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Bring Back Flogging by Jeff Facoby
A columnist for the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby, in his article, "Bring Back Flogging" published on the op–ed page on February 20, addresses the issue
of the deficiency of today's criminal justice system and attempts to persuade us to bring back flogging as a punishment for certain crime. However,
though his syllogism might arouse the reader and educate them on the need for reform, but it fails to convince the reader that corporal punishment is the
best option.
He supports his argument by providing some good amount of evidences; however, he seems to go with some week witnesses. The first reason he
points out that about 1.6 million Americans were in jail that year (1997) which represented "a 250 percent increase in 1980, and the number is
climbing" (par 3). Obviously, at this argument he wants to demonstrate the weakness of the federal justice system when using imprisonment for "almost
every offense in the criminal code" (par 3). However, his assumption is quite vague in his first argument. We cannot literally say that the increase in the
number of prisoners means the increase of crime. Besides that, he cannot assume that capturing more and more criminals and putting them in jail is a
bad thing. Secondly, Jacoby also attempts to use statistics to support this opinion. By saying the common estimate cost of one inmate is approximately
$30,000 per year, he implies that the U.S federal justice system have spent too much money on inmates, and that the whole imprisonment system is
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Flogging In The 1800's
In the 1800's and 19 century crime and punishment was a big deal the things that they would do to torture and punish people for do the wrong thing
or breaking the law was very wrong. Most of the time the punishment that they would inflict would end in severe injuries or death in most cases.
One of the most common punishments that was court ordered was flogging it was also called whipping or caning. Flogging was a beating that was
administered with a whip or a rod with blows that were commonly administered to the person's back or butt. Depending on the age or the gender hits
were different "Adults was able to be hit up to 24 hits while children were able to be hit 12 time" (Harvey 87–88). Depending on your gender you
would not get hit because women were not allowed to be flogged. Later on "flogging failed Riley's rules conditions section 40 of the act in 1964 and
flogging was seen as not very reasonable" (Harvey 110). So flogging was considered really painful but it was the main source of punishment but was
later ruled unreasonable.... Show more content on ...
Such as perjury for perjury people were placed in stocks with their ears nailed " most torture ended in physical maiming" (Langbrint 4). You could be
tortured for Perjury, Adultery, bigamy, Manslaughter and so on but later on every punishment was replaced by hanging it was replaced around the 1820
with public hanging
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Corporal Punishment Should Be Taught Essay
Corporal is derived from the Latin word corporДЃlis bodily which is equivalent to corpor meaning, "of the human body; bodily; physical", as defined
by the dictionary. The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines corporal punishment as, "punishment that involves hitting someone: physical punishment".
The Committee on the Rights of the Child in the General Comment No. 8 defines 'corporal' or 'physical' punishment as, "any punishment in which
physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Most involves hitting ("smacking", "slapping", "spanking
") children, with the hand or with an implement; in the view of the Committee, corporal punishment is invariably degrading." The negative
psychological consequences that stem from corporal punishment far outweigh the positive results that have been recorded over the centuries corporal
punishment has been used; rather than enforcing corporal punishment to teach students to behave more appropriately in the classroom, educators
should be taught new ways to handle different behaviors within the classroom without resorting to violence.
Corporal punishment is used as a mechanism for controlling behavior in more than just the education system. Although corporal punishment is
commonly associated with the education system as a means for punishing school children in modern times: corporal punishment is in no way limited to
punishing children and is commonly used towards adults. Corporal punishment has been
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Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging
To reintroduce the act of flogging, a form of punishment used centuries ago by several civilizations throughout the world. That is the argument held by
Jeff Jacoby in his article "Bring Back Flogging" where he would like to use this method instead of prison sentencing. I believe that for many reasons,
this could be an effective change from the criminal and prison system.
Jacoby starts the article with four people, three men and a woman who lived in the 1600s, being punished for different crimes they committed, ranging
from selling firearms to adultery. Three out of the four people were flogged as a consequence for their crime. Throughout the United States, this act
would not come as a shock as this was popularly known as the main form of punishment. Today, we no longer support such... Show more content on ...
Using deductive logic, he mentions Delaware as a state that still used flogging as a form of punishment until a few decades ago, 1972 to be exact.
On the contrary, by only having one state to support his claim, it adds less validity. It shows the reader that the majority of the population gave up
flogging a long time ago, which implies that the country wanted to rid itself of it. Jacoby could have possibly used a different form of support
because it does not convince the audience as much as it could have had he used more evidence. Throughout the essay, he includes pieces of data that
instinctively make the reader consider his argument as logical. The downside to this is that the data must appeal to the human race. We have already
decided against it before, it will take a lot more than what he is providing if he wants humans to consider reverting back to flogging. There were not
many major issues in the essay that hindered his success, but the few that stood out as questionable, are the ones that could have led to losses in
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby
In Jeff Jacoby's essay, Bring Back Flogging, he discusses the modern day justice system, and the ways in which he believes it should change.
Jacoby's stance on the topic is that United States of America should bring back flogging as an alternate to jailing felons. Jacoby never actually states
this view in a thesis, but it is implied through the evidence given and the general attitude of the essay. Jacoby begins the essay with an anecdote from
the 17 th century. Jacoby says that Bostonian Puritans would often use flogging as a form of punishment for various different crimes as oppose to other
forms of punishment. He also notes that the Puritans would do other things such as branding with hot irons so that the felon is known. This anecdote is
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Outline On Hazing
–Hazing and the Effects It Has On College Life
Introduction – Hazing continues to harm individuals who are only seeking acceptance into a desired group.
I.The requirements that the group considers needed in order to join.
A."Special" initiations/requests that go from ordinary to strange and dangerous.
1.Students must cause harm to their own body.
a.Binge drinking has been popular and taken place many times (Alcohol Positioning).
b.Sexual attacks, or self–attacks have been placed upon students,
2.Students have to do something embarrassing.
a.The stripping of clothes and all garments for anyone to see can cause humiliation.
b.Students must do dumb tests and activities, even if they look stupid, just to gain approval.
3.Students ... Show more content on ...
Students may be forced to go forward with a task they aren't ready for; therefore losing what sense of confidence they had left.
4.They conceal what humanity you might have had left.
a.Student may be isolated from any form of life.
b.They may want a student to show how cruel they can be.
B.Your race plays a large role on the amount ofhazing that sorority/fraternity choose to partake in.
1.Students must be the ethnicity of that of the group.
2.Depending on color of skin, students that are of different color than that of group may have to go through a more harmful, or embarrassing activity.
3.Students may be treated different, depending on color, even after being accepted.
II.Hazing has caused deaths, dangerous injuries, and society's attention.
A.There has been at least one death every year because of hazing.
B.Internal injuries have taken place
C.Beatings, scarring, and bruises have been the norm for many fraternities and sororities.
D.Many people rethink the joining of certain colleges/sororities/fraternities because of their background.
E.Many laws in different states have been passed to make hazing illegal.
III.Hazing has been around for a long time and was once called, flogging, or fagging.
A.Flogging was used mainly in public
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Bring Back Flogging Analysis
Is Violence the Response to Criminals Actions? In "Bring Back Flogging," the author, Jeff Jacoby suggests that people should adopt some of the
Puritans tactics to punish criminals instead of putting them in prison. Jacoby is basing his claim on the use of irony, logos, and ethos. According to
Jeff Jacoby, a moment of humiliation is better than a couple of years behind bars. I do not agree with Jeff Jacoby's argument because the examples he
gives and the way he refers to the topic incite readers to violence, also during the development of the subject he is too contradictory with his own
opinions making his arguments unclear. To begin with, at the start of his article Jeff Jacoby mentions old tactics ofpunishment pursued by Puritans. At
the same time, the author is giving ideas of how to take justice into our own hands. For example, in paragraph 13 Jacoby mentions, "Their sanctions
(Puritan's actions) were humiliating and painful, but quick and cheap. Maybe we should readopt a few," basically the author is suggesting we should
punish criminals with our own hands. Consequently, Jacoby declares on paragraph 6, "...a stint in prison becomes a sign of manhood, a status of the
symbol," now the author is claiming that the prisons are unworthy and incarcerate people is not the solution because according to him there are better
ways. Besides, on paragraphs 2 and 3, Jeff Jacoby mentions four cases of people that were punished by the Puritans. This group committed crimes that
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Summary OfBring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby
Flogging in Modern Society In "Bring Back Flogging," Jeff Jacoby made unique, interesting arguments about the ways to punish criminals. Jacoby
describes how the Puritans punished criminals in demeaning manners, which was quite interesting to me since I do not know much about Puritans. I
could see that their punishment by opening criminals to public could force criminals to be humiliated and be done instantly. However, I do not see any
reasoning, which should explain the reason why the Puritan ways could work better in our modern society than imprisonment, in his description.
Jacoby's main argument is that some of imprisonment sentences can be replaced to more inexpensive ways, corporal punishments like a public
whipping, since giving imprisonment sentence to petty offenders is not efficient due to its costs. He refers to Puritan's time so that he can let readers
imagine how their punishments were done instantly and did not require costs to keep inmates in prison. However, even though he presents specific
numerical information to show that the criminal justice system is not only ineffective but also expensive, I still stay skeptical of his idea since he
significantly lacks the explanation why Puritan's ways are better in a qualitative manner and assumption of the different backgrounds between now and
past. First, Jacoby emphasizes the present number of criminals to state that the criminal justice system has not been working well. "Some 1.6 million
Americans are behind bars
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How Does Slavery Affect Society
Slavery has greatly influenced the world we live in today socially, economically, politically, and psychologically. Slavery effected our world socially in
a way that white slave owners owned only 2–4 slaves, three quarter of Southern whites owned no slaves, most of the black slaves were mulattoes,
slave Christianity emphasized the Hebrew liberation from Egypt, radical abolitionists were attacked in the North most of the time, and it was illegal
to teach the slaves how to read in the South. Slaves were treated different than everyone else was treated. The whites were allowed to read whereas
the slaves weren't and if they were it was witnessed as illegal. Slaves were called rude names, treated badly, as well as illiterate which effected them in
the social nature of... Show more content on ...
Some of the ways economic slavery effected the way we think is that cotton is half of all American exports after 1840, the average price for a good
field hand was $1,200, as well as three quarters of southern whites owned no slaves. Slaves were bought as well as sold, the more kids the slave
had or if she was "tolerable likely" then the better deal that could be made. People would sell slaves even if they didn't need to be sold just because
they wanted to make money off of them. Slaves were thrown around for money which affected them in the economic nature of slavery. Slavery had
a political effect on the world with free blacks being banned from many states in the North and the South as well as Radical abolitionists were often
attacked in the North. The political aspect of life has to do with the government. With the free blacks being banned from many states in the North and
in the South shows that the government has banned blacks from going into certain parts of the North and South. Radical abolitionists had a goal to
bring an end to slavery which shows the political side by ending it. Slaves were also involved in the political nature of
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Rhetorical Analysis
In "Bring Back Flogging", Jeff Jacoby addresses the problems within America 's criminal justice system. He gives many reasons why imprisonment
simply does not work, and suggests that corporal punishment should be used as an alternative. Published in the Boston Globe, a newspaper well
known for being liberal, Jacoby provides a conservative view and directs his argument towards those who strongly support imprisonment and view
corporal punishment to be highly barbaric and inhumane. However, in order to shed light on our current situation, Jacoby discusses the dangers that we
face though our criminal justice system a nd shows concern that imprisonment is doing more harm than good. In effect, Jacoby looks to the past for
solutions, and... Show more content on ...
Without the use of these statistics, Jacoby would not be able to suggest such a solution and effectively convey his point. As a result, Jacoby proves that
through his research, he is qualified to make his arguments against prisons. Furthermore, Jacoby mentions experts within his essay to gain credibility
and point out the flaws within the idea of imprisonment. He uses experts such as John DiIulio, a noted Princeton criminologist who states that "about
three of every four convicted criminals are on the streets without meaningful probation or parole supervision." (193) Jacoby specifically addresses a
criminologist from Princeton, a well–known ivy league school, with the intent of providing information that people can trust. Moreover, the quote from
DiIulio helps Jacoby to argue once again, that our current criminal justice system is incapable of imprisoning many criminals, and goes on to say that
not only are these criminals free from doing time in jail, they are also free from any form of punishment. Jacoby uses the injustice within the quote to
further persuade his liberal audience to agree with the flaws of imprisonment on account that liberals will not stand for injustice. Similarly, Jacoby
refers to the former Supreme Court justice, Harry Blackmun to talk about the potential danger that inmates face within prison cells. Blackmun states
that "The horrors experienced by many young inmates, particularly
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Reflection Paper On Son Of God
The most affected and visual image is when someone receives crucifixion on to the cross. Yes, here I am talking about the story of Jesus Christ facing
the crucifixion. In the dramatic movie, Son of God, the spectator watches the crucifixion of Jesus. The movie focuses on the narration of Jesus Christ
from birth, life, sacrificial death, resurrection and the ascension. Hollywood emphasizes the death of the Jesus scene when the Roman soldier flogged
Jesus and carried the cross up onto the "skull" to be crucified. Jesus hung on the cross nailed and suffered a humiliating death. This film was a
blockbuster and it played in many movie theaters around the United States and the world. Thus, many people saw the crucifixion of Jesus on the big
screen. The scene of Jesus taking the cross reveals the sacrificial and scandalous love to the audience. While the audience witnesses this atrocity, we
also can witness and understand the humility of Jesus Christ.
