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Building your first Java app with MongoDB
Today’s webinar
• Introduction to MongoDB.

• Use a location-based surf report app as an

• Basic data modelling, queries (inc
  geospatial) and aggregation.

• MongoDB JS shell and Java code examples.
What is MongoDB?
• MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance,
 open source NoSQL database.
  •   Document-oriented storage
  •   Full index support - including geospatial
  •   Querying
  •   Fast in-place updates
  •   Map-Reduce and Aggregation
  •   Replication and high availability
  •   Horizontal scaling with auto-sharding
  •   GridFS
Open source
• MongoDB is an open source project
• On GitHub
• Licensed under the AGPL
• Started & sponsored by 10gen
• Commercial licenses available
• Contributions welcome
High performance
• Written in C++
• Extensive use of memory-mapped files
    i.e. read-through write-through memory
•   Runs nearly everywhere
•   Data serialized as BSON (fast parsing)
•   Full support for primary & secondary indexes
•   Document model = less work
Example document
     "_id" :
     "reporter" : "Hergé",
     "date" : ISODate("2012-02-
     "location" : {
            "name" : "Watergate Bay",
            "state" : "Cornwall",
            "country" : "UK”
Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app!
Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app!

• Report current conditions
Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app!

• Report current conditions
• Get current local conditions
Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app!

• Report current conditions
• Get current local conditions
• Determine best conditions per beach
Document structure
    "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"),
    "reporter" : "matt",
    "location" : {
               "coordinates" : [
               "name" : "Watergate Bay",
               "county" : "Cornwall"
    "conditions" : {
               "height" : 3,
               "period" : 13,
               "rating" : 5
    "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z")
Document structure
    "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"),   Primary Key,
    "reporter" : "matt",
    "location" : {
               "coordinates" : [                    Auto-indexed
               "name" : "Watergate Bay",
               "county" : "Cornwall"
    "conditions" : {
               "height" : 3,
               "period" : 13,
               "rating" : 5
    "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z")
Document structure
    "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"),   Primary Key,
    "reporter" : "matt",
    "location" : {
               "coordinates" : [                    Auto-indexed
               ],                                   Geospatial
               "name" : "Watergate Bay",
                                                    Compound Index
               "county" : "Cornwall"
    "conditions" : {
               "height" : 3,
               "period" : 13,
               "rating" : 5
    "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z")
Document structure
    "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"),   Primary Key,
    "reporter" : "matt",
    "location" : {
               "coordinates" : [                    Auto-indexed
               ],                                   Geospatial
               "name" : "Watergate Bay",
                                                    Compound Index
               "county" : "Cornwall"
    "conditions" : {
               "height" : 3,
               "period" : 13,
               "rating" : 5                          Indexed for
    },                                               Time-To-Live
    "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z")
Java: DBObjects
BasicDBObject report = new BasicDBObject();
report.put("reporter", "matt");
report.put("date", new Date());

BasicDBObject location = new BasicDBObject();
location.put("name", "Watergate Bay");
location.put("county", "Cornwall");
location.put("country", "UK");
location.put("coordinates", new double[] {-50.46667, 5.05});

report .put("location", location);

BasicDBObject conditions = new BasicDBObject();
conditions .put("height", 3);
conditions .put("period", 13);
conditions.put("rating", 5);

report .put("conditions", conditions);
Connecting to MongoDB
Mongo m = new Mongo(Arrays.asList(
     new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017),
     new ServerAddress("localhost", 27018),
     new ServerAddress("localhost", 27019)));

DB db = m.getDB( ”SurfReports” );
DBCollection coll = db. getCollection(“reports”);
Inserting and finding a document

DBObject report2 = coll.findOne();

{ "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"), "reporter" : "matt”, "location" : {
"coordinates" : [-50.46667, 5.05], "name" : "Watergate Bay”, "county" : "Cornwall" },
"conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5}, "date" : ISODate("2011-11-
Get local surf conditions - shell
> db.reports.find(
          "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] ,
          $maxDistance : 0.5},
          date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)}
          {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1}
).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1})
Get local surf conditions - shell
> db.reports.find(
          "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] ,
          $maxDistance : 0.5},
          date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)}
          {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1}
).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1})

