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Breaking The Spiral of Silence
Who Is Accusing Who of Defiance?
“If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?...............”
Psalms 11:3
What is the definition of Defiance?
According to Longman Dictionary of Contemplary English
New Edition
Behavior that shows you refuse to do what someone told you to do,
especially because you do not respect them defies is a gesture of
defiance. I.e. one can run away as an act of defiance against his
parents or authority.
Another example is that: Many people were drinking on the streets in
defiance of the BAN or he/she clambered a fist in defiance
Therefore, to be defiant is refusing to do what someone tells you to do.
He /she walked away shouting on top of/her voice out of the meeting to
protest the decision made.
They went to the bush in a defiant act after the election results were
What is the role of the church in speaking out against evil and
The Church has a role indeed to play in the development of the
nation and to shape the morals of the society, as well as being a voice
to the oppressed and voiceless.
It also has the responsibility to protect -R2P
The role of the Christian church is to actually stand with the people in
their struggle for human dignity, survival and self determination and
truly becoming ‘The Voice of the Voiceless “His Grace Paulin Lukudo
Loro Catholic Arch Bishop & Metropolitan of Juba.
“The prevailing orthodoxy among intellectuals in the west and
elsewhere is that religion is a waning irrational and dysfunctional
aberration” US journalist Nicholas Kristof, certainly no religious
apologist discovered a different church when he visited South Sudan.I
came here to this impoverished country to write about its problems, not
the..Church’s. Yet once again I am awed that so many of selfless people
serving the world’s neediest are lowly nuns and priests “( and one
should add here pastors, catechists,evangelists, bishops,reverands,
moderators,elders,deacons and lay workers from all denominations).”
The Church in Uganda, as in many other countries in Africa and other
parts of the world where poverty, conflict, political oppression, socio
marginalization, and under development are rife, is widely seen as a
force for good, a progressive influence, in the forefront of the struggle
for peace, justice, human rights and democracy.
Africans are religious by nature (whether Christians, Muslims or
followers of traditional religion) and communal by culture, religion
pervades the life of individual and nation. People rely on their faith and
their religious leaders to deal holistically with concerns of everyday life,
big and small, without artificial barriers in resolving conflicts .The
Acholis “Mato put” is an example, while the Church will emphasize
forgiveness and reconciliation through God’s love.
Col. (rtd) Dr.Warren Kizza Besigye‘s Contribution, his Fallout with
Museveni and brief background of our defiant political track history in
He was a youth who was misled by the self seeker and he answered a deceptive call in an act of
defiance, to go to the bush and fight an elected government, established by the laws and which
was elected by the people of Uganda on December 10th 1980.
He was a young qualified doctor working in Nairobi’s Kenyatta hospital serving his African
brothers in Kenya as a medical doctor after fleeing the political turmoil in Uganda in 1979.
Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye came back to Uganda to answer what seemed like a liberation call for
the people of Uganda. He joined the National Resistance Army (read National Defiant Army)
which was operating in the jungles of Luwero.Where they were waging a war on the grounds
that the elections were rigged by the UPC government and that they were fighting to restore
democracy, rule of law, peace ,unity ,freedom of speech ,expression and the implementation of
the conceived 10 point program which has been succeeded by many other programmes.
He did this with all his heart, strength and soul, hoping that one day; he will see the people of
Uganda free to run their affairs politically without any intimidation or threat. His hard work saw
him operating many of his comrades without anesthesia, anti bio tics to prevent tetanus, under
banana plantations or mango trees.He risked he and his colleagues to touch and come in contact
with blood of possibly infected comrades who had HIV/AIDs. THEIR FATAL WOUNDING
rather encouraged them to be firm and to focus on what seemed like a national cause. He had to
carryout operations and to stitch wounds using sisal and banana fibre and using local herbs to
treat malaria fever.(Omululuza ).
Among those he treated and had taken care of included the current NRM
Chairman/President/Founder and commander in chief of the now translated National Resistance
Army {Read National Defiant Army) to Uganda Peoples Defense Forces.( read Uganda Peoples
the way it came in existence drawing its ranks from the rebel (read defiance ) background and
not the normal recruitment process as enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
Articles 208 clauses 1, 2,3, and 4. Articles 209 talking about the functions of UPDF in clauses a,
b, and d. lastly article 210 Parliament shall regulate the UPDF, AND SHALL MAKE LAWS
REGULATING THE UPDF and, in particular a, Organs and structures of UPDF. b-
Recruitment, appointment, promotions, discipline and removal of members of UPDF and
ensuring that members of the UPDF are recruited from every district of Uganda. Then c, and d of
the same article 2010.My question is, dos the parliament endorse and approve the appointment of
military officers as Ambassadors, and their promotions as per the constitution of the Republic of
Dedicated and devoted to the cause was Besigye and many other young people who followed the
way of defiance and rebellion to fight the Uganda People’s Congress government which was the
choice of the majority at that time in a five year guerrilla warfare. Taking advantage of the
differences between the Baganda and Milton Obote which begun way back in 1964 and climaxed
in 1966 with the government forces attacking the Lubiri(Kabaka's Palace ) at Mengo..This was
followed by the abolition of monarchies in Uganda, the Kingdom of Buganda, Bunyoro, Busoga,
Ankole and Toro. Uganda was declared a Republic up to this day. Though other kingdoms were
restored, the one of Ankole was not restored by the (Ssabagabe ) self proclaimed king of kings in
This stemmed from the constitutional process when a referendum was held in the so called lost
counties of Ndaiga, Buyaga, Bugangaizi and Buwekula.The people in those counties voted to
remain in Bunyoro and government of the then executive Prime Minister Milton Obote endorsed
the outcome of the referendum, which was misinterpreted as giving away the counties back to
Bunyoro (Capture the word Back) which means at one time they were part of Bunyoro. But were
given to Buganda by the British in appreciation for the alliance to defeat Bunyoro by Buganda
Kingdom. Which the Kabaka in turn distributed to his regents and is commonly known as mile
land today in Central Uganda
In an act of defiance, the Buganda government issued an ultimatum to the central government to
relocate its seat from the Buganda soil within 48 hours, after a long struggle and subsequent
disagreements between the UPC and KY who had both formed an alliance to defeat Democratic
Party (DP) led by Bendicto Kiwanuka a Catholic on the grounds of religion. Moves to impeach
Milton Obote by casting a vote of no confidence was initiated by Hon. Daudi Ocheng the MP for
Mityana in Buganda though he was an Acholi, and Ibingira Grace. On the grounds of lack of
parliamentary consent to send troops to Congo an UNDECLARED Ivory and gold, which were
plundered from Congo in 1965 by the Uganda Army Commander, Idi Amin and concealed by
the defense minister Felix Onama. This was done with a clear knowledge of the Executive
Prime Minister Dr.Apollo Milton Obote?
What actually followed Kabaka Mutesa was asking for British troops to help him get rid of the
Central government from the Buganda soil, and in reaction the UPC government sent special
force para military force and army troops to attack and arrest Mutesa, who defied the arrest and
put up a fight instead. In return Dr Apollo Milton Obote abrogated the 1962 Constitution in an
act of defiance; insisted Buganda was an integral part of Uganda and he declared Uganda to
become a Republic. This was also followed by the introduction of the pigeon hole constitution
drafted by Uganda's Attorney General by then Godfrey Lukongwa 1967.It was
successfully followed by the detention of political prisoners in the country from KY, DP and
UPC itself without trial.
The Declaration of the state of emergency in Buganda.
There was a declaration of the state of emergency in Buganda for five years from 1966 to 71.In
1969 after the death of King (Freddie) Edward Mutesa Walugembe 11 in exile, there was a panic
in Kampala city which was invaded by a type of lizard known as EMBALASASA, which bit
people and they died in a space of 72 hours. The fortune tellers, witchdoctors attributed this to
the angry gods who were not happy with the Obote government, which they predicted was
about to fall.
This came to pass when the Military in defiance of the 1967 constitution, took over power in
1971 January 25th
led by Major General Idi Amin Dada who was the commander of the Army
by then, while Dr.Obote was attending a Commonwealth conference in Singapore. The political
activities were suspended and parliament dissolved in what the military called an interim period
to rectify the 18 points it had given as a reason for taking over the civilian government and later
promised to return it to the civilian rule after addressing those points.
Political Prisoners set free and the return of Kabaka Mutesa’s remains
Major General Amin set free all political prisoners who had been in Prison for five years under
detention without trial in Karamoja who included, Ibingira Grace, Mathias Ngobi, Abubaker
Mayanja, Paul Semogerere, Dr Lumu,late Bendicto Kajimu Mugumba Kiwanuka, late Jolly Joe
Kiwanuka and the soldiers who were detained in connection with Brigadier Pierino Okoya’s
death outside Gulu town in 1970 .Among them included Captain Smarts Guwedeko FROM
Gulu Airbase and his four other colleagues,, Kayongo a soldier with the heart beat of Africa
dancing troupe, who beat-up Minister Kakonge the secretary general of UPC in the slums of
Wabigalo, and castrated him over a woman who later become a wife to General Idi Amin,called
Madinah Amin. All political prisoners in the country including Sebaduka the brother of Haji
Ausi in Ndeeba a Kampala surburb, who attempted to shoot Obote in December 1969 at Lugogo
Indoor Stadium. The UPC was holding their Annual General Assembly at that time and the bullet
just blazed his mouth.
Immediately thereafter, the Military Government led by Major General Idi Amin Dada,
organised the return of the remains of Kabaka Edward Mutesa Walugembe the 11, who had died
in exile in November 1969 in a London apartment, where he was sustained on a welfare system
of the UK government. This made Amin very popular among the Baganda who danced to praise
him as Ssalongo and savior. The remains were vied in Namirembe St. Paul Cathedral for 7 days
.Throng of lines from morning to evening and throughout the night were coming from all the
sides of City, from Masaka road, Mityana road, Hoima road, Bombo road, Namirembe road,
Makindye and Ndeeba, Entebbe road. The Baganda mourned their king and I went to
Namirembe twice to view the body of King Freddie, which took me more than 4 hours from the
Nakivubo Stadium up to the Cathedral. The military government paid for all the costs until King
Freddie was laid to rest at Muzigu Azala Mpanga with his grand fathers. His commanding officer
and guardian in the Grenadier guards where he was a Captain attended the burial, together with a
representative of the queen.
Politicians, soldiers and government officials flee the country
Later many politicians and political ideologist of the common man's charter, move to the left
who were professing Communism ,socialism, Marxist policies, and National Service for all able
bodied Ugandans in this capitalist country, like Kirunda Kivejinja, Bidandi Sali, Kintu Musoke,
Yoweri Museveni, late Chango Macho, late Akena Adoko, lateTito Okello, late Brigadier Oyite
Ojok, late Captain Oyile, student leaders of NUSU and NUYO like Olara Otunu, and Masette
Kuya fled to Tanzania where he had come from a few years back. After his university education
in Dar es Salaam, he joined, Apollo Milton Obote's government working in President’s
office.Many others who were in the army, police, security agencies, cabinet ministers etc also
fled. Others went through the northern border via Owiny Kibul through Port Said in Sudan, and
to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, while other remained in the country lying low like an envelope.
All these were running away in defiance of the Military Government which had taken power
and suspended all political activities in the country.
The formation of fighting groups and clandestine activities
In exile they formed up fighting groups like the UPC''s Kikosi Ma aluum ,Museveni's Fronasa
(Front for National Salvation ) who with a combined force made early attempts to attack Uganda
in 1972 September 16th.and backed up by Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces.
But Mr. Museveni continued with his defiant campaign ,continued to carry out clandestine
activities, smuggling guns into the country, blowing up power lines, recruiting young people in
Mbale, Kyambogo technical school in Kampala and Mbarara like black etc. He at one time
survived arrest at Maluku estate Mbale where he fled to the forest, after shooting at the military
police who were pursuing him(His own Story ) and disappeared in the thicket..Later the young
men, who were with him, were arrested shot at a firing squad in Mbale 1972 after they were
convicted of engaging in rebel (defiance) and treasonable activities.
Invasion from Tanzania in 1972- Crashed
This invasion was crashed badly by the Uganda Armed forces elements from ,1 UA Eagle
Garrison Jinja”s Cand D companies, 4 UA Simba Battalion MbararaA, B, C and D companies,
3 UA Tiger battalion Mubende “s C and D companies, Kifaru Merchandised Reconnaissance
Regiment Bondo Arua Cand D companies, Malire Merchandised Specialist Reconnaissance
Regiment Ferret scouts unit and Tank company,Lubiri Kampala, Suicide Revolutionary
Mechanized Specialist Reconnaissance Regiment Kasijjagirwa Masaka C company,APC unit,
C and D company of 2 UA Gondar Battalion Moroto, Q and P Batteries Artillery Regiment
C and D companies of Chui battalion Gulu,Signals Regiment , 2nd Para Fort Portal C company
Air and Sea Borne battalion Tororo C company and General Transport Unit for logistics and
transportation of troops and tanks of different Uganda Armed forces Units. to the battle field at
Mutukula, Minziiro, Kikagati and Kyotera as the rear base with Military Police Unit to enforce
discipline among the troops. The specialist admini office with officers from the general head
quarters was set up to coordinate the operations. About three former ministers in Obote ‘s
government were taken as prisoners and this included Alex Ojera, Emmanuel Wakweya,
Wakholi and other former Uganda army officers who were killed by the SRB operatives at
state research bureau in Nakasero for engaging in defiance acts against the military government
aimed at toppling it.
The Economic War preceded the invasion from Tanzania
Before the invasion earlier, General Idi Amin Dada, had declared the economic war on August
23rd in Tororo town. He gave the Asians with dual nationalities an ultimatum to choose where
they want to belong in 90 days. The reason was mainly because they were working and earning
money here, but were banking it in foreign capitals. According to Amin they did not have the
country at heart.Madvani in an attempt to reverse this, went with some money to bribe Amin and
was instead arrested and the money he was trying give to Amin as bribe displayed on National
TV. However, Amin forgave him and let him go.
On September 17th 1972 one day after the rebels from Tanzanians invaded Uganda from
Mutukula Border and Kikagati. The security agents of state research bureau storming the high
courts in a desecration of the temple of justice whisked away the Chief Justice Bendicto Kajimu
Mugumba Kiwanuka, from his Chambers and he disappeared up to today. It is presumed he was
killed. The reason was because he had resisted and given legal advice against the expulsion of
the Asians from Uganda whom Amin had given 90 days to formalize their nationalities by
choice, either to remain Ugandans or to belong to those other countries like the British, Canada,
Bangladesh, and Pakistan as their citizens. Another reason was that there was a letter which was
intercepted by the SRB and written by Dr. Obote to the Chief Justice on the importance of
liberating Uganda from the hands of Amin. This seems the most likely reason to why he was
whisked away by these operatives of SRB.
Others who were kidnapped and never appeared again presumed to have been killed later in
1972-73, were late Jolly Joe Kiwanuka (Namwatulira) a renown journalist, politician and
proprietor of White Nile club at Katwe, late Basil Batalingaya, late Joseph Mubiru the governor
of the bank of Uganda, late Captain Samuel Aswa who announced the army take over when he
was still a staff sergeant, late Basudde, Masaka Mayor late Francis Walugembe etc This war
climaxed by the killing of the Arch Bishop Church of Uganda in 1977, with the cabinet ministers
late Erunayo Wilson Oryema, and late Oboth Ofumbi. Later on, late Brigadier Smarts Guwedeko
who was the commander of the Air Force but had been succeeded by Lt. Col. Sule Aega before
the Israel’s invaded Entebbe .He was whisked from Wandegeya trading centre while playing
(omweso) African draft. His colleague for a long time late Lt. Kayongo was killed as he tried to
resist the arrest by exchanging gun fire with the security operatives from State research bureau-
The remaining rebels (defiant) who survived the defeat like Yoweri Museveni, Oyite Ojok and
others had fled back to Tanzania in 1972 until 1978 when the Uganda Army attacked Tanzania
annexing Kagera Salient And later accusation and counter accusations were traded between the
two countries that it was Tanzania which attacked Uganda and annexed an area of 700 hundred
square miles. In return Tanzania accused Amin of occupying its territory and destroying a sugar
factory, killing innocent civilians and blowing up the Kagera Bridge.Mwalimu Julius Nyerere
vowed to mobilize his Vijaana(his youth )to eject Uganda Army from Tanzanian soil.
