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Designing for
                                Emerging Markets

                                Design of Products and Services
Industrial Design Engineering
Designing for
                   Emerging Markets

                   Design of Products and Services

Edited by

Prabhu Kandachar
Ilona de Jongh
Jan Carel Diehl

           Printed on recycled paper

           Editors: Prabhu Kandachar, Ilona de Jongh and Jan Carel Diehl
           Cover design: Ilona de Jongh

           Designing for Emerging Markets, Design of Products and Services
           IDE Master’s Projects - 3
           Edition   March 2009
           ISBN      978-90-5155-052-8

           © 2009 Delft University of Technology
           All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
           or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or
           mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other
           information storage and retrieval system without explicit written
           permission from the authors.

           Delft University of Technology
           Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
           Landbergstraat 15
           2628 CE DELFT

           Phone    +31 (0) 15 278 3034
           Fax      +31 (0) 15 278 1839

Project Focus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Education
Each project in this booklet is performed with thought for
all three pillars of responsible business: People, Planet
and Profit. Sometimes however, a more nuanced focus is
distinguished. This distincton is indicated for each project                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Health
on the upper left side of the page, using the following
                                                                                                                                                                                       People                                                                                                          Food & Nutrition

                                                                                                                                                                                       Planet                                                                                                                    Water

                                                                                                                                   €                                                   Profit                                                                                                                   Energy

Legend                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Housing
On the right side of the pages with project summaries, the
specific domain(s) of the project are indicated with use of
icons. On the right side of this page all icons are shown with
the correspding domain in words. This can be used as a
reference throughout this book, or as a search tool for cases
in a specific domain.

             €         Company

                                                         Graduation date

                                                         December 14, 2007
                                                                                    Mobile Solar Kiosk for
                                                                                    Miriam Reitenbach
                                                                                    Despite recent progress, the Cambodian economy still           technical requirements.                                            application of glass fibre reinforced plastic an attractive and
                                                                                    has to reconstitute from the effects of the civil war. The       Interviews with potential customers of the solar products        eye-catching form of the carrier could be achieved.
                                                                                    population often lacks education and productive skills,        revealed that Cambodians were not yet familiar with solar            In the context of a holistic approach this project did not
                                                                                    which leads to a high unemployment rate, especially in         energy in general and that the way of communicating and            only focus on the design and construction of the kiosk, but
                                                                                    the countryside. About 40% of the population lives below       explaining products forms a major criterion for the success        also presented recommendations on how to communicate
                                                                                    poverty line and has to live of less than 1$ per day. As       of the sales results.                                              to the local customers in an effective and adequate way,
                                                                                    90% of the Cambodian population does not have access             The outcomes of this research were translated into a final        such as a LED display and posters explaining the benefits
                                                                                    to a secure electricity infrastructure, economic and social    concept that was refined by means of iteratively building and       and cost savings of solar products. Additionally, a new

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Designing & Tools
                                                                                    progress are slowed down as well.                              testing the prototype to guarantee not only the technical          bilingual brand name and logo was created that made it
                                                                                      These circumstances set the framework of Kamworks’           feasibility of the mobile store, but also acceptance among         possible to communicate with Khmer customers as well as
                                                                                    business idea: securing sophisticated energy and light         the future users - the micro-entrepreneurs.                        Western stakeholders and contributes to a quality image of
                                                                                    supply and creating new jobs for young Cambodians. As                                                                             the mobile solar kiosk.
                                                                                                                                                   Biking without pedaling
                                                                                    the country receives approximately five full sun hours each
                                                                                                                                                   The final design was a three-wheeled electric bicycle that          Local Production and maintenance
                                                                                    day, solar energy is one of the promising technologies. The
                                                                                                                                                   can be recharged by solar energy. By making use of this            When designing the mobile kiosk, only locally available
                                                                                    objective of this graduation project was the design and
                                                                                                                                                   renewable energy technology and being remarkably lighter           materials and production techniques were considered in
                                                                                    development of a mobile solar kiosk for Cambodian micro-
                                                                                                                                                   than existing mobile stores, this vehicle is less polluting than   order to generate local income, as local manufacturing was
                                                                                    entrepreneurs,   enabling the setup of a self-sustaining
                                                                                                                                                   traditional motorised stores and can contribute to promote         one of the greatest requirements for the design. These
                                                                                    business by distributing solar products to the rural area of
                                                                                                                                                   sustainable energy in an effective way. User tests showed          manufacturing experts of the kiosk would also be able to
                                                                                    Cambodia, in continuation of the intensive collaboration
                                                                                                                                                   that an electric bike caught the attention of the customer         take care of the maintenance and reparations, keeping all
                                                                                    between Kamworks and Delft University of Technology, see
                                                                                                                                                   immediately as most rural people never saw someone                 the work and the money local.
     In order to get an understanding on how the anticipated customer reacted       page 116 .

      on the mobile store, the Cambodian translator was asked to drive around                                                                      driving on a bike without pedalling before.
         the rural areas to obtain feedback. In the first place he acted as micro-   Extreme road conditions                                          In order to cope with the bad road conditions a new

    entrepreneur who sells products, consequently he interviewed the potential      Through intense user and context research in Cambodia,         suspension system was developed that can damp the
                                                                                    technical and usability criteria were defined, as well as       wheels individually which makes it much easier to drive and
                                                                                    social and cultural influences. These formed the framework      steer the vehicle, even on bumpy and unpaved roads.
                                                                                    of this project. The first constraint was the underdeveloped      In the front part of this mobile solar kiosk a yellow carrier
                                                                                    road network and the extremely bad road conditions. Also,      is mounted that serves not only to transport the solar
                                                                                    with heavy rain seasons from May until October the road

                                                                                                                                                   products, but also as a store front when the lid is opened.
                                                                                    conditions get even worse which poses a challenge to the       Due to the, for the local context, innovative material
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The bilingual logo on the side of the glass fibre reinforced carrier.

   56                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        57

Photo: Jimmy Ho

Rice Fields
near Culik
Bali, Indonesia

The number of student projects at the Faculty of Industrial
Preface                                                                               Design Engineering relevant to the Base of the Pyramid
                                                                                      (BoP) has increased enormously since 2002, when the
                                                                                      course “Advanced Products” for Master’s students started
                                                                                      a small experiment with projects focused on developing
                                                                                      countires was started. The increase of projects is due to
                                                                                      several reasons.
                                                                                        Firstly, students of our Faculty have shown great interest
                                                                                      and enthusiasm to design products and services to meet
                                                                                      the needs of the citizens of the BoP. Secondly, the concept
                                                                                      of BoP has attracted the attention of many Dutch and
                                                                                      European entrepreneurs, leading to several assignments for
          Base of the Pyramid projects executed all over the world by students from   our students, often in collaboration with people living at the
          Delft University of Technology, in the time period between 2004 and 2009.
                                                                                      economic BoP. Thirdly, the supervising staff of our Faculty
                                                                                                                 is equally active in supporting
                                                                                                                 such initiatives. And lastly, more
                                                                                                                 and       more    Non-Governmental
                                                                                                                 Organizations (NGOs), both in
                                                                                                                 the Netherlands and in some BoP
                                                                                                                 countries, have been opening up
                                                                                                                 their doors to such trials.
                                                                                                                    But what is this BoP? Base
                                                                                                                 of the Pyramid (or Bottom of
                                                                                                                 the Pyramid, as it is sometimes
                                                                                                                 termed) refers to the 4-billion
                                                                                                                 plus poor mostly in non-western
                                                                                                                 countries in Asia, Latin America,
                                                                                                                 and Africa, living on incomes
                                                                                                                 less than $32601 per year. Some
                                                                                                                 parts      of    these    geographical
                                                                                                                 regions, such as China, India,
                                                                                                                 Brazil,    Russia,       have   markets
                                                                                                                 experiencing               phenomenal
                                                                                                                 economic growth not unnoticed

                                                                                      1 Monica Touesnard,

by the affluent west.                                              Millennium Development Goals

  Although the BoP strategy to serve the underserved,             The extensive response to these ideas is likely due to the
namely the poor in developing countries, has attracted the        limited success of developmental assistance to alleviate
attention of scientists and entrepreneurs worldwide, the          poverty in the past 50 years. For more than 50 years, the
scientific publications in this area until now are often from      World Bank, donor nations, various aid agencies, national
management sciences, often extending the concepts of              governments, and civil society organizations have all fought
corporate social responsibility, sustainability, etc.             the good fight, but have not been able to eradicate poverty
  The uniqueness of our Faculty of Industrial Design              yet. The adoption of the Millennium Development Goals
Engineering lies in its human centered approach. Needs are        (MDG) by the United Nations only underscores that reality.
the central driving force uniting technology and business.        Poverty has remained one of the world’s most daunting
By tradition our Faculty has propagated the practice of           problems even as we enter the 21st Century. Prahalad
designing products and services to meet the human needs.          advocates an alternative approach to help the poor.
The BoP strategy has stimulated us to look also at the needs
                                                                  Science Spread over the World
of the underserved, which represent a huge market and
                                                                  The projects described in this book are a result of several
was hitherto unattended.
                                                                  students, entrepreneurs and academic staff stimulated by
  The foundation for the BoP strategy was laid by Prahalad
                                                                  this strategy. The BoP concept is spreading to all parts of the
& Hart2, in their publication published in the first quarter
                                                                  world, both within the rich and in the poor countries. This
of 2002, promising fortune for entrepreneurs and at the
                                                                  is also reflected by the geographical spread of the projects
same time offering perspectives to the poor world majority
                                                                  executed at our Faculty, as can be seen in the picture on
to escape from the poverty. This caught public attention
                                                                  the opposite page.
and unleashed an extensive response from academics,
                                                                    It can also be observed that the projects cover very
businesses, NGOs and others. Prahalad’s book3 delves in
                                                                  diverse needs, from Water to Energy, from Healthcare to
depth by proposing a framework for the active engagement
                                                                  Education, and more. These projects could not have been
of the private sector and suggesting a basis for a profitable
                                                                  executed without the involvement of students, companies,
win-win engagement. This vision of untapped great wealth
                                                                  NGOs, and professors. Together they have set up a base
in the world waiting to be explored & exploited by human
                                                                  to develop a new knowledge domain full of challenges and
ingenuity, by designing products and services to meet the
                                                                  opportunities. Thank you all!
needs of the world’s poor, and then efficiently manufacturing
& distributing by the capabilities of the modern corporation,
Prahalad contends, needs innovations.

