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Nursing Path
Living material is organized in unit and microorganism were living form of
microscopical size and usually unicellular in structure originally classification is
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells
 Earth’s oldest life forms
– between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years old
 Most abundant life form – up to 2.5 billion individual bacteria in 1 gram of
fertile soil
 Very adaptable – found in all of Earth’s
Nursing Path
 Bacteria Characteristics
 Unicellular
 Circular DNA
 No organelles
 1/10th
the size of eukaryotic cells
 Flagella-long hair-like structure used for movement
 Reproduce asexually –Binary Fission
 Classification
Bacteria can be classified in many ways. The first classification scheme was
published in 1773 and many more have appered since.
Science of microbiology has developed other kind of classification but medically
important classification is as follows
Based on several major properties
 Morphology
 Biochemical reaction
 staining reaction
 Pathogenicity
 Based on relationship of host and microorganism
 DNA composition
Nursing Path
Bacteria can be classified according to morphological
characteristics like their cell shape, size and structure and their specific
arrangement like motility and flagellar arrangement.
A. According to shape:
1)cocci( spherical or oval)
i.cocci in clustre.
Ex staphylococci
ii) cocci in chain. Ex. Streptococci
iii) cocci in pair. Ex. Diplococcus pneumoniae
iv) cocci in group of four. Ex.Tetrad
2) Bacilli (cylindrical or rod shaped)
i)coccobacilli: length of cell is greater than its breadth but not rod
shaped. Ex. Brucella.
ii) cuneiform or chinese letter arrangement: ex.corny bacteria
iii) vibrio: comma shaped.ex. Vibrio cholerae.
iv) spirilla: rigid piral shaped bacteria
v) spirochetes: longer, thinner, flexible and coil shaped bacteria
3) mycobacteria:
some bacteria have no cell wall and they called as cell wall lacking
bacteria and they doent have proper shape.
Nursing Path
(B) According to flagellar arrangement
Monotrichous: 1 flagella
Lophotrichous: tuft at one end
Amphitrichous: tuft at both ends
Peritrichous: all around bacteria
Aerobic and facultative aerobic bacteria:
(a) cocci:
i)gram positive:
. Catalase positive:
-staphylococcus aureus
-staphylococcus epidermidis
-staphylococccus saprophyticus
. catalase negative:
-staphylococcus pyogenes
-staphylococcus pneumoniae
-viridans group streptococci
Gram negative:
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Nursing Path
- Neisseria meningitidies
- moraxella catarrhalis
ii) bacilli:
(a) gram positive:
-Bacillus anthracis
-corne bacterium
-Nocardia asteroids
-gardenrella vaginalis
(b) Gram negative:
-Escherichia coli -Salmonella
-Klebsiella -Yersinia
-Morganella -shigella
ii)Non Enterobacteriaceae( Fermentive bacilli):
iii) Non enterobacteriaceae (non fermentive bacilli)
(3) Coccobacilli:
-Actinobacillus -Bartonella
-Brucella -Haemophilus
-Chlamydia -Helicobacter
-Ricketsiae -legionella
(4) Mycoplasma:
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycoplasma hominis
(5) Treponema
Treponema pallidum
Borilia burgoferi
Nursing Path
Aerobic bacteria:
(a) cocci:
i)gram positive:
ii) Gram negative:
(b)Bacilli:Gram negative
-Closteridium species
(a)Gram stain:
1) Gram positive: after the gram stain organism which occur violet in colour.
2) Gram negative: Which appear pink or red
(b)Acid fast stain:
1) Acid fast organism: after the ziehl –neelsen stain it will show pink in colour
2) Non acid fast organism: after this stain organism will appear blue in colour
A) pathogens: the organism which is able to spread disease and can cause
B) Non pathogens: which does not cause and disease; e.x: lactobacilli
C) Commensals: normaly non pathogenic but sometime they show the
disease when immunity impaired
Nursing Path
1) saprophytes: free living microbes on dead animals or decaying things that
can be found in soil and water and play important role in degradation of
organic matter.
2) Parasites: that establish themselves and multiply in hosts.