Moshi Conference to constitute a government in exile was convened
Moshi conference was held and Yusuf Lule was elected to lead the Uganda National Liberation
Front government, an act which drew support of Baganda people of Southern and Central
Uganda. Other prominent Baganda like Sam Ssebagereka, Andrew Kayira, Robert Sserumaga,
Robert Ssebunya, and Edward Mugalu from the Nairobi group participated to woo the Baganda
who were the entry point in Masaka region to support the invasion. Paul Muwanga, Edward
Rugumayo, Yash Tandon, Omwony Ojok, Dan Wadada NabudereYoweri Museveni, Oyite Ojok,
Tito Okello were part of it. In turn the Baganda supported overwhelmingly the overthrow of the
military government in Uganda led by Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada, by supporting the invading
forces, especially the Catholics Masaka.
Well, all to be clear and to sum up, the military government was dislodged by the Tanzanian
forces led by the Ugandan rebels (defiant) in a war that began in October 1978 and ended on 11
th April 1979 and totally controlled the country on 3rd June 1979.There was a group of some
Ugandan rebels from Mwanza whose ship sank in lake Victoria. They were totaling about 300
mainly from the Nairobi group and were led by the late Lt. Colonel Patrick Kimumwe a former
commanding officer of Malire Mechanized battalion and were tasked to come and capture
Entebbe International Airport to clear way for landing of forces from Arusha Tanzania in order
to take over Kampala City.Lt. Col.Kimumwe had fled to Nairobi in exile after the failed coup in
1977which was reported by Brigadier Smarts Guwedeko to Amin.
The Itendero Massacre
There was a massacre that took place in areas controlled by Museveni’s FRONASA fighting
group and the Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces known as the WESTERN AXIS at a place called
Itendero, in Ankole western Uganda. Many Muslims were massacred, killed for having
supported Amin’s government during his regime. The former mayor of Mbarara Kassim was
followed and gunned down with his brother from Kabwohe and other five people at Luwafu
Kampala in a home of his elder brother Haji Badru Muwonge where they had taken refuge.
Other 25 young people were rescued from the hands of Museveni at river Rwiizi in Mbarara
town from being drowned claiming he wanted to use them as an example for others who are
undisciplined, by Colonel Mongi of Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces -TPDF who was the sector
commander. He restricted him from doing so and told him that Tanzania did not come to (Kulipa
kisasi) revenge but to restore sanity. More stories can be told by the Kabwohe Itendero residents
who have lived up to today.
The Interim Period
Thereafter ,the general elections that took place in the interim period of 2 years, WAS
ORGANISED IN THE MIDST of more contentions and disagreements among the Uganda
National Liberation Front UNLF government and among the exiles, who regarded all the stayees
as accomplices of Amin. President Yusuf Lule stayed for 68 days and wanted to re-introduce the
1962 Federal constitution kind of administration and he was thrown out by republican’s forces.
His removal triggered a demonstration that has never been seen before in the history of this
country, which saw all shops and offices closed for two weeks. Known as “NO LULE NO
WORK "as people demanded for his reinstatement. However, it was not possible as a voice rang
from Radio Uganda from the defense minister stating thus:
” All those instigators of agitation, especially those suffering from political myopia must desist
from all acts of defiance to the decisions of the Uganda National Liberation Front-UNLF
interim government. That anybody who will be found in that act of defiance will be shot on
The people who had gathered at the constitutional square, were dispersed by Yoweri Museveni
who was the minister of defense by then.There was heavy machine gun fire and many people
scampered and trampled on each other and many died as a result, and prominent politicians
Gaster Ntambi and Paul Kavuma were shot and injured fattaly.Binaisa took over and was also
thrown out after 11 months for dealing in foreign exchange allocation, proforma invoices and
shuffling and transferring the major contributors to the liberation war like Yoweri Museveni
from Ministry of Defense to a lesser one of Regional cooperation,David Oyite Ojok from the
army chief of staff to the Ambassadorial post in Algeria.
The Military Commission headed by Paul Muwanga and the 5 judges of the high court,led by
Justice Wacha Olwol, Justice Kiconco,Justice Lubogo,Justice Masika etc with Yoweri Museveni
as the vice chairman, Col. Zedi Maruru Oyite Ojok ,as members. Violent killings took place and
people like late Katuramu the quantity surveyor and valuer,Dr. Barlow, Dr Obache, Bob Odong
Nayenda a radio news broadcaster, businessman Charles Kapere Munyabuzale,Yusuf Muhereza
who was a mechanic at Bukesa Mengo, and many more were gunned down.There was a bus
known as (Mpawo atali kaba ) which literally translates as no one will not cry. This bus was full
of UNLA soldiers who went about killing people in the suburbs of Kampala and robbing them of
their properties.
In Preparation for the Elections and Militia Recruitment
The next stage was the elections after the tearing down of the umbrella cohesive and unitary
arrangement of Binaisa, known as the gang of the five led by Omwony Ojok, Yash Tandon,
Edward Rugumayo, Wadada Namudere and people went back to their political parties (Buli
Mbuzi ku nkondo yayo) which literally translates as, every goat must be tied to its post. Among
these was a new party led by Yoweri Museveni called Uganda Patriotic Movement UPM which
stood for " Clean leadership, Peace and Unity”
Meanwhile, different fighting groups were secretly recruiting Militia's privately known as NYA's
and this took place in the homes of senior Acholi and Langi officers, who saw the officer corps
recruited by Museveni drawn from western, central Uganda and trained in Munduli Tanzania as
a threat.These included the first commander of NRA Second Lt.'s Ahmed Seguya, Kafula,
Duncan, Robert Rusoke,Albert Kareba, Salim Saleh,Herbert Lutaya, Steven Lubwama,Napoleon
Rutambika, Kagata Namiti, Isoga, Francis Pipino who was one of the original Fronasa
fighter,Mugenyi etc Then there was another group which was sent to Cuba by late Jesse Jones
Namakajjo who was a journalist, heading the secret services during Binaisa and many of the
young recruits, got stranded there when interim President Godfrey Binaisa was removed from
Elections and Defiance To The Outcome Results.
At this point Yoweri Museveni was repeatedly breathing with fire and threatening to go to the
bush (in a defiant act) if the elections were rigged. Dr. Obote in reaction told him that they will
find him there and leave him there in the bush.
After the elections and the UPC had been declared the winner of 1980, ELECTIONS, the Kayira
group was the first one to go to the Bush in December that year operating from Nakasajja Forest
in former Mpigi district.They drew the bulk of their fighters from the Nairobi group composed of
mainly Baganda fighters from central region like, Serumaga, Waswa DC, Robert Sebunya,
former UA officers Major Hussein Ada, and Captain Mark Kodiri, Sajad, Twaha , the Bamutire’s
who played the Judah by betraying the fighters of UFM through screening them out from the
public and road blocks etc
Yoweri Museveni followed in the bush on February 6th 1981 with his 27 men by attacking
Kabamba barracks and launched a guerrilla war against the UPC government, which claimed
over 1,000,000 million people though the figure was down played to 500,000 and property
destroyed in the so called Luwero triangle for five years. Among those who were arrested and
killed in Katabi barracks were: the former Air Force soldiers Kironde, Mpande, businessman
Tom Ntambi, Ssentongo, Stone, Kasweta, Mzee Konoweka of Konoweka motors, and his son,
Musoke a mechanic formerly working with DT Dobie company of Kireka, and Mulajje of
Kayabwe who were picked from their garage at Kitintale Luzira road next to Esso/Gapco petrol
station by late Lt Kato Kiragga UNLA Chief of Intelligence, Rose Kayizi of Rubaga near Lubiri
Secondary School, Rose Nakazibwe of Busega Penisula bar,who was tortured to death by using a
hot flat iron on her breasts and many more like the late Gideon Akankwasa a lawyer and a
member of Kampala Rugby club was also gunned down .late Kitiibwa who was gunned down
on Luwum street, late Sengendo Mwagale Sai the son of Mzee Kawesa of Kiswa-Wankoko,late
Zenon De’Souza and many others.
Originally Museveni’s rebel (defiant) Army was called Popular Resistance Army -PRA and
merging with Yusuf Lule and integrating his fighters in Museveni's ranks. Yusuf Lule became
the first Chairman of NRM/A and Museveni became the deputy and commander in chief of now
NRM/A. When Yusuf Lule died in 1985, Museveni become the Chairman/President/Founder. I
imagine if the UNLA forces had arrested him they would have charged him for treason for
calling himself President, when there was an elected government led by Dr. Apollo Milton
To sustain their operations, the rebels who were fighting an elected government led by Yoweri
Museveni, ate people’s cattle and promised to pay when they capture power and raided banks in
South Western and took money that belonged to Uganda Commercial Bank customers. When
they came to power Museveni was not speaking well at all about Uganda commercial Bank –
UCB which he claimed, was a den of thieves. Eventually this peoples bank which was formed in
the fifties to promote and encourage the indigenous Ugandans to participate in commerce and
trade, was finally privatised and sold off to G5 investor.Was this to conceal the records of what
the rebels of NRA took from different UCB branches so that they are not taken to court ? This is
the question for you and me to find an answer to from those who were involved. I have heard of
one officer who was promoted to the rank of Major General for raiding and rustle cattle for the
rebels to feed on in the Luwero triangle, possibly he can have answer since he is still living and
representing the army in parliament.
General Tito Okello Takes over Government.
In 1985 July 25th, the second Obote government was removed from power by the Military Junta,
led by Tito Okello Lutwa after an uncoordinated troop movement announced by Paul Muwanga,
which saw the newly promoted Army Chief of Staff Brigadier Opon Acak stripped of his rank
pips by Lt. Colonel Ochero Naggayi who was commanding the armoured personnel careers at
Mbuya barracks. General Tito Okello and his namesake Bazilio Olara Okello seemed to
genuinely want peace. He called for all parties including UPC CP, DP, rebels (DEFIANT
ARMIES ) of NRA, FEDEMU, UFM and for six months there were peace TALKS (jokes) as
they were referred to between the Military Junta and the NRA in Nairobi Kenya which were
signed a week to the Christmas of 1985( Baptized as the Christmas gift for the people of
Museveni Defying The Peace Accord in Nairobi to take over Government
In January 1986, defying the agreement that had been signed in Nairobi, Mr. Museveni (known
for his track record of defiance background) and his NRA over run the positions of the UNLA
forces and captured power from the military Junta of Tito Okello. In that scuffle the late
Lt.Colonel Fred Nkwanga the head of FEDEMU WAS BRUTALLY SHOWERED WITH
BULETS and his body lay by the roadside at Silver Springs junction to the soap factory of
Nakasero soap factory at Mbuya. Another businessman known as Abraham Ssempebwa (Tusker)
was gunned down in broad day light at what is known as Kiseka market today. This sent majority
of these forces to their home area in Acholi land and waged guerrilla warfare against Museveni's
In one battle at corner Kilak, these forces overrun the 35th
battalion which was mainly drawn
from the Uganda Freedom Movement –UFM fighters led formerly by late Andrew Lutakome
Kayira and integrated in the NRA .This annoyed Museveni and he blamed it all on the UFM for
abandoning their positions and leaving their guns behind on UBC radio country wide to express
his grievance.
However, recently while campaigning in Kit gum, Museveni accused the UFM 35th battalion for
committing the massacre at Namukora in Kitgum.How then did the forces that were over run and
lost their guns massacre the innocent civilians. Later? The truth is known by Mr. Museveni and
he must tell the world who must have committed this atrocious act as the evidence and arrows
point to his 11th and 15th battalions of NRA who were in that area at that time.
Later the NRM government began to accuse Sudan for supporting the insurgency in Northern
Uganda which lasted for 20 years and also claimed over 1,000,000 million people and loss of
property, infrastructure and all administrative units, schools and health centres.People close to
2,500,000 were herded into the Internally Displaced Persons Camps -IDPs all over the Acholi,
Lango and Teso sub regions. With untold sufferings.
Further Massacres took place in Atiak where people were cut in pieces and their body parts
thrown in pots and the railway wagon annihilation by the NRA of innocent people bundled in
train wagons at Mukura and suffocated to death .Call it the Mukura massacre which was carried
out and led by one NRA’s late Sulaiman Ssemakula Feka Feka Salambwa (Puff Ader) and others
at large, like Angina who is the deputy army commander of UPDF today, who arrested a
munyankole lieutenant from Mbale 3 rd division and he has never been seen again, possibly he
was killed around that time. People’s cattle was rustled and raided to feed the NRA and the
Karimojong warriors also raided in Acholi, Lango, Teso, Sebei sub regions North and Eastern
Uganda at will. The NRM promised to pay back and to restock the areas with cattle, but that has
been an empty promise for long like the one in Luwero triangle. It is now a political song that
has gone stale.
If Mr. Museveni had not ( defied) and honored the NAIROBI PEACE AGREEMENT,the
people who died and suffered in Northern ,Eastern Uganda wouldn't have died.But because of
his defiance back ground ,” he can never be trusted “ like the late Andrew Kayira used to
say..TRUE he did not honor that agreement for the ambition to become the President of Uganda.
Andrew Kayira himself was gunned down on March 7 th 1987 in cold blood at Konge in the
suburbs of South Kampala in the company of one Henry Gombya a BBC stringer, after his
release from prison on treason charges . Up to date the report concerning his death has never
been released by the government led by Mr. Museveni 30 years after his murder. His family is
languishing in a one bedroom house at Kanzize Masulita without any assistance from the
government not even once.It was Col.Dr. Kizza Besigye who paid a courtesy call on that family
during the recent election campaigns.
Meanwhile Col.Kizza Besigye, was the State minister for Internal Affairs working under Dr.
Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere who was the full minister of Internal Affairs.While in this ministry
he stood up against Mr. Museveni’s intentions to disband the entire police force which he
claimed was corrupt and indisciplined, but convinced him to carry out the screening exercise of
those bad elements in the police than disbanding it. I wonder whether today the police is much
better off than before.
Dr Kizza Besigye went on to become the National Political Commissar of the NRM/A and one
time when the Tanzanian President the late Julius Nyerere visited Uganda and visited Makerere
University in early 90’s. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye had the privilege to make a powerful
presentation of the movements ideological beliefs of the 10 point programme to the visiting
President and student community that left everyone convinced.The remarks of late Mwalimu
were simple “If you are looking for successors, you already have one “This was the Nail in the
rising of Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye as you will come to see..He participated in the constitutional
making process as CA delegate to promulgate the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
After that he was sent to Masaka BACK into active military duty as commanding officer of a
battalion which seemed as a demotion, and later was appointed as chief of logistics and
engineering in UPDF.
The Falling Out with Museveni
Besigye in Moroto Prison
In 1999 he wrote an article in the newspaper by then the weekly topic owned by veteran
politicians Bidandi Ssali, Kintu Musoke and Alhaji Kirunda Kivejinja and had Wafula Ogutu as
its editor. The reason he gave was that they had made several attempts to make the CEC of the
NRM sit to address the issue of deviation, but the Chairman kept on dodging That is why he
went to the public forum to yell the whole country about the deviation. In that paper Dr. Warren
Kizza Besigye was trying to inform the public that, what they had agreed upon in the bush was
different from what Mr. Museveni was pursuing in government.This drew reaction from the
Chairman and commander in Chief of UPDF Mr. Museveni
By instructing the arrest of Col.(rtd) Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye and to be charged before the
military Tribunal for airing an article in a wrong forum.
When he appeared before the military court martial at Makindye, the people came from his home
district Rukungiri led by elders and approached Mr. Museveni to set Col. Dr Kizza Besigye free,
which he did.
However, that same year at Speke hotel, Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye retired from the Army and
declared the formation of Forum For Democratic Change FDC, and became its first
President/Founder. He declared his intentions to run for Presidency in 2001 to contest against the
incumbent Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and it was a very close contest between the two former
war comrades .Mr. Museveni won, Col. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye fled to South Africa into
exile. In 2005 he bounced back again came back to Uganda, he was arrested charged with many
charges among them raping of a house girl etc He again lost to Mr. Museveni after being thrown
in and out of prison several times, released and re arrested by black Mambas in what is known as
the “Defilement and desecration of the Temple of Justice “in defiance of the court decision.
