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This book is dedicated to a very special friend, Michael
McDivitt on the arrival of his 50th birthday.
We have been best friends for over 40 years and have
gone through many adventures together, and I wanted
to say ‘Happy 50th Birthday’ in a different way.
So, have a great day…
Love ya to the Beacon pond and back Lardy.
I wrote this book because since early 2007 I have been
trying to make money online, without much success.
I’ve spent thousands of dollars on other peoples
courses, books and programs, you name it, and Ive
tried it.
Now, I’m not one of these people who bought course
after course looking for the magic bullet, I followed
these courses to the letter, and still never made any
Does that sound familiar?
Then in late 2009 I invested in a Mentor who would
show me a proven system in making money online,
happy days I thought.
I started to write an ebook about ‘How to make money
online’, now I’d made a little here and there so knew
the basics of how it all worked.
It took me four and a half months to write, I made it step
by step and as simple as I could, I got my dates ready
for my launch on the Warrior Forum as a WSO (Warrior
Special Offer), people were making boatloads of
money from these, so I was excited as hell.
The launch day came and I was waiting in anticipation
for all the orders to come flooding in, I even informed
Paypal to expect ‘Big Money’ coming into my account.
After the first hour I thought I’d messed up with
something, as I hadnt had a sale.
I waited all day, and at the end I had sold TWO copies.
Can you imagine that!
Three months of taking the time,effort and little money
I had, for what…a big fat nothing…
To say I was devastated would be the understatement
of the year.
I knew what I had written was good, solid information,
and would help boatloads of people start up online, to
make matters worse, those ‘So called’ Guru’s were
selling the same stuff and making a killing.
I wallowed in my own self pity for a couple of days, and
then set out to try again.
This is when I stumbled on an article about ‘Amazon
Kindle’, and how it was going to transform the
information world.
So for the next few months I decided to study
everything I could find on Amazon Kindle, but more
importantly, find out how their system worked.
I then turned my flop of a book into a Kindle book and
learned all about the Amazon Algorithms and how they
worked…long story short, my ebook that had bombed
before, had got to #6 in the Bestsellers list on Amazon.
I then decided to write my second book on Affiliate
Marketing, and followed my system again, this time my
book went bestseller in 7 countries and #1 in five, it
blew my mind.
I then used the same sytem that I will show you in this
book, on a few friends, and their books all got to
Amazon Bestseller status too, I knew I had something
of value with this formula, but didn’t know how to take
it forward.
So I then invested in a one day Internet Marketing
course with Rob Temple in Sheffield, he showed me
how to turn my Kindle idea into a business.
Within 24 hours, I had my website up and got my first
paying client for just under $2000, I was exstatic.
Matt Houghtons book, Solo Tsunami got to #1 in the
Amazon Bestseller list, and started Matt’s online
career, he’s gone on to become an expert in his field.
Over the next few months I had another few clients who
reached Best Selling Author with their different books.
Then last year I co-wrote ‘The Power of Authority’ with
my best mate Andy Harris.
We had a fairly successful launch, but some people
thought it was two businesses in one, on one hand it
showed you how to become an authority, but at the
same time it was a ready made business in a box, so
this left quite a few people a bit confused.
The book was a #1 bestseller in multiple countries, and
had thousands of downloads, which surprised even
So I decided to rewrite the concept of the book and turn
it into what you are reading now.
Now don’t get me wrong, I firmly believe that you
should know how to write a book first, or at least know
how the process works, before you can publish a book
for somebody else.
But if you already feel confident in going straight
to the publishing stages, then jump right ahead to
To date I have published 245 books for other people,
and with the exact process you will learn in this book,
all 245 have become Amazon international
bestsellers,with 242 becoming #1’s.
I don’t have to ‘sell’ my services, because my results
speak for themselves, and you can achieve the same.
I’ve made all the mistakes over the last few years, so
you don’t have to.
I read an article only last year that stated that 44% of
people who had taken the time and effort to write a
book, that’s millions of people worldwide, had never
been published.
WOW! That blew my mind.
So I decided to share the skills I had learned, and help
them become published authors, and not just
unpublished writers.
One thing that drives me is helping others achieve their
goals and dreams, that is why I have written this book,
so I can help you achieve yours.
Now if you are looking to start your own business from
home with very little money to invest, then this book is
for you, or you want to copy what I do on a daily basis
and publish other peoples books, then the choice is
On the other hand, if you are not willing to take the
action steps required, then please ask me for a refund.
There is work to be done to achieve success, but I have
taken out all the bits that don’t work, and given you an
easy to follow blueprint for success.
So take your time, grab a cup of your favourite drink
and sit down and read this book.
It will help you achieve your goals, but more
importantly, it can help others achieve their’s.
This book will help you, or help others to become
published authors, instead of unpublished writers.
A New York Times survey discovered that 81% of
Americans wanted to, or felt that they had a book in
them, but only 1% actually do write one due to many
outside factors.
That 1% is still millions of people that you will be able
to help realize their dreams, of becoming a bestselling
author, and leaving a legacy.
Amazon Kindle is a rapidly expanding marketplace for
people looking to self-publish their own books, but due
to the huge prices that are being charged to get their
books published the traditional way, it’s beyond most
people’s reach.
With a traditional publisher it can take years, and big
money, to get a publisher to even look at your book.
Self-publishing is now very achievable on a very small
budget, with amazing results and residual income for
This book is a step by step proven business system
that will enable you to help publish other people’s
books in a three-stage easy to follow process.
The internet has made business a very level playing
field, you don’t just have your own town or city to
market to any more, you have the whole world.
And with an easy to follow proven formula, like I will be
explaining in this book, it’s foolproof.
So, if you’re tired of ‘Working for the man’, trying to find
other ways to boost your income, or just want a new
direction in your life, follow the ‘Businessin a box’ guide
and realize your own potential.
This book will give you the chance to build a brand or
business around your chosen niche.
Now for clients who have NOT WRITTEN a book, all
you need to do is guide your clients through the
following process.
If they have ALREADYWRITTEN a book and just want
it publishing, then skip forward to the appropriate
stage, you have the best of both worlds.
Why I Wrote This Book
Why You Should Read This Book
Table of Contents
Step One: Amazon research
Step Two: Amazon Keyword Research
Step Three: Market Potential.
Step Four: How to Setup A KDP Account.
Step Five: How and Where to Get Your Kindle Book
Step Six: How to Upload your Book Cover.
Step Seven: How to Setup Your Pages correctly
using word.
Step Eight: How to proof, edit and format your book.
step Nine: How to upload and convert to kindle.
Step Ten: Previewing Your Book Inside Amazon.
Step Eleven: How to Complete the Royalty section.
Step Twelve: How to Promote Your Book to the
Step Thirteen: Marketing Groups.
Step Fourteen: Promotion Tools.
Step Fifteen: Becoming an Amazon Bestseller.
Step Sixteen: Lifetime Updates.
About The Author
Other Books By Kevin A Long
One More Thing Before You Go…
Start by Opening your browser on your computer,
which ever browser you use, I use Firefox but it really
doesn’t matter.
The first step is to type Google in your URL at the top
of your browser, then type the niche or topic you want
to write about in Google’s search engine.
For this example, we are going to use How to Write a
This is purely for research, underneath The Tab that
says Web; it says about, this shows you how many web
pages there are on that niche.
Is this number important?
Yes, because you are looking to become a best seller
and you would struggle if there isn’t a ready-made
audience there for you for your book, the higher the
number the bigger the niche, and in turn the more
potential clients you would have.
There is a second step that I use, and that is to go to or Amazon for whatever country you live
One tip I have learned, is that it is very important when
you go on the Amazon homepage, that you go to the
tab at the top left-hand side of the page that says ALL,
and click on it, then scroll down until it says Kindle
Now type the same keyword that you typed in Google,
into the Amazon search bar and press enter.
You will then see at the top left-hand side of the page
that it shows you, in the Amazon Search, how many
books there are for that keyword.
If you have a look at one of the books displayed by
clicking on it, it will come up with the book details, if you
scroll down that page to the Product Details section,
it shows you the Amazon best seller rank.
