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ARI: It is now a great pleasure for me again to speak with Jayson and Mira Calton, so guys,
thank you so much for talking to me.
JAYSON: Thanks for having us.
MIRA: We’re thrilled to be back.
ARI: I have to just say something right off the bat, which is that I think it’s amazing, as far as the
life management and life balance stuff, that you guys are always doing interviews together.
MIRA: Well, you know what, we actually made a promise early on – one of the coolest things
that Jayson ever said to me is when we first started dating, he’s like, “I just want someone who’s
going to be a witness to my life. I want someone who’s also going to have the same memories.”
And it’s just so nice that we love what we do for work, and so we made an early decision not to
do anything separate, and that was very much against our publicist’s recommendations. But we
just – we’re living by it.
ARI: I know, I think it’s great. I really do. Every interview, I’ve seen you together, and the
interviews we’ve done, you’re together, so I love it. I can’t even imagine how I could possibly
schedule that kind of thing with my wife. Okay, first of all, I’ve written on the blog before about
Nutreince; we’ll talk about that in a little bit, but I want to focus on the new stuff that you guys
have coming out. But basically, Nutreince – give us a little rundown for everybody who doesn’t
know what it is.
JAYSON: Okay, yeah. It’s really the multivitamin reinvented. Of course, Mira had advanced
osteoporosis way back when she was 30. She met me; we started working on a way that we
could get her body to absorb those vitamins and minerals or those micronutrients that she needed
to reverse. Everybody kind of knows that story. What they don’t necessarily know is we
searched high and low for a multivitamin that would –
MIRA: Allow for proper absorption.
JAYSON: Allow for proper absorption, go with what we call the ABCs of Optimal
Supplementation Guidelines. That’s what came out of this. So we’ve got 4 factors that we
noticed that were flaws with today’s multivitamin. The first one was absorption. They weren’t
absorbing, and that’s because so many of them are pills, capsules, or tablets.
MIRA: Yeah, and 51% in tests don’t even disintegrate in the amount of time that your body
would need it. So you’re just trashing your money. It doesn’t do anything good for your body.
ARI: I liked the story you told me last time about the septic tank guy with the like 6,000
undigested pill in his septic tank.
MIRA: And it’s so funny, we actually had a woman call us the other day, and she was on a
prescription for potassium, and they were going right through her to the point that she actually
took them out, brought them to her pharmacist, and said “They’re not digesting!” You know,
whatever. But she actually went to them and brought them back. And you know what the
pharmacists said, Ari? They actually said, “Oh, that’s okay. You’re probably absorbing some of
JAYSON: Yeah. She’s like, “I’m not absorbing any of it! This exact coating is still on the
tablet.” Yeah, so it’s a big problem.
MIRA: It’s a very vivid way to imagine that you’re not getting what you need.
JAYSON: But it’s one that we don’t think about, because we always go to the nutrition store and
we grab the vitamin, and it’s probably in a pill or capsule. So that was one, and that’s our first
factor. We go over these in the video; people can look at the video at So they can take it slow and go there.
ARI: We’ll put that in the show notes, of course.
JAYSON: Yeah. And the second one is beneficial quantities and forms. Again, when we looked
for a multi for Mira, guess what they don’t have? When you go to your cabinet and pick out your
multi, it’s not going to have any calcium in it, or very little. It’s not going to have any
magnesium, or very little. It doesn’t have the vitamin D. Now, you’re going to see more and
more vitamins starting to put that higher level of vitamin D in, but 8 years ago when we were
doing this, vitamin D, there was nobody who had 1,000 IUs in it. Of course, Nutreince is 2,000
MIRA: Yeah. Vitamin E is a big one. We actually have all eight forms of vitamin E in there.
Most people don’t even realize that there’s more than one form of vitamin E, but there’s eight.
And what they’re finding out now is that the tocotrienols, as opposed to the tocopherols, which
are normally in your multivitamin, the tocotrienols actually have far more antioxidant strength
than the ones that you’re actually seeing. So we include all eight forms, both forms of vitamin K,
because only K2 can help with bone strength, which was so important for me. So we have
actually both of those in there.
JAYSON: Yeah, MK4 and MK7, so that’s important.
ARI: I just want to stop on that for a second, because I’ve found that there have been several –
not old, but older women who I have specifically recommended Nutreince to because they were
having osteopenia and osteoporosis symptoms, and I was like, “You’re not going to be getting
what you need from your other vitamins.” They’re like, “Should I take this, this, and this?”, and I
was like, “No, just try taking Nutreince, because it’s got those different elements in it.”
MIRA: Yeah, and it really is. It’s the vitamin K2 that actually works as the director to tell the
calcium to get out of your blood and into your bones, which is so important.
ARI: That’s a really good quick little overview, but the one thing that I really want to harp on for
people, that I want people to recognize, is that vitamins a lot of times, multivitamins, which I’ve
been so against for such a long time until I discovered your product, is that there’s competition
with vitamins that people just don’t realize, and that’s why you think that it’s efficacious when
you’re peeing orange after you have a multivitamin, but that’s because you’re peeing out the
For those who have not tried it, you have a packet for the morning and a packet for the evening;
you mix it into a glass of water, whatever you want, and take it. But that separation I think is
what’s one of the most powerful things about it.
JAYSON: Yeah, it’s really the key. This is a big change in supplemental science now. This is
why we got a patent on Nutreince. We didn’t just formulate Nutreince; we then went to the
American government and said, “Hey, this is a completely unique idea. We know that these
certain vitamins and minerals are competing with each for receptor sites in the body. It’s in all
these peer-reviewed journals and all these studies.”
MIRA: We had to prove it. They wanted a lot of proof to make sure that this is a real science and
that we had really done all this research.
JAYSON: Right. So we call it anti-competition technology. It took us almost 6 years just to map
out all the different known competitions. And that’s really where Nutreince is so different. No
other multivitamin, not only don’t they separate, they can’t separate it. We do have that patent in
the U.S. So if you want to take a multivitamin and you want to make sure that the vitamins and
minerals that are known to compete with each other for receptor sites aren’t together in your
multivitamin, then Nutreince really is the only option.
MIRA: And it’s cool, because you don’t have to mega-dose anymore, because you really only
need to give the person the amount that they need, because there’s no competition anymore.
JAYSON: Right.
ARI: Right. I’ve written about this on the blog; I want people to try it out if they haven’t. Jayson
and Mira have been really generous to give us a discount code for that, which will be in the show
notes. But this interview is about some of your new products, so let’s talk about SKINNYFat.
MIRA: Oh, my baby.
JAYSON: We just got it. This is it.
ARI: Oh, looks like a bottle of wine.
MIRA: The cool thing is, I wanted it to be something that people could leave on their kitchen
counter and have somebody come over and be like – it doesn’t look like a lab kit. It actually just
looks like a regular, really nice expensive olive oil or regular oil that you would use in cooking.
So that’s why we designed it this way.
JAYSON: Yeah. We wanted to make sure, of course, it was in glass and that it was opaque. All
the things that we talk about in our books are taken care of there with the packaging of
SKINNYFat. A lot of times people say, “What’s so cool about SKINNYFat? What is it? It is just
an MCT oil?” No. MCT oil is great. I’ve been using MCT oil for 25 years. It’s kind of been a
secret in the bodybuilding and athletic communities for a long time.
