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Working with technical salespeople, customer success teams, customer care teams, and
customer engagement teams are all part of service operations. Service activities, like most
operations functions, lets a team complement and amplify their skills while also assisting them in
scaling up (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). For assessing customer success and mood, service operations
uses a variety of methods, including feedback surveys and ticketing software. Tools for team
managing and their product or service delivery, as well as customer engagement tools like
messaging or chat channels, are available via project management and business solution
management platforms..
Service operation processes and functions are the foundation of an effective IT support
structure needed to run effectively to ensure a positive customer experience. Service operation
processes include:
Incident management Users and customers can have problems with the goods or services,
resulting in poor service quality (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). In this case, incident management steps
in, where the team rapidly discovers, registers, logs, and fixes problems in order to prevent
downtime. This management ensures that the service standard is preserved and upheld. The
following are some of the measures that are taken: logging, prioritization, investigation
communication, resolution, review and closure.
Access management. It entails granting permissions to approved users and preventing
non-user access. It also necessitates team members maintaining and overseeing the proper
execution of security and information management policies (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Request entry,
authentication, providing privileges, and logging and recording access are several techniques for
access management.
Problem management. Manages all issues in the life cycle and attempts to avoid
recurrence. The key aim is to create a reliable IT infrastructure and boost the service it provides
(Jäntti & Rout, 2013). The problem-solving process is divided into three stages. Issue detection,
problem management, and error control are among them.
Request fulfillment. Request fulfillment aids in the improvement of reliability and the
standardization of procedures for customers in order to prevent incidents and monitor customer
satisfaction (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Fulfillment support, logging and categorization, model
execution and termination, and assessment are some of the tasks associated with request
Event management. It involves identifying incidents, sequencing and categorizing them
to decide the best course of action, and tracking a state of transition over the lifecycle.
In order to manage and deliver IT services, service functions are needed for a successful
service activity. These roles are in charge of completing critical tasks that ensure the smooth
operation of all services. The following are the services function:
Service desk. It serves as a single point of contact for users and service providers. This is
where incidents, communications, and requests are handled. Having a service desk gives your IT
organization a positive image and helps users trust you (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Essentially, the
service desk manages incident requests. A service desk's main goal is to improve IT processes.
Application management. It covers every aspect of an organization's application, from
purchasing to determining the application's functional requirements. To support the
organization's business processes, the team manages the applications throughout their lifecycles
(Jäntti & Rout, 2013).
Technical management. Technical management consists of departments and teams that
provide ITservices experts with knowledge and skills. It tests, refines, and manages IT services
and technology to ensure and manage a stable technical infrastructure..
IT operations management. In order to streamline processes and keep service operations
stable, IT operation management focuses on day-to-day activities that are frequently repeated
(Jäntti & Rout, 2013). A significant portion of service operations, such as password changes and
software installation, is delegated to two groups that are functional. This are service desk and the
technical group for support. The image below depicts the level of responsibility that each service
assumes and effectively executes:
Data centers are essentially centralized facilities with a concentration of computing and
network equipment for the purpose of gathering, storing, processing, transmitting, and allowing
access to vast volumes of data (Foster & Godbole, 2016). In this case, data storage refers to a
variety of methods for storing information on physical media so that it can be accessed when
users need it. The following are some of the best data storage and database administration
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how advanced the data processing program or
process is if your data isn't being monitored by the right people. There will always be a need for
a human touch, and by choosing the right people to oversee the job and using the right tools, the
data centre will be effective and accurate on all fronts.
Ensuring your data is easily accessible. It's a well-known fact that in the business world,
time is money, and if your team can't get to the resources they need quickly enough, you'll lose
time. This is why data management is so important: it enables an easily accessible information
Cybersecurity threats are a very real threat to most data centers today; you never know
when a hacker will try to break into your files and steal anything from identity fraud to sensitive
information (Foster & Godbole, 2016). A data center will know whether they are forced to
report a possible or realized violation by statute, policy, or good faith if they have a plan with
specific decision points.
Gathering backups, copying facilities, and replicating solution status into a centralized
view in context with application risk exposure to data recovery to identify all data protection
risks. Correlate will assist you in identifying data security risks and coverage gaps.
Checking if the right IT infrastructure services, such as storage tiers, redundancy, A/DR
solutions, data security frequency, and data retention, are mapped to critical applications (Foster
& Godbole, 2016). This will help in mapping de-facto IT infrastructure solutions to applications,
revealing under/over provisioning.
Checking the effectiveness of your storage deployment on a regular basis. This involves
making sure you're linked, configured, and allocated storage is hitting the upper layers of your IT
Keeping track of your accomplishments as well as your failures – Data on wins and
defeats must be reported while referring to the executive level. IT professionals may use this
information to qualify needs for upcoming quarters and be acknowledged as company
contributors (Foster & Godbole, 2016). Correlate can assist by communicating these activities in
a way that is understandable from the datacenter to the boardroom..
