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Table of Contents

                                                                            4   Getting Ready
                                                                                Welcome to Dialog in the Dark
                                                                                The Dialog Begins
                                                                                What to Expect on your Field Trip
                                                                                Guide Reference Chart

                                                                           12   Upper Elementary and Middle School
                                                                                Part 1: Seeing the World Differently
                                                                                   Lesson 1: Causes of visual disabilities
                                                                                   Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses—hear,
                                                                                                smell, feel
                                                                                   Lesson 3: Finding your way
                                                                                   Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see?
                                                                                   Lesson 5: Breaking barriers
                                                                                Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible
                                                                                   Lesson 1: Looking back
                                                                                   Lesson 2: Famous people
                                                                                   Lesson 3: The Americans with Disabilities Act
                                                                                   Lesson 4: Enforcing accessibility
                                                                                Answer keys

                                                                           39   High School
                                                                                Part 1: Seeing the World Differently
                                                                                   Lesson 1: Causes of visual disabilities
                                                                                   Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses—audition,
                                                                                                olfaction, somatosensation
                                                                                   Lesson 3: Finding your way
                                                                                   Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see?
                                                                                   Lesson 5: Breaking barriers
Premier Exhibitions, Inc.
3340 Peachtree Road, NE
                                                                                Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible
Suite 2250
Atlanta, GA 30326
                                                                                   Lesson 1: Looking back                                                                       Lesson 2: Famous people
Content: Cassie Jones with Cheryl Muré, Mike Johnson,                              Lesson 3: Evolution of inclusion
         and Joanna Rotchford.
                                                                                   Lesson 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act
Special thanks: Andreas Heinecke, Orna Cohen,
         Susana Ruiz, Consens Ausstellungs GmbH, and                               Lesson 5: Enforcing accessibility
         Dialog Education teams around the world.

Design: Carrie Jones
                                                                                Answer keys
© 2008 Premier Exhibitions, Inc.
All rights reserved. Except for educational fair use, no portion of this   73   After the Field Trip
guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy,                  Debriefing
recording, or any other without explicit prior permission from
Premier Exhibitions, Inc. Multiple copies may only be made by or for            Friends with Disabilities
the teacher for class use or discussion.
                                                                                In Your Community

Table of Contents

81   Resources
     Timeline and Crossword Puzzle
     Facts on Visual Disabilities in the U.S.
     Recommended Reading
     Additional Projects and Connections to Other Subjects
        Visual arts
        Language arts

98   Curriculum Standards
     National Curriculum Correlations
     State Curriculum Correlations

Getting Ready

      Welcome to Dialog in the Dark
      The Dialog Begins
      What to Expect on Your Field Trip
      Guide Reference Chart

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.
                               —Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“   The only way to learn is through encounters.
                                                                                                      –Martin Buber

Welcome to Dialog in the Dark
Welcome to Dialog in the Dark, a          and Character Development classes          vision. “Acceptable and Accessible”
field trip where there is nothing to      will all find relevant activities in the   begins with an historical perspective
see but much to discover. The concept     Teacher’s Guide. These innovative          on attitudes towards people with
is simple: in completely darkened         lesson plans can be used both before       visual disabilities. It also discusses
rooms, guides who are visually            and after your field trip to Dialog in     the evolution of disability rights and
impaired or blind lead small groups       the Dark.                                  opportunities in the U.S.
of students through an Exhibition         The first section of this Guide tells      A section called “After the Field Trip”
in which everyday situations are          the story of the Exhibition’s creator,     helps your students process their
experienced altogether differently,       Andreas Heinecke. You will also find       experience at the Exhibition and
without vision. The complete darkness     a description of what teachers and         extend what they have learned from
opens your students’ eyes to new          students can expect on their field         Dialog in the Dark beyond the
ways of experiencing the world            trip and a quick-reference chart to        classroom. The “Resources” section
around them.                              locate lessons highlighting specific       contains a variety of materials and
In the dark, the daily routine            themes or content areas. The chart         references: a timeline activity, facts
becomes a new experience and roles        also indicates if that lesson contains     on visual disabilities in the U.S., a
are reversed. Sighted people leave        a ready-to-use reproducible activity       list of recommended books, and
their comfort zones and lose the sense    page for your students.                    additional project ideas. At the end
they rely on most. Guides who are         This Teacher’s Guide features a            of the Guide, teachers will find
visually impaired or blind provide        variety of methods and projects            correlations to the relevant national
security, comfort, and direction, while   for those educators who strive for         curriculum standards as well as to
at the same time help students see the    differentiated instruction in their        their state curriculum requirements.
world without pictures. Dialog in         classrooms. The lesson plans are           Dialog in the Dark has been
the Dark changes sighted people’s         divided into two grade levels. The         experienced by over 5 million people
perceptions of what life must be          first group is for upper elementary        in over 20 countries in Europe, Asia
like for people who cannot see by         and middle school students; however,       and South America. Now, for the
demonstrating that for blind and          the activities can be easily simplified    first time, Premier Exhibitions brings
visually-impaired people, the world       for lower elementary grades. The next      Dialog in the Dark to the U.S. Teachers
is not inferior, just different.          set is directed towards high school        will find something to engage students
The sensory experiences of the            level students and can also be used        of all skill levels and interests on a
Exhibition combined with its themes       with adult groups.                         field trip to this Exhibition. Thank you
of communication, empathy and             In both levels, the lesson plans are       for sharing this innovative learning
tolerance offer learning opportunities    grouped into two themes. In “Seeing        experience with your students. We
across the curriculum. Teachers of        the World Differently” students focus      look forward to seeing you at Dialog
Science, History, Civics, Physical        on how we use our senses and how           in the Dark...Your Senses Will Never
Education, Language Arts, Visual Arts     the world appears to someone without       Be The Same.

The Dialog Begins: Origins of the Exhibition
                                  Andreas Heinecke was born in 1955          Heinecke was fascinated by the
                                  and grew up in Baden-Baden,                experiences of blind people and
                                  Germany. His family was both Jewish        shocked by the discrimination against
                                  and German, a dichotomy which              them, which still exists today. In
                                  drove him to explore questions about       1988—the year Dialog in the Dark
                                  how and why humans judge one               began—he started working with the
                                  other as “worthy”. He studied German       Stiftung Blindenanstalt (Home for
                                  language, literature and history at        the Blind Foundation) in Frankfurt
                                  Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University          am Main, so that he could share the

“Dialog in the Dark is
    connected so closely to me
                                  in Frankfurt before he began work as a
                                  journalist and documentary writer at
                                  the Südwestfunk broadcasting
                                                                             experiences he had gained so far
                                                                             with other broadcasting companies.
                                                                             He teamed up with a large computer
    and my history that it has
                                  corporation. It was here that he was       company to develop electronic
    become an inextricable part   asked to train a journalist who had        devices for blind people long before
    of me.
          ”   —Andreas Heinecke
                                  lost his sight from a car accident.
                                  Heinecke remembers his initial
                                  reaction of surprise.
                                                                             the Internet was commonplace. He
                                                                             published an electronic newspaper
                                                                             and digital reference books, and
                                  “I had no qualifications or inclination    established a database with
                                  in this area at all. My basic attitude     job announcements.
                                  was more to avoid contact with handi-      Heinecke was also looking for ways to
                                  capped people, and the idea of being       engage blind and sighted people in
                                  blind scared me. I met this blind young    conversations where their interest in
                                  man and was deeply touched by his          each other would not be hindered by
                                  positive personality, his potential, his   pity, insecurities and prejudices. The
                                  positive outlook on life, his humor        obvious solution was to create an
                                  and his intelligence. I regarded my        opportunity for blind and sighted
                                  attitude, consisting of a mixture of       people to meet in the dark, which
                                  pity, empathy, anxiety and insecurity,     meant daring to reverse roles and thus
                                  as something shameful. Even my years       experiencing each others’ limits and
                                  of searching for understanding for the     possibilities. In 1996, Heinecke left the
                                  acceptance of being different could        Stiftung Blindenanstalt in order to form
                                  not keep me from judging people’s          his own company to spread the idea of
                                  lives… A blind person had to come into     Dialog in the Dark. Since its inception,
                                  my life to open my eyes.”                  Dialog in the Dark has passed through
                                                                             over 20 countries with stops in the

Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and
Europe. The first permanent version of
the Exhibition opened in Hamburg in
2000. Together with his wife, Orna
Cohen, he also developed Dialog in
Silence—an exhibition similar to Dialog
in the Dark, but which explores the
world of the hearing impaired.
Andreas Heinecke is the CEO of
Consens Ausstellungs GmbH which
he founded to promote empathy
among people without disabilities
towards those with visual and hearing
impairments. His ultimate goal is for
people with disabilities to be integrated
as fully-valued employees in the
workforce. While one goal of Dialog
in the Dark is to open the eyes of
sighted people, another goal is to offer
employment to a sector of society that
is usually overlooked. For many of the
visually impaired employees, working
at Dialog in the Dark is their first paid
job and gives them the confidence,
experience, and qualifications to pursue
opportunities elsewhere. Heinecke                                                        Andreas Heinecke, creator of Dialog in the Dark

explains the effects.                        In recent years, Andreas Heinecke has      Entrepreneurship Club (2006)
“Being a guide changes the perception        won several awards for his efforts: the    and in 2007 he was honored as an
of themselves and the relations of the       “Stevie Wonder Vision Award” in New        outstanding global social entre-
seeing population; it also increases their   York (1998) was followed by “Best          preneur by the Schwab Foundation.
self-esteem. Blind people gain strength      Practice in Universal Design” in           Most recently, he became a member
in their acting and communicating            Japan (2004). He is the first Ashoka       of the World Economic Forum’s
competence, take responsibility, work        Fellow in Western Europe (2005).           Global Agenda Council on Social
together in a team and learn to defend       For his work in social entrepreneurship,   Entrepreneurship.
their interests. Their own income helps      Heinecke was awarded the Deutscher
them to be independent and strengthens       UnternehmerPreis (German Enterprise
the respect among family and friends.”       Award) by the Harvard Business
                                             School Association of Germany’s

What to Expect on Your Field Trip
                                 Welcome!                                     Students are taken through the
                                 Upon arrival, your school group is           Exhibition in groups of nine plus
                                 greeted by a member of our Education         their school chaperone. Each group
                                 staff and then led to a preliminary          has their own guide who is blind
                                 workshop. The students engage in             or visually disabled who will lead,
                                 discussions and perform activities           help, orient, and encourage them
                                 to prepare them for their upcoming           through the galleries.
                                 experience in the dark. The Education        Galleries

                                 staff will also discuss topics like fears,
  The most beautiful things in                                                As the students enter the Exhibition,
                                 stereotypes, and prejudice and how
  the world cannot be seen or    they correlate to darkness.                  they receive their canes in the
                                                                              Immersion room and experience a
  even touched; they must        Before they enter the Exhibition,            short program introducing them to

  be felt with the heart.
               —Helen Keller
                                 students will be asked to leave all
                                 bags, purses, cell phones, cameras,
                                 etc. at our secure check-in. Anything
                                                                              Dialog in the Dark. After the program,
                                                                              the room grows increasingly darker.
                                                                              When there is complete darkness,
                                 else that emits light, such as a pager,      the guide greets the group and takes
                                 light-up watch, tennis shoes, cell phone     over while the Education staff leaves.
                                 or iPod, will also need to be removed
                                 and checked. Students who wear               You begin by making your way
                                 glasses may also to wish to check            through a park. Then you will
                                 them, as they won’t be needed in the         experience a wharf and a boat ride,
                                 dark. Students should wear closed,           a busy street in the city, a grocery
                                 low-heeled shoes on this field trip.         store, and a café. You will spend
                                 Avoid flip flops, clogs, and heels.          about 15 minutes in each room.

                                  Students line up for their field trip
                                  to the Exhibition in Monterrey, Mexico.

