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or, a newcomer’s trail of exploration on
 the beaches and shores of her patch of
          the French Channel coastline
Big thanks to companions
on the shore, and to Paul
Chambers, John Llewellyn
Jones, Richard Lord, Bas
Payne, Ben Rowson, Steve
Wilkinson for use of their
photos 
A website where a person writes regularly
about recent events or a particular topic,
sometimes with new information added
every few minutes as events happen, and
with the opportunity for readers to send in
their own comments and opinions.

(coined in 1997 as a ‘weblog’, from which
the phrase ‘we blog’ was derived.)
My ‘patch’ extends from Cherbourg east along the north Cotentin coast and south to St Vaast La
Hougue which is at the north end of Utah Beach. There are rocky shores and sandy bays.
“As I coast up the shallow slopes of dreamworld the unmistakable sound of tractors passing the
house seeps into my consciousness. The oystermen are on their way to work. I find it pleasing
that I can enjoy the friendly sound of a tractor, hinting at provender and productivity. It’s not
horticulture but aquaculture of oysters and mussels, in the waters off St Vaast La Hougue.”
St Vaast La Hougue is the cradle of the Normandy oyster. It is the town’s most important
industry with 250 hectares of shore given over to oyster farming, yielding 6,500 tons per year
As the tide ebbs an expansive area of shore is exposed. In the early days oysters were simply
fished from natural beds and then gradually a degree of management of stocks came about by
storing oysters over the intermittently accessible foreshore. It was noticed that young oysters
were settling on adult shells and thus evolved a more structured approach to oyster-farming.
The tide goes out, the tractors access the shore. They bring sacks of oysters from the depot
back to the shore, and others will be taken back to the depot. Sacks are moved up and down the
shore; those ready for market are brought inshore and secured to readily accessible trestles.
Oysters needing more time to grow are taken to trestles low on the shore where they will
experience longer periods of submersion to feed, filtering plankton from seawater.
There is a continual traffic with as many as 30 or 40 tractors moving the oyster sacks around the
shore. Sacks of oysters taken away at the end of the low tide will be sorted, graded and oysters
that are cemented together will be knocked apart. As oysters grow they must be rebagged.
Ready for market
And once the tide turns that is the day’s work done. Tractors may linger until the last minute,
working the vestiges of exposed shore until the rising tide forces them back onto dry land.
When you get good spat-falls the hard substrates around the oyster park are colonised by
oysters which cement themselves to the rocks. Whilst pilfering from sacks is strictly forbidden
the public may gather ‘escapees’ by knocking them off the rocks with chisels and hammers.
Empty sacks like this are not an uncommon sight on the beaches, especially after storms.
Although sacks are securely attached to trestles inevitably, in very rough weather, some sacks
have become detached and are strewn across the beaches. They may get ripped and the oysters,
washed out and scattered along the beach. Or they may be plundered although this is illegal.
A French poet once wrote “I love oysters, it’s like kissing the sea on the lips”. A friend remarked
rather more dispassionately that when she tried an oyster she felt as if she was drowning.
Perhaps Jonathan Swift got it right when he said “He was a bold man that first ate an oyster”.
Mussel aquaculture is
important too. Mussels are
steamed in a marinière
liquor in individual pots,
which are then brought to
the table.
If you like mussels, there is nothing finer for lunch, with a bowl of chips too…………………..
…………………… and the cooking liquor is just too fine to waste!
On the other side of town there is the north end of the 5-km long Utah Beach
Here the foreshore becomes a dumping ground for the shelly waste of the locals, giving rise to
an attractive shell pavement of scallop, mussel and oyster shell
The outlines of the submerged oyster trestles as they lie west of La Hougue promontory are
visible. This area of muddy sandflats empties out completely at low tide, allowing the oyster
‘farmers’ access to manage the stocks.
Picture of north end utah beach

With the Vauban tower on the Hougue in the distance, this huge area of cockle flats can be
accessed on any low tide. It is a perfect territory for cockle-fishing.
Cockles are very shallow burrowers and often you can find them at the surface of the sand
Cockling is an activity to engage the whole family and demonstrates that foraging is fun too
Within a short space of time and over a compact area of the shore you can rake up a good haul
For Charlie size is important –
happiness is a long-handled
Cockles are not happy out of
their environment and
deteriorate rapidly. They are
little ‘purses of sand’ so need
to be cleaned. Left for a few
hours or overnight in salt
water (35g salt/litre) they will
purge themselves of sand.
Cook only cockles which snap
shut when squeezed, and eat
only cockles which gape open
after cooking.
