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Political Biography Essay
Conor Samuels
9 March 2010
Professor Simon
PSC 101
Political Autobiography In my life I have never had any political enforcement or strict religious
influence. My parents were very lenient when it came too political preaching. I was taught to be
a caring and respectful individual. My political understanding and beliefs have been molded from
my early political memories and socialization experiences. As a young adult I have always strived
to become knowledgeable about political ideals mainly because I was never really taught to
believe in something specific. I eventually was drawn towards many different social and political
perspectives, which is how I came to a logical conclusion of how I view the world
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It is very important to be aware of what is going on in the world however sometimes reading can
be a better source or information than watching bias television broadcasts. I believe that if
children have to develop their own political opinion at a young age then they will attain values
and beliefs that are more logical. I had structure growing up as a kid and was directed to what was
right and wrong but I was not born into a political dictatorship. My parents were caring people and
emphasized that treating others with respect is more important than following some indoctrinated
code. I am fortunate to have been given the freedom to develop my own social and political views.
Having political guidance from family is important but being told that only one particular political
belief system is infallible is not the ideal way to educate. My parents have always preached equality,
and that all people should have equal opportunity to pursue their goals despite their religion, race,
ethnic background or sexual orientation. At a young age I was taught to recognize that all
Americans have an equal opportunity to aspire to an education regardless of their economic
condition. My parents were a large influence of how I view freedom of speech. They emphasized
that all individuals have the right to express their opinions and advocate their personal beliefs. One
of the key political concepts that I was born into was to fight for a clean environment. The
environment must be protected and
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Biography of Grandparent
"I had an amazing life. I had wonderful husband I loved more than anything else is the world. I had
six beautiful children, who gave me nine grandchildren, and the strength I needed throughout my
life. I have regrets; but everyone does. I believe my life was wonderful because everyday I pray for
my family and thank God for what he has given me throughout the years. The good times, and the
difficult ones – everything was a blessing." Winnie, now 75 years old, believes she has been
blessed everyday of her life. It sounded surprising after I interviewed her to hear how religious and
optimistic she is about her life. You see, I knew her as my quirky grandmother– who used to
crotchet dolls on top of soda bottles, or kiss a penny more content...
Every Sunday, after church, her father would bring her and her siblings to the park near their house
and play with them until her mother was finished making lunch for the family. Winnie's friends
during her childhood were the "kids who were in her church and her neighborhood." She never
remembered having her mother dislike any of her childhood friends; but emphasized that she
spent the most of her time with her older sister Angela. Annie and Angela were best of friends
growing up, always playing dress up and house. To this day, her and Angela have a strong bond
despite living miles apart. In her teenage years in the 1950's, her mother and father never
emphasized the importance of her schoolwork. They were still very strict religiously, but believed
that the woman should raise children in the house [[relate to watching tv and seeing a commercial
for her period and saying that's inappropriate on tv]] She was not allowed to date until she was
eighteen. But, when she was fifteen, she met a boy in school that she had a crush on. Although she
knew it was wrong, the boy and her started dating secretly. It was nothing serious, she remembers,
"Going to the park and having him pick her flowers and kissing her hands." It was the first time she
took interest in a boy, or that a boy had taken interest in her. Unfortunately, her older brother Gerard
had heard about Annie having a
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My Biography Essay
I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met
many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for
Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary
school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new
tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were
given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and
I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always
remember Ms Kerion, she was more content...
Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing
experiences up to this date, secondary school. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was
said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst
behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved
very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in
mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the
smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and
un– breathable.
When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in
comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier
than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some
new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and
it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made
friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had
fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was
the best in our whole year at most
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Essay on Biography of William Shakespeare
Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was
baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford–upon–Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight
children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, three of whom died in childhood. John was a
well–known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry, or
high social position. The house where Shakespeare spent his childhood stood adjacent to he wool
shop in which his father plied a successful trade as a glover and dealer in leather goods and other
commodities. Before moving to Stratford sometime prior to 1552 John Shakespeare had been a
farmer in the neighboring village of Snitterfield. Whether he was able to read and write
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He was thought to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas
Lucy. He was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583
and twins– a boy and a girl– in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. The age of
Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Elizabeth, from 1558 to 1603, saw
England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. Elizabeth I's
England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and firmly
established the Church of England. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonists
eastward in search of profit. In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence.
At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan
Age. It was in this atmosphere that London became a leading center of culture as well as
commerce. Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the daythis is the
environment in which Shakespeare lived and wrote. In the 1580's, the writings of the University
Wits defined the London theatre. Though grounded in medieval/Jacobean roots, men such as
Marlowe, Greene, Lyly, Kyd, and Peele, produced new dramas and comedies using Marlowe's
styling of blank verse. Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama
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Educational Autobiography Essay
Miguel Huerta Period 1 September 8, 2010 Educational Autobiography A lot of people think
education is just something you get in school, but in reality education comes from different
places and people not just school and teachers. For example, way before I started school I was
already being educated by my parents, they taught me how to eat, behave, use the bathroom, talk,
and a lot of other things that help out in life. I started my educational career in John F. Kennedy
Elementary. I don't really remember my years there because I only went there for Kindergarten
and 1st grade. After that, I went to Sepulveda Elementary. That was a learning experience because I
had to basically be on my own for a couple of days since I was the more content...
Sadly to say, I didn't really have a teacher in middle school that made a big impact in my life but I
matured on my own and got my stuff together and put my work first and girls second. When I
graduated 8th grade I was so excited because I had accomplished something special but I knew
that wasn't the end but in fact a beginning to an even bigger obstacle, high school. I still remember
on the day of graduation my mom went alone because my dad was working and after I told her
that this wasn't the last time she would see me walking down for a diploma because in couple
more years I would be doing it again. That was a big deal because she never graduated high school
neither did my dad because my mom had me and they had to care for me. Then finally I made it
to high school. This was the place where everything I learned up to now would help me. My 9th
grade year was really good I met new friends that I still talk to, got good grades but other than that it
was a normal year. When I went to 10th grade I was in AOF (Academy of Finance) or Global. At
first I was a little optimistic about being in it because I didn't really know a lot of people but I stayed
because I was a little curious about the whole business stuff going on in there. It was a good
decision to stay because I really enjoy all the business related work and I am looking forward to even
having some sort of a business career later on in life. The teacher that really made an impact on me
is the teacher for whom I
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Biography of Aristotle Essay example
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist who lived from 384–322 B.C who was born in
Stagira, Macedonia. His father played a major role in society as a physician in the royal court.
