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CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
CLSC Final Presentation
August 2013
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Who are we?
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Elevator Pitch
Tired of your electronic device
cables and headphones getting
tangled? CableBone's products
help you keep all your cables
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Elevator Pitch
Or more simply,
we help turn this...
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Elevator Pitch
...into this!
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
What did we think coming into
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
1. People want a way to easily store their headphones and
usb cables when not in use
2. Semi-customizable products are preferred to support
people's lifestyle
3. "Made in USA" can help separate us from imports
4. Non-mechanical nature will be more durable and thus
increase value to customer
5. We can sell these direct to customers, as well as
indirectly through other eCom sites and traditional retail.
There could also be an opportunity as a promotional item.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Business Model Canvas
Original canvas
● Children and
Adults who use
USB and/or
● Companies
looking for a
new, unique
product for
● Direct -
● Direct -
● Product
● Direct to
● Through
● Corporate
● Easily store USB
and/or headphone
cables when not
in use
● Individuality
through semi-
custom product
Green = part of original
Blue = new addition
● Easy to use
● Reliable
● Customization
● Value
● Website
● Manufacturing, w
arehousing and
● Direct and indirect
billing capabilities
● Manufacturing
● Distribution
● Ambassadors /
● Distribution
● Packaging
● Advertising
● Manufacturing
● Overhead
● Product sale
(direct or indirect)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
What did we learn from CLSC?
(explained through the BMC as we went through class)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Business Model Canvas
First, we validated that there was a problem to solve, how big the
problem was, and who we could solve a problem for...
● Children and
Adults who use
USB and/or
● Companies
looking for a
new, unique
product for
● Direct -
● Direct -
● Product
● Direct to
● Through
● Corporate
● Easily store USB
and/or headphone
cables when not
in use
● Individuality
through semi-
custom product
Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition
● Easy to use
● Reliable
● Customization
● Value
● Website
● Manufacturing, w
arehousing and
● Direct and indirect
billing capabilities
● Manufacturing
● Distribution
● Ambassadors /
● Distribution
● Packaging
● Advertising
● Manufacturing
● Overhead
● Product sale
(direct or indirect)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Problem Validation Experiments
• 45 people interviewed
• 88 additional people surveyed (we wanted more
data to validate our TAM and SAM)
...what did we find?
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Everyone uses electronic devices...
• The average person carries 4
personal electronic devices (ie.
cellular phone, portable music
player or portable video player)
• Headphones are the most
common accessory (75%
penetration among personal
electronic devices)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
...and use their devices frequently...
• Users reach for just their smartphone
on average 150 times per day
o Approximately 9% to 18% of those
interactions involve a headphone
and/or USB cable
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
...but need a solution.
• Along with our
devices, we have
on average 5 sets
of cables to
with our devices
(typically USB
cables) and 2 sets
of headphones.
• For most users, a way to store these cables so that they are
easy to find and ready to use is a problem...we typically
through them in our gym bag, purse or briefcase hoping for
the best, only to find them as knotted balls right when we
need them.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Additional things we learned
• People are degrading their listening experience to
avoid pain
o One interviewee buys bulk amounts of cheap
headphones on eBay just so they can throw
them away when they get tangled
• People try various ways to store cables, from twist
ties to ‘black magic’ (ie hoping for the best).
• Customer age and sex were less important in
defining the customer, since people across the
population use electornic devices and cables.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Additional things we learned
• New value propositions we discovered:
o Cable management while using headphones
o Helping people find their headphones
o Incentivizing children (who increasingly have
electronic devices of their own) to use the
CableBone to keep their own cables organized
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Business Model Canvas
We felt our pain points and potential market were validated, so we
updated our canvas, and turned our attention towards an MVP...
● Children and
Adults who use
USB and/or
● Companies
looking for a
new, unique
product for
● Direct -
● Direct -
● Product
● Direct to
● Through
● Corporate
● Easily store USB
and/or headphone
cables when not in
● Individuality
through semi-
custom product
Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition
● Easy to use
● Reliable
● Customization
● Value
● Website
● Manufacturing, w
arehousing and
● Direct and indirect
billing capabilities
● Manufacturing
● Distribution
● Ambassadors /
● Distribution
● Packaging
● Advertising
● Manufacturing
● Overhead
● Product sale
(direct or indirect)
● Cable management
while using an
electronic device
● Helping users find
their headphones
● Reward system
that parents can
use to motivate
children to keep
cables organized
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
The CableBone MVP
• The MVP was sketched (and re-
sketched several times) on a piece
of paper.
• Once I had what I thought was a
good design, I poured Plaster of
Paris into a shoebox and carved a
basic mold. A few hours later, with
some meltable wax, we were
testing our first MVP for basic fit
and function.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
The CableBone MVP
• Once dimensions on the first wax MVP were tightened
up, a complete schematic was made.