The first figure is the overall ranking in Amazon, the
figures underneath will show you where that book is in
a particular category.
If you click on one of those categories, it will bring up
the top one hundred best sellers, in that category you
At the top of the page there is a paid section and next
to it is the free section.
If you click on the free section, which is where you are
going to place your book at the beginning, to help with
the Amazon algorithm.
At the bottom of this page it shows you how many
books at that moment are free in that category?
What I have discovered over the past few years is if
you research your niche categories carefully, you can
place your book in a category that doesn’t have many
books in, which will immediately place you in the best
sellers list, but obviously try to stick as close to your
niche as possible, otherwise it defeats the object.
You should look through these categories at different
books in the free section, to help you decide which
category would be more advantageous to you
becoming a best seller quickly.
You need to get the balance right with regards to how
many books are actually in the section you want to be
included in.
We have just looked at Amazon research, Welcome to
step two, How to do Amazon Keyword research.
Why do we need to do that?
It’s very important, later on in the book, we will need to
type in Amazon Keywords, so when people search
Amazon you can get free organic traffic to your kindle
book, let’s take a look.
You need to go to your browser again and go to
Google, type in Google keywords, you will see at the
top Google Keyword Tool, Adwords
Click on this link.
You will need to have a Google account, it takes a few
minutes to create one, once you have created a
Google account, just sign in on the top right hand of the
screen, where it says sign in to Ad Words.
This is where most people come to research keywords.
On the Google Ad Words page, after you have signed
in, it says under the Keyword Planner.
Search for new keyword ad group ideas.
Get search volume for a list of keywords or group them
into ad groups.
Get traffic estimates, for a list of keywords and multiple
keyword lists to get new keyword ideas.
Click on the top link, search for new keyword and group
ideas, type in the first box under your product or
Then click on the blue button below, that says get
All the keywords then show up in blue, if you scroll
along to the right, where it says average monthly
Click where it says average monthly searches with a
question mark, this will then show you the keywords
like your particular keyword, with the highest or lowest
monthly search, you can switch between High and Low
by clicking on the average monthly searches again.
Then you will see the top keyword for your niche, if you
click on the top link on the left of the screen, it will then
show you what kind of competition you have, for that
keyword, Low, Medium, or High.
The numbers are important because it shows you the
average monthly searches for your keyword, this in
turn will give you a good indication of how many people
will be searching for your niche, and the keywords they
are searching for.
If you then go back to, or the Amazon for
your country, and click on the All tab again, and scroll
to the kindle store again.
Type in your keyword once more in the search bar, you
will see that all the top ten common research keywords,
show up in a drop-down box.
Obviously, we want to work with Amazon, to help with
the algorithms. So, it helps to use these keywords for
your book titles. These are the two best ways to do your
keyword research for your niche.
We are just carrying on from the other two research
steps, seeing if there are enough people out there, who
will want your book.
One of the best ways, is choosing what content you
should have in your book, we need to go back to
Google, and type in your keyword, but this time type
the word forums at the end of it.
Using my example, how to write a book, there are over
260 million results with forums at the end.
If you choose one of the forums in the result and click
on it, you can scroll down and see how many members
there are in that forum.
This number is the amount of potential people who
would be interested in your book.
Have a look through, and see what kind of questions
people are asking, in that particular forum. You can
even ask in the forums, what are the most common
problems within their niche.
These questions can be the chapters in your book. If
you find ten questions, these can be all the chapters.
If you are writing about something you are
knowledgeable about, you will probably know the
answer to some of the questions anyway.
We are even supplying you with a free bonus template,
that shows you how to set out your book, and will help
you to structure your book; you just change the
headings, with the questions you find in the forums.
So, as we always say, find the problems with your
niche and answer the questions in the book.
Try typing another keyword with forums at the end,
because you could find a niche that you never thought
about writing about.
We are going to try Greenhouses with forums on the
end, as an example.
And there is actually a greenhouses forum.
This site shows you how many members there are in
each state, and at the top of the page there are over
600,000 members. This would be a great niche to write
a book about.
The following section is all about how to set up a KDP
account, but before we do that, I think we need to
explain, what a KDP account is, and how it can help
with gaining bestseller status.
A KDP account (Kindle Direct Publishing), is basically,
an account where Amazon allow you to sign up for a
service that allows you to publish your book for free for
5 days out of every 90, and when you’re in the top 100,
which is the bestseller list, they help you promote it.
They are unlike other companies that try to make things
difficult for you, they really try to help.
You need to go to your browser, and type in your URL,
You can see on the right-hand side, it says, sign up or
sign in, you should have an account already, if you
have followed the other steps, if not it takes minutes to
set up, or just sign in, with your Amazon account
The following screen will show you the terms of service,
I would always recommend you read it, but there is
nothing hidden, just click agree, and it will take you to
your account.
This is where you will upload your finished book.
You have a book shelf on the top left of the screen, this
is where you will add the title for your book.
Always click the enroll in KDP select box.
If you then click on reports, this will show you your total
sales each day, in all the different countries.
You also have your payments, Prior monthly royalties
and month to date sales.
At the top right of the page you will see your account is
incomplete, some people feel intimidated with this, but
there is no panic, this is purely for setting up your
royalties and tax details, this will be shown in another
You then have your community tab, which is a forum
for you to ask questions and get help if you need it.
Then finally you have KDP select, this explains why
you should enroll and frequently asked questions.
So why do you enroll?
Because it helps with the algorithms, if you do exactly
as I tell you to do, Amazon will bend over backwards to
help you.
One client in Malaysia actually went on to pay his cell
phone bill online, and noticed his book cover was there,
he realized Amazon had bought some space on his
phone companies site, and was promoting his book
It became a #1 bestseller BTW.
One thing you need to be aware of, are the terms and
conditions of KDP, when you sign up for 90 days, you
are not allowed to place your book anywhere else,
even on your own site, unless it is a link to Amazon, but
once the 90 days is over, you can place your book
where ever you want.
Let’s move on to number 5 the last part of the
preparation stage.
You should now have the ability to research your niche
and to find your keyword, you can also set up your KDP
account, the next step is where and how to source your
book cover.
It is critical that you get an excellent book cover; this
doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend lots of
money, but you just need to make sure that whoever is
making your cover has a good track record. I have had
39 number one best sellers, with expensive covers and
budget covers.
If you’re good with Photoshop you could even make
your own.
I’m going to show you a couple of ways to get your
cover made.
Log back in to your KDP Amazon account that you
created earlier.
Sign in, and where you upload your book, you can click
on the icon for your book, this will take you to the title
set up page, scroll down to section four, which is
update or create a book cover.
Click on edit my cover design, and it will take you to a
How-to section, on how to use the cover creator, this is
free, the covers are not brilliant, but this is the same
process for uploading your own design for your book.
Take a few minutes to look through the designs
available, and you know they are royalty free, so you
won’t have any copyright issues.
There are also some pre-made templates all ready for
you to use.
One recommendation is to have two covers created
and ask in the forums or Facebook, which cover they
Getting people involved in the process makes them
feel a part of your community, and they will help you for
sure once your book is published.
Here is another way, open a new tab in your browser,
and type in FIVERR.COM,
When you are on the Fiverr home page, type in the
search box, Kindle Cover.
The page is always set on Recommended as default,
but I suggest clicking on High Rating.
At the top of that page to the right are two boxes, they
look like books stacked up, click on the right one, and
look at how many votes they have had from happy
customers. Next to the sellers’ names, they have a
letter T or and number 2.
These are the best sellers.
If you click on one of the sellers and scroll down their
sales page, at the bottom, you will find reviews; this
again will give you a good indication about the quality
of their work
It is now time for stage two.
What you need to do first is open your web browser,
then type in in your URL once more,
then log into your account.
Once you have signed in, I will show you how to upload
your cover.
On the top left-hand side of the screen, there is an
orange box that says add a new book title, click on this
Scroll down the page to section four, upload or create
a book cover, if you have taken action already from the
other stages; you will already have your cover.
