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Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance
(MBFD5 1606A MBFD5 1607A)
Master of Business Administration in International Marketing
(MIMD5 1606A MIMD5 1607A)Module Code and Title
: ASB4431 Organisations and People
Module Tutor
: Mr G V Nathan
: Individual Assignment: Reflective Essay
Date / Due Date
: 9 December 2016
Duration / Word Length
: 3000 words
Weighting within Module
: 60% (100 marks)
The individual written assignment will take the form of
individual reflection upon some aspect of your personal
experience of management and organisations.Throughout the
module, and from your previous educational and work
experiences, you will be exposed to various activities associated
with Organisations and People, such as being recruited,
managing employees, training and development, dealing with
work-place relationships etc. Think about how management and
organisation behaviour relates to you: have you been an
employee; have you been a manager; how have you dealt with
work-related conflict, perhaps during group-based assignments
at university or work? These are all potential areas for you to
reflect on. You are now required to write a reflective essay that
(a) makes use of the relevant theory to provide a detailed
analysis of one aspect of your experience of management and
organisation behaviour and
(b) considers the implications of your analysis for the effective
management of people within organisations.
In practice, this means answering four simple questions (these
may even be the headings you use in your individual
1. What happened to me eg during a job interview, training
session, appraisal meeting, or during group work? Give brief
details of the context.
2. What worked well/not so well? Why might this have
happened? What did I learn? What would I do differently next
3. What theories of management can explain what happened?
4. What could line managers and/or Human Resource
professionals do to ensure things (continue to) work well in
future and/or prevent such problems?
For example, your reflective essay may address one of the
following topics:
1. A management training and development session
2. A performance review with your supervisor/line manager
3. A grievance with a colleague
4. Being selected for a talent development programme
5. Conflict within your group (at university or work
6. Cross-generational working
7. Issues surrounding group leadership/management (or a lack
8. The impact of culture on group work
You need not be constrained by this list and should focus on a
topic that you are interested in studying (and writing about) in
A high quality reflective essay will involve:
· Meeting the terms of reference (objectives a and b)
· Excellent presentation and layout (style and structure)
· The ability to undertake constructive/honest self-reflection
(openness, clarity and realism of reflective critique)
· The ability to analyse and provide explanations, linking to
relevant literature
· An overall grasp and understanding of the processes involved.
Assignment guidelines:
· This essay should be word-processed
· Its length should be around 3000 words (10% allowance, and
excluding references and appendices)
· It should be presented in essay format – please see guidelines
· It must include correct and appropriate referencing – including
Tables and Figures
· It must be submitted both electronically (through Blackboard)
and a paper copy handed into the Student Support College by
4.00pm on Tuesday 6 December 2016 Requests for extensions
will ONLY be granted due to SERIOUS personal mitigating
circumstances, supported by appropriate evidence (eg medical
Marking Scheme for individual assignment (assessment criteria)
A ‘first class’ performance will include … A
‘failed’ performance will include…
A 70+
B 60s
C 50s
Clear objectives for the essay
No objectives or agenda stated
Appropriate structure and focus
Messy, fragmented structure, lacks focus
Addresses all aspects of assignment brief
Fails to address all aspects of assignment
Excellent presentation, free from errors
Poor presentation, spelling/typing mistakes
Correct referencing throughout
Inadequate/incorrect referencing in text and list of references
Appropriate review of relevant literature
Superficial, descriptive & limited literature review
Presents ‘new’ material
Merely re-presents lecture notes
Excellent personal content eg thoughtful, critical, well
researched, & referenced
Poor personal content eg no critical reflection, research,
inadequate /incorrect referencing,
Demonstrates clear grasp of personal action and relevant topic
Demonstrates little understanding of personal action and topic
Uses real examples from experience, to relate theory to practice
Makes no attempt to use any examples or draw on experience
MBFD5 1606A MBFD5 1607A MIMD5 1606A MIMD5
1607A_ASB4431 Organisations and People Individual
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Web Development/.DS_Store
Web Development/Assignment/hear/1.jpg
Web Development/Assignment/hear/3.jpg
Web Development/Assignment/hear/4.jpg
Web Development/Assignment/hear/hearing.png
Web Development/Assignment/hear/noisechart.png
Web Development/Assignment/hear/Thumbs.db
Web Development/Assignment/hearing_aids.htmlHEARING
IMPAIREMENT HomepageHearing AidsTableHearing Loss
Hearing aids:How to choose the right one
Many types of hearing aids exist. So which is best for you? Find
out what to consider when choosing a hearing aid.
