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ASHFORD BUS 600 Entire Course
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Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+
BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Vision Statement
BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Annotated Bibliography
BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 1 Importance of Communication
BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 2 Ashford Learning Resources
BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment Topic Thesis Statement for Research
BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment International and Intercultural
Communication (2 Papers)
BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 1 Reducing Communication Barriers
BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 2 Intercultural Communication Competence
BUS 600 Week 3 Assignment Communications Skill Assessment
BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 1 Technology and Communication
BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 2 Visual Presentations
BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 1 Internal Communication
BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 2 Listening
BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 1 Conflict
BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethical Behavior
BUS 600 Week 5 News Article
BUS 600 Week 5 Assignment The Impact of Workplace Bullying
Assignments (2 Papers)
BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 1 Group Communication
BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 2 Business Presentations
BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper
BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper (New) (2 Papers)
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Annotated
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Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+
Using APA Style
The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper
understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford
Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on
one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business
and management communication in the past decade:
· diversity
· globalization and outsourcing
· pace of life and work
· evolving workplace technologies
· influence of social media
· ethical challenges
Your annotated bibliography requires at least six (6) peer-reviewed
articles, full reference information, and a short paragraph description of
the main findings.
To receive maximum points, all of the following elements must be
included in your paper:
1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the
title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
An example APA paper is provided in the Writing Center.
2. Must include a "Running head."
3. Must include a title page with the following:
a. Title of paper
b. Student’s name
c. Course name and number
d. Instructor’s name
e. Date submitted
4. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis
5. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
6. Must use at least six scholarly sources from the Ashford Online
Library. One of the six sources may be the text.
7. Must include at least one direct quote from one of the sources (see
Guidelines for Quoting Sources).
8. Must include at least one summarized statement from one of the
sources (see Guidelines for Summarizing Sources).
9. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
10. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.
11. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA
style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Vision Statement
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Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A
Vision Statement. Vision statements are used as a tool to encourage you
to consciously reflect on who you are now, what transitions you will be
making as you achieve your degree and who you will be in five years. A
vision statement is a work in progress; you can reassess your vision
statement as you move through your Ashford program. After watching
the Dr. Randy Pausch lecture, develop a 1-2 page vision statement
(excluding title and reference pages) – a picture, a snapshot -- of what
your life will look like in 5 years, taking into consideration your
educational achievements.
Randy Pausch lecture: Really achieving your childhood dreams
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 1 Importance of
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Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: B+
In a 250-300 word response, discuss why communication skills are
important to organizational success and why recruiters focus so much on
finding leads with good communication skills. What happens when there
are problems with communications in the workplace (re-work, low
morale, product delays, dissatisfied customers, etc.)? Use at least one
resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your
fellow students' posts.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 2 Ashford Learning
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Tutorial Purchased: 0 Times,NO Rating
Review the Learning Resources section on the navigation panel in your
course. Explore the resources available, view demos/tutorials and read
the guides. In a 250-300 word response, discuss how these resources will
be of value to you in your program at Ashford. Use at least one resource
to support your key points. Respond to at least two of our fellow
students’ posts and offer suggestions on how they could increase the
value of the resources they identified.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment International and
Intercultural Communication (2 Papers)
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Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+
This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
BUS 600 - Week 2 - International and Intercultural Communication
1. Due by Day 7. International and Intercultural Communication. After
reviewing section 2.4 of the text titled
International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication, visit The
Hofstede Centre ( and
continue to explore national cultural dimensions.Using the navigationbar
on the left, click Countries. Here you will choose two countries to
compare and contrast in terms of cultural dimensions.
Develop a two-page, APA-formatted paper that addresses the following:
Describe how the two countries are similar in terms of Hofstede’s five
cultural dimensions.
