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So I am here today in my house with Ilan Feldman of satori prime. Right now we are 
actually babysitting three kids, daddy day care, and we are trying to get into this 
interview/discussion as quick as we can, we just did a pretty bad ass work out. 
You literally tried to kill me 
I didn’t expect that to happen 
What do you call that work out? 
So I have talked about this before in my podcast and my videos but the man maker is a 
complex with what you are doing, a push up works just like basically appropriate, and I roll I 
push up, I roll I push up and you do a squat clean and by the way. 
By the way, that’s all one exercise. 
And we combine that with back slots, one of it is called back slot, and every little minute 
we did one and we went back and forth, I usually thought we should do 20 minutes. 
That sounded like you were out of your mind. 
So we did 14 minutes and I have to say that 14 minutes, that’s a really so hard work out, 
am still sweating, both of us are still sweating, we just showered, separately and both of us are 
cooling down with beer. 
I figured that will maybe cool me down.
So let’s talk about what you do. 
What I do? 
Yeah because you know what, I have so many stuffs that I really want to know. 
I actually work with my brother, Guy Ferdman, a company like you said which is called 
Satori Prime and we train entrepreneurs to create businesses that they are passionate about, so we 
give them all sort of tools. Basically, I will start with a machine and a lie. A lie is to break down 
the barriers to what people believe isn’t possible in their lives. How we accomplish that is by 
unlocking people's passions and turning their passions into money in their bank account. And so 
we do that in a multitude ways, so the first thing we do is there is always a mindset part 
component rights when people decide that the system is not for them, corporate America is not 
for them, there is a big transition that needs to happen, which will bring mindset shift from 
working for someone, for yourself, and then from there we give them all the tools, so we’ve kind 
of like become world class Facebook marketers, a lot of people come to us to learn everything 
they need to learn about Facebook. 
In our conversation, you talked about Facebook, honestly, Facebook marketing is 
something I know nothing about and sought of how does it fit it, you know I get the whole 
mindset thing, how do Facebook become a little part of this? 
So by accident, like all the things I guess, when we had started, we started kind of like a 
lot of people do, just fishing round the internet trying to figure out what we are going to do, Guy 
and I joined this company by the time I think it was called carbon copy pro and we needed a 
marketing strategy, so Facebook kind of became what we wanted to master, and slowly but truly 
you know you do things long enough like anything and you start becoming master and start to 
figure some stuffs out and we realize we really are unto something here , so we launched our first 
product and it went really well, we launched several others, people had us we come out to speak 
in events and so Facebook, the reason we like Facebook at least today so much is because I think 
it’s the easiest platform for people to get online and start making money immediately, we have a 
mastermind for example where the goal of the mastermind is we can teach you in a 90 day period 
to create any campaign, whether a mac or computer phones, bill towers, whatever and create a
possible other right campaign in 45 days maximum and that’s the game plan and we do that in a 
very strategic way so that they don’t have their own product, nothing, they don’t have to have 
nothing, they can literally say, you know am catholic, I will give you an example, this woman 
was passion about fibroid cancer, and treatment for fibroid, which is very difficult to yet find 
treatments for, so she’s really passionate, I think something with her daughter, and we showed 
her base that we can turn that passion because she was already doing all the research and doing 
all the work right and by sharing that with the world, she builds a name for herself and we 
showed her how she can actually leverage that, sell different products that earn her and the ones 
that she likes and just by making that recommendation, we kind of like became the middleman 
and you know, you can make commissions on anything, literally anything to that, I mean the 
stable that, the computer, anything. So if you know that skill, in my opinion, that’s the most 
transferable skill, and that’s why today, I think Facebook is the key in allowing you to do that, 
and so if you can spend 5 to 10 dollars a day, you can build a business like that, that’s really 
That’s really amazing, so that’s not like quick bank stuff, because it’s sort of. 
Sometimes its quick bank stuff, it depends on what your leash is, we don’t love quick 
bank stuff, we can show people how to make money with quick bank, but it’s not something they 
will like, this is the end, you know it’s a great place for people to start, because at the end of the 
day, if you can put the right person in front of the right offer, and convert that into sales, that 
skill is the skill that you want to master. 
Sure because then you can decide that, you know I am not really into selling computers 
anymore, but I know what I am doing now. 
Exactly and it’s the same process, like we literally show like a three step processes using 
Facebook and that’s it, they are off to the races. 
And then even one experience that I noticed on Facebook and indeed I found interesting 
how you can feel like, I only want males between 18 and 24, and it shows you how many people 
that you can possibly reach.
Its crazy today, like they keep improving honestly, I think because they are shareholders, 
so they trying to make the advertising platform much better, but you can reach down to like how 
much money someone makes, how many kids they have, how old their kids are, what business 
they are in, what occupation they are, what position in that corporate structure, its insanely the 
target today. 
So what reason is the best so interest to me also is because I am so obsessive about 
automations, clearly there is a lot of them here for optimization, so like what kind of metrics or 
tracking or feedback were you able to work with when you are doing this kind of stuffs? 
Great question, let me just start by saying the biggest mistake people make and ironically, 
remember when I first spoke to you, I said it’s amazing I need this for my business, and I don’t 
do it with my life, like you track everything in your life, which is why you can make educating 
decisions, it’s not like, oh! I wonder what happened, we do that on Facebook and the biggest 
thing I think on Facebook when you are tracking is most people gamble. 
Every gambling problem on Facebook, they just don’t realize it, because some people who win, 
like I know people that make 30,000 dollars a month, and I ask them what did you do to make 
that money, they have no freaking clue, none, so they can’t replicate it. So one of the things that 
we teach people is how to track down to the individuals, so I will give you an example, we ran a 
campaign in May, it was a 25,000 dollar campaign, we started with 300 ads and we were paying 
just under 500 `dollars for acquisition of a buyer for example, by day 14 because we started 
tracking all these things, we had brought that first down to about 269 dollars, by day 30, we were 
paying 44 dollars for the same person that caused us in the beginning just under 500 dollars and 
we took those ads from 300 down to about 7. 
And what kind of like refinement was it, like what did you start out with and what did 
you get to? 
So you start out really broad and your brain storm will have this whole research thing that 
we teach people how to do before they replace an average most people don’t do, then you place 
the ads , and what you trying to do is figure out which ones are the ads that are actually creating 
you the result, which ones are getting you the leads, which ones of the leads are actually 
converting to sales etcetera. So by the end, we are pretty much down to like women from
Australia between the ages of 35-41 who like Tony Robbins could buy between a time of 10pm 
to 12am and so what I tell people is, imagine if you spend a thousand dollars in testing ten 
different things and its true for anything in life, but you see Facebook and you take that same 
thousand and you eliminate it, because two of them of the tenure are going be the ones that can 
actually credit your money about the gambling bet, you take the same thousand and put it in the 
two that are actually working and in that, you sense you start actual business, literally overnight 
and when people get the power of that, that’s like their hard moment. 
