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School of Business
Realizing Business Dreams!
The Perks of Studying
Business Abroad
Know the Perks
Shantou University
Things to Consider While
Studying in Asia
Study Asia
Center for Excellence
SEPT 2022 #01
to S t u d y
in Asia, 2022
Center for Excellence
Volume - 09
Issue - 1
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from the
Profit is not
something to add on
at the end; it is
something to plan for
in the beginning.
- Megan
here do the most business opportunities lie?’ Or let me rephrase the question in a
more personalised way, ‘When and where will the business lourish?’
Obviously, the answer would vary from geographical specialities to modern
lifestyles and advancements. But what builds the basis of business is people. Often ignored by
the masses, modern businesses target one large product for a few. Still, if you observe the arc
of successful businesses, they have often grown with one product for everyone.
As the global business paradigm shift is changing swiftly from American and European
countries to Asian countries, the pull for studying modern education in these countries has
become extremely essential. Many of the youngsters going with the transition of the changing
winds of modern business have opted to understand and learn the means and methods of
business code of conduct in the ever evolving and geo strategic market—Asia.
Having said that, Asia has always lourished with quality education, which was later
transferred to different parts of the world by various kings, invaders, colonisers, preachers,
etc. the education in luenced by region, languages and culture, was later attempted to bring
on the same page in the mid-20th century.
However, despite several attempts, traditional education and ideologies have remained and
have evolved to adapt to the modern requirements of education. Now that the winds of
business are lowing towards the highly anticipated, crowded and wisdom- illed cities of
Asia, many universities have upgraded themselves to teach modern business with
relevance to the changing business paradigm of the world.
For this edition—Best Universities to Study Business in Asia, 2022—we ventured
out across Asia to give students a well-researched booklet that would guide them in
choosing the ideal university to study business.
So, let this edition be the guiding light for those who are looking to study
modern-day business from Asia. Go through the pro iles and interviews to
learn the intricacies of some of the inest universities in Asia. Also, look at
the articles curated by our in-house editorial team that would guide you
to holistic education.
Now, lip the pages and start your search for the best university
for you to study business!
- Ashlesh Khadse
Editorial Director
on the Winds of Business Education
Realizing Business Dreams!
Cover Story
- Dr Jawahar Surisetti
The Perks
of Studying
Business Abroad
Dr Gaur
Creating the Future
Business Leaders
Faculty of
Management Studies,
Offering World with
Creative Management
Building and
the Future of
- Dr Richa Arora
38 Things to Consider
While Studying in Asia
School of Business
Realizing Business Dreams!
What do you
think has
linked human
development and
progression together?
Business! Undoubtedly,
business interconnects
human needs with wants.
Moreover, it has been the
still standing principle
since humanity ventured
into civilization's deep
Be it in the form of a
barter system or the
structure of currency
trade. The dynamics of
commerce and business
have changed as the need
of people, demand in the
market, and target
audience have changed.
Today business involves
different aspects, and
stepping into the market
needs appropriate
knowledge and studies.
Being one of the most
pro itable sectors, suiting
this age where everyone
desires to stand their own
grounds, business
education seems to be a
key to the door of
opportunities. Many
students enroll themselves
in educational institutions
with the dream of a bright
One institution that
provides wings to
dreamers is the School of
Business, Shantou
Let's have a look into
this provider of wings.
Looking into Shantou
University's Journey
With its establishment in
May 1996, the School of
Business, Shantou
University has successively
been selected as the
comprehensive reform
pilot college in Guangdong
Province, the Innovation
Experimental Zone of
talent training mode in
Guangdong Province
(integrated thinking
economic management
talent training), and the
practice teaching base for
college students in
Guangdong Province.
At present, it has two
irst-level master's degree
programs in Business
Administration and
Applied Economics, and a
professional master's
degree program in
Business Administration
(MBA). There are ive
undergraduate majors in
Business Administration,
Economics and Trade,
Finance and Marketing
National first-class undergraduate major construction site
Characteristic major construction site of the Ministry of Education
Famous brand major of Guangdong Province
National first-class undergraduate major construction site
Pilot major of Guangdong Province for comprehensive professional reform
National first-class undergraduate major construction site
Characteristic major construction site of Guangdong Province
Economics and Trade
Marketing Management
Characteristic major construction site of Guangdong Province
Provincial first-class undergraduate major construction site
Provincial first-class undergraduate major construction site
19 %
16 %
94 %
60 %
48 %
The school has now
formed disciplinary teams
featuring innovation and
management, organization
and strategic management,
accounting and inancial
management, big data and
supply chain management,
and industrial economics.
It owns an Institute of
Enterprise Cooperation,
which is a key research
base for humanities and
social sciences in
universities in Guangdong
Business School is
committed to
advancing with
the times and
education in
managers with
spirit, ability to
innovate, and
willingness to take
Learning about local
businesses and
serving the immediate
committing to
globally recognized
standards of teaching
and research,
building on distinctive
strengths, and striving
for a first-class
Pillars of the Institution
to be
and to
their ideas
well with
Excelling the Learning
The school actively
promotes and implements
the 'Arti icial Intelligence
and Big Data plus
interdisciplinary talent
training system. It has
formed the characteristics
of multidisciplinary
integration and focuses on
cultivating integrated
thinking, innovation, and
entrepreneurial capability.
The school has improved
the curriculum design of
the undergraduate
program in accordance
with the needs of the
country and society to
cultivate project
management personnel.
Currently, the program has
been af irmed by society.
Training students to be
innovative problem
solvers and to
communicate their ideas
well with others is the
second strategic focus of
the institute. It pays more
attention to the courses
related to innovation, and
students strive to be
innovative in practice.
Outside The Playground
The school utilizes many
external resources to
support the development
of students' soft skills
through inancial
assistance and a variety of
extracurricular activities.
This includes organizing
extracurricular activities
and outreach programs
such as student leadership
seminars, peer experience
sharing sessions, career
development workshops,
alumni forums, and
innovative entrepreneur-
ship programs. It also
supports students in
participating in national
and international case
competitions, simulation
challenges, business plan
challenges, and other
events along with various
competitions. In recent
years, it has implemented
service learning to foster
student leadership and
promote student
participation in society.
Following are the
developments of the
school in the past three
Tech To Make Accessible
The Experimental Teach-
ing Centre for Business
Administration of the
School, with an area of 589
square meters, includes a
software simulation
laboratory and a room for
sandbox experiments and
skills practice. The two
labs are equipped with
120 network-connected
desktop computers.
The labs undertake
experimental teaching
tasks for Business Admin-
istration and economics
majors, including experi-
mental courses and
projects. The lab environ-
ment, safety, and protec-
tion are in line with
national norms.
The labs can adapt to
students' open manage-
ment and independent
learning needs with
humanized design,
informatization, and
networking conditions.
The resource room has a
collection of 5,404
business administration
books and 453 journals
and databases for the use
of all teachers and
students at the school.
Management on campus
is carried out using
information technology.
The university's MYSTU
(e-learning) system is the
main online learning
platform for teaching
courses, where the tuition
activities are thoroughly
73 Projects
316 Participants
40 School
Level Projects
23 Provincial
Level Projects
10 National
Level Projects
Watering the Sprouting
The school has built
special interdisciplinary
platforms. It will integrate
researchers from different
ields inside and outside
the school, form a full-time
research team, and
facilitate the construction
of interdisciplinary
platforms, including the
Big Data and Health
Industry Research Centre
and the Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Strategy
Research Centre. The
research centers focus on
health industry chains,
technological innovation
and entrepreneurship,
family business
inheritance, governance
mechanisms, and other
The school implements
re ined education, small
class sizes, and high
teaching quality. It also
arranges tutors for each
undergraduate student to
provide academic
guidance and assistance
throughout their
university studies.
Since 2019, the Li Ka-
Shing Foundation has set
up a special scholarship
program in Shantou
University to implement
full-tuition awards for
undergraduate students
and support Shantou
University to become the
irst public comprehensive
university in China to
award full-time
undergraduate tuition fees
During the pandemic,
the school actively
explored a new model of
hybrid teaching that
integrates online and
of line, gave full play to the
advantages of sharing and
co-creating online
technology and digital
resources, supported
students, differentiated,
and personalized learning
realized the diversi ication
of teaching subjects, and
laid a good foundation for
the lexibility of teaching
time and space.
Setting the Pace to Face
the World
The school's strategy
places special emphasis on
'Committing to globally
recognized standards of
teaching and research.' It
has established
international cooperation
with overseas universities
to expand the network of
partners and develop
exchange programs so that
more students can go
abroad and improve the
level of
The school supports
teachers in conducting
cooperative research with
universities, focusing on
global hotspots, and
internationalized research
output. It also co-
organizes academic
activities with prestigious
universities to promote
academic exchanges
between the institute and
universities and enhance
the in luence of the
institute overseas.
The school has a
scholarship policy that
speci ically funds students
to participate in exchange
programs abroad, most of
which have mutual tuition
waivers, and some
programs even support
students' living expenses.
Some programs offer
tuition discounts for
Shantou graduates who
pursue further studies
The School of Business
has signed formal
cooperation agreements
with 27 overseas
institutions including in
Ireland, Russia, USA,
Canada, Portugal, France,
Lithuania, Singapore,
South Korea, Thailand,
India, Hong Kong SAR of
China, and Taiwan of China
and has carried out
various types of exchange
and cooperation programs.
For example, in 2020,
the school signed a
cooperation agreement
with Ural Federal
University in Russia, the
irst partner in Russia. In
2021, it signed a
cooperation agreement
with Woxsen University in
India, the irst partner in
India. The school has also
established cooperative
training projects with
international partners. For
example, the school and
Claremont Graduate
University in America have
established a '4+1'
undergraduate and master
fast track.
Responding to the trend of
internationalization of
business education, the
School of Business has
joined European
Foundation for
Management Development
(EFMD), The Association
to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business
(AACSB), Silk Road
Education Network
(SREEN), and has obtained
the of icial membership of
the Business Graduates
Association (BGA), an
international accrediting
body for business
Arranging for Bright
The school's Careers Of ice
helps students to plan
their careers from their
irst year and deepens
their educational guidance
through a series of
activities or courses.
Freshmen's professional
introduction sessions and
'Introduction to
Programme' courses
speci ically. School
students are required to
take a course on 'Career
Planning for
The school organizes
internships and provides
funds to require students
to complete three practical
internship activities
during the school years.
Students are also provided
with different types of
internship positions
according to the
characteristics of each
major. For example, for
positions in Business
Administration, the
positions offered are to
companies and
organizations related to
this discipline. For
positions in inance,
internships in banks,
securities, and other types
of placements are offered.
Milestone Achievements
• Business School is
designated as the
Reform Pilot College
for Universities and
the Provincial
Practical Teaching
Base in Guangdong.
The school also owns
an Institute of
Cooperation, which is
a key research base
for humanities and
social sciences in
universities in
Guangdong Province.
• Business School
currently owns two
irst-level post-
graduate programs of
Administration and
Applied Economics
and the Master of
(MBA), three national
and two provincial
majors in the 'Double
Ten Thousand Plan'.
• Since 2018, teachers
have won one
National Teaching
Achievement Award
and four Guangdong
of China
France Russia
Thailand USA
Hong Kong
SAR of China
Recruitment Inforamtion
Served : 300+ Enterprises
700+ Students
Experience-Sharing Session
12 Sessions
900+ Participants
Alumni Sharing Session
6 Sessions
500+ Participants
Internship Mobilization Meeting
3 Meetings
750+ Participants
Provincial Education
Achievement Awards.
One course
conducted by the
school faculty is
listed in the irst
batch of National
• Business School has
formed academic
teams with
distinctive directions.
In 2021, the school
faculty had been
funded by over three
national and 21
projects and
published 52 high-
level research papers
as the irst author or
author, among which
UT Dallas's
international top
journal has accepted
• In the past three
years, the students at
the institute have
won 85 awards in
various innovation
competitions, with
297 students
involved in the
• In 2018, the MBA
program passed the
quali ication
assessment of the
degree authorization
point of the Degree
Committee of the
State Council.
Initiating The Change
The School of Business has
had a fruitful collaboration
with these academic
partners all over the
world, including in Asia.
The faculty members of
Shantou University
maintain close academic
cooperation with faculty
members from prestigious
universities worldwide. In
the areas of innovation,
strategy, organizational
behaviour, and
environmental economics,
they have jointly organized
important international
academic conferences and
workshops. This has led to
an increase in articles
published in international
journals by faculty
members of the School of
The school encourages
faculty members to go
abroad for exchange,
training, and study visits
to explore the frontiers of
research. In the past three
years, 24 faculty members
have been sent to various
countries for academic
exchange and training
activities especially during
the tough time of COVID-
From 2019–2021,
students at the school
have participated in 161
outbound exchange
activities abroad. The
school has also added nine
new short-term
cooperation programs in
winter and summer,
involving different
countries and regions.
Despite the pandemic,
the school sent its
students to participate in
exchange activities abroad
in 2022. It jointly
organized a course 'Doing
Business in China's Pearl
River Delta' with Singapore
Management University
and Singapore University
of Social Sciences and
organized a total of 22
students from Shantou
University and two
universities in Singapore
to go to Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, and Hong Kong
for study and exchange
With the increase in the
number of students
wanting to pursue
education abroad, ten
graduates chose to study
for master's degrees in
foreign universities in
2021. A total of 51
graduates from 2019 to
2021 have moved abroad
for further education.
The Lifelong Learning
MBA Education Centre of
Shantou University
Business School now has a
part-time MBA education
programme and an
Executive Education (EE)
programme, with a total of
about 2,200 students and
alumni as at June 2022.
Since 2016, Shantou
University Business School
has launched the lifelong
learning platform of MBA
Education Center, which
advances the
establishment of close and
good connections between
the current students and
graduates of MBA
Education Center. It aims
to promote continuous
improvement and lifelong
learning for students.
The lifelong learning
platform is committed to
promoting continuous
improvement and lifelong
learning for students and
alumni. Since its inception,
it provides customised
course training and lecture
series for social economy.