• The schematic was then sent to a local 3D printer to
make an MVP that we could get in front of customers for
Value Proposition interviews
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Biggest challenge for our MVP
• During our Problem Validation interviews, we
measured pain severity on a scale by asking
interviewees to select how much time it takes them to
currently get their headphones ready for use:
1. Less than 1 minute
2. 1 to 2 minutes
3. 3 minutes or more
• Average pain amongst all interviewed was 1.14
○ Despite a low average severity, pain does happen
○ Problem recognition and pain severity increased
as the interviewee had more cables (not
necessarily more devices)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Biggest challenge for our MVP
• This was a pivot-vs-persevere point - either people are
annoyed but not in pain, or they ignore their pain because
they don't know of any solution.
• We reviewed our interactions with customers, and noted
that many of the actions we saw illustrated that pain may
be higher than customers perceive:
a. People threw headphones away when knotted
b. For many who thought it took them less than a minute
to untie knotted headphones, when we gave them a
knotted pair to untie, it sometimes took more than a
minute. Even if they got it untangled in under a
minute, it reminded them how much they dislike the
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Biggest challenge for our MVP
• We decided to persevere and treat our pain as
something that would grow when customers were
made aware of it and saw that there was a
solution for it (similar to how Apple saw customers
pain in getting music onto digital players and
launched the iTunes store).
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Business Model Canvas
...with an MVP in hand, we re-engaged potential customers to test
our Value Proposition
● Children and
Adults who use
USB and/or
● Companies
looking for a
new, unique
product for
● Direct -
● Direct -
● Product
● Direct to
● Through
● Corporate
● Easily store USB
and/or headphone
cables when not in
● Individuality
through semi-
custom product
Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition
● Easy to use
● Reliable
● Customization
● Value
● Website
● Manufacturing, w
arehousing and
● Direct and indirect
billing capabilities
● Manufacturing
● Distribution
● Ambassadors /
● Distribution
● Packaging
● Advertising
● Manufacturing
● Overhead
● Product sale
(direct or indirect)
● Cable management
while using an
electronic device
● Helping users find
their headphones
● Reward system
that parents can
use to motivate
children to keep
cables organized
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Value Proposition Experiments
• 5 people interviewed
o 3 people from ‘Problem Validation’ interviews
were re-engaged
o 1 interview was with our recently added
mentor, Michael Koss (CEO of Koss
o A second interview was with Michael Koss Jr,
(Director of Marketing for Koss Headphones).
...what did we find?
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Organizational value was clear...
• Interviewees saw a CableBone
with a headphone on it, and
they all thought it would
definitely keep their cables
• Understanding how to use the
CableBone is somewhat
intuitive, but they all required
one demonstration to teach
them the best way to use the
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc were add-on values.
• All interviewees agreed that a non-mechanical nature
made a safer and more durable product
• The ‘Made in USA’ aspect can be a differentiator
when the overall product has value to the customer
(i.e. we can't really charge more because it is made
in the USA, but customers would choose ours vs an
import if we were in the same price category)
• High interest, including higher propensity to
pay, amongst all interviewees for products that
support their personality (ie sports
teams, fundraisers, personal life events, etc).
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
We discovered a new value...
• According to the NPD group, consumers expect
their earbuds and in-ear headphones to last
between 8-12 months
o We saw this expectation play-out in our
interviews, with customers buying cheaper
• For customers who want to enjoy their music more
with better headphones, but are afraid to do so
because they may break or lose them, CableBone
could enable people to enjoy their music more by
removing the fear of breaking them in a bag.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
...found that one idea did not add value...
• Originally, we envisioned that
the CableBone would be
packaged in a clear case
(hoping that the high-end
packaging would increase the
perceived value)
● Feedback suggested that the
case has little long-term
value in its current form
● Given that the case costs as
much as the product, we
removed the case for now.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
...and confirmed our price point.
• Competitive units sell for between $5 and $20
o Our mentor advised us that the average retail
price of earbuds and in-ear headphones is
roughly $19.00, so that retail price for
CableBone should be between $5 and $10.
• All interviewees were willing to pay $10 for a
o Those who had a lower pain level, typically
wanted to pay $10 for one that had a relevant
team/cause affiliation, while those with a higher
pain level would be willing to pay $10 for a
standard black unit.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Business Model Canvas
With our MVP validated and our customer profile understood, we
shifted to obtaining customers and getting a CableBone to them...
● Children and
Adults who use
USB and/or
● Companies
looking for a
new, unique
product for
● Direct -
● Direct -
● Product
● Direct to
● Through
● Corporate
● Easily store USB
and/or headphone
cables when not in
● Individuality
through semi-
custom product
Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition
● Easy to use
● Reliable
● Customization
● Value
● Website
● Manufacturing, w
arehousing and
● Direct and indirect
billing capabilities
● Manufacturing
● Distribution
● Ambassadors /
● Distribution
● Packaging
● Advertising
● Manufacturing
● Overhead
● Product sale
(direct or indirect)
● Cable management
while using an
electronic device
● Helping users find
their headphones
● Reward system
that parents can
use to motivate
children to keep
cables organized
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Get Customers
We set out at first to build the tools needed to drive
people to our website and build awareness...