   If you are new to the game ideally get hold of a
    copy of a suitable handbook: Edible Seashore by
    JohnWright is excellent. Read chapters on
    Foraging Safely and The Rule Book.
   Before you access the shore feel confident about
    the weather and the state of the tide.
   If the substrate underfoot is unstable in any way
    don’t venture out.
   You need to be aware of any legal constraints
    with regard to the shore you are accessing.
   Be aware of any species of animal or alga that you
    may not collect for legal/conservation reasons.
   Talk to local fishermen/local authorities about
    water quality.
   Collect only from obvious clean areas.
   Use the sensible old adage of avoiding months
    that lack an ‘r’.
   Give the bivalves time to clean themselves for a
    few hours in well-aerated salted water.
   Unless you are sure they are from Category ‘A’
    waters, always thoroughly cook any shellfish you
   Check for signs of life before you cook them.
For conchologists some of the most interesting mollusc species live in an unlikely habitat.
You must look under boulders and slabs of rock at the spring tide high water mark. This zone is
The rare looping snail lives in interstitial sediment under rocks where it is dark and damp. It is a
Red Data Book species which means it receives protection under Conservation legislation.
The sandflats to the south of the oyster park are the focus of foraging activity during spring
tides, and especially when the Equinox tides coincide with Easter weekend. This tradition is
embedded in French coastal culture and is called Pêche à pied.
On a shore with a low gradient the tide goes out a very long way, revealing
an expanse of flats which will accommodate a large number of ‘pêcheurs’.
The principal quarry on these sandflats is the razor clam. You need to develop a bit of skill to
collect them. Razor clams lie perpendicular in the sands. You can detect a potential burrow by
watching for spouts of water as you walk over the sediment. Identify the spout hole and then
dig rapidly because the mollusc can also dig deep and rapidly with its strong, long foot.
Also from these flats you get an assemblage of edible bivalves
“All you need to dig for clams is the ability to look and learn. We lugged a large garden sieve, a
fork, spade and rake to the shore. The sieve was too fine for the gravels so we had to dig a hole
then search it. To begin with you dig rather randomly and occasionally strike lucky.”
“After a while we noticed siphon holes developing in the sands and gravels as the water drained
away and the sediments dried out a bit. What we noticed on the shore is that not all the siphon
holes were the same size or shape and that we could recognise, perhaps, six different
types. With experience we learnt to recognise the siphon holes for the different species of clam
we were finding and then I became confident and would announce before I put spade to sand
how many and what species I would collect!”
Once you start digging, your hole starts to puddle with water…
….and you can be very pleased when you find a clam……………….
…………. and here’s a decent haul, composed of species traditionally associated with eating and
others less familiar. All these can be chucked into a paella or pasta dish. Some species were
more abundant than others: Dosinia clams (which are somewhat less tasty than some other
types) were very plentiful but another species, Gari depressa, was very sparse. .”
Before we leave the topic of clamming here are some afficionados searching for a particular
prey item….
Venus verrucosa known locally as ‘le Praire’ which translates to ‘the Priest’
The islet of Tatihou lies just offshore, and rather like St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall is accessible
on low tides by a causeway. You can see the submerged trace of the causeway running between
the oyster trestles. With an area 29 ha. it receives no more than 500 visitors a day at peak
times. It harbours a bird sanctuary, offers grazing for sheep whose meat is sold by local
butchers. There are some restored historical buildings including one of the famous Vauban
‘pepperpot’ towers, and a maritime museum whose exhibitions change every 18 months or so.
There is an amphibious boat which plies between the island and the mainland. When the tide is
out it is a wheeled vehicle…………..
…………………..when the tide is in it’s a boat.
This is one of the 12 fortified buildings designed by the celebrated engineer, Vauban. This and
the other watchtower on the end of La Hougue were built after the French naval defeat in 1692.
Looking west to St Vaast La Hougue
Looking northeast to Reville and Jonville
Looking down onto the lower shore rock platform at low tide
Osilinus lineatus     Gibbula magus

Calliostoma zizyphinum   Tricolia pullus
Gibbula umbilicalis: dorsal and ventral views

Gibbula pennanti: dorsal and ventral views
Littorina compressa
Lets take a closer look at the structure on the western side of Tatihou. It is a former lazaret
dating from 1720 as a quarantine station during the Plague. After closure it was intermittently
used as a marine laboratory for scientists, then for educational purposes for young people.