Young Aristotle took a liking to Plato and decided to go to his academy at the age of seventeen. For
the next twenty years, Aristotle remained there first as a student then as a teacher. After the death of
Plato, Aristotle moved to Assos in the Asia Minor where he tutored his friend Hermias who was
the ruler there and decided to marry his niece. After his death he then tutored Alexander the Great at
the capital of Macedonia known as Pella. Later in his life, Aristotle decided to move back to Athens,
Greece to open up his own school known as more content...
An act is acted upon through lack of knowledge known as ignorance when the performer is unaware
of the consequences of the specific condition. Performing in the course of unawareness must be
separated from performing in ignorance. One may be performing ignorance through drunkenness or
moral depravity, which is an act of moral corruption that ends up being extremely worse. Voluntary
acts are acts that are the opposite of involuntary acts. A voluntary act involves choice that human
beings are only capable of. The choice that one makes is different from rage or desire. "Such
actions, then, are mixed, but are more like voluntary actions; for they are worthy of choice at the
time when they are done, and the end of an action is relative to the occasion" (Book III). True choice
requires rational consideration, an ability unique to human beings, which also means that the human
being choosing can verify that one action is preferable to another. An example ofvoluntary action is
the decision to play a sport for school or not. Playing a sport for school may take time out of your
studies, but at the same time, make you become better physically fit and an overall better person by
learning things about yourself and about life. That student has to make that decision if he wants to
feel better about himself physically or concentrate more on his
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Example Of Autobiography About Myself
Everyone has their own stories, no matter it is meaningful or not it is their life and their
memories. When I told to write a memoir about languages, I could not come up about any ideas.
So, I ask Professor for help, my Professor told us that everyone has their own stories and it is
interesting, because that is your experiences not ours. People like to hear stories, because it is not
their experiences and they want to know what have you been through. Here are little stories about
I was born and grow up in China, Tianjin, a big city where just an hour away from Beijing. Since
my mom wants to give me a better living environment, and better chance of education; so, we
decided to move to US. When I moved to the US in 2012, I was only sixteen years old and barely
spoke any English. Even I had learned English for all my school life in China, I still didn't
understand when other talking to me. The new life was totally different, it was tough and
challenging for me. The new language environment and culture differences were giving me a hard
time to fit into this country. When I first came to Chicago; Mother and I went through a great
amount of troubles trying to enroll me in a high school. Many schools turned me down because of
my lack of English skills. They wrote me a letter and send me to an ESL class at a community
As soon as my mother settled me down in a small apartment, she left me to work in another state.
She needs to make money to support me and our family, so I have no choice to live alone by
myself. I was facing the challenge of fending for myself in a totally strange environment, where I
didn't know enough English to ask for help. When I was in China, I never had to cook, shop for
groceries, and walk to school. For the first time in my life, I had to do everything by myself. I had
so little money that I could not afford to eat at restaurants every day. Therefore, I had no choice but
to cook for myself. At first, my mother was the only person I can ask for advice. But when it came
to practice, it felt ten times harder than it sounds to me. I remember practicing cutting on potatoes.
My left fingers were often wrapped with Band–Aids. But I disregarded the pain and kept practicing it
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Essay on Sociological Autobiography
My life started with my long and hard birth on July 14, 1993. I came into the world with a large
scream and was immediately placed into some sort of category. The doctors and nurses took a
quick look at me, and pronounced me as a girl. This social label of being a girl was now my
gender, which is something I had no say in. Every since that very moment in time where my
parents were told I was a girl, I have been treated according to my gender. This meant that my
parents automatically dressed me in pink, bought me dollhouses and kitchen sets and threw me
Barbie themed birthday parties. Since I was surrounded my whole entire life by these things, it was
almost like second nature to think and act the way that I did and still do. more content...
I became intrigued and wanted to play with his toys because they became so much more
interesting then mine. When my grandmother saw that I was playing with trucks and enjoying it,
she quickly came over and grabbed them out of my hands, giving them back to the little boy I had
taken them from. She then explained to me that trucks were for boys not girls, and I should stick
to using my pink shovel and bucket set to make nice sandcastles. I didn't understand at that point
what the big issue was, it was just toys that were fun to play with, but I agreed with my
grandmother because I didn't want to get into trouble and from then on stuck to focusing on
making sandcastles. I quickly forgot about the trucks, and never again did I think to play with
anything remotely like that. Little did I know it, but that was one of the first examples of gender
roles that I had been exposed too. Growing up, my label of a female has given me both advantages
and disadvantages. Having a younger brother has given me a clearer view of how parents and
family members socialize the both of us to act male or female. Because I am a female, it was
expected of me from a very early age to attend school and university. There was never really a
choice, it was either that or go straight into work, which was the less pleasing option. However my
brother is just expected to get his high school diploma and go work for my father and take over our
family business, which
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William Shakespeare Research Paper
What was Shakespeare Biography? Who was William Shakespeare? Where was he born? Where did
he go to school? How did William Shakespeare live his life from the beginning to the ending?
William Shakespeare's life became a great mystery with lack of evidence to support any findings.
His schooling, his family and parents will be revealed in my paper. Who were William Shakespeare's
parents? The parents of Mr. Shakespeare were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare.
