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Become A Remarkable Practice

    Relationship Based Dentistry                                          Loving our Living
                     Serving with Soul
                                                                          T  o serve with soul is to bring
                                                                             congruence between the

W                                  T
     hat happens between a            he slightest adjustment can         human “doing” and the human
     dentist (or any auxiliary)       change the way we are perceived     “being” thus exposing that
and a patient is shaped by many    and ultimately impact how we are       which lives TRULY in our hearts.
curious and confounding forces.    valued and trusted so we can in
Confusion between beliefs,
actions or words and intent can
                                   earnest, help them to health.          I t’s just that sometimes hearts
                                                                            get crusted over with the

                                   I magine working every day in          debris and hangovers of our
sometimes be far from what                                                experiences (long term and in
we mean to convey. It’s true for     a climate free of suspicion and
                                   doubt. We all know that dentistry      the last 10 minutes). It’s easy to
patients too.                                                             become cluttered and confused,
                                   can seem equal to most patients.

S   ometimes the smallest                                                 with the constant noise about
    adjustments have the ability
to hugely impact the way we        P   rofoundly personal service can
                                       be the defining difference. Once
                                   trust is awarded – the heavens
                                                                          price and convenience, and the
                                                                          current pressures of running a
                                                                          practice. So how do we keep
demonstrate caring and come to
understand what patients really    open. It can be done in a matter of    loving our living – even in to
mean.                              deliberate hours.                      sunset years?

S  omething quite simple needs
   change if we are seeking                                               F   or starters, we need to
                                                                              believe that this precious
                                                                          relationship between caregiver
something more from our career.
                                                                          and patient deserves, even
                                                                          demands, our commitment to
                                                                          making it ever more conscious.

                                                                          P   riorities are adjusted with
                                                                              each of us striving to take
                                                                          our responsibilities to a more
                                                                          deliberate level. And, to see to it
                                                                          that our commitments are more
                                                                          grounded, that they go beyond
                                                                          mere intention but truly make a
                                                                          meaningful difference.

                                                                          T  o be valued, choosing
                                                                             dentistry must be an
                                                                          experience instead of choosing
                                                                          a bunch of procedures.
2 B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e

I  magine if we were all serious
   about doing away with
those distracted phone calls,
                                      EQ.    (Emotional Quo-
                                             tient) has bounded
                                in to conversations. That
the times when we barely        emotions effect behaviour has
listened, perhaps writing       long been known. Develop-
up charts, looking at x-rays,   ing EI - shortened to EQ - is
cleaning a room or watching     the new “must have” in board
the screen while pretending     rooms, bedrooms, class rooms
to be relating. We want to      and health care. If we could
eliminate the token greeting,   hear again Dr. Bob Barkley, Dr.
“how are you” and our minds     L.D. Pankey, Carl Rogers and
elsewhere. We want to do        others, I think we would hear
something better than visit
                                united and repeated “wahoos”                                                         auxiliaries have said nearly the
                                                                             questions come next
over dental conditions with     as more people serve and act                                                         same words. All wondered
                                                                             like how do I do it,
images, models or x-rays being  with soul. They were indeed                                                          in the beginning when this
                                                                 how long does it take, how
all we relate to. Many have had ahead of their time.                                                                 thing called relationship
                                                                 have others done it, and so on.
enough of that on both sides.                                                                                        starts meeting our criteria for
                                A learnable skill                Now brace yourself a real mind
We want something more in                                        bender.                                             “success.” Well, I do hear you,
this realm called relationship. No matter the name, the                                                              and yet I need you to hear
                                concepts employ learnable        It’s why that matters most. In                      that I earnestly know happy
Each of us knows what that
                                                                 finding what you really love to                     practices with long standing
“something more” relationship skills that are unnatural to
                                most people. Like dancing,       do, you’ll never have to work                       teams and clients are a reality.
feels like. Nature allows us to
close our mouth but not our     everyone can learn the moves. a day in your life. Is delivering                      The people within are not
                                                                 remedial care enough? What                          unrealistic - too soft hearted
ears. How we communicate is Some can really hear the
                                music and all get better with    business do you want to be in?                      to be smart headed. Quite the
the linchpin.
                                practice.                        Whom do you want to serve?                          contrary. They are not of cults
All priests and priestesses                                      What commitment are you                             nor trends nor bandwagons.
of health- centered, patient    We can quickly change that       willing to make? WHY?                               Chasing the cutting edge
centric, volitional, values,    sometimes zest less thing we                                                         of technology they realize
                                often have called rapport.       It only takes one
relationship based practice                                                                                          is easily duplicated and not
talks about “The Connection”    We can begin to move it in                                                           distinctive to warrant loyalty
                                                                 Practices change from the
needing to be more than it      to new realms of real helping                                                        and support.
                                                                 passion of one committed soul.
often is.                       instead of curing and deliver
                                                                 “O. K., so if only I start doing
                                in our heart of hearts what we                                                       They know, and I probably
                                                                 it, there already isn’t enough
That means we need more         really, REALLY want to deliver                                                       need not remind you, that
                                                                 of me to go around” a doctor
consciousness to use what’s     – health preserving or revital-                                                      we’re talking about this fragile,
                                                                 says. “It’s always me. I have to
available in all of us. We must izing, often invisible dentistry                                                     utterly frustrating, and yet
                                                                 make the changes, I have to do
demand that each of us be       that is paid for with happy                                                          ultimately incredibly fulfilling
                                                                 the work, and he/she sits back
fully present. We must not      dollars.                                                                             profession called dentistry that
                                                                 and does nothing. I’m run off
only listen to hear, but also                                                                                        is equally, if not more about
                                                                 my feet as it is.” I understand
pause to feel what patients                                                                                          behaviours than it is about the
                                                                 that wail of despair. I also
communicate.                                                                                                         clinical science itself.
                                                                 know that a fair share of

