 w/out bleed 1/2 bleed CampNavigatorNavigate the Camp Universe (602)328-9600 | Fax :(602)375-0058 13934, N 59th Avenue; Glendale, AZ 85306 eMagazine Advertising Specifications Jeffery Nadeau, Director of Business Operations, Powered by: Vensoft Inc. No trimming Width Height Full Page 7.76 11.19 2/3 Page(verticle) 4.75 11.19 1/2 Page(verticle) 3.5 11.19 1/2 Page(horizontal) 7.76 4.75 1/3 Page(verticle) 2.25 11.19 1/3 Page(square) 4.75 4.75 1/4 Page(verticle) 3.5 4.75 1/6 Page(verticle) 2.25 4.75 1/9 Page(verticle) 2.25 3.0 Size after trimming Width Height Full Page 8.26 11.69 2/3 Page(verticle) 5.25 11.69 1/2 Page(verticle) 4.0 11.69 1/2 Page(horizontal) 8.26 5.25 Ads w/out bleed Ads with bleed Sizes listed in this box are the final trim size of the ads. PLEASE add 0.25 bleed all the way around the ad and save file with this bleed before sending. (inches) (inches) SEND ADS TO: P: 602-541-7845 F: 602-375-0058 Scan and Connect to
  • 17. Vol. 5, Issue 1 17 zoo may be the only place they can see other creatures that share the earth. Learning about what animals need to survive helps open children’s minds to the world and encourages them to develop empathy for others, both human and animal. A Safari in Your Neighborhood Families in urban areas may not have access to a safe area for their kids to play outside. Many zoos are situated in urban parks, a natural oasis within the city. Studies show that exposure to nature, even “planned nature” like you would find in a park or zoo, lowers stress and even improves creative problem-solving abilities. Zoo animal habitats are designed with the animal’s natural habitat in mind, so visiting zoo animals is like taking a walk through the rainforest, desert, wetland, or even a dive into the ocean. Envision a summer camp where kids can spend the day observing wildlife from all around the world and still sleep in their own beds at night. If you’re interested in a day camp for your animal adventurer, look no further than your local zoo. Many zoos across the country offer summer camp programs and they vary from zoo to zoo. Some camps include behind-the-scenes tours and “junior keeper” programs in which kids can see what zookeepers really do all day, while others offer the chance to spend a night at the zoo. All include a team of caring, animal-geek counselors to satisfy the inquiring minds of the campers, along with games, crafts, songs and zootastic fun. Need more reasons to try zoo camp? Life Lessons of Compassion Children and animals go together like, well, like children and animals. The animal world is fascinating, and for many children, the local Discovering Our Wild World at Zoo Camp - By Eve Cooney Saint Louis Zoo, Camp KangaZoo Director
  • 18. Vol. 5, Issue 118 Friends & Teamwork You know that feeling when you meet someone and discover you both have an amazingly quirky trait in common? That happens every day at zoo camp. Kids are introduced to other kids who love animals, and they have opportunities to make new friends they likely would not have met otherwise. Zoos work together in their mission to save animals from extinction, and kids learn the value of teamwork through this example. Zoo camp instills in campers the importance of collaboration, as well as the challenges and joys of working together. The Circle of Life How can children in a Midwest city help coral reefs in the Caribbean? Zoo camp shows children how all animals, plants, people and things are connected around the world in a glorious, tangled web of life, and how tugging one strand can cause consequences elsewhere. Seeing the animals at the zoo can make those abstract concepts more concrete, whether learning about the life of a cinereous vulture in Africa, or the grey squirrels that beg for your fries. Realizing we can change the world is empowering, but learning to love and appreciate the diversity of life around us is the first lesson of zoo camp. Finding a Zoo Camp Ready for zoo camp? First, find your nearest zoo or aquarium by visiting the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) website at aza. org. This nonprofit association is dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science and recreation. Look for the AZA logo whenever you visit a zoo or aquarium; you’ll know you are supporting an institution dedicated to providing excellent care for animals, a great experience for you and a better future for all living things. Ready for zoo camp? First, find your nearest zoo or aquarium by visiting the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) website at aza. by Rebeccas Hiatt
  • 19. Vol. 5, Issue 1 19 Register today for Camp KangaZoo! When children attend Camp KangaZoo at the Saint Louis Zoo, they’llexplore over 90 acresofnaturalhabitats, learning all about wildlife through hands-on contact with real animals and the guidance of our experienced counselors. Campers sing songs, study what animals do and join in the fun at Sea Lion Sound. Their week wraps up with an exciting outdoor, overnight adventure under the stars. To learn more about Camp KangaZoo, visit or call (314) 646-4544. Financial assistance is available; call (314) 646-4544 for details.
  • 20. Vol. 5, Issue 120 When it comes to choosing the right Summer Day Camp for your child, the variety of options to choose from can often be overwhelming. From the Private For-Profit Camps to Non- Profits such as YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs and your local Parks & Recreation Departments, there are every type of Day Camp specialty options on the local level. Among these options, parents should consider the benefits of sending your child to a Summer Camp offered by your local Parks & Recreation Department. The mission of the local Parks & Recreation Department is to focus on providing high quality but affordable Summer Camp programs to its constituents. It provides a place for a child to experience all of the benefits of Camp without having to travel far from home and is offered in a familiar environment. Parks & Recreation Summer Camps are generally held in one of the Communities Parks & Recreation Facilities or in the local elementary schools. For first-time Campers, traditional Day Camps or playground programs give Campers the opportunity to try out a variety of activities that they may never have tried before without having to commit to a specialty Camp for that opportunity. This gives the Camper the opportunity to find out what they truly enjoy before seeking out specialty activities. For Campers who have experienced Summer Camp on the local level, Parks & Recreation Departments also run a variety specialty Camps or sports clinics to meet the needs of those participants who are looking for that specialty experience. From science camps to sports camps and everything in between, contact your local Parks & Recreation Department to review their options for your Camper. Summer Camps offered through the local Parks & Recreation Departments routinely provide the best “bang for your buck” among organizations that provide a Summer Camp experience and are generally more affordable than other non-profit agencies. One of the secondary benefits of choosing a local Parks & Recreation Summer Camp is that the Camp primarily consists of other Campers from the local School District. For first-time Campers, they will get the opportunity to make new, lasting friendships with other children their own age, which they will be going to school with in the Fall. For returning Campers, the local Parks & Recreation Summer Camp provides the opportunity to spend the summers with their Finding the right Summer Day Camp -Think Local! By: Matthew Casparius, CPRE Naticook Summer Day Camp Director of Parks & Recreation, Town of Merrimack, NH
  • 21. Vol. 5, Issue 1 21 friends from school. Oftentimes parents will call their local Parks & Recreation Department asking if their child’s friends have already registered and if so for what sessions so that they can be grouped together at Camp. The Camp Staff are also generally from your local Community. In most Summer Camps run by Parks & Recreation Departments, the Camp Counselors themselves were once Campers at their local Parks & Recreation Summer Camp. The Camp Directors are oftentimes teachers or local sports coaches who are already an integral part of the Community. The Camp Staff know the “ins and outs” of the Camp and the Community at large and can relate their experiences to each of the Campers to ensure that Camp is a fun and positive experience for all. If your child has a physical, developmental or social disability and requires extra assistance during the school year, Parks & Recreation Departments are often one of the best places to provide a Summer Camp experience specialized for your child. Most Parks & Recreation Departments have close working relationships with their local School Districts and often employ teachers to work as 1:1 Aides in the Camp so that the Camp can support the School District’s goals of your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). This is a benefit that often distinguishes local Parks & Recreation Departments from other Day Camp providers who do not offer that service. For Parents, the local Parks & Recreation Department Summer Camp provides an option for affordable child care in a safe and well maintained environment surrounding by numerous playing fields and wooded areas where their child will learn new skills, make new friends and create lasting memories. When thinking about your options for Day Camp this Summer, we encourage you to think local!