Click on the grey box that says browse for image, and
go to the folder on your computer that contains your
image, and double click on your image, it will then
begin to upload.
This takes a few moments…
One important thing is to ensure that your image size
is 1563x2500, otherwise it won’t be big enough for
Amazon, so make sure if you out source your image,
to give your designer these dimensions, and that’s it.
The time has now come to set up your pages for your
Now by far the biggest fear and challenge that people
have is setting up their pages correctly before they start
to write their book.
To make this super easy for you I have a free custom-
made template you can get by clicking here:
You can give this to your future clients to help them get
started writing, if they haven’t written already.
It also makes it so much quicker and easier for you
when you are publishing their books for them.
I have written this in a word document, every piece of
this is editable, so if you explain to them to just replace
the template words with their own text, that’s it.
In a kindle book all the content is clickable, and takes
you to that section of the book, doing that can be
difficult, but as you can see this template is already
clickable, and fully editable.
Just highlight the text and type your headings, and
don’t worry if they move out of place, as when you have
finished editing your book, they will all go back in the
correct order.
As we said in an earlier section, ten chapters is
enough, you can do more, but if you find ten questions
on your niche, then answer them in the chapters, you
will have a book that people will want to buy.
How many pages should the book contain?
New writers may ask you this question, tell them you
recommend at least 40 pages, you need at least 23 to
have a kindle book, but you recommend giving value
for money, and the best way to stand out from your
competitors, is to have plenty of content in your book.
Always over deliver.
If you look at the end of the template, it has about the
author, you can replace the image, and the size of the
image is 250x200.
Once your clients have published a few kindle books,
they can then fill in the other books by the author
section, driving free traffic to their other books, and
making more sales.
Finally, The one last thing section, a good way to
generate sales of their kindle book, is to have reviews
of their book on Amazon, so you should advise them to
place a link to their book page at the end, so their
readers can return and leave them a review.
So that’s it, enjoy and start writing.
Ok I do this every day of the week, but I use a program
which is industry standard, it’s called white smoke, you
can check it out at
There are different packages, but I use the premium
It enables you to check your spelling, grammar and
punctuation, amongst other things.
Now I realize not everyone has $300, so I’m going to
show you how to do it in Microsoft word.
If you open your book if it is already written, if not just
open a word document that you have on your
The first thing you need to do is go to the top of the
word document, next to the styles tab, there is an icon,
it looks a bit like a hammer. This is called a pilcrow, if
you click on it; this will insert the page breaks into your
book and show paragraphs.
The next step is to make sure everything looks ok, it
may look ok as a book, but the fact it is a kindle means
you have to insert white space in-between every few
Before that, check for any spelling mistakes, click the
review tab at the top of the page, then on the left where
it says spelling and grammar with a green tick under
the A, B, C, CLICK ON IT
Ignore anything you feel is ok, like the chapter
headings, click on ignore once.
Anything that is green, is a grammar mistake and the
editor in word will suggests something different, if you
click change, it will then go to the next mistake if there
are any.
Anything highlighted red is a spelling mistake, and
again you can either ignore or change it.
And basically, you go all the way through either
ignoring or changing.
So, if we go back to the top again, click back on the
home tab and you can see the pilcrow is still on.
After every chapter, you must insert a page break.
To add a page break you press the control button (ctrl)
on your keyboard and press enter, and this will insert a
page break.
As I said before, after about every 4 or five lines, enter
a space to create some whitespace.
Do this all the way through the book.
This must be done for an Amazon kindle book.
If you have bold text in your book, you can place the
white space after it or before it, to make it stand out;
you must have made it bold for a reason.
If you have any text that has a blue line under it, left
click your mouse over the blue line, then right click and
it will be corrected by word.
Once you are happy with your editing, send it to at least
three friends to proof read it, and to make sure you
haven’t missed anything.
Even professional proof readers can make mistakes,
and this is a good way to minimalize any mistakes you
may have made.
Once you have edited your book, it will be time to
upload your book and turn it into a kindle.
You must by now be getting really excited, because
you have written, proof read and edited your book,
ready to convert it to a Kindle and upload it to the
Amazon platform.
This is the final step in the process stage.
All you need to do now is open your browser and go to
KDP and log into your accounts.
In a previous stage, I showed you how to upload your
book cover.
You can see your book title here on your book shelf.
Click on your book title, and scroll down the page to
section 5, where it says upload your book.
Now this is very important, you need to ensure that the
do not enable digital rights management is
selected, if it was on enabled, it would mean nobody
could share your book, and this is all about exposure.
Now click the orange button where it says browse, and
select your book from your computer, then press open.
This takes a few minutes because it is now converting
your word document, into a Kindle book.
It actually turns it into a .mov format, I know this is a
movie file format, but this is the format Amazon uses
for its kindle books.
A box will then show you that the upload and
conversion is successful.
And the spell check should have zero possible errors,
if not, go back and correct them, then go over the
process again.
You don’t want any spelling mistakes in your new book.
So that’s it, you have uploaded your book and turned it
into an Amazon Kindle.
That’s the end of the process stage.
Welcome to the final stage, the publishing stage, which
is the final step on your route to becoming a published
If you have taken action and completed your book, you
are just a few days away, from having the ability to call
yourself a bestselling author in your niche.
The first thing we do, is open your browser and return
Sign into your KDP account, and this will take you back
to your bookshelf.
Click on your book title, and scroll down to section 5
again where you uploaded your book.
Double check the spelling and make sure there are no
mistakes and both boxes have a green tick by them
then scroll down a little bit further to section 6, called
Preview your book.
Click on the grey button with preview book on it, and
this will show you a preview of your finished book.
This is a really exciting time, when you actually see
your book like this for the first time.
All you do is hover over the right arrow and flick through
your book.
You have to make sure all your headings start at the
top of your page, it’s important that you check right to
the end of your book to ensure it all flows correctly.
If there is anything wrong, go back to your original word
document, make the changes and then re upload like
you did in step number 9.
We need to go back to your KDP account, I’m sure by
now, you will be used to the interface and where
everything is on the page.
Log into your account, by clicking on the orange button
on the right that says sign in.
You are now back in your bookshelf, and at the
moment, as you can see to the right of your book title,
it says New title, add contributor and set price, it says
set price as no price has yet been set up for your book.
Click on your book cover where it says new title.
The next page will say Introducing KDP select, you
need to make sure that underneath, the small box is
checked next to, enroll this book in KDP select.
The next step is to enter your book title in the box
below, where it says Enter your book details.
I always recommend you fill in the sub title, especially
if you can’t get your full keyword to fit in the title box.
The rest is self-explanatory, but if you get stuck on any
of the questions, all you do is click on the blue text after
the question, and a box will pop up giving you an
explanation to the question being asked.
If you have a publisher or are self-publishing, enter
their name or your name in the next box.
The description box is very important, you should take
some time before entering the description, and you
need to make sure, it is eye catching, and has your
potential reader ready to buy, once they have read the
I suggest around 500 words approximately explaining
what’s in the book, and what they will get from reading
Next press the add contributor button, and enter your
name, select the title of the book and click save.
If more than one person constructed the book, click on
it again, and just press the, add another button.
The publication date, can be put in right at the end, you
cannot pre-plan it you enter this when it is ready to
You don’t need an ISBN NUMBER.
Tick the verifying publishing rights, to verify it’s your
own work.
Section three is target your book to customers, find the
niche that you want and tick the box for that niche, you
can pick two sections then click save.
I recommend you use two separate sections, as if you
chose two in the same section, you minimize your
Remember to use the niche you have researched with
the least books to give you best seller status quicker.
You can now select an age range, depending on the
content of your book.
The next section is keywords, as I showed you earlier,
you should now have your keywords ready, and you
can have a maximum of seven.
Scroll back up to the top of the page now; in the top
right-hand corner it says your account information is
Amazon will not allow you to publish your book until this
is complete.
Click on the update now button in the top right-hand
corner, and sign back into your Amazon account, then
fill in your details in the boxes provided.
The critical part is the tax information, click on the
complete tax information box.