Describe how the two countries are different in terms of Hofstede’s five
cultural dimensions.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment Topic Thesis
Statement for Research Paper
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Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+
Topic/Thesis Statement for Research Paper. Develop a one page, APA
formatted paper (excluding title and reference pages) introducing the
topic for your final communication research project. Your instructor will
provide feedback and approve your topic or make suggestions for
refining it and/or your thesis statement. Your paper should include
responses to the following:
What is the communication topic? What is the organization?
Why are you interested in this topic? What is your thesis statement
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 1 Reducing Communication
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Tutorial Purchased: 2Times, Rating: B
n a 250-300 word response, identify what techniques you can implement
to improve the likelihood that your communications will be received and
understood as you intended. Can you identify and reduce the likelihood
of barriers interfering with the communication? Give examples. Use at
least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of
your fellow students' posts with your response to some of the examples
they offer along with any ideas or suggestions to improve
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 2 Intercultural
Communication Competence
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Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times,NO Rating
In a 250-300 word response, critically examine your personal level of
intercultural communication competence. Is it important for you to
achieve a certain level of intercultural communication competence?
Would enhanced intercultural communication competence help you
personally? Professionally? Academically? Include examples in your
submission and use at least one resource to support your key points.
Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 3 Assignment Communications
Skill Assessment
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Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: A+
Most of us have situations where we find it difficult to communicate.
Improving your written communication skills and being comfortable
speaking to people are extremely important. Develop a 2-3 page APA
formatted paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you
analyze your personal communication skills. What assessment did you
use to analyze your skills? Do you have communication gaps? Do you
need additional training in specific areas of communication? How might
you improve your current communication skills to prepare you for
advancement in your profession? Use 3-4 references to support your
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 1 Technology and
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Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times, Rating: B+
In a 250-300 word response, analyze how the use of technology has
impacted organizational communication both positively and negatively.
How has technology impacted the verbal and nonverbal cues used in
interpreting messages? Provide examples to support your position. Use
at least one resource to support your key points. Offer some additional
ideas to others in this class by responding to at least two of your fellow
students' posts.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 2 Visual Presentations
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Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: B+
In a 250-300 word response, describe a work report that you are required
(or have been required) to complete on a regular basis. How would you
present the information related to this report in a visual manner? Would
a visual presentation enhance its effectiveness? Why or why not? Use at
least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of
your fellow students' posts
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 1 Internal Communication
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Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times,NO Rating
Internally, it may be necessary to communicate persuasively to a boss,
peer, or subordinate. In a 250-300 word response, evaluate how or if
your communication would differ in each situation. Would there be
differences in the decision making process when involving these
individuals? Use at least one resource to support your key points.
Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 2 Listening
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Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: B+
In a 250-300 word response, answer the following question: Do you
believe most people are poor listeners or good listeners? What can
organizations do to improve listening skills of employees? How can you
improve your personal listening skills? Use at least one resource to
support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students'
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 Assignment The Impact of
Workplace Bullying Assignments (2 Papers)
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Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+
This Tutorial Contains 2 Different Papers
BUS 600 - Week 5 - The Impact of Workplace Bullying
1.Due by Day 7. The Impact of Workplace Bullying. Review the
Wiedmer article regarding workplace bullying.
Develop a two- to three-page APA- formatted paper that responds to the
· Provide a review of the article. Describe the impact of workplace
bullying on both the victims and the organization.
· Reflect on a time when you may have witnessed workplace
bullying. Discuss at least two practices of workplace bullying addressed
in the article that were applicable to your scenario.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 1 Conflict
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Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times, Rating: B+
In a 250-300 word response, describe a conflict situation you have
experienced in the workplace. Explain the impact that the
communication process played in resolving or escalating the conflict?