It organizes activities and
visits to help them keep up
to date with industry
news. Besides, the
platform have innovated to
provide lifelong career
development support and
opportunities. It opens an
online education platform
and established teaching
practice bases for
enterprise research and
industry exchange. With
the purpose of lifelong
learning, the platform has
helped many students and
alumni to successfully
achieve career
advancement and it is
received popular
recognition by the
Of ice Tel.: (+86)754
Address: 243 Daxue Road,
Shantou, Guangdong,
Zip Code: 515063
2020 China Business School Top 100 Best MBA Program
2020 China Business School the Most Characteristic MBA Program
2021 AMBA & BGA Final Nomination Award for Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
2021 Silk Road Global Business School the Most Brand Value MBA Program
2021 China Business School the Most Characteristic MBA Program
2021 Annual Social Impact MBA Institution
2021 MBA Innovation Frontier Institution
MBA Program Awards in 2020-21
Miss a
Center for Excellence
The Education View
The Education View
Insights Success Media Tech LLC
555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin,
OH 43017, United States
Institution Name Description
Faculty of Management
Studies, Sabaragamuwa
University of Sri Lanka
Dr Gaur Hari Singhania
Institute of Management
and Research
Shantou University
University of the Punjab,
Institute of Business
Administration, Lahore
University College
Dr Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management and
Research (GHS-IMR) is one of the oldest and premier
management institute, working towards academic excellence
and development of management skills through its flagship
two-years full time PGDM program.
Shantou University is a comprehensive university in
Guangdong Province established with the approval of the
State Council in 1981. It is a provincial and ministerial
university jointly established by the Ministry of Education,
Guangdong Province and the Li Ka Shing Foundation.
Realizing the importance of business education,
Department of Business Administration was established in
1972 in the University of the Punjab. Later on, the
department was upgraded to the Institute of Business
Administration (IBA) in 1989.
Westford is a respected and sought after academic institution
offering advanced and tertiary qualifications in management,
fashion & industry relevant ‘professional certifications’
supported with degrees, diplomas from globally accredited
bodies and universities to aspiring learners in the Middle East,
Africa, Europe, UK, Asia and rest of the World.
The Faculty of Management Studies of Sabaragamuwa University
of Sri Lanka foresees and incorporates knowledge & skills required
by the dynamic job market, to be able to cater to the most crucial
needs of the society in the time to come, therefore, it stands as an
esteemed knowledge creation & Dissemination institution,
specialized in management disciplines.
SEPTEMBER - Issue 01
Best Universities to Study
Business in Asia, 2022
to Study
in Asia
Dr Jawahar
Advisor to
he epicentre of the
Tworld seems to be
shifting towards
Asia, and this has been
more visible post the 1000
days of the pandemic. Asia
looks to be on course to 50
percent of global GDP by
2040 and 40% of the
world consumption as per
Mckinsey. This century
seems to belong to Asia
because of the falling in
line from consumption-
driven economies to
manufacturing for the
world, and the upward
trajectory is too clear not
to be noticed. So, the need
is to look to the
educational institutions,
especially business and
technology, and how they
will be able to match the
best of the west in
Expert's Advice
providing skills and
knowledge to support the
capacity needed for these
burgeoning economies of
Asia. Some factors that
favour the reasons why
one should study business
in Asia are analysed:
• Economical
Business studies have
been a preferred
educational domain of the
US, UK, Canada and
Australia, but it is an
expensive bet for an
international student. The
COVID and recession
thereafter in the west has
increased the risks of
studying high-value
courses with a risk of little
or no return on
investment. Moreover, the
number of Asian students
in the US, UK and Australia
is very high and a great
income source for the
preferred educational
institutions. After taking a
beating of losing a number
of residential students,
these institutions have
tried to rationalise the fee
structure by setting up
campuses in Singapore,
Hongkong and other such
destinations closer home
to the students so that
they are more economical.
The advantage that Asia
has is that by learning
from these institutions, we
were able to customise
institutions to our needs
and provide quality
business education to
students of the region at a
more economical fee,
making it a lucrative
destination for students
with lower affordability
outside Asia too.
• Future Geopolitical
and Business Scenario
The world's business
structures have seen a
more resilient Asia led by
China, India, Japan and
Korea, taking the world by
storm. In this scenario, the
silver lining is that with
growing economies, the
potential for business
growth is higher vis a vis
the saturated or peaked
economies. Once the
growth potential is higher,
more jobs will be on offer,
hence the need for better-
equipped business
management institutions
with specialisations to suit
the economies. With this
fresh perspective, when
the Asian giants are lexing
their muscles in the US
and the rest of the world,
the business education of
the Asian region is also
bound to rise
• Resilience
Many experts subscribed
to the view that the Asian
bubble might burst, but
over time a conservative
approach by Asian
economies led by India
and Japan has shown the
world that the economies
are more structurally
resilient to be able to
withstand the vagaries of
nature or for scaling up.
Even in the current
scenario, many of the
developed countries are
going through some of the
worst phases of recession,
but India and Japan have
done extremely well to
thwart these recessive
tendencies in their
countries. This resilience
shows that Asia is ready
for the next leap of faith,
thereby tilting the centre
of gravity in their favour.
• Future businesses
Even at the expense of
sounding competitively
biased, Asia has
reinvented itself to be
more innovative and
develop new age
businesses, which earlier
were the stranglehold of
the US and Europe. The
west also capitalised on
cutting-edge technology
from Japan. But now
China, Korea and India
have joined Japan, and the
large numbers of youth in
India coupled with the
Startup India, Digital India
and National Education
Policy have created a new
lot of young entrepreneurs
who have learnt the art of
expansion faster than their
predecessors. The digital
age seems to be working
in favour of Asia, especially
India, with 65% of the
demography below the age
of 35, which is bound to
reap rich dividends in
• Scale
India and China's
population is a major
chunk of the world
population, and Asia in
total accounts for 59.76%
of the world population as
per UN estimates. The
rapid growth of youth in
this region is one reason
why the world job markets
and economies look
towards Asia for
manpower and also
consumption. The CEOs of
the largest companies in
the US and Europe also
hail from Asia, motivating
the youth to take to higher
studies in the business
domain. Singapore and
Hongkong have been
lourishing in business
education, and now it has
started spreading all over
Asia, and the numbers
support them.
Dr. Jawahar Surisetti
is a Psychologist and Educationist. He is
the receiver of Bharat Shiksha Ratna
Samman and Man of the Year-India by
the US State for exemplary service in
social education. Currently is an Advisor
to Government, Mental Health and Digital
Wellbeing expert, a bestselling author
and start-up mentor.
Abo the
The Education View Sept 2022
Providing a
global outlook
and capabilities
of adapting
changes require
in the business
Singhania Institute of
Management and Research
Among all others, Dr
Gaur Hari Singhania
Institute of Management
and Research (GHS-IMR)
is shaping the student
bright future through its
two-year full-time PGDM
lagship program. The
institute emphasizes
technical, professional and
managerial education;
meanwhile, it stresses
indulging social and
cultural responsibility in
its students.
After getting an
insightful view of the
institute, Dr Rahul Goyal,
the Director of GHS-IMR,
share his valuable
experience and learning.
He also mentions the
institute's journey since its
inception and the future
goal of the institute with
The Education view.
The Budding Tale of the
Dr Gaur Hari Singhania
Institute of Management
and Research (GHS-IMR) is
one of the oldest and
premier management
institutes established in
1995 by J.K. Organization.
It is 136-year-old India's
leading and respected
industrial conglomerate.
The institute has been
working towards academic
excellence and
development of
management skills
through its lagship PGDM
full-time program for two
years, which has been
approved by the All-India
Council of Technical
Education and Research
(AICTE), Ministry of H.R.D.
(Govt. of India) & NAAC
"B+" Accredited.
GHS-IMR aims to
develop students'
technical, professional,
and managerial excellence
and social and cultural
sensitivity. Besides
emphasizing the
importance of
management ethics, the
institute is also concerned
for the environment and
stresses students to
become 'environment-
friendly' to ensure
society's overall
sustainable development.
The practical knowledge
and accredited course
based on industry
requirements and
research are delivered by
well-quali ied and
experienced faculty. The
institute enhances the
'employability quotient' of
students and thus gets
placed immediately by the
employers through the
strong industry links of
the GHS-IMR.
The institute's 27
batches have successfully
passed out from the
college, and more than
2200 students serve in
leading companies in
India. GHS-IMR has been
recognized as a 'Centre of
Academic Excellence' by
national and international
Since its establishment,
the institute has been
achieving its milestones,
and Dr Rahul Goyal has
been contributing a lot to
make it the best
management institute
globally. Apart from GHS-
IMR, he has achieved many
academic goals in his life,
which have been
A Passionate Mentor
Dr Rahul Goyal is the
Director of the GHS-IMR;
he has more than 26 years
of academic and
administrative experience
mentoring various groups
The Education View Sept 2022
Creating the Future Business Leaders
anagement and
Mresearch have
been an essential
factor of human
civilization since the
beginning of time,
developing and sustaining
the social order; today, it
has come a long way, still
providing its original aim
of development and
However, subjecting to
the change of the time, the
forms of research and
management have
changed positively, leading
to continuous economic
development and
enhancing the lifestyle of
humans around the globe.
And today, it has emerged
as a ield of study with
great importance as it
obtains managerial,
entrepreneurial and
technical skills.
Management skills could
lead businesses towards
success and usher in many
advancements, which lead
overall development of the
world. Driving the zeal,
many institutes have been
indulging the managerial
and entrepreneurial skills
of budding entrepreneurs.
of colleges. He has worked
closely with organizations
C.C.S. University and U.P.
Government for af iliation
and other concerned
Dr Rahul Goyal is known
in the academic ield as a
go-getter leader. His able
mentorship institute
entered M.O.U.s with
I.B.M., Wadwani
International Foundation,
Synergy University
Moscow and many more
universities and
organizations of world
While reminiscing all the
passionate performances
of Dr Rahul, his valuable
contribution and the
de ined vision, mission
and core values of the
institute trailblaze
consistently to achieve the
milestones of the GHS-
Vision, Mission and Core
While stating about the
institute's journey, Dr
Rahul also mentions the
institute's set vision,
saying, "To be an institute
engaged in creating
thought leaders through
innovative research,
consulting and by being
alma-mater of next
He also mentions the
valuable mission of the
institute. He asserts, "To be
a management institute
where today's students
become tomorrow's
management leaders,
driven by a passion for
discovering, innovating and
creating opportunities in
the environment not only
for self-development but
also for the society. It is
aimed at creating
managers, with a holistic
approach, synthesizing
conventional and modern
management thinking with
a global outlook and
adapting to the changing
requirements of the
Further, he stated the
institute's core values and
says, "Dedication-
These 3Ds are the core of
our values, synthesizing
conventional and modern
management thinking. We
aim to provide a global
outlook and capabilities of
adapting to the changing
requirements of the
business industries."
The vision, mission, and
core values always show
the right direction to
organizations and
institutes. But, with these,
the institute does have
some long-term and short-
term goals for its
Abiding and Interim
GHS-IMR try to formulate
the curriculum; with these,
the students can identify
their ields and get aware
of the current industrial
developments. The
institute encourages the
students to learn new and
demanding technical skills.
Ensuring the students'
insightful understanding
of the concepts, the
institute keeps improving
its curriculum every year.
Due to the pandemic, the
institute has become
unpredictable about its
long-term goals.
Instead of setting
abiding goals, the institute
does de ine its interim
goals, which helps them to
move forward. And GHS-
IMR is adopting
modernization ways to
teach the students, also
improving the
infrastructure to cope with
the rapid development and
keeping up with the
current education strata
industry leader.
With all these goals, Dr
Rahul has introduced a
few unique learning
programs to improve the
students' skillsets.
Collateral Learning
The world is now being
more integrated through
remote jobs, while the
digital marketing industry
in India is growing at a
rate of 33.5%. The country
is just pegged after Canada
as the second-best digital
GHS-IMR realizing this
opportunity, introduced
Digital Marketing in the
year 2014, simultaneously
creating a centre for
analytics in association
with I.B.M. Continuing on
the same point later, GHS-
IMR maintained its lead in
the area by adding a
course of Robotics Process
Automation (R.P.A.).
All these collateral
learning assist many
awards, accolades and
accreditations to the
institutes described below.
Badges of Honor
After highlighting the
institute's learning
programs and its story,
Dr Rahul also enlightens
us with the awards,
accolades, and
accreditations of the
institute and postulates,
• "Ranked Promising B
school By C.S.R.
• Ranked 3 Best B School
in U.P. by Silicon India.
• Ranked Outstanding
Institution by World
Education Congress.
• Ranked Outstanding
Institute of Northern
India by B.B.C.
• Ranked 2 Best B school
in U.P. and 5 in India
(Non-IIM) by Education
• Ranked 28 Best B
school in India by
Academic Insight.
• National A* grading by
Predicting Future
While visioning the future
of the prestigious business
institute, Dr Rahul notes,
"We do agree with the
Indian education system
and also with other foreign
countries, as it is structured
differently in terms of
pedagogy, instructional,
manuals and many more,
but now content is almost
the same."
"Indian intellectual force
is considered at par with
the workforce of any
developed nation. Here in
our institutes, we provide a
international Industrial
tour to our students to
understand the work
culture of world-leading
companies. In this series,
our students visited
companies in the United
Kingdom, China, and the
Middle East to study and
understand the
organizational culture of
world leaders," he added
Stating further, he says,
"We have alliances with the
top universities across the
globe; we do a lot of
activities in their
collaboration to provide an
international education
scenario to the students.”
students become
leaders, who are
driven by a
passion for
innovating and
opportunities in
the environment
not only for self-
development but
also for the
The Education View Sept 2022
The Perks of
ravel can serve as an
Tescape from the
ordinary, mundane
life as it allows you to
explore and enhance new
cultures, perspectives, and
opportunities for a broad
range of people. Visiting
another country widens
your mindset and gives you
the window to explore for a
de inite period.
There is a qualitative
difference between visiting
a foreign country and living
there for a prolonged
period. Residing in a
different country in a
separate climate scenario
surrounded by and between
individuals from various
backgrounds brings up its
own set of pros and cons.
Have you ever considered
studying in another country
while living in a different
country? It is a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity to
immerse yourself in and
glean numerous bene its.
Let's focus on how it has
been bene icial for aspiring
students. With the disclo-
sure to study abroad, it
offers numerous varieties of
approaches accompanied by
its perks.