                                                                                       Happiness is like a butterfly, it is not to be
                                                                                       chased. Perhaps if you sit still it will light
                                                                                                   on your shoulder

       Reprint and distribution after talking with me - please & thankyou    Suzan Bekolay      277 Frome Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario K0A 1X0
                      Suz’s phone 613-292-1978       Fax 613-622-5422
B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e 3

W     hat's this relationship
      phenomenon – serving
                                   burbs, rural towns and once
                                   they learn and understand
                                                                     not because they know they
                                                                     should. There’s one thing that
with soul we're talking about?

Recently I’ve come to call it
                                   it, and everyone uses even
                                   just the fundamentals,; wow,
                                                                     hasn’t changed in all these
                                                                     years and that’s behaviour.             Glorious
                                   the glorious changes it has       New behavioural technologies
“The Ally Process”, a name                                           are what has developed.
coined by Dr. Sid Simon (Pro-
fessor Emeritus University of
Mass.,) and I like it. Treatment
coordinators and codiscover-
                                   Just like the brilliance behind
                                   the invention of post it notes,
                                   the Ally process is a simple
                                                                     P   eople power busi-
                                                                         nesses. As a spin-off
                                                                     of allying with patients,
ies have become popular-           concept. Let me speak about       new chemistries formed
ized. Although well intended       it from an old dental assis-      in teams stemming from
hollow preach-teach systems        tant’s perspective who had a      the striking impact of
and insurance administration       black belt in tongue fu.          behaviour modelling.
prevails. Many employ what I                                         Consistently, many found
call “tongue-fu”.                  In the early 70’s with passion-   new joy in relationships
                                   ate caring, I missed the most     with each other. Happy
I’ve integrated “Ally” across      important thing - people          people are far more produc-
North America in large cities,     change when they want to          tive and open to change.

The Ally Process                              is fundamental to relationship based practice. It does not employ Tongue Fu -
                                              teaching, evangelizing, or the manipulative, strong arming, outsmarting, out-
thinking realm of sales and heavy handed promotion. It coincides with the idea that “people don’t care how much you know until
they know how much you care” and the corollary “people go where they feel understood more than where they are taught to
understand”. (Thank-you mentors.)

I simply decide to become an ally to you. I make that conscious, aware, commitment. I focus on achievement - even baby steps
to health, not the “success” of “filling holes in the books”. As your ally, I listen very, very carefully to understand your experiences,
what it is you say you want to achieve then patiently explore the meaning of them both. I never assume meaning since all
meaning is personal. I try to help you figure out what you want, why it’s important to you and finally help you get what you want.

Maybe it is to use up your insurance. Maybe it is to save your teeth in to old age. Maybe it is to have all your teeth out. Maybe
it is to heal your disappointment at how your teeth have deteriorated. Maybe you think dentists are rip off artists as dentistry
repeatedly failed. I try my darndest not to judge your want, distillation, fear or to shape it, influence it or change it to meet my
standards nor align it with my experiences with other patients.

OK,         that seems pretty straightforward. A lot of dentists will say "Hell we do that every day." Well, maybe. If there’s room for
            you to love you living more, you might consider looking harshly at how you give advice or “recommend”. Perhaps you
have occasionally employed “tongue-fu” which can, at the worst, be sarcastic about "THE reality" or inadvertently threaten or push
for action. You may have occasionally resented that patients did not award you blind faith given your credentials. It’s possible that
you have been overly managerial, making mini dentists of people and had the "want" come
out of you instead of out of them. Remember we've been programmed as advice
givers - to have the “right” answers. It’s cousin to the dictum “be conservative”,
robbing people of their freedom to choose. All makes us sometimes insensitive to
someone else's process of becoming which must include expression of feelings.
The more cognitive the experience, the less likely there will be change.

Tongue Fu                           distorts emotional response. Accurate emotions
                                    galvanize ALL behavioural change. It will insight
resistance and a verbal battle begins. The word “but” is often the starting bell like
“Will my insurance pay for it”. Or, maybe you’ve been so non-directive, patients
are left adrift in a sea of choices. In such confused states, consulting with family,
friends, or the net, adds more confusion and postponement is made easy. So
much for prevention.
4 B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e

Remember Rocky

                                       T  hat said, what does an Ally
                                          do to help someone move
                                       towards action?
                                                                               near his swollen eye so he can
                                                                               see again. (It might take a little
                                                                               courage for us to do that, even
                                                                                                                      way. Patients have to do the
                                                                                                                      do’s for themselves but we
                                                                                                                      commit to being in their corner
                                                                               symbolically).                         in functional healthy ways.

