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Environmental quality of urban areas:
a cross-cutting approach to measure
smart factors and eco-sustainability
Giovanni Alfredo Barbieri, Alessandra Ferrara
ISTAT − National Statistical Institute of Italy
Scorus Conference 2016
Lisbon, Statistics Portugal, 29 June - 1 July
• Smart cities: what do we measure?
• Urban Environmental quality: proposal to measure
smart and sustainability factors
• Indicators by 6 multi-topic dimensions: a cross-cutting
• Performance of cities
• Conclusions
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
1. The concept of smart city is integrated in the
actions and priorities of EC policies:
- Five goals and seven flagship initiatives for the
2020 Europe Strategy for smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth: all with a direct connection with the
smart city
• The core strategy is related to the
technological components to support the
improvement of public services
• On the contrary, less emphasis is placed on
other components of smartness such as
governance’s actions
Europe: debate and experiences
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
2. Monitoring process
- The Digital Agenda has implemented a Digital
Agenda Scoreboard: for each country it collects only
data aggregated at the national level
- The biggest problem in monitoring projects and results on
Smart Cities and Communities is the territorial level of
investigation (the city).
• For each city there is a large number of sets of
indicators, but very few of these are accepted by the
generality of local realities involved in monitoring
• Cities tend to use indicators that are best suited to the
purposes of their own projects
• Difficulty in presenting an objective comparison
between cities and, sometimes, even within different
areas of cities
Europe: debate and experiences
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
3. Mapping Smart Cities in the EU, a more
comprehensive approach
- Smart cities actions are considered "not only as
guidelines to operate in a technologically
innovative approach to solving problems of urban
living, but as an integrated strategy to reduce
poverty, inequality, unemployment ..."
- Smart cities are described as the result of a
complex, coordinated approach to:
• develop and link capitals (human, social,
economic and environmental ones), technology
and ICT infrastructure,
• generate incremental economic development and
more sustainable and better quality of life
Europe: debate and experiences
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
4. Academic contributions
• A smart City is a city with at least one initiative
concerning these six ends: 1. Smart Governance, 2.
Smart People, 3. Smart Living, 4. Smart Mobility, 5.
Smart Economy, 6. Smart Environment
• 3 main components to achieve these ends:
1. Physical infrastructure: Smart technologies,
Mobile technologies, Digital networks
2. Human infrastructure: Social capital
3. Institutional factors: Governance, Policy,
Regulations and directives
Europe: debate and experiences
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
To wrap it up:
• From a "basic" position [ICT networks/intelligent
use of digital technologies to ensure the availability
of information (early 90's)]
• To the 6 smart dimensions of Giffinger
(Governance, People, Living, Mobility, Economy,
Environment), with specific attention to urban scale
of analysis (R. Giffinger et al. 2007) (but constraint of
available indicators)
• To necessary and complementary role of human
and social capital (A. Caragliu et al. 2009)
Europe: debate and experiences
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
The smart city is the result of the integration of the
physical and intangible infrastructure of places and
social relationships between people, which can
combine with each other to ensure a state of
overall well-being of people and communities
Europe: debate and experiences
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
 Law n°221/2012: a coordinated teamwork among
different public bodies for a good strategy and for an
efficient monitoring process
• Art.20 comma 12 «Smart communities»:
• for monitoring,[…] the Digital Agency, in contact
with the technical Committee of Smart cities, in
cooperation with ISTAT draws up, after consulting
ANCI (Association of Italian Municipalities),
• a system to measure including a set of statistical
indicators regarding both the present status and
progress of economic, social, cultural and
environmental conditions of smart
communities as well as the quality of life of its
Smart Communities: the italian institutional framework
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Urban Environment Quality
• Annual Istat survey
• 116 cities (NUTS3 capitals)
• 8 Topics:
• Eco-management
• Urban green areas
• Air
• Noise
• Waste
• Energy
• Water
• Urban mobility
Indicators are classified
according to the DPSIR
framework (EEA, 1995):
A proposal for a cross-cutting approach to measure
smart factors and eco-sustainability
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
A cross-cutting approach
• The Response
indicators from 8
survey topics are
grouped according
to 6 areas
• Each area
represents a
complex of actions
and measures that
define the
orientation of the
city government to
the eco-
management and
ICT Based innovation
Eco-Social Based Innovation
Accountabiliy and Stakeholders Involvement
Sustainable management
- Self-Governance -
Thematic Urban Planning and Governance Tools
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Sustainable management
- Environmental Policies -
From topics to analytical dimensions
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Accountability and
Stakeholders Involvement
 Eco-Social reporting
 Shared planning
 On Line Services
 Home Composting
 ...
