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Successful Legacies:
7 Steps for Creating a Succession Plan

         FORTUNE Business Transfers & Acquisitions
     400 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Ste. 301, Louisville, KY 40241
       502-266-0480 / 888-367-8861
By requesting this report, you are already a step
ahead of the vast majority of your peers.             There are many things to consider when putting
Investing time now to create your Succession          together a business succession plan including
Plan will preserve the future success of your         your age, health, state of the industry,
business, reap financial reward and give you          competition, the health of the economy, and the
peace of mind.                                        interests of your family. The sooner you put
                                                      together your plan, the more control and options
Ultimately, a Succession Plan should provide a        you will have personally as well as for your
roadmap to an owner’s exit from his or her            business. The longer you wait, the greater the
business. We believe the Plan should also             risks that either personal or business changes
identify key drivers to the success of the            will occur that will decrease your options and
business, include detailed action items to            may force you down a less favorable path.
increase the value and profitability of the
business over a set timeline, address personal        A Business Succession Plan should be treated
wealth objectives and contain contingency plans       in the same manner of importance as estate
to handle any unforeseen events. It is much           planning and the creation of your will. Given
more than just a checklist; it’s a workable plan to   that the exit from your company is likely to be
ensure an owner will reap the rewards of their        the most significant financial event of your life,
business success and meet the personal goals          why leave it to chance? The 7 steps shown
they’ve set for themselves and their families.        below will help you create a successful
                                                      succession plan.
7 steps for creating a Successful Succession Plan:

1.          Determine short, mid and long-term objectives

2.          Identify business value drivers and benchmark the value of your business

3. Perform business and profitability analysis

4. Create an action plan to maximize business value and profitability

5. Match your succession strategy and personal wealth objectives

6. Develop contingencies for unforeseen events

7. Monitor the plan and exit the business

“The toughest thing for the entrepreneur to realize is that time is constantly
running out. Most owners don’t plan because they don’t think they are
ever going to retire or die.”
                         Leon Danco
                         Director of the Center for Family Business

•    70% of businesses fail to make it to the next generation
• 80% fail to make it to two generations
•    70% of businesses transferred are sold to a third party
Step One: Determine short, mid and long-term objectives
If you are like most business owners, you spend       but because they did not have an agreed upon
a considerable amount of energy on the daily          exit strategy or a buy-out agreement, the future
operations of your business and you worry over        of their business, their personal financial security
its financial performance. You assume the             and the jobs of 75 employees were put at risk.
future will take care of itself, if the business is
successful. Sadly, that is a misconception that       In Step One of your Succession Plan, there are
we see applied very often by the majority of          three main questions you need to ask yourself:
owners. Let’s look at an example:                      1. How long do you want to work in the
                                                       business before retiring or moving on?
Two owners of a thriving engineering firm had          2. How much do you require or desire in annual
been college roommates and started a small             after-tax income once you exit your business?
consulting business right out of school. The           3. Who do you want to transfer the business to:
economy was healthy and within five years, their       family member, key employee, or third party?
sales grew to $500,000. Both owners married,          By exploring and analyzing your options you will
had children and were well respected in their         begin to structure your short, mid and long-term
community. They worked very hard and within           objectives.
thirty years they had grown the business to $25
million in sales. They had 75 employees on the        Ideally, a succession plan should be developed
payroll, had just moved into a brand new office       as soon as you start, inherit or acquire a
and had been awarded a 5-year government              business. However, no matter where you are in
contract worth $15 million.                           the lifecycle of your business, you should set
                                                      short, mid and long term objectives that are
The owners, now both in their early 50’s, were        measurable and can build upon each other. A
celebrating their good fortune one evening after      disciplined, systematic approach to
work and began discussing the possibility of          accomplishing your objectives will ultimately
early retirement. One partner admitted that he        result in an orderly and successful exit from your
no longer had the stamina to travel and he was        business on the previously projected date from
considering bringing his son, who had recently        questions one.
graduated from college, into the business as his
future successor. His partner, who had always         Your lifestyle expectations and anticipated exit
assumed they would sell the business to a third       date along with estate planning will all need to
party upon retirement, was shocked.                   be considered when answering question two
                                                      above. A qualified, trusted advisor can be of
The two partners exchanged heated words and           great assistance in this area.
within a week their years of friendship began to
erode. They both decided they wanted out of           The answer to question three should be carefully
the partnership and they called an outside            considered. If you choose a family member,
advisor for help. After reviewing the situation,      start grooming them several years in advance
the advisor had more bad news for them: since         for the position. Make sure they have the all the
the two owners had retained control of all the        necessary attributes, the passion to run your
key functions, the business was unlikely to           business, and the ability to contribute to its
remain successful unless they continued in            growth. If you choose an employee, start
those roles, nothing had been done to create          mentoring them and including them on strategic
funding for the owner’s buy out and there was         decisions so the transition becomes more
no formal partnership agreement that identified       seamless. If you choose to transfer your
the terms for a conflict resolution.                  business to a third party, plan well in advance.