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ had represented through the film. The scene of flogging of Jesus is horrifying. You can see the spike–nailed whips with
an attachment of a heavy metal ball striking against Jesus's back. While he is being whipped, we can also see Jesus's bloody and naked back who is
wearing nothing but an undergarment. The audience feels like we are present in the film watching the whipping of Jesus, but we cannot do anything
because we are only in the movie theater. We could not have stopped that because of the
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Bring Back Flogging Essay
In "Bring Back Flogging" Jeff Jacoby, a columnist for the Boston Globe, presents the use of corporal punishment as an alternative to the current system
of imprisonment. Published in February of 1997, the article states that flogging would be a more effective means of punishment than jail. He insists it
would be less expensive and serve as a deterrent to first time offenders. Jacoby's thoughts on prison reform are legitimate, but his reasoning behind the
use of corporal punishment is flawed. He fails to provide reasonable support for his argument which leaves the reader guessing as to the seriousness of
his claim. Jacoby starts his essay by providing a background history on flogging by relating the punishment to crimes that would be ... Show more
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This statement could be begging the question whether or not criminals really become more violent after prison, but more often than not the
statement is true. Addressing the cost, he states that a common estimate is $30,000 per inmate per year (Jacoby 193). This is an implied
generalization that the prison system is a waste of money. The Globe reported in 1994 that more than two hundred thousand prison inmates are
raped each year, usually to the indifference of the guards (Jacoby 194). Jacoby uses this statement to show that prison life has unimaginable
horrors. His logos is strong using statistics to address the deficiencies of the system and deductive reasoning throughout the essay to persuade the
reader to his hypothesis. He also appeals to his credibility as a writer by showing his own argument would not be effective in every situation, stating
"there would be no cachet in chaining a criminal to a whipping post" (Jacoby 194). He shows that he has logically thought about his position and
weighed the pros and cons associated with it. Because of this Jacoby is seen as a credible writer, if not a very sarcastic one.
Jeff Jacoby comes across as sarcastic. His argument seems absurd and it appears that he is writing a satire. At first glance his essay appears to call for
prison reform in light of a costly and ineffective incarceration system and provides facts to support the thought. It is not
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Bring Back Flogging Essays
Bring Back Flogging"
During seventeenth century flogging was a popular punishment for convicted people among Boston's Puritans. Fortunately, those times have passed
and brutal and inhuman flogging was replaced by imprisonment. Columnist for the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby in his essay "Bring back flogging"
asserts that flogging is superior to imprisonment and advocates flogging as an excellent means of punishment. He is convinced that flogging of
offenders after their first conviction can prevent them from going into professional criminal career and has more educational value than imprisonment.
He also argues that being imprisoned is more dangerous than being whipped, because the risk of being beaten, raped, or murdered in prison is ... Show
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A new recruit who can deal with the pain and remain strong is one step closer to being accepted. If flogging becomes legalized, it could easily become
that stepping stone of violence and humiliation that a youth needs to go through in order to become accepted as a member of a gang or an organized
crime unit.
Moreover, I cannot agree with the author that flogging has more educational value than imprisonment. First–time offenders who never held plans to go
into a professional criminal career can become so angry and aggravated after a public flogging that they may seek out revenge on those acquaintances
who watched their punishment. As a result of public humiliation and disgrace, these offenders are likely to enter a cycle of violence fueled by hate and
frustrations towards those who inflicted the punishment and those who witnessed it. The only educational lesson that flogging can teach is hate and
violence; therefore, flogging does not have more positive educational impact than imprisonment.
Incredibly, this is not even the most misguided assumption in this article. The author proposes that the next reason why flogging is better than
imprisonment is that the risk of being beaten, raped, or murdered in the prison is terrifyingly high. I strongly disagree with this statement. Flogging is a
direct danger to the health of
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Analysis Of Jacoby's Essay: Bring Back Flogging
Flogging...What is it? What purpose does it serve? For those of us who have never heard of flogging, flogging refers to "beating with a whip or
strap or rope as a form of punishment" ("Flogging" 1). Throughout the 1600s, flogging was utilized by "Boston's Puritan Forefathers" (Jacoby 1) as a
method of corporal punishment for various crimes. Progressing forward, Jeff Jacoby, columnist for The Boston Globe, provides readers with his view
of "Boston's Forefathers'" system of punishment in his essay, "Bring Back Flogging." Within the contents of his work, Jacoby describes how flogging
was utilized as punishment in its day. One such example he utilizes involves a woman who pleaded guilty to committing adultery. He writes that her
punishment was... Show more content on ...
Going to jail, i.e. being "caged," is viewed as one of the most horrible events of a person's life. Further, only the scum of the Earth go to jail and no
person in their right mind would be happy to be labeled as a former inmate. Furthermore, Jacoby presumes that "for many offenders, there is even a
certain cachet to doing time –– a stint in prison becomes a sign of manhood, a status symbol" (Jacoby 2). Where is the writer getting this fact? One
could argue that going to jail is viewed as degradation in a person's manhood. As well as this, Jacoby assumes that flogging will "prove a lot more
educational than 10 years' worth of prison meals and lockdowns" (Jacoby 2). Truth be told, a public whipping may trigger rage within the
individual. Contrary to this, jail time may cause the person to settle down and realize what they have done wrong. In addition, the individual would
recognize that "10 years worth of prison meals and lockdowns" is 10 years of their life wasted. Also, Jacoby presupposes that flogging can be utilized
as the new general form of punishment for all crimes. For instance, when directing a question to his readers, Jacoby states: "Instead of a prison term,
why not sentence at least some criminals –– say, thieves and drunk drivers –– to a public whipping?" (Jacoby 2). At this juncture, Jacoby is in the
wrong yet again. He assumes that thieves and drunk drivers have committed the same crime when in reality they have not. Ultimately,
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Corporal Punishment In The United States
Corporal Punishment is a physical form of punishment where a person inflicts pain to punish another; when someone commits a crime. There are
different variations of physical pain; such as spanking, paddling, or caning, which is given to parents, guardians, school officials, or other officials.
There are other types of physical pain, in ancient times, people would inflict pain by flogging; whipping, branding and amputation. It is now known
today as a source of punishment in the legal system, and in homes of citizens. Corporal Punishment still exists today are in the United States, Japan,
England, and China.
UNITED STATES In regards to corporal punishment, the United States has a different view on it than the rest of the world. As most... Show more
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Corporal Punishment is legal in Britain; about half of country permits Corporal Punishment in prison, while the other half permits it in the school
districts. In Britain, they use a tool called the birch; is a long rod, made out of bunches of twigs, and used to swat the buttocks of boy's, which left cuts
in the flesh. They also used the cat–o'–nine–tail whips, though it was not in use after the 1860's. The rules that is set for Corporal Punishment is
aimed for children who are at the age of sixteen and over. Parent, or parent figures, charged with using force that included wounding, causing
grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning actual bodily harm or cruelty of a person less than 16 years of age could use the defense of 'reasonable
chastisement' (Hester, M., He, J., & Tian, L. 2009). What that means is that the parents have the right to use 'reasonable chastisement' if they are
punishing their child for doing something bad. That rule follows as the men would beat up their wives to keep her from doing anything wrong, and
remind her of what she has to do 'serve the husband and the
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Glory, By Edward Zwick
"Glory" directed by Edward Zwick is about the Civil War journey of the first colored regiment under the control of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
played by Matthew Broderick. The movie takes place in 1862, after the Battle Of Antietam. Colonel Shaw is offered a position as commander of the
first "African–American" regiment including Private Trip (Denzel Washington) and Sergeant Major John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) by the governor
of Massachusetts. When Col. Shaw decides to command the regiment, he was unsure of what the 54th Massachusetts Regiment could accomplish.
Throughout the course of the movie, he was not confident in the newly formed regiment. But as the movie progresses, he begins to change his
perspective on the regiment. Early in the movie,... Show more content on ...
Shaw completely changes his attitude towards the 54th Massachusetts regiment. He does not loosen the reigns, instead he takes Sgt. Mulcahy's
suggestion and trains them harshly. The next training session was mainly focused on aiming and shooting guns quickly. Robert decides to watch
them practice shooting guns, but when they take their time to load their guns, he gets upset. He chooses Private Jupiter Sharts to specifically watch.
Pvt. Sharts states that he hunted squirrels so his aim is up to par. Col. Shaw states that, "a good man can fire three aimed shots in a minute" so
when, Pvt. Sharts cannot deliver quick load and unload of his rifle within the minute, Col. Shaw yells at him and shoots a gun in the air to show how
fast he should be able to shoot. After getting flustered by the pressure of Col. Shaw, Pvt. Sharts drops the gun. Col. Shaw was also harsh on Private
Trip. When Pvt. Trip disappears and is re–discovered, he is sentenced to a flogging punishment. Major Cabot Forbes, a close friend of Col. Shaw, tries
to convince Robert to change his mind about the flogging, because it would make them no better than their past slaveowners. Colonel Robert Shaw
ignores Maj. Forbes comment because he realizes he needs to be tough on the regiment in order to prepare them for war. He tells Sergeant Mulcahy to
proceed with the flogging. But after the punishment, he soon realizes that Private Trip disappeared to go find shoes due to his previous worn out pair
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Bring Back Flogging
Bring Back Flogging Every civilized society makes laws that protect its values, and society expects from every single person to obey to these laws.
Whenever a person from this society breaks one of those laws, the rulers of the society punish him or her either by putting the person behind bars,
whipping him or her, or exiling the person. A great debate has been raging since human society started. Some say that depriving a wrongdoer from
his or her freedom is the best way to deter him or her from breaking the law again; some prefer corporal punishment. In this essay "Bring Back
Flogging," the author Jeff Jacoby argues effectively that flogging can be a successful alternative to the prison that the U.S. uses for every offensive. The
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He tries again to support his argument without losing his readers among the details. All he wants here is to show to his reader the prison's congestion
and its consequence towards the justice system. Jacoby uses some terms to set down the prison punishment or to devalue the statement of some rulers.
When the author uses the term "cage", he wants to describe the humiliation a prisoner undergoes. We normally use cages to lock up animals, and our
society use the same thing to lock up a human being. The author here implies that we degrade our men and women, and we put them in the same
place as animals. Another word is "deluded"; the author here tries to convince his readers that the politicians who talk "about how safe our cities
become" is a result of the success of the justice system in the U.S. are misinformed. Therefore, the author here implies that his data are more accurate
than what his adversary says. The author built his argument through combination of emotions and logic. When he quoted from the former Supreme
Court justice Harry Blackmun that "The horrors experienced by many young inmates, particularly those who ... are convicted of nonviolent offenses,"
Jacoby tries here to convince some of his readers who use their emotions to describe the flogging as "too degrading" "too brutal" without looking to the
efficiency this punishment. The author uses the logic also to convince the rest of his readers by the use of facts like
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Bring Back Flogging
Bring Back Flogging This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his
platform on his position. Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule). In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between
what is said and what is meant. Jacoby 's claim in simple is he believes that flogging should be brought back to replace the more standard conventional
method of the imprisonment of violent and non–violent offenders. His grounds for the revival of flogging stems back to his initial mention of the Puritan
punishment system. He cites how in 1632 Richard Hopkins was Flogged and branded for selling guns and weapons to the Indians, ... Show more
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All this holds true assuming that public flogging serves it supposed purpose, and the terrible risks of prison are a confirmed reality. When Jacoby in
paragraph three states that "today we are more enlightened than our puritan forefathers where they used flogging we lock wrongdoers up in cages", he
is portraying a method of verbal irony (sarcasm). He continues his sarcastic voice when he lists a criminal act and states that each punishment seems to
be incarceration. His satire of the modern day justice system is even more noticeable when he claims that prison is the all purpose, all in one
punishment. His final statement of the essay that perhaps the puritans where more enlightened than we thought contradicts one of his initial statements
concluding that we are more enlightened that the puritans how we cage wrongdoers confirms his satire or verbal irony in his essay. The question
arises toward Jacoby 's first reason for flogging. Jacoby 's case for the overpopulation and development of new institutions doesn 't find favor in my
eyes. Yes, the tax paying American is paying for the prison system, but he also pays to employ many of the correction officers along with the
contractors who build and restore many of the institutions. Thus the
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Summary Of In The Defense Of Flogging
Flogging is a term for beating someone with a whip or cane across someone's back to cause pain. Flogging is corporal punishment because the
person is beaten, but not to death(Corrections in America, page 8). Flogging was used in all sorts of settings such as, domestic military, and
academic. Flogging was used for discipline. Long ago Spartans were flogged to prove how manly they were. It was a test to show there strength.
Flogging would also be used to extract confessions. Flogging is still practiced in Singapore, Europe, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. One of the weapons
used for lashes when being flogged is the cat o nine tails. The cat o nine tails is a vicious whip like weapon with nine strings of whip instead of one.
Sometimes it will have razor sharp objects embedded in its strings for maximum effect to rip flesh from bone(Corrections in America,page 8). Flogging
went out of style when the 8th Amendment went in the Constitution banning cruel... Show more content on ...
I thought the ideal barbaric and inhumane, but after reading the book I can see the basis of it's appeal. He goes on to tell us that flogging is no
worse than prison as cruel and unusual punishment and that the author feels going under the lash that will literally rip your skin off your bone is
no worse than prison. He supports his argument by pointing out prison rapes, drugs smuggled into prison, and gangs. Although this could be true
because in prison we have rape and gangs. Prison can be very dangerous for people in them. Where areas a flogging can cause an infection if not
properly sanitized. Mosko purposes alcohol to clean and bandages after the person is done to remedy this concern. The Author Peter Mosko tells us
that there are 2.3 million prisoners in the United States, He goes on to say that this is 1 percent of our population in America(Moskos, page16). He
also goes on about the brutalities of
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Bring Back Flogging Summary
Response to "Bring Back Flogging"
In the Article "Bring Back Flogging" Jeff Jacoby attempts to persuade readers that flogging is the best solution than going to prison. He explains that
prison is a dangerous place. Jeff Jacoby is very passionate about bringing back flogging and how it can save money. I agree that flogging can help
people change but I disagree that it would decrease crimes.
In the article "Bring Back Flogging" Jacoby explains that back in the 17th century flogging was a popular punishment. Jacoby states that flogging is
more beneficial than going to prison because It cost $30,000 to cage an inmate. Jacoby explains that prison is a dangerous place. Jacoby and believes
that inmates that haven't committed a huge crime should not experience horrors in prison?
Response ... Show more content on ...
Jacoby states Over 1.6 million Americans are behind bars today, and most of them are nonviolent criminals. Jacoby explains that "more than
200,000 prison inmates are raped each year, usually to the indifference of the guards." (Jacoby, 1997) Brutality is already a part of the prison life.