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Paid Search & SEO
● We used our limited understanding of SEO to try and build
our web search ranking.
○ There are a lot of relevant products, blogs, reviews, etc
that come up through organic search (ie cord
wrap, headphone management, etc), which confirms
customer interest in the category.
● Google Adwords was also used to test several keywords:
○ Initial adwords campaign saw a CTR of 0.1% with a CPC
of $1.05 in avg position of 4.4
○ Highly targeted words (ie competitive product names or
very specific keywords) had their CTR jump up to
between 0.4% and1.34%, avg CPC between $0.75 and
$1.5 and avg ranking between 1 and 2
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Keep Customers
Once customers were at our website, we needed to
quickly educate them and get them to purchase...
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Customer Education
● In the ‘Value Proposition’ interviews, we learned that showing
customers how to properly use the CableBone (so that it
operates quickly and effectively) is key to them seeing the
● A homemade video was put together to show customers in
60 seconds how easy and effective the CableBone was:
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Website - Original
● In June, our original website was
setup in a vertical fashion to
allow for scrolling on mobile
devices with smaller screens
○ 6 total pages
○ Homepage featured social
media, videos, pictures, text
and a CTA
● Google Analytics stats for original
○ 84% of visitors were new
○ 78% bounce rate
○ 1.61 pages per visit
○ Avg duration (m:sec) 00:56
○ 86% from a desktop
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Website - A/B testing
● In July, new website ideas were
tested under A/B situations
○ All websites were reduced
to only 1 page to drive
● First test was to see if a video
encouraged higher CTA
(signing up for launch
notification) amongst people we
interviewed during ‘Problem
○ Site with video had a 5%
better conversion rate than
without, confirming
feedback from interviews
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Website - A/B testing
● Second test changed the
CTA to a purchase
option, and tested the
layout of the webpage to
see which one generated
more clicks
○ Variant with newsletter
below CTA had 8%
better conversion
● Received feedback that
putting the price on the
main page would be good
● Second test is now the
main webpage
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Website - A/B testing
● Google Analytics stats for
new website
○ 91% of visitors were new
○ 83% bounce rate
○ Avg duration (m:sec)
○ 77% from a desktop
● While the new site has a
higher bounce rate, it drives
more new eyeballs, engages
viewers longer and reaches
more mobile customers
(higher chance of being
closer to pain point)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Our first sale
While running our second A/B
test, two important
milestones happened:
● We received our first order
on from
one of our original
● notified us
that they would like to stock
and distibute CableBones
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
With an understanding of paid search and website
optimization to create awareness, and our first order
in hand, we moved to figuring out how we could
supply the demand we were creating…
… which lead us to our first leap-of-faith: Production
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
• When creating our MVP, we found that we could
create decent quality product using a local 3D
o Challenge with 3D printers are:
 They do not use the correct material, so the
look and feel for customers is not accurate
 It is expensive (each unit costs $35)
• With our first order in hand, and faith that we had
the understanding to create more sales in the
future, we invested into production capabilities
(specifically, injection molds).
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Basic Cost Structure
The manufacturer we are using provides the following cost structure:
• CableBone - $1.95
• Packaging - $0.0 (eCom) to $2.00 (retail)
• Mold Depreciation - $0.1
• Transportation from factory to distribution point - $0.52
Standard Unit Costs - $2.57 to $4.57
● Custom units add:
○ Assembly - $0.2
○ Color - $0.4 or less
○ Logo - $0.5 or less
● Above CableBone prices are at 1k EAU. Estimate $0.50 savings
at 5k and $1.0 savings at 10k
● Only fixed costs not accounted for is web hosting
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
With production costs and capabilities verified, the
final step was to analyze distribution channels (so
we know where to push all the sales leads that come
from the awareness we create)...
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
• CableBone can be sold:
o Direct to consumer through
o Indirectly through product ambassadors on college
campuses and at sporting events
o Indirectly through distribution in e-commerce or
traditional retail channels
o Indirectly as corporate-branding
● Feedback indicated that potential customers would be
willing to acquire the product through any of these
○ Need across all channels is awareness, and since
we have much higher marketing complexity than
product complexity, product evangelists are key
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Direct Distribution -
• MSRP - $9.99
• Product (CableBone w/o pkg) - $2.57
• Freight - $1.09
• Selling fees - $1.80
Margin per Unit - $4.53
● Warehousing is done internally at this point (est
external cost: $2.55/pc @1k, $2.22 @ 5k and $2.06
@ 10k)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Indirect Distribution - eCom
• MSRP - $9.99
• eCom margin - 30%
o Cost to e-Com - $7.00
• Product (CableBone w/o pkg) - $2.57
• Freight to eCom warehouse - $0.52
• Co-Op, DA and Terms - $1.33
Margin per Unit - $2.59
● This is the business case for
● Would want to display team colors, which will lower margin
by approximately $0.5/ pc.