Sounds, smells, temperatures, and           At the End                                     questions about themselves and
textures convey the characteristics of      Students exit through a Reflection             about their experience with
these daily environments.                   room in which they are gradually               Dialog in the Dark.
In the park, you may encounter              returned to a visible, well-lit world.      •	 What	will	I	“see”?
trees, a fountain, or a bench. At the       After their experience in the Exhibition,      Dialog in the Dark submerges you
wharf, you will board a boat—be             students have the opportunity to               into a new world of perception.
careful where you step! You will have       participate in a variety of follow-up          Tasks that used to be so simple
to deal with traffic and cross the street   exercises and discussions, led by              are now challenging. You will
safely in the loud, busy city. In the       a member of the Education staff.               hopefully walk away with a better
grocery store, you may be asked to          Exercises may include writing a                understanding of yourself, beauty
find and retrieve a specific item from      letter to their guide, learning how            that isn’t seen, and an appreciation
the shelves.                                the Braille system works, writing in           of people with disabilities.
The tour ends in a café where               Braille, drawing, and using other
drinks and snacks are available for         tactile learning aids.                      Chaperone Responsibilities
purchase, so don’t forget to bring
                                            What Students                               As a chaperone, you are responsible
some money. In the café you will also                                                   for helping your students get the most
                                            Want to Know
have an opportunity to ask your guide                                                   out of this very unique learning
questions before he or she returns you      •	 Is	it	scary?
                                                                                        experience. To keep order, you need
to an Education staff team member.             Certainly not. The dark can teach        to stay with your assigned group of
                                               us many, many things not only            students throughout your visit.
                                               about ourselves, but also how to         Please supervise your students in
                                               adapt to a new and yet familiar          the retail area as well. We know that
                                               environment. You will be traveling       this is a fascinating Exhibition, but
                                               in groups and will have a guide          please remember that your top
                                               who knows the Exhibition very well.      priority is to monitor your students
                                            •	 Is	it	safe?                              and keep them focused so they will
                                                                                        enjoy the Exhibition safely and
                                               Yes. You will use your cane and
                                                                                        meet their teachers’ expectations.
                                               your guide will help direct you
                                               along the way. The Exhibition is         Each group that goes through the
                                               also under constant monitoring           Exhibition must have an adult
                                               with special cameras and each            chaperone. If you are afraid of the
                                               gallery has an emergency exit.           dark or do not wish to go through
                                                                                        the galleries of the Exhibition, let your
                                            •	 Who	will	be	our	guide?
                                                                                        lead teacher know ahead of time so
                                               Each guide is a visually impaired        that your school can arrange for the
                                               or blind person who teaches you          appropriate amount of chaperones.
 Students learn to use the white canes at      how to use your other senses in          We greatly appreciate your partici-
 the Exhibition in Monterrey, Mexico.          order to complete ordinary tasks.        pation in making this a memorable
                                               These individuals tend to be quite       field trip for everyone from your school.
                                               inspiring. Feel free to ask the guides   Thank you!

Using the Teacher’s Guide
                                 This Teacher’s Guide is designed to
                                 be used before and after a field trip to
                                 Dialog in the Dark. The lesson plans         UES Upper Elementary
                                                                                  School level
                                 are divided into levels. The first set is
                                 for upper elementary and middle              MS    Middle School level
                                 school students. With a few adjust-
                                 ments, many of these can also used for       HS    High School level
                                 lower elementary students. The second
                                 set is aimed towards the high school
                                 level and above. Following the lesson        FA    Fine Arts
                                 plans, the section “After the Field
                                                                              S/T   Science &
                                 Trip” will help students process and
                                 extend their experience. The last part,
                                 “Resources” contains additional              LA    Language Arts
                                 activities as well as curriculum
                                 correlations for national and state          SS    Social Studies
                                                                              AA    Active Activities
                                 Teachers will find connections to many
                                 content areas in this guide, including
                                 Social Studies, Science, Language            EC    Empathy &
                                 Arts, and Visual Arts classes. Character           compassion

                                 development themes such as                   LC    Leadership &
      Seeing a known
                                 Leadership and Empathy are also                    courage
      world in a new             featured. A quick-reference chart            CS    Communication skills
   —Dialog in the Dark visitor
                                 identifies the subjects and themes
                                 addressed by each lesson. It also
                                 indicates whether or not a reproducible
                                                                              SA    Self-awareness

                                 student activity sheet is included. While    CA    Community action
                                 some lessons contain only instructions
                                 for the teacher on how to lead the           FD    For debate
                                 lesson, many have pages to reproduce
                                 and pass out to students.

Lesson Plan Reference Chart

                   Title               Level       Subjects          Themes           Page for Students
1.1 Causes of visual disabilities    UES & MS         S/T               EC                   yes
1.2 Adventures for your senses       UES & MS       AA, S/T         CS, EC, SA               yes
1.3 Finding your way                 UES & MS      FA, LA, AA         EC, SA                 yes
1.4 How do you see what I see?       UES & MS       LA, S/T         CS, EC, SA               yes
1.5 Breaking barriers                UES & MS        LA, AA           CA, LC                 yes
2.1 Looking back                     UES & MS        LA, SS             na                   yes
2.2 Famous people                    UES & MS        LA, SS             LC                   yes
2.3 The ADA                          UES & MS          SS               FD                   yes
2.4 Enforcing accessibility          UES & MS          SS             EC, FD                 yes

1.1 Causes of visual disabilities       HS            S/T               EC                   yes
1.2 Adventures for your senses          HS          AA, S/T         CS, EC, SA               no
1.3 Finding your way                    HS         FA, LA, AA         EC, SA                 yes
1.4 How do you see what I see?          HS          LA, S/T         CS, EC, SA               yes
1.5 Breaking barriers                   HS           LA, AA           CA, LC                 yes
2.1 Looking back                        HS           LA, SS             na                   yes
2.2 Famous people                       HS           LA, SS             LC                   yes
2.3 Evolution of inclusion              HS             SS               FD                   yes
2.4 The ADA                             HS             SS             EC, FD                 yes
2.5 Enforcing accessibility             HS             SS             EC, FD                 yes

Debriefing                          UES & MS, HS     FA, LA       CS, EC, LC, SA             yes
Friends with Visual Disabilities    UES & MS, HS       na           CA, EC, LC               no
In Your Community                   UES & MS, HS   LA, AA, SS    CA, CS, EC, LC, SA          yes

Timeline and Puzzle                 UES & MS, HS       SS               na                   yes
U.S. Facts                          UES & MS, HS       na               na                   no
Recommended Reading                 UES & MS, HS   LA, AA, SS     CS, EC, LC, SA             no
Additional Projects                 UES & MS, HS   FA, LA, S/T          CS                   no

Upper Elementary and Middle School

            Part 1: Seeing the World Differently
               Lesson 1:   Causes of visual disabilities
               Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses—
                         hear, smell, feel
               Lesson 3: Finding your way
               Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see?
               Lesson 5: Breaking barriers
            Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible
               Lesson 1:   Looking back
               Lesson 2: Famous people
               Lesson 3: The American with Disabilities Act
               Lesson 4: Enforcing accessibility
             Answer keys

           “ People get trapped into thinking about
             just one way of doing things.
                                           —Erik Weihenmayer

Name:                                                                   Date:

                                                                        “    Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes

                                                                             doesn’t mean he lacks vision.
                                                                                                          ”  —Stevie	Wonder

1.1   Seeing the World Differently:
      Causes of visual disabilities
Being blind doesn’t mean that all you see is blackness. Most blind people—about 90%—have a little vision. Some are
able to see colors and others see shadows, or at least the difference between light and dark.
Only 1% of the people in the U.S. who are blind were born that way. Very few are visually impaired as a result of an
accident. Most people lose their sight because of an illness. In parts of the world where medicine is hard to get,
people become blind from diseases that can be easily prevented and treated in the U.S.

  Research the causes of visual disabilities to complete the matching activity that follows. Use these sources:
	 •	 National	Eye	Institute
	 •	 Lighthouse	International
	 •	 World	Health	Organization

                              Students discuss what it means to be visually impaired.

Name:                                                        Date:

Part 1: Why?
What can cause a person to have a visual disability? Match the term to the definition.

   1. Macular degeneration                                           A. the lens of the eye gradually becomes cloudy;
                                                                        often affects older people and can be fixed with
   2. Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
                                                                     B. a disease that is common in Africa and Central
   3. Cataract                                                          America; it is passed by black fly bites and is
                                                                        sometimes called “river blindness”

   4. Glaucoma                                                       C. disease associated with getting older that
                                                                        gradually destroys sharp, central vision (needed
                                                                        for seeing objects clearly, for things like reading
   5. Cortical impairment
                                                                        and driving); a leading cause of vision loss in
                                                                        Americans 60 and older
   6. Trachoma
                                                                     D. cross-eyed; both eyes cannot focus on the same
                                                                        thing at the same time
   7. Strabismus
                                                                     E. the name for a group of diseases that affect the
                                                                        optic nerve; caused when the pressure of
   8. Diabetic retinopathy
                                                                        the fluid inside the eye increases and often
                                                                        affects older people
   9. Onchocerciasis
                                                                     F. a contagious disease which is easily treated,
                                                                        but the #1 cause of blindness in the world;
  10. Retinopathy of prematurity                                        caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis

                                                                     G. disease caused by the microscopic fungus
                                                                        Histoplasma capsulatum; often found in the dirt
                                                                        where there have been bird or bat droppings

                                                                     H. a cause of blindness for small babies born too
                                                                        soon whose eye cells aren’t finished forming;
                                                                        one of the most common causes of blindness
                                                                        for children

                                                                     I. when a vision problem is caused by a problem
                                                                        along the nerve paths between the eye and
                                                                        the brain, instead of by a problem with the
                                                                        actual eyeball

                                                                     J. one of the effects of having diabetes; causes
                                                                        changes in the retina’s blood vessels

Name:                                                                       Date:

Part 2: Where, when, how? Find out more.
    1. How do the countries where people live affect the reasons why they may have a visual disability?

    2. How do people’s ages affect the reasons why they may have a visual disability?

    3.   To see how certain conditions may affect your vision, try the low-vision simulations at the following sites.

                             A picture of two children as seen with normal vision, on the left, and how it appears to someone with glaucoma, on the right.

Name:                                                            Date:

                                                             It often seems to me that it’s as if I have four
                                                             senses and sighted people only have one.
                                                                                          —Dialog in the Dark Guide

1.2    Seeing the World Differently:
       Adventures for your senses
Introduce the lesson
People who are able to see clearly take in 90% of what they know about the world around them through their eyes. That
leaves only 10% for all the other senses combined. People with visual disabilities have to pay close attention to what
they hear, smell, and feel. They don’t have superhero senses, but they do have a lot of practice listening to what their
other senses have to say. With the activities in this lesson, your students will “see” how much they can learn and do
without using their eyes.

Hear                                                               5. Signature sound: think of 3 sounds that are specific
   1. For 2 minutes, students sit quietly and write down              to your favorite place or a location in your neighbor-
      every noise they hear during that time, and then                hood. Recreate those sounds, using either props or
      compare lists. Examples could be voices from the                audio on a computer. Ask a partner or your class to
      next room, someone walking down the hallway,                    identify “your place.”
      birds outside the window, hum of the air condition-          6. For this activity you will need an open space. Push
      ing, etc. Some sounds may only heard by students                the chairs and desks to the back of the classroom
      in a particular area of the room. This activity is              or use the gym.
      also easily done outside.                                       a. Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5. In each
   2. Fill small, opaque containers (like plastic eggs or                group, one student will be blindfolded. Each group
      film canisters) with a variety of small objects and                also must decide on a strategy, such as a
      materials. Shake each one. Students try to figure                  particular sound, they can use to locate each
      out what is inside each container based only on                    other when they are split up and spread out.
      the sound it makes.                                             b. The blindfolded students stand in the middle of the
   3. Once the contents from the activity above have                     room. For 5–8 seconds, the rest of the class
      been identified, shake the same containers in a                    spreads out around the room. When time is up,
      specific order. Pause briefly. Students write down                 everyone stops and stands wherever they are.
      the order in which they remember hearing the                    c. Using only their predetermined strategy, the
      sounds. This activity can also be done by having the               blind person must find the rest of the people
      students close their eyes while various surfaces in                in their group.
      the room are struck or musical instruments played               d. When the blind student locates a group member,
      in a particular order.                                             the member puts on a blindfold as well and
   4. Without the students looking, the teacher creates                  walks around together with the first student to
      sound from 3 different objects or actions. For                     continue rounding up the rest.
      example, slide a chair, close the door, or turn on a            e. The first team to reunite all its members wins.
      faucet. Students write down what they think is the                 What made the task easier or harder? How does
      source each sound, then write or tell a short story                the activity relate to events in the daily life of a
      that incorporates all of the sounds.                               person with a visual disability?

Name:                                                                 Date:

Smell                                                                 Feel
    1. For one day (or a portion of a day for younger                     1. Three participants line up. One by one, each person
       students, such as six hours) students pay atten-                      says his or her name while shaking hands with the
       tion to all smells they are able to distinguish.                      sixth participant who is blindfolded. Then the five
       Instruct students to write down every smell they                      people quietly rearrange their order. The blind
       encounter. The next day, students compare lists.                      person shakes their hands again and tries to guess
       Discuss what factual data each smell provides as                      the identity of each person based only on feeling
       well as any memories or emotions associated with it.                  their hands.
    2. On a smaller scale, the activity above can be used                 2. Place a variety of items inside of individual boxes
       with a walking tour around the school.                                or bags so that the items cannot be seen.
    3. Hold a “Smelling Bee.” Using the rules of a spelling                  a. Students reach inside each bag or box to feel the
       bee, students compete by correctly identifying a                         object and try to identify what is inside.
       variety of odors. One way to do this is by putting                    b. Extend the activity by using items that relate to
       liquids on cotton balls. Another way is to put the                       something the class may already be studying in
       objects in identical opaque containers and pierce                        science, social studies, or other subject.
       holes in the lid.                                                  3. Place a variety of smaller items into one box or bag.
    4. Using scent samples like those created for the                        a. A student will reach in without looking and retrieve
       “Smelling Bee,” students identify the item by smell,                     a requested item, using only the sense of touch
       decide how it smells to them (pleasant, bad, neutral,                    to find it.
       strong, etc.), and explain any memories associated
                                                                             b. Using the same collection of objects, a student
       with the scent.
                                                                                randomly selects 3 items from the bag (returning
    5. Explore the connections between vision, smell, and                       the items afterwards for the next student). Use
       taste by conducting blind taste-tests of the edible                      all of the chosen items in a creative writing
       products you are using and see if students can                           assignment such as a poem or short story.
       identify them correctly.
                                                                          4. Students can complete the following worksheet on
Suggestions for experiments with the sense of smell: dried herbs,            using the Braille alphabet.
spices (like ginger and cinnamon), coffee, onion, coco powder,        (The answer to #2 is: Louis Braille was fifteen when he invented this alphabet.)
baking extracts (like vanilla and almond), garlic, banana, moth
balls, orange juice, fruit peels, piece of apple, vinegar, perfume,
shampoo, cedar, mint, saw dust, air freshener sprays, baby powder,
flowers, dirt, pine needles, peanut butter, bubble gum.