But the problem with MCT oil on its own, it’s got a couple of them. First, it can cause stomach
upset when you use it by itself. We noticed that when we combined it with an organic virgin
coconut oil, that stomach pain went away almost completely. Secondly, MCT is what it is:
medium-chain triglycerides. Medium-chain triglycerides don’t use bile acid to break down. They
bypass that digestion like long-chain fats would need to go through, and they go directly into the
liver and they become ketone properties, ketone bodies, which creates –
MIRA: Great for burning fat.
JAYSON: Yeah, great for burning fat, but not so great for absorption of micronutrients. So when
we want you to add some fat to Nutreince, or you want fat on your salad so you can absorb the
vitamins in your salad, MCT on its own won’t do it. But when we combine it with the coconut
oil, which has a certain amount of long-chains, now you get the absorption of the micronutrients.
We also didn’t put so much coconut oil in that it tastes like coconut. So it just kind of tastes like
water, so you can use it in your cooking.
MIRA: It’s clear oil.
JAYSON: Right.
ARI: Coconut oil is what, 62% MCT oil or something like that, right? So why not just do
coconut oil, then?
MIRA: It supercharges it. It’s like taking the best part, or some of the best parts of the coconut
oil, and mega-fying it so that now it’s like supercharged. And that’s what really we do. We look
at products that are already out there and we say “How can we really amp up the benefits of what
people are already doing?”
And also, there’s other problems with coconut. Like you can’t really cook with coconut because
it’s just a hard substance at room temperature. So this way, we added MCT, we’re patent
pending on the process, and what happens is it’s now refrigeratable. You can actually chill it, and
it’s not going to turn into a muck. You can make marinades now; you couldn’t before. So it’s
making it a lot more user-friendly in the kitchen.
ARI: And as far as the marinade, people probably don’t realize this a lot, but MCT oil is a flavor
enhancer. So it helps to transport the – all of the things that make you taste things better,
actually, it enhances all those properties. As a flavor enhancer itself, it’s pretty amazing.
MIRA: We just did a video on making some infusions with it, and I’m telling you, the burst of
flavor you get from herbs when they’ve been sitting in this oil are just amazing.
JAYSON: It’s actually funny you said that, because we have another product as well; it’s called
SKINNYFat Olive.
MIRA: It’s the green one.
JAYSON: The reason we did this is because of course, we love olive oil, but it’s got such high
levels of omega-6 that it’s really throwing everybody off. So yeah, it’s one of the healthiest oils,
but then your omega-6 levels are so high that how are you ever going to bring that down with
balancing the omega-3s?
So we wanted to do something, and like you said, because MCT oil is such a great flavor
transporter, we only had to put in such a small amount of organic extra virgin olive oil that you
get the full flavor, as if you were using real olive oil, with SKINNYFat, but we reduced the
omega-6 by 85%. So now you can use it just like you would olive oil, but with 85% less omega-
6, plus you’ve got the MCT, you’ve got the energy, you’ve got the brain-boosting component of
the coconut and the MCT that you don’t with normal olive oil.
ARI: So that’s going to be more heat stable too.
MIRA: Exactly.
JAYSON: It is slightly more heat stable, yeah.
MIRA: We use that on all the regular Italian things that we would use. Like I made a really
amazing pizza the other day. I made a white sauce [inaudible 00:10:31] the SKINNYFat Olive
with some fresh basil and herbs in it, and it was literally to die for. It was really good.
ARI: I’m sure you guys know all the controversy stuff with olive oil and fake olive oil and a lot
of stuff, so how are you sourcing your olive oil?
JAYSON: We source it directly from the source in Spain, and we bring over extra virgin organic
olive oil, and then we manufacture the product ourselves. So there is no third party.
ARI: Oh, great. That’s really – wow, okay. And one of the things that I get asked a lot, too, about
MCT oil particularly – I’m pretty lean, and I work with a lot of people who are healthy or are
trying to get healthier, and they’re like “Why do I want to be a fat burner still?” I am lean, and I
have MCT oil every day. I think that it’s a more efficient metabolic function. But what do you
MIRA: We’ve actually used it – actually, Jayson’s used it on both the people who are trying to
lose weight as well as people who are trying to gain weight, and it works absolutely great in both
JAYSON: Right. Not only does it help with – it helps with all kinds of things. Brain-boosting is
one of the major things, because ketones are your body’s preferred energy source for the heart
and the brain. So instead of having to make glucose and utilize that glucose in the brain, those
ketones go right in and are immediately able for your body to use them. It also helps with
immune protection. They also help with digestion.
MIRA: It’s also great for digestion.
JAYSON: Right. So if you don’t have a gallbladder or a low-functioning gallbladder that’s going
to secrete that bile, like 25 million Americans do now, you can’t use regular fat. Your body has a
hard time digesting it. Of course, because SKINNYFat is mostly MCT oil and just a small
amount of long-chain, the liver can produce enough bile to digest that, so they can still get the
absorption of the micronutrients but without putting stress on the gallbladder. So it’s great for
MIRA: It’s just right now there really isn’t a good oil to use other than that. That’s really what it
came down to. We wrote Rich Food, Poor Food and we started talking about all the different
oils, and at that point, we didn’t want to bring up MCT because it was a little technical for that
kind of a shopping, grocery store guide. There wasn’t anything in the grocery store.
And then we started thinking, where do you send someone who wants to make a salad dressing?
What do you really use? Basically, it’s all GMO, seed oils that are in these products.
JAYSON: Corn, soy, canola.
MIRA: So we just saw that niche that needed to be filled and put a good product out there.
JAYSON: And don’t forget the athletic performance. How are you going to get enough calories
in your body [inaudible 00:12:53] that you cannot store it as body fat and still gain muscle and
give yourself all that energy that you need to really perform? And we’re talking about elite
athletes now. So MCT oil, like I said, has been kind of a secret for bodybuilders and high
performance professionals for years, because you can have 1,000 calories a day or more of MCT
oil; you can’t store it. You get that thermogenic heat response, and it’s immediate energy. So
there’s a lot of benefits to using MCT oil.
ARI: Oh yeah. I’ve been putting it in my smoothies for a long time, and I actually have this
recipe on my blog, and I think my smoothie ended up being 1800 calories. People are like, “How
is that possible?”, and it’s like, well, each tablespoon of MT oil is 100 calories, so it just… go go
go! As long as you can tolerate it.
MIRA: You feel great when you’re on it, though. It has that natural energy. That, with the
Nutreince, when you’re making your smoothies – I mean, that’s what we’re doing, and really,
between the natural micronutrients that you need to have that energy in your body and then the
SKINNYFat on top of it, it’s fantastic.
ARI: You said you looked far and wide, basically, for other oils, and you really can’t – but let’s
just talk about a couple others for a second. Like what about comparing it to avocado oil or
almond oil or even those kind of things? I know none of those have medium-chain triglycerides
that are accessible in them per se, I think, but smoke points and flavor and all that stuff, I’m
assuming you looked at all those when you were doing the research?
JAYSON: Sure. The smoke points of those oils are going to be typically higher than ours. What
you have to watch out for with those oils is the omega-6 level. This is really where the downfall
is for pretty much every other oil across the board. I would say most health professionals agree
on one thing: coconut oil is the healthiest oil in the world. I’ve never even heard people, even
people who are against saturated fat are like, “Well, with the exception of coconut oil.”
So I think starting with the “best” oil in the world with coconut, when you try to move to other
oils, yeah, you’ve got maybe a higher smoke point, but you’re not going to have the lauric acid,
you’re not going to have the MCT benefit, even if you’re not doing what we do in SKINNYFat –
MIRA: The antiviral, antibacterial properties.