Click yes to both sections of the consent form.
In the tax status box click whatever applies to you.
And then complete your personal details, confirm your
address by ticking the box and click continue.
Fill in the beneficial owner by selecting what applies to
you with the drop down box, and click continue again.
Enter your national insurance number if you have one,
then click continue again.
Select anything that applies to you in the US persons
box and click continue.
The next box is the person entity section, see if
anything applies to you, tick whatever is relevant to you
and click continue, if you’re in another Country you can
just continue anyway.
The next box, do you have a tin number is for US
residents only, click continue if you are non-USA.
All you do then is sign your initials at the bottom of the
page and continue to the final step.
Finally, the certification box needs completing and then
submitting, once you have pressed submit, you will
receive a confirmation.
That’s all your tax and royalties complete, and you can
move on.
Step 12: How to Promote Your Book to the
Ok before we can actually promote to Facebook and
other places, you need to create an ad, to post on your
social media sites.
This is an example from my Power of Authority book,
that achieved 14 hundred downloads in 4 days, you
can copy and change this to suit your needs:
#1 Bestselling Authors, Kevin Long & Andy Harris's
long-awaited book 'The Power of Authority' is now
FREE on! 05/31-06/04.
Grab your copy here:
You do NOT need a Kindle to read the book! You can
still read it for free on ANY computer, smartphone or
tablet using Amazon's free software available here:
If you live in the UK you can download it for free on the
UK website here:
You can change the top section and replace it with your
name and the title of your book.
The next thing to change is the date it is going to be
free of charge.
Then next change the link for your book.
It’s important that you let people know, that they now
have the ability to read your book without a kindle
reader, do not remove this from your ad, because only
20% of the World’s Population actually own an Amazon
reader. So, it’s very important for them to know, that
they can read it on a home computer smart phone or
Okay, in the last step I showed you a possible ad to
use for your groups, now I’m going to show you how to
find appropriate groups for you to choose.
For this example, I am going to use Gardening.
Log into your Facebook account, if you don’t have one
please visit and create one.
In the search bar at the top of your Facebook
homepage, type your key word for your niche.
Then click on the search, which looks like a magnifying
glass to the right of where you typed your keyword.
Then a list of groups will show up, if you scroll down
you will see more results.
Click on this and all the groups for that keyword will
show up.
Then have a look around the groups and click on the
join button, for the group.
You can never have enough, the more groups you
have the better.
You can also use other sources to promote your book
on the build up to the launch, here are a few.
This list is a compilation of websites that will promote
your book for free, while some are paid.
Each one has their own set of requirements in order to
be accepted. So, to help you out, I did the research on
each one and wrote a quick bit about their stipulations
and what that website is all about.
1) Noble Authors (free and paid services available):
2) Submit at least two days before your book goes
free. (For free books only):
3) Online Book Publicity Services offered to Authors &
4) Creative Designers and Writers (free):
5) Zwoodle Books:
6) Author Marketing:
7) Ereader News Today:
Your five-day promotion with KDP, is how you are
going to achieve your best seller status.
Go back to your KDP Amazon account, and log into
your account.
You will see that on your book shelf, where your book
is, to the right, under KDP select, which says manage
benefits in blue, you need to click on that.
The next page will say run a price promotion for your
book on Amazon in orange.
Just below that is a grey box with free book promotion
written on it.
To the right of that box in blue text is, create a new free
book promotion for this book.
Click on this link.
This will take you to the calendar for when you want to
launch your book.
You can choose between one day and five days, with
my experience and my 100% best seller record, I
suggest you use the five days.
Click on the calendar icon for the start date, I always
start on a Saturday and I suggest you do the same then
move across the calendar icon on the end date, and it
highlights the fifth day for you.
Double check you have the right date, and then click
the changes button on the right of the page.
It saves the dates for you, and once that is completed,
it sends you back to a page that says success your
promotion was added.
Click on bookshelf at the top of the page, and you will
then see that the dates you have entered will be on
your page on the same line as your book title.
One of the best ways to become a best seller, is to
have the biggest number of downloads in the shortest
space of time.
You can get to number one within a few hours of your
book being published in the KDP program.
As long as you have followed the instructions in the
previous steps, you will have carefully chosen the
correct sections in your niche, to give you the best
chance of best seller status.
I am going to show you now the best sellers, so if you
go to your browser and type http.//
This will show you the best sellers in the whole of
The tabs at the top of the page are, best sellers, hot
new releases, movers and shakers, top rated, most
wished for and gift ideas.
If you scroll down the left-hand side of the page you will
see kindle store once more.
Click on the kindle store link, the next page will show
you the number one book, it tells you how many
downloads it’s had and how many reviews it has.
If you click on the top one hundred free tabs just above
the number one book.
The number one free book will be displayed.
If you look to the left and click on the nonfiction link,
you will see the number one for that section.
If you look to the right of this page you will see hot new
releases, when you publish your book, this is a great
section to get entered into, when your book enters the
top 100, Amazon promote your book for free.
So with their help and your social networking or email
list promotion, your book can really take off, and give
you massive exposure at the same time.
Welcome to the final step in your publishing course.
It’s a quick overview, for any changes you need to
Open your word document, and make any changes
that need doing, and click on file and save the word
Then go to your KDP account, log in as usual, go to
your book title on your book shelf, click on your book
title, scroll down to section 5, and click on the orange
browse button and upload your changed book.
This is important, because sometimes you may want to
change any links in your book, or update any chapters
that may have changed over time, it then makes your
book evergreen.
Once it’s converted click on the preview button, and
make sure the changes have been made.
If you click on the top right-hand corner where it says
book details.
You can make any changes to your book description;
you can do this to see if a better description makes a
difference to your book sales.
It can take up to 12 hours for Amazon to make any
changes, but it’s usually a lot quicker, once it’s all done,
you just click publish.
Well I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for
buying the business in a box Book, and wish you
every success in the future with your new-found
And as I’ve said many times throughout the book,
please don’t hesitate to contact me if you struggle with
Kevin Long
I entered the Kindle arena in early 2009 and became
full time in January 2011, and took on my first paying
I incorporated my new company on January 17th,
2014. Since then I have published 245 different titles
in mainly non-fiction niches for my clients, everyone
has become bestsellers with 243 becoming multiple
#1 bestsellers.
I have published for professional business people like
CPA's to international public speakers, Internet
Marketers, Product developers and stay at home
Mom's and Dad’s.
Becoming a published author can separate you from
your competition and give you massive authority like
nothing else can
Here are just a few reasons:
♛ Your Book Provides You Instant Authority, Social
Proof, and Scarcity.
♛ Your Brand and Message Will Stand Out.
♛ Your Book Is a Marketing Investment with Long-
Term Value on a global Basis.
♛ Your Book Will Expose You to Millions of People
♛ You Will Have Your Potential Customers Full
♛ Your Book Can Give You Access to Huge Profits
and Residual Income.
♛ Writing Your Book Will Make You Better at What
You Do
☞☞☞ Please visit for more
information, and to see some of our success stories.
Or ☎ our Skype number on +44(0) 161 818 9934 or
Specialities: Helping Unpublished Writers Become
Bestselling Authors, Kindle Publishing, Paperback
Publishing, Internet Marketing, Public Speaking,
If you have an eBook written, and would like me to help
you become a bestselling author, then visit: or Skype me at
7 Reasons Why Writing a Book Can Explode Your
If you enjoyed reading this book, or found it useful, I’d
be very grateful if you’d post a short review on Amazon.
Your support really does make a difference and I read
all the reviews personally, so I can get your feedback
and make this book even better.
If you’d like to leave a review, then all you need to do
is click the review link on Amazon here:
And if you live in the UK, you can leave it hear:
Thanks again for your support!

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  • 2. DEDICATION This book is dedicated to a very special friend, Michael McDivitt on the arrival of his 50th birthday. We have been best friends for over 40 years and have gone through many adventures together, and I wanted to say ‘Happy 50th Birthday’ in a different way. So, have a great day… Love ya to the Beacon pond and back Lardy.