  • 22. Vol. 5, Issue 122 Vol. 4, Issue 222 Sam, your 8 year old, eagerly jumps on the bus to experience the many new challenges that camp has to offer. He is excited about swimming, archery, and meeting new friends. You are excited for him, but concerned that he will not be under your care. For the first years of his life, you did everything – fed him, gave him medication, and treated his injuries. What does that look like at camp? What are the camp health services that are in place for your child’s safety? What questions should you be asking about camp health services and what is available to your child should the need arise? Camp health services is a broad term that highlights the physical, mental, and emotional services available to your camper. These services vary greatly depending on the camp itself. Camps can be overnight (residential) or day; have different emphasis (i.e. art, sports, culture, academics); and serve different Expectationsof Camp Health Services What Should I Know? Tracey Gaslin PhD, CRNI, CPNP, FNP-BC Lisa Cranwell-Bruce DNP, APRN Susan Baird RNL, MPH, MA
  • 23. Vol. 5, Issue 1 Vol. 4, Issue 2 23 populations (i.e. all girls, all boys, healthy, special needs). Depending on the mix of these elements, camps make decisions about health services that will be provided. As the parent, it is important (and helpful) for you to know what is offered at a camp you are choosing for your child. Consider asking some of the following questions to know that your camper will receive safe and timely care. 1 What type of healthcare provider(s) will be available? There is a difference in scope of practice and skill level among different healthcare providers – Wilderness first aid, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), therapists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, and others. An EMT might be a great asset in emergency situations. The registered nurse would be a good choice if campers need physical assessment of injuries or if there are multiple medications. Nurse practitioners or physicians are especially helpful for those camps caring for individuals with special healthcare needs (i.e. diabetes, cancer, heart disease). Camps will staff their health center with a variety of these individuals and it will be helpful to know who will be caring for your child in your absence. 2 What medications do you need to bring to camp? What over the counter medications will be available or provided if needed? Most camps will ask that campers bring all prescription medications (in the labeled bottle) with them. The label on the original bottle serves as the prescription allowing the health staff to administer the medication. Camps usually have access to medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, and Benadryl which can be helpful for minor events and can help the child have a more positive experience if treated effectively. 3 In what health situations will the camp call me? Most camps do not call for every health event (i.e. headache, scraped knee). Knowing what events elicit a call (i.e. questions about medications, keeping the child in the health center overnight, emotional issues) will provide you a comfort level in “not hearing” from the camp health staff. 4 Where is the closet hospital or emergency room? Camps may rely on outside health services to care for their campers when injuries or accidents occur. Knowing the proximity of
  • 24. Vol. 5, Issue 124 the hospital or emergency room will help you understand access to timely care. 5 How are routine events, like homesickness or bed wetting, managed at camp? Camps have a variety of procedures for working through routine events such as these. Sometimes these events are handled by trained counseling staff and other times the health team assists with these situations. Let the camp staff know about any challenges your child might be experiencing even if you consider it insignificant. 6 What information should I share with the health care providers? Talk with camp health services if you child has: medications, special needs, food or other allergies, a recent life event (i.e. death, divorce), or mental, emotional, or social challenges. Camp is a new environment and we can best help a camper by effectively preparing for unanticipated as well as anticipated events. The parent or guardian releases a valuable possession, their child, to the care of others when they go to camp. Knowing who will be providing health care will help alleviate your apprehension and gain insight about how the health team will interact with your child and with you. Camp can be a life- changing experience not only for the camper, but also the parent – growth, learning, and independence are gained through this valuable opportunity. Let’s make it the best! RCamp can be a life-changing experience not only for the camper, but also the parent – growth, learning, and independence are gained through this valuable opportunity.
  • 25. Vol. 5, Issue 1 25 Association of Camp Nurses (ACN) ….working for healthier camp communities by supporting the practice of camp nursing. ACN is the only professional organization specifically dedicated to addressing health and wellness in all camp settings. Over 10 million children are served each summer at camp and ACN functions to educate camp leadership, staff, healthcare personnel, parents, and campers to promote an environment of wellness for all. If you are interested in camp health, feel free to visit us at Services offered:  Educational material for camp leadership and health staff  Nursing forum as a support network for ACN members  Quarterly CompassPoint publication  Access to camp nurse professionals Become a member – join a professional organization of individuals interested in excellence in camp health.
  • 26. Vol. 5, Issue 126 A guide to choosing the ultimatesummercamp for your child Watch Video
  • 27. Vol. 5, Issue 1 27 Yet with so many camps to choose from, how do you even begin to narrow down your options? Here are some tips that will give your child lifelong friends and memories. How many weeks? Early on in your search, you will need to determine what length of stay is right for your child. There are many week-long camps that provide outstanding introductory experiences that allow kids to become comfortable with being away from home in the camp environment. By the age of 9 or 10, however, many kids are ready for an experience that will challenge them and provide growth opportunities by being away from home for an even longer time (4, 7, or 8 weeks). Believe it or not, it’s often harder for parents to part ways for this long, whereas kids are so busy at camp having fun, being active, and making new friends that the time flies by. The personal growth that is achieved at longer overnight camps is unparalleled – by living and playing day in and day out within a close-knit community, your child will grow in their independence and self-confidence through their achievements at camp and the relationships they will build. What area of the country? Even as recently as 15 years ago, the geographical locations of camps often provided an obstacle for parents and camps to overcome.  Now with unaccompanied minor programs and close communication between airlines, camps, and parents, distance does not need to be the biggest factor in your decision. Every region of the United States offers unique perks – whether it is the northern Midwest that allows kids to canoe through the Boundary Waters and hike across Isle Royale National Park, or the northeast with the beautiful views of the Berkshires, or the West Coast with surfing and sea kayaking – the options are endless. By widening your options to include camps in other areas of the country, you give your child a chance to experience a new region, and also provide them with an opportunity to make friends from all over the country and world. What activities are offered? With the intense With such a strong history of summer camps across the United States, we are lucky enough to have hundreds of camps where kids can trade in their iPhones for nature, take a break from the stress of school, and gain an incredible amount of independence.