3) Commensals: microbes that live in complete live with harmony but they
can produce disese when host resistance Is lowerd.E.x: normal flora
Bacterial anatomy
• In the bacteria the outer layer or cell envelop or bacteria consist of two
(a) rigid cell wall
(b) underlying cytoplasmic membrane or plasma membrane:
it includes granules, ribosomes, mesosomes and circular DNA.
 Some bacteria in addition to possess aditional structures such as
gelatinous material which cover it is called as capsule and when it is too
thin it is called as microcapsule.
 Introduction:
most cell poseses a cell envelop consisting of cell wall and underlying
cytoplasmic membrane.
 Definition:
“the tough, rigid structure which surrounds bacterial cell it is called as
cell wall”
• Thickness: 10-20nm
• Weight: 20-25% of dry weight of bacterial cell wall
Peptido-glycan Polymer (amino acids + sugars)
Nursing Path
Unique to bacteria
Sugars; NAG & NAM
 N-acetylglucosamine
 N-acetymuramic acid
Amino acids cross link NAG & NAM
Made of peptidoglycan – a combination of protein and polysaccharides
Some bacteria called Gram negative bacteria have an additional layer of membrane
that contains lipopolysaccharide
- this extra layer inhibits the uptake of antibiotics – protecting the bacteria
Gram positive Vs gram
Gram positive bacteria have a large peptidoglycan structure. As noted above, this
accounts for the differential staining with Gram stain. Some Gram positive
bacteria are also capable of forming spores under stressful environmental
conditions such as when there is limited availability of carbon and nitrogen.
Spores therefore allow bacteria to survive exposure to extreme conditions and
can lead to re-infection (e.g., pseudomembranous colitis fromClostridium difficle)
Gram negative bacteria have a small peptidoglycan layer but have an additional
membrane, the outer cytoplasmic membrane. This creates an additional
Nursing Path
permeability barrier and results in the need for transport mechanisms across this
A major component of the cytoplasmic membrane that is unique to Gram
negatives is endotoxin. This component is essential for bacterial survival.
Endotoxin has three components: the lipid, the highly conserved core
polysaccharide, and the species specific O antigen (also polysaccharide). In
contrast with the secreted exotoxins, endotoxin is cell-associated but MID 1 can
be released during cell division or cell death. The Lipid A moiety of endotoxin is
responsible for sepsis which may be fatal. Sepsis is characterized clinically by
confusion, fever, drop in blood pressure and ultimately multi-organ
failure.Endotoxin (also known as lipopolysaccharide-LPS):
Cell Wall function
Determine shape of bacteria
Strength prevents osmotic rupture
20-40% of bacteria
Help in division of bacteria
Contain receptor site
Some antibiotics effect directly: Penicillin
Cytoplasmic membrane:
“thin semipermiable membrane which lies just beneath the cell wall that
is called as cyto plasmic membrane”
 The whole bacterial cytoplasm is bound peripherally by very thin,elastic
and semipermiable cytoplasmic membrane also known as cell membrane.
 It is 5-10nm in width
 Electron microscope shows the presence of three layer constituting a unit
membrane structure.
Chemically the membrane consist of phospholipid with small amount of
protein. Sterol is absent except in mycoplasma.
Nursing Path
 The seperation of membrane from cell wall is achived by readily in gram
negative bacteria when they are suspended in medium of high osmotic
tension.such phenomenom is called as plasmolysis
 Electron microscope
(1) Active transport:
it is site of numerous enzymes (oxidase polymerase, permease)
involved in the active transport of selective nutrients. It is impermiable to
macromolecule nd ionised substances.
(2) Passive transport:
It is act as semipermiable membrane through inward and outward
passage of water and passive trnsport of molecule lipid soluble solutes take
place by diffusion
it is also concentration sugar, amino acids and phosphate so that a 300-
400 fold grandient exists across osmotic barrier.
Nursing Path
Enzymatic function:
it also contain cytochrome oxidase, enzyme of tricarboxylic acid cycle and
polymerising enzyme necessary for synthesis of cell wall
“Bacterial cytoplasm is suspension of organic and inorganic solutes in
viscous watery solution”
It is not exhibiting protoplasmic streaming and it lacks endoplasmic
reticulum or mitochondria. It contains ribosomes, mesosomes, inclusion
and vacuoles.