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Indirect Distribution - Ambassadors
• MSRP - $9.99
• Ambassador commission - 25%
o Sale price - $7.50
• Product (CableBone w/ pkg) - $3.50
• Freight - $1.09
Margin per Unit - $2.91
● Warehousing is done internally at this point (est external
cost: $2.55/pc @1k, $2.22 @ 5k and $2.06 @ 10k)
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Indirect Distribution - Retail
• MSRP - $9.99
• Retail margin - 50%
o Cost to retailer - $5.00
• Product (CableBone w/ pkg) - $3.50
• Freight to retailer warehouse - $0.52
• Co-Op, DA and Terms - $0.05
Margin per Unit - $0.93
● If I go through a wholesaler, they will require $0.50 to $0.75
● Retail is a very tough play until enough awareness is built
for the channel to drive significant volumes
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
What's next
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Business Model Canvas
With our business model validated, what do we need to do from
● Children and
Adults who use
USB and/or
● Companies
looking for a
new, unique
product for
● Direct -
● Direct -
● Product
● Direct to
● Through
● Corporate
● Easily store USB
and/or headphone
cables when not in
● Individuality
through semi-
custom product
Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition
● Easy to use
● Reliable
● Customization
● Value
● Website
● Manufacturing, w
arehousing and
● Direct and indirect
billing capabilities
● Manufacturing
● Distribution
● Ambassadors /
● Distribution
● Packaging
● Advertising
● Manufacturing
● Overhead
● Product sale (direct or indirect)
● Cable management
while using an
electronic device
● Helping users find
their headphones
● Reward system
that parents can
use to motivate
children to keep
cables organized
● Opportunity to let someone else manufacture
and/or distribute CabeBone and simply pay
CableBone Inc a royalty
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
Are we on track for positive LTV?
To decide on next steps, we want to check our CAC to
determine what needs to be done next to maximize
our LTV:
• 17% of traffic from paid search with an avg CPC of
• 15% of conversion for web visitors to paid customer
• We need approximately 7 visitors for every 1
sale, with $1.25 in advertising per sale
• @ 100 units sold per month direct through
o Total CAC = $125
o LTV = $453
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
How we can improve our LTV?
In order to enhance our LTV, we need to:
1. Maximize organic search and viral referral
2. Drive economies of scale into production and
3. Sell a customer more than one CableBone (or
other items) once they are on our website
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
How we can improve our LTV?
In order to enhance our LTV, we need to:
1. Maximize organic search and viral referral capabilities
○ Encourage social-sharing of news and product ‘Likes’
○ Run short-term awareness campaigns on
Bing, Pandora, Metro advertising and other relevant media
○ Customer reviews through facebook and Amazon Vine
○ Contact blogs in the personal electronics and headphones
world about reviews/posts
○ Beta-test ambassadors on a few college campuses
○ Create a full featured website with all SEO and tracking
opportunities (I created the current using Unbounce)
○ Professionally re-create our first video and create a second
to show the CableBone can be used while using your
electronic device to keep longer cables tamed (YouTube
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
How we can improve our LTV?
In order to enhance our LTV, we need to:
2. Drive economies of scale into production and
○ Look to turn all eyeballs into sales by making the product
as widely available as possible:
■ Utilize the marketing power of Amazon by completing
product setup so it is available on
■ Continue to also fulfill sales directly from throuh eBay.
○ Keep ears open for Strategic Alliances that can reduce
production, marketing and/or distribution costs
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
How we can improve our LTV?
In order to enhance our LTV, we need to:
3. Sell a customer more than one CableBone (or
other items) once they are on our website
○ Research complimentary product ideas
○ See if there are any joint-business opportunities
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc
In sum, the CLSC has helped us to turn the Lean
Startup concept from a list of somewhat foreign
concepts in a book into reality. Breaking the mold of
the traditional ’Build in Secrecy’ model, while not
easy at first, has allowed us to enjoy much quicker
and more in-depth learning.
While the CableBone was a concept we had in mind
when we entered the competition, the lessons
learned have allowed us to measure ‘bullets’ instead
of hoping on one ‘cannon ball’, and we are optimistic
and confident about where CableBone can go!
CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc

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CableBone - CLSC final present (aug 2013)

  • 1. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc CLSC Final Presentation August 2013
  • 2. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Who are we?
  • 3. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Elevator Pitch Tired of your electronic device cables and headphones getting tangled? CableBone's products help you keep all your cables organized!
  • 4. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Elevator Pitch Or more simply, we help turn this...
  • 5. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Elevator Pitch ...into this!
  • 6. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc What did we think coming into CLSC?