  • 28. Vol. 5, Issue 128 scheduling of children’s lives during the school year, an important aspect of camp is to provide opportunities for kids to explore new interests and push themselves out of their comfort zone. Specialized camps can provide an extension of training that kids already receive at home, whereas general overnight camps can offer a breadth of activities, and give your child a chance to participate in a variety of sports, wilderness trips, and arts. Ideally your child will return to a camp for many years, so consider the ability for your son or daughter to branch out and try new things over the years. Is the camp safe? Don’t hesitate to get on the phone with the directors of the camp; these are the people that will be taking care of your child this summer, and high-quality camps will be eager to answer any questions you have. What are their policies for lifeguarding while water activities are going on? Are there safety procedures in place for when kids go out of camp on trips? What sort of screening do staff go through prior to working at camp? Is there a nurse on site, and a medical facility close by? What is the average age of staff? Talk through these questions with the directors, plus any others you may have, until you feel confident about the camp’s approach to safety.   Last but not least, think about the intangible benefits of the camp experience, and ask yourself if the camp will provide those for your child. The sense of accomplishment after a long day of hiking; the pride your child will feel when realizing they aren’t homesick anymore; the feeling of uninterrupted happiness when your child gets up on skis for the first time; and finally the tearful hugs at the end of the summer when your child says goodbye to those lifelong friends they made – it is these moments that camp has the potential of providing for your child.  Now it’s your job to start that search for where it can happen! - by By Will Dunmire
  • 29. Vol. 5, Issue 1 29 Campers choose eight different activities to participate in on an every-other day basis. There is a new sign-up every two weeks at which times boys may make changes in their schedule. They may continue with their favorite activities throughout the entire summer or try something new. The unique size of Red Arrow, coupled with our excellent facilities and equipment, ensure that each boy will have access to the activities he chooses. Excellent instruction by very skilled and mature staff in each activity ensures major skill development during our seven-week program, all while having a lot of fun. In addition to a wide variety of land sports, Red Arrow also boasts a waterfront with over 10 different activities including water skiing, sailing, canoeing and SCUBA where boys aged 11 and over can earn their PADI certification. In addition to the top-notch activities that Red Arrow offers at camp, the boys are also able to take advantage of all of the wonderful adventures that the North Woods has to offer. Throughout the summer, campers embark on trips to Isle Royale, the Superior Hiking Trail, Pictured Rocks National Park and even the Quetico in Canada. Contact Information For more information, please contact Will, Laura & Dave: Email: Telephone (year round): (715) 575-9722 Address (Winter) PO Box 26384 Milwaukee, WI 53226 Address (Summer) 3980 Day Lake Road, Woodruff, WI 54568,
  • 31. Vol. 5, Issue 1 31 Camp is a vital part of childhood. Like many camps, camp at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix offers unique opportunities for children to take risks, grow outside of their comfort zone, improve confidence, independence and self-esteem, and practice social skills. In addition, here are four elements that make a camp experience at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix a special and unique opportunity: 1. We are experts on play (Playologists actually!): Our neighbor Fred Rogers once said, “Play is serious learning.” At the Children’s Museum of Phoenix, we encourage every guest, both large and small, to challenge themselves to learn through play. Our camp experience includes ample time for campers to PLAY within three floors of imaginative, hands-on exhibits. Our exhibits don’t come with instructions because kids inherently know how to play. Through play, campers gain concrete experience that builds the path to abstract learning. Our exhibits are full of educational potential. Campers utilize mathematical concepts such as estimation, and weight in our Market and hone their problem solving abilities as they navigate through our Climber. With three floors of educational opportunities and exhibits, the possibilities for learning are limitless! 2. Our themes are educational AND fun!: Each week of camp is themed and includes structured opportunities for learning. A sampling of our upcoming themes for 2016 include: “Springs & Bolts”: “Springs and Bolts” camp is packed with activities that will excite the future artist, engineer, mathematician, and scientist! Campers will have the opportunity to gain skills in developing and following a plan to its completion; they will learn to problem solve and work on a team, use spatial relations, and experience some of the fundamental elements of physics. Campers will build, innovate, and test predictions, receive exclusive access to our “In the Pipeline” exhibit, discover the science of simple machines and will work in teams to put together their very own Rube Goldberg creation! Learn Through Play!Top Four Benefits of Sending Your Child to Camp at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix.
  • 32. Vol. 5, Issue 132 “Summertime Sleuths”: Campers will spend a week with the CMoP Detective Unit learning the science of investigation. Campers will study fingerprints, analyze handwriting, learn the science of chromatography, test observation skills, exercise deductive reasoning, examine mysterious powders and more! Our camp teams will practice teamwork and cooperation as they work together to gather evidence and solve mysteries! “Green Ambassadors”: At the Children’s Museum of Phoenix, we truly value the idea that art can be made from just about anything. At our Green Ambassadors Camp, campers will have the opportunity to create art from a number of recycled products. Campers will make recycled paper, decorate flower pots, and more! Campers will also gain environmental awareness through a number of earth-friendly activities including the examination of their individual carbon footprint. “Little Authors Camp”: Campers will explore the museum through fairy tales, have the opportunity to create their own stories and dioramas and also utilize critical thinking and scientific reasoning skills, as well as, problem solving and teamwork to help their fairytale friends solve a number of dilemmas. Create a parachute to help Jack escape the giant, construct a raft for the Billy Goats, and more! “Time Travelers”: Campers will exhibit teamwork, innovation, and resourceful problem-solving as they create self-designed time machines that will help them journey across a variety of eras and places. Campers will examine an invention throughout time and devise the innovative ideas that will power our future. 3. There is something for everyone: We aren’t a sports camp, or a dance camp, or an arts camp, or even a math or science camp. We are a camp for kids of all backgrounds and interests. Camps at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix focus on child development. Days are filled with engaging projects and activities that incorporate the fundamentals of learning and growth. In any given camp day, campers have the opportunity to practice positive social interactions, explore educational topics of all kinds, and celebrate their creativity and imaginations. 4. We take safety seriously: Providing a safe physical and emotional space for our campers is our top priority. We keep our camp ratios small (8:1), and train all camp counselors in topics such as Risk Management, Emergency Procedures, Communication, Behavior Management Techniques, and Appropriate Staff and Camper Behaviors. Additionally, every counselor undergoes a criminal background check, interviews and reference checks prior to employment. Other safety precautions include, brightly colored camper t-shirts, walkie-talkies assigned to every camp group, and thorough food allergy policies. All camp staff are trained to administer Epi-Pens if needed. -By Laura Marrocco, Camp Coordinator At our Green Ambassadors Camp, campers will have the opportunity to create art from a number of recycled products. Campers will make recycled paper, decorate flower pots, and more!
  • 33. Vol. 5, Issue 1 33 Join us for Spring Break Camp at the Children's Museum of Phoenix! March 14th-18th Springs and Bolts! The week will be packed with activities that will excite your future artist, engineer, mathematician, or scientist! Campers will learn to develop and follow a plan, problem solve, work as a team, use spatial relations, and experience fundamental elements of physics. They'll also have ample time to explore the Museum's imaginative exhibits! Camp is geared toward 5-8 year-olds. Enrollment is $235 for Museum members and $280 for non-members. The camp program runs from 9am to 4pm daily with early care and after care options available for an additional charge of $20 per day or $80 per week. Registration is required by Monday, March 7th. Parent Quotes:  The kids had a blast! They came home happy, bursting with stories and singing songs!  My child quoted" Best Camp Ever!!"  It has been a great experience for kids to learn a variety of things before school. It has definitely worn him out!  He loves all the songs, asks to go to the children's museum on the weekends and definitely feels at home!  My daughter liked the camp and staff so much that I cancelled other camps and enrolled her in additional week at the Children's Museum. Camp was the best and all the staff were warm and welcoming. Great summer experience!  My daughter loved both weeks of the camp that she attended. After her first day, she told me she could not wait for the next day so that she could go back. She was that excited and happy every day. We will definitely be back for another season!  The camp went beyond my expectations for many reasons; but most importantly, the kind and friendly nature of the counselors. Stats:  100% of parents surveyed said they would recommend Camps at the Children's Museum of Phoenix to family members, friends, and colleagues.  100% of parents surveyed said they would consider joining us again for another camp. For more information and to register, visit or call 602.648.2777 Children's Museum of Phoenix | 215 N. 7th Street | Phoenix, AZ 85034
  • 34. Vol. 5, Issue 134 The Future Diabetes Camp Showed Me By: Elizabeth Leavens
  • 35. Vol. 5, Issue 1 35 As a diabetic, it never seemed like an option, until my parents learned there was a place staffed by doctors and diabetics for kids just like me. If you want to know what your child might learn at diabetes camp, you should first know your child might relearn to be a kid. Every action in our lives is calculated. Wake up at specific times to test a number and adjust accordingly. Google or estimate every gram of carbohydrate that enters our bodies. I was using simple algebraic formulas and long division by the age of five, and I didn’t even realize it. Then we dose, whether through a fresh needle or pump site. It’s a lot of pressure on anyone, but especially a child, resulting in guilt and anxiety when a meter might read an out of range number. Even though our endocrinologists may not try to use scare tactics, the threat of complications looms overhead from the day of diagnosis. But at camp, it all becomes so normal. While you might be familiar with “normal” camps, we’re involved in all of the same things. Camp wide games of manhunt, pool time, rock walls, dances, crushes and adventures are all part of our days. While most kids learn how to canoe a boat at camp, yours can simultaneously learn how to change his own pump site or calculate her correction without an insulin pump’s programming. After they learn how to calculate their own insulin, they sit down and learn how and why it works. Suddenly, instead of peers who might ask why you take a shot because Grandma only takes a pill for her “diabeetus”, there are kids who are drawing from their own vials. Summer camp tends to lead to enduring friendships, but these are different. The people your child will meet and grow up with will become a second family. None of them are going to try to convince anyone cinnamon pills or witch doctors can cure them. There’s not a lot more calming than talking to a camp friend when I can’t get my number down at three in the morning after trying all the regular troubleshoots. These are the people that know. They know in the way your doctor doesn’t. They know how running high for a day or week makes you feel on an emotional level, not just by physical measures. They know better than parents, who might see every forgotten bolus and low as complications and risk. Summer camp has always been, in my mind, a staple of childhood. Spend a week away from mom and dad, make friends, play pranks, and find a first love.