This story illustrates an important point: these      Your answer to questions one and two may
partners never took the time to discuss and           influence your choice in question three. We
document their business and personal                  advise you to consider all your options, but keep
objectives. For years, they devoted themselves        in mind that although 50% of owners want to
to the daily management of the firm, handling         transfer their business to a family member, 70%
hundreds of details, and putting out fires. The       of businesses fail to make it to the next
intensity the owners generated and the energy         generation.
they expended made their company a success,
Step Two: Identify business value drivers and benchmark
                                    the value of your business
                                                       dominant supplier. No one customer should
                                                       account for more than 10-20% of your total
                                                       sales. This may require you to invest in
                                                       additional capacity that will allow you to broaden
                                                       your customer base. Taking the time to
                                                       investigate your current suppliers is a prudent
                                                       strategy and may result in reducing your cost of
                                                       goods as well as your reliance on a major

                                                       Facilities & Equipment – make sure your
                                                       facilities are up to code and convey the image
                                                       you want to project. Invest in new equipment
                                                       and maintain service records.

                                                       Financial Discipline – all businesses are
                                                       valued based on the health of their historical
                                                       income statements as well as 5-year projections
                                                       that are substantiated. The existence of
Value drivers are the characteristics that reduce
                                                       financial controls supports an owner’s
the risk of owning the business or increase the
                                                       profitability claims. It is extremely important that
probability the business will grow in the future. If
                                                       your company’s financial records are accurate
these characteristics are present in your
                                                       and verifiable. A potential buyer or lender will
business, a buyer will pay a premium price. The
                                                       want to carefully review them.
most common value drivers include:
Management Team, Systems & Procedures,
                                                       Growth Strategy – being able to demonstrate a
Customers & Suppliers, Facilities & Equipment,
                                                       realistic growth strategy is vital to the perceived
Financial Discipline and Growth Strategy.
                                                       value of your business. Creating a pro forma
                                                       statement with projected discretionary earnings
Management Team – too many business
                                                       is the best way to communicate future
owners make the mistake of retaining complete
                                                       opportunities. Make sure you document your
control which makes it hard to separate them
                                                       assumptions and clearly outline new products,
from the business. Start now to designate a
                                                       marketing efforts, increased demand, industry
manager or assemble a management team that
                                                       dynamics and other factors that impact growth.
is capable of running the business now and after
your departure.
                                                       A business valuation serves as a great tool to
                                                       benchmark the current market value of your
Systems & Procedures – like the management
                                                       business. Due to the historical use of unreliable
team, reliable systems and well documented
                                                       valuation approaches, we recommend you use
procedures will help sustain the growth of a
                                                       an unbiased and honorable certified business
business and ensure a smooth transition to a
                                                       valuation firm. If the valuation proves insufficient
new owner. Write a formal business plan;
                                                       to support your long-term financial objectives,
create written job descriptions; develop a
                                                       you should devote a significant effort toward
systems manual; organize customer and
                                                       focusing on the key value drivers and the
supplier files; consider investing in technology
                                                       necessary action steps to build value. If the
and software tools that will help streamline
                                                       valuation is right in line with your expectations,
current procedures.
                                                       you should take steps to preserve its value and
                                                       occasionally have the business re-valued.
Customers & Suppliers – a diversified
                                                       Industry dynamics and the health of the
