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Big Brother Is Watchin Jealousy In 1984 By George Orwell
Hateful. Our society has been a hateful place to live in since the beginning of time. There are people
who hate other people because of the color of their skin or their religion. They automatically do not
like a person because of the color skin not because of their personality or who they are. They do not
take the time to get to know you if you are of a different skin color they do not like you and will
want nothing to do with you. In the book 1984 by George Orwell there is a character named
Winston he lives in a town called Oceania. Which is a place where people are controlled by
someone called "Big Brother" Big Brother is someone who is constantly watching them which they
are reminded of because there are signs that say "Big Brother is ... Show more content on ...
In the article "Surviving Hate" by Dr. LaKeachea M. Jett she tells about a time that her husband's
ex–girlfriend terrorized her and her family. She starts off by saying that her boyfriend Henry and her
decided to take a break for a couple of months after dating for two years but by the time they got
back together he was already seeing Michelle which he was seeing both of them openly at the same
time but eventually decided to marry Dr. Jett. "Michelle wasn't having it. Her first attack was blatant
: She tried to hit me with a baseball bat." She remarks even after filing charges against Michelle
nothing was done about it to stop her. Dr. Jett recalls of another time that Michelle attacked her
"Then one night a man came to my home and tried to push his way in. I ran outside and that's when
two women appeared with their faces covered. All three began to kick me. They poured a liquid on
me that made my skin melt." Dr. Jett was victim of a hateful act all because of a jealous ex. There
was no proof that Michelle had anything to do with the crime so Michelle was able to walk away
freely with nothing done to
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Examples Of Monologue On Othello
I cannot believe those words Iago had spoke! Were they true? Has my love Desdemona been
unfaithful to me with that fool Cassio? I only ever gave her my love! Desdemona! What have I don't
to deserve this? My mornings, afternoons, and nights are so cold and so long ever since Iago had
spoken those words. She had lied and told me she would be forever here...but those words... were
they just meaningless to her? She could not even keep it true. She told me she would never leave
me; she had told me she loved me! But did she ever love me? How could she play with me this
way? She told me she cared, she told me she would always be with me for eternity. She told me she
would always be there? Why? Why after all of these lies and deceit I must still love her this way?
And worse...want her to love me back? Why after all the hurt and pain she has put me through I still
believe that she deserves a love as pure as mine? Why when a partner cheats we must blame
ourselves? Why must we feel as though we never deserved a love like theirs? Why must this make
me feel as though I am not worthy of love? Am I still not good enough? I am absolutely devastated.
She is the gun and I am the unarmed soldier. I fell to the ground, never to be brought up ... Show
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I was utterly distraught. She was my world! My friend! My only lover! She has completely betrayed
and hurt me to a degree beyond my comprehension. She has caused me immense pain. The faith in
us that I had sealed up so tight has burst open and is pouring out like a fountain...tearing the image
of our future together from my thoughts so brutally and viciously. I will always remember her
tender touch, her soft kiss. She says she loves me with that look in her eyes. I should have always
known those words were a cold heart lie. Its like she is putting salt into the wound. She has stripped
me of everything I loved including myself but excluding herself. She has laughed at my sorrow and
found comfort in my misery with that fool
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Creative Writing: The Coffee Shop
there was something to be said about coffee shops. or, rather, there was something to be said about
the way they made taylor feel. the ambiance alone was enough to melt away at the ice in taylor's life
– the ice that'd been frozen for as long as she could remember – and allow her to, for just a moment,
feel okay. wholeheartedly, totally okay. not broken. not damaged. not inadequate. totally,
wonderfully okay. it was a joke, though: the idea that taylor could believe, even for a split second,
that her world was one without mountains and cliffs and dead ends. it didn't matter, though. it never
mattered. and so, per usual, the blonde shrugs it off as she approaches the door to one of her favorite
coffee shops. she arrives earlier than ariana, by design. she's an hour early, because she figures an
hour is ample time to gather the persona of the taylor that everyone knows. the taylor she wants to
be. she outstretches her right hand to the doorknob, gives it a light twist, and once the bell rings,
taylor realizes she's here. she's h o m e. it's not reading, pennsylvania. it's not nashville, tennessee
either – but it's an escape from reality, and that feels close enough to home. she hasn't been here in
months, but it hasn't changed – and that's the warmest feeling taylor's found in a while. the string
lights still dangle from the rafters, the tables are still small, wooden & worn, and acoustic music still
trickles from the record player in the back. it's all so familiar, and it
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Key Drivers Of Hatred
The term hatred is a well–known term as well as experienced vice. It is a vice because it is likely to
result in harm or deprivation of individual rights. People tend to hate others or circumstances from
time to time. One of the key drivers of hatred is selfishness. People may hate others just because
they possess something better than them, and this is one of my characteristics. I tend to hate people
who compete with me not just to get better outcomes but as a result of merely being ahead of me. I
equally hate people who show hatred towards me. I am not the kind of person that will stick with the
love your enemy slogan. If you hate me, I equally hate you. It is when my selfish desires get
blocked that I ended up pursuing. I have come to realize
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Family Reflection Paper
For me, there is not one topic that I could chose to write my paper on. Throughout the semester so
far, I have taken in interest in almost everything I have been taught, anywhere from depression to
Baumrind's parenting styles. When I was growing up my parents took the role of "Authoritative"
when it came to the teachings of life itself. I have not always been a good kid and I know that may
be surprising to many that know me now. I had my time when I thought I was "grown up" and could
do what I want. That's when my parents gave me limits, gave me rules that I had to follow and obey.
I told myself they hated me, they didn't love me, and they were punishing me because they didn't
want me. My parents wanted to show me the way I was acting was not going to get me anywhere in
life and it worked. To this day, I don't involve myself in situations where bad things can happen, I
don't talk back, and I do not think my parents hate me. Family means everything to me and that is
something I realized when I was in high school. I have a sister; her name is Sara and she is one–year
younger than me. We are Irish twins and like everyone else that has a sister, we fight, we argue, and
we complain about how each one of us steals each other's clothes. My sister means everything to me
and the night I almost lost her I almost lost myself too. My freshman year of high school my sister
tried to end her life by committing suicide. She was battling with severe depression and she thought
there was no way out. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the cries and screams from my
parents as they broke down her bedroom door. I fell to the ground as she yelled out "I don't want to
be alive", "I want to die". I have never felt so much pain and sadness go through me at one time, I
didn't know what to feel, what to say and how to react. I just ran, ran out the door as fast as I could.
Didn't know where was going or where I would end up, but I did not care, I had to get out of there.
When eventually my aunt came for me and just hugged me as tight as she possibly could. When I
was taken back home, I hugged my sister like I had not seen her in years. I wanted her to know how
much I love her and how much she means to me. After that incident, my
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Learning To Read And Write
"I hate it, I hate it, I hate it" I used to tell my mom when she used to ask me to read or write. I
remember at times when I had to go to school I used to cry and scream and just did not want to go. I
used to get bad grades and couldn't read and was not a fluent writer. I used to struggle and cry while
I watched the other kids do it easily. While growing up reading and writing were my worst subjects
and I used to hate them I struggled in them. I can still remember that when I was in the first grade in
the grade where I was supposed to actually learn to read and write my teacher didn't teach. She
would scream at me and scare me so much to where I remember , one day when she called me to
read in front of the class and when I messed up on a word she would yell at me , and the whole class
used to laugh at me. I remember that I cried in front of everyone that day and I remember exactly
what she had said to me that day, " grow up , learn to read". ... Show more content on ...
I could never get it right and I always got screamed at for it. I used to take tests read the passage and
the go to the questions and read the questions wrong and mark the wrong answer. Then my mom
would be mad at me and we would try to fix it at home and she would get so frustrated because I
just could not do it. I just could not interpret words correctly. At times I used to think that if I acted
like and walked like and ate what all the "smart kids" ate then I would become smart
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Hate In Romeo And Juliet
Hate is commonly known as a strong word. For someone to use it to describe his or her feelings
toward another is dire. When I think of the word, I imagine how much destruction it has brought
upon people, relationships, and even the world. I see it as an awful thing; if it did not exist, so much
better could come from our lives. To me, hate is not warm, kind, or tender; hate is, albeit a simple
word, an ugly emotion that can turn something very beautiful into something very repellent.
Hate is a broad word–you can apply it as a noun or verb. I found this to be rather helpful when
looking for references yet difficult when defining it. Although I am not fond of the term, I am lucky
that it was given to me. It is such a common word that finding ... Show more content on ...
It is the opposite of love, and perhaps without it, other kindly emotions would not exist. I found that
it was a frustrating word to work with since I am not fond of it; it is a simple yet strongly negative
concept. Hate is not warm, kind, or tender; hate is, albeit a simple word, an ugly emotion that can
turn something very beautiful into something very repellent. Although I have not done a project or
researched an idea like this before, I would not do it again unless I am given a different word. I did,
however, like how easy it was so source my references. The fact I did not need a bibliography was a
relief. To add on, this was an interesting way to observe a
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Sadarian Lathar Short Story
Sadarian Lathar: a kind, intelligent, and incredibly curious, yet clueless, girl, who just wants to see
what the world has to offer. Salevadon Carnigan: a controlling, cruel, barley splicing girl who never
knew when enough was enough. Two incredibly different people with extremely different
personalities in one, small body. Every morning it's the same. I wake up, I get dressed, I eat
breakfast, I catch the bus, I flip out, I end up back home, I change before the nightfall. I can't help it,
though. She's an unwanted force that takes me over when I try to show my true self. See, most
people my age would be out learning, exploring the world. But I'm stuck at home with nobody. I
wish everybody who ever doubted me would just... leave... No... I wish everybody who ever thought
of doubting me were to change. Change like me. Where every day you wake up one person and end
the day as another. Such a menace, Sadarian is. She's just so... nice. I can't stand to hear her talk
when she's in control. She's fake, I tell you! A fake! No Suran, she doesn't really care about your
new husband, and no Radan, she doesn't care one bit about how bad your day was. She tries to push
me out, saying that i'm no good, that i do bad, that she doesn't want me. But she's wrong. I can't help
but notice the way she tells me these things but really she only means them to herself. She hates
herself. Or maybe I hate her. Maybe I hate how she knows everything about everything that ever
existed. Maybe I just hate
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Hate Is Stronger Than Love In Romeo And Juliet
Is killing yourself really worth it? Hate is stronger than love in the play Romeo and Juliet.
Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet is a play about a family's feud that they won't let two of their
children be together while living in Verona. Romeo and Juliet's family's don't like each other,
because of the feud. Hate is stronger in the play connects because they kill themselves in the play.
Hate is stronger than love in the play because there is fighting between two families, the Montagues
and the Monatones hate each other, and people kill themselves because of the feud. With the
family's feud there is fighting. When the prologue says "a pair of star crossed lovers take their life
from the family's feud" this tells us that Romeo and
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Night ' Of The Treaty '
This week I have kept my mind clear of this weekend 's plans. Jake would be showing up in a little
bit and after he reminded Edward of the treaty he was going to ride back to La Push with me. Today
was Tiffany 's birthday and Embry and I went in together and bought her a present that we were
going to give her. I had stayed up late last night decorating a cake. It was her favorite, strawberry,
and I had put chocolate frosting on top. I even used white frosting that I dyed green to write 'Happy
Birthday ' and put flowers around edges.
The phone rang as finished making dinner. I was taking most of it with me to the Call 's but I was
leaving some of it for Uncle Charlie 's and Bella 's dinner. Edward would be bringing Bella home
from work at ... Show more content on ...
He 'll know that you wouldn 't have known." Jake said like he was brilliant.
"But that 's not going to keep Bella from throwing me under the bus. You know how she hates me. If
she goes down for this she is just going to take me with her." I said. I have better things to do then
stare at my four walls for however long Uncle Charlie grounds me for.
"Then tell him you felt that it was up to Bella to come clean about what she had been up to. That
tattling is never the answer." Jake said.
"If I get in trouble, you get to tell Embry why I am in deep shit." I said. Jake laughed.