  • 7. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Hypothesis 1. People want a way to easily store their headphones and usb cables when not in use 2. Semi-customizable products are preferred to support people's lifestyle 3. "Made in USA" can help separate us from imports 4. Non-mechanical nature will be more durable and thus increase value to customer 5. We can sell these direct to customers, as well as indirectly through other eCom sites and traditional retail. There could also be an opportunity as a promotional item.
  • 8. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Business Model Canvas Original canvas ● Children and Adults who use USB and/or headphone cables ● Companies looking for a new, unique product for corporate branding ● Direct - ● Direct - Traditional advertising ● Product ambassadors ● Direct to customer ● Through distribution ● Corporate marketing ● Easily store USB and/or headphone cables when not in use ● Individuality through semi- custom product Note: Green = part of original Blue = new addition ● Easy to use ● Reliable ● Customization ● Value ● Website ● Manufacturing, w arehousing and distribution capabilities ● Direct and indirect billing capabilities ● Manufacturing ● Distribution ● Ambassadors / Customer Referrals ● Distribution ● Packaging ● Advertising ● Manufacturing ● Overhead ● Product sale (direct or indirect)
  • 9. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc What did we learn from CLSC? (explained through the BMC as we went through class)
  • 10. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Business Model Canvas First, we validated that there was a problem to solve, how big the problem was, and who we could solve a problem for... ● Children and Adults who use USB and/or headphone cables ● Companies looking for a new, unique product for corporate branding ● Direct - ● Direct - Traditional advertising ● Product ambassadors ● Direct to customer ● Through distribution ● Corporate marketing ● Easily store USB and/or headphone cables when not in use ● Individuality through semi- custom product Note: Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition ● Easy to use ● Reliable ● Customization ● Value ● Website ● Manufacturing, w arehousing and distribution capabilities ● Direct and indirect billing capabilities ● Manufacturing ● Distribution ● Ambassadors / Customer Referrals ● Distribution ● Packaging ● Advertising ● Manufacturing ● Overhead ● Product sale (direct or indirect)
  • 11. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Problem Validation Experiments • 45 people interviewed • 88 additional people surveyed (we wanted more data to validate our TAM and SAM) ...what did we find?
  • 12. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Everyone uses electronic devices... • The average person carries 4 personal electronic devices (ie. cellular phone, portable music player or portable video player) • Headphones are the most common accessory (75% penetration among personal electronic devices)
  • 13. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc ...and use their devices frequently... • Users reach for just their smartphone on average 150 times per day o Approximately 9% to 18% of those interactions involve a headphone and/or USB cable
  • 14. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc ...but need a solution. • Along with our devices, we have on average 5 sets of cables to charge/interact with our devices (typically USB cables) and 2 sets of headphones. • For most users, a way to store these cables so that they are easy to find and ready to use is a problem...we typically through them in our gym bag, purse or briefcase hoping for the best, only to find them as knotted balls right when we need them.
  • 15. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Additional things we learned • People are degrading their listening experience to avoid pain o One interviewee buys bulk amounts of cheap headphones on eBay just so they can throw them away when they get tangled • People try various ways to store cables, from twist ties to ‘black magic’ (ie hoping for the best). • Customer age and sex were less important in defining the customer, since people across the population use electornic devices and cables.
  • 16. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Additional things we learned • New value propositions we discovered: o Cable management while using headphones o Helping people find their headphones o Incentivizing children (who increasingly have electronic devices of their own) to use the CableBone to keep their own cables organized
  • 17. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Business Model Canvas We felt our pain points and potential market were validated, so we updated our canvas, and turned our attention towards an MVP... ● Children and Adults who use USB and/or headphone cables ● Companies looking for a new, unique product for corporate branding ● Direct - ● Direct - Traditional advertising ● Product ambassadors ● Direct to customer ● Through distribution ● Corporate marketing ● Easily store USB and/or headphone cables when not in use ● Individuality through semi- custom product Note: Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition ● Easy to use ● Reliable ● Customization ● Value ● Website ● Manufacturing, w arehousing and distribution capabilities ● Direct and indirect billing capabilities ● Manufacturing ● Distribution ● Ambassadors / Customer Referrals ● Distribution ● Packaging ● Advertising ● Manufacturing ● Overhead ● Product sale (direct or indirect) ● Cable management while using an electronic device ● Helping users find their headphones ● Reward system that parents can use to motivate children to keep cables organized
  • 18. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc The CableBone MVP • The MVP was sketched (and re- sketched several times) on a piece of paper. • Once I had what I thought was a good design, I poured Plaster of Paris into a shoebox and carved a basic mold. A few hours later, with some meltable wax, we were testing our first MVP for basic fit and function.
