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03	|	 Why It’s Best To Invest In BI
05	|	 Barriers to BI
07	|	 BI Wins
08	|	 Making Your ROI Case
10	|	 11 BI Goals To Consider
14	|	 11 Investment Costs Not To Miss Out
15	|	 Where Do We Come In?
17	|	 Trust In Us
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Why It’s Best To Invest In BI
Your business has systems producing data.
You need to get and analyse that data and
report it to the right people at the right time
so they can act on it. Maybe you also need
to scale up your current BI, reduce costs and
eliminate system bottlenecks.
You know your company needs to invest in the right
Business Intelligence (BI) in order to comply, react and
thrive in this ever-changing world.
One thing is certain… BI is now essential to company
decision-making – it drives every business.
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Which BI Solution?
If you’re trying to decide on the ideal provider for your
BI then check out “8 Steps To BI Success” - guiding you
through whilst avoiding common pitfalls – it’s your best
path for an informed choice.
Getting Your Team On Board
So how do you make the case for BI? You’ll need to justify
the expense and assess the actual benefits BI should
give your business. When making this case to your team,
what should feature in your Return-on-Investment (ROI)
Your ROI Assessment
The BI wisdom and proof is right here – a framework for
your ROI assessment. It covers the barriers you could face
and the wins you might expect. There’s 11 BI goals to aim
for, along with 11 costs often overlooked, plus BI success
stories dotted around to inspire you.
You know the time for BI is now, let’s start letting your
team know too.
Need help choosing a solution?
‘8 Steps to BI Success’ walks you through.
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Barriers to BI
Our experience tells us that many companies suffer from 3 fundamental issues in delivering
cost-effective BI. Before you start making the case for your chosen solution, ensure you’ve
considered these potentials barriers...
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UK Telecomms
“BI paid for itself several times over”
Manual staff hours eliminated
Drastic reduction in stock
shortages through event
triggers / alerts
Better customer satisfaction,
less complaints
Paid for itself several
times over
Inefficient supply chain
with manual processes
Unforeseen benefits &
new ideas now BI is
available to all
Will It Handle Volume & Complexity?
Ensure your solution is scalable - to manage and automate
possibly thousands of different reports being delivered
to any number of recipients in a huge variety of formats,
protocols and schedules.
Is It Responsive & Always Learning?
Does it support self-service, ad-hoc and event-driven
reports and will it flag up any failures (such as data errors,
delivery failures, processing glitches)?
Will It Be Compliant?
Confirm it will comply with all relevant regulations and
business standards.
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BI Wins
We see dramatic changes at companies
that choose an enterprise-wide reporting
What happens when… people get the information they
need, when they need it, in the format they want…?
Top Results We See From Great BI
01	 Increased sales
02	 Better and faster decision-making
03	 No more manual processing or distribution
04	 Staff cost reduction
05	 Better internal communications, site & company-wide
06	 Detect inefficiencies or new opportunities that had
been invisible
07	 Enable new and better processes
08	 Quality improvement information
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Making Your ROI Case
Who’s Your Audience?
As you compile your case for investing in BI, always
keep in mind what your team will care most about. The
requirements of your ROI analysis will vary depending on
your company size, sophistication and culture.
What Drives Decision-making
In Your Company?
Do you have a “show me the numbers” management
team who make quick decisions based on quantifiable
net gains within a fixed – and sometimes arbitrary – time
period (e.g., one year). Or will you be expected to present
specialized rates of return, multiple payback periods,
opportunity costs and the time value of money?
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Assessing Value Over Money
It’s not always about money. Sometimes ROI involves
factors that are less tangible and harder to measure.
Segmenting various aspects of the “return” in ROI is a
useful exercise for separating the important factors from
that which is valued less. Some organizations (or leaders)
value all quadrants of this matrix. Others don’t. You
should allocate your effort proportionally.
