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Най-голямото сателитно списание в света

ТЕЛЕ                                                            # 213


B 9318 E

           Новини от компаниите              Нови продукти
           SeaTel                     HORIZON HD-TC8
           Антена за пет спътника     Дъжд в Ка-обхвата:
           за яхти и кораби                    Анализ на
                                    сигналите за услугата
           Нови продукти
           TECHNOMATE TM-1’s           с невероятния нов
           Вероятно най-добрите        сигнал-анализатор
           конвертори, които някога
           сме изпитвали

           Новини от компаниите
           Високо технологичен
           приемник от производител
           в Калифорния

                                                        1/   2009
The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine

                                                     Уважаеми читатели,


B 9318 EE
B 9318

Основен адрес
TELE-satellite Magazine                              Сателитната технология се използва не само ТВ и радио излъчвания, но
PO Box 1234                                          от доста време насам и за предаване на данни. Доскоро, тези данни не
85766 Munich-Ufg                                     бяха предназначени за крайните частни потребители. Напоследък обаче,
Германия/EUROPA UNION                                услугата “Интернет-през-спътник” придобива все по-голяма популярност
                                                     на потребителския пазар. Това развитие идва не само от евтината
Главен редактор                                      технология, но също така и от поевтиняването на разходите за сателитно
Александър Визе                                      излъчване. Резултатът от всичко това                              е създаването на новия бизнес отдел
                                                     “Интернет-през-спътник”.       Поради
Издава се на 21 езика от                             изискванията за голям капацитет на
TELE-satellite Medien GmbH                           тази услуга, доставчиците са избрали
Aschheimer Weg 19                                    Ka-обхвата, който работи с честоти
85774 Unterfoehring                                  около 20 GHz. От една страна това
Германия/EUROPA UNION                                дава възможност за голяма ширина
                                                     на лентата и, съответно – значителни
Оформление                                           резерви на излъчването на данни, но
Nemeti Barna Attila                                  от друга - Ka-обхватът е много по-
                                                     уязвим на смущения (например, при
Реклама                                              дъжд) в сравнение с другите обхвати,                          използвани за ТВ и радио излъчване.
                                                     Друг аспект, заслужаващ внимание,
Печат                                                е факта, че потребителите трябва
Litografia Rosés                                      да имат възможност и да изпращат
08850 Gavà                                           данни, със заявка към определен уеб
Испания/EUROPA UNION                                 сайт или електронна поща. Цялата
                                                     тази информация е необходимо да
Copyright                                            се излъчи обратно към спътника,
© 2009 by TELE-satellite                             което означава, че трябва да се има
                                                     предвид и неговото покритие. Следователно, монтажниците трябва да
ISSN 1435-7003                                       са сигурни не само, че спътника може да се приема долу на земята, но
                                                     също така, че той може да приема сигнали в своята орбитална позиция
                                                     и от земята. С казаното до тук излиза, че сателитната технология ще
                                                     става все по-сложна, но в същото време - и по-вълнуваща. От друга
                                                     страна, новата технология ще предложи нови шансове и пазарни ниши
                                                     за производителите, потребителите и монтажниците, за които трябва да
                                                     има налично съответно оборудване. Докато сега все още е възможно за
                                                     монтажника да инсталира сателитна антена за ТВ и радио приемане,
                                                     съвсем друга е картината при въвеждане на услугата “Интернет-през-
                                                     спътник”. Тя изисква професионална поддръжка, тъй като съответната
                                                     технология е твърде сложна за средния потребител. Така че, в сателитната
                                                     индустрия виждаме това, което става понастоящем и в глобалната
                                                     индустрия: цените на хардуера падат, а търсенето на потребителски
                                                     услуги и know-how, нараства. Това е още една причина да продължавате
                                                     да четете специализираното списание TELE-satellite, за да научавате
                                                     първи за всички промени и иновации!

Сп. TELE-satellite е основано                                                                              Alexander Wiese
през 1981 год. и днес е най-
старото, най-голямото и най-                                P.S.: Моята любима радио станция този месец е Radio Nervion от
четеното в света търговско                            HISPASAT 330 Изток (30 Запад), на 12.092V. Тя е една чудесна местна
списание за сателитни                                 радио станция от сев. Испания с много остарял начин на рекламиране:
продукти. TELE-satellite се чете                            всеки ден, по едно и също време, една много решителна дама се
от повече от 250 000 сателитни                             обажда по телефона, за да похвали определена марка детергент.
професионалисти в цял свят                                Въпреки, че за този продукт се говори всеки ден, радио водещият
и се предлага както в печатен                            звучи винаги учудено, всеки път когато дамата се обади. Кой би си
вариант, така и онлайн.                               помислил, че този начин на рекламиране все още съществува днес и в
                                                     този век? И все пак, хубаво е да узнаеш, че все още има места, в които                                                                           времето изглежда спряло...

                 The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine                                # 213


                 BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC

 B 9318
 B 9318 EE

€uro    8.50
US$     11.50

GB£     7.00







                 Company Report                                      Test Report


                 SeaTel                                HORIZON HD-TC8




France:          Five-satellite Dish                      Rain in Ka-Band:
                 for Yachts and Ships                Analyzing Internet-via-




€8,50                                                 Satellite Signals with
                                                          an Amazing New


                 Test Report                              Multirange Meter


                 TECHNOMATE TM-1’s




Lebanon:         Probably the Best LNBs
                 We’ve Ever Tested








                 Company Report                                                                 Arabic                                          ‫ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
South Africa:


South Korea:

                 High Tech Receiver


                 Manufacturer from California                                                   Indonesian                         Bahasa Indonesia







                                                                                                Bulgarian                                 Български







                                                                                                Czech                                         Česky

                                                                                                German                                      Deutsch

Read TELE-satellite Magazine online:                                      Spanish                                     Español
                 Die größte Satellitenzeitschrift - weltweit!                          # 213    Farsi                                            ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬

                S AT E L L I T


                                                                                                French                                      Français
                   BREITBAND & FIBER-OPTIK

 B 9318
 B 9318 EE

                                                                                                Greek                                       Ελληνικά

US$     11.50
GB£     7.00

                                                                                                Croatian                                    Hrvatski






                 Firmenporträt                                        Testreport

                                                                                                Italian                                      Italiano

                 SeaTel                               HORIZON HD-TC8




France:          Fünf-Satelliten System                 Regen im Ka-Band:
                 für Yachten und Schiffe             das erstaunliche neue





                                                       Internet-via-Satellite                   Hungarian                                   Magyar





                 TECHNOMATE TM-1’s                                                              Chinese                                         中文




Lebanon:         Die besten LNB                                                       
                 in unserem Test




€8,50                                                                                           Dutch                                    Nederlands




South Africa:

                                                                                                Polish                                        Polski

South Korea:

                 High-Tech Receiver                                                   


                 aus Kalifornien



                                                                                                Portuguese                                Português








US$11.50                                                                                        Romanian                                 Românesc

                                                                                                Russian                                     Русский

                                                                                                Swedish                                     Svenska

                                                                                                Turkish                                       Türkçe
  Lesen Sie TELE-satellit Magazin online:                                             
                                                                                                Available online starting from 31 July 2009

4               TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                              1/2009 —
TELE-satellite Previous Issue

                                 ‫ﺗﻜﻨﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺎ ﺍﺳﺘﻘﺒﺎﻝ ﺍﻷﻗﻤﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ‬

                                                                                                        # 212
                                                                                                                                   Majalah Satelit Terbesar di Dunia                            # 212

                                                                                                                                   S AT E L I T




                                 ‫ﺍﻹﻧﺘﺮﻧﺖ ﺍﻟﻔﺎﺋﻖ ﺍﻟﺴﺮﻋﺔ ﻭ ﺍﻷﻟﻴﺎﻑ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻴﺔ‬                                                            BROADBAND & SERAT-OPTIK


B 9318 E                                                                                                                B 9318 E

                                                                       ‫ﺗﻘﺮﻳﺮ ﻋﻦ ﻫﻮاة اﺻﻄﻴﺎد اﻟﻘﻨﻮات اﻟﻔﻀﺎﺋﻴﺔ‬                                  Laporan DXer
                                                                                               ‫ﺍﻟﺼﲔ‬                                           CHINA
                                                ‫ﻣﻦ ﺑﻜﻴﻦ ﺭﺟﻞ ﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﻟﻤﺼﺎﺩﺭ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻷﻗﻤﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ‬                                          Pakar Satelit dari Beijing

                                                                                             ‫ﺗﻘﺮﻳﺮ ﻋﻦ ﺷﺮﻛﺔ‬                                    Laporan Perusahaan
                                                                                     PROMAX                                                   PROMAX
                                                                       ‫ﺃﺭﺑﻌﺔ ﺃﻗﺴﺎﻡ ﻟﻠﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﻓﻰ ﺑﺮﺷﻠﻮﻧﺔ‬                                          Empat Divisi di Barcelona

                                                                   ‫ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬Bahasa
                                                                     SPAUN SPAROS 609
                                                                     ‫ﺟﻬﺎﺯ ﺗﺤﻠﻴﻞ ﺇﺷﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﻭ ﻣﺪﻫﺶ‬
                                                                                                  ‫ﻗﺮﻳﺮ اﺧﺘﺒﺎر‬                                 Laporan Uji
                                                                                                                                              SPAUN SPAROS 609
                                                                                                                                              Alat Analisa Sinyal Satelit Baru
                                                                                                                                              yang Menakjubkan

                                                                        GLOBAL INVACOM
                                                         ‫ﺍﻟﺠﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﻭﺣﺪﺍﺕ ﺧﻔﺾ ﺍﻟﺸﻮﺷﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻴﺔ‬
                                                                                                  ‫ﻗﺮﻳﺮ اﺧﺘﺒﺎر‬
                                                                                                                                                                    GLOBAL INVACOM
                                                                                                                                                                                      Laporan Uji