Mary Arden married William Shakespeare in 1557. Mary was the favorite of eight daughters of the
widowed Robert Arden (Absolute Shakespeare, 2000–2005). William Shakespeare's parents were
both uneducated. John Shakespeare had become the Mayor of Stratford were more
The nine years between is just another mystery that nobody can figure out(Shakespeare Online,
Actor and Playwright,1999–2010 ). There is no doubt as of today that William Shakespeare is the
greatest writer of English Literature. His plays have been made into movies, books have been
written, music has been conducted and published, and if your real lucky you might even be able
to see a play of one of his greatest stories ever told; in which I have seen many movies and read
many books. Here are some of my favorite stories ever written; Othello, The Moon of Venice, The
Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Macbeth (which
was a favorite in high school), Midsummer Night's Dream ( I have read that book), Henry V,
Hamlet, which I might add Mel Gibson did very well playing that part, and my most favorite love
story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. As you can see the title says it all. His mind went to the extreme
and with such little education he just knew what his passion was and went for it. William
Shakespeare's children, as mentioned earlier, Susanna, Hamnet and Judith had a much different life
of the great English Poet. William Shakespeare's first born, Susanna, was raised by her mother, Anne.
When Susanna turned twenty–four she was to marry a prosperous medical doctor. The wedding was
held on June 5th 1607. Susanna had a baby girl eight
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3rd Person Autobiography
Ashley Reed
Autobiography Ashley Reed was born on a warm Texas morning in June 1984. This blue eyed
little girl was a huge surprise to everyone because they were all expecting a little boy. Named after
an actress from a soap opera, this bundle of joy grew up as an only child, but shared a lot of time
with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Raised in the country, Reed had a passion for animals
and getting dirty. There wasn't anything that could stop this little tom– boy from jumping in a
puddle of mud, climbing trees, or capturing wild horses. This determined country girl learned at a
young age to be independent. Reed would go out to the pasture and capture a horse, bring it back to
the barn, saddle it, and take more content...
The medical field had crossed this competitors mind a time or two, but was never anything serious.
An elective credit was needed to complete the semester, so this fragile freshman decided to sign up
for the athletic trainer course. Reed had no awareness of what was in store for the future. This
novice trainer stood on the side lines during every football season, hydrating the players, taking care
of sprained ankles, injured wrists, and finally a broken femur. It was then, junior year, that this
novice trainer became a future paramedic. High school ended in December 2002, when this early
graduate walked across the stage and the forthcoming journey began. High school was over, a
college in Lubbock, Texas was chosen, and this young adult was going to attend paramedic
school. At the end of the first semester, personal and family issues surfaced, and it was back to the
little small town of Willis. Still wanting to pursue the paramedic field, Reed realized that this
wasn't the right time to do so, and began seeking employment to help with family needs. This
hardworking driven individual worked two to three jobs at a time over the next nine years to help
support family. In all this time, the dream of becoming a paramedic was never lost. It wasn't until
June 2011 that the door to pursue this field was reopened. Reed decided it was time to follow
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A Biography On My Mom
I wrote a biography on my mom because she is basically an older and wiser me, but her childhood
wasn't exactly as easy. Lashae Damore Bibbins was born on March fifteenth, 1970 in Los Angeles
California at the UCLA Medical Center. She was born on her dad's birthday and unfortunately, the
day her father's best friend died from a car incident. Lashae's parents are Lucille and John Jefferson.
Her first memory was when she was four or three years old in pre–school called Kimberly Ann in
1973. Lashae says, "I remember they had an ugly red carpet, and I refused to take a nap till the
teacher said "okay just lay down quietly". I used to watch a T.V show called "H.R. Puffin Stuff."
There was a red flute, an ugly green witch and the trees moved and talked." Lashae's mom
especially remembers when Lashae would cry every time she dropped her off, which gave her a
headache. As a child Lashae was most afraid of dying. She would think about it all the time and
scare herself. She also remembers the weekends when she was young. "Saturdays were the best
because I was able to watch cartoons all morning while drinking hot chocolate and eating toast with
grape jelly. My favorite t.v–show to this day was the Brady Bunch."
Lashae had two siblings. Her unreliable older brother, Maurice, who she thought was very weird
because he would always lie and steal from their family and an annoying younger sister, Meme, who
at the time lived to make Lashae's life miserable by pretending that Lashae hurt
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Example Of Career Autobiography
Career Autobiography
Throughout life, people are influenced by others when it comes to career paths. For example,
career paths can be directed by our backgrounds such as family and culture. The career path I chose
has been influenced by family and those who support me and encourage me during school. The
career path, I have chosen is to work with women survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I
will discuss how self–assessments helped me gain an understanding, which careers might be worth
pursuing because of my interests.
I have always been encouraged by my family to volunteer to gain an understanding that experience
is valuable, even if the work is unpaid. While volunteering, it allowed me to see if I could handle
dealing with trauma victims in hospital settings. I chose the major of psychology because I always
wanted to become a therapist and help those in difficult life situations. I knew that my family
wanted me to feel rewarded and satisfied with the career I choose and to not focus mainly on
salary. My family always thought it was important to get a college education and a good career.
They did not attend school themselves and know the struggles of finding a job without the
qualifications and education. The cultural influences that impacted my decision was that my family
can understand my career path. My family looks at counselors as important people in society and as
a career worth pursuing. Both of my parents are from Poland and did not attend school in the
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Autobiography Of A Teacher
As children, we absorb information and learn from experiences that mold us into who we are.
Many individuals impact a child's life, but the most powerful and influential role lies in a
devoted teacher, a teacher provides growth to students as a gardener would to a garden of flowers.