Perhaps you've thought about getting a hearing aid, but you are
worried whether it will really help.It may help ease your
concerns to know more about:
How to get used to itThe hearing aid options available to
youWhat to look for when buying a hearing aid
Hearing aids can't restore normal hearing. They can improve
your hearing by amplifying soft sounds, helping you hear
sounds that you have had trouble hearing.
How hearing aid work
Hearing aids uses the same basic parts to carrry sounds from the
environment into your ear and make them louder. Most hearing
aids are digital and are powered
with a hearing aid battery.Small microphones collect sounds
from the environment. A computer chip with an amplifier
converts the incoming sound into digital code.
It then analyzes and adjusts the sound based on your hearing
loss, listening needs and the level of sound around you.The
amplified signals are then converted back
into sound waves and derivered to your ears through speakers.
This aids includes:-Completely in the canal(CIC) or mini CICIn
the canalIn the earBehind the earReceiver in canal or receiver in
the earOpen fit AboutContactHelpSetting& policiesReport a
problemTerms & conditions
Copyright ©2014 Ronald Averion.
Web Development/Assignment/hm.css
html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
p, blockquote, pre, abbr, address, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img,
ins, kbd, q, samp, small, strong, sub, sup, var, b, i, dl, dt, dd,
ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody,
thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, figcaption,
figure, footer,
header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, summary, time, mark{
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: 0px none;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 100%;
border:5px solid #66cccc;
font-size:40px ;
color: #ffff00;
.clearfix:after {
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box-shadow:0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-bottom: 5px solid #DDD;
position: relative;
border-top: 5px solid #DDD;
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padding: 5px;
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
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transition:all linear 0.15s;
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Web Development/Assignment/Homepage.htmlHEARING
IMPAIREMENT HomepageHearing AidsTableHearing
Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in the
United States and even in the world.
In fact, hearing problem is ranked the third most common
problems in health.
It is estimated that about 36 million Americans have hearing
So, if you are taking your ears for granted, then you are likely
to destroy them
and experience severe problems. To ensure effective
communication and better relationships,
your hearing system should be maintained.
What is hearing impairment?
Hearing impairment can be defined as a hearing loss that
prevents proper reception of sounds
through the ear. At times, the hearing loss can be very mild and
in that case, a person cannot
hear distant sounds of faint sounds. These people can use
hearing aids to help them have a better
reception of sounds. When the loss is so severe, an individual
finds it difficult to distinguish and level of sound.
Levels of Hearing Loss MildModerateSevereProfound
Major Causes of Hearing Loss
The following are the major causes of hearing losses;
Exposure of the ears to noise can wear down the hearing system,
especially if the
noise is very loud and periodic or continuous. In some
environments, such as industries, ears can be
exposed to very dangerous levels of noise.
Advanced Age:
This is the most common cause of this health problem.
Research has it that
a third of the population, aged between 65 and 74 has some
hearing problem.
Beyound this age, the hearing problem goes higher to even two
thirds of the population.
AboutContactHelpSetting& policiesReport a problemTerms &
Copyright ©2014 Ronald Averion.
Web Development/Assignment/table.htmlHEARING
IMPAIREMENT HomepageHearing AidsTableHEARING
HEARING IMPAIREMENTMild 25-40dB Moderate 40 -
70dBSevere 70 -95dB Profound >95dB CAUSES HEARING
IMPAIREMENTAging Exposure to loud NoiseDisease Genes
IMPAIREMENTOtitis Media, Tinnitus, Ménière Glue Ears
Acoustic Tumours or Acoustic Trauma. otosclerosis and Usher´s
IMPAIREMENTUsing ear plugs in high noise environment
Proper cleaning of our ear canal Using low volume music when
possible Seeking medical attention AboutContactHelpSetting&
policiesReport a problemTerms & conditions
Copyright ©2014 Ronald Averion.
Web Development/Assignment Instructions.docx
Assignment Instructions
Note: It is strongly recommended that you complete all labs in
Lesson 6 of your textbook, for practice, before attempting this
assignment. Although you will not submit the labs from your
textbook, they will give you the foundation to understand how
to correctly code in CSS and HTML.
You must write the code files by hand for all assignments in
this class. A simple text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++
will suffice. DO NOT use web page programs, such as
FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc. You must write the code for
your web pages yourself.
Make sure all of your web pages comply with the HTML 5
standards and CSS standards. DO NOT use deprecated
(outdated) tags and attributes from previous versions of HTML.
