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John Bell, Tom Boland and Erin Carter
March 2013
Building Social
Movements for Brands
An Analysis of Global Movements
MARCH 2013
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Our Approach 6
Our Findings 7
Movement qualities that drive social actions 11
Profiles of Movements Obama ‘08 – Yes, We Can 15
Political Movement Obama ‘12 – It Begins With Us 16
Political Movement Romney ‘12– Believe in America 17
Social Movement Earth Hour 18
Social Movement It Gets Better 19
Social Movement Occupy Wall Street 20
Social Movement Tsunami Relief Fund 21
Brand Movement Amex Small Business Saturday 22
Brand Movement Nike Foundation, The Girl Effect 23
Brand Movement Pepsi Refresh 24
Appendix A: Top Ten Pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube 25
MARCH 2013
Executive Summary
igital and social media have changed
how causes and movements grow and
accelerate. Building movements is hard
work, and doing it well is an art and science
practiced by NGOs, political candidates, and
supporters of social causes. The collaboration
and communication advantages of digital and
social platforms have reduced the overall
cost of organizing supporters, but not the
complexity. Sharing via social networks,
using content effectively, and managing
relationships with individuals can affect
elections, environmental movements, brand
movements and more.  
As more brands aspire to build movements
around causes that intersect with the online
community and their business, understanding
the benchmarks of scale and success
becomes key. Brands want big movements
that drive people to action. But how big is big?
The size of a movement matters. Most brands
will be as concerned about overall reach of a
program as the various types of engagement
they can inspire in people. The actual size
of membership, such as the number of
subscribed fans of a Facebook page, for
instance, determines the pool of people we can
drive to save energy, support gay rights, adopt
a more sustainable lifestyle, or some other
action or behavior change.
How does the number of people driven to
action by the 2012 campaign to re-elect
President Obama compare to a brand program
like Pepsi Refresh Everything? How does the
engagement level of a global social program
like Earth Hour, that promotes energy-saving
behaviors, compare with a brand program
like Nike’s The Girl Effect? And how do the
engagement levels of various movements
compare to the most popular phenomena in
social media, like Psy’s Gangnam Style, that
drive more than a billion actions?
As movements aspire to drive people to some
type of action or behavior change, what does
success look like? What do brands need to do
differently? What lessons can we learn?
MARCH 2013
What are social actions?
Whether a political movement, a social
movement or a brand movement, all are
trying to do more than simply reach people.
They need to drive action, whether as simple
as sharing a Facebook post or retweeting a
message, or as complex as changing energy-
saving behavior. To compare movements,
we looked at a variety of typical engagement
metrics, from liking a Facebook page
(“fanning” a page) to watching a video to
following a Twitter handle. We consider
each a “social action.” Most are triggers for
additional advocacy. Facebook shares, for
example, broadcast our action to our own
friends and followers via our own personal
page, and expand the reach of a program.
The value of social actions are not all equal.
Some stimulate more sharing or drive more
time spent with content. Each is a discrete
action, and we have grouped them into a
single number to make comparing movements
easier. Detail of social action types can be
found in the Profiles of Movements section.
How do different movements
compare to each other?
Entertainment Phenomena, Political, Social
and Brand Movements, fall into a descending
order of magnitude.
Entertainment phenomena, like Justin Bieber
and Gangnam Style, earn more than a billion
social actions. Political campaigns, like the
U.S. Presidential, race garner hundreds of
millions of social actions. Social and Brand
Movements fall below these levels, often
earning between five to ten million social
Political campaigns rely on paid media to
spark owned and earned media to a massive
scale in a short period of time.
Presidential elections have a singular purpose
— to get a candidate elected by a fixed date. As
such, they need to capture people’s attention
and drive action in a concentrated period of
time. Even the established movements with
millions of members, like the 2012 campaign
to re-elect President Obama, need to grow
and update their existing member base, and
increase the actions they are likely to take.
Invariably, these campaigns rely on paid media
to grow the member base fast and drive them
to social actions in a short period of time.
MARCH 2013
Social and Brand Movements can achieve a
similar level of scale to each other, and do so
more slowly, often over a few years.
Nike’s The Girl Effect drove more than 8
million social actions in 2012, its sixth year
of activity. Earth Hour after four years has
expanded across global markets, and grown to
more than 6 million actions — many focused at
a signature moment in the year.
Brand Movements that do not align and
support current business goals are often
discontinued before earning the full benefits
of multi-year growth.
Pepsi Refresh achieved 8 million-plus social
actions in just two short years, fueled by an
integrated, paid, owned and earned1
to acquire supporters and drive action.
Still, this program was either coincident or
correlative to a period of a drop in product
sales. While the program may have improved
brand measures, few programs can maintain
internal support when actual product sales or
growth are hurting.
1	 Owned media includes all of the content and platforms controlled by a brand or
organization, such as websites and content, like videos. Earned media describes
all of the community advocacy (e.g., sharing inside Facebook) as well as the
non-paid stories run in professional and semi-professional media outlets. Paid
media includes all forms of paid advertising.
Large movements have at least four common
Enduring “truths” have emerged about what
it takes to sustain large movements. These
include singular, focused purpose; a genuine
or authentic motivation; low barriers to
entry; and a commitment to the people and
resources to cultivate growth and action.
MARCH 2013
Our Approach
e examined social actions across
three types of movements, and
compared these to a fourth
category of the most popular entertainment
ƒƒ Political movements included US
Presidential elections, as well as emergent
phenomena, like the Arab Spring.
ƒƒ Social Movements included advocacy and
behavior change efforts around social
ƒƒ Brand Movements included focused efforts
from major brands to drive action around a
social cause aligned with the brand.
ƒƒ Entertainment phenomena captured the
artists and media with the absolute highest
level of social actions.
For the sake of this analysis, we have assumed
that all social actions are weighted equally.
Understandably, how one social action is
weighted may depend on the category, timing,
and other factors. For example, liking a
Facebook page may carry less weight than
sharing and commenting on a post; viewing
a video may be a more passive social action
than retweeting a brand’s tweet. We primarily
looked at activity across the threemajor
social networksmost often used by these
movements- Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
We reviewed 10 different movements from
across the globe, looking for those that were
developed for political campaigns, social
causes, or brands. These 10 were culled from
a list of 30 movements overall. We analyzed
each category, looking at total social actions,
as noted above, as well as the duration of the
program: was it in its infancy, or had it been
in existence for a few years? The objective
was to reveal strengths and weaknesses
of different movements, especially those
designed to contribute to driving sustained
behavior change. For a deeper understanding
of individual movements’ strengths and
weaknesses, a ranking and analysis of each
political, brand and social movement we
explored can be found in the final section.
MARCH 2013
Our Findings
Entertainment rules…by a lot!
Across all platforms, players in the
entertainment category quickly emerge as
the most popular. Psy (Gangnam Style), who
took over the top spot on YouTube in less
than a year, had been viewed more than one
billion times by year’s end. Those who reign
on Twitter and Facebook are not the same as
the leaders on YouTube, but nearly all those
who lead in these social networks are in the
entertainment industry. Few brands, and even
fewer non-entertainment individuals rise
to the very top on these networks. Notably,
no causes or movements seeking behavior
change were at the top. For a full list of the top
pages on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, see
Appendix A.
Political movements in the US
are becoming more effective in
the use of “integrated” social
Measured by social actions, President
Obama’s recent re-election campaign
achieved almost three times the impact ofhis
2008 campaign. Compared to his opponent,
Governor Mitt Romney, who had an impressive
social media footprint, President Obama
clearly led in social actions. In October 2012,
the New York Times reported social actions of
nearly 50mm for President Obama, and only
9mm for Governor Romney. Political election
movements can get bigquickly, fueled by a mix
of integrated marketing and very sophisticated
message targeting driven by data insights.
These campaigns were not merely social. They
represent integrated programs that combine
owned, earned and paid media, for maximum
impact. At their heart is a sophisticated
approach to email-driven CRM, combined
both with paid advertising and action-oriented
programs in social media. The 2012 campaign
to re-elect the President of the United States
put more emphasis on mobile fundraising
to match changes in user behaviors. The
campaign also achieved greater results with
lower ad spend. This was due to at least
four factors. The Obama campaign had
an established base of followers on social
Total Social
Actions in
One Year
Obama ‘12
Obama ‘08
Romney ‘12
MARCH 2013
networks from the previous election cycle.
These users had four years of growth in their
own reliance on social networks. Meanwhile,
the campaign developed increasingly more
sophisticated CRM practices,as well as data-
driven targeting.
Political movements generate an amazing
amount of social actions over a short period
of time. They are designed to educate and
influence an audience to accomplish three
specific short-term goals: drive advocacy,
encourage fundraising, and generate votes.