Each child can bloom into a thriving flower so long as you water their garden with optimism, love,
patience, and guidance. Throughout my educational experiences I was lucky enough to have
educators who poured their knowledge and optimism into me, and now I would like to reciprocate
that back to students who are in the position I was once in. Balancing life and school is hard
enough for a student, but a powerful and caring teacher can steer you in the right direction. In this
autobiography you will read about my educational background, experiences that influenced my
decision to become a teacher, and what I believe the role of a teacher should be in a student's life. As
a student I went to multiple schools, I went to three different elementary schools, two middle
schools, and two high schools in Brownsville, and through it all I had great experiences. Brownsville
is a humble community with low socioeconomic status, but rich in culture, history, and unity. In
retrospect, the socioeconomic status was changing as I attended different schools, depending on the
area of the school, of course. I was able to see peers of mine with different statuses than the person
next to them, some more affluent than
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Autobiography Of My Family
I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture
alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in America on my mom's side and second
generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and
depended on my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine
of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for them so survive and find stability.
Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to
keep up family traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very
close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you can tell by more
This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because
my mom is not a superhero and could not be in multiple places at one time. Grief left my family
and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued
on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working
mother we still had. I am resilient and got back on my feet and continued to attend school,
graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone
through many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career
choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at a young age, and my father passing
from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a
cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly
have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told by many people to pick a different profession
because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I
have experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right
profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also assured me that I will be able to tackle
medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is
that I have personally experienced people suffer from
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Professional Biography
Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography?
I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too.
I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli
when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with
tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want
to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and
chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is
certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in Psychology more content...
Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to
helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of
this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be
intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence.
What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of
narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and
deep respect for who I am.
I am formally trained as a "Psycho"–Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my
profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a
fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you
are reading.
Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the
essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our
responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of
"suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you.
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Autobiography Essay
While growing up, my family always pushed me to learn something new. Being a kindergarten
teacher, my mother taught me the basics of reading and writing. Those basic skills laid the
foundation for all of my reading and writing experiences. In elementary school, book reports and
spelling bees were my favorite activities. Throughout middle and high school, I had one
determined teacher, who was my teacher for all of my reading and writing classes. I believe
experiences in my early years, my interests in elementary school, and a specific teacher in high
school made me the reader and writer I am today. To emphasize, being the child of a teacher
definitely has its benefits. As soon as I physically could, I was reading and writing. When I was
younger I loved Scooby Doo books. My earliest memory happens to be when my mom was in the
hospital having my twin sisters. I was waiting outside, reading a Scooby Doo book. I remember
my first day of kindergarten very vividly. I expected my first year of school to be much more
difficult than it actually was. From a young age, my parents stressed how important grades were. I
believe my grades played more content...
Every year we would have a book report. At this age, I was obsessed with horses, therefor I
always chose to read books about horses. I read books from the Phantom Stallion series, as well
as Seabiscuit. I also enjoyed art, so after reading the book, making a creative poster was also fun.
The competition of trying to win a book report was something I was interested in. Around fourth
grade, my school started to have spelling bees. My best friend was the only person, other than
myself, who wanted to win. If I won at my elementary school, I could proceed to district, state, and
even national levels. Sadly, I never made it past state. Even though I was never actually successful
at spelling bees, it was a fun activity for me during my elementary
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Biography Of An Immigrant
I was born on january/31/1919 in Vietnam and immigrated to France. In 1942 I was studying at
the university in Nice, where I met a fellow student, Jadwiga Alfabet, a Jewish refugee from
Poland. In the summer of 1942 the French police began arresting Jews with foreign nationality. In
September 1943 the Germans occupied Nice and all the Italian controlled zones and we were in
danger of deportation. I decided to hide not only my wife, but also her relatives. In November
1943 I took a train with a few of my wife's relatives to get them in touch with a smuggler who could
take them to Switzerland, I made this trip several
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Autobiography Of My Childhood
In second grade, I finally figured out that something was wrong with me. There always had been,
and it was only getting worse. For as long as I had been alive, I was never like other kids. As a baby,
I never crawled more than a few inches. But one day, just for fun, my dad stood me up across the
room from my mom. "Walk to Mama," he told me. Despite all expectations, I did. I got up and
walked to Mama. I didn 't even stumble. It wasn 't that I couldn 't walk, I just hadn 't needed to.
My mom carried me everywhere. It was a sign, albeit missed, of what was to come. I had also never
spoken, not even baby babble. Many of my parents ' friends took this as proof that I was autistic.
My parents, however, refused to believe them. more content...
The school tried to discourage my parents from thinking I was gifted, saying things like 'A lot of
people think that about their kids,' and 'She's fine where she is.' Fortunately, my parents knew
something was up. At Ms. Kafka's urging, my parents got me tested. The results came back
positive. I was gifted. Very. The school resumed its rhetoric with even more force. They didn 't
want me to leave. I was dragging up their test scores. My parents, however, did want me to leave,
as did I. We started looking at schools. Two favorites emerged: Nova Classical Academy and
Minnetonka Public Schools's Navigator program. Nova was a public charter school in Saint
Paul, much closer to my house in Minneapolis, and was recommended by my IQ test proctor. The
Navigator program was, unsurprisingly, in Minnetonka, and my parents had found it on their
own. Due to my father's anxieties about me going to a charter, they decided to look more closely
at Minnetonka. A little while later, I was pulled from my school to go to a Navigator orientation.
As soon as I walked in to the classroom, I felt every pair of eyes on me. I was in the worst situation
imaginable–I was the newcomer. I didn 't know anything about this strange new place, half an hour
away from my school, my house, and anything and anyone I knew. Worse, in less than a year, these
kids could be my classmates. I took a spot at the very back table. There was only one other student
there–a blonde girl who quickly introduced herself
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Example of Sociobiography
Terri Weedman
Sociobiography: What Shaped Me into Who I Am?
My name is TerriWeedman; I was born Sept. 4th, 1991. Let me start by saying a lot has influenced
who I am today people as well as events that have flipped my life upside down and molded me into a
better, stronger person then who I was a few years ago. I am going to tell you about a few people
who I extremely admire, and a couple that have failed me.
My mother Jeanne has always raised me on a tight leash and taught me to have morals, ethics,
self–respect, and class about myself. She raised me and my older brother by herself for a long time,
and we never really got to have the "Wonderful" mother/daughter relationship every little girl wants
with her mother, but because more content...