By including the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration in your
webpages, and validating all of your HTML files
at, you can be sure that your code
complies with HTML 5. All external style sheets (.css files)
must pass validation at the W3C CSS Validation
Create your HTML and CSS files using a text editor, such as
Notepad or Notepad++. Your home page (which you created
during Week 1) should still be
named "LastFirstHomepage.html" where "Last" is your last
name and "First" is your first name. For example, if your name
is John Smith, you would name your home
page SmithJohnHomepage.html The other pages of your
website should be named descriptively according to the content
on each page. All pages will be linked together using
appropriate navigation so that I can navigate to and from each
page of your website from your home page.
For this assignment, you should continue to build on the
website you have been building since the first week of this
course. You are creating an informative web site about a topic
that interests you. Use this as an opportunity to teach me
something new about a topic which you are knowledgeable
about! Make sure that you write the content (the paragraphs of
information about your topic) yourself. Do not copy content
from other web pages. Your website should contain at least 4-6
paragraphs of information, arranged in a logical manner (using
headings and sub-headings appropriately), and it should
contain at least 4 HTML pages by this week (so you must add at
least one new HTML page this week, in addition to the
three pages you submitted in Week 3). However, at no time
may your website contain more than a maximum of 10 HTML
pages (this is the limit that I will be able to validate and grade
each week).
This week you will add a form to your website. You should add
a new page to your website and put the form on the new page.
The information that the form gathers should be relevant to the
theme of your website. For example, your form could be used as
a survey, asking visitors to your website to share their opinions
or preferences with you on items or issues relevant to the theme
of your website.
The HTML pages of your website must include all of the
1 Contains the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration on each page
2 Correctly uses html, head, body, and link tags on each page
3 Includes charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags
on each page
4 Use title tags to give each page an appropriate title
5 Link all pages to an external style sheet (.css file)
6 Appropriate navigation between pages of your website, using
local hyperlinks (coded with relative paths)
7 Your page must contain only one form, with an opening and
closing form tag. Your form must use the post method, and for
the action attribute use "
8 Your form must contain each of the following types of form
· textbox
· radio button
· set of check boxes
· multiple-option select list
· text area
· password field
· file upload
· submit button
· reset button
9 Make sure descriptive text precedes each form field, as well
as descriptive text for each input value or on each button.
10 Be sure to create relevant and informative content and to
design your website attractively.
Your external style sheet (.css file) must include all of the
1 Appropriate CSS for main elements in your page (body,
headings, horizontal rules, images, etc.), such as page
background color, text color, font types, font sizes, font colors,
width, height, float, margin, etc. (Basically, this refers to the
CSS you added to your website in Assignments 2 & 3, so fix
any errors or omissions from the last assignment before adding
the new code below to your CSS file).
2 Add any additional CSS properties that you would like for
your form (optional)
Note: Keep in mind that you may only have one CSS file for
your website in this class. All CSS code will go in one file
which you will link into each of your HTML pages. By using
only one CSS file you harness the power of CSS by ensuring
that your entire website has a consistent look and feel, and you
make your website easier to maintain since you will only have
to update one file in order to make a change to the formatting
and appearance of your entire website. If you have formatting
that you wish to apply only to certain pages, it is recommended
that you create CSS classes in your CSS file for that
formatting so that you can apply those specific classes to
specific elements on specific pages of your website.
Before submitting your web site:
1 You must validate all HTML files
at and you must fix any errors that the
validator identifies before submitting your web site for grading.
All files that you submit are required to pass validation without
any errors. Note: Keep in mind that the points allocated in the
rubric below for HTML validation are "all or nothing." In order
to receive the points for passing validation, all HTML files
submitted as part of your website must pass validation against
the HTML5 standard without any errors. Thank you for your
compliance with this important requirement!
2 You must validate all CSS files at
validator/ and you must fix any errors that the validator
identifies before submitting your web site for grading. All CSS
files that you submit for grading are required to pass validation
without any errors. Note: Keep in mind that the points
allocated in the rubric below for CSS validation are "all or
nothing." In order to receive the points for passing validation,
your CSS file submitted as part of your website must pass
validation against the CSS3 standard without any errors. Thank
you for your compliance with this important requirement!
Submission Instructions: Create a zip file containing all files
related to your web page (.html files, .css files, and/or image
files). Make sure you maintain the necessary directory structure
in your zip file so that your webpages will view correctly when
unzipped. In other words, if your images are in a sub-folder on
your computer, in relation to the folder containing your .html
file, then you need to maintain that same directory structure in
your zip file, too. Submit only the zip file for grading.