customer and supplier base helps to insulate a
                                                       economy are external factors that can greatly
company from the loss of a single customer or
                                                       alter the market value of your business.
Step Three: Perform business and profitability analysis
To perform a business analysis, start with            One common mistake companies make is to
conducting a SWOT analysis. Identify the              allocate a large percentage of their cost
company’s true strengths, known weaknesses,           structure to “shared costs”. If all costs are not
growth opportunities and any threats to the           directly attributed to individual components,
future of the firm. Strengths and weaknesses          profitability is likely to be overstated in some
are internal factors. Opportunities and threats       areas and understated in others. This could
are external factors.                                 cause a company to make poor business
                                                      decisions such as increasing their sales with a
For example, strengths could be a new,                high volume customer that is actually far less
innovative product or service, the location of        profitable than is apparent when they should be
your business, or your marketing expertise. A         growing their business with lower volume, higher
weakness could be undifferentiated products or        profit customers.
services or a damaged reputation. Opportunities
could be a developing market such as the              Consider the following initiatives once you have
Internet or a strategic alliance. A threat could be   determined profitability drivers:
a new competitor in your home market, price           1. Re-evaluate all products and services:
wars, or legislative action that negatively           Consider dropping low volume products or
impacts your industry. Make sure you are              services. Only keep them if their customer
realistic and very specific when performing your      reach is strategic in terms of loyalty, satisfaction
analysis. SWOT analysis should distinguish            and relevance. Compare their contribution
between where your organization is today, and         margin to all other products and services.
where it could be in the future.                      Evaluate their system wide operational impact
                                                      on manufacturing and distribution productivity.
Next, you will want to determine your company’s
profitability drivers. This starts with               2. Realign customers: Renegotiate pricing or
understanding where you make and lose money.          completely eliminate unprofitable customers to
It is easy to equate growing revenues with            improve the low-cost and high-cost mix. This
making money, but unless your operating               may allow for consolidation of facilities,
margin is keeping pace with your revenue              reduction of manufacturing lines and more
growth, you are actually facing a decline in          efficient distribution. Focus resources on
profitability.                                        profitable accounts with high growth potential.

To understand the profitability picture, you need     3. Set long-term strategy: Share your findings
to analyze the cost structure and contribution        with your leadership team so that all future
margin of each business component separately.         decisions will be based on true costs, system
A component may be a brand, product, channel          wide impact, and the most favorable profitability
or customer.                                          strategies.

 Step Four: Create an action plan to maximize business
                                      value and profitability
After completing steps two and three, create a        strengthen the business in the areas of the six
list of action items, with projected completion       value drivers identified in step two.
dates, that will maximize your business value
and increase your profitability. Careful planning     Set aside time to review your action plan twice a
will allow you to transition your company without     year and compare your progress against your
jeopardizing either near-term performance or          short, mid and long-term objectives. Make
future growth. Your goal should be to move            adjustments and work with external advisors to
from a revenue culture to a profit culture and to     stay on course.
Step Five: Match your succession strategy and personal
                                   wealth objectives
When setting your objectives in step one, you        Most privately owned businesses are run with
made a decision on who you want to succeed           the objective to minimize taxable income,
you in the ownership of your business. If you        however this approach can also minimize the
chose a child or employee(s) and want to be          value of the business. Select an outside CPA to
able to finance your retirement solely from your     prepare all of your financial statements. Buyers
business, make sure they have the financial          will be interested in reviewing three years of
fortitude to invest in your business at the level    clean financial records.
you desire. In selling to a child or employee be
sure to collect a significant down payment           Keep in mind that the sale of a business can
anywhere from 40 to 75% of the sale price            suddenly create significant liquid assets for the
because you may not receive the balance due to       owner and without a plan, there can be
performance issues of the new owner. This            unwanted consequences. One consequence is
scenario is especially important if your sole        a higher tax load than necessary. Other
means for retirement is heavily dependent on         consequences could be hurried or poor
the money from the sale. If you plan to put your     investment decisions, family disagreements and
business on the market, transition to a profit       a future estate tax that is higher than necessary.
maximizing accounting approach at least two          Tax and estate planning should be an essential
years before your anticipated transfer date.         element to this section of the succession plan.