What was the resolution? If positive, how could you incorporate that
conflict resolution style in your communications? If a negative result,
what recommendation could you make to improve the communication
process Use references to support your findings. Respond to at least two
of your fellow students' posts with some suggestions or ideas of your
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethical Behavior
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Tutorial Purchased: 0 Times,NO Rating
In a 250-300 word response, relate an organizational example of the use
or lack of use of ethical standards in management communications. The
example may be from your own workplace or from a business situation
with which you are familiar. Support your answer by indicating why you
believe it is an example of communicating in an ethical manner and why
you believe the decision was made to communicate in the particular
manner. Use references to validate your analysis. Respond to at least two
of your fellow students’ posts by commenting on the examples they have
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 News Article
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Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A
Develop a two page, APA formatted response (excluding title and
reference pages) to the following:
Identify a news article about a Fortune 500 company and its CEO that
illustrates ethical behavior. Is there any evidence that his or her
company’s productivity (e.g., finances, market share) is related to
decisions reflective of ethical leadership behavior? Identify critical
decisions you believe were made that influence productivity and how
those decisions reflect ethical leadership behavior. Use at least two
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 1 Group Communication
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Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times,NO Rating
In a 250-300 word response, analyze how communication in groups
differs from individual communication. Are there unique challenges to
communicating with groups? Provide examples. Use at least one
resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your
fellow students' posts.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 2 Business Presentations
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Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times, Rating: B+
In a 250-300 word response, describe how you would build rapport with
your audience in a business presentation. What motivational strategies
have you used in the past that were successful or what strategies have
you seen speakers use that were effective? Use at least one resource to
support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students'
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper (New) (2 Papers)
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Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+
This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers
BUS 600 - Week 6 - Communications Research Paper
1.Due by Day 7. Final Paper. The complete instructions for the Research
Paper can be found in Week Six of your online course or in the
“Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide.
Final Paper
The final assignment for this course is a Research Paper. The purpose of
the Research Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the
course by completing a final research project on organizational
communication processes. TheResearch Paper represents 25% of the
overall course grade.
Focus of the Research Paper
The Research Paper will be a comprehensive research review of the
significant principles of manage men communications used to
successfully achieve organizational objectives. For this assignment of a
minimum of eight pages, you need to integrate material from the
readings, multimedia, and class discussion boards, and also reflect on
professional experience where possible. It is mandatory to include
research from the classroom text as well as from six scholarly sources to
support your views. Consider the validity of your resources carefully
before using them in academic papers. Use at least one professional
example to address the topics below.
The following components must be included in order for the paper to be
a. Explain effective communication norms in a business setting.
b. Describe the role of interpersonal communication both as a manager
and as an employee. What specific techniques have you used to
overcome barriers to communication? Be sure to specify your role in the
c. Explore the role of international and intercultural interpersonal
communications in today’s global businesses.
d. Describe both verbal and nonverbal management communication.
e. Explain approaches for effective written management communication.
f. Analyze various approaches for engaging an audience during a
presentation and encouraging active listening.
g. Describe effective methods of conflict resolution.
h. Analyze techniques for leading teams and group meetings.
Writing the Research Paper
The Research Paper:
1. Must be eight to ten double- spaced pages in length (not including the
title and reference pages), and formattedaccording to APA style as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
2. Must include a title page with the following:
a. Title of paper
b. Student’s name
c. Course name and number
d. Instructor’s name
e. Date submitted
3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis
4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
6. Must use at least six scholarly resources, including a minimum of
three from the Ashford Online Library.
7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.
8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA
style as outlined in the Ashford WritingCenter.
ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper
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Tutorial Purchased: 4 Times, Rating: A+
The final research project requires you to choose a specific topic
relevant to organizational communication processes,
research that topic incorporating sources (literature review), analyze the
issue in a real world organization, and present your findings. The final
paper should be 8-10 pages (excluding title and reference pages), double
spaced, and formatted in APA.
Identify an organizational communication concept that is particularly
interesting to you and that you would like to learn more about. Potential
topics include: international and intercultural communication,
communication competence in the workplace, diversity and
communication, leadership communication, communication and
decision making, communication in groups/teams, and communication
technology in organizations.
Identify an organization with which you are familiar and apply your
research on the communication concept you selected to the organization.