All the organills which cytoplasm contains is as follows:
(1) Ribosomes:
Ribosomes appear as small granules and pack the whole cytoplasm. These
are strung together on strands of mRNA to form polymers.
the code of mRNA is translated in to peptides sequence t this place.
The ribosomal particles become linked up and travels along the mRNA
Site for protein synthesis.
They are the group of ribosomes linked together like beads of chain by
messanger RNA
 Mesosomes:
They are vesicular, convulated or multilaminted structures formed as
invagination of plasma membrane in cytoplasm .
They are more prominent in the gram positive bacteria.
Two types of mesosomes
Nursing Path
(a) septal mesosomes:
It is attached to bacterial chrosome nd involved in dna segregation and in
formation of cross wall during cell division.
(2) Lateral mesosomes:
They are at lateral side
 They are site of respiratory enzymes
 Coordinate nuclear and cytoplasmic membrane division during binary
 Responsible for compartmenting DNA at sporulation
Bacterial capsule:
“ It is an outer covering of thick jelly like material that surrounds the
bacterial cell wall”
 Width: 0.2 micrometer
 Contains about 90% water and 2% solid
 The solid constitutes may be complex polysccharide (pneumococcus
klebsiella, enterobacter) or polypeptides (anthrax bacillus) or hyaluronic
acid (streptococcus)
the capsule is best seen in pathological specimens like pus, blood, sputum,
and exudates
(1) By ordinary stain (gram or acid fast) capsule can not be stained, it apper
as halo arround the stained bacterial body.
(2) In negative staining (india pink preparation), capsule appears as clear halo
around the bacterium as link can not penetrate capsule.
Nursing Path
Immunological method: in that stained with antiserum that swallowed by
capsule so it appear as swollen under microscope so it is called as capsular
awelling reaction. E.g pneumococcus
Capsulated organism: s.pneumoniae,Bacillus anthracis, C.perfringes,
pneumobacillus, H.influenzae
 Capsule serve as protective covering against antibacterial substances such
as bacteriophase, phagocytes and enzymes
 Enhance bacterial virulance
 Capsular antigen is hapten in nature and specific for bacteria
Composed of a flagellin subunit.
Usually sheathed (covered).
Rotates by way of a basal body in the bacterial cell.
Unique to bacteria.
Nursing Path
Bacterial Flagella Structure:
Composed of filament, hook, and basal body
Flagellin protein (filament) is deposited in a helix at the lengthening tip
Base of filament inserts into hook
Basal body anchors filament and hook to cell wall by a rod and a series of
either two or four rings of integral proteins
Filament capable of rotating 360º
Motility - movement
Swarming occurs with some bacteria
 Spread across Petri Dish
 Proteus species most evident
Arrangement basis for classification
 Monotrichous; 1 flagella
 Lophotrichous; tuft at one end
 Amphitrichous; both ends
 Peritrichous; all around bacteria
Observe Picture in Micro Lab.
“ spores are highly resistant dormant stage of bacteria formed in
unfavourble environmental condition such as starvation and dessication”
 As spores are formed within the parent bacterial cell so they are also
called as endospores
 During germination each spore give rise to only one vegetative bacteria
 Exospores found in fungi(conidia) formed extracellularly from end of
parent cells.
Nursing Path
Spore forming bacteria:
A. Gram positive bacilli:
(1) obliterate aerobic- genus bacillus.e.g B.anthracis, B.subtilis
(2) obliterate anaerobic:genus clostridia.e.g C.tetani, C.welchii, C.botulism
B. Other bacteria:
Gram positive coccus (porosarcina) gram negative bacilli (coxiella burnetii)
Spore morphology :
spontaneous sporulation occurs in
condition unfavourable condition such as
starvation, dessication, presence of
disinfectants and in extreme temperature.