There was a short period of abandonment (1984-1990) during which it attracted massive bird
colonies. It was reopened as nature reserve and heritage centre and has sub-tropical gardens.
The sub-tropical botanical garden in the walled grounds of the field
station and museum is managed to a level which prevents wilderness
taking over. In those gardens some of the most spectacular botanical
displays are the large clumps of Echium fastuosum.
I have successfully established the
single stemmed species, E. pininana in
our Normandy garden. It is a biennial
and seeds freely. This year the gravels
were awash with seedlings and a box
of compost is nurturing at least 2
dozen plants awaiting new homes. I
am trying this Echium in Winterborne
Kingston. If this winter is as gentle as
last year’s was severe I may have
some success………… and numerous
plants needing new homes!
Lets go due north from Tatihou to Pointe de Saire, a headland of disjunct rock outcrops and a
point of deposition.
A view looking west with the Vauban tower on La Hougue at the horizon
This is a headland of rock platform and outcrop, pools and intertidal channels.
Perfect spot for the Shell Seekers
Some shells are washed in and accumulate as strandlines at various horizons down the beach to
the water-line, or they collect as beach pockets and in scour moats. They form shelly banks,
dominated by slipper limpets, Crepidula fornicata, but with many other species mixed in.
It is worth scanning the surface for conspicuous species, Calliostoma, Trivia, Epitonium. Eye-
catching freshly cleaned bivalves such as the Sunset Shell (Gari depressa) catch the attention.
Let’s leave the shelter of the east coast and go north where it can be rather exposed and barren.
………………… although you might find the occasional Nautilus!
If you are lucky you might find an ormer shell as well: the highly desirable Haliotis tuberculata.
Ormers are farmed in
France; a commercial fishery
opened up along the Breton
coast in 1994. It is regulated
by permits and quotas.
Finding an ormer on our
local east Cotentin shore is
rather exciting. They occur
on all the Channel Islands,
and are collected under
certain restrictions which
are designed to protect the
local populations from over-
exploitation.      They are
considered a delicacy with a
taste quite like any other
marine mollusc. I knew that
they also occur along the
west Cotentin.
Walking one day along the waterline on Utah Beach, after stormy weather, we found a fully
grown ormer with a moribund animal intact. This was my first evidence that ormers may be
living on the eastern coasts of the Cotentin. One of our neighbours told us that he had heard
that ormers are taken from the shore below Cap Levi.
When the tide goes out a sprawling rock platform with areas of standing water is revealed.
If you are going to search for ormers you will find yourself searching amongst the kelp jungle. It
is treacherous because the alga is slippery, the stipes wrap round your ankles, tethering you as
You can work around the marginal kelp and boulder areas with relative ease. Knee-high in water
and wearing chest waders you are less likely to take a tumble. Unfortunately this is not good
ormer territory.
What I learnt on this day is that ormers seem to avoid contact with sandy gravelly substrates.
Where you do find ormers is under rocks which are sitting on a lattice of other bedded rocks or
tucked into crevices. You may even find them relatively high on the shore if the crevice appears
to be sheltered, damp and private enough.
Chlamys varia                              Acanthochitona crinitus

    Ormers live under interbedded rocks and in crevices
And so to this sandy shore near Maupertus, east of Cherbourg. A beach which in a sense
appears to have all its goods in the shop window. Clean swept sands, rocky margins. Not very
much was washed up on this shore when I took this photo. Maybe you’d find a few bivalves
sieving at low tide.
I revisited the site one November to look at the strandlines for clues. This is when I found one of
those secret places that the coast can throw up and surprise you with every now and then.
Something about the rocks looks interesting here.
A sea cave, at the right height on the shore to be interesting. It is just large enough for a person
to squeeze inside to have a look at the walls. I can see that they are coated in red, green and
coralline algal films and crusts. The walls are nicely fissured. I had no idea that this cave was
here and it is a place to return to with a powerful torch, and the eyes of some companions.
What I hope we’d find
living there is
Paludinella littorina.
This tiny snail is globose
and has glossy shell
with a relatively broad
protoconch. Adults are
rarely more than 2mm
high and 1.7mm
diameter. The shell has
been considered rare,
and was until recently
protected under the
Wildlife & Countryside
Act. However survey
work in the past 2
decades has shown that
its rarity is more a factor
of the difficulty in
finding it in situ. This
puts me in mind of my
favourite quotation:
We    shall    not     cease from
exploration. And the end of all
our exploring will be to arrive
where we started and know the
place for the first time.