Finding any anomalies in your data center, and be sure to compare knowledge from
various disciplines when looking for anomalies. Correlate will combine analytic findings from
storage arrays, file systems, and backup solutions into a single time frame view to reveal
inconsistencies in invested storage, data usage, and backup coverage.
A function is a logical term that refers to the people and automated measures that carry
out a specific process, operation, or set of processes or activities. A role may be split up and
performed by multiple divisions, teams, or groups in larger organisations, or it may be
represented within a single organizational unit (Zurich & Documentation, 2018).
A team is a group of individuals who collaborate to achieve a shared purpose.Several
teams or departments can perform one activity.For example, If a company has five large
Application Support departments, each supporting a different collection of applications, each of
these departments may perform Database Administration for 'its' applications.
Groups contains people who conduct similar tasks, regardless of technology, put together,
while teams working on a specific technology, program, or other topic may exist within each
department. Since all of the people involved in these activities report to the same person, it is
easier to handle groups of similar activities.
Departments.Since workers with similar skills and expertise are grouped together by
functions performed, departments allow for greater operational performance (Zurich &
Documentation, 2018). An organisation is divided into smaller categories based on their fields of
expertise Rather than focusing on a single form of task, departments concentrate on end-to-end
collections of activities.
Divisions. It is the grouping of major departments (Zurich & Documentation,
2018).These department contain teams which are devoted to their objectives at the same time
team members still expected to work within their respective functional department
Service operation staff plays an important role that is more than just day-to-day
management activities. To achieve balance in service operation, service operation staffs identify
conflict between the external business view of IT as a collection of IT facilities and the internal
business view of IT as a collection of technology components (internal IT view). The way
consumers and customers experience IT services is referred to as the external view of IT (Zurich,
& Documentation, 2018). They don't really understand or care about the specifics of the
technology that is used to run such programs. All they care about is that the services are provided
in accordance with the contract. The internal view of IT refers to how IT components and
processes are handled in order to deliver services. Since IT systems are complex and diverse,
they are often handled by many separate teams or divisions, each of which is focused on
ensuring that ‘its' systems work well and are available.
Service operation staff ensures that there is a balance between the stability verses the
responsiveness in service operation. The IT Infrastructure must be reliable and accessible as
planned, according to Service Operation (Zurich, & Documentation, 2018). Simultaneously,
Service Operation must acknowledge the company and IT requirements change. The service
operation staff prepares how to respond to evolutionary changes in order to preserve stability
when reacting to the changes. Many shifts, on the other hand, occur rapidly and often under
The service Operation staff finds a balance between cost and quality.It is recognized that
Service Operation Staff must continuously offer the agreed-upon quality of IT service to its
customers and users while keeping costs and resource usage at a minimum (Zurich, &
Documentation, 2018). An organization that places too much emphasis on cost may end up
sacrificing the service quality it provides. Therefore, putting much emphasis will result in
overpriced services. A key function of Service Management is to achieve an optimum cost-
quality balance.
In Continual Service Improvement operations, a broad range of methods and techniques
can be used, ranging from "soft and ambiguous" to "factual and analytical," and also offering
both or a combination of qualitative and quantitative measurement outcomes (Heikkinen &
Jäntti, 2019, September). They include;
Effort and Cost. CSI enhancement activities can vary from needing a substantial amount
of time and resources for larger-scale projects to requiring very little time and effort for small
improvements. If the initiative would be expensive, the company, both IT and corporation, must
decide if it is worthwhile. Implementation Review and Evaluation (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019,
September). The success of a CSI development program is determined by reviewing and
evaluating its implementation.
Benchmarking is a management technique, especially in strategic management, in which
businesses compare different aspects of their processes to best practices, typically within their
own industry. It involves ensuring that senior management is on board (Heikkinen & Jäntti,
2019, September). Taking an outside viewpoint - Merge market insight and internal performance
to draw conclusions on how internal resources and processes can be enhanced to match and
exceed competitors' performance.
The following are steps in continual service improvement process in cloud computing
STEP ONE: What should be measured. You must calculate the configuration of your
device before and after the change in order to compare the two (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019,
September). As a first move, make key performance indicators list (KPIs): these aspects are
essential of your cloud that you want to monitor. Availability, Efficiency, and Capability are
examples of such aspects.
STEP TWO: Define what you will measure. Once you've made a list of variables, think
about how you'll calculate them. For the main performance measures, performance metrics
should be described. The following metrics are described by us: Availability, efficiency, and
capability are all factors to consider
STEP THREE: Gather data. We consider how we can collect data and allocate values to
the performance metrics after we identify them. The aim of this phase is to create resources for
service monitoring. There are two strategies for collecting information: a survey of IT facilities
and Measuring directly
STEP FOUR: Data processing. The information gathered is analyzed. In order to make
concrete statements about the gathered data, we must consider aggregation functions and how to
aggregate them (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). Complete effect and total downtime are
the aggregation functions we chose. Maximum disk usage and average response
STEP FIVE: Analyze the information and data. The collected information can be viewed
as a statical survey with average values and standard deviation (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019,
September). To do anything useful with the results, you need to identify tests that you can run on
statical sample you've collected. All data analysis should be done in compliance with the IT
infrastructure specifications that we identify.