  • 36. Vol. 5, Issue 136 I want to stress the takeaway here: proof is the most important thing your child will see at camp. I had parents who fought to get me an incredible team of doctors who told me I could do anything I wanted, eat anything I wanted, and be whoever I dreamt to be as long as I remembered to bolus. I thought I believed them, until I came to camp. There was something really life changing, at the age of ten, to be surrounded not only by diabetic peers, but diabetic leaders. Healthy, pretty, funny, unendingly kind diabetic young women enrolled in college, studying for careers, in relationships, and leading a cabin full of ten year olds around in ninety degree heat. I could touch my own future. Even then I knew to some degree how much impact my counselors had on me. Immediately, I wanted to be a “CIT” (counselor in training) the moment I was old enough. Once I entered the program, I was always asked to raise the bar on my own behavior, analyze myself, and learn from my mistakes. I don’t believe I would be half the person I am now without the leadership exemplified and coached by the amazing people there. I have witnessed many of my old campers grow into CITs and then responsible counselors themselves. It makes me feel like a part-time parent. Eighteen years after diagnosis, thirteen years after coming to camp, I hope to be a counselor who can inspire the next generation of campers to come back year after year because we are all type one until type none. Eighteen years after diagnosis, thirteen years after coming to camp, I hope to be a counselor who can inspire the next generation of campers to come back year after year because we are all type one until type none.
  • 37. Vol. 5, Issue 1 37 Camp Allows Children To: -Meet other campers with Type 1 Diabetes -Cope with the daily struggles of managing diabetes -Stay safe at camp with 24/7 on-site medical staff. Partners have included: *The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia *Geisinger Health System Pediatric Endocrinology *The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania *Lancaster General Health Family Practice Program *Marywood University Department of Nutrition & Dietetics *Neumann University Nurse Practitioner Program *PennState Hershey Children’s Hospital Pediatric Endocrinology *The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine & most importantly...have fun! Diabetes Is A Tough Enemy, But With Camp It Can Be Conquered! Please Call 1-866-SETEBAID Or Visit To Join Us For The Best Week Of The Summer! 2016 Schedule: The Harrisburg Diabetic Youth Camp (HDYC) July 17-23 in Bethel, PA Ages 8-12 Camp Setebaid® at Swatara July 17-23 in Bethel, PA Ages 13-18 Camp Setebaid® at Mount Luther July 31-August 6 in Mifflinburg, PA Ages 8-14 One Week of Type 1 Diabetes Camp: $1,200 Financial Aid Available Setebaid Services,® Inc. P.O. Box 196 Winfield, PA 17889
  • 38. Vol. 5, Issue 138 Parent’s Guide for Choosing the Ultimate Summer Camp for Your Child
  • 39. Vol. 5, Issue 1 39 Kids can digress academically and in other ways if not encouraged to learn over the summer months. Camp is a growth experience in many ways, that shapes one’s character in a fun, controlled and safe environment. Camp is a place that is designed to create happy memories, boost self-confidence, and encourage kids to try new things that they can’t do in everyday life. Summer camp is a great place for your children to make new friends and be immersed with campers from other countries, cultures and socioeconomic levels, or campers who live just blocks away. How do you choose the ultimate summer camp for your child? To ensure the best camp experience possible, you will want to determine if a fully elective camp or a specialty camp is the right fit for your child. Fully elective camps offer multiple activities for their campers to choose from. These types of camps create a fun and exciting atmosphere where your child may find a passion that they never even knew they had. Campers who attend fully elective camps have the opportunity to play a sport, sing, dance, learn or expand their talents with musical instruments, participate in water sports or extreme sports, horseback ride, and more - all in the same day. Because the campers choose how they spend their day, they feel more empowered and independent. Specialty camps focus on a single sport or activity. They may rotate everyone through the same activity at different times. If your child is one that is only interested in one sport or passion and wants intense training in that particular area, specialty camps may be a great fit for your child. Whether or not you attend a fully elective camp or a specialty camp, determining what type of staff is instructing your child is advisable. Some summer camps hire counselors based solely on their availability to work during the summer and do not require specific skill training. The ultimate summer camps will hand pick counselors from around the world based on their expertise, skill level, and past experience as a coach or instructor. This provides the chance for campers to be trained by the best to be the best. Because summer camp is truly a magical experience which builds friendships and memories for a lifetime, it is important to find a summer camp that puts an emphasis on making sure each camper has the best experience possible. Does the camp show importance of being a bully free zone? Are Summer Camp is a great opportunity for children to develop their passions, learn new skills and make new friends. Summer break can be pretty long for kids if they have nothing to do but wait for school to start again.