T.S. ELIOT   Little Gidding, 1942

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Blogging a-way-along-the-normandy-coast

  • 1. or, a newcomer’s trail of exploration on the beaches and shores of her patch of the French Channel coastline
  • 2. Big thanks to companions on the shore, and to Paul Chambers, John Llewellyn Jones, Richard Lord, Bas Payne, Ben Rowson, Steve Wilkinson for use of their photos 
  • 3. A website where a person writes regularly about recent events or a particular topic, sometimes with new information added every few minutes as events happen, and with the opportunity for readers to send in their own comments and opinions. (coined in 1997 as a ‘weblog’, from which the phrase ‘we blog’ was derived.)
  • 4. My ‘patch’ extends from Cherbourg east along the north Cotentin coast and south to St Vaast La Hougue which is at the north end of Utah Beach. There are rocky shores and sandy bays.
  • 5. “As I coast up the shallow slopes of dreamworld the unmistakable sound of tractors passing the house seeps into my consciousness. The oystermen are on their way to work. I find it pleasing that I can enjoy the friendly sound of a tractor, hinting at provender and productivity. It’s not horticulture but aquaculture of oysters and mussels, in the waters off St Vaast La Hougue.”
  • 6. St Vaast La Hougue is the cradle of the Normandy oyster. It is the town’s most important industry with 250 hectares of shore given over to oyster farming, yielding 6,500 tons per year
  • 7. As the tide ebbs an expansive area of shore is exposed. In the early days oysters were simply fished from natural beds and then gradually a degree of management of stocks came about by storing oysters over the intermittently accessible foreshore. It was noticed that young oysters were settling on adult shells and thus evolved a more structured approach to oyster-farming.
  • 8. The tide goes out, the tractors access the shore. They bring sacks of oysters from the depot back to the shore, and others will be taken back to the depot. Sacks are moved up and down the shore; those ready for market are brought inshore and secured to readily accessible trestles. Oysters needing more time to grow are taken to trestles low on the shore where they will experience longer periods of submersion to feed, filtering plankton from seawater.
  • 9. There is a continual traffic with as many as 30 or 40 tractors moving the oyster sacks around the shore. Sacks of oysters taken away at the end of the low tide will be sorted, graded and oysters that are cemented together will be knocked apart. As oysters grow they must be rebagged.
  • 11. And once the tide turns that is the day’s work done. Tractors may linger until the last minute, working the vestiges of exposed shore until the rising tide forces them back onto dry land.
  • 12. When you get good spat-falls the hard substrates around the oyster park are colonised by oysters which cement themselves to the rocks. Whilst pilfering from sacks is strictly forbidden the public may gather ‘escapees’ by knocking them off the rocks with chisels and hammers.
  • 13. Empty sacks like this are not an uncommon sight on the beaches, especially after storms. Although sacks are securely attached to trestles inevitably, in very rough weather, some sacks have become detached and are strewn across the beaches. They may get ripped and the oysters, washed out and scattered along the beach. Or they may be plundered although this is illegal.
  • 14. A French poet once wrote “I love oysters, it’s like kissing the sea on the lips”. A friend remarked rather more dispassionately that when she tried an oyster she felt as if she was drowning.
  • 15. Perhaps Jonathan Swift got it right when he said “He was a bold man that first ate an oyster”.
  • 16. Mussel aquaculture is important too. Mussels are steamed in a marinière liquor in individual pots, which are then brought to the table.
  • 17. If you like mussels, there is nothing finer for lunch, with a bowl of chips too…………………..
  • 18. …………………… and the cooking liquor is just too fine to waste!
  • 19. On the other side of town there is the north end of the 5-km long Utah Beach
  • 20. Here the foreshore becomes a dumping ground for the shelly waste of the locals, giving rise to an attractive shell pavement of scallop, mussel and oyster shell
  • 21. The outlines of the submerged oyster trestles as they lie west of La Hougue promontory are visible. This area of muddy sandflats empties out completely at low tide, allowing the oyster ‘farmers’ access to manage the stocks.
  • 22. Picture of north end utah beach With the Vauban tower on the Hougue in the distance, this huge area of cockle flats can be accessed on any low tide. It is a perfect territory for cockle-fishing.
  • 23. Cockles are very shallow burrowers and often you can find them at the surface of the sand
  • 24. Cockling is an activity to engage the whole family and demonstrates that foraging is fun too
  • 25. Within a short space of time and over a compact area of the shore you can rake up a good haul
  • 26. For Charlie size is important – happiness is a long-handled rake.