I wouldn't change anything about my life ever, because my life is who I
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Biography Of My Grandmother
My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in
her life. She excelled in everything because she is very strong and determined to do things.
Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It
wasn't until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind
loving person she is. This biography portrays what she has accomplished and how she is loving
and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She
grew up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and
Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber
shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house
including dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always
expected to do her chores for the day after school or she would be in trouble. Her parents were very
conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if
they wanted to go or not.
Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things
like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and marbles with shooters. She played many guy
sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She
also loved to go ice skating. My
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Biography Example Essay

  • 1. Political Biography Essay Conor Samuels 9 March 2010 Professor Simon PSC 101 Political Autobiography In my life I have never had any political enforcement or strict religious influence. My parents were very lenient when it came too political preaching. I was taught to be a caring and respectful individual. My political understanding and beliefs have been molded from my early political memories and socialization experiences. As a young adult I have always strived to become knowledgeable about political ideals mainly because I was never really taught to believe in something specific. I eventually was drawn towards many different social and political perspectives, which is how I came to a logical conclusion of how I view the world more content... It is very important to be aware of what is going on in the world however sometimes reading can be a better source or information than watching bias television broadcasts. I believe that if children have to develop their own political opinion at a young age then they will attain values and beliefs that are more logical. I had structure growing up as a kid and was directed to what was right and wrong but I was not born into a political dictatorship. My parents were caring people and emphasized that treating others with respect is more important than following some indoctrinated code. I am fortunate to have been given the freedom to develop my own social and political views. Having political guidance from family is important but being told that only one particular political belief system is infallible is not the ideal way to educate. My parents have always preached equality, and that all people should have equal opportunity to pursue their goals despite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. At a young age I was taught to recognize that all Americans have an equal opportunity to aspire to an education regardless of their economic condition. My parents were a large influence of how I view freedom of speech. They emphasized that all individuals have the right to express their opinions and advocate their personal beliefs. One of the key political concepts that I was born into was to fight for a clean environment. The environment must be protected and Get more content on
  • 2. Biography of Grandparent "I had an amazing life. I had wonderful husband I loved more than anything else is the world. I had six beautiful children, who gave me nine grandchildren, and the strength I needed throughout my life. I have regrets; but everyone does. I believe my life was wonderful because everyday I pray for my family and thank God for what he has given me throughout the years. The good times, and the difficult ones – everything was a blessing." Winnie, now 75 years old, believes she has been blessed everyday of her life. It sounded surprising after I interviewed her to hear how religious and optimistic she is about her life. You see, I knew her as my quirky grandmother– who used to crotchet dolls on top of soda bottles, or kiss a penny more content... Every Sunday, after church, her father would bring her and her siblings to the park near their house and play with them until her mother was finished making lunch for the family. Winnie's friends during her childhood were the "kids who were in her church and her neighborhood." She never remembered having her mother dislike any of her childhood friends; but emphasized that she spent the most of her time with her older sister Angela. Annie and Angela were best of friends growing up, always playing dress up and house. To this day, her and Angela have a strong bond despite living miles apart. In her teenage years in the 1950's, her mother and father never emphasized the importance of her schoolwork. They were still very strict religiously, but believed that the woman should raise children in the house [[relate to watching tv and seeing a commercial for her period and saying that's inappropriate on tv]] She was not allowed to date until she was eighteen. But, when she was fifteen, she met a boy in school that she had a crush on. Although she knew it was wrong, the boy and her started dating secretly. It was nothing serious, she remembers, "Going to the park and having him pick her flowers and kissing her hands." It was the first time she took interest in a boy, or that a boy had taken interest in her. Unfortunately, her older brother Gerard had heard about Annie having a Get more content on
  • 3. My Biography Essay I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for others. Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and numbers. I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always remember Ms Kerion, she was more content... Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing experiences up to this date, secondary school. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and un– breathable. When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was the best in our whole year at most Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Biography of William Shakespeare Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford–upon–Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, three of whom died in childhood. John was a well–known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry, or high social position. The house where Shakespeare spent his childhood stood adjacent to he wool shop in which his father plied a successful trade as a glover and dealer in leather goods and other commodities. Before moving to Stratford sometime prior to 1552 John Shakespeare had been a farmer in the neighboring village of Snitterfield. Whether he was able to read and write more content... He was thought to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas Lucy. He was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583 and twins– a boy and a girl– in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. The age of Shakespeare was a great time in English history. The reign of Elizabeth, from 1558 to 1603, saw England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. Elizabeth I's England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and firmly established the Church of England. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh sent colonists eastward in search of profit. In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence. At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan Age. It was in this atmosphere that London became a leading center of culture as well as commerce. Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the daythis is the environment in which Shakespeare lived and wrote. In the 1580's, the writings of the University Wits defined the London theatre. Though grounded in medieval/Jacobean roots, men such as Marlowe, Greene, Lyly, Kyd, and Peele, produced new dramas and comedies using Marlowe's styling of blank verse. Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama with Get more content on