Cities Thematic Planning and
Governance Tools
 General/Thematic Plans and
 ...
A Sustainable Governance
 Waste: actions to promote the
proper delivery
 Air pollution: traffic road
 Water services: dispersions and
rationing measures
 Sustainable mobility: parking,
Ztl, pedestrian areas
 Green areas: georeferenced
 ...
Sustainable Self-Governance
 Standards of Environmental
Management Achieved by Public
 Green Public Procurement
 Availability of Green Powered
Public Vehicles
 Correct waste collections in
schools and public offices
 ...
Innovative Technologies and
Smart Energy
 Charging Points for Electric
 Smart Public Lighting
 Energy from Renewable sources
 Efficient use of energy by district
 Smart Traffic Light
 Info mobility
 ..
Eco-Social Innovations
Incentives to Sustainable
Behaviour; Promotion of
Environment that Fosters Individual
and Collective Social Development
 City gardens
 Organic food for school
 Sustainable Mobility Services
(as zone 30, bike paths, bike
sharing, car sharing)
 Light Pollution Prevention
 ..
Sustainable management
City map of smart and eco-sustainability response factors
• 59 indicators ware selected because of relevance on
6 thematic areas of analysis
• Indicators values were standardized according to this
• Normalization of each area’s total score (from 0 to 1
• Final output: 6 rankings of 116 cities
+1 Municipalities who adopted not mandatory planning actions or positive
actions to improve urban environment end utilities quality or included in
the best quartile of cities distribution.
0 Municipalities compliant to planning rules or included in central quartiles
of cities distribution
-1 Municipalities NOT compliant to mandatory planning rules or with a low
level of utilities supply comparing to their demographic size or included in
the worst quartile of cities distribution.
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Indicators score
Topic Indicators Min Max
Eco-management 1. General Urban Plan (Y/N) -1 0
Energy 2. Green Energy Action Plan (Paes) (Y/N) -1 1
Mobility 3. Urban Mobility Plan
Cities>100.000 ab. -1 1
Cities<100.000 ab. 0 1
4. Urban Traffic Road
Plan (Y/N)
Cities>30.000 ab. -1 0
Cities<30.000 ab. 0 1
Noise 5. Noise Cluster Map (Y/N) -1 0
Green Areas 6. Green Areas Plan (Y/N) 0 1
7. Ecological Network (Corridors and
Stepping Zones) (Y/N) 0 1
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Thematic Urban Planning and Governance Tools
Topic Indicators Min Max
Water 1. Losses of Drinking Water (%) -1 1
2. Restriction in Drinking Water Supply (Y/N) -1 0
3. Traffic Road Restriction
(Emergency or Planned Y/N)
With Air Pollutant (over
the threshold) -1 1
Without 0 1
Mobility 4. Road Parking Places with Fees
(n° x 1000 vehicles) -1 1
5. Intermodal Parking Areas (Y/N) -1 1
6. Areas with Traffic Road
Subjected to Restrictions (Y/N)
Cities>30.000 ab. -1 0
Cities<30.000 ab. 0 0
7. Pedestrian Areas Denity (m2
) 0 1
Waste 8. Waste Collected Door to Door 0 1
9. Big and Heavy Home Waste Collection on Demand (Y/N) 0 1
10. Permanent Areas for Special Waste Collection (Y/N) 0 1
11. Non Permanent Areas for Special Waste Collection
(Y/N) 0 1
12. 13. 14. 15. Other Waste Collection
Services/Information Campaign (Y/N) 0 1
Green Areas 16. Green Areas Georeferred Census 0 1
Sustainable Governance (Environmental Policies)
Topic Indicators Min Max
1. Municipality/Offices Certified ISO
14001 (Y/N) 0 1
2. Municipality /Offices Certified EMAS
(Y/N) 0 1
3. Green Public Procurement (Y/N) -1 1
4. Recycled Paper /FSC Endowment (%) -1 1