Rubric for Grading Assignment
10 points 1. Webpages (HTML files) validate without errors
10 points 2. Style sheets (CSS files) validate without errors at
5 points 3. Website contains well-written, well-thought-out,
creative, attractive,
and well-organized content (uses paragraph, line break, heading
and horizontal rules appropriately to organize content)
5 points 4. Correct use of all basic elements in a webpage
(DOCTYPE, html, head, body, meta, title, link) on every HTML
5 points 5. Appropriate navigation between pages of your
website, using local hyperlinks
(coded with relative paths)
5 points 6. CSS style sheet containing appropriate formatting
for your website
5 points 7. Correctly coded form tag with method and action
5 points 8. Correctly coded textbox
5 points 9. Correctly coded radio button
5 points 10. Correctly coded set of check boxes
5 points 11. Correctly coded multiple-option select list
5 points 12. Correctly coded text area
5 points 13. Correctly coded password field
5 points 14. Correctly coded file upload
5 points 15. Correctly coded reset button
5 points 16. Correctly coded submit button
5 points 17. Descriptive text preceding each form field, as well
as descriptive text for
each input value or on each button
5 points 18. Correctly created zip file that contains all files for
(maintaining original folder structure) and also contains
screenshot of quiz score
Total 100 Points
***Note: Your website must include the form element in order
to receive
any credit for this assignment.
Web Development/Thumbs.db
In this course, we have four members in my group. A girl from
Mongolia whose name is NG, she is very good at writing, and
Hanna, a girl form Vietnam, she study so hard and always push
the group to do so changes of the poster to make it better. Well,
we have one more guy from India, his name is Rohan, he always
spend the less time on the study but the better result he got. In
this group project, my work is to select which topic we are
going to talk and make the poster.
As we know each other as team members, I founded a chat
group on WhatsApp for us to discuss the studies. And we had
few group meeting before everything is done and tried to select
which topic to do. The first meeting, we decided to do
leadership, because this topic has the more materials on
website, and I had learned Organizational Behavior in my
Diploma study, and i did leadership assignment in that course,
so I think it will be much easier. That was the first meeting, and
we made a decision. After the meeting, I go back home and did
some search of leadership, and download some materials of it.
I was about to write something on leadership in the second day,
but i was told by my members that they want to change the topic
into culture. Which means all my research can not be used for
this project, but they gave me a good reason ”the other teams
also doing leadership, we need to do something different to get
better result.” Well, in order to get better result of this project,
we can do this. So we changed it into culture.
As we were doing the culture, we found that culture is a simple
topic. We need to do something attractive, so we made a change
again. This time we change into the impact of communication.
Finally, we did not do any more changes and finish the essay on
time. After the essay has been done, me and Rohan is supposed
to do the poster. I am kind of good at Photo-shop, so I think the
poster is quiet easy for me.
I spend one hour to do the poster and got a nice poster, I was so
exciting and wanted to share it to my members. So i sent it to
the group chat, and they were satisfied with my work. I thought
my poster is done, so i started to do my another assignment. But
I got the massages from the girls and they said they want me to
do something new and change the original one, i was shocked
and i just take the suggestions and did the changes, another one
hour has gone, my new poster was done. I sent it to them again,
and i thought that one must be accept by them and i don’t need
to do any changes. Yup, they appreciate my work at first and
say it looks good. But they asked me to do a new one in the
second day, the only reason is to make it better. Of course, i
want to get a better result of it, so did some changes again, and
this one is the final, we are not going to do any changes and we
think it’s the best work because we spent so much time and
tried so much to make it.
During this group project, we met some problems, we had
different views on one topic since four of us comes from four
different countries. In this situation, all my members try to
explain our own idea and try to understand the others. As a
leader of this group, I spend times to talk to my members, and
share our information on time. I need to thank all my members
of all the support and their works. I have learned how to
organize a group and how to talk to members which comes from
different countries.