What did you learn about the concept by applying it to your selected
organization? What did you learn about the organization by applying the
organizational communication concept? Propose a specific program,
training or course of action that you believe could potentially improve
communication in the organization. Be sure your recommendations are
supported by analysis of your research. Use at least six resources, three
of them from Ashford’s online library databases.

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BUS 600 Effective Communication/

  • 1. ASHFORD BUS 600 Entire Course For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Vision Statement BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Annotated Bibliography BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 1 Importance of Communication BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 2 Ashford Learning Resources BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment Topic Thesis Statement for Research Paper BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment International and Intercultural Communication (2 Papers) BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 1 Reducing Communication Barriers BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 2 Intercultural Communication Competence BUS 600 Week 3 Assignment Communications Skill Assessment BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 1 Technology and Communication BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 2 Visual Presentations BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 1 Internal Communication BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 2 Listening
  • 2. BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 1 Conflict BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethical Behavior BUS 600 Week 5 News Article BUS 600 Week 5 Assignment The Impact of Workplace Bullying Assignments (2 Papers) BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 1 Group Communication BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 2 Business Presentations BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper (New) (2 Papers) ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Annotated Bibliography For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Using APA Style
  • 3. The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses. Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication in the past decade: · diversity · globalization and outsourcing · pace of life and work · evolving workplace technologies · influence of social media · ethical challenges Your annotated bibliography requires at least six (6) peer-reviewed articles, full reference information, and a short paragraph description of the main findings. To receive maximum points, all of the following elements must be included in your paper: 1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. An example APA paper is provided in the Writing Center. 2. Must include a "Running head." 3. Must include a title page with the following: a. Title of paper
  • 4. b. Student’s name c. Course name and number d. Instructor’s name e. Date submitted 4. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. 5. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 6. Must use at least six scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library. One of the six sources may be the text. 7. Must include at least one direct quote from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Quoting Sources). 8. Must include at least one summarized statement from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Summarizing Sources). 9. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. 10. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 11. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 Assignment Vision Statement
  • 5. For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A Vision Statement. Vision statements are used as a tool to encourage you to consciously reflect on who you are now, what transitions you will be making as you achieve your degree and who you will be in five years. A vision statement is a work in progress; you can reassess your vision statement as you move through your Ashford program. After watching the Dr. Randy Pausch lecture, develop a 1-2 page vision statement (excluding title and reference pages) – a picture, a snapshot -- of what your life will look like in 5 years, taking into consideration your educational achievements. Randy Pausch lecture: Really achieving your childhood dreams ( ============================================== =
  • 6. ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 1 Importance of Communication For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: B+ In a 250-300 word response, discuss why communication skills are important to organizational success and why recruiters focus so much on finding leads with good communication skills. What happens when there are problems with communications in the workplace (re-work, low morale, product delays, dissatisfied customers, etc.)? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 1 DQ 2 Ashford Learning Resources
  • 7. For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 0 Times,NO Rating Review the Learning Resources section on the navigation panel in your course. Explore the resources available, view demos/tutorials and read the guides. In a 250-300 word response, discuss how these resources will be of value to you in your program at Ashford. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of our fellow students’ posts and offer suggestions on how they could increase the value of the resources they identified. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment International and Intercultural Communication (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit
  • 8. Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers BUS 600 - Week 2 - International and Intercultural Communication Assignments 1. Due by Day 7. International and Intercultural Communication. After reviewing section 2.4 of the text titled International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication, visit The Hofstede Centre ( and continue to explore national cultural dimensions.Using the navigationbar on the left, click Countries. Here you will choose two countries to compare and contrast in terms of cultural dimensions. Develop a two-page, APA-formatted paper that addresses the following: Describe how the two countries are similar in terms of Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions. Describe how the two countries are different in terms of Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 Assignment Topic Thesis Statement for Research Paper