STEP SIX: Present and use the information. This is the stage where we give the
data sense and turn it into information. It's also critical to correctly interpret the data (Heikkinen
& Jäntti, 2019, September). Reasoning and root cause analysis are two approaches for analyzing
results. You generate useful knowledge by reasoning about the outcomes of your stastical
STEP SEVEN: Implement corrective action. Its aim is to bring the improvement cycle to
a close by aligning IT changes with business goals. First and foremost, this technique corrects
errors in the IT environment.
A SWOT Analysis is a method for evaluating these four aspects of your business.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) (Gürel & Tat, 2017) are acronyms
that stand for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis is helpful in a
number of cases, including:
Building on strength of IT. A SWOT analysis has identified high-performing areas of
the IT. These are the vital success drivers, and they provide the company with a competitive edge
(Gürel & Tat, 2017). This include, CSI is a priority for IT management, A CSI Manager has been
appointed, Workers have the required mindset, values, and devotion. Identifying your strengths
will help you ensure that you don't lose your competitive edge by ensuring that you retain them.
Finding ways to use and expand on these strengths is an important part of growing your market.
Minimizing weaknesses. Weaknesses are features that place the company at a
disadvantage in comparison to competitors. A SWOT analysis will help you identify these traits
and mitigate or strengthen them before they become a problem (Gürel & Tat, 2017). While doing
a SWOT analysis, it's important to be realistic about the company's weaknesses so that you can
efficiently address them..
Seizing opportunities. A SWOT analysis will assist in identifying possible profit-
generating opportunities for your business. Opportunities are created by external factors such as
emerging market preferences and industry changes..
Countering threats. External factors such as market trends, Threats to your company
include a competitor's latest advertisement campaign, new government legislation, and new
technologies resulting from business expansion plans, all of which must be funded (Gürel & Tat,
2017). Depending on your strengths and weaknesses, a SWOT review will help you find risks
and ways to counteract them.
Some of the the key elements management can do to CSI, include; Understanding IT best
practices. For instance, the CSI manager will serve as your ITIL expert. If they're in a room and
someone complains that they never know when users will submit requests, the CSI manager may
say, "If we want to get better at that, we should concentrate on demand management.".
Define new processes and functions that are necessary. CSI managers may also recognize
that entirely new positions are required as part of the change process (Gürel & Tat, 2017). For
example, all systems managers could be sharing data center management responsibilities, which
could be centralized through a data center manager.
Recognize organizational politics and transition. The CSI manager will observe how the
department handles transition. Understanding organizational politics, who is heard, who needs
special attention, and how much incremental versus evolutionary change the community requires
are all critical considerations.
When compared to other forms of strategic planning, SWOT analysis can appear to be
"easy." It does not take a long time. It is not reliant on experts or geographical position.
However, it isn't without flaws. In reality, it has the potential to lead you down the wrong road.
Some of the drawbacks include;
The SWOT analysis is just one stage of the business planning process. For adequate
business planning, you'll probably need more than a SWOT review. You're on a mission to make
the best choices possible for your business (Gürel & Tat, 2017). You want it to succeed and
evolve. You'll need as much data as possible to accomplish this. SWOT research, unfortunately,
just looks at four main functions. As a consequence, you're just getting a fraction of the analysis
you deserve.
An excessive amount of structure contributes to poor decision-making. Just one of the
four groups can be used to categorize attributes in a SWOT study. There can't be any overlap.
Meaning, if anything is categorized as a defect, it cannot be classified in any of the other three
groups. Never confuse a strength with a flaw. An opportunity can never be construed as a threat.
To mitigate SWOT analysis drawbacks, I would propose to take advantage of
opportunities by using our internal strengths, To eliminate challenges, play to our strengths while
taking advantage of chances to strengthen our weaknesses and to escape risks, seek to remove
- .
To apply change management to a change, a change management team or project
leader follows a set of steps or procedures in order to promote individual changes and ensure that
the project achieves its goals. (Worley & Mohrman, 2014). In the given scenario there is
concern about emergency changes, according to the given information the rate of emergency is
high which can affect smooth running of the company. In order to resolve the issues, it is
important to improve the change management process by;
Creating & Logging the Request for Change (RFC). Individuals, processes, or business
units that need change usually generate a RFC (Worley & Mohrman, 2014). Depending on the
type of change, an RFC record may include a variety of details needed to make decisions about
authorization and implementation, such as identifying information, a description, the
configuration item triggering the change, a reason for the change, and the requestor's consent..
Request for Improvement is being reviewed (RFC). Each Request for Change should be
reviewed and prioritized by the change authority for business purposes. These requests may be
rejected and a note or a request for further information may be sent back to the submitter or
management. Changes that haven't been approved should be monitored and closed when needed.
Evaluating the Change. In order to avoid unnecessarily disrupting business operations,
evaluating the change to determine the effect, danger, and benefits to IT services is essential
(Worley & Mohrman, 2014). The change assessment process performs a systematic change
evaluation for some forms of changes, such as significant changes, and is recorded in a Change
Evaluation Study.