They rely on advertising dollars online and
offline to “jumpstart” election programs. By
June 2012, the Obama re-election campaign
spent $31mm in online advertising alone. This
was four times what Mitt Romney’s campaign
had spent, though both candidates spent
between $400-492mm on total ad spend in the
course of a year. After the election, though,
the activity and engagement with those who
participate in the movement nearly stops
International, non-election, political
movements work differently. They are smaller,
and the dollars available are often insignificant
in comparison to what is spent on election-
based political movements. Many also lack the
organization of election-based movements.
For example, the Egyptian movement We Are
All Khaled Said, which expressed outrage over
Khaled Said’s death at the hands of Egyptian
police, lacks the scale for a true comparison,
with only 293,000 Facebook fans. The Anti-
Japan Sentiment in China, although growing
in news coverage, is not a cohesive, mobilized
movement that supporters could join, never
mind be driven to common actions.
Comparison of
Social vs Brand
Total Social Actions
1 2 3 4 5 6
It Gets Better
Occupy Wall Street
Earth Hour
Nike The
Girl Effect
Amex Small
MARCH 2013
Social and Brand movements
achieve similar levels of scale.
Social and brand movements designed to
sustain action over several years are often
smaller than the compressed efforts of an
election campaign. Election movements
have a simple, singular call-to-action, whose
relevance is broadly clear to a community.
They also have large advertising budgets and
sophisticated social CRM techniques.
Even while some brand movements, like Pepsi
Refresh or American Express Small Business
Saturday, may support their efforts through
some paid media budget, these are dwarfed
by the money spent during an election cycle.
Social and Brand movements often rely on
sophisticated use of owned and earned media,
with some “strategic” paid media.
Social movements perform well when they
have low barriers to entry and simple calls to
action. The Girl Effect, which advocates rights
for young women, and Earth Hour, which
promotes energy conservation, have both been
active for over four years. They enjoy large
social footprints as the ideas have spread to
different regions of the world. It Gets Better,
a program which seeks to eliminate bullying
of gay and lesbian youth, has also grown a
significant social footprint, as it has expanded
from North America to over 25 global markets.
Earth Hour has grown across the world,
driving a synchronized and simple activity
among its followers. While it is relatively
straightforward to tally up the social actions
taken in a program like Earth Hour, or even
to understand how many people turned their
lights off during the actual “Earth Hour,” it is
much harder to evaluate whether the program
causes, or correlates to sustained behavior
change. Are people participating in the social
and symbolic actions of Earth Hour actually
changing the way they live every day to save
energy? “Social actions” is a simple measure
of how much engagement, and even digital
advocacy, we may be driving. All movements
have a more tangible behavior goal that must
be tracked, as well.
Conversely, Occupy Wall Street — a
movement that received significant media
attention and led to popular social memes —
has receded. The call to action is not clear. The
actual goals of the movement are confusing.
People may be interested in the movement,
but don’t know how to best participate. Indeed,
Occupy Wall Street bills itself as a “leaderless
resistance movement,” which could be part
of the reason that interested parties are not
entirely clear on how to effect change on any
reasonable scale.
MARCH 2013
Brand movements need to align
with business success to be
The best brand movements generate
impressive social participation figures when
they have low barriers to entry and a clear
call to action. But if a movement does not
support the business goals of a brand, few
brands will stay committed, as is the case with
the Pepsi Refresh Project. While it may have
boosted brand reputation with 6.6mm social
actions in support of the movement, it did not
translate into a sales lift, and correlates to a
period of overall sales decline. Pepsi reported
that they “measured our results by the level
of engagement between the brand and our
consumers, social ROI [impact made] and
brand-equity results. And, by these measures,
we [were] more than satisfied.” However, it’s
been argued that the cost of the program
compared to the weakening sales and market
share made it unsustainable in the long-term.2
American Express Small Business Saturday,
on the other hand, has been in the market for
two years. Consumers and merchants are
supporting the program, which has translated
to a 23% increase in small business revenue.3
Part of its success may be explained by the
cause itself, which already had meaning for
people before American Express embraced
it. Rather than fabricating an issue or cause,
American Express chose to champion one that
people were already invested in and talking
There are common characteristics to the
best-performing movements. Between the
high-performing, election-based political
movements and the more modest social and
brand movements, some qualities stand out as
more critical keys to success:
Social and Brand Political
ƒƒ Low barrier to
ƒƒ Clear call to action.
ƒƒ Measureable
ƒƒ Addresses a
personally or locally
relevant cause.
ƒƒ A strong CRM
program connected
to social.
ƒƒ Owned, earned and
paid media working
ƒƒ Leverage big data
to find and activate
key opinion leaders
MARCH 2013
Relevant Cause:
Supporters generally need a strong cause to
rally around and support. While it can be about
a global or national issue, it must have some
personal and/or local relevance. The beauty of
Small Business Saturday in the United States
is that everyone has a local business that
they care about. Most causes have emotional
as well as rational drivers —something
participants are passionate about, and can
“put their heart into.” Often, it is not connected
to a brand or buying a product. When causes
blatantly connect to selling a product, they can
come across as being too “sales-y” or focused
on making money, rather than promoting
the cause. The Girl Effect, Earth Hour, Small
Business Saturday and It Gets Better are all
good examples of strong, relevant causes.
Application of Behavioral
For the sake of this paper, we will consider the
broad discipline of driving people to action via
behavioral insights as “behavioral economics.”
From social proof to confirmation bias to
letting people be creative and display their
involvement, great movements know how
to trigger action. Pepsi Refresh Everything
invited people to vote to determine which
non-profits would receive $20mm of funding.
Participants became invested in the outcome,
part of something bigger, and could show their
involvement via Facebook. Most movements
are keenly aware that emotional cues, rather
than rational reasons, drive action and invest
in strong storytelling to inspire action and
belief. All of these are simple examples of the
art and science of behavioral economics that
explain why any of us would actively support a
Clear Call-to-Action
and Low Barrier:
Successful movements have a clear call
to action and make it easy for people to
participate. Removing barriers to participation
and encouraging simple, everyday actions that
are easy for people to do on a regular basis
can help allow a movement to catch hold.
Earth Hour is an example of a movement that
had a low barrier to entry, asking participants
to give up electricity for just one hour during
the entire year. As noted previously, however,
getting people to do something once a year
may not result in a sustained habit.
Movement qualities
that drive social actions
MARCH 2013
Measureable Actions:
Not only do supporters need to know
what goals they are working toward with
the movement they have joined, but it is
important for the organizers to be able to
measure whether the movement has “moved
the needle” in any significant way. The key
performance indicators will vary, depending
on the mission statement of the movement,
and could be connected to product sales,
social change, or political gain. Being able
to track year-over-year results allows the
movement’s organizers, supporters (and
detractors) determine success.
Four enduring lessons for
1	 Understand and be able to articulate the
cause behind the movement and the actions
required of participants. Without a clear
vision, a movement cannot succeed (e.g.,
Occupy Wall Street). Additionally, it is vital
that brands be clear on financial and brand
reputation goals, and set appropriate
metrics against which to measure the
positive impact on business in addition to
the community impact.
2	 Some of the most successful movements
are those that are perceived as genuine
and organic. Trying to develop and define a
movement connected to a product, or where
the purchase of the product is key to the
movement, may be perceived as inorganic
and forced. Connecting directly to a product
may not lead to sales growth, as was the
case with Pepsi Refresh Project. (One of
the things that helped make The Girl Effect
successful is that the Nike brand is not
readily evident as a sponsor; because the
movement is unbranded, it has a scope and
vision much larger than athletic gear.)
3	 Given the demands on consumers’
time and attention, the more a brand or
movement can limit barriers to entry, the
more likely it is that participants will join.
Complicated requirements for support
can be a hindrance to participation and/
or duration of a movement. Simple actions
and simple messages work best. The
artful management and targeting of simple
messages and actions in the campaign to
re-elect President Obama was part of its
4	 Be prepared to invest time, effort, and
dollars to assist the movement’s growth.