  • 27. Cockles are not happy out of their environment and deteriorate rapidly. They are little ‘purses of sand’ so need to be cleaned. Left for a few hours or overnight in salt water (35g salt/litre) they will purge themselves of sand. Cook only cockles which snap shut when squeezed, and eat only cockles which gape open after cooking.
  • 28. If you are new to the game ideally get hold of a copy of a suitable handbook: Edible Seashore by JohnWright is excellent. Read chapters on Foraging Safely and The Rule Book.  Before you access the shore feel confident about the weather and the state of the tide.  If the substrate underfoot is unstable in any way don’t venture out.  You need to be aware of any legal constraints with regard to the shore you are accessing.  Be aware of any species of animal or alga that you may not collect for legal/conservation reasons.
  • 29. Talk to local fishermen/local authorities about water quality.  Collect only from obvious clean areas.  Use the sensible old adage of avoiding months that lack an ‘r’.  Give the bivalves time to clean themselves for a few hours in well-aerated salted water.  Unless you are sure they are from Category ‘A’ waters, always thoroughly cook any shellfish you gather.  Check for signs of life before you cook them.
  • 30. For conchologists some of the most interesting mollusc species live in an unlikely habitat.
  • 31. You must look under boulders and slabs of rock at the spring tide high water mark. This zone is
  • 32. The rare looping snail lives in interstitial sediment under rocks where it is dark and damp. It is a Red Data Book species which means it receives protection under Conservation legislation.
  • 33. The sandflats to the south of the oyster park are the focus of foraging activity during spring tides, and especially when the Equinox tides coincide with Easter weekend. This tradition is embedded in French coastal culture and is called Pêche à pied.
  • 34. On a shore with a low gradient the tide goes out a very long way, revealing an expanse of flats which will accommodate a large number of ‘pêcheurs’.
  • 35. The principal quarry on these sandflats is the razor clam. You need to develop a bit of skill to collect them. Razor clams lie perpendicular in the sands. You can detect a potential burrow by watching for spouts of water as you walk over the sediment. Identify the spout hole and then dig rapidly because the mollusc can also dig deep and rapidly with its strong, long foot.
  • 36. Also from these flats you get an assemblage of edible bivalves
  • 37. “All you need to dig for clams is the ability to look and learn. We lugged a large garden sieve, a fork, spade and rake to the shore. The sieve was too fine for the gravels so we had to dig a hole then search it. To begin with you dig rather randomly and occasionally strike lucky.”
  • 38. “After a while we noticed siphon holes developing in the sands and gravels as the water drained away and the sediments dried out a bit. What we noticed on the shore is that not all the siphon holes were the same size or shape and that we could recognise, perhaps, six different types. With experience we learnt to recognise the siphon holes for the different species of clam we were finding and then I became confident and would announce before I put spade to sand how many and what species I would collect!”
  • 39. Once you start digging, your hole starts to puddle with water…
  • 40. ….and you can be very pleased when you find a clam……………….
  • 41. …………. and here’s a decent haul, composed of species traditionally associated with eating and others less familiar. All these can be chucked into a paella or pasta dish. Some species were more abundant than others: Dosinia clams (which are somewhat less tasty than some other types) were very plentiful but another species, Gari depressa, was very sparse. .”
  • 42. Before we leave the topic of clamming here are some afficionados searching for a particular prey item….
  • 43. Venus verrucosa known locally as ‘le Praire’ which translates to ‘the Priest’
  • 44. The islet of Tatihou lies just offshore, and rather like St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall is accessible on low tides by a causeway. You can see the submerged trace of the causeway running between the oyster trestles. With an area 29 ha. it receives no more than 500 visitors a day at peak times. It harbours a bird sanctuary, offers grazing for sheep whose meat is sold by local butchers. There are some restored historical buildings including one of the famous Vauban ‘pepperpot’ towers, and a maritime museum whose exhibitions change every 18 months or so.
  • 45. There is an amphibious boat which plies between the island and the mainland. When the tide is out it is a wheeled vehicle…………..
  • 46. …………………..when the tide is in it’s a boat.
  • 47. This is one of the 12 fortified buildings designed by the celebrated engineer, Vauban. This and the other watchtower on the end of La Hougue were built after the French naval defeat in 1692.