2 The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Strategy+business,
                                                                                                       Prabhu Kandachar
  issue 26, First quarter 2002, p. 1- 14 (Booz Allen Hamiliton)
                                                                                 Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
3 The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty
                                                                                           Delft University of Technology
  Through Profits, ISBN-10: 0-13-146750-6; ISBN-13: 978-0-13-
  146750-7 (Published 2004) Pages: 432.
                                                                                                              March 2009
Project Focus                                                                                    2
Table of Contents   Preface                                                                                          6

                    Introduction           Prabhu Kandachar    Challenges for Industrial Designers                   10

                    Student Projects
                    Inge van de Wouw              Dec 8, 08    Lamp with insect repellent                            26
                    Aparna Bhasker                2009         India Moves: Economic Empowerment of Rural Disabled   28
                    Ambika Samabasivan            Oct 30, 08   Global Opportunities in Renewable Lighting            30
                    Lieke Pijpers                 Oct 24, 08   PRO-PORTION Affordable milk for kids                  32
                    Sierk Hennes                  Sep 23, 08   Design a PSS for drinking water                       34
                    Kirsten Rijke                 Aug 26, 08   Solar shop in rural Cambodia                          38
                    Tom van Diessen               Aug 22, 08   Solar Home System for rural Cambodia                  40
                    Linda Schnieders              Jul 28, 08   Redesign of a Smoke free Batana Extractor             42
                    Lumen                         Jun, 08      LUMEN light solution                                  44
                    Judith Goor                   Apr 04, 08   A battery charging system for youngsters              46
                    Jan Willem Findlater          Feb 8, 08    Culturally appropriate coffins for Botswana            50
                    Water4Kenya                   Feb, 08      Water4Kenya                                           52
                    Alexander van der Kleij       Feb 1, 08    Comparing Contexts; Solar Dew Technology              54
                    Miriam Reitenbach             Dec 14, 07   Mobile Solar Kiosk for Micro-Entrepeneurs             56
                    Koos Munneke                  Oct 24, 07   Better Brace Project                                  58
                    Bernard Hulshof               Oct 19, 07   Affordable Solar Lighting for rural Madagascar        62
                    Rutger Bonsel                 Oct 12, 07   Holy Cow or Cash Cow                                  64
                    Hoi-Kee Wong                  Aug 8, 07    Cooking in rural China                                66
                    Fire4India                    May, 07      Fire4India                                            68
                    Yu-Kuan Chang                 Nov 27, 06   Knowledge Gaps in Product Development                 70

                    Culture & Design Annemiek van Boeijen      Design & culture in the BoP Domain                    74

                    Annemarie Mink                Nov 10, 06   Reeling Machine for Silk Yarn Producers               78
                    Marion de Groot               Sep 21, 06   Support Tool for the Chinese Village Doctor           80
                    Cathelijne Huis in ‘t Veld    Aug 31, 06   Design of a Malaria Diagnostics Device                82
                    Roelie Bottema                Aug 4, 06    Personal Water Purifier                                84
                    Mijntje de Caluwé             Jul 29, 06   Knowledge Framework: Design4Billions                  86

Elselien Epema                 Jul 7, 06          Product Service System for Plant Oil Stove            90

                                                                                                                Table of Contents
GhanaMoves                     Jul-06             Tricycle for Disabled Entrepreneurs                   92
Willem Glasbergen              Jun 21, 06         Human Powered Bamboo Splitting Tool                   94
Marike Bijtelaar               Jun 16, 06         Improving the Climate of Cooking Areas                96
Maria Nguyen                   Apr 28, 06         Safe Drinking Water                                   98
Leonie Ideler                  Apr 4, 06          Adoptable Woodstove                                   102
Fernando Del Caro Secomandi Apr, 06               Water Supply in Slums:P.I.P.A. System                 104
Jon Rodriguez                  Feb 3, 06          Contextualizing Products                              106
Cale Thompson                  Sep 14, 06         Online Microfinance: into(context)                     108
Jonathan Stranders             Dec 23, 05         Creating Market Insight for Designers                 110
Suzanne Hendrikse              Nov 11, 05         Device for Early Oral Cancer Detection                114
Stephen Boom                   Oct 28, 05         Solar Lighting                                        116
Roseliek van der Velden        Oct 21, 05         Adoptability of the U-Specs                           118
Joan Boekhoven                 Oct 18, 05         Natural Fibres in Doors and Windows                   120
H.S. Smallenbroek              2004               Small scale cassava starch processing                 122

Epilogue                       J.C.Diehl          The first learning experiences of Design for the BoP   126

Acknowledgements                                                                                        130

About the Editors                                                                                       131

P.I.P.A. system                Brazil             Fernando Del Caro Secomandi                           Cover
Rice Fiels near Culik          Bali, Indonesia    Jimmy Ho                                              4
Kids swimming and playing      Jakarta, Indonesia Ilona de Jongh                                        24
Girl                           Java, Indonesia    Mirjam Lindgreen                                      36
Man Fishing on Citarum River Java, Indonesia      Kees van Gastel                                       48
Man and horse at work          Java, Indonesia    Mirjam Lindgreen                                      60
Market for Holi Colours        India              Prabhu Kandachar                                      72
Boats                          Cambodia           Stephen Boom                                          76
Girl Getting Water in Favela   Rio de Janeiro     Ferry                                                 88
Girls in Favelas               Rio de Janeiro     Linda Schnieders                                      100
Man at Home                    Chongming Island   Jaap Daalhuizen                                       112
Toilet in a Rural Village      Chongming Island   Jaap Daalhuizen                                       124

Introduction                                                                 Challenges for Industrial
                                                                             Design Engineers
                                                                             Prabhu Kandachar
                                                                             About two thirds of the world’s population of 6 billion people
                                                                             spend their lives searching for food and shelter, fighting for
                                                                             physical survival, and fearing for the future. These are the
                                                                             individuals who earn less than three dollars per day: the
                                                                             people living at the economical Base of the Pyramid (BoP).
                                                                             This does not go unnoticed. Global poverty, its extent and
                                                                             distribution, is of daily news screaming for the attention of
                                                                             all world citizens. The challenge at world level is enormous.
                                                                             In Africa alone, poverty and hunger, unemployment,
                                                                             disease, malnutrition, lack of shelter, gender inequity
                                                                             and environmental deterioration are some of the main
                                                                             challenges in addressing poverty.

                     Millennium Development Goals                            Millennium Development Goals
               Eight Millennium Development Goals, to be achieved in 2015.   The developments in the last century have attracted the
                                       Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty     attention of world leaders. At the Millennium Summit in
                                               and hunger
                                                                             September 2000 the largest gathering of world leaders in
                                       Goal 2: Achieve universal primary     history adopted the UN Millennium Declaration, committing
                                                                             their nations to a new global partnership to reduce extreme
                                       Goal 3: Promote gender equality       poverty and set out a series of targets with a deadline
                                               and empower women             of 2015, which have become known as the Millennium
                                                                             Development Goals1. The image on the left shows the eight
                                       Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
                                       Goal 5: Improve maternal health         The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the world’s
                                                                             time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme
                                       Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria
                                               and other diseases            poverty in its many dimensions - income poverty, hunger,
                                                                             disease, lack of adequate shelter, and exclusion - while
                                       Goal 7: Ensure environmental
                                               sustainability                promoting gender equality, education, and environmental
                                                                             sustainability. Also included are basic human rights - the
                                       Goal 8: Develop a Global
                                                                             right of each person on the planet to health, shelter, and
                                               Partnership for
                                               Development                   1

security and there are specific aims at combating child         beyond the immediate horizon and opportunities, and for
mortality, AIDS, Malaria and other diseases.                   having a voice in public decision making. A sustainable
  The MDGs are an agreed set of goals that can only be         end to world poverty as we know it, as well as the path to
achieved if all actors work together and do their part. Poor   peace and security, requires that citizens in every country
countries have pledged to govern better, and invest in their   are empowered to make positive choices and provide for
people through health care and education. Rich countries       themselves and their families. This can only be achieved
have pledged to support them, through aid, debt relief, and    if everyone is given a chance to learn in a high-quality
fairer trade.                                                  schooling environment at least through primary school.
  As an institution which is an expert in designing products     At a country level, education is considered to be an
and services to meet human needs, it could be that some        important determinant of economic growth and is frequently
of the needs of the population at the Base of the Pyramid      hailed as one of the primary contributing factors to the

are addressable by the expertise available at the Faculty      dramatic economic growth in East Asia. Individuals with a

of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of          strong educational attainment also have good earnings. A

Technology. Most problems can be grouped in the domains        greater access to good quality education is a key poverty-

of education, healthcare, food & nutrition, water, energy,     reduction strategy advocated throughout the developing
housing, materials, connectivity, designing & tools, and
                                                                 More and more children, youth and adults have a
entrepreneurship. Each of these domains will be discussed,
                                                               chance to learn and the number of children in school
giving an overview of the needs and problems. The rest
                                                               continues to grow. Today 680 million children are enrolled
of the book presents student projects that aim at solving
                                                               in primary schools around the world. Yet, a lot more still
problems within one or more of these domains, with
                                                               needs to be done. More than 100 million children, over
two different chapters: on page 74, an insight is giving
                                                               half of them girls, never get a chance to see the inside
on “design and culture at the BoP”, and the epilogue on
                                                               of a classroom. Furthermore, the poor quality of education
page 126 reflects on the student projects and draws some
                                                               provided, resulting from irrelevant and obsolete curricula,
preliminary conclusions about the lessons learned.
                                                               overcrowded classrooms, untrained teachers, etc., causes
Education                                                      high incompletion rates.
An essential ingredient for the full realization of human        Literacy empowers and nurtures inclusive societies and
capacity, education is considered to provide everyone the      contributes to the fair implementation of human rights. In
opportunity to make a better life for themselves. Education    the case of mothers, literacy leads to an enhanced quality
provides the basis for making informed choices, for seeing     of life for their families and improved education outcomes
for their children. Parents’ education, and particularly
                                                                                mothers’ education, is seen to result in lower fertility, lower
                                                                                maternal mortality, and better child health and nutrition
                                                                                status. It is also suggested that individuals with at least
                     World Income Distribution 2000                             some education respond better to HIV/AIDS prevention
                                                                                messages. Nevertheless literacy remains a low priority for
                                                                                national governments and the donor community. Worldwide,
                                                                                781 million adults are illiterate (as of April 2006) and about
                                                                                100 million children are out of school.
                                                                                   A large number of those who enrol drop out before attaining
                                                                                literacy skills and some of those who complete primary
                                                                                education remain illiterate. Literacy is an indispensable means
                                                                                for effective social and economic participation, contributing
                                                                                to human development and poverty reduction.
                                                                                   Goal 2 of the Millennium Development Goals has set out
                                                                                by the year 2015 to ensure that all boys and girls complete a
                                                                                full course of primary schooling.
                                                                                   The use of information and communication technologies
                                                                                (ICT) in and for education is rapidly expanding in many
                                                                                countries, and is now seen worldwide as both a necessity and
                                                                                an opportunity. In different countries policies and strategies
                                                                                to integrate information and communication technologies in
                                                                                education are being developed. While ICT use in education in
                                                                                developing countries is relatively recent, it has nevertheless
                                                                                made an impact on the education system. It has generated
                                                                                a wealth of experience, good practices and lessons for the
                                                                                benefit of countries where ICT application and integration in
                                                                                education are being established2.

  Everyone knows the resources in the world are not divided evenly over the
entire population. This inequal distribution of money and power needs action.