  • 5. Educational Autobiography Essay Miguel Huerta Period 1 September 8, 2010 Educational Autobiography A lot of people think education is just something you get in school, but in reality education comes from different places and people not just school and teachers. For example, way before I started school I was already being educated by my parents, they taught me how to eat, behave, use the bathroom, talk, and a lot of other things that help out in life. I started my educational career in John F. Kennedy Elementary. I don't really remember my years there because I only went there for Kindergarten and 1st grade. After that, I went to Sepulveda Elementary. That was a learning experience because I had to basically be on my own for a couple of days since I was the more content... Sadly to say, I didn't really have a teacher in middle school that made a big impact in my life but I matured on my own and got my stuff together and put my work first and girls second. When I graduated 8th grade I was so excited because I had accomplished something special but I knew that wasn't the end but in fact a beginning to an even bigger obstacle, high school. I still remember on the day of graduation my mom went alone because my dad was working and after I told her that this wasn't the last time she would see me walking down for a diploma because in couple more years I would be doing it again. That was a big deal because she never graduated high school neither did my dad because my mom had me and they had to care for me. Then finally I made it to high school. This was the place where everything I learned up to now would help me. My 9th grade year was really good I met new friends that I still talk to, got good grades but other than that it was a normal year. When I went to 10th grade I was in AOF (Academy of Finance) or Global. At first I was a little optimistic about being in it because I didn't really know a lot of people but I stayed because I was a little curious about the whole business stuff going on in there. It was a good decision to stay because I really enjoy all the business related work and I am looking forward to even having some sort of a business career later on in life. The teacher that really made an impact on me is the teacher for whom I Get more content on
  • 6. Biography of Aristotle Essay example Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist who lived from 384–322 B.C who was born in Stagira, Macedonia. His father played a major role in society as a physician in the royal court. Young Aristotle took a liking to Plato and decided to go to his academy at the age of seventeen. For the next twenty years, Aristotle remained there first as a student then as a teacher. After the death of Plato, Aristotle moved to Assos in the Asia Minor where he tutored his friend Hermias who was the ruler there and decided to marry his niece. After his death he then tutored Alexander the Great at the capital of Macedonia known as Pella. Later in his life, Aristotle decided to move back to Athens, Greece to open up his own school known as more content... An act is acted upon through lack of knowledge known as ignorance when the performer is unaware of the consequences of the specific condition. Performing in the course of unawareness must be separated from performing in ignorance. One may be performing ignorance through drunkenness or moral depravity, which is an act of moral corruption that ends up being extremely worse. Voluntary acts are acts that are the opposite of involuntary acts. A voluntary act involves choice that human beings are only capable of. The choice that one makes is different from rage or desire. "Such actions, then, are mixed, but are more like voluntary actions; for they are worthy of choice at the time when they are done, and the end of an action is relative to the occasion" (Book III). True choice requires rational consideration, an ability unique to human beings, which also means that the human being choosing can verify that one action is preferable to another. An example ofvoluntary action is the decision to play a sport for school or not. Playing a sport for school may take time out of your studies, but at the same time, make you become better physically fit and an overall better person by learning things about yourself and about life. That student has to make that decision if he wants to feel better about himself physically or concentrate more on his Get more content on
  • 7. Example Of Autobiography About Myself Memoir Everyone has their own stories, no matter it is meaningful or not it is their life and their memories. When I told to write a memoir about languages, I could not come up about any ideas. So, I ask Professor for help, my Professor told us that everyone has their own stories and it is interesting, because that is your experiences not ours. People like to hear stories, because it is not their experiences and they want to know what have you been through. Here are little stories about myself. I was born and grow up in China, Tianjin, a big city where just an hour away from Beijing. Since my mom wants to give me a better living environment, and better chance of education; so, we decided to move to US. When I moved to the US in 2012, I was only sixteen years old and barely spoke any English. Even I had learned English for all my school life in China, I still didn't understand when other talking to me. The new life was totally different, it was tough and challenging for me. The new language environment and culture differences were giving me a hard time to fit into this country. When I first came to Chicago; Mother and I went through a great amount of troubles trying to enroll me in a high school. Many schools turned me down because of my lack of English skills. They wrote me a letter and send me to an ESL class at a community college. As soon as my mother settled me down in a small apartment, she left me to work in another state. She needs to make money to support me and our family, so I have no choice to live alone by myself. I was facing the challenge of fending for myself in a totally strange environment, where I didn't know enough English to ask for help. When I was in China, I never had to cook, shop for groceries, and walk to school. For the first time in my life, I had to do everything by myself. I had so little money that I could not afford to eat at restaurants every day. Therefore, I had no choice but to cook for myself. At first, my mother was the only person I can ask for advice. But when it came to practice, it felt ten times harder than it sounds to me. I remember practicing cutting on potatoes. My left fingers were often wrapped with Band–Aids. But I disregarded the pain and kept practicing it Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Sociological Autobiography My life started with my long and hard birth on July 14, 1993. I came into the world with a large scream and was immediately placed into some sort of category. The doctors and nurses took a quick look at me, and pronounced me as a girl. This social label of being a girl was now my gender, which is something I had no say in. Every since that very moment in time where my parents were told I was a girl, I have been treated according to my gender. This meant that my parents automatically dressed me in pink, bought me dollhouses and kitchen sets and threw me Barbie themed birthday parties. Since I was surrounded my whole entire life by these things, it was almost like second nature to think and act the way that I did and still do. more content... I became intrigued and wanted to play with his toys because they became so much more interesting then mine. When my grandmother saw that I was playing with trucks and enjoying it, she quickly came over and grabbed them out of my hands, giving them back to the little boy I had taken them from. She then explained to me that trucks were for boys not girls, and I should stick to using my pink shovel and bucket set to make nice sandcastles. I didn't understand at that point what the big issue was, it was just toys that were fun to play with, but I agreed with my grandmother because I didn't want to get into trouble and from then on stuck to focusing on making sandcastles. I quickly forgot about the trucks, and never again did I think to play with anything remotely like that. Little did I know it, but that was one of the first examples of gender roles that I had been exposed too. Growing up, my label of a female has given me both advantages and disadvantages. Having a younger brother has given me a clearer view of how parents and family members socialize the both of us to act male or female. Because I am a female, it was expected of me from a very early age to attend school and university. There was never really a choice, it was either that or go straight into work, which was the less pleasing option. However my brother is just expected to get his high school diploma and go work for my father and take over our family business, which Get more content on