5. Municipality Ecological Vehicles (%) -1 1
6. Proper Waste Collection in
Municipality Offices (Y/N) -1 1
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Sustainable Self-Governance
Topic Indicators Min Max
Eco-management1. Public Lighting – Solar (%) 0 1
2. Public Lighting – LED (%) 0 1
3. Public Lighting - Pollutant (%) -1 0
Energy 4. District heating (m3
/ab.) 0 1
5. Green Energy/Efficient Energy Use
(actions) -1 1
6. Charging point for electric vehicles 0 1
7. Info mobility
(n° of services/8)
Metropolitan area -1 1
Cities >30.000 ab. -0,5 1
Cities<30.000 ab. 0 1
8. Smart Traffic Light
Cities>100.000 ab. -1 0
Cities<100.000 ab. -0,5 0,5
9. Car Sharing – Electric vehicles (%) 0 1
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
ICT Innovation
Topic Indicators Min Max
1. Organic Food in Canteens of School
(Y/N) 0 1
2. Public Lighting – Prevention of Light
Pollution (%) -1 1
Mobility 3. «Zone 30»
(Areas with
limitation of
vehicles speed)
Cities >100.000 ab. -1 1
Cities 30.000-100.000
ab. -0,5 1
Cities <30.000 ab.
0 1
4. Cycle Paths Density (km/km2
) -1 1
5. Bike sharing (Y/N) 0 1
6. Car Sharing (Y/N)
Metropolitan Areas -1 1
Other Cities 0 1
Green Areas 7. «Trees Day» Actions (Y/N) 0 1
8. Urban Farm/Gardens (Y/N) 0 1
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Eco-Social Innovation
Topic Indicators Min Max
Eco-management1. Participatory Planning (Y/N) 0 1
2. Environmental Balance (Y/N) 0 1
3. Eco-Social Balance (Y/N) 0 1
4., 5. 6. On-Line Services – Demographic
Services (Y/N)
0 0,1
7. 8. 9.On-Line Services – Payments of
School Services (Y/N)
0 0,2
10. 11. 12.Incentives to Domestic
Composting (Y/N)
-1 0
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Accountability and Stakeholders Involvement
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Overall performance: all cities by geographical area
Core of Metropolitan Areas or > 200.000 ab
Overall performance: Metro cities by geographical area
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Positioning according to the 6 dimensions
-1 = Worst quartile
+1 = Best quartile
0 = Central quartiles
Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
Migliori 29
Tutti i 116 capoluog
(+1 per l'appartenenza
al 4° quartile, -1 per
l'appartenenza al 1°
quartile, 0 in tutti gli
altri casi)
29 best positioned cities
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
-1 = Worst quartile
+1 = Best quartile
0 = Central quartiles
Performance by single dimension: All cities
Peggiori 29
Tutti i 116 capoluogh
(+1 per l'appartenenza
al 4° quartile, -1 per
l'appartenenza al 1°
quartile, 0 in tutti gli
altri casi)
29 worst positioned cities
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
-1 = Worst quartile
+1 = Best quartile
0 = Central quartiles
Performance by single dimension: All cities
• Our analysis aims at representing the ability of Italian
cities and towns in capturing the opportunities offered
by technological and societal progress for improving
the environment, the effectiveness of administrative
action and the quality of services
• We are not proposing a paradigm or a definition of
«smart city»
• We are measuring – through an original re-evaluation
of a time-honoured survey – the ability of municipal
governments of orienting their actions towards
sustainability and smartness, in a difficult period for
public local financesation
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Concluding remarks (1)
• The results confirm many known facts:
• Southern towns and cities are weaker than those
in the Centre-North.