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  • 1. BANGOR UNIVERSITY AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE Course : Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance (MBFD5 1606A MBFD5 1607A) Master of Business Administration in International Marketing (MIMD5 1606A MIMD5 1607A)Module Code and Title : ASB4431 Organisations and People Module Tutor : Mr G V Nathan Assessment : Individual Assignment: Reflective Essay Date / Due Date : 9 December 2016
  • 2. Duration / Word Length : 3000 words Weighting within Module : 60% (100 marks) The individual written assignment will take the form of individual reflection upon some aspect of your personal experience of management and organisations.Throughout the module, and from your previous educational and work experiences, you will be exposed to various activities associated with Organisations and People, such as being recruited, managing employees, training and development, dealing with work-place relationships etc. Think about how management and organisation behaviour relates to you: have you been an employee; have you been a manager; how have you dealt with work-related conflict, perhaps during group-based assignments at university or work? These are all potential areas for you to reflect on. You are now required to write a reflective essay that (a) makes use of the relevant theory to provide a detailed analysis of one aspect of your experience of management and organisation behaviour and (b) considers the implications of your analysis for the effective management of people within organisations. In practice, this means answering four simple questions (these may even be the headings you use in your individual assignment!): 1. What happened to me eg during a job interview, training session, appraisal meeting, or during group work? Give brief details of the context. 2. What worked well/not so well? Why might this have
  • 3. happened? What did I learn? What would I do differently next time? 3. What theories of management can explain what happened? 4. What could line managers and/or Human Resource professionals do to ensure things (continue to) work well in future and/or prevent such problems? For example, your reflective essay may address one of the following topics: 1. A management training and development session 2. A performance review with your supervisor/line manager 3. A grievance with a colleague 4. Being selected for a talent development programme 5. Conflict within your group (at university or work organisation) 6. Cross-generational working 7. Issues surrounding group leadership/management (or a lack thereof!) 8. The impact of culture on group work You need not be constrained by this list and should focus on a topic that you are interested in studying (and writing about) in detail. A high quality reflective essay will involve: · Meeting the terms of reference (objectives a and b) · Excellent presentation and layout (style and structure) · The ability to undertake constructive/honest self-reflection (openness, clarity and realism of reflective critique) · The ability to analyse and provide explanations, linking to relevant literature · An overall grasp and understanding of the processes involved.
  • 4. Assignment guidelines: · This essay should be word-processed · Its length should be around 3000 words (10% allowance, and excluding references and appendices) · It should be presented in essay format – please see guidelines · It must include correct and appropriate referencing – including Tables and Figures · It must be submitted both electronically (through Blackboard) and a paper copy handed into the Student Support College by 4.00pm on Tuesday 6 December 2016 Requests for extensions will ONLY be granted due to SERIOUS personal mitigating circumstances, supported by appropriate evidence (eg medical certificate) END OF ASSIGNMENT Marking Scheme for individual assignment (assessment criteria) A ‘first class’ performance will include … A ‘failed’ performance will include… A 70+ B 60s C 50s D/E/F REFLECTIVE ESSAY
  • 5. Clear objectives for the essay No objectives or agenda stated Appropriate structure and focus Messy, fragmented structure, lacks focus Addresses all aspects of assignment brief Fails to address all aspects of assignment Excellent presentation, free from errors Poor presentation, spelling/typing mistakes Correct referencing throughout Inadequate/incorrect referencing in text and list of references Appropriate review of relevant literature
  • 6. Superficial, descriptive & limited literature review Presents ‘new’ material Merely re-presents lecture notes Excellent personal content eg thoughtful, critical, well researched, & referenced Poor personal content eg no critical reflection, research, inadequate /incorrect referencing, Demonstrates clear grasp of personal action and relevant topic Demonstrates little understanding of personal action and topic Uses real examples from experience, to relate theory to practice Makes no attempt to use any examples or draw on experience MBFD5 1606A MBFD5 1607A MIMD5 1606A MIMD5 1607A_ASB4431 Organisations and People Individual Assignment Page 1 of 3
  • 7. Web Development/.DS_Store Web Development/Assignment/hear/1.jpg Web Development/Assignment/hear/3.jpg Web Development/Assignment/hear/4.jpg Web Development/Assignment/hear/hearing.png Web Development/Assignment/hear/noisechart.png Web Development/Assignment/hear/Thumbs.db Web Development/Assignment/hearing_aids.htmlHEARING IMPAIREMENT HomepageHearing AidsTableHearing Loss Hearing aids:How to choose the right one Many types of hearing aids exist. So which is best for you? Find out what to consider when choosing a hearing aid. Perhaps you've thought about getting a hearing aid, but you are worried whether it will really help.It may help ease your concerns to know more about: How to get used to itThe hearing aid options available to youWhat to look for when buying a hearing aid Hearing aids can't restore normal hearing. They can improve your hearing by amplifying soft sounds, helping you hear sounds that you have had trouble hearing. How hearing aid work Hearing aids uses the same basic parts to carrry sounds from the environment into your ear and make them louder. Most hearing aids are digital and are powered