 Step Six: Develop contingencies for unforeseen events
Once you’ve completed steps one through five,        •   Declining markets
you may be feeling satisfied that your future and    •   Excessive debt burden
your business is in good hands. However, there
is one additional step that we recommend to          Make sure you have sufficient insurance to
complete your succession planning.                   cover your family’s needs in the event of your
                                                     death or disability. Consider investing in key
It may be unpleasant to consider what would          man insurance to protect the business against
happen to your business or your family if            the loss of yourself or a critical employee.
something tragic were to happen to you, but it is    Although insurance is very helpful, it will not
absolutely critical to develop contingency plans     cover all the consequences due to insufficient
to address unforeseen events. Without these          planning.
plans, a tragic event could be compounded by
placing a financial burden on your family, leaving   If you have a business partner, create or update
valued employees without jobs or the dissolving      a buy-out agreement as well as an ownership
of your successful business. Therefore, it is        agreement that identifies what happens to an
imperative that a business owner communicate         owner’s investment if he or she is no longer able
in writing their wishes as to what should be done    to work in the business or needs to “cash out” of
with the business if they are no longer able to      the business. Make sure any payouts are based
operate it.                                          on a current certified business valuation.

These unforeseen events can occur in the form        Diversifying and reducing your dependency on
of:                                                  one customer, one supplier or one product will
 • Death                                             help cushion the impact of a declining market
 • Illness                                           and minimize cash flow issues. Keep adequate
 • Disability                                        cash reserves in the business and avoid
 • Divorce                                           transferring them to fund an excessive lifestyle.
 • Ownership disputes                                Minimize your dependency on third party
 • Critical cash flow issues                         financing. A business with minimal debt can
weather a bad economy. A business with                   note called in which may force the owner to shut
excessive debt may result in having the bank             down their business.

 Step Seven: Monitor the plan and exit the business
                                                         monitor the plan, making adjustments as
                                                         necessary, to stay on track.

                                                         Ideally, the best time to sell a business is when
                                                         the business is performing well (at the top of the
                                                         bell curve), future projections look even better,
                                                         the economy is strong and the industry is
                                                         healthy. Although your business has been
                                                         valued in the past it is imperative that you have
                                                         an updated business valuation performed before
                                                         placing your company on the market. This will
                                                         help you set a realistic, defendable asking price
                                                         that will be in line with the current market. Keep
                                                         in mind that many businesses can take up to two
                                                         years to sell to a third party

                                                         There are several types of buyers that may be
                                                         interested in your business – strategic, industry,
                                                         private equity groups (PEGS), or individual
With a Succession Plan in place, you now have            buyers. Your marketing efforts should be
a roadmap to direct you toward a planned and             targeted to buyers that will see the most value in
successful exit from your business. Continue to          your business. A business transfer advisory firm
                                                         is highly specialized to assist you in targeting the
                                                         right buyer and facilitate the transfer process.