Healthcare                                                       the challenge of providing access to sustainable healthcare
  Differences in health standards between rich & poor            in developing countries. Money is the single biggest barrier
countries are very high. Life expectancy varies between          to improving healthcare in the developing world. In many
36 and 85 years. A child born in a rich country receives         countries people do not have enough food or access to a
vaccinations, adequate nutrition and good schooling. When        clean water supply, no hospital or clinic in which to receive
a girl becomes a mother she will benefit from high-quality        treatment and few healthcare professionals to care for them.
maternity care. Growing older, she may eventually develop        Often the governments of these countries simply do not
chronic diseases, but excellent treatment and rehabilitation     have the resources needed to address the healthcare needs
services will be available. On the other hand, a child born in   of their people. The World Bank estimates that an annual
a poor country has little chance of receiving immunizations      healthcare expenditure of $14 per person is the minimum
and a high probability of being underweight throughout           needed to provide the most fundamental services. Yet the
childhood. She will probably marry early and give birth          average expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa, for example, is
to many children without the assistance of a trained birth       currently only $63.
attendant. One or more of her babies will die in infancy, and    Food and Nutrition
she herself will be at high risk of death during childbirth.     Food security and insecurity are terms used to describe
If she survives middle age she, too, will develop chronic        people’s access to sufficient quality and quantity of food.
diseases but, without access to adequate treatment, she will     They are affected by factors such as poverty, health, food
die prematurely.                                                 production, political stability, infrastructure, access to markets,
  This illustrates what medicine and public health can           and natural hazards. Improved food security is important for
achieve, and shows unmet needs in a world of vast and            global reduction of hunger and poverty, and for economic
growing health inequalities. The key task of the global          development. One aim of the Millennium Development
health community is therefore to close the gap between           Goals (MDG) is to eradicate poverty and hunger, including
such contrasting lives. Real progress in health depends          “to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from
vitally on stronger health systems based on primary health       hunger” between 1990 and 2015. However, by 2003 the
care. Attention is needed across all levels of the health care   proportion of world population that was undernourished
system to integrate health promotion and disease prevention      had only decreased from 20% to 17% (823 to 820 million
on the one hand and treatment for acute illness and chronic      people). It is predicted that many regions will not reach
care on the other.                                               their MDG targets, particularly sub-Saharan Africa where
  Experiences from past decades, fighting against diseases        a third of the population is food insecure and there is an
across the world, show that there are no easy solutions to       3 The World Health Report 2006,

actual increase (through population growth) in the number
                                                                                   of hungry people. Southern Asia is also not expected to meet
                                                                                   its goal, with increasing numbers of undernourished people
                                                                                   in countries such as Bangladesh and Nepal.
                                                                                     The factors affecting this problem include: (1) availability
                                                                                   of food, or the amount of food that actually exists (local
                                                                                   production and other sources) (2) people’s physical, economic
                                                                                   and social access to food (3) the quality or nutritional
                                                                                   adequacy of that food; and (4) people’s ability to utilize
                                                                                   this food, including the patterns of control over who eats
                                                                                   what and the physical ability to absorb nutrients (affected by
                                                                                   health status factors such as intestinal parasites).
                                                                                     Malnutrition, a widespread problem, is caused by
                                                                                   deficiencies or imbalances in energy, protein and/or other
                                                                                   nutrients.   Signs   include   wasting   (thinness),   stunting
             Shortage of Health Service Providers                                  (shortness), or being underweight (low weight for age due
                                                                                   to wasting/stunting). Protein-energy deficiency is a leading
                                                                                   cause of child death in developing countries. Deficiencies
                                                                                   in micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) can also affect
                                                                                   mental and physical health.
                                                                                     Micronutrient malnutrition is a major global public health
                                                                                   problem affecting more than a third of the world population.
                                                                                   Consequences of this malnutrition are widespread and severe.
                                                                                   For example iron deficiency anaemia remains a major health
                                                                                   problem and can negatively impact on health, life expectancy,
                                                                                   work productivity and economies. It has been estimated that
                                                                                   iron deficiency impairs the mental development of 40 to 60%
                                                                                   of children in developing countries. Also, vitamin A deficiency
 Countries with a critical shortage of health service providers (doctors, nurses
 and midwives) are coloured dark. [World Health Organization, Global Atlas of      affects 40% of children, and is a factor in 1 million child
            the Health Workforce]        deaths per year. Thirdly, iodine deficiency during pregnancy
causes mental impairment in 18 million babies born every
                                                                                         Households (%) That Lack
year. Several strategies have been proposed to address
                                                                                         In-House            Improved
these problems. They include food fortification, dietary                                  Connection to       Drinking            Improved
diversification, dietary supplementation, nutrition education,                            Water               Water               Sanitation
and public health measures to control intestinal parasites             China             41                  23                  56
and other infectious diseases. Also, when people do have               Russia            19                  4                   13
access to food, more efficient and healthy food preparation             Mexico            11                  9                   23
methods and tools can address the problem of unhealthy                 Colombia          15                  8                   14
                                                                       Peru              28                  19                  28

                                                                       In China two-fifth of the households lack an in-house connection to water,
The most common substance on earth is water. Ninety-                   almost a quarter lacks improved drinking water and more than half of all
seven percent of it is seawater, unfit for human use. Of                Chinese lack improved sanitation [United Nations Habitat].
the remaining 3%, two-thirds is locked up in glaciers or ice
and snow around the poles. Only 1% of the entire world’s
water is available for human consumption. Even this small
percentage should be enough for all, water being infinitely
renewable. However, water is not distributed evenly. Canada,           The Global Water Challenge
Austria and Ireland, have more water than they can possibly
use; Australia, northern China and the Middle East, have too
little. In India and Bangladesh, rainfall is highly seasonal:
almost all the year's supply may arrive within a few months.
Water is also heavy, which makes it costly to transport over
long distances. In many countries, millions of poor people
(usually women) must walk for several hours a day to get
water; or they pay exorbitant prices to private water vendors.
And often water quality is poor. Inadequate sanitation makes
matters worse. As much as 60% of the world's illness is
water-related. Water shortage is expected all over the world
                                                                       In developing countries, less than 10% of the naturally available water
in the coming 20 years as shown in the figure on the right4.            is withdrawn [Adapted from Grey and Sadoff, 2006, The Global Water
4 Water Scenarios in 2025, WBCSD, August 2006,   Challenge].

One of the millennium targets requires that an additional 1.5
                                                                                 billion people gain access to some form of improved water
                                                                                 supply by 2015, which is 100 million people each year (or
                                                                                 274,000 people each day).

                                                                                 Energy is required for most of the human activities. In 2003,
                                                                                 no less than 80% of the world's energy consumption came
                                                                                 from fossil fuels. The extensive use of energy technologies,
                                                                                 especially when utilizing fossil energy resources, has also
                                                                                 generated undesirable by-products, wastes and pollution

                      Worldwide Energy Consumption                               that threaten human health, climate and ecosystems. The
                                                                                 extraction, conversion to useful energy (such as electricity
                                                                                 for a home or gasoline for a car), and combustion of
                                                                                 fuels like oil, coal, natural gas, etc, releases into the
                                                                                 atmosphere approximately 80% of human-induced (termed
                                                                                 anthropogenic) greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental
                                                                                 consequences are causing concern firstly from the reliance on
                                                                                 natural resources, and secondly from the damage to global,
                                                                                 regional, and local environments from emissions.
                                                                                   The global requirements for energy are increasing rapidly
                                                                                 as the global population increases and the under-developed
                                                                                 nations become more advanced. Nearly two billion people in
                                                                                 our world of rapidly approaching six billion people currently
                                                                                 do not have access to commercial energy services.
                                                                                   Understanding and assisting in putting to use the laws of
                                                                                 nature for the transition towards a sustainable energy system
                                                                                 is the fundamental challenge of today’s and tomorrow’s
                                                                                 scientists & engineers. One of the greatest challenges ahead
  Prognosis after 2000 assumes a global economic growth of 3% and a global
population of 9 billion people by 2050 [Deutsche Shell,   is to connect the 1.6 billion people in developing countries
               international/spiegel/0,1518,grossbild-685811-429968,00.html].    currently without access to modern energy services in an
environmentally benign manner. Other challenges include the            Housing and Urbanization
ongoing urbanization throughout the world creating higher              Some 1.2 billion people worldwide live on the equivalent
and higher energy demand densities, increasing demand for              of less than one dollar per day. The United Nations Centre
mobility, especially in developing countries, and additional           for Human Settlements (UNCHS) has estimated that 1.1
energy needs for new processes such as desalination.                   billion people are living in inadequate housing conditions in
Clearly, meeting such a challenge requires a proactive & a             urban areas alone, and that figure is expected to double by
co-operative contribution from all involved.                           2030. UNCHS has also estimated that some approximately
   In Africa, for instance, overcoming energy poverty is one of        35 million new housing units are required each year in
the main challenges. The majority of Africans currently have           developing countries to accommodate growth in the number
no access to modern energy services and technologies.                  of households during the period between 2000 and 2010
   This    has     wide-ranging         social   and   environmental   period. The bulk of these, some 21 million units, are required
consequences. Lack of access to electricity means no                   to cater for the needs of the increasing number of households.
refrigeration for medicines or food, limits on what type of            The rest is needed to meet the requirements of people who
businesses can be developed, as well as no effective lighting.         are currently homeless or living in inadequate housing. In
As a result, children cannot easily study in the evenings.             other words, some 95,000 new urban housing units have to
Most Africans, even in urban areas, still use firewood, crop            be constructed each day in developing countries to improve
residues or charcoal for cooking and cook on inefficient                housing conditions to acceptable levels. Some 14 million
stoves, resulting in a high incidence of respiratory diseases          additional units would be required each year for the next
because of smoke. Many women and girls have to spend                   20 years if the current housing deficit were to be replaced
hours collecting firewood, and cutting trees contributes to             by 2020. Among an estimated 100 million homeless people
deforestation.                                                         around the world, available data suggest that increasing
   There are also opportunities. A recent study5, by the               proportions are women and children.
German Aerospace Center and Ecofys in The Netherlands,                   But the main event of the demographic change is in the
commissioned by Greenpeace and Europe's Renewable                      cities of the developing world — and most of it in squatter
Energy Council. claims that half of the world's energy needs           cities, the teeming slums of the uninvited. A billion people
in 2050 could be met by renewable energy and by improved               live in squatter cities now. Two billion more are expected by
efficiency. According to this study, alternative energy sources,        2050. Squatters are nearly one-sixth of all humans now, one-
such as wind and solar, could provide nearly 70% of the                fourth to one-third in the nearby future.
global electricity demand and 65% of global heat demand.                 Historically, cities have been the driving force in economic
                                                                       and social development. At present approximately 307 million
5 Report: Energy Revolution, Jan 2007

Indians (31% of the population) live in nearly 3700 towns
     and cities spread across the country. This is in sharp contrast
     to only 60 million (15%) who lived in urban areas in 1947
     when the country became independent. During the last fifty
     years the population of India has grown two and half times,
     but Urban India has grown by nearly five times. In numerical
     terms, India's urban population is second largest in the world
     after China, and is higher than the total urban population of
     all countries put together barring China, USA and Russia.
       Facilities in houses are also of big challenge. Less than
     20% of households in Africa are connected to piped water,
     and only 40% have piped water within 200 meters of their
     home. In the developing world, 29% of cities have areas
     considered as "inaccessible" or "dangerous" to the police. In
     Latin America and the Caribbean, this figure is 48%. Less than
     35% of cities in the developing world have their wastewater
     treated. In countries with economies in transition, 75% of
     solid wastes are disposed of in open dumps.
       Housing problems have far-reaching consequences. The
     high cost of housing leaves low-income families little money
     for other basic necessities like food, clothing or health care.
     Substandard housing can endanger the health and safety of
     its occupants, erode their hope and self-worth, and impair
     their children's ability to succeed in school.