                                       T   hink of one of the first
                                           “Rocky” movies. You
                                       remember? Stallone is taking            G     et this point and get
                                                                                     it well. It is central to        W
                                                                                                                      e can ask questions
                                                                                                                      that help them clarify
                                       a beating in the ring, barely           understanding how to be an      their aspirations. We can very
                                       hanging on, but the bell finally        ally. WHEN THE BELL RINGS,      carefully, offer advice, but
                                       rings. He stumbles back into            (and it always does) ROCKY      both very sparingly. We can
                                       his corner. There his allies            GOES BACK IN ALONE TO FIGHT     respond without owning their
                                       wait. They rinse out his mouth          THE FIGHT.                      challenge when asked to be
                                       guard (ah, there’s a help.) They                                        their resource, yet when the
                                                                               So, the major implication is    time comes, when the bell
                                       massage his shoulders. They
                                                                               that as an ally, we don’t fight rings, they go out and fight
                                       pour a sponge of water over
                                                                               the fight for them. That’s a    the fight – make the choices,
                                       his head. They encourage. In
                                                                               place where sometimes, some owning the risks and always
                                       one grim scene one of his allies
                                                                               professionals have lost their   we respect their choice..
                                       takes a razor and cuts the skin

What does an Ally do?

I f I am to be an ally, the
  patient has to let me know
exactly what it is they want to
                                       elaboration as she connects
                                       with her own valuing and to
                                       make sure I really get it.
                                                                              mind. For example, I would
                                                                              never ask a question that
                                                                              begins with, “Don’t you think
                                                                                                                      question can be perceived
                                                                                                                      as an open and warm ally
                                                                                                                      question seeking to find out
do. Muddy, ambivalent, wish                                                   it’s ...” because that would be         what she really wants, not
washy goals are tough to ally
to. I need clear statements on         A   ccurate empathy, re-
                                           framing, projecting yet
                                       unrealized potential impacts,
                                                                              a question that already has an
                                                                              answer, and the answer is that
                                                                                                                      what I guess she needs, or
                                                                                                                      from my perspective what she
where they want to wind up                                                    she is wrong.                           damn well better consider she
and what they desire on the            associated feelings, and a
                                                                                                                      needs. An ally simply doesn’t
journey before I can help them         plethora of other helpful Instead I might ask: “How has                        use “damn well betters” which
with means that might fit. I           techniques heighten the sense
                                                                 dental insurance helped you                          includes non-verbal forms
work to help them clear up the         that I seek to understand in the past? Any frustrations                        like scaring the dickens out of
mud long before any means              before trying to be       about coverage? What are                             them with images of problem
(treatment) is proposed.               understood.               some good things that have                           areas.
                                                                 come out of your investments

                                I don’t crowd my own
    ake the simple example
    of a patient who says she
wants optimal health via
                                “material” into what I hear to
                                fill the blank spots of silence.
                                                                 of the past? What will need
                                                                 to be sacrificed if you spend
                                                                 money on your teeth? What
                                                                                                                      A    matrix of questions
                                                                                                                           intertwined with
                                                                                                                      reflections, empathy, mirroring
dental insurance.               The auto-pilot - teaching or
                                                                 will be the impact on the                            metaphors and quiet, help
                                giving advice that is oh so
                                                                 people close to you? How                             bring about precisely what
So what do I do: I listen very  comfortable and easy must not
                                                                 is the timing with your                              outcomes might be useful and
carefully while she talks. I    take over.
                                                                 insurance? Is there value at                         what outcomes might not be
interrupt very infrequently. I

                                      oo many questions, open    this time in looking at options                      as salutatory. I focus on what
actively listen and employ
skills as she freely thinks out       ended or not, puts people outside of your coverage?                             has meaning and relevance
                                on the defensive. I try not to   What help do you need from                           to her. Then, always with the
loud which often becomes
peppered with emotions. I       ask questions to which I have me?”                                                    Rocky image in mind, I simply
                                                                                                                      try to help her get what she
reflect often which encourages already one right answer in       No matter the focus, this last                       wants.