Summary                                           80% of results come from 20% of efforts
                                                                          - Pareto’s Law
A good succession plan ensures the following:
 • Viability of the business is maintained
 • Profitability is increased
 • Retiring owner’s needs are met
 • Other stakeholder’s (i.e. family, employees, creditors, customers and vendors) needs are met
 • Chosen successor is qualified
 • Contingency plans are in place for unforeseen events
 • Third party selling strategy is developed
 • Taxes are minimized
 • Overlaps with estate planning

The plan takes an integrated approach to help private business owners address, in advance, potential
issues in the areas of business, personal, legal, financial and tax. The benefits to the owner are:
 • Lowers business risks
 • Avoids asset concentration
 • Maximizes value of the company at the time of exit
 • Avoids over or under valuing the company
 • Preserves family wealth
 • Lowers or eliminates capital gains taxes
 • Creates peace of mind

We hope you find this report to be both enlightening and helpful. If you need assistance in the areas of
succession planning, business transfers or business valuations, we would welcome the opportunity to
serve you.
FORTUNE Business Transfers & Acquisitions
400 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Ste. 301, Louisville, KY 40241
  502-266-0480 / 888-367-8861

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Business Succession & Exit Planning for the Sale of your Business

  • 1. Successful Legacies: 7 Steps for Creating a Succession Plan FORTUNE Business Transfers & Acquisitions 400 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Ste. 301, Louisville, KY 40241 502-266-0480 / 888-367-8861
  • 2. By requesting this report, you are already a step ahead of the vast majority of your peers. There are many things to consider when putting Investing time now to create your Succession together a business succession plan including Plan will preserve the future success of your your age, health, state of the industry, business, reap financial reward and give you competition, the health of the economy, and the peace of mind. interests of your family. The sooner you put together your plan, the more control and options Ultimately, a Succession Plan should provide a you will have personally as well as for your roadmap to an owner’s exit from his or her business. The longer you wait, the greater the business. We believe the Plan should also risks that either personal or business changes identify key drivers to the success of the will occur that will decrease your options and business, include detailed action items to may force you down a less favorable path. increase the value and profitability of the business over a set timeline, address personal A Business Succession Plan should be treated wealth objectives and contain contingency plans in the same manner of importance as estate to handle any unforeseen events. It is much planning and the creation of your will. Given more than just a checklist; it’s a workable plan to that the exit from your company is likely to be ensure an owner will reap the rewards of their the most significant financial event of your life, business success and meet the personal goals why leave it to chance? The 7 steps shown they’ve set for themselves and their families. below will help you create a successful succession plan. 7 steps for creating a Successful Succession Plan: 1. Determine short, mid and long-term objectives 2. Identify business value drivers and benchmark the value of your business 3. Perform business and profitability analysis 4. Create an action plan to maximize business value and profitability 5. Match your succession strategy and personal wealth objectives 6. Develop contingencies for unforeseen events 7. Monitor the plan and exit the business “The toughest thing for the entrepreneur to realize is that time is constantly running out. Most owners don’t plan because they don’t think they are ever going to retire or die.” Leon Danco Director of the Center for Family Business • 70% of businesses fail to make it to the next generation • 80% fail to make it to two generations • 70% of businesses transferred are sold to a third party
  • 3. Step One: Determine short, mid and long-term objectives If you are like most business owners, you spend but because they did not have an agreed upon a considerable amount of energy on the daily exit strategy or a buy-out agreement, the future operations of your business and you worry over of their business, their personal financial security its financial performance. You assume the and the jobs of 75 employees were put at risk. future will take care of itself, if the business is successful. Sadly, that is a misconception that In Step One of your Succession Plan, there are we see applied very often by the majority of three main questions you need to ask yourself: owners. Let’s look at an example: 1. How long do you want to work in the business before retiring or moving on? Two owners of a thriving engineering firm had 2. How much do you require or desire in annual been college roommates and started a small after-tax income once you exit your business? consulting business right out of school. The 3. Who do you want to transfer the business to: economy was healthy and within five years, their family member, key employee, or third party? sales grew to $500,000. Both owners married, By exploring and analyzing your options you will had