Below are the bene its of
studying business abroad
Enhance Evolving into a
Well-Rounded Individual
For several years, studying
abroad has been regarded
as an important milestone
for aspiring young
university students from all
over the globe. As an
international student in
another country, you will
gain exceptional
experiences that will allow
you to improve as a person
with a deep respect for
other cultures, values, and
Learning and living in a
foreign country will allow
you to comprehend your
personal cultural history
and values better. It offers
different viewpoints,
customs, and ways of life
and implies challenging
your own beliefs.
Know the Perks
The Education View Sept 2022
A few people change
forever, while others evolve
and gain stronger footing.
Interacting with local
populations and fellow
international students
allows you to respect other
cultures and values better.
With larger perspectives,
worldviews, and tolerance
to become more
independent, self-suf icient,
and con ident individuals
evolve in their personal and
professional lives.
Expanding Network
Studying abroad gives you
the chance to form
meaningful relationships
with people from all over
the world. Signi icantly raise
one's international
connections while meeting
people who could be
lifelong friends. Some
interactions may lead to job
opportunities, internships,
or even business partners.
The university where you
would study is most likely
to have a diverse
community of students from
the local area and abroad,
offering you the chance to
meet people from various
backgrounds and cultures.
The wider your network,
the greater your chances of
being connected to exciting
career and social
Boost Individual
It's no secret that attending
university enhances a
graduate's employability.
Starting from learning a
foreign language from
scratch to luency, getting a
specialized quali ication,
and inculcating soft skills
like adaptability,
communication, and cross-
cultural understanding.
Your time abroad is an
excellent opportunity to
develop an impressive
Depending on one's visa
status and the country
where you're studying, it is
convenient to take up a
part-time job, an internship,
or even continue a career
abroad. Professional
advisors at universities
would be a valuable source
of information on
professional openings and
other ways to boost
employability after
pursuing a degree.
Inculcate Business
Marketing Skills
Being an international
student gives you a valuable
opportunity to participate
in life experiences and
develop new skills to
enhance your resume. With
notable study abroad
experience, you can learn
and master new academic,
social, and professional
Leadership abilities differ
from one culture to the next.
One can always have a
learning approach to work
with and better understand
different leadership and
business styles.
This kind of exposure to a
new culture presents you
with a broad and
sophisticated worldview
and diversi ies your
thoughts and values.
Consequently, forming
partnerships and ef iciently
working while tackling
global and multinational
challenges are required for
business marketing.
Gain Competitive
With the networking
approach, you'll be working
alongside different people
and companies, along with a
dash of increased self-
con idence and
independence, while
studying consecutively.
Dealing with different
people gives you a
competitive edge in the
business world.
An international student
who was living amidst the
pandemic period was
quoted as saying, "Although
many of our interactions are
now digital, she thinks that if
you wish to get a global view
of what's happening in
business today, you should
indeed travel to various
countries and learn about
their challenges."
Thus, studying business
gives you a reality check of
what works in the world
and provides you with a
competitive approach.
Global Perspective with
International Exposure
Studying in another country,
you gain a broader
perspective on culture and
people, as well as a well-
informed mindset to
embrace your new
surroundings. Being able to
think with a global
perspective, you tend to face
modern challenges and
come up with pioneering
solutions in the future.
These encounters allow one
to think openly and
creatively. You learn to view
the world through different
lenses and have different
visions of your own country
and culture.
Spending time overseas
opens doors to much more
than just university gates.
During holidays and
weekends, you'll have the
chance to travel to tourist
hotspots and experience
of beat places in your
designated country. This
allows you to experience
different geographies and
come back with stories
different from India. Come
back with amusing
memories and stories,
offering you international
To conclude,
The perks of studying
abroad are abundant at any
stage in your education. Be
it undergraduate or
graduate level, one needs to
ind an appropriate
program to it all your needs
and goals. International
education promotes global
learning and fosters
understanding among
diverse backgrounds and
perspective, and develop
global-minded individuals.
The Education View Sept 2022
Faculty of
Management Studies
O ering World with Creative Management
The world is a global
market, with
transactions, not only
inancially but physically
and emotionally as well.
With the principle of giving
and taking getting stronger,
it won't be an
overstatement to say that
every aspect of life involves
business, be it relationships
or market deals.
Where business factors
have surrounded lives, it
has become a necessity to
learn and understand.
Business studies not only
help in better management
but also in the development
of one's personality and
character, along with
creating a strong sense of
understanding and
establishing oneself as an
entrepreneur. The cherry on
top is the gift to society,
as a developed individual
leads to the development of
society and the nation as a
This business
development of an
individual comes with hard
work and proper guidance
as the only way to success is
not the road straight ahead
but the area surrounding it
as well. It involves an
individual being responsible
for every factor of his
surroundings, including the
ecosystem, society and, of
course, personal
development, its venture.
These requirements are not
person speci ic but the need
of industries, as there is a
constant chase of inding
better managing
personalities with a passion
for work and people.
Contributing to the world,
catering to the industry
needs and supporting the
new innovative talent is the
Faculty of Management
Studies, Sabaragamuwa
University of Sri Lanka.
Situated in Belihuloya, Shri
Lanka, the institution is
accredited as an "A" Graded
Faculty, with its all seven-
degree programs, by the
Quality Assurance Council
of the University Grants
Commission (UGC).
Currently, under the
guidance of its Dean, Prof.
Athula Gnanapala, the
university has achieved
remarkable success.
Let's get an insight into
the institution and know
more about this amazing
The Management Saga
The Faculty of Management
Studies—previously known
as the Faculty of Business
Studies—was established in
1996, offering a three-year
degree in Accountancy and
Finance and Business
Management. Later in 2003,
the degree program was
extended to four years along
with the change of name to
what it is today.
2006 introduced the new
Department of Tourism
Teaching and Learning Policy is
focused to adopt to provide world
class learning experience to the
undergraduate by adopting novel
learning techniques and teaching
methods which focusing on global
employability requirements.
Management to the
institution, followed by the
Department of Marketing
Management in 2008. This
catered to the emergency
industry needs of the time
and provided major
milestones in the
institution's journey.
Today the faculty has
expanded its academic
service by introducing
postgraduate degree
programs, MBA (General,
Finance, Marketing, and
Tourism) and M.Sc. in
Ayurvedic Hospital
Management, in
collaboration with the
Faculty of Graduate Studies
to afford the educational
quali ications to the
industry practitioner.
Achieving remarkable
success, the institution has
conducted the
'Interdisciplinary Conference
of Management Researchers
(ICMR)' from 2016 for the
6 consecutive year in 2021.
Along with this,
the university also
collaborated with Emerald
Publishing as one of the
major research conferences
in the management stream.
Contributing and opening
the door for young
researchers, Management
Undergraduates' Research
Session (MURS) was started
in 2019 by FMS in
collaboration with the
Young Scientists Forum.
Plotting the Story:
Mission, Vision, Values
The university makes an
effort and works in
accordance with its vision
and values, ensuring the
development of the
students and faculty. The
institution envisions to be
the most innovative and
eco-ef icient centre of
excellence in higher
education and research in
management studies in the
South Asian region. The
core values of the
institution uphold this
FMS's core values are
Integrity, Collaboration and
Synergy, Quality
Consciousness, Respect,
Inclusivity, Accountability
and Sustainability,
Community, Creativity, and
Innovation. Abiding by
these values, the university
has established itself in a
prominent position,
supporting its mission to
become the leading
innovative and sustainable
centre of excellence in
higher education and
research in the region.
The Education View Sept 2022
An Inspiring Leader
The institution was led
under the leadership of
Mr. M.Y.M. Siddique, the
irst dean of the institution,
who, today, is succeeded by
Prof. Athula Gnanapala from
2017 up to date.
Prof. Gnanapala has
played a signi icant role in
uplifting the quality of the
faculty as a visionary leader.
The FMS has obtained great
achievement, specially
awarded 'A' grades for all
degree programs as a major
milestone in its historical
evolution under his
Further, all four heads of
the departments heading
the seven-degree program,
namely Prof. Dunusinghe G.
Dharmarathna, Mr Achintha
Ekanayake, Dr Sarath
Munasinghe, and Mr D.
Jasinghe, are playing
signi icant roles in the
success of the FMS in many
Education Policies
FMS looks forward to the
implementation of
educational quality-
oriented policies to bridge
the gap and uplift the
overall productivity of the
faculty. It further tends to
focus on outcome-based
education and student-
centred learning.
The institution's Teaching
and Learning Policy focuses
on adapting to provide a
world-class learning
experience to the
undergraduate by adopting
novel techniques and
methods, focusing on global
employability requirements.
The FMS has banned the
usage of single-use plastic
as a policy considering its
devastating effect on the
natural environment.
Quality Policy focuses on
uplifting the faculty's
overall quality, aligning with
the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO
21001:2018 international
standards and the UGC
Quality Assurance
Framework (QAF).
The Diversity
Management Policy focuses
on providing inclusive
management of diversities
associated with ethnicity,
race, gender, and their
Further, FMS focus on
conducive environmental
Policy to provide a learning
environment setting that
allows for a free low of
ideas, thoughts, and
concepts between the
teachers and learners
without disturbances.
Gender Equity and
Equality (GEE) Policy aims
to provide equal ease of
access to resources and
opportunities regardless of
gender and to avoid sexual
and gender-based violence.
The Differently-abled
Policy aims to promote and
protect the rights of
differently-abled students
and staff of FMS.
The FMS is committed to
being sustainable by
managing the
environmental impact
associated with towards
reduction and prevention,
adopting best practices, and
sustainably conducting our
operation processes,
thoughtful, sustainable
focus on strategical
planning and top
management decisions
making thorough the Policy
on sustainability.
Programs Out of the Box
FMS is the only institution
offering BSc. Honours in
EcoBusiness Management
in South Asian Region, and
the course is focused on
producing environmentally
conscious managers for the
industry setting. This
innovative degree program
provides an insight into the
sustainable aspects of
related areas such as
management, energy and
industrial resource
management, natural
resource management and
environmental law,
environmental footprint,
resource ef icient cleaner
production, eco-design and
life cycle assessment, eco-
labelling, and green
procurement based on the
solid foundation on
principles of management.
BSc. Honours in Tourism
Management, BSc. Honours
in Hospitality Management
and BSc. Honours in
Banking & Insurance degree
programs provided by the
institution are unique to the
Investment in
FMS knows the importance
Dr. Sarath
Department of
Mr. Achintha
Department of
Mr. D
Department of
of education in and outside
the classrooms; hence, it
actively tries to provide
opportunities to its students
for participation in various
activities, including
different campaigns like
tree plantations and beach
cleaning events. The
institution also organises
musical events and art
festivals, sportsmanship
development events,
community and school
development and corporate
social responsibility
projects, and language
While conducting the
events, the undergraduate
students are given the
responsibility of planning,
organising, and executing
under faculty supervision.
This helps to sharpen the
leadership and managerial
skills of students.
The institution also
provides internships and
subject-oriented company
visits for better exposure to
the students.
Focus on
policy to provide
environment setting
which allows for a
free flow of ideas,
thoughts and
concepts between
the teachers and
learners without
having disturbances.
Internships are a
compulsory component in
the academic curriculum of
degree programs. The
company visits are
organised to get industry
exposure to modules. The
knowledge infused during
these visits is examined in
the continuous assessment
and in the semester-based
Personalisation of
The FMS provides a unique
learning experience for
students through its Virtual
Learning Environment
(VLE). Moreover, as a
personalised learning
program, FMS provides
undergraduate research
under expert supervision.
The major challenge is the
time-consuming process for
the academic staff and
research supervisors.
Supervised internships
also provide academic
mentoring to grab more
practical knowledge and
help students in a better
Fertilising the Soil
FMS initiates the
sharpening of industry
knowledge and skills to
increase employability and
uplift the mental
preparedness of the
undergraduates. To achieve
this, the university has
adopted various approaches
that include Organizing
Carrier Fairs, Industry
Collaborative Projects,
Personality Development
Workshops, Undergraduate
Research Sessions,
Counselling and Mentoring
programs, and MOU with
professional bodies.
Envisioning the Future
The FMS envisions excelling
in terms of quality,
sustainability, health, and
safety with ISO
certi ications and being a
model faculty to all other
higher education institutes.
The Education View Sept 2022
in Asia are Adapting to
How The Best
the Changing
ducation is
changes, and universities
are feeling the brunt of
these changes. The
concept of 'business as
usual' is over for
traditional universities
and educational
institutions, and this is
visible as we have
witnessed several
noteworthy inancial
struggles, mergers, and
The critical reasons
behind these changes and
developments that are so
uneven across geographies
outline the alternative
strategic trajectories for
the Universities, which
majorly fall under the
category of
Competitors, and
Company—as a
framework within which
to scrutinize important
drivers of change in more
depth. In terms of
customers, the focus is on
shifts in demand
connected to technological
developments and value
changes among customers.
With regard to
competitors, digitalization
is once again the key
driver of change in that it
leads to an increasing
number of alternative
suppliers of education
institutions, and lastly, the
vast number and
heterogeneity of education
institutions and their
movement into the
education sector brings in
more competition.
Considering all the
above challenges, the best
universities in Asia are
considering the need for
more radical business-
model innovations, and
while the turbulent
changes in the
environment are clearly
uncomfortable for many
Universities, they are
looking at them as
opportunities and not just
as threats. Taking
maximum advantage of
the changes required the
courage to chart new
routes, which are very
different for universities
with different resources,
capabilities, and purposes.
A few noteworthy changes
that the Universities have
adopted are:
Collaborations between
Corporates and the
Traditional Universities:
In this model, the
universities with a large
and impressive campus tie
up with corporates and
train their collaborative
company employees and
those of selected partner
companies. In this process,
the Universities team up
with strong brands of the
institution that still counts
and makes use of learning
material from the various
online academies and
delivers the course
content. During this
process, they use a ly-in
faculty model from top-
notch institutions, which
saves them the expense of
full-time professors.
Adopting the
transformation of
education from a
traditional site-bounded
paradigm towards a new
triplization paradigm:
The goals, theory, content,
and practices of education
diverge signi icantly from
conventional wisdom, and
in the new paradigm of
education, the core
activities that are creating
limitless opportunities for
teaching and learning, as
well as a new generation
of CMI leaders and citizens
in both local society and
the global village, are the
development of students'
contextualized multiple
intelligence (CMI) and the
processes of globalization,
localization, and
individualization in
education. This paradigm
shift adopted by Asian
Universities in education
is providing innovative
ideas and possibilities for
reforming education in
different parts of the globe
to meet the challenges of
the future.