Nonviolent criminals are getting send to prison, and must deal with the prison life where they are beaten, raped, or murder. Jacoby points out that
bringing back flogging can give a person a chance to choose for the first offense puritan's style of punishment or prison life. "Flogging can be
humiliating and painful, but very quick and cheap." (Jacoby, 1997) I disagree that flogging can a better solution than going to jail. Flogging can be
a health risk. How many lashes before dying? That is very horrifying to think about. Flogging is evil and can revolve back to slavery. People would
suffer from a sting of the whip for several years. Flogging would be hard to get over, even though going to prison can be on your
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Disadvantages Of Corporal Punishment
We all live in a society where our actions are prolific us and may avail us various benefits but at the same time our actions can be detrimental to the
other. Our society has created certain norms and regulations which are to be followed by each and every person is compelled to follow them in order
to avoid a state of anarchy. Punishment is used as means to reform the wrong doer into a law abiding citizen. Punishment is the consequence of offence
and the kind of punishment that is imposed on the wrong doer depends upon the kind of society one lives in. Punishment as a means of social control
have been present in our societies since time immemorial and though punishment in ancient time were more severe and with passage of time
punishment theories... Show more content on ...
Routinely sentence to canning in addition to a prison term on males for certain specified offences are quite common in Malaysia and Singapore. Further
in various Islamic countries like Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Nigeria judicial whipping is used for a range of offences. In 2007 corporal punishment
was reintroduced in Pakistan by ad hoc Islamicist courts after there was suffered breakdown of law and government in the country. Physical penalties
like amputation and mutilation are also used by some Islamic countries like Sudan and Saudi Arabia.
Countries where judicial corporal punishment is allowed
Although official judicial corporal punishment only exists in the Aceh province of Sumatra region it is practiced unofficially throughout the country.
Islamic law was introduced in Aceh in 2002 with the proposal for canning errant Muslims following the same year. The first canning took place in the
region in the year 2005 . Canning can be done on both men and women alike.
Further a lot of hue and cry erupted in international media in the year 2014 when a 25 yr old woman was sentenced to public canning for adultery.
She was allegedly also gang raped by a group of vigilant youths.
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Jeff Jacoby's Essay Bring Back Flogging
"Bring Back Foolishness"
Jeff Jacobys' essay, entitled "Bring Back Flogging" was, in my sincere opinion, poorly constructed. There are numerous instances where I felt that he
had either not supported his premises with valid information or had negated his support in later sentences.
The essay begins by drawing forth images of Puritan punishment. He cites two instances of punishment, which were particularly torturous and radical
in nature. He then draws a comparison between this inhumane punishment and imprisonment by stating with irony that, "Now we practice a more
enlightened, more humane way of disciplining wrong doers: we lock them up in cages." His use of the word "cages" ... Show more content on ...
Jeff Jacoby seems accustomed with using words as tools for undermining that which he opposes. By using the word "cage" frequently, he ascribes a
negative connotation to the act of imprisoning people. He successfully taunts us with images of defenseless animals locked within inhospitable
quarters, and hopes that the image will fuel the readers' probable fear of human rights violations. Another statement within the fourth paragraph,
which I see as an attempt to fool people, is when he says, " Crime is out of control, despite the deluded happy talk by some politicians." This sentence
come out sounding as if it were a fact, when in actuality it is his opinion based on feelings rather than data. I also see an attempt to discount the
authority of politicians by calling them deluded. Again there is an absence of support available for either of these two opinions.
To add to this debauchery, he cites another misleading statistic in the last sentence of the paragraph. He declares, " Fifty–eight percent of all murders do
not result in a prison term. Like wise 98% of all burglaries." What does this statement conjure up within your mind when you read it? It draws a picture
of a convicted felon/murderer happily leaving the courtroom free to go. Is this the reality of the statement? Let's think half–heartedly about the first
sentence. Pay attention to the word "murders", this implies that there is a murderer, and to be called a murderer
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The Influence Of John Locke On Personal Identity
Locke's main assertion was that personal identity could best be described by the sameness in awareness or consciousness, and not the sameness in
physicality or in substance. In Locke's view, consciousness was used as a synonym of memory although he did not specify the perspective i.e whether
in first person experience or in the second person etc. Therefore, many scholars regard Locke as the originator of the view that a person's identity on the
time continuum consists of memories and the capacity to remember them. In summary, Locke's view is that a person existing today is the same
person as that who existed many years ago, if he or she can remember, or has the capacity to remember, the life experiences of the person that existed
in an earlier time (Perry, 114). Some scholars insist that there is a difference in perspective because knowledge and experience are... Show more content
on ...
Thomas Reid's objection is perhaps the most popular. Reid believed that the memory theory by Locke was self–contradictory and provided his own
allegory to counter Locke's theory (Perry, 115). Locke's anchor thesis was that the personal identity of an individual was determined by the presence
of a memory and not the similarity of substance. In his allegory to counter the theory, Reid gave an example of a single person's life events on a time
continuum. Initially, Reid began with the story of a young boy who was flogged for theft. The second life event of the boy, now as a young man was
that of performing various heroic deeds in the army. The young army officer still maintains a perfect recollection of his childhood flogging. Reid
proceeds to explain the third life event of the young officer, now as an old general later in life, who remembers about his heroic deeds in battle, but
does not remember about the flogging in his
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Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby
An Analysis for "Bring Back Flogging"
In the essay written by Jeff Jacoby in "Bring back Flogging" The article is about how our prisons are over populated with people that are in there
because of the none violence crime, which make the inmates to have higher chance of getting rape, beaten, or murder rather than getting whipped and
embarrassment in public, that could help them to make better choice in the future and also teaches the public to behave the way that is acceptable in
the society. Plus the cost that is associated with these inmates to keep them in prison that cost the tax payers millions of dollars every year.
Jeff Jacoby uses a lot of his own opinion, in some instances he used what John Dilulio, who is a Princeton criminologist" ... Show more content on ...
What Gatchel says makes a lot of sense, that states being under budget for the prisons due to the over population and since the income of a prison
comes from tax payers, there is only so much that jails can take to take care of the inmates. What he is suggesting is why not going back to the old
school ways of dealing with nonviolent crime, which costs a lot less than $30,000 a year to just whippet someone.
I come from a country that they still handle small criminals the old ways, and big time criminals are the only people that end up in jail, therefore when
it comes to budgeting at the beginning of the year, the country has more money to invest towards the people, rather than the criminals that are part of
the noncontributing part of the society.
The opposing issue that I can think of would be that some people might say that it is a cruel way to treat someone when you degrade them in public,
but what they don't realize is that when people
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Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging Essay
Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging
This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his platform on his position.
Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule). In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between what is said and what is
Jacoby's claim in simple is he believes that flogging should be brought back to replace the more standard conventional method of the imprisonment of
violent and non–violent offenders. His grounds for the revival of flogging stems back to his initial mention of the Puritan punishment system. He cites
how in 1632 Richard Hopkins was Flogged and branded for selling guns and weapons ... Show more content on ...
Jacoby's argument of flogging attempts to show how it can be more productive over the conventional method of punishment seemingly the only
way, imprisonment. His beliefs are that public whippings will prevent youths and first time offenders from becoming lifelong felons. The benefits
deduced from his argument for flogging assuming it proves to be conclusive would be such. Lowering the rate of felons in jail, freeing up space
for the more violent offenders. The appalling estimated amount of thirty thousand a year per inmate would be saved. A public whipping would not
be associated with respect and sign of manhood or status symbol that prison serves for many offenders. Flogging he believes would deter many of
the first time offenders and youth along with preventing them from being repeat and long time offenders. The pain, scars, and embarrassment of
public whippings would far exceed the value or risk reward benefit of doing a petty crime thus forcing people to think about their actions before they
did it. Jacoby contends that he is unsure whether being whipped is more degrading that being caged. At the end of his essay he draws attention to the
point of the terrible risk of being raped in prison as an argument in favor of replacing imprisonment with flogging.
I think that Jacoby appeals to the readers sense of sympathy for the wrongly
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Creative Writing: Acceptance Of The Cat
As I said yesterday, you should be very fucking proud of yourself for taking the dose of the Cat I laid on your back.п ‰п Ѓп Ћ I hope that taking
this introductory dose of the Cat has increased you faith in your ability to survive a proper flogging?п ‰ I am indeed fucking proud that I took that
dose of the Cat, Andy. It was a very tough challenge and there were times that I doubted my ability to get through it, but I dug deep and toughed it
out. It certainly has increased my confidence in getting through a proper flogging. I knew it would. One day you will trust me when I tell you these
things about CP, I do know whayt I'm shagging talking about Mark! Ah Andy, I honestly do trust you regarding CP. The fact that you had told me that
it would do ... Show more content on ...
I was dead chuffed that it went as well as it did, as I'm really rusty at pleasuring a man. A couple of times, I reallythought that you were close to
cumming and was somewhat surprised that you didn't. Now I know that you are using an edging approach ( not consciously, it's just how I normally
fuck) Nice, and I'd imagine a great way to extend a good fucking., I guess that explains why I didn't taste your cum! I clearly need to get better at
pleasuring you though, so that even when you are edging, that I up the ante and make you blow your load! п њп €п Ђ Other lads manage this and I
look forward to not being able to stop myself shooting my load down your throat. п њп €п ќ I'm confident that I'll manage this too, Andy. After all,
practice makes perfect! I also liked the way that the harder I worked your nipples, the more enthusiastically you worked my cock, very fucking horny
(and hard/manly).п €п њп € Ah, I love having my nipples worked, as I get so horny from it. I was so, so horny when you were working them
hard and so it meant that I wanted to suck your cock with real gusto. п њп € They'll be getting another good tweaking next time you're pleasuring my
manhood! п €п ќп €
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Hi Andy's Last Speech Essay
Hi Andy,
I've added my thoughts and comments in red.
On 12 January 2016 at 10:14, Andy Hardman wrote:
Hi Mark, Given that we have a session scheduled for Friday, I have taken this opportunity to consolidate the existing threads, I hope in such a way as
to allow for the addition of feedback post–session. I won't be expecting a response till Thursday and hope you enjoy going out to celebrate your
daughter's birthday (on Wednesday evening).п Ѓп ‰п Ћ We had a very nice meal out. It was a fullfamily affair, as my two sons also joined us. I
hope that come Friday, I will feel the benefits of our thorough discussion of caning technique particularly when we get to the last of the six
punishments (each of us should have a really sore backside ... Show more content on ...
I'm certain that this will be the case, Andy. I know that the Cat will be biting really hard and push me even harder, which should make me feel that
I'm a really hard man when I've taken the whole dose properly. That's just the right context for me to then lay on your flogging properly. The Corporal
seems to fear the idea of Captain Berry having him flogged for not laying on properly.п њп €п Ћп €п › Captain Flog is desperate to see Staff
Sergeant Hardman humbled by having the Army Cat laid on good and hard across the hard man's back. He wants Staff's back welting so that he feels
the Cat properly, as he thinks that this will bring Staff to heel.п њп €п ›п €п њ The Corporal's dread of having to take such a Flogging himself
(from Staff Sergeant Hardman) should motivate him to lay on good and hard, whether or not this satisfies Captain Flog will depend on how much
back–bone the Corporal has, how hard a man the Corporal is, how well he does his Military Duty and how severely he is able to flog
Staff.п њп €п Ћп €п › Although the Staff Sergeant's back will be welted from the Cat being laid on good and hard, I suspect that Captain Berry
will be disappointed, if he thinks that this flogging will bring the Staff Sergeant to heel. The Staff Sergeant is a very hard, strong, and resolute man,
who will no doubt take his flogging in his stride. Because of this,
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Legal Persuasive Speech
Picture this: You have just trespassed a private property. You are now sentenced to 3 months in jail. If given the choice would you A) Chose to spend
3 months in jail and be a convicted criminal with a criminal record that would prevent you from receiving jobs, buying houses, etc. or B) Be flogged as
punishment. Yes flogged, as in beating someone usually with awhip as a form of punishment, which would only last for a few minutes but would
also allow you to be continue to be a law abiding citizen in society and go about your life. I don't know about you but I would chose the latter. If this
form of punishment were to be passed it would only be done with the consent of those who would be flogged. This would then cause flogging to be
less cruel ... Show more content on ...
Many people argue that even though corporal punishment may be better than prison, we still cannot do it because it is harmful and bad––though that is
not much of an argument. Flogging is supposed to cause pain in order to affect change in the offender. Though taking away a large portion of
someone's life through prison is far worse than any punishment that is virtually instantaneous. If we're being honest, prison does not transform all
criminals but rather it is sentencing them to years of torture and confinement. Let us not forget that in prison many inamtes are physically and sexully
abused. Therefore, flogging would save criminals who committed petty crimes some grief and allow them to "repent" so to speak and act
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Jeff Jacoby’s Bring Flogging Back
In Jeff Jacoby's essay Bring Flogging Back, he discusses whether flogging is the more humane punishment compared to prison. Jacoby uses clear and
compelling evidence to describe why prisons are a terrible punishment, but he lacks detail and information on why flogging is better. In the essay he
explains how crime has gotten out of hand over the past few decades, which has lead to the government building more prisons to lock up more
criminals. His effort to prove that current criminal punishment is not perfect or even effective is nicely done, but he struggled with discussing ways that
flogging could lower the crime rates and provide a safer environment for America.
Jacoby uses many claims about how crime in the United States has grown and ... Show more content on ...
This question provokes an emotional response, persuading the reader to believe that flogging is a quick physical punishment, where imprisonment is a
long physical and emotional sentence that in most cases is unnecessary.
Throughout the entire essay, Jacoby uses a very purposeful and believable tone. It is clear that he is avid on supporting the start of flogging as
punishment, and lowers the prison rates. He uses evidence to display how prison is bad and how terrible some criminals can be to each other. The
writer uses fair evidence to describe how the prison is bad, however his evidence is not fair toward flogging. Jacoby needs to add more details on
why flogging would be benefited because he only used short explanations or none at all. He came across as a bit bias toward flogging over prison,
which would be prosecuted easier if he said a few aspects of the prison system that was alright and discussed flogging more. Jacoby proves his point,
but does not at the same time. He clearly states that the justice system needs to be changed and he thinks flogging would be better. However he needs
to go deeper into the topic to fully declare one better than the other.