Part of the success of the Obama 2008
and 2012 campaigns came from the sheer
volume of dollars and work effort involved
from paid staffers and volunteers. Similarly,
American Express has invested significant
amounts of money in paid media and other
resources to support their strategy and
efforts for Small Business Saturday. While
some movements are successful and “go
viral” with little financial investment, this is
rare. The biggest brand movements require
financial support, allowing them to grow
on a scale that unsupported movements
MARCH 2013
Movements Rankings
Total Social
Obama ‘12 It
Begins With Us
350.6mm 33mm 28mm 287mm 284k 2.4mm
Obama ‘08 Yes,
We Can
123.5mm 3.2mm 109k 120mm 150k 0
Romney ‘12
Believe in
44mm 7.9mm 1.23mm 34mm 32mm 882k
4 Pepsi Refresh 6.7mm 4.0mm 65k 2.6mm 2k 0
5 Earth Hour 6.3mm 768k 81k 5.4mm 72k 8k
AMEX Small Biz
5.0mm 3.2mm 16k 1.8mm 0k 0
7 Nike Girl Effect 4.4mm 306k 36k 4mm 4k 0
8 It Gets Better 4.1mm 287k 77k 3.8mm 46k 642
Tsunami Relief
773k 38k 50.5k 682k 302 3,364
Occupy Wall
585k 411k 172k 0 0 2,732
MARCH 2013
Sub-Category Rankings
Total Social
Obama ‘12 It
Begins With Us
350.6mm 33mm 28mm 287mm 284k 2.4mm
Obama ‘08 Yes,
We Can *
123.5mm 3.2mm 109k 120mm 150k 0
Romney ‘12
Believe in
44mm 7.9mm 1.23mm 34mm 32mm 882k
* no official Google+ channel
Total Social
1 Earth Hour 6.3mm 768k 81k 5.4mm 72k 8k
2 It Gets Better 4.1mm 287k 77k 3.8mm 46k 642
Tsunami Relief
773k 38k 50.5k 682k 302 3,364
Occupy Wall
585k 411k 172k 0 0 2,732
* no official YouTube channel
Total Social
1 Pepsi Refresh 6.7mm 4.0mm 65k 2.6mm 2k 0
AMEX Small Biz
5.0mm 3.2mm 16k 1.8mm 0k 0
3 Nike Girl Effect 4.4mm 306k 36k 4mm 4k 0
*Facebook page and Twitter page are no longer live
Data reflects a snapshot in time, as of Tuesday, 11/27/12
MARCH 2013
Profiles of Movements
Obama ‘08 – Yes We Can
The “Yes We Can” movement
became nationally recognized in
the United States during Barack
Obama’s 2008 campaign for
The message was powered by
a massive media buy, including
digital and social media, which
helped harness the grassroots
base and generated the largest
voter turnout in US history.
Call to Action
The desired behavior of this
movement was to identify and
activate a new group of voters
who would help fundraise,
campaign, and vote for a leader
who promised to bring real
change. Obama’s campaign
team introduced new forms of
technology to fundraising that
combined the traditional reach
of old media with the targeting
capabilities of digital/social media.
Elect Barack Obama to the
Presidency in 2008.
Sustained Action
Duration of 2008
election cycle
social actions
Key Engagement
YouTube, Social
Networks, Twitter,
Email, Paid Media
Spend and in-
game advertising
ƒƒ Barack Obama became the
president of the United
States in an election that saw
130mm people vote, the most
ever in a presidential election.
ƒƒ The Pew Research Center
determined the 2008 election
was the most racially and
ethnically diverse in US
history, which reinforces
how successful the Obama
campaign was at attracting new
ƒƒ Detractors point to Obama’s
$740mm media spend as a
major driver of his election
ƒƒ Bloomberg published Obama’s
spending, which eclipsed the
combined $646.7mm that
Bush/Kerry spent four years
srmguruobama2008012 9sho
MARCH 2013
Political Movement
Obama ‘12 – It Begins With Us
The “It Begins With Us”
movement became nationally
recognized in the United States
during Barack Obama’s 2012 re-
election campaign.
Again, President Obama
leveraged new media and big data
to help target and connect with
new voters. Through his message
and innovative marketing strategy,
Obama won his re-election by a
margin of 50.35% to 48.13%.
Call to Action
The desired behavior of this
movement was to identify and
activate new groups of voters, to
help fundraise, campaign, and
vote for a leader who promised to
keep moving the country forward.
To do this, Obama’s campaign
team introduced leveraged big
data and cloud computing to
improve his targeting capabilities.
Re-elect Barack Obama to the
Presidency in 2012.
Sustained Action
Duration of 2012
election cycle
social actions
Key Engagement
Social Networks,
Reddit, Tumblr,
YouTube, Twitter,
Email, Paid Media
ƒƒ Barack Obama won a second
term as President of the
United States by leveraging big
data and cloud computing to
generate 2.2mm volunteers, the
largest grassroots campaign
in political history.
ƒƒ To illustrate, the Economist
reported on how President
Obama spent the lion’s share of
his funds on online advertising
to develop “a huge network of
volunteers, to proselytize on his
ƒƒ Some point to the fact that
Obama had fouryears as
president to gather support
through social networks and
other media outlets, whereas
the Republican candidates
were not afforded the same
MARCH 2013
Political Movement
Romney ‘12– Believe in America
The “Believe in America”
movement became nationally
recognized in the United States
during Mitt Romney’s 2012
campaign for president.
It was based on the theory
that Romney’s experience in
the financial sector could help
address the economic situation
the United States was facing, and
put America back “on a course to
Call to Action
The desired behavior of this
movement was to encourage
people to vote for Romney,
who, if elected, promised to
grow the economy, create jobs,
and increase financial checks
and balances in the federal
Elect Mitt Romney to the
Presidency in 2012.
Sustained Action
Duration of 2012
election cycle
44 mm social
Key Engagement
YouTube, Twitter,
Google+, email
ƒƒ Utilized multiple social
networks, from Facebook to
Pinterest to Spotify, to capitalize
on a range of audience
segments and communication
ƒƒ Although he had lower follower
numbers on Facebook, Romney
made strategic Facebook ad
buys so that his ads would
appear next to terms such
as “Obama” and “Democrat.”
The result, according to one
report, is that Romney gained
Facebook followers at double
the rate of Obama.
ƒƒ As Forbes notes, although
the campaign had access to
a significant amount of data
through social networking,
it failed to utilize it in such a
way that drove actions that
would lead to a Romney win on
election day.
ƒƒ Romney was forced to spend
much of his campaign prior to
the nomination dealing with
Republican opponents, and
defending himself against
detractors in his own party,
which led to a split focus.
MARCH 2013
Social Movement
Earth Hour
Earth Hour is a worldwide
movement organized by the
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
and held towards the end of
March encouraging households
and businesses to turn off their
non-essential lights to raise
awareness about the need to take
action on climate change.
Call to Action
The goal of this movement is
to reduce energy consumption.
Every March 27th
encourages supporters to shut
down all their power (lights,
heating, air conditioning, etc.)
for exactly one hour (known as
Earth Hour). Participants are
encouraged to spread the word to
their friends and family through
social channels.
A small act by a large group of
people can make a big difference.
Using this principle, Earth Hour
aims to show the world that by
making small sacrifices, there
can be some hope in reversing the
effects of global warming.
Sustained Action
activation, that has
taken place for the
past four years
social actions
Key Engagement
Facebook, Twitter,
Website, Google+,
YouTube and TV
ƒƒ Supporters highlight Earth
Hour’s global adoption by 150
countries, measureable impact,
and four years of activity as
evidence of success.
ƒƒ For example, Commonwealth
Edison(a utility company that
services Chicago) reported that
about 840,000 pounds of carbon
dioxide were kept out of the
atmosphere during Earth Hour
ƒƒ Detractors label Earth Hour
as a failure because the once-
a-year program generates
insignificant short-term and
long-term behavior changes,
beyond a symbolic action.
ƒƒ To illustrate, Roger
Sowell published a report in
2009 that showed no apparent
decrease in the power load
throughout the state of
California during Earth Hour.
MARCH 2013
(NA heavy to date)
Sustained Action
social actions
Key Engagement
Facebook, Twitter,
Website, Google+,
YouTube and
Social Movement
It Gets Better
It Gets Better is an Internet-
based movement founded in
the United States in 2010 by
Dan Savage and his husband
Terry Miller, in response to the
suicides of teenagers who were
bullied because they were gay or
suspected of being gay.
Call to Action
The goal of this movement is
to prevent bullying and suicide
among LGBT youth. To do this, It
Gets Better encourages gay adults
and straight allies to help convey
the message that LGBT teens’
lives will improve.
Everyone deserves to be
respected for who they are.
ƒƒ Supporters classify It Gets
Better as a success due to the
movement adoption in 25 global
markets and two years of
sustained activity.
ƒƒ For example, President Obama
shared his support by making a
promotional video that had over
461K views to date.
ƒƒ Detractors point out It Gets
Better should focus on parents,
not teens, to help reduce LGBT
ƒƒ To illustrate, The Family
Acceptance Project’s research
has demonstrated that
“parental acceptance, and
even neutrality, with regard
to a child’s sexual orientation”
can bring down the attempted
suicide rate.
MARCH 2013
Social Movement
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a
protest movement that began on
9/17/11. The main issues are social
and economic inequality, greed,
corruption, and perceived undue
influence of corporations on
Call to Action
The goal of this movement is to
fight back against the richest 1%
of people who are writing the
rules of an unfair global economy.
OWS encourages supporters to
follow the revolutionary Arab
Spring tactic to achieve their
goals, and encourages the use
of nonviolence to maximize the
safety of all participants.
Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless
resistance movement, with
people of many colors, genders
and political persuasions. The
one thing all participants have
in common is that We Are The
99% who will no longer tolerate
the greed and corruption of the
Sustained Action
social actions
Key Engagement
Facebook, Twitter,
Tumblr, Website
and Celebrities
(Michael Moore,
Nancy Pelosi)
ƒƒ Supporters highlight how OWS
is currently active in 1,500 cities
globally and how technology
and social media are increasing
awareness and participation.
ƒƒ In November 2011, Public Policy
Polling did a national survey
which found that 33% of voters
supported OWS.
ƒƒ Detractors often criticize OWS
for not having clear demands
and thus not being able to
accomplish any goals.
ƒƒ Ginia Fellafante points out
in the New York Times that
OWS supporters have a lack of
focus, highlighting some who
note that “no one who uses an
Apple computer can possibly
say anything critical about
MARCH 2013
Sustained Action
773k social actions
Key Engagement
Facebook, Twitter,
Website, Google+,
Social Movement
Tsunami Relief Fund
There were many organizations
delivering relief, or funding relief
programs, in the wake of the
Japanese Tsunami. GlobalGiving
was one organization that
effectively connected donors
with disaster areas or grassroots
projects in developing worlds.
Potential donors could browse
and select from a wide offering of
projects, and could easily transfer
funds to the area of interest.
Call to Action
Following the Japanese
earthquake and tsunami in March
2011, GlobalGiving established
a fundraising goal of 9.5 million
dollars for tsunami relief. They
solicited and collected donations
from multiple platforms,
including, digital, mobile, social
and TV.
GlobalGiving is a charity
fundraising movement that gives
social entrepreneurs and non-
profits from anywhere in the
world a chance to raise the money
that they need to improve their
communities from anywhere in
the world.
ƒƒ Supporters proudly highlight
that the Tsunami fundraising
movement is currently 93% of
the way to its goal, with $8.8
million dollars raised out of a
$9.5 million goal.
ƒƒ For example, Makoto
Katakeyama explained how
he received relief money from
GlobalGiving so he could start
oyster farming again, which
directly benefited his local
economy and increased the
local food supply.
ƒƒ Detractors label GlobalGiving
as fiscally irresponsible
because it takes 10% of
donations for operating
ƒƒ To illustrate, Charity Navigator,
the well-respected non-
profit watchdog, only gives
GlobalGiving three out of a
possible four stars (a concern,
since a four-star rating isn’t
hard to achieve).
MARCH 2013
Brand Movement
Amex Small Business Saturday
American Express started
Small Business Saturday in
2010 as a way to generate more
awareness of local, small
businesses, and to assist in
generating sales for their small
business merchants.
Call to Action
Shop small and shop local — go
into your local stores and give
them your business.
Spread the word — tell others to
shop small and shop local.
Small businesses across America
need the enduring support
of local shoppers. While the
benefits of big chains and big box
retailers cannot be dismissed, it’s
America’s small businesses that
serve our communities best.
Sustained Action
Once a year
102 million US
shopped “small”
on Small Business
Saturday in 2011.
5mm social
Key Engagement
Facebook, Twitter,
Website, Merchant
Kits, CRM,
ƒƒ American Express helped drive
sales in small, local stores, as
102mm customers shopped on
Small Business Saturday.
ƒƒ Mashable reported that
American Express “saw a
23% increase in transactions
at small business in 2011”
which was a win for the small
businesses as well as Amex.
ƒƒ Critics point out how the
one-day affair has limited
sustainable impact, how
American Express charges
very high fees to vendors
(~2.5%), and how this campaign
is designed to help AmEx,
rather than the small business
ƒƒ recently reported
that the program is “a
monetary boom if they can
get more people to use the
card…but there’s been no
reciprocal kindness back to the
MARCH 2013
Sustained Action
social actions
Key Engagement
Twitter, Multiple
Websites, Email,
Partnerships (with
Clinton Global
Initiatives, etc.)
and PR/Blogger
Brand Movement
Nike Foundation, The Girl Effect
Founded by The NoVo Foundation
and The Nike Foundation, The Girl
Effect is a movement to invest
in and provide opportunities to
adolescent girls as a means
to end poverty in developing
countries. It is based on the
theory that, if given the right
opportunities, girls and women
can be effective at lifting
themselves and their communities
out of poverty.
Call to Action
The desired behavior of this
movement was to end poverty in
developing countries by focusing
on, and investing in adolescent
girls in those countries.
Ending poverty by investing
resources in girls around the
ƒƒ Supporters highlight how
Nike was able to successfully
draw attention and interest
to an important international
social and economic issue,
as evidenced by $41 million
donated to the program in first
three years (2007-2009).
ƒƒ The Huffington Post reported
on how the Girl Effect helped
decrease HIV prevalence by
60%, compared to peers.
Peers? Means what? Unclear.
ƒƒ Critics have slammed the
Girl Effect for playing up to
stereotypes of women and
girls as natural caregivers,
ignoring questions of
structural inequality and power
imbalance.FIX WIDOW.
ƒƒ Aidwatchers openly
questioned, “Why reinforce
perceptions about “women’s
work” and “men’s work” by
claiming that women make
better homemakers?”
MARCH 2013
Brand Movement
Pepsi Refresh
The Pepsi Refresh Project began
in 2010 as an initiative to identify
and fund projects that would
have a positive impact on their
community, states, or the country.
Originally planned as a one-year
campaign, Pepsi Refresh lasted
for two years, and awarded
$20mm in grants to non-profit
organizations, businesses, and
individuals, who were chosen
through a system of voting via
social media.
Call to Action
The desired behavior of this
movement was to encourage
individuals and nonprofits to
ideate innovative and creative
solutions to help move their
communities forward.
Refresh Everything (The Pepsi
Refresh Project) was conceived
as a “ground-breaking initiative
designed to fund good ideas, big
and small, that help refresh our
Sustained Action
Two years
6.7mm social
Key Engagement
Twitter, Website,
Mobile, YouTube,
and Advertising
Celebrity tie-ins
ƒƒ Built equity for the Pepsi brand,
as evidenced in a 2010 Forbes
and Reputation Institute study,
which indicated that Pepsi
moved from #16 to #5 among
the country’s most reputable
ƒƒ Empowered communities and
individuals to believe they could
step up and change their world.
ƒƒ Didn’t correlate directly enough
to sales, as market share
decreased during the same
time period.
ƒƒ Faced criticism with how grants
were awarded, and there were
many allegations of cheating.
MARCH 2013
Appendix A:
Top Ten Pages on Facebook,
Twitter and YouTube
Brand Fans
1 Facebook 84,121,319
2 YouTube 67,719,238
Texas Holdem
4 Rihanna 64,797,581
5 Eminem 64,490,260
6 The Simpsons 58,826,643
7 Shakira 58,572,171
8 Coca-Cola (Coke) 56,883,666
Harry Potter
and the Deathly
10 Lady Gaga 54,678,908
Source: as of 1/3/13
Brand Followers
1 Lady Gaga 32,660,281
2 Justin Bieber 32,372,480
3 Katy Perry 30,699,659
4 Rihanna 27,579,512
5 Barack Obama 25,257,501
6 Britney Spears 22,912,239
7 Taylor Swift 22,449,120
8 YouTube 21,435,228
9 Shakira 19,175,242
10 Kim Kardashian 17,050,528
Source: as of 1/3/13
Brand Views
1 Psy 1,116,593,319
2 Justin Bieber 817,886,738
Jennifer Lopez/
5 LMFAO 512,476,646
Charlie Bit My
Finger - again!
7 Shakira 504,975,753
8 Lady Gaga 502,934,765
9 Michel Telo 473,010,286
10 Don Omar 415,846,863
Source: as of 1/3/13
About Social@Ogilvy
ocial@Ogilvy is the largest social media marketing communications
network in the world. Named 2011 Global Digital/Social
Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report, the practice
leverages social media expertise across all Ogilvy  Mather disciplines,
offering an extensive list of services within the foundational business
solutions – Listening and Analytics; Social Business Solutions; Social
Media Marketing and Communications; Social Shopping; Social CRM;
Social Care; and Conversation Impact.