• But some results are unexpected:
• Metropolitan cities are not better positioned than
the other cities and towns
• Especially in the South, the cities are not a driver
of social innovation
Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas
G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
Concluding remarks (2)

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14 02 27 space for smart cities mpae presentation14 02 27 space for smart cities mpae presentation
14 02 27 space for smart cities mpae presentation

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Barbieri & Ferrara Scorus2016

  • 1. Environmental quality of urban areas: a cross-cutting approach to measure smart factors and eco-sustainability Giovanni Alfredo Barbieri, Alessandra Ferrara ISTAT − National Statistical Institute of Italy Scorus Conference 2016 Lisbon, Statistics Portugal, 29 June - 1 July
  • 2. • Smart cities: what do we measure? • Urban Environmental quality: proposal to measure smart and sustainability factors • Indicators by 6 multi-topic dimensions: a cross-cutting approach • Performance of cities • Conclusions Outline Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 3. 1. The concept of smart city is integrated in the actions and priorities of EC policies: - Five goals and seven flagship initiatives for the 2020 Europe Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: all with a direct connection with the smart city • The core strategy is related to the technological components to support the improvement of public services • On the contrary, less emphasis is placed on other components of smartness such as governance’s actions Europe: debate and experiences Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 4. 2. Monitoring process - The Digital Agenda has implemented a Digital Agenda Scoreboard: for each country it collects only data aggregated at the national level - The biggest problem in monitoring projects and results on Smart Cities and Communities is the territorial level of investigation (the city). • For each city there is a large number of sets of indicators, but very few of these are accepted by the generality of local realities involved in monitoring • Cities tend to use indicators that are best suited to the purposes of their own projects • Difficulty in presenting an objective comparison between cities and, sometimes, even within different areas of cities Europe: debate and experiences Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 5. 3. Mapping Smart Cities in the EU, a more comprehensive approach - Smart cities actions are considered "not only as guidelines to operate in a technologically innovative approach to solving problems of urban living, but as an integrated strategy to reduce poverty, inequality, unemployment ..." - Smart cities are described as the result of a complex, coordinated approach to: • develop and link capitals (human, social, economic and environmental ones), technology and ICT infrastructure, • generate incremental economic development and more sustainable and better quality of life Europe: debate and experiences Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 6. 4. Academic contributions • A smart City is a city with at least one initiative concerning these six ends: 1. Smart Governance, 2. Smart People, 3. Smart Living, 4. Smart Mobility, 5. Smart Economy, 6. Smart Environment • 3 main components to achieve these ends: 1. Physical infrastructure: Smart technologies, Mobile technologies, Digital networks 2. Human infrastructure: Social capital 3. Institutional factors: Governance, Policy, Regulations and directives Europe: debate and experiences Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 7. To wrap it up: • From a "basic" position [ICT networks/intelligent use of digital technologies to ensure the availability of information (early 90's)] • To the 6 smart dimensions of Giffinger (Governance, People, Living, Mobility, Economy, Environment), with specific attention to urban scale of analysis (R. Giffinger et al. 2007) (but constraint of available indicators) • To necessary and complementary role of human and social capital (A. Caragliu et al. 2009) Europe: debate and experiences Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 8. The smart city is the result of the integration of the physical and intangible infrastructure of places and social relationships between people, which can combine with each other to ensure a state of overall well-being of people and communities Europe: debate and experiences Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 9.  