  • Get local reports
Get local surf conditions - shell
> db.reports.find(
          "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] ,
          $maxDistance : 0.5},
          date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)}
          {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1}
).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1})

  • Get local reports
  • Get today’s reports
Get local surf conditions - shell
> db.reports.find(
          "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] ,
          $maxDistance : 0.5},
          date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)}
          {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1}
).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1})

  • Get local reports
  • Get today’s reports
  • Return only the relevant info
Get local surf conditions - shell
> db.reports.find(
          "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] ,
          $maxDistance : 0.5},
          date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)}
          {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1}
).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1})

  •   Get local reports
  •   Get today’s reports
  •   Return only the relevant info
  •   Show me the best surf first
Java: Building the query
Local surf conditions results
{ "location" : { "name" : ”Watergate Bay" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : "Watergate Bay" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 2.5, "period" : 9, "rating" :4 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : ”Fistral North" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 15, "rating" : 3 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : "Fistral North" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 16, "rating" : 2 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : "Fistral North" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 0, "period" : 8, "rating" : 1 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : ”Little Fistral" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 10, "rating" : 1 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : "Little Fistral" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 1, "period" : 15, "rating" : 1 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : ”Cribbar" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 5, "period" : 6, "rating" : 1 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : "Cribbar" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 1, "period" : 6, "rating" : 1 } }
{ "location" : { "name" : "Cribbar" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 0, "period" : 10, "rating" : 1 } }
Analysis feature:
  Aggregation framework

    What are the best conditions for my beach?
Aggregation framework
• Process a stream of documents
  • Original input is a collection
  • Final output is a result document
• Series of operators
  • Filter or transform data
  • Input/output chain

ps ax | grep mongod | head -n 1
Pipelining operations
  $match    Match “Fistral North”

 $project   Only interested in conditions

            Group by rating, average
            wave height and wave period

   $sort    Order by best conditions
Aggregation framework
{ "aggregate" : "reports" ,
   "pipeline" : [
     { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} ,
     { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} ,
     { "$group" : {
        "_id" : "$conditions.rating" ,
        "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} ,
        "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} ,
     { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}}
Aggregation framework
{ "aggregate" : "reports" ,
   "pipeline" : [
     { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} ,
     { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} ,
     { "$group" : {
        "_id" : "$conditions.rating" ,
        "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} ,
        "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} ,
     { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}}

                       Match “Fistral North”
Aggregation framework
{ "aggregate" : "reports" ,
   "pipeline" : [
     { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} ,
     { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} ,
     { "$group" : {
        "_id" : "$conditions.rating" ,
        "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} ,
        "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} ,
     { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}}

                   Only interested in conditions
Aggregation framework
{ "aggregate" : "reports" ,
   "pipeline" : [
     { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} ,
     { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} ,
     { "$group" : {
        "_id" : "$conditions.rating" ,
        "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} ,
        "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} ,
     { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}}

          Group by rating and average conditions
Aggregation framework
{ "aggregate" : "reports" ,
   "pipeline" : [
     { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} ,
     { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} ,
     { "$group" : {
        "_id" : "$conditions.rating" ,
        "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} ,
        "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} ,
     { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}}

              Show the best conditions first
Java: Aggregation helper
High availability: Replica sets
•   Initialize -> Election
•   Primary + data replication from primary to secondary

       Node 1                                 Node 2
      Secondary               Heartbeat      Secondary

                              Node 3
                              Primary               Replication
Replica Set - failure
•   Primary down/network failure
•   Automatic election of new primary if majority exists

                            Primary Election
       Node 1                                   Node 2
      Secondary              Heartbeat         Secondary

                              Node 3
Replica Set - failover
•   New primary elected
•   Replication established from new primary

       Node 1                                  Node 2
      Secondary             Heartbeat          Primary

                             Node 3
•   WriteConcern.SAFE
•   WriteConcern.JOURNAL_SAFE
•   WriteConcern.FSYNC_SAFE
•   WriteConcern.REPLICAS_SAFE
•   WriteConcern.MAJORITY
•   WriteConcern.NORMAL
•   WriteConcern.NONE