Approving the Change. Prior to implementation, the majority of change requests
require authorization, and depending on the type of change, each change needs authorization
from the required authority level (strategic, tactical, operational). This depends by company, but
it generally depends on the company's size, the change's expected risk, the potential financial
implications, and the change's scope.
Implementation coordination. If a change request or record has been accepted, it is
released and to develop, evaluate, and deploy the update, use the implementation process to
coordinate and collaborate with the relevant technical and/or application management teams.
Changing Requests are being reviewed and closed. A Post Implementation Analysis
(PIR) is a review of the overall performance of the implementation, should be undertaken after
the change is complete to ensure the change has fulfilled its objectives (Worley & Mohrman,
2014). If the change was made to correct an organizational mistake, all relevant problems and
reported errors should be resolved. In the event, the remediation plan must be followed.
The process of restoring services as soon as possible after an incident is known as ITIL
incident management (IM) (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). It's also an essential part of ITIL
service support.The ITIL incident management (IM) provides a process for handling incidents;
First, Identification of incident. This is when a query is first brought to the attention of
the service desk. An incident affecting the user experience is likely to be detected by a user, who
will then file a complaint.
Logging of incidents. The service desk should log the incident until it has been reported
(Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). They’ll normally ask for the name of the person who recorded
the incident, as well as the date and time it happened and a description of what happened.
Investigation and diagnosis of the incident.The affected user discusses the incident with
a member of the service desk to see whether there is a fast remedy (‘putting off and on again?')
or if the problem can be easily detected (‘you need to conduct a system update').
The problem is resolved if the service desk's hypothesis is right. If a solution isn't found
right away, the incident would need to be escalated to the next level (Khattak, Wang & Zhang,
2012). Escalation of incident, If further investigation is needed, the service desk will delegate
the incident to an on-site technician or trained support staff member, who will search for a
solution and then investigate the incident's cause. The service desk verifies that the incident has
been handled, as the title implies.
Closure of Incident, The incident is now deemed closed, and the procedure is
completed.Lastly, Survey of user satisfaction (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). After the
problem has been resolved, the organization can ask users to complete a brief survey to
determine if they were satisfied with the service provided.
The number of recurring incidents that occur, as well as the time it takes to address the
underlying cause, have been identified by users. This has led to some attempts to differentiate
between incident and problems in the past, but the findings have been mixed. As a result, the
following problems have arisen; For the same issue, a large number of problem records are
developed, some by Service Desk staff and others by second and third-line Service Providers and
Even if there have been multiple instances of the same form of incident, no issue records are
produced.As a result, there is a rise in need to resolve the issues in a proper way with the
following steps;
Detection. To solve this problem, I must first recognize it. This can be achieved in a
number of ways. One is that there is an issue that has been identified or that is currently being
investigated (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). There are also event management systems that
can identify a problem automatically, or I can receive notification from a supplier. When the
cause of a problem report is unclear, it is referred to as a problem. For instance, an incident may
occur, be resolved, and then occur again. The exact reason for this recurrence is uncertain. Often
a problem is a well-known issue, one that has existed before and is recorded.
Logging. If an issue has already been reported once and has arisen again, this historical
data is accessible since it has been logged. In every problem management life cycle process, this
is a critical step (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). The log must contain all relevant information,
such as the date and time of the problem, any user data, details of the equipment, and a
description. After the issue has been logged, I classify it in order to allocate and track it more
effectively, as well as given a priority. This aids in determining the severity of the issue and
when it should be tackled by the team.
Diagnosis. Following the identification and logging of the issue, the search for the root
cause begins (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). This can be accomplished by looking at the
documented error database for other issues that are similar to the one you're trying to diagnose
and seeing if any resolutions have been registered.
Workaround. If a solution may be used to temporarily solve the problem, this may be
the best and most expedient alternative (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). It is not a permanent
improvement and should not be seen as a substitute for fixing the problem, but it will help get the
technical ship back on track and minimize downtime and disruption before a permanent solution
is found.
Known Error Record. It's important to keep track of the details I've collected in a
known error record after I've found, logged, and diagnosed the issue (Khattak, Wang & Zhang,
2012). This is where I can go back and look up issues with my IT and see if they're ones I've
already dealt with. This speeds up and simplifies the problem-solving process, resulting in less
downtime and disruption.
Resolution. After finding a solution to the problem, I will follow standard change
management procedures to enforce it and monitor it to ensure it's working (Khattak, Wang &
Zhang, 2012). This procedure is often carried out through a request for change document,
which must be accepted before it can be enforced.
Closure. The issue can be closed until it has been settled and checked. The service desk
technician will perform the final piece of documentation, ensuring that all of the specifics are
right for future reference.
Foster, E. C., & Godbole, S. (2016). Database Administration. In Database Systems (pp. 349-
359). Apress, Berkeley, CA.
Gürel, E., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT analysis: a theoretical review. Journal of International
Social Research, 10(51).