For more information, visit and connect with
us at,

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Building Social Movements With Brands

  • 1. John Bell, Tom Boland and Erin Carter March 2013 Building Social Movements for Brands An Analysis of Global Movements
  • 2. 2BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Our Approach 6 Our Findings 7 Movement qualities that drive social actions 11 Profiles of Movements Obama ‘08 – Yes, We Can 15 Political Movement Obama ‘12 – It Begins With Us 16 Political Movement Romney ‘12– Believe in America 17 Social Movement Earth Hour 18 Social Movement It Gets Better 19 Social Movement Occupy Wall Street 20 Social Movement Tsunami Relief Fund 21 Brand Movement Amex Small Business Saturday 22 Brand Movement Nike Foundation, The Girl Effect 23 Brand Movement Pepsi Refresh 24 Appendix A: Top Ten Pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube 25
  • 3. 3BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Executive Summary D igital and social media have changed how causes and movements grow and accelerate. Building movements is hard work, and doing it well is an art and science practiced by NGOs, political candidates, and supporters of social causes. The collaboration and communication advantages of digital and social platforms have reduced the overall cost of organizing supporters, but not the complexity. Sharing via social networks, using content effectively, and managing relationships with individuals can affect elections, environmental movements, brand movements and more.   As more brands aspire to build movements around causes that intersect with the online community and their business, understanding the benchmarks of scale and success becomes key. Brands want big movements that drive people to action. But how big is big? The size of a movement matters. Most brands will be as concerned about overall reach of a program as the various types of engagement they can inspire in people. The actual size of membership, such as the number of subscribed fans of a Facebook page, for instance, determines the pool of people we can drive to save energy, support gay rights, adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, or some other action or behavior change. How does the number of people driven to action by the 2012 campaign to re-elect President Obama compare to a brand program like Pepsi Refresh Everything? How does the engagement level of a global social program like Earth Hour, that promotes energy-saving behaviors, compare with a brand program like Nike’s The Girl Effect? And how do the engagement levels of various movements compare to the most popular phenomena in social media, like Psy’s Gangnam Style, that drive more than a billion actions? As movements aspire to drive people to some type of action or behavior change, what does success look like? What do brands need to do differently? What lessons can we learn?
  • 4. 4BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 What are social actions? Whether a political movement, a social movement or a brand movement, all are trying to do more than simply reach people. They need to drive action, whether as simple as sharing a Facebook post or retweeting a message, or as complex as changing energy- saving behavior. To compare movements, we looked at a variety of typical engagement metrics, from liking a Facebook page (“fanning” a page) to watching a video to following a Twitter handle. We consider each a “social action.” Most are triggers for additional advocacy. Facebook shares, for example, broadcast our action to our own friends and followers via our own personal page, and expand the reach of a program. The value of social actions are not all equal. Some stimulate more sharing or drive more time spent with content. Each is a discrete action, and we have grouped them into a single number to make comparing movements easier. Detail of social action types can be found in the Profiles of Movements section. How do different movements compare to each other? Entertainment Phenomena, Political, Social and Brand Movements, fall into a descending order of magnitude. Entertainment phenomena, like Justin Bieber and Gangnam Style, earn more than a billion social actions. Political campaigns, like the U.S. Presidential, race garner hundreds of millions of social actions. Social and Brand Movements fall below these levels, often earning between five to ten million social actions. Political campaigns rely on paid media to spark owned and earned media to a massive scale in a short period of time. Presidential elections have a singular purpose — to get a candidate elected by a fixed date. As such, they need to capture people’s attention and drive action in a concentrated period of time. Even the established movements with millions of members, like the 2012 campaign to re-elect President Obama, need to grow and update their existing member base, and increase the actions they are likely to take. Invariably, these campaigns rely on paid media to grow the member base fast and drive them to social actions in a short period of time.
  • 5. 5BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Social and Brand Movements can achieve a similar level of scale to each other, and do so more slowly, often over a few years. Nike’s The Girl Effect drove more than 8 million social actions in 2012, its sixth year of activity. Earth Hour after four years has expanded across global markets, and grown to more than 6 million actions — many focused at a signature moment in the year. Brand Movements that do not align and support current business goals are often discontinued before earning the full benefits of multi-year growth. Pepsi Refresh achieved 8 million-plus social actions in just two short years, fueled by an integrated, paid, owned and earned1 program to acquire supporters and drive action. Still, this program was either coincident or correlative to a period of a drop in product sales. While the program may have improved brand measures, few programs can maintain internal support when actual product sales or growth are hurting. 1 Owned media includes all of the content and platforms controlled by a brand or organization, such as websites and content, like videos. Earned media describes all of the community advocacy (e.g., sharing inside Facebook) as well as the non-paid stories run in professional and semi-professional media outlets. Paid media includes all forms of paid advertising. Large movements have at least four common characteristics. Enduring “truths” have emerged about what it takes to sustain large movements. These include singular, focused purpose; a genuine or authentic motivation; low barriers to entry; and a commitment to the people and resources to cultivate growth and action.
  • 6. 6BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Our Approach W e examined social actions across three types of movements, and compared these to a fourth category of the most popular entertainment phenomena. ƒƒ Political movements included US Presidential elections, as well as emergent phenomena, like the Arab Spring. ƒƒ Social Movements included advocacy and behavior change efforts around social causes. ƒƒ Brand Movements included focused efforts from major brands to drive action around a social cause aligned with the brand. ƒƒ Entertainment phenomena captured the artists and media with the absolute highest level of social actions. For the sake of this analysis, we have assumed that all social actions are weighted equally. Understandably, how one social action is weighted may depend on the category, timing, and other factors. For example, liking a Facebook page may carry less weight than sharing and commenting on a post; viewing a video may be a more passive social action than retweeting a brand’s tweet. We primarily looked at activity across the threemajor social networksmost often used by these movements- Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. We reviewed 10 different movements from across the globe, looking for those that were developed for political campaigns, social causes, or brands. These 10 were culled from a list of 30 movements overall. We analyzed each category, looking at total social actions, as noted above, as well as the duration of the program: was it in its infancy, or had it been in existence for a few years? The objective was to reveal strengths and weaknesses of different movements, especially those designed to contribute to driving sustained behavior change. For a deeper understanding of individual movements’ strengths and weaknesses, a ranking and analysis of each political, brand and social movement we explored can be found in the final section.
  • 7. 7BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Our Findings Entertainment rules…by a lot! Across all platforms, players in the entertainment category quickly emerge as the most popular. Psy (Gangnam Style), who took over the top spot on YouTube in less than a year, had been viewed more than one billion times by year’s end. Those who reign on Twitter and Facebook are not the same as the leaders on YouTube, but nearly all those who lead in these social networks are in the entertainment industry. Few brands, and even fewer non-entertainment individuals rise to the very top on these networks. Notably, no causes or movements seeking behavior change were at the top. For a full list of the top pages on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, see Appendix A. Political movements in the US are becoming more effective in the use of “integrated” social media. Measured by social actions, President Obama’s recent re-election campaign achieved almost three times the impact ofhis 2008 campaign. Compared to his opponent, Governor Mitt Romney, who had an impressive social media footprint, President Obama clearly led in social actions. In October 2012, the New York Times reported social actions of nearly 50mm for President Obama, and only 9mm for Governor Romney. Political election movements can get bigquickly, fueled by a mix of integrated marketing and very sophisticated message targeting driven by data insights. These campaigns were not merely social. They represent integrated programs that combine owned, earned and paid media, for maximum impact. At their heart is a sophisticated approach to email-driven CRM, combined both with paid advertising and action-oriented programs in social media. The 2012 campaign to re-elect the President of the United States put more emphasis on mobile fundraising to match changes in user behaviors. The campaign also achieved greater results with lower ad spend. This was due to at least four factors. The Obama campaign had an established base of followers on social Political Movement Comparison Total Social Actions in One Year Obama ‘12 Obama ‘08 Romney ‘12 400,000,000 300,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 0
  • 8. 8BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 networks from the previous election cycle. These users had four years of growth in their own reliance on social networks. Meanwhile, the campaign developed increasingly more sophisticated CRM practices,as well as data- driven targeting. Political movements generate an amazing amount of social actions over a short period of time. They are designed to educate and influence an audience to accomplish three specific short-term goals: drive advocacy, encourage fundraising, and generate votes. They rely on advertising dollars online and offline to “jumpstart” election programs. By June 2012, the Obama re-election campaign spent $31mm in online advertising alone. This was four times what Mitt Romney’s campaign had spent, though both candidates spent between $400-492mm on total ad spend in the course of a year. After the election, though, the activity and engagement with those who participate in the movement nearly stops completely. International, non-election, political movements work differently. They are smaller, and the dollars available are often insignificant in comparison to what is spent on election- based political movements. Many also lack the organization of election-based movements. For example, the Egyptian movement We Are All Khaled Said, which expressed outrage over Khaled Said’s death at the hands of Egyptian police, lacks the scale for a true comparison, with only 293,000 Facebook fans. The Anti- Japan Sentiment in China, although growing in news coverage, is not a cohesive, mobilized movement that supporters could join, never mind be driven to common actions. Comparison of Social vs Brand Movements Total Social Actions Social Brand Years 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 It Gets Better Tsunami Occupy Wall Street Pepsi Refresh Earth Hour Nike The Girl Effect Amex Small Business
  • 9. 9BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Social and Brand movements achieve similar levels of scale. Social and brand movements designed to sustain action over several years are often smaller than the compressed efforts of an election campaign. Election movements have a simple, singular call-to-action, whose relevance is broadly clear to a community. They also have large advertising budgets and sophisticated social CRM techniques. Even while some brand movements, like Pepsi Refresh or American Express Small Business Saturday, may support their efforts through some paid media budget, these are dwarfed by the money spent during an election cycle. Social and Brand movements often rely on sophisticated use of owned and earned media, with some “strategic” paid media. Social movements perform well when they have low barriers to entry and simple calls to action. The Girl Effect, which advocates rights for young women, and Earth Hour, which promotes energy conservation, have both been active for over four years. They enjoy large social footprints as the ideas have spread to different regions of the world. It Gets Better, a program which seeks to eliminate bullying of gay and lesbian youth, has also grown a significant social footprint, as it has expanded from North America to over 25 global markets. Earth Hour has grown across the world, driving a synchronized and simple activity among its followers. While it is relatively straightforward to tally up the social actions taken in a program like Earth Hour, or even to understand how many people turned their lights off during the actual “Earth Hour,” it is much harder to evaluate whether the program causes, or correlates to sustained behavior change. Are people participating in the social and symbolic actions of Earth Hour actually changing the way they live every day to save energy? “Social actions” is a simple measure of how much engagement, and even digital advocacy, we may be driving. All movements have a more tangible behavior goal that must be tracked, as well. Conversely, Occupy Wall Street — a movement that received significant media attention and led to popular social memes — has receded. The call to action is not clear. The actual goals of the movement are confusing. People may be interested in the movement, but don’t know how to best participate. Indeed, Occupy Wall Street bills itself as a “leaderless resistance movement,” which could be part of the reason that interested parties are not entirely clear on how to effect change on any reasonable scale.