  • 19. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc The CableBone MVP • Once dimensions on the first wax MVP were tightened up, a complete schematic was made. • The schematic was then sent to a local 3D printer to make an MVP that we could get in front of customers for Value Proposition interviews
  • 20. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Biggest challenge for our MVP • During our Problem Validation interviews, we measured pain severity on a scale by asking interviewees to select how much time it takes them to currently get their headphones ready for use: 1. Less than 1 minute 2. 1 to 2 minutes 3. 3 minutes or more • Average pain amongst all interviewed was 1.14 ○ Despite a low average severity, pain does happen frequently ○ Problem recognition and pain severity increased as the interviewee had more cables (not necessarily more devices)
  • 21. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Biggest challenge for our MVP • This was a pivot-vs-persevere point - either people are annoyed but not in pain, or they ignore their pain because they don't know of any solution. • We reviewed our interactions with customers, and noted that many of the actions we saw illustrated that pain may be higher than customers perceive: a. People threw headphones away when knotted b. For many who thought it took them less than a minute to untie knotted headphones, when we gave them a knotted pair to untie, it sometimes took more than a minute. Even if they got it untangled in under a minute, it reminded them how much they dislike the experience.
  • 22. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Biggest challenge for our MVP • We decided to persevere and treat our pain as something that would grow when customers were made aware of it and saw that there was a solution for it (similar to how Apple saw customers pain in getting music onto digital players and launched the iTunes store).
  • 23. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Business Model Canvas ...with an MVP in hand, we re-engaged potential customers to test our Value Proposition ● Children and Adults who use USB and/or headphone cables ● Companies looking for a new, unique product for corporate branding ● Direct - ● Direct - Traditional advertising ● Product ambassadors ● Direct to customer ● Through distribution ● Corporate marketing ● Easily store USB and/or headphone cables when not in use ● Individuality through semi- custom product Note: Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition ● Easy to use ● Reliable ● Customization ● Value ● Website ● Manufacturing, w arehousing and distribution capabilities ● Direct and indirect billing capabilities ● Manufacturing ● Distribution ● Ambassadors / Customer Referrals ● Distribution ● Packaging ● Advertising ● Manufacturing ● Overhead ● Product sale (direct or indirect) ● Cable management while using an electronic device ● Helping users find their headphones ● Reward system that parents can use to motivate children to keep cables organized
  • 24. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Value Proposition Experiments • 5 people interviewed o 3 people from ‘Problem Validation’ interviews were re-engaged o 1 interview was with our recently added mentor, Michael Koss (CEO of Koss Headphones). o A second interview was with Michael Koss Jr, (Director of Marketing for Koss Headphones). ...what did we find?
  • 25. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Organizational value was clear... • Interviewees saw a CableBone with a headphone on it, and they all thought it would definitely keep their cables organized • Understanding how to use the CableBone is somewhat intuitive, but they all required one demonstration to teach them the best way to use the device
  • 26. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc were add-on values. • All interviewees agreed that a non-mechanical nature made a safer and more durable product • The ‘Made in USA’ aspect can be a differentiator when the overall product has value to the customer (i.e. we can't really charge more because it is made in the USA, but customers would choose ours vs an import if we were in the same price category) • High interest, including higher propensity to pay, amongst all interviewees for products that support their personality (ie sports teams, fundraisers, personal life events, etc).
  • 27. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc We discovered a new value... • According to the NPD group, consumers expect their earbuds and in-ear headphones to last between 8-12 months o We saw this expectation play-out in our interviews, with customers buying cheaper headphones • For customers who want to enjoy their music more with better headphones, but are afraid to do so because they may break or lose them, CableBone could enable people to enjoy their music more by removing the fear of breaking them in a bag.
  • 28. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc ...found that one idea did not add value... • Originally, we envisioned that the CableBone would be packaged in a clear case (hoping that the high-end packaging would increase the perceived value) ● Feedback suggested that the case has little long-term value in its current form ● Given that the case costs as much as the product, we removed the case for now.
  • 29. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc ...and confirmed our price point. • Competitive units sell for between $5 and $20 o Our mentor advised us that the average retail price of earbuds and in-ear headphones is roughly $19.00, so that retail price for CableBone should be between $5 and $10. • All interviewees were willing to pay $10 for a CableBone. o Those who had a lower pain level, typically wanted to pay $10 for one that had a relevant team/cause affiliation, while those with a higher pain level would be willing to pay $10 for a standard black unit.
  • 30. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Business Model Canvas With our MVP validated and our customer profile understood, we shifted to obtaining customers and getting a CableBone to them... ● Children and Adults who use USB and/or headphone cables ● Companies looking for a new, unique product for corporate branding ● Direct - ● Direct - Traditional advertising ● Product ambassadors ● Direct to customer ● Through distribution ● Corporate marketing ● Easily store USB and/or headphone cables when not in use ● Individuality through semi- custom product Note: Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition ● Easy to use ● Reliable ● Customization ● Value ● Website ● Manufacturing, w arehousing and distribution capabilities ● Direct and indirect billing capabilities ● Manufacturing ● Distribution ● Ambassadors / Customer Referrals ● Distribution ● Packaging ● Advertising ● Manufacturing ● Overhead ● Product sale (direct or indirect) ● Cable management while using an electronic device ● Helping users find their headphones ● Reward system that parents can use to motivate children to keep cables organized
  • 31. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Get Customers We set out at first to build the tools needed to drive people to our website and build awareness...