  • 8. with a hearing aid battery.Small microphones collect sounds from the environment. A computer chip with an amplifier converts the incoming sound into digital code. It then analyzes and adjusts the sound based on your hearing loss, listening needs and the level of sound around you.The amplified signals are then converted back into sound waves and derivered to your ears through speakers. This aids includes:-Completely in the canal(CIC) or mini CICIn the canalIn the earBehind the earReceiver in canal or receiver in the earOpen fit AboutContactHelpSetting& policiesReport a problemTerms & conditions Copyright ©2014 Ronald Averion. Web Development/Assignment/hm.css html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, abbr, address, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, samp, small, strong, sub, sup, var, b, i, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, summary, time, mark{
  • 9. margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px none; font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; } #container{ background-color:#6699cc; width:1250px; height:100%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; font-family:Sans-Serif; font-size:16px; padding:10px; text-align:center; border:5px solid #66cccc; }
  • 10. #top{ text-align:center; height:60px; padding-top:20px; font-size:40px ; color: #ffff00; } .clearfix:after { display:block; clear:both; } .menu-wrap { box-shadow:0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
  • 11. background-color:#006699; height:40px; margin:0px; padding:10px; border-bottom: 5px solid #DDD; position: relative; border-top: 5px solid #DDD; font:red; } .menu { float:left; margin:0px; font-size: 100%; padding: 5px; text-align:center;
  • 12. padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif; } /*----new part---*/ /*----- Menu Outline -----*/ .menu li { margin:0px;
  • 13. list-style:none; font-family:serif; } .menu a { transition:all linear 0.15s; color:#919191; } .menu li:hover > a, .menu .current-item > a { text-decoration:none; color:#be5b70; -webkit-transform:rotate(360deg); } .menu .arrow { font-size:11px; line-height:0%;
  • 14. } /*----- Top Level -----*/ .menu > ul > li { float:left; display:inline-block; position:relative; font-size:19px; } .menu > ul > li > a { padding:10px 10px; display:inline-block; text-shadow:0px 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); } .menu > ul > li:hover > a, .menu > ul > .current-item > a { background:#2e2728;
  • 15. } /*----- Bottom Level -----*/ .menu li:hover .sub-menu { z-index:1; opacity:1; } /*---end---*/ #table1{ padding:10px; border:1px solid black; width:100%; height:200px; background:white; } table, th, td ,tr{ border: 1px solid black;
  • 16. } #pics{ text-align:left; padding-top:20px; padding:10px; width:100%; height:100%; } #footer{ padding:10px; color:white; text-align:right; } Web Development/Assignment/Homepage.htmlHEARING IMPAIREMENT HomepageHearing AidsTableHearing ImpairmentIntroImpairmentLevelsCausesIntroduction Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in the United States and even in the world. In fact, hearing problem is ranked the third most common problems in health.
  • 17. It is estimated that about 36 million Americans have hearing problems. So, if you are taking your ears for granted, then you are likely to destroy them and experience severe problems. To ensure effective communication and better relationships, your hearing system should be maintained. What is hearing impairment? Hearing impairment can be defined as a hearing loss that prevents proper reception of sounds through the ear. At times, the hearing loss can be very mild and in that case, a person cannot hear distant sounds of faint sounds. These people can use hearing aids to help them have a better reception of sounds. When the loss is so severe, an individual finds it difficult to distinguish and level of sound. Levels of Hearing Loss MildModerateSevereProfound Major Causes of Hearing Loss The following are the major causes of hearing losses; Noise: Exposure of the ears to noise can wear down the hearing system,
  • 18. especially if the noise is very loud and periodic or continuous. In some environments, such as industries, ears can be exposed to very dangerous levels of noise. Advanced Age: This is the most common cause of this health problem. Research has it that a third of the population, aged between 65 and 74 has some hearing problem. Beyound this age, the hearing problem goes higher to even two thirds of the population. AboutContactHelpSetting& policiesReport a problemTerms & conditions Copyright ©2014 Ronald Averion. Web Development/Assignment/table.htmlHEARING IMPAIREMENT HomepageHearing AidsTableHEARING IMPAIREMENT TABLE
  • 19. HEARING IMPAIRMENT SUMMARY TABLE LEVELS OF HEARING IMPAIREMENTMild 25-40dB Moderate 40 - 70dBSevere 70 -95dB Profound >95dB CAUSES HEARING IMPAIREMENTAging Exposure to loud NoiseDisease Genes and Genes mutation DISEASES CAUSING HEARING IMPAIREMENTOtitis Media, Tinnitus, Ménière Glue Ears Acoustic Tumours or Acoustic Trauma. otosclerosis and Usher´s syndrome WAYS OF PREVENTING HEARING IMPAIREMENTUsing ear plugs in high noise environment Proper cleaning of our ear canal Using low volume music when possible Seeking medical attention AboutContactHelpSetting& policiesReport a problemTerms & conditions Copyright ©2014 Ronald Averion. Web Development/Assignment Instructions.docx Assignment Instructions Note: It is strongly recommended that you complete all labs in Lesson 6 of your textbook, for practice, before attempting this assignment. Although you will not submit the labs from your textbook, they will give you the foundation to understand how to correctly code in CSS and HTML. You must write the code files by hand for all assignments in this class. A simple text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++ will suffice. DO NOT use web page programs, such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc. You must write the code for your web pages yourself.