  • 40. Vol. 5, Issue 140 activities planned throughout the day and into the evening, ensuring that campers are engaged and entertained? Are social activities planned which help build friendships with other campers? All of these are extremely important aspects of camp which will determine your child’s happiness while away from home. A good program will make it easy for kids to make friends fast and will provide avenues to connect with other campers in positive ways. Summer camp should be a great experience for your children and worry-free for you. The ultimate summer camp should require background checks for all personnel on site. Counselors and staff should be good role models and be expected to provide a safe environment for all campers. They should be trained to provide emotional support to those campers who may become a bit homesick or need any other type of emotional support. It would be adviseable to ask the camp you are considering if they hold counselor training sessions on how to handle homesickness, etc. Finding the ultimate summer camp may involve engaging your children to be a part of the decision making process. Have them with you as you look through brochures and camp websites. This creates excitement and anticipation for your child, and allows them to be instrumental in deciding where they attend summer camp. Camp is a gift that each child will benefit from and remember for a lifetime. Camp offers children a chance to be productive, independent and goal-oriented in a fun, nurturing and safe environment. The ultimate summer camp will provide your children with a lifetime of memories, new friends, and new skill sets. Take the time to research the living quarters, activities offered, and safety precautions taken at each camp you are considering. Your children will benefit greatly from this experience that will stay with by Jodie Snyder
  • 41. Vol. 5, Issue 1 41 507-214-2200 Five, 2 WEEK sleepaway sessions begin June 12th to August 21st. Camp Pillsbury offers : Campers choose their daily activities, making each day special. Campers stay in temperature controlled dormitories, not tents or cabins. The on-site dining hall, theater, flying trapeze, indoor gym, soccer field and many other amenities make this camp a hit with campers. Camp Pillsbury’s staff consists of highly skilled counselors who are experts in their individual fields. This provides campers with a unique opportunity to learn or perfect their own personal skills in the activities of their choosing. Give them a summer they will never forget! Over 100Activities! 2, 4, 6, 8, 102, 4, 6, 8, 10 Week SessionsWeek SessionsPremier Premier Summer Summer CampCamp Circus Music Theatre Dance Fine Arts and Crafts Cheerleading Team Sports Individual Sports Magic Water Sports Extreme Sports Horseback Riding Orchestra Band Vocal Ensembles Gymnastics Woodworking Role Playing Games Archery Yoga Zumba Technology/Digital Arts & Multimedia Academics/Tutoring and much more Co-Ed Ages 6-17
  • 42. Vol. 5, Issue 142 5 Benefits of Sending your Child to Nature Camp Those of us who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s spent plenty of time building forts outside, imagining we were pirates or fairies, independently playing until the sun went down. That’s how we played, but according to recent studies,
  • 43. Vol. 5, Issue 1 43 We were really doing much more. In fact, experts say that we were becoming more creative, dealing with stress and anxiety, reducing blood pressure, practicing conflict management and resolution skills, and developing a conservation ethic. Phew! There was great freedom in exploring the world with friends, the only interruption was being called home for dinner. Way back then, there were far fewer electronic distractions pulling at us – no email, no iTechnology, and no streaming services, and because of that, no fear of missing out on anything else. Now that we have fantastic new technology, more connectivity through devices, and advances in realistic experiences in a digital world, perhaps a suggestion of “go spend a week at nature camp” can seem simplistic to today’s kids. But research suggests that it can be a powerful and beneficial thing. The list of benefits of sending your child to summer camp is a long one, so let’s narrow the field some, and look at just 5. 1. Unstructured Time : Many children today are ruled by schedules, guidelines, policies, and timetables. Your child may thrive being busy, but allowing them some unstructured time during summer camp can also be liberating. Children are innately creative, and in the absence of an activity with specified outcome, kids will come up with interesting scenarios to play out. 2. Unplugged Experiences: Nature camp is the perfect place to unplug from electronic devices and plug into the world around us, reaching for new experiences in nature. Life plugged in is virtual, but life unplugged at nature camp, that’s reality. Your camper will come home being able to communicate face to face, explain to you how to play random games, tell you potentially lame nature jokes, and do so while making eye contact.
  • 44. Vol. 5, Issue 144 3. Increased Activity: Children attending summer camp will be non-stop busy with exploring the world around them. They may be hiking, swimming, canoeing, tree climbing, foraging, shooting archery, playing games, and more. But, in addition to staying active physically, they will also keep their brains active with arts and crafts, puzzle solving, scientific experimentation and more. 5. Imagination: 5. Campers at nature camp are often given the opportunity to learn about bugs, trees, birds, mammals, snakes, water and other natural topics. This in itself is fun, but when campers are taught about some of these same topics while immersed in a created environment, it becomes even more engaging and memorable. It’s easy to learn about how to survive in the woods, but wouldn’t it be more fun to pretend that we are now living during a zombie apocalypse, and the only way to survive is to learn to make a shelter that is hidden from the rest of the world. It’s one thing to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow at the archery range, but it’s all the more exciting if you get to dress up like Robin Hood, or the Arrow. 4. Less Stress and More Happiness: Studies have shown that people who spend time in nature are better able to focus, heal faster, and are more generous. A study out of the University of Rochester found that people who spent time in nature behaved better towards one another. What a great thing to experience in summer camp! Summer camp is an invaluable experience for campers, teen volunteers, Camp Staff and parents on many levels. Come for the fun, experience the nature, and reap the many benefits of nature camp the whole rest of the year. by Tara Rogness
  • 46. Vol. 5, Issue 146 TNI Discovery Day Camp Experiential Education along the River The Nature Institute is an organization tasked with the restoration, preservation and restoration of over 400 acres of bluff top property along the Mississippi River.
  • 47. Vol. 5, Issue 1 47 TNI has been in existence since 1980 when a group of concerned citizens saved the property from being sold and subdivided. Since that time, more land has been added, education programs have flourished and we have become a regional hotspot for restoration information. There was camp here bore TNI was created. In 1928, the YWCA ran a camp for women in these woods and prairies. The camp was run out of Talahi Lodge, the same exact building we use today, and offered lots of activities such as hiking, swimming, and horseback riding. We still run camp today but it is a bit different that it was in the 20s. Summer Camp is our largest and oldest education program at The Nature Institute. It has existed since 1982 and has run every summer season. We currently host over 400 children, ages 3 to 18, during the summer. Our property consists of forest, prairie and wetland, in the form of streams and ponds. Our education programs focus on these three habitats and we are always looking for ways to immerse students and campers more deeply into nature. Our education programs focus on the environment and genuine experience. Experiential education is a relatively new concept in which “educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people’s capacity to contribute to their communities.” (Association for Experiential Education) Our Discovery Day Camp is a unique program in that we see the kids up to five days in a row and they are able to have a prolonged
  • 48. Vol. 5, Issue 148 exposure to nature in its purest form. Some favorite activities at TNI include Mississippi River watershed monitoring, geology explorations and vertical tree climbing. All of these activities allow campers to get their hands dirty and create a memory that lasts a lifetime. That is what summer camp is all about. The Mississippi River watershed monitoring is a beloved activity because it allows children to understand what makes a stream clean. They look for and identify benthic macroinvertebrates living in the water, test the water with chemicals and look for signs of erosion along the stream bed. This is a very important citizen science effort and our campers are able to make a difference by collecting data and learning what they can do to keep streams and rivers cleans Geology explorations make a topic that is so difficult to understand a little more attainable. Our camp is located on top of 100 foot tall limestone bluffs, but for this program we are able to hike to the bottom of this bluff and see all the layers. You can actually see the limestone time line. Limestone is formed layer by layer and when you are standing on top it is hard to understand that the top layer is the youngest, but when you are at the bottom you can actually see it. In addition to experiencing the magnitude to the bluffs, campers are able to become archaeologists looking for fossils. We mostly find fossils from around the Ordovician period. The Mississippi River watershed monitoring is a beloved activity because it allows children to understand what makes a stream clean. “ “
  • 49. Vol. 5, Issue 1 49 A new program we introduced last summer that was a huge hit was vertical tree climbing. We invited some professionals out to assess our trees and they chose an old, and very tall oak tree to prepare for campers. Campers were then allowed the opportunity to climb into the canopy of this oak tree. They were able to see the world from a squirrel’s point of view, all while being safely tied into a harness. Only the older campers had this opportunity and it will certainly come back in the future. Summer camp is about experience. Most summer camps offer adventure courses, swimming, horseback riding and many other things. The Nature Institute offers a simple camp that focuses on nature to create that experience. As an organization we want to teach sustainability and conservation, as a camp we are able to do that by offering fun experiences that make campers want to do better by composting, recycling and making sustainable decisions. The only way we can have nature for the future is to get kids outside today. Ramona Puskar, Education Assistant The Nature Institute by Patricia Brown
  • 50. Vol. 5, Issue 150 Choosing the right camp for your young marine biologist Does your child love the ocean and all the mysteries that lie within? Does a stroll on the beach take hours because you pause to explore every tide pool, every shell, and every suspicious shadow in the waves? If so, it’s time to send your kiddo to a marine science camp!