Name:                                                                 Date:

                                                             “    Discover the world by feeling and listening.
                                                                                             —Dialog in the Dark visitor

1.2   Seeing the World Differently:
      Adventures for your senses
Reading by Braille
Many people with visual disabilities use their sense of touch to read. The Braille alphabet, created by Louis Braille in
the 19th century, has combinations of raised dots for letters, numbers, and punctuation.

         a        b        c       d       e           f         g            h    i     j          k        l         m

         n        o        p       q       r          s          t            u    v    w           x        y         z

         ch      ed        er     gh      ou         ow          sh           th   wh         and                for

                      of                                   the                                    with

                                           Louis Braille

Name:                                                          Date:

  1. Write this sentence in Braille, filling in your information:

    I am [YOUR FIRST NAME] and I go to [YOUR SCHOOL NAME].

  2. What does this say?

  3. Make a set of Braille letters. Enlarge the chart above and copy on heavy paper or cardstock. Glue a small bead
     or sequin on top of each black dot. You can also just use a dot of glue. When it dries, cut out each letter and
     practice identifying the letters by touch.

Name:                                                                  Date:

                                                                       “  Habit is the sixth sense that dominates the
                                                                          other five.
                                                                                       ”                         —Arab proverb

1.3   Seeing the World Differently:
      Finding your way
Introduce the lesson:
Only 35% of the visually impaired people in the U.S. use a white cane and only 2% have a guide dog to help them get
around. Knowing where to go and how to get there are challenging when you are visually impaired. Your sense of
hearing as well as your memory become very important.

   1. This activity requires two participants. There must                2. Each student needs paper and crayons, colored
      be absolute silence in the room.                                      pencils, or markers. Describe a simple scene
                                                                            with vivid images, like a sunny day at the park with
      a. Player A sits in a chair blindfolded. Player B                     children flying kites.
         begins to slowly and quietly walk up behind
         Player A (without running into the chair).                            a. Students close their eyes and imagine the picture
                                                                                  in their mind as they listen.
      b. When Player A believes Player B is standing
         directly behind the chair, he or she says “stop”.                     b. When the description is over, the students will
                                                                                  draw the picture on paper with their eyes still
      c. How close did Player B get? Why did Player A                             closed or blindfolded. When everyone is finished
         decide it was time to say “stop”? Repeat and                             they may look at their drawings.
         switch roles.
                                                                               c. How did everyone portray what they heard? How
                                                                                  closely do the finished products match their
                                                                                  mental images? Was it possible to use colors
                                                                                  realistically? Were the same objects included in
                                                                                  everyone’s picture?

                                                                               d. For an alternate version, describe a route from
                                                                                  one point to another such as the way from the
                                                                                  classroom to the principal’s office. The students
                                                                                  will draw the route, blindfolded, as they hear it
                                                                                  step by step.

                                                                               e. For younger students, give them a shape (circle,
                                Practicing orientation and mobility—
                                                                                  triangle, etc.) to try to draw without looking.
                                knowing where to go and how to get
                                there—enhances communication skills.

Name:                                                     Date:

  3. This activity requires a partner and space to move      4. This human knot game with a twist challenges
     around. There must be silence in the room.                 individual spatial awareness and fosters group
                                                                communication. For an extra challenge, blindfold
    a. The partners stand face to face, toe to toe, and         the students before they even begin to “tie” their
       raise their hands up to shoulder level, palms            knot. Vary the difficulty by having more or less
       facing out. The partners put their hands against         students in the group or by imposing a time limit
       each other and are then blindfolded.                     for the untangling. For yet another variation, the
    b. They separate, each slowly walking backward,             students are not blindfolded but they cannot speak
       away from the other for 8 seconds (adjust time           to each other.
       for age group and space allowances).                       a. A group of 4–6 students stand close together in
    c. When time is called they must walk towards each               a circle and extend their arms forward into the
       other and attempt to end up back together where               middle of the circle.
       they started.                                              b. Each student grabs hold of two other students’
    d. Did they meet up again? How accurate is their                 hands (you can’t hold both hands with just one
       aim on the return trip? Is it hard to walk in a               other person). Then each member of the group
       straight line when you can’t see?                             is blindfolded.

                                                                  c. The objective is for the students to get them-
                                                                     selves as “untied” as possible without ever
                                                                     letting go of each other and without looking.

Name:                                                           Date:

                                                           “   1,000 steps in the dark brought me a step closer to
                                                               the world of the visually impaired.
                                                                                          —Dialog in the Dark visitor

1.3   Seeing the World Differently:
      Finding your way
Map making:
Sabriye Tenbarken, a young blind woman from Germany, set up a school for blind children in Lhasa, the capital city of
Tibet. Here, she describes the way through the city from her home to the school. (from My Path Leads to Tibet by
Sabriye Tenbarken, Arcade Pub., 2004)

                                                “I begin my journey on the edge of an open square…To my right
                                                 there is a street busy with cars, which is my first landmark. I
                                                 cross over the square always remembering to keep the traffic on
                                                 my right at the same distance. I now head for a row of market
                                                 stalls where Chinese vendors offer their fruit for sale at the tops
                                                 of their voices. As soon as the smell of apples and pears in the
                                                 summer, and oranges and grapefruits in the winter, reaches my
                                                 nose, I cautiously turn right to avoid getting in the customers’
                                                 way…Quite close to the street, with the noises of the cars to my
         Raised maps and globes help visually    right again, I walk straight ahead until my cane comes up against
         impaired students learn geography.
                                                 a kind of curb that is now my new point of direction…
        My journey leads me past cobblers who have set up their stalls on the roadside—I recognize them
        because of their constant hammering and the pungent smell of leather. Shortly after that, my route
        veers to the left. At this point the curb ends and I stop in the middle of the road because we are now in
        the old part of town. There are fewer vehicles here and they can only move at a snail’s pace. On my right
        there are hot food stalls; at different times of day the smell of freshly baked bread or meat and noodle
        dishes pervades in the air…The alleyway ends in a T-junction at which I turn left…
        In front of a stone wall that blocks the way straight ahead, a street leads to the left…It’s only one and a
        half meters wide and about fifty meters long. Sighted people often have the impression here that the
        houses tilt together over their head. In the entrances to these houses sit mostly older people who greet
        me in a friendly way and warn me about piles of trash and puddles…The alley ends at another T-junc-
        tion. I turn right. This path is wide and even. It leads to a busy road in a zigzag fashion…The traffic noises
        are heard only quietly at first and then louder and louder. Since local drivers have often bought their
        driving license without any driving experience…sometimes I ask people passing by to help me cross the
        ‘race track’. I then go left behind a building site onto a sandy road, to the left again after an entrance to
        a courtyard and then in the second courtyard on the right hand side.

Name:                                                       Date:

  1. Define these terms: vendor, cobbler, pungent, veer, pervades.
     Then highlight where they are used in the story.

                                                                                                    At Dialog in the Dark in
                                                                                                             Tel Aviv, Israel

  2. Make a list of the smells and sounds Sabriye uses to find her way to the school.

  3. Based on her description of the route, draw a map of her route.

  4. Write out the directions from your house to someplace nearby (like your school, the grocery store, or a friends’
     house) in a way that a blind person with a cane would be able to find his or her way. Include specific sounds and
     smells they may encounter along the way. Do you walk past a bakery? A construction site? A yard with a dog?
     A coffee shop?

Name:                                                            Date:

                                                            “   The highest result of education is tolerance.
                                                                                                            —Helen Keller

1.4   Seeing the World Differently:
      How do you do see what I see?
One of the goals of Dialog in the Dark is for sighted visitors to understand that a person with a visual disability is first
and foremost a person. There is a saying that warns us not to judge other people until we have first walked a mile in
their shoes. These activities and your trip to Dialog in the Dark will give you a chance to “walk a mile” in the shoes of
a person with a visual disability.

Part 1: Activities                                               	     	 •	 Get	to	and	from	school
                                                                 	     	 •	 	 ind	a	can	of	soup	and	a	box	of	Cheerios®
    1. List the steps of your morning “getting-ready-for-
                                                                            in the grocery store
       school” or your “after-school–until-bedtime”
       routine. Include specific steps like “brush teeth” or     	     	 •	 Count	your	money
       “pack lunch.” Now go back through the list and            	     	 •	 Know	when	to	cross	the	street
       describe how each activity would be different if you      	     	 •	 Keep	your	socks	together
       had a visual disability. Try it out: the next time you    	     	 •	 Match	your	clothes
       get dressed in the morning or change into your            	     	 •	 Play	soccer	or	basketball
       pajamas, keep your eyes closed.
                                                                 	     	 •	 Send	an	email
    2. Working in partners or groups, brainstorm ways            	     	 •	 Get	to	your	gate	and	your	seat	for	a	flight
       in which you would be able to accomplish the              	     	 •	 Pick	up	your	luggage	after	a	flight
       following activities if you had a visual impairment.
       For tips and suggestions, select the “Search”                 3. What adaptations and products are available that
       option at “Fred’s Head Database”:                                would help make daily life easier for a person with                                        a visual disability? Make a list of the items you
	    	 •	 Play	cards	or	a	board	game                                    would want or need. Look for them online at sites like
                                                               and www.human-
	    	 •	 Tell	time
                                                               As you list the things you’d want to
	    	 •	 Pour	a	glass	of	juice                                         purchase, include the prices. What is your total cost?
	    	 •	 Measure	your	room	for	carpet

       Hands reading Braille        Tactile feature on               Baseball         Watch for the blind            Braille machine
                                    Canadian $20 bill

Name:                                                          Date:

  4. (a) What is your favorite TV show? Try to “watch”         Part 2: Reflection
     it blindfolded or with your back to the TV, so you
     hear it but not see it. Was it harder for you to follow      1. What surprised you the most during your “mile in
     what was happening? Why or why not? (b) Repeat the              another person’s shoes?”
     process with a partner. This time, listen to only            2. What would be the hardest adjustment for you to
     5 minutes of a TV show while your partner tries to              make if your vision failed? What would you have
     describe what is going on visually. Did that help?              to do differently? What would you be able to do
     Why or why not? Reverse roles and try again.                    the same?
  5. Interview a person with a disability in your family or       3. Have your ideas of what people with disabilities are
     community. Find out about what adaptations he or                like changed? How?
     she makes and what he or she feels are their
     greatest challenges.                                         4. Often, a bully is a person who isn’t very good at
                                                                     understanding how other people may see the
  6. In May 2008, a court decided that paper money in                world. How could a trip to Dialog in the Dark
     the U.S. discriminates against blind and visually               help a bully learn how his or her actions affect
     impaired people. Coins can be identified by size,               other people?
     weight, and the images engraved on them but
     paper bills are all the same size and shape in the
     U.S. Some countries avoid this problem with different
     sizes and shapes, adding raised dot to the bill, or
     adding foil that can be felt. You have been hired
     by the U.S. Treasury Department to help create
     money that can be identified by touch alone. Revamp
     the current designs for the $1, $5, $10, and $20
     bill ( so that a person who
     cannot see would be able to tell them apart. For
     inspiration, check out the first U.S. coin with
     readable Braille characters: a commemorative
     silver dollar available in 2009, celebrating the
                                                                            Louis Braille
     200th birthday of Louis Braille (
                                                                 2009 Commemorative Silver
     pressroom/index.cfm?action=Photo).                                      Dollar Coin

Name:                                                             Date:

                                                                  “   Just because you lose your sight, doesn’t mean

                                                                      you lose your vision.
                                                                                                   ”       —Erik	Weihenmayer

1.5   Seeing the World Differently:
      Breaking barriers
Would you like to climb a mountain some day? Travel around the world? Sail a boat? Snowboard or ski? Run a
marathon? Scuba dive? Compete in the Olympics? These activities require amazing courage and dedication. They are
also the careers and hobbies of people with visual disabilities.

Part 1: Adaptable activities
Pick an activity, sport, or game that interests you. Explore
what changes can be made so that people with visual
disabilities are able to participate or play, too. Write a
short report on how your favorite sport or game has been
adapted. Is the equipment different? Are the rules different?
How? Include pictures.
If you would like, expand your research to include other
forms of disabilities. If you learn that your favorite activity
doesn’t have an adapted version, invent one and explain
how it works in your report.
                                                                   Wheelchair racer participating in a marathon
Start with the sites below which mention canoeing,
kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, bowling, camping,
cycling, golf, gymnastics, judo, power lifting, skiing,
snowboarding, mountaineering, swimming, wrestling,
sailing, and traveling abroad.
                                                                  Ready for the 100m         Blind climber at       Blind horseback
                                                                  race                       summer camp            rider

Name:                                                              Date:

Part 2: Barrier breaking biographies
Learn more about a person alive today who is changing the way the world sees people with disabilities. Choose from
the list of people below or find another person who interests you. When you present the person’s biography, use one
of the formats suggested in the Resources section of the Teacher’s Guide.