JAYSON: Right. And you’ve got the omega-6 problem. For me, the best oil health-wise with
omega-6 is olive. That’s why we chose that to do a SKINNYFat Olive. When you move to the
other ones, they all have their benefits here or there, and flavor enhancers, and that’s okay to use
in small quantity. But we didn’t want to make that the staple oil for people.
ARI: What’s the typical omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in olive oil? I’m blanking for some reason.
JAYSON: I think it’s around 23:1.
ARI: Right, okay. And we really want like a 2:1, right? Or maybe a 3 to 4:1?
JAYSON: Even a 1:1.
ARI: Or a 1:1, right. But you’ve actually completely flipped that now, right, with the
SKINNYFat Olive?
MIRA: We’re taking out 85%. Yeah, because everyone’s getting enough omega-6 in their diet
anyway. We didn’t need to enhance that.
ARI: Yes. Right, exactly. Okay, I’m very excited about this product, by the way, because we do
obviously – I would think it’s obvious – we do a lot of cooking at home. So any way that I can
get fat into my food, I’m always excited about.
MIRA: Yeah, we look forward to getting some of your recipes using them. We’re doing a lot of
recipes; I know people are really excited about seeing other people’s recipes.
ARI: You got it. I want to talk about the next secret product, but before that – and I actually
didn’t intend this on being like a tour of the Calton’s products, but I have Rich Food, Poor Food;
I’ve had it for a little while, but I haven’t referred to it in a little while, and I’ve been very
frustrated with our local grocery store with the eggs. This is a side note I want to talk about for a
second. There’s a farm nearby that I love getting eggs from, but it’s not been the season until
maybe a week or two from now, they’re going to start having them again.
But I go to the grocery store, and there are literally 20 brands of eggs, and it’s really hard to find
one that I think is okay. There have been two times where I’ve been tricked, basically. Because I
know what to look for, and I grabbed one, I was like, “Okay, this is fine,” and then in little print
is say “all vegetarian feed” or something.
Finally I remembered the book; it was on my shelf, and I looked, and The Country Hen is the
greatest eggs I think you can buy now. And I’ve been getting them, and they’re so good. And
they’ve been having them, yeah. The thing is, the reason I hadn’t gotten them before, oddly
enough, is at my grocery store, they’re only in 6-packs.
MIRA: Everywhere.
ARI: Okay, I never noticed. Because we literally go through like a dozen eggs a day here, so I
just wasn’t even looking. So The Country Hen, for anybody listening, those are the eggs you
MIRA: They’re delicious.
ARI: It’s really tough with eggs.
JAYSON: It’s funny that you say that, because so many people, when you start talking about
organic and grass-fed, the first thing out of the skeptic’s mouth is, “Can you really taste a
difference with that stuff?” Listen, you put a regular egg up against Country Hen eggs, and
you’re not only going to see it, you’re going to taste it, and you’ll make a believer out of people.
Because there is a big difference in taste when you up the quality. Across the board, but eggs are
a great way to prove it.
ARI: I thought this was actually kind of amazing; my older son – my “older” son is 2 years and 3
months old, and he loves eggs. Almost every day, he has eggs, and I’m actually very proud of
that. And he actually can make his own scrambled eggs now. He gets up on the counter, he
cracks them, and yeah, it’s amazing. It’s really cool. And he kind of insists on it.
But he can tell the difference between good eggs and bad eggs, and there are days when he will
not eat – sorry, not days, but there have been a couple times when he wouldn’t eat it, and we’re
like “Oh, he’s just being picky.” And I’m pretty convinced that it was because they weren’t the
same kind of eggs, because they look pale. They don’t look like his normal orangey, delicious-
smelling eggs. So I thought that was a pretty good litmus test.
JAYSON: Absolutely, yeah.
MIRA: Children now.
JAYSON: For anybody who doesn’t know about Rich Food, Poor Food, just happen to have a
copy right here. This is it. This is the grocery store guide. It’s your GPS, and it will take you
down every aisle in the store and show you how to pick out the most micronutrient-packed
foods. That’s the key.
ARI: What’s amazing about the book too is you even go into things like hot dogs and stuff,
where there’s nothing healthy there, but you actually have given some amazing options.
And even if that’s not the point, you’re showing how unhealthy some of the things that you
might have been buying before are. I often feel like – I see this with people in my parents’
generation, actually, a lot, where it’s like “Eh, what’s the difference? Is it really worth trying?”
sort of thing. “This is what I’ve been eating for years; it’s fine.” It’s like, okay, maybe it is, but
it’s actually this bad, this bad, this bad, and this bad because of all these reasons.
We had friends over this weekend, and they have kids too, and she was flipping through the
book, and she was like, “Oh my God, these are so horrible. We can’t eat these anymore. Oh my
God, these are horrible. We can’t eat these anymore.”
But especially for parents, I have to say that it’s like a savior when you’re walking down the
aisles and you’re trying to make a decision. As unhealthy as the choices are in many grocery
stores, the book really helps you cut through that crap.
MIRA: Thanks. There’s one ingredient that, as long as we’re just talking ingredients and stuff,
that we didn’t really draw on too much in the book that really is bringing us more concern now,
because we’re seeing much more micronutrient leeching because of it. It’s called cellulose, and
it’s just virgin wood pulp. Basically, they’re sticking wood pulp into more and more of our foods
these days to stretch the dollar. And they can actually have 30% more profit simply by adding it
in. There’s no restriction to how much of it they can put in your food. Except in meat.
JAYSON: Except in meat, where I think it’s only 3% or 3.5%. But in other foods, they can go all
the way up to whatever they want, 10%, 20%.
MIRA: And it’s in everything.
JAYSON: And of course, we’re buying it because it says “high fiber.” America’s on this fiber
kick these days. So they’re putting wood in all the foods; we’re buying more, they’re making
more money.
MIRA: There’s even organic wood pulp, which is just like, “Come on, really?” I mean…
JAYSON: But people don’t realize that fiber, the reason why fiber brings down cholesterol
levels is because it chelates to cholesterol. It also chelates to vital minerals. So the more we’re
putting in, not only are we getting less nutrition in the food, because now –
MIRA: There’s less food.
JAYSON: 3% to 30% is wood pulp with no nutritional value, but it has the potential to chelate
the minerals that are in the food. So just a warning.
MIRA: Yeah, because we’re starting to see that literally in almost every type of product, from
liquids to cheese.
JAYSON: Even cheese.
MIRA: I mean, everything.
ARI: I’m pretty sure that Grape-Nuts are pure wood.
MIRA: They taste like it.
JAYSON: That was probably the whole trick of it.
ARI: Yeah, so that’s interesting about the cholesterol. I know about fiber pulp, but I didn’t
realize that it was chelating to cholesterol. Backing up, then, again, is there some element then in
terms of Nutreince that actually can help you as far as cholesterol?
JAYSON: Instead of Nutreince so much – well, there are some things, yes.
MIRA: The niacin.
JAYSON: Certainly the niacin will lower the LDL cholesterol. There are certain micronutrients
that will help with that overall, if you still believe in that cholesterol profile concept. That’s
becoming less and less really a factor of cardiovascular disease. It’s not so much for me lowering
your cholesterol; for me, it’s allowing your body to have the right fats so it doesn’t need to
produce the extra cholesterol.
MIRA: SKINNYFat’s great for that.