"Just wait in your room till after I bring the bike. After he screams and yells, come down and offer
to drive me home. We go around the corner and park. I wait until Bella and her leech show up and I
remind them of the treaty. Then we actually head down to the res. You can drop me at Sam and
Emily 's and I 'll stay there till I go home later. I 'll have to report to Sam anyway." Jake said.
"Okay. See you in a little bit." I said and hung up.
I wrapped the cake and put it in the back of the car and grabbed the wrapped box that held Embry 's
and my gift to Tiffany and put it in the center console. Everything was ready for Jake 's big stunt. I
went upstairs to get my homework done while I waited.
Uncle Charlie yelled up the stairs that he was home at five forty–five and it was about five
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Character Analysis: Raven From Teen Titans
"Whatever" The character that I'm similar to is Raven from Teen Titans. First, me and Raven are
similar. Second, Raven and I like to be alone ware it's quiet. Last, we both hate it when we're being
bothered it gets us boiling. As can be seen, me and Raven are the same. First of all, Raven is from
my favored show Teen Titans she's cool. With Raven when it comes fighting bad guys or near her
friends she can be really dark. Raven is haft demon and haft human, her father Trigon is demon and
her mother Areal (I think that's her name) is human. Second of all, Raven likes to be alone so she
can consecrate her mine and powers. I like to be alone to have privies so no one can bother me. We
both like to be alone because so that way no one bother
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Servant Heart Research Paper
When you live with me and my family and you hear the sound, "beep, beep, beep", coming from
upstairs, you know its mom cooking in the kitchen again. You head up the stairs and you see smoke
everywhere, all the windows are open, and there she is standing on her tip toes waving a dishcloth
by the smoke detector trying to get it to stop. This occurs probably more than it should at the
Maasdam household, however, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though cooking isn't one of
my mom strengths, being one of the most supportive, loving, trustworthy, and having a servant heart
is. More often than not, if you're looking for my mom at one of my sporting events she'll be the one
in the middle of the crowd with a large camera lens in her hand and then later, you might see a
whole album of pictures ... Show more content on ...
My mom is a perfect example of this because she is one of the most unselfish people that I know.
She is constantly putting others first, especially her family. She makes sure we have food on the
table, clothes on our back, roof over our head, and a good source of education. She's always trying
to make sure that we're at our happiest. While I was growing up, she made sure to involve herself in
some of my activities. She used to help with IBL basketball and would help teach younger girls how
to play. She also served for our youth group and has helped shaped me and the rest of my friends
into the strong Christian woman we are today. Something she has done more recently has been a
project called RAK'd. RAK'd stands for random acts of kindness. She'd take time out of her day to
put together a little goodie bag and give it to someone who she thought needed it or deserved it. The
best part about it was she did everything anonymously. Well, I guess it isn't anonymous anymore
because I just told you, but it's the thought that
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Taming Of The Shrew Comparison
"I don't like to do what people expect. Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of
my own." (10 Things I Hate About You) Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare
between 1590 and 1592, is one of the most famous comedies ever written. The play is set in Padua,
Italy during the Renaissance period and a couple of themes that are prominent are transformation
and gender. 10 Things I Hate About You is one of the many reenactments of this play. This movie,
written in 1999 by Gil Junger, is similar in many ways to The Taming of the Shrew. 10 Things I
Hate About You and The Taming of the Shrew are more similar than different because in both Kate
and Bianca's dad, Baptista or Walter, have the same attitude about Bianca dating and Kate's ... Show
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In the play, The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio is trying to get Kate to marry him because he wants
her dad's money. You can see this when he says, " I come to wive it wealthy in Padua; If wealthy,
then happily in Padua." This shows that Petruchio is only coming to Padua to find a wealthy woman
to marry for her father's money and not actually for love. In 10 Things I Hate About You Patrick is
paid to take Kate out. He knows that it will be hard to get her to date him, therefore he gets paid lots
of money, however by the end he is not in it for the money. An example of how he shows that he is
not in it for the money is when Patrick says, "No, I didn't care about the money, okay? I cared... I
cared about you." He shows that he was paid to take her out though he started to care about her
during the time they were talking and he did not care that he was getting paid to do it. This is a
significant difference because if Patrick was never paid to take Kate out he most likely would have
never talked to her and Petruchio most likely would have married Kate no matter what because of
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William Shakespeare 's The Taming Of The Shrew
William Shakespeare 's 'The Taming of the Shrew' is a controversial comedy that has more than 1
interpretation. The 2 prominent interpretations is that it a misogynistic play or that it is a love story
about a man liberating a woman. This play has been adapted into any movies the 2 that were studied
were 'The Taming of the Shrew', produced in 1967 and '10 Things I Hate About You', made in 1999.
Upon viewing these 2 movies I found that 'The Taming of the Shrew' had a great deal of misogyny
throughout the plot. However, I found '10 Things I Hate About You' was portrayed as a love story
and because of this I thought I was, until I thought about the fact that someone was paid to take her
out was a nasty thing to do. So as a result of this I ... Show more content on ...
He then uses the technique for training birds of prey, to train her to obey him. Finally at Bianca's
wedding Kate gives a speech about being a good wife and obey their husbands. I found this movie
misogynistic, Katerina was wild and shrewish, however that is no valid reason to physiologically
abuse her. I took this as Shakespeare has created a character that tests society 's boundaries and
challenges the people 's beliefs, but she is then forced to marry and she is 'tamed'. In a way
Shakespeare is sending a message that if a woman challenges society they will end up the same as
all of the other woman, obedient and a business deal. This may be ok in the Elizabethan era but in
today's society this is unacceptable it's basically domestic violence. For this reason I believe
Petruchio's behavior is horrible. He abused her for a game. In the end when Katerina gives a speech
to the crowd shows that she has succumb to the 'falconry'.
'10 Things I Hate About You' is a modernised adaptation explores a teenage 'shrew' life and the
modernised world of dating and trying to 'fit in'. Kat, the independent 18 year old with an attitude,
refuses to 'follow the crowd'. Bianca, her younger sister, however, is popular and wants to date.
Their father is an obstetrician and he is afraid that is they date they will get pregnant and their life
will be ruined. As Kat is against dating, their dad decides
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Monologue In Romeo And Juliet
Erin walks in.
Zeeha: I'm ashamed of you, how can you cause so much trouble? Have you seen Tybalt's face? The
ambulance came and took him to the hospital.
Erin: Nah man, I did nothing, I barely touched him. I just had a little beef with them. We all good
now Chappy.
Zeeha: You already have so many difficulties in your life and now you are going to get suspended.
The Principal is out looking for you.
Erin: I can't do that, man. I gotta see my girl. You know, we are already on second base now. She's
Zeeha: You're in grade 8. Calm down. Do you even know what ''time of the month'' means? *sigh*
kids now a days.
Erin: Whatever man, you gotta chill out. Its no big deal.
Zeeha: YOU'RE GETTING SUSPENDED. You cause so much trouble at school. The fights
between you and Tybalt need to stop. Everyone is fed up with you.
Erin: who cares about school. How am I going to be able to see Juliet? I won't be able ... Show more
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Harleen: OUUUU! A PINK sweater, you are supposed to get that for her when you "L–word'' her.
Zeeha: Loser?
Harleen: Nooooo, Romeo lovessss Juliet. OMG I'm totes going to be the maid of honour at your
wedding and the godmother to alllll of your children.
*Erin points at Harleen*
Erin: Ayeee
Zeeha: But Romeo you must smarten up.
Harleen: you really have to talk to Juliet ASAP! Chappy you know at least what that means right?
Zeeha: Yes, kids now a days *rolls eyes*
Erin: Anyways, man I'll go, Nancy just text Juliet saying I wanna chill at Pizza Pizza so we can talk
and I can get something to eat. I'm starving dudee.
Harleen: Totally! * texting Juliet* Oh yeah, Juliet just texted me to tell you that she put your name
in her bio again, so she likes you againn.
Zeeha: huh?
Harleen: okay Chappy, let me introduce to something called Urban Dictionary, it'll help you, your
getting kinda annoying now
Erin: I've to go and see my girl now, she's probably waiting for me.
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Motifs In Romeo And Juliet
The motif of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is love vs hate. There are a lot of hyperboles in the
text to help decide what the motif is. The reason that this is the motif is because the story is about to
star crossed lovers and there houses hate each other. In act I.1.226–228 it says "She hath, and in that
sparing makes huge waste; for beauty, starved with her severity cuts beauty from all posterity"
which is Romeo saying that he loves a girl and she doesn't love him back. At the end of that act he
falls in love with another girl "O she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon
the cheek of night"1.5.50–52. The girl he loves is a enemy of his household and one of the members
(Tybalt) sees him and says " This, by his
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Whale Shark: A Short Story
A guy named James Richards fell asleep for 20 years one day. I'll get into how he fell asleep later,
but for now let's go on a trip into James's backstory. Now James was a good kid, he was just a little
clumsy and forgetful. He is nice, funny, loving, short, and strong enough so that a blue whale could
fall out of the sky and not kill him or give him serious injuries. When crossing a street, he was
taught not only to look left and right, but to also look up. JUST in case. One day when he was
crossing the street, he looked left and right, BUT FORGOT TO LOOK UP! Now this town here was
a town that when you didn't do something you were taught to do, something terrible happened to
you, like it was some kind of punishment for forgetting to do something important. So when James
forgot to look up, A BLUE WHALE FELL ON HIM! Fact check reporting in. Now you just might
as well know that the blue whale is the largest animal on the WHOLE ENTIRE FACE OF THE
EARTH. OK, let me clarify how much the blue whale weighs. So you know what a whale shark is
right? A whale shark weighs in at about 40,000 Lbs, and the blue whale is just about 10 TIMES
THAT! Weighing in at about 401,000 Lbs. That whale of a whale fell on James's head because he
forgot to look up when crossing a street. Thank you fact check. James got knocked out and fell
asleep for 20 years. During those 20 years James was asleep, so much had changed. What changed
first was that everyone started to eat bugs every
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Dubois Alternate Ending
Tom slammed the door behind him, and walked to his vehicle, which had been parked askew in the
driveway in his earlier haste to get inside to Lila. It was only when he entered, and the sound of the
ignition broke the silence, and the headlights, the darkness, that he paused to think of what had
occurred. Regardless of the surprise gift that had arrived at his office, and the note that had
accompanied it, Tom instinctively knew that the acts he'd perpetrated inside weren't what Lila had
wanted. How could any women wish to be struck about the face, called a slut and a whore, and be
humiliated and degraded by the man she loved. Possibly in a roleplay, but that hadn't been roleplay,
or what Lila had wanted, but what Tom had. And the, recognition, of the stranger who'd invaded his
mind, and raped his wife brought a nausea to the pit of his stomach, and as Tom reversed the car,
with his gaze fixated on the living room windows, he wound ... Show more content on ...
That was, after he'd stopped laughing. Oh, what a sight it had been, even from this distance, through
a pair of binoculars, and without sound, it had been obvious that the Detective had really been into
the little scene he'd engineered, how Lila Ross, not quite as much. A smile remained on his face, and
the laughing fit recommenced when he saw the Detective stop the car to throw up, and idly
wondered where he was off to at this time of the night. Maybe they'd discovered the little surprise
he'd planted when communication with Jennifer Williams. Oh, weren't they going to be pissed when
they discovered that email address led to a wheel–chair bound octogenarian, and he had to take a
deep breath before his fingers were steady enough to compose a
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Commentary On The Hate List By Jennifer Brown
This summer I chose to read the Hate List by Jennifer Brown. The book Hate list is about, a girl
named Valerie and her boyfriend Nick. They have made a hate list of people who bullied them or
didn't like them. For Valerie it was a way to get out her feelings and how much she didn't like them
but, Nick took this book and when Valerie said she wanted these people to die a little too seriously,
and one day came in and started kill everyone on the "hate list" because he thought that's what she
had wanted, Valerie didn't want that though she wanted Nick to confront them not kill them or hurt
them. For this book the most important character would be either, Valerie or Nick. Without nick
there would have been no shooting and without Valerie there
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Sexuality: An Analysis Of Homosexuality
Last semester, I realized the hurtfulness of people's comments about sexuality for the first time. I
knew I had heard homophobic remarks before, but it was the first time I witnessed it and understood
how it can affect someone first hand. It was the first time I felt truly disgusted by the hate in which
people teach others. I was in a meeting about an organization that empowers youth. A community
member was there who was thinking about hosting our organization at his church. We were
explaining some of the activities we would do with the children. One activity is a button activity
about diversity. We would pour buttons onto the table and ask the kids to sort the buttons into
different groups. For example, they may sort based off of the ... Show more content on ...