    Pascale Bercovitch                     Jim Abbott                                               Erik Weihenmeyer                                                                             Courtesy	of	Ed	Weihenmeyer

	      •	 	 fter	losing	both	legs	in	a	train	accident	at	age	17,
          A                                                        	   •	 Erik Weihenmeyer is a former middle school
          Pascale Bercovitch went on to become a docu-                    teacher who became the first blind person to
          mentary director, writer, and a world-class athlete             summit Mt. Everest, along with several of the
          in swimming and rowing.                                         world’s other major peaks. Learn more at www.
                                                                 and www.nobarriers-
	      •	 	 scar Pistorius is a double-amputee and Paralympic
          runner who won the right to try out for the 2008
          Olympics against able-bodied athletes. Learn             	   •	 Sabriye Tenberken is a blind woman from Germany
          more at                 who started a school for blind children in Tibet and
          david_epstein/05/16/Pistorius/index.html.                       invented a Braille system for their language. Learn
                                                                          more at and
	      •	 	 atalie du Tout, who lost one of her legs in a car
          accident in 2001, competes against able-bodied
          swimmers and qualified for the 2008 Olympics.            	   •	 Tom Dempsey played professional football in the
          Learn more at                           1970s, in spite of having been born with half a right
                                                                          foot and no right hand. Learn more in a 2003
	      •	 Jim Abbott, who was born without a right hand,                  Football Digest article at
          became a professional baseball pitcher. Learn more              articles/mi_m0FCL/is_10_32/ai_102656419.
                                                                   	   •	 For	suggestions	on	other	people,	read	“9 People
                                                                          Who	Did	It	Anyway” at

Name:                                                          Date:

                                                    “   Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
                                                                                               —Stephen R. Covey  ”
 2.1    Acceptable & Accessible:
        Looking back
 Use the timeline found in the “Resources” section, on page 82, to complete this lesson.

 History & Geography
    1. Using a long piece of bulletin board paper or poster board, draw a line 21 inches long. Mark off each inch on
       your line.

        a. Starting with the year “0” at the very beginning of the line, assign a century to each inch-mark all the way up
           to 2100.

        b. Number each CE (AD) year on the list of dates provided, starting with “29: Aulus Cornelius Celsus,
           a Roman…” as #1. The last year, 2008, will be #63.

        c. Insert the number for each of these years in their appropriate place on the 21 inch timeline you made. Start
           by writing “1” where the year 29 should be, between O and 100.

        d. What patterns do you notice? Which centuries are the busiest? Which centuries are the least busy? Why?

    2. On a map, locate all the countries mentioned by name. What patterns do you notice?

    3. Explain why Dr. Sebastien Guillié’s comment in 1819 is ironic.

    4. How long has the Snellen Eye chart (“the big E”) been used to test vision?

    5. When and for what does the U.S. first appear?

    6. When did the first training center for guide dogs open in the U.S.?
       What was the name of the school and where was it located?
                                                                                              Snellen Eye Chart
    7. In 1931, in what format would “talking books” be available?

    8. When is the word “handicap” officially replaced by the word “disability” in the U.S. laws? What is the difference
       between the two words? Is there a difference between the phrases “a disabled person” and “a person with a

    9. Add the date you were born to the timeline. Are there other events already
       on the timeline for that year?

Name:                                                           Date:

	    •	 	 orking	with	a	partner,	divide	up	this	list	of	vocabulary	words	and	find	the	definition.	If	a	term	has	more	than	
        one definition, select the one that best fits its context.
	    •	 Together,	find	and	highlight	one	place	on	the	timeline	where	each	term	is	used.

     1. Accessible/accessibility                                  15. Magna cum laude

    2. Acuity                                                     16. Mobile (mobility)

    3. Amendment                                                  17. Ophthalmology

    4. Assyrian                                                   18. Ophthalmoscope

    5. Cataract                                                   19. Ordinance

    6. Civil Rights                                              20. Paralympic

     7. Correspondence                                            21. Polytechnic

    8. Deafblind                                                 22. Prosthesis

    9. Degraded                                                  23. Retina (retinal)

    10. Dialog                                                   24. Stereotypemaker

    11. Disability/disabled                                      25. Typhlocomium

    12. Discrimination                                           26. Valedictorian

    13. Handicap/handicapped                                      27. Vegetate

    14. Hospice                                                  28. Vocational

Name:                                                            Date:

                                                                  “   Only those who risk going too far can possibly
                                                                      find out how far they can go.
                                                                                                      ”     —T.S. Eliot

2.2     Acceptable & Accessible:
        Famous people
Identify the people listed below. Be sure to include who they are or for what they are known, when they lived, and
where they lived.

       Alicia Alonso                           Elizabeth Goldring                               Claude Montal

       Andrea Bocelli                          Homer                                            Marla Runyan

       Ray Charles                             Lemon Jefferson                                  Sabriye Tenberken

       Arizona Dranes                          Helen Keller                                     Erik Weihenmayer

       José Feliciano                          Claude Monet                                     Stevie Wonder

 Ray Charles              Helen Keller              Lemon Jefferson              Claude Monet                Erik Weihenmeyer
                                                                          Courtesy	of	Ed	Weihenmeyer

    1. Find each person’s country on a world map.

   2. Add these peoples’ names and dates in the appropriate points on the timeline.

   3. Which job, skill, or reason for being well-known shows up most often on the list?
      Why do you think it is so frequent?

   4. Select one person who interests you and learn more about them. Use the Biographies project list from the
      “Resources” section of the Teacher’s Guide to present your research.

Name:                                                            Date:

                                                 “   Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
                                                                                              —Martin Luther King, Jr.

2.3    Acceptable & Accessible:
       The Americans with Disabilities Act
Many laws have been passed to make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as anyone else in
the U.S. and to make sure they are treated fairly. The most recent one is called the American with Disabilities Act, or the
ADA. The ADA became a law in 1990 and has had a few changes made to it since then. Similar laws make sure people
are also not discriminated against because of their race, color, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or religion.
Different parts of the ADA have to do with being able to do different things: getting and keeping jobs, using govern-
ment services, using public transportation, and getting into and moving around in buildings.
Many online resources explain how the ADA works, including its own website It is summarized at and on a FAQ at Use these sites to learn
about the ADA for the following activities.

   1. (a) What is the definition of “disability”? (b) List some of the physical conditions included in the ADA. (c)
      What mental conditions are covered?

   2. You have probably seen a guide dog in a restaurant, close-captioning on TV, or a
      special section for wheelchairs in a theater. These are all accommodations and
      adjustments required by the ADA. List other modifications you have seen. What
      kinds of disabilities do your examples affect? For example, the wider stall in a
      public bathroom is helpful for a person in a wheelchair.

                                                                                                           Close-captioning on TV

Name:                                                        Date:

  3. The ADA has very specific directions on how buildings should be constructed in order to make them accessible
     to everyone. Some examples include having a restroom door wide enough for a wheelchair, including an
     elevator in a restaurant with a second floor, or announcing subway stops. The ADA’s rules are explained at and Read through some of them.
     Do the standards for accessible buildings apply more to persons with physical or mental disabilities?

  4. Using the website to research the
     ADA building requirements, choose one particular form of disability and keep that in
     mind as you look at the rules. Working in groups, find 3 rules and explain how the
     ADA applies in that particular circumstance to a person with that particular disability.
     For example, do the rules for “Detectable Warnings” and ”Dressing and Fitting
     Rooms” help a person with a visual disability? A hearing disability? How?

Name:                                                          Date:

                                                   “  We know that equality of individual ability has never existed
                                                      and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity
                                                      must still be sought.
                                                                            ”                —Franklin D. Roosevelt

2.4   Acceptable & Accessible:
      Enforcing accessibility
What happens if you aren’t allowed to try out for a team because of your disability? What if you can’t shop online at
your favorite store because the site isn’t usable by someone with your disability? What if a book you need for school
isn’t available in a way that you are able to read? Sometimes the laws designed to help people with disabilities
are not always followed.
The cases used in this activity are all real and involve a variety of disabilities. You can learn more about them at the
following sites.

  For each situation, discuss:

   a. What is the disabled person being stopped from doing or having?

   b. Do you think the complaint of discrimination is fair?

   c. What do you think the solution should be? Do you agree with how it was worked out?

Name:                                                        Date:

  1. A deaf person in Colorado said that the sheriff’s          4. In Illinois, a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome
     office, which is responsible for providing 9-1-1              (a disorder related to autism) said that a symphony
     emergency services, did not respond to calls made             orchestra wouldn’t let her join because of her
     with a TTY (a telecommunication device for the                disability. Although she had already won her audition
     deaf). Also, the sheriff’s office did not respond the         and earned a spot in the orchestra, her membership
     right way to “silent/no voice contact” calls, which           was revoked after they learned about her disability.
     is when the 911 call is answered but there is no one          Resolution: The orchestra adopted a policy against
     speaking on the line.                                         disability discrimination and made reasonable
     Resolution: The sheriff’s office took steps to                modifications in their policies, practices, and
     ensure that the rules for responding to 9-1-1 calls           procedures so that individuals with disabilities can
     were followed correctly.                                      participate. The orchestra also agreed to participate in
                                                                   a benefit concert and to pay a fine of $2,000.
  2. A patient who uses a service animal (guide dog)
     said that a doctor’s office in Arizona wouldn’t let       5. A person who is deaf complained that a Florida
     her service animal go into the examination room              doctor’s office did not provide a sign language
     with her.                                                    interpreter for an appointment, making it difficult
     Resolution: The doctor adopted a written policy              for the patient to communicate with the doctor
     welcoming people with disabilities who have                  and the office staff.
     service animals. He made sure that his staff followed        Resolution: The office agreed to provide qualified
     the rules of this policy and placed a sticker on his         interpreters upon request, posted a sign in the
     office door welcoming service animals.                       office about the availability of interpreters, and
                                                                  trained all staff in complying with the ADA.
  3. An inmate who uses a wheelchair complained
     that people with mobility disabilities could not get      6. A person with a mobility disability found that
     into the shower stalls at a Florida county jail.             people who use wheelchairs couldn’t get around at
                                                                  a family campground in Pennsylvania.
     Resolution: The jail rebuilt five showers to make
                                                                  Resolution: The campground made changes to
     them accessible for prisoners in wheelchairs.
                                                                  the camp store and recreation hall by providing
                                                                  accessible entrances and routes for them. They
                                                                  also added an accessible portable toilet and
                                                                  installed accessible electric and water hook-ups
                                                                  at designated campsites.

Name:                                                           Date:

  7. In Florida, a man with a wheelchair said that an
     accessible hotel guest room, which he had reserved
     in advance, was not given to him. Instead, the hotel
     put him in a standard room which meant he had to
     use the portable toilet in his van since he couldn’t get
     into the hotel room’s bathroom.
     Resolution: The hotel installed two fully-accessible
     guest rooms, including one with a roll-in shower.
     The hotel also developed a reservation system to
     ensure that reservations for accessible rooms are
     held and they trained their staff to make sure that          9. A blind woman in Florida reported that a taxi cab
     guests’ accessibility requests are met. The owner of            driver refused to allow her and her guide dog into a
     the hotel also apologized and refunded the                      cab. The driver told her the car was not equipped for
     night’s stay.                                                   transporting animals.
                                                                     Resolution: The cab company promised not to deny
  8. A man who is HIV positive (which means he has
                                                                     rides to customers with disabilities and their service
     the virus that can lead to AIDS) believed he was
                                                                     animals. The company developed a Service Animal
     discriminated against when the city of Philadelphia
                                                                     Policy and made sure everyone who worked for the
     refused to provide emergency medical services for
                                                                     company followed the rules. The cab company also
     him because of his illness.
                                                                     paid the women $1,000 and posted signs stating:
     Resolution: The city of Philadelphia paid the man               “Persons with disabilities accompanied by service
     $50,000. The city also promised that they would no              animals are welcome.”
     longer withhold emergency medical services from
     a person because of his or her disability or illness.        10. A national association of blind people sued a large,
     The city also had to create a program on HIV and                 popular retail company because it was not possible
     other infectious diseases that will become part of               for a person with a visual disability to shop online
     the standard training for paramedics and fire                    with the store’s website.
     department EMTs.                                                 Resolution: The store began to make changes to
                                                                      its website to make it usable by people who are
                                                                      visually disabled. However, the case is still pending
                                                                      and has not been resolved yet.

Answer Key: Upper and Middle School

1.1   Seeing the World Differently: Causes of visual disabilities (pages 13–15)
Part 1: 1C 2G 3A 4E 5I 6F 7D 8J 9B 10H
Part 2: (1) Countries where people have more money, like in North America and Europe, do not have as many
            problems with causes of blindness from contagious diseases, like in Africa or Asia. Countries like
            the United States can afford better medical care. (2) Some causes of blindness only happen at certain stages
            of life, like at a premature birth (ROP) or when a person gets older (glaucoma, cataract).