Read preferences
• ReadPreference.primary()
• ReadPreference.primaryPreferred()
• ReadPreference.secondary()
• ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred()
• ReadPreference.nearest()

ReadPreference preference = ReadPreference.primaryPreferred();
DBCursor cur = new DBCursor(collection, query, null, preference);
• Automatic partitioning and management

• Range based

• Convert to sharded system with no downtime

• Fully consistent

• No code changes required
Scaling MongoDB


          Single Instance
            Replica Set
Scaling MongoDB

Mechanism of sharding
                             Complete data set

Define shard key on location name

    Cribbar        Fistral             Little    Sennen   Watergate
                   North               Fistral              Bay
Mechanism of sharding
              Chunk                            Chunk

Define shard key on location name

    Cribbar        Fistral          Little    Sennen   Watergate
                   North            Fistral              Bay
Mechanism of sharding
 Chunk            Chunk      Chunk           Chunk

  Cribbar   Fistral       Little    Sennen   Watergate
            North         Fistral              Bay
Mechanism of sharding
 Chunk      Chunk     Chunk     Chunk

  Shard 1   Shard 2   Shard 3   Shard 4
Mechanism of sharding

 Chu                                       Chu
 nkc                                       nkc

 Chu   Chu   Chu   Chu   Chu   Chu   Chu   Chu
 nkc   nkc   nkc   nkc   nkc   nkc   nkc   nkc

  Shard 1    Shard 2     Shard 3     Shard 4
Mechanism of sharding
       Query: Watergate Bay

 Chu                                                                   Chu
 nkc                                                                   nkc

 Chu     Chu            Chu   Chu             Chu   Chu      Chu       Chu
 nkc     nkc            nkc   nkc             nkc   nkc      nkc       nkc

  Shard 1               Shard 2               Shard 3        Shard 4

Mechanism of sharding
             Query: Cribbar

 Chu                                                                   Chu
 nkc                                                                   nkc

 Chu   Chu              Chu   Chu             Chu   Chu      Chu       Chu
 nkc   nkc              nkc   nkc             nkc   nkc      nkc       nkc

  Shard 1              Shard 2                Shard 3        Shard 4

More information
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Building Your First Java Application with MongoDB