No one told me I couldn't be respected for my feelings. I didn't have to hide who I was out of fear.
From then on, I have taken notice to all the remarks around me that are hurtful to others. In class,
we talked about mundane heterosexism. I have noticed people monitoring their speech so they don't
come off as heterosexist (Class notes, 3/24). I've also noticed flat out homophobic comments. I was
in a communications class and we were in small groups. Someone in my group made a comment,
"That's disgusting." I proceeded to ask, "What's disgusting?" He finished out by saying "Men with
other men." I knew it was a safe place and so I proceeded to tell him he shouldn't date other men
then if he doesn't feel that attraction, but some men do and there's nothing disgusting about that. I
figured other people in my group would say something next. The only comment was, "I'm not gay,
but I mean I can tolerate them." Not saying anything is still discrimination. Someone saying they
"tolerate gays" is heterosexist. Class ended and we left with nothing else said. My stories aren't
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The Importance Of Happiness In My Life
"Who am I?" is the question that we all ask ourselves. Are we brave? Are we happy? Are we risk
takers? There are so many questions we ask and so many factors that determine who we are. It's our
personality and beliefs that make us who we are. Events that happen in our lives changes who we
are whether we realize it or not. It could be a birthday or graduating high school but in my case,
what changed me and made me who I am as a person is the day my aunt had passed away. Cancer is
such a big deal and before we found out that my aunt had it, we went on many adventures and had a
great time. My aunt, her daughter and me would always go to the beach, the mall, and other places
that are exciting. We would smile and laugh at the jokes that were said and the memories that were
made, everyone wished that every day would be like that. Happiness in everyone. Since they lived
in Jacksonville, Florida and I lived in Georgia, a 30–minute drive, I had to go home. The next week,
my church had started Vacation Bible School on that Monday for kids 3 years old through the 5th
grade. My mom and I had volunteered to help since it was the first day and everyone know how
hectic it would be with little kids running around. Before we opened the doors to let people in, I
couldn't find my mom but I overheard one of the other workers talking about her saying that Janeth,
my mom, got a call about her sister, my aunt, and that she was leaving to go see her. At that point, I
got worried so I called her.
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Persuasive Essay
In this world there is nothing I hate more than a Liar , any person who can sit in my face and tell a
fabricated story and deceives with no problem gets zero respect from me. I never understood the
point of lying because once a lie is told people have to keep up with it. In order to tell one lie they
have to continue to cover the story so at that point they become a liar unless the person comes clean
but after that the trust is gone. There is no reason a person should have to say false things because
eventually the truth comes out , leaving them looking very stupid and untrustworthy. If everyone
was just honest the world would be a much better place. I rather someone hurt me with the truth
than comfort me with a lie. Sometimes the truth might ruin everything but if we as humans didn't do
wrong by everyone in our lives that wouldn't ever be a problem.
" You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you in a
court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided
for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you
wish to speak to me?" No , I would most definitely not like to speak to you because what I have to
say to you Mr. Officer might get me killed. The job of a police officer is to serve and protect but
why are so many of us ''colored people'' afraid of the thought of you even being 30 feet away from
us. We know they aren't around to help
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Literary Analysis : Kindred By Octavia Butler
Kindred Argumentative Essay
"It is the law of love that rules mankind. Had violence, hate ruled us we should have become extinct
long ago. And yet the tragedy of it is that so–called civilized man and nations conduct themselves as
if the basis of society was violence,"(Gandhi). In this quote Gandhi says the main reasons of love
and hate are mankind. As well that both control and destroy a human. However, in the end the
human chooses the one they will follow. In the outstanding novel Kindred by Octavia Butler. The
protagonist, Dana, faces many love and hate situations as she travels back and forth in time.
Accordingly, she begins to question whom is to blame for the love and hate crimes. Love and hate
are influenced by mankind, both can be controlled and the pair are conscious decisions. One of the
main things Dana battles is hate. Hate can be caused because of many artifacts but ironically hate is
usually caused by the lack of love. However, hate can be completely controlled. None the less
numerous hate causes are because of an individual 's actions.This is proven when Rufus screams at
Dana in the following quote "You're not leaving! He shouted. He sort of crouched around the gun on
the verge of firing,"(Butler 187). Hate can be portrayed in many ways it doesn't just have to be a
specific feeling towards an individual. Hate can be a person 's feeling toward something that another
individual has provoked. Rufus proves this point in the quote above. The constant movement
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What I Learned About My Life
I knew I forgot to do something yesterday. The feeling had followed me like a shadow all day long,
but by the time that I closed my eyes with the moon's light all too visible through the thick gaps of
my window's shades, I thought it to be simple paranoia leftover from finally finishing high school.
Now that I'm two feet away from Miss Mariam's back gate, however, I suddenly realize what I was
supposed to do. I was supposed to drop off that pie to the new neighbor. It's all coming back to me
now, even if it's a bit too late for me to actually be able to do anything. When I was running late to
catch curfew two days ago, Miss Mariam had caught me for a hurried second with a pie in her hand
and told me to bring it to the new girl that ... Show more content on ...
Everything is completely fine." "Uh huh," she says. She doesn't mean it, but she doesn 't press the
issue any farther. The two of us head to her backyard and out from the corner of my eye, I see her
quickly glance at me with her head hilted. From this angle, she doesn't look as old as she normally
does. She would hate for me to even mention it out loud, but she's more than thirty years my senior.
The South Carolina summer heat causes a little bit of sweat to pool at various places on her aging
faces, creating a hazy effect on the familiar age and laughter lines. Oddly enough to some people,
the wrinkles there are what makes Miss Mariam look as good as she does. Friendlier perhaps is a
better word. It's a visual sign of the number of years that she's been on this planet and the amount of
wisdom those years have given her. I don't say of it out loud, instead choosing to focus on shielding
my eyes from the violent sun and noting where the latest round of weeds have started to make their
debut around the edges of the barbed fence. Even though I help her tend to her garden every week
on the dot, the greenery never fails to come back with a vengeance and this day is no different.
"What do you even feed your lawn? This amount of keep up can't be normal." I offhandedly
mumble the words as I start to make my rounds of ripping the little nuances out of the ground, but
I've never been good at lowering my voice on any occasion, so Miss Mariam shoots me a glare.
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My Life Of My Father
I was only nine when I had found out that my father had another family; he had a wife and a son.
My father had been living with them and would visit me at least once every two months or so, but as
soon as I had turned nine, my father introduced my to my half–brother, who was a year and a third
older than me. When they visited me, their visits were always brief; time seemed to fly by while I
played games with my brother, Ken, but I later learned that it was my father's wife who did not
allow him or Ken to visit me and she had not known they were visiting me due to the fact that they
would lie. A few years had passed and she had finally accepted the results that I am alive and I was
finally able to visit my father 's house and meet her. I had actually gone to my father 's house before
while his wife was away on a cruise. My mother had told me heaps of stories about her past that
involved my father 's wife, Sue, and they all seemed atrocious.
"She knew we were married" my mother uttered, "but, she still told me that, 'She always gets what
she wants.'"
I couldn 't believe that someone could even consider doing all those awful things, but nevertheless, I
was about to meet this mysterious Sue that I had heard so much about. It was the summer of 2011
when I was invited to my father 's house to meet Sue. After hearing all sorts of stories about her, I
was quite afraid and anxious.
Private thoughts: I do wish to go to my father 's house, so I would be able to hang out
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The Best Day Of My Life
"If you want to live a happy life tie it to a goal, not to people or things." I think to myself as my dad
yells up the stairs. "C'mon Mer, get ready," his fruity voice echoes throughout the halls, booming as
if he had a microphone. Echoing off the walls and filling the entire upstairs with his deep voice.
Today is the day, my greatest dream and goal finally comes true. The day that dad finally lets me tag
along on one of his missions for work. I've been nine for about seven months and he said I was
finally ready. He didn't even get to go out on a mission with his father till he was twelve. That
means I'm way more advanced than him I don't even try to be modest when I mention it practically
every other second. This is literally the best day of my life! I don't see how anything will ever top
this, and the day has just begun. I've been learning ever since I could walk to follow in my dad and
his father's footsteps to be a Mercenary. It's one of the highest paying and provincial jobs in the
Rapture Providence. Everyday I put 110% into my training and studying. Now all my hard work is
about to pay off. Dad has taught me everything I need to know, and I've learned a little about
everything along the way. I swiftly throw on my clothes, run downstairs, grab my FN Patrol Bolt
Rifle, and take two steel bladed throwing knives and sheath them to my body. Then I grab an apple
and we're out the door. ***** Dad lets me scope out a hiding place while we wait. He picked the
area based off
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My Family
Most people think that their lives would be perfect if only certain conditions were met, or
circumstances would turn in their favor. I know many of my friends would choose to be rich and
famous. Others may choose simple things, like a new house or a car, even a better job. For me, my
life would be perfect with these three things. To have more time with my family, have more love
and less hate in the world.
First, having my family is the most important thing to me. They always help push me to reach my
goals and succeed. They also are the ones that give me unconditional love, advice, and even much–
needed criticism. I know my family isn't going to be the same for long. My grandpa and grandma
are getting older, my aunt is terminally sick, my mom and dad do all they can for me and my
siblings but I can see how tired they are. My mom acts like she's always ok but I can tell she's sick
and her body hurts and she's tired. My dad works so much, he just wishes he could rest but instead
he just keeps asking us, "What else do you need? Or what do you want to sign up for?" For all these
reasons, I feel that having more time with my family is the most important thing. They keep me
feeling positive and never let me quit. I want to be able to show them how much I love them and
thankful I am for them. I want time to slow down and give me a chance to make them proud.
Secondly, having more love in the world would make everything better. I have seen first–hand what
love can accomplish in a very difficult situation. My mom has always been chatty with everyone
and helps people even when she doesn't have something she finds a way to help. I remember my
mom struggling to get my sister and me Christmas presents and food one year. I remember she
always tried to act like everything was ok, but I remember how sad she was and how she cried at
night apologizing for not giving us anything for Christmas. However, the next morning someone
knocked on the door, as my mom opened it she saw 4 boxes full of stuff. 1 was presents for my
sister, another for me, one for my mom and the other full of food. There was a note that said, "Santa
sees the need and the love that is in your home. Merry Christmas."
Years passed and things got better. My mom
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How Does Love And Hate Intertwine
In Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights she conveys that love and hate intertwine; she does this
through Heathcliff's relationships with Catherine, Isabella, and Nelly. Bronte uses Heathcliff and
Catherine's relationship to show how hate and love can be felt at the same time. She uses Isabella's
relationship to show how love and hate are not always a two way street. Finally she uses Nelly's
relationship to show how quickly love and hate can flip flop. Heathcliff and Catherine's relationship
shows how love and hate intertwine because they both love each other, but also betray each other
many times and even marry other people. Bronte shows this concept when Heathcliff confesses his
love to Catherine on her deathbed, and says, "'It is hard to forgive, and to look at those eyes, and
feel those wasted hands,' he answered. 'Kiss me again; and don't let me see your ... Show more
content on ...