                                                                                                                                                               LNB Optikal Generasi Baru
                                                                    ‫ﺳﻮﻑ ﺗﻘﻮﻡ ﺑﺜﻮﺭﺓ ﻓﻰ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺘﻼﻳﺖ‬                                                           akan Merevolusi Dunia Satelit

                                                global invacom                                     08-09/2009                                   global invacom                             08-09/2009

                                  GI FibreMDU                                                                                       GI FibreMDU
                                                                          ‫ﺍﻗﺮﺃ ﻣﺠﻠﺔ ﺗﻴﻠﻰ ﺳﺘﻼﻳﺖ ﻣﺒﺎﺷﺮ‬                  Baca Majalah TELE-satelit online

                                 Най-голямото сателитно списание в света                                                           Největší Časopis o Satelitní Technice na Světě

 BUL                                                                                                                     CES
                                                                                                        # 212                                                                                   # 212

                                                                                                                                   S AT E L I T


                                 BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC                                                                           BROADBAND & OPTICKÁ VLÁKNA

B 9318 E                                                                                                                B 9318 E

                                               Публикация за DX-ъри                                                                           DX reportáž
                                               КИТАЙ                                                                                          ČÍNA
                                               Един сръчен сателитен майстор                                                                  Vynalézavý satelitní kutil z Pekingu
                                               от Пекин

                                               Новини от компаниите                                                                           Firemní reportáž
                                               PROMAX                                                                                         PROMAX

                                               Четирите състояния на отдела                                                                   Čtyři špičkové divize v Barceloně

                                               по изкуство в Барцелона

                                               Нови продукти                                                                                  Recenze
                                               SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                               SPAUN SPAROS 609
                                               Един неочакван нов анализатор                                                                  Překvapivý nový satelitní
                                               на сателитни сигнали                                                                           signálový analyzér

                                                                                       Нови продукти                                                                                     Recenze
                                                              GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                                      GLOBAL INVACOM
                                       Новото поколение на оптичния конвертор ще                                                                 Nová generace optických LNB způsobí
                                                революционизира сателитния свят                                                                     revoluci ve světe satelitního příjmu

                                                global invacom                                     08-09/2009
                                                                                                                                                global invacom                             08-09/2009

                                  GI FibreMDU                                                                                       GI FibreMDU
Прочетете сп. ТЕЛЕ-сателит онлайн:                                                                                    Přečtete si magazín TELE-satelit online:                                                  

                                                                                                       — 10-1
                                                                                                                                            1/2009 — TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber Optic           5
TELE-satellite Previous Issue

                   Die größte Satellitenzeitschrift - weltweit!                       # 212
                                                                                                                  The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine                                    # 212

                   S AT E L L I T                                                                                 SATELLITE


                     BREITBAND & FIBER-OPTIK                                                                      BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC


   B 9318 EE
   B 9318                                                                                          B 9318 EE
                                                                                                   B 9318

  €uro8.50                                                                                        €uro8.50

  US$11.50                                                                                        US$11.50

                                  DXer Report                                                     GB£7.00
                                                                                                                                 DXer Report
                                  CHINA                                                           Australia:
                                  Der phantastische Satelliten-                                                                  Resourceful Satellite Handyman
  AU$15.00                                                                                        AU$15.00

  Austria:                                                                                        Austria:

  €8,50                                                                                           €8,50

                                  Handwerker aus Beijing                                                                         from Beijing
  Belgium:                                                                                        Belgium:

  €8,50                                                                                           €8,50

  Canada:                                                                                         Canada:

  CA$13.00                                                                                        CA$13.00

  China:                                                                                          China:

  ¥80                                                                                             ¥80

                                  Firmenporträt                                                   Egypt:
                                                                                                                                 Company Report
                                  PROMAX                                                                                         PROMAX
  EP65                                                                                            EP65

  France:                                                                                         France:

  €8,50                                                                                           €8,50

                                  Die vier State of the Art                                                                      The Four State of the Art

  Deutsch                                                                                         English
  Germany:                                                                                        Germany:

  €8,50                                                                                           €8,50

                                  Abteilungen aus Barcelona                                                                      Divisions in Barcelona
  Greece:                                                                                         Greece:

  €8,50                                                                                           €8,50

  India:                                                                                          India:

  Rs550                                                                                           Rs550

  Indonesia:                                                                                      Indonesia:

  Rp120.000                                                                                       Rp120.000


  €8,50                           Testbericht                                                     Ireland:

                                                                                                  €8,50                          Test Report
                                  SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                               SPAUN SPAROS 609
  Israel:                                                                                         Israel:

  NIS45                                                                                           NIS45

                                  Überraschendes                                                                                 Surprising New Satellite
  Lebanon:                                                                                        Lebanon:

  LL17000                                                                                         LL17000

  Maroc:                                                                                          Maroc:



                                  neues Satelliten-Messgerät                                      DH95


                                                                                                                                 Signal Analyzer
  Nigeria:                                                                                        Nigeria:

  N1700                                                                                           N1700

  Pakistan:                                                                                       Pakistan:

  Rp950                                                                                           Rp950

  South Africa:                                                                                   South Africa:

  R95.00                                                                                          R95.00

  South Korea:                                                                                    South Korea:

  W15.000                                                                                         W15.000

  Spain:                                                                                          Spain:

  €8,50                                                                                           €8,50

  Sweden:                                                                                         Sweden:

  SKr90,00                                                                                        SKr90,00

                                                                           Testbericht                                                                                        Test Report
  Switzerland:                                                                                    Switzerland:

  Fr13,00                                                                                         Fr13,00

                                                          GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                                GLOBAL INVACOM
  Taiwan:                                                                                         Taiwan:

  NT$380                                                                                          NT$380

  UAE:                                                                                            UAE:


  UK:                                          Neue optische LNB Generation                       D45

                                                                                                  UK:                                        New Generation of Optical LNBs
                                              wird die Satellitenwelt verändern                                                         Will Revolutionize the Satellite World
  £7.00                                                                                           £7.00

  USA:                                                                                            USA:

  US$11.50                                                                                        US$11.50

                                    global invacom                               08-09/2009
                                                                                                                                   global invacom                                      08-09/2009

                      GI FibreMDU                                                                                  GI FibreMDU
  Lesen Sie TELE-satellit online:                                                             Read TELE-satellite Magazine online:                        

                   La revista de satélite más grande del mundo                        # 212
                                                                                                                    ‫ﺑﺰﺭﮔﺘﺮﻳﻦ ﻣﺠﻠﻪ ﺗﺨﺼﺼﻲ ﻣﺎﻫﻮﺍﺭﻩ ﺩﺮ ﺟﻬﺎﻥ‬                                     # 212

                   S AT É L I T E                                                                                 SATELLITE


                   BANDA ANCHA & FIBRA-ÓPTICA                                                                          ‫ﭘﻬﻦ ﺑﺎﻧﺪ ﻭ ﻓﻴﺒﺮ ﻧﻮﺭﻯ‬

   B 9318 E                                                                                        B 9318 E

                                  Informe de DXer                                                                                                                             ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺍﺯ ﺩﯾﺠﯿﺘﺎﻝ ﺑﺎﺯ‬
                                  CHINA                                                                                                                                               ‫ﭼﯿﻦ‬
                                  Aficionado al Satélite con Recursos                                                                                                ‫ﻣﺎﻫﻮﺍﺭﻩ ﺑﺎﺯ ﻣﺒﺘﮑﺮ ﭘﮑﻨﯽ‬
                                  desde Beijing
                                  Informe de Compañía
                                                                                                                                                                                   ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺷﺮﮐﺖ‬
                                  Las Cuatro Divisiones                                                                                                                   PROMAX

                                  de la Excelencia Tecnológica                                                                                      ‫ﺻﺎﺣﺐ ﭼﻬﺎﺭ ﺗﮑﻨﻮﻟﻮژی ﺭﻭﺯ ﺩﺭ ﺑﺎﺭﺳﻠﻮﻥ‬

                                  en Barcelona
                                  Informe de Prueba                                                                                                                                ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺁﺯﻣﺎﯾﺶ‬
                                  SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                                                        SPAUN SPAROS 609
                                  Sorprendente Nuevo Analizador                                                                              ‫ﺗﺤﻠﻴﻠﮕﺮ ﺳﻴﮕﻨﺎﻝ ﻣﺎﻫﻮﺍﺭﻩ ﺍی ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﻭ ﺣﻴﺮﺕ ﺍﻧﮕﻴﺰ‬
                                  de Señal para Satélite

                                                                    Informe de Prueba                                                                                              ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺁﺯﻣﺎﯾﺶ‬
                                                    GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                                             GLOBAL INVACOM
                                       Nueva Generación de LNBs Ópticos                                                                                  ‫ﻧﺴﻞ ﻧﻮﻳﻦ ﺍﻝ ﺍﻥ ﺑﯽ ﻫﺎی ﺍﭘﺘﻴﮑﺎﻝ ﺩﻧﻴﺎ‬
                                  que Revolucionarán el Mundo del Satélite                                                                                            .‫ﺭﺍ ﻣﺘﺤﻮﻝ ﺧﻮﺍﻫﺪ ﺳﺎﺧﺖ‬

                                    global invacom                               08-09/2009
                                                                                                                                   global invacom                                      08-09/2009

                      GI FibreMDU                                                                                  GI FibreMDU
  Lea La Revista TELE-satélite en Linea:                                                                                                      ‫ﻣﺠﻠﻪ ﺗﻠﻪ ﺳﺘﻼﯾﺖ ﺍﯾﻨﺘﺮﻧﺸﻨﺎﻝ ﺭﺍ ﺁﻥ ﻻﯾﻦ ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﻪ ﮐﻨﯿﺪ‬                                             

 6                TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                                1/2009 —
TELE-satellite Previous Issue

           La plus grande revue sur les satellites                 # 212
                                                                                    HEL       Το Μεγαλύτερο Παγκοσμίως Δορυφορικό Περιοδικό                # 212