        Reprint and distribution after talking with me - please & thankyou    Suzan Bekolay      277 Frome Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario K0A 1X0
                       Suz’s phone 613-292-1978       Fax 613-622-5422
B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e 5

Fear           is huge.
               Dentistry isn’t
pleasant but the the greatest
                                    valuable if our first experiences
                                    serve to strengthen connection
                                    with our shared valuing – what
                                                                        A    llying feels good. Even
                                                                             to those whose creed is
                                                                        “I’m not going to push people”
number of fear barriers have        we make our world and how           which is 100% appropriate
to do with money, irreversible      we want to be in it. Order and      since selling dentistry simply
outcomes - making mistakes          defined processes, scripts and      doesn’t work. The opposite,
that are hard to hide in a          cookie cutters often have to        however, in the realms of
drawer, being classified or         be tossed to be exquisitely         preaching, teaching giving
misunderstood, choosing the         responsive.                         advice or letting it go until
right solution, dentist and                                             “they are ready” have proven
team. All can be diluted even
dissolved by serving with soul
                                    I seek her guidance
                                      continually. Always, she
                                    controls what help we give and
                                                                        their effectiveness considering
                                                                        the tooth time bombs living in
which awards mutual trust and                                           many dentists file cabinets.
                                    how we give it. We proceed at
                                    her speed and within the limits
                                                                             “You cannot teach a man anything; you
T   he objective of all human
    beings is ultimately an
effort to connect with each
                                    of what is ethically and morally
                                    sound and congruent with our
                                    practice values and beliefs.
                                                                            can only help him to discover it in himself”
other, to belong. So it’s

Validations & Check-ins Did We Serve with Soul?

N    ow, there is one other very
     important consideration
in serving with soul. As an Ally,
                                      “I respect how you handled
                                    the complicated details of
                                    affording your health.”
                                                                     plan. An ally who lets others
                                                                     be who they are calls for self
                                                                     knowledge and high self-
                                                                                                          come back: “it felt too pushy or
                                                                                                          it was too much information.
                                                                                                          Or, I just wanted done what I’ve
I do what I do with an absolute          “I appreciate the time you esteem.                               always had done” Have you
minimum of negativism,                                                                                    felt a maximum of validation

                                  have invested in .....”
and an absolute maximum                                                  inally, there are occasional
                                                                                                          and a minimum of negative
of positive affirmations and
validations. The not always
                                    It’s a major dictum in this ally
                                     stuff. Is it just about being
                                  positive? No. Given that
                                                                         “checkins” between the ally
                                                                     and the patient. The ally asks
                                                                     simple questions, to review
                                                                                                          criticism? Again, a crucial
                                                                                                          question and the answer you
predictable ally relationship                                                                             get, might not be one you
                                  most of our training has been the experience, and receives
and the fragile connection                                                                                wanted, but I encourage you
                                  about problem identification, honest answers to them. Have
cannot thrive in the midst                                                                                to ask it when you begin to see
                                  it’s easy to jump to solutions     you felt our support? Have I
of abundant and wanton                                                                                    the utter importance of that
                                  too quickly. Do we ignore          done enough of what I said I
negativism about problematic                                                                              simple notion – people value
                                  problems? No. We just talk         would do?
conditions.                                                                                               being truly cared about.
                                  more from the glass half full

V     alidations, abundant        perspective, inspiring hope,       Those are
      validations, can never be   self efficacy and providing a      difficult
phony and they aren’t like        safe place to speak openly.        questions
“praise” - the vacant “you’ll be                                     to ask,
                                  The buck stops when a fully        because
glad you did” scripts especially
                                  conscious, sensitive and aware the
from people who know
                                  person begins trying to be a       answer
little more than their name.
                                  real ally rather than project      might
Remember we all have built in
                                  their values and distillations
crap detectors.
                                  of what ought to be done,
For contrast, here are just a few postponed, risked or gained.
examples of patient centric

   “I admire that you want to
                                    A    n Ally does not require
                                         compliance but rather
                                  supports another to coauthor
make your health better.”         and finally adhere to a personal
6 B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e

The imprmoatnt thnig is the frist and lsat

H    ard to blveiee that you can
     acullaty uesdnatnrd what
you’re rdeniag. Aoccrdnig to a
                                      I n the beginning agree there
                                        is merit in the relationship.
                                      Indeed you are often a                       Serve with Soul adventurous stranger, strike
resraech study at Cmabrigde           messenger. Keep in mind                      the bell and bide the danger. Or wonder ‘til
Uinveritsy, it deosn’t mttaer         that people can’t believe the                 it drives you mad, what would have, could
in what odrer the ltteers in a        message until they know the                              have if only you had….
word are, the only imprmoatnt         messenger, and they can’t
thing is that the frist and lsat      believe the message until they
letter be in the rghit pclae. The     know what the messenger
rset can be a taotl mess and
you can still raed it wioutht
                                                                               S  ome will say, “yeah, yeah…I know all this stuff”, while others
                                                                                  will roll their eyes at the “new Age-iness” of it all. But there’s

This is because the human
                                      Focus                on clearing
                                                           up what each
                                      patient wants in the “end”
                                                                               one thing after 30 years being at this ally stuff has taught me -
                                                                               there’s a big difference between knowing and believing.