  • 1. Building your first Java app with MongoDB
  • 2. Today’s webinar • Introduction to MongoDB. • Use a location-based surf report app as an example. • Basic data modelling, queries (inc geospatial) and aggregation. • MongoDB JS shell and Java code examples.
  • 3. What is MongoDB? • MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. • Document-oriented storage • Full index support - including geospatial • Querying • Fast in-place updates • Map-Reduce and Aggregation • Replication and high availability • Horizontal scaling with auto-sharding • GridFS
  • 4. Open source • MongoDB is an open source project • On GitHub • Licensed under the AGPL • Started & sponsored by 10gen • Commercial licenses available • Contributions welcome
  • 5. High performance • Written in C++ • Extensive use of memory-mapped files i.e. read-through write-through memory caching. • Runs nearly everywhere • Data serialized as BSON (fast parsing) • Full support for primary & secondary indexes • Document model = less work
  • 7. Example document { "_id" : ObjectId("4c4ba5c0672c685e5e8aabf3"), "reporter" : "Hergé", "date" : ISODate("2012-02- 02T11:52:27.442Z"), "location" : { "name" : "Watergate Bay", "state" : "Cornwall", "country" : "UK” }
  • 8. Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app!
  • 9. Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app! • Report current conditions
  • 10. Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app! • Report current conditions • Get current local conditions
  • 11. Let’s build a location-based surf reporting app! • Report current conditions • Get current local conditions • Determine best conditions per beach
  • 12. Document structure { "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"), "reporter" : "matt", "location" : { "coordinates" : [ -50.46667, 5.05 ], "name" : "Watergate Bay", "county" : "Cornwall" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5 }, "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z") }
  • 13. Document structure { "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"), Primary Key, "reporter" : "matt", Unique, "location" : { "coordinates" : [ Auto-indexed -50.46667, 5.05 ], "name" : "Watergate Bay", "county" : "Cornwall" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5 }, "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z") }
  • 14. Document structure { "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"), Primary Key, "reporter" : "matt", Unique, "location" : { "coordinates" : [ Auto-indexed -50.46667, 5.05 ], Geospatial "name" : "Watergate Bay", Compound Index "county" : "Cornwall" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5 }, "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z") }
  • 15. Document structure { "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"), Primary Key, "reporter" : "matt", Unique, "location" : { "coordinates" : [ Auto-indexed -50.46667, 5.05 ], Geospatial "name" : "Watergate Bay", Compound Index "county" : "Cornwall" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5 Indexed for }, Time-To-Live "date" : ISODate("2011-11-16T20:17:17.277Z") }
  • 16. Java: DBObjects BasicDBObject report = new BasicDBObject(); report.put("reporter", "matt"); report.put("date", new Date()); BasicDBObject location = new BasicDBObject(); location.put("name", "Watergate Bay"); location.put("county", "Cornwall"); location.put("country", "UK"); location.put("coordinates", new double[] {-50.46667, 5.05}); report .put("location", location); BasicDBObject conditions = new BasicDBObject(); conditions .put("height", 3); conditions .put("period", 13); conditions.put("rating", 5); report .put("conditions", conditions);
  • 17. Connecting to MongoDB Mongo m = new Mongo(Arrays.asList( new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017), new ServerAddress("localhost", 27018), new ServerAddress("localhost", 27019))); DB db = m.getDB( ”SurfReports” ); DBCollection coll = db. getCollection(“reports”);
  • 18. Inserting and finding a document coll.insert(report); DBObject report2 = coll.findOne(); System.out.println(report2); { "_id" : ObjectId("504ceb3d30042d707af96fef"), "reporter" : "matt”, "location" : { "coordinates" : [-50.46667, 5.05], "name" : "Watergate Bay”, "county" : "Cornwall" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5}, "date" : ISODate("2011-11- 16T20:17:17.277Z”)}
  • 19. Get local surf conditions - shell > db.reports.find( { "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] , $maxDistance : 0.5}, date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)} }, {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1} ).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1})
  • 20. Get local surf conditions - shell > db.reports.find( { "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] , $maxDistance : 0.5}, date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)} }, {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1} ).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1}) • Get local reports
  • 21. Get local surf conditions - shell > db.reports.find( { "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] , $maxDistance : 0.5}, date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)} }, {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1} ).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1}) • Get local reports • Get today’s reports
  • 22. Get local surf conditions - shell > db.reports.find( { "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] , $maxDistance : 0.5}, date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)} }, {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1} ).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1}) • Get local reports • Get today’s reports • Return only the relevant info
  • 23. Get local surf conditions - shell > db.reports.find( { "location.coordinates" : { $near : [50.41, -5.08] , $maxDistance : 0.5}, date : { $gte : new Date(2012, 11, 21)} }, {"" :1, _id : 0, "conditions" :1} ).sort({"conditions.rating" : -1}) • Get local reports • Get today’s reports • Return only the relevant info • Show me the best surf first