     Materials and Resources
     Developing    countries   are   concerned        with   promoting
     technological advancement as a means of economic
     development, which in turn contributes to social development.
     Raw materials and local resources provide basic building
     blocks for such developments. Developed countries are much
further in application of material and resources by means       contribute significantly to the income and food security
of industrial production wherein energy and raw materials       of poor farmers and workers in fibre industries. For some
are fed continuously into the production process, resulting     developing countries natural fibres are of major economic
in useful products as well as waste or other by-products.       importance, for example, cotton in some West African
Increasing concern worldwide for environmental protection       countries, jute in Bangladesh and sisal in Tanzania. In other
and growing economical constraints have led to development      cases these fibres are of less significance at the national level
and utilization of new materials based on renewable             but are of major local importance, as in the case of jute in
resources such as natural fibres and plant materials, as well    West Bengal (India) and sisal in northeast Brazil.
as recycling of industrial by-products.                           Challenges in this area include attaining economic growth
  Developing countries have often abundant local renewable      by designing and commercializing products based on such
materials and basic expertise. For instance natural fibres       local renewable natural resources without raising the
produced from animals or plants are plentifully available in    ecological pressure on the planet.
developing countries. Animal fibres are derived from sources     Connectivity
such as sheep, goats and rabbits, and the cocoon of the         Communications in the richer part of the world by means
silkworm. Vegetable fibres are derived from the stem, leaf or    of newspapers, radio, TV, telephones are self-evident. The
seed of various plants. Close to 30 million tonnes of natural   latest technology, mobile phones, has become indispensable
fibres are produced annually in the world, of which cotton is    in the rich world. But they are even more useful in the
dominant with 20 million tonnes, wool and jute each around      developing world, where the availability of other forms
2 to 3 million tonnes followed by a number of others.           of communication—roads, postal systems or fixed-line
  Natural fibres form an important component of clothing,        phones—is often limited. Even though there is a substantial
upholstery and other textiles for consumers, and many of        subscriber growth in much of the developing world, only
them also have industrial uses in packaging, papermaking        a small proportion of people (affordability is the “biggest
and in composite materials with many uses, including            obstacle” to broader adoption) —around 5% in both India
automobiles.                                                    and sub-Saharan Africa—have their own mobile phones.
Apart from their importance to the consumer and in their        Using cell phones, fishermen and farmers check prices in
various industrial uses, natural fibres are an important         different markets before selling produce. Cell phones also
source of income for the farmers who produce them. In           help people to find work, allow quick and easy transfers
some cases they are produced on large farms in developed        of funds and boost entrepreneurship. A village can share
countries, but in many developing and least developed           phones and prepaid calling plans reduce the need for a bank
countries proceeds from the sale and export of natural fibres    account or credit check.
Grameen Bank, a pioneer in the practice of micro-credit
                                                                                   lending, has created a cell phone company to bring cell
                                                                                   phones into the villages of Bangladesh. The bank gave loans
                                                                                   to the borrowers to buy a cell phone and start selling phone
                                                                                   services. It became a growing business, especially with
                                                                                   women entrepreneurs. They never saw a telephone in their
                                                                                   life before, but they have accepted it as a business idea, and
                                                                                   more than 100,000 telephone ladies all over Bangladesh are
                                                                                   doing good business while connecting Bangladesh with the
                                                                                   rest of the world.
                                                                                     A recent study has shown that, in a typical developing
                                                                                   country, a rise of ten mobile phones per 100 people boosts
                                                                                   GDP growth by 0.6 percentage points. Mobile phones are,
            Number of People Without Electricity                                   in short, a classic example of technology that helps people
                                                      1979-2030, by region         help themselves.
                                                                                     Nevertheless, the absorption of digital technologies
                                                                                   throughout the world has not been uniform, such that the
                                                                                   concept of digital divide has emerged. The digital divide is
                                                                                   the gap between those with regular, effective access to digital
                                                                                   technologies and those who do not have that option. Also,
                                                                                   the divide refers to those who can benefit from those digital
                                                                                   technologies and those who do not. Countries with a wide
                                                                                   availability of internet access can advance the economics of
                                                                                   that country on a local and global scale. In today's society,
                                                                                   internet is becoming increasingly important influencing
                                                                                   jobs and education. In countries where the internet and
                                                                                   other technologies are not accessible, education is getting
                                                                                   affected, and uneducated people cannot compete in our

     In the sub-saharian Africa and South Asia, it is projected that people are    global economy. The digital divide is also a term used to
                            increasingly living without electricity [IEA 2002b].   refer to the gap between people who have access to the
internet (the information haves) and those that do not (the       Entrepreneurship
information have-nots). It can also refer to the skills people    Entrepreneurs are regarded as bearers of risk, agents that
have – the gap between people who are at ease using digital       bring together the factors of production, or organizers of
technology to access and analyse information and those who        innovation. Entrepreneurship is essential in developing
are not.                                                          countries, as it has played an important role in economic
  The digital divide is just as much a gap in understanding as    growth, innovation, and competitiveness, and it may also
it is a gap in connectivity. There are often clear fundamental    play a role over time in poverty alleviation.
differences between what is proposed by technology                  Over 400 million individuals in developing countries

visionaries, many of whom have never even seen a village,         are owners or managers of new firms. Of these, over 200

and what is actually needed by end-users, many of whom            million are found in China and India alone, compared with
                                                                  just 18 million entrepreneurs in the United States. Yet, in
have never used a telephone or a computer.
                                                                  one of the best general books on the state of research on
  A number of ICT initiatives offer a promise of closing the
                                                                  entrepreneurship, China is mentioned on two pages and
gap that separates the some four billion people living in rural
                                                                  India is not mentioned at all6.
communities from a future with greater literacy, productivity,
                                                                    Entrepreneurs in developing countries face a different
and quality of life. While the end goal is clear – broadband
                                                                  set of circumstances than their counterparts in developed
connectivity everywhere – many ICT initiatives have faltered
                                                                  economies. These differences are rooted in the underlying
due to a lack of a well-adapted, step-by-step approach that
                                                                  economies in which they operate. Emerging markets lack a
considers social factors and the staging of capital investments
                                                                  stable or mature market and the consistency that such markets
as well as technology.
                                                                  offer. Consequently, the opportunity for entrepreneurship in
  Wireless technology has not only revolutionized the way
                                                                  emerging markets is pervasive. While Western entrepreneurs
the developed world communicated; it also offers developing
                                                                  operate at the fringes of the economy, emerging market
countries an opportunity to “leap-frog” over wire line            entrepreneurs operate closer to the core – the needs and
infrastructures to the forefront of communications. However,      opportunities are more widespread. Another difference lies in
since many different types of wireless technologies exist, it     the access to financial resources. Internal finance comprises
is important to choose the technology that best matches the       the majority of financing for small and medium enterprises
needs of these new markets. While some wireless techniques        in most developing countries. Another major difference lies
have been very successful in urban areas, the rural ICT market    in the access to technological advances which are largely
has its own set of unique requirements, including: low-cost,      6 Amar Bhidé, The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, New York: Oxford

low-power, scalability, robustness, and ease of use.              University, 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0195131444

developed and held by developed countries.
                                                                        Entrepreneurs are a crucial link in implementing designs
                                                                      of products and services developed specifically to meet the
                                                                      needs of the BoP markets. They are the motors of economic
                                                                      growth and poverty reduction. Small, micro and medium-
                                                                      sized enterprises (SMMEs) are often the backbone of the
                                                                      private sector in the developing world, creating jobs and
                                                                      providing a tax base for local government. And frequently
                                                                      SMMEs offer the only employment available to millions of
     Focus of Base of the Pyramid Research                            poor people.
                      Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
                                                                      Design and Research
                                 Delft University of Technology
                                                                      Back in 2002, an experiment was conducted to design a
           A model for design processes for the Base of the Pyramid   product to serve rural healthcare needs of China, specifically
                                     [Prabhu Kandachar, Jan 2008].
                                                                                         diabetes mellitus. In this project, students
                                                                                         and staff of the Faculty of Industrial
                                                                                         Design Engineering collaborated with
                                                                                         staff from a Multinational Corporation.
                                                                                         Almost at the same time the first paper
                                                                                         expounding the Base of the Pyramid
                                                                                         strategy by Prahalad & Hart appeared,
                                                                                         promising fortune for entrepreneurs and
                                                                                         at the same time offering perspectives
                                                                                         for the poor world7 majority to escape
                                                                                         from poverty.
                                                                                            Needs of human beings are the
                                                                                         central driving force uniting technology
                                                                                         and business, resulting in products
                                                                                         and services. By tradition Delft has
                                                                                         7 Strategy + Business, Issue 26,
                                                                                         pdf/bottompyramid.pdf, first quarter 2002.

propagated the practise of designing products and services
to meet human needs.
  Even though it is set up in an engineering environment,
such an activity needs an integrative approach from several
sciences: technical, social, management sciences, and
working together with entrepreneurs. Although several earlier
activities at Delft had been carried out in poor countries,
they were almost always within the context of developmental
assistance. The Base of the Pyramid strategy has stimulated
this Faculty to look also at the needs of the underserved,
which represent a huge market and was hitherto unattended.
It provides an opportunity to apply the well tried out model
at Delft (see figure at the left) for poor countries, but this
time within the context of alleviating poverty by means of
business endeavours.

Photo: Ilona de Jongh

Kids swimming
and playing in
flooded roads
Jakarta, Indonesia

Insect Repellent Lamp
           €        Company

                    Philips Consumer Lifestyle
                                                      Graduation date

                                                      December 8, 2008
                                                                                for the Indian Market
                                                                                Inge van de Wouw
                                                                                Insect bites are an unpleasant fact of life in most parts of
                                                                                the world. In addition to severe nuisance, mosquitoes can
                                                                                also spread diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Filariasis,
Two user researches in India (48 families in 2.5 months) provided very useful   Japanese Encephalitis and Chikungunya. Malaria alone
           insights for the improvement and further development of the IRL.
                                                                                causes an estimated 1.3 million deaths and 400 million
                                                                                cases worldwide, and around 20,000 deaths and 15 million
                                                                                cases in India, each year.

                                                                                Liquid repellent
                                                                                Philips Research Asia in Bangalore has developed the initial
                                                                                product idea of an Insect Repellent Lamp (IRL) to provide
                                                                                insect free environments for families in the Middle & Base
                                                                                of the Pyramid of both urban and rural India. The proposed
                                                                                lamp integrates an insect repellent ability with the normal
                                                                                household light bulb, by using the waste-heat dissipated by
                                                                                the lighting device to vaporize the liquid based mosquito
                                                                                repellent. The aim of this project was to assess if, and how,
                                                                                the idea could really become a successful and profitable
                                                                                product for Philips.
                                                                                  The project started with a thorough analysis phase in the
                                                                                Netherlands to explore the mosquito problem, current insect
                                                                                repellents in India and the target group. Also the working
                                                                                principle and characteristics of the Insect Repellent Lamp
                                                                                were investigated and effectiveness tests were done. After
                                                                                the analysis phase a field test was conducted in India with
                                                                                the initial Philips prototype and two competitive IRLs. In
                                                                                India, insights were gained on the magnitude of the insect
                                                                                problem, current use of insect repellents, expenditure,
                                                                                preferences regarding the three IRLs, local culture and
                                                                                traditions, the actual target group and the context of use.