Black Mambas Re arrest Besigye outside the Courts of Law
President Museveni’s major fallouts since the
Bush War days
In 1999, Dr Kizza Besigye brought to the public fore long simmering tensions within the
Movement hierarchy when he authored a paper An Insider’s View of How NRM Lost the Broad-
The paper chronicled how Mr Museveni was steadily betraying the ideals that inspired the 1981-
86 bush war, accusing him of nurturing undemocratic and intolerant tendencies.
Mr Museveni reacted by warning that the now retired Colonel risked being court-martialled for
engaging in partisan debate while still a serving military man. Dr Besigye out-manoeuvered the
regime’s legal snare by retiring from the army in 2001, setting the stage for an acrimonious
onslaught against Mr Museveni’s hold onto power that runs to date.
He challenged Mr Museveni during the 2001 polls, garnering 27 per cent of the vote in an
election that attracted notoriety for the violence meted out by regime functionaries on his
supporters. Dr Besigye’s 2001 challenge attracted the wrath of his bush war peers, who insisted
Mr Museveni should be given a chance to complete his two terms, a promise the President
inscribed in his 2001 manifesto but would later make a u-turn on, triggering a mass exodus from
his NRM party.
Dr Besigye challenged Mr Museveni’s victory, with the Supreme Court agreeing that the election
was marred by anomalies, though the rigging was ‘not substantial enough to alter the final vote’.
Mr Museveni seems not to be afraid of making enemies with confidantes that he has been with
since the Bush War days.
For President Museveni to hold onto power for 28 years, he has appreciated that he cannot make
an omelette without breaking eggs.
Mr Museveni has not been afraid of making enemies with close confidantes but has always
found a way of outwitting them.
Outmaneuvered and left in the dark, some of Mr Museveni’s comrades-turned-enemies have
fallen on hard times, buried the hatchet with him and got re-admitted in the ruling NRM fold.
Riding on the euphoria of the relative socio-political stability that his NRA government restored
in large parts of the country in 1986, Mr Museveni enjoyed a near blissful, albeit occasionally
tense relationship, with most of his comrades in his nascent stages in power.
Internal voices of discontent about intrigue, corruption, the democratization process, the handling
of the LRA war in northern Uganda, surfaced but were often muted. The NRA government, a
collection of untested, exuberant rebels-turned –government was steadily mutating into a
cesspool of machinations as the bush war victory euphoria drizzled away and Ugandans started
demanding more. These schisms were laid bare when Dr Kizza Besigye authored a highly
critical paper on the path the government was taking, denigrating the President for betraying the
values of the 81-86 Bush War. Dr Besigye claimed his sentiments were shared by a critical mass
within NRM who developed cold feet and did not come out to publicly support his paper.
When Dr Besigye’s proposals were shot down by his boss, he challenged him in the 2001 polls,
marking the beginning of fallouts between Museveni and his Bush War compatriots. Those who
had given Mr Museveni the benefit of the doubt begun voicing discontent as a proposal to lift
term limits started gaining momentum in 2003.
When Mr Museveni forced through the amendment in Parliament, it triggered a mass exodus of
senior officials from Mr Museveni’s side including; Amanya Mushega, Mugisha Muntu, Miria
Matembe, Sarah Kiyingi, John Kazoora and Augustine Ruzindana. But Mr Museveni still
managed to survive the exodus of a nexus of compatriots that had helped him navigate the Bush
War and Dr Besigye’s 2001 onslaught, begging the question of how he manages to survive such
bitter walkouts.
Prof Mwambusya Ndebesa, a political analyst and history lecturer at Makerere University, says
Mr Museveni’s grip onto power is down to him appreciating that the military is the source of his
power and doing little to upset the working of top Generals.
And Mr Museveni has always been alive to the critical role the military has played in securing
his 28-year stint. When Parliament ratcheted up pressure on him over alleged fraud in the oil
sector and the mysterious death of Butaleja Woman MP Cerinah Nebanda, Mr Museveni
responded by warning that the military would take over government if the “confusion” in
Parliament persisted.
Security agencies are always at hand to respond to attempts to threaten Mr Museveni’s power
base, often coming in to violently crack down on protests and election rallies by regime
opponents. As pressure mounted on the regime at the peak of the Walk-to-Work protests in 2012,
Gen Muntu warned his former colleagues to be “wise” and avoid ending up like the proverbial
fly which followed a corpse into the grave.
When Dr Besigye broke ranks with Mr Museveni in 2001, he claimed he had the support of the
military in an effort to win over an electorate wary of picking a President who would not keep
the men in uniform.
Dr Aggrey Awori, who challenged Mr Museveni in the 2001 polls, agrees that support from the
military has allowed him legroom to handle civilian friends-turned-opponents sure that the men
in uniform are watching his back. “When you put together all these people [that have fellen out
with Museveni], none of them has the military support which Museveni has and has used [the
military] to build a grassroots support which all his opponents do not have,” Mr Awori argues.
Mr Godber Tumushabe, a researcher, argues that the President has the crucial instruments of the
“military, police and Intelligence services” which he uses to whip the Opposition into line. Mr
Godber argues that it is difficult for the Opposition against Mr Museveni to survive the “money
and security agencies” that the regime deploys against them.
Jaberi Bidandi Ssali
The Uganda Patriotic Movement secretary general in the 1980 elections, Mr Bidandi Ssali was
arrested in 1981 after Mr Museveni launched a Bush War without alerting him . After the Bush
War, he had a stint as Labour minister before being appointed Local Government minister where
he served for 15 years.
A right-hand man of the President for nearly two decades, Mr Bidandi was the vice chairman of
Mr Museveni’s campaign team in 1996 and 2001 elections, crafting the famous slogan in the
2011 polls asking voters: Oyina kewekoledde?’, loosely translated as ‘have you done something
in Museveni’s regime and if yes, do anything possible to protect his vote. He cut links with Mr
Museveni in 2003 over the third term project after which he formed PPP and stood for the
presidency in 2011.
Maj (rtd) John Kazoora
Having participated in the Bush War as an intelligence officer, Maj (rtd) Kazoora served as
Special District Administrator for Kampala, director at Internal Security Organization and
Kashari MP in the 6th Parliament.
In the period between 1998 and 2003 the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces UPDF was involved in
peace keeping mission in DR Congo claiming to be protecting Uganda’s western border from the
Allied Democratic Force –ADF rebels who were operating in Eastern Congo. The move to
commit the Uganda troops to DRC Congo was not approved by parliament WITHIN THE 72
Republic of Uganda, Museveni as an individual directed the deployment. To commit troops
outside the country the decision must be approved by the parliament of the Republic of Uganda,
through parliamentary acts 124 clauses 1-3, Article 209 (a), Article 210 states that parliament
shall regulate the UPDF and clause (d)( The deployment of the UPDF by the President must be
approved by the parliament of the Republic of Uganda.
The World Court Ruling.
The Republic of Uganda, by acts of looting, plundering and exploitation of Congolese Natural
resources committed by members of the Uganda Armed forces in the territory of the DRC Congo
and by its failure to comply with its obligations as an occupying power in Ituri district to prevent
acts of looting, plundering, and exploitation of Congolese Natural resources violated obligations
owed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That under the International law and
unanimously decided that following agreement between the parties, the question of reparation
due to the DRC Congo shall be settled by the Court.
Uganda lost the case brought against it at the International Court of Justice, by the DRC for
plunder of its resources due to an unavoidable mistake by the defense attorney’s a senior
official has said. Justice Julia Sebutinde who the UN voted as a Judge of the World court in
December 2011, in the first of insider’s accounts on the verdict likely to cost the country $10
billion. She said Uganda’s legal lawyers errored when they submitted to the court as evidence
a report of a commission of inquiry chaired by Justice David Porter, which Confirmed pillage
of DRC
The said report confirmed pillage of DRC’s resources, but absolved implicated, a top Uganda
government and military officials including President Museveni’s brother Salim Saleh whom
2001 UN panel of experts named adversely in its report on illegal exploitations of DRC. It
would appear that the government acted in haste to clean the names of those close to the centre
of power, and inadvently ended up legally selling out the whole country.
Commenting on the Porter Commission findings during a public lecture in Kampala on Friday,
Justice Julia Sebutinde wondered more evidence Uganda needed to incriminate itself than
Congo’s resources were looted.” One undoing was the famous Justice (David Porters) report
which I understand Uganda attached, as its evidence yet he Porter himself had found plunder
took place “She said.
According to media reports, Uganda had by the time court ruled on the case in 2005 paid
foreign lawyers representing it a total sum of $865,000(eight hundred and sixty five thousand
US dollars) beside expenses for the attorney General and other officials. The DRC MADE OF
CLAIMS $6-10 Billion (six to ten billion US dollars), in compensation, a figure Kampala
The International Court of Justice –ICJ is preparing the final reparation for the 1998-2003 war
plunders since Kampala-Kinshasa failed to make head way in diplomatic negotiations authorized
by court, mainly due to the frosty political relationships. The damage to be paid to Congo will
affect obviously the lives of Ugandans who pay taxes that is what it leads us into.” We should be
mindful of what it might” She said. Exhorting Ugandans not to live in delusion that proceedings
in a foreign court won’t affect them.
ICJ is one of the six organs of the United Nations, and its verdicts are FINAL and BINDING ON
MEMBER States such as Uganda that submit to its jurisdiction.
Justice Julia Sebutinde was in Uganda at the invitation of the Netherlands Embassy in Kampala
to deliver a paper on the Role of International Law in promotion of global peace to mark 100
years the Setting up of the Hague headquarters peace Place.
Uganda Controlled Areas Security Council Report No.(97)
The objective of the elite network in the areas controlled by Uganda has been to exercise
monolistic control over to the areas principal Natural resources cross border trade, and tax
revenues for the purpose of enriching members of the Network.
The Elite Network Security Council Report No. (98)
The elite Network operating out of Uganda’s decentralized loosely hierarchal, unlike the network
out of Rwanda. The Uganda Network consists of a CORE group, of members of the UPDF
officers, private businessmen and selected rebel leaders, administrative. UPDF Lt. Gen.(rtd )
Salim Saleh, late Major General James Kazini, are key figures, other members included the
Chief of Military Intelligence, late Brigadier Noble Mayombo who was a Colonel by that time
who was regarded as one representing the interests of the President Yoweri Museveni on the
ground. UPDF Major General Kahinda Otafiire, who was a Colonel by that time and now a
minister of Justice (possibly to block any effort to criminalize this report and any effort to
charge the culprits including himself. in Uganda),late Col. Peter Kerim, and the police IGP
who went later to Congo to command the UPDF contingent there but was not mentioned in
the report, late Lt. Colonel Jet Mwebaza the young brother to late Major General Kazini who
was not also mention, with Major Dura Mawa Muhindo.
Lt. General Caleb Akandwanaho alias Salim Saleh
Major General Kahinda Otafire – Ministry of Justice
Private entrepreneurs included Godfrey Kirumira, not implicated by the report Jasper Paguda
Managing Director of Kapkwata Sawmills who was dealing in timber, smuggling it from the
forests of DR Congo and exporting it to Asia and Europe ON LARGE SCALE, without paying
taxes because of his high profile connections with senior army officers and politicians, Sam
Engola who owned a plane that shuttled between Uganda and DRC, Mike Mukula a politician
and businessman who also owned charter planes that flew in and out of DRC Congo frequently,
and former minister who was convicted of misappropriation of the Global Funds for HIV/AIDs
with his colleague Major General Jim Muhwezi, and both not implicated in the report. Sam
Kutesa the foreign affairs minister who was not implicated also in this report but planted to UN
COME OF ICJ as chairman of the security council, he was also involved in another scandal of
CHOGM,Jacob Manu Soba. Manase Savo and other Savo both members, Rebel politicians
Wamba Dia Wamba, Rogers Lumbala, Mhase Nyamwisi, Lubangu tycoon Sudhir Rupallia who
fronts for the top politicians in this venture and the owner of Ruparellia group of companies ,
Meera, Crane Bank, Golden Insurance Company, Common wealth Resort Beach Munyonyo,
Speke Hotel, Kabira Club etc He was also given the doctors village as an investor and
displaced over 300medical doctors and personnel on Yusuf Lule Road-Kampala, where they
were residing to answer ward calls conveniently because of the short distance to the
hospital..As I write he has also been awarded recently, 900 acres of land at one of the
agriculture research centre at a giveaway price of $120 US dollars per acre.
Sudhir Ruparelia is a Ugandan business magnate and investor. He is the chairman and majority
shareholder in the companies of the Ruparelia Group.
Born: January 17, 1956 (age 60), Kasese, Western Uganda
You will realize that most of the UPDF officers implicated in this plunder, looting, and
exploitations have died in mysterious ways. Major General Kazini was brutally murdered in the
slums of Namuwongo-Kisugu in the wee hours of the night when he was hit with iron bar on his
head, Brigadier Noble Mayombo who had now become the Permanent Secretary Ministry of
Defense was poisoned and died in a Nairobi hospital. Col Peter Kerim died while he was pursued
by the rebels of LRA and died of heart failure as a result. Lt. Colonel Jet Mwebaza, Kazini’s
younger brother, died in plane crash with other two business men from Arua, after the plane
crashed in Bundibugyo Semliki valley in the Ruwenzori Mountains while coming or going from
Uganda to DR. Congo.
The Network continues to conduct activities through front companies such as Victoria Group,
Trinity Investments, Sagricof La’ Comment, Each of these companies may manage two or one
niches though they may change.
Uganda’s current extenernal debt is huge and it is about 9billion US dollars and by the time
NRM/A came to power, the external debt was about $1.7 billion left behind by the UPC
government. The governance and service delivery in the country has deteriorated to the lowest
levels ever witnessed in this country of 35 million people as per 2014 National census.
It begum with Education regardless of the UPE, USE and the affirmative action for the girl
child at University level, the quality of education has drastically gone down compared to the late
sixties and the seventies. In the North and north eastern all schools were destroyed during the
insurgency and the cost and task to rebuild them is astronomical. Many NGO’s and Faith based
organizations are trying to restore them but are facing an uphill task of lobbying for funding.
Secondly, the Civil service in Uganda which was regarded as second to Ghana in Africa has
become the most corrupt and inefficient. You cannot have anything done for you until you
scratch some ones back. I have a compensation which was awarded to me after 14 years
following the abuse by Uganda Police , but I have never been paid because the secretaries are
asking for kitu kidogo(a bribe )to assist me to reach the director of civil litigation to sanction
my pay award which has taken that long.
Thirdly, the health sector or the hospitals have been hit by under staffing, inadequate pay,
absenteeism, poor service delivery generally. The hospitals that were built in 1968 by the UPC
government are the ones still standing out tall to today as the current government does not regard
health as a priority. These are the Abim, Bugiri, Kiryandogo, Kiboga, Kayunga, Gombe Moyo
etc in total 22 hospitals.
In most cases these people are taken to these facilities to die there and not to be saved, as regarded by
Col. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye when he visited Abim hospital during the campaigns last November 2015.
Fourthly, the agriculture sector which absorbs 80% of Ugandans is in shambles as the budgetary
allocation for it is not more than 3.5 of the GDP. The Cooperative bank that used to support the
farmers was removed by the NRM/A government for reasons best known to it, which we suspect
to have been deliberate to impoverish Ugandans and make them poor to be governed. The
poverty levels are the highest since Independence in the country at the abject and chronicall
level. Extension services are unavailable and they are unaffordle by many farmers. Uganda needs
to look at agriculture as a business and move to commercial farming, but undercapitalization of
the farmers and means to engage them, is not possible. The only mechanized agriculture facility
built by the UPC government, was turned into an ordinary University teaching facility with other
arts subjects instead of mechanized agriculture. It’s original intent.
Fifthly, the Ugandan economy has gone down regardless of the growth and GDP rising figures
because they are not translated into the lives of the people. The budget for example is no longer
an interest of the common man because it ceased long to address his plight. The Uganda
Commercial Bank which used to support and promotes indigenous Ugandans to participate in
trade and commerce was sold off to an investor who charges very high interest rates on the loans.