  • 25. Local surf conditions results { "location" : { "name" : ”Watergate Bay" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 13, "rating" : 5 } } { "location" : { "name" : "Watergate Bay" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 2.5, "period" : 9, "rating" :4 } } { "location" : { "name" : ”Fistral North" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 15, "rating" : 3 } } { "location" : { "name" : "Fistral North" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 16, "rating" : 2 } } { "location" : { "name" : "Fistral North" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 0, "period" : 8, "rating" : 1 } } { "location" : { "name" : ”Little Fistral" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 3, "period" : 10, "rating" : 1 } } { "location" : { "name" : "Little Fistral" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 1, "period" : 15, "rating" : 1 } } { "location" : { "name" : ”Cribbar" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 5, "period" : 6, "rating" : 1 } } { "location" : { "name" : "Cribbar" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 1, "period" : 6, "rating" : 1 } } { "location" : { "name" : "Cribbar" }, "conditions" : { "height" : 0, "period" : 10, "rating" : 1 } }
  • 26. Analysis feature: Aggregation framework What are the best conditions for my beach?
  • 27. Aggregation framework • Process a stream of documents • Original input is a collection • Final output is a result document • Series of operators • Filter or transform data • Input/output chain ps ax | grep mongod | head -n 1
  • 28. Pipelining operations $match Match “Fistral North” $project Only interested in conditions Group by rating, average $group wave height and wave period $sort Order by best conditions
  • 29. Aggregation framework { "aggregate" : "reports" , "pipeline" : [ { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} , { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} , { "$group" : { "_id" : "$conditions.rating" , "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} , "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} , { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}} ] }
  • 30. Aggregation framework { "aggregate" : "reports" , "pipeline" : [ { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} , { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} , { "$group" : { "_id" : "$conditions.rating" , "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} , "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} , { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}} ] } Match “Fistral North”
  • 31. Aggregation framework { "aggregate" : "reports" , "pipeline" : [ { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} , { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} , { "$group" : { "_id" : "$conditions.rating" , "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} , "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} , { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}} ] } Only interested in conditions
  • 32. Aggregation framework { "aggregate" : "reports" , "pipeline" : [ { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} , { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} , { "$group" : { "_id" : "$conditions.rating" , "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} , "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} , { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}} ] } Group by rating and average conditions
  • 33. Aggregation framework { "aggregate" : "reports" , "pipeline" : [ { "$match" : { "" : ”Fistral North"}} , { "$project" : { "conditions" : 1}} , { "$group" : { "_id" : "$conditions.rating" , "average height" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.height"} , "average period" : { "$avg" : "$conditions.period"}}} , { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1}} ] } Show the best conditions first
  • 35. High availability: Replica sets • Initialize -> Election • Primary + data replication from primary to secondary Node 1 Node 2 Secondary Heartbeat Secondary Node 3 Primary Replication Replication
  • 36. Replica Set - failure • Primary down/network failure • Automatic election of new primary if majority exists Primary Election Node 1 Node 2 Secondary Heartbeat Secondary Node 3 Primary
  • 37. Replica Set - failover • New primary elected • Replication established from new primary Node 1 Node 2 Secondary Heartbeat Primary Node 3 Primary
  • 38. Durability • WriteConcern.SAFE • WriteConcern.JOURNAL_SAFE • WriteConcern.FSYNC_SAFE • WriteConcern.REPLICAS_SAFE • WriteConcern.MAJORITY • WriteConcern.NORMAL • WriteConcern.NONE m.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.SAFE);,WriteConcern.SAFE);
  • 39. Read preferences • ReadPreference.primary() • ReadPreference.primaryPreferred() • ReadPreference.secondary() • ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred() • ReadPreference.nearest() ReadPreference preference = ReadPreference.primaryPreferred(); DBCursor cur = new DBCursor(collection, query, null, preference);
  • 40. Sharding • Automatic partitioning and management • Range based • Convert to sharded system with no downtime • Fully consistent • No code changes required
  • 41. Scaling MongoDB MongoDB Single Instance or Replica Set Client Application
  • 42. Scaling MongoDB Client Application
  • 43. Mechanism of sharding Complete data set Define shard key on location name Cribbar Fistral Little Sennen Watergate North Fistral Bay
  • 44. Mechanism of sharding Chunk Chunk Define shard key on location name Cribbar Fistral Little Sennen Watergate North Fistral Bay
  • 45. Mechanism of sharding Chunk Chunk Chunk Chunk Cribbar Fistral Little Sennen Watergate North Fistral Bay
  • 46. Mechanism of sharding Chunk Chunk Chunk Chunk Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Shard 4
  • 47. Mechanism of sharding Chu Chu nkc nkc Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Shard 4
  • 48. Mechanism of sharding Query: Watergate Bay Client Application config config config mongos Chu Chu nkc nkc Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Shard 4 48
  • 49. Mechanism of sharding Query: Cribbar Client Application config config config mongos Chu Chu nkc nkc Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc nkc Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3 Shard 4 49
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