Heikkinen, S., & Jäntti, M. (2019, September). Studying continual service improvement and
monitoring the quality of ITSM. In International Conference on the Quality of
Information and Communications Technology (pp. 193-206). Springer, Cham.
Jäntti, M., & Rout, T. (2013, June). Improving IT Service Operation Processes. In International
Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 359-362). Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg
Khattak, A., Wang, X., & Zhang, H. (2012). Incident management integration tool: dynamically
predicting incident durations, secondary incident occurrence and incident delays. IET
Intelligent Transport Systems, 6(2), 204-214.
Worley, C. G., & Mohrman, S. A. (2014). Is change management obsolete?. Organizational
Dynamics, 43(3), 214-224.
Zurich, B. L. L., Instruction, X., & Documentation, X. (2018). Service operations and
management. Master of Science in Engineering, 380.

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Business Operation

  • 1. 1. Working with technical salespeople, customer success teams, customer care teams, and customer engagement teams are all part of service operations. Service activities, like most operations functions, lets a team complement and amplify their skills while also assisting them in scaling up (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). For assessing customer success and mood, service operations uses a variety of methods, including feedback surveys and ticketing software. Tools for team managing and their product or service delivery, as well as customer engagement tools like messaging or chat channels, are available via project management and business solution management platforms.. Service operation processes and functions are the foundation of an effective IT support structure needed to run effectively to ensure a positive customer experience. Service operation processes include: Incident management Users and customers can have problems with the goods or services, resulting in poor service quality (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). In this case, incident management steps in, where the team rapidly discovers, registers, logs, and fixes problems in order to prevent downtime. This management ensures that the service standard is preserved and upheld. The following are some of the measures that are taken: logging, prioritization, investigation communication, resolution, review and closure. Access management. It entails granting permissions to approved users and preventing non-user access. It also necessitates team members maintaining and overseeing the proper execution of security and information management policies (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Request entry,
  • 2. authentication, providing privileges, and logging and recording access are several techniques for access management. Problem management. Manages all issues in the life cycle and attempts to avoid recurrence. The key aim is to create a reliable IT infrastructure and boost the service it provides (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). The problem-solving process is divided into three stages. Issue detection, problem management, and error control are among them. Request fulfillment. Request fulfillment aids in the improvement of reliability and the standardization of procedures for customers in order to prevent incidents and monitor customer satisfaction (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Fulfillment support, logging and categorization, model execution and termination, and assessment are some of the tasks associated with request fulfillment. Event management. It involves identifying incidents, sequencing and categorizing them to decide the best course of action, and tracking a state of transition over the lifecycle.
  • 3.
  • 4. In order to manage and deliver IT services, service functions are needed for a successful service activity. These roles are in charge of completing critical tasks that ensure the smooth operation of all services. The following are the services function: Service desk. It serves as a single point of contact for users and service providers. This is where incidents, communications, and requests are handled. Having a service desk gives your IT organization a positive image and helps users trust you (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Essentially, the service desk manages incident requests. A service desk's main goal is to improve IT processes. Application management. It covers every aspect of an organization's application, from purchasing to determining the application's functional requirements. To support the organization's business processes, the team manages the applications throughout their lifecycles (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). Technical management. Technical management consists of departments and teams that provide ITservices experts with knowledge and skills. It tests, refines, and manages IT services and technology to ensure and manage a stable technical infrastructure.. IT operations management. In order to streamline processes and keep service operations stable, IT operation management focuses on day-to-day activities that are frequently repeated (Jäntti & Rout, 2013). A significant portion of service operations, such as password changes and software installation, is delegated to two groups that are functional. This are service desk and the technical group for support. The image below depicts the level of responsibility that each service
  • 5. assumes and effectively executes: 2 Data centers are essentially centralized facilities with a concentration of computing and network equipment for the purpose of gathering, storing, processing, transmitting, and allowing access to vast volumes of data (Foster & Godbole, 2016). In this case, data storage refers to a variety of methods for storing information on physical media so that it can be accessed when users need it. The following are some of the best data storage and database administration practices: At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how advanced the data processing program or process is if your data isn't being monitored by the right people. There will always be a need for
  • 6. a human touch, and by choosing the right people to oversee the job and using the right tools, the data centre will be effective and accurate on all fronts. Ensuring your data is easily accessible. It's a well-known fact that in the business world, time is money, and if your team can't get to the resources they need quickly enough, you'll lose time. This is why data management is so important: it enables an easily accessible information structure. Cybersecurity threats are a very real threat to most data centers today; you never know when a hacker will try to break into your files and steal anything from identity fraud to sensitive information (Foster & Godbole, 2016). A data center will know whether they are forced to report a possible or realized violation by statute, policy, or good faith if they have a plan with specific decision points. Gathering backups, copying facilities, and replicating solution status into a centralized view in context with application risk exposure to data recovery to identify all data protection risks. Correlate will assist you in identifying data security risks and coverage gaps. Checking if the right IT infrastructure services, such as storage tiers, redundancy, A/DR solutions, data security frequency, and data retention, are mapped to critical applications (Foster & Godbole, 2016). This will help in mapping de-facto IT infrastructure solutions to applications, revealing under/over provisioning. Checking the effectiveness of your storage deployment on a regular basis. This involves making sure you're linked, configured, and allocated storage is hitting the upper layers of your IT infrastructure.