Expense reduction
Cost avoidance
US Metropolitan
Public Hospital
“Reduction of risk is biggest
benefit by far, life-saving”
Risk reduction critical
to patients’ lives
Automate data synchronisation
More & better notifications
Trigger event-driven updates
without human intervention
Reliable system, lives
depend on accuracy
Costs dropped by 2/3,
saving $274K annually
Fixing data errors across
isolated systems
Corrective work to synchronise
data costing $412K
Sales funnel metrics
More channel contacts
Customer satistfaction
User convenience
Sales process gaps
Operational backlogs
c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m
11 BI Goals To Consider
Your company probably wants to automate
more to do more, grow more and spend less
- without any of it costing too much. Be clear
about the goals of your BI investment, and
how progress will be measured.
01	 REDUCE / AVOID Labor Costs
How many people are working on centralized report
distribution admin? How much time are end-users
spending making and sending out reports? How many
more people or labor hours would be required to
scale the existing report management and distribution
processes to required levels? Translate these answers
into actual costs and then estimate the savings from
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02	 ADOPTION Success
How do you ensure successful BI implementation, with
quick and easy adoption by business users, and built in
“encouragement to use” to persuade users to get the most
out of the investment?
03	 NEW Capabilities
Does your company need event- or threshold-driven
reporting automation? If so, what actual benefits do you
want to see across the enterprise, either in costs or other
benefits? Will you be able to extend reporting services to
people and organizations that wanted them, but couldn’t
have them previously? How would they benefit?
04	 RELIABLE Delivery
The right reports to the right people in the right format
at the right time. Do you have tangible costs associated
with delayed or incorrect reports as a result of manual
processes? What happens to decision-making without
timely and accurate reports? What would the quantifiable
benefit(s) be if these problems disappeared?
05	 PROCESS Enablement
Does report distribution need to be automatic to support
new or evolving processes? If so, what would be the cost
to the company of not implementing those processes?
US Healthcare
Information Provider
“Vast improvements
in customer care”
More variety in the
reports provided
Leading to a bigger audience
& more interest
Leading to far more business!
Customer service far more
responsive & efficient
ROI within 3 months plus $5.5K
annual savings since
Inefficient manual
custom reporting
Automated custom
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06	 CUSTOMER / PARTNER Satisfaction
What would additional or better reporting capabilities
mean for customers, partners and other external entities?
More trust, loyalty, confidence? Personal or corporate
satisfaction is clearly harder to measure in monetary
terms but is still critical for maintaining and increasing
07	 LEGAL Compliance
In certain business functions and in some industries,
proper reporting is required to avoid penalties or
sanctions. The cost of meeting those requirements
may be prohibitive without a robust report distribution
More and better reporting underpins better business
intelligence. Visibility into the efficiency of enterprise
operations may reveal opportunities to close gaps or to
increase revenue. This is difficult to quantify in advance
because “you don’t know what you don’t know”. Making
the invisible visible could well be the innovation that
future-boosts your business.
09	 SECURITY Protection
Have you addressed the cost of dealing with any hacking
fallout? This could quickly outweigh any other benefits, so
it needs some serious thought.
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10 	 EXTEND Functionality
The cost of decommissioning existing software – and re-
training users – should be considered.  Ideally, your new
software should build on (re-use) some, if not all, of your
existing infrastructure.
11 	 RISKY Business
Who will be your BI supplier? Smaller, newer companies
in the market tend to be more innovating and flexible,
but it’s a risky choice – after all, no-one ever lost their job
buying from IBM. Do you risk going cheap for a lower
price or are you trusted to select an evidently higher
quality product with vastly more experienced service that’s
much easier to deal with?
US Aircraft
“Dramatic improvements
across the board”
Automated work reports saves
1000 work hours every year
Able to expand business without
needing more staff
Faster & better management
decisions, based on superior and
timely operational reporting
ROI within 3 months
plus $200K reduction for
maintaining 5 paint bays
Inefficient & expensive
time-based maintenance
procedures, need to save
time & money
Automatic monitoring,
reporting & work orders
based on usage instead of time,
part of a drastic change to all
manufacturing operations
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11 Investment Costs
Not To Miss Out
01	 Software licensing & support
02	 Supporting infrastructure – local or cloud-based
03	 Consulting & training (and possible travel)
04	 Implementation plan
05	 Testing
06	 Definition of reporting maintenance processes
07	 Information security policies and processes
08	 Labor for initial implementation
09	 Labor for ongoing maintenance
10 	 Measuring and reporting of the project itself
11 	 Change management
The investment side of the ROI equation goes beyond the software cost, don’t forget about...