1.3   Seeing the World Differently: Finding your way, “Map making” (pages 22–23)

      1. Suggested definitions
           vendor: a person who sells things
           cobbler: a person who fixes and makes shoes
           pungent: striking your sense of smell or taste strongly
           veer: turns slightly
           pervades: present everywhere

      2. Smells: fruit (apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit), leather, hot food (baked bread, meat & noodle dishes);
         Sounds: cars/traffic, vendors and customers, hammering on shoes, people in the entrances to their houses

Answer Key: Upper and Middle School (continued)

2.1Acceptable & Accessible: Looking back (pages 28–29)
History & Geography

      1. (d) Sporadic developments early on, long expanses of time with no events, slowest in the Middle Ages, increases
             in Industrial Revolution, most in 20th century.

      2. Locations are clustered chronologically in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. Countries: Austria,
         Denmark, Egypt, France , Germany, Great Britain/UK/England, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy,
         Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, U.S.

      3. He was responsible for educating, advocating for, and caring for blind people and yet even he feels they are
         less-worthy humans.

      4. 146 years (in 2008).

      5. 1829, the 1st school for the blind in the U.S. is chartered.

      6. 1919, The Seeing Eye, New Jersey.

      7. Phonographs/record albums.

      8. 1990; discuss the connotations and denotations of the terms, how they are interpreted subjectively, and why
         some are considered derogatory. For example, the term handicap comes from “cap in hand,” as in the past
         disabled people often resorted to begging for their basic needs.

Vocabulary: Terms are in most standard dictionaries, including online services like except for
“stereotypemaker” and “typhlocomium” which are defined within the text of the timeline.

Answer Key: Upper and Middle School (continued)

2.2 Acceptable       & Accessible: Famous people (page 30)

            Name                                 Who/Why                                          When           Where
      Alicia Alonso          ballerina & choreographer                            b. 1920, diagnosed in 1941      Cuba
      Andrea Bocelli         opera singer                                         b. 1958, 1st album in 1994      Italy
      Ray Charles            singer/songwriter/musician                           1930–2004                       U.S.
      Arizona Dranes         singer, one of the 1st popular gospel artists        c.1891–c.1963                   U.S.
      José Feliciano         singer, guitarist                                    b.1945, 1st album in 1966    Puerto Rico
      Elizabeth Goldring     artist, writer, helped invent a "seeing machine" b.1945, invention in 2006           U.S.
                             Retinal Imaging Machine Vision System (RIMVS)

      Homer                  poet, author of Iliad & Odyssey                      8th century BC                 Greece
      Lemon Jefferson        musician, founder of "Texas Blues"                   1894–1929                       U.S.
      Helen Keller           author, activist                                     1880–1968                       U.S.
      Claude Monet           artist, impressionist                                1840–1926                      France
      Claude Montal          piano player, piano tuner, successful business       c. 1834                        France
      Marla Runyan           marathon runner                                      b.1969, 2000 Olympics           U.S.
      Sabriye Tenberken      activist, created Braille Without Borders in Tibet   b.1970, opened school in      Germany
                                                                                    Tibet in 1998

      Erik Weihenmayer       teacher, mtn climber, summitted Everest              b.1968, Everest in 2001         U.S.
      Stevie Wonder          singer/songwriter/musician                           b.1950, 1st Grammy in 1974      U.S.

Extension: 3.          musician

2.3   Acceptable & Accessible: The Americans with Disabilities Act (pages 31–32)

      1. (a) 42 U.S.C. § 12202(2)(A-C): a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more
         major life activities.(b) Physical impairments: 28 C.F.R. § 35.104(1)(i)(A). (c) Mental impairments:
         28 C.F.R. § 35.104(1)(i)(B)

      3. physical

High School

     Part 1: Seeing the World Differently
        Lesson 1:   Causes of visual disabilities
        Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses—
                  audition, olfaction, somatosensation
        Lesson 3: Finding your way
        Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see?
        Lesson 5: Breaking barriers
     Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible
        Lesson 1:   Looking back
        Lesson 2: Famous people
        Lesson 3: Evolution of inclusion
        Lesson 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act
        Lesson 5: Enforcing accessibility
     Answer keys

We should acknowledge differences, we
should greet differences, until difference
makes no difference anymore.
                              —Adela A. Allen

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Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
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Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
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Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide
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Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Dialog Teacher Guide