mind does not read every
letter by itself, but the word
                                      and let the middle parts, the
                                      means, the how, the treatment            I t boils down to this; If you know it, but you don’t do it, you
                                                                                 don’t know it, because if you knew it, you’d do it!
as a whole. Serving with soul         itself fall in to place.
has similarities. Your patients
consider their experiences with       When you consider all                    S   erving with soul can be your ticket to never work another
                                                                                   day in your life by loving your living because of the people
                                                                               in your practice. I hope you’ll give it some thought.
you as a whole. If you think          the noise about price and
                                      convenience think about the
you have to be “perfect” before
you begin to serve with soul,
thnik again.
                                      simple thing you can change
                                      tomorrow - how you dialogue
                                                                               I t’s a great time to be a dentist when so many peoples are
                                                                                 wondering where the days of sincere caring and service have
                                                                               gone. You can build a remarkable practice as unique as your
                                      with a patient or team

In 1974 Suzan Bekolay was              intentional living, Suzan       Introducing the team to
inspired by the work of the            returned to her native Ottawa, contemporary behavioural                           Compasses &
late Dr. Bob Barkley, Dr. L.D.         Ontario, Canada in 2006.        dynamics ( fundamental to                          Road Maps
Pankey, & Avrom King whose             As the owner of Click Coaching, relationship based practice
notions of “whole person               Suzan works with dental         for both client and team
dentistry” were, at the time,          practices in ways untypical in development) Suzan works
revolutionary.                         the industry. Often it begins   collaboratively to integrate
Committed to intervening in            with enabling the dentist       or rejuvenate complimentary
a trend for dentists to give in,       to respect their beliefs and    processes and hone skills.
give up or get out, led Suzan          purposes and then to clarify           These elements have
to the study of millions of            them in the context of their           synergistically and routinely
dollars worth of additional            work.                                  proven useful to close gaps on
behavioural and business               The ultimate goal is to have ,         profitability.
research, then to recognize            Doctor’s philosophy, mission,          Perhaps most importantly,
and absorb what’s relevant,            vision and execution “click”.          Suzan sets her client free with
and synthesize it for the use of       She assists clients to success by      a compass in hand instead
select clients (many occlusion         developing congruent teams             of a road map so that as the
based) across North America.           that click. Target markets are         landscape changes (and it
It continues unabated to this          identified and strategies to           constantly does) the team can
day.                                   reach them evolve so patients          venture forth with confidence
Moving in the spirit of                and practice “click”.                  on their own.

        Reprint and distribution after talking with me - please & thankyou    Suzan Bekolay      277 Frome Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario K0A 1X0
                       Suz’s phone 613-292-1978       Fax 613-622-5422

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Become A Remarkable Practice Essay Only