Nelly expresses this after she has a peculiar encounter with Heathcliff as he reaches the end of his
days, she expresses this when she says, "'Is he a ghoul or a vampire?' I mused. I had read of such
hideous incarnate demons. And then I set myself to reflect how I had tended him in infancy, and
watched him grow to youth, and followed him almost through his whole course; and what absurd
nonsense it was to yield to that sense of horror." In this quote Nelly at first is frightened at how evil
and menacing Heathcliff can be at sometimes that she even guesses him to be a monster. Nelly then
quickly corrects this idea by remembering how she has seen him grow up and all of the struggle he
has had to deal with such as Catherine wounding him by marrying someone else. This quote is a
great quote because in just 4 lines Bronte shows how a person can both love and hate someone at
the same time proving the them which is love and hate
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Essay on The Emotional Journey in Wide Sargasso Sea
The novel Wide Sargasso Sea isn't just a prequel to Jane Eyre, but rather a significant re–writing of
the classic Victorian aged writings. This time around Antoinette (Bertha) Mason, a young Creole
girl living in the British Colony of Jamaica, and Rochester's marriage is no longer a harsh sub–story.
It is actually the main plot in which the genders battle over emotional and economical control.
Throughout the blend of twisted romance, island mystery, and deceptive magic, the deep rooted love
themes appear. The many emotions of desire, lust, trust, and happiness are portrayed, but also hate,
fear, and jealousy.
Romantic love, or dreamy love, is continuously portrayed in the novel as the characters bring it into
their relationships. They ... Show more content on ...
He wants to own her completely, and her fortune and her body are not enough. He has to own her
entire sense of self, but to do that, he has to destroy her sanity. Another example is shown in the
quote, "All the mad conflicting emotions had gone and left me wearied and empty. Above all I hated
her. For she belonged to the magic and the loveliness. She had left me thirsty and all my life would
be thirst and longing for what I had lost before I found it. (II.8.33–4)" Here we get some insight into
how love and hate can be so closely intertwined for Rochester. If he seeks to own Antoinette's body
and soul, it's to fill a void within him. But even though Rochester is repulsed by Antoinette, he still
needs her as a reminder of what that something is. "When man don't love you, more you try, more
he hate you, man like that. If you love them they treat you bad, if you don't love them they after you
night and day bothering your soul case out. (II.5.1.14)," is a great example of how Christophine is
using one of those clichés of "playing hard–to–get" and "he's just not into you" to make a point.
Christophine is also touching on the basic problem with the way Rochester's desire works. He seeks
to own things and shows this by possessing Antoinette. Once she's his, he loses interest because he
doesn't need to pursue her anymore.
"If I could die. Now, when I am happy. You wouldn't have to kill me. Say die and I will die. I
watched her die many
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Hockey Family Character Analysis
What you are about to read in this story is a busy and crazy family. We are a hockey family.Let me
tell you more about the Hansen family.
First, there is my dad. Four facts about this person is he likes to hunt, he likes to watch hockey, he is
nice, and he is funny.
Some activities that this person does in his spare time is clean the lawn, or watch golf or hockey.
Memories that I have with this person are when we go hunting.I love this family member because he
likes to hangout with me and he's fun.My dad likes hockey he also played it when he was in
college.He hates basketball so does my whole family.I would describe my dad as active, busy,
helpful, and silly.
Second, there is my mom. Four facts about my mom is,She is energetic,funny,she is a hockey
mom,she is the greatest mom ever.Activities that this person does in her spare time is she likes to go
to movies,she goes shopping,and she hangouts with her kids.Some memories I have with my mom
is when we would always play hockey together.I love this family member because she will always
help me when I need it and she is nice and funny.My mom likes to travel.One she hates is cats.I
would describe my mom as loving,active,clever,polite.
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Much Ado About Nothing Theme Essay
Short Paper #6: Much Ado About Nothing
It is often said, "there's a thin line between love and hate". One, strong–willed character in this story
crosses this "thin line" after deeply discovering the both sides of this binary. Love is defined as a
feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, while hate is a very strong feeling of dislike
(Merriam–Webster). Knowing the exact definitions helps one deeper understand the binary. In Much
Ado About Nothing, written by William Shakespeare, binaries are created using different themes
within the novel. Shakespeare develops characters that give the reader's a full range of themes that
have been discussed in this course, I have chosen the most uncertain character of this story,
Beatrice, to discuss how she enacts love and hate in the plot.
Ultimately, Beatrice moves from a strong, fiery passion of hate to an emotional state of love. She
successfully resists change as she is uncertain and completely changes her "ideas" of love,
concerning Benedict more specifically. The outcome of this change is positive because she ends up
accepting love and finding a man that can fulfill her hefty needs. This first quotation comes before
the interrupted wedding. ... Show more content on ...
He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that / hath no beard is less than a man; and he that
is more than a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him. Therefore I will
even take six–pence in earnest of the bearherd and lead his apes into hell. / Leonato: Well then, go
you into hell? / Beatrice: No, but to the gate, and there will the devil meet me like an old cuckold
with horns on his head, and say, "Get you to heaven, Beatrice, get you to heaven. Here's no place for
you maids." So deliver I up my apes, and away to Saint Peter. For the heavens, he shows me where
the bachelors sit, and there live we as merry as the day is long"
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Analysis Of Exposure To Hate Speech
Exposure to Hate In Depth
In Kassidy McMillan's, "Exposure to Hate" WP, she explains how hate speech is involved in our
society, and how it is not. She writes about the article titled, "We All Need to Support Hate Speech"
by Lee Rowland which describes how hate speech should be exposed to us in our youth so we are
aware of the negative aspects in our world. This specific article speaks about how freedom of speech
is part of being an adult. Rowland goes on to speak about how it is crucial to live up to our First
Amendment rights, and use our freedom of speech to our benefit. We are the generation that can
make a change, and Rowland suggests that we use our rights to make a difference. Kassidy
mentions how we will become culture shocked if hate isn't unveiled to us when we first witness a
form of hatred in our world. She gives us her personal experience with this dilemma and how she
was affected by it in her high school years. Her opinion on this topic states that one is never too
young to be educated about what's going on in the society that they live in. Contrasting from that,
some may believe that people shouldn't be exposed to hatred when they're younger, because they
eventually will be anyways... so why ruin their youth? That specific side of the debate believes that
people deserve to stay happy and pure for as long as they'd wish to be, without the worry of the
overbearing hate that exists in our world. In the "We All Need to Support Free Speech" itself the
author, Lee
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Grapes Of Wrath: A Short Story
The story I'm about to tell you is a very sad story. It's about how I came to be. How I became this...
this... thing; creature if you will. A seemly ugly monstrosity created with one purpose: to devour the
love of the souls for the living finds me veil and disgusting. They hate me for my black and ugly
heart and my hideous appearance; my long black and oily hair of fungus and mold, my face covered
in red Mercury blood dripping slices and bloody boils, my greenish tree bark like skin; dripping of
black tar through the holes of my arms and back, and the hate fuels my soul. But, why? Why must I
feel these pains? Why must all these hates and pains full my empty soul? I want the love the souls
feel. But... But... No matter how hard I try.... I can't reach the souls. And they... just leave... me. Why
must I be alone? Dead and alone, in this empty and soulless swamp like land where the dreaded
souls moans for the people they lost and the one's who dead by their own hands outta despair and
lost hope. But me, I can't mourn. I have no one to mourn in this land of the sad and depressed. I
wish I could; it depresses me how much feeling I feel I have lost; not even sadness. What other way
is there to feel? You say there is love out there? Oh, yes you say that! You're living, you foolish
soul! ... Show more content on ...
These people aren't hurting anyone. I wonder some days if I am one of these people; I just
sometimes feel I'm not who I want to be, but what right do I have when I don't even know where I
was? Was I part of the living? Was I just like them; hate and full of rage? Well.... I have a plan for
these meaningless, monsters, and evil souls. I will murder these poor souls with diseases; horrible
and terrible diseases until they die from my pain! They will die from creatures like Yersinia pestis
and die of Bubo. Yes! Also, they'll die by the hands of nature with her own diseases; at least it won't
be by my hands. Good bye, living souls. You will all join me in my pit of
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Love And Hate In Poetry Essay
The fact is she hates that she loves him. The "Hate poem" is a poem seemly about the authors hate
to this guy, the poem is nevertheless misleading at the be beginning, as you read on it seems like
something happened between them,and she doesn't want to love him but she does. The speaker
continuously goes on expressing her "hate," but some quotes in the poem shows that she really does
not hate him. The speakers says "My hesitations when you invite me for a drive: hate." You don't
hesitate when you hate someone, accordingly, shows she doesn't whole heartedly hates him. Next
the speaker says "You know when I'm sleepy I nuzzle my head under your arm? Hate." This just
shows she does not really hate him. The poem is about a broken relationship and
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Norton V. Knighton
This is the story of Sue Norton, who's Father and his wife had been murdered. Sue couldn't
understand why someone would want to hurt people who were old and poor. She had sat through the
trial of Robert Knighton (B.K) and was confused about how she could feel. She said that everyone
in the courtroom was filled with hate and they all expected her to feel the same way. But she
couldn't hate the way the others did because, it didn't feel good to her. On the last night of the trial
she couldn't sleep or eat, so she prayed to God and asked him to help. In the morning she thought to
herself, "Sue, you don't have to hate B.K, you could forgive him." The next day, Sue had permission
to visit B.K in his cell. She was frightened as he was big and
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How Is Kate Presented In Taming Of The Shrew
In The play Taming of the Shrew and 10 things I hate about you Katherine is thought of as a
disgrace and for speaking her mind and not being a perfect catch like her sister Bianca. Bianca
appears to be perfect, but as she understands why Kate is so stone cold, Bianca realizes that Kate's
reasoning's are sensible and as both the play and movie go on Bianca soon takes some of Katherine's
traits. Kate and Bianca in Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You are expected to be
what others want them and picture them to be, but sometimes people who want them to be is not
who they are comfortable with being. The story of these women and their expectations placed on
them by males is timeless as we see it in the 16th century and 1990's. We ... Show more content on ...
Times may change, but people don't. Women particularities seem to care what others think about
them especially guys. But maybe it isn't just guy's? Maybe women try to impress other women or
out due others. Everybody lives his or her lives to impress somebody, which is pretty crappy
considering that we just need to be happy with ourselves, and when things don't work out we are
devastated. Kate mentioned in the play Taming of the shrew "My tongue will tell the anger of my
heart, or else my heart concealing it will break." (Shakespeare 4.3.79–80) and In the movie Kate
also says a very strong poem; "I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair. I hate
the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots. And the way
you read my mind. I hate you so much that it makes me sick. It even makes me rhyme. I hate the
way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when
you make me cry. I hate the way you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I
hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at
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Personal Narrative: From Moving To A New School
I just moved to a new town and i'm not the social type. I'm used to moving almost every year we
move, but this year my dad said that we would stay (I don't believe him), I just make friends and
have fun then we moved. So this time I might make a few friends. Its the beginning of fall so I guess
I get to start over like everyone else (I guess). So that means school is just around the corner so I
guess it's time to start making friends.
I started to go to local parks and try to meet people when this girl named Emma saw me. She came
over and asked (very rudely) "So loser are you new?"
So I responded "Yeah but why it doesn't seem like you like me very much. I'm just meeting Kenzie
(I knew kenzie scenic we were kids)
"Lies don't lie ... Show more content on ...
The reason for the bruises and cuts are because of her, she threatens me and she is just a terrible
person. This all started when we moved, but we can't move remember."
My dad just sat there speechless for a while, but then he said "Shaly why didn't you come to me
quicker" and that was the end of our conversation.
So the next day I came home with more bruises my dad thought it had gotten too far so he called the
cops and told them what was going on and they went and talked to her and gave her a big fine and
now we don't see each other at all any more. So she wasn't allowed to come back to school for a
month and had to do work at
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Analysis Of The Movie ' Spike Lee '
Spike Lee is an Afro–American director who has developed more fame and importance in the last
20 years. He portrays his stories in a way that nothing is fictitious and many of them are written
about some real events. Lee has co–produced many of his films and has acted in some small roles
within them. According to IMDb (2016), Lee 's work consists of: 26 films, 30 television programs,
45 commercials, 15 short films, starred in several films, and was a producer and writer of many
other works. Although, his films are somewhat irregular in terms of color palettes, shots, and
exposition. Regarding the plot, he is considered a drama director. Also, his works always emphasize
action and occasionally comedy.