Many are marginalized socially and economically in the rural districts of northern, north eastern,
mid western Toro sub region and Bunyoro sub regions, central sub region etc
Sixth, all the former parastatals and government companies which were under Uganda
Development Cooperation UDC were privatized and sold off, but who knows where the proceeds
went and on what account? For what purpose was it spent on? The Industrial town of Jinja which
thrived with factories is lying dead asleep with less activities and more unemployed people.
Look at what this kind of situation can breed:
“Uprisings against corrupt privatizations: the Arab Spring The Arab Spring uprisings of 2011 were
prompted, in part, by widespread popular reaction against corrupt privatizations carried out by the
ruling elites over many years. These privatizations were encouraged by international financial
institutions and the EU. Years of trade union actions against privatization laid the foundations for the
popular revolts in Egypt and Tunisia. A top army general, quoted in April 2011, attributed anger at
Egypt’s privatization programme, involving the transfer of billions of dollars worth of public assets to
private hands, as aiding the Egyptian revolution that toppled the Western-backed Hosni Mubarak
from power.
In Egypt, the first massive demonstrations in Tahrir Square, on 25 January 2011, were sparked by a
plan to privatise social insurance. A series of strikes by public workers and workers in privatised
companies organised by independent unions of the newly-formed Egyptian Federation for
Independent Unions (EFIU) were pivotal in forcing Mubarak to step down. This was followed by a
strong campaign to stop the privatisation program and reverse the corrupt deals which had already
been carried out, including a series of court cases brought by the Egyptian Centre for Economic and
Social Rights (ECESR) over corrupt privatisations. 58 In July 2011, the interim Egyptian government
terminated the privatisation programme. By September 2011 the courts had renationalized four
companies: Omar Effendi, Egypt’s “flagship” department store, Shebin El
Seventh, the unemployment in the country is one of the highest in the world at 68% percent and
with many unemployed youth on the streets of the urban centres and rural areas. This is a time
bomb that must be addressed; otherwise it will explode into a political lava spilling volcano that
will ignite the fire of political unrest. Similar to those that took place in the Arab spring of 2011
Juba Peace Agreement
In 2006 the religious leaders, from Acholi led by Bishop retired McLeod Bake Ochola, Bishop
Odama, Lango, Teso, West Nile and the elder’s initiative with other people of Uganda graced the
peace talks that took place in Juba and Garamba in South Sudan to stop the insurgency by the
Lord's Resistance Army (read Lord's Defiance Army) fighting against (UPDF). In that cessation
of hostilities agreement to be concluded, the rebels demanded that the government drop the
accusation which it took to the International Criminal Court -ICC (a batch of useless people
according to Museveni) for the peace agreement to be signed. In reply Mr Museveni called back
the government team, denied that he ever sent them and refused to withdraw the charges, which
was the only hindrance to the peace accord. The government team was led by Ndugu Hon. Dr.
Ruhakana Rugunda the current Prime Minister
Joseph Kony’s team at the Peace Negotiations Garamba – South Sudan
Colossians 3:13 “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against
someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
It is now 10 years since the signing of cessation of hostilities and the government is still pursuing
these rebels in the jungles of Central Africa and DR Congo. How much has that cost the Uganda
government to maintain soldiers off shore far away from home logistically and financially? If he
knew that the ICC was a batch of useless people as he said recently, why didn’t he withdraw
charges his government took to ICC at that time, where Dominic Ongwen one of the former
rebel leaders is being charged currently. This is a clear indicator that ICC is delivering and the
only thing is to catch the big fish in government security agencies, who have committed and are
committing crime against humanity with impunity. One person asked a question that “human
rights and committing of crime against humanity. Why is it that ICC is focusing more on
African leaders? The answer is that, they are the leading abusers of “human rights and
committing of crime against humanity.
Why does Mr. Museveni seem to be scary of this court? What is he afraid of? The answer is clear
when you read the International Court of Justice report implicating Uganda to pay DRC Congo
$10 billion US dollars for plundering its resources between 1998-2003. But does insulting and
running away in defiance of International Court Decisions the solution? Or Should going to the
bush as an ex rebel(read defiant ) act as a remedy to the situation ?In any case why run away
from the court order, he should just comply to set a good example to his subordinates and the
people he rules. Take note that this money is going to be paid by Ugandans up to the next
generations for the decision made by Mr. Museveni to send troops to DRC Congo.
Losing The Battles of Corruption
When I say loosing the battles of corruption, it does not mean that the war on fighting corruption
has been lost. But what has happened is that Mr. Museveni has lost the many battles in
fighting corruption and his ability to do so is highly doubted regardless of putting institutions
in place like the IGG to fight it. Instead corruption has accelerated to higher levels in all areas the
police, health, public service in general etc. Mr Museveni has been seen re cycling many of his
ministers mentioned in corrupt scandals, which has undermined the confidence the people had in
him and his leadership. He has silenced and suppressed outspoken members of parliament
through intimidation in the retreats of the NRM caucuses in the name of having collective
responsibility or a common position. But Uganda has not lost the fight against this war what we
need is new and fresh blood to fight using appropriate methods without discrimination nor favor.
Below on the links are some of the nine worst corruption cases in the country and majority of
those ministers implicated have been brought back in government as if Uganda has no other
capable and honest people. This has greatly undermined the strategies to stand and fight
corruption in the country, because he seems to be abating and condoning it by re appointing
those implicated in scandals. In, one incident he even used over 100 million shillings to pay for
the legal costs of one of his former minister and party Vice President for eastern who was
convicted by court for 5 years in prison and he ended up setting him free. Another minister a
Major General who was also implicated in the same global funds, was re appointed as minister of
information, thank God the people of Rujjumbura his constituency rejected him out rightly to
send a message to the appointing authority that they have no interest in corrupt MP. However
The law seems to be using selective prosecutions when it comes to trying the culprits. Some are
charged in courts of law and sent to prison, while others are left free and untouchable. “Some
animals are more equal than others…….George Orwell’s Animal farm.
Five things I have learn't on the swearing of Museveni's fifth term in the office.
1- The use of the bad law to silence and suffocate the Media by banning them from covering the
so called defiance campaigns, denying them their freedom of expression and speech which is a
fundamental right. One of the reasons he claimed to have led him to the bush was the freedom of
the press and media restoration of democracy, law and order etc what happened later? How will
the 2020 middle income earning be achieved with the social media shut down whenever the
police chief and Uganda Communication Commission boss decide to do so? You can imagine
how much was lost by the business people on shutting down of the socio media.Is the
environment conducive for investment? We’ll wait for the court decisions to award the
businessmen who lost money in these backward ways of shutting down the socio Media.
2- The open defiance of Mr. Museveni of the International Criminal Court ICC order, of which
Uganda is a signatory, is unfortunate. It is defiance accusing defiance =Arresting the innocent,
righteous and democratic, opposition leader in Uganda for defying a court order not to pray,
demonstrate peacefully and cover the defiance activities by the press /media houses etc But left
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni defies term President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe in power
and age Limits to run for 2016 elections for last 36 years, at age of 91.
Omar Bashir – Wanted by ICC for crime against humanity in Dafur
and allowed a fugitive genocide r, murderer and fugitive at large to enjoy freedom for the evil
work he did in murdering innocent children and women in Darfur. He defied a court order from
ICC WITH his security chief by not arresting Omar Bashir. Who was here in Uganda a
contribution he should have made as a member and signatory to this Rome convention. He
should be charged with his security chief for conspiring to hinder justice and obstructing an
International Criminal Court. The ICC to common man is very relevant to check these rulers.
It is on record on the other hand, that Col (rtd) Dr.Warren Kizza Besigye has appeared before
courts more than 44 times in different courts and areas of the country, has never defied any as a
good and law abiding citizen of Uganda, I am made to understand that it is more than 50 times
appearing in different courts countrywide on flimsy trumped up charges by the brutal police
force in Uganda.
Besigye forcefully taken to court by Uganda Police
Besigye in the Dock in of the Courts
3-The trampling on the freedom of individuals and democracy in the country against the
constitutional provision in article 1 that all the power belongs to the people. If so why is
Museveni very much disturbed with his security agencies when people come near Besigye in a
peaceful demonstration to support him? Which is an act of democracy and right to assemble,
demonstrate peacefully and is enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The
President swore to Preserve, Protect; defend the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
However, this call can be extended to the citizens as well to stand up and defend, preserve,
protect the same Constitution if it is violated, abrogated, abused and trampled upon by the
leaders. According to Article 1 clauses 3, 4 a, b, 5.on the defense of the constitution.
4-Fourthly, is the attendance of the three former heads of states from Tanzania and the current
president, which is a clear fruit of a peacefully managed transition in Tanzania, This should be a
lesson which should teach us in Uganda that it is possible to have term limits and each one serves
and leaves room for others to do so in the process of building our Nation which belongs to all
Ugandans irrespective of their political, tribal and religious backgrounds. Uganda did not begin
with Mr. Museveni and it will not end with him. He found it and he will leave it behind. Thank
you Tanzania for giving us the answer to our political question in Uganda, to return term and age
Peaceful Transition, The Tanzanian True Success Story. That should be a Lesson to the rest of
Africa. (Ongeera Jamuhuri Muungano Wa Tanzania) The United Republic of Tanzania.
Ali Hassan Mwinyi born May 8, 1925 in Kivure,
Pwani Region, Tanzania was the second President
Of the United Republic of Tanzania from
1985 – 1995
Benjamin William Mkapa was the third President
of Tanzania, in office from 1995 to 2005. He was
also Chairman of the Revolutionary State Party
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was the fourth President
of Tanzania, in office from 2005 to 2015. Prior to
his election as President, he was the Minister of
Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005 under his
predecessor, Benjamin Mkapa.
John Pombe Joseph Magufuli is the President of
Tanzania, in office since 2015. First elected as a
Member of Parliament in 1995, he served in the
Cabinet of Tanzania as Deputy Minister of Works
from 1995.
Nelson Mandela, Another Successful Peaceful Transition Story.
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and
philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999
5- The ingratitude mindset and lack of appreciation for those who contributed to what Mr.
Museveni counts as his successes. He grabbed the revolution from his colleagues and owns it
himself by sending them to prisons as an act of gratitude. He actually detests to see any historical
member of his NRA.Many senior officers of his NRA who retired are facing charges and others
are committed to civil prisons for the debts they took in anticipation that they will pay back after
receiving their gratuity which they have never been given since they retired .Today the NRA is
commanded by the UNLA (Uganda National Liberation Army) and the 2IC or deputy
commander is also from the UNLA ranks .This is the army they defeated. What happened to the
senior officers who brought the NRM/A to power ?I believe if it was a revolution ,it would have
put a system in place to handle the hierarchy and succession issue with ease as the young
respect those who went ahead of them Proverbs 16:31,eviticus 19:32.Psalms 92:1. “A soldier
does not abandon and leave a fellow soldier in a trench ,but leaves him in a sickbay,
refreshment like David did with the 200 or rehabilitation centre if he has a trauma problem“.
I Samuel 30:1-18.
The Baganda people of central Uganda have a saying that goes (Entasiima ebulwa agiwa)
Literally translated as (he who does not appreciate will lack someone to help or assist him in
future when he needs help)..
The best way a donkey can appreciate is to kick the one taking care of it.
Luke 17:12-19 New International Version (NIV)
“As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and
called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were
One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16
He threw
himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18
Has no one returned to
give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19
Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has
made you well.”
Let us look at this short story below:
“A Hyena and a fox were keeping an ox and a cow together. A cow belonged to a hyena an Ox to
a fox. The hyena went on a field trip and entrusted his cow to the fox. His cow bore a calf while
he was still in the field. The cow and the new calf were under the custody of the fox..The fox felt
jealous and wanted to take the calf convincing the hyena that it was her ox, which bore the calf.
She dirtied the backside of her ox and put the calf near the ox. She cleaned the cow from any
blood or other things that would show that it was the cow that gave birth to the calf. When the
hyena returned he claimed that it was his cow which gave birth to the calf and therefore the calf
belonged to him, something the fox objected to seriously. This argument the fox had was "In the
ancient times, cows used to give birth to calves but nowadays things have changed and it is oxen
that bear calves”
The accusations went to the lion; the King of animal kingdom, for all animals arbitration. The
fox bribed the king and his wife to judge in her favor, and the king was to convince all animals in
the kingdom that it is true nowadays it is an ox which gives birth to calves. All animals gathered
and the fox was in jubilant mood, knowing which way the judgment would go. The great
assembly of animals was all there except for a monkey. The assembly was waiting for him.
The monkey arrived and sat a few metres away from the assembly and started to hit a rock
nearby with a piece of a flint stone.The King lion asked him what he was doing, and that he
should join the meeting to start the arbitration .The monkey replied " I am peeling the stone "
The King lion asked him" Is it possible to peel a rock? " to which the monkey asked " Is it
possible for an ox to give birth to a calf? And all the animals shouted to the hyena's favor of the
monkey’s assertion and that was the arbitration. The monkey after the last word of his final
question made his swift way back to the forest Ecclesiastes 9:10, Hosea 10:3-5
1a)-Truth and justice should not be distorted like what the fox wished and the lion was to judge
(after getting kitu kidogo in form of bribe).
b) -It takes courageous individuals to confront or spark the conscience of others and challenge
the powerful to be fair in their dealings.
c)-We should not be indifferent to the injustices done to others because one day it may happen to
us.The monkey in the above story, did not have an immediate interest in any of the arbitration
decisions but for the sake of justice and truth he challenged the mighty.
2-It is impossible for the electoral commission Chairperson and his team to speak in the light of
justice against the appointing authority. Therefore we suggest that the electro commission should
not be appointed by the President, who is an interested party in most cases in the elections as a
contestant. It should not only carry the name Independent Electoral Commission, but it must be
reflected in deeds and actions.
3-The security agencies should not have any interest in any of the electro processes apart from
securing the process and should not even show signs of partiality, by sticking to “ service to all.
“Without any biases “focusing on their motto” Protect and Serve “
Lt General Kale Kayihura (Inspector General of Police - IGP)
Police Killed The Wrong Man
By Amol Awuor
Nobody Knows
Police killed the wrong man
Not the community, not the press, not the government
Nobody knows
Killed on our behalf looted on our
He abused office and plundered resources
All on our collective behalf
But only celebration and ululation I see.
The people rejoice
The government has not instituted a taskforce
No committee, no inquiry commission, no investigation
Our ever nosy, nosy, noisy press, none is unearthing a scoop
Investigative reporters are on hiatus,
Because nobody knows, police killed the wrong man
He leaves behind a fleet of benzez and stashed cash in
Semi –orphaned children in foreign universities and an
Ambassadorial wife
The man is to be interred
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
Yet the people, the press and the government alike
In contented relief: burial of a thief and murderer
Yet nobody knows
That police killed the wrong man
Besigye Arrested in Brutal Manner by ASP Gilbert Arinaitwe Bwana after spaying pepper in his
eyes. He was later taken to Nairobi for 2 Months where he was treated.
On October 10, police manhandled and in the process undressed Fatuma Zainab Naigaga, who was part
of the crew that was accompanying former FDC president and presidential aspirant Dr Kizza Besigye.
UN urged government and its organs “to ensure that Public Order Management Act is not interpreted
and applied in such a way that curtails the enjoyment of fundamental human rights, especially the right
to peaceful assembly in the context of elections.”
By Ndege Serikal
We the youth, have been their fools,
Their tools, their bins of refuse
To seduce, misuse and resuse
We are the Leader of tomorrow
But tomorrow never darkens
Save for election days just before the birth of sorrow
When they green as we grey with drunkenness.
Today is the tomorrow of yesterday,
That’s why they bury us in heavy clay.
Keeping us below poverty line.
And atop the molten lava of unemployment,
Catastrophe, corruption and crime.
We are the leaders of Hustling Management
Hustling endlessly to get meat for our stomachs
As they hustle to get stomachs for their meat.
We be strong if we gather together
They go fear if we gather together
Let’s gather together under the red banner of revolt
It is our prayer, though without permission to pray, that justice prevails in all this process by first
and foremost setting free Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye without any condition dropping the flimsy
and trumped up charges against him of treason.