CFL & portability
With the obtained information, several suggestions for
improvements were given. First of all, a compact fluorescent
lamp (CFL) should be used as light source instead of a light
bulb. Regarding the repellent, it should be vaporized at the
correct temperature of the wick and bottled liquids should
be used. The lamp itself should provide more flexibility; the
hanging type of lamp should be changed into a portable
lamp. Lastly, instead of only in the evening, people should
also be able to use the repellent at night together with a
night light.
  The input from the field test was translated into a redesign
of the IRL. The redesign of the IRL is portable with 3m of
wire, uses a 14W CFL and bottled liquids, has two switches
to use the lamp and repellent separately or together (day,
evening and night mode) and has an additional blue night
light that is lit together with the repellent. A preliminary
cost price estimation showed that a selling price of Rs. 500
                                                                         Two switches
(€7.50) can be possible.                                                 make it possible
                                                                         to use the lamp
First reactions                                                          and repellent
With the manufactured 13 prototypes a second field test                   separately or
was conducted in India. The response of the target group                 together (day,
                                                                         evening and night
on the improved IRL was very positive and it seemed that
                                                                         mode).The blue
the insect repellent functionalities, the energy saving lamp,            night light that
the portability and the two switches (different modes                    is lit when the
                                                                         repellent is active.
possible) provided very useful benefits for them.
  Currently, different departments of Philips have shown
interest in the IRL and possibilities are explored to bring the
product to the market.

IndiaMoves; exploratory
           €         Company
                     Movendi Foundation
                                                       Graduation date
                                                                                 research study
                                                                                 Aparna Bhaskar
                                                                                 Movendi foundation strives to improve the quality of life for
 Cooka et al: A product-service system (PSS), also known as a function-
                                                                                 physically disabled people. The foundation’s primary focus
 oriented business model, is a business model, developed in academia,
                                                                                 is on developing countries and communities with a great
 that is aimed at providing sustainability of both consumption and
                                                                                 need for expertise in the field of movement technology and
                                                                                 physical therapy. The goals are achieved through start-ups
 1. M.B. Cooka, T.A. Bhamrab and M. Lemonc (2006). “The transfer and             and coaching projects using local knowledge and skills to
 application of Product Service Systems: from academia to UK manu-               arrive at creative solutions for different problems faced by
 facturing firms”. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier Ltd) 14 (17):          the physically disabled. Movendi is also involved in setting
 1455–1465. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.01.018.                                   up rehabilitation workshops and training of local therapists
                                                                                 and technicians.

                                                                                 Movendi has previously worked in a business development
                                                                                 project for disabled people in Ghana. The project aimed to
                                                                                 improve the lives of the disabled by providing them with a
                                                                                 means to support themselves, see page 92. Four students
                                                                                 investigated the business opportunities for the disabled
                                                                                 and they came up with a hand-driven tricycle with which
                                                                                 the disabled could sell ice-cream on the streets of Madina-
                                                                                 Accra. The tricycles were manufactured at a local workshop,
                                                                                 MAK-D, which profited as well from the business by selling
                                                                                 tricycles, the ice-cream was supplied by Fanmilk, Ghana’s
                                                                                 largest dairy producer and the disabled were able to obtain
                                                                                 a small credit (micro-credit) from a local bank at a very
                                                                                 reasonable interest rate. For more detailed information a
                                                                                 summary of the project is enclosed. Taking GhanaMoves as
                                                                                 a starting point and as an inspiration, seeing the benefits it
 Concept areas; a market analysis of these individual concept areas and new      generated for disabled persons, Movendi wished to initiate
  business opportunities and product service systems for self employment of      a similar venture in India. This project is an exploratory first
                    rural disabled within these areas are part of the results.
                                                                                 step in that direction, identifying strategies and business