  • 9. For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+ Topic/Thesis Statement for Research Paper. Develop a one page, APA formatted paper (excluding title and reference pages) introducing the topic for your final communication research project. Your instructor will provide feedback and approve your topic or make suggestions for refining it and/or your thesis statement. Your paper should include responses to the following: What is the communication topic? What is the organization? Why are you interested in this topic? What is your thesis statement =============================================== ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 1 Reducing Communication Barriers For more course tutorials visit
  • 10. Tutorial Purchased: 2Times, Rating: B n a 250-300 word response, identify what techniques you can implement to improve the likelihood that your communications will be received and understood as you intended. Can you identify and reduce the likelihood of barriers interfering with the communication? Give examples. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts with your response to some of the examples they offer along with any ideas or suggestions to improve communication. =============================================== ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 2 DQ 2 Intercultural Communication Competence For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times,NO Rating
  • 11. In a 250-300 word response, critically examine your personal level of intercultural communication competence. Is it important for you to achieve a certain level of intercultural communication competence? Would enhanced intercultural communication competence help you personally? Professionally? Academically? Include examples in your submission and use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 3 Assignment Communications Skill Assessment For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: A+ Most of us have situations where we find it difficult to communicate. Improving your written communication skills and being comfortable
  • 12. speaking to people are extremely important. Develop a 2-3 page APA formatted paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you analyze your personal communication skills. What assessment did you use to analyze your skills? Do you have communication gaps? Do you need additional training in specific areas of communication? How might you improve your current communication skills to prepare you for advancement in your profession? Use 3-4 references to support your analysis. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 1 Technology and Communication For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times, Rating: B+ In a 250-300 word response, analyze how the use of technology has impacted organizational communication both positively and negatively. How has technology impacted the verbal and nonverbal cues used in
  • 13. interpreting messages? Provide examples to support your position. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Offer some additional ideas to others in this class by responding to at least two of your fellow students' posts. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 3 DQ 2 Visual Presentations For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: B+ In a 250-300 word response, describe a work report that you are required (or have been required) to complete on a regular basis. How would you present the information related to this report in a visual manner? Would a visual presentation enhance its effectiveness? Why or why not? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts
  • 14. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 1 Internal Communication For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times,NO Rating Internally, it may be necessary to communicate persuasively to a boss, peer, or subordinate. In a 250-300 word response, evaluate how or if your communication would differ in each situation. Would there be differences in the decision making process when involving these individuals? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts.
  • 15. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 4 DQ 2 Listening For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 2 Times, Rating: B+ In a 250-300 word response, answer the following question: Do you believe most people are poor listeners or good listeners? What can organizations do to improve listening skills of employees? How can you improve your personal listening skills? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts. ============================================== =
  • 16. ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 Assignment The Impact of Workplace Bullying Assignments (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ This Tutorial Contains 2 Different Papers BUS 600 - Week 5 - The Impact of Workplace Bullying Assignments 1.Due by Day 7. The Impact of Workplace Bullying. Review the Wiedmer article regarding workplace bullying. Develop a two- to three-page APA- formatted paper that responds to the following: · Provide a review of the article. Describe the impact of workplace bullying on both the victims and the organization. · Reflect on a time when you may have witnessed workplace bullying. Discuss at least two practices of workplace bullying addressed in the article that were applicable to your scenario. ===============================================
  • 17. ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 1 Conflict For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times, Rating: B+ In a 250-300 word response, describe a conflict situation you have experienced in the workplace. Explain the impact that the communication process played in resolving or escalating the conflict? What was the resolution? If positive, how could you incorporate that conflict resolution style in your communications? If a negative result, what recommendation could you make to improve the communication process Use references to support your findings. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts with some suggestions or ideas of your own. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethical Behavior