The positive response to this will be “To Do The Right Thing “
Let us move in the light, for God is light and if we say we fellowship with Him and move in
darkness. We deceive ourselves........1.John 1 :1-6
Remember the responsibility and purpose of government is to preserve order and do justice for
the common good, not to do evil but to do well.
Romans 13:4
“Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war”
Proverbs 20:18
“Owe no man any debt except the debt to love one another…..” Romans 13:8
Rev. Shalom Muwanguzi Nyenje
“For God and My Country “

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Breaking the Spiral of Silence

  • 1. 1 Breaking The Spiral of Silence Who Is Accusing Who of Defiance? “If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?...............” Psalms 11:3 What is the definition of Defiance? According to Longman Dictionary of Contemplary English New Edition Behavior that shows you refuse to do what someone told you to do, especially because you do not respect them defies is a gesture of defiance. I.e. one can run away as an act of defiance against his parents or authority. Another example is that: Many people were drinking on the streets in defiance of the BAN or he/she clambered a fist in defiance Therefore, to be defiant is refusing to do what someone tells you to do. He /she walked away shouting on top of/her voice out of the meeting to protest the decision made. They went to the bush in a defiant act after the election results were announced. What is the role of the church in speaking out against evil and injustices? The Church has a role indeed to play in the development of the nation and to shape the morals of the society, as well as being a voice to the oppressed and voiceless. It also has the responsibility to protect -R2P The role of the Christian church is to actually stand with the people in their struggle for human dignity, survival and self determination and
  • 2. 2 truly becoming ‘The Voice of the Voiceless “His Grace Paulin Lukudo Loro Catholic Arch Bishop & Metropolitan of Juba. “The prevailing orthodoxy among intellectuals in the west and elsewhere is that religion is a waning irrational and dysfunctional aberration” US journalist Nicholas Kristof, certainly no religious apologist discovered a different church when he visited South Sudan.I came here to this impoverished country to write about its problems, not the..Church’s. Yet once again I am awed that so many of selfless people serving the world’s neediest are lowly nuns and priests “( and one should add here pastors, catechists,evangelists, bishops,reverands, moderators,elders,deacons and lay workers from all denominations).” The Church in Uganda, as in many other countries in Africa and other parts of the world where poverty, conflict, political oppression, socio marginalization, and under development are rife, is widely seen as a force for good, a progressive influence, in the forefront of the struggle for peace, justice, human rights and democracy. Africans are religious by nature (whether Christians, Muslims or followers of traditional religion) and communal by culture, religion pervades the life of individual and nation. People rely on their faith and their religious leaders to deal holistically with concerns of everyday life, big and small, without artificial barriers in resolving conflicts .The Acholis “Mato put” is an example, while the Church will emphasize forgiveness and reconciliation through God’s love.
  • 3. 3 Col. (rtd) Dr.Warren Kizza Besigye‘s Contribution, his Fallout with Museveni and brief background of our defiant political track history in Uganda. Background He was a youth who was misled by the self seeker and he answered a deceptive call in an act of defiance, to go to the bush and fight an elected government, established by the laws and which was elected by the people of Uganda on December 10th 1980. He was a young qualified doctor working in Nairobi’s Kenyatta hospital serving his African brothers in Kenya as a medical doctor after fleeing the political turmoil in Uganda in 1979. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye came back to Uganda to answer what seemed like a liberation call for the people of Uganda. He joined the National Resistance Army (read National Defiant Army) which was operating in the jungles of Luwero.Where they were waging a war on the grounds that the elections were rigged by the UPC government and that they were fighting to restore democracy, rule of law, peace ,unity ,freedom of speech ,expression and the implementation of the conceived 10 point program which has been succeeded by many other programmes. He did this with all his heart, strength and soul, hoping that one day; he will see the people of Uganda free to run their affairs politically without any intimidation or threat. His hard work saw him operating many of his comrades without anesthesia, anti bio tics to prevent tetanus, under banana plantations or mango trees.He risked he and his colleagues to touch and come in contact with blood of possibly infected comrades who had HIV/AIDs. THEIR FATAL WOUNDING DID NOT AT ANY SINGLE DAY DEMORALIZE HIM AND HIS MEDICAL TEAM but rather encouraged them to be firm and to focus on what seemed like a national cause. He had to carryout operations and to stitch wounds using sisal and banana fibre and using local herbs to treat malaria fever.(Omululuza ).
  • 4. 4 Among those he treated and had taken care of included the current NRM Chairman/President/Founder and commander in chief of the now translated National Resistance Army {Read National Defiant Army) to Uganda Peoples Defense Forces.( read Uganda Peoples Defiant Force UNTIL IT WAS FORMALISED BY AN ACT OF PARLIAMENT ) because of the way it came in existence drawing its ranks from the rebel (read defiance ) background and not the normal recruitment process as enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Articles 208 clauses 1, 2,3, and 4. Articles 209 talking about the functions of UPDF in clauses a, b, and d. lastly article 210 Parliament shall regulate the UPDF, AND SHALL MAKE LAWS REGULATING THE UPDF and, in particular a, Organs and structures of UPDF. b- Recruitment, appointment, promotions, discipline and removal of members of UPDF and ensuring that members of the UPDF are recruited from every district of Uganda. Then c, and d of the same article 2010.My question is, dos the parliament endorse and approve the appointment of military officers as Ambassadors, and their promotions as per the constitution of the Republic of Uganda? Dedicated and devoted to the cause was Besigye and many other young people who followed the way of defiance and rebellion to fight the Uganda People’s Congress government which was the choice of the majority at that time in a five year guerrilla warfare. Taking advantage of the differences between the Baganda and Milton Obote which begun way back in 1964 and climaxed in 1966 with the government forces attacking the Lubiri(Kabaka's Palace ) at Mengo..This was followed by the abolition of monarchies in Uganda, the Kingdom of Buganda, Bunyoro, Busoga, Ankole and Toro. Uganda was declared a Republic up to this day. Though other kingdoms were restored, the one of Ankole was not restored by the (Ssabagabe ) self proclaimed king of kings in Ankole. This stemmed from the constitutional process when a referendum was held in the so called lost counties of Ndaiga, Buyaga, Bugangaizi and Buwekula.The people in those counties voted to remain in Bunyoro and government of the then executive Prime Minister Milton Obote endorsed the outcome of the referendum, which was misinterpreted as giving away the counties back to Bunyoro (Capture the word Back) which means at one time they were part of Bunyoro. But were given to Buganda by the British in appreciation for the alliance to defeat Bunyoro by Buganda Kingdom. Which the Kabaka in turn distributed to his regents and is commonly known as mile land today in Central Uganda In an act of defiance, the Buganda government issued an ultimatum to the central government to relocate its seat from the Buganda soil within 48 hours, after a long struggle and subsequent disagreements between the UPC and KY who had both formed an alliance to defeat Democratic Party (DP) led by Bendicto Kiwanuka a Catholic on the grounds of religion. Moves to impeach Milton Obote by casting a vote of no confidence was initiated by Hon. Daudi Ocheng the MP for Mityana in Buganda though he was an Acholi, and Ibingira Grace. On the grounds of lack of parliamentary consent to send troops to Congo an UNDECLARED Ivory and gold, which were plundered from Congo in 1965 by the Uganda Army Commander, Idi Amin and concealed by the defense minister Felix Onama. This was done with a clear knowledge of the Executive Prime Minister Dr.Apollo Milton Obote? What actually followed Kabaka Mutesa was asking for British troops to help him get rid of the Central government from the Buganda soil, and in reaction the UPC government sent special
  • 5. 5 force para military force and army troops to attack and arrest Mutesa, who defied the arrest and put up a fight instead. In return Dr Apollo Milton Obote abrogated the 1962 Constitution in an act of defiance; insisted Buganda was an integral part of Uganda and he declared Uganda to become a Republic. This was also followed by the introduction of the pigeon hole constitution drafted by Uganda's Attorney General by then Godfrey Lukongwa 1967.It was successfully followed by the detention of political prisoners in the country from KY, DP and UPC itself without trial. The Declaration of the state of emergency in Buganda. There was a declaration of the state of emergency in Buganda for five years from 1966 to 71.In 1969 after the death of King (Freddie) Edward Mutesa Walugembe 11 in exile, there was a panic in Kampala city which was invaded by a type of lizard known as EMBALASASA, which bit people and they died in a space of 72 hours. The fortune tellers, witchdoctors attributed this to the angry gods who were not happy with the Obote government, which they predicted was about to fall. This came to pass when the Military in defiance of the 1967 constitution, took over power in 1971 January 25th led by Major General Idi Amin Dada who was the commander of the Army by then, while Dr.Obote was attending a Commonwealth conference in Singapore. The political activities were suspended and parliament dissolved in what the military called an interim period to rectify the 18 points it had given as a reason for taking over the civilian government and later promised to return it to the civilian rule after addressing those points. Political Prisoners set free and the return of Kabaka Mutesa’s remains Major General Amin set free all political prisoners who had been in Prison for five years under detention without trial in Karamoja who included, Ibingira Grace, Mathias Ngobi, Abubaker Mayanja, Paul Semogerere, Dr Lumu,late Bendicto Kajimu Mugumba Kiwanuka, late Jolly Joe Kiwanuka and the soldiers who were detained in connection with Brigadier Pierino Okoya’s death outside Gulu town in 1970 .Among them included Captain Smarts Guwedeko FROM Gulu Airbase and his four other colleagues,, Kayongo a soldier with the heart beat of Africa dancing troupe, who beat-up Minister Kakonge the secretary general of UPC in the slums of Wabigalo, and castrated him over a woman who later become a wife to General Idi Amin,called Madinah Amin. All political prisoners in the country including Sebaduka the brother of Haji Ausi in Ndeeba a Kampala surburb, who attempted to shoot Obote in December 1969 at Lugogo Indoor Stadium. The UPC was holding their Annual General Assembly at that time and the bullet just blazed his mouth. Immediately thereafter, the Military Government led by Major General Idi Amin Dada, organised the return of the remains of Kabaka Edward Mutesa Walugembe the 11, who had died in exile in November 1969 in a London apartment, where he was sustained on a welfare system of the UK government. This made Amin very popular among the Baganda who danced to praise him as Ssalongo and savior. The remains were vied in Namirembe St. Paul Cathedral for 7 days .Throng of lines from morning to evening and throughout the night were coming from all the sides of City, from Masaka road, Mityana road, Hoima road, Bombo road, Namirembe road, Makindye and Ndeeba, Entebbe road. The Baganda mourned their king and I went to Namirembe twice to view the body of King Freddie, which took me more than 4 hours from the Nakivubo Stadium up to the Cathedral. The military government paid for all the costs until King
  • 6. 6 Freddie was laid to rest at Muzigu Azala Mpanga with his grand fathers. His commanding officer and guardian in the Grenadier guards where he was a Captain attended the burial, together with a representative of the queen. Politicians, soldiers and government officials flee the country Later many politicians and political ideologist of the common man's charter, move to the left who were professing Communism ,socialism, Marxist policies, and National Service for all able bodied Ugandans in this capitalist country, like Kirunda Kivejinja, Bidandi Sali, Kintu Musoke, Yoweri Museveni, late Chango Macho, late Akena Adoko, lateTito Okello, late Brigadier Oyite Ojok, late Captain Oyile, student leaders of NUSU and NUYO like Olara Otunu, and Masette Kuya fled to Tanzania where he had come from a few years back. After his university education in Dar es Salaam, he joined, Apollo Milton Obote's government working in President’s office.Many others who were in the army, police, security agencies, cabinet ministers etc also fled. Others went through the northern border via Owiny Kibul through Port Said in Sudan, and to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, while other remained in the country lying low like an envelope. All these were running away in defiance of the Military Government which had taken power and suspended all political activities in the country. The formation of fighting groups and clandestine activities In exile they formed up fighting groups like the UPC''s Kikosi Ma aluum ,Museveni's Fronasa (Front for National Salvation ) who with a combined force made early attempts to attack Uganda in 1972 September 16th.and backed up by Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces. But Mr. Museveni continued with his defiant campaign ,continued to carry out clandestine activities, smuggling guns into the country, blowing up power lines, recruiting young people in Mbale, Kyambogo technical school in Kampala and Mbarara like black etc. He at one time survived arrest at Maluku estate Mbale where he fled to the forest, after shooting at the military police who were pursuing him(His own Story ) and disappeared in the thicket..Later the young men, who were with him, were arrested shot at a firing squad in Mbale 1972 after they were convicted of engaging in rebel (defiance) and treasonable activities. Invasion from Tanzania in 1972- Crashed This invasion was crashed badly by the Uganda Armed forces elements from ,1 UA Eagle Garrison Jinja”s Cand D companies, 4 UA Simba Battalion MbararaA, B, C and D companies, 3 UA Tiger battalion Mubende “s C and D companies, Kifaru Merchandised Reconnaissance Regiment Bondo Arua Cand D companies, Malire Merchandised Specialist Reconnaissance Regiment Ferret scouts unit and Tank company,Lubiri Kampala, Suicide Revolutionary Mechanized Specialist Reconnaissance Regiment Kasijjagirwa Masaka C company,APC unit, C and D company of 2 UA Gondar Battalion Moroto, Q and P Batteries Artillery Regiment Masindi, C and D companies of Chui battalion Gulu,Signals Regiment , 2nd Para Fort Portal C company Air and Sea Borne battalion Tororo C company and General Transport Unit for logistics and transportation of troops and tanks of different Uganda Armed forces Units. to the battle field at Mutukula, Minziiro, Kikagati and Kyotera as the rear base with Military Police Unit to enforce discipline among the troops. The specialist admini office with officers from the general head quarters was set up to coordinate the operations. About three former ministers in Obote ‘s government were taken as prisoners and this included Alex Ojera, Emmanuel Wakweya,
  • 7. 7 Wakholi and other former Uganda army officers who were killed by the SRB operatives at state research bureau in Nakasero for engaging in defiance acts against the military government aimed at toppling it. The Economic War preceded the invasion from Tanzania Before the invasion earlier, General Idi Amin Dada, had declared the economic war on August 23rd in Tororo town. He gave the Asians with dual nationalities an ultimatum to choose where they want to belong in 90 days. The reason was mainly because they were working and earning money here, but were banking it in foreign capitals. According to Amin they did not have the country at heart.Madvani in an attempt to reverse this, went with some money to bribe Amin and was instead arrested and the money he was trying give to Amin as bribe displayed on National TV. However, Amin forgave him and let him go. On September 17th 1972 one day after the rebels from Tanzanians invaded Uganda from Mutukula Border and Kikagati. The security agents of state research bureau storming the high courts in a desecration of the temple of justice whisked away the Chief Justice Bendicto Kajimu Mugumba Kiwanuka, from his Chambers and he disappeared up to today. It is presumed he was killed. The reason was because he had resisted and given legal advice against the expulsion of the Asians from Uganda whom Amin had given 90 days to formalize their nationalities by choice, either to remain Ugandans or to belong to those other countries like the British, Canada, Bangladesh, and Pakistan as their citizens. Another reason was that there was a letter which was intercepted by the SRB and written by Dr. Obote to the Chief Justice on the importance of liberating Uganda from the hands of Amin. This seems the most likely reason to why he was whisked away by these operatives of SRB. Others who were kidnapped and never appeared again presumed to have been killed later in 1972-73, were late Jolly Joe Kiwanuka (Namwatulira) a renown journalist, politician and proprietor of White Nile club at Katwe, late Basil Batalingaya, late Joseph Mubiru the governor of the bank of Uganda, late Captain Samuel Aswa who announced the army take over when he was still a staff sergeant, late Basudde, Masaka Mayor late Francis Walugembe etc This war climaxed by the killing of the Arch Bishop Church of Uganda in 1977, with the cabinet ministers late Erunayo Wilson Oryema, and late Oboth Ofumbi. Later on, late Brigadier Smarts Guwedeko who was the commander of the Air Force but had been succeeded by Lt. Col. Sule Aega before the Israel’s invaded Entebbe .He was whisked from Wandegeya trading centre while playing (omweso) African draft. His colleague for a long time late Lt. Kayongo was killed as he tried to resist the arrest by exchanging gun fire with the security operatives from State research bureau- SRB The remaining rebels (defiant) who survived the defeat like Yoweri Museveni, Oyite Ojok and others had fled back to Tanzania in 1972 until 1978 when the Uganda Army attacked Tanzania annexing Kagera Salient And later accusation and counter accusations were traded between the two countries that it was Tanzania which attacked Uganda and annexed an area of 700 hundred square miles. In return Tanzania accused Amin of occupying its territory and destroying a sugar factory, killing innocent civilians and blowing up the Kagera Bridge.Mwalimu Julius Nyerere vowed to mobilize his Vijaana(his youth )to eject Uganda Army from Tanzanian soil.