  • 3. WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK I wrote this book because since early 2007 I have been trying to make money online, without much success. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on other peoples courses, books and programs, you name it, and Ive tried it. Now, I’m not one of these people who bought course after course looking for the magic bullet, I followed these courses to the letter, and still never made any money. Does that sound familiar? Then in late 2009 I invested in a Mentor who would show me a proven system in making money online, happy days I thought. I started to write an ebook about ‘How to make money online’, now I’d made a little here and there so knew the basics of how it all worked. It took me four and a half months to write, I made it step by step and as simple as I could, I got my dates ready for my launch on the Warrior Forum as a WSO (Warrior Special Offer), people were making boatloads of money from these, so I was excited as hell. The launch day came and I was waiting in anticipation for all the orders to come flooding in, I even informed Paypal to expect ‘Big Money’ coming into my account. After the first hour I thought I’d messed up with something, as I hadnt had a sale.
  • 4. I waited all day, and at the end I had sold TWO copies. Can you imagine that! Three months of taking the time,effort and little money I had, for what…a big fat nothing… To say I was devastated would be the understatement of the year. I knew what I had written was good, solid information, and would help boatloads of people start up online, to make matters worse, those ‘So called’ Guru’s were selling the same stuff and making a killing. I wallowed in my own self pity for a couple of days, and then set out to try again. This is when I stumbled on an article about ‘Amazon Kindle’, and how it was going to transform the information world. So for the next few months I decided to study everything I could find on Amazon Kindle, but more importantly, find out how their system worked. I then turned my flop of a book into a Kindle book and learned all about the Amazon Algorithms and how they worked…long story short, my ebook that had bombed before, had got to #6 in the Bestsellers list on Amazon. BOOM! I then decided to write my second book on Affiliate Marketing, and followed my system again, this time my book went bestseller in 7 countries and #1 in five, it blew my mind.
  • 5. I then used the same sytem that I will show you in this book, on a few friends, and their books all got to Amazon Bestseller status too, I knew I had something of value with this formula, but didn’t know how to take it forward. So I then invested in a one day Internet Marketing course with Rob Temple in Sheffield, he showed me how to turn my Kindle idea into a business. Within 24 hours, I had my website up and got my first paying client for just under $2000, I was exstatic. Matt Houghtons book, Solo Tsunami got to #1 in the Amazon Bestseller list, and started Matt’s online career, he’s gone on to become an expert in his field. Over the next few months I had another few clients who reached Best Selling Author with their different books. Then last year I co-wrote ‘The Power of Authority’ with my best mate Andy Harris. We had a fairly successful launch, but some people thought it was two businesses in one, on one hand it showed you how to become an authority, but at the same time it was a ready made business in a box, so this left quite a few people a bit confused. The book was a #1 bestseller in multiple countries, and had thousands of downloads, which surprised even me. So I decided to rewrite the concept of the book and turn it into what you are reading now. Now don’t get me wrong, I firmly believe that you should know how to write a book first, or at least know
  • 6. how the process works, before you can publish a book for somebody else. But if you already feel confident in going straight to the publishing stages, then jump right ahead to STAGE THREE… To date I have published 245 books for other people, and with the exact process you will learn in this book, all 245 have become Amazon international bestsellers,with 242 becoming #1’s. I don’t have to ‘sell’ my services, because my results speak for themselves, and you can achieve the same. I’ve made all the mistakes over the last few years, so you don’t have to. I read an article only last year that stated that 44% of people who had taken the time and effort to write a book, that’s millions of people worldwide, had never been published. WOW! That blew my mind. So I decided to share the skills I had learned, and help them become published authors, and not just unpublished writers. One thing that drives me is helping others achieve their goals and dreams, that is why I have written this book, so I can help you achieve yours. Now if you are looking to start your own business from home with very little money to invest, then this book is for you, or you want to copy what I do on a daily basis and publish other peoples books, then the choice is yours.
  • 7. On the other hand, if you are not willing to take the action steps required, then please ask me for a refund. There is work to be done to achieve success, but I have taken out all the bits that don’t work, and given you an easy to follow blueprint for success. So take your time, grab a cup of your favourite drink and sit down and read this book. It will help you achieve your goals, but more importantly, it can help others achieve their’s.
  • 8. WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK This book will help you, or help others to become published authors, instead of unpublished writers. A New York Times survey discovered that 81% of Americans wanted to, or felt that they had a book in them, but only 1% actually do write one due to many outside factors. That 1% is still millions of people that you will be able to help realize their dreams, of becoming a bestselling author, and leaving a legacy. Amazon Kindle is a rapidly expanding marketplace for people looking to self-publish their own books, but due to the huge prices that are being charged to get their books published the traditional way, it’s beyond most people’s reach. With a traditional publisher it can take years, and big money, to get a publisher to even look at your book. Self-publishing is now very achievable on a very small budget, with amazing results and residual income for life. This book is a step by step proven business system that will enable you to help publish other people’s books in a three-stage easy to follow process. The internet has made business a very level playing field, you don’t just have your own town or city to market to any more, you have the whole world.
  • 9. And with an easy to follow proven formula, like I will be explaining in this book, it’s foolproof. So, if you’re tired of ‘Working for the man’, trying to find other ways to boost your income, or just want a new direction in your life, follow the ‘Businessin a box’ guide and realize your own potential. This book will give you the chance to build a brand or business around your chosen niche. Now for clients who have NOT WRITTEN a book, all you need to do is guide your clients through the following process. If they have ALREADYWRITTEN a book and just want it publishing, then skip forward to the appropriate stage, you have the best of both worlds.
  • 10. TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication Why I Wrote This Book Why You Should Read This Book Table of Contents STAGE ONE: PREPARATION Step One: Amazon research Step Two: Amazon Keyword Research Step Three: Market Potential. Step Four: How to Setup A KDP Account. Step Five: How and Where to Get Your Kindle Book Cover. STAGE TWO: PROCESSING. Step Six: How to Upload your Book Cover. Step Seven: How to Setup Your Pages correctly using word. Step Eight: How to proof, edit and format your book. step Nine: How to upload and convert to kindle. STAGE THREE: PUBLISHING Step Ten: Previewing Your Book Inside Amazon. Step Eleven: How to Complete the Royalty section. Step Twelve: How to Promote Your Book to the Masses. Step Thirteen: Marketing Groups. Step Fourteen: Promotion Tools. Step Fifteen: Becoming an Amazon Bestseller.
  • 11. Step Sixteen: Lifetime Updates. About The Author Other Books By Kevin A Long One More Thing Before You Go…
  • 12. STAGE ONE: PREPARATION STEP ONE: AMAZON RESEARCH Start by Opening your browser on your computer, which ever browser you use, I use Firefox but it really doesn’t matter. The first step is to type Google in your URL at the top of your browser, then type the niche or topic you want to write about in Google’s search engine. For this example, we are going to use How to Write a Book. This is purely for research, underneath The Tab that says Web; it says about, this shows you how many web pages there are on that niche. Is this number important? Yes, because you are looking to become a best seller and you would struggle if there isn’t a ready-made audience there for you for your book, the higher the number the bigger the niche, and in turn the more potential clients you would have. There is a second step that I use, and that is to go to or Amazon for whatever country you live in. One tip I have learned, is that it is very important when you go on the Amazon homepage, that you go to the tab at the top left-hand side of the page that says ALL,
  • 13. and click on it, then scroll down until it says Kindle Store. Now type the same keyword that you typed in Google, into the Amazon search bar and press enter. You will then see at the top left-hand side of the page that it shows you, in the Amazon Search, how many books there are for that keyword. If you have a look at one of the books displayed by clicking on it, it will come up with the book details, if you scroll down that page to the Product Details section, it shows you the Amazon best seller rank. The first figure is the overall ranking in Amazon, the figures underneath will show you where that book is in a particular category. If you click on one of those categories, it will bring up the top one hundred best sellers, in that category you chose. At the top of the page there is a paid section and next to it is the free section. If you click on the free section, which is where you are going to place your book at the beginning, to help with the Amazon algorithm. At the bottom of this page it shows you how many books at that moment are free in that category? What I have discovered over the past few years is if you research your niche categories carefully, you can place your book in a category that doesn’t have many books in, which will immediately place you in the best sellers list, but obviously try to stick as close to your niche as possible, otherwise it defeats the object.