children and were well respected in their begin to structure your short, mid and long-term community. They worked very hard and within objectives. thirty years they had grown the business to $25 million in sales. They had 75 employees on the Ideally, a succession plan should be developed payroll, had just moved into a brand new office as soon as you start, inherit or acquire a and had been awarded a 5-year government business. However, no matter where you are in contract worth $15 million. the lifecycle of your business, you should set short, mid and long term objectives that are The owners, now both in their early 50’s, were measurable and can build upon each other. A celebrating their good fortune one evening after disciplined, systematic approach to work and began discussing the possibility of accomplishing your objectives will ultimately early retirement. One partner admitted that he result in an orderly and successful exit from your no longer had the stamina to travel and he was business on the previously projected date from considering bringing his son, who had recently questions one. graduated from college, into the business as his future successor. His partner, who had always Your lifestyle expectations and anticipated exit assumed they would sell the business to a third date along with estate planning will all need to party upon retirement, was shocked. be considered when answering question two above. A qualified, trusted advisor can be of The two partners exchanged heated words and great assistance in this area. within a week their years of friendship began to erode. They both decided they wanted out of The answer to question three should be carefully the partnership and they called an outside considered. If you choose a family member, advisor for help. After reviewing the situation, start grooming them several years in advance the advisor had more bad news for them: since for the position. Make sure they have the all the the two owners had retained control of all the necessary attributes, the passion to run your key functions, the business was unlikely to business, and the ability to contribute to its remain successful unless they continued in growth. If you choose an employee, start those roles, nothing had been done to create mentoring them and including them on strategic funding for the owner’s buy out and there was decisions so the transition becomes more no formal partnership agreement that identified seamless. If you choose to transfer your the terms for a conflict resolution. business to a third party, plan well in advance. This story illustrates an important point: these Your answer to questions one and two may partners never took the time to discuss and influence your choice in question three. We document their business and personal advise you to consider all your options, but keep objectives. For years, they devoted themselves in mind that although 50% of owners want to to the daily management of the firm, handling transfer their business to a family member, 70% hundreds of details, and putting out fires. The of businesses fail to make it to the next intensity the owners generated and the energy generation. they expended made their company a success,
  • 4. Step Two: Identify business value drivers and benchmark the value of your business dominant supplier. No one customer should account for more than 10-20% of your total sales. This may require you to invest in additional capacity that will allow you to broaden your customer base. Taking the time to investigate your current suppliers is a prudent strategy and may result in reducing your cost of goods as well as your reliance on a major supplier. Facilities & Equipment – make sure your facilities are up to code and convey the image you want to project. Invest in new equipment and maintain service records. Financial Discipline – all businesses are valued based on the health of their historical income statements as well as 5-year projections that are substantiated. The existence of Value drivers are the characteristics that reduce financial controls supports an owner’s the risk of owning the business or increase the profitability claims. It is extremely important that probability the business will grow in the future. If your company’s financial records are accurate these characteristics are present in your and verifiable. A potential buyer or lender will business, a buyer will pay a premium price. The want to carefully review them. most common value drivers include: Management Team, Systems & Procedures, Growth Strategy – being able to demonstrate a Customers & Suppliers, Facilities & Equipment, realistic growth strategy is vital to the perceived Financial Discipline and Growth Strategy. value of your business. Creating a pro forma statement with projected discretionary earnings Management Team – too many business is the best way to communicate future owners make the mistake of retaining complete opportunities. Make sure you document your control which makes it hard to separate them assumptions and clearly outline new products, from the business. Start now to designate a marketing efforts, increased demand, industry manager or assemble a management team that dynamics and other factors that impact growth. is capable of running the business now and after your departure. A business valuation serves as a great tool to benchmark the current market value of your Systems & Procedures – like the management business. Due to the historical use of unreliable team, reliable systems and well documented