  • 9. William Shakespeare Research Paper What was Shakespeare Biography? Who was William Shakespeare? Where was he born? Where did he go to school? How did William Shakespeare live his life from the beginning to the ending? William Shakespeare's life became a great mystery with lack of evidence to support any findings. His schooling, his family and parents will be revealed in my paper. Who were William Shakespeare's parents? The parents of Mr. Shakespeare were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare. Mary Arden married William Shakespeare in 1557. Mary was the favorite of eight daughters of the widowed Robert Arden (Absolute Shakespeare, 2000–2005). William Shakespeare's parents were both uneducated. John Shakespeare had become the Mayor of Stratford were more content... The nine years between is just another mystery that nobody can figure out(Shakespeare Online, Actor and Playwright,1999–2010 ). There is no doubt as of today that William Shakespeare is the greatest writer of English Literature. His plays have been made into movies, books have been written, music has been conducted and published, and if your real lucky you might even be able to see a play of one of his greatest stories ever told; in which I have seen many movies and read many books. Here are some of my favorite stories ever written; Othello, The Moon of Venice, The Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Macbeth (which was a favorite in high school), Midsummer Night's Dream ( I have read that book), Henry V, Hamlet, which I might add Mel Gibson did very well playing that part, and my most favorite love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. As you can see the title says it all. His mind went to the extreme and with such little education he just knew what his passion was and went for it. William Shakespeare's children, as mentioned earlier, Susanna, Hamnet and Judith had a much different life of the great English Poet. William Shakespeare's first born, Susanna, was raised by her mother, Anne. When Susanna turned twenty–four she was to marry a prosperous medical doctor. The wedding was held on June 5th 1607. Susanna had a baby girl eight Get more content on
  • 10. 3rd Person Autobiography Ashley Reed Autobiography Ashley Reed was born on a warm Texas morning in June 1984. This blue eyed little girl was a huge surprise to everyone because they were all expecting a little boy. Named after an actress from a soap opera, this bundle of joy grew up as an only child, but shared a lot of time with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Raised in the country, Reed had a passion for animals and getting dirty. There wasn't anything that could stop this little tom– boy from jumping in a puddle of mud, climbing trees, or capturing wild horses. This determined country girl learned at a young age to be independent. Reed would go out to the pasture and capture a horse, bring it back to the barn, saddle it, and take more content... The medical field had crossed this competitors mind a time or two, but was never anything serious. An elective credit was needed to complete the semester, so this fragile freshman decided to sign up for the athletic trainer course. Reed had no awareness of what was in store for the future. This novice trainer stood on the side lines during every football season, hydrating the players, taking care of sprained ankles, injured wrists, and finally a broken femur. It was then, junior year, that this novice trainer became a future paramedic. High school ended in December 2002, when this early graduate walked across the stage and the forthcoming journey began. High school was over, a college in Lubbock, Texas was chosen, and this young adult was going to attend paramedic school. At the end of the first semester, personal and family issues surfaced, and it was back to the little small town of Willis. Still wanting to pursue the paramedic field, Reed realized that this wasn't the right time to do so, and began seeking employment to help with family needs. This hardworking driven individual worked two to three jobs at a time over the next nine years to help support family. In all this time, the dream of becoming a paramedic was never lost. It wasn't until June 2011 that the door to pursue this field was reopened. Reed decided it was time to follow Get more content on
  • 11. A Biography On My Mom I wrote a biography on my mom because she is basically an older and wiser me, but her childhood wasn't exactly as easy. Lashae Damore Bibbins was born on March fifteenth, 1970 in Los Angeles California at the UCLA Medical Center. She was born on her dad's birthday and unfortunately, the day her father's best friend died from a car incident. Lashae's parents are Lucille and John Jefferson. Her first memory was when she was four or three years old in pre–school called Kimberly Ann in 1973. Lashae says, "I remember they had an ugly red carpet, and I refused to take a nap till the teacher said "okay just lay down quietly". I used to watch a T.V show called "H.R. Puffin Stuff." There was a red flute, an ugly green witch and the trees moved and talked." Lashae's mom especially remembers when Lashae would cry every time she dropped her off, which gave her a headache. As a child Lashae was most afraid of dying. She would think about it all the time and scare herself. She also remembers the weekends when she was young. "Saturdays were the best because I was able to watch cartoons all morning while drinking hot chocolate and eating toast with grape jelly. My favorite t.v–show to this day was the Brady Bunch." Lashae had two siblings. Her unreliable older brother, Maurice, who she thought was very weird because he would always lie and steal from their family and an annoying younger sister, Meme, who at the time lived to make Lashae's life miserable by pretending that Lashae hurt Get more content on
  • 12. Example Of Career Autobiography Career Autobiography Throughout life, people are influenced by others when it comes to career paths. For example, career paths can be directed by our backgrounds such as family and culture. The career path I chose has been influenced by family and those who support me and encourage me during school. The career path, I have chosen is to work with women survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I will discuss how self–assessments helped me gain an understanding, which careers might be worth pursuing because of my interests. I have always been encouraged by my family to volunteer to gain an understanding that experience is valuable, even if the work is unpaid. While volunteering, it allowed me to see if I could handle dealing with trauma victims in hospital settings. I chose the major of psychology because I always wanted to become a therapist and help those in difficult life situations. I knew that my family wanted me to feel rewarded and satisfied with the career I choose and to not focus mainly on salary. My family always thought it was important to get a college education and a good career. They did not attend school themselves and know the struggles of finding a job without the qualifications and education. The cultural influences that impacted my decision was that my family can understand my career path. My family looks at counselors as important people in society and as a career worth pursuing. Both of my parents are from Poland and did not attend school in the Get more content on
  • 13. Autobiography Of A Teacher As children, we absorb information and learn from experiences that mold us into who we are. Many individuals impact a child's life, but the most powerful and influential role lies in a devoted teacher, a teacher provides growth to students as a gardener would to a garden of flowers. Each child can bloom into a thriving flower so long as you water their garden with optimism, love, patience, and guidance. Throughout my educational experiences I was lucky enough to have educators who poured their knowledge and optimism into me, and now I would like to reciprocate that back to students who are in the position I was once in. Balancing life and school is hard enough for a student, but a powerful and caring teacher can steer you in the right direction. In this autobiography you will read about my educational background, experiences that influenced my decision to become a teacher, and what I believe the role of a teacher should be in a student's life. As a student I went to multiple schools, I went to three different elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools in Brownsville, and through it all I had great experiences. Brownsville is a humble community with low socioeconomic status, but rich in culture, history, and unity. In retrospect, the socioeconomic status was changing as I attended different schools, depending on the area of the school, of course. I was able to see peers of mine with different statuses than the person next to them, some more affluent than Get more content on