  • 14. You should look through these categories at different books in the free section, to help you decide which category would be more advantageous to you becoming a best seller quickly. You need to get the balance right with regards to how many books are actually in the section you want to be included in.
  • 15. STEP TWO: AMAZON KEYWORD RESEARCH We have just looked at Amazon research, Welcome to step two, How to do Amazon Keyword research. Why do we need to do that? It’s very important, later on in the book, we will need to type in Amazon Keywords, so when people search Amazon you can get free organic traffic to your kindle book, let’s take a look. You need to go to your browser again and go to Google, type in Google keywords, you will see at the top Google Keyword Tool, Adwords Click on this link. You will need to have a Google account, it takes a few minutes to create one, once you have created a Google account, just sign in on the top right hand of the screen, where it says sign in to Ad Words. This is where most people come to research keywords. On the Google Ad Words page, after you have signed in, it says under the Keyword Planner. Search for new keyword ad group ideas. Get search volume for a list of keywords or group them into ad groups. Get traffic estimates, for a list of keywords and multiple keyword lists to get new keyword ideas. Click on the top link, search for new keyword and group ideas, type in the first box under your product or service, THE KEYWORDS YOU USED IN STEP 1.
  • 16. Then click on the blue button below, that says get ideas. All the keywords then show up in blue, if you scroll along to the right, where it says average monthly searches. Click where it says average monthly searches with a question mark, this will then show you the keywords like your particular keyword, with the highest or lowest monthly search, you can switch between High and Low by clicking on the average monthly searches again. Then you will see the top keyword for your niche, if you click on the top link on the left of the screen, it will then show you what kind of competition you have, for that keyword, Low, Medium, or High. The numbers are important because it shows you the average monthly searches for your keyword, this in turn will give you a good indication of how many people will be searching for your niche, and the keywords they are searching for. If you then go back to, or the Amazon for your country, and click on the All tab again, and scroll to the kindle store again. Type in your keyword once more in the search bar, you will see that all the top ten common research keywords, show up in a drop-down box. Obviously, we want to work with Amazon, to help with the algorithms. So, it helps to use these keywords for your book titles. These are the two best ways to do your keyword research for your niche.
  • 17. STEP THREE: MARKET POTENTIAL. We are just carrying on from the other two research steps, seeing if there are enough people out there, who will want your book. One of the best ways, is choosing what content you should have in your book, we need to go back to Google, and type in your keyword, but this time type the word forums at the end of it. Using my example, how to write a book, there are over 260 million results with forums at the end. If you choose one of the forums in the result and click on it, you can scroll down and see how many members there are in that forum. This number is the amount of potential people who would be interested in your book. Have a look through, and see what kind of questions people are asking, in that particular forum. You can even ask in the forums, what are the most common problems within their niche. These questions can be the chapters in your book. If you find ten questions, these can be all the chapters. If you are writing about something you are knowledgeable about, you will probably know the answer to some of the questions anyway. We are even supplying you with a free bonus template, that shows you how to set out your book, and will help you to structure your book; you just change the headings, with the questions you find in the forums.
  • 18. So, as we always say, find the problems with your niche and answer the questions in the book. Try typing another keyword with forums at the end, because you could find a niche that you never thought about writing about. We are going to try Greenhouses with forums on the end, as an example. And there is actually a greenhouses forum. This site shows you how many members there are in each state, and at the top of the page there are over 600,000 members. This would be a great niche to write a book about.
  • 19. STEP FOUR: HOW TO SETUP A KDP ACCOUNT. The following section is all about how to set up a KDP account, but before we do that, I think we need to explain, what a KDP account is, and how it can help with gaining bestseller status. A KDP account (Kindle Direct Publishing), is basically, an account where Amazon allow you to sign up for a service that allows you to publish your book for free for 5 days out of every 90, and when you’re in the top 100, which is the bestseller list, they help you promote it. They are unlike other companies that try to make things difficult for you, they really try to help. You need to go to your browser, and type in your URL, http;// You can see on the right-hand side, it says, sign up or sign in, you should have an account already, if you have followed the other steps, if not it takes minutes to set up, or just sign in, with your Amazon account details. The following screen will show you the terms of service, I would always recommend you read it, but there is nothing hidden, just click agree, and it will take you to your account. This is where you will upload your finished book. You have a book shelf on the top left of the screen, this is where you will add the title for your book. Always click the enroll in KDP select box.
  • 20. If you then click on reports, this will show you your total sales each day, in all the different countries. You also have your payments, Prior monthly royalties and month to date sales. At the top right of the page you will see your account is incomplete, some people feel intimidated with this, but there is no panic, this is purely for setting up your royalties and tax details, this will be shown in another step. You then have your community tab, which is a forum for you to ask questions and get help if you need it. Then finally you have KDP select, this explains why you should enroll and frequently asked questions. So why do you enroll? Because it helps with the algorithms, if you do exactly as I tell you to do, Amazon will bend over backwards to help you. One client in Malaysia actually went on to pay his cell phone bill online, and noticed his book cover was there, he realized Amazon had bought some space on his phone companies site, and was promoting his book there. It became a #1 bestseller BTW. One thing you need to be aware of, are the terms and conditions of KDP, when you sign up for 90 days, you are not allowed to place your book anywhere else, even on your own site, unless it is a link to Amazon, but once the 90 days is over, you can place your book where ever you want.
  • 21. Let’s move on to number 5 the last part of the preparation stage.
  • 22. STEP FIVE: HOW AND WHERE TO GET YOUR KINDLE BOOK COVER. You should now have the ability to research your niche and to find your keyword, you can also set up your KDP account, the next step is where and how to source your book cover. It is critical that you get an excellent book cover; this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend lots of money, but you just need to make sure that whoever is making your cover has a good track record. I have had 39 number one best sellers, with expensive covers and budget covers. If you’re good with Photoshop you could even make your own. I’m going to show you a couple of ways to get your cover made. Log back in to your KDP Amazon account that you created earlier. Sign in, and where you upload your book, you can click on the icon for your book, this will take you to the title set up page, scroll down to section four, which is update or create a book cover. Click on edit my cover design, and it will take you to a How-to section, on how to use the cover creator, this is free, the covers are not brilliant, but this is the same process for uploading your own design for your book. Take a few minutes to look through the designs available, and you know they are royalty free, so you won’t have any copyright issues.
  • 23. There are also some pre-made templates all ready for you to use. One recommendation is to have two covers created and ask in the forums or Facebook, which cover they prefer. Getting people involved in the process makes them feel a part of your community, and they will help you for sure once your book is published. Here is another way, open a new tab in your browser, and type in FIVERR.COM, When you are on the Fiverr home page, type in the search box, Kindle Cover. The page is always set on Recommended as default, but I suggest clicking on High Rating. At the top of that page to the right are two boxes, they look like books stacked up, click on the right one, and look at how many votes they have had from happy customers. Next to the sellers’ names, they have a letter T or and number 2. These are the best sellers. If you click on one of the sellers and scroll down their sales page, at the bottom, you will find reviews; this again will give you a good indication about the quality of their work It is now time for stage two.
  • 24. STAGE TWO: PROCESSING. STEP SIX: HOW TO UPLOAD YOUR BOOK COVER. What you need to do first is open your web browser, then type in in your URL once more, then log into your account. Once you have signed in, I will show you how to upload your cover. On the top left-hand side of the screen, there is an orange box that says add a new book title, click on this box. Scroll down the page to section four, upload or create a book cover, if you have taken action already from the other stages; you will already have your cover. Click on the grey box that says browse for image, and go to the folder on your computer that contains your image, and double click on your image, it will then begin to upload. This takes a few moments… One important thing is to ensure that your image size is 1563x2500, otherwise it won’t be big enough for Amazon, so make sure if you out source your image, to give your designer these dimensions, and that’s it.