Its only interesting to me because, when I created my mastermind coaching program, I 
thought it was a weird exercise, because I was working with the guy who own it on my customer 
Avatar, and I was as wrong as I could have been, as possibly as it could, I was wrong, I thought 
my clients were going to be women and a certain age married, I had a lot of individual clients 
that way but growing the group for that for some reasons everyone in the group was bad and they 
were very similar to each other and nothing like what I thought it was going to be, so it’s 
interesting how you kind of learn that. 
There are three people in the world, the ones you want to market to, the ones you think 
you market to, and the ones who actually buy your stuff. And the thing that people don’t mostly 
do, that’s the research potion is they market to those they think will buy their product not 
necessarily who is buying their product I will give you a perfect example of where client muscle 
building so far he said to you guys okay who do you market your muscle product to? Your first 
response is going to be, body builders, right, fitness people because what most people is that they 
go their brain and their like okay logic, we know that that’s not necessarily how it works. so we 
put out a survey, we survey people we say okay you are into body building what’s the most 
important thing to you, we give options like type plan, personal trainer, supplement, workout 
routine. 80+% say they are looking for a diet plan. 
We staffs were like whoa that’s a big insight right, excuse me, so we go back to the client 
and we change messaging, why? Because by doing that instead of complaining of 99% of the 
market for 20 % I compete with 1% of the market after 80% of the pie and that’s like you know, 
third of the cost, better result all that kind of stuff, so I think for a lot of people they are too lazy I 
guess to do he proper research. And look you have a great business, that’s right? 
And then from that moment now it’s like I don’t know how many times its exploded but 
many more to burst. 
It’s actually true and the whole automation thing is very interesting, the AB testing, I 
always thought it was crazy, again the guy who was doing this for me, you know we have had 
these in ages and honestly, I don’t know most of this stuffs it’s been done for me. 
Ari outsources everything. 
So the AB testing is so special to me because and again the cells pages is done for me, am 
not dealing with that, it’s been done for me, I don’t rally know about this fault, because it’s not 
my strength, but he was showing me how there is a sign up page with me and the other partners 
and when he had the inner box over my face, as supposed to email box, with me pointing at the 
email box, the sign up page was something like 80% higher, but then he was showing me 
because he does a lot of work for trial plan coaching, because he had this time a box over a 
lady’s leg and the middle one was over her chest and the one that was blocking her legs has 
better sign ups, that kind of got me because I was talking about you and I, how do you even think 
about what to test? 
It’s a really good point, first of all, Ari is a master of optimization and Ari is a master of 
outsourcing the things that aren’t his strength, which is amazing, I mean I have learnt so much 
from you just by understanding that concept. AB testing is very tricky, people get down to really 
obscure rabbit holes for no reason and its mostly waste of time, but when you understand the 
fundamentals of why things work, so Sam, she’s really smart because she’s done this for a very 
long time, so there is certain human behavior things that you pick up on, so for example, let’s use 
that line you did for example; We also know that if the persons eyes are either looking at the 
umpteen box, and are pointing to the umpteen box, what do you normally do, if I was like this, 
you will look that way, even if it is nothing right, it’s a very humanly reaction, so we use play 
with this human behavior things to do that, what’s just crazy is a guy just showed me a learning 
page that he did, where he nearly bolded one sentence, and kept it unbolted in the other one, and 
the bolded one had like 3% umpteen read and the unbolted had like a 40% umpteen read. 
Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense but these are things that when you know what you are
doing, you can test very fast, so you are now like you are not bugged down by it like all this my 
business is based on this thing, it’s just like you are trying to trick and test in optimize. 
So as far as like automation is worth, how much does that play in what you do with the 
base and what you are doing? 
A lot, we are bigger on tools just like you are, we did create a software and that helped us 
tremendously in our business, we are actually in the process of creating another one, we do 
things, the first software was a software that allows you to go into groups in specific signatures, 
so let’s just use that body building example; like if you have a body building of in this product, 
you can actually go and find people that are in a group about fitness on Facebook, that have 
joined that group in the last 30-60 days because the issue with Facebook is like you have hit the 
like button on the page, some of us has been on Facebook for like 3-5 years right? So let’s say 
you have clicked on I like beach body, which is like a fitness thing, but you did it 4 years ago, 
now you have moved on and now you are into yoga right, because you want like a more thing, 
now if I am marketing a body building fitness product to you, you’ve like moved on so my 
dollars are being spent on person that has no interest in that, I would rather market to the person 
that click that button 30 days ago, 60 days ago, because I know that’s what they eat right. So our 
software basically allows you to turn in and notice people, so you are not marketing to the 
masses, you are marketing only to the ones that are newly saying to you 'YES' this is what I am 
about, so that’s our software number one, software number two is a little more simple, it will just 
automate the process that we have been doing manually that just takes a little time, it’s really 
good for research, so that should probably launch another 30-45 days, you can just log on to and follow us and we will let you know when they comes out and I am going to 
put links to everything we talked about in the show. 
So let’s just skip that for a second and talk about, actually your business process, how do 
you kind of go through your day? So your two kids and my three kids are together this weekend, 
and then you work at home, what does your day kind of look like? 
Good question, I work from home and we have a nanny thank God, I actually tried to do 
the honey I work from home, let me take care of the kids, that lasted for about 48 hours, you 
can’t be effective enough in between time, at least for me, so my day consists of am always with 
my kids in the morning, wake up with them, breakfast and the whole thing. I usually wake up
around 7, I know you are like super wiser, so I get to hear like, what time do you wake up, I 
wake up at 4.30 I was like see you at 7. I wake up at 7, take care of my kids, drink a bulletproof 
coffee, that’s usually my morning routine and then I will drive Shyle to campus school and then 
by 9.15, am usually at my desk. My day, what I try to do is I start with some sort of creative task 
just to get kind of juices flowing, because my brother is in California, so he’s 3 hours behind, so 
it’s pretty much like 3 hours in the morning with just me, so I try to knock out as much as 
possible. So I do that sometimes, I schedule some calls. Creative task content are podcasts, I 
rewrite podcast as well, I always be on it, and one of the highest downloaded shows is today. 