  • 1. Become A Remarkable Practice Relationship Based Dentistry Loving our Living Serving with Soul T o serve with soul is to bring congruence between the W T hat happens between a he slightest adjustment can human “doing” and the human dentist (or any auxiliary) change the way we are perceived “being” thus exposing that and a patient is shaped by many and ultimately impact how we are which lives TRULY in our hearts. curious and confounding forces. valued and trusted so we can in Confusion between beliefs, actions or words and intent can earnest, help them to health. I t’s just that sometimes hearts get crusted over with the I magine working every day in debris and hangovers of our sometimes be far from what experiences (long term and in we mean to convey. It’s true for a climate free of suspicion and doubt. We all know that dentistry the last 10 minutes). It’s easy to patients too. become cluttered and confused, can seem equal to most patients. S ometimes the smallest with the constant noise about adjustments have the ability to hugely impact the way we P rofoundly personal service can be the defining difference. Once trust is awarded – the heavens price and convenience, and the current pressures of running a practice. So how do we keep demonstrate caring and come to understand what patients really open. It can be done in a matter of loving our living – even in to mean. deliberate hours. sunset years? S omething quite simple needs change if we are seeking F or starters, we need to believe that this precious relationship between caregiver something more from our career. and patient deserves, even demands, our commitment to making it ever more conscious. P riorities are adjusted with each of us striving to take our responsibilities to a more deliberate level. And, to see to it that our commitments are more grounded, that they go beyond mere intention but truly make a meaningful difference. T o be valued, choosing dentistry must be an experience instead of choosing a bunch of procedures.
  • 2. 2 B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e I magine if we were all serious about doing away with those distracted phone calls, EQ. (Emotional Quo- tient) has bounded in to conversations. That the times when we barely emotions effect behaviour has listened, perhaps writing long been known. Develop- up charts, looking at x-rays, ing EI - shortened to EQ - is cleaning a room or watching the new “must have” in board the screen while pretending rooms, bedrooms, class rooms to be relating. We want to and health care. If we could eliminate the token greeting, hear again Dr. Bob Barkley, Dr. “how are you” and our minds L.D. Pankey, Carl Rogers and elsewhere. We want to do others, I think we would hear something better than visit Big united and repeated “wahoos” auxiliaries have said nearly the questions come next over dental conditions with as more people serve and act same words. All wondered like how do I do it, images, models or x-rays being with soul. They were indeed in the beginning when this how long does it take, how all we relate to. Many have had ahead of their time. thing called relationship have others done it, and so on. enough of that on both sides. starts meeting our criteria for A learnable skill Now brace yourself a real mind We want something more in bender. “success.” Well, I do hear you, this realm called relationship. No matter the name, the and yet I need you to hear concepts employ learnable It’s why that matters most. In that I earnestly know happy Each of us knows what that finding what you really love to practices with long standing “something more” relationship skills that are unnatural to most people. Like dancing, do, you’ll never have to work teams and clients are a reality. feels like. Nature allows us to close our mouth but not our everyone can learn the moves. a day in your life. Is delivering The people within are not remedial care enough? What unrealistic - too soft hearted ears. How we communicate is Some can really hear the music and all get better with business do you want to be in? to be smart headed. Quite the the linchpin. practice. Whom do you want to serve? contrary. They are not of cults All priests and priestesses What commitment are you nor trends nor bandwagons. of health- centered, patient We can quickly change that willing to make? WHY? Chasing the cutting edge centric, volitional, values, sometimes zest less thing we of technology they realize often have called rapport. It only takes one relationship based practice is easily duplicated and not talks about “The Connection” We can begin to move it in distinctive to warrant loyalty Practices change from the needing to be more than it to new realms of real helping and support. passion of one committed soul. often is. instead of curing and deliver “O. K., so if only I start doing in our heart of hearts what we They know, and I probably it, there already isn’t enough That means we need more really, REALLY want to deliver need not remind you, that of me to go around” a doctor consciousness to use what’s – health preserving or revital- we’re talking about this fragile, says. “It’s always me. I have to available in all of us. We must izing, often invisible dentistry utterly frustrating, and yet make the changes, I have to do demand that each of us be that is paid for with happy ultimately incredibly fulfilling the work, and he/she sits back fully present. We must not dollars. profession called dentistry that and does nothing. I’m run off only listen to hear, but also is equally, if not more about my feet as it is.” I understand pause to feel what patients behaviours than it is about the that wail of despair. I also communicate. clinical science itself. know that a fair share of Happiness is like a butterfly, it is not to be chased. Perhaps if you sit still it will light on your shoulder Reprint and distribution after talking with me - please & thankyou Suzan Bekolay 277 Frome Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario K0A 1X0 Suz’s phone 613-292-1978 Fax 613-622-5422
  • 3. B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e 3 W hat's this relationship phenomenon – serving burbs, rural towns and once they learn and understand not because they know they should. There’s one thing that with soul we're talking about? Recently I’ve come to call it it, and everyone uses even just the fundamentals,; wow, hasn’t changed in all these years and that’s behaviour. Glorious Change the glorious changes it has New behavioural technologies “The Ally Process”, a name are what has developed. wrought. coined by Dr. Sid Simon (Pro- fessor Emeritus University of Mass.,) and I like it. Treatment coordinators and codiscover- Just like the brilliance behind the invention of post it notes, the Ally process is a simple P eople power busi- nesses. As a spin-off of allying with patients, ies have become popular- concept. Let me speak about new chemistries formed ized. Although well intended it from an old dental assis- in teams stemming from hollow preach-teach systems tant’s perspective who had a the striking impact of and insurance administration black belt in tongue fu. behaviour modelling. prevails. Many employ what I Consistently, many found call “tongue-fu”. In the early 70’s with passion- new joy in relationships ate caring, I missed the most with each other. Happy I’ve integrated “Ally” across important thing - people people are far more produc- North America in large cities, change when they want to tive and open to change. The Ally Process