Jacoby used logos to persuade the reader to believe flogging is the more logical and humane aspect to punishment compared to prison. He used many
statistics and his references were creditable. His evidence was valid to the argument and helped to discuss the subject in a
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Bernard In Brave New World
Linda dies shortly after John arrives at the hospital. He is completely grief stricken, but, in this new society, death is as important as sex, and no
one understands why he's so upset. Between his mom dying and almost getting raped by Lenina he seeks out an escape. He finds a group of Deltas
waiting for their daily dose of Soma, and he gets caught up in a riot. Bernard and Helmholtz find him right before the police show up. The police give
the Deltas some Soma, and arrest Bernard, Helmholtz, and John. Bernard is a turncoat and tries to place the blame on the other two men, but this has
the opposite effect and he's taken away. Mustapha convinces Helmholtz that the island is the best place for him because he will be surrounded by like
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Why Did The Ku Klux Klan Start
Rough Draft
The Ku Klux Klan was first formed in 1865 and was a movement using violence and torture to create a "clean, pure" white America. The KKK was in
almost every southern state and attacked many African Americans in order for white supremacy. There are specific movements recorded, 1865 to the
1870s, 1915 to 1944, and 1946 to present day. The KKK's starting purpose, actions, and long–lasting history have put a negative outlook on the south.
The Ku Klux Klan had many reasons for why they started. Most white southerners believed that God created black people for the special purpose of
working and serving white people (Bartoletti, 7). White southerners wanted black people to continue being their slaves because they thought they served
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Floggings, horrific affairs, were often animalistic assaults that used tree limbs, leather belts, rawhide whips, heavy wooden canes, branches, sticks,
baseball bats, and even, on at least one occasion, an automobile fan belt" (Feldman, 93). Since the Ku Klux Klan was primarily located in the south,
these actions were used in the south. Communities used these specific actions in order to be successful. These actions were very harsh and were
used to torture African Americans. Floggings caused welts, bruises, blood clots, bleeding, broken bones, the loss of teeth, and lengthy hospital stays
for many Alabama victims" (Feldman, 93). These floggings caused many injuries to many of the southern African Americans. The KKK used
floggings against the African American so they will do what they say. Floggings were a very very painful technique to use. Some lapsed into comas,
suffered from nervous breakdowns, or were permanently maimed; at least a few died" (Feldman, 93). The KKK was extremely harsh putting people
into such dangerous conditions just to have white supremacy. These actions scared the African Americans into being afraid of the south and the group
primarily doing it known as the Ku Klux Klan. The effective actions the KKK took were very harsh and caused a lot of people many painful
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The Pussy Cat Analysis
Having taken my flogging on 3rd, I now fully understand why you enjoy a good flogging so much and what you get out of it. I really felt that I was
proving just how much of a hard man I was by taking it, and as the strokes fell, it fed my pride in my masculinity and my ability to take it. I certainly
feel a harder man having taken that flogging with the Cat. Being well acquainted with the Pussy Cat can only make a hard man harder and more manly
– uniquely, the Cat really does separate the hard men from the rest (including the hardest of lads who are man enough to take the most severe Corporal
Punishment across their bare backsides). Do you understand what I mean when I say 'feel it in the bottom of my bollocks', or at the very heart of my
manhood/what makes me the man I am?п ‰п Ћп €п Ѓп ќ I found that there was a big mental ... Show more content on ...
I guess that the pain just works for some men and not for others... I'd definitely say that you do need to be a very hard man to take the Cat well when
it's laid on properly. Yes, I do understand what you mean, Andy, as the mental strength and determination needed to take it, goes to the very core of
what being a real, hard man is all about. п €п Ђп €п њп Ћ The unique pain the Cat delivers is about as challenging as it gets in my book. Such
intense pain over a significantly large area of the body takes real grit to take well. A lot of hard men are simply not hard enough to take it well
because their inner strength is not sufficiently well founded or as fundamentally core to the man they are, their sense of their own manhood is
lacking in the steel required. When a man strips to the waist for the Cat, he is putting about three times as much of his body in the firing line as he
does when he takes Corporal Punishment on his backside, in addition to this he has less flesh to absorb the strokes so he will inevitably feel them more
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Response To Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby
Response to "Bring Back Flogging" 1.Jeff Jacoby is a writer for The Boston Globe and was first to receive the Breindal Prize in 1999. However, I
agree that we should bring back flogging for only the misdemeanor cases and cutting down cost in prisons. Summary To "Bring Back Flogging" 2.In
"Bring Back Flogging," Jeff Jacoby states that there are too many people being incarcerated and instead the use of corporal punishment should come
back. Mr. Jacoby states that with the use of corporal punishment, such as flogging or paddling, there would be a lot more space in prisons and less
criminals overall. The author is afraid that without a good punishing system nobody would learn from their mistakes and they would just keep
repeating them. Jeff... Show more content on ...
Jacoby claims that America uses too many crimes for someone to go to prison, "Commit murder; go to prison. Sell cocaine; go to prison. Kite
checks; go to prison." (Jacoby, 1997, P. 1) There is a lot more people, with misdemeanor cases, that does not need to be in prison and that it cost a lot
of money for prisons to tend for an inmate. In 1997 Jacoby states that, "the price of keeping criminals in cages is appalling –– a common estimate is
$30,000 per inmate per year." (Jacoby, 1997, P. 2) However; in the year 2012, CBS NEWS reported "In states like Connecticut, Washington state,
New York, it's anywhere from $50,000 to $60,000." (CBS NEWS, 2012) Over the past 25 years the cost to keep just one inmate has more than
doubled. It is sure to go up within the next ten to fifteen years too. Finally, Jacoby talks about the horrors of what actually happens in prison. 5.In
prison there are horrors people should be aware of. Jacoby states, "in 1994 that more than 200,000 prison inmates are raped each year, usually to the
indifference of the guards." (Jacoby, 1997, P. 2) A lot of the seventeen year olds and up that go to prison with lesser charges shouldn't have to deal with
this psychological trauma and should rather want to go through corporal punishment even with the humiliation that comes with
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Jeff Jacoby Bring Back Flogging Summary
In "Bring back flogging" Jeff Jacoby argues that corporal punishment should be brought back into our justice system because imprisoning criminals is
taking up too much of tax payers money and criminals learn how to become better criminals in prison. He uses statistics, facts, and quotes to help
support his claim that our justice system is sub par and does more harm than good to taxpayers and even criminals.
Even though Jacoby makes a good point the essay fails to include ethos and pathos making it ineffective. Although he supports what he says with hard
facts and statistics he fails to gain an emotional connection with the readers nor does he establish his credibility.
Logos is important in an essay because readers are more capable of making ... Show more content on ...
Jacoby fails to accomplish this though the emotion he in the words that he chooses to use are more so explaining how he feels about the topic. Rather
than him trying to reach an emotional connection with the reader for instance, he describes criminals as "young punks". "He writes Perhaps the
Puritans were more enlightened than we think, at least on the subject of punishment. Their sanctions were humiliating and painful, but quick and
cheap. Maybe we should readopt a few." He uses "enlightened" to reference to the style of punishment that the Puritans used to compare it to our
punishments now. Vexing at an attempt to create that emotional attachment saying that we should learn to be more like the puritans when it comes to
things such as punishment. This was a failed attempt by Jacoby because once again this has been just another opinion from him saying what he feels
like what we as a whole should be more like when it comes to these specific
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Summary Of Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby
In "Bring Back Flogging", the author, Jeff Jacoby suggests that people should adopt some of the Puritans tactics to punish criminals instead of putting
them in prison. In order to present his claim, Jacoby is based in the use of irony, logos, and ethos. According to Jeff Jacoby a moment of humiliation is
better than a couple of years behind the bars. I do not agree with Jeff Jacoby's argument because the examples he gives and the way he refers to the
topic incite to violence, also during the development of the subject he is too contradictory with his own opinions, and his arguments are unclear. To
begin with, at the start of his article, Jeff Jacoby mentions old punishments, horrible punishments, pursued by Puritans, but at the same time... Show
more content on ...
However, Jeff Jacoby says something true, the criminal justice system has a problem, but violence is not the solution. As a result, Jacoby made a great
use of logos on paragraph 6 where he points out the consequences of incarceration, "...the price of keeping criminals in cages is appalling – a common
estimate is $30,000 per inmate per year," also, he supports that statement on paragraph 12, "The Globe reported in 1994 that more than two hundred
thousand prison inmates are raped each year..." he says, on that same fact, Jacoby is using ethos suggesting that the information reported by The
Globe, the newspaper for which he works, is truthful. With these two statements he almost got the reader, but again he contradicts himself saying that
is not the inmates fault, "...usually to the indifference of the guards," he adds. So, why should prisoners be punished if it is not their fault?
Furthermore, the use of irony may confuse the reader making unclear Jacoby's position about the topic. For example, on paragraph 3 he states, "now
we practice a more enlightened, more humane way of disciplining wrongdoers: We lock them up in cages," personally, I believe is better go to prison
than be whipping on public. There are true stories of people that went to school in prison and learn more than in the streets, in contrast, to be punish
teach us to punish the others. Also, on paragraph 4, Jeff Jacoby
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Flogging a Dead Cow Can Be Profitable in Argentina
Latin America's second biggest economy is regarding the arrival of unconventional oil and gas on the scene is regarded as an opportunity to reverse the
steady decline the country has experienced in oil and gas production. Argentinian outlook appear to be looking up, industry insiders suggest that the
prospects are certainly taking many of the right boxes. Nevertheless, there are problems such as the country's energy policies, regular tree environment
and energy markets, that make the country at first sight a challenging place to invest in. However, there has been a turnaround in government attitudes
towards investors as the realisation that for Argentina to duplicate the American unconventional revolution. Already, there have been a number of
policy and regulatory changes to reverse the past downward spiral in investment in exploration and production, that resulted in Argentina turning itself
from a net energy exporter to a net energy importer, which although politically popular has put severe economic strains on its economy. Resources
Argentina has some of the world's biggest and best quality reserves of shale hydrocarbons states KPMG Shale Development: Global Update 7
October 2013. The US Energy Information Administration June 2013 report estimates suggest that Argentina could have reserves of at least 2732
TCF of shale gas of which 774 TCF is technically recoverable. In comparison with its neighbour Brazil which is thought to hold a potential 906 TCF
of which 206 is
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Ethnicity In Nigeria
Nigeria is part of the 16 countries in West Africa. Nigeria has different groups of ethnicity and has a population of about 186 million. Nigeria has over
250 ethnic groups. The ethnic groups have different belief and practices (VANGUARD,2017). The country is well known for its oil natural resources
which provides most of their gross domestic product. The largest groups are the Hausa in the north, the Yoruba in the southwest and the Igbo (or Ibo) in
the southeast, who account for around a fifth of the population each. The languages of these three groups can therefore be used in government. Other
large groups include the Ijaw in the east and the Fulani in the north. Nigeria is divided into 36 states. In this essay I will discuss the cultural in the
northern states, southern states and other cultural practices strongly encourage.
In the 13 northern states, the vast majority of people are Muslim. The Hausa have been Muslims for almost a thousand years, having been converted
to Islam by Arab traders and merchants from the 10th century. Sharia law was introduced into the northern Nigerian states from 2000. This is a code
for how Muslims should lead their lives. It is thought to have been drawn up by Muslim scholars in the early centuries of Islam, with parts of it taken
directly from the Koran. As in other countries, northern Nigeria uses the code as a basis for its criminal law. However, some of the harsher penalties,
such as death–by–stoning for adultery, have never been
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Captain Flog's Log
The Flogging of Staff Sergeant Hardman:
Staff Sergeant Hardman is no stranger to the Army Cat o' Nine Tails, he has been flogged many times before, so it has to be laid on good and hard to
make any impression on him.п њп €п Ћп €п ќ He is a hard and resolute man who can take the hardest of floggings, he always provides a good
example of how a real hard man should take a flogging and he will always stand and bite down on the belt no matter how hard the Army Cat bites into
his back.п €п Ћп €п Ѓп €п ‰п € Captain Flog is jealous of the high regard Staff Hardman is held in and also resents his prowess when it
comes to laying on. This means that when he wants Hardman flogged he expects to see it laid on good and hard and woe betide the man that doesn't
live up to his ... Show more content on ...
He made sure Hardman felt the cats good and hard on his entire back and soon had the Army Cat singing through the air as he laid
on.п €п €п €п €п € It is not every man that is hard enough or has the stomach to lay on the Army Cat and there are even fewer who can do it
well. Staff Wilding flogged Hardman in a way that was a credit to the finest traditions of Military Discipline in the British
Army.п Ѓп €п њп ќп €п Ћ Although Staff Wilding felt the weight of responsibility to do his Military Duty upon his shoulders, he was
determined to do a good job and lay the Army Cat on properly. Staff Wilding was pleased to hear the Cat singing through the air, which combined with
the reactions from Staff Hardman, told him that he was laying on the Cat properly, even though he was still learning the skill.п €п њп €п Ђп Ћ
Staff Wilding already has the basic skill, knowledge and understanding to lay on a decent flogging that would challenge most men in the British Army
severely. In time this will develop further so that he can flog the hardest of men with the severity that is required when flogging real hard men. In a
way Staff Wilding is fortunate to have been given the Military Duty of flogging Staff Sergeant Hardman, there is no better real hard man when it
comes to taking the Army Cat like a real hard man should.п €п њп €п Ћп €п ќп € Staff Wilding still has a lot to learn, when it comes to laying
on a hard flogging. There's no question, that the more floggings that he lays on, the more his prowess will grow, until he can lay on the hardest of
floggings, which will challenge even the hardest of men. It is very likely that it won't be long before Captain Flog wants Staff Sergeant Hardman
flogged again and Wilding will be repeatedly called upon to lay on.п њп €п Ћп €п ќ I am sure that Staff Sergeant Wilding will develop the skill,
experience and prowess to flog a real
... Get more on ...
Locke Personal Identity
Locke's Theory of Personal Identity
In order to get clear Locke's theory of personal identity, first Locke gives us his view of person as some kind of thinking thing that is not a
substance. Locke's intuitions from changing the parts of a unified life to identifying a unified body which persists over repair and replacement helps
illustrate personal identity to allow for the substance of the reasoning being to change over time provided the reasoning beings share one continued
life (ECHU 27). However, Locke's theory of personal identity differs from unified life because it requires the unity of consciousness.
A consciousness is a unique consciousness when it accompanies a being that has reason, reflection, and considers itself as the same self. The
consciousness which accompanies some person is the same just in case the person shares a stream of consciousness. Rational beings have the
reflection capacity to remember from a consciousness' stream that is their own. Rational beings which reflect upon ideas from their own extended
stream then must be either the same person or a rational being who could not reflect upon ideas from that unique stream. Thus, at any point on a single
stream the same self as a consciousness on another point are in fact one and the same person.