  • 32. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Paid Search & SEO ● We used our limited understanding of SEO to try and build our web search ranking. ○ There are a lot of relevant products, blogs, reviews, etc that come up through organic search (ie cord wrap, headphone management, etc), which confirms customer interest in the category. ● Google Adwords was also used to test several keywords: ○ Initial adwords campaign saw a CTR of 0.1% with a CPC of $1.05 in avg position of 4.4 ○ Highly targeted words (ie competitive product names or very specific keywords) had their CTR jump up to between 0.4% and1.34%, avg CPC between $0.75 and $1.5 and avg ranking between 1 and 2
  • 33. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Keep Customers Once customers were at our website, we needed to quickly educate them and get them to purchase...
  • 34. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Customer Education ● In the ‘Value Proposition’ interviews, we learned that showing customers how to properly use the CableBone (so that it operates quickly and effectively) is key to them seeing the value. ● A homemade video was put together to show customers in 60 seconds how easy and effective the CableBone was:
  • 35. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Website - Original ● In June, our original website was setup in a vertical fashion to allow for scrolling on mobile devices with smaller screens ○ 6 total pages ○ Homepage featured social media, videos, pictures, text and a CTA ● Google Analytics stats for original website ○ 84% of visitors were new ○ 78% bounce rate ○ 1.61 pages per visit ○ Avg duration (m:sec) 00:56 ○ 86% from a desktop
  • 36. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Website - A/B testing ● In July, new website ideas were tested under A/B situations ○ All websites were reduced to only 1 page to drive simplicity ● First test was to see if a video encouraged higher CTA (signing up for launch notification) amongst people we interviewed during ‘Problem Validation’ ○ Site with video had a 5% better conversion rate than without, confirming feedback from interviews
  • 37. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Website - A/B testing ● Second test changed the CTA to a purchase option, and tested the layout of the webpage to see which one generated more clicks ○ Variant with newsletter below CTA had 8% better conversion ● Received feedback that putting the price on the main page would be good ● Second test is now the main webpage
  • 38. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Website - A/B testing ● Google Analytics stats for new website ○ 91% of visitors were new ○ 83% bounce rate ○ Avg duration (m:sec) 01:17 ○ 77% from a desktop ● While the new site has a higher bounce rate, it drives more new eyeballs, engages viewers longer and reaches more mobile customers (higher chance of being closer to pain point)
  • 39. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Our first sale While running our second A/B test, two important milestones happened: ● We received our first order on from one of our original interviewees! ● notified us that they would like to stock and distibute CableBones
  • 40. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Operations With an understanding of paid search and website optimization to create awareness, and our first order in hand, we moved to figuring out how we could supply the demand we were creating… … which lead us to our first leap-of-faith: Production
  • 41. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Production • When creating our MVP, we found that we could create decent quality product using a local 3D printer o Challenge with 3D printers are:  They do not use the correct material, so the look and feel for customers is not accurate  It is expensive (each unit costs $35) • With our first order in hand, and faith that we had the understanding to create more sales in the future, we invested into production capabilities (specifically, injection molds).
  • 42. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Basic Cost Structure The manufacturer we are using provides the following cost structure: • CableBone - $1.95 • Packaging - $0.0 (eCom) to $2.00 (retail) • Mold Depreciation - $0.1 • Transportation from factory to distribution point - $0.52 Standard Unit Costs - $2.57 to $4.57 ● Custom units add: ○ Assembly - $0.2 ○ Color - $0.4 or less ○ Logo - $0.5 or less Notes ● Above CableBone prices are at 1k EAU. Estimate $0.50 savings at 5k and $1.0 savings at 10k ● Only fixed costs not accounted for is web hosting
  • 43. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Operations With production costs and capabilities verified, the final step was to analyze distribution channels (so we know where to push all the sales leads that come from the awareness we create)...
  • 44. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Distribution • CableBone can be sold: o Direct to consumer through o Indirectly through product ambassadors on college campuses and at sporting events o Indirectly through distribution in e-commerce or traditional retail channels o Indirectly as corporate-branding ● Feedback indicated that potential customers would be willing to acquire the product through any of these channels ○ Need across all channels is awareness, and since we have much higher marketing complexity than product complexity, product evangelists are key
  • 45. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Direct Distribution - • MSRP - $9.99 • Product (CableBone w/o pkg) - $2.57 • Freight - $1.09 • Selling fees - $1.80 Margin per Unit - $4.53 Notes ● Warehousing is done internally at this point (est external cost: $2.55/pc @1k, $2.22 @ 5k and $2.06 @ 10k)
  • 46. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Indirect Distribution - eCom • MSRP - $9.99 • eCom margin - 30% o Cost to e-Com - $7.00 • Product (CableBone w/o pkg) - $2.57 • Freight to eCom warehouse - $0.52 • Co-Op, DA and Terms - $1.33 Margin per Unit - $2.59 Notes ● This is the business case for ● Would want to display team colors, which will lower margin by approximately $0.5/ pc.