Law n°221/2012: a coordinated teamwork among different public bodies for a good strategy and for an efficient monitoring process • Art.20 comma 12 «Smart communities»: • for monitoring,[…] the Digital Agency, in contact with the technical Committee of Smart cities, in cooperation with ISTAT draws up, after consulting ANCI (Association of Italian Municipalities), • a system to measure including a set of statistical indicators regarding both the present status and progress of economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions of smart communities as well as the quality of life of its citizens Smart Communities: the italian institutional framework Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016
  • 10. Urban Environment Quality • Annual Istat survey • 116 cities (NUTS3 capitals) • 8 Topics: • Eco-management • Urban green areas • Air • Noise • Waste • Energy • Water • Urban mobility Indicators are classified according to the DPSIR framework (EEA, 1995): A proposal for a cross-cutting approach to measure smart factors and eco-sustainability Utilities Pollutants Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 A cross-cutting approach
  • 11. • The Response indicators from 8 survey topics are grouped according to 6 areas • Each area represents a complex of actions and measures that define the orientation of the city government to the eco- sustainable management and smartness. ICT Based innovation Eco-Social Based Innovation Accountabiliy and Stakeholders Involvement Sustainable management - Self-Governance - Thematic Urban Planning and Governance Tools Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Sustainable management - Environmental Policies - From topics to analytical dimensions
  • 12. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Accountability and Stakeholders Involvement  Eco-Social reporting  Shared planning  On Line Services  Home Composting  ... B Cities Thematic Planning and Governance Tools  General/Thematic Plans and Actions  ... A Sustainable Governance  Waste: actions to promote the proper delivery  Air pollution: traffic road restrictions  Water services: dispersions and rationing measures  Sustainable mobility: parking, Ztl, pedestrian areas  Green areas: georeferenced census  ... C Sustainable Self-Governance  Standards of Environmental Management Achieved by Public Offices  Green Public Procurement  Availability of Green Powered Public Vehicles  Correct waste collections in schools and public offices  ... D Innovative Technologies and Smart Energy  Charging Points for Electric Vehicles  Smart Public Lighting  Energy from Renewable sources  Efficient use of energy by district heating  Smart Traffic Light  Info mobility  .. E Eco-Social Innovations Incentives to Sustainable Behaviour; Promotion of Environment that Fosters Individual and Collective Social Development  City gardens  Organic food for school canteens  Sustainable Mobility Services (as zone 30, bike paths, bike sharing, car sharing)  Light Pollution Prevention  .. F CROSS CUTTING DIMENSIONS GOVERNANCE and SELF-GOVERNANCE Sustainable management URBAN SMARTNESS City map of smart and eco-sustainability response factors
  • 13. • 59 indicators ware selected because of relevance on 6 thematic areas of analysis • Indicators values were standardized according to this scheme • Normalization of each area’s total score (from 0 to 1 value) • Final output: 6 rankings of 116 cities +1 Municipalities who adopted not mandatory planning actions or positive actions to improve urban environment end utilities quality or included in the best quartile of cities distribution. 0 Municipalities compliant to planning rules or included in central quartiles of cities distribution -1 Municipalities NOT compliant to mandatory planning rules or with a low level of utilities supply comparing to their demographic size or included in the worst quartile of cities distribution. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Indicators score