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Where Do We Come In?
ChristianSteven Software doesn’t reinvent the wheel, as there’s a plethora of good business
intelligence and reporting tools out there, such as Crystal Reports and Microsoft SQL Server
Reporting Services and we want our customers to preserve their existing investments in those.
But they tend not to provide the full report distribution and process automation platform that
enterprises need today.
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We provide what’s missing and what your
company needs for truly effective reporting
and distribution, such as:
●● Scaling the volume and reach of enterprise
reporting with a sophisticated architecture that
automates manual processes
●● Linking to any data source, regardless of the
location, to drive triggers and threshold notifications
requiring human or automatic responses
●● Offering limitless format, delivery platform and
scheduling options
●● We have helped hundreds of companies create
their own reporting success stories
●● We understand how to provide what you need
efficiently and quickly
●● We are experts who have seen it all
Let us assist you in preparing a strong ROI
justification for your management.
US Printing &
Distribution Service
“Improvements on top
of cost savings”
A huge leap in
customer satisfaction
Accurate inventory
All data available company-wide
Human error eliminated
$56K every year
Manual processing of all
orders, inventory, shipping
& customer management,
costing $60K annually
Automate almost all
manual processes
We will target…
●● Quick set-up and simple use
●● Less or no repetitive tasks or manual processes
●● Cost and labor reduction by automating business
processes and reports from one application
●● Happier customers via mass personalized distribution
●● Reliable data provision and SOX Compliance, through
automated report generation
●● Browser-based interfaces for access anytime and place
●● Making the most from your existing hardware and
software investments
●● Keeping training and implementation costs low
●● A low total cost of ownership
Contact us today for a complimentary
BI Strategy Assessment:
ChristianSteven Software LLC
11020 David Taylor Dr, Suite 317
Charlotte NC 28262, USA
(888) 781-8966
Trust In Us

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BI: The ROI of Business Intelligence- Why It's Best To Invest In BI

  • 1. T h e R O I O F B u s i n e s s I n t e l l i g e n c e
  • 2. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Contents 03 | Why It’s Best To Invest In BI 05 | Barriers to BI 07 | BI Wins 08 | Making Your ROI Case 10 | 11 BI Goals To Consider 14 | 11 Investment Costs Not To Miss Out 15 | Where Do We Come In? 17 | Trust In Us
  • 3. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Why It’s Best To Invest In BI Your business has systems producing data. You need to get and analyse that data and report it to the right people at the right time so they can act on it. Maybe you also need to scale up your current BI, reduce costs and eliminate system bottlenecks. You know your company needs to invest in the right Business Intelligence (BI) in order to comply, react and thrive in this ever-changing world. One thing is certain… BI is now essential to company decision-making – it drives every business.
  • 4. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Which BI Solution? If you’re trying to decide on the ideal provider for your BI then check out “8 Steps To BI Success” - guiding you through whilst avoiding common pitfalls – it’s your best path for an informed choice. Getting Your Team On Board So how do you make the case for BI? You’ll need to justify the expense and assess the actual benefits BI should give your business. When making this case to your team, what should feature in your Return-on-Investment (ROI) assessment? Your ROI Assessment The BI wisdom and proof is right here – a framework for your ROI assessment. It covers the barriers you could face and the wins you might expect. There’s 11 BI goals to aim for, along with 11 costs often overlooked, plus BI success stories dotted around to inspire you. You know the time for BI is now, let’s start letting your team know too. Need help choosing a solution? ‘8 Steps to BI Success’ walks you through.
  • 5. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Barriers to BI Our experience tells us that many companies suffer from 3 fundamental issues in delivering cost-effective BI. Before you start making the case for your chosen solution, ensure you’ve considered these potentials barriers...