Based on all the above, Lee 's career will be analyzed from his early work in the film industry, his
career, and some of his most notable and recognized works.
For example, in many of the films I have seen so far, Spike Lee tends to substantiate his works in
many cultural, social, and political problems: besides the racism suffered by many African
Americans in the United States mainly. Lee became a director of promise with his first long film,
"She has to have it" (1986), according to McGowan (2014). This film was shot in around two weeks
and cost around $175,000 to make, but grossed more than $7 million, becoming in one of the most
profitable films created in 1986. Lee often takes a critical look at race relations, political problems,
crime, and violence. His film "Do the
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Turtle Fun Book Report
Awww look its my old "turtle fun" book well not old just like 3 weeks old I made it when we started
the westing game... What's in your turtle fun book? Flora asked. Well I based it off the movie mean
girls with the burn book, anyways I basically make fun of people. Oh well can I see it? Flora asked.
Umm well sure but be aware it is all about the people in the Westing Game. As flora opened the
book it was filled but it started with her mom...oh no here we go. Grace/mom: I hate hate hate hate
hate hate my mom why is angela her favorite I am great to you know and why does angela like
mom, mom is growing a beard! Mom thinks she is so cool but SHE'S NOT!!!When angela puts
makeup on and a dress mom tears up, oh they're tears of joy. But when i
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Big Brother Is Watchin Jealousy In 1984 By George Orwell

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  • 2. Examples Of Monologue On Othello I cannot believe those words Iago had spoke! Were they true? Has my love Desdemona been unfaithful to me with that fool Cassio? I only ever gave her my love! Desdemona! What have I don't to deserve this? My mornings, afternoons, and nights are so cold and so long ever since Iago had spoken those words. She had lied and told me she would be forever here...but those words... were they just meaningless to her? She could not even keep it true. She told me she would never leave me; she had told me she loved me! But did she ever love me? How could she play with me this way? She told me she cared, she told me she would always be with me for eternity. She told me she would always be there? Why? Why after all of these lies and deceit I must still love her this way? And worse...want her to love me back? Why after all the hurt and pain she has put me through I still believe that she deserves a love as pure as mine? Why when a partner cheats we must blame ourselves? Why must we feel as though we never deserved a love like theirs? Why must this make me feel as though I am not worthy of love? Am I still not good enough? I am absolutely devastated. She is the gun and I am the unarmed soldier. I fell to the ground, never to be brought up ... Show more content on ... I was utterly distraught. She was my world! My friend! My only lover! She has completely betrayed and hurt me to a degree beyond my comprehension. She has caused me immense pain. The faith in us that I had sealed up so tight has burst open and is pouring out like a fountain...tearing the image of our future together from my thoughts so brutally and viciously. I will always remember her tender touch, her soft kiss. She says she loves me with that look in her eyes. I should have always known those words were a cold heart lie. Its like she is putting salt into the wound. She has stripped me of everything I loved including myself but excluding herself. She has laughed at my sorrow and found comfort in my misery with that fool ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Creative Writing: The Coffee Shop there was something to be said about coffee shops. or, rather, there was something to be said about the way they made taylor feel. the ambiance alone was enough to melt away at the ice in taylor's life – the ice that'd been frozen for as long as she could remember – and allow her to, for just a moment, feel okay. wholeheartedly, totally okay. not broken. not damaged. not inadequate. totally, wonderfully okay. it was a joke, though: the idea that taylor could believe, even for a split second, that her world was one without mountains and cliffs and dead ends. it didn't matter, though. it never mattered. and so, per usual, the blonde shrugs it off as she approaches the door to one of her favorite coffee shops. she arrives earlier than ariana, by design. she's an hour early, because she figures an hour is ample time to gather the persona of the taylor that everyone knows. the taylor she wants to be. she outstretches her right hand to the doorknob, gives it a light twist, and once the bell rings, taylor realizes she's here. she's h o m e. it's not reading, pennsylvania. it's not nashville, tennessee either – but it's an escape from reality, and that feels close enough to home. she hasn't been here in months, but it hasn't changed – and that's the warmest feeling taylor's found in a while. the string lights still dangle from the rafters, the tables are still small, wooden & worn, and acoustic music still trickles from the record player in the back. it's all so familiar, and it ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Key Drivers Of Hatred The term hatred is a well–known term as well as experienced vice. It is a vice because it is likely to result in harm or deprivation of individual rights. People tend to hate others or circumstances from time to time. One of the key drivers of hatred is selfishness. People may hate others just because they possess something better than them, and this is one of my characteristics. I tend to hate people who compete with me not just to get better outcomes but as a result of merely being ahead of me. I equally hate people who show hatred towards me. I am not the kind of person that will stick with the love your enemy slogan. If you hate me, I equally hate you. It is when my selfish desires get blocked that I ended up pursuing. I have come to realize ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Family Reflection Paper For me, there is not one topic that I could chose to write my paper on. Throughout the semester so far, I have taken in interest in almost everything I have been taught, anywhere from depression to Baumrind's parenting styles. When I was growing up my parents took the role of "Authoritative" when it came to the teachings of life itself. I have not always been a good kid and I know that may be surprising to many that know me now. I had my time when I thought I was "grown up" and could do what I want. That's when my parents gave me limits, gave me rules that I had to follow and obey. I told myself they hated me, they didn't love me, and they were punishing me because they didn't want me. My parents wanted to show me the way I was acting was not going to get me anywhere in life and it worked. To this day, I don't involve myself in situations where bad things can happen, I don't talk back, and I do not think my parents hate me. Family means everything to me and that is something I realized when I was in high school. I have a sister; her name is Sara and she is one–year younger than me. We are Irish twins and like everyone else that has a sister, we fight, we argue, and we complain about how each one of us steals each other's clothes. My sister means everything to me and the night I almost lost her I almost lost myself too. My freshman year of high school my sister tried to end her life by committing suicide. She was battling with severe depression and she thought there was no way out. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the cries and screams from my parents as they broke down her bedroom door. I fell to the ground as she yelled out "I don't want to be alive", "I want to die". I have never felt so much pain and sadness go through me at one time, I didn't know what to feel, what to say and how to react. I just ran, ran out the door as fast as I could. Didn't know where was going or where I would end up, but I did not care, I had to get out of there. When eventually my aunt came for me and just hugged me as tight as she possibly could. When I was taken back home, I hugged my sister like I had not seen her in years. I wanted her to know how much I love her and how much she means to me. After that incident, my ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Learning To Read And Write "I hate it, I hate it, I hate it" I used to tell my mom when she used to ask me to read or write. I remember at times when I had to go to school I used to cry and scream and just did not want to go. I used to get bad grades and couldn't read and was not a fluent writer. I used to struggle and cry while I watched the other kids do it easily. While growing up reading and writing were my worst subjects and I used to hate them I struggled in them. I can still remember that when I was in the first grade in the grade where I was supposed to actually learn to read and write my teacher didn't teach. She would scream at me and scare me so much to where I remember , one day when she called me to read in front of the class and when I messed up on a word she would yell at me , and the whole class used to laugh at me. I remember that I cried in front of everyone that day and I remember exactly what she had said to me that day, " grow up , learn to read". ... Show more content on ... I could never get it right and I always got screamed at for it. I used to take tests read the passage and the go to the questions and read the questions wrong and mark the wrong answer. Then my mom would be mad at me and we would try to fix it at home and she would get so frustrated because I just could not do it. I just could not interpret words correctly. At times I used to think that if I acted like and walked like and ate what all the "smart kids" ate then I would become smart ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Hate In Romeo And Juliet Hate is commonly known as a strong word. For someone to use it to describe his or her feelings toward another is dire. When I think of the word, I imagine how much destruction it has brought upon people, relationships, and even the world. I see it as an awful thing; if it did not exist, so much better could come from our lives. To me, hate is not warm, kind, or tender; hate is, albeit a simple word, an ugly emotion that can turn something very beautiful into something very repellent. Hate is a broad word–you can apply it as a noun or verb. I found this to be rather helpful when looking for references yet difficult when defining it. Although I am not fond of the term, I am lucky that it was given to me. It is such a common word that finding ... Show more content on ... It is the opposite of love, and perhaps without it, other kindly emotions would not exist. I found that it was a frustrating word to work with since I am not fond of it; it is a simple yet strongly negative concept. Hate is not warm, kind, or tender; hate is, albeit a simple word, an ugly emotion that can turn something very beautiful into something very repellent. Although I have not done a project or researched an idea like this before, I would not do it again unless I am given a different word. I did, however, like how easy it was so source my references. The fact I did not need a bibliography was a relief. To add on, this was an interesting way to observe a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Sadarian Lathar Short Story Sadarian Lathar: a kind, intelligent, and incredibly curious, yet clueless, girl, who just wants to see what the world has to offer. Salevadon Carnigan: a controlling, cruel, barley splicing girl who never knew when enough was enough. Two incredibly different people with extremely different personalities in one, small body. Every morning it's the same. I wake up, I get dressed, I eat breakfast, I catch the bus, I flip out, I end up back home, I change before the nightfall. I can't help it, though. She's an unwanted force that takes me over when I try to show my true self. See, most people my age would be out learning, exploring the world. But I'm stuck at home with nobody. I wish everybody who ever doubted me would just... leave... No... I wish everybody who ever thought of doubting me were to change. Change like me. Where every day you wake up one person and end the day as another. Such a menace, Sadarian is. She's just so... nice. I can't stand to hear her talk when she's in control. She's fake, I tell you! A fake! No Suran, she doesn't really care about your new husband, and no Radan, she doesn't care one bit about how bad your day was. She tries to push me out, saying that i'm no good, that i do bad, that she doesn't want me. But she's wrong. I can't help but notice the way she tells me these things but really she only means them to herself. She hates herself. Or maybe I hate her. Maybe I hate how she knows everything about everything that ever existed. Maybe I just hate ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Hate Is Stronger Than Love In Romeo And Juliet Is killing yourself really worth it? Hate is stronger than love in the play Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet is a play about a family's feud that they won't let two of their children be together while living in Verona. Romeo and Juliet's family's don't like each other, because of the feud. Hate is stronger in the play connects because they kill themselves in the play. Hate is stronger than love in the play because there is fighting between two families, the Montagues and the Monatones hate each other, and people kill themselves because of the feud. With the family's feud there is fighting. When the prologue says "a pair of star crossed lovers take their life from the family's feud" this tells us that Romeo and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of