is fundamental to relationship based practice. It does not employ Tongue Fu - teaching, evangelizing, or the manipulative, strong arming, outsmarting, out- thinking realm of sales and heavy handed promotion. It coincides with the idea that “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” and the corollary “people go where they feel understood more than where they are taught to understand”. (Thank-you mentors.) I simply decide to become an ally to you. I make that conscious, aware, commitment. I focus on achievement - even baby steps to health, not the “success” of “filling holes in the books”. As your ally, I listen very, very carefully to understand your experiences, what it is you say you want to achieve then patiently explore the meaning of them both. I never assume meaning since all meaning is personal. I try to help you figure out what you want, why it’s important to you and finally help you get what you want. Maybe it is to use up your insurance. Maybe it is to save your teeth in to old age. Maybe it is to have all your teeth out. Maybe it is to heal your disappointment at how your teeth have deteriorated. Maybe you think dentists are rip off artists as dentistry repeatedly failed. I try my darndest not to judge your want, distillation, fear or to shape it, influence it or change it to meet my standards nor align it with my experiences with other patients. OK, that seems pretty straightforward. A lot of dentists will say "Hell we do that every day." Well, maybe. If there’s room for you to love you living more, you might consider looking harshly at how you give advice or “recommend”. Perhaps you have occasionally employed “tongue-fu” which can, at the worst, be sarcastic about "THE reality" or inadvertently threaten or push for action. You may have occasionally resented that patients did not award you blind faith given your credentials. It’s possible that you have been overly managerial, making mini dentists of people and had the "want" come out of you instead of out of them. Remember we've been programmed as advice givers - to have the “right” answers. It’s cousin to the dictum “be conservative”, robbing people of their freedom to choose. All makes us sometimes insensitive to someone else's process of becoming which must include expression of feelings. The more cognitive the experience, the less likely there will be change. Tongue Fu distorts emotional response. Accurate emotions galvanize ALL behavioural change. It will insight resistance and a verbal battle begins. The word “but” is often the starting bell like “Will my insurance pay for it”. Or, maybe you’ve been so non-directive, patients are left adrift in a sea of choices. In such confused states, consulting with family, friends, or the net, adds more confusion and postponement is made easy. So much for prevention.
  • 4. 4 B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e Remember Rocky T hat said, what does an Ally do to help someone move towards action? near his swollen eye so he can see again. (It might take a little courage for us to do that, even way. Patients have to do the do’s for themselves but we commit to being in their corner symbolically). in functional healthy ways. T hink of one of the first “Rocky” movies. You remember? Stallone is taking G et this point and get it well. It is central to W e can ask questions that help them clarify a beating in the ring, barely understanding how to be an their aspirations. We can very hanging on, but the bell finally ally. WHEN THE BELL RINGS, carefully, offer advice, but rings. He stumbles back into (and it always does) ROCKY both very sparingly. We can his corner. There his allies GOES BACK IN ALONE TO FIGHT respond without owning their wait. They rinse out his mouth THE FIGHT. challenge when asked to be guard (ah, there’s a help.) They their resource, yet when the So, the major implication is time comes, when the bell massage his shoulders. They that as an ally, we don’t fight rings, they go out and fight pour a sponge of water over the fight for them. That’s a the fight – make the choices, his head. They encourage. In place where sometimes, some owning the risks and always one grim scene one of his allies professionals have lost their we respect their choice.. takes a razor and cuts the skin What does an Ally do? I f I am to be an ally, the patient has to let me know exactly what it is they want to elaboration as she connects with her own valuing and to make sure I really get it. mind. For example, I would never ask a question that begins with, “Don’t you think question can be perceived as an open and warm ally question seeking to find out do. Muddy, ambivalent, wish it’s ...” because that would be what she really wants, not washy goals are tough to ally to. I need clear statements on A ccurate empathy, re- framing, projecting yet unrealized potential impacts, a question that already has an answer, and the answer is that what I guess she needs, or from my perspective what she where they want to wind up she is wrong. damn well better consider she and what they desire on the associated feelings, and a needs. An ally simply doesn’t journey before I can help them plethora of other helpful Instead I might ask: “How has use “damn well betters” which with means that might fit. I techniques heighten the sense dental insurance helped you includes non-verbal forms work to help them clear up the that I seek to understand in the past? Any frustrations like scaring the dickens out of mud long before any means before trying to be about coverage? What are them with images of problem (treatment) is proposed. understood. some good things that have areas. come out of your investments T I don’t crowd my own ake the simple example of a patient who says she wants optimal health via “material” into what I hear to fill the blank spots of silence. of the past? What will need to be sacrificed if you spend money on your teeth? What A matrix of questions intertwined with reflections, empathy, mirroring dental insurance. The auto-pilot - teaching or will be the impact on the metaphors and quiet, help giving advice that is oh so people close to you? How bring about precisely what So what do I do: I listen very comfortable and easy must not is the timing with your outcomes might be useful and carefully while she talks. I take over. insurance? Is there value at what outcomes might not be interrupt very infrequently. I T oo many questions, open this time in looking at options as salutatory. I focus on what actively listen and employ skills as she freely thinks out ended or not, puts people outside of your coverage? has meaning and relevance on the defensive. I try not to What help do you need from to her. Then, always with the loud which often becomes peppered with emotions. I ask questions to which I have me?” Rocky image in mind, I simply try to help her get what she reflect often which encourages already one right answer in No matter the focus, this last wants. Reprint and distribution after talking with me - please & thankyou Suzan Bekolay 277 Frome Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario K0A 1X0 Suz’s phone 613-292-1978 Fax 613-622-5422