  • 25. STEP 7: HOW TO SETUP YOUR PAGES CORRECTLY USING WORD. The time has now come to set up your pages for your book. Now by far the biggest fear and challenge that people have is setting up their pages correctly before they start to write their book. To make this super easy for you I have a free custom- made template you can get by clicking here: ate/. You can give this to your future clients to help them get started writing, if they haven’t written already. It also makes it so much quicker and easier for you when you are publishing their books for them. I have written this in a word document, every piece of this is editable, so if you explain to them to just replace the template words with their own text, that’s it. In a kindle book all the content is clickable, and takes you to that section of the book, doing that can be difficult, but as you can see this template is already clickable, and fully editable. Just highlight the text and type your headings, and don’t worry if they move out of place, as when you have finished editing your book, they will all go back in the correct order. As we said in an earlier section, ten chapters is enough, you can do more, but if you find ten questions
  • 26. on your niche, then answer them in the chapters, you will have a book that people will want to buy. How many pages should the book contain? New writers may ask you this question, tell them you recommend at least 40 pages, you need at least 23 to have a kindle book, but you recommend giving value for money, and the best way to stand out from your competitors, is to have plenty of content in your book. Always over deliver. If you look at the end of the template, it has about the author, you can replace the image, and the size of the image is 250x200. Once your clients have published a few kindle books, they can then fill in the other books by the author section, driving free traffic to their other books, and making more sales. Finally, The one last thing section, a good way to generate sales of their kindle book, is to have reviews of their book on Amazon, so you should advise them to place a link to their book page at the end, so their readers can return and leave them a review. So that’s it, enjoy and start writing.
  • 27. STEP 8: HOW TO PROOF, EDIT AND FORMAT YOUR BOOK. Ok I do this every day of the week, but I use a program which is industry standard, it’s called white smoke, you can check it out at There are different packages, but I use the premium edition. It enables you to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation, amongst other things. Now I realize not everyone has $300, so I’m going to show you how to do it in Microsoft word. If you open your book if it is already written, if not just open a word document that you have on your computer. The first thing you need to do is go to the top of the word document, next to the styles tab, there is an icon, it looks a bit like a hammer. This is called a pilcrow, if you click on it; this will insert the page breaks into your book and show paragraphs. The next step is to make sure everything looks ok, it may look ok as a book, but the fact it is a kindle means you have to insert white space in-between every few lines. Before that, check for any spelling mistakes, click the review tab at the top of the page, then on the left where it says spelling and grammar with a green tick under the A, B, C, CLICK ON IT
  • 28. Ignore anything you feel is ok, like the chapter headings, click on ignore once. Anything that is green, is a grammar mistake and the editor in word will suggests something different, if you click change, it will then go to the next mistake if there are any. Anything highlighted red is a spelling mistake, and again you can either ignore or change it. And basically, you go all the way through either ignoring or changing. So, if we go back to the top again, click back on the home tab and you can see the pilcrow is still on. After every chapter, you must insert a page break. To add a page break you press the control button (ctrl) on your keyboard and press enter, and this will insert a page break. As I said before, after about every 4 or five lines, enter a space to create some whitespace. Do this all the way through the book. This must be done for an Amazon kindle book. If you have bold text in your book, you can place the white space after it or before it, to make it stand out; you must have made it bold for a reason. If you have any text that has a blue line under it, left click your mouse over the blue line, then right click and it will be corrected by word.
  • 29. Once you are happy with your editing, send it to at least three friends to proof read it, and to make sure you haven’t missed anything. Even professional proof readers can make mistakes, and this is a good way to minimalize any mistakes you may have made. Once you have edited your book, it will be time to upload your book and turn it into a kindle.
  • 30. STEP 9: HOW TO UPLOAD AND CONVERT TO KINDLE. You must by now be getting really excited, because you have written, proof read and edited your book, ready to convert it to a Kindle and upload it to the Amazon platform. This is the final step in the process stage. All you need to do now is open your browser and go to KDP and log into your accounts. In a previous stage, I showed you how to upload your book cover. You can see your book title here on your book shelf. Click on your book title, and scroll down the page to section 5, where it says upload your book. Now this is very important, you need to ensure that the do not enable digital rights management is selected, if it was on enabled, it would mean nobody could share your book, and this is all about exposure. Now click the orange button where it says browse, and select your book from your computer, then press open. This takes a few minutes because it is now converting your word document, into a Kindle book. It actually turns it into a .mov format, I know this is a movie file format, but this is the format Amazon uses for its kindle books. A box will then show you that the upload and conversion is successful.
  • 31. And the spell check should have zero possible errors, if not, go back and correct them, then go over the process again. You don’t want any spelling mistakes in your new book. So that’s it, you have uploaded your book and turned it into an Amazon Kindle. That’s the end of the process stage.
  • 32. STAGE THREE: PUBLISHING STEP 10: PREVIEWING YOUR BOOK INSIDE AMAZON. Welcome to the final stage, the publishing stage, which is the final step on your route to becoming a published author. If you have taken action and completed your book, you are just a few days away, from having the ability to call yourself a bestselling author in your niche. The first thing we do, is open your browser and return to Sign into your KDP account, and this will take you back to your bookshelf. Click on your book title, and scroll down to section 5 again where you uploaded your book. Double check the spelling and make sure there are no mistakes and both boxes have a green tick by them then scroll down a little bit further to section 6, called Preview your book. Click on the grey button with preview book on it, and this will show you a preview of your finished book. This is a really exciting time, when you actually see your book like this for the first time. All you do is hover over the right arrow and flick through your book.
  • 33. You have to make sure all your headings start at the top of your page, it’s important that you check right to the end of your book to ensure it all flows correctly. If there is anything wrong, go back to your original word document, make the changes and then re upload like you did in step number 9.
  • 34. STEP 11: HOW TO COMPLETE THE ROYALTY SECTION. We need to go back to your KDP account, I’m sure by now, you will be used to the interface and where everything is on the page. Log into your account, by clicking on the orange button on the right that says sign in. You are now back in your bookshelf, and at the moment, as you can see to the right of your book title, it says New title, add contributor and set price, it says set price as no price has yet been set up for your book. Click on your book cover where it says new title. The next page will say Introducing KDP select, you need to make sure that underneath, the small box is checked next to, enroll this book in KDP select. The next step is to enter your book title in the box below, where it says Enter your book details. I always recommend you fill in the sub title, especially if you can’t get your full keyword to fit in the title box. The rest is self-explanatory, but if you get stuck on any of the questions, all you do is click on the blue text after the question, and a box will pop up giving you an explanation to the question being asked. If you have a publisher or are self-publishing, enter their name or your name in the next box. The description box is very important, you should take some time before entering the description, and you need to make sure, it is eye catching, and has your
  • 35. potential reader ready to buy, once they have read the description. I suggest around 500 words approximately explaining what’s in the book, and what they will get from reading it. Next press the add contributor button, and enter your name, select the title of the book and click save. If more than one person constructed the book, click on it again, and just press the, add another button. The publication date, can be put in right at the end, you cannot pre-plan it you enter this when it is ready to launch. You don’t need an ISBN NUMBER. Tick the verifying publishing rights, to verify it’s your own work. Section three is target your book to customers, find the niche that you want and tick the box for that niche, you can pick two sections then click save. I recommend you use two separate sections, as if you chose two in the same section, you minimize your audience. Remember to use the niche you have researched with the least books to give you best seller status quicker. You can now select an age range, depending on the content of your book. The next section is keywords, as I showed you earlier, you should now have your keywords ready, and you can have a maximum of seven.
  • 36. Scroll back up to the top of the page now; in the top right-hand corner it says your account information is incomplete. Amazon will not allow you to publish your book until this is complete. Click on the update now button in the top right-hand corner, and sign back into your Amazon account, then fill in your details in the boxes provided. The critical part is the tax information, click on the complete tax information box. Click yes to both sections of the consent form. In the tax status box click whatever applies to you. And then complete your personal details, confirm your address by ticking the box and click continue. Fill in the beneficial owner by selecting what applies to you with the drop down box, and click continue again. Enter your national insurance number if you have one, then click continue again. Select anything that applies to you in the US persons box and click continue. The next box is the person entity section, see if anything applies to you, tick whatever is relevant to you and click continue, if you’re in another Country you can just continue anyway. The next box, do you have a tin number is for US residents only, click continue if you are non-USA.