The Book ' The Night ' Of The Treaty ' This week I have kept my mind clear of this weekend 's plans. Jake would be showing up in a little bit and after he reminded Edward of the treaty he was going to ride back to La Push with me. Today was Tiffany 's birthday and Embry and I went in together and bought her a present that we were going to give her. I had stayed up late last night decorating a cake. It was her favorite, strawberry, and I had put chocolate frosting on top. I even used white frosting that I dyed green to write 'Happy Birthday ' and put flowers around edges. The phone rang as finished making dinner. I was taking most of it with me to the Call 's but I was leaving some of it for Uncle Charlie 's and Bella 's dinner. Edward would be bringing Bella home from work at ... Show more content on ... He 'll know that you wouldn 't have known." Jake said like he was brilliant. "But that 's not going to keep Bella from throwing me under the bus. You know how she hates me. If she goes down for this she is just going to take me with her." I said. I have better things to do then stare at my four walls for however long Uncle Charlie grounds me for. "Then tell him you felt that it was up to Bella to come clean about what she had been up to. That tattling is never the answer." Jake said. "If I get in trouble, you get to tell Embry why I am in deep shit." I said. Jake laughed. "Just wait in your room till after I bring the bike. After he screams and yells, come down and offer to drive me home. We go around the corner and park. I wait until Bella and her leech show up and I remind them of the treaty. Then we actually head down to the res. You can drop me at Sam and Emily 's and I 'll stay there till I go home later. I 'll have to report to Sam anyway." Jake said. "Okay. See you in a little bit." I said and hung up. I wrapped the cake and put it in the back of the car and grabbed the wrapped box that held Embry 's and my gift to Tiffany and put it in the center console. Everything was ready for Jake 's big stunt. I went upstairs to get my homework done while I waited. Uncle Charlie yelled up the stairs that he was home at five forty–five and it was about five ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Character Analysis: Raven From Teen Titans "Whatever" The character that I'm similar to is Raven from Teen Titans. First, me and Raven are similar. Second, Raven and I like to be alone ware it's quiet. Last, we both hate it when we're being bothered it gets us boiling. As can be seen, me and Raven are the same. First of all, Raven is from my favored show Teen Titans she's cool. With Raven when it comes fighting bad guys or near her friends she can be really dark. Raven is haft demon and haft human, her father Trigon is demon and her mother Areal (I think that's her name) is human. Second of all, Raven likes to be alone so she can consecrate her mine and powers. I like to be alone to have privies so no one can bother me. We both like to be alone because so that way no one bother ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Servant Heart Research Paper When you live with me and my family and you hear the sound, "beep, beep, beep", coming from upstairs, you know its mom cooking in the kitchen again. You head up the stairs and you see smoke everywhere, all the windows are open, and there she is standing on her tip toes waving a dishcloth by the smoke detector trying to get it to stop. This occurs probably more than it should at the Maasdam household, however, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though cooking isn't one of my mom strengths, being one of the most supportive, loving, trustworthy, and having a servant heart is. More often than not, if you're looking for my mom at one of my sporting events she'll be the one in the middle of the crowd with a large camera lens in her hand and then later, you might see a whole album of pictures ... Show more content on ... My mom is a perfect example of this because she is one of the most unselfish people that I know. She is constantly putting others first, especially her family. She makes sure we have food on the table, clothes on our back, roof over our head, and a good source of education. She's always trying to make sure that we're at our happiest. While I was growing up, she made sure to involve herself in some of my activities. She used to help with IBL basketball and would help teach younger girls how to play. She also served for our youth group and has helped shaped me and the rest of my friends into the strong Christian woman we are today. Something she has done more recently has been a project called RAK'd. RAK'd stands for random acts of kindness. She'd take time out of her day to put together a little goodie bag and give it to someone who she thought needed it or deserved it. The best part about it was she did everything anonymously. Well, I guess it isn't anonymous anymore because I just told you, but it's the thought that ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Taming Of The Shrew Comparison "I don't like to do what people expect. Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of my own." (10 Things I Hate About You) Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare between 1590 and 1592, is one of the most famous comedies ever written. The play is set in Padua, Italy during the Renaissance period and a couple of themes that are prominent are transformation and gender. 10 Things I Hate About You is one of the many reenactments of this play. This movie, written in 1999 by Gil Junger, is similar in many ways to The Taming of the Shrew. 10 Things I Hate About You and The Taming of the Shrew are more similar than different because in both Kate and Bianca's dad, Baptista or Walter, have the same attitude about Bianca dating and Kate's ... Show more content on ... In the play, The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio is trying to get Kate to marry him because he wants her dad's money. You can see this when he says, " I come to wive it wealthy in Padua; If wealthy, then happily in Padua." This shows that Petruchio is only coming to Padua to find a wealthy woman to marry for her father's money and not actually for love. In 10 Things I Hate About You Patrick is paid to take Kate out. He knows that it will be hard to get her to date him, therefore he gets paid lots of money, however by the end he is not in it for the money. An example of how he shows that he is not in it for the money is when Patrick says, "No, I didn't care about the money, okay? I cared... I cared about you." He shows that he was paid to take her out though he started to care about her during the time they were talking and he did not care that he was getting paid to do it. This is a significant difference because if Patrick was never paid to take Kate out he most likely would have never talked to her and Petruchio most likely would have married Kate no matter what because of her ... Get more on ...
  • 14. William Shakespeare 's The Taming Of The Shrew William Shakespeare 's 'The Taming of the Shrew' is a controversial comedy that has more than 1 interpretation. The 2 prominent interpretations is that it a misogynistic play or that it is a love story about a man liberating a woman. This play has been adapted into any movies the 2 that were studied were 'The Taming of the Shrew', produced in 1967 and '10 Things I Hate About You', made in 1999. Upon viewing these 2 movies I found that 'The Taming of the Shrew' had a great deal of misogyny throughout the plot. However, I found '10 Things I Hate About You' was portrayed as a love story and because of this I thought I was, until I thought about the fact that someone was paid to take her out was a nasty thing to do. So as a result of this I ... Show more content on ... He then uses the technique for training birds of prey, to train her to obey him. Finally at Bianca's wedding Kate gives a speech about being a good wife and obey their husbands. I found this movie misogynistic, Katerina was wild and shrewish, however that is no valid reason to physiologically abuse her. I took this as Shakespeare has created a character that tests society 's boundaries and challenges the people 's beliefs, but she is then forced to marry and she is 'tamed'. In a way Shakespeare is sending a message that if a woman challenges society they will end up the same as all of the other woman, obedient and a business deal. This may be ok in the Elizabethan era but in today's society this is unacceptable it's basically domestic violence. For this reason I believe Petruchio's behavior is horrible. He abused her for a game. In the end when Katerina gives a speech to the crowd shows that she has succumb to the 'falconry'. '10 Things I Hate About You' is a modernised adaptation explores a teenage 'shrew' life and the modernised world of dating and trying to 'fit in'. Kat, the independent 18 year old with an attitude, refuses to 'follow the crowd'. Bianca, her younger sister, however, is popular and wants to date. Their father is an obstetrician and he is afraid that is they date they will get pregnant and their life will be ruined. As Kat is against dating, their dad decides ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Monologue In Romeo And Juliet Erin walks in. Zeeha: I'm ashamed of you, how can you cause so much trouble? Have you seen Tybalt's face? The ambulance came and took him to the hospital. Erin: Nah man, I did nothing, I barely touched him. I just had a little beef with them. We all good now Chappy. Zeeha: You already have so many difficulties in your life and now you are going to get suspended. The Principal is out looking for you. Erin: I can't do that, man. I gotta see my girl. You know, we are already on second base now. She's crazyyyy. Zeeha: You're in grade 8. Calm down. Do you even know what ''time of the month'' means? *sigh* kids now a days. Erin: Whatever man, you gotta chill out. Its no big deal. Zeeha: YOU'RE GETTING SUSPENDED. You cause so much trouble at school. The fights between you and Tybalt need to stop. Everyone is fed up with you. Erin: who cares about school. How am I going to be able to see Juliet? I won't be able ... Show more content on ... Harleen: OUUUU! A PINK sweater, you are supposed to get that for her when you "L–word'' her. Zeeha: Loser? Harleen: Nooooo, Romeo lovessss Juliet. OMG I'm totes going to be the maid of honour at your wedding and the godmother to alllll of your children. *Erin points at Harleen* Erin: Ayeee Zeeha: But Romeo you must smarten up. Harleen: you really have to talk to Juliet ASAP! Chappy you know at least what that means right? Zeeha: Yes, kids now a days *rolls eyes* Erin: Anyways, man I'll go, Nancy just text Juliet saying I wanna chill at Pizza Pizza so we can talk and I can get something to eat. I'm starving dudee. Harleen: Totally! * texting Juliet* Oh yeah, Juliet just texted me to tell you that she put your name in her bio again, so she likes you againn. Zeeha: huh? Harleen: okay Chappy, let me introduce to something called Urban Dictionary, it'll help you, your getting kinda annoying now Erin: I've to go and see my girl now, she's probably waiting for me. *erin
  • 16. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Motifs In Romeo And Juliet The motif of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is love vs hate. There are a lot of hyperboles in the text to help decide what the motif is. The reason that this is the motif is because the story is about to star crossed lovers and there houses hate each other. In act I.1.226–228 it says "She hath, and in that sparing makes huge waste; for beauty, starved with her severity cuts beauty from all posterity" which is Romeo saying that he loves a girl and she doesn't love him back. At the end of that act he falls in love with another girl "O she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night"1.5.50–52. The girl he loves is a enemy of his household and one of the members (Tybalt) sees him and says " This, by his ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Whale Shark: A Short Story A guy named James Richards fell asleep for 20 years one day. I'll get into how he fell asleep later, but for now let's go on a trip into James's backstory. Now James was a good kid, he was just a little clumsy and forgetful. He is nice, funny, loving, short, and strong enough so that a blue whale could fall out of the sky and not kill him or give him serious injuries. When crossing a street, he was taught not only to look left and right, but to also look up. JUST in case. One day when he was crossing the street, he looked left and right, BUT FORGOT TO LOOK UP! Now this town here was a town that when you didn't do something you were taught to do, something terrible happened to you, like it was some kind of punishment for forgetting to do something important. So when James forgot to look up, A BLUE WHALE FELL ON HIM! Fact check reporting in. Now you just might as well know that the blue whale is the largest animal on the WHOLE ENTIRE FACE OF THE EARTH. OK, let me clarify how much the blue whale weighs. So you know what a whale shark is right? A whale shark weighs in at about 40,000 Lbs, and the blue whale is just about 10 TIMES THAT! Weighing in at about 401,000 Lbs. That whale of a whale fell on James's head because he forgot to look up when crossing a street. Thank you fact check. James got knocked out and fell asleep for 20 years. During those 20 years James was asleep, so much had changed. What changed first was that everyone started to eat bugs every ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Dubois Alternate Ending Tom slammed the door behind him, and walked to his vehicle, which had been parked askew in the driveway in his earlier haste to get inside to Lila. It was only when he entered, and the sound of the ignition broke the silence, and the headlights, the darkness, that he paused to think of what had occurred. Regardless of the surprise gift that had arrived at his office, and the note that