  • 5. B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e 5 Fear is huge. Dentistry isn’t pleasant but the the greatest valuable if our first experiences serve to strengthen connection with our shared valuing – what A llying feels good. Even to those whose creed is “I’m not going to push people” number of fear barriers have we make our world and how which is 100% appropriate to do with money, irreversible we want to be in it. Order and since selling dentistry simply outcomes - making mistakes defined processes, scripts and doesn’t work. The opposite, that are hard to hide in a cookie cutters often have to however, in the realms of drawer, being classified or be tossed to be exquisitely preaching, teaching giving misunderstood, choosing the responsive. advice or letting it go until right solution, dentist and “they are ready” have proven team. All can be diluted even dissolved by serving with soul I seek her guidance continually. Always, she controls what help we give and their effectiveness considering the tooth time bombs living in which awards mutual trust and many dentists file cabinets. how we give it. We proceed at respect. her speed and within the limits “You cannot teach a man anything; you T he objective of all human beings is ultimately an effort to connect with each of what is ethically and morally sound and congruent with our practice values and beliefs. can only help him to discover it in himself” Galileo other, to belong. So it’s Validations & Check-ins Did We Serve with Soul? N ow, there is one other very important consideration in serving with soul. As an Ally, “I respect how you handled the complicated details of affording your health.” plan. An ally who lets others be who they are calls for self knowledge and high self- come back: “it felt too pushy or it was too much information. Or, I just wanted done what I’ve I do what I do with an absolute “I appreciate the time you esteem. always had done” Have you minimum of negativism, felt a maximum of validation F have invested in .....” and an absolute maximum inally, there are occasional and a minimum of negative of positive affirmations and validations. The not always It’s a major dictum in this ally stuff. Is it just about being positive? No. Given that “checkins” between the ally and the patient. The ally asks simple questions, to review criticism? Again, a crucial question and the answer you predictable ally relationship get, might not be one you most of our training has been the experience, and receives and the fragile connection wanted, but I encourage you about problem identification, honest answers to them. Have cannot thrive in the midst to ask it when you begin to see it’s easy to jump to solutions you felt our support? Have I of abundant and wanton the utter importance of that too quickly. Do we ignore done enough of what I said I negativism about problematic simple notion – people value problems? No. We just talk would do? conditions. being truly cared about. more from the glass half full V alidations, abundant perspective, inspiring hope, Those are validations, can never be self efficacy and providing a difficult phony and they aren’t like safe place to speak openly. questions “praise” - the vacant “you’ll be to ask, The buck stops when a fully because glad you did” scripts especially conscious, sensitive and aware the from people who know person begins trying to be a answer little more than their name. real ally rather than project might Remember we all have built in their values and distillations crap detectors. of what ought to be done, For contrast, here are just a few postponed, risked or gained. examples of patient centric affirmations: “I admire that you want to A n Ally does not require compliance but rather supports another to coauthor make your health better.” and finally adhere to a personal
  • 6. 6 B e c o m e A R e m a r k a b l e Pr a c t i c e The imprmoatnt thnig is the frist and lsat H ard to blveiee that you can acullaty uesdnatnrd what you’re rdeniag. Aoccrdnig to a I n the beginning agree there is merit in the relationship. Indeed you are often a Serve with Soul adventurous stranger, strike resraech study at Cmabrigde messenger. Keep in mind the bell and bide the danger. Or wonder ‘til Uinveritsy, it deosn’t mttaer that people can’t believe the it drives you mad, what would have, could in what odrer the ltteers in a message until they know the have if only you had…. word are, the only imprmoatnt messenger, and they can’t thing is that the frist and lsat believe the message until they letter be in the rghit pclae. The know what the messenger rset can be a taotl mess and you can still raed it wioutht believes. S ome will say, “yeah, yeah…I know all this stuff”, while others will roll their eyes at the “new Age-iness” of it all. But there’s porbelm. This is because the human Focus on clearing up what each patient wants in the “end” one thing after 30 years being at this ally stuff has taught me - there’s a big difference between knowing and believing. mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word and let the middle parts, the means, the how, the treatment I t boils down to this; If you know it, but you don’t do it, you don’t know it, because if you knew it, you’d do it! as a whole. Serving with soul itself fall in to place. has similarities. Your patients consider their experiences with When you consider all S erving with soul can be your ticket to never work another day in your life by loving your living because of the people in your practice. I hope you’ll give it some thought. you as a whole. If you think the noise about price and convenience think about the you have to be “perfect” before you begin to serve with soul, thnik again. simple thing you can change tomorrow - how you dialogue I t’s a great time to be a dentist when so many peoples are wondering where the days of sincere caring and service have gone. You can build a remarkable practice as unique as your with a patient or team fingerprint. member. In 1974 Suzan Bekolay was intentional living, Suzan Introducing the team to inspired by the work of the returned to her native Ottawa, contemporary behavioural Compasses & late Dr. Bob Barkley, Dr. L.D. Ontario, Canada in 2006. dynamics ( fundamental to Road Maps Pankey, & Avrom King whose As the owner of Click Coaching, relationship based practice notions of “whole person Suzan works with dental for both client and team dentistry” were, at the time, practices in ways untypical in development) Suzan works revolutionary. the industry. Often it begins collaboratively to integrate Committed to intervening in with enabling the dentist or rejuvenate complimentary a trend for dentists to give in, to respect their beliefs and processes and hone skills. give up or get out, led Suzan purposes and then to clarify These elements have to the study of millions of them in the context of their synergistically and routinely dollars worth of additional work. proven useful to close gaps on behavioural and business The ultimate goal is to have , profitability. research, then to recognize Doctor’s philosophy, mission, Perhaps most importantly, and absorb what’s relevant, vision and execution “click”. Suzan sets her client free with and synthesize it for the use of She assists clients to success by a compass in hand instead select clients (many occlusion developing congruent teams of a road map so that as the based) across North America. that click. Target markets are landscape changes (and it It continues unabated to this identified and strategies to constantly does) the team can day. reach them evolve so patients venture forth with confidence Moving in the spirit of and practice “click”. on their own. Reprint and distribution after talking with me - please & thankyou Suzan Bekolay 277 Frome Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario K0A 1X0 Suz’s phone 613-292-1978 Fax 613-622-5422