  • 47. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Indirect Distribution - Ambassadors • MSRP - $9.99 • Ambassador commission - 25% o Sale price - $7.50 • Product (CableBone w/ pkg) - $3.50 • Freight - $1.09 Margin per Unit - $2.91 Notes ● Warehousing is done internally at this point (est external cost: $2.55/pc @1k, $2.22 @ 5k and $2.06 @ 10k)
  • 48. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Indirect Distribution - Retail • MSRP - $9.99 • Retail margin - 50% o Cost to retailer - $5.00 • Product (CableBone w/ pkg) - $3.50 • Freight to retailer warehouse - $0.52 • Co-Op, DA and Terms - $0.05 Margin per Unit - $0.93 Notes ● If I go through a wholesaler, they will require $0.50 to $0.75 ● Retail is a very tough play until enough awareness is built for the channel to drive significant volumes
  • 49. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc What's next
  • 50. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Business Model Canvas With our business model validated, what do we need to do from here? ● Children and Adults who use USB and/or headphone cables ● Companies looking for a new, unique product for corporate branding ● Direct - ● Direct - Traditional advertising ● Product ambassadors ● Direct to customer ● Through distribution ● Corporate marketing ● Easily store USB and/or headphone cables when not in use ● Individuality through semi- custom product Note: Green = part of original canvas Blue = new addition ● Easy to use ● Reliable ● Customization ● Value ● Website ● Manufacturing, w arehousing and distribution capabilities ● Direct and indirect billing capabilities ● Manufacturing ● Distribution ● Ambassadors / Customer Referrals ● Distribution ● Packaging ● Advertising ● Manufacturing ● Overhead ● Product sale (direct or indirect) ● Cable management while using an electronic device ● Helping users find their headphones ● Reward system that parents can use to motivate children to keep cables organized ● Opportunity to let someone else manufacture and/or distribute CabeBone and simply pay CableBone Inc a royalty
  • 51. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Are we on track for positive LTV? To decide on next steps, we want to check our CAC to determine what needs to be done next to maximize our LTV: • 17% of traffic from paid search with an avg CPC of $1.05 • 15% of conversion for web visitors to paid customer • We need approximately 7 visitors for every 1 sale, with $1.25 in advertising per sale • @ 100 units sold per month direct through o Total CAC = $125 o LTV = $453
  • 52. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc How we can improve our LTV? In order to enhance our LTV, we need to: 1. Maximize organic search and viral referral capabilities 2. Drive economies of scale into production and operations 3. Sell a customer more than one CableBone (or other items) once they are on our website
  • 53. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc How we can improve our LTV? In order to enhance our LTV, we need to: 1. Maximize organic search and viral referral capabilities ○ Encourage social-sharing of news and product ‘Likes’ ○ Run short-term awareness campaigns on Bing, Pandora, Metro advertising and other relevant media ○ Customer reviews through facebook and Amazon Vine ○ Contact blogs in the personal electronics and headphones world about reviews/posts ○ Beta-test ambassadors on a few college campuses ○ Create a full featured website with all SEO and tracking opportunities (I created the current using Unbounce) ○ Professionally re-create our first video and create a second to show the CableBone can be used while using your electronic device to keep longer cables tamed (YouTube search)
  • 54. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc How we can improve our LTV? In order to enhance our LTV, we need to: 2. Drive economies of scale into production and operations ○ Look to turn all eyeballs into sales by making the product as widely available as possible: ■ Utilize the marketing power of Amazon by completing product setup so it is available on ■ Continue to also fulfill sales directly from throuh eBay. ○ Keep ears open for Strategic Alliances that can reduce production, marketing and/or distribution costs
  • 55. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc How we can improve our LTV? In order to enhance our LTV, we need to: 3. Sell a customer more than one CableBone (or other items) once they are on our website ○ Research complimentary product ideas ○ See if there are any joint-business opportunities
  • 56. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Conclusion In sum, the CLSC has helped us to turn the Lean Startup concept from a list of somewhat foreign concepts in a book into reality. Breaking the mold of the traditional ’Build in Secrecy’ model, while not easy at first, has allowed us to enjoy much quicker and more in-depth learning. While the CableBone was a concept we had in mind when we entered the competition, the lessons learned have allowed us to measure ‘bullets’ instead of hoping on one ‘cannon ball’, and we are optimistic and confident about where CableBone can go!
  • 57. CONFIDENTIAL - Property of CableBone Inc Contact