  • 37. All you do then is sign your initials at the bottom of the page and continue to the final step. Finally, the certification box needs completing and then submitting, once you have pressed submit, you will receive a confirmation. That’s all your tax and royalties complete, and you can move on.
  • 38. Step 12: How to Promote Your Book to the Masses. Ok before we can actually promote to Facebook and other places, you need to create an ad, to post on your social media sites. This is an example from my Power of Authority book, that achieved 14 hundred downloads in 4 days, you can copy and change this to suit your needs: #1 Bestselling Authors, Kevin Long & Andy Harris's long-awaited book 'The Power of Authority' is now FREE on! 05/31-06/04. Grab your copy here: You do NOT need a Kindle to read the book! You can still read it for free on ANY computer, smartphone or tablet using Amazon's free software available here: If you live in the UK you can download it for free on the UK website here: You can change the top section and replace it with your name and the title of your book. The next thing to change is the date it is going to be free of charge. Then next change the link for your book. It’s important that you let people know, that they now have the ability to read your book without a kindle reader, do not remove this from your ad, because only 20% of the World’s Population actually own an Amazon reader. So, it’s very important for them to know, that
  • 39. they can read it on a home computer smart phone or tablet.
  • 40. STEP 13: MARKETING GROUPS. Okay, in the last step I showed you a possible ad to use for your groups, now I’m going to show you how to find appropriate groups for you to choose. For this example, I am going to use Gardening. Log into your Facebook account, if you don’t have one please visit and create one. In the search bar at the top of your Facebook homepage, type your key word for your niche. Then click on the search, which looks like a magnifying glass to the right of where you typed your keyword. Then a list of groups will show up, if you scroll down you will see more results. Click on this and all the groups for that keyword will show up. Then have a look around the groups and click on the join button, for the group. You can never have enough, the more groups you have the better. You can also use other sources to promote your book on the build up to the launch, here are a few. This list is a compilation of websites that will promote your book for free, while some are paid.
  • 41. Each one has their own set of requirements in order to be accepted. So, to help you out, I did the research on each one and wrote a quick bit about their stipulations and what that website is all about. 1) Noble Authors (free and paid services available): your-book/ 2) Submit at least two days before your book goes free. (For free books only): listing/ 3) Online Book Publicity Services offered to Authors & Publishers: 4) Creative Designers and Writers (free): 5) Zwoodle Books: and-publishers/ 6) Author Marketing: your-book/ 7) Ereader News Today:
  • 42. STEP 14: PROMOTION TOOLS. Your five-day promotion with KDP, is how you are going to achieve your best seller status. Go back to your KDP Amazon account, and log into your account. You will see that on your book shelf, where your book is, to the right, under KDP select, which says manage benefits in blue, you need to click on that. The next page will say run a price promotion for your book on Amazon in orange. Just below that is a grey box with free book promotion written on it. To the right of that box in blue text is, create a new free book promotion for this book. Click on this link. This will take you to the calendar for when you want to launch your book. You can choose between one day and five days, with my experience and my 100% best seller record, I suggest you use the five days. Click on the calendar icon for the start date, I always start on a Saturday and I suggest you do the same then move across the calendar icon on the end date, and it highlights the fifth day for you. Double check you have the right date, and then click the changes button on the right of the page.
  • 43. It saves the dates for you, and once that is completed, it sends you back to a page that says success your promotion was added. Click on bookshelf at the top of the page, and you will then see that the dates you have entered will be on your page on the same line as your book title.
  • 44. STEP 15: BECOMING AN AMAZON BESTSELLER. One of the best ways to become a best seller, is to have the biggest number of downloads in the shortest space of time. You can get to number one within a few hours of your book being published in the KDP program. As long as you have followed the instructions in the previous steps, you will have carefully chosen the correct sections in your niche, to give you the best chance of best seller status. I am going to show you now the best sellers, so if you go to your browser and type http.// sellers/zgbs. This will show you the best sellers in the whole of Amazon. The tabs at the top of the page are, best sellers, hot new releases, movers and shakers, top rated, most wished for and gift ideas. If you scroll down the left-hand side of the page you will see kindle store once more. Click on the kindle store link, the next page will show you the number one book, it tells you how many downloads it’s had and how many reviews it has. If you click on the top one hundred free tabs just above the number one book. The number one free book will be displayed. If you look to the left and click on the nonfiction link, you will see the number one for that section.
  • 45. If you look to the right of this page you will see hot new releases, when you publish your book, this is a great section to get entered into, when your book enters the top 100, Amazon promote your book for free. So with their help and your social networking or email list promotion, your book can really take off, and give you massive exposure at the same time.
  • 46. STEP 16: LIFETIME UPDATES. Welcome to the final step in your publishing course. It’s a quick overview, for any changes you need to make. Open your word document, and make any changes that need doing, and click on file and save the word document. Then go to your KDP account, log in as usual, go to your book title on your book shelf, click on your book title, scroll down to section 5, and click on the orange browse button and upload your changed book. This is important, because sometimes you may want to change any links in your book, or update any chapters that may have changed over time, it then makes your book evergreen. Once it’s converted click on the preview button, and make sure the changes have been made. If you click on the top right-hand corner where it says book details. You can make any changes to your book description; you can do this to see if a better description makes a difference to your book sales. It can take up to 12 hours for Amazon to make any changes, but it’s usually a lot quicker, once it’s all done, you just click publish. Well I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for buying the business in a box Book, and wish you
  • 47. every success in the future with your new-found adventure. And as I’ve said many times throughout the book, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you struggle with anything.
  • 48. . ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kevin Long I entered the Kindle arena in early 2009 and became full time in January 2011, and took on my first paying customers. I incorporated my new company on January 17th, 2014. Since then I have published 245 different titles in mainly non-fiction niches for my clients, everyone
  • 49. has become bestsellers with 243 becoming multiple #1 bestsellers. I have published for professional business people like CPA's to international public speakers, Internet Marketers, Product developers and stay at home Mom's and Dad’s. Becoming a published author can separate you from your competition and give you massive authority like nothing else can Here are just a few reasons: ♛ Your Book Provides You Instant Authority, Social Proof, and Scarcity. ♛ Your Brand and Message Will Stand Out. ♛ Your Book Is a Marketing Investment with Long- Term Value on a global Basis. ♛ Your Book Will Expose You to Millions of People Worldwide ♛ You Will Have Your Potential Customers Full Attention ♛ Your Book Can Give You Access to Huge Profits and Residual Income.
  • 50. ♛ Writing Your Book Will Make You Better at What You Do ☞☞☞ Please visit for more information, and to see some of our success stories. Or ☎ our Skype number on +44(0) 161 818 9934 or email Specialities: Helping Unpublished Writers Become Bestselling Authors, Kindle Publishing, Paperback Publishing, Internet Marketing, Public Speaking, Coaching
  • 51. OTHER BOOKS BY KEVIN A LONG If you have an eBook written, and would like me to help you become a bestselling author, then visit: or Skype me at canada94. B.R.I.M.S – START YOUR OWN ONLINE BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH IN 5 DAYS: USA UK B.R.I.M.S – AFFILIATE MARKETING IN 7 EASY STEPS USA UK THE POWER OF AUTHORITY USA: UK:
  • 52. 7 Reasons Why Writing a Book Can Explode Your Profits USA: UK:
  • 53. ONE MORE THING BEFORE YOU GO… If you enjoyed reading this book, or found it useful, I’d be very grateful if you’d post a short review on Amazon. Your support really does make a difference and I read all the reviews personally, so I can get your feedback and make this book even better. If you’d like to leave a review, then all you need to do is click the review link on Amazon here: And if you live in the UK, you can leave it hear: Thanks again for your support!