JAYSON: Yeah. So getting enough fat in your diet, I’ve found, and just eating a higher fat diet
naturally mediates or just kind of lowers, but doesn’t lower the cholesterol, so much that it’s
unsafe; it just allows you to have a natural, healthy level of cholesterol. And of course, there’s a
lot of research studies showing that the people with the highest cholesterol level live the longest
and are the healthiest. So don’t get too caught up in that.
ARI: I love that you just said it’s not going to lower the level to where it’s unhealthy. It’s like,
“What do you mean, lower it to where it’s unhealthy?” Right, of course, it’s actually – the last
time I got my cholesterol checked, I was at 183, and I was talking to somebody, I said, “I’m
actually disappointed. I was hoping it was going to be above 200.” That was a little shocking.
JAYSON: As long as those HDLs are over 100, you’re doing good.
ARI: Right, and my triglycerides are always very low, so I have quite a bit of carb tolerance,
actually. Anyway, let’s talk about the super secret product.
MIRA: Okay. Yeah, we don’t even have a bag, it’s that secret.
JAYSON: It’s that new.
MIRA: I don’t even have it yet. I have all the samples, and we’re still using it. So it’s called
Inpower Protein. And we created this, again, because there’s just no great proteins on the market
that taste good. So we wanted to make sure that our protein was something that we could use in
numerous things again. So Inpower is – first of all, it’s organic; it’s from grass-fed cows.
JAYSON: Verified organic, by the way. Not just saying organic. It’s USDA verified.
MIRA: Yes, USDA organic. It’s Non-GMO Project verified. We had to go through all that.
JAYSON: Third party testing.
MIRA: It’s kosher, it’s got grass-fed certification, so they have to certify that the cows are grass-
fed year-round.
JAYSON: It’s humane certified.
MIRA: It’s a whey concentrate. It is just the purest thing – there is one ingredient. It is whey
concentrate. We’re not throwing in soy lecithin, we’re not doing anything to change what the
product is. And the cool thing about it is, you can use it for so many different purposes. We’re
doing a whole lot of recipes with it. Our favorite is called the Triple Threat.
ARI: I was just going to ask how we can combine everything, but go ahead.
JAYSON: We really look at – there’s basically, in our opinion, three staple products that you
need to have. You need to have a great multivitamin; you need to have a great oil source; and
you need to have a great protein powder. You have those three things, and you’re a long way in
doing well.
So what we did is we took the protein, IN.POWER. What we like to do is we put a little bit of
chilled coffee in the blender. Then we put a scoop of our protein in there, IN.POWER. Then we
put a tablespoon of SKINNYFat in there to help with the absorption. And then we put Nutreince
right in it.
MIRA: It is so good.
ARI: I was just about to ask you if I could do that.
JAYSON: Yes, you can do that.
MIRA: It is so good. I like it, personally, with the – I put some – we have a cocoa, a Stevita
cocoa that is just chocolate and Stevia. Add a little bit of that and the Nutreince, and it’s like
having a mocha, like a mocha cappuccino thing every morning.
It’s a great meal replacement. It helps you feel full up to 4 hours after eating protein, the studies
say; it kills your cravings, because you’re getting sufficient in all your micronutrients. And then
you have the SKINNYFat that keeps your body revved for the next few hours. It’s just fantastic.
And we’re also baking with it. I’m doing a lot of baking right now with it.
JAYSON: Yeah, I think that protein is one of those things – there are some good quality proteins
out there, none of which are certified by the USDA. But that aside, there are quality proteins. But
my problem with it is there’s like this barn floor taste to protein concentrates. If you want a clean
protein, you’re forced to go with the isolate most of the time.
MIRA: But we actually went to the farm. We went to the farmers, and we have this incredible
source of – it just takes like cream. It just tastes like pure cream.
ARI: Really? Because I agree with you, Jayson, that’s true. I take that for granted because I feel
like in this arena where you’re doing biohacking and you’re testing all these different things, you
kind of take taste for granted sometimes, so it’s like I don’t expect supplements or things to taste
MIRA: I do.
ARI: But why isolate versus concentrate? That means so little to a lot of people, and I’m curious
why you went with the concentrate.
JAYSON: The concentrate is the whole form. This is how the whey is. It’s got globulins in it, it’s
got the factors that are going to help to increase your glutathione levels. You can’t do that with
MIRA: They just add it back in sometimes. But they basically destroyed it using – if it’s going to
be an isolate, it has an acid or a bleach processor, where they actually pulled the fat away from
the protein. When they do that, everything gets all messed up in there. You get a lot of
destruction, a lot of degradation to the amino acids. So then what they do is they throw them
back in afterwards to try to bring the levels back up.
JAYSON: But this is a lot of processing. It’s like cracking the egg and then pretending they’re
putting it back together. You’re better off leaving it as a whole concentrate. I mean, we have 150
milligrams of glutathione in the product.
MIRA: As a serving.
JAYSON: Just per serving.
ARI: Which, for everybody listening, that is basically your master antioxidant.
JAYSON: The ultimate antioxidant, right up there with alpha lipoic acid. Some people even
think it’s better than alpha lipoic acid.
ARI: That’s my understanding, yeah.
MIRA: Anti-aging – it does everything, anti-aging, anti-cancer, brain, memory, anti-
Alzheimer’s, dementia. The studies are incredible, and the website actually has every single
study mentioned that you can imagine.
JAYSON: Probably one of the greatest factors of it is that it recharges other antioxidants. So
you’ve got your E and your C and your quercetin and your grape seed extract all out there, going
and absorbing these free radical electrons, but then afterwards, they’re almost kind of useless.
It’s like they’ve been used.
But alpha lipoic acid and glutathione both regenerate and recharge these antioxidants so you can
use them again and again and again. And if you don’t have enough of it in your body, then you
get a one-shot antioxidant take with these. If you’ve got enough in your body, it’s almost like
this never-ending antioxidant supply, and that’s really why it’s so important to have high levels
of glutathione.
ARI: Sure. So when are you going to take the Triple Threat, feed it to fish, and give us the best
fish oil ever?
JAYSON: Well, we’re working on an omega, but we only have so much time.
MIRA: Yeah, we are going to be working on an omega.
ARI: I would be shocked if you weren’t. All right, we’re basically out of time here. It’s always
fun talking to you guys. This is really great. I do love to ask this question at the end, which is
basically what are your top 3 tips for being more effective? It doesn’t have to be nutrition; if you
guys doing everything together is one of them, I would love that. But your top 3 tips for being
more effective.
MIRA: Be happy. Be a happy human, and in order to do that, find out what makes you happy
and let that thrive in you every single day.
JAYSON: Yeah. In fact, we were just talking today on our walk that we were going to be doing a
lot more with creating a list of things that are factors in your life that do make you happy. How
do you get that what we call “happiness factor “into a corporation or a business? And it’s one of
the things that we work on every single day. So we’ll do things like very specifically making
ourselves take time off.
So I think that’s one of the things too, is making time for – especially when you run a company
like we do, time for each other in the relationship. I think that’s another tip. So being happy,
taking time in the relationship.
MIRA: Taking time with your family.
JAYSON: And what would you say is our third?
MIRA: And the third one…
JAYSON: I’d say travel. You know what? It always opens your mind.
MIRA: We’re going to take off right now.
JAYSON: No matter how much you think you know, go to another place, and you’ll see what
perspective you think you have from a completely different angle.
MIRA: You’ll learn something new about yourself.
JAYSON: Best education in the world is travel, I believe.
ARI: Those are great. Thank you for that. Thank you for talking to me. Thank you for providing
these amazing products for people that they have to try, and I have been enjoying quite a bit. And
also, thank you for the discount code. Everybody can find all this information and more in the
show notes. You can give us a URL if you want, but I’m going to put everything about you guys
in the show notes anyway.