  • 14. Topic Indicators Min Max Eco-management 1. General Urban Plan (Y/N) -1 0 Energy 2. Green Energy Action Plan (Paes) (Y/N) -1 1 Mobility 3. Urban Mobility Plan (Y/N) Cities>100.000 ab. -1 1 Cities<100.000 ab. 0 1 4. Urban Traffic Road Plan (Y/N) Cities>30.000 ab. -1 0 Cities<30.000 ab. 0 1 Noise 5. Noise Cluster Map (Y/N) -1 0 Green Areas 6. Green Areas Plan (Y/N) 0 1 7. Ecological Network (Corridors and Stepping Zones) (Y/N) 0 1 Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Thematic Urban Planning and Governance Tools
  • 15. 7 Topic Indicators Min Max Water 1. Losses of Drinking Water (%) -1 1 2. Restriction in Drinking Water Supply (Y/N) -1 0 Air 3. Traffic Road Restriction (Emergency or Planned Y/N) With Air Pollutant (over the threshold) -1 1 Without 0 1 Mobility 4. Road Parking Places with Fees (n° x 1000 vehicles) -1 1 5. Intermodal Parking Areas (Y/N) -1 1 6. Areas with Traffic Road Subjected to Restrictions (Y/N) Cities>30.000 ab. -1 0 Cities<30.000 ab. 0 0 7. Pedestrian Areas Denity (m2 /km2 ) 0 1 Waste 8. Waste Collected Door to Door 0 1 9. Big and Heavy Home Waste Collection on Demand (Y/N) 0 1 10. Permanent Areas for Special Waste Collection (Y/N) 0 1 11. Non Permanent Areas for Special Waste Collection (Y/N) 0 1 12. 13. 14. 15. Other Waste Collection Services/Information Campaign (Y/N) 0 1 Green Areas 16. Green Areas Georeferred Census 0 1 Sustainable Governance (Environmental Policies)
  • 16. Topic Indicators Min Max Eco- management 1. Municipality/Offices Certified ISO 14001 (Y/N) 0 1 2. Municipality /Offices Certified EMAS (Y/N) 0 1 3. Green Public Procurement (Y/N) -1 1 4. Recycled Paper /FSC Endowment (%) -1 1 5. Municipality Ecological Vehicles (%) -1 1 6. Proper Waste Collection in Municipality Offices (Y/N) -1 1 Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Sustainable Self-Governance
  • 17. Topic Indicators Min Max Eco-management1. Public Lighting – Solar (%) 0 1 2. Public Lighting – LED (%) 0 1 3. Public Lighting - Pollutant (%) -1 0 Energy 4. District heating (m3 /ab.) 0 1 5. Green Energy/Efficient Energy Use (actions) -1 1 6. Charging point for electric vehicles 0 1 Mobility 7. Info mobility (n° of services/8) Metropolitan area -1 1 Cities >30.000 ab. -0,5 1 Cities<30.000 ab. 0 1 8. Smart Traffic Light (%) Cities>100.000 ab. -1 0 Cities<100.000 ab. -0,5 0,5 9. Car Sharing – Electric vehicles (%) 0 1 Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 ICT Innovation
  • 18. Topic Indicators Min Max Eco- management 1. Organic Food in Canteens of School (Y/N) 0 1 2. Public Lighting – Prevention of Light Pollution (%) -1 1 Mobility 3. «Zone 30» (Areas with limitation of vehicles speed) (Y/N) Cities >100.000 ab. -1 1 Cities 30.000-100.000 ab. -0,5 1 Cities <30.000 ab. 0 1 4. Cycle Paths Density (km/km2 ) -1 1 5. Bike sharing (Y/N) 0 1 6. Car Sharing (Y/N) Metropolitan Areas -1 1 Other Cities 0 1 Green Areas 7. «Trees Day» Actions (Y/N) 0 1 8. Urban Farm/Gardens (Y/N) 0 1 Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Eco-Social Innovation
  • 19. Topic Indicators Min Max Eco-management1. Participatory Planning (Y/N) 0 1 2. Environmental Balance (Y/N) 0 1 3. Eco-Social Balance (Y/N) 0 1 4., 5. 6. On-Line Services – Demographic Services (Y/N) 0 0,1 7. 8. 9.On-Line Services – Payments of School Services (Y/N) 0 0,2 Waste 10. 11. 12.Incentives to Domestic Composting (Y/N) -1 0 Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Accountability and Stakeholders Involvement
  • 20. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 URBAN Overall performance: all cities by geographical area
  • 21. Core of Metropolitan Areas or > 200.000 ab URBAN Overall performance: Metro cities by geographical area
  • 22. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 THEMATIC URBAN PLANNING Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
  • 23. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
  • 24. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
  • 25. Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Positioning according to the 6 dimensions -1 = Worst quartile +1 = Best quartile 0 = Central quartiles Performance by single dimension: Metro cities