Nursing Path
Shape and position:
The young spore remain attached t parant cell. The precise position and
shape and relative size of spores remain constant within particular
Spore may be central,sub terminal or terminal
Spore formation is initiated by apperance of clear area in portion of
protoplasm near one end of bacterial cell and that protoplasm gradually
become more opaque that form forespore
The cell membrane grow inwards and undergoes infolding forming double
layered membrane structure around the core
The inner most layer of spore wall forms spore membrane in future vegetative
bacterium will develop. The spore wall synthesis a thick covering lyer cortex
and multilayered thin but tough outer layer spore coat
Spore formation is initiated by apperance of clear area in portion of
protoplasm near one end of bacterial cell and that protoplasm gradually
become more opaque that form forespore
The cell membrane grow inwards and undergoes infolding forming double
layered membrane structure around the core
The inner most layer of spore wall forms spore membrane in future vegetative
bacterium will develop. The spore wall synthesis a thick covering lyer cortex
and multilayered thin but tough outer layer spore coat
Nursing Path
A: Oval subterminal
B: Spherical terminal
C: Spherical subterminal
D: Spherical central
E: Oval terminal
F: Oval central
G: Free spore
Bacterial spores are resistant to ordinary boiling, heating, and
disinfectant. They can withstand boiling up to 3 hr, dry heat at 150c for 1
hr however they are destroyed by autoclaving at 121c for 15-20 min.
The highly impervious spore coat, low water content, low metabolic
activity and high concentration of calcium dipicolinate of spore make
resistant to drying and heat.
“ The process of conversation of spore in to vegetative cell under suitable
environment is known as germination”
There are three stages of germination
1. Activation:
The germintion of bacterial spore do not occur even when placed in
environment that favour process.
Unless first activated by one or onother agent damage the coat of spore
such as heat, abration and compound containing free sulphydryl groups.
Nursing Path
The process of initiation is not clear, however the spore will initiate
germination in favourable condition.
Different species of bacteria recognizes different effactors as signalling a
rich medium such as L-alanine for one spesis
3. Out growth:
With the swelling of spore wall and disintegration of cortex a single germ
cell emerge after breaking open the spore coat.
The new vegetative cell consist of spore protoplast with its surrounding
Formation of vegetative cell.
 By ordinary stain and modified Z-N stain.
for making sterilization

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  • 1. Nursing Path BACTERIA INTRODUCTION: Living material is organized in unit and microorganism were living form of microscopical size and usually unicellular in structure originally classification is unsatisfied. Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells Bacteria  Earth’s oldest life forms – between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years old  Most abundant life form – up to 2.5 billion individual bacteria in 1 gram of fertile soil  Very adaptable – found in all of Earth’s ecosystems
  • 2. Nursing Path  Bacteria Characteristics  Unicellular  Circular DNA  No organelles  1/10th the size of eukaryotic cells  Flagella-long hair-like structure used for movement  Reproduce asexually –Binary Fission  Classification Bacteria can be classified in many ways. The first classification scheme was published in 1773 and many more have appered since. Science of microbiology has developed other kind of classification but medically important classification is as follows Based on several major properties  Morphology  Biochemical reaction  staining reaction  Pathogenicity  Based on relationship of host and microorganism  DNA composition
  • 3. Nursing Path (1) MORPHOLOGICAL Bacteria can be classified according to morphological characteristics like their cell shape, size and structure and their specific arrangement like motility and flagellar arrangement. A. According to shape: 1)cocci( spherical or oval) i.cocci in clustre. Ex staphylococci ii) cocci in chain. Ex. Streptococci iii) cocci in pair. Ex. Diplococcus pneumoniae iv) cocci in group of four. Ex.Tetrad 2) Bacilli (cylindrical or rod shaped) i)coccobacilli: length of cell is greater than its breadth but not rod shaped. Ex. Brucella. ii) cuneiform or chinese letter arrangement: ex.corny bacteria iii) vibrio: comma shaped.ex. Vibrio cholerae. iv) spirilla: rigid piral shaped bacteria v) spirochetes: longer, thinner, flexible and coil shaped bacteria 3) mycobacteria: some bacteria have no cell wall and they called as cell wall lacking bacteria and they doent have proper shape.