MIRA: We trust you. You got it.
JAYSON: And thank you so much, Ari, for bringing us on and trying the products and really
giving us honest feedback with them. We appreciate that.
ARI: Absolutely. Thanks again. Take care, guys.

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Calton transcript

  • 1. ARI: It is now a great pleasure for me again to speak with Jayson and Mira Calton, so guys, thank you so much for talking to me. JAYSON: Thanks for having us. MIRA: We’re thrilled to be back. ARI: I have to just say something right off the bat, which is that I think it’s amazing, as far as the life management and life balance stuff, that you guys are always doing interviews together. MIRA: Well, you know what, we actually made a promise early on – one of the coolest things that Jayson ever said to me is when we first started dating, he’s like, “I just want someone who’s going to be a witness to my life. I want someone who’s also going to have the same memories.” And it’s just so nice that we love what we do for work, and so we made an early decision not to do anything separate, and that was very much against our publicist’s recommendations. But we just – we’re living by it. ARI: I know, I think it’s great. I really do. Every interview, I’ve seen you together, and the interviews we’ve done, you’re together, so I love it. I can’t even imagine how I could possibly schedule that kind of thing with my wife. Okay, first of all, I’ve written on the blog before about Nutreince; we’ll talk about that in a little bit, but I want to focus on the new stuff that you guys have coming out. But basically, Nutreince – give us a little rundown for everybody who doesn’t know what it is. JAYSON: Okay, yeah. It’s really the multivitamin reinvented. Of course, Mira had advanced osteoporosis way back when she was 30. She met me; we started working on a way that we could get her body to absorb those vitamins and minerals or those micronutrients that she needed to reverse. Everybody kind of knows that story. What they don’t necessarily know is we searched high and low for a multivitamin that would – MIRA: Allow for proper absorption. JAYSON: Allow for proper absorption, go with what we call the ABCs of Optimal Supplementation Guidelines. That’s what came out of this. So we’ve got 4 factors that we noticed that were flaws with today’s multivitamin. The first one was absorption. They weren’t absorbing, and that’s because so many of them are pills, capsules, or tablets. MIRA: Yeah, and 51% in tests don’t even disintegrate in the amount of time that your body would need it. So you’re just trashing your money. It doesn’t do anything good for your body. ARI: I liked the story you told me last time about the septic tank guy with the like 6,000 undigested pill in his septic tank. MIRA: And it’s so funny, we actually had a woman call us the other day, and she was on a prescription for potassium, and they were going right through her to the point that she actually took them out, brought them to her pharmacist, and said “They’re not digesting!” You know,
  • 2. whatever. But she actually went to them and brought them back. And you know what the pharmacists said, Ari? They actually said, “Oh, that’s okay. You’re probably absorbing some of it.” JAYSON: Yeah. She’s like, “I’m not absorbing any of it! This exact coating is still on the tablet.” Yeah, so it’s a big problem. MIRA: It’s a very vivid way to imagine that you’re not getting what you need. JAYSON: But it’s one that we don’t think about, because we always go to the nutrition store and we grab the vitamin, and it’s probably in a pill or capsule. So that was one, and that’s our first factor. We go over these in the video; people can look at the video at So they can take it slow and go there. ARI: We’ll put that in the show notes, of course. JAYSON: Yeah. And the second one is beneficial quantities and forms. Again, when we looked for a multi for Mira, guess what they don’t have? When you go to your cabinet and pick out your multi, it’s not going to have any calcium in it, or very little. It’s not going to have any magnesium, or very little. It doesn’t have the vitamin D. Now, you’re going to see more and more vitamins starting to put that higher level of vitamin D in, but 8 years ago when we were doing this, vitamin D, there was nobody who had 1,000 IUs in it. Of course, Nutreince is 2,000 IUs. MIRA: Yeah. Vitamin E is a big one. We actually have all eight forms of vitamin E in there. Most people don’t even realize that there’s more than one form of vitamin E, but there’s eight. And what they’re finding out now is that the tocotrienols, as opposed to the tocopherols, which are normally in your multivitamin, the tocotrienols actually have far more antioxidant strength than the ones that you’re actually seeing. So we include all eight forms, both forms of vitamin K, because only K2 can help with bone strength, which was so important for me. So we have actually both of those in there. JAYSON: Yeah, MK4 and MK7, so that’s important. ARI: I just want to stop on that for a second, because I’ve found that there have been several – not old, but older women who I have specifically recommended Nutreince to because they were having osteopenia and osteoporosis symptoms, and I was like, “You’re not going to be getting what you need from your other vitamins.” They’re like, “Should I take this, this, and this?”, and I was like, “No, just try taking Nutreince, because it’s got those different elements in it.” MIRA: Yeah, and it really is. It’s the vitamin K2 that actually works as the director to tell the calcium to get out of your blood and into your bones, which is so important. ARI: That’s a really good quick little overview, but the one thing that I really want to harp on for people, that I want people to recognize, is that vitamins a lot of times, multivitamins, which I’ve been so against for such a long time until I discovered your product, is that there’s competition
  • 3. with vitamins that people just don’t realize, and that’s why you think that it’s efficacious when you’re peeing orange after you have a multivitamin, but that’s because you’re peeing out the vitamin. For those who have not tried it, you have a packet for the morning and a packet for the evening; you mix it into a glass of water, whatever you want, and take it. But that separation I think is what’s one of the most powerful things about it. JAYSON: Yeah, it’s really the key. This is a big change in supplemental science now. This is why we got a patent on Nutreince. We didn’t just formulate Nutreince; we then went to the American government and said, “Hey, this is a completely unique idea. We know that these certain vitamins and minerals are competing with each for receptor sites in the body. It’s in all these peer-reviewed journals and all these studies.” MIRA: We had to prove it. They wanted a lot of proof to make sure that this is a real science and that we had really done all this research. JAYSON: Right. So we call it anti-competition technology. It took us almost 6 years just to map out all the different known competitions. And that’s really where Nutreince is so different. No other multivitamin, not only don’t they separate, they can’t separate it. We do have that patent in the U.S. So if you want to take a multivitamin and you want to make sure that the vitamins and minerals that are known to compete with each other for receptor sites aren’t together in your multivitamin, then Nutreince really is the only option. MIRA: And it’s cool, because you don’t have to mega-dose anymore, because you really only need to give the person the amount that they need, because there’s no competition anymore. JAYSON: Right. ARI: Right. I’ve written about this on the blog; I want people to try it out if they haven’t. Jayson and Mira have been really generous to give us a discount code for that, which will be in the show notes. But this interview is about some of your new products, so let’s talk about SKINNYFat. MIRA: Oh, my baby. JAYSON: We just got it. This is it. ARI: Oh, looks like a bottle of wine. JAYSON: Yeah. MIRA: The cool thing is, I wanted it to be something that people could leave on their kitchen counter and have somebody come over and be like – it doesn’t look like a lab kit. It actually just looks like a regular, really nice expensive olive oil or regular oil that you would use in cooking. So that’s why we designed it this way.