  • 10. 10BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Brand movements need to align with business success to be sustained. The best brand movements generate impressive social participation figures when they have low barriers to entry and a clear call to action. But if a movement does not support the business goals of a brand, few brands will stay committed, as is the case with the Pepsi Refresh Project. While it may have boosted brand reputation with 6.6mm social actions in support of the movement, it did not translate into a sales lift, and correlates to a period of overall sales decline. Pepsi reported that they “measured our results by the level of engagement between the brand and our consumers, social ROI [impact made] and brand-equity results. And, by these measures, we [were] more than satisfied.” However, it’s been argued that the cost of the program compared to the weakening sales and market share made it unsustainable in the long-term.2 American Express Small Business Saturday, on the other hand, has been in the market for two years. Consumers and merchants are supporting the program, which has translated to a 23% increase in small business revenue.3 Part of its success may be explained by the 2 the-refresh-project.html 3 saturday/ cause itself, which already had meaning for people before American Express embraced it. Rather than fabricating an issue or cause, American Express chose to champion one that people were already invested in and talking about. There are common characteristics to the best-performing movements. Between the high-performing, election-based political movements and the more modest social and brand movements, some qualities stand out as more critical keys to success: Social and Brand Political ƒƒ Low barrier to entry. ƒƒ Clear call to action. ƒƒ Measureable actions ƒƒ Addresses a personally or locally relevant cause. ƒƒ A strong CRM program connected to social. ƒƒ Owned, earned and paid media working together. ƒƒ Leverage big data to find and activate key opinion leaders (KOLs).
  • 11. 11BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Relevant Cause: Supporters generally need a strong cause to rally around and support. While it can be about a global or national issue, it must have some personal and/or local relevance. The beauty of Small Business Saturday in the United States is that everyone has a local business that they care about. Most causes have emotional as well as rational drivers —something participants are passionate about, and can “put their heart into.” Often, it is not connected to a brand or buying a product. When causes blatantly connect to selling a product, they can come across as being too “sales-y” or focused on making money, rather than promoting the cause. The Girl Effect, Earth Hour, Small Business Saturday and It Gets Better are all good examples of strong, relevant causes. Application of Behavioral Economics: For the sake of this paper, we will consider the broad discipline of driving people to action via behavioral insights as “behavioral economics.” From social proof to confirmation bias to letting people be creative and display their involvement, great movements know how to trigger action. Pepsi Refresh Everything invited people to vote to determine which non-profits would receive $20mm of funding. Participants became invested in the outcome, part of something bigger, and could show their involvement via Facebook. Most movements are keenly aware that emotional cues, rather than rational reasons, drive action and invest in strong storytelling to inspire action and belief. All of these are simple examples of the art and science of behavioral economics that explain why any of us would actively support a cause. Clear Call-to-Action and Low Barrier: Successful movements have a clear call to action and make it easy for people to participate. Removing barriers to participation and encouraging simple, everyday actions that are easy for people to do on a regular basis can help allow a movement to catch hold. Earth Hour is an example of a movement that had a low barrier to entry, asking participants to give up electricity for just one hour during the entire year. As noted previously, however, getting people to do something once a year may not result in a sustained habit. Movement qualities that drive social actions
  • 12. 12BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Measureable Actions: Not only do supporters need to know what goals they are working toward with the movement they have joined, but it is important for the organizers to be able to measure whether the movement has “moved the needle” in any significant way. The key performance indicators will vary, depending on the mission statement of the movement, and could be connected to product sales, social change, or political gain. Being able to track year-over-year results allows the movement’s organizers, supporters (and detractors) determine success. Four enduring lessons for movements: 1 Understand and be able to articulate the cause behind the movement and the actions required of participants. Without a clear vision, a movement cannot succeed (e.g., Occupy Wall Street). Additionally, it is vital that brands be clear on financial and brand reputation goals, and set appropriate metrics against which to measure the positive impact on business in addition to the community impact. 2 Some of the most successful movements are those that are perceived as genuine and organic. Trying to develop and define a movement connected to a product, or where the purchase of the product is key to the movement, may be perceived as inorganic and forced. Connecting directly to a product may not lead to sales growth, as was the case with Pepsi Refresh Project. (One of the things that helped make The Girl Effect successful is that the Nike brand is not readily evident as a sponsor; because the movement is unbranded, it has a scope and vision much larger than athletic gear.) 3 Given the demands on consumers’ time and attention, the more a brand or movement can limit barriers to entry, the more likely it is that participants will join. Complicated requirements for support can be a hindrance to participation and/ or duration of a movement. Simple actions and simple messages work best. The artful management and targeting of simple messages and actions in the campaign to re-elect President Obama was part of its success. 4 Be prepared to invest time, effort, and dollars to assist the movement’s growth. Part of the success of the Obama 2008 and 2012 campaigns came from the sheer volume of dollars and work effort involved from paid staffers and volunteers. Similarly, American Express has invested significant amounts of money in paid media and other resources to support their strategy and efforts for Small Business Saturday. While some movements are successful and “go viral” with little financial investment, this is rare. The biggest brand movements require financial support, allowing them to grow on a scale that unsupported movements cannot.