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  • 1. Designing for Emerging Markets Design of Products and Services Industrial Design Engineering
  • 2. Designing for Emerging Markets Design of Products and Services Edited by Prabhu Kandachar Ilona de Jongh Jan Carel Diehl
  • 3. Colophon Printed on recycled paper Editors: Prabhu Kandachar, Ilona de Jongh and Jan Carel Diehl Cover design: Ilona de Jongh Designing for Emerging Markets, Design of Products and Services IDE Master’s Projects - 3 Edition March 2009 ISBN 978-90-5155-052-8 © 2009 Delft University of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information storage and retrieval system without explicit written permission from the authors. Delft University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Landbergstraat 15 2628 CE DELFT Phone +31 (0) 15 278 3034 Fax +31 (0) 15 278 1839 E-mail 3
  • 4. Project Focus Education Each project in this booklet is performed with thought for all three pillars of responsible business: People, Planet and Profit. Sometimes however, a more nuanced focus is distinguished. This distincton is indicated for each project Health on the upper left side of the page, using the following symbols. People Food & Nutrition Planet Water € Profit Energy Legend Housing On the right side of the pages with project summaries, the specific domain(s) of the project are indicated with use of icons. On the right side of this page all icons are shown with the correspding domain in words. This can be used as a Materials reference throughout this book, or as a search tool for cases in a specific domain. € Company Kamworks Graduation date December 14, 2007 Mobile Solar Kiosk for Micro-Entrepeneurs Connectivity Miriam Reitenbach Despite recent progress, the Cambodian economy still technical requirements. application of glass fibre reinforced plastic an attractive and has to reconstitute from the effects of the civil war. The Interviews with potential customers of the solar products eye-catching form of the carrier could be achieved. population often lacks education and productive skills, revealed that Cambodians were not yet familiar with solar In the context of a holistic approach this project did not which leads to a high unemployment rate, especially in energy in general and that the way of communicating and only focus on the design and construction of the kiosk, but the countryside. About 40% of the population lives below explaining products forms a major criterion for the success also presented recommendations on how to communicate poverty line and has to live of less than 1$ per day. As of the sales results. to the local customers in an effective and adequate way, 90% of the Cambodian population does not have access The outcomes of this research were translated into a final such as a LED display and posters explaining the benefits to a secure electricity infrastructure, economic and social concept that was refined by means of iteratively building and and cost savings of solar products. Additionally, a new Designing & Tools progress are slowed down as well. testing the prototype to guarantee not only the technical bilingual brand name and logo was created that made it These circumstances set the framework of Kamworks’ feasibility of the mobile store, but also acceptance among possible to communicate with Khmer customers as well as business idea: securing sophisticated energy and light the future users - the micro-entrepreneurs. Western stakeholders and contributes to a quality image of supply and creating new jobs for young Cambodians. As the mobile solar kiosk. Biking without pedaling the country receives approximately five full sun hours each The final design was a three-wheeled electric bicycle that Local Production and maintenance day, solar energy is one of the promising technologies. The can be recharged by solar energy. By making use of this When designing the mobile kiosk, only locally available objective of this graduation project was the design and renewable energy technology and being remarkably lighter materials and production techniques were considered in development of a mobile solar kiosk for Cambodian micro- than existing mobile stores, this vehicle is less polluting than order to generate local income, as local manufacturing was entrepreneurs, enabling the setup of a self-sustaining traditional motorised stores and can contribute to promote one of the greatest requirements for the design. These business by distributing solar products to the rural area of sustainable energy in an effective way. User tests showed manufacturing experts of the kiosk would also be able to Cambodia, in continuation of the intensive collaboration that an electric bike caught the attention of the customer take care of the maintenance and reparations, keeping all between Kamworks and Delft University of Technology, see immediately as most rural people never saw someone the work and the money local. In order to get an understanding on how the anticipated customer reacted page 116 . € on the mobile store, the Cambodian translator was asked to drive around driving on a bike without pedalling before. the rural areas to obtain feedback. In the first place he acted as micro- Extreme road conditions In order to cope with the bad road conditions a new Entrepreneurship entrepreneur who sells products, consequently he interviewed the potential Through intense user and context research in Cambodia, suspension system was developed that can damp the customers. technical and usability criteria were defined, as well as wheels individually which makes it much easier to drive and social and cultural influences. These formed the framework steer the vehicle, even on bumpy and unpaved roads. of this project. The first constraint was the underdeveloped In the front part of this mobile solar kiosk a yellow carrier road network and the extremely bad road conditions. Also, is mounted that serves not only to transport the solar with heavy rain seasons from May until October the road € products, but also as a store front when the lid is opened. conditions get even worse which poses a challenge to the Due to the, for the local context, innovative material The bilingual logo on the side of the glass fibre reinforced carrier. 56 57 4
  • 7. The number of student projects at the Faculty of Industrial Preface Design Engineering relevant to the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) has increased enormously since 2002, when the course “Advanced Products” for Master’s students started a small experiment with projects focused on developing countires was started. The increase of projects is due to several reasons. Firstly, students of our Faculty have shown great interest and enthusiasm to design products and services to meet the needs of the citizens of the BoP. Secondly, the concept of BoP has attracted the attention of many Dutch and European entrepreneurs, leading to several assignments for Base of the Pyramid projects executed all over the world by students from our students, often in collaboration with people living at the Delft University of Technology, in the time period between 2004 and 2009. economic BoP. Thirdly, the supervising staff of our Faculty is equally active in supporting such initiatives. And lastly, more and more Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), both in the Netherlands and in some BoP countries, have been opening up their doors to such trials. But what is this BoP? Base of the Pyramid (or Bottom of the Pyramid, as it is sometimes termed) refers to the 4-billion plus poor mostly in non-western countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, living on incomes less than $32601 per year. Some parts of these geographical regions, such as China, India, Brazil, Russia, have markets experiencing phenomenal economic growth not unnoticed 1 Monica Touesnard, 7
  • 8. by the affluent west. Millennium Development Goals Preface Although the BoP strategy to serve the underserved, The extensive response to these ideas is likely due to the namely the poor in developing countries, has attracted the limited success of developmental assistance to alleviate attention of scientists and entrepreneurs worldwide, the poverty in the past 50 years. For more than 50 years, the scientific publications in this area until now are often from World Bank, donor nations, various aid agencies, national management sciences, often extending the concepts of governments, and civil society organizations have all fought corporate social responsibility, sustainability, etc. the good fight, but have not been able to eradicate poverty The uniqueness of our Faculty of Industrial Design yet. The adoption of the Millennium Development Goals Engineering lies in its human centered approach. Needs are (MDG) by the United Nations only underscores that reality. the central driving force uniting technology and business. Poverty has remained one of the world’s most daunting By tradition our Faculty has propagated the practice of problems even as we enter the 21st Century. Prahalad designing products and services to meet the human needs. advocates an alternative approach to help the poor. The BoP strategy has stimulated us to look also at the needs Science Spread over the World of the underserved, which represent a huge market and The projects described in this book are a result of several was hitherto unattended. students, entrepreneurs and academic staff stimulated by The foundation for the BoP strategy was laid by Prahalad this strategy. The BoP concept is spreading to all parts of the & Hart2, in their publication published in the first quarter world, both within the rich and in the poor countries. This of 2002, promising fortune for entrepreneurs and at the is also reflected by the geographical spread of the projects same time offering perspectives to the poor world majority executed at our Faculty, as can be seen in the picture on to escape from the poverty. This caught public attention the opposite page. and unleashed an extensive response from academics, It can also be observed that the projects cover very businesses, NGOs and others. Prahalad’s book3 delves in diverse needs, from Water to Energy, from Healthcare to depth by proposing a framework for the active engagement Education, and more. These projects could not have been of the private sector and suggesting a basis for a profitable executed without the involvement of students, companies, win-win engagement. This vision of untapped great wealth NGOs, and professors. Together they have set up a base in the world waiting to be explored & exploited by human to develop a new knowledge domain full of challenges and ingenuity, by designing products and services to meet the opportunities. Thank you all! needs of the world’s poor, and then efficiently manufacturing & distributing by the capabilities of the modern corporation, Prahalad contends, needs innovations. 2 The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Strategy+business, Prabhu Kandachar issue 26, First quarter 2002, p. 1- 14 (Booz Allen Hamiliton) Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering 3 The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Delft University of Technology Through Profits, ISBN-10: 0-13-146750-6; ISBN-13: 978-0-13- 146750-7 (Published 2004) Pages: 432. March 2009 8
  • 9. Project Focus 2 Table of Contents Preface 6 Introduction Prabhu Kandachar Challenges for Industrial Designers 10 Student Projects Inge van de Wouw Dec 8, 08 Lamp with insect repellent 26 Aparna Bhasker 2009 India Moves: Economic Empowerment of Rural Disabled 28 Ambika Samabasivan Oct 30, 08 Global Opportunities in Renewable Lighting 30 Lieke Pijpers Oct 24, 08 PRO-PORTION Affordable milk for kids 32 Sierk Hennes Sep 23, 08 Design a PSS for drinking water 34 Kirsten Rijke Aug 26, 08 Solar shop in rural Cambodia 38 Tom van Diessen Aug 22, 08 Solar Home System for rural Cambodia 40 Linda Schnieders Jul 28, 08 Redesign of a Smoke free Batana Extractor 42 Lumen Jun, 08 LUMEN light solution 44 Judith Goor Apr 04, 08 A battery charging system for youngsters 46 Jan Willem Findlater Feb 8, 08 Culturally appropriate coffins for Botswana 50 Water4Kenya Feb, 08 Water4Kenya 52 Alexander van der Kleij Feb 1, 08 Comparing Contexts; Solar Dew Technology 54 Miriam Reitenbach Dec 14, 07 Mobile Solar Kiosk for Micro-Entrepeneurs 56 Koos Munneke Oct 24, 07 Better Brace Project 58 Bernard Hulshof Oct 19, 07 Affordable Solar Lighting for rural Madagascar 62 Rutger Bonsel Oct 12, 07 Holy Cow or Cash Cow 64 Hoi-Kee Wong Aug 8, 07 Cooking in rural China 66 Fire4India May, 07 Fire4India 68 Yu-Kuan Chang Nov 27, 06 Knowledge Gaps in Product Development 70 Culture & Design Annemiek van Boeijen Design & culture in the BoP Domain 74 Annemarie Mink Nov 10, 06 Reeling Machine for Silk Yarn Producers 78 Marion de Groot Sep 21, 06 Support Tool for the Chinese Village Doctor 80 Cathelijne Huis in ‘t Veld Aug 31, 06 Design of a Malaria Diagnostics Device 82 Roelie Bottema Aug 4, 06 Personal Water Purifier 84 Mijntje de Caluwé Jul 29, 06 Knowledge Framework: Design4Billions 86 9
  • 10. Elselien Epema Jul 7, 06 Product Service System for Plant Oil Stove 90 Table of Contents GhanaMoves Jul-06 Tricycle for Disabled Entrepreneurs 92 Willem Glasbergen Jun 21, 06 Human Powered Bamboo Splitting Tool 94 Marike Bijtelaar Jun 16, 06 Improving the Climate of Cooking Areas 96 Maria Nguyen Apr 28, 06 Safe Drinking Water 98 Leonie Ideler Apr 4, 06 Adoptable Woodstove 102 Fernando Del Caro Secomandi Apr, 06 Water Supply in Slums:P.I.P.A. System 104 Jon Rodriguez Feb 3, 06 Contextualizing Products 106 Cale Thompson Sep 14, 06 Online Microfinance: into(context) 108 Jonathan Stranders Dec 23, 05 Creating Market Insight for Designers 110 Suzanne Hendrikse Nov 11, 05 Device for Early Oral Cancer Detection 114 Stephen Boom Oct 28, 05 Solar Lighting 116 Roseliek van der Velden Oct 21, 05 Adoptability of the U-Specs 118 Joan Boekhoven Oct 18, 05 Natural Fibres in Doors and Windows 120 H.S. Smallenbroek 2004 Small scale cassava starch processing 122 Epilogue J.C.Diehl The first learning experiences of Design for the BoP 126 Acknowledgements 130 About the Editors 131 Photos P.I.P.A. system Brazil Fernando Del Caro Secomandi Cover Rice Fiels near Culik Bali, Indonesia Jimmy Ho 4 Kids swimming and playing Jakarta, Indonesia Ilona de Jongh 24 Girl Java, Indonesia Mirjam Lindgreen 36 Man Fishing on Citarum River Java, Indonesia Kees van Gastel 48 Man and horse at work Java, Indonesia Mirjam Lindgreen 60 Market for Holi Colours India Prabhu Kandachar 72 Boats Cambodia Stephen Boom 76 Girl Getting Water in Favela Rio de Janeiro Ferry 88 Girls in Favelas Rio de Janeiro Linda Schnieders 100 Man at Home Chongming Island Jaap Daalhuizen 112 Toilet in a Rural Village Chongming Island Jaap Daalhuizen 124 10
  • 11. Introduction Challenges for Industrial Design Engineers Prabhu Kandachar About two thirds of the world’s population of 6 billion people spend their lives searching for food and shelter, fighting for physical survival, and fearing for the future. These are the individuals who earn less than three dollars per day: the people living at the economical Base of the Pyramid (BoP). This does not go unnoticed. Global poverty, its extent and distribution, is of daily news screaming for the attention of all world citizens. The challenge at world level is enormous. In Africa alone, poverty and hunger, unemployment, disease, malnutrition, lack of shelter, gender inequity and environmental deterioration are some of the main challenges in addressing poverty. Millennium Development Goals Millennium Development Goals Eight Millennium Development Goals, to be achieved in 2015. The developments in the last century have attracted the Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty attention of world leaders. At the Millennium Summit in and hunger September 2000 the largest gathering of world leaders in Goal 2: Achieve universal primary history adopted the UN Millennium Declaration, committing education their nations to a new global partnership to reduce extreme Goal 3: Promote gender equality poverty and set out a series of targets with a deadline and empower women of 2015, which have become known as the Millennium Development Goals1. The image on the left shows the eight Goal 4: Reduce child mortality goals. Goal 5: Improve maternal health The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the world’s time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases poverty in its many dimensions - income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter, and exclusion - while Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability promoting gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability. Also included are basic human rights - the Goal 8: Develop a Global right of each person on the planet to health, shelter, and Partnership for Development 1 11