Reid's Objection to Locke's Theory ... Show more content on ...
We are given a case where the personal identity theory of Locke should be consistent with identity between persons but is not. The case Reid's
objection considers supposes if a stream of consciousness extends only as far as the memory, then the memory is the extension of any unifiable
consciousness. And, the extension of memory is not the extension of personal identity. Then, the stream of consciousness extends only as far as the
memory which Locke does not want to accept, or extension of personal identity is not any unifiable stream of
... Get more on ...

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Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Facoby

  • 1. Bring Back Flogging by Jeff Facoby A columnist for the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby, in his article, "Bring Back Flogging" published on the op–ed page on February 20, addresses the issue of the deficiency of today's criminal justice system and attempts to persuade us to bring back flogging as a punishment for certain crime. However, though his syllogism might arouse the reader and educate them on the need for reform, but it fails to convince the reader that corporal punishment is the best option. He supports his argument by providing some good amount of evidences; however, he seems to go with some week witnesses. The first reason he points out that about 1.6 million Americans were in jail that year (1997) which represented "a 250 percent increase in 1980, and the number is climbing" (par 3). Obviously, at this argument he wants to demonstrate the weakness of the federal justice system when using imprisonment for "almost every offense in the criminal code" (par 3). However, his assumption is quite vague in his first argument. We cannot literally say that the increase in the number of prisoners means the increase of crime. Besides that, he cannot assume that capturing more and more criminals and putting them in jail is a bad thing. Secondly, Jacoby also attempts to use statistics to support this opinion. By saying the common estimate cost of one inmate is approximately $30,000 per year, he implies that the U.S federal justice system have spent too much money on inmates, and that the whole imprisonment system is ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Flogging In The 1800's In the 1800's and 19 century crime and punishment was a big deal the things that they would do to torture and punish people for do the wrong thing or breaking the law was very wrong. Most of the time the punishment that they would inflict would end in severe injuries or death in most cases. One of the most common punishments that was court ordered was flogging it was also called whipping or caning. Flogging was a beating that was administered with a whip or a rod with blows that were commonly administered to the person's back or butt. Depending on the age or the gender hits were different "Adults was able to be hit up to 24 hits while children were able to be hit 12 time" (Harvey 87–88). Depending on your gender you would not get hit because women were not allowed to be flogged. Later on "flogging failed Riley's rules conditions section 40 of the act in 1964 and flogging was seen as not very reasonable" (Harvey 110). So flogging was considered really painful but it was the main source of punishment but was later ruled unreasonable.... Show more content on ... Such as perjury for perjury people were placed in stocks with their ears nailed " most torture ended in physical maiming" (Langbrint 4). You could be tortured for Perjury, Adultery, bigamy, Manslaughter and so on but later on every punishment was replaced by hanging it was replaced around the 1820 with public hanging ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Corporal Punishment Should Be Taught Essay Corporal is derived from the Latin word corporДЃlis bodily which is equivalent to corpor meaning, "of the human body; bodily; physical", as defined by the dictionary. The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines corporal punishment as, "punishment that involves hitting someone: physical punishment". The Committee on the Rights of the Child in the General Comment No. 8 defines 'corporal' or 'physical' punishment as, "any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Most involves hitting ("smacking", "slapping", "spanking ") children, with the hand or with an implement; in the view of the Committee, corporal punishment is invariably degrading." The negative psychological consequences that stem from corporal punishment far outweigh the positive results that have been recorded over the centuries corporal punishment has been used; rather than enforcing corporal punishment to teach students to behave more appropriately in the classroom, educators should be taught new ways to handle different behaviors within the classroom without resorting to violence. Corporal punishment is used as a mechanism for controlling behavior in more than just the education system. Although corporal punishment is commonly associated with the education system as a means for punishing school children in modern times: corporal punishment is in no way limited to punishing children and is commonly used towards adults. Corporal punishment has been ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging To reintroduce the act of flogging, a form of punishment used centuries ago by several civilizations throughout the world. That is the argument held by Jeff Jacoby in his article "Bring Back Flogging" where he would like to use this method instead of prison sentencing. I believe that for many reasons, this could be an effective change from the criminal and prison system. Jacoby starts the article with four people, three men and a woman who lived in the 1600s, being punished for different crimes they committed, ranging from selling firearms to adultery. Three out of the four people were flogged as a consequence for their crime. Throughout the United States, this act would not come as a shock as this was popularly known as the main form of punishment. Today, we no longer support such... Show more content on ... Using deductive logic, he mentions Delaware as a state that still used flogging as a form of punishment until a few decades ago, 1972 to be exact. On the contrary, by only having one state to support his claim, it adds less validity. It shows the reader that the majority of the population gave up flogging a long time ago, which implies that the country wanted to rid itself of it. Jacoby could have possibly used a different form of support because it does not convince the audience as much as it could have had he used more evidence. Throughout the essay, he includes pieces of data that instinctively make the reader consider his argument as logical. The downside to this is that the data must appeal to the human race. We have already decided against it before, it will take a lot more than what he is providing if he wants humans to consider reverting back to flogging. There were not many major issues in the essay that hindered his success, but the few that stood out as questionable, are the ones that could have led to losses in ... Get more on ...
  • 5. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby In Jeff Jacoby's essay, Bring Back Flogging, he discusses the modern day justice system, and the ways in which he believes it should change. Jacoby's stance on the topic is that United States of America should bring back flogging as an alternate to jailing felons. Jacoby never actually states this view in a thesis, but it is implied through the evidence given and the general attitude of the essay. Jacoby begins the essay with an anecdote from the 17 th century. Jacoby says that Bostonian Puritans would often use flogging as a form of punishment for various different crimes as oppose to other forms of punishment. He also notes that the Puritans would do other things such as branding with hot irons so that the felon is known. This anecdote is ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Outline On Hazing –Hazing and the Effects It Has On College Life Introduction – Hazing continues to harm individuals who are only seeking acceptance into a desired group. I.The requirements that the group considers needed in order to join. A."Special" initiations/requests that go from ordinary to strange and dangerous. 1.Students must cause harm to their own body. a.Binge drinking has been popular and taken place many times (Alcohol Positioning). b.Sexual attacks, or self–attacks have been placed upon students, 2.Students have to do something embarrassing. a.The stripping of clothes and all garments for anyone to see can cause humiliation. b.Students must do dumb tests and activities, even if they look stupid, just to gain approval. 3.Students ... Show more content on ... Students may be forced to go forward with a task they aren't ready for; therefore losing what sense of confidence they had left. 4.They conceal what humanity you might have had left. a.Student may be isolated from any form of life. b.They may want a student to show how cruel they can be. B.Your race plays a large role on the amount ofhazing that sorority/fraternity choose to partake in. 1.Students must be the ethnicity of that of the group. 2.Depending on color of skin, students that are of different color than that of group may have to go through a more harmful, or embarrassing activity. 3.Students may be treated different, depending on color, even after being accepted. II.Hazing has caused deaths, dangerous injuries, and society's attention. A.There has been at least one death every year because of hazing. B.Internal injuries have taken place C.Beatings, scarring, and bruises have been the norm for many fraternities and sororities. D.Many people rethink the joining of certain colleges/sororities/fraternities because of their background. E.Many laws in different states have been passed to make hazing illegal. III.Hazing has been around for a long time and was once called, flogging, or fagging. A.Flogging was used mainly in public
  • 7. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Bring Back Flogging Analysis Is Violence the Response to Criminals Actions? In "Bring Back Flogging," the author, Jeff Jacoby suggests that people should adopt some of the Puritans tactics to punish criminals instead of putting them in prison. Jacoby is basing his claim on the use of irony, logos, and ethos. According to Jeff Jacoby, a moment of humiliation is better than a couple of years behind bars. I do not agree with Jeff Jacoby's argument because the examples he gives and the way he refers to the topic incite readers to violence, also during the development of the subject he is too contradictory with his own opinions making his arguments unclear. To begin with, at the start of his article Jeff Jacoby mentions old tactics ofpunishment pursued by Puritans. At the same time, the author is giving ideas of how to take justice into our own hands. For example, in paragraph 13 Jacoby mentions, "Their sanctions (Puritan's actions) were humiliating and painful, but quick and cheap. Maybe we should readopt a few," basically the author is suggesting we should punish criminals with our own hands. Consequently, Jacoby declares on paragraph 6, "...a stint in prison becomes a sign of manhood, a status of the symbol," now the author is claiming that the prisons are unworthy and incarcerate people is not the solution because according to him there are better ways. Besides, on paragraphs 2 and 3, Jeff Jacoby mentions four cases of people that were punished by the Puritans. This group committed crimes that today ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Summary OfBring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby Flogging in Modern Society In "Bring Back Flogging," Jeff Jacoby made unique, interesting arguments about the ways to punish criminals. Jacoby describes how the Puritans punished criminals in demeaning manners, which was quite interesting to me since I do not know much about Puritans. I could see that their punishment by opening criminals to public could force criminals to be humiliated and be done instantly. However, I do not see any reasoning, which should explain the reason why the Puritan ways could work better in our modern society than imprisonment, in his description. Jacoby's main argument is that some of imprisonment sentences can be replaced to more inexpensive ways, corporal punishments like a public whipping, since giving imprisonment sentence to petty offenders is not efficient due to its costs. He refers to Puritan's time so that he can let readers imagine how their punishments were done instantly and did not require costs to keep inmates in prison. However, even though he presents specific numerical information to show that the criminal justice system is not only ineffective but also expensive, I still stay skeptical of his idea since he significantly lacks the explanation why Puritan's ways are better in a qualitative manner and assumption of the different backgrounds between now and past. First, Jacoby emphasizes the present number of criminals to state that the criminal justice system has not been working well. "Some 1.6 million Americans are behind bars ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How Does Slavery Affect Society Slavery has greatly influenced the world we live in today socially, economically, politically, and psychologically. Slavery effected our world socially in a way that white slave owners owned only 2–4 slaves, three quarter of Southern whites owned no slaves, most of the black slaves were mulattoes, slave Christianity emphasized the Hebrew liberation from Egypt, radical abolitionists were attacked in the North most of the time, and it was illegal to teach the slaves how to read in the South. Slaves were treated different than everyone else was treated. The whites were allowed to read whereas the slaves weren't and if they were it was witnessed as illegal. Slaves were called rude names, treated badly, as well as illiterate which effected them in the social nature of... Show more content on ... Some of the ways economic slavery effected the way we think is that cotton is half of all American exports after 1840, the average price for a good field hand was $1,200, as well as three quarters of southern whites owned no slaves. Slaves were bought as well as sold, the more kids the slave had or if she was "tolerable likely" then the better deal that could be made. People would sell slaves even if they didn't need to be sold just because they wanted to make money off of them. Slaves were thrown around for money which affected them in the economic nature of slavery. Slavery had a political effect on the world with free blacks being banned from many states in the North and the South as well as Radical abolitionists were often attacked in the North. The political aspect of life has to do with the government. With the free blacks being banned from many states in the North and in the South shows that the government has banned blacks from going into certain parts of the North and South. Radical abolitionists had a goal to bring an end to slavery which shows the political side by ending it. Slaves were also involved in the political nature of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Rhetorical Analysis In "Bring Back Flogging", Jeff Jacoby addresses the problems within America 's criminal justice system. He gives many reasons why imprisonment simply does not work, and suggests that corporal punishment should be used as an alternative. Published in the Boston Globe, a newspaper well known for being liberal, Jacoby provides a conservative view and directs his argument towards those who strongly support imprisonment and view corporal punishment to be highly barbaric and inhumane. However, in order to shed light on our current situation, Jacoby discusses the dangers that we face though our criminal justice system a nd shows concern that imprisonment is doing more harm than good. In effect, Jacoby looks to the past for solutions, and... Show more content on ... Without the use of these statistics, Jacoby would not be able to suggest such a solution and effectively convey his point. As a result, Jacoby proves that through his research, he is qualified to make his arguments against prisons. Furthermore, Jacoby mentions experts within his essay to gain credibility and point out the flaws within the idea of imprisonment. He uses experts such as John DiIulio, a noted Princeton criminologist who states that "about three of every four convicted criminals are on the streets without meaningful probation or parole supervision." (193) Jacoby specifically addresses a criminologist from Princeton, a well–known ivy league school, with the intent of providing information that people can trust. Moreover, the quote from DiIulio helps Jacoby to argue once again, that our current criminal justice system is incapable of imprisoning many criminals, and goes on to say that not only are these criminals free from doing time in jail, they are also free from any form of punishment. Jacoby uses the injustice within the quote to further persuade his liberal audience to agree with the flaws of imprisonment on account that liberals will not stand for injustice. Similarly, Jacoby refers to the former Supreme Court justice, Harry Blackmun to talk about the potential danger that inmates face within prison cells. Blackmun states that "The horrors experienced by many young inmates, particularly ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Son Of God The most affected and visual image is when someone receives crucifixion on to the cross. Yes, here I am talking about the story of Jesus Christ facing the crucifixion. In the dramatic movie, Son of God, the spectator watches the crucifixion of Jesus. The movie focuses on the narration of Jesus Christ from birth, life, sacrificial death, resurrection and the ascension. Hollywood emphasizes the death of the Jesus scene when the Roman soldier flogged Jesus and carried the cross up onto the "skull" to be crucified. Jesus hung on the cross nailed and suffered a humiliating death. This film was a blockbuster and it played in many movie theaters around the United States and the world. Thus, many people saw the crucifixion of Jesus on the big screen. The scene of Jesus taking the cross reveals the sacrificial and scandalous love to the audience. While the audience witnesses this atrocity, we also can witness and understand the humility of Jesus Christ. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ had represented through the film. The scene of flogging of Jesus is horrifying. You can see the spike–nailed whips with an attachment of a heavy metal ball striking against Jesus's back. While he is being whipped, we can also see Jesus's bloody and naked back who is wearing nothing but an undergarment. The audience feels like we are present in the film watching the whipping of Jesus, but we cannot do anything because we are only in the movie theater. We could not have stopped that because of the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Bring Back Flogging Essay In "Bring Back Flogging" Jeff Jacoby, a columnist for the Boston Globe, presents the use of corporal punishment as an alternative to the current system of imprisonment. Published in February of 1997, the article states that flogging would be a more effective means of punishment than jail. He insists it would be less expensive and serve as a deterrent to first time offenders. Jacoby's thoughts on prison reform are legitimate, but his reasoning behind the use of corporal punishment is flawed. He fails to provide reasonable support for his argument which leaves the reader guessing as to the seriousness of his claim. Jacoby starts his essay by providing a background history on flogging by relating the punishment to crimes that would be ... Show more content on ... This statement could be begging the question whether or not criminals really become more violent after prison, but more often than not the statement is true. Addressing the cost, he states that a common estimate is $30,000 per inmate per year (Jacoby 193). This is an implied generalization that the prison system is a waste of money. The Globe reported in 1994 that more than two hundred thousand prison inmates are raped each year, usually to the indifference of the guards (Jacoby 194). Jacoby uses this statement to show that prison life has unimaginable horrors. His logos is strong using statistics to address the deficiencies of the system and deductive reasoning throughout the essay to persuade the reader to his hypothesis. He also appeals to his credibility as a writer by showing his own argument would not be effective in every situation, stating "there would be no cachet in chaining a criminal to a whipping post" (Jacoby 194). He shows that he has logically thought about his position and weighed the pros and cons associated with it. Because of this Jacoby is seen as a credible writer, if not a very sarcastic one. Jeff Jacoby comes across as sarcastic. His argument seems absurd and it appears that he is writing a satire. At first glance his essay appears to call for prison reform in light of a costly and ineffective incarceration system and provides facts to support the thought. It is not ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Bring Back Flogging Essays Bring Back Flogging" During seventeenth century flogging was a popular punishment for convicted people among Boston's Puritans. Fortunately, those times have passed and brutal and inhuman flogging was replaced by imprisonment. Columnist for the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby in his essay "Bring back flogging" asserts that flogging is superior to imprisonment and advocates flogging as an excellent means of punishment. He is convinced that flogging of offenders after their first conviction can prevent them from going into professional criminal career and has more educational value than imprisonment. He also argues that being imprisoned is more dangerous than being whipped, because the risk of being beaten, raped, or murdered in prison is ... Show more content on ... A new recruit who can deal with the pain and remain strong is one step closer to being accepted. If flogging becomes legalized, it could easily become that stepping stone of violence and humiliation that a youth needs to go through in order to become accepted as a member of a gang or an organized crime unit. Moreover, I cannot agree with the author that flogging has more educational value than imprisonment. First–time offenders who never held plans to go into a professional criminal career can become so angry and aggravated after a public flogging that they may seek out revenge on those acquaintances who watched their punishment. As a result of public humiliation and disgrace, these offenders are likely to enter a cycle of violence fueled by hate and frustrations towards those who inflicted the punishment and those who witnessed it. The only educational lesson that flogging can teach is hate and violence; therefore, flogging does not have more positive educational impact than imprisonment. Incredibly, this is not even the most misguided assumption in this article. The author proposes that the next reason why flogging is better than imprisonment is that the risk of being beaten, raped, or murdered in the prison is terrifyingly high. I strongly disagree with this statement. Flogging is a direct danger to the health of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Analysis Of Jacoby's Essay: Bring Back Flogging Flogging...What is it? What purpose does it serve? For those of us who have never heard of flogging, flogging refers to "beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment" ("Flogging" 1). Throughout the 1600s, flogging was utilized by "Boston's Puritan Forefathers" (Jacoby 1) as a method of corporal punishment for various crimes. Progressing forward, Jeff Jacoby, columnist for The Boston Globe, provides readers with his view of "Boston's Forefathers'" system of punishment in his essay, "Bring Back Flogging." Within the contents of his work, Jacoby describes how flogging was utilized as punishment in its day. One such example he utilizes involves a woman who pleaded guilty to committing adultery. He writes that her punishment was... Show more content on ... Going to jail, i.e. being "caged," is viewed as one of the most horrible events of a person's life. Further, only the scum of the Earth go to jail and no person in their right mind would be happy to be labeled as a former inmate. Furthermore, Jacoby presumes that "for many offenders, there is even a certain cachet to doing time –– a stint in prison becomes a sign of manhood, a status symbol" (Jacoby 2). Where is the writer getting this fact? One could argue that going to jail is viewed as degradation in a person's manhood. As well as this, Jacoby assumes that flogging will "prove a lot more educational than 10 years' worth of prison meals and lockdowns" (Jacoby 2). Truth be told, a public whipping may trigger rage within the individual. Contrary to this, jail time may cause the person to settle down and realize what they have done wrong. In addition, the individual would recognize that "10 years worth of prison meals and lockdowns" is 10 years of their life wasted. Also, Jacoby presupposes that flogging can be utilized as the new general form of punishment for all crimes. For instance, when directing a question to his readers, Jacoby states: "Instead of a prison term, why not sentence at least some criminals –– say, thieves and drunk drivers –– to a public whipping?" (Jacoby 2). At this juncture, Jacoby is in the wrong yet again. He assumes that thieves and drunk drivers have committed the same crime when in reality they have not. Ultimately, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Corporal Punishment In The United States Corporal Punishment is a physical form of punishment where a person inflicts pain to punish another; when someone commits a crime. There are different variations of physical pain; such as spanking, paddling, or caning, which is given to parents, guardians, school officials, or other officials. There are other types of physical pain, in ancient times, people would inflict pain by flogging; whipping, branding and amputation. It is now known today as a source of punishment in the legal system, and in homes of citizens. Corporal Punishment still exists today are in the United States, Japan, England, and China. UNITED STATES In regards to corporal punishment, the United States has a different view on it than the rest of the world. As most... Show more content on ... Corporal Punishment is legal in Britain; about half of country permits Corporal Punishment in prison, while the other half permits it in the school districts. In Britain, they use a tool called the birch; is a long rod, made out of bunches of twigs, and used to swat the buttocks of boy's, which left cuts in the flesh. They also used the cat–o'–nine–tail whips, though it was not in use after the 1860's. The rules that is set for Corporal Punishment is aimed for children who are at the age of sixteen and over. Parent, or parent figures, charged with using force that included wounding, causing grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning actual bodily harm or cruelty of a person less than 16 years of age could use the defense of 'reasonable chastisement' (Hester, M., He, J., & Tian, L. 2009). What that means is that the parents have the right to use 'reasonable chastisement' if they are punishing their child for doing something bad. That rule follows as the men would beat up their wives to keep her from doing anything wrong, and remind her of what she has to do 'serve the husband and the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Glory, By Edward Zwick "Glory" directed by Edward Zwick is about the Civil War journey of the first colored regiment under the control of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw played by Matthew Broderick. The movie takes place in 1862, after the Battle Of Antietam. Colonel Shaw is offered a position as commander of the first "African–American" regiment including Private Trip (Denzel Washington) and Sergeant Major John Rawlins (Morgan Freeman) by the governor of Massachusetts. When Col. Shaw decides to command the regiment, he was unsure of what the 54th Massachusetts Regiment could accomplish. Throughout the course of the movie, he was not confident in the newly formed regiment. But as the movie progresses, he begins to change his perspective on the regiment. Early in the movie,... Show more content on ... Shaw completely changes his attitude towards the 54th Massachusetts regiment. He does not loosen the reigns, instead he takes Sgt. Mulcahy's suggestion and trains them harshly. The next training session was mainly focused on aiming and shooting guns quickly. Robert decides to watch them practice shooting guns, but when they take their time to load their guns, he gets upset. He chooses Private Jupiter Sharts to specifically watch. Pvt. Sharts states that he hunted squirrels so his aim is up to par. Col. Shaw states that, "a good man can fire three aimed shots in a minute" so when, Pvt. Sharts cannot deliver quick load and unload of his rifle within the minute, Col. Shaw yells at him and shoots a gun in the air to show how fast he should be able to shoot. After getting flustered by the pressure of Col. Shaw, Pvt. Sharts drops the gun. Col. Shaw was also harsh on Private Trip. When Pvt. Trip disappears and is re–discovered, he is sentenced to a flogging punishment. Major Cabot Forbes, a close friend of Col. Shaw, tries to convince Robert to change his mind about the flogging, because it would make them no better than their past slaveowners. Colonel Robert Shaw ignores Maj. Forbes comment because he realizes he needs to be tough on the regiment in order to prepare them for war. He tells Sergeant Mulcahy to proceed with the flogging. But after the punishment, he soon realizes that Private Trip disappeared to go find shoes due to his previous worn out pair ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Bring Back Flogging Bring Back Flogging Every civilized society makes laws that protect its values, and society expects from every single person to obey to these laws. Whenever a person from this society breaks one of those laws, the rulers of the society punish him or her either by putting the person behind bars, whipping him or her, or exiling the person. A great debate has been raging since human society started. Some say that depriving a wrongdoer from his or her freedom is the best way to deter him or her from breaking the law again; some prefer corporal punishment. In this essay "Bring Back Flogging," the author Jeff Jacoby argues effectively that flogging can be a successful alternative to the prison that the U.S. uses for every offensive. The ... Show more content on ... He tries again to support his argument without losing his readers among the details. All he wants here is to show to his reader the prison's congestion and its consequence towards the justice system. Jacoby uses some terms to set down the prison punishment or to devalue the statement of some rulers. When the author uses the term "cage", he wants to describe the humiliation a prisoner undergoes. We normally use cages to lock up animals, and our society use the same thing to lock up a human being. The author here implies that we degrade our men and women, and we put them in the same place as animals. Another word is "deluded"; the author here tries to convince his readers that the politicians who talk "about how safe our cities become" is a result of the success of the justice system in the U.S. are misinformed. Therefore, the author here implies that his data are more accurate than what his adversary says. The author built his argument through combination of emotions and logic. When he quoted from the former Supreme Court justice Harry Blackmun that "The horrors experienced by many young inmates, particularly those who ... are convicted of nonviolent offenses," Jacoby tries here to convince some of his readers who use their emotions to describe the flogging as "too degrading" "too brutal" without looking to the efficiency this punishment. The author uses the logic also to convince the rest of his readers by the use of facts like ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Bring Back Flogging Bring Back Flogging This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his platform on his position. Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule). In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between what is said and what is meant. Jacoby 's claim in simple is he believes that flogging should be brought back to replace the more standard conventional method of the imprisonment of violent and non–violent offenders. His grounds for the revival of flogging stems back to his initial mention of the Puritan punishment system. He cites how in 1632 Richard Hopkins was Flogged and branded for selling guns and weapons to the Indians, ... Show more content on ... All this holds true assuming that public flogging serves it supposed purpose, and the terrible risks of prison are a confirmed reality. When Jacoby in paragraph three states that "today we are more enlightened than our puritan forefathers where they used flogging we lock wrongdoers up in cages", he is portraying a method of verbal irony (sarcasm). He continues his sarcastic voice when he lists a criminal act and states that each punishment seems to be incarceration. His satire of the modern day justice system is even more noticeable when he claims that prison is the all purpose, all in one punishment. His final statement of the essay that perhaps the puritans where more enlightened than we thought contradicts one of his initial statements concluding that we are more enlightened that the puritans how we cage wrongdoers confirms his satire or verbal irony in his essay. The question arises toward Jacoby 's first reason for flogging. Jacoby 's case for the overpopulation and development of new institutions doesn 't find favor in my eyes. Yes, the tax paying American is paying for the prison system, but he also pays to employ many of the correction officers along with the contractors who build and restore many of the institutions. Thus the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Summary Of In The Defense Of Flogging Flogging is a term for beating someone with a whip or cane across someone's back to cause pain. Flogging is corporal punishment because the person is beaten, but not to death(Corrections in America, page 8). Flogging was used in all sorts of settings such as, domestic military, and academic. Flogging was used for discipline. Long ago Spartans were flogged to prove how manly they were. It was a test to show there strength. Flogging would also be used to extract confessions. Flogging is still practiced in Singapore, Europe, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. One of the weapons used for lashes when being flogged is the cat o nine tails. The cat o nine tails is a vicious whip like weapon with nine strings of whip instead of one. Sometimes it will have razor sharp objects embedded in its strings for maximum effect to rip flesh from bone(Corrections in America,page 8). Flogging went out of style when the 8th Amendment went in the Constitution banning cruel... Show more content on ... I thought the ideal barbaric and inhumane, but after reading the book I can see the basis of it's appeal. He goes on to tell us that flogging is no worse than prison as cruel and unusual punishment and that the author feels going under the lash that will literally rip your skin off your bone is no worse than prison. He supports his argument by pointing out prison rapes, drugs smuggled into prison, and gangs. Although this could be true because in prison we have rape and gangs. Prison can be very dangerous for people in them. Where areas a flogging can cause an infection if not properly sanitized. Mosko purposes alcohol to clean and bandages after the person is done to remedy this concern. The Author Peter Mosko tells us that there are 2.3 million prisoners in the United States, He goes on to say that this is 1 percent of our population in America(Moskos, page16). He also goes on about the brutalities of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Bring Back Flogging Summary Response to "Bring Back Flogging" In the Article "Bring Back Flogging" Jeff Jacoby attempts to persuade readers that flogging is the best solution than going to prison. He explains that prison is a dangerous place. Jeff Jacoby is very passionate about bringing back flogging and how it can save money. I agree that flogging can help people change but I disagree that it would decrease crimes. Summary In the article "Bring Back Flogging" Jacoby explains that back in the 17th century flogging was a popular punishment. Jacoby states that flogging is more beneficial than going to prison because It cost $30,000 to cage an inmate. Jacoby explains that prison is a dangerous place. Jacoby and believes that inmates that haven't committed a huge crime should not experience horrors in prison? Response ... Show more content on ... Jacoby states Over 1.6 million Americans are behind bars today, and most of them are nonviolent criminals. Jacoby explains that "more than 200,000 prison inmates are raped each year, usually to the indifference of the guards." (Jacoby, 1997) Brutality is already a part of the prison life. Nonviolent criminals are getting send to prison, and must deal with the prison life where they are beaten, raped, or murder. Jacoby points out that bringing back flogging can give a person a chance to choose for the first offense puritan's style of punishment or prison life. "Flogging can be humiliating and painful, but very quick and cheap." (Jacoby, 1997) I disagree that flogging can a better solution than going to jail. Flogging can be a health risk. How many lashes before dying? That is very horrifying to think about. Flogging is evil and can revolve back to slavery. People would suffer from a sting of the whip for several years. Flogging would be hard to get over, even though going to prison can be on your ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Disadvantages Of Corporal Punishment We all live in a society where our actions are prolific us and may avail us various benefits but at the same time our actions can be detrimental to the other. Our society has created certain norms and regulations which are to be followed by each and every person is compelled to follow them in order to avoid a state of anarchy. Punishment is used as means to reform the wrong doer into a law abiding citizen. Punishment is the consequence of offence and the kind of punishment that is imposed on the wrong doer depends upon the kind of society one lives in. Punishment as a means of social control have been present in our societies since time immemorial and though punishment in ancient time were more severe and with passage of time punishment theories... Show more content on ... Routinely sentence to canning in addition to a prison term on males for certain specified offences are quite common in Malaysia and Singapore. Further in various Islamic countries like Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Nigeria judicial whipping is used for a range of offences. In 2007 corporal punishment was reintroduced in Pakistan by ad hoc Islamicist courts after there was suffered breakdown of law and government in the country. Physical penalties like amputation and mutilation are also used by some Islamic countries like Sudan and Saudi Arabia. Countries where judicial corporal punishment is allowed Indonesia Although official judicial corporal punishment only exists in the Aceh province of Sumatra region it is practiced unofficially throughout the country. Islamic law was introduced in Aceh in 2002 with the proposal for canning errant Muslims following the same year. The first canning took place in the region in the year 2005 . Canning can be done on both men and women alike. Further a lot of hue and cry erupted in international media in the year 2014 when a 25 yr old woman was sentenced to public canning for adultery. She was allegedly also gang raped by a group of vigilant youths. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Jeff Jacoby's Essay Bring Back Flogging "Bring Back Foolishness" Jeff Jacobys' essay, entitled "Bring Back Flogging" was, in my sincere opinion, poorly constructed. There are numerous instances where I felt that he had either not supported his premises with valid information or had negated his support in later sentences. The essay begins by drawing forth images of Puritan punishment. He cites two instances of punishment, which were particularly torturous and radical in nature. He then draws a comparison between this inhumane punishment and imprisonment by stating with irony that, "Now we practice a more enlightened, more humane way of disciplining wrong doers: we lock them up in cages." His use of the word "cages" ... Show more content on ... Jeff Jacoby seems accustomed with using words as tools for undermining that which he opposes. By using the word "cage" frequently, he ascribes a negative connotation to the act of imprisoning people. He successfully taunts us with images of defenseless animals locked within inhospitable quarters, and hopes that the image will fuel the readers' probable fear of human rights violations. Another statement within the fourth paragraph, which I see as an attempt to fool people, is when he says, " Crime is out of control, despite the deluded happy talk by some politicians." This sentence come out sounding as if it were a fact, when in actuality it is his opinion based on feelings rather than data. I also see an attempt to discount the authority of politicians by calling them deluded. Again there is an absence of support available for either of these two opinions. To add to this debauchery, he cites another misleading statistic in the last sentence of the paragraph. He declares, " Fifty–eight percent of all murders do not result in a prison term. Like wise 98% of all burglaries." What does this statement conjure up within your mind when you read it? It draws a picture of a convicted felon/murderer happily leaving the courtroom free to go. Is this the reality of the statement? Let's think half–heartedly about the first sentence. Pay attention to the word "murders", this implies that there is a murderer, and to be called a murderer ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Influence Of John Locke On Personal Identity Locke's main assertion was that personal identity could best be described by the sameness in awareness or consciousness, and not the sameness in physicality or in substance. In Locke's view, consciousness was used as a synonym of memory although he did not specify the perspective i.e whether in first person experience or in the second person etc. Therefore, many scholars regard Locke as the originator of the view that a person's identity on the time continuum consists of memories and the capacity to remember them. In summary, Locke's view is that a person existing today is the same person as that who existed many years ago, if he or she can remember, or has the capacity to remember, the life experiences of the person that existed in an earlier time (Perry, 114). Some scholars insist that there is a difference in perspective because knowledge and experience are... Show more content on ... Thomas Reid's objection is perhaps the most popular. Reid believed that the memory theory by Locke was self–contradictory and provided his own allegory to counter Locke's theory (Perry, 115). Locke's anchor thesis was that the personal identity of an individual was determined by the presence of a memory and not the similarity of substance. In his allegory to counter the theory, Reid gave an example of a single person's life events on a time continuum. Initially, Reid began with the story of a young boy who was flogged for theft. The second life event of the boy, now as a young man was that of performing various heroic deeds in the army. The young army officer still maintains a perfect recollection of his childhood flogging. Reid proceeds to explain the third life event of the young officer, now as an old general later in life, who remembers about his heroic deeds in battle, but does not remember about the flogging in his ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby An Analysis for "Bring Back Flogging" In the essay written by Jeff Jacoby in "Bring back Flogging" The article is about how our prisons are over populated with people that are in there because of the none violence crime, which make the inmates to have higher chance of getting rape, beaten, or murder rather than getting whipped and embarrassment in public, that could help them to make better choice in the future and also teaches the public to behave the way that is acceptable in the society. Plus the cost that is associated with these inmates to keep them in prison that cost the tax payers millions of dollars every year. Jeff Jacoby uses a lot of his own opinion, in some instances he used what John Dilulio, who is a Princeton criminologist" ... Show more content on ... What Gatchel says makes a lot of sense, that states being under budget for the prisons due to the over population and since the income of a prison comes from tax payers, there is only so much that jails can take to take care of the inmates. What he is suggesting is why not going back to the old school ways of dealing with nonviolent crime, which costs a lot less than $30,000 a year to just whippet someone. I come from a country that they still handle small criminals the old ways, and big time criminals are the only people that end up in jail, therefore when it comes to budgeting at the beginning of the year, the country has more money to invest towards the people, rather than the criminals that are part of the noncontributing part of the society. The opposing issue that I can think of would be that some people might say that it is a cruel way to treat someone when you degrade them in public, but what they don't realize is that when people ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging Essay Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging This essay by Jeff Jacoby illustrates an authors use of ironic sarcasm otherwise known as satire to defend and illustrate his platform on his position. Jacoby uses in this essay verbal irony (persuasion in the form of ridicule). In the irony of this sort there is a contrast between what is said and what is meant. Jacoby's claim in simple is he believes that flogging should be brought back to replace the more standard conventional method of the imprisonment of violent and non–violent offenders. His grounds for the revival of flogging stems back to his initial mention of the Puritan punishment system. He cites how in 1632 Richard Hopkins was Flogged and branded for selling guns and weapons ... Show more content on ... Jacoby's argument of flogging attempts to show how it can be more productive over the conventional method of punishment seemingly the only way, imprisonment. His beliefs are that public whippings will prevent youths and first time offenders from becoming lifelong felons. The benefits deduced from his argument for flogging assuming it proves to be conclusive would be such. Lowering the rate of felons in jail, freeing up space for the more violent offenders. The appalling estimated amount of thirty thousand a year per inmate would be saved. A public whipping would not be associated with respect and sign of manhood or status symbol that prison serves for many offenders. Flogging he believes would deter many of the first time offenders and youth along with preventing them from being repeat and long time offenders. The pain, scars, and embarrassment of public whippings would far exceed the value or risk reward benefit of doing a petty crime thus forcing people to think about their actions before they did it. Jacoby contends that he is unsure whether being whipped is more degrading that being caged. At the end of his essay he draws attention to the point of the terrible risk of being raped in prison as an argument in favor of replacing imprisonment with flogging. I think that Jacoby appeals to the readers sense of sympathy for the wrongly ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Creative Writing: Acceptance Of The Cat As I said yesterday, you should be very fucking proud of yourself for taking the dose of the Cat I laid on your back.п ‰п Ѓп Ћ I hope that taking this introductory dose of the Cat has increased you faith in your ability to survive a proper flogging?п ‰ I am indeed fucking proud that I took that dose of the Cat, Andy. It was a very tough challenge and there were times that I doubted my ability to get through it, but I dug deep and toughed it out. It certainly has increased my confidence in getting through a proper flogging. I knew it would. One day you will trust me when I tell you these things about CP, I do know whayt I'm shagging talking about Mark! Ah Andy, I honestly do trust you regarding CP. The fact that you had told me that it would do ... Show more content on ... I was dead chuffed that it went as well as it did, as I'm really rusty at pleasuring a man. A couple of times, I reallythought that you were close to cumming and was somewhat surprised that you didn't. Now I know that you are using an edging approach ( not consciously, it's just how I normally fuck) Nice, and I'd imagine a great way to extend a good fucking., I guess that explains why I didn't taste your cum! I clearly need to get better at pleasuring you though, so that even when you are edging, that I up the ante and make you blow your load! п њп €п Ђ Other lads manage this and I look forward to not being able to stop myself shooting my load down your throat. п њп €п ќ I'm confident that I'll manage this too, Andy. After all, practice makes perfect! I also liked the way that the harder I worked your nipples, the more enthusiastically you worked my cock, very fucking horny (and hard/manly).п €п њп € Ah, I love having my nipples worked, as I get so horny from it. I was so, so horny when you were working them hard and so it meant that I wanted to suck your cock with real gusto. п њп € They'll be getting another good tweaking next time you're pleasuring my manhood! п €п ќп € ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Hi Andy's Last Speech Essay Hi Andy, I've added my thoughts and comments in red. Mark On 12 January 2016 at 10:14, Andy Hardman wrote: Hi Mark, Given that we have a session scheduled for Friday, I have taken this opportunity to consolidate the existing threads, I hope in such a way as to allow for the addition of feedback post–session. I won't be expecting a response till Thursday and hope you enjoy going out to celebrate your daughter's birthday (on Wednesday evening).п Ѓп ‰п Ћ We had a very nice meal out. It was a fullfamily affair, as my two sons also joined us. I hope that come Friday, I will feel the benefits of our thorough discussion of caning technique particularly when we get to the last of the six punishments (each of us should have a really sore backside ... Show more content on ... I'm certain that this will be the case, Andy. I know that the Cat will be biting really hard and push me even harder, which should make me feel that I'm a really hard man when I've taken the whole dose properly. That's just the right context for me to then lay on your flogging properly. The Corporal seems to fear the idea of Captain Berry having him flogged for not laying on properly.п њп €п Ћп €п › Captain Flog is desperate to see Staff Sergeant Hardman humbled by having the Army Cat laid on good and hard across the hard man's back. He wants Staff's back welting so that he feels the Cat properly, as he thinks that this will bring Staff to heel.п њп €п ›п €п њ The Corporal's dread of having to take such a Flogging himself (from Staff Sergeant Hardman) should motivate him to lay on good and hard, whether or not this satisfies Captain Flog will depend on how much back–bone the Corporal has, how hard a man the Corporal is, how well he does his Military Duty and how severely he is able to flog Staff.п њп €п Ћп €п › Although the Staff Sergeant's back will be welted from the Cat being laid on good and hard, I suspect that Captain Berry will be disappointed, if he thinks that this flogging will bring the Staff Sergeant to heel. The Staff Sergeant is a very hard, strong, and resolute man, who will no doubt take his flogging in his stride. Because of this, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Legal Persuasive Speech Picture this: You have just trespassed a private property. You are now sentenced to 3 months in jail. If given the choice would you A) Chose to spend 3 months in jail and be a convicted criminal with a criminal record that would prevent you from receiving jobs, buying houses, etc. or B) Be flogged as punishment. Yes flogged, as in beating someone usually with awhip as a form of punishment, which would only last for a few minutes but would also allow you to be continue to be a law abiding citizen in society and go about your life. I don't know about you but I would chose the latter. If this form of punishment were to be passed it would only be done with the consent of those who would be flogged. This would then cause flogging to be less cruel ... Show more content on ... Many people argue that even though corporal punishment may be better than prison, we still cannot do it because it is harmful and bad––though that is not much of an argument. Flogging is supposed to cause pain in order to affect change in the offender. Though taking away a large portion of someone's life through prison is far worse than any punishment that is virtually instantaneous. If we're being honest, prison does not transform all criminals but rather it is sentencing them to years of torture and confinement. Let us not forget that in prison many inamtes are physically and sexully abused. Therefore, flogging would save criminals who committed petty crimes some grief and allow them to "repent" so to speak and act ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Jeff Jacoby’s Bring Flogging Back In Jeff Jacoby's essay Bring Flogging Back, he discusses whether flogging is the more humane punishment compared to prison. Jacoby uses clear and compelling evidence to describe why prisons are a terrible punishment, but he lacks detail and information on why flogging is better. In the essay he explains how crime has gotten out of hand over the past few decades, which has lead to the government building more prisons to lock up more criminals. His effort to prove that current criminal punishment is not perfect or even effective is nicely done, but he struggled with discussing ways that flogging could lower the crime rates and provide a safer environment for America. Jacoby uses many claims about how crime in the United States has grown and ... Show more content on ... This question provokes an emotional response, persuading the reader to believe that flogging is a quick physical punishment, where imprisonment is a long physical and emotional sentence that in most cases is unnecessary. Throughout the entire essay, Jacoby uses a very purposeful and believable tone. It is clear that he is avid on supporting the start of flogging as punishment, and lowers the prison rates. He uses evidence to display how prison is bad and how terrible some criminals can be to each other. The writer uses fair evidence to describe how the prison is bad, however his evidence is not fair toward flogging. Jacoby needs to add more details on why flogging would be benefited because he only used short explanations or none at all. He came across as a bit bias toward flogging over prison, which would be prosecuted easier if he said a few aspects of the prison system that was alright and discussed flogging more. Jacoby proves his point, but does not at the same time. He clearly states that the justice system needs to be changed and he thinks flogging would be better. However he needs to go deeper into the topic to fully declare one better than the other. Jacoby used logos to persuade the reader to believe flogging is the more logical and humane aspect to punishment compared to prison. He used many statistics and his references were creditable. His evidence was valid to the argument and helped to discuss the subject in a ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Bernard In Brave New World Linda dies shortly after John arrives