  • 14. Autobiography Of My Family I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and depended on my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to keep up family traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you can tell by more content... This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not be in multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient and got back on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone through many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I have experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have personally experienced people suffer from Get more content on
  • 15. Professional Biography Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography? I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too. I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in Psychology more content... Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence. What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and deep respect for who I am. I am formally trained as a "Psycho"–Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you are reading. Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of "suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you. Get more content on
  • 16. Autobiography Essay While growing up, my family always pushed me to learn something new. Being a kindergarten teacher, my mother taught me the basics of reading and writing. Those basic skills laid the foundation for all of my reading and writing experiences. In elementary school, book reports and spelling bees were my favorite activities. Throughout middle and high school, I had one determined teacher, who was my teacher for all of my reading and writing classes. I believe experiences in my early years, my interests in elementary school, and a specific teacher in high school made me the reader and writer I am today. To emphasize, being the child of a teacher definitely has its benefits. As soon as I physically could, I was reading and writing. When I was younger I loved Scooby Doo books. My earliest memory happens to be when my mom was in the hospital having my twin sisters. I was waiting outside, reading a Scooby Doo book. I remember my first day of kindergarten very vividly. I expected my first year of school to be much more difficult than it actually was. From a young age, my parents stressed how important grades were. I believe my grades played more content... Every year we would have a book report. At this age, I was obsessed with horses, therefor I always chose to read books about horses. I read books from the Phantom Stallion series, as well as Seabiscuit. I also enjoyed art, so after reading the book, making a creative poster was also fun. The competition of trying to win a book report was something I was interested in. Around fourth grade, my school started to have spelling bees. My best friend was the only person, other than myself, who wanted to win. If I won at my elementary school, I could proceed to district, state, and even national levels. Sadly, I never made it past state. Even though I was never actually successful at spelling bees, it was a fun activity for me during my elementary Get more content on
  • 17. Biography Of An Immigrant I was born on january/31/1919 in Vietnam and immigrated to France. In 1942 I was studying at the university in Nice, where I met a fellow student, Jadwiga Alfabet, a Jewish refugee from Poland. In the summer of 1942 the French police began arresting Jews with foreign nationality. In September 1943 the Germans occupied Nice and all the Italian controlled zones and we were in danger of deportation. I decided to hide not only my wife, but also her relatives. In November 1943 I took a train with a few of my wife's relatives to get them in touch with a smuggler who could take them to Switzerland, I made this trip several Get more content on
  • 18. Autobiography Of My Childhood In second grade, I finally figured out that something was wrong with me. There always had been, and it was only getting worse. For as long as I had been alive, I was never like other kids. As a baby, I never crawled more than a few inches. But one day, just for fun, my dad stood me up across the room from my mom. "Walk to Mama," he told me. Despite all expectations, I did. I got up and walked to Mama. I didn 't even stumble. It wasn 't that I couldn 't walk, I just hadn 't needed to. My mom carried me everywhere. It was a sign, albeit missed, of what was to come. I had also never spoken, not even baby babble. Many of my parents ' friends took this as proof that I was autistic. My parents, however, refused to believe them. more content... The school tried to discourage my parents from thinking I was gifted, saying things like 'A lot of people think that about their kids,' and 'She's fine where she is.' Fortunately, my parents knew something was up. At Ms. Kafka's urging, my parents got me tested. The results came back positive. I was gifted. Very. The school resumed its rhetoric with even more force. They didn 't want me to leave. I was dragging up their test scores. My parents, however, did want me to leave, as did I. We started looking at schools. Two favorites emerged: Nova Classical Academy and Minnetonka Public Schools's Navigator program. Nova was a public charter school in Saint Paul, much closer to my house in Minneapolis, and was recommended by my IQ test proctor. The Navigator program was, unsurprisingly, in Minnetonka, and my parents had found it on their own. Due to my father's anxieties about me going to a charter, they decided to look more closely at Minnetonka. A little while later, I was pulled from my school to go to a Navigator orientation. As soon as I walked in to the classroom, I felt every pair of eyes on me. I was in the worst situation imaginable–I was the newcomer. I didn 't know anything about this strange new place, half an hour away from my school, my house, and anything and anyone I knew. Worse, in less than a year, these kids could be my classmates. I took a spot at the very back table. There was only one other student there–a blonde girl who quickly introduced herself Get more content on
  • 19. Example of Sociobiography Terri Weedman Sociobiography: What Shaped Me into Who I Am? My name is TerriWeedman; I was born Sept. 4th, 1991. Let me start by saying a lot has influenced who I am today people as well as events that have flipped my life upside down and molded me into a better, stronger person then who I was a few years ago. I am going to tell you about a few people who I extremely admire, and a couple that have failed me. My mother Jeanne has always raised me on a tight leash and taught me to have morals, ethics, self–respect, and class about myself. She raised me and my older brother by herself for a long time, and we never really got to have the "Wonderful" mother/daughter relationship every little girl wants with her mother, but because more content... I wouldn't change anything about my life ever, because my life is who I Get more content on
  • 20. Biography Of My Grandmother My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in her life. She excelled in everything because she is very strong and determined to do things. Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It wasn't until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind loving person she is. This biography portrays what she has accomplished and how she is loving and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She grew up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house including dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always expected to do her chores for the day after school or she would be in trouble. Her parents were very conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if they wanted to go or not. Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and marbles with shooters. She played many guy sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She also loved to go ice skating. My Get more content on