  • 26. -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Bologna Torino Genova ReggioE. Ferrara Brescia Mantova Bolzano Padova Parma Modena Firenze Milano Bergamo Pordenone Vercelli Cremona Trento Vicenza Venezia Udine Piacenza Ravenna Forlì Rimini Prato Biella Verona Pisa GESTIONE ECO (SELF-GOV. TRASPARENZA/ PARTECIPA INNOVAZIONE ECO-SOCIAL TECNOLOGIE INNOVATIVE GESTIONE ECO (POLITICHE PIANIFICAZIONE/ PROGRA Migliori 29 performance complessive Tutti i 116 capoluog (+1 per l'appartenenza al 4° quartile, -1 per l'appartenenza al 1° quartile, 0 in tutti gli altri casi) 29 best positioned cities Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 -1 = Worst quartile +1 = Best quartile 0 = Central quartiles Performance by single dimension: All cities
  • 27. -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Foggia Palermo Avellino Siracusa Agrigento Rieti Frosinone L'Aquila Chieti Barletta Trani Potenza Matera ViboV. Trapani Enna Nuoro TempioP. Villacidro Isernia Messina Cosenza ReggioC. Caltanissetta Carbonia Lanusei Crotone Catanzaro Sanluri GESTIONE ECO (SELF-GOV.) TRASPARENZA/ PARTECIPAZ INNOVAZIONE ECO-SOCIALE TECNOLOGIE INNOVATIVE GESTIONE ECO (POLITICHE A PIANIFICAZIONE/ PROGRAM Peggiori 29 performance complessive Tutti i 116 capoluogh (+1 per l'appartenenza al 4° quartile, -1 per l'appartenenza al 1° quartile, 0 in tutti gli altri casi) 29 worst positioned cities Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 -1 = Worst quartile +1 = Best quartile 0 = Central quartiles Performance by single dimension: All cities
  • 28. • Our analysis aims at representing the ability of Italian cities and towns in capturing the opportunities offered by technological and societal progress for improving the environment, the effectiveness of administrative action and the quality of services • We are not proposing a paradigm or a definition of «smart city» • We are measuring – through an original re-evaluation of a time-honoured survey – the ability of municipal governments of orienting their actions towards sustainability and smartness, in a difficult period for public local financesation Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Concluding remarks (1)
  • 29. • The results confirm many known facts: • Southern towns and cities are weaker than those in the Centre-North. • But some results are unexpected: • Metropolitan cities are not better positioned than the other cities and towns • Especially in the South, the cities are not a driver of social innovation Smart factors and eco-sustainability in urban areas G.A. Barbieri, A. Ferrara – Scorus 2016 Concluding remarks (2)

Editor's Notes

  1. The core strategy is related to the technological components to support the improvement of public services This is particularly evident in the Digital Agenda for Europe that use digital technologies to improve quality of public services for the citizens, better use of resources and less impact on the environment (more eco-friendly impact) On the contrary, less emphasis is placed on other components of smartness such as governance’s actions EC launch (2012) the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Smart Cities and Communities. It proposes a comprehensive and integrated approach to match policies and resources at EU, national, regional and local levels; the EIP focuses on industry led innovation as a key driver to achieve economic and social change in urban areas
  2. The core strategy is related to the technological components to support the improvement of public services This is particularly evident in the Digital Agenda for Europe that use digital technologies to improve quality of public services for the citizens, better use of resources and less impact on the environment (more eco-friendly impact) On the contrary, less emphasis is placed on other components of smartness such as governance’s actions EC launch (2012) the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Smart Cities and Communities. It proposes a comprehensive and integrated approach to match policies and resources at EU, national, regional and local levels; the EIP focuses on industry led innovation as a key driver to achieve economic and social change in urban areas
  3. (study commissioned by the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy to provide context for the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities - 2014)
  4. Ends: Giffinger et alii, 2007 Components: T. Nam, T. A.Pardo, 2011