had accompanied it, Tom instinctively knew that the acts he'd perpetrated inside weren't what Lila had wanted. How could any women wish to be struck about the face, called a slut and a whore, and be humiliated and degraded by the man she loved. Possibly in a roleplay, but that hadn't been roleplay, or what Lila had wanted, but what Tom had. And the, recognition, of the stranger who'd invaded his mind, and raped his wife brought a nausea to the pit of his stomach, and as Tom reversed the car, with his gaze fixated on the living room windows, he wound ... Show more content on ... That was, after he'd stopped laughing. Oh, what a sight it had been, even from this distance, through a pair of binoculars, and without sound, it had been obvious that the Detective had really been into the little scene he'd engineered, how Lila Ross, not quite as much. A smile remained on his face, and the laughing fit recommenced when he saw the Detective stop the car to throw up, and idly wondered where he was off to at this time of the night. Maybe they'd discovered the little surprise he'd planted when communication with Jennifer Williams. Oh, weren't they going to be pissed when they discovered that email address led to a wheel–chair bound octogenarian, and he had to take a deep breath before his fingers were steady enough to compose a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Commentary On The Hate List By Jennifer Brown This summer I chose to read the Hate List by Jennifer Brown. The book Hate list is about, a girl named Valerie and her boyfriend Nick. They have made a hate list of people who bullied them or didn't like them. For Valerie it was a way to get out her feelings and how much she didn't like them but, Nick took this book and when Valerie said she wanted these people to die a little too seriously, and one day came in and started kill everyone on the "hate list" because he thought that's what she had wanted, Valerie didn't want that though she wanted Nick to confront them not kill them or hurt them. For this book the most important character would be either, Valerie or Nick. Without nick there would have been no shooting and without Valerie there ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Sexuality: An Analysis Of Homosexuality Last semester, I realized the hurtfulness of people's comments about sexuality for the first time. I knew I had heard homophobic remarks before, but it was the first time I witnessed it and understood how it can affect someone first hand. It was the first time I felt truly disgusted by the hate in which people teach others. I was in a meeting about an organization that empowers youth. A community member was there who was thinking about hosting our organization at his church. We were explaining some of the activities we would do with the children. One activity is a button activity about diversity. We would pour buttons onto the table and ask the kids to sort the buttons into different groups. For example, they may sort based off of the ... Show more content on ... No one told me I couldn't be respected for my feelings. I didn't have to hide who I was out of fear. From then on, I have taken notice to all the remarks around me that are hurtful to others. In class, we talked about mundane heterosexism. I have noticed people monitoring their speech so they don't come off as heterosexist (Class notes, 3/24). I've also noticed flat out homophobic comments. I was in a communications class and we were in small groups. Someone in my group made a comment, "That's disgusting." I proceeded to ask, "What's disgusting?" He finished out by saying "Men with other men." I knew it was a safe place and so I proceeded to tell him he shouldn't date other men then if he doesn't feel that attraction, but some men do and there's nothing disgusting about that. I figured other people in my group would say something next. The only comment was, "I'm not gay, but I mean I can tolerate them." Not saying anything is still discrimination. Someone saying they "tolerate gays" is heterosexist. Class ended and we left with nothing else said. My stories aren't ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Importance Of Happiness In My Life "Who am I?" is the question that we all ask ourselves. Are we brave? Are we happy? Are we risk takers? There are so many questions we ask and so many factors that determine who we are. It's our personality and beliefs that make us who we are. Events that happen in our lives changes who we are whether we realize it or not. It could be a birthday or graduating high school but in my case, what changed me and made me who I am as a person is the day my aunt had passed away. Cancer is such a big deal and before we found out that my aunt had it, we went on many adventures and had a great time. My aunt, her daughter and me would always go to the beach, the mall, and other places that are exciting. We would smile and laugh at the jokes that were said and the memories that were made, everyone wished that every day would be like that. Happiness in everyone. Since they lived in Jacksonville, Florida and I lived in Georgia, a 30–minute drive, I had to go home. The next week, my church had started Vacation Bible School on that Monday for kids 3 years old through the 5th grade. My mom and I had volunteered to help since it was the first day and everyone know how hectic it would be with little kids running around. Before we opened the doors to let people in, I couldn't find my mom but I overheard one of the other workers talking about her saying that Janeth, my mom, got a call about her sister, my aunt, and that she was leaving to go see her. At that point, I got worried so I called her. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Persuasive Essay In this world there is nothing I hate more than a Liar , any person who can sit in my face and tell a fabricated story and deceives with no problem gets zero respect from me. I never understood the point of lying because once a lie is told people have to keep up with it. In order to tell one lie they have to continue to cover the story so at that point they become a liar unless the person comes clean but after that the trust is gone. There is no reason a person should have to say false things because eventually the truth comes out , leaving them looking very stupid and untrustworthy. If everyone was just honest the world would be a much better place. I rather someone hurt me with the truth than comfort me with a lie. Sometimes the truth might ruin everything but if we as humans didn't do wrong by everyone in our lives that wouldn't ever be a problem. " You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" No , I would most definitely not like to speak to you because what I have to say to you Mr. Officer might get me killed. The job of a police officer is to serve and protect but why are so many of us ''colored people'' afraid of the thought of you even being 30 feet away from us. We know they aren't around to help ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Literary Analysis : Kindred By Octavia Butler Kindred Argumentative Essay "It is the law of love that rules mankind. Had violence, hate ruled us we should have become extinct long ago. And yet the tragedy of it is that so–called civilized man and nations conduct themselves as if the basis of society was violence,"(Gandhi). In this quote Gandhi says the main reasons of love and hate are mankind. As well that both control and destroy a human. However, in the end the human chooses the one they will follow. In the outstanding novel Kindred by Octavia Butler. The protagonist, Dana, faces many love and hate situations as she travels back and forth in time. Accordingly, she begins to question whom is to blame for the love and hate crimes. Love and hate are influenced by mankind, both can be controlled and the pair are conscious decisions. One of the main things Dana battles is hate. Hate can be caused because of many artifacts but ironically hate is usually caused by the lack of love. However, hate can be completely controlled. None the less numerous hate causes are because of an individual 's actions.This is proven when Rufus screams at Dana in the following quote "You're not leaving! He shouted. He sort of crouched around the gun on the verge of firing,"(Butler 187). Hate can be portrayed in many ways it doesn't just have to be a specific feeling towards an individual. Hate can be a person 's feeling toward something that another individual has provoked. Rufus proves this point in the quote above. The constant movement ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What I Learned About My Life I knew I forgot to do something yesterday. The feeling had followed me like a shadow all day long, but by the time that I closed my eyes with the moon's light all too visible through the thick gaps of my window's shades, I thought it to be simple paranoia leftover from finally finishing high school. Now that I'm two feet away from Miss Mariam's back gate, however, I suddenly realize what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to drop off that pie to the new neighbor. It's all coming back to me now, even if it's a bit too late for me to actually be able to do anything. When I was running late to catch curfew two days ago, Miss Mariam had caught me for a hurried second with a pie in her hand and told me to bring it to the new girl that ... Show more content on ... Everything is completely fine." "Uh huh," she says. She doesn't mean it, but she doesn 't press the issue any farther. The two of us head to her backyard and out from the corner of my eye, I see her quickly glance at me with her head hilted. From this angle, she doesn't look as old as she normally does. She would hate for me to even mention it out loud, but she's more than thirty years my senior. The South Carolina summer heat causes a little bit of sweat to pool at various places on her aging faces, creating a hazy effect on the familiar age and laughter lines. Oddly enough to some people, the wrinkles there are what makes Miss Mariam look as good as she does. Friendlier perhaps is a better word. It's a visual sign of the number of years that she's been on this planet and the amount of wisdom those years have given her. I don't say of it out loud, instead choosing to focus on shielding my eyes from the violent sun and noting where the latest round of weeds have started to make their debut around the edges of the barbed fence. Even though I help her tend to her garden every week on the dot, the greenery never fails to come back with a vengeance and this day is no different. "What do you even feed your lawn? This amount of keep up can't be normal." I offhandedly mumble the words as I start to make my rounds of ripping the little nuances out of the ground, but I've never been good at lowering my voice on any occasion, so Miss Mariam shoots me a glare. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. My Life Of My Father I was only nine when I had found out that my father had another family; he had a wife and a son. My father had been living with them and would visit me at least once every two months or so, but as soon as I had turned nine, my father introduced my to my half–brother, who was a year and a third older than me. When they visited me, their visits were always brief; time seemed to fly by while I played games with my brother, Ken, but I later learned that it was my father's wife who did not allow him or Ken to visit me and she had not known they were visiting me due to the fact that they would lie. A few years had passed and she had finally accepted the results that I am alive and I was finally able to visit my father 's house and meet her. I had actually gone to my father 's house before while his wife was away on a cruise. My mother had told me heaps of stories about her past that involved my father 's wife, Sue, and they all seemed atrocious. "She knew we were married" my mother uttered, "but, she still told me that, 'She always gets what she wants.'" I couldn 't believe that someone could even consider doing all those awful things, but nevertheless, I was about to meet this mysterious Sue that I had heard so much about. It was the summer of 2011 when I was invited to my father 's house to meet Sue. After hearing all sorts of stories about her, I was quite afraid and anxious. Private thoughts: I do wish to go to my father 's house, so I would be able to hang out ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Best Day Of My Life "If you want to live a happy life tie it to a goal, not to people or things." I think to myself as my dad yells up the stairs. "C'mon Mer, get ready," his fruity voice echoes throughout the halls, booming as if he had a microphone. Echoing off the walls and filling the entire upstairs with his deep voice. Today is the day, my greatest dream and goal finally comes true. The day that dad finally lets me tag along on one of his missions for work. I've been nine for about seven months and he said I was finally ready. He didn't even get to go out on a mission with his father till he was twelve. That means I'm way more advanced than him I don't even try to be modest when I mention it practically every other second. This is literally the best day of my life! I don't see how anything will ever top this, and the day has just begun. I've been learning ever since I could walk to follow in my dad and his father's footsteps to be a Mercenary. It's one of the highest paying and provincial jobs in the Rapture Providence. Everyday I put 110% into my training and studying. Now all my hard work is about to pay off. Dad has taught me everything I need to know, and I've learned a little about everything along the way. I swiftly throw on my clothes, run downstairs, grab my FN Patrol Bolt Rifle, and take two steel bladed throwing knives and sheath them to my body. Then I grab an apple and we're out the door. ***** Dad lets me scope out a hiding place while we wait. He picked the area based off ... Get more on ...