  • 4. JAYSON: Yeah. We wanted to make sure, of course, it was in glass and that it was opaque. All the things that we talk about in our books are taken care of there with the packaging of SKINNYFat. A lot of times people say, “What’s so cool about SKINNYFat? What is it? It is just an MCT oil?” No. MCT oil is great. I’ve been using MCT oil for 25 years. It’s kind of been a secret in the bodybuilding and athletic communities for a long time. But the problem with MCT oil on its own, it’s got a couple of them. First, it can cause stomach upset when you use it by itself. We noticed that when we combined it with an organic virgin coconut oil, that stomach pain went away almost completely. Secondly, MCT is what it is: medium-chain triglycerides. Medium-chain triglycerides don’t use bile acid to break down. They bypass that digestion like long-chain fats would need to go through, and they go directly into the liver and they become ketone properties, ketone bodies, which creates – MIRA: Great for burning fat. JAYSON: Yeah, great for burning fat, but not so great for absorption of micronutrients. So when we want you to add some fat to Nutreince, or you want fat on your salad so you can absorb the vitamins in your salad, MCT on its own won’t do it. But when we combine it with the coconut oil, which has a certain amount of long-chains, now you get the absorption of the micronutrients. We also didn’t put so much coconut oil in that it tastes like coconut. So it just kind of tastes like water, so you can use it in your cooking. MIRA: It’s clear oil. JAYSON: Right. ARI: Coconut oil is what, 62% MCT oil or something like that, right? So why not just do coconut oil, then? MIRA: It supercharges it. It’s like taking the best part, or some of the best parts of the coconut oil, and mega-fying it so that now it’s like supercharged. And that’s what really we do. We look at products that are already out there and we say “How can we really amp up the benefits of what people are already doing?” And also, there’s other problems with coconut. Like you can’t really cook with coconut because it’s just a hard substance at room temperature. So this way, we added MCT, we’re patent pending on the process, and what happens is it’s now refrigeratable. You can actually chill it, and it’s not going to turn into a muck. You can make marinades now; you couldn’t before. So it’s making it a lot more user-friendly in the kitchen. ARI: And as far as the marinade, people probably don’t realize this a lot, but MCT oil is a flavor enhancer. So it helps to transport the – all of the things that make you taste things better, actually, it enhances all those properties. As a flavor enhancer itself, it’s pretty amazing. MIRA: We just did a video on making some infusions with it, and I’m telling you, the burst of flavor you get from herbs when they’ve been sitting in this oil are just amazing.
  • 5. JAYSON: It’s actually funny you said that, because we have another product as well; it’s called SKINNYFat Olive. MIRA: It’s the green one. JAYSON: The reason we did this is because of course, we love olive oil, but it’s got such high levels of omega-6 that it’s really throwing everybody off. So yeah, it’s one of the healthiest oils, but then your omega-6 levels are so high that how are you ever going to bring that down with balancing the omega-3s? So we wanted to do something, and like you said, because MCT oil is such a great flavor transporter, we only had to put in such a small amount of organic extra virgin olive oil that you get the full flavor, as if you were using real olive oil, with SKINNYFat, but we reduced the omega-6 by 85%. So now you can use it just like you would olive oil, but with 85% less omega- 6, plus you’ve got the MCT, you’ve got the energy, you’ve got the brain-boosting component of the coconut and the MCT that you don’t with normal olive oil. ARI: So that’s going to be more heat stable too. MIRA: Exactly. JAYSON: It is slightly more heat stable, yeah. MIRA: We use that on all the regular Italian things that we would use. Like I made a really amazing pizza the other day. I made a white sauce [inaudible 00:10:31] the SKINNYFat Olive with some fresh basil and herbs in it, and it was literally to die for. It was really good. ARI: I’m sure you guys know all the controversy stuff with olive oil and fake olive oil and a lot of stuff, so how are you sourcing your olive oil? JAYSON: We source it directly from the source in Spain, and we bring over extra virgin organic olive oil, and then we manufacture the product ourselves. So there is no third party. ARI: Oh, great. That’s really – wow, okay. And one of the things that I get asked a lot, too, about MCT oil particularly – I’m pretty lean, and I work with a lot of people who are healthy or are trying to get healthier, and they’re like “Why do I want to be a fat burner still?” I am lean, and I have MCT oil every day. I think that it’s a more efficient metabolic function. But what do you think? MIRA: We’ve actually used it – actually, Jayson’s used it on both the people who are trying to lose weight as well as people who are trying to gain weight, and it works absolutely great in both situations. JAYSON: Right. Not only does it help with – it helps with all kinds of things. Brain-boosting is one of the major things, because ketones are your body’s preferred energy source for the heart
  • 6. and the brain. So instead of having to make glucose and utilize that glucose in the brain, those ketones go right in and are immediately able for your body to use them. It also helps with immune protection. They also help with digestion. MIRA: It’s also great for digestion. JAYSON: Right. So if you don’t have a gallbladder or a low-functioning gallbladder that’s going to secrete that bile, like 25 million Americans do now, you can’t use regular fat. Your body has a hard time digesting it. Of course, because SKINNYFat is mostly MCT oil and just a small amount of long-chain, the liver can produce enough bile to digest that, so they can still get the absorption of the micronutrients but without putting stress on the gallbladder. So it’s great for digestion. MIRA: It’s just right now there really isn’t a good oil to use other than that. That’s really what it came down to. We wrote Rich Food, Poor Food and we started talking about all the different oils, and at that point, we didn’t want to bring up MCT because it was a little technical for that kind of a shopping, grocery store guide. There wasn’t anything in the grocery store. And then we started thinking, where do you send someone who wants to make a salad dressing? What do you really use? Basically, it’s all GMO, seed oils that are in these products. JAYSON: Corn, soy, canola. MIRA: So we just saw that niche that needed to be filled and put a good product out there. JAYSON: And don’t forget the athletic performance. How are you going to get enough calories in your body [inaudible 00:12:53] that you cannot store it as body fat and still gain muscle and give yourself all that energy that you need to really perform? And we’re talking about elite athletes now. So MCT oil, like I said, has been kind of a secret for bodybuilders and high performance professionals for years, because you can have 1,000 calories a day or more of MCT oil; you can’t store it. You get that thermogenic heat response, and it’s immediate energy. So there’s a lot of benefits to using MCT oil. ARI: Oh yeah. I’ve been putting it in my smoothies for a long time, and I actually have this recipe on my blog, and I think my smoothie ended up being 1800 calories. People are like, “How is that possible?”, and it’s like, well, each tablespoon of MT oil is 100 calories, so it just… go go go! As long as you can tolerate it. MIRA: You feel great when you’re on it, though. It has that natural energy. That, with the Nutreince, when you’re making your smoothies – I mean, that’s what we’re doing, and really, between the natural micronutrients that you need to have that energy in your body and then the SKINNYFat on top of it, it’s fantastic. ARI: You said you looked far and wide, basically, for other oils, and you really can’t – but let’s just talk about a couple others for a second. Like what about comparing it to avocado oil or almond oil or even those kind of things? I know none of those have medium-chain triglycerides