           SATELLITE                                                                          SATELLITE


           HAUT DÉBIT & FIBRE OPTIQUE                                                         Ευρυζωνικότητα και Οπτικές Ίνες


B 9318 E                                                                           B 9318 E

                     Compte-rendu radioamateurs                                                          Αναφορά DXer
                     CHINE                                                                               ΚΙΝΑ
                     Bricoleur satellite astucieux à Pékin                                               Πρακτικός Δορυφορικός Άνθρωπος
                                                                                                         από το Πεκίνο

                     Présentation d’entreprise                                                           Αναφορά Εταιρείας
                     PROMAX                                                                              PROMAX
                     Les quatre divisions expertes                                                       Οι Τέσσερις Κορυφαίας Τεχνολογίας

Français Ελληνικά
                     de Barcelone                                                                        Διευθύνεις από την Βαρκελώνη

                     Rapport de Test                                                                     Αναφορά Δοκιμής
                     SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                    SPAUN SPAROS 609
                     Nouvel analyseur de signaux                                                         Εντυπωσιακός Νέος Δορυφορικός
                     satellite surprenant                                                                Αναλυτής Σήματος

                                                     Rapport de Test                                                                       Αναφορά Δοκιμής
                                       GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                      GLOBAL INVACOM
                     Ces LNB optiques de nouvelle génération                                                  Η Νέα Γενιά Οπτικών LNB Θα Φέρει
                           vont changer le monde du satellite                                               Επανάσταση στον Δορυφορικό Κόσμο

                      global invacom                          08-09/2009
                                                                                                           global invacom                             08-09/2009

            GI FibreMDU                                                                        GI FibreMDU
Téléchargez revue TELE-satellite entière sur notre serveur:                      Διαβάστε online το Περιοδικό TELE-satellite Διεθνές:             

           Najveći svjetski satelitski časopis                     # 212
                                                                                              La rivista satellitare più diffusa nel mondo                 # 212

           S AT E L I T                                                                       SATELLITE


           BROADBAND & OPTIČKE VEZE                                                           BANDA LARGA & FIBRA OTTICA

B 9318 E                                                                           B 9318 E

                     Izvješće o DXeru                                                                    DXer nel Mondo
                     KINA                                                                                CINA
                     Dovitljivi satelitski majstor                                                       Tuttofare Satellitare Pieno di Sorprese
                     iz Pekinga                                                                          da Pechino

                     Izvješće o tvrtki                                                                   Profilo aziendale
                     PROMAX                                                                              PROMAX

Hrvatski                                                                          Italiano
                     Četiri vrhunska odjela                                                              Quattro Divisioni all’Avanguardia
                     u Barceloni                                                                         da Barcellona

                     Test uređaja                                                                        In Prova
                     SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                    SPAUN SPAROS 609
                     Iznenađujuće dobar                                                                  Sorprendente Nuovo Analizzatore
                     novi analizator signala                                                             di Segnale

                                                        Test uređaja                                                                                In Prova
                                         GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                     GLOBAL INVACOM
                        Nova generacija optičkih LNB-a izazvat                                                La Nuova Generazione di LNB Ottici
                            će revoluciju u satelitskom svijetu                                            che Rivoluzionerà il Mondo del Satellite

                      global invacom                          08-09/2009
                                                                                                           global invacom                             08-09/2009

            GI FibreMDU                                                                        GI FibreMDU
Čitajte međunarodni časopis TELE-satelit na Internetu:                           Leggete Online la rivista TELE-satellite:             

                                                                  — 10-1
                                                                                                       1/2009 — TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber Optic           7
TELE-satellite Previous Issue

              A világ legnagyobb műhold magazinja                                # 212
                                                                                                                              世 界 上 发 行 量 最 大 的 卫 星 业 界 杂 志                              # 212

              SATELLITE                                                                                                       国际卫星电视


                                                                                                    BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC
                SZÉLES SÁV & SZÁLOPTIKA                                                                                         宽带与光纤


  B 9318 E                                                                                   B 9318 E

                             Műholdkedvelő beszámoló                                                                                       关于发烧友的报道关于发烧友的报道
                             KÍNA                                                                                                          中国
                             Egy ötletgazdag pekingi                                                                                       北京的卫视高手
                             műhold ezermester

                             Vállalati beszámoló                                                                                           关于公司的报道
                             PROMAX                                                                                                        PROMAX
                             A négy legkorszerűbb                                                                                          巴塞罗那技术发展水平的四个阶段

  Magyar                                                                                     中文
                             barcelónai részleg

                             Teszt beszámoló                                                                                               测试报告
                             SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                                             SPAUN SPAROS 609
                             Meglepő új műholdjelemző                                                                                     令人惊奇的新型卫星信号分析仪

                                                                 Teszt beszámoló                                                                                                    测试报告
                                               GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                                             GLOBAL INVACOM
                 Az optikai vevőfejek új nemzedéke forradalmasítani                                                                                新一代光纤LNB 将彻底改变卫星世界
                                            fogja a műholdak világát

                               global invacom                               08-09/2009
                                                                                                                                            global invacom                          08-09/2009

                 GI FibreMDU                                                                                                    GI FibreMDU
  Olvassa a TELE-satellite magazint Internet cimünkön:                                   在线阅读《国际卫星电视                   

              Het grootste Satelliet Tijdschrift van de Wereld                   # 212
                                                                                              POL                             Największy na świecie magazyn sprzętu satelitarnego        # 212

              SATELLIET                                                                                                       S AT E L I TA


                 BREEDBAND & GLASVEZEL                                                                                        SZEROKOPASMOWOŚĆ & ŚWIATŁOWODY

  B 9318 E                                                                                   B 9318 E

                             DXer rapport                                                                                                  Raport DX-owy
                             CHINA                                                                                                         CHINY
                             Ondernemende satelliet hobbyist                                                                               Płodny majsterkowicz satelitarny
                             uit Beijing                                                                                                   z Pekinu

                             Bedrijfsrapport                                                                                               Przegląd firm
                             PROMAX                                                                                                       PROMAX

                             De vier neusje-van-de-zalm afdelingen                                                                        Cztery oddziały najwyższej klasy

                             in Barcelona                                                                                                 w Barcelonie

                             Testrapport                                                                                                  Raport z testów
                             SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                                             SPAUN SPAROS 609
                             Verrassende nieuwe                                                                                           Zdumiewający nowy analizator
                             satellietsignaalanalyser                                                                                     sygnału satelitarnego

                                                                      Testrapport                                                                                        Raport z testów
                                                GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                                                 GLOBAL INVACOM
                           De nieuwe generatie optische LNBs zal een                                                                                Nowa generacja optycznych LNB
                            revolutie veroorzaken in de satellietwereld                                                                            zrewolucjonizuje satelitarny świat

                               global invacom                               08-09/2009
                                                                                                                                            global invacom                          08-09/2009

                 GI FibreMDU                                                                                                    GI FibreMDU
  Lees TELE-satelliet Magazine online:                                                   Czytaj TELE-satelitę Magazyn w wersji on-line :                   

 8           TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                           1/2009 —
TELE-satellite Previous Issue

           A Maior Revista do Mundo sobre Satélites               # 212
                                                                                             Крупнейший в мире спутниковый журнал                         # 212

           S AT É L I T E                                                                    САТЕЛЛАЙТ



           BANDA LARGA & FIBRA-OPTICA                                                        Широкополосный & Волоконно-Оптический


B 9318 E                                                                          B 9318 E

                     Relatório DXer                                                                    Отчёт о дальнем приёме
                     CHINA                                                                             Китай
                     Um Destro Habilidoso no Mundo                                                     Изобретательный спутниковый
                     do Satélite em Pequim                                                             мастер из Пекина

                     Reportagem Empresarial                                                            Обзор компаний
                     PROMAX                                                                            PROMAX
                     As Quatro Divisões São Uma Obra                                                   Четыре художественных

Português Русский
                     de Arte em Barcelona                                                              подразделения в Барселоне

                     Relatório de Ensaio                                                               Тестируем
                     SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                  SPAUN SPAROS 609
                     Um Surpreendente Medidor                                                          Потрясающий новый Анализатор
                     de Sinal de Satélite                                                              спутникового сигнала

                                               Relatório de Ensaio                                                                              Тестируем
                                        GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                     GLOBAL INVACOM
                             A Nova Geração de LNBs de Fibra                                                       Новое поколение оптических
                         Vai Revolucionar o Mundo do Satélite                                                  конверторов революционизирует

                      global invacom                         08-09/2009
                                                                                                         global invacom                              08-09/2009

            GI FibreMDU                                                                       GI FibreMDU
Ler Revista TELE-satélite online:                                               Читайте журнал ТЕЛЕ-сателлайт он-лайн:            

           Världens Största Satellittidning                       # 212
                                                                                             Dünyanın En Büyük Uydu Donanımı Dergisi                      # 212

           S AT E L L I T                                                                    SATELLITE


             BREDBAND & FIBEROPTIK                                                             GENİŞBANT & FİBER OPTİK

B 9318 E                                                                          B 9318 E

                     DX-rapport                                                                        DXçi Raporu
                     KINA                                                                              ÇİN
                     Den fantastiske satellithantverkaren                                              Pekin’de Maharetli bir Uydu Ustası
                     från Beijing

                     Företagsrapport                                                                   Şirket Raporu
                     PROMAX                                                                            PROMAX

Svenska                                                                          Türkçe
                     De fyra state-of-the-art-avdelningarna                                            Barselona’da Dört İleri teknoloji
                     i Barcelona                                                                       Departmanı

                     Testrapport                                                                       Test
                     SPAUN SPAROS 609                                                                  SPAUN SPAROS 609
                     Ny överraskande satellitmätutrustning                                             Nefes kesen Yeni Uydu Sinyal Analizörü