  • 2. Table of Contents 4 Getting Ready Welcome to Dialog in the Dark The Dialog Begins What to Expect on your Field Trip Guide Reference Chart 12 Upper Elementary and Middle School Part 1: Seeing the World Differently Lesson 1: Causes of visual disabilities Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses—hear, smell, feel Lesson 3: Finding your way Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see? Lesson 5: Breaking barriers Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible Lesson 1: Looking back Lesson 2: Famous people Lesson 3: The Americans with Disabilities Act Lesson 4: Enforcing accessibility Answer keys 39 High School Part 1: Seeing the World Differently Lesson 1: Causes of visual disabilities Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses—audition, olfaction, somatosensation Lesson 3: Finding your way Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see? Lesson 5: Breaking barriers Premier Exhibitions, Inc. 3340 Peachtree Road, NE Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible Suite 2250 Atlanta, GA 30326 Lesson 1: Looking back Lesson 2: Famous people Content: Cassie Jones with Cheryl Muré, Mike Johnson, Lesson 3: Evolution of inclusion and Joanna Rotchford. Lesson 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act Special thanks: Andreas Heinecke, Orna Cohen, Susana Ruiz, Consens Ausstellungs GmbH, and Lesson 5: Enforcing accessibility Dialog Education teams around the world. Design: Carrie Jones Answer keys © 2008 Premier Exhibitions, Inc. All rights reserved. Except for educational fair use, no portion of this 73 After the Field Trip guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, Debriefing recording, or any other without explicit prior permission from Premier Exhibitions, Inc. Multiple copies may only be made by or for Friends with Disabilities the teacher for class use or discussion. In Your Community 2
  • 3. Table of Contents 81 Resources Timeline and Crossword Puzzle Facts on Visual Disabilities in the U.S. Recommended Reading Additional Projects and Connections to Other Subjects Visual arts Language arts Biographies Science 98 Curriculum Standards National Curriculum Correlations State Curriculum Correlations 3
  • 4. Getting Ready Welcome to Dialog in the Dark The Dialog Begins What to Expect on Your Field Trip Guide Reference Chart “ It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ” —Antoine de Saint-Exupery 4
  • 5. The only way to learn is through encounters. ” –Martin Buber Welcome to Dialog in the Dark Welcome to Dialog in the Dark, a and Character Development classes vision. “Acceptable and Accessible” field trip where there is nothing to will all find relevant activities in the begins with an historical perspective see but much to discover. The concept Teacher’s Guide. These innovative on attitudes towards people with is simple: in completely darkened lesson plans can be used both before visual disabilities. It also discusses rooms, guides who are visually and after your field trip to Dialog in the evolution of disability rights and impaired or blind lead small groups the Dark. opportunities in the U.S. of students through an Exhibition The first section of this Guide tells A section called “After the Field Trip” in which everyday situations are the story of the Exhibition’s creator, helps your students process their experienced altogether differently, Andreas Heinecke. You will also find experience at the Exhibition and without vision. The complete darkness a description of what teachers and extend what they have learned from opens your students’ eyes to new students can expect on their field Dialog in the Dark beyond the ways of experiencing the world trip and a quick-reference chart to classroom. The “Resources” section around them. locate lessons highlighting specific contains a variety of materials and In the dark, the daily routine themes or content areas. The chart references: a timeline activity, facts becomes a new experience and roles also indicates if that lesson contains on visual disabilities in the U.S., a are reversed. Sighted people leave a ready-to-use reproducible activity list of recommended books, and their comfort zones and lose the sense page for your students. additional project ideas. At the end they rely on most. Guides who are This Teacher’s Guide features a of the Guide, teachers will find visually impaired or blind provide variety of methods and projects correlations to the relevant national security, comfort, and direction, while for those educators who strive for curriculum standards as well as to at the same time help students see the differentiated instruction in their their state curriculum requirements. world without pictures. Dialog in classrooms. The lesson plans are Dialog in the Dark has been the Dark changes sighted people’s divided into two grade levels. The experienced by over 5 million people perceptions of what life must be first group is for upper elementary in over 20 countries in Europe, Asia like for people who cannot see by and middle school students; however, and South America. Now, for the demonstrating that for blind and the activities can be easily simplified first time, Premier Exhibitions brings visually-impaired people, the world for lower elementary grades. The next Dialog in the Dark to the U.S. Teachers is not inferior, just different. set is directed towards high school will find something to engage students The sensory experiences of the level students and can also be used of all skill levels and interests on a Exhibition combined with its themes with adult groups. field trip to this Exhibition. Thank you of communication, empathy and In both levels, the lesson plans are for sharing this innovative learning tolerance offer learning opportunities grouped into two themes. In “Seeing experience with your students. We across the curriculum. Teachers of the World Differently” students focus look forward to seeing you at Dialog Science, History, Civics, Physical on how we use our senses and how in the Dark...Your Senses Will Never Education, Language Arts, Visual Arts the world appears to someone without Be The Same. 5
  • 6. The Dialog Begins: Origins of the Exhibition Andreas Heinecke was born in 1955 Heinecke was fascinated by the and grew up in Baden-Baden, experiences of blind people and Germany. His family was both Jewish shocked by the discrimination against and German, a dichotomy which them, which still exists today. In drove him to explore questions about 1988—the year Dialog in the Dark how and why humans judge one began—he started working with the other as “worthy”. He studied German Stiftung Blindenanstalt (Home for language, literature and history at the Blind Foundation) in Frankfurt Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University am Main, so that he could share the “Dialog in the Dark is connected so closely to me in Frankfurt before he began work as a journalist and documentary writer at the Südwestfunk broadcasting experiences he had gained so far with other broadcasting companies. He teamed up with a large computer and my history that it has corporation. It was here that he was company to develop electronic become an inextricable part asked to train a journalist who had devices for blind people long before of me. ” —Andreas Heinecke lost his sight from a car accident. Heinecke remembers his initial reaction of surprise. the Internet was commonplace. He published an electronic newspaper and digital reference books, and “I had no qualifications or inclination established a database with in this area at all. My basic attitude job announcements. was more to avoid contact with handi- Heinecke was also looking for ways to capped people, and the idea of being engage blind and sighted people in blind scared me. I met this blind young conversations where their interest in man and was deeply touched by his each other would not be hindered by positive personality, his potential, his pity, insecurities and prejudices. The positive outlook on life, his humor obvious solution was to create an and his intelligence. I regarded my opportunity for blind and sighted attitude, consisting of a mixture of people to meet in the dark, which pity, empathy, anxiety and insecurity, meant daring to reverse roles and thus as something shameful. Even my years experiencing each others’ limits and of searching for understanding for the possibilities. In 1996, Heinecke left the acceptance of being different could Stiftung Blindenanstalt in order to form not keep me from judging people’s his own company to spread the idea of lives… A blind person had to come into Dialog in the Dark. Since its inception, my life to open my eyes.” Dialog in the Dark has passed through over 20 countries with stops in the 6
  • 7. Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The first permanent version of the Exhibition opened in Hamburg in 2000. Together with his wife, Orna Cohen, he also developed Dialog in Silence—an exhibition similar to Dialog in the Dark, but which explores the world of the hearing impaired. Andreas Heinecke is the CEO of Consens Ausstellungs GmbH which he founded to promote empathy among people without disabilities towards those with visual and hearing impairments. His ultimate goal is for people with disabilities to be integrated as fully-valued employees in the workforce. While one goal of Dialog in the Dark is to open the eyes of sighted people, another goal is to offer employment to a sector of society that is usually overlooked. For many of the visually impaired employees, working at Dialog in the Dark is their first paid job and gives them the confidence, experience, and qualifications to pursue opportunities elsewhere. Heinecke Andreas Heinecke, creator of Dialog in the Dark explains the effects. In recent years, Andreas Heinecke has Entrepreneurship Club (2006) “Being a guide changes the perception won several awards for his efforts: the and in 2007 he was honored as an of themselves and the relations of the “Stevie Wonder Vision Award” in New outstanding global social entre- seeing population; it also increases their York (1998) was followed by “Best preneur by the Schwab Foundation. self-esteem. Blind people gain strength Practice in Universal Design” in Most recently, he became a member in their acting and communicating Japan (2004). He is the first Ashoka of the World Economic Forum’s competence, take responsibility, work Fellow in Western Europe (2005). Global Agenda Council on Social together in a team and learn to defend For his work in social entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship. their interests. Their own income helps Heinecke was awarded the Deutscher them to be independent and strengthens UnternehmerPreis (German Enterprise the respect among family and friends.” Award) by the Harvard Business School Association of Germany’s 7
  • 8. What to Expect on Your Field Trip Welcome! Students are taken through the Upon arrival, your school group is Exhibition in groups of nine plus greeted by a member of our Education their school chaperone. Each group staff and then led to a preliminary has their own guide who is blind workshop. The students engage in or visually disabled who will lead, discussions and perform activities help, orient, and encourage them to prepare them for their upcoming through the galleries. experience in the dark. The Education Galleries “ staff will also discuss topics like fears, The most beautiful things in As the students enter the Exhibition, stereotypes, and prejudice and how the world cannot be seen or they correlate to darkness. they receive their canes in the Immersion room and experience a even touched; they must Before they enter the Exhibition, short program introducing them to ” be felt with the heart. —Helen Keller students will be asked to leave all bags, purses, cell phones, cameras, etc. at our secure check-in. Anything Dialog in the Dark. After the program, the room grows increasingly darker. When there is complete darkness, else that emits light, such as a pager, the guide greets the group and takes light-up watch, tennis shoes, cell phone over while the Education staff leaves. or iPod, will also need to be removed and checked. Students who wear You begin by making your way glasses may also to wish to check through a park. Then you will them, as they won’t be needed in the experience a wharf and a boat ride, dark. Students should wear closed, a busy street in the city, a grocery low-heeled shoes on this field trip. store, and a café. You will spend Avoid flip flops, clogs, and heels. about 15 minutes in each room. Students line up for their field trip to the Exhibition in Monterrey, Mexico. 8
  • 9. Sounds, smells, temperatures, and At the End questions about themselves and textures convey the characteristics of Students exit through a Reflection about their experience with these daily environments. room in which they are gradually Dialog in the Dark. In the park, you may encounter returned to a visible, well-lit world. • What will I “see”? trees, a fountain, or a bench. At the After their experience in the Exhibition, Dialog in the Dark submerges you wharf, you will board a boat—be students have the opportunity to into a new world of perception. careful where you step! You will have participate in a variety of follow-up Tasks that used to be so simple to deal with traffic and cross the street exercises and discussions, led by are now challenging. You will safely in the loud, busy city. In the a member of the Education staff. hopefully walk away with a better grocery store, you may be asked to Exercises may include writing a understanding of yourself, beauty find and retrieve a specific item from letter to their guide, learning how that isn’t seen, and an appreciation the shelves. the Braille system works, writing in of people with disabilities. The tour ends in a café where Braille, drawing, and using other drinks and snacks are available for tactile learning aids. Chaperone Responsibilities purchase, so don’t forget to bring What Students As a chaperone, you are responsible some money. In the café you will also for helping your students get the most Want to Know have an opportunity to ask your guide out of this very unique learning questions before he or she returns you • Is it scary? experience. To keep order, you need to an Education staff team member. Certainly not. The dark can teach to stay with your assigned group of us many, many things not only students throughout your visit. about ourselves, but also how to Please supervise your students in adapt to a new and yet familiar the retail area as well. We know that environment. You will be traveling this is a fascinating Exhibition, but in groups and will have a guide please remember that your top who knows the Exhibition very well. priority is to monitor your students • Is it safe? and keep them focused so they will enjoy the Exhibition safely and Yes. You will use your cane and meet their teachers’ expectations. your guide will help direct you along the way. The Exhibition is Each group that goes through the also under constant monitoring Exhibition must have an adult with special cameras and each chaperone. If you are afraid of the gallery has an emergency exit. dark or do not wish to go through the galleries of the Exhibition, let your • Who will be our guide? lead teacher know ahead of time so Each guide is a visually impaired that your school can arrange for the or blind person who teaches you appropriate amount of chaperones. Students learn to use the white canes at how to use your other senses in We greatly appreciate your partici- the Exhibition in Monterrey, Mexico. order to complete ordinary tasks. pation in making this a memorable These individuals tend to be quite field trip for everyone from your school. inspiring. Feel free to ask the guides Thank you! 9
  • 10. Using the Teacher’s Guide This Teacher’s Guide is designed to Key: be used before and after a field trip to Dialog in the Dark. The lesson plans UES Upper Elementary School level are divided into levels. The first set is for upper elementary and middle MS Middle School level school students. With a few adjust- ments, many of these can also used for HS High School level lower elementary students. The second set is aimed towards the high school level and above. Following the lesson FA Fine Arts plans, the section “After the Field S/T Science & Trip” will help students process and Technology extend their experience. The last part, “Resources” contains additional LA Language Arts activities as well as curriculum correlations for national and state SS Social Studies standards. AA Active Activities Teachers will find connections to many content areas in this guide, including Social Studies, Science, Language EC Empathy & Arts, and Visual Arts classes. Character compassion “ development themes such as LC Leadership & Seeing a known Leadership and Empathy are also courage world in a new featured. A quick-reference chart CS Communication skills way. ” —Dialog in the Dark visitor identifies the subjects and themes addressed by each lesson. It also indicates whether or not a reproducible SA Self-awareness student activity sheet is included. While CA Community action some lessons contain only instructions for the teacher on how to lead the FD For debate lesson, many have pages to reproduce and pass out to students. 10
  • 11. Lesson Plan Reference Chart Title Level Subjects Themes Page for Students 1.1 Causes of visual disabilities UES & MS S/T EC yes 1.2 Adventures for your senses UES & MS AA, S/T CS, EC, SA yes 1.3 Finding your way UES & MS FA, LA, AA EC, SA yes 1.4 How do you see what I see? UES & MS LA, S/T CS, EC, SA yes 1.5 Breaking barriers UES & MS LA, AA CA, LC yes 2.1 Looking back UES & MS LA, SS na yes 2.2 Famous people UES & MS LA, SS LC yes 2.3 The ADA UES & MS SS FD yes 2.4 Enforcing accessibility UES & MS SS EC, FD yes 1.1 Causes of visual disabilities HS S/T EC yes 1.2 Adventures for your senses HS AA, S/T CS, EC, SA no 1.3 Finding your way HS FA, LA, AA EC, SA yes 1.4 How do you see what I see? HS LA, S/T CS, EC, SA yes 1.5 Breaking barriers HS LA, AA CA, LC yes 2.1 Looking back HS LA, SS na yes 2.2 Famous people HS LA, SS LC yes 2.3 Evolution of inclusion HS SS FD yes 2.4 The ADA HS SS EC, FD yes 2.5 Enforcing accessibility HS SS EC, FD yes Debriefing UES & MS, HS FA, LA CS, EC, LC, SA yes Friends with Visual Disabilities UES & MS, HS na CA, EC, LC no In Your Community UES & MS, HS LA, AA, SS CA, CS, EC, LC, SA yes Timeline and Puzzle UES & MS, HS SS na yes U.S. Facts UES & MS, HS na na no Recommended Reading UES & MS, HS LA, AA, SS CS, EC, LC, SA no Additional Projects UES & MS, HS FA, LA, S/T CS no 11
  • 12. Upper Elementary and Middle School Part 1: Seeing the World Differently Lesson 1: Causes of visual disabilities Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses— hear, smell, feel Lesson 3: Finding your way Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see? Lesson 5: Breaking barriers Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible Lesson 1: Looking back Lesson 2: Famous people Lesson 3: The American with Disabilities Act Lesson 4: Enforcing accessibility Answer keys “ People get trapped into thinking about just one way of doing things. ” —Erik Weihenmayer 12
  • 13. Name: Date: “ Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision. ” —Stevie Wonder 1.1 Seeing the World Differently: Causes of visual disabilities Being blind doesn’t mean that all you see is blackness. Most blind people—about 90%—have a little vision. Some are able to see colors and others see shadows, or at least the difference between light and dark. Only 1% of the people in the U.S. who are blind were born that way. Very few are visually impaired as a result of an accident. Most people lose their sight because of an illness. In parts of the world where medicine is hard to get, people become blind from diseases that can be easily prevented and treated in the U.S. Research the causes of visual disabilities to complete the matching activity that follows. Use these sources: • National Eye Institute • Lighthouse International • World Health Organization Students discuss what it means to be visually impaired. 13