Adoption of Educational
Firstly, it de ines the
paradigm change and
presents evidence that it is
the only way to improve
our education systems.
Implementing relevant
Insider's Insight
The Education View Sept 2022
CEO and
Business School,
South Africa
Dr Richa is a Professor of
Marketing, having studied for
her PhD and M-Phil in
Marketing. She is a highly
regarded researcher with over
30 research papers and three
edited volumes published. She
has been invited to deliver
over 30 keynote/plenary talks
at international conferences,
and has been invited as a
visiting professor to
universities around the world,
including South Africa, Nigeria,
India, Jamaica, Kenya, Ghana,
Namibia and New Zealand
and She is a Board member of
IODSA (Institute of Directors in
South Africa).
technologies, Real-time
data, innovations like
arti icial intelligence (AI),
and a range of new devices
and tools are helping
universities to transform
the roles and relationships
of students, teachers, and
Students are getting
empowered to learn for
themselves in lexible,
often collaborative ways,
both inside and outside
classrooms at their own
pace. They can now follow
their own interests and be
challenged where
appropriate. To create
fresh challenges and
provide the right
assistance for each kid to
advance, teachers have
access to tailored real-time
data on how each of their
students is doing
academically and
Parents are more
certain, speci ic, and
con ident about their
involvement in their
child's education. The rise
of 'personalized learning',
where each student
receives targeted one-on-
one attention from
teachers who have access
to real-time data on their
success and dif iculties, is
perhaps technology's most
obvious consequence.
These advancements
have been led by online
education, where a
number of web-based
tools have been developed
to evaluate students'
preferences and readiness
for various learning
modalities. Different
communication systems
have been used to bene it
both students and
teachers. These systems
let students choose
content in accordance with
their interests and
preferences while also
assisting teachers in
developing a greater
awareness of their pupils.
Moving from a teaching
culture to a learning
culture with a focus on
skill enhancement:
Universities have begun to
form a picture of what is
expected of learners or
what is the ideal learner
today. From an educator's
perspective, several
learner skills, attributes,
and competencies emerge,
which are:
• Active, inquiring,
• Engaged citizens.
• Equipped with research
and inquiry skills.
• Exercise independent
critical judgment.
• Co-creators and
producers of knowledge.
• Able to function
effectively in the real
• Able to communicate
and cross-language
boundaries or cultural
• Motivated and equipped
to continue learning
over a lifetime.
• Active, inquiring,
• Able to function
effectively in the real
• Able to communicate
and cross-language
boundaries or cultural
• Motivated and equipped
to continue learning
over a lifetime.
• Exercise independent
critical judgment.
To achieve the above,
various Asian universities
have built continuous
engagement structures
with the corporates to get
insights on constant
changing soft and hard
skill requirements and
have begun serious
leadership engagement
with the innovative
application of digital
technologies, which are
helpful in developing the
skill-based futuristic
The Education View Sept 2022
Dr. Richa Arora is the
academic leader and
Chief Operating
Officer, responsible for
the strategic
oversight, financial
sustainability and
academic direction of
the University of
Stirling and SQA- RAK
Con der
Asia is considered one
of the top continents
suitable destinations
for study in the world and
one of the main hosts of
immigrants. The continent
has also been an attraction
of the world for centuries,
the popularity of which has
only grown with
globalization and the
recognition of Asian artists
like BTS, Priyanka Chopra,
and Wan Peng.
With the popularity, love,
and craze of anime, K-
dramas, and other Asian
forms of entertainment and
innovation, curiosity and
the number of immigrants
in Asia have increased.
Apart from these factors,
education in Asia is
considered one of the inest.
Countries like Malaysia,
Japan, and South Korea are
famous for their affordable
and good quality of
education, attracting
students from around the
Whìle Studying
Study Asia
The Education View Sept 2022
However, when it is
decided to study abroad,
there are lots of lingering
questions and a list of
cautions to be followed to
have a comfortable and a
bene iting educational life.
If you have decided to
move to Asia for studies, here
are some things that would
help you in your stay.
Place, Area, and Space
Asia is a big continent with
varied vegetation from what
an individual might be used
to. Considering the factors
like weather, atmosphere,
and culture becomes
important for health and
In the happy wave of
getting admission to the
dream college, students
usually tend to forget about
the living facilities. Though
almost all universities have
dorm facilities, it might not
turn out to be the best
option. Having a backup
plan in such a case could
always be more than just
While considering a place
to stay, an individual needs
to look at a few important
Distance from the college/
Area surrounding the home
Available facilities like
electricity, water, and the
condition of the dwelling.
Rules and regulations,
availability of food and
other necessities, etc.
A Trip Beforehand
Shifting into a new place
and different environment
could be hard to adjust to.
One might experience
homesickness or other
illnesses due to the new
change. This might prove as
a roadblock in the studies,
which is the main objective.
Therefore, a short trip to the
place and area before
actually settling down could
prove helpful in adjusting to
new surroundings.
Considerate Fooding
Food is a major and
common concern for all the
students living away from
home, which could lead to
health issues. One might not
ind a local food adaptable
or to liking, but it is
important to select a place
that could help a person
deal with this situation.
Though this could be dealt
with cooking at a place,
what better option than
having your favourite food
available down the street
from your place?
Managing the Bills
A part of studying abroad
includes exploring new
places; though it might
sound so much fun, it goes a
little hefty on the purse.
Preparing a budget would
help manage the expenses
beforehand and prove
helpful in tight times.
Law to Rescue
The change of boundaries
means a change of law.
What might be legal in one
place might be illegal in
other, while it could be
strictly prohibited in some.
It is important to know the
laws of the land one is going
to be standing on for a long
time period. This could
come in handy and as save
you from many situations.
Local Study and Research
With different places, areas,
and geosocial factors, there
are many regions to visit,
and prior study of these
would help in deciding the
weekend destination. Apart
from these, a little research
about the places and people
could help one to involve in
local communities and feel
part of it.
A To-do List
A good to-do list could save
hours of freckle hustling
with what to do irst. It not
only allows one to keep a
check on the activities that
are to be done but also
helps in planning for studies
and creating space for
leisure activities.
Emergency Contacts
Apart from keeping all the
necessary documents,
having a local guardian or
someone to rely on during
emergencies is important. It
could save you from
disaster as even if you are
alone, you would have
someone to fall back on.
The Bottom Line
Studying abroad in a
continent like Asia could
prove to be a magni icent
experience if planned
correctly. Following a few
nitpicks of the rules could
make this entire journey
more enjoyable by adding
abundant knowledge to the
The Education View Sept 2022
University College
with technology, the need
to enhance and upgrade
the education standard
with respect to the current
business paradigm has
become necessary to surf
the rising wave.
Moreover, the current
tide in the business
education space is
demanding change; with
globalization bringing the
world closer with every
passing minute, the
demand for quality and
diverse business education
with respect to
contemporary commercial
practices has surged
While the most
prominent business
schools and universities
are struggling to ind a
mid-way-out to connect
business education with
the present-day industrial
scenario, some
universities are nurturing
students holistically by
equipping them with the
required skills to excel.
In our quest to ind
'Best Universities to
Study Business in Asia,
2022,' we came across
Westford University
College, which is
rede ining the commercial
education paradigm shift
from the contemporary
business world.
In an exclusive
conversation with The
Education View, Mr Hanil
Das, Co-founder and CEO
of Westford University
College, shares his journey
through the transition of
business education and
how the college has
nurtured students to
become future business
A Humble Story of
Westford Education
Society had a very humble
beginning in the year
2009. Started small under
the lagship of Westford
School of Management
with only three personnel
and one person from
Pearson, UK. However, as
other courses were
introduced, the college
rebranded itself, and
Westford University
College was established.
The inception of this
educational institute has
had the entrepreneurial
approach of the
educational enthusiast's
founders. Noticing the
inadequacies in the
education system in the
Middle East, they founded
Westford University
College with a noble
philosophy of providing
graduates with
experiences and
Building and Shaping the Future of Business Education
"Change is the law of life,
and those who look only to
the past or present are
certain to miss the future."
- John F. Kennedy
advancements are
de ining the future
of the world. The proof of
this can be seen in the
re lection of the change in
the business paradigm.
Today, technology has
successfully managed to
make a place for itself in
everyone's life.
Technology, given in the
hands of humans, has
escalated quickly from
becoming a privilege to a
The inclusion of
technology in business has
eased and smoothened the
code of conduct business,
but on the other hand, it
has brought an effective
change that is rede ining
the business paradigm.
Though the code of
conduct has been the same
since the introduction of
the barter system, the
inclusion of technology in
business has signi icantly
changed the minor
loopholes in the code of
conduct of business.
Now that the world has
successfully adopted the
inevitable change that
came as complimentary
opportunities that would
prepare them for an
excellent career in the
corporate space.
Talking about the
inception story of
Westford University
College, Mr Hanil Das says,
"It was decided that the
institute's strength was in
providing executive
education to professionals
looking to further their
careers. As a result, it
focused on executive
education and developed a
curriculum unlike any
other institute in the
region. It seeks to be
student-centred, providing
a comprehensive picture of
the company, its working
environment, and the
community in which it
operates. Furthermore, it
preserves a multicultural
learning atmosphere
because students
worldwide enrol here to
advance their professions."
A Diverse Couse to
Create a Global
Community of Lifelong
Being a college of business
aiming to open the door of
opportunities in the
corporate sector for the
students, Westford
University College pride
itself on providing its
students with a diverse
Build a global
community of learners
and leaders by
delivering industry-
relevant programs
across all levels.
course and a lifelong
learning experience.
Highlighting the course
offerings at Westford
University College, Mr
Hanil Das says, "Beginning
with the L3 foundation
programme, we offer HND,
other professional
programmes. Westford,
which has an advantage
over its more recent E-
universities due to its more
than ten years of
experience in the education
ield, has worked with
international universities
and awarding
organisations to put
together the most
bene icial combination of
opportunities and
certi ications for career
Further to provide
undergraduate aspirants
with a complete
experience of business
studies, Westford
University College has
curated a unique blend of
quali ications from UK-
based universities such as
Liverpool John Moores
University, Canterbury
Christ Church University,
University of
Gloucestershire, and
Abertay University, along
with the opportunity to
begin with a Higher
National Diploma from
Pearson, UK.
Westford University
College has introduced a
unique program for its
MBA aspirants; explaining
the delicacies of this
program, Mr Hanil Das
says, "The MBA aspirants
are offered a 'Triple Crown
MBA' which focuses on
professional networking
and practitioner training
apart from academic
quali ications that come
from reputed universities in
the UK and Spain namely,
Cardiff Metropolitan
University, UK, UCAM
Spain, CCCU, UK and Girne
American University,
Cyprus, University of
The Education View Sept 2022
Since its inception,
Westford University
College has been adding
new courses to its
curriculum to stay relevant
to the changing business
paradigm. A recent
addition to the prestigious
portfolio of WUC is the
Doctor of Business
Administration (DBA)
program from UCAM,
Spain. Additionally, WUC
and the University of
California, Los Angeles
Extension (UCLA
Extension) worked
together to offer the
industry players an
excellent 'Online
Leadership and
Management Development
"Westford has an
international status for
delivering excellence.
Westford prides itself in
having a strong student-
faculty relationship. It
nurtures an environment of
lifelong learning, teaching,
research, and discovery. We
build our brand by aiming
to make our students
corporate-ready," Mr Hanil
Das further added.
Mr Hanil Das - A
Visionary Leader
Dedicated to Service
Mr Hanil Das is the Co-
founder of Westford
Education Group and CEO
of Westford University
College. Mr Das holds an
MBA from Bangalore
University and has
completed the Leadership
and Management
Development Program
from the University of
California, Los Angeles
Extension. Being a
visionary edupreneur, a
higher education
professional and a
strategist, he also has over
a decade of experience in
the higher education
Talking about his
contribution to the growth
of WUC, the college
management says, "Mr
Hanil has contributed to
the growth and
management of Westford
Education Group. He has
forged multiple alliances,
as well as established
varied operations and
channel management
strategies in the Middle
Eastern, European and
South Asian branches of
educational institutions
that fall under the Westford
umbrella. Under his
leadership, Westford
University College has been
recognized as one of the
top business schools in the
Middle East. He aspires to
take Westford to new
heights and provide the
best higher education
services in the region."
Smooth Transition in the
The education sector has
transitioned toward a
growing share of online
teaching and learning
activities in recent years.
While most colleges and
universities now include
an e-learning program in
their curriculum, Westford
University College offers
an option to applicants to
pursue higher education
via a blended learning
pedagogical approach.
Explaining this unique
learning program for the
future, Mr Hanil Das
brie ly shares, "Given the
changing trends and
demand for online
education, Westford aims
to transition towards
online teaching and
learning completely.
Westford University
College's online section,
known as 'Westford Uni
Online,' which promotes the
motto 'Study Anytime
Anywhere' with a good
work-life-study balance,
was established as a result
of our success there. Our
goal is to become a
company that provides
learning aspirants around
the world with an
accessible, high-quality
Creating Lifelong
Westford University
College is one of the ideal
destinations for students
in UAE to study business.
Since the college puts
students' growth irst, the
college encourages its
students to be lifelong
Emphasizing such
initiatives started by WUC,
Mr Hanil Das says,
"Westford provides several
programmes to encourage
students and graduates to
continue learning
throughout their lives. Our
Westford Mentorship
Program offers a venue for
alumni and current
bachelor's and master's
students to enhance their
mentoring and leadership
abilities. Another venue for
young people to meet and
learn from experts in
various ields is our
Westford Youth Business
Westford University College is in the business
of transformations – individuals, organizations,
and society. The programs are designed to
complement the degree, which leads to a job and
career that utilizes the passions and skills of the
students. WUC's vision is to be a premier
management Institution operating globally
through excellence in quality education and
Westford University College's mission is
to build a global community of learners and
leaders by delivering industry-relevant
programs across all levels. The college is
committed to transforming how individuals
and organizations epitomize knowledge,
focusing on empowering our students
through educational leadership and
Leadership Program
Aiming for Holistic
Westford University
College has developed a
personalized learning
approach in its curriculum
to provide a holistic
environment for the
students to thrive. As the
students studying at the
college hail from different
parts of the world,
bringing them on the same
page is the only for them
to complete their learning
arc. With a carefully
curated blend of
traditional and modern
learning, the
methodologies cater to all
types of students, and
various other initiatives
re lect different
approaches to teaching,
learning and engagement.