So that’s creative, am a big video guy so I created a lot of videos, I like to edit, I really 
enjoy editing video and then usually in the afternoon, I will do work out, because what I find for 
me is like a 3-4 hours stand at my desk with breaks in between for like 3-4 hours and then 
afternoon workout usually takes about an hour, I do like a 30-45 minutes workout, by myself 
shower, I feel like when I come back, from that it’s like a brand new day for me, it’s like a reset 
button energized, excited etcetera, then I usually work out for lunch. I actually, this is going to 
sound really crazy, my wife thinks am crazy, I am pretty much on a liquid diet till dinner, so I 
drink bulletproof, I will do like a protein shape before my workout, because I don’t like to be too 
heavy and then after the workout, I will do another shape, but that one will have like bananas and 
peanut butter another thing is citric oil, some berries, stuffs like that. Here is what I fond and this 
is just from the performing stand point and I think we are talking about performance as we go 
through this but, when I eat lunch, the amount of like tiredness when I get back to my desk is 
horrible, so that’s first of all, making food, eating food, sitting down at my desk, being nostalgic 
for an hour, it’s just a waste of time, I found out making shakes takes me five minutes to make, I 
pound it as am sitting at my desk, I nearly feel like can I keep going like this and then it just 
becomes very effective, so I do that, I come back usually in the afternoon, we have like a 
mastermind calls and stuffs like that, so I take stuffs like that in the afternoon and by usually 6 O' 
clock, I wrap up and I just go and hangout with my kids. 
It is interesting about the eating because I up to about a month ago or so, I had just been 
this 4 months of real straight up internet fasting and not for that purpose, basically what I was 
doing was, I won’t eat anything until noon, not even coffee and when I wake up, I have a lot of 
water basically a couple, just drink water. 
Was it hard at first? 
You know it wasn’t actually, it happened almost by accident, what happened was the first 
time Sebastian used to wake up about 6am and there was a period where he wakes up about 5am
every morning and its fine, but getting up and eating at five was the worst, because then, I’m 
hungry like seven am hungry like nine and I found out that if I delay the eating as long as 
possible basically, I think one morning, I just got to 11 am before eating and I had not even 
thought about eating, it was just so crazy, I was like let me even try this, though it wasn’t had, 
there were couple of times that I did need like a bullet proof coffee just to kind of get through 
whatever, but then it’s basically between 12 and 8 is when I eat and I eat a lot and it was working 
really well and when I found was when the summer came around, it had the opposite effects and 
in a matter of three or four days, I was a zombie. 
Yeah, so what I found was that because we had such a rare weather this year, like it was 
pretty much cold throughout the spring, so I think the internet fasting kind of make sense, I think 
it works better in the winter months and the cold months, because your body is sort of more used 
to it almost like hibernation, so it sort of make sense if you are wondering if traditionally you 
know you would have eaten the meat that you preserved. So I think when the summer came 
around like and there is fresh fruit salad and all that kind of stuffs, I feel like you are buying this 
and sort of like introducing more crops earlier and also eating not certainly when I get up, but I 
will eat shortly thereafter and the big thing for me is as I was doing this, there was no snacking 
which was though, especially making that tradition, I really need to figure out how I will do this 
next season or next year or whatever the thing is because when I was doing internet fasting, I 
literally won’t eat from 4 o clock till 8, I just wouldn’t stop and it was fine, it was really working 
very well because it was like little grazing for 8 hours. Switching back to you know exactly what 
we were talking about anyway, the food requires effort, so it takes you away from what you 
really want to be doing here solely. 
I tell people, they laugh at me, I feel like a high performers look at eating as a nuisance, 
that’s kind of most of the conversations like I had mastermind just right here. 
It’s like a very specific conscience, it’s just like you just have to do it and you do it, 
which is like you missing out some of the choice food and you know, I don’t know, I don’t think 
Even feasting on a weekend it’s like you know when everything slows down and I can 
Well it is even so to me like the choice of food is two things; One is cooking it and that 
even more so is eating eat, so I enjoy that and then the social experience, you know it depends on 
that situation, I don’t really care about what am eating necessarily, who said this, Abe James said 
this n=and it’s like many times like you the better eat like a pound of ice cream with friends then 
you eat like salad by himself usually, like if you are going to enjoy with friends and stuffs 
anyway I agree, I think the food is a fuel and can look at it that way and nowadays you can get so 
dialed in like everything we do, I think it’s very important. So let’s talk about some stuffs on 
your dating site, so they were talking on the news yesterday and I haven’t widely experience but 
my neutral pick of choice basically is a bulletproof coffee which is by no means is powerful as 
anything else, I find it that works very well for me. 
I never had any issue on focus and concentration, I do have some issue some time with creativity 
though, but what I actually do is to really capture these ideas whenever I can and then basically 
get into the mode of creativity and work and do everything they do, but you do, you like 
something to start with. 
I do, so here is the blank statement, everybody and I mean physical body is very different 
and therefore it is up to you to test things on yourself, I know that sounds crazy, but here is the 
good news, you through pecks for the most parts, I think pretty much across the board like the 
Respiring Family which we talked about in the second has a lower lethal dose than salt, like you 
can overdose on salt before you can overdose on this, so it is really safe that’s the good news, so 
even in testing, you are not screwing yourself up, that’s the good news right. 
Now everybody’s chemical as far as am telling you, I just did a podcast with a doctor, Dr 
Antonio Beck Jr and two guys who take my experimental when you through pecks they make me 
look like am a puddler, they experiment with everything, they are really good about tracking 
everything, so I really got schooled, and those were amazing education. One of the things that he 
had said, the doctor that I thought was really fascinating is there is chemistry in the brain that 
allows this stuff to impact you right and when you talk about it like lovers and those certain 
peoples chemistry because of food diet, stress level is a lot of different factors, certain things are 
open, certain things are closed, so certain neutral pins will work better on one person than the 
other that’s why, now personally for me. 
Different neutral peck for different purpose.
Which is another thing I learnt, which I didn’t know, so they like you can get more 
focused, you can get more creativity over a better reaction time, better memory, better responses. 
And you have legitimate may have different requirements at what you are doing. 
Exactly, so like an athlete where the action time is really important, you know that’s what 
you need to focus on, I didn’t know any of this when I started experimenting by the way, I just 
literally found this out, but nonetheless, back in December, I think November of last year, I tried 
divest spray recommended salt take, so I bought a couple of bottles of that as I was like, I have 
been to mastermind and we were there with 25 people, I was asking people about the stuffs, 
because I started hearing neutron pecks, I didn’t know what the heck it was and like 15 out of 25 
people there, it was like 7-8, some even 9 figure earners are on it, am like it has to be something 
to this like this smart successful people aren’t just pumping themselves full of drugs, so I started 
digging, so salted was my first thing. 