  • 6. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m UK Telecomms Provider “BI paid for itself several times over” Benefits Manual staff hours eliminated Drastic reduction in stock shortages through event triggers / alerts Better customer satisfaction, less complaints Savings Paid for itself several times over Challenges Inefficient supply chain with manual processes Needs Unforeseen benefits & new ideas now BI is available to all Will It Handle Volume & Complexity? Ensure your solution is scalable - to manage and automate possibly thousands of different reports being delivered to any number of recipients in a huge variety of formats, protocols and schedules. Is It Responsive & Always Learning? Does it support self-service, ad-hoc and event-driven reports and will it flag up any failures (such as data errors, delivery failures, processing glitches)? Will It Be Compliant? Confirm it will comply with all relevant regulations and business standards.
  • 7. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m BI Wins We see dramatic changes at companies that choose an enterprise-wide reporting framework. What happens when… people get the information they need, when they need it, in the format they want…? Top Results We See From Great BI 01 Increased sales 02 Better and faster decision-making 03 No more manual processing or distribution 04 Staff cost reduction 05 Better internal communications, site & company-wide 06 Detect inefficiencies or new opportunities that had been invisible 07 Enable new and better processes 08 Quality improvement information
  • 8. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Making Your ROI Case Who’s Your Audience? As you compile your case for investing in BI, always keep in mind what your team will care most about. The requirements of your ROI analysis will vary depending on your company size, sophistication and culture. What Drives Decision-making In Your Company? Do you have a “show me the numbers” management team who make quick decisions based on quantifiable net gains within a fixed – and sometimes arbitrary – time period (e.g., one year). Or will you be expected to present specialized rates of return, multiple payback periods, opportunity costs and the time value of money?
  • 9. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Assessing Value Over Money It’s not always about money. Sometimes ROI involves factors that are less tangible and harder to measure. Segmenting various aspects of the “return” in ROI is a useful exercise for separating the important factors from that which is valued less. Some organizations (or leaders) value all quadrants of this matrix. Others don’t. You should allocate your effort proportionally. Expense reduction Cost avoidance US Metropolitan Public Hospital “Reduction of risk is biggest benefit by far, life-saving” Benefits Risk reduction critical to patients’ lives Automate data synchronisation More & better notifications Trigger event-driven updates without human intervention Needs Reliable system, lives depend on accuracy Savings Costs dropped by 2/3, saving $274K annually Challenges Fixing data errors across isolated systems Corrective work to synchronise data costing $412K Efficiency Objective Sales funnel metrics More channel contacts Subjective Customer satistfaction User convenience Sales process gaps Operational backlogs Opportunity
  • 10. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m 11 BI Goals To Consider Your company probably wants to automate more to do more, grow more and spend less - without any of it costing too much. Be clear about the goals of your BI investment, and how progress will be measured. 01 REDUCE / AVOID Labor Costs How many people are working on centralized report distribution admin? How much time are end-users spending making and sending out reports? How many more people or labor hours would be required to scale the existing report management and distribution processes to required levels? Translate these answers into actual costs and then estimate the savings from automation.
  • 11. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m 02 ADOPTION Success How do you ensure successful BI implementation, with quick and easy adoption by business users, and built in “encouragement to use” to persuade users to get the most out of the investment? 03 NEW Capabilities Does your company need event- or threshold-driven reporting automation? If so, what actual benefits do you want to see across the enterprise, either in costs or other benefits? Will you be able to extend reporting services to people and organizations that wanted them, but couldn’t have them previously? How would they benefit? 04 RELIABLE Delivery The right reports to the right people in the right format at the right time. Do you have tangible costs associated with delayed or incorrect reports as a result of manual processes? What happens to decision-making without timely and accurate reports? What would the quantifiable benefit(s) be if these problems disappeared? 05 PROCESS Enablement Does report distribution need to be automatic to support new or evolving processes? If so, what would be the cost to the company of not implementing those processes? US Healthcare Information Provider “Vast improvements in customer care” Benefits More variety in the reports provided Leading to a bigger audience & more interest Leading to far more business! Customer service far more responsive & efficient Savings ROI within 3 months plus $5.5K annual savings since Challenges Inefficient manual custom reporting Needs Automated custom reporting
  • 12. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m 06 CUSTOMER / PARTNER Satisfaction What would additional or better reporting capabilities mean for customers, partners and other external entities? More trust, loyalty, confidence? Personal or corporate satisfaction is clearly harder to measure in monetary terms but is still critical for maintaining and increasing revenue. 07 LEGAL Compliance In certain business functions and in some industries, proper reporting is required to avoid penalties or sanctions. The cost of meeting those requirements may be prohibitive without a robust report distribution architecture. 08 OPPORTUNITIES Revealed More and better reporting underpins better business intelligence. Visibility into the efficiency of enterprise operations may reveal opportunities to close gaps or to increase revenue. This is difficult to quantify in advance because “you don’t know what you don’t know”. Making the invisible visible could well be the innovation that future-boosts your business. 09 SECURITY Protection Have you addressed the cost of dealing with any hacking fallout? This could quickly outweigh any other benefits, so it needs some serious thought.