  • 7. that are accessible in them per se, I think, but smoke points and flavor and all that stuff, I’m assuming you looked at all those when you were doing the research? JAYSON: Sure. The smoke points of those oils are going to be typically higher than ours. What you have to watch out for with those oils is the omega-6 level. This is really where the downfall is for pretty much every other oil across the board. I would say most health professionals agree on one thing: coconut oil is the healthiest oil in the world. I’ve never even heard people, even people who are against saturated fat are like, “Well, with the exception of coconut oil.” So I think starting with the “best” oil in the world with coconut, when you try to move to other oils, yeah, you’ve got maybe a higher smoke point, but you’re not going to have the lauric acid, you’re not going to have the MCT benefit, even if you’re not doing what we do in SKINNYFat – MIRA: The antiviral, antibacterial properties. JAYSON: Right. And you’ve got the omega-6 problem. For me, the best oil health-wise with omega-6 is olive. That’s why we chose that to do a SKINNYFat Olive. When you move to the other ones, they all have their benefits here or there, and flavor enhancers, and that’s okay to use in small quantity. But we didn’t want to make that the staple oil for people. ARI: What’s the typical omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in olive oil? I’m blanking for some reason. JAYSON: I think it’s around 23:1. ARI: Right, okay. And we really want like a 2:1, right? Or maybe a 3 to 4:1? JAYSON: Even a 1:1. ARI: Or a 1:1, right. But you’ve actually completely flipped that now, right, with the SKINNYFat Olive? MIRA: We’re taking out 85%. Yeah, because everyone’s getting enough omega-6 in their diet anyway. We didn’t need to enhance that. ARI: Yes. Right, exactly. Okay, I’m very excited about this product, by the way, because we do obviously – I would think it’s obvious – we do a lot of cooking at home. So any way that I can get fat into my food, I’m always excited about. MIRA: Yeah, we look forward to getting some of your recipes using them. We’re doing a lot of recipes; I know people are really excited about seeing other people’s recipes. ARI: You got it. I want to talk about the next secret product, but before that – and I actually didn’t intend this on being like a tour of the Calton’s products, but I have Rich Food, Poor Food; I’ve had it for a little while, but I haven’t referred to it in a little while, and I’ve been very frustrated with our local grocery store with the eggs. This is a side note I want to talk about for a
  • 8. second. There’s a farm nearby that I love getting eggs from, but it’s not been the season until maybe a week or two from now, they’re going to start having them again. But I go to the grocery store, and there are literally 20 brands of eggs, and it’s really hard to find one that I think is okay. There have been two times where I’ve been tricked, basically. Because I know what to look for, and I grabbed one, I was like, “Okay, this is fine,” and then in little print is say “all vegetarian feed” or something. Finally I remembered the book; it was on my shelf, and I looked, and The Country Hen is the greatest eggs I think you can buy now. And I’ve been getting them, and they’re so good. And they’ve been having them, yeah. The thing is, the reason I hadn’t gotten them before, oddly enough, is at my grocery store, they’re only in 6-packs. JAYSON: Yep. MIRA: Everywhere. ARI: Okay, I never noticed. Because we literally go through like a dozen eggs a day here, so I just wasn’t even looking. So The Country Hen, for anybody listening, those are the eggs you want. MIRA: They’re delicious. ARI: It’s really tough with eggs. JAYSON: It’s funny that you say that, because so many people, when you start talking about organic and grass-fed, the first thing out of the skeptic’s mouth is, “Can you really taste a difference with that stuff?” Listen, you put a regular egg up against Country Hen eggs, and you’re not only going to see it, you’re going to taste it, and you’ll make a believer out of people. Because there is a big difference in taste when you up the quality. Across the board, but eggs are a great way to prove it. ARI: I thought this was actually kind of amazing; my older son – my “older” son is 2 years and 3 months old, and he loves eggs. Almost every day, he has eggs, and I’m actually very proud of that. And he actually can make his own scrambled eggs now. He gets up on the counter, he cracks them, and yeah, it’s amazing. It’s really cool. And he kind of insists on it. But he can tell the difference between good eggs and bad eggs, and there are days when he will not eat – sorry, not days, but there have been a couple times when he wouldn’t eat it, and we’re like “Oh, he’s just being picky.” And I’m pretty convinced that it was because they weren’t the same kind of eggs, because they look pale. They don’t look like his normal orangey, delicious- smelling eggs. So I thought that was a pretty good litmus test. JAYSON: Absolutely, yeah. MIRA: Children now.
  • 9. JAYSON: For anybody who doesn’t know about Rich Food, Poor Food, just happen to have a copy right here. This is it. This is the grocery store guide. It’s your GPS, and it will take you down every aisle in the store and show you how to pick out the most micronutrient-packed foods. That’s the key. ARI: What’s amazing about the book too is you even go into things like hot dogs and stuff, where there’s nothing healthy there, but you actually have given some amazing options. And even if that’s not the point, you’re showing how unhealthy some of the things that you might have been buying before are. I often feel like – I see this with people in my parents’ generation, actually, a lot, where it’s like “Eh, what’s the difference? Is it really worth trying?” sort of thing. “This is what I’ve been eating for years; it’s fine.” It’s like, okay, maybe it is, but it’s actually this bad, this bad, this bad, and this bad because of all these reasons. We had friends over this weekend, and they have kids too, and she was flipping through the book, and she was like, “Oh my God, these are so horrible. We can’t eat these anymore. Oh my God, these are horrible. We can’t eat these anymore.” But especially for parents, I have to say that it’s like a savior when you’re walking down the aisles and you’re trying to make a decision. As unhealthy as the choices are in many grocery stores, the book really helps you cut through that crap. MIRA: Thanks. There’s one ingredient that, as long as we’re just talking ingredients and stuff, that we didn’t really draw on too much in the book that really is bringing us more concern now, because we’re seeing much more micronutrient leeching because of it. It’s called cellulose, and it’s just virgin wood pulp. Basically, they’re sticking wood pulp into more and more of our foods these days to stretch the dollar. And they can actually have 30% more profit simply by adding it in. There’s no restriction to how much of it they can put in your food. Except in meat. JAYSON: Except in meat, where I think it’s only 3% or 3.5%. But in other foods, they can go all the way up to whatever they want, 10%, 20%. MIRA: And it’s in everything. JAYSON: And of course, we’re buying it because it says “high fiber.” America’s on this fiber kick these days. So they’re putting wood in all the foods; we’re buying more, they’re making more money. MIRA: There’s even organic wood pulp, which is just like, “Come on, really?” I mean… JAYSON: But people don’t realize that fiber, the reason why fiber brings down cholesterol levels is because it chelates to cholesterol. It also chelates to vital minerals. So the more we’re putting in, not only are we getting less nutrition in the food, because now – MIRA: There’s less food.
  • 10. JAYSON: 3% to 30% is wood pulp with no nutritional value, but it has the potential to chelate the minerals that are in the food. So just a warning. MIRA: Yeah, because we’re starting to see that literally in almost every type of product, from liquids to cheese. JAYSON: Even cheese. MIRA: I mean, everything. ARI: I’m pretty sure that Grape-Nuts are pure wood. MIRA: They taste like it. JAYSON: That was probably the whole trick of it. ARI: Yeah, so that’s interesting about the cholesterol. I know about fiber pulp, but I didn’t realize that it was chelating to cholesterol. Backing up, then, again, is there some element then in terms of Nutreince that actually can help you as far as cholesterol? JAYSON: Instead of Nutreince so much – well, there are some things, yes. MIRA: The niacin. JAYSON: Certainly the niacin will lower the LDL cholesterol. There are certain micronutrients that will help with that overall, if you still believe in that cholesterol profile concept. That’s becoming less and less really a factor of cardiovascular disease. It’s not so much for me lowering your cholesterol; for me, it’s allowing your body to have the right fats so it doesn’t need to produce the extra cholesterol. MIRA: SKINNYFat’s great for that. JAYSON: Yeah. So getting enough fat in your diet, I’ve found, and just eating a higher fat diet naturally mediates or just kind of lowers, but doesn’t lower the cholesterol, so much that it’s unsafe; it just allows you to have a natural, healthy level of cholesterol. And of course, there’s a lot of research studies showing that the people with the highest cholesterol level live the longest and are the healthiest. So don’t get too caught up in that. ARI: I love that you just said it’s not going to lower the level to where it’s unhealthy. It’s like, “What do you mean, lower it to where it’s unhealthy?” Right, of course, it’s actually – the last time I got my cholesterol checked, I was at 183, and I was talking to somebody, I said, “I’m actually disappointed. I was hoping it was going to be above 200.” That was a little shocking. JAYSON: As long as those HDLs are over 100, you’re doing good.