  • 4. Nursing Path (B) According to flagellar arrangement Monotrichous: 1 flagella Lophotrichous: tuft at one end Amphitrichous: tuft at both ends Peritrichous: all around bacteria (2) BASEB ON BIOCHEMICAL REACTION Aerobic and facultative aerobic bacteria: (a) cocci: i)gram positive: . Catalase positive: -staphylococcus aureus -staphylococcus epidermidis -staphylococccus saprophyticus . catalase negative: -staphylococcus pyogenes -staphylococcus pneumoniae -viridans group streptococci Gram negative: - Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • 5. Nursing Path - Neisseria meningitidies - moraxella catarrhalis ii) bacilli: (a) gram positive: -Bacillus anthracis -corne bacterium -mycobacterium -Nocardia asteroids -gardenrella vaginalis (b) Gram negative: i)Enterobacteriaceae: -Escherichia coli -Salmonella -Klebsiella -Yersinia -Morganella -shigella ii)Non Enterobacteriaceae( Fermentive bacilli): -Aeromonas -Vibrio -Pasteurella iii) Non enterobacteriaceae (non fermentive bacilli) -Pseudomonas -Moraxella -Acienobacter (3) Coccobacilli: -Actinobacillus -Bartonella -Brucella -Haemophilus -Chlamydia -Helicobacter -Ricketsiae -legionella (4) Mycoplasma: Mycoplasma pneumoniae Mycoplasma hominis (5) Treponema Treponema pallidum Leptospira Borilia burgoferi
  • 6. Nursing Path Aerobic bacteria: (a) cocci: i)gram positive: Peptostreptococcus ii) Gram negative: Bacteriodes Mobiluncus (b)Bacilli:Gram negative -Closteridium species -Actinomyces -Lactobacillus (3)BASED ON STAINING REACTION (a)Gram stain: 1) Gram positive: after the gram stain organism which occur violet in colour. 2) Gram negative: Which appear pink or red (b)Acid fast stain: 1) Acid fast organism: after the ziehl –neelsen stain it will show pink in colour 2) Non acid fast organism: after this stain organism will appear blue in colour 4).BASED ON PATHOGENICITY: A) pathogens: the organism which is able to spread disease and can cause disease. B) Non pathogens: which does not cause and disease; e.x: lactobacilli C) Commensals: normaly non pathogenic but sometime they show the disease when immunity impaired
  • 7. Nursing Path 5) BASED ON RELATIONSHIP OF HOST AND ORGANISM 1) saprophytes: free living microbes on dead animals or decaying things that can be found in soil and water and play important role in degradation of organic matter. 2) Parasites: that establish themselves and multiply in hosts. 3) Commensals: microbes that live in complete live with harmony but they can produce disese when host resistance Is lowerd.E.x: normal flora organism Bacterial anatomy • In the bacteria the outer layer or cell envelop or bacteria consist of two things (a) rigid cell wall (b) underlying cytoplasmic membrane or plasma membrane: it includes granules, ribosomes, mesosomes and circular DNA.  Some bacteria in addition to possess aditional structures such as gelatinous material which cover it is called as capsule and when it is too thin it is called as microcapsule. CELL WALL:  Introduction: most cell poseses a cell envelop consisting of cell wall and underlying cytoplasmic membrane.  Definition: “the tough, rigid structure which surrounds bacterial cell it is called as cell wall” • Thickness: 10-20nm • Weight: 20-25% of dry weight of bacterial cell wall Peptido-glycan Polymer (amino acids + sugars)
  • 8. Nursing Path Unique to bacteria Sugars; NAG & NAM  N-acetylglucosamine  N-acetymuramic acid Amino acids cross link NAG & NAM Made of peptidoglycan – a combination of protein and polysaccharides Some bacteria called Gram negative bacteria have an additional layer of membrane that contains lipopolysaccharide - this extra layer inhibits the uptake of antibiotics – protecting the bacteria Gram positive Vs gram negative Gram positive bacteria have a large peptidoglycan structure. As noted above, this accounts for the differential staining with Gram stain. Some Gram positive bacteria are also capable of forming spores under stressful environmental conditions such as when there is limited availability of carbon and nitrogen. Spores therefore allow bacteria to survive exposure to extreme conditions and can lead to re-infection (e.g., pseudomembranous colitis fromClostridium difficle) Gram negative bacteria have a small peptidoglycan layer but have an additional membrane, the outer cytoplasmic membrane. This creates an additional
  • 9. Nursing Path permeability barrier and results in the need for transport mechanisms across this membrane. A major component of the cytoplasmic membrane that is unique to Gram negatives is endotoxin. This component is essential for bacterial survival. Endotoxin has three components: the lipid, the highly conserved core polysaccharide, and the species specific O antigen (also polysaccharide). In contrast with the secreted exotoxins, endotoxin is cell-associated but MID 1 can be released during cell division or cell death. The Lipid A moiety of endotoxin is responsible for sepsis which may be fatal. Sepsis is characterized clinically by confusion, fever, drop in blood pressure and ultimately multi-organ failure.Endotoxin (also known as lipopolysaccharide-LPS): Cell Wall function Determine shape of bacteria Strength prevents osmotic rupture 20-40% of bacteria Help in division of bacteria Contain receptor site Some antibiotics effect directly: Penicillin Cytoplasmic membrane: Definition: “thin semipermiable membrane which lies just beneath the cell wall that is called as cyto plasmic membrane”  The whole bacterial cytoplasm is bound peripherally by very thin,elastic and semipermiable cytoplasmic membrane also known as cell membrane.  It is 5-10nm in width  Electron microscope shows the presence of three layer constituting a unit membrane structure. Chemically the membrane consist of phospholipid with small amount of protein. Sterol is absent except in mycoplasma.