And by the way, salted has a choke extra, so it is two very natural compound which have 
a single display, which help your brain absorb less chronic thing, and I have never tried it 
actually, but it has gotten rating reviews and it’s a good example. 
Here is a good example, so first day I took the dosage, I literally flew, not like high and 
not energizing or anything, but you just feel you know like Clyde and Clyde commercial, you 
move the thing, that’s literally what happens in your brain, you are like holy shit! I don’t 
understand, I am seeing things so clearly. So that happened the first day I was like this is magic, 
second day less, third day nothing, literally nothing, I didn’t feel a thing, so I went through the 
first bottle, because I just figured maybe it will take some time, I don’t know whatever I ended 
up returning the second bottle, because I was like this doesn’t do anything, but then I started 
talking to more people, because I thought I needed some other option, so I got to a tropic called, 
there is a resatem family, I think about seven of them anything with Rasathem, there is a bunch 
of them. So I started with perasathem and that was the first and the consistently time that I just 
had amazing results, and I just want to say this clearly like, I don’t have ADD, I don’t have 
ADHD, I don’t have anyone of this made up whatever, I don’t believe in anyone of these things, 
but here is the disorders, I am a really high functioning, highly focused, highly ambitious person, 
this just made me, I sent it to my brother and I didn’t even tell him about it, I was like when you 
see something in the mail, when you get it just let me know, I told him that I want a vacation and
I remember I contacted him like five days, he was like dude, what did you send me, am like a 
robot, because you just so focused and so laser about everything. I said to him yesterday, since I 
started taking it, it was the catalyst in our business, look it’s kind of an unfair advantage, 
honestly I truly believe that this is the thing, its accessible to you and its cheap and not it’s not 
bad, it doesn’t do any badly harm, it’s been around like 6-7 years, so it’s not like something that 
just popped up, so my experience of this is every person is different, give it to my dad for 
example no reaction, nothing. Literally like nothing, and this is right, same family same nothing 
and this is not a good experiment on its own but there is a lot of opportunity so like Dr Becks one 
of the things I learnt was there is basically three types, there is pharmaceutical like what we 
discussed provijual, neovijual, the other one is neutralceuticals which are like the neutral pecks 
that we were talking about the rasathem and all that kind of stuffs and then there are bio, is that 
what you call them. 
Biologic like alpha brain family, alpha brain is like bencotecine. 
So here is talking about airborne matter which is a really crazily dense almost green type 
tea that almost logical to the Argentina tea allegedly. 
Yeah I love it, it’s really great. 
So Dr Becks swears by it, that’s the only neurotic he does. 
So the only interesting thing is that as far as I know is temporizes, but he said it’s very 
specific, he has to prepare them in a traditional way like basically 3-4 hours of steam and that 
gives him the effects of it, it basically has three different parts to know and that’s all. 
So the doctor swears by that one, he was also a central oil like he was talking about like 
sour woods like all this stuffs that also help tremendously, so bottom line is, if you are looking 
for an edge in your life, in your business, in your anything, this is definitely the arena that’s 
worth taking a look at, for short, it’s just. 
This is my feelings on neutron picks is that it’s not going to turn a stupid person into a 
genius; it’s not going to do that. 
It’s more like you have the answer inside you and you just can’t get it out, it’s like a tip 
of your own syndrome I feel like am able and that’s my experience of words like, I can probably 
right this thing you know figure this thing out and it will probably take me three or four days and 
great there is no word for doing i on my own, you know why not take this and do it today 
That’s what I told you, my experience with it has been one ultra-focus, two, it’s like 
seeing a puzzle and understanding all the pieces, where they are going to go like you know 
sometimes you look into your life and it’s kind of jumbled, this makes everything very clear and 
three, in conversations with people, I find out that when they ask a question, the right answer like 
in the brain work the perfect card with the answer is always there, you don’t have to like see 
through a bunch of stuffs which is just like that. 
So I don’t want to push our luck with the babies, so I am just going to ask you our last 
question, which is what are the top three personal tips for being more effective, anything that you 
can share that people should look at and do or try to do to make them work perfectly. 
So we will do this on the fly, number one without a doubt, exercise, if you do not 
exercise, at a minimum of three times a day, there is no way you can be in people's firms, I don’t 
give a shit of who you are, how good you think you are, now I will give you an example of when 
I first started focusing on this part of my life, I was working 10-12 hours a day and then I have 
never been fab or like I haven’t worked out for like two years and brother was like you just take 
an hour in the middle of the day and work out and I just started, the first three or four weeks, I 
have to tell you was the worst, I mean we did a crazy work out and I came back, I was in the six 
shape before, I couldn’t do ten push-ups, that’s how bad the shape I was, I remember the first 
time, I was like holy shit, this is an embarrassment, so I will tell you it clears your mind it gets 
you to be focused and it gets you energized that’s what I do in the middle of my day so I get that 
thing that actually boost, exercise is 100%. Two thing is diet plays a big part which is suppose 
what we talked about and I think every person is very unique and you can definitely figure out
what works for you, you know my wife thinks am crazy that I am like till 7pm, I don’t put food 
in my body, but you know what for me, my body tells me that he loves it. 
If you can listen to your body, which I know you can’t except that’s great. 
But I will tell you this, bulletproof coffee actually was a big shift for me to start listening 
to my body, I never focused I guess unlike what things I put in were doing, now that I know that 
if I eat some cabbages and some certain nuts , you know I told you yesterday that nuts make my 
stomach full, its that stuff that I was never aware of before, because when I clean up my diet, 
every little thing that you put in feel differently, it’s not like putting so much crap in your body 
and you are like I don’t know what did it you know, i will say that. 
And then the third is a thing that I wish I knew 10-15 years ago, its educating really, I think 
that’s the biggest I have been in maximize of an 8-9 figure honors, the biggest difference 
between those people and everybody that wants to be those people is the amount that they need 
to educate themselves, it is a habit on a daily basis where we went through your daily routine 
everyday right, its I ran a bank we have got up to a hundred million dollars in assets in the 
management, I was the sales side of that bank ask me if I ever took a sales seminar, read a sales 
book, nothing, eight years and now in my three years at Satori Prime, you know they say the 
more you know, the dumber you feel, I look back and am like holy shit! I just read a freaking 
sales book, something like that company would have been 5 million bucks, so I think just making 
a habit to educate yourself and learn as much as you can about things that you are passionate 
about, don’t force, just educate, but when you find things that you are passionate about, the 
education becomes very natural, so those are my three. 