  • 11. ARI: Right, and my triglycerides are always very low, so I have quite a bit of carb tolerance, actually. Anyway, let’s talk about the super secret product. JAYSON: Sure. MIRA: Okay. Yeah, we don’t even have a bag, it’s that secret. JAYSON: It’s that new. MIRA: I don’t even have it yet. I have all the samples, and we’re still using it. So it’s called Inpower Protein. And we created this, again, because there’s just no great proteins on the market that taste good. So we wanted to make sure that our protein was something that we could use in numerous things again. So Inpower is – first of all, it’s organic; it’s from grass-fed cows. JAYSON: Verified organic, by the way. Not just saying organic. It’s USDA verified. MIRA: Yes, USDA organic. It’s Non-GMO Project verified. We had to go through all that. JAYSON: Third party testing. MIRA: It’s kosher, it’s got grass-fed certification, so they have to certify that the cows are grass- fed year-round. JAYSON: It’s humane certified. MIRA: It’s a whey concentrate. It is just the purest thing – there is one ingredient. It is whey concentrate. We’re not throwing in soy lecithin, we’re not doing anything to change what the product is. And the cool thing about it is, you can use it for so many different purposes. We’re doing a whole lot of recipes with it. Our favorite is called the Triple Threat. ARI: I was just going to ask how we can combine everything, but go ahead. JAYSON: We really look at – there’s basically, in our opinion, three staple products that you need to have. You need to have a great multivitamin; you need to have a great oil source; and you need to have a great protein powder. You have those three things, and you’re a long way in doing well. So what we did is we took the protein, IN.POWER. What we like to do is we put a little bit of chilled coffee in the blender. Then we put a scoop of our protein in there, IN.POWER. Then we put a tablespoon of SKINNYFat in there to help with the absorption. And then we put Nutreince right in it. MIRA: It is so good. ARI: I was just about to ask you if I could do that.
  • 12. JAYSON: Yes, you can do that. MIRA: It is so good. I like it, personally, with the – I put some – we have a cocoa, a Stevita cocoa that is just chocolate and Stevia. Add a little bit of that and the Nutreince, and it’s like having a mocha, like a mocha cappuccino thing every morning. It’s a great meal replacement. It helps you feel full up to 4 hours after eating protein, the studies say; it kills your cravings, because you’re getting sufficient in all your micronutrients. And then you have the SKINNYFat that keeps your body revved for the next few hours. It’s just fantastic. And we’re also baking with it. I’m doing a lot of baking right now with it. JAYSON: Yeah, I think that protein is one of those things – there are some good quality proteins out there, none of which are certified by the USDA. But that aside, there are quality proteins. But my problem with it is there’s like this barn floor taste to protein concentrates. If you want a clean protein, you’re forced to go with the isolate most of the time. MIRA: But we actually went to the farm. We went to the farmers, and we have this incredible source of – it just takes like cream. It just tastes like pure cream. ARI: Really? Because I agree with you, Jayson, that’s true. I take that for granted because I feel like in this arena where you’re doing biohacking and you’re testing all these different things, you kind of take taste for granted sometimes, so it’s like I don’t expect supplements or things to taste good. MIRA: I do. ARI: But why isolate versus concentrate? That means so little to a lot of people, and I’m curious why you went with the concentrate. JAYSON: The concentrate is the whole form. This is how the whey is. It’s got globulins in it, it’s got the factors that are going to help to increase your glutathione levels. You can’t do that with isolate. MIRA: They just add it back in sometimes. But they basically destroyed it using – if it’s going to be an isolate, it has an acid or a bleach processor, where they actually pulled the fat away from the protein. When they do that, everything gets all messed up in there. You get a lot of destruction, a lot of degradation to the amino acids. So then what they do is they throw them back in afterwards to try to bring the levels back up. JAYSON: But this is a lot of processing. It’s like cracking the egg and then pretending they’re putting it back together. You’re better off leaving it as a whole concentrate. I mean, we have 150 milligrams of glutathione in the product. MIRA: As a serving. JAYSON: Just per serving.
  • 13. ARI: Which, for everybody listening, that is basically your master antioxidant. JAYSON: The ultimate antioxidant, right up there with alpha lipoic acid. Some people even think it’s better than alpha lipoic acid. ARI: That’s my understanding, yeah. MIRA: Anti-aging – it does everything, anti-aging, anti-cancer, brain, memory, anti- Alzheimer’s, dementia. The studies are incredible, and the website actually has every single study mentioned that you can imagine. JAYSON: Probably one of the greatest factors of it is that it recharges other antioxidants. So you’ve got your E and your C and your quercetin and your grape seed extract all out there, going and absorbing these free radical electrons, but then afterwards, they’re almost kind of useless. It’s like they’ve been used. But alpha lipoic acid and glutathione both regenerate and recharge these antioxidants so you can use them again and again and again. And if you don’t have enough of it in your body, then you get a one-shot antioxidant take with these. If you’ve got enough in your body, it’s almost like this never-ending antioxidant supply, and that’s really why it’s so important to have high levels of glutathione. ARI: Sure. So when are you going to take the Triple Threat, feed it to fish, and give us the best fish oil ever? JAYSON: Well, we’re working on an omega, but we only have so much time. MIRA: Yeah, we are going to be working on an omega. ARI: I would be shocked if you weren’t. All right, we’re basically out of time here. It’s always fun talking to you guys. This is really great. I do love to ask this question at the end, which is basically what are your top 3 tips for being more effective? It doesn’t have to be nutrition; if you guys doing everything together is one of them, I would love that. But your top 3 tips for being more effective. MIRA: Be happy. Be a happy human, and in order to do that, find out what makes you happy and let that thrive in you every single day. JAYSON: Yeah. In fact, we were just talking today on our walk that we were going to be doing a lot more with creating a list of things that are factors in your life that do make you happy. How do you get that what we call “happiness factor “into a corporation or a business? And it’s one of the things that we work on every single day. So we’ll do things like very specifically making ourselves take time off.
  • 14. So I think that’s one of the things too, is making time for – especially when you run a company like we do, time for each other in the relationship. I think that’s another tip. So being happy, taking time in the relationship. MIRA: Taking time with your family. JAYSON: And what would you say is our third? MIRA: And the third one… JAYSON: I’d say travel. You know what? It always opens your mind. MIRA: We’re going to take off right now. JAYSON: No matter how much you think you know, go to another place, and you’ll see what perspective you think you have from a completely different angle. MIRA: You’ll learn something new about yourself. JAYSON: Best education in the world is travel, I believe. ARI: Those are great. Thank you for that. Thank you for talking to me. Thank you for providing these amazing products for people that they have to try, and I have been enjoying quite a bit. And also, thank you for the discount code. Everybody can find all this information and more in the show notes. You can give us a URL if you want, but I’m going to put everything about you guys in the show notes anyway. MIRA: We trust you. You got it. JAYSON: And thank you so much, Ari, for bringing us on and trying the products and really giving us honest feedback with them. We appreciate that. ARI: Absolutely. Thanks again. Take care, guys.