  • 51. Vol. 5, Issue 1 51 In order to choose the right one, you’ll want to determine what your child’s goals are and which program can meet those goals. For instance, does your little camper like to be outdoors in the sun, in the dirt, in the sand, in the water? Does your camper want the opportunity to be able to see and even touch animals? Maybe your camper is more academic and wants time in a laboratory, learning from real scientists in their own work environment. Does your child love this planet so much that protecting it is his or her life’s dream? By asking the right questions of each program’s camp directors, you should be able to figure out what program can promise your son or daughter the summer of their dreams. Most summer camp programs that begin in June will have a fairly complete idea of their daily agenda by early spring, and they should be more than happy to share it with you. As the parent, you may have your own personal goals for the camp and these are important to take into consideration as well. Are you able to drop off and pick up your child at any time or do you need a program that offers extended care or even overnight options? Are you able to pack your child’s
  • 52. Vol. 5, Issue 152 lunch every day, or do you prefer a camp that provides meals? Are you aiming for your kiddo to have a super fun and carefree summer or does the academic content matter most? These are all important things for you to ask yourself when choosing a camp for your young marine scientist. Another subject that is absolutely crucial is safety. Does your child have any food allergies or any other medical needs? It’s important to be completely honest with your camp staff to ensure your child’s well-being, especially at these physically active, outdoorsy programs that frequently take place around plants or animals to which your child might have allergies. Behavioral conditions for which your child may or may not be medicated are also very important details for your counselors to be aware of. While some parents may have concerns that disclosed conditions will alter their child’s camp experience, the truth is that informing the counselors in advance ensure that everyone is prepared and that their time at camp will be smooth sailing! For so many children, animals are the most powerful source of inspiration. Camps that give children the opportunity to thrive in an environment where the love of animals is encouraged, are priceless. A child who participates in a marine science camp may grow into an adult who protects our oceans, teaches future generations, or dedicates their life to caring for animals. In fact, so many marine scientists can point to specific experiences in their childhoods when the course of their life was changed forever, and very frequently this point is a camp or a class when they had the chance to study what they loved. Providing this opportunity to your child may ultimately be so much more than just the answer to the question, “What will I do with my kid this summer?” By Terran McGinnis Camps that give children the opportunity to thrive in an environment where the love of animals is encouraged, are priceless.
  • 53. Vol. 5, Issue 1 53 Summer is coming and so is S.E.A. Camp! Children are invited to join the crew at Marineland Dolphin Adventure for a fun-filled week of science, activities, exploration, beach combing and of course… DOLPHINS! S.E.A. Camp is split into two age groups. S.E.A. Camp I: 7-9 years old. S.E.A. Camp II: 10-12 years old. Teenagers! T.E.E.N. Camp is exclusively JUST FOR YOU! Interested in the marine science field? This exceptional opportunity is jam packed with field studies and lab experiments. Complete with a kayaking trip by our partners at Ripple Effect, this opportunity is a must! Of course this experience would not be complete without DOLPHINS! 9600 Oceanshore Blvd. · St. Augustine, FL 32080 904-471-1111 x 103 · From June 8th—August 13th, Monday—Thursday AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED
  • 54. Vol. 5, Issue 154 Why High School Students Should Participate in E-STEM Related Academic Camps While summer is a time for many high school students to relax or work, it shouldn’t be a time to stop learning. There are many things high school students can do to ensure they are successful when they return to school and summer camps play a critical role in promoting readiness.
  • 55. Vol. 5, Issue 1 55 They can be key in helping students achieve success, especially in the E-STEM (environmental education, science, technology, engineering and math) fields. According to ACA, E-STEM related summer camps have been among the most popular additions over the past five years and for good reason. But, what are the benefits of these programs for high school students? Research Says… Traditionally, summer has been a time for students to take a break from learning. Unfortunately, this results in a significant drop in student knowledge, especially in the fields of environmental education, science, technology, engineering and math (E-STEM). The National Summer Learning Association reports that all students experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer. Students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer.1 Also, most students lose an average of about two months of grade level equivalency in math skills and low-income students lose more than two months in reading skills.1 A Taste of Things to Come An E-STEM related academic camp is a great way to get high school students ready for the challenges of college and future professions. The transition from high school to college is often overwhelming for students and often leaves them with a wealth of questions; whether or not to go to college, where to go, what to major in and what to do after graduation. Often these kinds of E-STEM related academic camps offer high school students the opportunity to get a feel for college and a profession in a way that is challenging, but also rewarding and fun. Courses can offer access to material students wouldn’t normally receive, opening them up to a world of career and personal opportunities. E-STEM related academic camps are not only designed to nurture an interest in a specific subject area but they can offer students either high school and/or college credits allowing them to have a head start over their peers when they enter college full-time. Another great aspect of E-STEM related academic camps is although participation in these programs is by no means a guarantee, taking part in a summer program of this kind can also prove beneficial when completing college applications. Specialized Environment Many camps have specialized programs, which are particularly useful if a high school student already has firm ideas about their future career plans. These help students focus, and build on, areas in which they excel. For example, students who have a high interest in renewable energies or water conservation can find programs that will allow them to mix with like-minded peers, and learn in an age-appropriate, high-paced environment with a hands-on approach. Individualized Attention According to the National Center for Educational Statistics in 2011, the average US high school class sizes for specialize subjects, which include STEM subjects, ranged from 16 to 31 students. E-STEM related academic camps such as ecology, wildlife research, renewable energies and environmental conservation are often capped at fewer than a twelve campers per group. The advantages of these small group sizes can be seen in how a student perceives themselves as well as how they present themselves to others. These programs encourage one-on-one attention and ensure all students have the opportunity to excel in an environment that can be tailored to their needs. Thus, leading to students
  • 56. Vol. 5, Issue 156 feeling higher levels of self-esteem, self-worth and morale. Outdoor and Field-based Learning Traditional classrooms are replaced with outdoor classrooms or facilities designed exclusively for individual programs. An outdoor classroom provides access to ways of learning that may not be possible in a traditional classroom. It provides opportunities for students to interpret, predict and analyze information derived from and connected to real life situations.2 Supportive Relationships For many students, high school is filled with changes, challenges and excitement. Educators and parents want students to be prepared both from an educational perspective but also from an emotional and social perspective. ACA has done extensive research to determine that summer camps play a critical role in helping students develop supportive relationships. ACA determined that by developing supportive mentoring relationships, students experience enhanced school performance, and improved relationships with parents, reduced drug and alcohol use and decreased incidents of youth violence.3 Overall, summer camps breaks down barriers and teach students how to work within their current community to accomplish a goal or project. Life long relationships are made at camp and these supportive networks continue throughout life to help students prepare for college and future careers. Mix of Activities E-STEM related academic camps have a diverse mix of activities, unlike a school setting in which students move subjects throughout the day, frequently in lecture style settings. More than half of the day at summer camp is spent outside and campers participate in a wide variety of activities. Even though E-STEM related academic camps are educational in nature, they are mixed with healthy doses of physical activity and relaxation. This allows campers proper time and space to both process the activities in which they take part in and to approach future activities with an open and alert mind. Fun! The whole point of summer camp is for campers to have fun. So it goes without saying that camp activities are designed to emphasize fun, even those related to subject areas in which students are traditionally less than enthusiastic during the school year. In that regard, E-STEM related summer camp programs aren’t intended to compete with or replace the learning that takes place during the school year, but to enhance it to ensure our students’ success. Whatever high school students are searching for from an E-STEM related summer camp, all of them offer a whole host of benefits, many of them life-long. by Jenny Bushmaker Director of Camp and Family Programs Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center 1. “The Achievement Gap: What Happens to Children During the Summer?” Retrieved from the_facts. 2. Winters, J., Ring, T., Burriss, K. (2010). Cultivating math and science in a school garden. Childhood Education, 86,248G – 248J. 3. Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed. (2013 November). Ready, Set, Go: How Camp Prepares Children for Lives of Success. Retrieved from resource-library/camping-magazine/ready- set-go-how-camp-prepares-children-lives- success.