  • 7. Keeping track of your accomplishments as well as your failures – Data on wins and defeats must be reported while referring to the executive level. IT professionals may use this information to qualify needs for upcoming quarters and be acknowledged as company contributors (Foster & Godbole, 2016). Correlate can assist by communicating these activities in a way that is understandable from the datacenter to the boardroom.. Finding any anomalies in your data center, and be sure to compare knowledge from various disciplines when looking for anomalies. Correlate will combine analytic findings from storage arrays, file systems, and backup solutions into a single time frame view to reveal inconsistencies in invested storage, data usage, and backup coverage. 3 A function is a logical term that refers to the people and automated measures that carry out a specific process, operation, or set of processes or activities. A role may be split up and performed by multiple divisions, teams, or groups in larger organisations, or it may be represented within a single organizational unit (Zurich & Documentation, 2018). A team is a group of individuals who collaborate to achieve a shared purpose.Several teams or departments can perform one activity.For example, If a company has five large Application Support departments, each supporting a different collection of applications, each of these departments may perform Database Administration for 'its' applications.
  • 8. Groups contains people who conduct similar tasks, regardless of technology, put together, while teams working on a specific technology, program, or other topic may exist within each department. Since all of the people involved in these activities report to the same person, it is easier to handle groups of similar activities. Departments.Since workers with similar skills and expertise are grouped together by functions performed, departments allow for greater operational performance (Zurich & Documentation, 2018). An organisation is divided into smaller categories based on their fields of expertise Rather than focusing on a single form of task, departments concentrate on end-to-end collections of activities. Divisions. It is the grouping of major departments (Zurich & Documentation, 2018).These department contain teams which are devoted to their objectives at the same time team members still expected to work within their respective functional department Service operation staff plays an important role that is more than just day-to-day management activities. To achieve balance in service operation, service operation staffs identify conflict between the external business view of IT as a collection of IT facilities and the internal business view of IT as a collection of technology components (internal IT view). The way consumers and customers experience IT services is referred to as the external view of IT (Zurich, & Documentation, 2018). They don't really understand or care about the specifics of the technology that is used to run such programs. All they care about is that the services are provided in accordance with the contract. The internal view of IT refers to how IT components and processes are handled in order to deliver services. Since IT systems are complex and diverse,
  • 9. they are often handled by many separate teams or divisions, each of which is focused on ensuring that ‘its' systems work well and are available. Service operation staff ensures that there is a balance between the stability verses the responsiveness in service operation. The IT Infrastructure must be reliable and accessible as planned, according to Service Operation (Zurich, & Documentation, 2018). Simultaneously, Service Operation must acknowledge the company and IT requirements change. The service operation staff prepares how to respond to evolutionary changes in order to preserve stability when reacting to the changes. Many shifts, on the other hand, occur rapidly and often under pressure. The service Operation staff finds a balance between cost and quality.It is recognized that Service Operation Staff must continuously offer the agreed-upon quality of IT service to its customers and users while keeping costs and resource usage at a minimum (Zurich, & Documentation, 2018). An organization that places too much emphasis on cost may end up sacrificing the service quality it provides. Therefore, putting much emphasis will result in overpriced services. A key function of Service Management is to achieve an optimum cost- quality balance. 4 In Continual Service Improvement operations, a broad range of methods and techniques can be used, ranging from "soft and ambiguous" to "factual and analytical," and also offering both or a combination of qualitative and quantitative measurement outcomes (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). They include;
  • 10. Effort and Cost. CSI enhancement activities can vary from needing a substantial amount of time and resources for larger-scale projects to requiring very little time and effort for small improvements. If the initiative would be expensive, the company, both IT and corporation, must decide if it is worthwhile. Implementation Review and Evaluation (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). The success of a CSI development program is determined by reviewing and evaluating its implementation. Benchmarking is a management technique, especially in strategic management, in which businesses compare different aspects of their processes to best practices, typically within their own industry. It involves ensuring that senior management is on board (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). Taking an outside viewpoint - Merge market insight and internal performance to draw conclusions on how internal resources and processes can be enhanced to match and exceed competitors' performance.