Thank you. So where the best website person is can find out about you? 
Yeah, it is is the best place to just join family, we call them prime 
timers. Performance and enhancing podcast, these are podcast, definitely check that out, with a 
very similar podcast, only that I call it the golden nugget in other peoples podcast books etcetera, 
and yeah that’s it. 
Thank you.

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  • 1. ARI So I am here today in my house with Ilan Feldman of satori prime. Right now we are actually babysitting three kids, daddy day care, and we are trying to get into this interview/discussion as quick as we can, we just did a pretty bad ass work out. ILAN You literally tried to kill me ARI I didn’t expect that to happen ILAN What do you call that work out? ARI So I have talked about this before in my podcast and my videos but the man maker is a complex with what you are doing, a push up works just like basically appropriate, and I roll I push up, I roll I push up and you do a squat clean and by the way. ILAN By the way, that’s all one exercise. ARI And we combine that with back slots, one of it is called back slot, and every little minute we did one and we went back and forth, I usually thought we should do 20 minutes. ILAN That sounded like you were out of your mind. ARI So we did 14 minutes and I have to say that 14 minutes, that’s a really so hard work out, am still sweating, both of us are still sweating, we just showered, separately and both of us are cooling down with beer. ILAN I figured that will maybe cool me down.
  • 2. ARI So let’s talk about what you do. ILAN What I do? ARI Yeah because you know what, I have so many stuffs that I really want to know. ILAN I actually work with my brother, Guy Ferdman, a company like you said which is called Satori Prime and we train entrepreneurs to create businesses that they are passionate about, so we give them all sort of tools. Basically, I will start with a machine and a lie. A lie is to break down the barriers to what people believe isn’t possible in their lives. How we accomplish that is by unlocking people's passions and turning their passions into money in their bank account. And so we do that in a multitude ways, so the first thing we do is there is always a mindset part component rights when people decide that the system is not for them, corporate America is not for them, there is a big transition that needs to happen, which will bring mindset shift from working for someone, for yourself, and then from there we give them all the tools, so we’ve kind of like become world class Facebook marketers, a lot of people come to us to learn everything they need to learn about Facebook. ARI In our conversation, you talked about Facebook, honestly, Facebook marketing is something I know nothing about and sought of how does it fit it, you know I get the whole mindset thing, how do Facebook become a little part of this? ILAN So by accident, like all the things I guess, when we had started, we started kind of like a lot of people do, just fishing round the internet trying to figure out what we are going to do, Guy and I joined this company by the time I think it was called carbon copy pro and we needed a marketing strategy, so Facebook kind of became what we wanted to master, and slowly but truly you know you do things long enough like anything and you start becoming master and start to figure some stuffs out and we realize we really are unto something here , so we launched our first product and it went really well, we launched several others, people had us we come out to speak in events and so Facebook, the reason we like Facebook at least today so much is because I think it’s the easiest platform for people to get online and start making money immediately, we have a mastermind for example where the goal of the mastermind is we can teach you in a 90 day period to create any campaign, whether a mac or computer phones, bill towers, whatever and create a
  • 3. possible other right campaign in 45 days maximum and that’s the game plan and we do that in a very strategic way so that they don’t have their own product, nothing, they don’t have to have nothing, they can literally say, you know am catholic, I will give you an example, this woman was passion about fibroid cancer, and treatment for fibroid, which is very difficult to yet find treatments for, so she’s really passionate, I think something with her daughter, and we showed her base that we can turn that passion because she was already doing all the research and doing all the work right and by sharing that with the world, she builds a name for herself and we showed her how she can actually leverage that, sell different products that earn her and the ones that she likes and just by making that recommendation, we kind of like became the middleman and you know, you can make commissions on anything, literally anything to that, I mean the stable that, the computer, anything. So if you know that skill, in my opinion, that’s the most transferable skill, and that’s why today, I think Facebook is the key in allowing you to do that, and so if you can spend 5 to 10 dollars a day, you can build a business like that, that’s really cool. ARI That’s really amazing, so that’s not like quick bank stuff, because it’s sort of. ILAN Sometimes its quick bank stuff, it depends on what your leash is, we don’t love quick bank stuff, we can show people how to make money with quick bank, but it’s not something they will like, this is the end, you know it’s a great place for people to start, because at the end of the day, if you can put the right person in front of the right offer, and convert that into sales, that skill is the skill that you want to master. ARI Sure because then you can decide that, you know I am not really into selling computers anymore, but I know what I am doing now. ILAN Exactly and it’s the same process, like we literally show like a three step processes using Facebook and that’s it, they are off to the races. ARI And then even one experience that I noticed on Facebook and indeed I found interesting how you can feel like, I only want males between 18 and 24, and it shows you how many people that you can possibly reach.