  • 20. Make sure all of your web pages comply with the HTML 5 standards and CSS standards. DO NOT use deprecated (outdated) tags and attributes from previous versions of HTML. By including the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration in your webpages, and validating all of your HTML files at, you can be sure that your code complies with HTML 5. All external style sheets (.css files) must pass validation at the W3C CSS Validation Service: Create your HTML and CSS files using a text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++. Your home page (which you created during Week 1) should still be named "LastFirstHomepage.html" where "Last" is your last name and "First" is your first name. For example, if your name is John Smith, you would name your home page SmithJohnHomepage.html The other pages of your website should be named descriptively according to the content on each page. All pages will be linked together using appropriate navigation so that I can navigate to and from each page of your website from your home page. Instructions: For this assignment, you should continue to build on the website you have been building since the first week of this course. You are creating an informative web site about a topic that interests you. Use this as an opportunity to teach me something new about a topic which you are knowledgeable about! Make sure that you write the content (the paragraphs of information about your topic) yourself. Do not copy content from other web pages. Your website should contain at least 4-6 paragraphs of information, arranged in a logical manner (using headings and sub-headings appropriately), and it should contain at least 4 HTML pages by this week (so you must add at
  • 21. least one new HTML page this week, in addition to the three pages you submitted in Week 3). However, at no time may your website contain more than a maximum of 10 HTML pages (this is the limit that I will be able to validate and grade each week). This week you will add a form to your website. You should add a new page to your website and put the form on the new page. The information that the form gathers should be relevant to the theme of your website. For example, your form could be used as a survey, asking visitors to your website to share their opinions or preferences with you on items or issues relevant to the theme of your website. The HTML pages of your website must include all of the following: 1 Contains the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration on each page 2 Correctly uses html, head, body, and link tags on each page 3 Includes charset, author, keywords, and description meta tags on each page 4 Use title tags to give each page an appropriate title 5 Link all pages to an external style sheet (.css file) 6 Appropriate navigation between pages of your website, using local hyperlinks (coded with relative paths) 7 Your page must contain only one form, with an opening and closing form tag. Your form must use the post method, and for the action attribute use " bin/". 8 Your form must contain each of the following types of form fields: · textbox · radio button · set of check boxes · multiple-option select list · text area
  • 22. · password field · file upload · submit button · reset button 9 Make sure descriptive text precedes each form field, as well as descriptive text for each input value or on each button. 10 Be sure to create relevant and informative content and to design your website attractively. Your external style sheet (.css file) must include all of the following: 1 Appropriate CSS for main elements in your page (body, headings, horizontal rules, images, etc.), such as page background color, text color, font types, font sizes, font colors, width, height, float, margin, etc. (Basically, this refers to the CSS you added to your website in Assignments 2 & 3, so fix any errors or omissions from the last assignment before adding the new code below to your CSS file). 2 Add any additional CSS properties that you would like for your form (optional) Note: Keep in mind that you may only have one CSS file for your website in this class. All CSS code will go in one file which you will link into each of your HTML pages. By using only one CSS file you harness the power of CSS by ensuring that your entire website has a consistent look and feel, and you make your website easier to maintain since you will only have to update one file in order to make a change to the formatting and appearance of your entire website. If you have formatting that you wish to apply only to certain pages, it is recommended that you create CSS classes in your CSS file for that formatting so that you can apply those specific classes to specific elements on specific pages of your website. Before submitting your web site:
  • 23. 1 You must validate all HTML files at and you must fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web site for grading. All files that you submit are required to pass validation without any errors. Note: Keep in mind that the points allocated in the rubric below for HTML validation are "all or nothing." In order to receive the points for passing validation, all HTML files submitted as part of your website must pass validation against the HTML5 standard without any errors. Thank you for your compliance with this important requirement! 2 You must validate all CSS files at validator/ and you must fix any errors that the validator identifies before submitting your web site for grading. All CSS files that you submit for grading are required to pass validation without any errors. Note: Keep in mind that the points allocated in the rubric below for CSS validation are "all or nothing." In order to receive the points for passing validation, your CSS file submitted as part of your website must pass validation against the CSS3 standard without any errors. Thank you for your compliance with this important requirement! Submission Instructions: Create a zip file containing all files related to your web page (.html files, .css files, and/or image files). Make sure you maintain the necessary directory structure in your zip file so that your webpages will view correctly when unzipped. In other words, if your images are in a sub-folder on your computer, in relation to the folder containing your .html file, then you need to maintain that same directory structure in your zip file, too. Submit only the zip file for grading. Rubric for Grading Assignment Points 10 points 1. Webpages (HTML files) validate without errors