  • 48. Looking west to St Vaast La Hougue
  • 49. Looking northeast to Reville and Jonville
  • 50. Looking down onto the lower shore rock platform at low tide
  • 51. Osilinus lineatus Gibbula magus Calliostoma zizyphinum Tricolia pullus
  • 52. Gibbula umbilicalis: dorsal and ventral views Gibbula pennanti: dorsal and ventral views
  • 54. Lets take a closer look at the structure on the western side of Tatihou. It is a former lazaret dating from 1720 as a quarantine station during the Plague. After closure it was intermittently used as a marine laboratory for scientists, then for educational purposes for young people. There was a short period of abandonment (1984-1990) during which it attracted massive bird colonies. It was reopened as nature reserve and heritage centre and has sub-tropical gardens.
  • 55. The sub-tropical botanical garden in the walled grounds of the field station and museum is managed to a level which prevents wilderness taking over. In those gardens some of the most spectacular botanical displays are the large clumps of Echium fastuosum.
  • 56. I have successfully established the single stemmed species, E. pininana in our Normandy garden. It is a biennial and seeds freely. This year the gravels were awash with seedlings and a box of compost is nurturing at least 2 dozen plants awaiting new homes. I am trying this Echium in Winterborne Kingston. If this winter is as gentle as last year’s was severe I may have some success………… and numerous plants needing new homes!
  • 57. Lets go due north from Tatihou to Pointe de Saire, a headland of disjunct rock outcrops and a point of deposition.
  • 58. A view looking west with the Vauban tower on La Hougue at the horizon
  • 59. This is a headland of rock platform and outcrop, pools and intertidal channels.
  • 60. Perfect spot for the Shell Seekers
  • 61. Some shells are washed in and accumulate as strandlines at various horizons down the beach to the water-line, or they collect as beach pockets and in scour moats. They form shelly banks, dominated by slipper limpets, Crepidula fornicata, but with many other species mixed in.
  • 62. It is worth scanning the surface for conspicuous species, Calliostoma, Trivia, Epitonium. Eye- catching freshly cleaned bivalves such as the Sunset Shell (Gari depressa) catch the attention.
  • 63. Let’s leave the shelter of the east coast and go north where it can be rather exposed and barren.
  • 64. ………………… although you might find the occasional Nautilus!
  • 65. If you are lucky you might find an ormer shell as well: the highly desirable Haliotis tuberculata.
  • 66. Ormers are farmed in France; a commercial fishery opened up along the Breton coast in 1994. It is regulated by permits and quotas. Finding an ormer on our local east Cotentin shore is rather exciting. They occur on all the Channel Islands, and are collected under certain restrictions which are designed to protect the local populations from over- exploitation. They are considered a delicacy with a taste quite like any other marine mollusc. I knew that they also occur along the west Cotentin.
  • 67. Walking one day along the waterline on Utah Beach, after stormy weather, we found a fully grown ormer with a moribund animal intact. This was my first evidence that ormers may be living on the eastern coasts of the Cotentin. One of our neighbours told us that he had heard that ormers are taken from the shore below Cap Levi.
  • 68. When the tide goes out a sprawling rock platform with areas of standing water is revealed.
  • 69. If you are going to search for ormers you will find yourself searching amongst the kelp jungle. It is treacherous because the alga is slippery, the stipes wrap round your ankles, tethering you as
  • 70. You can work around the marginal kelp and boulder areas with relative ease. Knee-high in water and wearing chest waders you are less likely to take a tumble. Unfortunately this is not good ormer territory.
  • 71. What I learnt on this day is that ormers seem to avoid contact with sandy gravelly substrates. Where you do find ormers is under rocks which are sitting on a lattice of other bedded rocks or tucked into crevices. You may even find them relatively high on the shore if the crevice appears to be sheltered, damp and private enough.
  • 72. Chlamys varia Acanthochitona crinitus Ormers live under interbedded rocks and in crevices
  • 73. And so to this sandy shore near Maupertus, east of Cherbourg. A beach which in a sense appears to have all its goods in the shop window. Clean swept sands, rocky margins. Not very much was washed up on this shore when I took this photo. Maybe you’d find a few bivalves sieving at low tide.
  • 74. I revisited the site one November to look at the strandlines for clues. This is when I found one of those secret places that the coast can throw up and surprise you with every now and then.
  • 75. Something about the rocks looks interesting here.
  • 76. A sea cave, at the right height on the shore to be interesting. It is just large enough for a person to squeeze inside to have a look at the walls. I can see that they are coated in red, green and coralline algal films and crusts. The walls are nicely fissured. I had no idea that this cave was here and it is a place to return to with a powerful torch, and the eyes of some companions.