  • 4. ILAN Its crazy today, like they keep improving honestly, I think because they are shareholders, so they trying to make the advertising platform much better, but you can reach down to like how much money someone makes, how many kids they have, how old their kids are, what business they are in, what occupation they are, what position in that corporate structure, its insanely the target today. ARI So what reason is the best so interest to me also is because I am so obsessive about automations, clearly there is a lot of them here for optimization, so like what kind of metrics or tracking or feedback were you able to work with when you are doing this kind of stuffs? ILAN Great question, let me just start by saying the biggest mistake people make and ironically, remember when I first spoke to you, I said it’s amazing I need this for my business, and I don’t do it with my life, like you track everything in your life, which is why you can make educating decisions, it’s not like, oh! I wonder what happened, we do that on Facebook and the biggest thing I think on Facebook when you are tracking is most people gamble. Every gambling problem on Facebook, they just don’t realize it, because some people who win, like I know people that make 30,000 dollars a month, and I ask them what did you do to make that money, they have no freaking clue, none, so they can’t replicate it. So one of the things that we teach people is how to track down to the individuals, so I will give you an example, we ran a campaign in May, it was a 25,000 dollar campaign, we started with 300 ads and we were paying just under 500 `dollars for acquisition of a buyer for example, by day 14 because we started tracking all these things, we had brought that first down to about 269 dollars, by day 30, we were paying 44 dollars for the same person that caused us in the beginning just under 500 dollars and we took those ads from 300 down to about 7. ARI And what kind of like refinement was it, like what did you start out with and what did you get to? ILAN So you start out really broad and your brain storm will have this whole research thing that we teach people how to do before they replace an average most people don’t do, then you place the ads , and what you trying to do is figure out which ones are the ads that are actually creating you the result, which ones are getting you the leads, which ones of the leads are actually converting to sales etcetera. So by the end, we are pretty much down to like women from
  • 5. Australia between the ages of 35-41 who like Tony Robbins could buy between a time of 10pm to 12am and so what I tell people is, imagine if you spend a thousand dollars in testing ten different things and its true for anything in life, but you see Facebook and you take that same thousand and you eliminate it, because two of them of the tenure are going be the ones that can actually credit your money about the gambling bet, you take the same thousand and put it in the two that are actually working and in that, you sense you start actual business, literally overnight and when people get the power of that, that’s like their hard moment. ARI Its only interesting to me because, when I created my mastermind coaching program, I thought it was a weird exercise, because I was working with the guy who own it on my customer Avatar, and I was as wrong as I could have been, as possibly as it could, I was wrong, I thought my clients were going to be women and a certain age married, I had a lot of individual clients that way but growing the group for that for some reasons everyone in the group was bad and they were very similar to each other and nothing like what I thought it was going to be, so it’s interesting how you kind of learn that. ILAN There are three people in the world, the ones you want to market to, the ones you think you market to, and the ones who actually buy your stuff. And the thing that people don’t mostly do, that’s the research potion is they market to those they think will buy their product not necessarily who is buying their product I will give you a perfect example of where client muscle building so far he said to you guys okay who do you market your muscle product to? Your first response is going to be, body builders, right, fitness people because what most people is that they go their brain and their like okay logic, we know that that’s not necessarily how it works. so we put out a survey, we survey people we say okay you are into body building what’s the most important thing to you, we give options like type plan, personal trainer, supplement, workout routine. 80+% say they are looking for a diet plan. We staffs were like whoa that’s a big insight right, excuse me, so we go back to the client and we change messaging, why? Because by doing that instead of complaining of 99% of the market for 20 % I compete with 1% of the market after 80% of the pie and that’s like you know, third of the cost, better result all that kind of stuff, so I think for a lot of people they are too lazy I guess to do he proper research. And look you have a great business, that’s right? ARI Yeah
  • 6. ILAN And then from that moment now it’s like I don’t know how many times its exploded but many more to burst. ARI It’s actually true and the whole automation thing is very interesting, the AB testing, I always thought it was crazy, again the guy who was doing this for me, you know we have had these in ages and honestly, I don’t know most of this stuffs it’s been done for me. ILAN Ari outsources everything. ARI So the AB testing is so special to me because and again the cells pages is done for me, am not dealing with that, it’s been done for me, I don’t rally know about this fault, because it’s not my strength, but he was showing me how there is a sign up page with me and the other partners and when he had the inner box over my face, as supposed to email box, with me pointing at the email box, the sign up page was something like 80% higher, but then he was showing me because he does a lot of work for trial plan coaching, because he had this time a box over a lady’s leg and the middle one was over her chest and the one that was blocking her legs has better sign ups, that kind of got me because I was talking about you and I, how do you even think about what to test? ILAN It’s a really good point, first of all, Ari is a master of optimization and Ari is a master of outsourcing the things that aren’t his strength, which is amazing, I mean I have learnt so much from you just by understanding that concept. AB testing is very tricky, people get down to really obscure rabbit holes for no reason and its mostly waste of time, but when you understand the fundamentals of why things work, so Sam, she’s really smart because she’s done this for a very long time, so there is certain human behavior things that you pick up on, so for example, let’s use that line you did for example; We also know that if the persons eyes are either looking at the umpteen box, and are pointing to the umpteen box, what do you normally do, if I was like this, you will look that way, even if it is nothing right, it’s a very humanly reaction, so we use play with this human behavior things to do that, what’s just crazy is a guy just showed me a learning page that he did, where he nearly bolded one sentence, and kept it unbolted in the other one, and the bolded one had like 3% umpteen read and the unbolted had like a 40% umpteen read. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense but these are things that when you know what you are
  • 7. doing, you can test very fast, so you are now like you are not bugged down by it like all this my business is based on this thing, it’s just like you are trying to trick and test in optimize. ARI So as far as like automation is worth, how much does that play in what you do with the base and what you are doing? ILAN A lot, we are bigger on tools just like you are, we did create a software and that helped us tremendously in our business, we are actually in the process of creating another one, we do things, the first software was a software that allows you to go into groups in specific signatures, so let’s just use that body building example; like if you have a body building of in this product, you can actually go and find people that are in a group about fitness on Facebook, that have joined that group in the last 30-60 days because the issue with Facebook is like you have hit the like button on the page, some of us has been on Facebook for like 3-5 years right? So let’s say you have clicked on I like beach body, which is like a fitness thing, but you did it 4 years ago, now you have moved on and now you are into yoga right, because you want like a more thing, now if I am marketing a body building fitness product to you, you’ve like moved on so my dollars are being spent on person that has no interest in that, I would rather market to the person that click that button 30 days ago, 60 days ago, because I know that’s what they eat right. So our software basically allows you to turn in and notice people, so you are not marketing to the masses, you are marketing only to the ones that are newly saying to you 'YES' this is what I am about, so that’s our software number one, software number two is a little more simple, it will just automate the process that we have been doing manually that just takes a little time, it’s really good for research, so that should probably launch another 30-45 days, you can just log on to and follow us and we will let you know when they comes out and I am going to put links to everything we talked about in the show. ARI So let’s just skip that for a second and talk about, actually your business process, how do you kind of go through your day? So your two kids and my three kids are together this weekend, and then you work at home, what does your day kind of look like? ILAN Good question, I work from home and we have a nanny thank God, I actually tried to do the honey I work from home, let me take care of the kids, that lasted for about 48 hours, you can’t be effective enough in between time, at least for me, so my day consists of am always with my kids in the morning, wake up with them, breakfast and the whole thing. I usually wake up