Explaining this arc of
holistic development in
students, Mr Hamil Das
says, "With the inculcation
of technology, career
improvement programs,
bridging academic and
personal growth, and
committing to broader
inclusions the institute
helps students have all the
tools needed to step into
the real world and face
challenges. The faculty
members hail from varied
backgrounds and possess
vast knowledge that
enables learners to see and
experience diverse
leadership styles. This
results in the immediate
bene it for students to
increase their intellectual
engagement, personal
motivation, cultural
engagement, and critical
thinking, making them
better scholars, thinkers,
and citizens."
Preparing Students for
the Students
Westford University
College is built on the very
principle of providing to
upgrade and upskill one's
knowledge and learning.
Explaining the grooming
process of students for the
future, Mr Hamil Das says,
" Westford provides
programmes that are
focused on one's
professional development
without interfering with
one's job life. Upskilling
was a focus of our
Management Development
Program (MDP),
Professional Development
Programs (PDP), and
programmes. The MBA and
DBA concentrations,
meanwhile, are concerned
with improving one's
educational background."
"At Westford, we
understand that, with the
corporate world evolving,
the workforce will value
employees who have a
quest for learning and are
investing in upgrading
themselves. Professionals
continuously enhancing
their education will be
perceived to be more
adaptable and agile and
make better leaders. Hence,
Westford offers the right
platform for lifelong
learning without
compromising work or life,"
Mr Hamil Das added
Pee-ka-boo into the
its reach across Asia
through our subsidiary
'Westford Campus' in an
onsite or online setting to
bene it these individuals.
Across the region, you'll
ind us offering courses at
all levels from leading UK
Envisioning the
commitment of WUC for
the future, Mr Hamil Das
says, "We at Westford are
committed to making
education affordable and
easily accessible to young
adults and working
professionals around the
world. In view of this, the
institution seeks to expand
Pave the way for
progress in career
paths both as a
practitioner as well
as a scholar.
Mr Hanil Das
Co-founder and CEO,
Westford University
College, UAE
The Education View Sept 2022
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  • 1. School of Business Realizing Business Dreams! The Perks of Studying Business Abroad Know the Perks Shantou University Things to Consider While Studying in Asia Study Asia VIEW THE Center for Excellence SEPT 2022 #01 Best Universities to S t u d y Business in Asia, 2022
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  • 4. VIEW THE Center for Excellence Volume - 09 Issue - 1 Follow us on We are also Available on Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email - Subscription - educationviewmagazine educationview2 educationviewmagazine The Education View Office The Education View is published by Insights Success Media LLC. Copyright © 2022 Insights Success Media LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media LLC. Managing Director Merry D'souza Executive Director Ashlesh Khadse Managing Editor Anish David Assistant Editors Robert, Madhu Art & Design Head and Visualiser Rahul Shinde Co-designer Pau Belin Senior Manager of Sales Sherin Jones Marketing Manager Lisa Brown Sales BDE Christina George Technical Head Jacob B. Assistant Specialists Prachi, Prashanth Technical Consultants Amar, David Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege SME-SMO Executive Kajal Shedage Research Analyst Eric Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji F. SEPTEMBER 2022 Upcoming Edition
  • 5. Letter from the Editor Profit is not something to add on at the end; it is something to plan for in the beginning. - Megan Auman W here do the most business opportunities lie?’ Or let me rephrase the question in a more personalised way, ‘When and where will the business lourish?’ Obviously, the answer would vary from geographical specialities to modern lifestyles and advancements. But what builds the basis of business is people. Often ignored by the masses, modern businesses target one large product for a few. Still, if you observe the arc of successful businesses, they have often grown with one product for everyone. As the global business paradigm shift is changing swiftly from American and European countries to Asian countries, the pull for studying modern education in these countries has become extremely essential. Many of the youngsters going with the transition of the changing winds of modern business have opted to understand and learn the means and methods of business code of conduct in the ever evolving and geo strategic market—Asia. Having said that, Asia has always lourished with quality education, which was later transferred to different parts of the world by various kings, invaders, colonisers, preachers, etc. the education in luenced by region, languages and culture, was later attempted to bring on the same page in the mid-20th century. However, despite several attempts, traditional education and ideologies have remained and have evolved to adapt to the modern requirements of education. Now that the winds of business are lowing towards the highly anticipated, crowded and wisdom- illed cities of Asia, many universities have upgraded themselves to teach modern business with relevance to the changing business paradigm of the world. For this edition—Best Universities to Study Business in Asia, 2022—we ventured out across Asia to give students a well-researched booklet that would guide them in choosing the ideal university to study business. So, let this edition be the guiding light for those who are looking to study modern-day business from Asia. Go through the pro iles and interviews to learn the intricacies of some of the inest universities in Asia. Also, look at the articles curated by our in-house editorial team that would guide you to holistic education. Now, lip the pages and start your search for the best university for you to study business! - Ashlesh Khadse Editorial Director G Glide on the Winds of Business Education
  • 6. School of Business UNIVERSITY Realizing Business Dreams! Cover Story 08 20 STANDPOINT - Dr Jawahar Surisetti The Perks of Studying Business Abroad ARTICLE 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • 7. 22 Dr Gaur Hari Singhania OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH Creating the Future Business Leaders 30 Faculty of Management Studies, UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA Offering World with Creative Management Westford COLLEGE Building and Shaping the Future of Business Education 42 34 - Dr Richa Arora ARTICLE 38 Things to Consider While Studying in Asia Features STANDPOINT
  • 10. What do you think has linked human development and progression together? Business! Undoubtedly, business interconnects human needs with wants. Moreover, it has been the still standing principle since humanity ventured into civilization's deep waters. Be it in the form of a barter system or the structure of currency trade. The dynamics of commerce and business have changed as the need of people, demand in the market, and target audience have changed. Today business involves different aspects, and stepping into the market needs appropriate knowledge and studies. Being one of the most pro itable sectors, suiting this age where everyone desires to stand their own grounds, business education seems to be a key to the door of opportunities. Many students enroll themselves in educational institutions with the dream of a bright future. One institution that provides wings to dreamers is the School of Business, Shantou University. Let's have a look into this provider of wings. Looking into Shantou University's Journey With its establishment in May 1996, the School of Business, Shantou University has successively been selected as the comprehensive reform pilot college in Guangdong Province, the Innovation Experimental Zone of talent training mode in Guangdong Province (integrated thinking economic management talent training), and the practice teaching base for college students in Guangdong Province. At present, it has two irst-level master's degree programs in Business Administration and Applied Economics, and a professional master's degree program in Business Administration (MBA). There are ive undergraduate majors in Business Administration, Accounting,International Economics and Trade, Finance and Marketing Management. STORY Business Administration National first-class undergraduate major construction site Characteristic major construction site of the Ministry of Education Famous brand major of Guangdong Province National first-class undergraduate major construction site Pilot major of Guangdong Province for comprehensive professional reform National first-class undergraduate major construction site Characteristic major construction site of Guangdong Province Accounting International Economics and Trade Finance Marketing Management Characteristic major construction site of Guangdong Province Provincial first-class undergraduate major construction site Provincial first-class undergraduate major construction site 84 FACULTY 19 % Professors 16 % Overseas Nationality 94 % Doctoral Degrees 60 % Overseas Experience 48 % Outstanding Talents
  • 11. The school has now formed disciplinary teams featuring innovation and entrepreneurship management, organization and strategic management, accounting and inancial management, big data and supply chain management, and industrial economics. It owns an Institute of Guangdong-Taiwan Enterprise Cooperation, which is a key research base for humanities and social sciences in universities in Guangdong Province. Business School is committed to advancing with the times and developing global competence through education in contemporary society. Educating tomorrow's business managers with global perspectives, craftsmanship spirit, ability to innovate, and willingness to take responsibility. Learning about local businesses and serving the immediate community, committing to globally recognized standards of teaching and research, building on distinctive strengths, and striving for a first-class education. Pillars of the Institution
  • 12. “ Train students to be innovative problem solvers and to communicate their ideas well with others. Excelling the Learning The school actively promotes and implements the 'Arti icial Intelligence and Big Data plus Programs' interdisciplinary talent training system. It has formed the characteristics of multidisciplinary integration and focuses on cultivating integrated thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurial capability. The school has improved the curriculum design of the undergraduate program in accordance with the needs of the country and society to cultivate project management personnel. Currently, the program has been af irmed by society. Training students to be innovative problem solvers and to communicate their ideas well with others is the second strategic focus of the institute. It pays more attention to the courses related to innovation, and students strive to be innovative in practice. Outside The Playground The school utilizes many external resources to support the development of students' soft skills through inancial assistance and a variety of extracurricular activities. This includes organizing extracurricular activities and outreach programs such as student leadership seminars, peer experience sharing sessions, career development workshops, alumni forums, and innovative entrepreneur- ship programs. It also supports students in participating in national and international case competitions, simulation challenges, business plan challenges, and other events along with various competitions. In recent years, it has implemented service learning to foster student leadership and promote student participation in society. Following are the developments of the school in the past three years: STORY
  • 13. Tech To Make Accessible Education The Experimental Teach- ing Centre for Business Administration of the School, with an area of 589 square meters, includes a software simulation laboratory and a room for sandbox experiments and skills practice. The two labs are equipped with 120 network-connected desktop computers. The labs undertake experimental teaching tasks for Business Admin- istration and economics majors, including experi- mental courses and projects. The lab environ- ment, safety, and protec- tion are in line with national norms. The labs can adapt to students' open manage- ment and independent learning needs with humanized design, informatization, and networking conditions. The resource room has a collection of 5,404 business administration books and 453 journals and databases for the use of all teachers and students at the school. Management on campus is carried out using information technology. The university's MYSTU (e-learning) system is the main online learning platform for teaching courses, where the tuition activities are thoroughly followed. 73 Projects 316 Participants 40 School Level Projects 23 Provincial Level Projects 10 National Level Projects
  • 14. Watering the Sprouting Sapling The school has built special interdisciplinary platforms. It will integrate researchers from different ields inside and outside the school, form a full-time research team, and facilitate the construction of interdisciplinary platforms, including the Big Data and Health Industry Research Centre and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy Research Centre. The research centers focus on health industry chains, technological innovation and entrepreneurship, family business inheritance, governance mechanisms, and other problems. The school implements re ined education, small class sizes, and high teaching quality. It also arranges tutors for each undergraduate student to provide academic guidance and assistance throughout their university studies. Since 2019, the Li Ka- Shing Foundation has set up a special scholarship program in Shantou University to implement full-tuition awards for undergraduate students and support Shantou University to become the irst public comprehensive university in China to award full-time undergraduate tuition fees fully. During the pandemic, the school actively explored a new model of hybrid teaching that integrates online and of line, gave full play to the advantages of sharing and co-creating online technology and digital resources, supported students, differentiated, and personalized learning realized the diversi ication of teaching subjects, and laid a good foundation for the lexibility of teaching time and space. Setting the Pace to Face the World The school's strategy places special emphasis on 'Committing to globally recognized standards of teaching and research.' It has established international cooperation with overseas universities to expand the network of partners and develop exchange programs so that more students can go abroad and improve the level of internationalization. The school supports teachers in conducting cooperative research with universities, focusing on global hotspots, and improving internationalized research output. It also co- organizes academic activities with prestigious universities to promote academic exchanges between the institute and universities and enhance the in luence of the institute overseas. The school has a scholarship policy that speci ically funds students to participate in exchange programs abroad, most of which have mutual tuition waivers, and some programs even support students' living expenses. Some programs offer tuition discounts for Shantou graduates who pursue further studies abroad. The School of Business has signed formal cooperation agreements with 27 overseas institutions including in Ireland, Russia, USA, Canada, Portugal, France, Lithuania, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, India, Hong Kong SAR of China, and Taiwan of China and has carried out various types of exchange and cooperation programs. For example, in 2020, the school signed a cooperation agreement with Ural Federal University in Russia, the irst partner in Russia. In 2021, it signed a cooperation agreement with Woxsen University in India, the irst partner in India. The school has also established cooperative training projects with international partners. For example, the school and Claremont Graduate University in America have established a '4+1' undergraduate and master fast track. Responding to the trend of internationalization of business education, the School of Business has joined European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Silk Road Entrepreneurship Education Network (SREEN), and has obtained STORY