  • 11. The following are steps in continual service improvement process in cloud computing STEP ONE: What should be measured. You must calculate the configuration of your device before and after the change in order to compare the two (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). As a first move, make key performance indicators list (KPIs): these aspects are essential of your cloud that you want to monitor. Availability, Efficiency, and Capability are examples of such aspects. STEP TWO: Define what you will measure. Once you've made a list of variables, think about how you'll calculate them. For the main performance measures, performance metrics should be described. The following metrics are described by us: Availability, efficiency, and capability are all factors to consider STEP THREE: Gather data. We consider how we can collect data and allocate values to the performance metrics after we identify them. The aim of this phase is to create resources for service monitoring. There are two strategies for collecting information: a survey of IT facilities and Measuring directly STEP FOUR: Data processing. The information gathered is analyzed. In order to make concrete statements about the gathered data, we must consider aggregation functions and how to
  • 12. aggregate them (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). Complete effect and total downtime are the aggregation functions we chose. Maximum disk usage and average response STEP FIVE: Analyze the information and data. The collected information can be viewed as a statical survey with average values and standard deviation (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). To do anything useful with the results, you need to identify tests that you can run on statical sample you've collected. All data analysis should be done in compliance with the IT infrastructure specifications that we identify. STEP SIX: Present and use the information. This is the stage where we give the data sense and turn it into information. It's also critical to correctly interpret the data (Heikkinen & Jäntti, 2019, September). Reasoning and root cause analysis are two approaches for analyzing results. You generate useful knowledge by reasoning about the outcomes of your stastical studies. STEP SEVEN: Implement corrective action. Its aim is to bring the improvement cycle to a close by aligning IT changes with business goals. First and foremost, this technique corrects errors in the IT environment.
  • 13. 5 A SWOT Analysis is a method for evaluating these four aspects of your business. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) (Gürel & Tat, 2017) are acronyms that stand for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis is helpful in a number of cases, including: Building on strength of IT. A SWOT analysis has identified high-performing areas of the IT. These are the vital success drivers, and they provide the company with a competitive edge
  • 14. (Gürel & Tat, 2017). This include, CSI is a priority for IT management, A CSI Manager has been appointed, Workers have the required mindset, values, and devotion. Identifying your strengths will help you ensure that you don't lose your competitive edge by ensuring that you retain them. Finding ways to use and expand on these strengths is an important part of growing your market. Minimizing weaknesses. Weaknesses are features that place the company at a disadvantage in comparison to competitors. A SWOT analysis will help you identify these traits and mitigate or strengthen them before they become a problem (Gürel & Tat, 2017). While doing a SWOT analysis, it's important to be realistic about the company's weaknesses so that you can efficiently address them.. Seizing opportunities. A SWOT analysis will assist in identifying possible profit- generating opportunities for your business. Opportunities are created by external factors such as emerging market preferences and industry changes.. Countering threats. External factors such as market trends, Threats to your company include a competitor's latest advertisement campaign, new government legislation, and new technologies resulting from business expansion plans, all of which must be funded (Gürel & Tat, 2017). Depending on your strengths and weaknesses, a SWOT review will help you find risks and ways to counteract them. Some of the the key elements management can do to CSI, include; Understanding IT best practices. For instance, the CSI manager will serve as your ITIL expert. If they're in a room and someone complains that they never know when users will submit requests, the CSI manager may say, "If we want to get better at that, we should concentrate on demand management.".
  • 15. Define new processes and functions that are necessary. CSI managers may also recognize that entirely new positions are required as part of the change process (Gürel & Tat, 2017). For example, all systems managers could be sharing data center management responsibilities, which could be centralized through a data center manager. Recognize organizational politics and transition. The CSI manager will observe how the department handles transition. Understanding organizational politics, who is heard, who needs special attention, and how much incremental versus evolutionary change the community requires are all critical considerations. When compared to other forms of strategic planning, SWOT analysis can appear to be "easy." It does not take a long time. It is not reliant on experts or geographical position. However, it isn't without flaws. In reality, it has the potential to lead you down the wrong road. Some of the drawbacks include; The SWOT analysis is just one stage of the business planning process. For adequate business planning, you'll probably need more than a SWOT review. You're on a mission to make the best choices possible for your business (Gürel & Tat, 2017). You want it to succeed and evolve. You'll need as much data as possible to accomplish this. SWOT research, unfortunately, just looks at four main functions. As a consequence, you're just getting a fraction of the analysis you deserve.