  • 8. around 7, I know you are like super wiser, so I get to hear like, what time do you wake up, I wake up at 4.30 I was like see you at 7. I wake up at 7, take care of my kids, drink a bulletproof coffee, that’s usually my morning routine and then I will drive Shyle to campus school and then by 9.15, am usually at my desk. My day, what I try to do is I start with some sort of creative task just to get kind of juices flowing, because my brother is in California, so he’s 3 hours behind, so it’s pretty much like 3 hours in the morning with just me, so I try to knock out as much as possible. So I do that sometimes, I schedule some calls. Creative task content are podcasts, I rewrite podcast as well, I always be on it, and one of the highest downloaded shows is today. So that’s creative, am a big video guy so I created a lot of videos, I like to edit, I really enjoy editing video and then usually in the afternoon, I will do work out, because what I find for me is like a 3-4 hours stand at my desk with breaks in between for like 3-4 hours and then afternoon workout usually takes about an hour, I do like a 30-45 minutes workout, by myself shower, I feel like when I come back, from that it’s like a brand new day for me, it’s like a reset button energized, excited etcetera, then I usually work out for lunch. I actually, this is going to sound really crazy, my wife thinks am crazy, I am pretty much on a liquid diet till dinner, so I drink bulletproof, I will do like a protein shape before my workout, because I don’t like to be too heavy and then after the workout, I will do another shape, but that one will have like bananas and peanut butter another thing is citric oil, some berries, stuffs like that. Here is what I fond and this is just from the performing stand point and I think we are talking about performance as we go through this but, when I eat lunch, the amount of like tiredness when I get back to my desk is horrible, so that’s first of all, making food, eating food, sitting down at my desk, being nostalgic for an hour, it’s just a waste of time, I found out making shakes takes me five minutes to make, I pound it as am sitting at my desk, I nearly feel like can I keep going like this and then it just becomes very effective, so I do that, I come back usually in the afternoon, we have like a mastermind calls and stuffs like that, so I take stuffs like that in the afternoon and by usually 6 O' clock, I wrap up and I just go and hangout with my kids. ARI It is interesting about the eating because I up to about a month ago or so, I had just been this 4 months of real straight up internet fasting and not for that purpose, basically what I was doing was, I won’t eat anything until noon, not even coffee and when I wake up, I have a lot of water basically a couple, just drink water. ILAN Was it hard at first? ARI You know it wasn’t actually, it happened almost by accident, what happened was the first time Sebastian used to wake up about 6am and there was a period where he wakes up about 5am
  • 9. every morning and its fine, but getting up and eating at five was the worst, because then, I’m hungry like seven am hungry like nine and I found out that if I delay the eating as long as possible basically, I think one morning, I just got to 11 am before eating and I had not even thought about eating, it was just so crazy, I was like let me even try this, though it wasn’t had, there were couple of times that I did need like a bullet proof coffee just to kind of get through whatever, but then it’s basically between 12 and 8 is when I eat and I eat a lot and it was working really well and when I found was when the summer came around, it had the opposite effects and in a matter of three or four days, I was a zombie. ILAN Really! ARI Yeah, so what I found was that because we had such a rare weather this year, like it was pretty much cold throughout the spring, so I think the internet fasting kind of make sense, I think it works better in the winter months and the cold months, because your body is sort of more used to it almost like hibernation, so it sort of make sense if you are wondering if traditionally you know you would have eaten the meat that you preserved. So I think when the summer came around like and there is fresh fruit salad and all that kind of stuffs, I feel like you are buying this and sort of like introducing more crops earlier and also eating not certainly when I get up, but I will eat shortly thereafter and the big thing for me is as I was doing this, there was no snacking which was though, especially making that tradition, I really need to figure out how I will do this next season or next year or whatever the thing is because when I was doing internet fasting, I literally won’t eat from 4 o clock till 8, I just wouldn’t stop and it was fine, it was really working very well because it was like little grazing for 8 hours. Switching back to you know exactly what we were talking about anyway, the food requires effort, so it takes you away from what you really want to be doing here solely. ILAN I tell people, they laugh at me, I feel like a high performers look at eating as a nuisance, that’s kind of most of the conversations like I had mastermind just right here. ARI It’s like a very specific conscience, it’s just like you just have to do it and you do it, which is like you missing out some of the choice food and you know, I don’t know, I don’t think so. ILAN
  • 10. Even feasting on a weekend it’s like you know when everything slows down and I can just. ARI Well it is even so to me like the choice of food is two things; One is cooking it and that even more so is eating eat, so I enjoy that and then the social experience, you know it depends on that situation, I don’t really care about what am eating necessarily, who said this, Abe James said this n=and it’s like many times like you the better eat like a pound of ice cream with friends then you eat like salad by himself usually, like if you are going to enjoy with friends and stuffs anyway I agree, I think the food is a fuel and can look at it that way and nowadays you can get so dialed in like everything we do, I think it’s very important. So let’s talk about some stuffs on your dating site, so they were talking on the news yesterday and I haven’t widely experience but my neutral pick of choice basically is a bulletproof coffee which is by no means is powerful as anything else, I find it that works very well for me. I never had any issue on focus and concentration, I do have some issue some time with creativity though, but what I actually do is to really capture these ideas whenever I can and then basically get into the mode of creativity and work and do everything they do, but you do, you like something to start with. ILAN I do, so here is the blank statement, everybody and I mean physical body is very different and therefore it is up to you to test things on yourself, I know that sounds crazy, but here is the good news, you through pecks for the most parts, I think pretty much across the board like the Respiring Family which we talked about in the second has a lower lethal dose than salt, like you can overdose on salt before you can overdose on this, so it is really safe that’s the good news, so even in testing, you are not screwing yourself up, that’s the good news right. Now everybody’s chemical as far as am telling you, I just did a podcast with a doctor, Dr Antonio Beck Jr and two guys who take my experimental when you through pecks they make me look like am a puddler, they experiment with everything, they are really good about tracking everything, so I really got schooled, and those were amazing education. One of the things that he had said, the doctor that I thought was really fascinating is there is chemistry in the brain that allows this stuff to impact you right and when you talk about it like lovers and those certain peoples chemistry because of food diet, stress level is a lot of different factors, certain things are open, certain things are closed, so certain neutral pins will work better on one person than the other that’s why, now personally for me. ARI Different neutral peck for different purpose.