  • 15. the of icial membership of the Business Graduates Association (BGA), an international accrediting body for business education. Arranging for Bright Tomorrow The school's Careers Of ice helps students to plan their careers from their irst year and deepens their educational guidance through a series of activities or courses. Freshmen's professional introduction sessions and 'Introduction to Programme' courses speci ically. School students are required to take a course on 'Career Planning for Undergraduates'. The school organizes internships and provides funds to require students to complete three practical internship activities during the school years. Students are also provided with different types of internship positions according to the characteristics of each major. For example, for positions in Business Administration, the positions offered are to companies and organizations related to this discipline. For positions in inance, internships in banks, securities, and other types of placements are offered. Milestone Achievements • Business School is designated as the Provincial Comprehensive Reform Pilot College for Universities and the Provincial Undergraduate Practical Teaching Base in Guangdong. The school also owns an Institute of Guangdong-Taiwan Enterprise Cooperation, which is a key research base for humanities and social sciences in universities in Guangdong Province. • Business School currently owns two irst-level post- graduate programs of Business Administration and Applied Economics and the Master of Business Administration (MBA), three national and two provincial irst-class undergraduate majors in the 'Double Ten Thousand Plan'. • Since 2018, teachers have won one National Teaching Achievement Award and four Guangdong 27 Overseas Partner Institutions Ireland India Canada Taiwan of China France Russia Thailand USA South Korea Lithuania Hong Kong SAR of China Singapore Portugal Recruitment Inforamtion Served : 300+ Enterprises 700+ Students Experience-Sharing Session 12 Sessions 900+ Participants Alumni Sharing Session 6 Sessions 500+ Participants Internship Mobilization Meeting 3 Meetings 750+ Participants Provincial Education Teaching Achievement Awards. One course conducted by the school faculty is listed in the irst batch of National First-Class Undergraduate Courses. • Business School has formed academic teams with distinctive directions. In 2021, the school faculty had been funded by over three national and 21 provincial-level projects and published 52 high- level research papers as the irst author or corresponding
  • 16. author, among which UT Dallas's international top journal has accepted 2. • In the past three years, the students at the institute have won 85 awards in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, with 297 students involved in the competitions. • In 2018, the MBA program passed the quali ication assessment of the degree authorization point of the Degree Committee of the State Council. Initiating The Change The School of Business has had a fruitful collaboration with these academic partners all over the world, including in Asia. The faculty members of Shantou University maintain close academic cooperation with faculty members from prestigious universities worldwide. In the areas of innovation, strategy, organizational behaviour, and environmental economics, they have jointly organized important international academic conferences and workshops. This has led to an increase in articles published in international journals by faculty members of the School of Business. The school encourages faculty members to go abroad for exchange, training, and study visits to explore the frontiers of research. In the past three years, 24 faculty members have been sent to various countries for academic exchange and training activities especially during the tough time of COVID- 19. From 2019–2021, students at the school have participated in 161 outbound exchange activities abroad. The school has also added nine new short-term cooperation programs in winter and summer, involving different countries and regions. Despite the pandemic, the school sent its students to participate in exchange activities abroad in 2022. It jointly organized a course 'Doing Business in China's Pearl River Delta' with Singapore Management University and Singapore University of Social Sciences and organized a total of 22 students from Shantou University and two universities in Singapore to go to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong for study and exchange activities. With the increase in the number of students wanting to pursue education abroad, ten graduates chose to study for master's degrees in foreign universities in 2021. A total of 51 graduates from 2019 to 2021 have moved abroad for further education. The Lifelong Learning MBA Education Centre of Shantou University Business School now has a part-time MBA education programme and an Executive Education (EE) programme, with a total of about 2,200 students and alumni as at June 2022. Since 2016, Shantou University Business School has launched the lifelong learning platform of MBA Education Center, which advances the establishment of close and good connections between the current students and graduates of MBA Education Center. It aims to promote continuous improvement and lifelong learning for students. The lifelong learning platform is committed to promoting continuous improvement and lifelong learning for students and alumni. Since its inception, it provides customised course training and lecture series for social economy. It organizes activities and visits to help them keep up to date with industry news. Besides, the platform have innovated to provide lifelong career development support and entrepreneurial opportunities. It opens an online education platform and established teaching practice bases for enterprise research and industry exchange. With the purpose of lifelong learning, the platform has helped many students and alumni to successfully achieve career advancement and it is received popular recognition by the community. Website: Of ice Tel.: (+86)754 86503382 Email: Address: 243 Daxue Road, Shantou, Guangdong, China Zip Code: 515063 STORY 2020 China Business School Top 100 Best MBA Program 2020 China Business School the Most Characteristic MBA Program 2021 AMBA & BGA Final Nomination Award for Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative 2021 Silk Road Global Business School the Most Brand Value MBA Program 2021 China Business School the Most Characteristic MBA Program 2021 Annual Social Impact MBA Institution 2021 MBA Innovation Frontier Institution MBA Program Awards in 2020-21
  • 17. Never Miss a Thing VIEW THE Center for Excellence S Subscribe to The Education View educationviewmagazine educationview2 educationviewmagazine The Education View Subscription Email Phone (614)-602-1754 Office Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States
  • 18. Institution Name Description Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Dr Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management and Research Shantou University University of the Punjab, Institute of Business Administration, Lahore Westford University College Dr Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management and Research (GHS-IMR) is one of the oldest and premier management institute, working towards academic excellence and development of management skills through its flagship two-years full time PGDM program. Shantou University is a comprehensive university in Guangdong Province established with the approval of the State Council in 1981. It is a provincial and ministerial university jointly established by the Ministry of Education, Guangdong Province and the Li Ka Shing Foundation. Realizing the importance of business education, Department of Business Administration was established in 1972 in the University of the Punjab. Later on, the department was upgraded to the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in 1989. Westford is a respected and sought after academic institution offering advanced and tertiary qualifications in management, fashion & industry relevant ‘professional certifications’ supported with degrees, diplomas from globally accredited bodies and universities to aspiring learners in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, UK, Asia and rest of the World. The Faculty of Management Studies of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka foresees and incorporates knowledge & skills required by the dynamic job market, to be able to cater to the most crucial needs of the society in the time to come, therefore, it stands as an esteemed knowledge creation & Dissemination institution, specialized in management disciplines. SEPTEMBER - Issue 01 Best Universities to Study Business in Asia, 2022 URL
  • 19.
  • 20. 20 5Reasons to Study Business in Asia Dr Jawahar Surisetti, Advisor to Government he epicentre of the Tworld seems to be shifting towards Asia, and this has been more visible post the 1000 days of the pandemic. Asia looks to be on course to 50 percent of global GDP by 2040 and 40% of the world consumption as per Mckinsey. This century seems to belong to Asia because of the falling in line from consumption- driven economies to manufacturing for the world, and the upward trajectory is too clear not to be noticed. So, the need is to look to the educational institutions, especially business and technology, and how they will be able to match the best of the west in Expert's Advice
  • 21. Standpoint providing skills and knowledge to support the capacity needed for these burgeoning economies of Asia. Some factors that favour the reasons why one should study business in Asia are analysed: • Economical Business studies have been a preferred educational domain of the US, UK, Canada and Australia, but it is an expensive bet for an international student. The COVID and recession thereafter in the west has increased the risks of studying high-value courses with a risk of little or no return on investment. Moreover, the number of Asian students in the US, UK and Australia is very high and a great income source for the preferred educational institutions. After taking a beating of losing a number of residential students, these institutions have tried to rationalise the fee structure by setting up campuses in Singapore, Hongkong and other such destinations closer home to the students so that they are more economical. The advantage that Asia has is that by learning from these institutions, we were able to customise institutions to our needs and provide quality business education to students of the region at a more economical fee, making it a lucrative destination for students with lower affordability outside Asia too. • Future Geopolitical and Business Scenario The world's business structures have seen a more resilient Asia led by China, India, Japan and Korea, taking the world by storm. In this scenario, the silver lining is that with growing economies, the potential for business growth is higher vis a vis the saturated or peaked economies. Once the growth potential is higher, more jobs will be on offer, hence the need for better- equipped business management institutions with specialisations to suit the economies. With this fresh perspective, when the Asian giants are lexing their muscles in the US and the rest of the world, the business education of the Asian region is also bound to rise exponentially. • Resilience Many experts subscribed to the view that the Asian bubble might burst, but over time a conservative approach by Asian economies led by India and Japan has shown the world that the economies are more structurally resilient to be able to withstand the vagaries of nature or for scaling up. Even in the current scenario, many of the developed countries are going through some of the worst phases of recession, but India and Japan have done extremely well to thwart these recessive tendencies in their countries. This resilience shows that Asia is ready for the next leap of faith, thereby tilting the centre of gravity in their favour. • Future businesses Even at the expense of sounding competitively biased, Asia has reinvented itself to be more innovative and develop new age businesses, which earlier were the stranglehold of the US and Europe. The west also capitalised on cutting-edge technology from Japan. But now China, Korea and India have joined Japan, and the large numbers of youth in India coupled with the Startup India, Digital India and National Education Policy have created a new lot of young entrepreneurs who have learnt the art of expansion faster than their manufacturing predecessors. The digital age seems to be working in favour of Asia, especially India, with 65% of the demography below the age of 35, which is bound to reap rich dividends in future. • Scale India and China's population is a major chunk of the world population, and Asia in total accounts for 59.76% of the world population as per UN estimates. The rapid growth of youth in this region is one reason why the world job markets and economies look towards Asia for manpower and also consumption. The CEOs of the largest companies in the US and Europe also hail from Asia, motivating the youth to take to higher studies in the business domain. Singapore and Hongkong have been lourishing in business education, and now it has started spreading all over Asia, and the numbers support them. Dr. Jawahar Surisetti is a Psychologist and Educationist. He is the receiver of Bharat Shiksha Ratna Samman and Man of the Year-India by the US State for exemplary service in social education. Currently is an Advisor to Government, Mental Health and Digital Wellbeing expert, a bestselling author and start-up mentor. Author Abo the The Education View Sept 2022
  • 22. Providing a global outlook and capabilities of adapting changes require in the business industries. 22
  • 23. Singhania Institute of Management and Research Features Among all others, Dr Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management and Research (GHS-IMR) is shaping the student bright future through its two-year full-time PGDM lagship program. The institute emphasizes technical, professional and managerial education; meanwhile, it stresses indulging social and cultural responsibility in its students. After getting an insightful view of the institute, Dr Rahul Goyal, the Director of GHS-IMR, share his valuable experience and learning. He also mentions the institute's journey since its inception and the future goal of the institute with The Education view. The Budding Tale of the Institute Dr Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management and Research (GHS-IMR) is one of the oldest and premier management institutes established in 1995 by J.K. Organization. It is 136-year-old India's leading and respected industrial conglomerate. The institute has been working towards academic excellence and development of management skills through its lagship PGDM full-time program for two years, which has been approved by the All-India Council of Technical Education and Research (AICTE), Ministry of H.R.D. (Govt. of India) & NAAC "B+" Accredited. GHS-IMR aims to develop students' technical, professional, and managerial excellence and social and cultural sensitivity. Besides emphasizing the importance of management ethics, the institute is also concerned for the environment and stresses students to become 'environment- friendly' to ensure society's overall sustainable development. The practical knowledge and accredited course based on industry requirements and research are delivered by well-quali ied and experienced faculty. The institute enhances the 'employability quotient' of students and thus gets placed immediately by the employers through the strong industry links of the GHS-IMR. The institute's 27 batches have successfully passed out from the college, and more than 2200 students serve in leading companies in India. GHS-IMR has been recognized as a 'Centre of Academic Excellence' by national and international organizations. Since its establishment, the institute has been achieving its milestones, and Dr Rahul Goyal has been contributing a lot to make it the best management institute globally. Apart from GHS- IMR, he has achieved many academic goals in his life, which have been discussed. A Passionate Mentor Dr Rahul Goyal is the Director of the GHS-IMR; he has more than 26 years of academic and administrative experience mentoring various groups The Education View Sept 2022 Creating the Future Business Leaders anagement and Mresearch have been an essential factor of human civilization since the beginning of time, developing and sustaining the social order; today, it has come a long way, still providing its original aim of development and organization. However, subjecting to the change of the time, the forms of research and management have changed positively, leading to continuous economic development and enhancing the lifestyle of humans around the globe. And today, it has emerged as a ield of study with great importance as it obtains managerial, entrepreneurial and technical skills. Management skills could lead businesses towards success and usher in many technological advancements, which lead overall development of the world. Driving the zeal, many institutes have been indulging the managerial and entrepreneurial skills of budding entrepreneurs.