  • 14. Name: Date: Part 1: Why? What can cause a person to have a visual disability? Match the term to the definition. 1. Macular degeneration A. the lens of the eye gradually becomes cloudy; often affects older people and can be fixed with surgery 2. Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome B. a disease that is common in Africa and Central 3. Cataract America; it is passed by black fly bites and is sometimes called “river blindness” 4. Glaucoma C. disease associated with getting older that gradually destroys sharp, central vision (needed for seeing objects clearly, for things like reading 5. Cortical impairment and driving); a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 and older 6. Trachoma D. cross-eyed; both eyes cannot focus on the same thing at the same time 7. Strabismus E. the name for a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve; caused when the pressure of 8. Diabetic retinopathy the fluid inside the eye increases and often affects older people 9. Onchocerciasis F. a contagious disease which is easily treated, but the #1 cause of blindness in the world; 10. Retinopathy of prematurity caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis G. disease caused by the microscopic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum; often found in the dirt where there have been bird or bat droppings H. a cause of blindness for small babies born too soon whose eye cells aren’t finished forming; one of the most common causes of blindness for children I. when a vision problem is caused by a problem along the nerve paths between the eye and the brain, instead of by a problem with the actual eyeball J. one of the effects of having diabetes; causes changes in the retina’s blood vessels 14
  • 15. Name: Date: Part 2: Where, when, how? Find out more. 1. How do the countries where people live affect the reasons why they may have a visual disability? 2. How do people’s ages affect the reasons why they may have a visual disability? 3. To see how certain conditions may affect your vision, try the low-vision simulations at the following sites. • • • A picture of two children as seen with normal vision, on the left, and how it appears to someone with glaucoma, on the right. 15
  • 16. Name: Date: “ It often seems to me that it’s as if I have four senses and sighted people only have one. ” —Dialog in the Dark Guide 1.2 Seeing the World Differently: Adventures for your senses Introduce the lesson People who are able to see clearly take in 90% of what they know about the world around them through their eyes. That leaves only 10% for all the other senses combined. People with visual disabilities have to pay close attention to what they hear, smell, and feel. They don’t have superhero senses, but they do have a lot of practice listening to what their other senses have to say. With the activities in this lesson, your students will “see” how much they can learn and do without using their eyes. Hear 5. Signature sound: think of 3 sounds that are specific 1. For 2 minutes, students sit quietly and write down to your favorite place or a location in your neighbor- every noise they hear during that time, and then hood. Recreate those sounds, using either props or compare lists. Examples could be voices from the audio on a computer. Ask a partner or your class to next room, someone walking down the hallway, identify “your place.” birds outside the window, hum of the air condition- 6. For this activity you will need an open space. Push ing, etc. Some sounds may only heard by students the chairs and desks to the back of the classroom in a particular area of the room. This activity is or use the gym. also easily done outside. a. Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5. In each 2. Fill small, opaque containers (like plastic eggs or group, one student will be blindfolded. Each group film canisters) with a variety of small objects and also must decide on a strategy, such as a materials. Shake each one. Students try to figure particular sound, they can use to locate each out what is inside each container based only on other when they are split up and spread out. the sound it makes. b. The blindfolded students stand in the middle of the 3. Once the contents from the activity above have room. For 5–8 seconds, the rest of the class been identified, shake the same containers in a spreads out around the room. When time is up, specific order. Pause briefly. Students write down everyone stops and stands wherever they are. the order in which they remember hearing the c. Using only their predetermined strategy, the sounds. This activity can also be done by having the blind person must find the rest of the people students close their eyes while various surfaces in in their group. the room are struck or musical instruments played d. When the blind student locates a group member, in a particular order. the member puts on a blindfold as well and 4. Without the students looking, the teacher creates walks around together with the first student to sound from 3 different objects or actions. For continue rounding up the rest. example, slide a chair, close the door, or turn on a e. The first team to reunite all its members wins. faucet. Students write down what they think is the What made the task easier or harder? How does source each sound, then write or tell a short story the activity relate to events in the daily life of a that incorporates all of the sounds. person with a visual disability? 16
  • 17. Name: Date: Smell Feel 1. For one day (or a portion of a day for younger 1. Three participants line up. One by one, each person students, such as six hours) students pay atten- says his or her name while shaking hands with the tion to all smells they are able to distinguish. sixth participant who is blindfolded. Then the five Instruct students to write down every smell they people quietly rearrange their order. The blind encounter. The next day, students compare lists. person shakes their hands again and tries to guess Discuss what factual data each smell provides as the identity of each person based only on feeling well as any memories or emotions associated with it. their hands. 2. On a smaller scale, the activity above can be used 2. Place a variety of items inside of individual boxes with a walking tour around the school. or bags so that the items cannot be seen. 3. Hold a “Smelling Bee.” Using the rules of a spelling a. Students reach inside each bag or box to feel the bee, students compete by correctly identifying a object and try to identify what is inside. variety of odors. One way to do this is by putting b. Extend the activity by using items that relate to liquids on cotton balls. Another way is to put the something the class may already be studying in objects in identical opaque containers and pierce science, social studies, or other subject. holes in the lid. 3. Place a variety of smaller items into one box or bag. 4. Using scent samples like those created for the a. A student will reach in without looking and retrieve “Smelling Bee,” students identify the item by smell, a requested item, using only the sense of touch decide how it smells to them (pleasant, bad, neutral, to find it. strong, etc.), and explain any memories associated b. Using the same collection of objects, a student with the scent. randomly selects 3 items from the bag (returning 5. Explore the connections between vision, smell, and the items afterwards for the next student). Use taste by conducting blind taste-tests of the edible all of the chosen items in a creative writing products you are using and see if students can assignment such as a poem or short story. identify them correctly. 4. Students can complete the following worksheet on Suggestions for experiments with the sense of smell: dried herbs, using the Braille alphabet. spices (like ginger and cinnamon), coffee, onion, coco powder, (The answer to #2 is: Louis Braille was fifteen when he invented this alphabet.) baking extracts (like vanilla and almond), garlic, banana, moth balls, orange juice, fruit peels, piece of apple, vinegar, perfume, shampoo, cedar, mint, saw dust, air freshener sprays, baby powder, flowers, dirt, pine needles, peanut butter, bubble gum. 17
  • 18. Name: Date: “ Discover the world by feeling and listening. ” —Dialog in the Dark visitor 1.2 Seeing the World Differently: Adventures for your senses Reading by Braille Many people with visual disabilities use their sense of touch to read. The Braille alphabet, created by Louis Braille in the 19th century, has combinations of raised dots for letters, numbers, and punctuation. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ch ed er gh ou ow sh th wh and for of the with Louis Braille 18
  • 19. Name: Date: 1. Write this sentence in Braille, filling in your information: I am [YOUR FIRST NAME] and I go to [YOUR SCHOOL NAME]. 2. What does this say? 3. Make a set of Braille letters. Enlarge the chart above and copy on heavy paper or cardstock. Glue a small bead or sequin on top of each black dot. You can also just use a dot of glue. When it dries, cut out each letter and practice identifying the letters by touch. 19
  • 20. Name: Date: “ Habit is the sixth sense that dominates the other five. ” —Arab proverb 1.3 Seeing the World Differently: Finding your way Introduce the lesson: Only 35% of the visually impaired people in the U.S. use a white cane and only 2% have a guide dog to help them get around. Knowing where to go and how to get there are challenging when you are visually impaired. Your sense of hearing as well as your memory become very important. Activities 1. This activity requires two participants. There must 2. Each student needs paper and crayons, colored be absolute silence in the room. pencils, or markers. Describe a simple scene with vivid images, like a sunny day at the park with a. Player A sits in a chair blindfolded. Player B children flying kites. begins to slowly and quietly walk up behind Player A (without running into the chair). a. Students close their eyes and imagine the picture in their mind as they listen. b. When Player A believes Player B is standing directly behind the chair, he or she says “stop”. b. When the description is over, the students will draw the picture on paper with their eyes still c. How close did Player B get? Why did Player A closed or blindfolded. When everyone is finished decide it was time to say “stop”? Repeat and they may look at their drawings. switch roles. c. How did everyone portray what they heard? How closely do the finished products match their mental images? Was it possible to use colors realistically? Were the same objects included in everyone’s picture? d. For an alternate version, describe a route from one point to another such as the way from the classroom to the principal’s office. The students will draw the route, blindfolded, as they hear it step by step. e. For younger students, give them a shape (circle, Practicing orientation and mobility— triangle, etc.) to try to draw without looking. knowing where to go and how to get there—enhances communication skills. 20
  • 21. Name: Date: 3. This activity requires a partner and space to move 4. This human knot game with a twist challenges around. There must be silence in the room. individual spatial awareness and fosters group communication. For an extra challenge, blindfold a. The partners stand face to face, toe to toe, and the students before they even begin to “tie” their raise their hands up to shoulder level, palms knot. Vary the difficulty by having more or less facing out. The partners put their hands against students in the group or by imposing a time limit each other and are then blindfolded. for the untangling. For yet another variation, the b. They separate, each slowly walking backward, students are not blindfolded but they cannot speak away from the other for 8 seconds (adjust time to each other. for age group and space allowances). a. A group of 4–6 students stand close together in c. When time is called they must walk towards each a circle and extend their arms forward into the other and attempt to end up back together where middle of the circle. they started. b. Each student grabs hold of two other students’ d. Did they meet up again? How accurate is their hands (you can’t hold both hands with just one aim on the return trip? Is it hard to walk in a other person). Then each member of the group straight line when you can’t see? is blindfolded. c. The objective is for the students to get them- selves as “untied” as possible without ever letting go of each other and without looking. 21
  • 22. Name: Date: “ 1,000 steps in the dark brought me a step closer to the world of the visually impaired. ” —Dialog in the Dark visitor 1.3 Seeing the World Differently: Finding your way Map making: Sabriye Tenbarken, a young blind woman from Germany, set up a school for blind children in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. Here, she describes the way through the city from her home to the school. (from My Path Leads to Tibet by Sabriye Tenbarken, Arcade Pub., 2004) “I begin my journey on the edge of an open square…To my right there is a street busy with cars, which is my first landmark. I cross over the square always remembering to keep the traffic on my right at the same distance. I now head for a row of market stalls where Chinese vendors offer their fruit for sale at the tops of their voices. As soon as the smell of apples and pears in the summer, and oranges and grapefruits in the winter, reaches my nose, I cautiously turn right to avoid getting in the customers’ way…Quite close to the street, with the noises of the cars to my Raised maps and globes help visually right again, I walk straight ahead until my cane comes up against impaired students learn geography. a kind of curb that is now my new point of direction… My journey leads me past cobblers who have set up their stalls on the roadside—I recognize them because of their constant hammering and the pungent smell of leather. Shortly after that, my route veers to the left. At this point the curb ends and I stop in the middle of the road because we are now in the old part of town. There are fewer vehicles here and they can only move at a snail’s pace. On my right there are hot food stalls; at different times of day the smell of freshly baked bread or meat and noodle dishes pervades in the air…The alleyway ends in a T-junction at which I turn left… In front of a stone wall that blocks the way straight ahead, a street leads to the left…It’s only one and a half meters wide and about fifty meters long. Sighted people often have the impression here that the houses tilt together over their head. In the entrances to these houses sit mostly older people who greet me in a friendly way and warn me about piles of trash and puddles…The alley ends at another T-junc- tion. I turn right. This path is wide and even. It leads to a busy road in a zigzag fashion…The traffic noises are heard only quietly at first and then louder and louder. Since local drivers have often bought their driving license without any driving experience…sometimes I ask people passing by to help me cross the ‘race track’. I then go left behind a building site onto a sandy road, to the left again after an entrance to a courtyard and then in the second courtyard on the right hand side. ” 22
  • 23. Name: Date: 1. Define these terms: vendor, cobbler, pungent, veer, pervades. Then highlight where they are used in the story. At Dialog in the Dark in Tel Aviv, Israel 2. Make a list of the smells and sounds Sabriye uses to find her way to the school. 3. Based on her description of the route, draw a map of her route. 4. Write out the directions from your house to someplace nearby (like your school, the grocery store, or a friends’ house) in a way that a blind person with a cane would be able to find his or her way. Include specific sounds and smells they may encounter along the way. Do you walk past a bakery? A construction site? A yard with a dog? A coffee shop? 23
  • 24. Name: Date: “ The highest result of education is tolerance. ” —Helen Keller 1.4 Seeing the World Differently: How do you do see what I see? One of the goals of Dialog in the Dark is for sighted visitors to understand that a person with a visual disability is first and foremost a person. There is a saying that warns us not to judge other people until we have first walked a mile in their shoes. These activities and your trip to Dialog in the Dark will give you a chance to “walk a mile” in the shoes of a person with a visual disability. Part 1: Activities • Get to and from school • ind a can of soup and a box of Cheerios® F 1. List the steps of your morning “getting-ready-for- in the grocery store school” or your “after-school–until-bedtime” routine. Include specific steps like “brush teeth” or • Count your money “pack lunch.” Now go back through the list and • Know when to cross the street describe how each activity would be different if you • Keep your socks together had a visual disability. Try it out: the next time you • Match your clothes get dressed in the morning or change into your • Play soccer or basketball pajamas, keep your eyes closed. • Send an email 2. Working in partners or groups, brainstorm ways • Get to your gate and your seat for a flight in which you would be able to accomplish the • Pick up your luggage after a flight following activities if you had a visual impairment. For tips and suggestions, select the “Search” 3. What adaptations and products are available that option at “Fred’s Head Database”: would help make daily life easier for a person with a visual disability? Make a list of the items you • Play cards or a board game would want or need. Look for them online at sites like and www.human- • Tell time As you list the things you’d want to • Pour a glass of juice purchase, include the prices. What is your total cost? • Measure your room for carpet Hands reading Braille Tactile feature on Baseball Watch for the blind Braille machine Canadian $20 bill 24
  • 25. Name: Date: 4. (a) What is your favorite TV show? Try to “watch” Part 2: Reflection it blindfolded or with your back to the TV, so you hear it but not see it. Was it harder for you to follow 1. What surprised you the most during your “mile in what was happening? Why or why not? (b) Repeat the another person’s shoes?” process with a partner. This time, listen to only 2. What would be the hardest adjustment for you to 5 minutes of a TV show while your partner tries to make if your vision failed? What would you have describe what is going on visually. Did that help? to do differently? What would you be able to do Why or why not? Reverse roles and try again. the same? 5. Interview a person with a disability in your family or 3. Have your ideas of what people with disabilities are community. Find out about what adaptations he or like changed? How? she makes and what he or she feels are their greatest challenges. 4. Often, a bully is a person who isn’t very good at understanding how other people may see the 6. In May 2008, a court decided that paper money in world. How could a trip to Dialog in the Dark the U.S. discriminates against blind and visually help a bully learn how his or her actions affect impaired people. Coins can be identified by size, other people? weight, and the images engraved on them but paper bills are all the same size and shape in the U.S. Some countries avoid this problem with different sizes and shapes, adding raised dot to the bill, or adding foil that can be felt. You have been hired by the U.S. Treasury Department to help create money that can be identified by touch alone. Revamp the current designs for the $1, $5, $10, and $20 bill ( so that a person who cannot see would be able to tell them apart. For inspiration, check out the first U.S. coin with readable Braille characters: a commemorative silver dollar available in 2009, celebrating the Louis Braille 200th birthday of Louis Braille ( 2009 Commemorative Silver pressroom/index.cfm?action=Photo). Dollar Coin 25