  • 58. Vol. 5, Issue 158 Interviews Q. Howlonghasyourcampbeenoperational? A. The Environmental Nature Center (ENC) was founded in 1972 and camps have been offered here since 1977. Today, there are a greater number of camps throughout the year due to an increase in demand and because of the unique nature of the experiences offered. Many campers return year after year until they become too old to attend camp, wherein they become junior naturalists so they can instill the love for nature and camp in the next generation! Q. Where are you located? A. The Environmental Nature Center is located in Newport Beach, California. The center is a short walk from from the beach, so it is usually nice and cool here, even in the Summer. We are located just off of Pacific Coast Highway. The address is 1601 E 16th St, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Despite the fact the center is located in Newport Beach, it stretches across 3.5 acres and contains 14 different plant communities! Q. What is your camp’s philosophy? A. The philosophy here at the ENC, for school programs, scout groups, camps, and all of our programs, is to provide quality education through hands-on experience with nature. The camps offer the children a chance to become engaged with the current theme provided by the camp, but more importantly to grow and interact with their environment and fellow campers. The goal is to nurture a child’s natural curiosity and foster the development of his or her knowledge through authentic experiences. The camp teachers integrate activities, play, art, crafts, hiking, experiments, music, group interaction, individualized instruction, and so much more to benefit each camper the most. Q. What does your camp specialize in? A. The camps at the Environmental Nature Center always keep a keen eye toward environmental issues, though the camp themes themselves vary greatly from “Mad Science” and “Ingenious Inventions” Camp Director for Environmental Education Lori Whalen Interview With Ph: (949) 645-8489 mail: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTER 1601 16TH STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 WWW.ENCENTER.ORG Vol. 4, Issue 258
  • 59. Vol. 5, Issue 1 59 to “Under the Sea” and “Planet Protectors.” Camp teachers write their curriculum specifically for the camp, so the children are provided with different content and activities each session. The materials taught are dynamic and fresh to accommodate returning campers as well as those attending for the first time. Q. What activities do you offer? A. The camp activities are chosen and designed by the camp teachers specifically for the theme and age groups of the given session. During “Mad Science,” younger campers may be experimenting with a plant’s ability to absorb colors and water while the older campers may be exploring non-Newtonian fluids. A camp occurring during “Under the Sea” could find younger campers designing their own sea creatures as older students grapple with the ramifications of habitat destruction through a game. There are always a new variety of activities being offered from one camp to the next. Q. What are the typical session lengths and approximate pricing for your camp? A. Camps occur during the summer as well as during the winter and spring breaks from school. This includes seven to eight one-week sessions during the summer, two one-week sessions during the winter break, a one-week session for President’s Week and a one-week session for spring break. The camps run from Monday to Thursday, 9 AM until 1 PM (unless otherwise noted), with the option of extending your camper’s day until 3 PM by enrolling them in after camp. The price for camp is $175 per session and for after camp is $80, with members to the nature center getting a 10% discount. Q. How much staff do you have and how do you select your staff? A. The staff at the ENC that teach the camps are the same wonderful staff that also teach school programs, scout programs, community enrichment events, traveling naturalist programs (where we come to you), and summer, fall, winter, and spring camps at the ENC! The staff is comprised of 15 naturalists/ teachers as well as a camp director and numerous junior naturalists so each camper gets the attention he or she needs. The staff is knowledgeable about teaching techniques, which activities are beneficial for the growth of children... they know about plants and animals from a multitude of ecosystems... They are also first aid and CPR certified. The staff is hired because of their ability to teach, but more importantly for their desire to work with children. Q. Why should parents send their kids to your camp? A. Because the kids love it! And the parents love it! The camps allow children a chance to supplement what they’re learning in school with real-life experiences. Campers become so engaged in what they’re doing they often don’t realize how much they’re learning. The ENC provides a safe, nurturing, educational setting in which the children can enrich their lives. Attending the ENC’s nature camp is an easy way to make both children and parents happy. Q. When does your camp enrollment start and finish? A. Teaching outdoors or “going back to the basics” of using nature to learn and grow is becoming more and more popular. The ENC has been excelling in outdoor education through camps for almost forty years, and the camps continue to improve. Q. Is there anything else that would be helpful for parents to know about your camp? A. All of the information about the camps can be found on our website at we can be reached at (949) 645-8489.
  • 60. Vol. 5, Issue 160 Interviews Q. Howlonghasyourcampbeenoperational? A. Dinosaur Ridge has offered Summer Camps for 9 years. After an initial run from 1996 to 2003, we re-opened the camp in 2012 to focus on the paleontologic and geologic wonders that we have to offer. Q. Where are you located? A. We are located north of Morrison, Colorado off of C-470 and Alameda Parkway. We’re just east of Red Rocks Park. Q. What is your camp’s philosophy? A. Dinosaur Ridge Summer Day Camp Program provides campers with opportunities to actively participate in scientific exploration of the geology and paleontology at Dinosaur Ridge and the surrounding areas. Using nationally recognized fossil sites, we teach through several hands-on educational activities that inspire campers to be enthusiastic about science. Q. What does your camp specialize in? A.Ourcampspecializesinpaleontologyandgeology. Q. What activities do you offer? A. We offer the unique experience of allowing your campers to explore Colorado’s Age of Dinosaurs through hands-on activities with over 300 dinosaur footprints that are 100 million years old and dozens of dinosaur bones that are 150 million years old. We’re one of the only camps that offers hands-on exploration of actual fossil sites. Q. What are the typical session lengths and approximate pricing for your camp? A. Each session lasts 1 week, Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm and costs $250 per session. Camp Director for Dinosaur Discovery Camp Amber Cain Interview With Ph: (303)697-3466 mail: DINOSAUR DISCOVERY CAMP 16831 W. ALAMEDA PKWY, MORRISON, CO 80465 WWW.DINORIDGE.ORG Vol. 4, Issue 260