  • 11. ILAN Which is another thing I learnt, which I didn’t know, so they like you can get more focused, you can get more creativity over a better reaction time, better memory, better responses. ARI And you have legitimate may have different requirements at what you are doing. ILAN Exactly, so like an athlete where the action time is really important, you know that’s what you need to focus on, I didn’t know any of this when I started experimenting by the way, I just literally found this out, but nonetheless, back in December, I think November of last year, I tried divest spray recommended salt take, so I bought a couple of bottles of that as I was like, I have been to mastermind and we were there with 25 people, I was asking people about the stuffs, because I started hearing neutron pecks, I didn’t know what the heck it was and like 15 out of 25 people there, it was like 7-8, some even 9 figure earners are on it, am like it has to be something to this like this smart successful people aren’t just pumping themselves full of drugs, so I started digging, so salted was my first thing. ARI And by the way, salted has a choke extra, so it is two very natural compound which have a single display, which help your brain absorb less chronic thing, and I have never tried it actually, but it has gotten rating reviews and it’s a good example. ILAN Here is a good example, so first day I took the dosage, I literally flew, not like high and not energizing or anything, but you just feel you know like Clyde and Clyde commercial, you move the thing, that’s literally what happens in your brain, you are like holy shit! I don’t understand, I am seeing things so clearly. So that happened the first day I was like this is magic, second day less, third day nothing, literally nothing, I didn’t feel a thing, so I went through the first bottle, because I just figured maybe it will take some time, I don’t know whatever I ended up returning the second bottle, because I was like this doesn’t do anything, but then I started talking to more people, because I thought I needed some other option, so I got to a tropic called, there is a resatem family, I think about seven of them anything with Rasathem, there is a bunch of them. So I started with perasathem and that was the first and the consistently time that I just had amazing results, and I just want to say this clearly like, I don’t have ADD, I don’t have ADHD, I don’t have anyone of this made up whatever, I don’t believe in anyone of these things, but here is the disorders, I am a really high functioning, highly focused, highly ambitious person, this just made me, I sent it to my brother and I didn’t even tell him about it, I was like when you see something in the mail, when you get it just let me know, I told him that I want a vacation and
  • 12. I remember I contacted him like five days, he was like dude, what did you send me, am like a robot, because you just so focused and so laser about everything. I said to him yesterday, since I started taking it, it was the catalyst in our business, look it’s kind of an unfair advantage, honestly I truly believe that this is the thing, its accessible to you and its cheap and not it’s not bad, it doesn’t do any badly harm, it’s been around like 6-7 years, so it’s not like something that just popped up, so my experience of this is every person is different, give it to my dad for example no reaction, nothing. Literally like nothing, and this is right, same family same nothing and this is not a good experiment on its own but there is a lot of opportunity so like Dr Becks one of the things I learnt was there is basically three types, there is pharmaceutical like what we discussed provijual, neovijual, the other one is neutralceuticals which are like the neutral pecks that we were talking about the rasathem and all that kind of stuffs and then there are bio, is that what you call them. ARI Biologic like alpha brain family, alpha brain is like bencotecine. ILAN So here is talking about airborne matter which is a really crazily dense almost green type tea that almost logical to the Argentina tea allegedly. ARI Yeah I love it, it’s really great. ILAN So Dr Becks swears by it, that’s the only neurotic he does. ARI So the only interesting thing is that as far as I know is temporizes, but he said it’s very specific, he has to prepare them in a traditional way like basically 3-4 hours of steam and that gives him the effects of it, it basically has three different parts to know and that’s all. ILAN So the doctor swears by that one, he was also a central oil like he was talking about like sour woods like all this stuffs that also help tremendously, so bottom line is, if you are looking for an edge in your life, in your business, in your anything, this is definitely the arena that’s worth taking a look at, for short, it’s just. ARI
  • 13. This is my feelings on neutron picks is that it’s not going to turn a stupid person into a genius; it’s not going to do that. ILAN No. ARI It’s more like you have the answer inside you and you just can’t get it out, it’s like a tip of your own syndrome I feel like am able and that’s my experience of words like, I can probably right this thing you know figure this thing out and it will probably take me three or four days and great there is no word for doing i on my own, you know why not take this and do it today basically. ILAN That’s what I told you, my experience with it has been one ultra-focus, two, it’s like seeing a puzzle and understanding all the pieces, where they are going to go like you know sometimes you look into your life and it’s kind of jumbled, this makes everything very clear and three, in conversations with people, I find out that when they ask a question, the right answer like in the brain work the perfect card with the answer is always there, you don’t have to like see through a bunch of stuffs which is just like that. ARI So I don’t want to push our luck with the babies, so I am just going to ask you our last question, which is what are the top three personal tips for being more effective, anything that you can share that people should look at and do or try to do to make them work perfectly. ILAN So we will do this on the fly, number one without a doubt, exercise, if you do not exercise, at a minimum of three times a day, there is no way you can be in people's firms, I don’t give a shit of who you are, how good you think you are, now I will give you an example of when I first started focusing on this part of my life, I was working 10-12 hours a day and then I have never been fab or like I haven’t worked out for like two years and brother was like you just take an hour in the middle of the day and work out and I just started, the first three or four weeks, I have to tell you was the worst, I mean we did a crazy work out and I came back, I was in the six shape before, I couldn’t do ten push-ups, that’s how bad the shape I was, I remember the first time, I was like holy shit, this is an embarrassment, so I will tell you it clears your mind it gets you to be focused and it gets you energized that’s what I do in the middle of my day so I get that thing that actually boost, exercise is 100%. Two thing is diet plays a big part which is suppose what we talked about and I think every person is very unique and you can definitely figure out
  • 14. what works for you, you know my wife thinks am crazy that I am like till 7pm, I don’t put food in my body, but you know what for me, my body tells me that he loves it. ARI If you can listen to your body, which I know you can’t except that’s great. ILAN But I will tell you this, bulletproof coffee actually was a big shift for me to start listening to my body, I never focused I guess unlike what things I put in were doing, now that I know that if I eat some cabbages and some certain nuts , you know I told you yesterday that nuts make my stomach full, its that stuff that I was never aware of before, because when I clean up my diet, every little thing that you put in feel differently, it’s not like putting so much crap in your body and you are like I don’t know what did it you know, i will say that. And then the third is a thing that I wish I knew 10-15 years ago, its educating really, I think that’s the biggest I have been in maximize of an 8-9 figure honors, the biggest difference between those people and everybody that wants to be those people is the amount that they need to educate themselves, it is a habit on a daily basis where we went through your daily routine everyday right, its I ran a bank we have got up to a hundred million dollars in assets in the management, I was the sales side of that bank ask me if I ever took a sales seminar, read a sales book, nothing, eight years and now in my three years at Satori Prime, you know they say the more you know, the dumber you feel, I look back and am like holy shit! I just read a freaking sales book, something like that company would have been 5 million bucks, so I think just making a habit to educate yourself and learn as much as you can about things that you are passionate about, don’t force, just educate, but when you find things that you are passionate about, the education becomes very natural, so those are my three. ARI Thank you. So where the best website person is can find out about you? ILAN Yeah, it is is the best place to just join family, we call them prime timers. Performance and enhancing podcast, these are podcast, definitely check that out, with a very similar podcast, only that I call it the golden nugget in other peoples podcast books etcetera, and yeah that’s it. ARI Thank you.