  • 13. 13BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Movements Rankings Social Movements Total Social Actions Facebook Fans Twitter Followers YouTube Views YouTube Subscribers Google+ Followers 1 Obama ‘12 It Begins With Us 350.6mm 33mm 28mm 287mm 284k 2.4mm 2 Obama ‘08 Yes, We Can 123.5mm 3.2mm 109k 120mm 150k 0 3 Romney ‘12 Believe in America 44mm 7.9mm 1.23mm 34mm 32mm 882k 4 Pepsi Refresh 6.7mm 4.0mm 65k 2.6mm 2k 0 5 Earth Hour 6.3mm 768k 81k 5.4mm 72k 8k 6 AMEX Small Biz Saturday 5.0mm 3.2mm 16k 1.8mm 0k 0 7 Nike Girl Effect 4.4mm 306k 36k 4mm 4k 0 8 It Gets Better 4.1mm 287k 77k 3.8mm 46k 642 9 Tsunami Relief Project 773k 38k 50.5k 682k 302 3,364 10 Occupy Wall Street 585k 411k 172k 0 0 2,732
  • 14. 14BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Sub-Category Rankings Political Movements Total Social Actions Facebook Fans Twitter Followers YouTube Views YouTube Subscribers Google+ Followers 1 Obama ‘12 It Begins With Us 350.6mm 33mm 28mm 287mm 284k 2.4mm 2 Obama ‘08 Yes, We Can * 123.5mm 3.2mm 109k 120mm 150k 0 3 Romney ‘12 Believe in America 44mm 7.9mm 1.23mm 34mm 32mm 882k * no official Google+ channel Social Movements Total Social Actions Facebook Fans Twitter Followers YouTube Views YouTube Subscribers Google+ Followers 1 Earth Hour 6.3mm 768k 81k 5.4mm 72k 8k 2 It Gets Better 4.1mm 287k 77k 3.8mm 46k 642 3 Tsunami Relief Project 773k 38k 50.5k 682k 302 3,364 4 Occupy Wall Street* 585k 411k 172k 0 0 2,732 * no official YouTube channel Brand Movements Total Social Actions Facebook Fans Twitter Followers YouTube Views YouTube Subscribers Google+ Followers 1 Pepsi Refresh 6.7mm 4.0mm 65k 2.6mm 2k 0 2 AMEX Small Biz Saturday 5.0mm 3.2mm 16k 1.8mm 0k 0 3 Nike Girl Effect 4.4mm 306k 36k 4mm 4k 0 *Facebook page and Twitter page are no longer live Data reflects a snapshot in time, as of Tuesday, 11/27/12
  • 15. 15BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Profiles of Movements Obama ‘08 – Yes We Can Description The “Yes We Can” movement became nationally recognized in the United States during Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign for president. The message was powered by a massive media buy, including digital and social media, which helped harness the grassroots base and generated the largest voter turnout in US history. Call to Action The desired behavior of this movement was to identify and activate a new group of voters who would help fundraise, campaign, and vote for a leader who promised to bring real change. Obama’s campaign team introduced new forms of technology to fundraising that combined the traditional reach of old media with the targeting capabilities of digital/social media. Cause Elect Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2008. Target US Sustained Action Duration of 2008 election cycle Size 123.5mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms YouTube, Social Networks, Twitter, Email, Paid Media Spend and in- game advertising Strengths ƒƒ Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States in an election that saw 130mm people vote, the most ever in a presidential election. (130mm?) ƒƒ The Pew Research Center determined the 2008 election was the most racially and ethnically diverse in US history, which reinforces how successful the Obama campaign was at attracting new voters. Weaknesses ƒƒ Detractors point to Obama’s $740mm media spend as a major driver of his election campaign. ƒƒ Bloomberg published Obama’s spending, which eclipsed the combined $646.7mm that Bush/Kerry spent four years earlier. SOURCES: agency-obama-campaign-purchase/ actr/2010/12/20/three-simple- words-a-rhetorical-analysis-of-the- slogan-_25e2_2580_259cyes-we- can_25e2_2580_259d-molly-mcguire/ default.htm Obama_presidential_campaign,_2008 srmguruobama2008012 9sho rt212338595089952692-1950834 stories/1108/15306.html news?pid=newsarchivesid=a erix76GvmRM
  • 16. 16BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Political Movement Obama ‘12 – It Begins With Us Description The “It Begins With Us” movement became nationally recognized in the United States during Barack Obama’s 2012 re- election campaign. Again, President Obama leveraged new media and big data to help target and connect with new voters. Through his message and innovative marketing strategy, Obama won his re-election by a margin of 50.35% to 48.13%. Call to Action The desired behavior of this movement was to identify and activate new groups of voters, to help fundraise, campaign, and vote for a leader who promised to keep moving the country forward. To do this, Obama’s campaign team introduced leveraged big data and cloud computing to improve his targeting capabilities. Cause Re-elect Barack Obama to the Presidency in 2012. Target US Sustained Action Duration of 2012 election cycle Size 350.6mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms Social Networks, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter, Email, Paid Media Strengths ƒƒ Barack Obama won a second term as President of the United States by leveraging big data and cloud computing to generate 2.2mm volunteers, the largest grassroots campaign in political history. ƒƒ To illustrate, the Economist reported on how President Obama spent the lion’s share of his funds on online advertising to develop “a huge network of volunteers, to proselytize on his behalf.” Weaknesses ƒƒ Some point to the fact that Obama had fouryears as president to gather support through social networks and other media outlets, whereas the Republican candidates were not afforded the same opportunity. SOURCES: Obama_presidential_campaign,_2012 VZLvVF1FQ trail/romney-outspent-obama- advertise/238241/ Obama_on_social_media case-studies/barack-obama node/21552590 article/20121009061552-33767-obama- vs-romney-in-social-media-who-s- using-it-best?
  • 17. 17BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Political Movement Romney ‘12– Believe in America Description The “Believe in America” movement became nationally recognized in the United States during Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign for president. It was based on the theory that Romney’s experience in the financial sector could help address the economic situation the United States was facing, and put America back “on a course to greatness.” Call to Action The desired behavior of this movement was to encourage people to vote for Romney, who, if elected, promised to grow the economy, create jobs, and increase financial checks and balances in the federal government Cause Elect Mitt Romney to the Presidency in 2012. Target US Sustained Action Duration of 2012 election cycle Size 44 mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Television, Google+, email Strengths ƒƒ Utilized multiple social networks, from Facebook to Pinterest to Spotify, to capitalize on a range of audience segments and communication formats. ƒƒ Although he had lower follower numbers on Facebook, Romney made strategic Facebook ad buys so that his ads would appear next to terms such as “Obama” and “Democrat.” The result, according to one report, is that Romney gained Facebook followers at double the rate of Obama. Weaknesses ƒƒ As Forbes notes, although the campaign had access to a significant amount of data through social networking, it failed to utilize it in such a way that drove actions that would lead to a Romney win on election day. ƒƒ Romney was forced to spend much of his campaign prior to the nomination dealing with Republican opponents, and defending himself against detractors in his own party, which led to a split focus. SOURCES: interactive/2012/10/08/technology/ campaign-social-media.html http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes. com/2012/11/15/social-and-anti-social- media/ markfidelman/2012/11/11/5-ways- romney-could-have-won-the-election- with-data-social-and-mobile/ infographic-obama-romney-social- media/236798/ Romney_presidential_campaign,_2012 of-the-obamaromney-social-media- campaign-2012-9?op=1 article/20121009061552-33767-obama- vs-romney-in-social-media-who-s- using-it-best
  • 18. 18BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Social Movement Earth Hour Description Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and held towards the end of March encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. Call to Action The goal of this movement is to reduce energy consumption. Every March 27th , WWF encourages supporters to shut down all their power (lights, heating, air conditioning, etc.) for exactly one hour (known as Earth Hour). Participants are encouraged to spread the word to their friends and family through social channels. Cause A small act by a large group of people can make a big difference. Using this principle, Earth Hour aims to show the world that by making small sacrifices, there can be some hope in reversing the effects of global warming. Target Global Sustained Action Once-a-year activation, that has taken place for the past four years Size 6.3mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, Twitter, Website, Google+, YouTube and TV Strengths ƒƒ Supporters highlight Earth Hour’s global adoption by 150 countries, measureable impact, and four years of activity as evidence of success. ƒƒ For example, Commonwealth Edison(a utility company that services Chicago) reported that about 840,000 pounds of carbon dioxide were kept out of the atmosphere during Earth Hour 2008. Weaknesses ƒƒ Detractors label Earth Hour as a failure because the once- a-year program generates insignificant short-term and long-term behavior changes, beyond a symbolic action. ƒƒ To illustrate, Roger Sowell published a report in 2009 that showed no apparent decrease in the power load throughout the state of California during Earth Hour. SOURCES: hour http://sowellslawblog.blogspot. com/2009/03/busted-earth-hour.html
  • 19. 19BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Target Global (NA heavy to date) Sustained Action Continuous Size 4.1mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, Twitter, Website, Google+, YouTube and Tumblr Social Movement It Gets Better Description It Gets Better is an Internet- based movement founded in the United States in 2010 by Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller, in response to the suicides of teenagers who were bullied because they were gay or suspected of being gay. Call to Action The goal of this movement is to prevent bullying and suicide among LGBT youth. To do this, It Gets Better encourages gay adults and straight allies to help convey the message that LGBT teens’ lives will improve. Cause Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. Strengths ƒƒ Supporters classify It Gets Better as a success due to the movement adoption in 25 global markets and two years of sustained activity. ƒƒ For example, President Obama shared his support by making a promotional video that had over 461K views to date. Weaknesses ƒƒ Detractors point out It Gets Better should focus on parents, not teens, to help reduce LGBT suicide. ƒƒ To illustrate, The Family Acceptance Project’s research has demonstrated that “parental acceptance, and even neutrality, with regard to a child’s sexual orientation” can bring down the attempted suicide rate. SOURCES: Better_Project itgetsbetterproject watch?v=HzcAR6yQhF8