  • 61. Vol. 5, Issue 1 61 Q. How much staff do you have and how do you select your staff? A. Two Dinosaur Ridge staff members, who run the educational programs at Dinosaur Ridge, also run the Summer Camps. College students who are majoring in education and science will assist. Q. Why should parents send their kids to your camp? A. We are an outdoor camp which offers the unique experienceforcamperstointeractdirectlywithnatural exposures of fossil dinosaur footprints and an inactive quarry with exposed dinosaur bones. We focus on outdoor environmental education by encouraging kids to study, question, and interpret the information we can learn from the rocks and fossils located here. Q. When does your camp enrollment start and finish? A. Camp enrollment begins February 1st and ends Friday, May 24th. If there is space, late enrollment is allowed up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the camp session for an additional late fee. Q. Is there anything else that would be helpful for parents to know about your camp? A. Fossils and Fun Camp: Explore fossils at Dinosaur Ridge. Measure dinosaur footprints and trackways. Learn about fossilization through hands-on experiments and activities. Explore local geology and create a rock collection from local rock formations. Conduct experiments to visualize and understand ancient environments. Study and measure dinosaur bones. Excavate replica dinosaur bones. Field Trips to Dinosaur Ridge, Red Rocks Park, the Hogback Geology Trail and Morrison Natural History Museum. Junior Geologists Camp: Learn about rocks and minerals with 5 fun-filled days of activities. Make rock and mineral collections. Observe erosion and weathering processes through experimentation. Learn how different formations are formed. Conduct experiments that illustrate basic geological principles and processes. Learn to identify rocks and minerals with techniques that geologist use. Field Trips to Dinosaur Ridge,Triceratops Trail, School of Mines Geology Museum, Red Rocks Park, and the Hogback Geology Trail. Junior Paleontologist Camp: Study and measure dinosaur bones. Make your own dinosaur. Excavate a replica dinosaur skeleton. Measure and explore dinosaur tracks. Make skeletal models, trackway models, and ancient environment models. Interpret fossils and ancient environments. Take field trips to Dinosaur Ridge, Triceratops Trail, and Morrison Natural History Museum. Q. What is the best way for parents to reach you to register for Camp? A. We work Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm if you want to call us at 303-697-3466 x 101 or x 107, but the best way to contact us would be via email at:
  • 64. Vol. 5, Issue 164 Picking the perfect retreat for your little campers doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Help your kids gear up for a great camp experience with our detailed Camp Directory. SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY GREEN RIVER PRESERVE Cedar Mountain, NC 28718 Ph: (828) 698-8828 ANGELES CREST CHRISTIAN CAMP Fullerton, CA 92831 Ph: (714) 870-9190 CAMP LANTERN CREEK Montgomery, TX 77356 Ph: (936) 597-8225 SHAKESPEARE’S SPRITES Boulder, CO 80309 Ph: (303) 492-1973 outreach/camps/sprites DECATHLON SPORTS CLUB Redwood City, CA 94062 Ph: (650) 260-2280 CAMP ZOOFARI Houston, TX 77030 Ph: (713) 533-6500 ROCK-N-WATER CHRISTIAN CAMPS Lotus, CA 95651 Ph: (800) 738-0555 SPRING BREAK CAMP Golden, CO 80401 Ph: (720) 851-7700 webtrac.wsc/wbsearch.html?wbsi=si&xx mod=ar&tv=time&xxhouseno=xxho GAMEBREAKER BOYS LACROSSE CAMP LAKE FOREST Lake Forest, IL 60045 Ph: (800) 944-7112
  • 65. Vol. 5, Issue 1 65 MOUNTAIN MEADOW RANCH SUMMER CAMP Susanville, CA 96130 Ph: (530) 257-4419 DESIGN CONNECT CREATE!PHYSICS CAMP FOR YOUNG WOMEN Dallas, TX 75080 Ph: (214) 697-2673 CAMPGEN Austin, TX 78751 Ph: (512) 808-4044 CAMP BROADWAY New York, NY 10010 Ph: (212) 575-2929 CAMP VICTORY Zumbro Falls, MN 55991 Ph: (507) 843-2329 THE GODDARD SCHOOL CYPRESS Cypress, TX 77429 Ph: (281) 320-1885 IROQUOIS SPRINGS Rock Hill, NY 12775 Ph: (631) 462-2550 POK-O-MACCREADY CAMPS Willsboro, NY 12996 Ph: (800) 982-3538 CHOP POINT SUMMER CAMP Woolwich, ME 04579 Ph: (207) 443-5860 FUTURE STARS DAY CAMPS ARMONK, NY 10504 Ph: (914) 273-8500 WINGS TO FLY Mayer, AZ 86333 Ph: (602)286-0313 MASON GROSS SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SUMMER ARTS CAMPS New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Ph: (848) 932-5241 NCA - UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA- HUNTSVILLE Huntsville, AL 35899 Ph: (800) 622-2946 SENSATIONAL SEEDS Phoenix, AZ 85008 Ph: (481) 481-8123 CAMP WINADU Pittsfield, MA 01201 Ph: (800) 494-6238 TADA WEEK-LONG MUSICAL THEATER CAMP New York, NY 10001 Ph: (212) 252-1619 CAMP OLYMPIA Trinity, TX 75862 Ph: (936) 594-2541 CRICKET LANE FARM Alton, NH 03809 Ph: (603) 389-8802 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY
  • 66. Vol. 5, Issue 166 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY NO 1 SOCCER CAMP WESTTOWN SCHOOL West Chester, PA 19382 Ph: (843) 270-0596 CLUB SCIENTIFIC SUMMER SCIENCE CAMP Cumming, GA 30189 Ph: (404) 932-2552 HOLT ADOPTEE CAMP Eugene, OR 97402 Ph: (541) 687-2202 CAMP KALEIDOSCOPE Lebanon, NH 03766 Ph: (603)448-5121 FC BOULDER SUMMER SOCCER CAMP Boulder, CO 80303 Ph: (303) 443-8877 YOUTH MYSTERY SCHOOL Eagle Point, OR 97524 Ph: (916)660-1962 SARASOTA YOUTH SAILING CAMP ParkwaySarasota, FL 34236 Ph: (941) 504-4236 SUTTLE LAKE UNITED METHODIST Sisters, OR 97759 Ph: (541) 595-6663 THE KELLER POINTE SUMMER CAMP KELLER, TX 76248 Ph: (817)473-4308 CAMP KEYSTONE Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Ph: (818) 889-2224 CAMP FRENCH WOODS Hancock, NY 13783 Ph: (845) 887-5600 THE LEGENDS BASEBALL EXPERIENCE CAMP Menlo Park, CA 94025 Ph: (650) 387-4427 GIRL SCOUTS CAMPS AT SAN JANCINTO Houston, TX 77098 Ph: (713) 292-0300 CAMP LINCOLN BOYS CAMP Lake Hubert, MN 56459 Ph: (800) 242-1909 ADIDAS TENNIS CAMP AT CHOATE ROSEMARY HALL Wallingford, CT 06492 Ph: (800) 944-7112 GAME ON SPORTS CAMPS 4 GIRLS -LAKE FOREST SUMMER Northbrook, IL 60062 Ph: (847) 229-9959 GIRL SCOUTS OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA DAY CAMP Tucson, AZ 85711 Ph: (520)327-2288 CAROLINA COURTS BASKETBALL CAMPS Concord, NC 28025 Ph: (704) 935-5501
  • 67. Vol. 5, Issue 1 67 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY SEA TURTLE CAMP Wilmington, NC 28411 Ph: (910) 686-4611 HEARTLAND HOCKEY CAMP Deerwood, MN 56444 Ph: (218) 820-1604 HURON FOREST CAMP CEDARRIDGE Oscoda, MI 48750 Ph: (989) 739-3571 CIRCESTEEM Chicago, IL 60640 Ph: (312) 732-4564 CAMP ORCHARD HILL Dallas, PA 18612 Ph: (570) 333-4098 NEW PROSPECT ELEMENTARY Alpharetta, GA 30022 Ph: (770) 667-2800 ESTHER JACKSON Roswell, GA 30076 Ph: (770) 594-5290 CANYON CREEK CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SUMMER CAMP Richardson, TX 75080 Ph: (972) 231-4890 CAMP KIWANIS Amarillo, TX 79124 Ph: (806) 553-3173 ABINGTON YMCA Abington, PA 19001 Ph: (215) 884-9622 LASER QUEST - DULUTH Duluth, GA 30096 Ph: (905) 678-7272 TUALATIN RIVERKEEPERS SUMMER DAY CAMP Tualatin, OR 97062 Ph: (503) 218-2580 SANDY SPRINGS FUNHOUSE Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Ph: (404) 843-1121 HIDDEN CREEK FARM Ruckersville, VA 22968 Ph: (434) 985-4309 ASU CAMPS-SUN DEVIL SOFTBALL CAMPS Tempe, AZ 85282 Ph: (480) 965-3973 US PERFORMING ARTS AT AMHERST COLLEGE Amherst, MA 01002 Ph: (415) 924-6442 Amherst-camps-3courses.php LINDEN WOODS FARM Durham, NH 03824 Ph: (603) 659-8210 NINJA GAMES & BRICKS 4 GIRLS Gresham, OR 97030 Ph: (503) 674-2880