  • 12. Introduction security and there are specific aims at combating child beyond the immediate horizon and opportunities, and for mortality, AIDS, Malaria and other diseases. having a voice in public decision making. A sustainable The MDGs are an agreed set of goals that can only be end to world poverty as we know it, as well as the path to achieved if all actors work together and do their part. Poor peace and security, requires that citizens in every country countries have pledged to govern better, and invest in their are empowered to make positive choices and provide for people through health care and education. Rich countries themselves and their families. This can only be achieved have pledged to support them, through aid, debt relief, and if everyone is given a chance to learn in a high-quality fairer trade. schooling environment at least through primary school. As an institution which is an expert in designing products At a country level, education is considered to be an and services to meet human needs, it could be that some important determinant of economic growth and is frequently of the needs of the population at the Base of the Pyramid hailed as one of the primary contributing factors to the are addressable by the expertise available at the Faculty dramatic economic growth in East Asia. Individuals with a of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of strong educational attainment also have good earnings. A Technology. Most problems can be grouped in the domains greater access to good quality education is a key poverty- of education, healthcare, food & nutrition, water, energy, reduction strategy advocated throughout the developing world. housing, materials, connectivity, designing & tools, and More and more children, youth and adults have a entrepreneurship. Each of these domains will be discussed, chance to learn and the number of children in school giving an overview of the needs and problems. The rest continues to grow. Today 680 million children are enrolled of the book presents student projects that aim at solving in primary schools around the world. Yet, a lot more still problems within one or more of these domains, with needs to be done. More than 100 million children, over two different chapters: on page 74, an insight is giving half of them girls, never get a chance to see the inside on “design and culture at the BoP”, and the epilogue on of a classroom. Furthermore, the poor quality of education page 126 reflects on the student projects and draws some provided, resulting from irrelevant and obsolete curricula, preliminary conclusions about the lessons learned. overcrowded classrooms, untrained teachers, etc., causes Education high incompletion rates. An essential ingredient for the full realization of human Literacy empowers and nurtures inclusive societies and capacity, education is considered to provide everyone the contributes to the fair implementation of human rights. In opportunity to make a better life for themselves. Education the case of mothers, literacy leads to an enhanced quality provides the basis for making informed choices, for seeing of life for their families and improved education outcomes 12
  • 13. for their children. Parents’ education, and particularly mothers’ education, is seen to result in lower fertility, lower maternal mortality, and better child health and nutrition status. It is also suggested that individuals with at least World Income Distribution 2000 some education respond better to HIV/AIDS prevention messages. Nevertheless literacy remains a low priority for national governments and the donor community. Worldwide, 781 million adults are illiterate (as of April 2006) and about 100 million children are out of school. A large number of those who enrol drop out before attaining literacy skills and some of those who complete primary education remain illiterate. Literacy is an indispensable means for effective social and economic participation, contributing to human development and poverty reduction. Goal 2 of the Millennium Development Goals has set out by the year 2015 to ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in and for education is rapidly expanding in many countries, and is now seen worldwide as both a necessity and an opportunity. In different countries policies and strategies to integrate information and communication technologies in education are being developed. While ICT use in education in developing countries is relatively recent, it has nevertheless made an impact on the education system. It has generated a wealth of experience, good practices and lessons for the benefit of countries where ICT application and integration in education are being established2. 2 Everyone knows the resources in the world are not divided evenly over the entire population. This inequal distribution of money and power needs action. 13
  • 14. Healthcare the challenge of providing access to sustainable healthcare Differences in health standards between rich & poor in developing countries. Money is the single biggest barrier countries are very high. Life expectancy varies between to improving healthcare in the developing world. In many 36 and 85 years. A child born in a rich country receives countries people do not have enough food or access to a vaccinations, adequate nutrition and good schooling. When clean water supply, no hospital or clinic in which to receive a girl becomes a mother she will benefit from high-quality treatment and few healthcare professionals to care for them. maternity care. Growing older, she may eventually develop Often the governments of these countries simply do not chronic diseases, but excellent treatment and rehabilitation have the resources needed to address the healthcare needs services will be available. On the other hand, a child born in of their people. The World Bank estimates that an annual a poor country has little chance of receiving immunizations healthcare expenditure of $14 per person is the minimum and a high probability of being underweight throughout needed to provide the most fundamental services. Yet the childhood. She will probably marry early and give birth average expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa, for example, is to many children without the assistance of a trained birth currently only $63. attendant. One or more of her babies will die in infancy, and Food and Nutrition she herself will be at high risk of death during childbirth. Food security and insecurity are terms used to describe If she survives middle age she, too, will develop chronic people’s access to sufficient quality and quantity of food. diseases but, without access to adequate treatment, she will They are affected by factors such as poverty, health, food die prematurely. production, political stability, infrastructure, access to markets, This illustrates what medicine and public health can and natural hazards. Improved food security is important for achieve, and shows unmet needs in a world of vast and global reduction of hunger and poverty, and for economic growing health inequalities. The key task of the global development. One aim of the Millennium Development health community is therefore to close the gap between Goals (MDG) is to eradicate poverty and hunger, including such contrasting lives. Real progress in health depends “to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from vitally on stronger health systems based on primary health hunger” between 1990 and 2015. However, by 2003 the care. Attention is needed across all levels of the health care proportion of world population that was undernourished system to integrate health promotion and disease prevention had only decreased from 20% to 17% (823 to 820 million on the one hand and treatment for acute illness and chronic people). It is predicted that many regions will not reach care on the other. their MDG targets, particularly sub-Saharan Africa where Experiences from past decades, fighting against diseases a third of the population is food insecure and there is an across the world, show that there are no easy solutions to 3 The World Health Report 2006, 14
  • 15. actual increase (through population growth) in the number of hungry people. Southern Asia is also not expected to meet its goal, with increasing numbers of undernourished people in countries such as Bangladesh and Nepal. The factors affecting this problem include: (1) availability of food, or the amount of food that actually exists (local production and other sources) (2) people’s physical, economic and social access to food (3) the quality or nutritional adequacy of that food; and (4) people’s ability to utilize this food, including the patterns of control over who eats what and the physical ability to absorb nutrients (affected by health status factors such as intestinal parasites). Malnutrition, a widespread problem, is caused by deficiencies or imbalances in energy, protein and/or other nutrients. Signs include wasting (thinness), stunting Shortage of Health Service Providers (shortness), or being underweight (low weight for age due to wasting/stunting). Protein-energy deficiency is a leading cause of child death in developing countries. Deficiencies in micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) can also affect mental and physical health. Micronutrient malnutrition is a major global public health problem affecting more than a third of the world population. Consequences of this malnutrition are widespread and severe. For example iron deficiency anaemia remains a major health problem and can negatively impact on health, life expectancy, work productivity and economies. It has been estimated that iron deficiency impairs the mental development of 40 to 60% of children in developing countries. Also, vitamin A deficiency Countries with a critical shortage of health service providers (doctors, nurses and midwives) are coloured dark. [World Health Organization, Global Atlas of affects 40% of children, and is a factor in 1 million child the Health Workforce] deaths per year. Thirdly, iodine deficiency during pregnancy 15
  • 16. causes mental impairment in 18 million babies born every Households (%) That Lack year. Several strategies have been proposed to address In-House Improved these problems. They include food fortification, dietary Connection to Drinking Improved diversification, dietary supplementation, nutrition education, Water Water Sanitation and public health measures to control intestinal parasites China 41 23 56 and other infectious diseases. Also, when people do have Russia 19 4 13 access to food, more efficient and healthy food preparation Mexico 11 9 23 methods and tools can address the problem of unhealthy Colombia 15 8 14 preparation. Peru 28 19 28 Water In China two-fifth of the households lack an in-house connection to water, The most common substance on earth is water. Ninety- almost a quarter lacks improved drinking water and more than half of all seven percent of it is seawater, unfit for human use. Of Chinese lack improved sanitation [United Nations Habitat]. the remaining 3%, two-thirds is locked up in glaciers or ice and snow around the poles. Only 1% of the entire world’s water is available for human consumption. Even this small percentage should be enough for all, water being infinitely renewable. However, water is not distributed evenly. Canada, The Global Water Challenge Austria and Ireland, have more water than they can possibly use; Australia, northern China and the Middle East, have too little. In India and Bangladesh, rainfall is highly seasonal: almost all the year's supply may arrive within a few months. Water is also heavy, which makes it costly to transport over long distances. In many countries, millions of poor people (usually women) must walk for several hours a day to get water; or they pay exorbitant prices to private water vendors. And often water quality is poor. Inadequate sanitation makes matters worse. As much as 60% of the world's illness is water-related. Water shortage is expected all over the world In developing countries, less than 10% of the naturally available water in the coming 20 years as shown in the figure on the right4. is withdrawn [Adapted from Grey and Sadoff, 2006, The Global Water 4 Water Scenarios in 2025, WBCSD, August 2006, Challenge]. 16
  • 17. One of the millennium targets requires that an additional 1.5 billion people gain access to some form of improved water supply by 2015, which is 100 million people each year (or 274,000 people each day). Energy Energy is required for most of the human activities. In 2003, no less than 80% of the world's energy consumption came from fossil fuels. The extensive use of energy technologies, especially when utilizing fossil energy resources, has also generated undesirable by-products, wastes and pollution Worldwide Energy Consumption that threaten human health, climate and ecosystems. The extraction, conversion to useful energy (such as electricity for a home or gasoline for a car), and combustion of fuels like oil, coal, natural gas, etc, releases into the atmosphere approximately 80% of human-induced (termed anthropogenic) greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental consequences are causing concern firstly from the reliance on natural resources, and secondly from the damage to global, regional, and local environments from emissions. The global requirements for energy are increasing rapidly as the global population increases and the under-developed nations become more advanced. Nearly two billion people in our world of rapidly approaching six billion people currently do not have access to commercial energy services. Understanding and assisting in putting to use the laws of nature for the transition towards a sustainable energy system is the fundamental challenge of today’s and tomorrow’s scientists & engineers. One of the greatest challenges ahead Prognosis after 2000 assumes a global economic growth of 3% and a global population of 9 billion people by 2050 [Deutsche Shell, is to connect the 1.6 billion people in developing countries international/spiegel/0,1518,grossbild-685811-429968,00.html]. currently without access to modern energy services in an 17
  • 18. environmentally benign manner. Other challenges include the Housing and Urbanization ongoing urbanization throughout the world creating higher Some 1.2 billion people worldwide live on the equivalent and higher energy demand densities, increasing demand for of less than one dollar per day. The United Nations Centre mobility, especially in developing countries, and additional for Human Settlements (UNCHS) has estimated that 1.1 energy needs for new processes such as desalination. billion people are living in inadequate housing conditions in Clearly, meeting such a challenge requires a proactive & a urban areas alone, and that figure is expected to double by co-operative contribution from all involved. 2030. UNCHS has also estimated that some approximately In Africa, for instance, overcoming energy poverty is one of 35 million new housing units are required each year in the main challenges. The majority of Africans currently have developing countries to accommodate growth in the number no access to modern energy services and technologies. of households during the period between 2000 and 2010 This has wide-ranging social and environmental period. The bulk of these, some 21 million units, are required consequences. Lack of access to electricity means no to cater for the needs of the increasing number of households. refrigeration for medicines or food, limits on what type of The rest is needed to meet the requirements of people who businesses can be developed, as well as no effective lighting. are currently homeless or living in inadequate housing. In As a result, children cannot easily study in the evenings. other words, some 95,000 new urban housing units have to Most Africans, even in urban areas, still use firewood, crop be constructed each day in developing countries to improve residues or charcoal for cooking and cook on inefficient housing conditions to acceptable levels. Some 14 million stoves, resulting in a high incidence of respiratory diseases additional units would be required each year for the next because of smoke. Many women and girls have to spend 20 years if the current housing deficit were to be replaced hours collecting firewood, and cutting trees contributes to by 2020. Among an estimated 100 million homeless people deforestation. around the world, available data suggest that increasing There are also opportunities. A recent study5, by the proportions are women and children. German Aerospace Center and Ecofys in The Netherlands, But the main event of the demographic change is in the commissioned by Greenpeace and Europe's Renewable cities of the developing world — and most of it in squatter Energy Council. claims that half of the world's energy needs cities, the teeming slums of the uninvited. A billion people in 2050 could be met by renewable energy and by improved live in squatter cities now. Two billion more are expected by efficiency. According to this study, alternative energy sources, 2050. Squatters are nearly one-sixth of all humans now, one- such as wind and solar, could provide nearly 70% of the fourth to one-third in the nearby future. global electricity demand and 65% of global heat demand. Historically, cities have been the driving force in economic and social development. At present approximately 307 million 5 Report: Energy Revolution, Jan 2007 18
  • 19. Indians (31% of the population) live in nearly 3700 towns and cities spread across the country. This is in sharp contrast to only 60 million (15%) who lived in urban areas in 1947 when the country became independent. During the last fifty years the population of India has grown two and half times, but Urban India has grown by nearly five times. In numerical terms, India's urban population is second largest in the world after China, and is higher than the total urban population of all countries put together barring China, USA and Russia. Facilities in houses are also of big challenge. Less than 20% of households in Africa are connected to piped water, and only 40% have piped water within 200 meters of their home. In the developing world, 29% of cities have areas considered as "inaccessible" or "dangerous" to the police. In Latin America and the Caribbean, this figure is 48%. Less than 35% of cities in the developing world have their wastewater treated. In countries with economies in transition, 75% of solid wastes are disposed of in open dumps. Housing problems have far-reaching consequences. The high cost of housing leaves low-income families little money for other basic necessities like food, clothing or health care. Substandard housing can endanger the health and safety of its occupants, erode their hope and self-worth, and impair their children's ability to succeed in school. Materials and Resources Developing countries are concerned with promoting technological advancement as a means of economic development, which in turn contributes to social development. Raw materials and local resources provide basic building blocks for such developments. Developed countries are much 19