  • 18. For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 0 Times,NO Rating In a 250-300 word response, relate an organizational example of the use or lack of use of ethical standards in management communications. The example may be from your own workplace or from a business situation with which you are familiar. Support your answer by indicating why you believe it is an example of communicating in an ethical manner and why you believe the decision was made to communicate in the particular manner. Use references to validate your analysis. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by commenting on the examples they have given. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 5 News Article For more course tutorials visit
  • 19. Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A Develop a two page, APA formatted response (excluding title and reference pages) to the following: Identify a news article about a Fortune 500 company and its CEO that illustrates ethical behavior. Is there any evidence that his or her company’s productivity (e.g., finances, market share) is related to decisions reflective of ethical leadership behavior? Identify critical decisions you believe were made that influence productivity and how those decisions reflect ethical leadership behavior. Use at least two references. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 1 Group Communication For more course tutorials visit
  • 20. Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times,NO Rating In a 250-300 word response, analyze how communication in groups differs from individual communication. Are there unique challenges to communicating with groups? Provide examples. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 DQ 2 Business Presentations For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 1 Times, Rating: B+
  • 21. In a 250-300 word response, describe how you would build rapport with your audience in a business presentation. What motivational strategies have you used in the past that were successful or what strategies have you seen speakers use that were effective? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' posts. ============================================== = ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper (New) (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers BUS 600 - Week 6 - Communications Research Paper Assignments
  • 22. 1.Due by Day 7. Final Paper. The complete instructions for the Research Paper can be found in Week Six of your online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Final Paper The final assignment for this course is a Research Paper. The purpose of the Research Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by completing a final research project on organizational communication processes. TheResearch Paper represents 25% of the overall course grade. Focus of the Research Paper The Research Paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of manage men communications used to successfully achieve organizational objectives. For this assignment of a minimum of eight pages, you need to integrate material from the readings, multimedia, and class discussion boards, and also reflect on professional experience where possible. It is mandatory to include research from the classroom text as well as from six scholarly sources to support your views. Consider the validity of your resources carefully before using them in academic papers. Use at least one professional example to address the topics below. The following components must be included in order for the paper to be complete: a. Explain effective communication norms in a business setting. b. Describe the role of interpersonal communication both as a manager and as an employee. What specific techniques have you used to overcome barriers to communication? Be sure to specify your role in the communication.
  • 23. c. Explore the role of international and intercultural interpersonal communications in today’s global businesses. d. Describe both verbal and nonverbal management communication. e. Explain approaches for effective written management communication. f. Analyze various approaches for engaging an audience during a presentation and encouraging active listening. g. Describe effective methods of conflict resolution. h. Analyze techniques for leading teams and group meetings. Writing the Research Paper The Research Paper: 1. Must be eight to ten double- spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages), and formattedaccording to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 2. Must include a title page with the following: a. Title of paper b. Student’s name c. Course name and number d. Instructor’s name e. Date submitted 3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. 4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • 24. 5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. 6. Must use at least six scholarly resources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library. 7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford WritingCenter. =============================================== ASHFORD BUS 600 Week 6 Final Paper For more course tutorials visit Tutorial Purchased: 4 Times, Rating: A+ The final research project requires you to choose a specific topic relevant to organizational communication processes, research that topic incorporating sources (literature review), analyze the issue in a real world organization, and present your findings. The final paper should be 8-10 pages (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, and formatted in APA.
  • 25. Identify an organizational communication concept that is particularly interesting to you and that you would like to learn more about. Potential topics include: international and intercultural communication, communication competence in the workplace, diversity and communication, leadership communication, communication and decision making, communication in groups/teams, and communication technology in organizations. Identify an organization with which you are familiar and apply your research on the communication concept you selected to the organization. What did you learn about the concept by applying it to your selected organization? What did you learn about the organization by applying the organizational communication concept? Propose a specific program, training or course of action that you believe could potentially improve communication in the organization. Be sure your recommendations are supported by analysis of your research. Use at least six resources, three of them from Ashford’s online library databases. ============================================== =