  • 13. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m 10 EXTEND Functionality The cost of decommissioning existing software – and re- training users – should be considered.  Ideally, your new software should build on (re-use) some, if not all, of your existing infrastructure. 11 RISKY Business Who will be your BI supplier? Smaller, newer companies in the market tend to be more innovating and flexible, but it’s a risky choice – after all, no-one ever lost their job buying from IBM. Do you risk going cheap for a lower price or are you trusted to select an evidently higher quality product with vastly more experienced service that’s much easier to deal with? US Aircraft Manufacturer “Dramatic improvements across the board” Benefits Automated work reports saves 1000 work hours every year Able to expand business without needing more staff Faster & better management decisions, based on superior and timely operational reporting Savings ROI within 3 months plus $200K reduction for maintaining 5 paint bays Challenges Inefficient & expensive time-based maintenance procedures, need to save time & money Needs Automatic monitoring, reporting & work orders based on usage instead of time, part of a drastic change to all manufacturing operations
  • 14. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m 11 Investment Costs Not To Miss Out 01 Software licensing & support 02 Supporting infrastructure – local or cloud-based 03 Consulting & training (and possible travel) 04 Implementation plan 05 Testing 06 Definition of reporting maintenance processes 07 Information security policies and processes 08 Labor for initial implementation 09 Labor for ongoing maintenance 10 Measuring and reporting of the project itself 11 Change management The investment side of the ROI equation goes beyond the software cost, don’t forget about...
  • 15. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m Where Do We Come In? ChristianSteven Software doesn’t reinvent the wheel, as there’s a plethora of good business intelligence and reporting tools out there, such as Crystal Reports and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and we want our customers to preserve their existing investments in those. But they tend not to provide the full report distribution and process automation platform that enterprises need today.
  • 16. c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m | ( 8 8 8 ) 7 8 1 - 8 9 6 6 | i n f o @ c h r i s t i a n s t e v e n . c o m We provide what’s missing and what your company needs for truly effective reporting and distribution, such as: ●● Scaling the volume and reach of enterprise reporting with a sophisticated architecture that automates manual processes ●● Linking to any data source, regardless of the location, to drive triggers and threshold notifications requiring human or automatic responses ●● Offering limitless format, delivery platform and scheduling options And... ●● We have helped hundreds of companies create their own reporting success stories ●● We understand how to provide what you need efficiently and quickly ●● We are experts who have seen it all Let us assist you in preparing a strong ROI justification for your management. US Printing & Distribution Service “Improvements on top of cost savings” Benefits A huge leap in customer satisfaction Accurate inventory All data available company-wide Human error eliminated Savings $56K every year Challenges Manual processing of all orders, inventory, shipping & customer management, costing $60K annually Needs Automate almost all manual processes
  • 17. We will target… ●● Quick set-up and simple use ●● Less or no repetitive tasks or manual processes ●● Cost and labor reduction by automating business processes and reports from one application ●● Happier customers via mass personalized distribution ●● Reliable data provision and SOX Compliance, through automated report generation ●● Browser-based interfaces for access anytime and place ●● Making the most from your existing hardware and software investments ●● Keeping training and implementation costs low ●● A low total cost of ownership Contact us today for a complimentary BI Strategy Assessment: ChristianSteven Software LLC 11020 David Taylor Dr, Suite 317 Charlotte NC 28262, USA (888) 781-8966 Trust In Us