valuation approaches, we recommend you use procedures will help sustain the growth of a an unbiased and honorable certified business business and ensure a smooth transition to a valuation firm. If the valuation proves insufficient new owner. Write a formal business plan; to support your long-term financial objectives, create written job descriptions; develop a you should devote a significant effort toward systems manual; organize customer and focusing on the key value drivers and the supplier files; consider investing in technology necessary action steps to build value. If the and software tools that will help streamline valuation is right in line with your expectations, current procedures. you should take steps to preserve its value and occasionally have the business re-valued. Customers & Suppliers – a diversified Industry dynamics and the health of the customer and supplier base helps to insulate a economy are external factors that can greatly company from the loss of a single customer or alter the market value of your business.
  • 5. Step Three: Perform business and profitability analysis To perform a business analysis, start with One common mistake companies make is to conducting a SWOT analysis. Identify the allocate a large percentage of their cost company’s true strengths, known weaknesses, structure to “shared costs”. If all costs are not growth opportunities and any threats to the directly attributed to individual components, future of the firm. Strengths and weaknesses profitability is likely to be overstated in some are internal factors. Opportunities and threats areas and understated in others. This could are external factors. cause a company to make poor business decisions such as increasing their sales with a For example, strengths could be a new, high volume customer that is actually far less innovative product or service, the location of profitable than is apparent when they should be your business, or your marketing expertise. A growing their business with lower volume, higher weakness could be undifferentiated products or profit customers. services or a damaged reputation. Opportunities could be a developing market such as the Consider the following initiatives once you have Internet or a strategic alliance. A threat could be determined profitability drivers: a new competitor in your home market, price 1. Re-evaluate all products and services: wars, or legislative action that negatively Consider dropping low volume products or impacts your industry. Make sure you are services. Only keep them if their customer realistic and very specific when performing your reach is strategic in terms of loyalty, satisfaction analysis. SWOT analysis should distinguish and relevance. Compare their contribution between where your organization is today, and margin to all other products and services. where it could be in the future. Evaluate their system wide operational impact on manufacturing and distribution productivity. Next, you will want to determine your company’s profitability drivers. This starts with 2. Realign customers: Renegotiate pricing or understanding where you make and lose money. completely eliminate unprofitable customers to It is easy to equate growing revenues with improve the low-cost and high-cost mix. This making money, but unless your operating may allow for consolidation of facilities, margin is keeping pace with your revenue reduction of manufacturing lines and more growth, you are actually facing a decline in efficient distribution. Focus resources on profitability. profitable accounts with high growth potential. To understand the profitability picture, you need 3. Set long-term strategy: Share your findings to analyze the cost structure and contribution with your leadership team so that all future margin of each business component separately. decisions will be based on true costs, system A component may be a brand, product, channel wide impact, and the most favorable profitability or customer. strategies. Step Four: Create an action plan to maximize business value and profitability After completing steps two and three, create a strengthen the business in the areas of the six list of action items, with projected completion value drivers identified in step two. dates, that will maximize your business value and increase your profitability. Careful planning Set aside time to review your action plan twice a will allow you to transition your company without year and compare your progress against your jeopardizing either near-term performance or short, mid and long-term objectives. Make future growth. Your goal should be to move adjustments and work with external advisors to from a revenue culture to a profit culture and to stay on course.