  • 77. What I hope we’d find living there is Paludinella littorina. This tiny snail is globose and has glossy shell with a relatively broad protoconch. Adults are rarely more than 2mm high and 1.7mm diameter. The shell has been considered rare, and was until recently protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act. However survey work in the past 2 decades has shown that its rarity is more a factor of the difficulty in finding it in situ. This puts me in mind of my favourite quotation:
  • 78. We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T.S. ELIOT Little Gidding, 1942

Editor's Notes

  1. Prejudice v social networking in general, blogs in partic. Lack of understanding. Some political commentators, activists. Others photos recipes, advice on wealth of subjects, journals. My answer to handwritten and printing pix
  2. Privacy issues Password protect some posts for friends and family.
  3. NE tip Cotentin/Cherbourg. S of IOW. Ferries Portsmouth and Poole. West exposed to westerlies, east sheltered except northeasterlies. Rock types are metamorphic, igneous including extension of Breton granites.
  4. Blog of March 2009
  5. Cradle of the Normandy oyster. St Vaast most important industry. 250ha of shore 6,500 tons of oysters
  6. Tide ebb, expansive shore. Early days fished from natural beds, leading to some management by storing oysters on the intermittently accessible foreshore. Young oysters settling on older. Led to more structured farming.
  7. When tide out tractors access the shore. Process of moving oysters around the shore. Ready for market brought in close secured there. Oysters needing more time to grow lower on shore for more immersion time to feed. Tractor men brings sacks to and fro. At depot tapped apart, rebagged returned on the next tide. Oysters need more room as they grow
  8. Continual traffic, as many as 30-40 tractors shuffling the sacks around
  9. Ready for market
  10. Tide turns but work to the last minute
  11. Good spat-falls mean good settlement on local rocks. Can gather. No pilferage from sacks
  12. Not uncommon sightespec after storms. Altho securely attached to trestles inevitably in rough weather some are detached. They may get ripped, oysters washed out and distrib. Or plunder but this is illegal.
  13. French poet “I love oysters, it’s like kissing the sea on the lips.” Dispassionate friend like drowning. Jonathan Swift “He was a bold man that first ate an oyster”
  14. Here we boldly go
  15. Mussel aquaculture important too. Cooked in mariniere liquor in individual steamers and served with chips
  16. John likes them
  17. a lot
  18. Other side of town. North end of Utah beach, 5 km long
  19. Dump shelly waste, shell pavement
  20. Oyster park and sand flats. Oyster on other side of town, area of saltmarsh emptying out on good low tides
  21. Silty sands ideal terrain for cockles. Tower on La Hougue
  22. Near surface
  23. Just below, small rakes, fingers easy to find
  24. A good haul from a systematically worked stretch
  25. Charlie prefers to traditional method with a long handled rake.
  26. According to my Edible seashore bible cockles are not happy out of their environment and will drop dead at the first opportunity. So eat them asap. As cockles are little purses of sand when first collected they need to be cleaned. Overnight in a shallow tray of salt water (35gsalt/litre), cool and aerated. Cook only cockles which snap shut when you squeeze them and eat only cockles which gape when cooked – this applies to all bivalves. John Wright gives lots of recipes
  27. Hold up Edible Seashore
  28. Big tides regular and extensive flushing of the shore. Rules in France and England are probably different
  29. When you are at a shore before heading home if time check the upper shore.
  30. Looked with Bas Steve Tom Clifton March 2008. sea purslane, sea blite, boulders slabs to look under
  31. Sure enough Truncatella, looping snail caterpillar-like gait
  32. Flats at s margin oyster park, Vauban tower in distance. Equinox tides bring out fishers for traditions Peche a pied
  33. When big big tides coincide with Easter a spectacle with people across the seascape. Come with forks, rakes, baskets and buckets primarily for razor clams. Large beds around St V
  34. The species is Ensisarcuatus, huge quantities are taken and the level of predation seems to be sustained. Most fishers work with forks and here I refer to my blog:
  35. In addition to Ensis other species
  36. Let’s say a bit about clamming
  37. Blog:
  38. Digging hole fills, fish around with hands
  39. Success
  40. Decent haul for pasta, paella
  41. Before leave clamming return to the shore
  42. Highly prized, not easy to find, I have not found one in my clamming activities
  43. Tatihou offshore. St Michaels Mt. oyster tables and causeway across. 29 ha no more than 500 visitors a day. Sanctuary birds, grazing for sheep sold locally. Restored building includingVauban tower
  44. Boat plies between island and mainland. Wheeled vehicle when tide out
  45. Boat when tide in.
  46. Vauban, celeb engineer, one of 12 fortified buildings most in this pepperpot style. After battle of La Hougue in 1692 the two watch towers on Tatihou and La Hougue were built.