                                                      Testrapport                                                                                         Test
                                         GLOBAL INVACOM                                                                       GLOBAL INVACOM
                        Ny generation av optiska LNB kommer                                                          Yeni Kuşak Optik LNB’ler Uydu
                              att revolutionera satellitvärlden                                                       Dünyasında Devrim Yaratacak

                      global invacom                         08-09/2009
                                                                                                         global invacom                              08-09/2009

            GI FibreMDU                                                                       GI FibreMDU
Läs TELE-satellit online:                                                       Uluslararası TELE-satellite Dergisi’ni online okuyun:            

                                                                 — 10-1
                                                                                                      1/2009 — TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber Optic           9

                          HORIZON HD-TC8
                          Satellite Meter
                          optimized for
                          Ka-Band ............. 20

                          Ku-Band LNBs ..... 30

        Alternative Firmware
        for AB IPBox HD Family ........... 36

              EXCEL-TV MK3
              Fully-fledged Signal Meter
              with TV display.................. 48

Thanks to SCR: One single cable for
up to eight receivers ...........................16

DXer Report:
Paying a visit to Yahya in Saudi Arabia...44
                                                        Company Overview:
AWARD Winning:                                          Best Satellite Companies
Satellite Products of 21st Century .........56          of the World..................................... 100

Company Report:                                         Provider Report:
Satellite Receiver Manufacturer,                        An Ambitious FTA Provider
Viewtech, USA ...................................66     from Africa ...................................... 104

Company Report:                                         Satelliten Information:
Satellite Installer Pulstar,                            New Satellites .................................. 106
Tenerife, Spain ...................................74
                                                        Media: News .................................. 108
Company Report:
Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacturer,                      SatcoDX Satellite Handbook .......... 115
SeaTel, USA .......................................82
                                                        History: 20 Years Ago ...................... 172
Company Report:
Satellite Installer, Beijing, China ...........92       History: 10 Years Ago ...................... 174


 ABCBIZNIS .................................11           JIUZHOU .................................. 180          SEATEL .......................................25
 ABCOM .......................................77         KOMSIS .................................... 128         SENKO ........................................95
 AERO-STARTECH ........................93                MATRIX ......................................87         SG LAB ..................................... 125
 ALUOSAT .................................. 127          MFC .......................................... 110      SKYWORTH ................................13
 AZBOX ...................................... 179        MOTECK .....................................99          SMARTWI ...................................55
 AZURE SHINE ........................... 105             MTI ............................................76      SPAUN ........................................39
 BOIINGSAT ................................ 41           NAB ............................................97      SUBUR SEMESTA ........................73
 CEBIT-2009 .............................. 101           NANOXX .....................................29          SUN CREATE ............................. 109
 CES-2010 ................................. 107          OPENBOX ...................................89           SVEC ..........................................21
 CSTB-2010 ............................... 103           PASAT ANTENY ......................... 113              TEHNICB ....................................95
 DISHPOINTER .......................... 132              PROMAX .....................................47          TECHNOMATE .............................10
 DOEBIS ................................. 14-15          PULSTAR ....................................99          TELEMANN .................................85
 EEBC-2009 .................................65           REMOTEMAN ............................ 134              TOPFIELD .................................... 2
 HORIZON ...................................33           ROGETECH..................................69            TRIMAX .................................... 131
 INFOSAT.....................................31          SATCATCHER ............................ 111             TRUSAT ......................................79
 INVACOM ...................................51           SATCOM-2010........................... 121              VIEWSAT ....................................19

12 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                 1/2009 —
FEATURE              SCR LNB

                      Thanks to SCR:
SCR standar           One single cable for
                      up to eight receivers
                      Thomas Haring

                      SCR is short for Satellite Channel                                control signal – which is modulated using the LNB supply
                                                                                        voltage – receivers are able to tell the connected LNBs
                      Router and is a specification defined                               which band the selected channel is on (no control signal =
                                                                                        low band; 22 kHz control signal = high band).
                      in the EN 50494 standard, which
                                                                                           On the other hand, there are two different polarisations,
                      applies worldwide and which is the                                namely horizontal and vertical, or left and right respec-
                                                                                        tively. Switching between the two is controlled with the
                      result of joined forces between                                   LNB supply voltage. If, for example, the receiver trans-
                      several companies under the guidance                              mits 13 V to the LNB the LNB receives the vertical (or left)
                                                                                        polarisation, while 18 V power means the LNB will pick up
                      of SES Astra. So what’s in it for you?                            horizontal (or right) signals.

                                                                                          From this it follows that each tuner input requires a ded-
                         The problem SCR addresses is as old as satellite recep-        icated line all the way to the LNB or multi-switch. Other-
                      tion: Satellite signals which reach the LNB are transmitted       wise, the receiver will not be able to receive signals from
                      in the 10.7 to 12.75 GHz range and are then converted by          the complete frequency range. For argument’s sake let’s
                      the LNB to the 950 to 2150 MHz range for transmission to          assume that two receivers are hooked up to the same coax
                      the receiver via a coax cable. This limited frequency range       cable. If receiver A requires a vertical signal and sends 13
                      is not wide enough for covering the full frequency band of        V to the LNB while receiver B is looking for a horizontal
                      a satellite, which is why the signals broadcast via satellite     signal and therefore transmits 18 V via the same cable
                                                      are split up into four distinct   then this would result in receiver B being prioritised as the
                                                       ranges.                          higher voltage overrules the lower voltage with regard to
                                                                                        the selected polarisation in the LNB. And with the 22 kHz
                                                           On the one hand, we          control signal it’s the same story.
                                                         distinguish between low
                                                        band and high band. The           So as far as satellite reception is concerned, it has been
                                                      low band covers the range         evident right from the beginning that signal distribution
                                                     from 10.7 to 11.75 GHz and the     requires a substantial amount of planning and infrastruc-
                                                     high band goes from 11.8 to        ture. In the case of an apartment building, for instance,
                                                     12.75 GHz. Thanks to a 22 kHz      an individual coax cable has to be provided for each wall
                                                                                        outlet from a central distribution point. Simply creating a
                                                                                             cable ring that transmits signals from one outlet to
                                                                                              the next (as is the case for terrestrial or cable TV
                                                                                              distribution) just won’t cut it for satellite signals.

                                                                                                Ring distribution by definition means that a single
                                                                                              signal access is used to distribute signals from one
                                                                                              wall outlet to the next, no matter how many of them
                                                                                              you need to cover. Smart planning and a signal
                                                                                              amplifier here and there thus are all that is required
                                                                                              to connect dozens of apartments to cable TV.

                                                                                                If you’re building your own house it is of course
                                                                                              not too difficult to make it satellite television com-
                                                                                              patible right from the start by creating a network
                            ■SCR LNB

    16 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                     1/2009 —
SCR standard
of coax cables to each room from a cen-
tral access point. But what if the house
is already built or you’ve just moved into
a new apartment? In most cases, basic
                                                      The SCR system is not equipped with a
                                                    return channel and can only reply with an
                                                    HF burst, which means the receiver keeps
                                                    requesting one frequency range after the
                                                                                                       With this variety all four reception ranges
                                                                                                     (low band horizontal, low band vertical,
                                                                                                     high band horizontal, high band vertical)
                                                                                                     are converted to the satellite IF right in the
cabling will be available, but how can you          other until the multi-switch confirms a set       LNB, with a built-in multi-switch receiving
best use it for satellite reception, and how        range.                                           requests from connected receivers. The
can you use your twin tuner receiver if only                                                         respective signals are then forwarded to
one cable leads to the wall outlet in the              The following sequence of events takes        the individual receivers by SCR compo-
living room?                                        place every time a user chooses to watch         nents included in the LNB.
                                                    a new channel: The receiver requests a
  Global Invacom’s optical LNB, which has           certain transponder, and this request is           Are all receivers
been available for a short while now, is one
possible solution. And then there’s SCR.
                                                    sent to the multi-switch’s SCR compo-
                                                    nent, which in turn is responsible for each
                                                    of the up to eight signal outputs. The SCR         SCR is a technology that extends far