  • 24. of colleges. He has worked closely with organizations like NCTE, AICTE, UPTU, C.C.S. University and U.P. Government for af iliation and other concerned works. Dr Rahul Goyal is known in the academic ield as a go-getter leader. His able mentorship institute entered M.O.U.s with I.B.M., Wadwani International Foundation, Synergy University Moscow and many more universities and organizations of world fame. While reminiscing all the passionate performances of Dr Rahul, his valuable contribution and the de ined vision, mission and core values of the institute trailblaze consistently to achieve the milestones of the GHS- IMR. Vision, Mission and Core Values While stating about the institute's journey, Dr Rahul also mentions the institute's set vision, saying, "To be an institute engaged in creating thought leaders through innovative research, consulting and by being alma-mater of next practices." He also mentions the valuable mission of the institute. He asserts, "To be a management institute where today's students become tomorrow's management leaders, driven by a passion for discovering, innovating and creating opportunities in the environment not only for self-development but also for the society. It is aimed at creating managers, with a holistic approach, synthesizing conventional and modern management thinking with a global outlook and adapting to the changing requirements of the business." Further, he stated the institute's core values and says, "Dedication- Discipline-Determination! These 3Ds are the core of our values, synthesizing conventional and modern management thinking. We aim to provide a global outlook and capabilities of adapting to the changing requirements of the business industries." The vision, mission, and core values always show the right direction to organizations and institutes. But, with these, the institute does have some long-term and short- term goals for its development. Abiding and Interim Goals GHS-IMR try to formulate the curriculum; with these, the students can identify their ields and get aware of the current industrial developments. The institute encourages the students to learn new and demanding technical skills. Ensuring the students' insightful understanding of the concepts, the institute keeps improving its curriculum every year. Due to the pandemic, the institute has become unpredictable about its long-term goals. Instead of setting abiding goals, the institute does de ine its interim goals, which helps them to move forward. And GHS- IMR is adopting modernization ways to teach the students, also improving the infrastructure to cope with the rapid development and keeping up with the current education strata industry leader. With all these goals, Dr Rahul has introduced a few unique learning programs to improve the students' skillsets. Collateral Learning The world is now being more integrated through remote jobs, while the digital marketing industry in India is growing at a rate of 33.5%. The country is just pegged after Canada as the second-best digital hub. GHS-IMR realizing this opportunity, introduced Digital Marketing in the year 2014, simultaneously creating a centre for analytics in association with I.B.M. Continuing on the same point later, GHS- IMR maintained its lead in the area by adding a course of Robotics Process Automation (R.P.A.). All these collateral learning assist many awards, accolades and accreditations to the institutes described below. Badges of Honor After highlighting the institute's learning programs and its story, 24
  • 25. Dr Rahul also enlightens us with the awards, accolades, and accreditations of the institute and postulates, • "Ranked Promising B school By C.S.R. rd • Ranked 3 Best B School in U.P. by Silicon India. • Ranked Outstanding Institution by World Education Congress. • Ranked Outstanding Institute of Northern India by B.B.C. Knowledge. nd • Ranked 2 Best B school th in U.P. and 5 in India (Non-IIM) by Education World. th • Ranked 28 Best B school in India by Academic Insight. • National A* grading by CRISIL." Predicting Future Growth While visioning the future of the prestigious business institute, Dr Rahul notes, "We do agree with the Indian education system and also with other foreign countries, as it is structured differently in terms of pedagogy, instructional, manuals and many more, but now content is almost the same." "Indian intellectual force is considered at par with the workforce of any developed nation. Here in our institutes, we provide a complimentary international Industrial tour to our students to understand the work culture of world-leading companies. In this series, our students visited companies in the United Kingdom, China, and the Middle East to study and understand the organizational culture of world leaders," he added further. Stating further, he says, "We have alliances with the top universities across the globe; we do a lot of activities in their collaboration to provide an international education scenario to the students.” Features Today's students become tomorrow's management leaders, who are driven by a passion for discovering, innovating and creating opportunities in the environment not only for self- development but also for the society. The Education View Sept 2022
  • 26. ABROAD S The Perks of Business Studying 26 ravel can serve as an Tescape from the ordinary, mundane life as it allows you to explore and enhance new cultures, perspectives, and opportunities for a broad range of people. Visiting another country widens your mindset and gives you the window to explore for a de inite period. There is a qualitative difference between visiting a foreign country and living there for a prolonged period. Residing in a different country in a separate climate scenario surrounded by and between individuals from various backgrounds brings up its own set of pros and cons. Have you ever considered studying in another country while living in a different country? It is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in and glean numerous bene its. Let's focus on how it has been bene icial for aspiring students. With the disclo- sure to study abroad, it offers numerous varieties of approaches accompanied by its perks. Below are the bene its of studying business abroad Enhance Evolving into a Well-Rounded Individual For several years, studying abroad has been regarded as an important milestone for aspiring young university students from all over the globe. As an international student in another country, you will gain exceptional experiences that will allow you to improve as a person with a deep respect for other cultures, values, and norms. Learning and living in a foreign country will allow you to comprehend your personal cultural history and values better. It offers different viewpoints, customs, and ways of life and implies challenging your own beliefs. Know the Perks
  • 28. A few people change forever, while others evolve and gain stronger footing. Interacting with local populations and fellow international students allows you to respect other cultures and values better. With larger perspectives, worldviews, and tolerance to become more independent, self-suf icient, and con ident individuals evolve in their personal and professional lives. Expanding Network Studying abroad gives you the chance to form meaningful relationships with people from all over the world. Signi icantly raise one's international connections while meeting people who could be lifelong friends. Some interactions may lead to job opportunities, internships, or even business partners. The university where you would study is most likely to have a diverse community of students from the local area and abroad, offering you the chance to meet people from various backgrounds and cultures. The wider your network, the greater your chances of being connected to exciting career and social opportunities. Boost Individual Employability It's no secret that attending university enhances a graduate's employability. Starting from learning a foreign language from scratch to luency, getting a specialized quali ication, and inculcating soft skills like adaptability, communication, and cross- cultural understanding. Your time abroad is an excellent opportunity to develop an impressive resume. Depending on one's visa status and the country where you're studying, it is convenient to take up a part-time job, an internship, or even continue a career abroad. Professional advisors at universities would be a valuable source of information on professional openings and other ways to boost employability after pursuing a degree. Inculcate Business Marketing Skills Being an international student gives you a valuable opportunity to participate in life experiences and develop new skills to enhance your resume. With notable study abroad experience, you can learn and master new academic, social, and professional skills. Leadership abilities differ from one culture to the next. One can always have a learning approach to work with and better understand different leadership and business styles. This kind of exposure to a new culture presents you with a broad and sophisticated worldview and diversi ies your thoughts and values. Consequently, forming partnerships and ef iciently working while tackling global and multinational challenges are required for business marketing. Gain Competitive Approach With the networking approach, you'll be working alongside different people and companies, along with a dash of increased self- con idence and independence, while studying consecutively. Dealing with different people gives you a competitive edge in the business world. An international student who was living amidst the pandemic period was quoted as saying, "Although many of our interactions are now digital, she thinks that if you wish to get a global view of what's happening in business today, you should indeed travel to various countries and learn about their challenges." Thus, studying business gives you a reality check of what works in the world and provides you with a competitive approach. Global Perspective with International Exposure Studying in another country, you gain a broader perspective on culture and people, as well as a well- informed mindset to embrace your new surroundings. Being able to think with a global perspective, you tend to face modern challenges and come up with pioneering solutions in the future. These encounters allow one to think openly and creatively. You learn to view the world through different lenses and have different visions of your own country and culture. Spending time overseas opens doors to much more than just university gates. During holidays and weekends, you'll have the chance to travel to tourist hotspots and experience of beat places in your designated country. This allows you to experience different geographies and come back with stories different from India. Come back with amusing memories and stories, offering you international exposure. To conclude, The perks of studying abroad are abundant at any stage in your education. Be it undergraduate or graduate level, one needs to ind an appropriate program to it all your needs and goals. International education promotes global learning and fosters understanding among diverse backgrounds and perspective, and develop global-minded individuals. The Education View Sept 2022
  • 29.
  • 30. Faculty of Management Studies SABARAGAMUWA UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA O ering World with Creative Management The world is a global market, with continuous transactions, not only inancially but physically and emotionally as well. With the principle of giving and taking getting stronger, it won't be an overstatement to say that every aspect of life involves business, be it relationships or market deals. Where business factors have surrounded lives, it has become a necessity to learn and understand. Business studies not only help in better management but also in the development of one's personality and character, along with creating a strong sense of understanding and establishing oneself as an entrepreneur. The cherry on top is the gift to society, as a developed individual leads to the development of society and the nation as a whole. This business development of an individual comes with hard work and proper guidance as the only way to success is not the road straight ahead but the area surrounding it as well. It involves an individual being responsible for every factor of his surroundings, including the ecosystem, society and, of course, personal development, its venture. These requirements are not person speci ic but the need of industries, as there is a constant chase of inding better managing personalities with a passion for work and people. Contributing to the world, catering to the industry needs and supporting the new innovative talent is the Faculty of Management Studies, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Situated in Belihuloya, Shri Lanka, the institution is accredited as an "A" Graded Faculty, with its all seven- degree programs, by the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Currently, under the guidance of its Dean, Prof. Athula Gnanapala, the university has achieved remarkable success. Let's get an insight into the institution and know more about this amazing university. The Management Saga The Faculty of Management Studies—previously known as the Faculty of Business Studies—was established in 1996, offering a three-year degree in Accountancy and Finance and Business Management. Later in 2003, the degree program was extended to four years along with the change of name to what it is today. 2006 introduced the new Department of Tourism Teaching and Learning Policy is focused to adopt to provide world class learning experience to the undergraduate by adopting novel learning techniques and teaching methods which focusing on global employability requirements. 30
  • 31. Management to the institution, followed by the Department of Marketing Management in 2008. This catered to the emergency industry needs of the time and provided major milestones in the institution's journey. Today the faculty has expanded its academic service by introducing postgraduate degree programs, MBA (General, Finance, Marketing, and Tourism) and M.Sc. in Ayurvedic Hospital Management, in collaboration with the Faculty of Graduate Studies to afford the educational quali ications to the industry practitioner. Achieving remarkable success, the institution has conducted the 'Interdisciplinary Conference of Management Researchers (ICMR)' from 2016 for the th 6 consecutive year in 2021. Along with this, the university also collaborated with Emerald Publishing as one of the major research conferences in the management stream. Contributing and opening the door for young researchers, Management Undergraduates' Research Session (MURS) was started in 2019 by FMS in collaboration with the Young Scientists Forum. Plotting the Story: Mission, Vision, Values The university makes an effort and works in accordance with its vision and values, ensuring the development of the students and faculty. The institution envisions to be the most innovative and eco-ef icient centre of excellence in higher education and research in management studies in the South Asian region. The core values of the institution uphold this vision. FMS's core values are Integrity, Collaboration and Synergy, Quality Consciousness, Respect, Inclusivity, Accountability and Sustainability, Community, Creativity, and Innovation. Abiding by these values, the university has established itself in a prominent position, supporting its mission to become the leading innovative and sustainable centre of excellence in higher education and research in the region. Features The Education View Sept 2022
  • 32. An Inspiring Leader The institution was led under the leadership of Mr. M.Y.M. Siddique, the irst dean of the institution, who, today, is succeeded by Prof. Athula Gnanapala from 2017 up to date. Prof. Gnanapala has played a signi icant role in uplifting the quality of the faculty as a visionary leader. The FMS has obtained great achievement, specially awarded 'A' grades for all degree programs as a major milestone in its historical evolution under his leadership. Further, all four heads of the departments heading the seven-degree program, namely Prof. Dunusinghe G. Dharmarathna, Mr Achintha Ekanayake, Dr Sarath Munasinghe, and Mr D. Jasinghe, are playing signi icant roles in the success of the FMS in many ways. Education Policies FMS looks forward to the implementation of educational quality- oriented policies to bridge the gap and uplift the overall productivity of the faculty. It further tends to focus on outcome-based education and student- centred learning. The institution's Teaching and Learning Policy focuses on adapting to provide a world-class learning experience to the undergraduate by adopting novel techniques and methods, focusing on global employability requirements. The FMS has banned the usage of single-use plastic as a policy considering its devastating effect on the natural environment. Quality Policy focuses on uplifting the faculty's overall quality, aligning with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21001:2018 international standards and the UGC Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). The Diversity Management Policy focuses on providing inclusive management of diversities associated with ethnicity, race, gender, and their intersections. Further, FMS focus on conducive environmental Policy to provide a learning environment setting that allows for a free low of ideas, thoughts, and concepts between the teachers and learners without disturbances. Gender Equity and Equality (GEE) Policy aims to provide equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender and to avoid sexual and gender-based violence. The Differently-abled Policy aims to promote and protect the rights of differently-abled students and staff of FMS. The FMS is committed to being sustainable by managing the environmental impact associated with towards reduction and prevention, adopting best practices, and sustainably conducting our operation processes, thoughtful, sustainable focus on strategical planning and top management decisions making thorough the Policy on sustainability. Programs Out of the Box FMS is the only institution offering BSc. Honours in EcoBusiness Management in South Asian Region, and the course is focused on producing environmentally conscious managers for the industry setting. This innovative degree program provides an insight into the sustainable aspects of related areas such as environmental management, energy and industrial resource management, natural resource management and environmental law, environmental footprint, resource ef icient cleaner production, eco-design and life cycle assessment, eco- labelling, and green procurement based on the solid foundation on principles of management. BSc. Honours in Tourism Management, BSc. Honours in Hospitality Management and BSc. Honours in Banking & Insurance degree programs provided by the institution are unique to the country. Investment in Personalities FMS knows the importance Dr. Sarath Munasinghe Head, Department of Tourism Management Mr. Achintha Ekanayake Head, Department of Business Management Mr. D Jasinghe Head, Department of Marketing 32
  • 33. of education in and outside the classrooms; hence, it actively tries to provide opportunities to its students for participation in various activities, including different campaigns like tree plantations and beach cleaning events. The institution also organises musical events and art festivals, sportsmanship development events, community and school development and corporate social responsibility projects, and language camps. While conducting the events, the undergraduate students are given the responsibility of planning, organising, and executing under faculty supervision. This helps to sharpen the leadership and managerial skills of students. The institution also provides internships and subject-oriented company visits for better exposure to the students. Features Focus on conducive environmental policy to provide learning environment setting which allows for a free flow of ideas, thoughts and concepts between the teachers and learners without having disturbances. Internships are a compulsory component in the academic curriculum of degree programs. The company visits are organised to get industry exposure to modules. The knowledge infused during these visits is examined in the continuous assessment and in the semester-based examinations. Personalisation of Education The FMS provides a unique learning experience for students through its Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Moreover, as a personalised learning program, FMS provides undergraduate research under expert supervision. The major challenge is the time-consuming process for the academic staff and research supervisors. Supervised internships also provide academic mentoring to grab more practical knowledge and help students in a better way. Fertilising the Soil FMS initiates the sharpening of industry knowledge and skills to increase employability and uplift the mental preparedness of the undergraduates. To achieve this, the university has adopted various approaches that include Organizing Carrier Fairs, Industry Collaborative Projects, Personality Development Workshops, Undergraduate Research Sessions, Counselling and Mentoring programs, and MOU with professional bodies. Envisioning the Future The FMS envisions excelling in terms of quality, sustainability, health, and safety with ISO certi ications and being a model faculty to all other higher education institutes. The Education View Sept 2022
  • 34. UNIVERSITIES in Asia are Adapting to Paradigm How The Best the Changing Business ducation is Eundergoing paradigmatic changes, and universities are feeling the brunt of these changes. The concept of 'business as usual' is over for traditional universities and educational institutions, and this is visible as we have witnessed several noteworthy inancial struggles, mergers, and acquisitions. The critical reasons behind these changes and developments that are so uneven across geographies outline the alternative strategic trajectories for the Universities, which majorly fall under the category of 3Cs—Customers, Competitors, and Company—as a framework within which to scrutinize important drivers of change in more depth. In terms of customers, the focus is on shifts in demand connected to technological developments and value changes among customers. With regard to competitors, digitalization is once again the key driver of change in that it leads to an increasing number of alternative suppliers of education institutions, and lastly, the vast number and heterogeneity of education institutions and their movement into the education sector brings in more competition. Considering all the above challenges, the best universities in Asia are considering the need for more radical business- model innovations, and while the turbulent changes in the environment are clearly uncomfortable for many Universities, they are looking at them as opportunities and not just as threats. Taking maximum advantage of the changes required the courage to chart new routes, which are very different for universities with different resources, capabilities, and purposes. A few noteworthy changes that the Universities have adopted are: Collaborations between Corporates and the Traditional Universities: In this model, the universities with a large and impressive campus tie up with corporates and train their collaborative company employees and those of selected partner companies. In this process, the Universities team up with strong brands of the institution that still counts and makes use of learning material from the various online academies and delivers the course content. During this process, they use a ly-in faculty model from top- notch institutions, which saves them the expense of full-time professors. Adopting the transformation of education from a traditional site-bounded paradigm towards a new triplization paradigm: The goals, theory, content, and practices of education diverge signi icantly from conventional wisdom, and in the new paradigm of education, the core activities that are creating limitless opportunities for teaching and learning, as well as a new generation of CMI leaders and citizens in both local society and the global village, are the development of students' contextualized multiple intelligence (CMI) and the processes of globalization, localization, and individualization in education. This paradigm shift adopted by Asian Universities in education is providing innovative ideas and possibilities for reforming education in different parts of the globe to meet the challenges of the future. Adoption of Educational Technology: Firstly, it de ines the paradigm change and presents evidence that it is the only way to improve our education systems. Implementing relevant 34 Insider's Insight
  • 35. Standpoint The Education View Sept 2022 Dr. RICHA ARORA CEO and Director, Regenesys Business School, South Africa Dr Richa is a Professor of Marketing, having studied for her PhD and M-Phil in Marketing. She is a highly regarded researcher with over 30 research papers and three edited volumes published. She has been invited to deliver over 30 keynote/plenary talks at international conferences, and has been invited as a visiting professor to universities around the world, including South Africa, Nigeria, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Ghana, Namibia and New Zealand and She is a Board member of IODSA (Institute of Directors in South Africa).