  • 8. 8 Moshi Conference to constitute a government in exile was convened Moshi conference was held and Yusuf Lule was elected to lead the Uganda National Liberation Front government, an act which drew support of Baganda people of Southern and Central Uganda. Other prominent Baganda like Sam Ssebagereka, Andrew Kayira, Robert Sserumaga, Robert Ssebunya, and Edward Mugalu from the Nairobi group participated to woo the Baganda who were the entry point in Masaka region to support the invasion. Paul Muwanga, Edward Rugumayo, Yash Tandon, Omwony Ojok, Dan Wadada NabudereYoweri Museveni, Oyite Ojok, Tito Okello were part of it. In turn the Baganda supported overwhelmingly the overthrow of the military government in Uganda led by Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada, by supporting the invading forces, especially the Catholics Masaka. Well, all to be clear and to sum up, the military government was dislodged by the Tanzanian forces led by the Ugandan rebels (defiant) in a war that began in October 1978 and ended on 11 th April 1979 and totally controlled the country on 3rd June 1979.There was a group of some Ugandan rebels from Mwanza whose ship sank in lake Victoria. They were totaling about 300 mainly from the Nairobi group and were led by the late Lt. Colonel Patrick Kimumwe a former commanding officer of Malire Mechanized battalion and were tasked to come and capture Entebbe International Airport to clear way for landing of forces from Arusha Tanzania in order to take over Kampala City.Lt. Col.Kimumwe had fled to Nairobi in exile after the failed coup in 1977which was reported by Brigadier Smarts Guwedeko to Amin. The Itendero Massacre There was a massacre that took place in areas controlled by Museveni’s FRONASA fighting group and the Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces known as the WESTERN AXIS at a place called Itendero, in Ankole western Uganda. Many Muslims were massacred, killed for having supported Amin’s government during his regime. The former mayor of Mbarara Kassim was followed and gunned down with his brother from Kabwohe and other five people at Luwafu Kampala in a home of his elder brother Haji Badru Muwonge where they had taken refuge. Other 25 young people were rescued from the hands of Museveni at river Rwiizi in Mbarara town from being drowned claiming he wanted to use them as an example for others who are undisciplined, by Colonel Mongi of Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces -TPDF who was the sector commander. He restricted him from doing so and told him that Tanzania did not come to (Kulipa kisasi) revenge but to restore sanity. More stories can be told by the Kabwohe Itendero residents who have lived up to today. The Interim Period Thereafter ,the general elections that took place in the interim period of 2 years, WAS ORGANISED IN THE MIDST of more contentions and disagreements among the Uganda National Liberation Front UNLF government and among the exiles, who regarded all the stayees as accomplices of Amin. President Yusuf Lule stayed for 68 days and wanted to re-introduce the 1962 Federal constitution kind of administration and he was thrown out by republican’s forces. His removal triggered a demonstration that has never been seen before in the history of this country, which saw all shops and offices closed for two weeks. Known as “NO LULE NO WORK "as people demanded for his reinstatement. However, it was not possible as a voice rang from Radio Uganda from the defense minister stating thus:
  • 9. 9 ” All those instigators of agitation, especially those suffering from political myopia must desist from all acts of defiance to the decisions of the Uganda National Liberation Front-UNLF interim government. That anybody who will be found in that act of defiance will be shot on sight. The people who had gathered at the constitutional square, were dispersed by Yoweri Museveni who was the minister of defense by then.There was heavy machine gun fire and many people scampered and trampled on each other and many died as a result, and prominent politicians Gaster Ntambi and Paul Kavuma were shot and injured fattaly.Binaisa took over and was also thrown out after 11 months for dealing in foreign exchange allocation, proforma invoices and shuffling and transferring the major contributors to the liberation war like Yoweri Museveni from Ministry of Defense to a lesser one of Regional cooperation,David Oyite Ojok from the army chief of staff to the Ambassadorial post in Algeria. The Military Commission headed by Paul Muwanga and the 5 judges of the high court,led by Justice Wacha Olwol, Justice Kiconco,Justice Lubogo,Justice Masika etc with Yoweri Museveni as the vice chairman, Col. Zedi Maruru Oyite Ojok ,as members. Violent killings took place and people like late Katuramu the quantity surveyor and valuer,Dr. Barlow, Dr Obache, Bob Odong Nayenda a radio news broadcaster, businessman Charles Kapere Munyabuzale,Yusuf Muhereza who was a mechanic at Bukesa Mengo, and many more were gunned down.There was a bus known as (Mpawo atali kaba ) which literally translates as no one will not cry. This bus was full of UNLA soldiers who went about killing people in the suburbs of Kampala and robbing them of their properties. In Preparation for the Elections and Militia Recruitment The next stage was the elections after the tearing down of the umbrella cohesive and unitary arrangement of Binaisa, known as the gang of the five led by Omwony Ojok, Yash Tandon, Edward Rugumayo, Wadada Namudere and people went back to their political parties (Buli Mbuzi ku nkondo yayo) which literally translates as, every goat must be tied to its post. Among these was a new party led by Yoweri Museveni called Uganda Patriotic Movement UPM which stood for " Clean leadership, Peace and Unity” Meanwhile, different fighting groups were secretly recruiting Militia's privately known as NYA's and this took place in the homes of senior Acholi and Langi officers, who saw the officer corps recruited by Museveni drawn from western, central Uganda and trained in Munduli Tanzania as a threat.These included the first commander of NRA Second Lt.'s Ahmed Seguya, Kafula, Duncan, Robert Rusoke,Albert Kareba, Salim Saleh,Herbert Lutaya, Steven Lubwama,Napoleon Rutambika, Kagata Namiti, Isoga, Francis Pipino who was one of the original Fronasa fighter,Mugenyi etc Then there was another group which was sent to Cuba by late Jesse Jones Namakajjo who was a journalist, heading the secret services during Binaisa and many of the young recruits, got stranded there when interim President Godfrey Binaisa was removed from power. Elections and Defiance To The Outcome Results. At this point Yoweri Museveni was repeatedly breathing with fire and threatening to go to the bush (in a defiant act) if the elections were rigged. Dr. Obote in reaction told him that they will find him there and leave him there in the bush.
  • 10. 10 After the elections and the UPC had been declared the winner of 1980, ELECTIONS, the Kayira group was the first one to go to the Bush in December that year operating from Nakasajja Forest in former Mpigi district.They drew the bulk of their fighters from the Nairobi group composed of mainly Baganda fighters from central region like, Serumaga, Waswa DC, Robert Sebunya, former UA officers Major Hussein Ada, and Captain Mark Kodiri, Sajad, Twaha , the Bamutire’s who played the Judah by betraying the fighters of UFM through screening them out from the public and road blocks etc Yoweri Museveni followed in the bush on February 6th 1981 with his 27 men by attacking Kabamba barracks and launched a guerrilla war against the UPC government, which claimed over 1,000,000 million people though the figure was down played to 500,000 and property destroyed in the so called Luwero triangle for five years. Among those who were arrested and killed in Katabi barracks were: the former Air Force soldiers Kironde, Mpande, businessman Tom Ntambi, Ssentongo, Stone, Kasweta, Mzee Konoweka of Konoweka motors, and his son, Musoke a mechanic formerly working with DT Dobie company of Kireka, and Mulajje of Kayabwe who were picked from their garage at Kitintale Luzira road next to Esso/Gapco petrol station by late Lt Kato Kiragga UNLA Chief of Intelligence, Rose Kayizi of Rubaga near Lubiri Secondary School, Rose Nakazibwe of Busega Penisula bar,who was tortured to death by using a hot flat iron on her breasts and many more like the late Gideon Akankwasa a lawyer and a member of Kampala Rugby club was also gunned down .late Kitiibwa who was gunned down on Luwum street, late Sengendo Mwagale Sai the son of Mzee Kawesa of Kiswa-Wankoko,late Zenon De’Souza and many others. Originally Museveni’s rebel (defiant) Army was called Popular Resistance Army -PRA and merging with Yusuf Lule and integrating his fighters in Museveni's ranks. Yusuf Lule became the first Chairman of NRM/A and Museveni became the deputy and commander in chief of now NRM/A. When Yusuf Lule died in 1985, Museveni become the Chairman/President/Founder. I imagine if the UNLA forces had arrested him they would have charged him for treason for calling himself President, when there was an elected government led by Dr. Apollo Milton Obote. To sustain their operations, the rebels who were fighting an elected government led by Yoweri Museveni, ate people’s cattle and promised to pay when they capture power and raided banks in South Western and took money that belonged to Uganda Commercial Bank customers. When they came to power Museveni was not speaking well at all about Uganda commercial Bank – UCB which he claimed, was a den of thieves. Eventually this peoples bank which was formed in the fifties to promote and encourage the indigenous Ugandans to participate in commerce and trade, was finally privatised and sold off to G5 investor.Was this to conceal the records of what the rebels of NRA took from different UCB branches so that they are not taken to court ? This is the question for you and me to find an answer to from those who were involved. I have heard of one officer who was promoted to the rank of Major General for raiding and rustle cattle for the rebels to feed on in the Luwero triangle, possibly he can have answer since he is still living and representing the army in parliament. General Tito Okello Takes over Government. In 1985 July 25th, the second Obote government was removed from power by the Military Junta, led by Tito Okello Lutwa after an uncoordinated troop movement announced by Paul Muwanga,
  • 11. 11 which saw the newly promoted Army Chief of Staff Brigadier Opon Acak stripped of his rank pips by Lt. Colonel Ochero Naggayi who was commanding the armoured personnel careers at Mbuya barracks. General Tito Okello and his namesake Bazilio Olara Okello seemed to genuinely want peace. He called for all parties including UPC CP, DP, rebels (DEFIANT ARMIES ) of NRA, FEDEMU, UFM and for six months there were peace TALKS (jokes) as they were referred to between the Military Junta and the NRA in Nairobi Kenya which were signed a week to the Christmas of 1985( Baptized as the Christmas gift for the people of Uganda). Museveni Defying The Peace Accord in Nairobi to take over Government In January 1986, defying the agreement that had been signed in Nairobi, Mr. Museveni (known for his track record of defiance background) and his NRA over run the positions of the UNLA forces and captured power from the military Junta of Tito Okello. In that scuffle the late Lt.Colonel Fred Nkwanga the head of FEDEMU WAS BRUTALLY SHOWERED WITH BULETS and his body lay by the roadside at Silver Springs junction to the soap factory of Nakasero soap factory at Mbuya. Another businessman known as Abraham Ssempebwa (Tusker) was gunned down in broad day light at what is known as Kiseka market today. This sent majority of these forces to their home area in Acholi land and waged guerrilla warfare against Museveni's government. In one battle at corner Kilak, these forces overrun the 35th battalion which was mainly drawn from the Uganda Freedom Movement –UFM fighters led formerly by late Andrew Lutakome Kayira and integrated in the NRA .This annoyed Museveni and he blamed it all on the UFM for abandoning their positions and leaving their guns behind on UBC radio country wide to express his grievance. However, recently while campaigning in Kit gum, Museveni accused the UFM 35th battalion for committing the massacre at Namukora in Kitgum.How then did the forces that were over run and lost their guns massacre the innocent civilians. Later? The truth is known by Mr. Museveni and he must tell the world who must have committed this atrocious act as the evidence and arrows point to his 11th and 15th battalions of NRA who were in that area at that time. Later the NRM government began to accuse Sudan for supporting the insurgency in Northern Uganda which lasted for 20 years and also claimed over 1,000,000 million people and loss of property, infrastructure and all administrative units, schools and health centres.People close to 2,500,000 were herded into the Internally Displaced Persons Camps -IDPs all over the Acholi, Lango and Teso sub regions. With untold sufferings. Further Massacres took place in Atiak where people were cut in pieces and their body parts thrown in pots and the railway wagon annihilation by the NRA of innocent people bundled in train wagons at Mukura and suffocated to death .Call it the Mukura massacre which was carried out and led by one NRA’s late Sulaiman Ssemakula Feka Feka Salambwa (Puff Ader) and others at large, like Angina who is the deputy army commander of UPDF today, who arrested a munyankole lieutenant from Mbale 3 rd division and he has never been seen again, possibly he was killed around that time. People’s cattle was rustled and raided to feed the NRA and the Karimojong warriors also raided in Acholi, Lango, Teso, Sebei sub regions North and Eastern Uganda at will. The NRM promised to pay back and to restock the areas with cattle, but that has
  • 12. 12 been an empty promise for long like the one in Luwero triangle. It is now a political song that has gone stale. If Mr. Museveni had not ( defied) and honored the NAIROBI PEACE AGREEMENT,the people who died and suffered in Northern ,Eastern Uganda wouldn't have died.But because of his defiance back ground ,” he can never be trusted “ like the late Andrew Kayira used to say..TRUE he did not honor that agreement for the ambition to become the President of Uganda. Andrew Kayira himself was gunned down on March 7 th 1987 in cold blood at Konge in the suburbs of South Kampala in the company of one Henry Gombya a BBC stringer, after his release from prison on treason charges . Up to date the report concerning his death has never been released by the government led by Mr. Museveni 30 years after his murder. His family is languishing in a one bedroom house at Kanzize Masulita without any assistance from the government not even once.It was Col.Dr. Kizza Besigye who paid a courtesy call on that family during the recent election campaigns. Meanwhile Col.Kizza Besigye, was the State minister for Internal Affairs working under Dr. Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere who was the full minister of Internal Affairs.While in this ministry he stood up against Mr. Museveni’s intentions to disband the entire police force which he claimed was corrupt and indisciplined, but convinced him to carry out the screening exercise of those bad elements in the police than disbanding it. I wonder whether today the police is much better off than before. Dr Kizza Besigye went on to become the National Political Commissar of the NRM/A and one time when the Tanzanian President the late Julius Nyerere visited Uganda and visited Makerere University in early 90’s. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye had the privilege to make a powerful presentation of the movements ideological beliefs of the 10 point programme to the visiting President and student community that left everyone convinced.The remarks of late Mwalimu were simple “If you are looking for successors, you already have one “This was the Nail in the rising of Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye as you will come to see..He participated in the constitutional making process as CA delegate to promulgate the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda After that he was sent to Masaka BACK into active military duty as commanding officer of a battalion which seemed as a demotion, and later was appointed as chief of logistics and engineering in UPDF.
  • 13. 13 The Falling Out with Museveni Besigye in Moroto Prison
  • 14. 14 In 1999 he wrote an article in the newspaper by then the weekly topic owned by veteran politicians Bidandi Ssali, Kintu Musoke and Alhaji Kirunda Kivejinja and had Wafula Ogutu as its editor. The reason he gave was that they had made several attempts to make the CEC of the NRM sit to address the issue of deviation, but the Chairman kept on dodging That is why he went to the public forum to yell the whole country about the deviation. In that paper Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye was trying to inform the public that, what they had agreed upon in the bush was different from what Mr. Museveni was pursuing in government.This drew reaction from the Chairman and commander in Chief of UPDF Mr. Museveni By instructing the arrest of Col.(rtd) Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye and to be charged before the military Tribunal for airing an article in a wrong forum. When he appeared before the military court martial at Makindye, the people came from his home district Rukungiri led by elders and approached Mr. Museveni to set Col. Dr Kizza Besigye free, which he did. However, that same year at Speke hotel, Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye retired from the Army and declared the formation of Forum For Democratic Change FDC, and became its first President/Founder. He declared his intentions to run for Presidency in 2001 to contest against the incumbent Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and it was a very close contest between the two former war comrades .Mr. Museveni won, Col. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye fled to South Africa into exile. In 2005 he bounced back again came back to Uganda, he was arrested charged with many charges among them raping of a house girl etc He again lost to Mr. Museveni after being thrown in and out of prison several times, released and re arrested by black Mambas in what is known as the “Defilement and desecration of the Temple of Justice “in defiance of the court decision. Black Mambas Re arrest Besigye outside the Courts of Law
  • 15. 15 President Museveni’s major fallouts since the Bush War days In 1999, Dr Kizza Besigye brought to the public fore long simmering tensions within the Movement hierarchy when he authored a paper An Insider’s View of How NRM Lost the Broad- base. The paper chronicled how Mr Museveni was steadily betraying the ideals that inspired the 1981- 86 bush war, accusing him of nurturing undemocratic and intolerant tendencies. Mr Museveni reacted by warning that the now retired Colonel risked being court-martialled for engaging in partisan debate while still a serving military man. Dr Besigye out-manoeuvered the regime’s legal snare by retiring from the army in 2001, setting the stage for an acrimonious onslaught against Mr Museveni’s hold onto power that runs to date. He challenged Mr Museveni during the 2001 polls, garnering 27 per cent of the vote in an election that attracted notoriety for the violence meted out by regime functionaries on his supporters. Dr Besigye’s 2001 challenge attracted the wrath of his bush war peers, who insisted Mr Museveni should be given a chance to complete his two terms, a promise the President inscribed in his 2001 manifesto but would later make a u-turn on, triggering a mass exodus from his NRM party.