  How does SCR work?                                component analyses the request and then          beyond DiSEqC protocols 1.0, 1.1 and 1.3,
                                                                                                     which means that only few receivers can
                                                    modulates the requested transponder to
  In general, SCR comes in two differ-
                                                    the frequency that was allocated to the          deal with SCR distribution equipment.
ent varieties: The first one has all control
                                                    requesting receiver during sign-on. The
technology built right into the LNB, which
means no additional equipment other than
                                                    multi-switch also features a built-in control-     SCR and pay TV
                                                    ler which supervises the complete process,         The development in recent months has
SCR-compatible receivers is required. The
                                                    verifies correct execution and interprets all     illustrated that pay TV providers (such
second variant is more complex and only
                                                    incoming DiSEqC commands.                        as Sky Italia, for example) are showing
works with SCR-compatible multi-switches
                                                                                                     great interest in SCR technology. It is
and distributors, yet offers a vast variety
                                                      One of the huge advantages of using an         particular pay TV platforms which pro-
of different set-ups and establishes an
                                                    SCR multi-switch is the possibility of creat-    vide customers with proprietary receiv-
extremely versatile system. With SCR,
                                                    ing a mixed system. This means that in an        ers that are joining the bandwagon. Why
each active receiver is allocated a spe-
                                                    apartment building, for instance, four coax      is that? Most providers these days offer
cific frequency range out of an overall
                                                    cables with signals from a quattro LNB may       twin tuner receivers, while most custom-
range from 1200 to 2100 MHz. Up to eight
                                                    be distributed to each floor, from where          ers only have a single cable leading to the
receivers per cable can be accommodated
                                                    the individual apartments are connected          living room wall outlet. Thanks to SCR all
according to current SRC specifications              with a single line from a central SCR multi-
                                                                                                     that needs to be done is exchange the
which define the following:                          switch on each floor. This single line can be
                                                                                                     conventional LNB for a new SCR LNB and
                                                    designed like a ring leading from the living
                                                                                                     update the receiver’s firmware so that it
  Four    bands    (high    low)/polarisations      room to the children’s bedrooms and so
                                                                                                     becomes SCR-compatible as well. After
(horizontal/vertical) are transmitted from          on, with all channels being available inde-
                                                                                                     that the existing single cable will provide
the LNB in the 950 to 2150 MHz range.               pendently from each wall outlet.
                                                                                                     two completely independent tuner inputs
What an SCR LNB or multi-switch now
                                                                                                     and any twin tuner receiver can be used
does is wait for requests for certain tran-            There even exists an SCR scenario which
                                                                                                     to the full. There’s no better and cheaper
sponders sent out by connected receivers.           allows distributing signals from two dif-
                                                                                                     way for such an upgrade.
These requests are generated as soon                ferent satellites. In such a matrix, up to
as a user selects a new channel on their
remote control. Such a request is then
                                                    eight users can receive signals from two
                                                    different satellites using a single ring-like
                                                                                                       The future of SCR
checked by the controller in the SCR com-           cabling. What is decisive in any ring set-up       While delivering excellent results with
ponent and next the selected transponder            is that each ring has to be equipped with a      state-of-the-art equipment and profes-
is modulated to the allocated frequency.            terminator resistor with capacitive separa-      sional installation, SCR technology none-
With this set-up each receiver invariably           tion. However, this is a requirement for all     theless looks a bit dated in comparison
only receives the transponder it currently          ring distributions, irrespective of whether      with Global Invacom’s optical LNB tech-
needs for the selected channel.                     we’re talking about satellite or cable TV.       nology. So we can expect SCR to be
                                                                                                     around for a few more years, especially for
  If an SCR multi-switch is used, it takes             It is also noteworthy that SCR multi-         solving the problem of a missing second
care of frequency allocation instead of the         switches also allow feeding in terrestrial       cable for twin tuner use, but in the long
LNB. Alternatively, the overall system can          signals and making them available to             run Global Invacom’s optical LNB will be
also be set-up manually. Existing DiSEqC            all users via the same single coax cable.        the winner. While offering a considerable
protocols are used for all communication            Let’s go back now to the other variety           improvement over traditional set-ups,
between receiver and multi-switch and               described above, which is using an LNB           large-scale signal distribution with SCR is
in case of automatic set-up each receiver           with integrated SCR technology. While            still far more difficult to achieve than with
sends a sign-on signal to the multi-switch          it may save money initially it comes with        optical distribution, which only requires
as soon as it is turned on so that the multi-       strings attached – only one satellite can        an extremely thin cable for simultane-
switch can allocate an available frequency          be received and the set-up cannot be cas-        ously carrying the complete frequency
range to this specific receiver.                     caded and expanded in future.                    range of a satellite.

18 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                 1/2009 —
TEST REPORT                    Ka-Band Satellite Signal Analyzer

Сигнал-анализатор с много
функции, създаден специално
за новите сателитни услуги
“Интернет-през-спътник” в
Докато с малко усилия е възможно намирането на спътници
в Ku-обхвата с използване на нормален сателитен приемник,
с който може да настроите антената, този метод е силно
ограничен, когато става въпрос за услугите “Интернет-през-
спътник” в Ka-обхвата. Няма да имате успех, дори и ако
използвате конвертор за Ka-обхват: услугата “Интернет-през-
спътник”, като напр., Tooway, налична от шестте спътника
на HOTBIRD използва различен режим на излъчване. Тук
идва новия уред на HORIZON - HD-TC8 (сателитен сигнал
анализатор), който има възможност директно да приема тези
турбо-кодирани услуги.

                 HORIZON HD-TC8
           Идеален многообхватен сигнал-
          анализатор за Ka- и Ku-обхватите,
           оптимизиран при излъчване на
               турбо-кодирани данни

20 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1
                                                 1/2009 —
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bul TELE-satellite 0911
bul TELE-satellite 0911
bul TELE-satellite 0911
bul TELE-satellite 0911
bul TELE-satellite 0911
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bul TELE-satellite 0911