  • 24. at 10 10 points 2. Style sheets (CSS files) validate without errors at 10 5 points 3. Website contains well-written, well-thought-out, creative, attractive, and well-organized content (uses paragraph, line break, heading tags, and horizontal rules appropriately to organize content) 5 5 points 4. Correct use of all basic elements in a webpage document (DOCTYPE, html, head, body, meta, title, link) on every HTML page 5 5 points 5. Appropriate navigation between pages of your website, using local hyperlinks (coded with relative paths) 5 5 points 6. CSS style sheet containing appropriate formatting for your website 5 5 points 7. Correctly coded form tag with method and action attributes 5 5 points 8. Correctly coded textbox 5 5 points 9. Correctly coded radio button 5 5 points 10. Correctly coded set of check boxes 5 5 points 11. Correctly coded multiple-option select list 5 5 points 12. Correctly coded text area 5
  • 25. 5 points 13. Correctly coded password field 5 5 points 14. Correctly coded file upload 5 5 points 15. Correctly coded reset button 5 5 points 16. Correctly coded submit button 5 5 points 17. Descriptive text preceding each form field, as well as descriptive text for each input value or on each button 5 5 points 18. Correctly created zip file that contains all files for webpage (maintaining original folder structure) and also contains screenshot of quiz score 5 Total 100 Points 100 ***Note: Your website must include the form element in order to receive any credit for this assignment. Web Development/Thumbs.db In this course, we have four members in my group. A girl from Mongolia whose name is NG, she is very good at writing, and Hanna, a girl form Vietnam, she study so hard and always push the group to do so changes of the poster to make it better. Well, we have one more guy from India, his name is Rohan, he always spend the less time on the study but the better result he got. In this group project, my work is to select which topic we are going to talk and make the poster.
  • 26. As we know each other as team members, I founded a chat group on WhatsApp for us to discuss the studies. And we had few group meeting before everything is done and tried to select which topic to do. The first meeting, we decided to do leadership, because this topic has the more materials on website, and I had learned Organizational Behavior in my Diploma study, and i did leadership assignment in that course, so I think it will be much easier. That was the first meeting, and we made a decision. After the meeting, I go back home and did some search of leadership, and download some materials of it. I was about to write something on leadership in the second day, but i was told by my members that they want to change the topic into culture. Which means all my research can not be used for this project, but they gave me a good reason ”the other teams also doing leadership, we need to do something different to get better result.” Well, in order to get better result of this project, we can do this. So we changed it into culture. As we were doing the culture, we found that culture is a simple topic. We need to do something attractive, so we made a change again. This time we change into the impact of communication. Finally, we did not do any more changes and finish the essay on time. After the essay has been done, me and Rohan is supposed to do the poster. I am kind of good at Photo-shop, so I think the poster is quiet easy for me. I spend one hour to do the poster and got a nice poster, I was so exciting and wanted to share it to my members. So i sent it to the group chat, and they were satisfied with my work. I thought my poster is done, so i started to do my another assignment. But I got the massages from the girls and they said they want me to do something new and change the original one, i was shocked and i just take the suggestions and did the changes, another one hour has gone, my new poster was done. I sent it to them again,
  • 27. and i thought that one must be accept by them and i don’t need to do any changes. Yup, they appreciate my work at first and say it looks good. But they asked me to do a new one in the second day, the only reason is to make it better. Of course, i want to get a better result of it, so did some changes again, and this one is the final, we are not going to do any changes and we think it’s the best work because we spent so much time and tried so much to make it. During this group project, we met some problems, we had different views on one topic since four of us comes from four different countries. In this situation, all my members try to explain our own idea and try to understand the others. As a leader of this group, I spend times to talk to my members, and share our information on time. I need to thank all my members of all the support and their works. I have learned how to organize a group and how to talk to members which comes from different countries.