  • 20. further in application of material and resources by means contribute significantly to the income and food security of industrial production wherein energy and raw materials of poor farmers and workers in fibre industries. For some are fed continuously into the production process, resulting developing countries natural fibres are of major economic in useful products as well as waste or other by-products. importance, for example, cotton in some West African Increasing concern worldwide for environmental protection countries, jute in Bangladesh and sisal in Tanzania. In other and growing economical constraints have led to development cases these fibres are of less significance at the national level and utilization of new materials based on renewable but are of major local importance, as in the case of jute in resources such as natural fibres and plant materials, as well West Bengal (India) and sisal in northeast Brazil. as recycling of industrial by-products. Challenges in this area include attaining economic growth Developing countries have often abundant local renewable by designing and commercializing products based on such materials and basic expertise. For instance natural fibres local renewable natural resources without raising the produced from animals or plants are plentifully available in ecological pressure on the planet. developing countries. Animal fibres are derived from sources Connectivity such as sheep, goats and rabbits, and the cocoon of the Communications in the richer part of the world by means silkworm. Vegetable fibres are derived from the stem, leaf or of newspapers, radio, TV, telephones are self-evident. The seed of various plants. Close to 30 million tonnes of natural latest technology, mobile phones, has become indispensable fibres are produced annually in the world, of which cotton is in the rich world. But they are even more useful in the dominant with 20 million tonnes, wool and jute each around developing world, where the availability of other forms 2 to 3 million tonnes followed by a number of others. of communication—roads, postal systems or fixed-line Natural fibres form an important component of clothing, phones—is often limited. Even though there is a substantial upholstery and other textiles for consumers, and many of subscriber growth in much of the developing world, only them also have industrial uses in packaging, papermaking a small proportion of people (affordability is the “biggest and in composite materials with many uses, including obstacle” to broader adoption) —around 5% in both India automobiles. and sub-Saharan Africa—have their own mobile phones. Apart from their importance to the consumer and in their Using cell phones, fishermen and farmers check prices in various industrial uses, natural fibres are an important different markets before selling produce. Cell phones also source of income for the farmers who produce them. In help people to find work, allow quick and easy transfers some cases they are produced on large farms in developed of funds and boost entrepreneurship. A village can share countries, but in many developing and least developed phones and prepaid calling plans reduce the need for a bank countries proceeds from the sale and export of natural fibres account or credit check. 20
  • 21. Grameen Bank, a pioneer in the practice of micro-credit lending, has created a cell phone company to bring cell phones into the villages of Bangladesh. The bank gave loans to the borrowers to buy a cell phone and start selling phone services. It became a growing business, especially with women entrepreneurs. They never saw a telephone in their life before, but they have accepted it as a business idea, and more than 100,000 telephone ladies all over Bangladesh are doing good business while connecting Bangladesh with the rest of the world. A recent study has shown that, in a typical developing country, a rise of ten mobile phones per 100 people boosts GDP growth by 0.6 percentage points. Mobile phones are, Number of People Without Electricity in short, a classic example of technology that helps people 1979-2030, by region help themselves. Nevertheless, the absorption of digital technologies throughout the world has not been uniform, such that the concept of digital divide has emerged. The digital divide is the gap between those with regular, effective access to digital technologies and those who do not have that option. Also, the divide refers to those who can benefit from those digital technologies and those who do not. Countries with a wide availability of internet access can advance the economics of that country on a local and global scale. In today's society, internet is becoming increasingly important influencing jobs and education. In countries where the internet and other technologies are not accessible, education is getting affected, and uneducated people cannot compete in our In the sub-saharian Africa and South Asia, it is projected that people are global economy. The digital divide is also a term used to increasingly living without electricity [IEA 2002b]. refer to the gap between people who have access to the 21
  • 22. internet (the information haves) and those that do not (the Entrepreneurship information have-nots). It can also refer to the skills people Entrepreneurs are regarded as bearers of risk, agents that have – the gap between people who are at ease using digital bring together the factors of production, or organizers of technology to access and analyse information and those who innovation. Entrepreneurship is essential in developing are not. countries, as it has played an important role in economic The digital divide is just as much a gap in understanding as growth, innovation, and competitiveness, and it may also it is a gap in connectivity. There are often clear fundamental play a role over time in poverty alleviation. differences between what is proposed by technology Over 400 million individuals in developing countries visionaries, many of whom have never even seen a village, are owners or managers of new firms. Of these, over 200 and what is actually needed by end-users, many of whom million are found in China and India alone, compared with just 18 million entrepreneurs in the United States. Yet, in have never used a telephone or a computer. one of the best general books on the state of research on A number of ICT initiatives offer a promise of closing the entrepreneurship, China is mentioned on two pages and gap that separates the some four billion people living in rural India is not mentioned at all6. communities from a future with greater literacy, productivity, Entrepreneurs in developing countries face a different and quality of life. While the end goal is clear – broadband set of circumstances than their counterparts in developed connectivity everywhere – many ICT initiatives have faltered economies. These differences are rooted in the underlying due to a lack of a well-adapted, step-by-step approach that economies in which they operate. Emerging markets lack a considers social factors and the staging of capital investments stable or mature market and the consistency that such markets as well as technology. offer. Consequently, the opportunity for entrepreneurship in Wireless technology has not only revolutionized the way emerging markets is pervasive. While Western entrepreneurs the developed world communicated; it also offers developing operate at the fringes of the economy, emerging market countries an opportunity to “leap-frog” over wire line entrepreneurs operate closer to the core – the needs and infrastructures to the forefront of communications. However, opportunities are more widespread. Another difference lies in since many different types of wireless technologies exist, it the access to financial resources. Internal finance comprises is important to choose the technology that best matches the the majority of financing for small and medium enterprises needs of these new markets. While some wireless techniques in most developing countries. Another major difference lies have been very successful in urban areas, the rural ICT market in the access to technological advances which are largely has its own set of unique requirements, including: low-cost, 6 Amar Bhidé, The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, New York: Oxford low-power, scalability, robustness, and ease of use. University, 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0195131444 22
  • 23. developed and held by developed countries. Entrepreneurs are a crucial link in implementing designs of products and services developed specifically to meet the needs of the BoP markets. They are the motors of economic growth and poverty reduction. Small, micro and medium- sized enterprises (SMMEs) are often the backbone of the private sector in the developing world, creating jobs and providing a tax base for local government. And frequently SMMEs offer the only employment available to millions of Focus of Base of the Pyramid Research poor people. Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Design and Research Delft University of Technology Back in 2002, an experiment was conducted to design a A model for design processes for the Base of the Pyramid product to serve rural healthcare needs of China, specifically [Prabhu Kandachar, Jan 2008]. diabetes mellitus. In this project, students and staff of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering collaborated with staff from a Multinational Corporation. Almost at the same time the first paper expounding the Base of the Pyramid strategy by Prahalad & Hart appeared, promising fortune for entrepreneurs and at the same time offering perspectives for the poor world7 majority to escape from poverty. Needs of human beings are the central driving force uniting technology and business, resulting in products and services. By tradition Delft has 7 Strategy + Business, Issue 26, pdf/bottompyramid.pdf, first quarter 2002. 23
  • 24. propagated the practise of designing products and services to meet human needs. Even though it is set up in an engineering environment, such an activity needs an integrative approach from several sciences: technical, social, management sciences, and working together with entrepreneurs. Although several earlier activities at Delft had been carried out in poor countries, they were almost always within the context of developmental assistance. The Base of the Pyramid strategy has stimulated this Faculty to look also at the needs of the underserved, which represent a huge market and was hitherto unattended. It provides an opportunity to apply the well tried out model at Delft (see figure at the left) for poor countries, but this time within the context of alleviating poverty by means of business endeavours. 24
  • 25. Photo: Ilona de Jongh 25
  • 26. Kids swimming and playing in flooded roads Jakarta, Indonesia 26
  • 27. Insect Repellent Lamp € Company Philips Consumer Lifestyle Graduation date December 8, 2008 for the Indian Market Inge van de Wouw Insect bites are an unpleasant fact of life in most parts of the world. In addition to severe nuisance, mosquitoes can also spread diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Filariasis, Two user researches in India (48 families in 2.5 months) provided very useful Japanese Encephalitis and Chikungunya. Malaria alone insights for the improvement and further development of the IRL. causes an estimated 1.3 million deaths and 400 million cases worldwide, and around 20,000 deaths and 15 million cases in India, each year. Liquid repellent Philips Research Asia in Bangalore has developed the initial product idea of an Insect Repellent Lamp (IRL) to provide insect free environments for families in the Middle & Base of the Pyramid of both urban and rural India. The proposed lamp integrates an insect repellent ability with the normal household light bulb, by using the waste-heat dissipated by the lighting device to vaporize the liquid based mosquito repellent. The aim of this project was to assess if, and how, the idea could really become a successful and profitable product for Philips. The project started with a thorough analysis phase in the Netherlands to explore the mosquito problem, current insect repellents in India and the target group. Also the working principle and characteristics of the Insect Repellent Lamp were investigated and effectiveness tests were done. After the analysis phase a field test was conducted in India with the initial Philips prototype and two competitive IRLs. In India, insights were gained on the magnitude of the insect problem, current use of insect repellents, expenditure, preferences regarding the three IRLs, local culture and traditions, the actual target group and the context of use. 27
  • 28. CFL & portability With the obtained information, several suggestions for improvements were given. First of all, a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) should be used as light source instead of a light bulb. Regarding the repellent, it should be vaporized at the correct temperature of the wick and bottled liquids should be used. The lamp itself should provide more flexibility; the hanging type of lamp should be changed into a portable lamp. Lastly, instead of only in the evening, people should also be able to use the repellent at night together with a night light. The input from the field test was translated into a redesign of the IRL. The redesign of the IRL is portable with 3m of wire, uses a 14W CFL and bottled liquids, has two switches to use the lamp and repellent separately or together (day, evening and night mode) and has an additional blue night light that is lit together with the repellent. A preliminary cost price estimation showed that a selling price of Rs. 500 Two switches (€7.50) can be possible. make it possible to use the lamp First reactions and repellent With the manufactured 13 prototypes a second field test separately or was conducted in India. The response of the target group together (day, evening and night on the improved IRL was very positive and it seemed that mode).The blue the insect repellent functionalities, the energy saving lamp, night light that the portability and the two switches (different modes is lit when the repellent is active. possible) provided very useful benefits for them. Currently, different departments of Philips have shown interest in the IRL and possibilities are explored to bring the product to the market. 28
  • 29. IndiaMoves; exploratory € Company Movendi Foundation Graduation date 2009 research study Aparna Bhaskar Movendi foundation strives to improve the quality of life for Cooka et al: A product-service system (PSS), also known as a function- physically disabled people. The foundation’s primary focus oriented business model, is a business model, developed in academia, is on developing countries and communities with a great that is aimed at providing sustainability of both consumption and need for expertise in the field of movement technology and production1. physical therapy. The goals are achieved through start-ups 1. M.B. Cooka, T.A. Bhamrab and M. Lemonc (2006). “The transfer and and coaching projects using local knowledge and skills to application of Product Service Systems: from academia to UK manu- arrive at creative solutions for different problems faced by facturing firms”. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier Ltd) 14 (17): the physically disabled. Movendi is also involved in setting 1455–1465. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.01.018. up rehabilitation workshops and training of local therapists and technicians. GhanaMoves Movendi has previously worked in a business development project for disabled people in Ghana. The project aimed to improve the lives of the disabled by providing them with a means to support themselves, see page 92. Four students investigated the business opportunities for the disabled and they came up with a hand-driven tricycle with which the disabled could sell ice-cream on the streets of Madina- Accra. The tricycles were manufactured at a local workshop, MAK-D, which profited as well from the business by selling tricycles, the ice-cream was supplied by Fanmilk, Ghana’s largest dairy producer and the disabled were able to obtain a small credit (micro-credit) from a local bank at a very reasonable interest rate. For more detailed information a summary of the project is enclosed. Taking GhanaMoves as a starting point and as an inspiration, seeing the benefits it Concept areas; a market analysis of these individual concept areas and new generated for disabled persons, Movendi wished to initiate business opportunities and product service systems for self employment of a similar venture in India. This project is an exploratory first rural disabled within these areas are part of the results. step in that direction, identifying strategies and business 29