  47. View to St V
  48. View north to yet more sands and cockle beds
  49. Rocky shore beneath
  50. Shores around Tatihou the full range of intertidal trochaceans
  51. Gibumb and Gibpennanti. Latter northern limits French coast and Channel Is
  52. Littorinacompressa, still often referred to as nigrolineata. But in my experience more often encountered as plain yellow or cream white. Shell sculpture is of rather broad, distinct but flattened spiral ribs, separated by deep and narrow grooves. The outline is slightly more elongate than saxatilis
  53. Closer view from the air. The tower is bottom right and the square compound is the former lazaret, used as a quarantine station during the 17C plague. Closed then marine stn NHM Paris then educational uses. Abandon 1984-1990 during which attracted massive bird colonies. Reopen heritage cente and nature reserve. It now offers weekend courses in intertidal biology, seafood cookery, astronomy . Within compound subtropical gardens
  54. There is a small subtropical botanical garden within the walled grounds of the buildings and it is managed in placesto a level which prevents wilderness taking over. In those gardens the most spectacular botanical displays are the large clumps of Echiumfastuosum
  55. And single stemmed E pininana. It is a biennial and seeds freely – this year the gravels below that plant were awash with seedlings and a box of compost we brought back to the uk is nurturing at least a couple of dozen plants. I am trying this Echium at WK and if this winter is as gentle as last years was severe I may have some success – and numerous plants needing a home.
  56. Just north of Tatihou we have the headland of Pointe de Saire. As you might assume this area of soft sediments and rock outcrop is a site of deposition for shells
  57. Looking east with the tower on Tatihou to the right of the picture
  58. Rock platform, outcrop, pools, intertidal channels, raised ridges
  59. Perfect place for the shell seekers
  60. Strandline scatter, beach pockets, scour moats, shell banks as raised berms, dominated by Crepidula
  61. Scan surface for conspicuous species, Trivia, Epitonium, Calliostoma, sunset shell. Look closely and if deposits shell rich take some for sorting at home.
  62. North coast exposed more exposed
  63. Occasional Nautilus
  64. If lucky ormer Haliotistuberculata
  65. Farmed in France, commercial fishery 1994 along Breton coast, reg by permits and quotas. Occur onChannel Is and are collected under restrictions designed to protect local populations from over-exploitation. Delicacy tasting unlike any other mollusc meat.
  66. Cap Levi. Walking on Utah Beach after storms Nick picked up a moribund fully grown ormer with some flesh in tact. First evidence on east altho knew west occurrences. Our neighbour, a source of much local knowledge, suggest Cap Levi
  67. A sprawling site below the lighthouse. Francois joined us
  68. You have to work the lower shore which on spring tides takes you into the treacherous reaches of the kelp zone. Over the ears I have laboured in this zone with various degrees of success. The kelp is incredibly slippery but what is worse is that the stipes of the kelp wrap round your ankles as you move about and act as a tether. I’ve taken many a tumble
  69. Fortunately now I wear neopryn chest waders I no longer get a soaking, and I get a softer landing
  70. Oases. You can search under boulders lying over the sands and gravels. Unfortu. Not good ormer territory
  71. You will find C. varia and 3cm Acanthochitona. But experience, and more importantly talking to other fishers has taught me that you won’t necessarily find ormers using that strategy. What I finally learnt that day is that the normal strategy of looking under rocks nicely bedded on sands and gravels wont’ yield results. Where you find ormers is under rocks sitting on a lattice of other nicely bedded rocks, or tucked into crevices.
  72. So to this sandy shore, Maupertus e of Cherbg. Beach all goods shop window, clean swept sands, rock margins. Not much washed up when I took this photo.
  73. Revisit Nov. Check strandline, devoid of molluscs not even Sepia. But this shore has a secret place.
  74. AS near cliff margin, the unbroken margin proves to have interruptions.
  75. Round the small promontory there is a small sea cave, right height onshore to be very interesting. Large enough to squeeze inside to look at the walls. I can see they are coated red green coralline films and crusts. Nicely fissured walls. Time was I would flatten myself along one face to investigate but with age comes caution. This is a place to return to with a torch and more pairs of eyes
  76. Hope for Paludinella. Perhaps some come and look. The discovery of this small cave brings to mind my favourite quotation
  77. Little Gidding is the 4th and final poem of T S Eliot’s Four Quartets, series of poems published in 1942 after being delayed for over a year because of air-raids over Great Britain during the war and his declining health