  • 28. My Family Most people think that their lives would be perfect if only certain conditions were met, or circumstances would turn in their favor. I know many of my friends would choose to be rich and famous. Others may choose simple things, like a new house or a car, even a better job. For me, my life would be perfect with these three things. To have more time with my family, have more love and less hate in the world. First, having my family is the most important thing to me. They always help push me to reach my goals and succeed. They also are the ones that give me unconditional love, advice, and even much– needed criticism. I know my family isn't going to be the same for long. My grandpa and grandma are getting older, my aunt is terminally sick, my mom and dad do all they can for me and my siblings but I can see how tired they are. My mom acts like she's always ok but I can tell she's sick and her body hurts and she's tired. My dad works so much, he just wishes he could rest but instead he just keeps asking us, "What else do you need? Or what do you want to sign up for?" For all these reasons, I feel that having more time with my family is the most important thing. They keep me feeling positive and never let me quit. I want to be able to show them how much I love them and thankful I am for them. I want time to slow down and give me a chance to make them proud. Secondly, having more love in the world would make everything better. I have seen first–hand what love can accomplish in a very difficult situation. My mom has always been chatty with everyone and helps people even when she doesn't have something she finds a way to help. I remember my mom struggling to get my sister and me Christmas presents and food one year. I remember she always tried to act like everything was ok, but I remember how sad she was and how she cried at night apologizing for not giving us anything for Christmas. However, the next morning someone knocked on the door, as my mom opened it she saw 4 boxes full of stuff. 1 was presents for my sister, another for me, one for my mom and the other full of food. There was a note that said, "Santa sees the need and the love that is in your home. Merry Christmas." Years passed and things got better. My mom ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Does Love And Hate Intertwine In Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights she conveys that love and hate intertwine; she does this through Heathcliff's relationships with Catherine, Isabella, and Nelly. Bronte uses Heathcliff and Catherine's relationship to show how hate and love can be felt at the same time. She uses Isabella's relationship to show how love and hate are not always a two way street. Finally she uses Nelly's relationship to show how quickly love and hate can flip flop. Heathcliff and Catherine's relationship shows how love and hate intertwine because they both love each other, but also betray each other many times and even marry other people. Bronte shows this concept when Heathcliff confesses his love to Catherine on her deathbed, and says, "'It is hard to forgive, and to look at those eyes, and feel those wasted hands,' he answered. 'Kiss me again; and don't let me see your ... Show more content on ... Nelly expresses this after she has a peculiar encounter with Heathcliff as he reaches the end of his days, she expresses this when she says, "'Is he a ghoul or a vampire?' I mused. I had read of such hideous incarnate demons. And then I set myself to reflect how I had tended him in infancy, and watched him grow to youth, and followed him almost through his whole course; and what absurd nonsense it was to yield to that sense of horror." In this quote Nelly at first is frightened at how evil and menacing Heathcliff can be at sometimes that she even guesses him to be a monster. Nelly then quickly corrects this idea by remembering how she has seen him grow up and all of the struggle he has had to deal with such as Catherine wounding him by marrying someone else. This quote is a great quote because in just 4 lines Bronte shows how a person can both love and hate someone at the same time proving the them which is love and hate ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay on The Emotional Journey in Wide Sargasso Sea The novel Wide Sargasso Sea isn't just a prequel to Jane Eyre, but rather a significant re–writing of the classic Victorian aged writings. This time around Antoinette (Bertha) Mason, a young Creole girl living in the British Colony of Jamaica, and Rochester's marriage is no longer a harsh sub–story. It is actually the main plot in which the genders battle over emotional and economical control. Throughout the blend of twisted romance, island mystery, and deceptive magic, the deep rooted love themes appear. The many emotions of desire, lust, trust, and happiness are portrayed, but also hate, fear, and jealousy. Romantic love, or dreamy love, is continuously portrayed in the novel as the characters bring it into their relationships. They ... Show more content on ... He wants to own her completely, and her fortune and her body are not enough. He has to own her entire sense of self, but to do that, he has to destroy her sanity. Another example is shown in the quote, "All the mad conflicting emotions had gone and left me wearied and empty. Above all I hated her. For she belonged to the magic and the loveliness. She had left me thirsty and all my life would be thirst and longing for what I had lost before I found it. (II.8.33–4)" Here we get some insight into how love and hate can be so closely intertwined for Rochester. If he seeks to own Antoinette's body and soul, it's to fill a void within him. But even though Rochester is repulsed by Antoinette, he still needs her as a reminder of what that something is. "When man don't love you, more you try, more he hate you, man like that. If you love them they treat you bad, if you don't love them they after you night and day bothering your soul case out. (II.5.1.14)," is a great example of how Christophine is using one of those clichés of "playing hard–to–get" and "he's just not into you" to make a point. Christophine is also touching on the basic problem with the way Rochester's desire works. He seeks to own things and shows this by possessing Antoinette. Once she's his, he loses interest because he doesn't need to pursue her anymore. "If I could die. Now, when I am happy. You wouldn't have to kill me. Say die and I will die. I watched her die many ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hockey Family Character Analysis What you are about to read in this story is a busy and crazy family. We are a hockey family.Let me tell you more about the Hansen family. First, there is my dad. Four facts about this person is he likes to hunt, he likes to watch hockey, he is nice, and he is funny. Some activities that this person does in his spare time is clean the lawn, or watch golf or hockey. Memories that I have with this person are when we go hunting.I love this family member because he likes to hangout with me and he's fun.My dad likes hockey he also played it when he was in college.He hates basketball so does my whole family.I would describe my dad as active, busy, helpful, and silly. Second, there is my mom. Four facts about my mom is,She is energetic,funny,she is a hockey mom,she is the greatest mom ever.Activities that this person does in her spare time is she likes to go to movies,she goes shopping,and she hangouts with her kids.Some memories I have with my mom is when we would always play hockey together.I love this family member because she will always help me when I need it and she is nice and funny.My mom likes to travel.One she hates is cats.I would describe my mom as loving,active,clever,polite. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Much Ado About Nothing Theme Essay Short Paper #6: Much Ado About Nothing It is often said, "there's a thin line between love and hate". One, strong–willed character in this story crosses this "thin line" after deeply discovering the both sides of this binary. Love is defined as a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, while hate is a very strong feeling of dislike (Merriam–Webster). Knowing the exact definitions helps one deeper understand the binary. In Much Ado About Nothing, written by William Shakespeare, binaries are created using different themes within the novel. Shakespeare develops characters that give the reader's a full range of themes that have been discussed in this course, I have chosen the most uncertain character of this story, Beatrice, to discuss how she enacts love and hate in the plot. Ultimately, Beatrice moves from a strong, fiery passion of hate to an emotional state of love. She successfully resists change as she is uncertain and completely changes her "ideas" of love, concerning Benedict more specifically. The outcome of this change is positive because she ends up accepting love and finding a man that can fulfill her hefty needs. This first quotation comes before the interrupted wedding. ... Show more content on ... He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that / hath no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him. Therefore I will even take six–pence in earnest of the bearherd and lead his apes into hell. / Leonato: Well then, go you into hell? / Beatrice: No, but to the gate, and there will the devil meet me like an old cuckold with horns on his head, and say, "Get you to heaven, Beatrice, get you to heaven. Here's no place for you maids." So deliver I up my apes, and away to Saint Peter. For the heavens, he shows me where the bachelors sit, and there live we as merry as the day is long" ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Analysis Of Exposure To Hate Speech Exposure to Hate In Depth In Kassidy McMillan's, "Exposure to Hate" WP, she explains how hate speech is involved in our society, and how it is not. She writes about the article titled, "We All Need to Support Hate Speech" by Lee Rowland which describes how hate speech should be exposed to us in our youth so we are aware of the negative aspects in our world. This specific article speaks about how freedom of speech is part of being an adult. Rowland goes on to speak about how it is crucial to live up to our First Amendment rights, and use our freedom of speech to our benefit. We are the generation that can make a change, and Rowland suggests that we use our rights to make a difference. Kassidy mentions how we will become culture shocked if hate isn't unveiled to us when we first witness a form of hatred in our world. She gives us her personal experience with this dilemma and how she was affected by it in her high school years. Her opinion on this topic states that one is never too young to be educated about what's going on in the society that they live in. Contrasting from that, some may believe that people shouldn't be exposed to hatred when they're younger, because they eventually will be anyways... so why ruin their youth? That specific side of the debate believes that people deserve to stay happy and pure for as long as they'd wish to be, without the worry of the overbearing hate that exists in our world. In the "We All Need to Support Free Speech" itself the author, Lee ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Grapes Of Wrath: A Short Story The story I'm about to tell you is a very sad story. It's about how I came to be. How I became this... this... thing; creature if you will. A seemly ugly monstrosity created with one purpose: to devour the love of the souls for the living finds me veil and disgusting. They hate me for my black and ugly heart and my hideous appearance; my long black and oily hair of fungus and mold, my face covered in red Mercury blood dripping slices and bloody boils, my greenish tree bark like skin; dripping of black tar through the holes of my arms and back, and the hate fuels my soul. But, why? Why must I feel these pains? Why must all these hates and pains full my empty soul? I want the love the souls feel. But... But... No matter how hard I try.... I can't reach the souls. And they... just leave... me. Why must I be alone? Dead and alone, in this empty and soulless swamp like land where the dreaded souls moans for the people they lost and the one's who dead by their own hands outta despair and lost hope. But me, I can't mourn. I have no one to mourn in this land of the sad and depressed. I wish I could; it depresses me how much feeling I feel I have lost; not even sadness. What other way is there to feel? You say there is love out there? Oh, yes you say that! You're living, you foolish soul! ... Show more content on ... These people aren't hurting anyone. I wonder some days if I am one of these people; I just sometimes feel I'm not who I want to be, but what right do I have when I don't even know where I was? Was I part of the living? Was I just like them; hate and full of rage? Well.... I have a plan for these meaningless, monsters, and evil souls. I will murder these poor souls with diseases; horrible and terrible diseases until they die from my pain! They will die from creatures like Yersinia pestis and die of Bubo. Yes! Also, they'll die by the hands of nature with her own diseases; at least it won't be by my hands. Good bye, living souls. You will all join me in my pit of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Love And Hate In Poetry Essay The fact is she hates that she loves him. The "Hate poem" is a poem seemly about the authors hate to this guy, the poem is nevertheless misleading at the be beginning, as you read on it seems like something happened between them,and she doesn't want to love him but she does. The speaker continuously goes on expressing her "hate," but some quotes in the poem shows that she really does not hate him. The speakers says "My hesitations when you invite me for a drive: hate." You don't hesitate when you hate someone, accordingly, shows she doesn't whole heartedly hates him. Next the speaker says "You know when I'm sleepy I nuzzle my head under your arm? Hate." This just shows she does not really hate him. The poem is about a broken relationship and ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Norton V. Knighton This is the story of Sue Norton, who's Father and his wife had been murdered. Sue couldn't understand why someone would want to hurt people who were old and poor. She had sat through the trial of Robert Knighton (B.K) and was confused about how she could feel. She said that everyone in the courtroom was filled with hate and they all expected her to feel the same way. But she couldn't hate the way the others did because, it didn't feel good to her. On the last night of the trial she couldn't sleep or eat, so she prayed to God and asked him to help. In the morning she thought to herself, "Sue, you don't have to hate B.K, you could forgive him." The next day, Sue had permission to visit B.K in his cell. She was frightened as he was big and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. How Is Kate Presented In Taming Of The Shrew In The play Taming of the Shrew and 10 things I hate about you Katherine is thought of as a disgrace and for speaking her mind and not being a perfect catch like her sister Bianca. Bianca appears to be perfect, but as she understands why Kate is so stone cold, Bianca realizes that Kate's reasoning's are sensible and as both the play and movie go on Bianca soon takes some of Katherine's traits. Kate and Bianca in Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You are expected to be what others want them and picture them to be, but sometimes people who want them to be is not who they are comfortable with being. The story of these women and their expectations placed on them by males is timeless as we see it in the 16th century and 1990's. We ... Show more content on ... Times may change, but people don't. Women particularities seem to care what others think about them especially guys. But maybe it isn't just guy's? Maybe women try to impress other women or out due others. Everybody lives his or her lives to impress somebody, which is pretty crappy considering that we just need to be happy with ourselves, and when things don't work out we are devastated. Kate mentioned in the play Taming of the shrew "My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break." (Shakespeare 4.3.79–80) and In the movie Kate also says a very strong poem; "I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots. And the way you read my mind. I hate you so much that it makes me sick. It even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate the way you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Personal Narrative: From Moving To A New School I just moved to a new town and i'm not the social type. I'm used to moving almost every year we move, but this year my dad said that we would stay (I don't believe him), I just make friends and have fun then we moved. So this time I might make a few friends. Its the beginning of fall so I guess I get to start over like everyone else (I guess). So that means school is just around the corner so I guess it's time to start making friends. I started to go to local parks and try to meet people when this girl named Emma saw me. She came over and asked (very rudely) "So loser are you new?" So I responded "Yeah but why it doesn't seem like you like me very much. I'm just meeting Kenzie here." (I knew kenzie scenic we were kids) "Lies don't lie ... Show more content on ... The reason for the bruises and cuts are because of her, she threatens me and she is just a terrible person. This all started when we moved, but we can't move remember." My dad just sat there speechless for a while, but then he said "Shaly why didn't you come to me quicker" and that was the end of our conversation. So the next day I came home with more bruises my dad thought it had gotten too far so he called the cops and told them what was going on and they went and talked to her and gave her a big fine and now we don't see each other at all any more. So she wasn't allowed to come back to school for a month and had to do work at ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Analysis Of The Movie ' Spike Lee ' Spike Lee is an Afro–American director who has developed more fame and importance in the last 20 years. He portrays his stories in a way that nothing is fictitious and many of them are written about some real events. Lee has co–produced many of his films and has acted in some small roles within them. According to IMDb (2016), Lee 's work consists of: 26 films, 30 television programs, 45 commercials, 15 short films, starred in several films, and was a producer and writer of many other works. Although, his films are somewhat irregular in terms of color palettes, shots, and exposition. Regarding the plot, he is considered a drama director. Also, his works always emphasize action and occasionally comedy. Based on all the above, Lee 's career will be analyzed from his early work in the film industry, his career, and some of his most notable and recognized works. For example, in many of the films I have seen so far, Spike Lee tends to substantiate his works in many cultural, social, and political problems: besides the racism suffered by many African Americans in the United States mainly. Lee became a director of promise with his first long film, "She has to have it" (1986), according to McGowan (2014). This film was shot in around two weeks and cost around $175,000 to make, but grossed more than $7 million, becoming in one of the most profitable films created in 1986. Lee often takes a critical look at race relations, political problems, crime, and violence. His film "Do the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Turtle Fun Book Report Awww look its my old "turtle fun" book well not old just like 3 weeks old I made it when we started the westing game... What's in your turtle fun book? Flora asked. Well I based it off the movie mean girls with the burn book, anyways I basically make fun of people. Oh well can I see it? Flora asked. Umm well sure but be aware it is all about the people in the Westing Game. As flora opened the book it was filled but it started with her mom...oh no here we go. Grace/mom: I hate hate hate hate hate hate my mom why is angela her favorite I am great to you know and why does angela like mom, mom is growing a beard! Mom thinks she is so cool but SHE'S NOT!!!When angela puts makeup on and a dress mom tears up, oh they're tears of joy. But when i ... Get more on ...