  • 20. 20BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Social Movement Occupy Wall Street Description Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a protest movement that began on 9/17/11. The main issues are social and economic inequality, greed, corruption, and perceived undue influence of corporations on government. Call to Action The goal of this movement is to fight back against the richest 1% of people who are writing the rules of an unfair global economy. OWS encourages supporters to follow the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve their goals, and encourages the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants. Cause Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement, with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing all participants have in common is that We Are The 99% who will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.  Target Global Sustained Action Continuous Size 585k social actions Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Website and Celebrities (Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi) Strengths ƒƒ Supporters highlight how OWS is currently active in 1,500 cities globally and how technology and social media are increasing awareness and participation. ƒƒ In November 2011, Public Policy Polling did a national survey which found that 33% of voters supported OWS. Weaknesses ƒƒ Detractors often criticize OWS for not having clear demands and thus not being able to accomplish any goals. ƒƒ Ginia Fellafante points out in the New York Times that OWS supporters have a lack of focus, highlighting some who note that “no one who uses an Apple computer can possibly say anything critical about capitalism.” SOURCES Wall_Street power/occupywallstreet?gclid=CLOX jv2p67MCFYd9Ogod1DgACQ power/five-ways-occupywallstreet-has- succeeded top-ten-richest-celebrities-supporting- occupy-wall-street/# sources.html nyregion/protesters-are-gunning-for- wall-street-with-faulty-aim.html?_r=2 Policy_Polling
  • 21. 21BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Target Global Sustained Action Continuous Size 773k social actions Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, Twitter, Website, Google+, mobile/texting Social Movement Tsunami Relief Fund Description There were many organizations delivering relief, or funding relief programs, in the wake of the Japanese Tsunami. GlobalGiving was one organization that effectively connected donors with disaster areas or grassroots projects in developing worlds. Potential donors could browse and select from a wide offering of projects, and could easily transfer funds to the area of interest. Call to Action Following the Japanese earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, GlobalGiving established a fundraising goal of 9.5 million dollars for tsunami relief. They solicited and collected donations from multiple platforms, including, digital, mobile, social and TV. Cause GlobalGiving is a charity fundraising movement that gives social entrepreneurs and non- profits from anywhere in the world a chance to raise the money that they need to improve their communities from anywhere in the world. Strengths ƒƒ Supporters proudly highlight that the Tsunami fundraising movement is currently 93% of the way to its goal, with $8.8 million dollars raised out of a $9.5 million goal. ƒƒ For example, Makoto Katakeyama explained how he received relief money from GlobalGiving so he could start oyster farming again, which directly benefited his local economy and increased the local food supply. Weaknesses ƒƒ Detractors label GlobalGiving as fiscally irresponsible because it takes 10% of donations for operating expenses. ƒƒ To illustrate, Charity Navigator, the well-respected non- profit watchdog, only gives GlobalGiving three out of a possible four stars (a concern, since a four-star rating isn’t hard to achieve). SOURCES: japan-earthquake-tsunami-relief/ cfm?bay=search.summaryorgid=11648 low-ranked-charity-not-a-scam-but- skip-global-giving-if-you-sleep-in-this- black-friday/
  • 22. 22BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Brand Movement Amex Small Business Saturday Description American Express started Small Business Saturday in 2010 as a way to generate more awareness of local, small businesses, and to assist in generating sales for their small business merchants. Call to Action Shop small and shop local — go into your local stores and give them your business. Spread the word — tell others to shop small and shop local. Cause Small businesses across America need the enduring support of local shoppers. While the benefits of big chains and big box retailers cannot be dismissed, it’s America’s small businesses that serve our communities best. Target US Sustained Action Once a year Size 102 million US consumers shopped “small” on Small Business Saturday in 2011. 5mm social actions. Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, Twitter, Website, Merchant Kits, CRM, Advertising Strengths ƒƒ American Express helped drive sales in small, local stores, as 102mm customers shopped on Small Business Saturday. ƒƒ Mashable reported that American Express “saw a 23% increase in transactions at small business in 2011” which was a win for the small businesses as well as Amex. Weaknesses ƒƒ Critics point out how the one-day affair has limited sustainable impact, how American Express charges very high fees to vendors (~2.5%), and how this campaign is designed to help AmEx, rather than the small business community. ƒƒ recently reported that the program is “a monetary boom if they can get more people to use the card…but there’s been no reciprocal kindness back to the merchants.” SOURCES: american-express-small-business- saturday/ business/american-express-to-refund- 85-million.html small-business-saturday-real-effects- on-merchants.html
  • 23. 23BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Target Global Sustained Action Continuous Size 4.4mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Multiple Websites, Email, Partnerships (with Clinton Global Initiatives, etc.) and PR/Blogger Outreach Brand Movement Nike Foundation, The Girl Effect Description Founded by The NoVo Foundation and The Nike Foundation, The Girl Effect is a movement to invest in and provide opportunities to adolescent girls as a means to end poverty in developing countries. It is based on the theory that, if given the right opportunities, girls and women can be effective at lifting themselves and their communities out of poverty. Call to Action The desired behavior of this movement was to end poverty in developing countries by focusing on, and investing in adolescent girls in those countries. Cause Ending poverty by investing resources in girls around the world. Strengths ƒƒ Supporters highlight how Nike was able to successfully draw attention and interest to an important international social and economic issue, as evidenced by $41 million donated to the program in first three years (2007-2009). ƒƒ The Huffington Post reported on how the Girl Effect helped decrease HIV prevalence by 60%, compared to peers. Peers? Means what? Unclear. Weaknesses ƒƒ Critics have slammed the Girl Effect for playing up to stereotypes of women and girls as natural caregivers, ignoring questions of structural inequality and power imbalance.FIX WIDOW. ƒƒ Aidwatchers openly questioned, “Why reinforce perceptions about “women’s work” and “men’s work” by claiming that women make better homemakers?” SOURCES: http://youthinkyouknowme.girleffect. org/ big-picture Effect brand/documents/girleffect.pdf development/poverty-matters/2012/ mar/23/girl-hub-strength-weaknesses we-have-to-save-ourselves-and-the- world-too-a-critique-of-%E2%80%9Cthe- girl-effect%E2%80%9D/
  • 24. 24BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Brand Movement Pepsi Refresh Description The Pepsi Refresh Project began in 2010 as an initiative to identify and fund projects that would have a positive impact on their community, states, or the country. Originally planned as a one-year campaign, Pepsi Refresh lasted for two years, and awarded $20mm in grants to non-profit organizations, businesses, and individuals, who were chosen through a system of voting via social media. Call to Action The desired behavior of this movement was to encourage individuals and nonprofits to ideate innovative and creative solutions to help move their communities forward. Cause Refresh Everything (The Pepsi Refresh Project) was conceived as a “ground-breaking initiative designed to fund good ideas, big and small, that help refresh our world.” Target US Sustained Action Two years Size 6.7mm social actions Key Engagement Platforms Facebook, Twitter, Website, Mobile, YouTube, and Advertising Celebrity tie-ins (NFL) Strengths ƒƒ Built equity for the Pepsi brand, as evidenced in a 2010 Forbes and Reputation Institute study, which indicated that Pepsi moved from #16 to #5 among the country’s most reputable brands. ƒƒ Empowered communities and individuals to believe they could step up and change their world. Weaknesses ƒƒ Didn’t correlate directly enough to sales, as market share decreased during the same time period. ƒƒ Faced criticism with how grants were awarded, and there were many allegations of cheating. SOURCES: Refresh_Project teaching-moment-professors-evaluate- pepsi-refresh-project/237629/ pepsi The-Pepsi-Refresh-Project-Awards-13- Million-to-Support-the-Publics-Favorite- Idea03222010.html business/06charity.html
  • 25. 25BUILDING SOCIAL MOVEMENTS FOR BRANDS MARCH 2013 Appendix A: Top Ten Pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Facebook Brand Fans 1 Facebook 84,121,319 2 YouTube 67,719,238 3 Texas Holdem Poker 67,666,376 4 Rihanna 64,797,581 5 Eminem 64,490,260 6 The Simpsons 58,826,643 7 Shakira 58,572,171 8 Coca-Cola (Coke) 56,883,666 9 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 54,723,452 10 Lady Gaga 54,678,908 Source: as of 1/3/13 Twitter Brand Followers 1 Lady Gaga 32,660,281 2 Justin Bieber 32,372,480 3 Katy Perry 30,699,659 4 Rihanna 27,579,512 5 Barack Obama 25,257,501 6 Britney Spears 22,912,239 7 Taylor Swift 22,449,120 8 YouTube 21,435,228 9 Shakira 19,175,242 10 Kim Kardashian 17,050,528 Source: as of 1/3/13 YouTube Brand Views 1 Psy 1,116,593,319 2 Justin Bieber 817,886,738 3 Jennifer Lopez/ Pitbull 636,739,081 4 Eminem/ Rihanna 527,855,009 5 LMFAO 512,476,646 6 Charlie Bit My Finger - again! 505,465,413 7 Shakira 504,975,753 8 Lady Gaga 502,934,765 9 Michel Telo 473,010,286 10 Don Omar 415,846,863 Source: as of 1/3/13
  • 26. About Social@Ogilvy S ocial@Ogilvy is the largest social media marketing communications network in the world. Named 2011 Global Digital/Social Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report, the practice leverages social media expertise across all Ogilvy Mather disciplines, offering an extensive list of services within the foundational business solutions – Listening and Analytics; Social Business Solutions; Social Media Marketing and Communications; Social Shopping; Social CRM; Social Care; and Conversation Impact. For more information, visit and connect with us at, socialogilvy,