  • 36. technologies, Real-time data, innovations like arti icial intelligence (AI), and a range of new devices and tools are helping universities to transform the roles and relationships of students, teachers, and parents. Students are getting empowered to learn for themselves in lexible, often collaborative ways, both inside and outside classrooms at their own pace. They can now follow their own interests and be challenged where appropriate. To create fresh challenges and provide the right assistance for each kid to advance, teachers have access to tailored real-time data on how each of their students is doing academically and emotionally. Parents are more certain, speci ic, and con ident about their involvement in their child's education. The rise of 'personalized learning', where each student receives targeted one-on- one attention from teachers who have access to real-time data on their success and dif iculties, is perhaps technology's most obvious consequence. These advancements have been led by online education, where a number of web-based tools have been developed to evaluate students' preferences and readiness for various learning modalities. Different multimedia communication systems have been used to bene it both students and teachers. These systems let students choose content in accordance with their interests and preferences while also assisting teachers in developing a greater awareness of their pupils. Moving from a teaching culture to a learning culture with a focus on skill enhancement: Universities have begun to form a picture of what is expected of learners or what is the ideal learner today. From an educator's perspective, several learner skills, attributes, and competencies emerge, which are: • Active, inquiring, analytical. • Engaged citizens. • Equipped with research and inquiry skills. • Exercise independent critical judgment. • Co-creators and producers of knowledge. • Able to function effectively in the real world. • Able to communicate and cross-language boundaries or cultural boundaries. • Motivated and equipped to continue learning over a lifetime. • Active, inquiring, analytical. • Able to function effectively in the real world. • Able to communicate and cross-language boundaries or cultural boundaries. • Motivated and equipped to continue learning over a lifetime. • Exercise independent critical judgment. To achieve the above, various Asian universities have built continuous engagement structures with the corporates to get insights on constant changing soft and hard skill requirements and have begun serious leadership engagement with the innovative application of digital technologies, which are helpful in developing the skill-based futuristic economy. The Education View Sept 2022 Dr. Richa Arora is the academic leader and Chief Operating Officer, responsible for the strategic oversight, financial sustainability and academic direction of the University of Stirling and SQA- RAK campus. 36
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  • 38. in Asia Things to Con der si 38 Asia is considered one of the top continents suitable destinations for study in the world and one of the main hosts of immigrants. The continent has also been an attraction of the world for centuries, the popularity of which has only grown with globalization and the recognition of Asian artists like BTS, Priyanka Chopra, and Wan Peng. With the popularity, love, and craze of anime, K- dramas, and other Asian forms of entertainment and innovation, curiosity and the number of immigrants in Asia have increased. Apart from these factors, education in Asia is considered one of the inest. Countries like Malaysia, Japan, and South Korea are famous for their affordable and good quality of education, attracting students from around the world. Whìle Studying Study Asia
  • 40. However, when it is decided to study abroad, there are lots of lingering questions and a list of cautions to be followed to have a comfortable and a bene iting educational life. If you have decided to move to Asia for studies, here are some things that would help you in your stay. Place, Area, and Space Asia is a big continent with varied vegetation from what an individual might be used to. Considering the factors like weather, atmosphere, and culture becomes important for health and stay. In the happy wave of getting admission to the dream college, students usually tend to forget about the living facilities. Though almost all universities have dorm facilities, it might not turn out to be the best option. Having a backup plan in such a case could always be more than just helpful. While considering a place to stay, an individual needs to look at a few important factors: Distance from the college/ university Area surrounding the home Available facilities like electricity, water, and the condition of the dwelling. Rules and regulations, availability of food and other necessities, etc. A Trip Beforehand Shifting into a new place and different environment could be hard to adjust to. One might experience homesickness or other illnesses due to the new change. This might prove as a roadblock in the studies, which is the main objective. Therefore, a short trip to the place and area before actually settling down could prove helpful in adjusting to new surroundings. Considerate Fooding Food is a major and common concern for all the students living away from home, which could lead to health issues. One might not ind a local food adaptable or to liking, but it is important to select a place that could help a person deal with this situation. Though this could be dealt with cooking at a place, what better option than having your favourite food available down the street from your place? Managing the Bills A part of studying abroad includes exploring new places; though it might sound so much fun, it goes a little hefty on the purse. Preparing a budget would help manage the expenses beforehand and prove helpful in tight times. Law to Rescue The change of boundaries means a change of law. What might be legal in one place might be illegal in other, while it could be strictly prohibited in some. It is important to know the laws of the land one is going to be standing on for a long time period. This could come in handy and as save you from many situations. Local Study and Research With different places, areas, and geosocial factors, there are many regions to visit, and prior study of these would help in deciding the weekend destination. Apart from these, a little research about the places and people could help one to involve in local communities and feel part of it. A To-do List A good to-do list could save hours of freckle hustling with what to do irst. It not only allows one to keep a check on the activities that are to be done but also helps in planning for studies and creating space for leisure activities. Emergency Contacts Apart from keeping all the necessary documents, having a local guardian or someone to rely on during emergencies is important. It could save you from disaster as even if you are alone, you would have someone to fall back on. The Bottom Line Studying abroad in a continent like Asia could prove to be a magni icent experience if planned correctly. Following a few nitpicks of the rules could make this entire journey more enjoyable by adding abundant knowledge to the experience. The Education View Sept 2022
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  • 42. University College with technology, the need to enhance and upgrade the education standard with respect to the current business paradigm has become necessary to surf the rising wave. Moreover, the current tide in the business education space is demanding change; with globalization bringing the world closer with every passing minute, the demand for quality and diverse business education with respect to contemporary commercial practices has surged drastically. While the most prominent business schools and universities are struggling to ind a mid-way-out to connect business education with the present-day industrial scenario, some universities are nurturing students holistically by equipping them with the required skills to excel. In our quest to ind 'Best Universities to Study Business in Asia, 2022,' we came across Westford University College, which is rede ining the commercial education paradigm shift from the contemporary business world. In an exclusive conversation with The Education View, Mr Hanil Das, Co-founder and CEO of Westford University College, shares his journey through the transition of business education and how the college has nurtured students to become future business leaders. A Humble Story of Inception Westford Education Society had a very humble beginning in the year 2009. Started small under the lagship of Westford School of Management with only three personnel and one person from Pearson, UK. However, as other courses were introduced, the college rebranded itself, and Westford University College was established. The inception of this educational institute has had the entrepreneurial approach of the educational enthusiast's founders. Noticing the inadequacies in the education system in the Middle East, they founded Westford University College with a noble philosophy of providing graduates with experiences and Building and Shaping the Future of Business Education "Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy Technological advancements are de ining the future of the world. The proof of this can be seen in the re lection of the change in the business paradigm. Today, technology has successfully managed to make a place for itself in everyone's life. Technology, given in the hands of humans, has escalated quickly from becoming a privilege to a necessity. The inclusion of technology in business has eased and smoothened the code of conduct business, but on the other hand, it has brought an effective change that is rede ining the business paradigm. Though the code of conduct has been the same since the introduction of the barter system, the inclusion of technology in business has signi icantly changed the minor loopholes in the code of conduct of business. Now that the world has successfully adopted the inevitable change that came as complimentary opportunities that would prepare them for an excellent career in the corporate space. Talking about the inception story of Westford University College, Mr Hanil Das says, "It was decided that the institute's strength was in providing executive education to professionals looking to further their careers. As a result, it focused on executive education and developed a curriculum unlike any other institute in the region. It seeks to be student-centred, providing a comprehensive picture of the company, its working environment, and the community in which it operates. Furthermore, it preserves a multicultural learning atmosphere because students worldwide enrol here to advance their professions." A Diverse Couse to Create a Global Community of Lifelong Learners Being a college of business aiming to open the door of opportunities in the corporate sector for the students, Westford University College pride itself on providing its students with a diverse 42
  • 43. Features Build a global community of learners and leaders by delivering industry- relevant programs across all levels. “ “ course and a lifelong learning experience. Highlighting the course offerings at Westford University College, Mr Hanil Das says, "Beginning with the L3 foundation programme, we offer HND, BABM, MBA, DBA, and other professional programmes. Westford, which has an advantage over its more recent E- universities due to its more than ten years of experience in the education ield, has worked with international universities and awarding organisations to put together the most bene icial combination of opportunities and certi ications for career development." Further to provide undergraduate aspirants with a complete experience of business studies, Westford University College has curated a unique blend of quali ications from UK- based universities such as Liverpool John Moores University, Canterbury Christ Church University, University of Gloucestershire, and Abertay University, along with the opportunity to begin with a Higher National Diploma from Pearson, UK. Westford University College has introduced a unique program for its MBA aspirants; explaining the delicacies of this program, Mr Hanil Das says, "The MBA aspirants are offered a 'Triple Crown MBA' which focuses on professional networking and practitioner training apart from academic quali ications that come from reputed universities in the UK and Spain namely, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK, UCAM Spain, CCCU, UK and Girne American University, Cyprus, University of Gloucestershire." The Education View Sept 2022
  • 44. Since its inception, Westford University College has been adding new courses to its curriculum to stay relevant to the changing business paradigm. A recent addition to the prestigious portfolio of WUC is the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program from UCAM, Spain. Additionally, WUC and the University of California, Los Angeles Extension (UCLA Extension) worked together to offer the industry players an excellent 'Online Leadership and Management Development Program'. "Westford has an international status for delivering excellence. Westford prides itself in having a strong student- faculty relationship. It nurtures an environment of lifelong learning, teaching, research, and discovery. We build our brand by aiming to make our students corporate-ready," Mr Hanil Das further added. Mr Hanil Das - A Visionary Leader Dedicated to Service Mr Hanil Das is the Co- founder of Westford Education Group and CEO of Westford University College. Mr Das holds an MBA from Bangalore University and has completed the Leadership and Management Development Program from the University of California, Los Angeles Extension. Being a visionary edupreneur, a higher education professional and a strategist, he also has over a decade of experience in the higher education sector. Talking about his contribution to the growth of WUC, the college management says, "Mr Hanil has contributed to the growth and management of Westford Education Group. He has forged multiple alliances, as well as established varied operations and channel management strategies in the Middle Eastern, European and South Asian branches of educational institutions that fall under the Westford umbrella. Under his leadership, Westford University College has been recognized as one of the top business schools in the Middle East. He aspires to take Westford to new heights and provide the best higher education services in the region." Smooth Transition in the Future The education sector has transitioned toward a growing share of online teaching and learning activities in recent years. While most colleges and universities now include an e-learning program in their curriculum, Westford University College offers an option to applicants to pursue higher education via a blended learning pedagogical approach. Explaining this unique learning program for the future, Mr Hanil Das brie ly shares, "Given the changing trends and demand for online education, Westford aims to transition towards online teaching and learning completely. Westford University College's online section, known as 'Westford Uni Online,' which promotes the motto 'Study Anytime Anywhere' with a good work-life-study balance, was established as a result of our success there. Our goal is to become a company that provides learning aspirants around the world with an accessible, high-quality education." Creating Lifelong Learners Westford University College is one of the ideal destinations for students in UAE to study business. Since the college puts students' growth irst, the college encourages its students to be lifelong learners. Emphasizing such initiatives started by WUC, Mr Hanil Das says, "Westford provides several programmes to encourage students and graduates to continue learning throughout their lives. Our Westford Mentorship Program offers a venue for alumni and current bachelor's and master's students to enhance their mentoring and leadership abilities. Another venue for young people to meet and learn from experts in various ields is our Westford Youth Business Mission Vision Westford University College is in the business of transformations – individuals, organizations, and society. The programs are designed to complement the degree, which leads to a job and career that utilizes the passions and skills of the students. WUC's vision is to be a premier management Institution operating globally through excellence in quality education and research. Westford University College's mission is to build a global community of learners and leaders by delivering industry-relevant programs across all levels. The college is committed to transforming how individuals and organizations epitomize knowledge, focusing on empowering our students through educational leadership and collaborations. 44
  • 45. Leadership Program (YBLP)." Aiming for Holistic Development Westford University College has developed a personalized learning approach in its curriculum to provide a holistic environment for the students to thrive. As the students studying at the college hail from different parts of the world, bringing them on the same page is the only for them to complete their learning arc. With a carefully curated blend of traditional and modern learning, the methodologies cater to all types of students, and various other initiatives re lect different approaches to teaching, learning and engagement. Explaining this arc of holistic development in students, Mr Hamil Das says, "With the inculcation of technology, career improvement programs, bridging academic and personal growth, and committing to broader inclusions the institute helps students have all the tools needed to step into the real world and face challenges. The faculty members hail from varied backgrounds and possess vast knowledge that enables learners to see and experience diverse leadership styles. This results in the immediate bene it for students to increase their intellectual engagement, personal motivation, cultural engagement, and critical thinking, making them better scholars, thinkers, and citizens." Preparing Students for the Students Westford University College is built on the very principle of providing to upgrade and upskill one's knowledge and learning. Explaining the grooming process of students for the future, Mr Hamil Das says, " Westford provides programmes that are focused on one's professional development without interfering with one's job life. Upskilling was a focus of our Management Development Program (MDP), Professional Development Programs (PDP), and programmes. The MBA and DBA concentrations, meanwhile, are concerned with improving one's educational background." "At Westford, we understand that, with the corporate world evolving, the workforce will value employees who have a quest for learning and are investing in upgrading themselves. Professionals continuously enhancing their education will be perceived to be more adaptable and agile and make better leaders. Hence, Westford offers the right platform for lifelong learning without compromising work or life," Mr Hamil Das added further. Pee-ka-boo into the Future its reach across Asia through our subsidiary 'Westford Campus' in an onsite or online setting to bene it these individuals. Across the region, you'll ind us offering courses at all levels from leading UK universities." Features Envisioning the commitment of WUC for the future, Mr Hamil Das says, "We at Westford are committed to making education affordable and easily accessible to young adults and working professionals around the world. In view of this, the institution seeks to expand Pave the way for progress in career paths both as a practitioner as well as a scholar. “ “ Mr Hanil Das Co-founder and CEO, Westford University College, UAE The Education View Sept 2022