  • 16. 16 Dr Besigye challenged Mr Museveni’s victory, with the Supreme Court agreeing that the election was marred by anomalies, though the rigging was ‘not substantial enough to alter the final vote’. Mr Museveni seems not to be afraid of making enemies with confidantes that he has been with since the Bush War days. For President Museveni to hold onto power for 28 years, he has appreciated that he cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. Mr Museveni has not been afraid of making enemies with close confidantes but has always found a way of outwitting them. Outmaneuvered and left in the dark, some of Mr Museveni’s comrades-turned-enemies have fallen on hard times, buried the hatchet with him and got re-admitted in the ruling NRM fold. Riding on the euphoria of the relative socio-political stability that his NRA government restored in large parts of the country in 1986, Mr Museveni enjoyed a near blissful, albeit occasionally tense relationship, with most of his comrades in his nascent stages in power. Internal voices of discontent about intrigue, corruption, the democratization process, the handling of the LRA war in northern Uganda, surfaced but were often muted. The NRA government, a collection of untested, exuberant rebels-turned –government was steadily mutating into a cesspool of machinations as the bush war victory euphoria drizzled away and Ugandans started demanding more. These schisms were laid bare when Dr Kizza Besigye authored a highly critical paper on the path the government was taking, denigrating the President for betraying the values of the 81-86 Bush War. Dr Besigye claimed his sentiments were shared by a critical mass within NRM who developed cold feet and did not come out to publicly support his paper. When Dr Besigye’s proposals were shot down by his boss, he challenged him in the 2001 polls, marking the beginning of fallouts between Museveni and his Bush War compatriots. Those who had given Mr Museveni the benefit of the doubt begun voicing discontent as a proposal to lift term limits started gaining momentum in 2003. When Mr Museveni forced through the amendment in Parliament, it triggered a mass exodus of senior officials from Mr Museveni’s side including; Amanya Mushega, Mugisha Muntu, Miria Matembe, Sarah Kiyingi, John Kazoora and Augustine Ruzindana. But Mr Museveni still managed to survive the exodus of a nexus of compatriots that had helped him navigate the Bush War and Dr Besigye’s 2001 onslaught, begging the question of how he manages to survive such bitter walkouts. Prof Mwambusya Ndebesa, a political analyst and history lecturer at Makerere University, says Mr Museveni’s grip onto power is down to him appreciating that the military is the source of his power and doing little to upset the working of top Generals. And Mr Museveni has always been alive to the critical role the military has played in securing his 28-year stint. When Parliament ratcheted up pressure on him over alleged fraud in the oil sector and the mysterious death of Butaleja Woman MP Cerinah Nebanda, Mr Museveni responded by warning that the military would take over government if the “confusion” in Parliament persisted.
  • 17. 17 Security agencies are always at hand to respond to attempts to threaten Mr Museveni’s power base, often coming in to violently crack down on protests and election rallies by regime opponents. As pressure mounted on the regime at the peak of the Walk-to-Work protests in 2012, Gen Muntu warned his former colleagues to be “wise” and avoid ending up like the proverbial fly which followed a corpse into the grave. When Dr Besigye broke ranks with Mr Museveni in 2001, he claimed he had the support of the military in an effort to win over an electorate wary of picking a President who would not keep the men in uniform. Dr Aggrey Awori, who challenged Mr Museveni in the 2001 polls, agrees that support from the military has allowed him legroom to handle civilian friends-turned-opponents sure that the men in uniform are watching his back. “When you put together all these people [that have fellen out with Museveni], none of them has the military support which Museveni has and has used [the military] to build a grassroots support which all his opponents do not have,” Mr Awori argues. Mr Godber Tumushabe, a researcher, argues that the President has the crucial instruments of the “military, police and Intelligence services” which he uses to whip the Opposition into line. Mr Godber argues that it is difficult for the Opposition against Mr Museveni to survive the “money and security agencies” that the regime deploys against them. Jaberi Bidandi Ssali The Uganda Patriotic Movement secretary general in the 1980 elections, Mr Bidandi Ssali was arrested in 1981 after Mr Museveni launched a Bush War without alerting him . After the Bush War, he had a stint as Labour minister before being appointed Local Government minister where he served for 15 years. A right-hand man of the President for nearly two decades, Mr Bidandi was the vice chairman of Mr Museveni’s campaign team in 1996 and 2001 elections, crafting the famous slogan in the 2011 polls asking voters: Oyina kewekoledde?’, loosely translated as ‘have you done something in Museveni’s regime and if yes, do anything possible to protect his vote. He cut links with Mr Museveni in 2003 over the third term project after which he formed PPP and stood for the presidency in 2011. Maj (rtd) John Kazoora Having participated in the Bush War as an intelligence officer, Maj (rtd) Kazoora served as Special District Administrator for Kampala, director at Internal Security Organization and Kashari MP in the 6th Parliament. In the period between 1998 and 2003 the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces UPDF was involved in peace keeping mission in DR Congo claiming to be protecting Uganda’s western border from the Allied Democratic Force –ADF rebels who were operating in Eastern Congo. The move to commit the Uganda troops to DRC Congo was not approved by parliament WITHIN THE 72 HOURS AS REQUIRED BY PARLIAMENT, but IN DEFIANCE the constitution of the Republic of Uganda, Museveni as an individual directed the deployment. To commit troops outside the country the decision must be approved by the parliament of the Republic of Uganda, through parliamentary acts 124 clauses 1-3, Article 209 (a), Article 210 states that parliament
  • 18. 18 shall regulate the UPDF and clause (d)( The deployment of the UPDF by the President must be approved by the parliament of the Republic of Uganda. DRC PLUNDER CASE RETURNS TO HAUNT UGANDA The World Court Ruling. The Republic of Uganda, by acts of looting, plundering and exploitation of Congolese Natural resources committed by members of the Uganda Armed forces in the territory of the DRC Congo and by its failure to comply with its obligations as an occupying power in Ituri district to prevent acts of looting, plundering, and exploitation of Congolese Natural resources violated obligations owed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That under the International law and unanimously decided that following agreement between the parties, the question of reparation due to the DRC Congo shall be settled by the Court. Uganda lost the case brought against it at the International Court of Justice, by the DRC for plunder of its resources due to an unavoidable mistake by the defense attorney’s a senior official has said. Justice Julia Sebutinde who the UN voted as a Judge of the World court in December 2011, in the first of insider’s accounts on the verdict likely to cost the country $10 billion. She said Uganda’s legal lawyers errored when they submitted to the court as evidence a report of a commission of inquiry chaired by Justice David Porter, which Confirmed pillage of DRC The said report confirmed pillage of DRC’s resources, but absolved implicated, a top Uganda government and military officials including President Museveni’s brother Salim Saleh whom 2001 UN panel of experts named adversely in its report on illegal exploitations of DRC. It would appear that the government acted in haste to clean the names of those close to the centre of power, and inadvently ended up legally selling out the whole country. Commenting on the Porter Commission findings during a public lecture in Kampala on Friday, Justice Julia Sebutinde wondered more evidence Uganda needed to incriminate itself than admitting to the World Court THAT AN INQUIRY IT COMMISSIONED ESTABLISHED Congo’s resources were looted.” One undoing was the famous Justice (David Porters) report which I understand Uganda attached, as its evidence yet he Porter himself had found plunder took place “She said. According to media reports, Uganda had by the time court ruled on the case in 2005 paid foreign lawyers representing it a total sum of $865,000(eight hundred and sixty five thousand US dollars) beside expenses for the attorney General and other officials. The DRC MADE OF CLAIMS $6-10 Billion (six to ten billion US dollars), in compensation, a figure Kampala disputed. The International Court of Justice –ICJ is preparing the final reparation for the 1998-2003 war plunders since Kampala-Kinshasa failed to make head way in diplomatic negotiations authorized by court, mainly due to the frosty political relationships. The damage to be paid to Congo will affect obviously the lives of Ugandans who pay taxes that is what it leads us into.” We should be
  • 19. 19 mindful of what it might” She said. Exhorting Ugandans not to live in delusion that proceedings in a foreign court won’t affect them. ICJ is one of the six organs of the United Nations, and its verdicts are FINAL and BINDING ON MEMBER States such as Uganda that submit to its jurisdiction. Justice Julia Sebutinde was in Uganda at the invitation of the Netherlands Embassy in Kampala to deliver a paper on the Role of International Law in promotion of global peace to mark 100 years the Setting up of the Hague headquarters peace Place. Uganda Controlled Areas Security Council Report No.(97) The objective of the elite network in the areas controlled by Uganda has been to exercise monolistic control over to the areas principal Natural resources cross border trade, and tax revenues for the purpose of enriching members of the Network. The Elite Network Security Council Report No. (98) The elite Network operating out of Uganda’s decentralized loosely hierarchal, unlike the network out of Rwanda. The Uganda Network consists of a CORE group, of members of the UPDF officers, private businessmen and selected rebel leaders, administrative. UPDF Lt. Gen.(rtd ) Salim Saleh, late Major General James Kazini, are key figures, other members included the Chief of Military Intelligence, late Brigadier Noble Mayombo who was a Colonel by that time who was regarded as one representing the interests of the President Yoweri Museveni on the ground. UPDF Major General Kahinda Otafiire, who was a Colonel by that time and now a minister of Justice (possibly to block any effort to criminalize this report and any effort to charge the culprits including himself. in Uganda),late Col. Peter Kerim, and the police IGP who went later to Congo to command the UPDF contingent there but was not mentioned in the report, late Lt. Colonel Jet Mwebaza the young brother to late Major General Kazini who was not also mention, with Major Dura Mawa Muhindo. Lt. General Caleb Akandwanaho alias Salim Saleh
  • 20. 20 Major General Kahinda Otafire – Ministry of Justice Private entrepreneurs included Godfrey Kirumira, not implicated by the report Jasper Paguda Managing Director of Kapkwata Sawmills who was dealing in timber, smuggling it from the forests of DR Congo and exporting it to Asia and Europe ON LARGE SCALE, without paying taxes because of his high profile connections with senior army officers and politicians, Sam Engola who owned a plane that shuttled between Uganda and DRC, Mike Mukula a politician and businessman who also owned charter planes that flew in and out of DRC Congo frequently, and former minister who was convicted of misappropriation of the Global Funds for HIV/AIDs with his colleague Major General Jim Muhwezi, and both not implicated in the report. Sam Kutesa the foreign affairs minister who was not implicated also in this report but planted to UN STRATEGICALLY AND TO PURPOSELY HINDER THE IMPLENTATION OF THE OUT COME OF ICJ as chairman of the security council, he was also involved in another scandal of CHOGM,Jacob Manu Soba. Manase Savo and other Savo both members, Rebel politicians Wamba Dia Wamba, Rogers Lumbala, Mhase Nyamwisi, Lubangu tycoon Sudhir Rupallia who fronts for the top politicians in this venture and the owner of Ruparellia group of companies , Meera, Crane Bank, Golden Insurance Company, Common wealth Resort Beach Munyonyo, Speke Hotel, Kabira Club etc He was also given the doctors village as an investor and displaced over 300medical doctors and personnel on Yusuf Lule Road-Kampala, where they were residing to answer ward calls conveniently because of the short distance to the hospital..As I write he has also been awarded recently, 900 acres of land at one of the agriculture research centre at a giveaway price of $120 US dollars per acre.
  • 21. 21 Sudhir Ruparelia is a Ugandan business magnate and investor. He is the chairman and majority shareholder in the companies of the Ruparelia Group. Born: January 17, 1956 (age 60), Kasese, Western Uganda You will realize that most of the UPDF officers implicated in this plunder, looting, and exploitations have died in mysterious ways. Major General Kazini was brutally murdered in the slums of Namuwongo-Kisugu in the wee hours of the night when he was hit with iron bar on his head, Brigadier Noble Mayombo who had now become the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Defense was poisoned and died in a Nairobi hospital. Col Peter Kerim died while he was pursued by the rebels of LRA and died of heart failure as a result. Lt. Colonel Jet Mwebaza, Kazini’s younger brother, died in plane crash with other two business men from Arua, after the plane crashed in Bundibugyo Semliki valley in the Ruwenzori Mountains while coming or going from Uganda to DR. Congo. The Network continues to conduct activities through front companies such as Victoria Group, Trinity Investments, Sagricof La’ Comment, Each of these companies may manage two or one niches though they may change. experts-s20021146 /688334/1985882/-/6xqra5z/-/index.html
  • 22. 22 Uganda’s current extenernal debt is huge and it is about 9billion US dollars and by the time NRM/A came to power, the external debt was about $1.7 billion left behind by the UPC government. The governance and service delivery in the country has deteriorated to the lowest levels ever witnessed in this country of 35 million people as per 2014 National census. It begum with Education regardless of the UPE, USE and the affirmative action for the girl child at University level, the quality of education has drastically gone down compared to the late sixties and the seventies. In the North and north eastern all schools were destroyed during the insurgency and the cost and task to rebuild them is astronomical. Many NGO’s and Faith based organizations are trying to restore them but are facing an uphill task of lobbying for funding. Secondly, the Civil service in Uganda which was regarded as second to Ghana in Africa has become the most corrupt and inefficient. You cannot have anything done for you until you scratch some ones back. I have a compensation which was awarded to me after 14 years following the abuse by Uganda Police , but I have never been paid because the secretaries are asking for kitu kidogo(a bribe )to assist me to reach the director of civil litigation to sanction my pay award which has taken that long. . Thirdly, the health sector or the hospitals have been hit by under staffing, inadequate pay, absenteeism, poor service delivery generally. The hospitals that were built in 1968 by the UPC government are the ones still standing out tall to today as the current government does not regard health as a priority. These are the Abim, Bugiri, Kiryandogo, Kiboga, Kayunga, Gombe Moyo etc in total 22 hospitals. In most cases these people are taken to these facilities to die there and not to be saved, as regarded by Col. Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye when he visited Abim hospital during the campaigns last November 2015. Fourthly, the agriculture sector which absorbs 80% of Ugandans is in shambles as the budgetary allocation for it is not more than 3.5 of the GDP. The Cooperative bank that used to support the farmers was removed by the NRM/A government for reasons best known to it, which we suspect to have been deliberate to impoverish Ugandans and make them poor to be governed. The poverty levels are the highest since Independence in the country at the abject and chronicall level. Extension services are unavailable and they are unaffordle by many farmers. Uganda needs to look at agriculture as a business and move to commercial farming, but undercapitalization of the farmers and means to engage them, is not possible. The only mechanized agriculture facility built by the UPC government, was turned into an ordinary University teaching facility with other arts subjects instead of mechanized agriculture. It’s original intent. Fifthly, the Ugandan economy has gone down regardless of the growth and GDP rising figures because they are not translated into the lives of the people. The budget for example is no longer an interest of the common man because it ceased long to address his plight. The Uganda Commercial Bank which used to support and promotes indigenous Ugandans to participate in trade and commerce was sold off to an investor who charges very high interest rates on the loans.