  • 10. Nursing Path DEMONSTRATION:  The seperation of membrane from cell wall is achived by readily in gram negative bacteria when they are suspended in medium of high osmotic tension.such phenomenom is called as plasmolysis  Electron microscope Function: Transport: (1) Active transport: it is site of numerous enzymes (oxidase polymerase, permease) involved in the active transport of selective nutrients. It is impermiable to macromolecule nd ionised substances. (2) Passive transport: It is act as semipermiable membrane through inward and outward passage of water and passive trnsport of molecule lipid soluble solutes take place by diffusion Concentration: it is also concentration sugar, amino acids and phosphate so that a 300- 400 fold grandient exists across osmotic barrier.
  • 11. Nursing Path Enzymatic function: it also contain cytochrome oxidase, enzyme of tricarboxylic acid cycle and polymerising enzyme necessary for synthesis of cell wall Cytoplasm “Bacterial cytoplasm is suspension of organic and inorganic solutes in viscous watery solution” It is not exhibiting protoplasmic streaming and it lacks endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria. It contains ribosomes, mesosomes, inclusion and vacuoles. All the organills which cytoplasm contains is as follows: (1) Ribosomes: Ribosomes appear as small granules and pack the whole cytoplasm. These are strung together on strands of mRNA to form polymers. the code of mRNA is translated in to peptides sequence t this place. The ribosomal particles become linked up and travels along the mRNA strand. Function: Site for protein synthesis. Polysomes: They are the group of ribosomes linked together like beads of chain by messanger RNA  Mesosomes: They are vesicular, convulated or multilaminted structures formed as invagination of plasma membrane in cytoplasm . They are more prominent in the gram positive bacteria. Two types of mesosomes
  • 12. Nursing Path (a) septal mesosomes: It is attached to bacterial chrosome nd involved in dna segregation and in formation of cross wall during cell division. (2) Lateral mesosomes: They are at lateral side Functions:  They are site of respiratory enzymes  Coordinate nuclear and cytoplasmic membrane division during binary fission  Responsible for compartmenting DNA at sporulation Bacterial capsule: “ It is an outer covering of thick jelly like material that surrounds the bacterial cell wall”  Width: 0.2 micrometer  Contains about 90% water and 2% solid  The solid constitutes may be complex polysccharide (pneumococcus klebsiella, enterobacter) or polypeptides (anthrax bacillus) or hyaluronic acid (streptococcus) Demonstration: the capsule is best seen in pathological specimens like pus, blood, sputum, and exudates (1) By ordinary stain (gram or acid fast) capsule can not be stained, it apper as halo arround the stained bacterial body. (2) In negative staining (india pink preparation), capsule appears as clear halo around the bacterium as link can not penetrate capsule.