  • 6. Step Five: Match your succession strategy and personal wealth objectives When setting your objectives in step one, you Most privately owned businesses are run with made a decision on who you want to succeed the objective to minimize taxable income, you in the ownership of your business. If you however this approach can also minimize the chose a child or employee(s) and want to be value of the business. Select an outside CPA to able to finance your retirement solely from your prepare all of your financial statements. Buyers business, make sure they have the financial will be interested in reviewing three years of fortitude to invest in your business at the level clean financial records. you desire. In selling to a child or employee be sure to collect a significant down payment Keep in mind that the sale of a business can anywhere from 40 to 75% of the sale price suddenly create significant liquid assets for the because you may not receive the balance due to owner and without a plan, there can be performance issues of the new owner. This unwanted consequences. One consequence is scenario is especially important if your sole a higher tax load than necessary. Other means for retirement is heavily dependent on consequences could be hurried or poor the money from the sale. If you plan to put your investment decisions, family disagreements and business on the market, transition to a profit a future estate tax that is higher than necessary. maximizing accounting approach at least two Tax and estate planning should be an essential years before your anticipated transfer date. element to this section of the succession plan. Step Six: Develop contingencies for unforeseen events Once you’ve completed steps one through five, • Declining markets you may be feeling satisfied that your future and • Excessive debt burden your business is in good hands. However, there is one additional step that we recommend to Make sure you have sufficient insurance to complete your succession planning. cover your family’s needs in the event of your death or disability. Consider investing in key It may be unpleasant to consider what would man insurance to protect the business against happen to your business or your family if the loss of yourself or a critical employee. something tragic were to happen to you, but it is Although insurance is very helpful, it will not absolutely critical to develop contingency plans cover all the consequences due to insufficient to address unforeseen events. Without these planning. plans, a tragic event could be compounded by placing a financial burden on your family, leaving If you have a business partner, create or update valued employees without jobs or the dissolving a buy-out agreement as well as an ownership of your successful business. Therefore, it is agreement that identifies what happens to an imperative that a business owner communicate owner’s investment if he or she is no longer able in writing their wishes as to what should be done to work in the business or needs to “cash out” of with the business if they are no longer able to the business. Make sure any payouts are based operate it. on a current certified business valuation. These unforeseen events can occur in the form Diversifying and reducing your dependency on of: one customer, one supplier or one product will • Death help cushion the impact of a declining market • Illness and minimize cash flow issues. Keep adequate • Disability cash reserves in the business and avoid • Divorce transferring them to fund an excessive lifestyle. • Ownership disputes Minimize your dependency on third party • Critical cash flow issues financing. A business with minimal debt can
  • 7. weather a bad economy. A business with note called in which may force the owner to shut excessive debt may result in having the bank down their business. Step Seven: Monitor the plan and exit the business monitor the plan, making adjustments as necessary, to stay on track. Ideally, the best time to sell a business is when the business is performing well (at the top of the bell curve), future projections look even better, the economy is strong and the industry is healthy. Although your business has been valued in the past it is imperative that you have an updated business valuation performed before placing your company on the market. This will help you set a realistic, defendable asking price that will be in line with the current market. Keep in mind that many businesses can take up to two years to sell to a third party There are several types of buyers that may be interested in your business – strategic, industry, private equity groups (PEGS), or individual With a Succession Plan in place, you now have buyers. Your marketing efforts should be a roadmap to direct you toward a planned and targeted to buyers that will see the most value in successful exit from your business. Continue to your business. A business transfer advisory firm is highly specialized to assist you in targeting the right buyer and facilitate the transfer process. Summary 80% of results come from 20% of efforts - Pareto’s Law A good succession plan ensures the following: • Viability of the business is maintained • Profitability is increased • Retiring owner’s needs are met • Other stakeholder’s (i.e. family, employees, creditors, customers and vendors) needs are met • Chosen successor is qualified • Contingency plans are in place for unforeseen events • Third party selling strategy is developed • Taxes are minimized • Overlaps with estate planning The plan takes an integrated approach to help private business owners address, in advance, potential issues in the areas of business, personal, legal, financial and tax. The benefits to the owner are: • Lowers business risks • Avoids asset concentration • Maximizes value of the company at the time of exit • Avoids over or under valuing the company • Preserves family wealth • Lowers or eliminates capital gains taxes • Creates peace of mind We hope you find this report to be both enlightening and helpful. If you need assistance in the areas of succession planning, business transfers or business valuations, we would welcome the opportunity to serve you.
  • 8. FORTUNE Business Transfers & Acquisitions 400 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Ste. 301, Louisville, KY 40241 502-266-0480 / 888-367-8861