  • 16. An excessive amount of structure contributes to poor decision-making. Just one of the four groups can be used to categorize attributes in a SWOT study. There can't be any overlap. Meaning, if anything is categorized as a defect, it cannot be classified in any of the other three groups. Never confuse a strength with a flaw. An opportunity can never be construed as a threat. To mitigate SWOT analysis drawbacks, I would propose to take advantage of opportunities by using our internal strengths, To eliminate challenges, play to our strengths while taking advantage of chances to strengthen our weaknesses and to escape risks, seek to remove vulnerabilities. - - - . 6. To apply change management to a change, a change management team or project leader follows a set of steps or procedures in order to promote individual changes and ensure that the project achieves its goals. (Worley & Mohrman, 2014). In the given scenario there is concern about emergency changes, according to the given information the rate of emergency is high which can affect smooth running of the company. In order to resolve the issues, it is important to improve the change management process by; Creating & Logging the Request for Change (RFC). Individuals, processes, or business units that need change usually generate a RFC (Worley & Mohrman, 2014). Depending on the
  • 17. type of change, an RFC record may include a variety of details needed to make decisions about authorization and implementation, such as identifying information, a description, the configuration item triggering the change, a reason for the change, and the requestor's consent.. Request for Improvement is being reviewed (RFC). Each Request for Change should be reviewed and prioritized by the change authority for business purposes. These requests may be rejected and a note or a request for further information may be sent back to the submitter or management. Changes that haven't been approved should be monitored and closed when needed. Evaluating the Change. In order to avoid unnecessarily disrupting business operations, evaluating the change to determine the effect, danger, and benefits to IT services is essential (Worley & Mohrman, 2014). The change assessment process performs a systematic change evaluation for some forms of changes, such as significant changes, and is recorded in a Change Evaluation Study. Approving the Change. Prior to implementation, the majority of change requests require authorization, and depending on the type of change, each change needs authorization from the required authority level (strategic, tactical, operational). This depends by company, but it generally depends on the company's size, the change's expected risk, the potential financial implications, and the change's scope. Implementation coordination. If a change request or record has been accepted, it is released and to develop, evaluate, and deploy the update, use the implementation process to coordinate and collaborate with the relevant technical and/or application management teams. Changing Requests are being reviewed and closed. A Post Implementation Analysis (PIR) is a review of the overall performance of the implementation, should be undertaken after
  • 18. the change is complete to ensure the change has fulfilled its objectives (Worley & Mohrman, 2014). If the change was made to correct an organizational mistake, all relevant problems and reported errors should be resolved. In the event, the remediation plan must be followed. 7. The process of restoring services as soon as possible after an incident is known as ITIL incident management (IM) (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). It's also an essential part of ITIL service support.The ITIL incident management (IM) provides a process for handling incidents; First, Identification of incident. This is when a query is first brought to the attention of the service desk. An incident affecting the user experience is likely to be detected by a user, who will then file a complaint. Logging of incidents. The service desk should log the incident until it has been reported (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). They’ll normally ask for the name of the person who recorded the incident, as well as the date and time it happened and a description of what happened. Investigation and diagnosis of the incident.The affected user discusses the incident with a member of the service desk to see whether there is a fast remedy (‘putting off and on again?') or if the problem can be easily detected (‘you need to conduct a system update'). The problem is resolved if the service desk's hypothesis is right. If a solution isn't found right away, the incident would need to be escalated to the next level (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). Escalation of incident, If further investigation is needed, the service desk will delegate the incident to an on-site technician or trained support staff member, who will search for a
  • 19. solution and then investigate the incident's cause. The service desk verifies that the incident has been handled, as the title implies. Closure of Incident, The incident is now deemed closed, and the procedure is completed.Lastly, Survey of user satisfaction (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). After the problem has been resolved, the organization can ask users to complete a brief survey to determine if they were satisfied with the service provided. 8. The number of recurring incidents that occur, as well as the time it takes to address the underlying cause, have been identified by users. This has led to some attempts to differentiate between incident and problems in the past, but the findings have been mixed. As a result, the following problems have arisen; For the same issue, a large number of problem records are developed, some by Service Desk staff and others by second and third-line Service Providers and Even if there have been multiple instances of the same form of incident, no issue records are
  • 20. produced.As a result, there is a rise in need to resolve the issues in a proper way with the following steps; Detection. To solve this problem, I must first recognize it. This can be achieved in a number of ways. One is that there is an issue that has been identified or that is currently being investigated (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). There are also event management systems that can identify a problem automatically, or I can receive notification from a supplier. When the cause of a problem report is unclear, it is referred to as a problem. For instance, an incident may occur, be resolved, and then occur again. The exact reason for this recurrence is uncertain. Often a problem is a well-known issue, one that has existed before and is recorded. Logging. If an issue has already been reported once and has arisen again, this historical data is accessible since it has been logged. In every problem management life cycle process, this is a critical step (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). The log must contain all relevant information, such as the date and time of the problem, any user data, details of the equipment, and a description. After the issue has been logged, I classify it in order to allocate and track it more effectively, as well as given a priority. This aids in determining the severity of the issue and when it should be tackled by the team. Diagnosis. Following the identification and logging of the issue, the search for the root cause begins (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). This can be accomplished by looking at the documented error database for other issues that are similar to the one you're trying to diagnose and seeing if any resolutions have been registered. Workaround. If a solution may be used to temporarily solve the problem, this may be the best and most expedient alternative (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). It is not a permanent
  • 21. improvement and should not be seen as a substitute for fixing the problem, but it will help get the technical ship back on track and minimize downtime and disruption before a permanent solution is found. Known Error Record. It's important to keep track of the details I've collected in a known error record after I've found, logged, and diagnosed the issue (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). This is where I can go back and look up issues with my IT and see if they're ones I've already dealt with. This speeds up and simplifies the problem-solving process, resulting in less downtime and disruption. Resolution. After finding a solution to the problem, I will follow standard change management procedures to enforce it and monitor it to ensure it's working (Khattak, Wang & Zhang, 2012). This procedure is often carried out through a request for change document, which must be accepted before it can be enforced. Closure. The issue can be closed until it has been settled and checked. The service desk technician will perform the final piece of documentation, ensuring that all of the specifics are right for future reference.
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