  • 1. Най-голямото сателитно списание в света САТЕЛИТ BUL ТЕЛЕ # 213 10-11 BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC 2009 B 9318 E Новини от компаниите Нови продукти SeaTel HORIZON HD-TC8 Антена за пет спътника Дъжд в Ка-обхвата: за яхти и кораби Анализ на сигналите за услугата Нови продукти “Интернет-през-спътник” TECHNOMATE TM-1’s с невероятния нов Вероятно най-добрите сигнал-анализатор конвертори, които някога сме изпитвали Новини от компаниите VIEWTECH Високо технологичен приемник от производител в Калифорния 1/ 2009 10-1
  • 2.
  • 3. The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine Уважаеми читатели, ENG SATELLITE TELE B 9318 EE B 9318 BROADBAND & FIBRE-OPTIC Основен адрес TELE-satellite Magazine Сателитната технология се използва не само ТВ и радио излъчвания, но PO Box 1234 от доста време насам и за предаване на данни. Доскоро, тези данни не 85766 Munich-Ufg бяха предназначени за крайните частни потребители. Напоследък обаче, Германия/EUROPA UNION услугата “Интернет-през-спътник” придобива все по-голяма популярност на потребителския пазар. Това развитие идва не само от евтината Главен редактор технология, но също така и от поевтиняването на разходите за сателитно Александър Визе излъчване. Резултатът от всичко това е създаването на новия бизнес отдел “Интернет-през-спътник”. Поради Издава се на 21 езика от изискванията за голям капацитет на TELE-satellite Medien GmbH тази услуга, доставчиците са избрали Aschheimer Weg 19 Ka-обхвата, който работи с честоти 85774 Unterfoehring около 20 GHz. От една страна това Германия/EUROPA UNION дава възможност за голяма ширина на лентата и, съответно – значителни Оформление резерви на излъчването на данни, но Nemeti Barna Attila от друга - Ka-обхватът е много по- уязвим на смущения (например, при Реклама дъжд) в сравнение с другите обхвати, използвани за ТВ и радио излъчване. Друг аспект, заслужаващ внимание, Печат е факта, че потребителите трябва Litografia Rosés да имат възможност и да изпращат 08850 Gavà данни, със заявка към определен уеб Испания/EUROPA UNION сайт или електронна поща. Цялата тази информация е необходимо да Copyright се излъчи обратно към спътника, © 2009 by TELE-satellite което означава, че трябва да се има предвид и неговото покритие. Следователно, монтажниците трябва да ISSN 1435-7003 са сигурни не само, че спътника може да се приема долу на земята, но също така, че той може да приема сигнали в своята орбитална позиция и от земята. С казаното до тук излиза, че сателитната технология ще става все по-сложна, но в същото време - и по-вълнуваща. От друга страна, новата технология ще предложи нови шансове и пазарни ниши за производителите, потребителите и монтажниците, за които трябва да има налично съответно оборудване. Докато сега все още е възможно за монтажника да инсталира сателитна антена за ТВ и радио приемане, съвсем друга е картината при въвеждане на услугата “Интернет-през- спътник”. Тя изисква професионална поддръжка, тъй като съответната технология е твърде сложна за средния потребител. Така че, в сателитната индустрия виждаме това, което става понастоящем и в глобалната индустрия: цените на хардуера падат, а търсенето на потребителски услуги и know-how, нараства. Това е още една причина да продължавате да четете специализираното списание TELE-satellite, за да научавате първи за всички промени и иновации! Сп. TELE-satellite е основано Alexander Wiese през 1981 год. и днес е най- старото, най-голямото и най- P.S.: Моята любима радио станция този месец е Radio Nervion от четеното в света търговско HISPASAT 330 Изток (30 Запад), на 12.092V. Тя е една чудесна местна списание за сателитни радио станция от сев. Испания с много остарял начин на рекламиране: продукти. TELE-satellite се чете всеки ден, по едно и също време, една много решителна дама се от повече от 250 000 сателитни обажда по телефона, за да похвали определена марка детергент. професионалисти в цял свят Въпреки, че за този продукт се говори всеки ден, радио водещият и се предлага както в печатен звучи винаги учудено, всеки път когато дамата се обади. Кой би си вариант, така и онлайн. помислил, че този начин на рекламиране все още съществува днес и в този век? И все пак, хубаво е да узнаеш, че все още има места, в които времето изглежда спряло...
  • 4. INTERNATIONAL TELE-satellite World Read ENG The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine # 213 SATELLITE TELE 10-11 This BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC 2009 B 9318 B 9318 EE €uro 8.50 US$ 11.50 Issue GB£ 7.00 Australia: AU$15.00 Austria: €8,50 Belgium: €8,50 Company Report Test Report Canada: CA$13.00 SeaTel HORIZON HD-TC8 China: ¥80 Egypt: Online EP65 France: Five-satellite Dish Rain in Ka-Band: for Yachts and Ships Analyzing Internet-via- €8,50 English Germany: €8,50 Greece: €8,50 Satellite Signals with an Amazing New India: Rs550 Test Report Multirange Meter Indonesia: Rp120.000 TECHNOMATE TM-1’s Ireland: €8,50 Israel: NIS45 Lebanon: Probably the Best LNBs We’ve Ever Tested LL17000 Maroc: DH95 Netherlands: €8,50 Nigeria: N1700 Pakistan: Rp950 Company Report Arabic ‫ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ VIEWTECH South Africa: R95.00 South Korea: High Tech Receiver W15.000 Spain: Manufacturer from California Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia €8,50 Sweden: SKr90,00 Switzerland: Fr13,00 Taiwan: NT$380 Bulgarian Български UAE: D45 UK: £7.00 USA: US$11.50 09 1/20 10-1 Czech Česky German Deutsch English Read TELE-satellite Magazine online: Spanish Español DEU Die größte Satellitenzeitschrift - weltweit! # 213 Farsi ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ S AT E L L I T TELE 10-11 French Français BREITBAND & FIBER-OPTIK 2009 B 9318 B 9318 EE 8.50 Greek Ελληνικά €uro US$ 11.50 GB£ 7.00 Croatian Hrvatski Australia: AU$15.00 Austria: €8,50 Belgium: €8,50 Firmenporträt Testreport Canada: Italian Italiano CA$13.00 SeaTel HORIZON HD-TC8 China: ¥80 Egypt: EP65 France: Fünf-Satelliten System Regen im Ka-Band: für Yachten und Schiffe das erstaunliche neue Deutsch €8,50 Germany: €8,50 Greece: Internet-via-Satellite Hungarian Magyar €8,50 Multi-Messgerät India: Rs550 Testreport Indonesia: Rp120.000 TECHNOMATE TM-1’s Chinese 中文 Ireland: €8,50 Israel: NIS45 Lebanon: Die besten LNB in unserem Test LL17000 Maroc: DH95 Netherlands: €8,50 Dutch Nederlands Nigeria: N1700 Firmenporträt Pakistan: Rp950 VIEWTECH South Africa: Polish Polski R95.00 South Korea: High-Tech Receiver W15.000 Spain: aus Kalifornien €8,50 Sweden: SKr90,00 Portuguese Português Switzerland: Fr13,00 Taiwan: NT$380 UAE: D45 UK: £7.00 USA: US$11.50 Romanian Românesc 09 1/20 10-1 Russian Русский Swedish Svenska Turkish Türkçe Lesen Sie TELE-satellit Magazin online: Available online starting from 31 July 2009 4 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —
  • 5. TELE-satellite Previous Issue ‫ﺗﻜﻨﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺎ ﺍﺳﺘﻘﺒﺎﻝ ﺍﻷﻗﻤﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺳﺘﻼﻳﺖ‬ ARA # 212 BID Majalah Satelit Terbesar di Dunia # 212 S AT E L I T ‫ﺗﻴﻠﻰ‬ TELE SATELLITE BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC 08-09 08-09 ‫ﺍﻹﻧﺘﺮﻧﺖ ﺍﻟﻔﺎﺋﻖ ﺍﻟﺴﺮﻋﺔ ﻭ ﺍﻷﻟﻴﺎﻑ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻴﺔ‬ BROADBAND & SERAT-OPTIK TELE 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E ‫ﺗﻘﺮﻳﺮ ﻋﻦ ﻫﻮاة اﺻﻄﻴﺎد اﻟﻘﻨﻮات اﻟﻔﻀﺎﺋﻴﺔ‬ Laporan DXer ‫ﺍﻟﺼﲔ‬ CHINA ‫ﻣﻦ ﺑﻜﻴﻦ ﺭﺟﻞ ﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﻟﻤﺼﺎﺩﺭ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺕ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻷﻗﻤﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ‬ Pakar Satelit dari Beijing ‫ﺗﻘﺮﻳﺮ ﻋﻦ ﺷﺮﻛﺔ‬ Laporan Perusahaan PROMAX PROMAX ‫ﺃﺭﺑﻌﺔ ﺃﻗﺴﺎﻡ ﻟﻠﺸﺮﻛﺔ ﻓﻰ ﺑﺮﺷﻠﻮﻧﺔ‬ Empat Divisi di Barcelona ‫ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬Bahasa SPAUN SPAROS 609 ‫ﺟﻬﺎﺯ ﺗﺤﻠﻴﻞ ﺇﺷﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﻭ ﻣﺪﻫﺶ‬ ‫ﻗﺮﻳﺮ اﺧﺘﺒﺎر‬ Laporan Uji SPAUN SPAROS 609 Alat Analisa Sinyal Satelit Baru yang Menakjubkan Indonesia GLOBAL INVACOM ‫ﺍﻟﺠﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﻭﺣﺪﺍﺕ ﺧﻔﺾ ﺍﻟﺸﻮﺷﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﻗﺮﻳﺮ اﺧﺘﺒﺎر‬ GLOBAL INVACOM Laporan Uji LNB Optikal Generasi Baru ‫ﺳﻮﻑ ﺗﻘﻮﻡ ﺑﺜﻮﺭﺓ ﻓﻰ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺘﻼﻳﺖ‬ akan Merevolusi Dunia Satelit global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU ‫ﺍﻗﺮﺃ ﻣﺠﻠﺔ ﺗﻴﻠﻰ ﺳﺘﻼﻳﺖ ﻣﺒﺎﺷﺮ‬ Baca Majalah TELE-satelit online Най-голямото сателитно списание в света Největší Časopis o Satelitní Technice na Světě САТЕЛИТ BUL CES # 212 # 212 S AT E L I T ТЕЛЕ TELE 08-09 08-09 BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC BROADBAND & OPTICKÁ VLÁKNA 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E Публикация за DX-ъри DX reportáž КИТАЙ ČÍNA Един сръчен сателитен майстор Vynalézavý satelitní kutil z Pekingu от Пекин Новини от компаниите Firemní reportáž PROMAX PROMAX Česky Четирите състояния на отдела Čtyři špičkové divize v Barceloně Български по изкуство в Барцелона Нови продукти Recenze SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Един неочакван нов анализатор Překvapivý nový satelitní на сателитни сигнали signálový analyzér Нови продукти Recenze GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Новото поколение на оптичния конвертор ще Nová generace optických LNB způsobí революционизира сателитния свят revoluci ve světe satelitního příjmu global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Прочетете сп. ТЕЛЕ-сателит онлайн: Přečtete si magazín TELE-satelit online: — 10-1 1/2009 — TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber Optic 5
  • 6. TELE-satellite Previous Issue DEU Die größte Satellitenzeitschrift - weltweit! # 212 ENG The World’s Largest Satellite Magazine # 212 S AT E L L I T SATELLITE TELE TELE 08-09 08-09 BREITBAND & FIBER-OPTIK BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC 2009 2009 B 9318 EE B 9318 B 9318 EE B 9318 €uro8.50 €uro8.50 US$11.50 US$11.50 GB£7.00 DXer Report GB£7.00 DXer Report Australia: CHINA Australia: CHINA Der phantastische Satelliten- Resourceful Satellite Handyman AU$15.00 AU$15.00 Austria: Austria: €8,50 €8,50 Handwerker aus Beijing from Beijing Belgium: Belgium: €8,50 €8,50 Canada: Canada: CA$13.00 CA$13.00 China: China: ¥80 ¥80 Egypt: Firmenporträt Egypt: Company Report PROMAX PROMAX EP65 EP65 France: France: €8,50 €8,50 Die vier State of the Art The Four State of the Art Deutsch English Germany: Germany: €8,50 €8,50 Abteilungen aus Barcelona Divisions in Barcelona Greece: Greece: €8,50 €8,50 India: India: Rs550 Rs550 Indonesia: Indonesia: Rp120.000 Rp120.000 Ireland: €8,50 Testbericht Ireland: €8,50 Test Report SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Israel: Israel: NIS45 NIS45 Überraschendes Surprising New Satellite Lebanon: Lebanon: LL17000 LL17000 Maroc: Maroc: DH95 Netherlands: €8,50 neues Satelliten-Messgerät DH95 Netherlands: €8,50 Signal Analyzer Nigeria: Nigeria: N1700 N1700 Pakistan: Pakistan: Rp950 Rp950 South Africa: South Africa: R95.00 R95.00 South Korea: South Korea: W15.000 W15.000 Spain: Spain: €8,50 €8,50 Sweden: Sweden: SKr90,00 SKr90,00 Testbericht Test Report Switzerland: Switzerland: Fr13,00 Fr13,00 GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Taiwan: Taiwan: NT$380 NT$380 UAE: UAE: D45 UK: Neue optische LNB Generation D45 UK: New Generation of Optical LNBs wird die Satellitenwelt verändern Will Revolutionize the Satellite World £7.00 £7.00 USA: USA: US$11.50 US$11.50 global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Lesen Sie TELE-satellit online: Read TELE-satellite Magazine online: ESP La revista de satélite más grande del mundo # 212 FAR ‫ﺑﺰﺭﮔﺘﺮﻳﻦ ﻣﺠﻠﻪ ﺗﺨﺼﺼﻲ ﻣﺎﻫﻮﺍﺭﻩ ﺩﺮ ﺟﻬﺎﻥ‬ # 212 S AT É L I T E SATELLITE TELE TELE 08-09 08-09 BANDA ANCHA & FIBRA-ÓPTICA ‫ﭘﻬﻦ ﺑﺎﻧﺪ ﻭ ﻓﻴﺒﺮ ﻧﻮﺭﻯ‬ 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E Informe de DXer ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺍﺯ ﺩﯾﺠﯿﺘﺎﻝ ﺑﺎﺯ‬ CHINA ‫ﭼﯿﻦ‬ Aficionado al Satélite con Recursos ‫ﻣﺎﻫﻮﺍﺭﻩ ﺑﺎﺯ ﻣﺒﺘﮑﺮ ﭘﮑﻨﯽ‬ desde Beijing Informe de Compañía ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺷﺮﮐﺖ‬ PROMAX Las Cuatro Divisiones PROMAX Español de la Excelencia Tecnológica ‫ﺻﺎﺣﺐ ﭼﻬﺎﺭ ﺗﮑﻨﻮﻟﻮژی ﺭﻭﺯ ﺩﺭ ﺑﺎﺭﺳﻠﻮﻥ‬ ‫ﻓﺎﺭﺳﻲ‬ en Barcelona Informe de Prueba ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺁﺯﻣﺎﯾﺶ‬ SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Sorprendente Nuevo Analizador ‫ﺗﺤﻠﻴﻠﮕﺮ ﺳﻴﮕﻨﺎﻝ ﻣﺎﻫﻮﺍﺭﻩ ﺍی ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﻭ ﺣﻴﺮﺕ ﺍﻧﮕﻴﺰ‬ de Señal para Satélite Informe de Prueba ‫ﮔﺰﺍﺭﺵ ﺁﺯﻣﺎﯾﺶ‬ GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Nueva Generación de LNBs Ópticos ‫ﻧﺴﻞ ﻧﻮﻳﻦ ﺍﻝ ﺍﻥ ﺑﯽ ﻫﺎی ﺍﭘﺘﻴﮑﺎﻝ ﺩﻧﻴﺎ‬ que Revolucionarán el Mundo del Satélite .‫ﺭﺍ ﻣﺘﺤﻮﻝ ﺧﻮﺍﻫﺪ ﺳﺎﺧﺖ‬ global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Lea La Revista TELE-satélite en Linea: ‫ﻣﺠﻠﻪ ﺗﻠﻪ ﺳﺘﻼﯾﺖ ﺍﯾﻨﺘﺮﻧﺸﻨﺎﻝ ﺭﺍ ﺁﻥ ﻻﯾﻦ ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﻪ ﮐﻨﯿﺪ‬ 6 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —
  • 7. TELE-satellite Previous Issue FRA La plus grande revue sur les satellites # 212 HEL Το Μεγαλύτερο Παγκοσμίως Δορυφορικό Περιοδικό # 212 SATELLITE SATELLITE TELE TELE 08-09 08-09 HAUT DÉBIT & FIBRE OPTIQUE Ευρυζωνικότητα και Οπτικές Ίνες 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E Compte-rendu radioamateurs Αναφορά DXer CHINE ΚΙΝΑ Bricoleur satellite astucieux à Pékin Πρακτικός Δορυφορικός Άνθρωπος από το Πεκίνο Présentation d’entreprise Αναφορά Εταιρείας PROMAX PROMAX Les quatre divisions expertes Οι Τέσσερις Κορυφαίας Τεχνολογίας Français Ελληνικά de Barcelone Διευθύνεις από την Βαρκελώνη Rapport de Test Αναφορά Δοκιμής SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Nouvel analyseur de signaux Εντυπωσιακός Νέος Δορυφορικός satellite surprenant Αναλυτής Σήματος Rapport de Test Αναφορά Δοκιμής GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Ces LNB optiques de nouvelle génération Η Νέα Γενιά Οπτικών LNB Θα Φέρει vont changer le monde du satellite Επανάσταση στον Δορυφορικό Κόσμο global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Téléchargez revue TELE-satellite entière sur notre serveur: Διαβάστε online το Περιοδικό TELE-satellite Διεθνές: HRV Najveći svjetski satelitski časopis # 212 ITA La rivista satellitare più diffusa nel mondo # 212 S AT E L I T SATELLITE TELE TELE 08-09 08-09 BROADBAND & OPTIČKE VEZE BANDA LARGA & FIBRA OTTICA 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E Izvješće o DXeru DXer nel Mondo KINA CINA Dovitljivi satelitski majstor Tuttofare Satellitare Pieno di Sorprese iz Pekinga da Pechino Izvješće o tvrtki Profilo aziendale PROMAX PROMAX Hrvatski Italiano Četiri vrhunska odjela Quattro Divisioni all’Avanguardia u Barceloni da Barcellona Test uređaja In Prova SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Iznenađujuće dobar Sorprendente Nuovo Analizzatore novi analizator signala di Segnale Test uređaja In Prova GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Nova generacija optičkih LNB-a izazvat La Nuova Generazione di LNB Ottici će revoluciju u satelitskom svijetu che Rivoluzionerà il Mondo del Satellite global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Čitajte međunarodni časopis TELE-satelit na Internetu: Leggete Online la rivista TELE-satellite: — 10-1 1/2009 — TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber Optic 7
  • 8. TELE-satellite Previous Issue MAG A világ legnagyobb műhold magazinja # 212 MAN 世 界 上 发 行 量 最 大 的 卫 星 业 界 杂 志 # 212 SATELLITE 国际卫星电视 TELE 08-09 08-09 SATELLITE BROADBAND & FIBER-OPTIC SZÉLES SÁV & SZÁLOPTIKA 宽带与光纤 TELE 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E Műholdkedvelő beszámoló 关于发烧友的报道关于发烧友的报道 KÍNA 中国 Egy ötletgazdag pekingi 北京的卫视高手 műhold ezermester Vállalati beszámoló 关于公司的报道 PROMAX PROMAX A négy legkorszerűbb 巴塞罗那技术发展水平的四个阶段 Magyar 中文 barcelónai részleg Teszt beszámoló 测试报告 SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Meglepő új műholdjelemző 令人惊奇的新型卫星信号分析仪 készülék Teszt beszámoló 测试报告 GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Az optikai vevőfejek új nemzedéke forradalmasítani 新一代光纤LNB 将彻底改变卫星世界 fogja a műholdak világát global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Olvassa a TELE-satellite magazint Internet cimünkön: 在线阅读《国际卫星电视 NED Het grootste Satelliet Tijdschrift van de Wereld # 212 POL Największy na świecie magazyn sprzętu satelitarnego # 212 SATELLIET S AT E L I TA TELE TELE 08-09 08-09 BREEDBAND & GLASVEZEL SZEROKOPASMOWOŚĆ & ŚWIATŁOWODY 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E DXer rapport Raport DX-owy CHINA CHINY Ondernemende satelliet hobbyist Płodny majsterkowicz satelitarny uit Beijing z Pekinu Bedrijfsrapport Przegląd firm PROMAX PROMAX Polski De vier neusje-van-de-zalm afdelingen Cztery oddziały najwyższej klasy Nederlands in Barcelona w Barcelonie Testrapport Raport z testów SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Verrassende nieuwe Zdumiewający nowy analizator satellietsignaalanalyser sygnału satelitarnego Testrapport Raport z testów GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM De nieuwe generatie optische LNBs zal een Nowa generacja optycznych LNB revolutie veroorzaken in de satellietwereld zrewolucjonizuje satelitarny świat global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Lees TELE-satelliet Magazine online: Czytaj TELE-satelitę Magazyn w wersji on-line : 8 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —
  • 9. TELE-satellite Previous Issue POR A Maior Revista do Mundo sobre Satélites # 212 RUS Крупнейший в мире спутниковый журнал # 212 S AT É L I T E САТЕЛЛАЙТ ТЕЛЕ TELE 08-09 08-09 BANDA LARGA & FIBRA-OPTICA Широкополосный & Волоконно-Оптический 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E Relatório DXer Отчёт о дальнем приёме CHINA Китай Um Destro Habilidoso no Mundo Изобретательный спутниковый do Satélite em Pequim мастер из Пекина Reportagem Empresarial Обзор компаний PROMAX PROMAX As Quatro Divisões São Uma Obra Четыре художественных Português Русский de Arte em Barcelona подразделения в Барселоне Relatório de Ensaio Тестируем SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Um Surpreendente Medidor Потрясающий новый Анализатор de Sinal de Satélite спутникового сигнала Relatório de Ensaio Тестируем GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM A Nova Geração de LNBs de Fibra Новое поколение оптических Vai Revolucionar o Mundo do Satélite конверторов революционизирует global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Ler Revista TELE-satélite online: Читайте журнал ТЕЛЕ-сателлайт он-лайн: SVE Världens Största Satellittidning # 212 TUR Dünyanın En Büyük Uydu Donanımı Dergisi # 212 S AT E L L I T SATELLITE TELE TELE 08-09 08-09 BREDBAND & FIBEROPTIK GENİŞBANT & FİBER OPTİK 2009 2009 B 9318 E B 9318 E DX-rapport DXçi Raporu KINA ÇİN Den fantastiske satellithantverkaren Pekin’de Maharetli bir Uydu Ustası från Beijing Företagsrapport Şirket Raporu PROMAX PROMAX Svenska Türkçe De fyra state-of-the-art-avdelningarna Barselona’da Dört İleri teknoloji i Barcelona Departmanı Testrapport Test SPAUN SPAROS 609 SPAUN SPAROS 609 Ny överraskande satellitmätutrustning Nefes kesen Yeni Uydu Sinyal Analizörü Testrapport Test GLOBAL INVACOM GLOBAL INVACOM Ny generation av optiska LNB kommer Yeni Kuşak Optik LNB’ler Uydu att revolutionera satellitvärlden Dünyasında Devrim Yaratacak global invacom 08-09/2009 global invacom 08-09/2009 GI FibreMDU GI FibreMDU Läs TELE-satellit online: Uluslararası TELE-satellite Dergisi’ni online okuyun: — 10-1 1/2009 — TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber Optic 9
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  • 12. СЪДЪРЖАНИЕ HORIZON HD-TC8 Satellite Meter optimized for Ka-Band ............. 20 TECHNOMATE TM-1’S Colorful Ku-Band LNBs ..... 30 ABCOM AB IPBOX Alternative Firmware for AB IPBox HD Family ........... 36 SATCATCHER DIGIPRO EXCEL-TV MK3 Fully-fledged Signal Meter with TV display.................. 48 Feature: Thanks to SCR: One single cable for up to eight receivers ...........................16 DXer Report: Paying a visit to Yahya in Saudi Arabia...44 Company Overview: AWARD Winning: Best Satellite Companies Satellite Products of 21st Century .........56 of the World..................................... 100 Company Report: Provider Report: Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, An Ambitious FTA Provider Viewtech, USA ...................................66 from Africa ...................................... 104 Company Report: Satelliten Information: Satellite Installer Pulstar, New Satellites .................................. 106 Tenerife, Spain ...................................74 Media: News .................................. 108 Company Report: Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacturer, SatcoDX Satellite Handbook .......... 115 SeaTel, USA .......................................82 History: 20 Years Ago ...................... 172 Company Report: Satellite Installer, Beijing, China ...........92 History: 10 Years Ago ...................... 174 РЕКЛАМОДАТЕЛИ ABCBIZNIS .................................11 JIUZHOU .................................. 180 SEATEL .......................................25 ABCOM .......................................77 KOMSIS .................................... 128 SENKO ........................................95 AERO-STARTECH ........................93 MATRIX ......................................87 SG LAB ..................................... 125 ALUOSAT .................................. 127 MFC .......................................... 110 SKYWORTH ................................13 AZBOX ...................................... 179 MOTECK .....................................99 SMARTWI ...................................55 AZURE SHINE ........................... 105 MTI ............................................76 SPAUN ........................................39 BOIINGSAT ................................ 41 NAB ............................................97 SUBUR SEMESTA ........................73 CEBIT-2009 .............................. 101 NANOXX .....................................29 SUN CREATE ............................. 109 CES-2010 ................................. 107 OPENBOX ...................................89 SVEC ..........................................21 CSTB-2010 ............................... 103 PASAT ANTENY ......................... 113 TEHNICB ....................................95 DISHPOINTER .......................... 132 PROMAX .....................................47 TECHNOMATE .............................10 DOEBIS ................................. 14-15 PULSTAR ....................................99 TELEMANN .................................85 EEBC-2009 .................................65 REMOTEMAN ............................ 134 TOPFIELD .................................... 2 HORIZON ...................................33 ROGETECH..................................69 TRIMAX .................................... 131 INFOSAT.....................................31 SATCATCHER ............................ 111 TRUSAT ......................................79 INVACOM ...................................51 SATCOM-2010........................... 121 VIEWSAT ....................................19 12 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —
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  • 16. FEATURE SCR LNB Thanks to SCR: SCR standar One single cable for up to eight receivers Thomas Haring SCR is short for Satellite Channel control signal – which is modulated using the LNB supply voltage – receivers are able to tell the connected LNBs Router and is a specification defined which band the selected channel is on (no control signal = low band; 22 kHz control signal = high band). in the EN 50494 standard, which On the other hand, there are two different polarisations, applies worldwide and which is the namely horizontal and vertical, or left and right respec- tively. Switching between the two is controlled with the result of joined forces between LNB supply voltage. If, for example, the receiver trans- several companies under the guidance mits 13 V to the LNB the LNB receives the vertical (or left) polarisation, while 18 V power means the LNB will pick up of SES Astra. So what’s in it for you? horizontal (or right) signals. From this it follows that each tuner input requires a ded- The problem SCR addresses is as old as satellite recep- icated line all the way to the LNB or multi-switch. Other- tion: Satellite signals which reach the LNB are transmitted wise, the receiver will not be able to receive signals from in the 10.7 to 12.75 GHz range and are then converted by the complete frequency range. For argument’s sake let’s the LNB to the 950 to 2150 MHz range for transmission to assume that two receivers are hooked up to the same coax the receiver via a coax cable. This limited frequency range cable. If receiver A requires a vertical signal and sends 13 is not wide enough for covering the full frequency band of V to the LNB while receiver B is looking for a horizontal a satellite, which is why the signals broadcast via satellite signal and therefore transmits 18 V via the same cable are split up into four distinct then this would result in receiver B being prioritised as the ranges. higher voltage overrules the lower voltage with regard to the selected polarisation in the LNB. And with the 22 kHz On the one hand, we control signal it’s the same story. distinguish between low band and high band. The So as far as satellite reception is concerned, it has been low band covers the range evident right from the beginning that signal distribution from 10.7 to 11.75 GHz and the requires a substantial amount of planning and infrastruc- high band goes from 11.8 to ture. In the case of an apartment building, for instance, 12.75 GHz. Thanks to a 22 kHz an individual coax cable has to be provided for each wall outlet from a central distribution point. Simply creating a cable ring that transmits signals from one outlet to the next (as is the case for terrestrial or cable TV distribution) just won’t cut it for satellite signals. Ring distribution by definition means that a single signal access is used to distribute signals from one wall outlet to the next, no matter how many of them you need to cover. Smart planning and a signal amplifier here and there thus are all that is required to connect dozens of apartments to cable TV. If you’re building your own house it is of course not too difficult to make it satellite television com- patible right from the start by creating a network ■SCR LNB 16 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —
  • 17.
  • 18. SCR standard of coax cables to each room from a cen- tral access point. But what if the house is already built or you’ve just moved into a new apartment? In most cases, basic The SCR system is not equipped with a return channel and can only reply with an HF burst, which means the receiver keeps requesting one frequency range after the With this variety all four reception ranges (low band horizontal, low band vertical, high band horizontal, high band vertical) are converted to the satellite IF right in the cabling will be available, but how can you other until the multi-switch confirms a set LNB, with a built-in multi-switch receiving best use it for satellite reception, and how range. requests from connected receivers. The can you use your twin tuner receiver if only respective signals are then forwarded to one cable leads to the wall outlet in the The following sequence of events takes the individual receivers by SCR compo- living room? place every time a user chooses to watch nents included in the LNB. a new channel: The receiver requests a Global Invacom’s optical LNB, which has certain transponder, and this request is Are all receivers been available for a short while now, is one possible solution. And then there’s SCR. sent to the multi-switch’s SCR compo- nent, which in turn is responsible for each SCR-compatible? of the up to eight signal outputs. The SCR SCR is a technology that extends far How does SCR work? component analyses the request and then beyond DiSEqC protocols 1.0, 1.1 and 1.3, which means that only few receivers can modulates the requested transponder to In general, SCR comes in two differ- the frequency that was allocated to the deal with SCR distribution equipment. ent varieties: The first one has all control requesting receiver during sign-on. The technology built right into the LNB, which means no additional equipment other than multi-switch also features a built-in control- SCR and pay TV ler which supervises the complete process, The development in recent months has SCR-compatible receivers is required. The verifies correct execution and interprets all illustrated that pay TV providers (such second variant is more complex and only incoming DiSEqC commands. as Sky Italia, for example) are showing works with SCR-compatible multi-switches great interest in SCR technology. It is and distributors, yet offers a vast variety One of the huge advantages of using an particular pay TV platforms which pro- of different set-ups and establishes an SCR multi-switch is the possibility of creat- vide customers with proprietary receiv- extremely versatile system. With SCR, ing a mixed system. This means that in an ers that are joining the bandwagon. Why each active receiver is allocated a spe- apartment building, for instance, four coax is that? Most providers these days offer cific frequency range out of an overall cables with signals from a quattro LNB may twin tuner receivers, while most custom- range from 1200 to 2100 MHz. Up to eight be distributed to each floor, from where ers only have a single cable leading to the receivers per cable can be accommodated the individual apartments are connected living room wall outlet. Thanks to SCR all according to current SRC specifications with a single line from a central SCR multi- that needs to be done is exchange the which define the following: switch on each floor. This single line can be conventional LNB for a new SCR LNB and designed like a ring leading from the living update the receiver’s firmware so that it Four bands (high low)/polarisations room to the children’s bedrooms and so becomes SCR-compatible as well. After (horizontal/vertical) are transmitted from on, with all channels being available inde- that the existing single cable will provide the LNB in the 950 to 2150 MHz range. pendently from each wall outlet. two completely independent tuner inputs What an SCR LNB or multi-switch now and any twin tuner receiver can be used does is wait for requests for certain tran- There even exists an SCR scenario which to the full. There’s no better and cheaper sponders sent out by connected receivers. allows distributing signals from two dif- way for such an upgrade. These requests are generated as soon ferent satellites. In such a matrix, up to as a user selects a new channel on their remote control. Such a request is then eight users can receive signals from two different satellites using a single ring-like The future of SCR checked by the controller in the SCR com- cabling. What is decisive in any ring set-up While delivering excellent results with ponent and next the selected transponder is that each ring has to be equipped with a state-of-the-art equipment and profes- is modulated to the allocated frequency. terminator resistor with capacitive separa- sional installation, SCR technology none- With this set-up each receiver invariably tion. However, this is a requirement for all theless looks a bit dated in comparison only receives the transponder it currently ring distributions, irrespective of whether with Global Invacom’s optical LNB tech- needs for the selected channel. we’re talking about satellite or cable TV. nology. So we can expect SCR to be around for a few more years, especially for If an SCR multi-switch is used, it takes It is also noteworthy that SCR multi- solving the problem of a missing second care of frequency allocation instead of the switches also allow feeding in terrestrial cable for twin tuner use, but in the long LNB. Alternatively, the overall system can signals and making them available to run Global Invacom’s optical LNB will be also be set-up manually. Existing DiSEqC all users via the same single coax cable. the winner. While offering a considerable protocols are used for all communication Let’s go back now to the other variety improvement over traditional set-ups, between receiver and multi-switch and described above, which is using an LNB large-scale signal distribution with SCR is in case of automatic set-up each receiver with integrated SCR technology. While still far more difficult to achieve than with sends a sign-on signal to the multi-switch it may save money initially it comes with optical distribution, which only requires as soon as it is turned on so that the multi- strings attached – only one satellite can an extremely thin cable for simultane- switch can allocate an available frequency be received and the set-up cannot be cas- ously carrying the complete frequency range to this specific receiver. caded and expanded in future. range of a satellite. 18 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —
  • 19.
  • 20. TEST REPORT Ka-Band Satellite Signal Analyzer HD-TC8 от HORIZON Сигнал-анализатор с много функции, създаден специално за новите сателитни услуги “Интернет-през-спътник” в Ka-обхвата Докато с малко усилия е възможно намирането на спътници в Ku-обхвата с използване на нормален сателитен приемник, с който може да настроите антената, този метод е силно ограничен, когато става въпрос за услугите “Интернет-през- спътник” в Ka-обхвата. Няма да имате успех, дори и ако използвате конвертор за Ka-обхват: услугата “Интернет-през- спътник”, като напр., Tooway, налична от шестте спътника на HOTBIRD използва различен режим на излъчване. Тук идва новия уред на HORIZON - HD-TC8 (сателитен сигнал анализатор), който има възможност директно да приема тези турбо-кодирани услуги. 10-1 1/2009 HORIZON HD-TC8 Идеален многообхватен сигнал- анализатор за Ka- и Ku-обхватите, оптимизиран при излъчване на турбо-кодирани данни 20 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-1 1/2009 —