at the hospital. He is completely grief stricken, but, in this new society, death is as important as sex, and no one understands why he's so upset. Between his mom dying and almost getting raped by Lenina he seeks out an escape. He finds a group of Deltas waiting for their daily dose of Soma, and he gets caught up in a riot. Bernard and Helmholtz find him right before the police show up. The police give the Deltas some Soma, and arrest Bernard, Helmholtz, and John. Bernard is a turncoat and tries to place the blame on the other two men, but this has the opposite effect and he's taken away. Mustapha convinces Helmholtz that the island is the best place for him because he will be surrounded by like ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Why Did The Ku Klux Klan Start Rough Draft The Ku Klux Klan was first formed in 1865 and was a movement using violence and torture to create a "clean, pure" white America. The KKK was in almost every southern state and attacked many African Americans in order for white supremacy. There are specific movements recorded, 1865 to the 1870s, 1915 to 1944, and 1946 to present day. The KKK's starting purpose, actions, and long–lasting history have put a negative outlook on the south. The Ku Klux Klan had many reasons for why they started. Most white southerners believed that God created black people for the special purpose of working and serving white people (Bartoletti, 7). White southerners wanted black people to continue being their slaves because they thought they served ... Show more content on ... Floggings, horrific affairs, were often animalistic assaults that used tree limbs, leather belts, rawhide whips, heavy wooden canes, branches, sticks, baseball bats, and even, on at least one occasion, an automobile fan belt" (Feldman, 93). Since the Ku Klux Klan was primarily located in the south, these actions were used in the south. Communities used these specific actions in order to be successful. These actions were very harsh and were used to torture African Americans. Floggings caused welts, bruises, blood clots, bleeding, broken bones, the loss of teeth, and lengthy hospital stays for many Alabama victims" (Feldman, 93). These floggings caused many injuries to many of the southern African Americans. The KKK used floggings against the African American so they will do what they say. Floggings were a very very painful technique to use. Some lapsed into comas, suffered from nervous breakdowns, or were permanently maimed; at least a few died" (Feldman, 93). The KKK was extremely harsh putting people into such dangerous conditions just to have white supremacy. These actions scared the African Americans into being afraid of the south and the group primarily doing it known as the Ku Klux Klan. The effective actions the KKK took were very harsh and caused a lot of people many painful ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Pussy Cat Analysis Having taken my flogging on 3rd, I now fully understand why you enjoy a good flogging so much and what you get out of it. I really felt that I was proving just how much of a hard man I was by taking it, and as the strokes fell, it fed my pride in my masculinity and my ability to take it. I certainly feel a harder man having taken that flogging with the Cat. Being well acquainted with the Pussy Cat can only make a hard man harder and more manly – uniquely, the Cat really does separate the hard men from the rest (including the hardest of lads who are man enough to take the most severe Corporal Punishment across their bare backsides). Do you understand what I mean when I say 'feel it in the bottom of my bollocks', or at the very heart of my manhood/what makes me the man I am?п ‰п Ћп €п Ѓп ќ I found that there was a big mental ... Show more content on ... I guess that the pain just works for some men and not for others... I'd definitely say that you do need to be a very hard man to take the Cat well when it's laid on properly. Yes, I do understand what you mean, Andy, as the mental strength and determination needed to take it, goes to the very core of what being a real, hard man is all about. п €п Ђп €п њп Ћ The unique pain the Cat delivers is about as challenging as it gets in my book. Such intense pain over a significantly large area of the body takes real grit to take well. A lot of hard men are simply not hard enough to take it well because their inner strength is not sufficiently well founded or as fundamentally core to the man they are, their sense of their own manhood is lacking in the steel required. When a man strips to the waist for the Cat, he is putting about three times as much of his body in the firing line as he does when he takes Corporal Punishment on his backside, in addition to this he has less flesh to absorb the strokes so he will inevitably feel them more ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Response To Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby Response to "Bring Back Flogging" 1.Jeff Jacoby is a writer for The Boston Globe and was first to receive the Breindal Prize in 1999. However, I agree that we should bring back flogging for only the misdemeanor cases and cutting down cost in prisons. Summary To "Bring Back Flogging" 2.In "Bring Back Flogging," Jeff Jacoby states that there are too many people being incarcerated and instead the use of corporal punishment should come back. Mr. Jacoby states that with the use of corporal punishment, such as flogging or paddling, there would be a lot more space in prisons and less criminals overall. The author is afraid that without a good punishing system nobody would learn from their mistakes and they would just keep repeating them. Jeff... Show more content on ... Jacoby claims that America uses too many crimes for someone to go to prison, "Commit murder; go to prison. Sell cocaine; go to prison. Kite checks; go to prison." (Jacoby, 1997, P. 1) There is a lot more people, with misdemeanor cases, that does not need to be in prison and that it cost a lot of money for prisons to tend for an inmate. In 1997 Jacoby states that, "the price of keeping criminals in cages is appalling –– a common estimate is $30,000 per inmate per year." (Jacoby, 1997, P. 2) However; in the year 2012, CBS NEWS reported "In states like Connecticut, Washington state, New York, it's anywhere from $50,000 to $60,000." (CBS NEWS, 2012) Over the past 25 years the cost to keep just one inmate has more than doubled. It is sure to go up within the next ten to fifteen years too. Finally, Jacoby talks about the horrors of what actually happens in prison. 5.In prison there are horrors people should be aware of. Jacoby states, "in 1994 that more than 200,000 prison inmates are raped each year, usually to the indifference of the guards." (Jacoby, 1997, P. 2) A lot of the seventeen year olds and up that go to prison with lesser charges shouldn't have to deal with this psychological trauma and should rather want to go through corporal punishment even with the humiliation that comes with ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Jeff Jacoby Bring Back Flogging Summary In "Bring back flogging" Jeff Jacoby argues that corporal punishment should be brought back into our justice system because imprisoning criminals is taking up too much of tax payers money and criminals learn how to become better criminals in prison. He uses statistics, facts, and quotes to help support his claim that our justice system is sub par and does more harm than good to taxpayers and even criminals. Even though Jacoby makes a good point the essay fails to include ethos and pathos making it ineffective. Although he supports what he says with hard facts and statistics he fails to gain an emotional connection with the readers nor does he establish his credibility. Logos is important in an essay because readers are more capable of making ... Show more content on ... Jacoby fails to accomplish this though the emotion he in the words that he chooses to use are more so explaining how he feels about the topic. Rather than him trying to reach an emotional connection with the reader for instance, he describes criminals as "young punks". "He writes Perhaps the Puritans were more enlightened than we think, at least on the subject of punishment. Their sanctions were humiliating and painful, but quick and cheap. Maybe we should readopt a few." He uses "enlightened" to reference to the style of punishment that the Puritans used to compare it to our punishments now. Vexing at an attempt to create that emotional attachment saying that we should learn to be more like the puritans when it comes to things such as punishment. This was a failed attempt by Jacoby because once again this has been just another opinion from him saying what he feels like what we as a whole should be more like when it comes to these specific ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Summary Of Bring Back Flogging By Jeff Jacoby In "Bring Back Flogging", the author, Jeff Jacoby suggests that people should adopt some of the Puritans tactics to punish criminals instead of putting them in prison. In order to present his claim, Jacoby is based in the use of irony, logos, and ethos. According to Jeff Jacoby a moment of humiliation is better than a couple of years behind the bars. I do not agree with Jeff Jacoby's argument because the examples he gives and the way he refers to the topic incite to violence, also during the development of the subject he is too contradictory with his own opinions, and his arguments are unclear. To begin with, at the start of his article, Jeff Jacoby mentions old punishments, horrible punishments, pursued by Puritans, but at the same time... Show more content on ... However, Jeff Jacoby says something true, the criminal justice system has a problem, but violence is not the solution. As a result, Jacoby made a great use of logos on paragraph 6 where he points out the consequences of incarceration, "...the price of keeping criminals in cages is appalling – a common estimate is $30,000 per inmate per year," also, he supports that statement on paragraph 12, "The Globe reported in 1994 that more than two hundred thousand prison inmates are raped each year..." he says, on that same fact, Jacoby is using ethos suggesting that the information reported by The Globe, the newspaper for which he works, is truthful. With these two statements he almost got the reader, but again he contradicts himself saying that is not the inmates fault, "...usually to the indifference of the guards," he adds. So, why should prisoners be punished if it is not their fault? Furthermore, the use of irony may confuse the reader making unclear Jacoby's position about the topic. For example, on paragraph 3 he states, "now we practice a more enlightened, more humane way of disciplining wrongdoers: We lock them up in cages," personally, I believe is better go to prison than be whipping on public. There are true stories of people that went to school in prison and learn more than in the streets, in contrast, to be punish teach us to punish the others. Also, on paragraph 4, Jeff Jacoby ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Flogging a Dead Cow Can Be Profitable in Argentina Latin America's second biggest economy is regarding the arrival of unconventional oil and gas on the scene is regarded as an opportunity to reverse the steady decline the country has experienced in oil and gas production. Argentinian outlook appear to be looking up, industry insiders suggest that the prospects are certainly taking many of the right boxes. Nevertheless, there are problems such as the country's energy policies, regular tree environment and energy markets, that make the country at first sight a challenging place to invest in. However, there has been a turnaround in government attitudes towards investors as the realisation that for Argentina to duplicate the American unconventional revolution. Already, there have been a number of policy and regulatory changes to reverse the past downward spiral in investment in exploration and production, that resulted in Argentina turning itself from a net energy exporter to a net energy importer, which although politically popular has put severe economic strains on its economy. Resources Argentina has some of the world's biggest and best quality reserves of shale hydrocarbons states KPMG Shale Development: Global Update 7 October 2013. The US Energy Information Administration June 2013 report estimates suggest that Argentina could have reserves of at least 2732 TCF of shale gas of which 774 TCF is technically recoverable. In comparison with its neighbour Brazil which is thought to hold a potential 906 TCF of which 206 is ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Ethnicity In Nigeria Nigeria is part of the 16 countries in West Africa. Nigeria has different groups of ethnicity and has a population of about 186 million. Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups. The ethnic groups have different belief and practices (VANGUARD,2017). The country is well known for its oil natural resources which provides most of their gross domestic product. The largest groups are the Hausa in the north, the Yoruba in the southwest and the Igbo (or Ibo) in the southeast, who account for around a fifth of the population each. The languages of these three groups can therefore be used in government. Other large groups include the Ijaw in the east and the Fulani in the north. Nigeria is divided into 36 states. In this essay I will discuss the cultural in the northern states, southern states and other cultural practices strongly encourage. In the 13 northern states, the vast majority of people are Muslim. The Hausa have been Muslims for almost a thousand years, having been converted to Islam by Arab traders and merchants from the 10th century. Sharia law was introduced into the northern Nigerian states from 2000. This is a code for how Muslims should lead their lives. It is thought to have been drawn up by Muslim scholars in the early centuries of Islam, with parts of it taken directly from the Koran. As in other countries, northern Nigeria uses the code as a basis for its criminal law. However, some of the harsher penalties, such as death–by–stoning for adultery, have never been ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Captain Flog's Log The Flogging of Staff Sergeant Hardman: Staff Sergeant Hardman is no stranger to the Army Cat o' Nine Tails, he has been flogged many times before, so it has to be laid on good and hard to make any impression on him.п њп €п Ћп €п ќ He is a hard and resolute man who can take the hardest of floggings, he always provides a good example of how a real hard man should take a flogging and he will always stand and bite down on the belt no matter how hard the Army Cat bites into his back.п €п Ћп €п Ѓп €п ‰п € Captain Flog is jealous of the high regard Staff Hardman is held in and also resents his prowess when it comes to laying on. This means that when he wants Hardman flogged he expects to see it laid on good and hard and woe betide the man that doesn't live up to his ... Show more content on ... He made sure Hardman felt the cats good and hard on his entire back and soon had the Army Cat singing through the air as he laid on.п €п €п €п €п € It is not every man that is hard enough or has the stomach to lay on the Army Cat and there are even fewer who can do it well. Staff Wilding flogged Hardman in a way that was a credit to the finest traditions of Military Discipline in the British Army.п Ѓп €п њп ќп €п Ћ Although Staff Wilding felt the weight of responsibility to do his Military Duty upon his shoulders, he was determined to do a good job and lay the Army Cat on properly. Staff Wilding was pleased to hear the Cat singing through the air, which combined with the reactions from Staff Hardman, told him that he was laying on the Cat properly, even though he was still learning the skill.п €п њп €п Ђп Ћ Staff Wilding already has the basic skill, knowledge and understanding to lay on a decent flogging that would challenge most men in the British Army severely. In time this will develop further so that he can flog the hardest of men with the severity that is required when flogging real hard men. In a way Staff Wilding is fortunate to have been given the Military Duty of flogging Staff Sergeant Hardman, there is no better real hard man when it comes to taking the Army Cat like a real hard man should.п €п њп €п Ћп €п ќп € Staff Wilding still has a lot to learn, when it comes to laying on a hard flogging. There's no question, that the more floggings that he lays on, the more his prowess will grow, until he can lay on the hardest of floggings, which will challenge even the hardest of men. It is very likely that it won't be long before Captain Flog wants Staff Sergeant Hardman flogged again and Wilding will be repeatedly called upon to lay on.п њп €п Ћп €п ќ I am sure that Staff Sergeant Wilding will develop the skill, experience and prowess to flog a real ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Locke Personal Identity Locke's Theory of Personal Identity In order to get clear Locke's theory of personal identity, first Locke gives us his view of person as some kind of thinking thing that is not a substance. Locke's intuitions from changing the parts of a unified life to identifying a unified body which persists over repair and replacement helps illustrate personal identity to allow for the substance of the reasoning being to change over time provided the reasoning beings share one continued life (ECHU 27). However, Locke's theory of personal identity differs from unified life because it requires the unity of consciousness. A consciousness is a unique consciousness when it accompanies a being that has reason, reflection, and considers itself as the same self. The consciousness which accompanies some person is the same just in case the person shares a stream of consciousness. Rational beings have the reflection capacity to remember from a consciousness' stream that is their own. Rational beings which reflect upon ideas from their own extended stream then must be either the same person or a rational being who could not reflect upon ideas from that unique stream. Thus, at any point on a single stream the same self as a consciousness on another point are in fact one and the same person. Reid's Objection to Locke's Theory ... Show more content on ... We are given a case where the personal identity theory of Locke should be consistent with identity between persons but is not. The case Reid's objection considers supposes if a stream of consciousness extends only as far as the memory, then the memory is the extension of any unifiable consciousness. And, the extension of memory is not the extension of personal identity. Then, the stream of consciousness extends only as far as the memory which Locke does not want to accept, or extension of personal identity is not any unifiable stream of ... Get more on ...