  • 23. 23 Many are marginalized socially and economically in the rural districts of northern, north eastern, mid western Toro sub region and Bunyoro sub regions, central sub region etc Sixth, all the former parastatals and government companies which were under Uganda Development Cooperation UDC were privatized and sold off, but who knows where the proceeds went and on what account? For what purpose was it spent on? The Industrial town of Jinja which thrived with factories is lying dead asleep with less activities and more unemployed people. Look at what this kind of situation can breed: “Uprisings against corrupt privatizations: the Arab Spring The Arab Spring uprisings of 2011 were prompted, in part, by widespread popular reaction against corrupt privatizations carried out by the ruling elites over many years. These privatizations were encouraged by international financial institutions and the EU. Years of trade union actions against privatization laid the foundations for the popular revolts in Egypt and Tunisia. A top army general, quoted in April 2011, attributed anger at Egypt’s privatization programme, involving the transfer of billions of dollars worth of public assets to private hands, as aiding the Egyptian revolution that toppled the Western-backed Hosni Mubarak from power. In Egypt, the first massive demonstrations in Tahrir Square, on 25 January 2011, were sparked by a plan to privatise social insurance. A series of strikes by public workers and workers in privatised companies organised by independent unions of the newly-formed Egyptian Federation for Independent Unions (EFIU) were pivotal in forcing Mubarak to step down. This was followed by a strong campaign to stop the privatisation program and reverse the corrupt deals which had already been carried out, including a series of court cases brought by the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) over corrupt privatisations. 58 In July 2011, the interim Egyptian government terminated the privatisation programme. By September 2011 the courts had renationalized four companies: Omar Effendi, Egypt’s “flagship” department store, Shebin El Seventh, the unemployment in the country is one of the highest in the world at 68% percent and with many unemployed youth on the streets of the urban centres and rural areas. This is a time bomb that must be addressed; otherwise it will explode into a political lava spilling volcano that will ignite the fire of political unrest. Similar to those that took place in the Arab spring of 2011 above. Juba Peace Agreement In 2006 the religious leaders, from Acholi led by Bishop retired McLeod Bake Ochola, Bishop Odama, Lango, Teso, West Nile and the elder’s initiative with other people of Uganda graced the peace talks that took place in Juba and Garamba in South Sudan to stop the insurgency by the Lord's Resistance Army (read Lord's Defiance Army) fighting against (UPDF). In that cessation of hostilities agreement to be concluded, the rebels demanded that the government drop the accusation which it took to the International Criminal Court -ICC (a batch of useless people according to Museveni) for the peace agreement to be signed. In reply Mr Museveni called back the government team, denied that he ever sent them and refused to withdraw the charges, which was the only hindrance to the peace accord. The government team was led by Ndugu Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda the current Prime Minister
  • 24. 24 Joseph Kony’s team at the Peace Negotiations Garamba – South Sudan Colossians 3:13 “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
  • 25. 25 It is now 10 years since the signing of cessation of hostilities and the government is still pursuing these rebels in the jungles of Central Africa and DR Congo. How much has that cost the Uganda government to maintain soldiers off shore far away from home logistically and financially? If he knew that the ICC was a batch of useless people as he said recently, why didn’t he withdraw charges his government took to ICC at that time, where Dominic Ongwen one of the former rebel leaders is being charged currently. This is a clear indicator that ICC is delivering and the only thing is to catch the big fish in government security agencies, who have committed and are committing crime against humanity with impunity. One person asked a question that “human rights and committing of crime against humanity. Why is it that ICC is focusing more on African leaders? The answer is that, they are the leading abusers of “human rights and committing of crime against humanity. Why does Mr. Museveni seem to be scary of this court? What is he afraid of? The answer is clear when you read the International Court of Justice report implicating Uganda to pay DRC Congo $10 billion US dollars for plundering its resources between 1998-2003. But does insulting and running away in defiance of International Court Decisions the solution? Or Should going to the bush as an ex rebel(read defiant ) act as a remedy to the situation ?In any case why run away from the court order, he should just comply to set a good example to his subordinates and the people he rules. Take note that this money is going to be paid by Ugandans up to the next generations for the decision made by Mr. Museveni to send troops to DRC Congo. Losing The Battles of Corruption When I say loosing the battles of corruption, it does not mean that the war on fighting corruption has been lost. But what has happened is that Mr. Museveni has lost the many battles in fighting corruption and his ability to do so is highly doubted regardless of putting institutions in place like the IGG to fight it. Instead corruption has accelerated to higher levels in all areas the police, health, public service in general etc. Mr Museveni has been seen re cycling many of his ministers mentioned in corrupt scandals, which has undermined the confidence the people had in him and his leadership. He has silenced and suppressed outspoken members of parliament through intimidation in the retreats of the NRM caucuses in the name of having collective responsibility or a common position. But Uganda has not lost the fight against this war what we need is new and fresh blood to fight using appropriate methods without discrimination nor favor. Below on the links are some of the nine worst corruption cases in the country and majority of those ministers implicated have been brought back in government as if Uganda has no other capable and honest people. This has greatly undermined the strategies to stand and fight corruption in the country, because he seems to be abating and condoning it by re appointing those implicated in scandals. In, one incident he even used over 100 million shillings to pay for the legal costs of one of his former minister and party Vice President for eastern who was convicted by court for 5 years in prison and he ended up setting him free. Another minister a Major General who was also implicated in the same global funds, was re appointed as minister of information, thank God the people of Rujjumbura his constituency rejected him out rightly to send a message to the appointing authority that they have no interest in corrupt MP. However The law seems to be using selective prosecutions when it comes to trying the culprits. Some are
  • 26. 26 charged in courts of law and sent to prison, while others are left free and untouchable. “Some animals are more equal than others…….George Orwell’s Animal farm. . fundoney Five things I have learn't on the swearing of Museveni's fifth term in the office. 1- The use of the bad law to silence and suffocate the Media by banning them from covering the so called defiance campaigns, denying them their freedom of expression and speech which is a fundamental right. One of the reasons he claimed to have led him to the bush was the freedom of the press and media restoration of democracy, law and order etc what happened later? How will the 2020 middle income earning be achieved with the social media shut down whenever the police chief and Uganda Communication Commission boss decide to do so? You can imagine how much was lost by the business people on shutting down of the socio media.Is the environment conducive for investment? We’ll wait for the court decisions to award the businessmen who lost money in these backward ways of shutting down the socio Media. 2- The open defiance of Mr. Museveni of the International Criminal Court ICC order, of which Uganda is a signatory, is unfortunate. It is defiance accusing defiance =Arresting the innocent, righteous and democratic, opposition leader in Uganda for defying a court order not to pray, demonstrate peacefully and cover the defiance activities by the press /media houses etc But left
  • 27. 27 Yoweri Kaguta Museveni defies term President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe in power and age Limits to run for 2016 elections for last 36 years, at age of 91. Omar Bashir – Wanted by ICC for crime against humanity in Dafur
  • 28. 28 and allowed a fugitive genocide r, murderer and fugitive at large to enjoy freedom for the evil work he did in murdering innocent children and women in Darfur. He defied a court order from ICC WITH his security chief by not arresting Omar Bashir. Who was here in Uganda a contribution he should have made as a member and signatory to this Rome convention. He should be charged with his security chief for conspiring to hinder justice and obstructing an International Criminal Court. The ICC to common man is very relevant to check these rulers. It is on record on the other hand, that Col (rtd) Dr.Warren Kizza Besigye has appeared before courts more than 44 times in different courts and areas of the country, has never defied any as a good and law abiding citizen of Uganda, I am made to understand that it is more than 50 times appearing in different courts countrywide on flimsy trumped up charges by the brutal police force in Uganda. Besigye forcefully taken to court by Uganda Police
  • 29. 29 Besigye in the Dock in of the Courts 3-The trampling on the freedom of individuals and democracy in the country against the constitutional provision in article 1 that all the power belongs to the people. If so why is Museveni very much disturbed with his security agencies when people come near Besigye in a peaceful demonstration to support him? Which is an act of democracy and right to assemble, demonstrate peacefully and is enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The President swore to Preserve, Protect; defend the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. However, this call can be extended to the citizens as well to stand up and defend, preserve, protect the same Constitution if it is violated, abrogated, abused and trampled upon by the leaders. According to Article 1 clauses 3, 4 a, b, 5.on the defense of the constitution. 4-Fourthly, is the attendance of the three former heads of states from Tanzania and the current president, which is a clear fruit of a peacefully managed transition in Tanzania, This should be a lesson which should teach us in Uganda that it is possible to have term limits and each one serves and leaves room for others to do so in the process of building our Nation which belongs to all Ugandans irrespective of their political, tribal and religious backgrounds. Uganda did not begin with Mr. Museveni and it will not end with him. He found it and he will leave it behind. Thank you Tanzania for giving us the answer to our political question in Uganda, to return term and age limits.
  • 30. 30 Peaceful Transition, The Tanzanian True Success Story. That should be a Lesson to the rest of Africa. (Ongeera Jamuhuri Muungano Wa Tanzania) The United Republic of Tanzania. Ali Hassan Mwinyi born May 8, 1925 in Kivure, Pwani Region, Tanzania was the second President Of the United Republic of Tanzania from 1985 – 1995 Benjamin William Mkapa was the third President of Tanzania, in office from 1995 to 2005. He was also Chairman of the Revolutionary State Party Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was the fourth President of Tanzania, in office from 2005 to 2015. Prior to his election as President, he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005 under his predecessor, Benjamin Mkapa. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli is the President of Tanzania, in office since 2015. First elected as a Member of Parliament in 1995, he served in the Cabinet of Tanzania as Deputy Minister of Works from 1995.
  • 31. 31 Nelson Mandela, Another Successful Peaceful Transition Story. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 5- The ingratitude mindset and lack of appreciation for those who contributed to what Mr. Museveni counts as his successes. He grabbed the revolution from his colleagues and owns it himself by sending them to prisons as an act of gratitude. He actually detests to see any historical member of his NRA.Many senior officers of his NRA who retired are facing charges and others are committed to civil prisons for the debts they took in anticipation that they will pay back after receiving their gratuity which they have never been given since they retired .Today the NRA is commanded by the UNLA (Uganda National Liberation Army) and the 2IC or deputy commander is also from the UNLA ranks .This is the army they defeated. What happened to the senior officers who brought the NRM/A to power ?I believe if it was a revolution ,it would have put a system in place to handle the hierarchy and succession issue with ease as the young respect those who went ahead of them Proverbs 16:31,eviticus 19:32.Psalms 92:1. “A soldier does not abandon and leave a fellow soldier in a trench ,but leaves him in a sickbay, refreshment like David did with the 200 or rehabilitation centre if he has a trauma problem“. I Samuel 30:1-18. The Baganda people of central Uganda have a saying that goes (Entasiima ebulwa agiwa) Literally translated as (he who does not appreciate will lack someone to help or assist him in future when he needs help)..
  • 32. 32 ASANTE YA PUNDA MULIA NI TEKE The best way a donkey can appreciate is to kick the one taking care of it. Luke 17:12-19 New International Version (NIV) “As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” 14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. 15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. 17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” Let us look at this short story below: “A Hyena and a fox were keeping an ox and a cow together. A cow belonged to a hyena an Ox to a fox. The hyena went on a field trip and entrusted his cow to the fox. His cow bore a calf while he was still in the field. The cow and the new calf were under the custody of the fox..The fox felt jealous and wanted to take the calf convincing the hyena that it was her ox, which bore the calf. She dirtied the backside of her ox and put the calf near the ox. She cleaned the cow from any blood or other things that would show that it was the cow that gave birth to the calf. When the hyena returned he claimed that it was his cow which gave birth to the calf and therefore the calf belonged to him, something the fox objected to seriously. This argument the fox had was "In the
  • 33. 33 ancient times, cows used to give birth to calves but nowadays things have changed and it is oxen that bear calves” The accusations went to the lion; the King of animal kingdom, for all animals arbitration. The fox bribed the king and his wife to judge in her favor, and the king was to convince all animals in the kingdom that it is true nowadays it is an ox which gives birth to calves. All animals gathered and the fox was in jubilant mood, knowing which way the judgment would go. The great assembly of animals was all there except for a monkey. The assembly was waiting for him. The monkey arrived and sat a few metres away from the assembly and started to hit a rock nearby with a piece of a flint stone.The King lion asked him what he was doing, and that he should join the meeting to start the arbitration .The monkey replied " I am peeling the stone " The King lion asked him" Is it possible to peel a rock? " to which the monkey asked " Is it possible for an ox to give birth to a calf? And all the animals shouted to the hyena's favor of the monkey’s assertion and that was the arbitration. The monkey after the last word of his final question made his swift way back to the forest Ecclesiastes 9:10, Hosea 10:3-5 Lesson: 1a)-Truth and justice should not be distorted like what the fox wished and the lion was to judge (after getting kitu kidogo in form of bribe). b) -It takes courageous individuals to confront or spark the conscience of others and challenge the powerful to be fair in their dealings. c)-We should not be indifferent to the injustices done to others because one day it may happen to us.The monkey in the above story, did not have an immediate interest in any of the arbitration decisions but for the sake of justice and truth he challenged the mighty. 2-It is impossible for the electoral commission Chairperson and his team to speak in the light of justice against the appointing authority. Therefore we suggest that the electro commission should not be appointed by the President, who is an interested party in most cases in the elections as a contestant. It should not only carry the name Independent Electoral Commission, but it must be reflected in deeds and actions. 3-The security agencies should not have any interest in any of the electro processes apart from securing the process and should not even show signs of partiality, by sticking to “ service to all. “Without any biases “focusing on their motto” Protect and Serve “
  • 34. 34 Lt General Kale Kayihura (Inspector General of Police - IGP) Police Killed The Wrong Man By Amol Awuor Nobody Knows Police killed the wrong man Not the community, not the press, not the government Nobody knows Killed on our behalf looted on our He abused office and plundered resources All on our collective behalf But only celebration and ululation I see. The people rejoice The government has not instituted a taskforce No committee, no inquiry commission, no investigation Our ever nosy, nosy, noisy press, none is unearthing a scoop Investigative reporters are on hiatus, Because nobody knows, police killed the wrong man He leaves behind a fleet of benzez and stashed cash in Switzerland Semi –orphaned children in foreign universities and an Ambassadorial wife The man is to be interred Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Yet the people, the press and the government alike Sigh; In contented relief: burial of a thief and murderer Yet nobody knows That police killed the wrong man
  • 35. 35 Besigye Arrested in Brutal Manner by ASP Gilbert Arinaitwe Bwana after spaying pepper in his eyes. He was later taken to Nairobi for 2 Months where he was treated. On October 10, police manhandled and in the process undressed Fatuma Zainab Naigaga, who was part of the crew that was accompanying former FDC president and presidential aspirant Dr Kizza Besigye.
  • 36. 36 UN urged government and its organs “to ensure that Public Order Management Act is not interpreted and applied in such a way that curtails the enjoyment of fundamental human rights, especially the right to peaceful assembly in the context of elections.” LEADERS OF TOMORROW By Ndege Serikal We the youth, have been their fools, Their tools, their bins of refuse To seduce, misuse and resuse We are the Leader of tomorrow But tomorrow never darkens Save for election days just before the birth of sorrow When they green as we grey with drunkenness. Today is the tomorrow of yesterday, That’s why they bury us in heavy clay. Keeping us below poverty line. And atop the molten lava of unemployment, Catastrophe, corruption and crime. We are the leaders of Hustling Management Hustling endlessly to get meat for our stomachs As they hustle to get stomachs for their meat. We be strong if we gather together They go fear if we gather together Let’s gather together under the red banner of revolt It is our prayer, though without permission to pray, that justice prevails in all this process by first and foremost setting free Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye without any condition dropping the flimsy and trumped up charges against him of treason. The positive response to this will be “To Do The Right Thing “ Let us move in the light, for God is light and if we say we fellowship with Him and move in darkness. We deceive ourselves........1.John 1 :1-6 Remember the responsibility and purpose of government is to preserve order and do justice for the common good, not to do evil but to do well. Romans 13:4 “Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war” Proverbs 20:18 “Owe no man any debt except the debt to love one another…..” Romans 13:8 Rev. Shalom Muwanguzi Nyenje “For God and My Country “
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