  • 13. Nursing Path Immunological method: in that stained with antiserum that swallowed by capsule so it appear as swollen under microscope so it is called as capsular awelling reaction. E.g pneumococcus Capsulated organism: s.pneumoniae,Bacillus anthracis, C.perfringes, pneumobacillus, H.influenzae Function:  Capsule serve as protective covering against antibacterial substances such as bacteriophase, phagocytes and enzymes  Enhance bacterial virulance  Capsular antigen is hapten in nature and specific for bacteria Flagella Composed of a flagellin subunit. Usually sheathed (covered). Rotates by way of a basal body in the bacterial cell. Unique to bacteria.
  • 14. Nursing Path Bacterial Flagella Structure: Composed of filament, hook, and basal body Flagellin protein (filament) is deposited in a helix at the lengthening tip Base of filament inserts into hook Basal body anchors filament and hook to cell wall by a rod and a series of either two or four rings of integral proteins Filament capable of rotating 360º Motility - movement Swarming occurs with some bacteria  Spread across Petri Dish  Proteus species most evident Arrangement basis for classification  Monotrichous; 1 flagella  Lophotrichous; tuft at one end  Amphitrichous; both ends  Peritrichous; all around bacteria Observe Picture in Micro Lab. SPORES: “ spores are highly resistant dormant stage of bacteria formed in unfavourble environmental condition such as starvation and dessication”  As spores are formed within the parent bacterial cell so they are also called as endospores  During germination each spore give rise to only one vegetative bacteria  Exospores found in fungi(conidia) formed extracellularly from end of parent cells.
  • 15. Nursing Path Spore forming bacteria: A. Gram positive bacilli: (1) obliterate aerobic- genus bacillus.e.g B.anthracis, B.subtilis (2) obliterate anaerobic:genus clostridia.e.g C.tetani, C.welchii, C.botulism B. Other bacteria: Gram positive coccus (porosarcina) gram negative bacilli (coxiella burnetii) Spore morphology : Sporogenesis: spontaneous sporulation occurs in condition unfavourable condition such as starvation, dessication, presence of disinfectants and in extreme temperature.
  • 16. Nursing Path SPOROGENESIS PROCESS: Shape and position: The young spore remain attached t parant cell. The precise position and shape and relative size of spores remain constant within particular bacteria. Spore may be central,sub terminal or terminal Spore formation is initiated by apperance of clear area in portion of protoplasm near one end of bacterial cell and that protoplasm gradually become more opaque that form forespore The cell membrane grow inwards and undergoes infolding forming double layered membrane structure around the core The inner most layer of spore wall forms spore membrane in future vegetative bacterium will develop. The spore wall synthesis a thick covering lyer cortex and multilayered thin but tough outer layer spore coat Spore formation is initiated by apperance of clear area in portion of protoplasm near one end of bacterial cell and that protoplasm gradually become more opaque that form forespore The cell membrane grow inwards and undergoes infolding forming double layered membrane structure around the core The inner most layer of spore wall forms spore membrane in future vegetative bacterium will develop. The spore wall synthesis a thick covering lyer cortex and multilayered thin but tough outer layer spore coat
  • 17. Nursing Path A: Oval subterminal B: Spherical terminal C: Spherical subterminal D: Spherical central E: Oval terminal F: Oval central G: Free spore Resistance: Bacterial spores are resistant to ordinary boiling, heating, and disinfectant. They can withstand boiling up to 3 hr, dry heat at 150c for 1 hr however they are destroyed by autoclaving at 121c for 15-20 min. The highly impervious spore coat, low water content, low metabolic activity and high concentration of calcium dipicolinate of spore make resistant to drying and heat. Germination: Definition: “ The process of conversation of spore in to vegetative cell under suitable environment is known as germination” There are three stages of germination 1. Activation: The germintion of bacterial spore do not occur even when placed in environment that favour process. Unless first activated by one or onother agent damage the coat of spore such as heat, abration and compound containing free sulphydryl groups.
  • 18. Nursing Path 2.Initiation: The process of initiation is not clear, however the spore will initiate germination in favourable condition. Different species of bacteria recognizes different effactors as signalling a rich medium such as L-alanine for one spesis 3. Out growth: With the swelling of spore wall and disintegration of cortex a single germ cell emerge after breaking open the spore coat. The new vegetative cell consist of spore protoplast with its surrounding wall. Formation of vegetative cell. Demonstation:  By ordinary stain and modified Z-N stain. Laboratory: for making sterilization