  • 26. Name: Date: “ Just because you lose your sight, doesn’t mean you lose your vision. ” —Erik Weihenmayer 1.5 Seeing the World Differently: Breaking barriers Would you like to climb a mountain some day? Travel around the world? Sail a boat? Snowboard or ski? Run a marathon? Scuba dive? Compete in the Olympics? These activities require amazing courage and dedication. They are also the careers and hobbies of people with visual disabilities. Part 1: Adaptable activities Pick an activity, sport, or game that interests you. Explore what changes can be made so that people with visual disabilities are able to participate or play, too. Write a short report on how your favorite sport or game has been adapted. Is the equipment different? Are the rules different? How? Include pictures. If you would like, expand your research to include other forms of disabilities. If you learn that your favorite activity doesn’t have an adapted version, invent one and explain how it works in your report. Wheelchair racer participating in a marathon Start with the sites below which mention canoeing, kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, bowling, camping, cycling, golf, gymnastics, judo, power lifting, skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, swimming, wrestling, sailing, and traveling abroad. • • • • Ready for the 100m Blind climber at Blind horseback race summer camp rider 26
  • 27. Name: Date: Part 2: Barrier breaking biographies Learn more about a person alive today who is changing the way the world sees people with disabilities. Choose from the list of people below or find another person who interests you. When you present the person’s biography, use one of the formats suggested in the Resources section of the Teacher’s Guide. Pascale Bercovitch Jim Abbott Erik Weihenmeyer Courtesy of Ed Weihenmeyer • fter losing both legs in a train accident at age 17, A • Erik Weihenmeyer is a former middle school Pascale Bercovitch went on to become a docu- teacher who became the first blind person to mentary director, writer, and a world-class athlete summit Mt. Everest, along with several of the in swimming and rowing. world’s other major peaks. Learn more at www. and www.nobarriers- • scar Pistorius is a double-amputee and Paralympic O runner who won the right to try out for the 2008 Olympics against able-bodied athletes. Learn • Sabriye Tenberken is a blind woman from Germany more at who started a school for blind children in Tibet and david_epstein/05/16/Pistorius/index.html. invented a Braille system for their language. Learn more at and • atalie du Tout, who lost one of her legs in a car N accident in 2001, competes against able-bodied swimmers and qualified for the 2008 Olympics. • Tom Dempsey played professional football in the Learn more at 1970s, in spite of having been born with half a right foot and no right hand. Learn more in a 2003 • Jim Abbott, who was born without a right hand, Football Digest article at became a professional baseball pitcher. Learn more articles/mi_m0FCL/is_10_32/ai_102656419. at • For suggestions on other people, read “9 People Who Did It Anyway” at blogs/archives/13601. 27
  • 28. Name: Date: “ Seek first to understand, then to be understood. —Stephen R. Covey ” 2.1 Acceptable & Accessible: Looking back Use the timeline found in the “Resources” section, on page 82, to complete this lesson. History & Geography 1. Using a long piece of bulletin board paper or poster board, draw a line 21 inches long. Mark off each inch on your line. a. Starting with the year “0” at the very beginning of the line, assign a century to each inch-mark all the way up to 2100. b. Number each CE (AD) year on the list of dates provided, starting with “29: Aulus Cornelius Celsus, a Roman…” as #1. The last year, 2008, will be #63. c. Insert the number for each of these years in their appropriate place on the 21 inch timeline you made. Start by writing “1” where the year 29 should be, between O and 100. d. What patterns do you notice? Which centuries are the busiest? Which centuries are the least busy? Why? 2. On a map, locate all the countries mentioned by name. What patterns do you notice? 3. Explain why Dr. Sebastien Guillié’s comment in 1819 is ironic. 4. How long has the Snellen Eye chart (“the big E”) been used to test vision? 5. When and for what does the U.S. first appear? 6. When did the first training center for guide dogs open in the U.S.? What was the name of the school and where was it located? Snellen Eye Chart 7. In 1931, in what format would “talking books” be available? 8. When is the word “handicap” officially replaced by the word “disability” in the U.S. laws? What is the difference between the two words? Is there a difference between the phrases “a disabled person” and “a person with a disability?” 9. Add the date you were born to the timeline. Are there other events already on the timeline for that year? 28
  • 29. Name: Date: Vocabulary: • orking with a partner, divide up this list of vocabulary words and find the definition. If a term has more than W one definition, select the one that best fits its context. • Together, find and highlight one place on the timeline where each term is used. 1. Accessible/accessibility 15. Magna cum laude 2. Acuity 16. Mobile (mobility) 3. Amendment 17. Ophthalmology 4. Assyrian 18. Ophthalmoscope 5. Cataract 19. Ordinance 6. Civil Rights 20. Paralympic 7. Correspondence 21. Polytechnic 8. Deafblind 22. Prosthesis 9. Degraded 23. Retina (retinal) 10. Dialog 24. Stereotypemaker 11. Disability/disabled 25. Typhlocomium 12. Discrimination 26. Valedictorian 13. Handicap/handicapped 27. Vegetate 14. Hospice 28. Vocational 29
  • 30. Name: Date: “ Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go. ” —T.S. Eliot 2.2 Acceptable & Accessible: Famous people Identify the people listed below. Be sure to include who they are or for what they are known, when they lived, and where they lived. Alicia Alonso Elizabeth Goldring Claude Montal Andrea Bocelli Homer Marla Runyan Ray Charles Lemon Jefferson Sabriye Tenberken Arizona Dranes Helen Keller Erik Weihenmayer José Feliciano Claude Monet Stevie Wonder Ray Charles Helen Keller Lemon Jefferson Claude Monet Erik Weihenmeyer Courtesy of Ed Weihenmeyer divisions/music/caption Extension: 1. Find each person’s country on a world map. 2. Add these peoples’ names and dates in the appropriate points on the timeline. 3. Which job, skill, or reason for being well-known shows up most often on the list? Why do you think it is so frequent? 4. Select one person who interests you and learn more about them. Use the Biographies project list from the “Resources” section of the Teacher’s Guide to present your research. 30
  • 31. Name: Date: “ Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ” —Martin Luther King, Jr. 2.3 Acceptable & Accessible: The Americans with Disabilities Act Many laws have been passed to make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as anyone else in the U.S. and to make sure they are treated fairly. The most recent one is called the American with Disabilities Act, or the ADA. The ADA became a law in 1990 and has had a few changes made to it since then. Similar laws make sure people are also not discriminated against because of their race, color, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or religion. Different parts of the ADA have to do with being able to do different things: getting and keeping jobs, using govern- ment services, using public transportation, and getting into and moving around in buildings. Many online resources explain how the ADA works, including its own website It is summarized at and on a FAQ at Use these sites to learn about the ADA for the following activities. 1. (a) What is the definition of “disability”? (b) List some of the physical conditions included in the ADA. (c) What mental conditions are covered? 2. You have probably seen a guide dog in a restaurant, close-captioning on TV, or a special section for wheelchairs in a theater. These are all accommodations and adjustments required by the ADA. List other modifications you have seen. What kinds of disabilities do your examples affect? For example, the wider stall in a public bathroom is helpful for a person in a wheelchair. Close-captioning on TV 31
  • 32. Name: Date: 3. The ADA has very specific directions on how buildings should be constructed in order to make them accessible to everyone. Some examples include having a restroom door wide enough for a wheelchair, including an elevator in a restaurant with a second floor, or announcing subway stops. The ADA’s rules are explained at and Read through some of them. Do the standards for accessible buildings apply more to persons with physical or mental disabilities? 4. Using the website to research the ADA building requirements, choose one particular form of disability and keep that in mind as you look at the rules. Working in groups, find 3 rules and explain how the ADA applies in that particular circumstance to a person with that particular disability. For example, do the rules for “Detectable Warnings” and ”Dressing and Fitting Rooms” help a person with a visual disability? A hearing disability? How? 32
  • 33. Name: Date: “ We know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity must still be sought. ” —Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.4 Acceptable & Accessible: Enforcing accessibility What happens if you aren’t allowed to try out for a team because of your disability? What if you can’t shop online at your favorite store because the site isn’t usable by someone with your disability? What if a book you need for school isn’t available in a way that you are able to read? Sometimes the laws designed to help people with disabilities are not always followed. The cases used in this activity are all real and involve a variety of disabilities. You can learn more about them at the following sites. • • • • • For each situation, discuss: a. What is the disabled person being stopped from doing or having? b. Do you think the complaint of discrimination is fair? c. What do you think the solution should be? Do you agree with how it was worked out? 33
  • 34. Name: Date: 1. A deaf person in Colorado said that the sheriff’s 4. In Illinois, a woman with Asperger’s Syndrome office, which is responsible for providing 9-1-1 (a disorder related to autism) said that a symphony emergency services, did not respond to calls made orchestra wouldn’t let her join because of her with a TTY (a telecommunication device for the disability. Although she had already won her audition deaf). Also, the sheriff’s office did not respond the and earned a spot in the orchestra, her membership right way to “silent/no voice contact” calls, which was revoked after they learned about her disability. is when the 911 call is answered but there is no one Resolution: The orchestra adopted a policy against speaking on the line. disability discrimination and made reasonable Resolution: The sheriff’s office took steps to modifications in their policies, practices, and ensure that the rules for responding to 9-1-1 calls procedures so that individuals with disabilities can were followed correctly. participate. The orchestra also agreed to participate in a benefit concert and to pay a fine of $2,000. 2. A patient who uses a service animal (guide dog) said that a doctor’s office in Arizona wouldn’t let 5. A person who is deaf complained that a Florida her service animal go into the examination room doctor’s office did not provide a sign language with her. interpreter for an appointment, making it difficult Resolution: The doctor adopted a written policy for the patient to communicate with the doctor welcoming people with disabilities who have and the office staff. service animals. He made sure that his staff followed Resolution: The office agreed to provide qualified the rules of this policy and placed a sticker on his interpreters upon request, posted a sign in the office door welcoming service animals. office about the availability of interpreters, and trained all staff in complying with the ADA. 3. An inmate who uses a wheelchair complained that people with mobility disabilities could not get 6. A person with a mobility disability found that into the shower stalls at a Florida county jail. people who use wheelchairs couldn’t get around at a family campground in Pennsylvania. Resolution: The jail rebuilt five showers to make Resolution: The campground made changes to them accessible for prisoners in wheelchairs. the camp store and recreation hall by providing accessible entrances and routes for them. They also added an accessible portable toilet and installed accessible electric and water hook-ups at designated campsites. 34
  • 35. Name: Date: 7. In Florida, a man with a wheelchair said that an accessible hotel guest room, which he had reserved in advance, was not given to him. Instead, the hotel put him in a standard room which meant he had to use the portable toilet in his van since he couldn’t get into the hotel room’s bathroom. Resolution: The hotel installed two fully-accessible guest rooms, including one with a roll-in shower. The hotel also developed a reservation system to ensure that reservations for accessible rooms are held and they trained their staff to make sure that 9. A blind woman in Florida reported that a taxi cab guests’ accessibility requests are met. The owner of driver refused to allow her and her guide dog into a the hotel also apologized and refunded the cab. The driver told her the car was not equipped for night’s stay. transporting animals. Resolution: The cab company promised not to deny 8. A man who is HIV positive (which means he has rides to customers with disabilities and their service the virus that can lead to AIDS) believed he was animals. The company developed a Service Animal discriminated against when the city of Philadelphia Policy and made sure everyone who worked for the refused to provide emergency medical services for company followed the rules. The cab company also him because of his illness. paid the women $1,000 and posted signs stating: Resolution: The city of Philadelphia paid the man “Persons with disabilities accompanied by service $50,000. The city also promised that they would no animals are welcome.” longer withhold emergency medical services from a person because of his or her disability or illness. 10. A national association of blind people sued a large, The city also had to create a program on HIV and popular retail company because it was not possible other infectious diseases that will become part of for a person with a visual disability to shop online the standard training for paramedics and fire with the store’s website. department EMTs. Resolution: The store began to make changes to its website to make it usable by people who are visually disabled. However, the case is still pending and has not been resolved yet. 35
  • 36. Answer Key: Upper and Middle School 1.1 Seeing the World Differently: Causes of visual disabilities (pages 13–15) Part 1: 1C 2G 3A 4E 5I 6F 7D 8J 9B 10H Part 2: (1) Countries where people have more money, like in North America and Europe, do not have as many problems with causes of blindness from contagious diseases, like in Africa or Asia. Countries like the United States can afford better medical care. (2) Some causes of blindness only happen at certain stages of life, like at a premature birth (ROP) or when a person gets older (glaucoma, cataract). 1.3 Seeing the World Differently: Finding your way, “Map making” (pages 22–23) 1. Suggested definitions vendor: a person who sells things cobbler: a person who fixes and makes shoes pungent: striking your sense of smell or taste strongly veer: turns slightly pervades: present everywhere 2. Smells: fruit (apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit), leather, hot food (baked bread, meat & noodle dishes); Sounds: cars/traffic, vendors and customers, hammering on shoes, people in the entrances to their houses 36
  • 37. Answer Key: Upper and Middle School (continued) 2.1Acceptable & Accessible: Looking back (pages 28–29) History & Geography 1. (d) Sporadic developments early on, long expanses of time with no events, slowest in the Middle Ages, increases in Industrial Revolution, most in 20th century. 2. Locations are clustered chronologically in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. Countries: Austria, Denmark, Egypt, France , Germany, Great Britain/UK/England, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, U.S. 3. He was responsible for educating, advocating for, and caring for blind people and yet even he feels they are less-worthy humans. 4. 146 years (in 2008). 5. 1829, the 1st school for the blind in the U.S. is chartered. 6. 1919, The Seeing Eye, New Jersey. 7. Phonographs/record albums. 8. 1990; discuss the connotations and denotations of the terms, how they are interpreted subjectively, and why some are considered derogatory. For example, the term handicap comes from “cap in hand,” as in the past disabled people often resorted to begging for their basic needs. Vocabulary: Terms are in most standard dictionaries, including online services like except for “stereotypemaker” and “typhlocomium” which are defined within the text of the timeline. 37
  • 38. Answer Key: Upper and Middle School (continued) 2.2 Acceptable & Accessible: Famous people (page 30) Name Who/Why When Where Alicia Alonso ballerina & choreographer b. 1920, diagnosed in 1941 Cuba Andrea Bocelli opera singer b. 1958, 1st album in 1994 Italy Ray Charles singer/songwriter/musician 1930–2004 U.S. Arizona Dranes singer, one of the 1st popular gospel artists c.1891–c.1963 U.S. José Feliciano singer, guitarist b.1945, 1st album in 1966 Puerto Rico Elizabeth Goldring artist, writer, helped invent a "seeing machine" b.1945, invention in 2006 U.S. Retinal Imaging Machine Vision System (RIMVS) Homer poet, author of Iliad & Odyssey 8th century BC Greece Lemon Jefferson musician, founder of "Texas Blues" 1894–1929 U.S. Helen Keller author, activist 1880–1968 U.S. Claude Monet artist, impressionist 1840–1926 France Claude Montal piano player, piano tuner, successful business c. 1834 France Marla Runyan marathon runner b.1969, 2000 Olympics U.S. Sabriye Tenberken activist, created Braille Without Borders in Tibet b.1970, opened school in Germany Tibet in 1998 Erik Weihenmayer teacher, mtn climber, summitted Everest b.1968, Everest in 2001 U.S. Stevie Wonder singer/songwriter/musician b.1950, 1st Grammy in 1974 U.S. Extension: 3. musician 2.3 Acceptable & Accessible: The Americans with Disabilities Act (pages 31–32) 1. (a) 42 U.S.C. § 12202(2)(A-C): a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.(b) Physical impairments: 28 C.F.R. § 35.104(1)(i)(A). (c) Mental impairments: 28 C.F.R. § 35.104(1)(i)(B) 3. physical 38
  • 39. High School Part 1: Seeing the World Differently Lesson 1: Causes of visual disabilities Lesson 2: Adventures for your senses— audition, olfaction, somatosensation Lesson 3: Finding your way Lesson 4: How do you do see what I see? Lesson 5: Breaking barriers Part 2: Acceptable & Accessible Lesson 1: Looking back Lesson 2: Famous people Lesson 3: Evolution of inclusion Lesson 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act Lesson 5: Enforcing accessibility Answer keys “ We should acknowledge differences, we should greet differences, until difference makes no difference anymore. ” —Adela A. Allen 39